Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live

Page created by Paul Webb
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live


                                           32 MILES TO GLACIER
                                           NATIONAL PARK
                                           Plan your hike, map enclosed

                                           IT’S EASY TO GET HERE
                                           Non-stop flights from
                                           14 major hubs

                                           4 SEASON ADVENTURES
                                           Locals share their favorites

                                         www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   1
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live

                                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                                  4   DISCOVER KALISPELL

                                                                                                                                  7   GETTING HERE

                                                                                                                                  8   THINGS TO DO
                                                                                                                                         Day hikes, scenic drives, biking, rodeos,
                                                                                                                                         huckleberry picking and more!

                                                                                                                                 12   CALENDAR OF EVENTS

                                                                                                                                 14   KALISPELL’S VIBE

                                                                                                                                 16   FLATHEAD LAKE

                                                                                                                                 18   GLACIER NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                                                                        *Tear-out map included

                                                                                                                                 20   ARTS, CULTURE & HISTORY

                                                                                                                                 25   LIFESTYLE, LAND & HERITAGE

                                                                                                                                 28   PLAN YOUR ADVENTURE
                                                                                                                                         Guided Adventures, Favorite Day Hikes,
                                                                                                                                         5 Paddle Places, Top 5 Winter List

                                                                                                                                 30   PLAN YOUR STAY
                                                                                                                                         Eat, Stay, Travel Information and Tips
                                                                                                                                         *Tear-out map included

                                                                                                                                 37   LOCALLY GROWN AND BREWED

                                                                                                                                 40   4 SEASON ADVENTURE

                                                                                                                                 43   WELLNESS

                                                                                                                                 47   FREE FAMILY ADVENTURES

Photo Credit: Chuck Haney | Cover Photo Credit: Montana State Parks-FWP

                                                                                                                                      MEETINGS & GROUPS

                                                                                                                                 55   AN ENERGIZED COMMUNITY

                                                                                                                                 59   BUSINESS DIRECTORY

                                                                                                                                 WITH KALISPELL
                                                                                                                                 To help with your trip planning or to
                                                                                                                                 answer questions during your visit:
                                                                                                                                 Kalispell Visitor Information Center
                                                                                                                                 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT 59901
                                                                                                                                 888-888-2308 or 406-758-2811

                                                                           View mobile friendly guide or request a mailed copy at: DISCOVERKALISPELL.COM

                                                                                   DiscoverKalispellMontana   @visit_Kalispell    DiscoverKalispellMontana

                                                                                                                                  www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308           3
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live

4 Photo
        Credit: Chuck Haney, Sunrift |beer
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live
          his, right here, is the new American West. A mountain town
          rich in culture, Kalispell is a place that combines big-city
          amenities with Montana’s outdoors. With a firmly rooted
frontier spirit and respect for the land that’s been evident for millennia,
Kalispell still has miles upon miles of open spaces waiting to be
explored, while big-city amenities abound. Kalispell is brimming with
forward-thinking entrepreneurs, bold and brave outdoor explorers
and a creative streak that inspires its diverse residents and greets
visitors with four-season adventures and unforgettable jaw-dropping
   Kalispell is grounded in independence, forged by the frontiersmen
who found their way to this remote territory in search of adventure,
peace and prosperity, and the people here today still crave those things.
The crystal-clear waters of mountain lakes and the snow-capped peaks
that surround the Flathead Valley are mesmerizing to look at and
invigorating to explore. And to make a life here, people look to each
other for support and in turn support each other back, valuing local
business and going out of the way to lend a helping hand when needed,
whether that’s raising a new barn, designing a new website or carving a
new path.
   And you’ll find something else in Kalispell. We play just as hard as we
work. Monday through Friday are just appetizers for our next camping
trip, fishing trip or powder day on the ski hill. Life here is about balance,
between family, friends, work and nature, and rather than pick one or
two we choose to do it all.
   Life is just different in Kalispell. It’s not the big city, but it’s not the
wild country either. It’s the perfect blend of both. It’s Kalispell.

                                      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308    5
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live

    When it comes to exploring a destination, one of the best ways to
    experience it is to hang with the locals. And in Kalispell, our locals are
    made up adventurers, artists, movers and shakers and more, with each
    of them choosing to call this mountain town home. Come discover the
    Kalispell the locals love.

                                  SAMMI JOHNSON          his education and art career on both coasts and
                                  Business Owner         “Moonbound” was conceived and written after
                                                         he fulfilled a desire to return to live in Kalispell.
                                You could say Sammi      He says “seeing the book through to completion
                                came here for the        here gave me a space to work with my mind and
                                water. A native Mon-     the ability to step out of the studio and not smell
                                tanan from the east      smog – to be able to go for walks in the woods
                                side of the mountains,   while I settle my mind and try to solve problems,
    Sammi was drawn to northwest Montana for             then come back to the studio and back to work.
    its outdoor recreation, including lakes, creeks,     It’s great to have that kind of artistic seclusion,
    rivers and ponds. The outdoor lifestyle is a huge    but to also be able to step out into a community
    part of her family’s life and Sammi and her hus-     that is supportive and encouraging.”
    band raise their three children to play outside
    in all four seasons—skiing and snowshoeing in                                    MIKE MURRAY
    winter, hiking in spring and fall, and swimming,                                 Singer and Songwriter
    paddling and picnicking in the summer. Sammi
    says “there are pockets of water for swimming                                      Growing up in Ka-
    everywhere, whether it’s a quiet backwater                                         lispell, Mike spent
    along the Flathead River, Wayfarers State Park                                     his youth camping,
    on Flathead Lake or Foys Lake next to town. We                                     fishing, hunting,
    like to sneak in a swim after work. It’s so easy.                                  swimming and living
    Just ask around about swimming places – you’ll       an idyllic childhood. Another part of that child-
    find your spot.”                                     hood: music. With music as a constant in his life,
                                                         Mike finished school and spent time traveling the
                                  JONATHAN               world and his next step was going to be a move to
                                  FETTER-VORM            Nashville to start his music career. On the way he
                                  Graphic Novelist       stopped back home, started playing gigs and re-
                                                         alized he could make a living here as a musician.
                               Jonathan just pub-        Balancing work and life are important to Mike
                               lished his third graph-   and he appreciates Kalispell’s easy access to out-
                                                                                                                 Photo Credit: SkyVault

                               ic novel, “Moonbound:     door recreation, even during a workday. Mike
                               Apollo 11 and the         says, “when I just have a short amount of time
    Dream of Spaceflight” which marked the 50th          and need that quick fix of outdoor recreation,
    anniversary of the moon landing. After grow-         any time of year I’ll just leave from my house on
    ing up in the Flathead Valley, Jonathan pursued      my mountain bike and go to Lone Pine and ride.”

6      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live
GETTING                        HERE
 Glacier Park International Airport (FCA) - iflyglacier.com
 Kalispell’s Glacier Park International Airport is served by five major airlines
 – Alaska, Allegiant, American, Delta, and United – which fly to 14 major cities
 (some seasonal).

 Amtrak’s Chicago to Seattle/Portland Empire Builder Trans-American train
 makes stops twice daily in nearby Whitefish; - amtrak.com

 Interstate 90 passes through the city of Missoula 115 miles south of Kalispell.
 From Missoula, U.S. 93 heads north to Kalispell paralleling the dramatic Mission
 Mountain range and beautiful west shore of Flathead Lake. Find traveler
 information - mdt511.com
 U.S. 2, known as the Hi-Line, is the main east/west route across Montana’s
 northern tier and passes through downtown Kalispell.

