Kado 15 Manual 2022 - play it smart - Visplay

Page created by Jeffery Bell
Kado 15 Manual 2022 - play it smart - Visplay
Kado 15
 Manual 2022

   play it smart
Kado 15

Kado 15 is a slimline shelving system. It includes a variety of basic elements that can
be combined into countless configurations. Wooden and glass shelves and a variety of
hanging rails can be inserted at different heights thanks to a series of holes at 100-mm
increments on the inner face of the 15 x 15-mm tubes. The open structure can be partly
or entirely closed through the addition of individual panels. Kado 15 installations may be
extended in all four directions, as needed, with the aid of shelf frames. Simple to assemble,
dismantle and reconfigure at any time, the system can be transformed in a matter of minutes.

212   1/2022 (EN)
Kado 15

          1/2022 (EN)   213
Kado 15

                     Square mid-room construction          Square mid-room construction              Square mid-room construction
                     400 x 400 x 400 mm                    400 x 400 x 800 mm                        400 x 400 x 1200 mm


                              400                   d               800                   d                   1200                   d

                                400           400
                                                                      400           400
                                                                                                                 400           400

  Characteristics    d = grid of 3 x 100 mm                d = grid of 7 x 100 mm                    d = grid of 11 x 100 mm

                     Max. weight load = 40 kg              All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-      All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-
                         Observe the assembly and          ment frame to stiffen the construction.   ment frame to stiffen the construction.
                        ­operating instruction             Please observe the load values of the     Please observe the load values of the
                                                           merchandise supports.                     merchandise supports.

                                                                                                        For mid-room constructions with
                                                           Max. weight load = 60 kg
                                                                                                        a height greater than 1000 mm, a
                                                               Observe the assembly and                 bottoming is essential according to
                                                              ­operating instruction                    DIN EN 16121:2013. If a connection
                                                                                                        to the floor via a fastening set is not
                                                                                                        possible, a converter bottom must
                                                                                                        be used.

                                                                                                     Max. weight load = 80 kg

                                                                                                         Observe the assembly and
                                                                                                        ­operating instruction

  Order number       black steel duro                      black steel duro                          black steel duro
                     		336-345.26                          		336-353.26                              		336-344.26

                     Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.           Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.               Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.Incl. fixing
                     Article is delivered part-assembled   1 shelf element frame 336-337.07 is
                     in flat-pack form. The disassembly    required, please order separately.        2 shelf element frames 336-337.07 are
                     tool set 336-375.23 must be ordered                                             required, please order separately.
                     separately.                           Article is delivered part-assembled
                                                           in flat-pack form. The disassembly        Article is delivered part-assembled in
                                                           tool set 336-375.23 must be ordered       flat-pack form.
                                                           separately.                               The disassembly tool set 336-375.23
                                                                                                     must be ordered separately.
                                                                                                     The converter bottom must be ordered

214    1/2022 (EN)
Kado 15

 Square mid-room construction                 Rectangular mid-room                      Rectangular mid-room                         Rectangular mid-room
 400 x 400 x 1600 mm                          ­construction                             ­construction                                ­construction
                                               400 x 800 x 800 mm                        400 x 800 x 1200 mm                          400 x 800 x 1600 mm

                                 d                                           d                                          d
         1600                                       800                                      1200                                         1600

                                                      400              800

                                                                                                400               800
             400           400                                                                                                               400               800

 d = grid of 15 x 100 mm                      d = grid of 7 x 100 mm                    d = grid of 11 x 100 mm                      d = grid of 15 x 100 mm

 All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-         All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-      All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-         All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-
 ment frame to stiffen the construction.      ment frame to stiffen the construction.   ment frame to stiffen the construction.      ment frame to stiffen the construction.
 Please observe the load values of the        Please observe the load values of the     Please observe the load values of the        Please observe the load values of the
 merchandise supports.                        merchandise supports.                     merchandise supports.                        merchandise supports.

