Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd

Page created by Tracy Lambert
Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
your driver

keeping our
eyes on the


Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
what’s inside.

    •   Summary of driver responsibilities
    •   Driver responsibilities and standards
    •   Maintenance and care of vehicle
    •   Safe driving
    •   Reporting accidents and insurance
    •   Using the Checkedsafe app

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd



Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
“Everyone at TCi
    (GB) Ltd has a
    responsibility for
    maintaining our
    driving standards.”

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
what’s it all about?
Summary of driver responsibilities                   •    Make sure all vehicles are correctly
Driving is one of the key risks for our people
and our main carbon footprint impact;                •    Report any damage or defect to your
therefore it’s important to stay safe and                 vehicle via the Checkedsafe app
environmentally conscious.
                                                     •    Tiredness is a major factor in road
•   Only drive on company business once                   incidents
    authorised to do so
                                                     To avoid tiredness whilst driving:
•   Act as an ambassador for TCi (GB) Ltd
    when driving                                     •    Make sure you have sufficient sleep

•   Report any road traffic incident you are         •    Take breaks to eat and drink regularly
    involved in, irrespective of damage, via the
    Checkedsafe app                                  •    Take breaks as recommended within this
•   Report relevant medical conditions to the
    HR Manager (and the Driver and Vehicle           •    Take care when driving after a large meal
    Licensing Agency (DVLA) for UK drivers if             as this can contribute towards tiredness
                                                     •    Avoid maintaining the same posture for
•   Do not drive if under the influence of alcohol        long periods during the journey
    or drugs (including certain prescribed
    medication)                                      •    If you begin to feel drowsy, stop at the
                                                          earliest and safest opportunity, have a
•   Do not smoke in any vehicle being used                strong coffee and if possible a 20 minute
    for company business; this includes                   (no longer) nap
                                                     •    When possible avoid driving between
•   Drive in a safe and environmentally                   10:00pm and 6.00am
    responsible manner at all times
•   Only drive when necessary and ensure the
    journey is effectively planned to include rest   Head Office
    breaks as appropriate                            T: +44 (0) 1237 470 288
•   Use all safety related equipment at all times
    (i.e. seatbelts)                                 Driver Vehicle and Licencing Agency
•   Do not use your mobile phone while driving.      T: 0300 790 6802
    Mobile phones should be placed out of            W:
    sight in the glovebox and only used or
    checked at designated stops

•   Inspect your vehicle on a daily basis to
    ensure it is in a roadworthy condition

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
Sensible Standards
    Driver responsibilities and standards               •   Epilepsy/fits or blackouts
    Who can drive?                                      •   Repeated attacks of sudden disabling
    To drive on TCi (GB) Ltd business you must              giddiness
    be over 19 years of age, have a valid driving
    licence for the type of vehicle you drive. Once     •   Diabetes controlled by insulin or tablets
    you have completed your online FORS training
    and eye test, and your driving licence has
                                                        •   An implanted cardiac pacemaker or
    been copied to file and electronically checked
    with the DVLA, you will be authorised to drive      •   Parkinson’s disease
    pending your manager’s permission.
    Authorisation from TCi (GB) Ltd’s insurance         •   Narcolepsy or sleep apnoea syndrome
    department will be required for the following:
                                                        •   Persistent alcohol misuse or dependency
    •    Drivers with nine or more current points
                                                        •   Persistent drug misuse or dependency
    •    Drivers with a previous ban in the last five
         years                                          •   Ever experienced a major or minor stroke

    •    Any driver with more than one previous         •   Undergone any type of brain surgery, or
         driving ban of any length                          had severe head injury involving in-patient
                                                            treatment, or a brain tumour
    Driving responsibly
                                                        •   Any other chronic neurological condition
    When driving on company business you are
    an ambassador for TCi (GB) Ltd. As such, you        •   A serious problem with memory
    are expected to drive responsibly, showing
    courtesy to other road users, pedestrians and       •   A severe learning disability
    clients at all times.
                                                        •   Serious psychiatric illness or mental ill-
    Driving licences                                        health

    As a driver on company business, your licence       •   Any persistent limb problem for which your
    will be checked on a regular basis. You must            driving has to be restricted to certain types
    produce your licence details on request.                of vehicles or those with adapted controls

    Failure to do so may result in your entitlement
    to drive being removed and potential
    disciplinary action.