 Traveling from Canada
 From British Columbia enter through the Rooseville border crossing.
 Open 24 hours year-round.
 From Alberta enter through the Piegan border crossing.
 Open 7am-11pm year-round.
 From Waterton National Park into Glacier National Park enter through Chief
 Mountain border crossing. Open May 15-Sept 31,
 Visit cbp.gov for seasonal hours.
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live


                          Eat, drink, shop downtown. Hike, paddle, explore the great
                          outdoors. Relax, recharge and repeat.

8    www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live

                                                                                                  DAY HIKES
                                                                                      There are miles and miles of trails
                                                                                      to explore in and around Kalispell,
                                                                                      ranging from casual afternoon
                                                                                      walks to grueling climbs and
                                                                                      jaw-dropping mountain peaks.
                                                                                      Glacier National Park, less than an
                                                                                      hour’s drive from downtown, steals
                                                                                      most of the spotlight and its 734
                                                                                      miles of trails and glacial-carved
                                                                                      scenery make it a hiker’s paradise.
                                                                                      While Glacier remains a popular
                                                                                      destination for hiking, there are
                                                                                      many other areas that have equally
                                                                                      spectacular hiking trails, including
                                                                                      the Jewel Basin in the Flathead Na-
                                                                                      tional Forest, Lone Pine State Park
                                                                                      in Kalispell, the Foy’s to Blacktail
                                                                                      Trail near Lakeside, the Danny On
                                                                                      Memorial Trail in Whitefish and
                                                                                      the Swan River Nature Trail in
Photo Credit: Chuck Haney, Flathead More Than Just Forests, Montana State Parks/FWP

                                                                                                                             world and the winding road takes      roads. Local favorites for cars
                                                                                                                             passengers up, over and through       and motorcycles alike include the
                                                                                                                             some of the most soul-stirring ter-   Seeley-Swan Scenic Drive (U.S.
                                                                                                                             rain found anywhere. A seasonal       Highway 83), Hungry Horse Res-
                                                                                               SCENIC DRIVES                 scenic drive, the Going-to-the-Sun    ervoir (which provides a perfect
                                                                                      You don’t have to get out of your      Road is open in its entirety during   backdrop for intrepid bikers) and
                                                                                      car to take in the beauty of Kalis-    the summer months. Our best           the two-hour loop tour all the way
                                                                                      pell and northwest Montana. The        advice: drive the Going-to-the-       around Flathead Lake on Highway
                                                                                      iconic Going-to-the-Sun Road in        Sun Road while you’re here and        93 and Highway 35 is a favorite of
                                                                                      Glacier National Park is among the     also plan to cruise lesser-known      motorcyclists hoping to catch an
                                                                                      most famous thoroughfares in the       highways and Montana back-            unforgettable sunset.

                                                                                                                                                               www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   9
Kalispell MONTANA - Yuck Boys Live

             WATER SPORTS                                    BIKING                       WINTER ACTIVITIES
        Lakes, rivers and streams dot             Those who prefer to travel on         A mountain town rich in
     the landscape in and around               two wheels will find no shortage      culture, Kalispell knows how to
     Kalispell, and residents and              of places to explore, whether         winter. This area is paradise for
     visitors alike find ample ways to         they prefer steep climbs through      skiers and snowboarders, with
     enjoy themselves on the water.            the forest or a more relaxing ride    groomed runs for all skill levels
     Flathead Lake, the largest fresh-         from town to town. In Kalispell,      at nearby Whitefish Mountain
     water lake west of the Mississip-         the Rails to Trails system covers     Resort and Blacktail Mountain
     pi River, is a favorite for boat-         more than 20 miles of former          Ski Area. Off the slopes, winter
     ers, stand-up paddleboarders,             Great Northern Railway tracks,        lovers can find adventure in
     kayakers, sailors and fishermen,          running from Somers to Kila           the form of winter kayaking,
     with bays in Somers, Bigfork              and offering a family-friendly        dog sledding, snowshoeing,
     and elsewhere offer swimming              option on mostly flat terrain.        cross-country skiing and snow-
     and boat rentals throughout the           Road bikers looking for more of       mobiling. Nearby Glacier Nation-
     summer. Other lakes at the top            a challenge should be sure to hit     al Park has trails (including the
     of must-take-a-dip-there lists in-        Going-to-the-Sun Road, partic-        Going-to-the-Sun-Road) and
     clude Lake McDonald in Glacier            ularly in the spring when the         sweet snow-covered views for
     National Park, Whitefish Lake             road is closed to vehicle traffic.    snowshoers and cross-country
     and Thompson Lake. If you’re in           Mountain bikers, meanwhile,           skiers, while guided snowmobile
     search of a more challenging fun          love northwest Montana for its        tours offer guests scenic and
     on the water, rafts and kayaks            abundant trails that are care-        panoramic views into the park
     are perfect on the three forks of         fully maintained by a thriving        and the Flathead Valley.
     the Flathead River, which con-            mountain biking community.
     tain everything from mild floats          Local favorites for mountain
     to serious whitewater rapids.             biking are Herron Park (and its
                                               37 trails) and the Whitefish Trail,
                                               while road bikers love Highway
                                               35 along the east shore of Flat-
                                               head Lake.

10      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308

                                                                             RODEO                    HUCKLEBERRY HUNTING                     MUSEUMS/GALLERIES/
                                                                  The truly wild Western spirit       Spend a few minutes driving                      SHOPPING
                                                               of Kalispell comes alive at rodeos   around town and it’s not hard             Artists inspired by northwest
                                                               held all year long, culminating      to figure out the official flavor      Montana’s breathtaking views,
                                                               at the Flathead County Fair and      of summer in these parts—              independent spirit and wildlife
                                                               Rodeo every August. Northwest        huckleberries. The elusive fruit       have their creations on display
                                                               Montana has produced its share       that grows exclusively in the          just about everywhere you turn,
                                                               of well-known bull riders over       wild,huckleberries are a favorite      from unique sculptures and art
                                                               the years — including modern         ingredient in everything from ice      to incredible photography and
                                                               PBR stars Beau Hill and Matt         cream to lamb shanks and you’ll        hand-crafted jewelry. Galler-
                                                               Triplett — but at places like Ma-    find them woven into many offer-       ies line downtown streets in
                                                               jestic Valley Arena and the Blue     ings throughout Montana. And           Kalispell and alongside those
                                                               Moon Nite Club, you can catch        while their flavor is fun to sample    galleries sit plentiful places to
                                                               everything from barrel racers to     at local restaurants and shops, it’s   shop local or view the latest
                                                               ropers to saddle broncs and bull     even more fun to go out and pick       exhibit at the Hockaday Museum
Photo Credit: SkyVault, Tom Robertson, Visit MT, Chuck Haney

                                                               riders. The rodeo experience is      some hucks for yourself. North-        of Art. If history is more your
                                                               a kick-up-your-heels good time       west Montana has some of the best      thing, visit the Conrad Mansion
                                                               for kids and adults, and the PRCA    huckleberry-picking destinations       Museum to learn more about
                                                               rodeos at the Flathead County        in the state, with berries found at    Kalispell’s founding family and
                                                               Fair and Bigfork Summer Rodeo        higher elevations — usually 3,500      the Northwest Montana History
                                                               draw some of the top names in        feet or above — and in areas with      Museum to see what life was
                                                               the sport every year.                thin enough tree cover where the       like here centuries before white
                                                                                                    sun can find its way in. If you’re     settlers arrived, when American
                                                                                                    looking for something a little         Indian tribes populated the area,
                                                                                                    easier than traversing through         and how industry has shaped the
                                                                                                    the forest to search, Whitefish        region into what it is today.
                                                                                                    Mountain Resort has an abundant
                                                                                                    supply during the peak season in
                                                                                                    late summer and early fall.