    For mid-room constructions with                                                        For mid-room constructions with              For mid-room constructions with
                                              Max. weight load = 45 kg
    a height greater than 1000 mm, a                                                       a height greater than 1000 mm, a             a height greater than 1000 mm, a
    bottoming is essential according to           Observe the assembly and                 bottoming is essential according to          bottoming is essential according to
    DIN EN 16121:2013. If a connection           ­operating instruction                    DIN EN 16121:2013. If a connection           DIN EN 16121:2013. If a connection
    to the floor via a fastening set is not                                                to the floor via a fastening set is not      to the floor via a fastening set is not
    possible, a converter bottom must                                                      possible, a converter bottom must            possible, a converter bottom must
    be used.                                                                               be used.                                     be used.

 Max. weight load = 100 kg                                                              Max. weight load = 60 kg                     Max. weight load = 75 kg

     Observe the assembly and                                                               Observe the assembly and                     Observe the assembly and
    ­operating instruction                                                                 ­operating instruction                       ­operating instruction

 black steel duro                             black steel duro                          black steel duro                             black steel duro
 		336-321.26                                 		336-351.26                              		336-346.26                                 		336-352.26

 Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.                  Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.               Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.                  Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.
 Incl. fixing set.                                                                      Incl. fixing set.                            Incl. fixing set.
                                              1 shelf element frame 336-338.07 is
 3 shelf element frames 336-337.07 are        required, please order separately.        2 shelf element frames 336-338.07 are        3 shelf element frames 336-338.07 are
 required, please order separately.                                                     required, please order separately.           required, please order separately.
                                              Article is delivered part-assembled in
 Article is delivered part-assembled in       flat-pack form.                           Article is delivered part-assembled in       Article is delivered part-assembled in
 flat-pack form.                              The disassembly tool set 336-375.23       flat-pack form.                              flat-pack form.
 The disassembly tool set 336-375.23          must be ordered separately.               The disassembly tool set 336-375.23          The disassembly tool set 336-375.23
 must be ordered separately.                                                            must be ordered separately.                  must be ordered separately.
 The converter bottom must be ordered                                                   The converter bottom must be ordered         The converter bottom must be ordered
 separately.                                                                            separately.                                  separately.

                                                                                                                                                          1/2022 (EN)        215
Kado 15

  Rectangular mid-room                           Square wall construction                   Rectangular wall construction              Shelf element frame
  ­construction                                  400 x 400 x 2400 mm                        400 x 800 x 2400 mm                        400 x 400 mm, for wooden or
   400 x 1200 x 1400 mm                                                                                                                glass shelf

                                       d                                       d
      1400                                               2400                                    2400
                                                                                                                                                   400         400

                            1200                            400                                     400             800
        400                                                             400

  d = grid of 13 x 100 mm                        d = grid of 23 x 100 mm                    d = grid of 23 x 100 mm                    To stiffen the construction.

  All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-           All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-       All 400 mm high require a shelf ele-       Max. weight load = 20 kg
  ment frame to stiffen the construction.        ment frame to stiffen the construction.    ment frame to stiffen the construction.        Observe the assembly and
  Please observe the load values of the          Please observe the load values of the      Please observe the load values of the         ­operating instruction
  merchandise supports.                          merchandise supports.                      merchandise supports.

       For mid-room constructions with              The wall construction is to be faste-      The wall construction is to be faste-
       a height greater than 1000 mm, a             ned to the wall with 4 wall mounts.        ned to the wall with 4 wall mounts.
       bottoming is essential according to          Attach the fastening points as far         Attach the fastening points as far
       DIN EN 16121:2013. If a connection           upwards and directly beneath the           upwards and directly beneath the
       to the floor via a fastening set is not      middle as possible.                        middle as possible.
       possible, a converter bottom must
       be used.                                  Max. weight load = 140 kg                  Max. weight load = 105 kg

                                                     Observe the assembly and                   Observe the assembly and
  Max. weight load = 50 kg
                                                    ­operating instruction                     ­operating instruction
        Observe the assembly and
       ­operating instruction

  black steel duro                               black steel duro                           black steel duro                           black steel duro
  		336-398.26                                   		336-336.26                               		336-347.26                               		336-337.26

  Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.                    Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.                Including 8 glides ø 15 mm.                Including 4 mounts for grid.
  Incl. fixing set.                              Incl. fixing set.                          Incl. fixing set.