    Medical conditions

    If you have one or more of the medical
    conditions below, or have a condition that
    makes you unfit to drive, you must inform your
    line manager and for UK drivers, the Drivers’
    Medical Unit, DVLA Swansea:

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
Sensible Standards


You must be able to satisfy the requirements of
local traffic laws when driving, i.e. to be able to
read a number plate at a distance of 20.5m in
good daylight, using glasses or contact lenses
if necessary. You must inform your line man-
ager (and the DVLA for UK drivers) if you have
the following visual impairments:

•    Total loss of sight in one eye

•    Any condition affecting one or both eyes,
     (not including short or long sight or colour

•    Any condition affecting your visual field
     (the surrounding area you can see when
     looking directly ahead)

You are required to undertake a retest every 3


The Highway Code for UK drivers

The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Highways Act 1980

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
Sensible Standards
    Drugs and alcohol                                   Company vehicle opt out
    Driving your vehicle under the influence of         If you are given the option to opt out of the
    alcohol or drugs is against the law. Some           company car scheme and receive a cash
    prescription and over-the-counter drugs can         allowance, you are expected to:
    impair driving ability, so remember to check
    with your GP or pharmacist for any side effects     •    provide a valid insurance certificate with
    associated with such medicines.                          cover for business use, a V5 certificate or
                                                             log book and an MOT or relevant vehicle
    You must also be aware of the morning-after              test certificate where applicable;
    effects associated with alcohol consumption.
    You have a responsibility to inform your            •    provide road tax for your vehicle;
    manager if you are unfit to drive for the stated    •    complete and sign a licence checking
    reasons. Driving on company business while               mandate to enable an electronic licence
    under the influence of alcohol or drugs will lead        check with the DVLA;
    to disciplinary action.
                                                        •    drive a vehicle of an age and mileage
    Use of a company vehicle                                 that’s in line with the replacement profile of
    A company vehicle is permitted mostly for                the fleet management procedure;
    TCi (GB) Ltd business use and for personal          •    comply with the ‘authorised to drive’
    use where authorised. It is not permitted for            process;
    hiring, racing, pace-making, speed testing,
    competitions, rallies or trials whether on public   •    ensure that the vehicle is in roadworthy
    roads or private land.                                   condition at all times and is maintained
                                                             in accordance with manufacturer
    Private use of a company vehicle will result in          recommended guidelines;
    tax implications for the driver and the business.
                                                        •    allow the car to be subject to routine
                                                             checks as required to ensure it is in a
                                                             roadworthy condition; and
        Reported via
                             NO       Inform Line       •    report all incidents immediately that
                                       Manager               occur while the vehicle is being used for
                                                             business purposes to your line manager
                                                             (further details on reporting incidents can
                                                             be found on page 15).
                                     Line Manager       Own vehicle use
                                     to coordinate
                                       action and       Employees using their own vehicles for
                                     inform admin       business journeys must ensure they have
                                                        business insurance and an MOT or relevant
                                                        vehicle test certificate, and maintain the vehicle
                                                        in a roadworthy condition at all times. Routine
          Logistics                      Action         use of your own vehicle requires compliance
           notified                     complete        with the driving authorisation process and
        automatically                                   drivers must provide details of their vehicles to
                                                        TCi (GB) Ltd on request.