                                                                                                                                       www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   11
Glacier National Park

         MOUNTAIN BIKE               XC SKIING                      DOG ON LEASH           HIKING        HORSEBACK RIDING

                          DANNY ON TRAIL AT
                          WHITEFISH MOUNTAIN RESORT                                            West Glacier

                          93                                                 Coram
                                                       Whitefish                                    MOUNTAIN

                                                                                                             Gr W
                                                                             Columbia Falls

                                                                                                               ea ilde
                                                                                                                 t B rn
                                                                                                                    ear ess
                          RAILS TO                              2
                                   Rails to Trail

                               Kalispell                                                                 JEWEL
                         LONE PINE                                                                       BASIN
                         STATE PARK                                           35


                             HERRON Somers
                             FOY’S TO BLACKTAIL

                                                                                       Woods Bay
                            MOUNTAIN                      Rollins

                                                    Dayton                                          83

                                   Elmo                         Wild Horse



                                                                                                               W              E

                                                                     Polson                                            S

     For more information visit: DiscoverKalispell.com/things-to-do/trails-and-routes/

12    www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308
Events 2020-2021

   MARCH 2020                                                      18-19 Under The Big Sky Music Festival
   13-15   406 Adult Soccer Tournament                             22-26 The Event at Rebecca Farm
   14      St. Patrick's Day Parade - Main St Kalispell
   20-21   Brash Winter Rodeo Series at Majestic Valley Arena      AUGUST 2020
   20-22   MT Indoor Soccer Championship                           1       Great Bear Beer Festival
   27-29   NW MT Arms Collectors Gun Show                          7-16    Glacier Symphony Festival Amadeus
                                                                   15-16   12 & 24 Hour of Flathead Mountain Bike Race
   APRIL 2020                                                      14-16   Cirque Ma'Ceo at the Majestic Valley Arena
   4-5     54th Annual Creston Auction & Country Fair              17-23   Big Sky Reining Classic at Majestic Valley Arena
   10-11   Brash Winter Rodeo Series at Majestic Valley Arena      19-23   Northwest Montana Fair & Rodeo
   24-26   Alpine Theatre Project Kids: Young Frankenstein         29      Taste of Kalispell
   25-26   Glacier Symphony & Chorale Spring Festival
                                                                   SEPTEMBER 2020
   MAY 2020                                                        11-12   Flathead Celtic Festival
   2       Kalispell Farmers Market - Saturdays through Oct. 10    12-13   Montana Dragon Boat Festival
   2-3     Montana Spartan Race                                    18-19   Annual Flathead Quilters Guild Show
   22-24   Bigfork Whitewater Festival                             19      Sweet Pickins' Pumpkin Patch, Opening Day
   TBA     Spring Weekend at Bibler Home & Gardens                 20      Foy's to Blacktail Trails Marathon
                                                                   26-27   Glacier Symphony "Emperor and the Sorcerer"
   JUNE 2020
   5     Kalispell Professional Bull Riding Event                  OCTOBER 2020
   7     Annual Herron Half Marathon & Trail Run                   22-24   Northern Rodeo Finals at Majestic Valley Arena
   19-22 Big Sky Weekend Swing Dance 2020                          24      Cross Country Meet at Rebecca Farm
   19-27 Hockaday Museum of Art Plein Air Paint Out                24-25   Alpine Theatre Kids: Aladdin Jr.
   20    The Big Shindig Hot Rod Show at Desoto Grill              30      Kreepyspell Krawl in Downtown Kalispell
   23	Picnic in the Park Concert Series - Tuesday                 TBA     Ghost Tours at Conrad Mansion
         evenings through Aug 18
   25    Thursday!Fest - Thursday evenings through Aug 20          NOVEMBER 2020
   27-28 Artists and Craftsmen of the Flathead Show                1       Glacier Symphony "Beethoven 5 and Polish Music"
   27    Glacier Half Marathon                                     13-15   Holiday Arts & Crafts Extravaganza
                                                                   14      The Market Beautiful at the Fairgrounds
   JULY 2020                                                       14-15   Glacier Chorale "Journey of the Spirit"
   4	4th of July Parade on Main Street & Ice Cream                27-29   Artists and Craftsmen of the Flathead Show
         Social at Conrad Mansion
   6     Bigfork Summer Rodeo                                      DECEMBER 2020
   8	Picnic in the Park Concert Series - Wednesday                4       Kalispell Art Walk & Holiday Stroll
         lunchtime through Aug 5                                   5       Christmas City of the North Parade - Main Street
   10-11 Glacier Symphony Night at Rebecca Farm                    4-6     Glacier Symphony & Chorale "Handel's Messiah"
   10-12 Hockaday Museum Arts in the Park Festival                 4-6     Craft Brewers Cup Hockey Tournament
   16-19 Standing Arrow Powwow, Elmo                               12-13   Glacier Symphony Holiday Pops
   17-26 Montana Renaissance Faire                                 TBA     Christmas Tours at the Conrad Mansion
                                                                   TBA     Brash Winter Rodeo Series at Majestic Valley Arena

JANUARY 2021                                                      FEBRUARY 2021
    Frosty the Brewfest                                                Chocolate Affair in Historic Downtown Kalispell
    Glacier Symphony Masquerade Winter Gala                            Flathead Flames Winter Classic Hockey Jamboree
    NW MT Wedding & Event Expo                                         Glacier Symphony "A Guitar Valentine"
    Perch Assault Ice Fishing Derby                                    Brash Winter Rodeo Series
    Brash Winter Rodeo Series                                          Montana Sportsman Expo
    Flathead Flames Winter Classic Hockey Jamboree

                                                                                www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308      13

     There’s more than just Montana on this Main Street.

       Sure, you can grab classic Western clothing,         and delightful coffee shops, bakeries and restau-
     gear up for your next backpacking trip, bite into a    rants keep the streets of downtown hopping into
     juicy elk burger and snag some huckleberry jam to      the evening.
     take back home, but downtown Kalispell is also the        At the north end of downtown, the Veterans
     place where you’ll find the shop next door selling     Memorial at Depot Park welcomes travelers and
     funky home décor, an exquisite glass of wine and       locals and in the summer the park, and other green
     an invigorating hour of yoga.                          spaces downtown, buzz with live music, outdoor
       Shopping downtown Kalispell is a century-old         festivals and parties. You’ll find art everywhere,
     tradition and when you first step onto Main Street,    from the numerous galleries selling one-of-a-kind
     you may feel like it’s torn right out of history.      paintings, photography and other works by local
     There are storefronts here that have survived all      artists, to large murals and unique sculptures on
     the way from the early 20th century, including         some of Main Street’s buildings.
     an old-fashioned soda fountain, historic hotel            This is Kalispell, the ultimate destination for
     and 100-year-old bike shop, but in between those       your next adventure. It’s the perfect place to taste
     nostalgic locales is a lively downtown filled with     Montana, walk through history, unwind after
     everything a visitor could want. In the last decade,   a long day on the water or just to sip a beer and
     three craft breweries have opened, shops and           experience for yourself what Montana living is all
     boutiques sell clothing, apparel, jewelry and art,     about.