  3 shelf element frames 336-401.07 are          5 shelf element frames 336-337.07 are      5 shelf element frames 336-338.07 are
  required, please order separately.             required, please order separately.         required, please order separately.

  Article is delivered part-assembled in         Article is delivered part-assembled in     Article is delivered part-assembled in
  flat-pack form.                                flat-pack form.                            flat-pack form.
  The disassembly tool set 336-375.23            The disassembly tool set 336-375.23        The disassembly tool set 336-375.23
  must be ordered separately.                    must be ordered separately.                must be ordered separately.
  The converter bottom must be ordered           The converter bottom must be ordered       The converter bottom must be ordered
  separately.                                    separately.                                separately.

216          1/2022 (EN)
Kado 15

 Shelf element frame            Shelf element frame            Shelf element support set           Glass shelf element 6 mm
 400 x 800 mm, for wooden or    400 x 1200 mm, for wooden or   for wooden or glass shelf           for shelf element frame
 glass shelf                    glass shelf

                                                                                                                      368          368

                                                                                                               368             768
         400              800                          1200

                                                                                                   3                        1168

 To stiffen the construction.   To stiffen the construction.   To support wood and glass shelf     Safety glass 6 mm, for insertion in
                                                               elements in shelf element frames.   shelf element frame.
 Max. weight load = 15 kg       Max. weight load = 10 kg                                           1 1 shelf element support set
                                                                   Observe the assembly and           336-334.02 is required.
     Observe the assembly and       Observe the assembly and      ­operating instruction
    ­operating instruction         ­operating instruction                                          2 2 shelf element support sets
                                                                                                      336-334.02 are required.
                                                                                                   3 2 shelf element support sets
                                                                                                      336-334.02 are required.

 black steel duro               black steel duro                                                   cto
 		336-338.26                   		336-401.26                   		336-334.02                        368 x 368 mm		365-844.07
                                                                                                   768 x 368 mm		365-848.07
 Including 4 mounts for grid.   Including 4 mounts for grid.   Set of 4 pcs.                       1168 x 368 mm		365-877.07

                                                                                                   When ordering, please select:
                                                                                                   - safety glass, clear or
                                                                                                   - safety glass, satinato or
                                                                                                   - safety glass, satinato with decorative
                                                                                                   film: oak, walnut, black or white
                                                                                                   Minimum order quantity: 5 pcs.

                                                                                                   Delivery time on request.

                                                                                                   Shelf element support set 336-334.02
                                                                                                   ordered separately.

                                                                                                                       1/2022 (EN)        217
Kado 15

  Set of panel fixation clips            Symmetrical support rods           Symmetrical support rods           Asymmetrical support rods
  for wooden back panel                  370 x 400 mm, for mid-room cons-   370 x 800 mm, for mid-room cons-   370 x 400 mm, for wall construction
                                         truction                           truction

                                                    370         400                 370            800                    370         400

  To secure back panels in the square    Max. weight load = 20 kg           Max. weight load = 15 kg           Max. weight load = 20 kg
  holes on the Kado 15 tubes.
                                             Observe the assembly and           Observe the assembly and           Observe the assembly and
      For vertical surfaces only (back      ­operating instruction             ­operating instruction             ­operating instruction
      and side panels).

      Drawing no.:
      203-478 Back panel

       Observe the assembly and
      ­operating instruction

                                         black steel duro                   black steel duro                   black steel duro
  		372-642.06                           		336-348.26                       		336-340.26                       		336-350.26

  Set of 50 pcs.                         Including 4 mounts for grid.       Including 4 mounts for grid.       Including 4 mounts for grid.