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
Sensible Standards

Road traffic convictions and fines                   Taking your company car abroad
Following any conviction or fine for driving-        No vehicles are to be taken abroad without
related offences, you must inform the HR             prior consent from TCi (GB) Ltd Head Office.
Manager within 24 hours of the occurrence or
notification. If you lose your licence through       Before taking your company car abroad, UK
disqualification for a driving-related offence,      drivers will require VE103 documentation
where a licence is required to carry out your        which can be obtained from our fleet provider
duties, TCi (GB) Ltd will review your ongoing        All European drivers should contact the local
employment in line with disciplinary procedures.     fleet provider to comply with local legislation.
                                                     A copy of the motor insurance certificate must
Driving fines and penalty charge notice are not      also be obtained. You should ensure you have
reimbursable. If you do not tell TCi (GB) Ltd of     any equipment or fittings (such as spare bulbs,
any driving-related offences, disciplinary action    warning triangle, first aid kit, headlight beam
may occur. Attempting to drive on company            deflector) required by the regulations of the
business while disqualified will be treated as       country you are visiting.
gross misconduct. Where TCi (GB) Ltd has paid
the fine, the driver will be required to reimburse   You will bear all costs relating to the use of
the fine and administration fee through salary       the vehicle while it is abroad, i.e. additional
deduction to TCi (GB) Ltd.                           insurance, oil, fuel, breakdown, etc.

Vehicle security
You must take care to avoid your vehicle being
stolen, broken into or tampered with. To ensure
vehicle security:
•    Park the vehicle in well-lit areas during the
     night and avoid parking in places where
     the vehicle cannot clearly be seen, both
     during the day and at night
•    Keep all doors locked when re-fuelling and
     while loading and unloading
•    Make sure the immobiliser/alarm is
     activated where fitted
If you have a laptop, PC, sat-nav or other
valuable items of work equipment, do not leave
them on view while the vehicle is unattended.
You may be liable for the cost of replacing
company equipment stolen from the vehicle
where this was not stored safely or securely.

Keeping our eyes on the road - your driver handbook - TCi (GB) Ltd
moving you in
     the right direction
     Maintenance and care of vehicle                   Smoking is not permitted in any vehicle that is
                                                       being used for company business; this includes
     You are responsible for ensuring the vehicle is   e-cigarettes.
     in a roadworthy condition whether the vehicle
     is company or privately owned whilst on           Fuel
     company business. Please make sure that the
     following are checked on a daily basis before     It is your responsibility to maintain adequate
     commencing your journey:                          levels of fuel in your vehicle at all times,
                                                       and also to exercise care when refuelling to
     •    Tyre tread depth is above the statutory      make sure the correct fuel type is used. If you
          minimum – 1.6mm                              do use the incorrect fuel do not, under any
                                                       circumstances, start your vehicle. Contact
     •    Tyre pressure is in accordance with the      Head Office immediately and advise them
          manufacturer’s guidelines                    of the issue. You may be liable for any costs
     •    Oil and water levels                         associated with incorrectly fuelling your vehicle.

     •    Brakes, lights and wiper blades are in       If you have a company fuel card then you must
          good working order and screen wash           provide the vehicle registration number and
          levels are maintained                        mileage to the cashier with every fuel purchase.
                                                       You must check that the mileage, registration
     You should refer to the manufacturer’s            details and amount are all correct before you
     handbook where necessary. For company             sign the receipt. If they are incorrect, notify
     vehicles, all defects must be reported to head    the cashier and ask for the transaction to be
     office via the Checkedsafe app.                   cancelled and re-entered. It is important to
     Seatbelts must be worn by the driver and any      guard against fraudulent use and you must
     passengers at all times while the vehicle is      ensure the card is kept safe at all times.
     being driven – this is the law.                   Please note
                                                       All fuel transactions need to be recorded via the
                                                       Checkedsafe app.
                                                       Servicing of vehicle
                                                       TCi (GB) Ltd is responsible for ensuring all
                                                       vehicle are serviced in accordance with the
                                                       manufacturer’s schedule. You will be advised
                                                       in advance of required service dates, however
                                                       in addition all company vehicle and van
                                                       drivers should contact Head Office to arrange
                                                       replacement tyres, batteries, exhaust, damaged
                                                       windscreen, etc. when required.
                                                       For privately owned vehicles, you are
                                                       responsible for ensuring your car is in a
                                                       roadworthy condition at all times and serviced
                                                       in accordance with the manufacturer’s schedule
                                                       to ensure reliability.

safe driving
Safe driving                                        or video conferencing? Or can the journey
                                                    reasonably be made via public transport?
Vehicle induction and risk assessment
It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself   If the journey is necessary, the following
with all relevant vehicle controls. Your line       guidance applies:
manager will work with you to make sure
that the risks when driving are assessed and        •    Be aware of the risks when driving if you
reduced as far as is reasonably practicable.             feel tired or unwell