14      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308


          Downtown Kalispell provides abundant opportunities to shop for
       one-of-a-kind art, furniture, jewelry, clothes and everything in between.

Montana Modern Fine Art - 127 S Main Street     SNUGGLE BEARS $12 EACH
                                                Montana Marketplace – 140 S Main Street
Honey Home & Design – 136 S Main                HUCKLEBERRY OR MONTANA BLEND
                                                COFFEE $12 EACH
                                                Montana Coffee Traders – 111 S Main Street
SAGE WAND $11                                   VINTAGE GLACIER PARK SIGN $32
Sage & Cedar – 227 S Main Street                Sassafras – 120 S Main
BEER COOZIE BAG $10                             CORRAL BOOTS $135
RECAP HAT $15                                   Western Outdoor – 48 S Main Street
Kalispell Brewing Company – 412 S Main Street   KALISPELL BANDANNA $5.50
HOODIE $39                                      Visitor Information Center – 15 Depot Park
                                                MOOSE PILLOW $70
True Water Fly Shop – 35 4th Street West        Flair Gifts and Cards – 123 S Main Street

                                                               www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   15


16 Photo
         Credit: Gravity Shot    | 888-888-2308

        rom the pristine headwaters in Glacier National
        Park and the Bob Marshall Wilderness, the waters
        of the Flathead Basin flow through nearly 6 million
acres of forests, farms, and towns into Flathead Lake, the
largest natural freshwater lake in the West. The Flathead,
Stillwater, Swan and Whitefish rivers all contribute to
Flathead Lake, with the three forks (South, North and
Middle) of the Flathead River contributing approximately
80% of that flow.
   The longest of Glacier National Park’s 536 streams starts
at the confluence of two delicate creeks draining off the
Continental Divide. McDonald Creek winds down 25.8
miles, gaining steam as it picks up runoff from massive
glacially carved mountains like Longfellow and Heavens
Peaks, before emptying into the 10-mile-long Lake McDon-
ald Lake. In turn, these waters drain south into the Middle
Fork of the Flathead River, a powerful and fast-moving
river that originates in the heart of the Bob Marshall
Wilderness. At the southeastern corner of the park, the
Middle Fork meets the North Fork, and then, 10 river miles
downstream, the South Fork. The mighty main stem of the
Flathead River charges toward Flathead Lake, one of the
clearest and cleanest bodies of water in the West.
   Seli’š Ksanka Qlispe’ Dam, commonly known as Kerr
Dam, is located at the south end of Flathead Lake. The
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes own and operate
the 204-foot high major hydropower facility. This is where
the waters of Flathead Lake exit, moving back to river flow
as the Flathead River and serving as the headwaters of the
Clark Fork River and Columbia River Basin.

                 Flathead Lake is the largest fresh-water
                 lake in the West at nearly 28 miles long and
                 15 miles wide with a maximum depth of 370
                 feet. The clarify of its waters is renowned
                 and the lake is rated as one of the cleanest
                 lakes of its size and type anywhere in the
                 populated areas of the world.

                 The Flathead Lake Biological Station serves
                 as the sentinel of the lake, having collected
                 samples and data on Flathead Lake ecology
                 and water quality for over 100 years.

                 The Wild & Scenic River Act inked by
                 Congress in 1968 helps to protect large
                 segments of the three forks of the Flathead
                 River. The act preserved certain rivers
                 with outstanding natural, cultural and
                 recreational values for the enjoyment of
                 present and future generations.

                     www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308    17

                     National Park
      Glacier National Park is open 365 days a year and visitors can explore
         the park year-round, with each season offerings its own, equally
                             spectacular experience.

                SPRING                                                   FALL
                 Spring. One of Glacier National Park’s                  Fall. September in Montana and Glacier
                 most underrated seasons, spring is one of               National Park feels like an extension of
                 the most lush and adventure-filled times                summer and most of the park is accessible
      to visit. While services and amenities are limited      for recreation. Plus, it’s stunning, with the mountains
      during spring, the trails and roads are less crowded.   beginning to display vibrant shades of yellows on
      May and June offer hiker and biker access to the        Tamarack and deciduous trees. Typically, the alpine
      famed Going-to-the- Road before its open to vehicles    section of the Going-to-the- Sun Road is open into
      while visitors are rewarded with wildlife-watching      October but is weather dependent. And while some
      opportunities, sparkling green and snow-kissed          services in the park close after Labor Day, many
      landscapes and rushing waterways. It’s also a great     amenities are available in neighboring communities,
      time for lower-elevation outings to Apgar Lookout,      including Kalispell. To soak in fall colors, plan to hike
      Huckleberry Lookout, Lake McDonald, Apgar               Firebrand Pass on the east side of Marias Pass.
      and Avalanche Lake. The North Fork, including
      Polebridge and Bowman Lake, is also ideal for                      WINTER
      springtime visitors.                                               Winter transforms the park into a real-
                                                                         life Montana snowglobe. During this time
                  SUMMER                                                 of year, limited resources are available
                  Summer brings full visitor access to the    but the snow-covered scenery is at its best, with
                  park, with the opening of the Going-        plenty of just-for-winter experiences. . The Apgar
                  to-the-Sun Road. This also means that       Visitor Center, located on the west side of Glacier
      summer is the busiest time of year in Glacier, with     National Park, is open Saturday and Sunday and
      the majority of the park’s 3 million visitors coming    offers ranger-led snowshoe hikes and rentals. Set
      in July and August, but don’t let that deter you        off on your own in Apgar and Fish Creek near
      from coming and soaking up summer in Glacier            the south end of Lake McDonald or snowshoe or
      National Park. Our best advice: be prepared for         cross-country ski up the Going-to-the- Sun Road
      delays, be patient, be willing to adjust your plans     (closed to vehicles) from Lake McDonald Lodge Be
      and know that there will be more people on              sure to take in the sounds of McDonald Creek and
      popular trails. Consider learning about the park        soak up the stillness of Glacier National Park in the
      through one of their ranger-led programs, guided        winter. Plan ahead and pick up fuel and provisions in
      tours or the Native America Speaks program.             gateway communities like Kalispell, Columbia Falls,
      Guided interpretive tours are also offered through      Hungry Horse or East Glacier Park before venturing
      concessioners inside the park.                          into the park.

         Regardless of when you visit, get up-to-date information at nps.gov/glac/planyourvisit/.

18     www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308

                                                                                 762                                 1,583
                                                                       LAKES, LARGEST IS LAKE                SQUARE MILES OF LAND

                                                                     MCDONALD AT 9.4 MILES LONG,

                                                71                              464                             MILES OF TRAILS
                                                                               FEET DEEP                  10,479 FEET – ELEVATION OF
                                        SPECIES OF MAMMALS                                               TALLEST PEAK, MT. CLEVELAND
                                      INCLUDING GRIZZLY BEARS,
                                          WOLVES, MOOSE                       2,865                        6,646 FEET – ELEVATION AT
                                                                                                                  LOGAN PASS
                                             AND PIKAS                     MILES OF STREAMS

                                               277                                                                       25
                                       DOCUMENTED SPECIES
                                                                                  24                       NAMED GLACIERS, DOWN
                                                                       FISH SPECIES, INCLUDING 18        FROM THE 150 IN THE MID-19TH
                                           OF BIRDS                     NATIVE AND 7 NON-NATIVE                   CENTURY
Photo Credit: Glacier National Park

                                              GIVE BACK TO PROTECT AND PRESERVE GLACIER NATIONAL PARK
                                                             THE GLACIER CONSERVANCY
                                         From inspiration to recreation and history to a deep-seeded love for wild places, Glacier
                                        National Park gives so much and it only seems right for us to give back. Donations to the
                                        Glacier Conservancy go to education, preservation, research and bolstering infrastructure
                                                        needs in Glacier National Park. Learn more at Glacier.org.