218      1/2022 (EN)
Kado 15

 Asymmetrical support rods             Symmetrical support rods            Converter bottom                       Wall mount set
 370 x 800 mm, for wall construction   370 x 1200 mm, for mid-room cons-   for mid-room constructions more than   for wall constructions more than
                                       truction                            1000 mm high                           1600 mm high

                                                                                               368          368

                                                      30 x 15

         370            800                                                              368            768
                                            370                 1200

                                                                            3                        1168

 Max. weight load = 15 kg              Max. weight load = 20 kg            To ensure the tipping stability of     To ensure the tipping stability of high
                                                                           high mid-room constructions (over      wall constructions (over 1600 mm).
     Observe the assembly and              Observe the assembly and        1000 mm).
    ­operating instruction                ­operating instruction                                                      Observe the assembly and
                                                                                 Observe the assembly and            ­operating instruction
                                                                                ­operating instruction

 black steel duro                      black steel duro                    black steel duro                       black steel duro
 		336-339.26                          		336-400.26                        368 x 368 mm		336-509.26               		336-354.26
                                                                           768 x 368 mm		336-510.26
 Including 4 mounts for grid.          Including 4 mounts for grid.        1168 x 368 mm		336-511.26              Set of 4 pcs.

                                                                           Incl. fixing set.                      One wall mount set is required per
                                                                                                                  wall construction.

                                                                                                                                      1/2022 (EN)           219
Kado 15

  Disassembly tool set

  To separate the pipe connections.

       Observe the assembly and
      ­operating instruction


  Set of 4 pcs.

220      1/2022 (EN)
Kado 15

Standard surface finishes

black steel duro*

Special surface finishes

night blue                                   forest green

highland green                               sterling silver duro*

dark bronze                                  rose bronze

champagne gold                               traffic white duro*

light silver duro*

* Duro surface finishes are ideal for all systems, products and
supports that are subject to heavy wear.

                                                                     1/2022 (EN)   221
ISO 9001 / ISO 14001                                                                                            All dimensions are given in millimetres.

The safety of Visplay products is continuously monitored by external                                            Ito      =   Length to order
testing institutes, Intertek Germany and UL (Underwriters Laboratories                                          hto      =   Height to order
Inc.).                                                                                                          cto      =   Colour to order
For electrified systems, the CE marking confirms conformity with the                                            L        =   Length
relevant directives.                                                                                            A        =   Axis
                                                                                                                H        =   Height
All processes in our company are subject to a comprehensive                                                     T        =   Depth
management system which corresponds with the ISO 9001 quality
                                                                                                                Quick delivery program
standard and the ISO 14001 environment standard.
                                                                                                                The following symbols which appear on the left-hand side near the
                                                                                                                part number indicate the delivery time for each individual item:
                                                                                                                ˜ = Delivery time: up to 5 working days ex works Weil am Rhein,
Copyright ©
                                                                                                                 = Delivery time: up to 10 working days ex works Weil am Rhein,
All products by Visplay and their names are protected by intellectual                                                Germany
property rights. This protection is valid for the basic system along with                                       All other items on request.
the merchandise supports and accessories.                                                                       Longer delivery times may occur in the event of exceptionally strong
In the event of infringement, Visplay reserves the right
to take legal steps.                                                                                            Air freight
                                                                                                                Items which are to be dispatched by air must not exceed a total length
• Our general conditions of delivery and sale are valid for all orders.                                         of 3 metres.
• We reserve the right to make technical and formal alterations.
                                                                                                                   Drawings of wooden and glass shelves
                                                                                                                Production drawings of shelves with the 6 digit part number are
                                                                                                                available for download in the product area and in the download
                                                                                                                centre at www.visplay.com or can be received on request.

                                                                                                                    Assembly and operating instructions
                                                                                                                Special assembly and operating instructions exist for all products by
                                                                                                                Visplay in order to guarantee the functions and safety. These
                                                                                                                instructions contain important information e.g. maximum weight loads,
                                                                                                                assembly dimensions or information on the correct assembly and use.
                                                                                                                The respective assembly and operating instructions are included in the
                                                                                                                delivery of our systems. A general catalogue is also available on
                                                                                                                request for planning purposes. The assembly and operating
                                                                                                                instructions are available for download in the product area and in the
                                                                                                                download centre at www.visplay.com.

Visplay always tries to respect the rights of third parties. Should it not be stated in individual cases, this is an oversight and will be corrected accordingly.
You can get in touch with us by email or by phone.
  Contact details for our offices can be found here:

www.visplay.com info@visplay.com
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