This will include ensuring:                         •    Do not drive under the influence of alcohol
                                                         or drugs

•    driving licences are checked regularly         •    Take time to check your vehicle is
     to ensure they are in accordance with               roadworthy by following the vehicle
     requirements to drive;                              maintenance guidance in this booklet

•    only authorised drivers drive on company       •    Do not overload your vehicle. Follow the
     business;                                           manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure
                                                         all loads are adequately secured prior to
•    vehicles are fit for purpose and maintained         starting your journey
     in a safe condition; and
                                                    •    Plan your route before you set out,
•    significant risks are controlled and                estimate how long the journey will take,
     reviewed on a regular basis.                        and schedule intended rest stops where
                                                         needed. Leave plenty of time for the
Planning the journey                                     journey
Planning your journey in advance will make it       •    Managers must not ask drivers to achieve
safer and less stressful, especially where the           unacceptable deadlines resulting in the
drive is long or on unfamiliar routes. Before            potential for both excessive speed and
driving, ask whether the journey is necessary            driving hours

Can the outcome be achieved via telephone           •    Be aware of potential adverse weather
                                                         conditions during the journey and consider
                                                         the actual need to make the journey,
                                                         e.g. in difficult winter conditions (see the
                                                         ‘Driving in poor weather’ section in this
                                                    •    Sit comfortably with a good posture,
                                                         make sure you are familiar with all of the

Safe Driving
     Tiredness and rest periods                          Vehicle load security
     Driving when tired may affect your response         Ensure internal and external loads are secured
     times, judgement, hazard perception and             before commencing a journey to allow safe
     ultimately the ability to make safe driving         transportation and unloading.
     decisions. You should take a 15 minute rest
     break in every two hour driving period.             Prevention of overloading

     Stop, and leave the vehicle to change your          You are responsible for ensuring your vehicle is
     posture and get some fresh air. If you feel tired   not overloaded when in use. Your line manager
     during a journey, park in a safe location and       will make sure that you are informed of the
     sleep for 5–20 minutes. Be aware that driving       safe working load of your vehicle and that you
     between 12.00am and 6.00am (when your body          have received appropriate guidance on the
     rhythm naturally prompts sleep), when you are       prevention of overloading.
     hungry (when blood sugar levels are low) or
     immediately after a heavy meal may lead to
     tiredness when driving.

Safe Driving

Motorway driving                                  Driving in poor weather
Join the motorway carefully by matching           •   Before travelling, be aware of the potential
your speed to traffic in the left-hand lane of        for adverse weather conditions and only
the motorway and entering when a safe gap             travel if absolutely necessary
Follow vehicles at a safe distance by leaving
                                                  •   Ensure you always have the right
                                                      equipment (de-icer, scraper, glass cleaner,
a two second gap between your vehicle and             screen wash) to clear the windscreen of
the one in front. Remember to increase the            snow and ice
distance in poor weather
                                                  •   Keep emergency equipment (torch,
                                                      gloves, blanket, etc.) in the vehicle when
•    Use your indicators and remember                 adverse weather is forecast and ensure
     ‘mirror–signal–manoeuvre’ when driving           your mobile phone is fully charged
•    Overtake only when necessary and do so       •   Leave longer for your journey to allow
     with care                                        extra time to reach your destination
•    Give way to others and remember it’s not     •   Rain, ice and snow will increase stopping/
     a race                                           braking distances – so decrease your
•    Leave the motorway safely by checking            speed
     mirrors, signalling and manoeuvring well     •   Use your fog lights and dipped headlights
     before the exit                                  while driving in fog
•    Do not stop on the motorway unless in an     •   Be aware of the effects of high wind on
     emergency                                        your vehicle and on other road users
•    If you begin to feel tired, come off the     •   Accelerate and brake slowly, taking care
     motorway and find a place to stop and rest       on bends in snow and ice
     before continuing
                                                  •   When there is snow and ice, set off in
                                                      second gear and stay in higher gears as
                                                      you drive as this reduces wheel spin and
                                                      reduces the risk of losing control
                                                  •   Keep to main roads as they are more likely
                                                      to be gritted and if you have any problems,
                                                      you are less likely to be isolated for long
                                                      periods of time