                                                                                                    www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   19


                           Art, architecture and artifacts connect the present to the
                           past in Kalispell.

20    www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308

                                                                VISUAL ARTS                                            ARCHITECTURE/MUSEUMS
                                                                  With Montana’s natural landscapes proving               In Kalispell’s downtown, the buildings
                                                                an ever-present inspiration, it’s no wonder            themselves are works of art. Famed architects like
                                                                that northwest Montana is filled with painters,        Marion Riffo, Fred Brinkman, George Shanley and
                                                                sculptors, photographers and craftsmen who share       Kirtland Cutter helped design a number of now-
                                                                their interpretation of life in the Rocky Mountains.   historic downtown buildings. Venture off the main
                                                                Montana’s art tradition can be traced all the way      drag into the neighborhoods just east and west
                                                                back to American Indians, whose art is still on        of downtown (fittingly named the West and East
                                                                display at galleries around the area, with unique      Side Historic Districts) and you’ll see a number
                                                                styles and traditions that continue to inspire         of structures listed on the National Register of
                                                                artists today.                                         Historic Places. Be sure to pop by the Courthouse
                                                                  Even Kalispell’s bustling downtown is filled with    Historic District for a peek at architecture from the
                                                                nods to the visual arts. Visit Kalispell Brewing       1900s, including the Flathead County Courthouse.
                                                                Company and peek around back to see a mural of            Kalispell’s three museums, which are filled
                                                                Jeanette Rankin, a Montanan and the first woman        with history inside and outside their doors, are
                                                                elected to Congress (she earned that ground-           historically significant in their own right. The
                                                                breaking honor in 1916). Or look more closely at       Hockaday Museum of Art is housed in a more than
                                                                the buildings on and near Main Street to see if you    century-old Carnegie Library, one of thousands
Photo Credit: Montana Modern Fine Art, VisitMT, Donnie Sexton

                                                                can spot an ice climber, two bears and a horse and     built by the famed businessman Andrew Carnegie
                                                                buggy blended in among the facades.                    around the dawn of the 20th century. Just down
                                                                  And while street art is fun to spot as you           the road, the Northwest Montana History Museum
                                                                walk or drive through town, there are plenty of        is located in what was once the Central School,
                                                                opportunities to peruse art in more traditional        where classes for elementary, junior high and high
                                                                locales, namely in one of Kalispell’s several art      school students were previously held, along with
                                                                galleries, including the Hockaday Museum of Art        some of the first courses offered by Flathead Valley
                                                                which is a central piece of northwest Montana          Community College. Rounding out Kalispell’s
                                                                culture housed in a former Carnegie Library. Other     museums, the Conrad Mansion Museum sits east
                                                                downtown galleries include Montana Modern Fine         of downtown and is a well-preserved slice of the
                                                                Art and the Mark Ogle Studio, and works of all         late 1800s. The former home of Charles E. Conrad
                                                                shapes, sizes and prices are on sale up and down       and his family, widely considered the modern-
                                                                Main Street. Art lovers will find work that varies     day founders of Kalispell, was built in 1892 and
                                                                from canvas paintings to handcrafted home décor.       converted to a museum in the mid-1970s.

                                                                                                                                    www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   21

     MUSIC/DANCE                                                mances. Plus, local ballet and hula dancing groups
        In the West, music has been an integral part of         perform throughout the area regularly.
     the landscape for centuries, if not longer. And folks         And while you’re welcome to get up and cut a rug
     around here enjoy taking time to slow down and ap-         at any show, a more coordinated dance experience
     preciate music, whether that’s a cowboy or cowgirl         can be found with North End Swing, a local group
     strumming a tune near a campfire, an acoustic set at       that offers swing classes and dances, highlighted by
     a local coffee shop or line dancing at the local saloon.   the three-day Big Sky Weekend in June. You’ll also
     Music abounds in northwest Montana and visitors            find country-dancing instruction at local country
     to Kalispell will hear live music over a craft beer, a     honkey tonks, while old-school country dances are
     rock show at the end of a long day on the mountain         held regularly at the Kalispell Eagles Club.
     or an evening of classical music.
        The Glacier Symphony has drawn rave reviews             THEATER
     from visitors around the globe and enjoyed its 37th           60 years ago, Dr. Firman Brown and his wife,
     season in 2019-20. The orchestra and chorale per-          Margery Hunter Brown, started the Bigfork
     form several concerts throughout the year, with two        Summer Playhouse and with its inception, a robust
     signature events each year: Festival Amadeus and           theater scene was born and has attracted big names
     Summer Pops. Festival Amadeus started in 2008 and          and future stars to the Flathead Valley for exclusive
     welcomes highly regarded guest musicians from              summertime performances.
     around the country for a week of performances                 The Bigfork Summer Playhouse’s most famous
     around the Flathead Valley. On a more casual note,         alumni is Academy Award winner J.K. Simmons,
     Summer Pops at Rebecca Farm in Kalispell is an out-        who performed in Bigfork from 1977-82 before
     door show featuring popular music combined with            launching his television and film career. The
     picnic-style dining under Montana’s big blue sky.          summer season, which runs from mid-May to early
        Kalispell and the Flathead Valley are also home to      September, features a repertory-style schedule full
     a burgeoning singer-songwriter community, with             of classic shows a short drive from Kalispell.
     dozens of musicians performing original material              A short drive north to Whitefish will take you to
     on a nightly basis. Bars, breweries, wineries and          the Alpine Theatre Project. Founded by Broadway
     restaurants throughout the valley play host to local       veterans Betsi Morrison, Luke Walrath and David
     and regional musicians, with year-round perfor-            Ackroyd, the Alpine Theatre Project has been

22      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308
hosting a wide array of performances since 2004.          at lower-elevation destinations like Herron Park.
                                                                                       Each year, ATP has various offerings with highlights         Those arts come together in the sport of eventing,
                                                                                       that include the annual Christmas show andYuletide        which takes over Kalispell for one week every
                                                                                       Affair. Past performers have accolades that include       summer. That’s when The Event at Rebecca Farm
                                                                                       190 Broadway credits, four Tony awards, seven             rolls into town and elite riders and horses from
                                                                                       Emmys and an Oscar.                                       around the world compete on the sprawling
                                                                                         During fall and winter, the creative spirit of          Broussard family property. Eventing, an Olympic
                                                                                       everyday Montanans is on display in two large             sport, combines three disciplines — cross-country,
                                                                                       community theaters, one in Whitefish and the              dressage and show jumping — to crown a winner,
                                                                                       other in Bigfork, with volunteers who put on shows        and The Event at Rebecca Farm is one of the biggest
Photo Credit: The Event at Rebecca Farm; Whitefish Theatre Company, C. Kathryn Hayes

                                                                                       comprised strictly of friends and neighbors, and          competitions of its kind in the Western United
                                                                                       the set design, wardrobes, music and more are a           States.
                                                                                       showcase of both the Flathead Valley’s love of giving        Horses, of course, can get down and dirty,
                                                                                       back and the hidden talents of many residents.            too. Rodeos give spectators a chance to see stock
                                                                                                                                                 animal’s power and grace, as well as introduce
                                                                                       EQUESTRIAN                                                them to a long-held tradition. Held each August,
                                                                                          In Montana, cowboy culture is about more than          the Flathead County Fair and Rodeo is the valley’s
                                                                                       roping steers and 10-gallon hats. Western culture         premier rodeo and in addition to events like saddle
                                                                                       provides a strong foundation for Montana’s way            bronc, bareback, barrel racing, team roping and
                                                                                       of life and you’ll find it still has a place in today’s   bull riding, it features a traditional Indian Relay
                                                                                       modern-day landscapes.                                    Race, which is a team race on horseback that must
                                                                                          Kalispell is home to a number of working ranches       be seen to be truly understood.
                                                                                       and a drive down any rural highway will take you             And if you’re ready to get on a horse of your
                                                                                       past plenty of horses and modern-day four-legged          own, you can saddle up at one of dozens of local
                                                                                       steeds that help work the land. The same goes for         outfitters who offer guided trips, including in
                                                                                       some of the trails through forested terrain and           Glacier National Park. If you’d rather just see a
                                                                                       nearby wilderness areas. Riders on horseback can          horse than ride one, a scenic boat cruise from the
                                                                                       be found climbing mountains, setting out on trails        shore of Flathead Lake to Wild Horse Island is a
                                                                                       and practicing the more distinguished riding arts         can’t-miss experience.

                                                                                                                                                              www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   23
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                                      PROTECTING LIFESTYLE,
                                         LAND AND HERITAGE

                         There is a deep understanding that recreation is not possible
                         without conservation. And the stakes are too high to let the wild
                         lands go unmonitored and unprotected.

Photo Credit: Visit MT                                         www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   25

            or centuries, before the cross-continental
            train rumbled into town for the first time
            and before the first walls went up on the
     Conrad Mansion, everything in Kalispell was
     rugged and wild.
       The 100-plus years since James J. Hill and his
     Empire Builder cut through the Rocky Mountains
     and arrived in the Flathead Valley, the area has
     seen plenty of change, but the untamed lands that
     neighbor Kalispell have always guided the city’s
     progress. Hiking, fishing, skiing and all other man-
     ner of exploring are top of mind when considering      While the tribes’ lands are much smaller than
     outdoor fun, but for locals there is a deep under-     they once were, the significance of the spaces they
     standing that recreation is not possible without       occupied has not lessened. Chief Mountain, located
     conservation. And the stakes are too high to let the   on the east side of Glacier Park on the Blackfeet
     wild lands go unmonitored and unprotected.             Nation, is one of the most sacred places on earth to
       Kalispell is, after all, the place where the wild    many tribal nations.
     landscapes come together. It’s where one national         For decades, the Blackfeet Nation worked
     park, two national forests and one wilderness          tirelessly to return bison to their tribal lands
     area collide, all dissected by the Flathead River, a   in Montana and completed the reintroduction
     designated Wild and Scenic river. And Kalispell        of a healthy herd in 2019. An even larger bison
     depends deeply on those unspoiled wild places          population inhabits the 18,500-acre National Bison
     remaining that way, both to maintain the               Range, which is located about an hour south of
     current way of life and to preserve the traditions     Kalispell on the Flathead Indian Reservation.
     established here centuries ago.                           Montana is home to other wildlife, including
       For thousands of years, the Blackfeet Tribe          the grizzly bear, whose population has been
     possessed the land that is now Glacier National        restored from a dangerously low level thanks to
     Park and several other tribes called the Flathead      inter-agency cooperation throughout the state. As
     Valley home all the way up to the late 19th century.   a result, Montana now has the largest grizzly bear

26      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308

                                                               population in the lower 48 states.                     produce sold commercially and at farmers markets
                                                                  Grizzlies, bison and dozens of other species of     throughout the summer. Bountiful fresh cherries,
                                                               mammals, birds and rodents need a place to live, of    including Flathead cherries, grow in orchards along
                                                               course, and they all thrive here because of continu-   the shores of Flathead Lake and are found at road-
                                                               ing and enthusiastic conservation efforts. Preserv-    side stands throughout the summer months. Area
Photo Credit: Glacier National Park, Montana State Parks/FWP

                                                               ing clean water, clean air and healthy habitat is of   ranches provide local meats, including yak, elk and
                                                               critical importance to anyone who wants to see the     bison, and sustainable logging has been practiced
                                                               Montana way of life continue, whether they enjoy       for decades to support a steady and consistent tim-
                                                               the outdoors as a hunter, a rafter or a weekend        ber output from neighboring communities.
                                                               warrior. We live by the mantra “leave no trace” to        So please, do your part to keep Kalispell and all
                                                               ensure the trails we travel will be just as pristine   of Montana clean and beautiful by taking out of
                                                               for the next person, and the plants and animals that   the wilderness everything that you take in (and
                                                               depend on our good behavior are left undisturbed.      nothing more) and by supporting those who work
                                                                  We work the land, too. The bounties of the Flat-    every day to preserve this beautiful land, like the
                                                               head Valley have supported generations with food,      Flathead National Forest, Montana Fish, Wildlife
                                                               shelter and financial security. Kalispell is sur-      and Parks, Glacier Park Conservancy, Bob Marshall
                                                               rounded by farmland, particularly in the lower val-    Wilderness Foundation, Flathead Lake Biological
                                                               ley, where a number of active farms grow organic       Station and Montana State Park Foundation.

                                                                                                                                   www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   27

     TOP 5 WINTER ACTIVITIES                                   5. Après Isn’t Just for Skiers. Outdoor
     1. A Canine-Powered Dog Sledding Adventure.              recreational opportunities might be what bring you
      Two local outfitters, including Dog Sled Adventures      to Kalispell in winter, but indoor offerings are the
      and Base Camp Bigfork, take guests on dog sledding       perfect complement to endless adventures found
      excursions into Montana’s forested terrain and           outside. Kalispell’s vibrant downtown is lined with
      across frozen lakes.                                     local boutiques, shops and art galleries. Winter
      2. Snowshoe Montana. One of the best ways to            events downtown include the Kalispell Art Walk,
       explore snow-covered landscapes, snowshoe trails        Frosty the Brewfest and the Chocolate Affair.
       can be found at Lone Pine State Park, Herron Park,
       the Swan River Trail, Blacktail Mountain Trail and
       Glacier National Park.
       3. Get Western, Cowboy. No trip is complete
        without experiencing what makes the West, the
        West. The Brash Winter Rodeo Series includes
        bull riding, saddle bronc, bareback steer
        wrestling, team roping, barrel racing, breakaway
        roping and calf roping.
        4. Not Your Typical Sled. More than 200 miles of
         groomed snowmobile trails weave through the for-
     ests of northwest Montana. If you’re an experienced
     rider, take a self-guided excursion or better yet, take
     a guided tour with an experienced outfitter.