Safe Driving
     Environmental considerations                         Reference
     •   Vehicle emissions account for around 90%         For more information contact:
         of TCi (GB) Ltd’s carbon footprint so fuel
         efficient driving is critical in reducing our
         environmental impact. The following tips
         will help you to be fuel efficient, save costs
         and improve our carbon footprint:
     •   Avoid unnecessary mileage – ensure
         the journey is necessary and you have
         planned your journey effectively (see the
         ‘Planning the journey’ section). Consider
         car sharing as an option when travelling to
         a meeting
     •   Avoid high speeds – fuel efficiency
         decreases significantly at speeds over 58
         miles per hour
     •   Drive smoothly – smooth driving saves
         fuel and lowers vehicle emissions. You
         should accelerate slowly, change to
         higher gears at the lowest possible speed,
         accelerate gently if you have an automatic
         transmission, and avoid harsh braking.
         Use of cruise control will also improve fuel
     •   Use the air conditioning only when appro-
         priate – it has an impact on the vehicle’s
         fuel efficiency
     •   Ensure tyres are inflated to the correct
         pressure – under-inflated tyres can
         increase fuel consumption by up to 5%.
         Avoid sudden starts and stops which
         increase wear on your tyres, and avoid
         rough roads and potholes where possible
     •   Ensure you are not carrying any unnec-
         essary weight – (e.g. roof rack, golf clubs
         in the boot) as this can increase fuel

responsible reporting

Reporting incidents and insurance                  If details cannot be exchanged for any reason
                                                   (other vehicles involved failed to stop or
You must report any road traffic incident in       someone has been seriously injured) you must
which you are involved while on company            inform the Police immediately.
business – whether you drive a company
vehicle, commercial vehicle or private car.        Take photographs of the incident scene with a
The incident should be reported immediately,       camera or smartphone (if available), or make
irrespective of damage, to our Head Office, via    a brief sketch showing the position of vehicles
the Checkedsafe app                                before and after impact.
Company vehicle drivers should contact Head
Office who will arrange for vehicle recovery and
temporary replacement where necessary. The         Also note:
incident should be reported immediately in all     •    any nearby road signs;
cases. You are also responsible for informing
your line manager, within 24 hours of the          •    the condition of the road surface;
incident, who will arrange further investigation   •    weather conditions and lighting at the time
as appropriate. Immediately following the               of the incident; and
incident, first ensure your personal safety and
the safety of your passengers. In the event of     •    the number of passengers in other
injuries or fire, contact the emergency services        vehicles involved in the incident, where
immediately.                                            appropriate.
                                                   Remember, only do this if it is safe to do so.
You must do the following after the incident:      If there is any doubt about the condition of your
                                                   vehicle, do not drive it. Arrange for breakdown
•    Provide your name and (business/person-       recovery via the number displayed within the
     al) address to those who have reasonable      vehicle or page 20 of this handbook, or if you
     grounds to ask for it                         are the owner, via your private breakdown
•    Exchange vehicle and insurance details        recovery provider.

•    Collect names and contact details of third    Refer all enquiries from anyone representing
     party witnesses                               the third party (i.e. insurance company or solici-
                                                   tor) or any member of the public to Head Office
•    Contact the Police in the case of personal    or third party claim handlers.
•    Fill out the Checkedsafe Bump Card with       Incident reporting:
     your driver details and hand to the third     UK – T: +44 (0) 1237 470 288
     parties involved
You must not admit liability for the incident

Vehicle Checks
     Checkedsafe vehicle compliance app          TCi start of duty check
     TCi operates a daily vehicle check system   Before driving a TCi vehicle each day, a start of
     provided by Checked Safe Compliance         duty check must be carried out

     Vehicle checks can be undertaken using a
     smartphone (Android OR iOS) and sync to
     our account whenever a wifi connection is
     Vehicle checks/reports MUST be made:

     •   Every day before start of               You will be prompted to take a photograph of
         service                                 the vehicle showing the registration plate before
                                                 you can proceed to the checks
     •   When taking over the vehicle
         from another driver
     •   When fuel is purchased
     •   If a defect occurs during
     •   In the event of an accident (if
         and when it is safe to do so)

Vehicle Checks

The app will prompt you to enter details               Daily driver handover check
regarding the condition of the vehicle and
operation of driving aids, lights, oil, washer fluid   If you are taking over the driving of a vehicle
etc. Should an item fail, you have the option to       from another TCi employee who has already
enter a reason and photograph evidence                 completed a start of duty check, you MUST
                                                       complete a driver handover check. This is
Once complete, choose ‘submit’ to save your            a quick check to confirm the mileage and
check. It will sync to the server whenever you         condition of the vehicle.
are next connected to wifi or GSM.

N.B. Should you fail to complete your start of
duty checks, follow-up action will be taken as

Checked Safe                       Logistics/Line
 completed?                          Manager

     YES                              Repeat of
                                         YES           Once complete, choose ‘submit’ to save your
                                                       check. It will sync to the server whenever you
                                      Referral to      are next connected to wifi.
 Drive on!           sent to

Vehicle Checks
     Fuel & mileage record                              Incident/accident bump card

     TCi (GB) Ltd owned and leased vehicles should      To be completed in the event of an incident
     have a fuel card for use ONLY with that vehicle.   WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO.

     Whenever fuel is purchased, the fuel amount        The bump card report will prompt you to
     and mileage should be recorded via the app         provide all the necessary details at the scene of
     before leaving the filling station                 the accident, including:
                                                        •    Description of the incident
                                                        •    Details of all parties involved
                                                        •    Photographs of the scene
                                                        •    Insurance information

     You will be required to record:
     •    The odometer reading
     •    fuel level AFTER FILLING
     •    amount of fuel added
     •    photo of the receipt.

Vehicle Checks

                                                   Who needs to perform the vehicle

                                                   •   Anyone who is driving
                                                       a TCi (GB) Ltd owned or
                                                       leased vehicle on public
                                                   •   TCi (GB) Ltd vehicles must
                                                       only be driven by TCi
                                                       employees over the age of
                                                       19, registered as vehicle
                                                       users with head office

                                                   When do I need to perform a vehicle
The screens are provided in order here to          •   Every day before start of
explain what information you will need to gather
in the unfortunate event of an accident                service
                                                   •   When taking over the
                                                       vehicle from another driver
                                                   •   If a defect occurs during
                                                   •   In the event of an accident
                                                       (if and when it is safe to do so)

                                                   To download the CheckedSafe App:
                                                   Please request an email from
                                                   You will be provided with a link to
                                                   download the app to your device
                                                   and TCi login details will be supplied
                                                   during your company induction
Please do your best to answer the questions as
completely and honestly as you can

     If you break down or develop a fault on the
     road, stop the vehicle at the earliest safe
     opportunity and location. Put your hazard lights
     on and sidelights too if conditions are dark or

     Unless you are in a suitable stopping point well
     away from the road, do not stay in the vehicle.
     Make sure you get out of the vehicle in a safe
     way, ensuring the road around you is clear. If
     you break down on a motorway, to ensure the
     safety of yourself and passengers, you should
     vacate the vehicle and stand away from the
     vehicle on the verge where it is safe to do so.

     Contact the breakdown service provider or
     TCi (GB) Ltd Head Office to arrange suitable

     If you are a lone female, you should advise
     the recovery service of this when reporting the

     Breakdown Number

     Peugeot (Lease):
     UK:		               0800 294 0294
     Europe:             00 800 33 22 88 77
     		                  00 33 472 171 205
     		                  00 33 825 878 983

     Non-lease:          0333 202 3000 (RAC)

     National Windscreen

     		                  01237 379 070

Training Progress
     Date   Course/Award   Level   Expires

We hope you’ve found this driver handbook useful.

Remember: you can get copies of any of our policies by
                      accessing sharepoint TCi Hub.

T: +44(0) 1237 470 288

     TCi (GB) Ltd
     Units 18-20 Daddon Court
     EX31 3FH

     ©TCi (GB) Ltd              TCI/GB/DRH/R84/RV005

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