28      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308

                                                                      5 PLACES TO PADDLE – GRAB YOUR KAYAK,
                                                                      STAND-UP PADDLEBOARD OR CANOE
                                                                      1. Flathead Lake – the largest natural freshwater
                                                                       lake in the western U.S. offers vast views and
                                                                       pristine waters. Launch from one of six state
                                                                       parks along the lake.
                                                                       2. Flathead River – one of four designated wild
                                                                        and scenic rivers in Montana, the Flathead offers
                                                                        paddling adventures for all skill levels. The float
                                                                        from Tea Kettle Fishing Access to the Old Steel
                                                                        Bridge is easy, while whitewater opportunities are
                                                                        plentiful along the Middle Fork of the Flathead
                                                                        3. Foys Lake - 10 minutes from downtown
                                                                         Kalispell, Foys Lake provides calm waters for
                                                                         peaceful paddling. Plus, there’s a boat launch,
                                                                         swimming area and dock at the county park.
                                                                         4. Ashley Lake – a good place to see loons as you
                                                                          paddle in beautiful emerald and aqua-colored         single track mountain bikers and horseback
                                                                          waters. Although only 30 miles from Kalispell,       riders. Foystoblacktailtrails.org
                                                                          it’s about a 50-minute drive to reach the fishing    3. Mount Aeneas – 35 minutes from downtown,
                                                                          access and boat launch area.                          6 miles round-trip. The hike to the top yields
                                                                          5. Little Bitterroot Lake - A 30-minute drive        breathtaking views of the Flathead Valley to the
                                                                           west of Kalispell Little Bitterroot Lake provides    west and Hungry Horse Reservoir and Great
                                                                           forest views and crystal-clear waters. It has an     Bear Wilderness to the east. fs.usda.gov/activity/
                                                                           easy-access concrete boat ramp in a small public     flathead/recreation/hiking
                                                                           park, with restrooms along the western shoreline.    4. Columbia Mountain – 35 minutes from
                                                                                                                                 Kalispell, 4 miles round-trip. A spring favorite
                                                                      5 DAY HIKES WITHIN AN HOUR                                 when wildflowers blanket the slopes, the trail
                                                                      OF KALISPELL                                               leads to a waterfall and provides intermittent
                                                                      1. Lone Pine State Park – 10 minutes from                 views of the Flathead Valley. fs.usda.gov/activity/
                                                                       downtown Sweeping views of the Flathead Valley            flathead/recreation/hiking
                                                                       and more than 7 miles of hiking trails. Stateparks.       5. Stanton Lake – 55 minutes from Kalispell, 3
                                                                       mt.gov/lone-pine                                           – 4 miles round-trip. Expansive views of Glacier
                                                                       2. Foy’s to Blacktail Trail System – 10 minutes           National Park and the Great Bear Wilderness.
Photo Credit: Noah Couser, Glacier Guides Montana Raft, Chuck Haney

                                                                        from downtown With trails ranging from 1 to 18            Appropriate for all skill levels, with a steep incline
                                                                        miles in length, this multi-use area is a favorite        the first half mile. fs.usda.gov/activity/flathead/
                                                                        spot for families enjoying a nature walk, hikers,         recreation/hiking

                                                                          GUIDED ADVENTURES AND OUTFITTERS
                                                                          FOR AN AUTHENTIC MONTANA EXPERIENCE IN THE WILD.

                                                                          ■ A Able & Mo Fisch Charters                             ■ Glacier Treks
                                                                          ■ Bagley Guide Service                                   ■ Great Northern Resort
                                                                          ■ Flathead Anglers and Wild River Adventures             ■ Outcast Guiding & Outfitters
                                                                          ■ Guide Guides & Montana Raft Company                    ■ Sea Me Paddle
                                                                          ■ Glacier 360 Fish and Recreation                        ■ Swan Mountain Outfitters
                                                                          ■ Glacier Outdoor Center / Glacier Raft Co.              ■ Winter Wonderland Sports

                                                                                                                                             www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308      29


     Around here, we’re firm believers that breakfast sets the tone for the day. Whether
     you’ll be playing on Flathead Lake or strolling downtown, breakfast is just the beginning.

     CERES BAKERY                                           MONTANA COFFEE TRADERS
        Ceres is a cheerful place whose mission is            If you ask around for the best breakfast in
     to “deliver the best crust, the flakiest pastry,       town, you’re likely to hear about the smothered
     the creamiest frosting every single time.” The         burrito at Montana Coffee Traders. Start
     croissants, scones and muffins are local favorites     breakfast with a hot cup of signature Grizzly
     and Ceres has specialty items like made-from-          Blend coffee, then dive into that burrito. It’s
     scratch cinnamon rolls with cream cheese glaze         stuffed with scrambled eggs, grilled potatoes,
     and the almond and Flathead cherry crostata.           cheddar cheese and topped with salsa verde.
     Pick up a baguette for dinner while you’re there       Add ham, bacon, sausage, tofu or veggies for
     or sip on an espresso drink.                           an extra punch.

     Make it leisurely or grab-and-go (and have more time to play outside).

     DESOTO GRILL                                            BONELLI’S BISTRO
        Desoto’s mac n’ cheese was recently voted the          The word “fresh” comes to mind when looking
     best in Montana so if you’re dining there, it’s best    over the menu at Bonelli’s, with salads, panini,
     not to hurry things. Start with some of the famous      wraps, soup and house specialties, all with a
     mouth-watering cornbread, then go all in for the        Mediterranean flair, being mainstays. Treat
     rockabilly barbecue, beans and slaw. Plan to top        yourself to the Figsciutto panino or the chicken
     it all off with mac n’ cheese. Desoto also serves       tarragon salad with cranberries, candied walnuts
     burgers, sandwiches and salads, and is a tasty place    and pink champagne vinaigrette. Bonelli’s also
     for dinner as well.                                     serves breakfast, with two favorites being their
                                                             breakfast skillets and butternut sausage hash.

30      www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308

                                                 CHI CAFÉ
                                                   Café owner, Chi, learned the art of preparing Banh
                                                 Mi, the Vietnamese baguette sandwich, in Hanoi
                                                 and brought her culinary skills to Kalispell. Chi Café
                                                 serves beef, pork and veggie Bahn Mi, as well as other
                                                 Vietnamese cuisine. This menu has some kick, so
                                                 cool off with a raspberry mint iced tea or one of Chi’s
                                                 other exotic tea offerings.

                                                 HOPS DOWNTOWN GRILL                                            peanut shells on the floor. (Or come through the
                                                    Hops specializes in locally grown beef, yak, elk            front for a swinging saloon door moment.) Moose’s
                                                 and bison burgers along with hand-cut fries and                unique thin-crust pizza has been the mainstay here
                                                 an array of appetizers. The popular Montana yak                since the 1960s. Stake out a table, then order your
                                                 burger from nearby Spring Brook Ranch delivers                 pizza at the food window and sip a local beer at the
                                                 a taste sensation with chili satay sauce, ginger and           bar from one of their 24 rotating taps.
                                                 cilantro. Or try the homegrown Flathead Highland
                                                 beef burger with white cheddar, onion rings and                BLUE SAMURAI SUSHI BAR & GRILL
                                                 barbecue sauce. Whatever you choose, Hops has a                  An unexpected staple in downtown, Blue
                                                 great craft beer selection to go with it.                      Samurai is bustling every night with diners
                                                                                                                savoring fresh and flavorful sushi and rolls of all
                                                 MOOSE’S SALOON                                                 types under the masterful direction of owner/
                                                    There are few places that stand the test of time            chef Tony Tran. The best way to experience Blue
                                                 like Moose’s. Walking in the back door (the only               Samurai is to do the chef ’s choice. A few favorite
                                                 one that locals use) you’ll feel like you just entered         rolls: the escolar, the vegan sweet potato roll, surf
                                                 the Old West, complete with timbers, sawdust and               and turf and the volcano.

                                                 NORM’S OLD-FASHIONED
                                                 SODA FOUNTAIN
                                                    The motto at Norm’s is “eat dessert first” and this
                                                 vintage soda fountain and candy store has been
                                                 around since the 1930s, which means that motto must
                                                 stand true. Floats, sundaes and sodas are on the menu
                                                 here, along with a tasty collection of ice cream flavors.
                                                 Norm’s is also a good place to grab a burger and try a
                                                 scoop, or two, of wild huckleberry ice cream in a cone
                                                 or a milkshake.
Photo Credit: Visit MT, Chi Café, Ceres Bakery

                                                 SYKES DINER
                                                    Sykes is the kind of place where it’s okay to linger over
                                                 pie and coffee with friends (or those friendly locals you
                                                 just met). The lineup of pies changes daily, but there’s
                                                 always a great choice of fruit and cream pies. If you’re
                                                 lucky, they’ll have huckleberry on the menu. If you’re
                                                 ready to go deep into hucks, try their award-winning
                                                 huckleberry bread pudding with chunks of white
                                                 chocolate, vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce.

                                                                                                                              www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   31
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                                                                                   Main  Street
                                                                                     FRIENDS  AND GOOD WINE.
                                                                        Kalispell, MT 59901
                                                                               SOME THINGS  JUST GO TOGETHER.


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     BIAS BREWING                          KOBE STEAK & SUSHI
     409 1st Ave E                    1    85 Treeline Rd                     2
     38 C 1st Ave E                   2    GRILL & PUB                        2
                                           45 Treeline Rd
     101 East Ctr St                  2    MOD PIZZA                          1
                                           2244 Hwy 93 N
     1600 Highway 93                  2    PANERA BREAD
                                           2240 Hwy 93 N                      2
     318 S Main St                    1    SABLE COFFEE
                                           625 Treeline Rd                    1
     227 1st St W                     2    THE BRASS TAP
                                           85 Treeline Rd                     2
     121 Main St                           SOUTH KALISPELL
     JIMMY JOHN'S                          BLUE CANYON RESTAURANT
     135 W Idaho St                   1                                       3
                                           1845 Hwy 93 S
     111 S Main St                    1                                       1
                                           1815 Hwy 93 S
     MONTAVINO                             MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA
     38 1st Ave E                     1                                       2
                                           2230 Hwy 93 S
     173 N Main St                    2    OTHER LOCATIONS
     NORM'S NEWS                           FLATHEAD LAKE
     34 Main St                       1    BREWING COMPANY                    2
                                           116 Holt Dr, Bigfork
                                      2    MCDONALDS
     55 N Main St
                                           1110 Hwy 2 W, Kalispell
     30 2nd St E
                                      2    SECOND STREET PIZZA
                                           306 2nd St E, Whitefish
     235 W Idaho
                                      1    TAMARACK ALEHOUSE
                                           & GRILL                            2
     SYKES DINER                           105 Blacktail Rd, Lakeside
     202-2nd Ave W                    2
                                           VISTA LINDA RESTAURANT
     TARGETED NUTRITION -                  (MAY-SEP)                          2
     SHAKES & TEA                     1    240 Boon Rd, Somers
     202-2nd Ave W
                                           WATERS EDGE WINERY            Opening
                                           & BISTRO
    NORTH KALISPELL                        2593 Hwy 2 E, Kalispell
                                                                         May 2020
                                      1    WENDY'S OF EVERGREEN
     35 Treeline Rd
                                           2615 Hwy 2 E, Kalispell            1
                                      1    WENDY'S OF KALISPELL
     15 Heritage Way
                                           520 E Idaho St, Kalispell          1
                                      1    WHEN IN ROME PIZZERIA
     110 Hutton Ranch Rd
                                           136 E Idaho St, Kalispell          1
                                      1    WHITEFISH HANDCRAFTED
     2415 US Hwy 93 N
                                           SPIRITS                            2
     IHOP RESTAURANT                       2134 Hwy 2 E, Kalispell
     2425 US 93 N                     1

COST: 1 = $ 2 = $$ 3 = $$$

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     1830 Hwy 93 S
     1550 Hwy 93 N
     4824 Hwy 93 S
     640 E Idaho St
     4150 Hwy 2 E
     1680 Hwy 93 S
     1701 Hwy 93 S
     281 1st Ave WN
     1150 E Oregon St
     1140 Hwy 2 W
     1840 Hwy 93 S
     275 Treeline Rd
     195 Hutton Ranch Rd
     100 Main St
     255 Montclair Dr
     250 Old Reserve Dr
     1000 Basecamp Dr
     MOTEL 6
     1540 Hwy 93 S
     755 Treeline Rd
     1330 Hwy 2 W
     2 N Main St
     35 4th St W
     SUPER 8
     1341 1st Ave E
     350 N Main St

Visit the lodging directory for full information and packages. DiscoverKalispell.com/lodging
                            TO HELP PLAN YOUR TRIP
                            ■ Elevation: Kalispell – 2,956 feet; Entrance to         ■ Flathead County: 5,098 square miles.   94%
                              GNP – 3,215 feet; Highest Peak in GNP – Mount             of land mass is national, state, wilderness,
                              Cleveland 10,479 feet                                     agriculture and corporate timber land.
                            ■ P opulation of Kalispell: 23,212 (2017). County        ■ No Sales Tax
                              seat of Flathead County                                 ■ Time Zone: Mountain
                            ■ P opulation of Flathead County: 100,000 (2017)

                            January: Average high of 31°F; Average low of 16°F       ■ Road conditions: http://mdt.mt.gov/travinfo
                            April: Average high of 56°F; Average low of 31°F         ■ Charging stations: Red Lion Hotel, Hampton
                            July: Average high of 81°F; Average low of 48°F            Inn, Greenwood Village Inn & Suites,
                            October: Average high of 55°F; Average low of 29°F         Springhill Suites by Marriott, Hilton Garden
                                                                                       Inn, Flathead Electric Coop, Costco, Walmart
                               TRANSPORTATION:                                         and Town Pump fuel stations.
                            ■ G lacier Park International Airport: iflyglacier.
                              com, 14 nonstop flights from major U.S. hubs         DISTANCES FROM KALISPELL’S CITY CENTER:
                              (some seasonal).                                       ■ Glacier Park International Airport – 9 miles
                            ■A  mtrak: Empire Builder line stops in nearby         ■ Glacier National Park – 32 miles
                               Whitefish twice daily and runs from Seattle/          ■ Flathead Lake – 10 miles
                               Portland to Chicago.                                  ■ Whitefish Mountain Resort – 22 miles
                            ■ R ental cars: Most major rental car brands are       ■ Missoula Montana – 120 miles
Photo Credit: Noah Couser

                               located at or close to the airport.                   ■ Yellowstone National Park – 370 miles
                            ■ S hared transportation: Uber and Lyft are             ■ Spokane Washington – 238 miles
                               available in the area, but not in abundance.          ■ Canadian border – 70 miles Roosville, British
                               Many hotels offer airport shuttles and private           Columbia; 145 miles Carway, Alberta
                               taxi service is available.

                                                                                               www.discoverkalispell.com | 888-888-2308   35
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