June 8, 2020 - Hampton Township School District

Page created by Valerie Price
June 8, 2020 - Hampton Township School District
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020 - Hampton Township School District
The Hampton Township Board of School Directors

Bryant Wesley II, Esq.                        Board President
Mrs. Jill Hamlin                              Board Vice President
Ms. Denise Balason                            Board Secretary/Facilities Chair
Mr. Matt Jarrell                              Transportation Chair
Mrs. Joy Midgley                              Personnel Chair
Mr. Robert Shages                             Board Treasurer/Policy & Legislative Affairs Chair
Mr. Larry Vasko                               Finance Chair
Mr. Greg Stein                                Technology Chair
Mrs. Trisha Webb                              Student Affairs Chair

This Hampton Township Board of School Directors meeting was held by video conference, a step
taken to maintain the social distancing required due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

              Members of Administration in Attendance
Dr. Michael Loughead                          Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Rebecca Cunningham                        Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Jeff Kline                                Director of Administrative Services
Dr. Ed McKaveney                              Director of Technology
Mr. Joshua Cable                              High School Assistant Principal
June 8 Voting Meeting of the Hampton Township School Board

Approval of Minutes

The Board unanimously approved the minutes from the May 4, 2020 and May 11, 2020 Board meetings.

                                    Treasurer’s Report and Payment of Bills

The Board unanimously approved the following:
• May 2020 Disbursements
       o General Fund: 10 disbursements totaling $3,170,600.93
       o High School Construction Fund: 35 disbursements totaling $70,308.00
       o Cafeteria Fund: 50 Disbursements totaling $42,747.28
• April 2020 Treasurer's Report
• April 2020 Student Activities Fund Report

                                             Board President’s Report

Mr. Wesley reported that the Board has held two executive sessions to discuss legal and personnel matters since the last
public meeting.

He expressed appreciation to the administration and the high school administrators for the incredible diploma award
ceremony, especially under the circumstances. He and most of the Board members were able to attend.

Mr. Wesley gave a special thanks to the teachers and administration for their hard work in the District’s remote learning
program during the COVID-19 closure.

                                             Board Secretary’s Report

There was no report this evening.

                                                  Solicitor’s Report

There was no report this evening.

                                             Superintendent’s Report
Diploma Ceremony

Dr. Loughead echoed Mr. Wesley’s comments about the great work the high school administrators put into the diploma
award ceremony. He thanked students and families for how patient and respectful they were with a challenging event that
was different from anything the District had done before. He also expressed gratitude to the Township’s first responders,
including police and fire police, and the maintenance team members for their assistance.

Dr. Loughead also expressed his appreciation to the Board for supporting the Administration as it navigated a situation that
changed from week to week and even day to day. He complimented District students and faculty for navigating through an
unprecedented spring to a successful resolution.

                                                                                                                Page 3
Fall Repopening

Dr. Loughead said the District has received some guidance about reopening schools from the Pennsylvania Department of
Education, and he will be reaching out to different members of the District community to help with planning.

There are several different options for reopening Pennsylvania schools, based on their county’s phase of re-opening.
Hampton expects to be in either the green or yellow phase, and is thus planning for a brick-and-mortar, face-to-face

The District will also offer a virtual education option (The Hampton Online Academy) for students and families who would
prefer not to return to a school building. The District will be reaching out in the next week to alert families that this option is
available and will offer information on how to enroll for those who are interested.

The start date of the new school year remains August 20, 2020.

Comments on the Superintendent’s Report

Mr. Stein said he has received fantastic feedback from all who attended the diploma ceremony. Family members said that
being down on the field with students receiving a diploma was actually preferable to the typical graduation ceremony
seating in the stands, and suggested the District look at adopting this new way as standard practice. Dr. Loughead
thanked him for the feedback, and noted that there were several things the District implemented in order to comply with
COVID-19 pandemic requirements that worked so well, they may be used in the future.

Ms. Hamlin, who is the parent of a senior, said she and other parents are very thankful to live in the Hampton Township
School District. Finishing senior year in the ways that COVID-19 required was difficult, she said, and the seniors really
needed something special like the diploma ceremony to acknowledge their accomplishments.

                                                Student Affairs Agenda
Approval of 2020-2021 Middle School and High School Student Handbooks and Code of Conduct

Mrs. Webb described two wording changes to the handbook language discussed at last week’s Board Work Session. The
Board adopted the handbooks with those revisions unanimously.

                                           Educational Programs Agenda
Comprehensive Plan, Part II

Mrs. Hamlin moved that the Board approve Part II of the Comprehensive Plan, which was discussed at length during the
June 1 Board Work Session. The Board adopted the plan unanimously.

2020-2021 Textbook Approval

The Board unanimously approved adoption of the textbooks for the following classes: Elementary Music, Grades 6 & 7;
Reading; Honors Geography; AP Statistics; AP U.S. History; and Elementary Science, Grades 1 & 2. The vote followed
significant discussions at the June 1 Board Work Session and the Budget Meeting.

                                                                                                                     Page 4
Addendum: 2020-2021 Agreement for Virtual Educational Program Options with Waterfront Learning for Hampton
Online Academy

After discussion, the Board unanimously passed the agreement with Waterfront Learning, a service of the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit, as another provider for online learning.

In response to Board Members’ questions, Dr. Loughead and High School Assistant Principal Joshua Cable provided the
following details regarding the Hampton Online Academy:

•    While Hampton school buildings are expected to open in the fall, some families may not yet feel comfortable
     returning. Students can enroll now in the Hampton Online Academy and make a final decision later. This program is
     free for Hampton students.
•    A 10-business-day trial period allows students to try the Academy to see if it is a good fit before
     committing. Students can enroll on a quarterly basis and return to the physical school if and when they wish.
•    Because Hampton Online Academy is part of the District, this program offers many benefits over online charter
       o    Students stay connected to their school community.
       o    While enrolled in the Hampton Online Academy, students receive support from their Hampton principals and
            school counselors.
       o    Students enrolled in the Hampton Online Academy can participate in Hampton’s tutoring program, after-school
            program, and extracurricular activities.
       o    Students who graduate from Hampton Online Academy receive a Hampton diploma.

It costs the District less than $4,000 for each student who enrolls in the Hampton Online Academy, compared to about
$13,750 for every student who enrolls in a cyber charter school. Mr. Shages noted that the cost differential – especially
considering the quality of the program and the additional Hampton District benefits that come with the Hampton Online
Academy – points to an ongoing issue with the cost of charter schools. Mr. Shages, who is the Board’s legislative chair,
said he has been in contact with state representatives and senators about this issue, and encouraged everyone to make
similar calls.

Additional information about Hampton Online Academy is available on the District’s website at www.ht-sd.org or by
contacting Josh Cable at cable@ht-sd.org or 412-492-6377.

                                         Selection of Board Treasurer
The Board unanimously re-appointed Mr. Shages as Board Treasurer.

                                                 Facilities Agenda
There was no report this evening.

                                            Finance Agenda, Revised
Budget Transfers

The Board unanimously approved the following budget transfers, a revised agenda item, totaling $41,574.09:

•    District: System-wide Software $15,390.45
•    Elementary: Equipment $3,456.87
•    Elementary: Software $18,523.37
•    Secondary: Software $4,203.40

Mr. Kline noted these transfers were needed to balance out the technology accounts.

                                                                                                              Page 5
2020-2021 Allegheny Intermediate Unit Service Agreement

This annual agreement, which outlines the list of services provided to the District by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, was
passed unanimously.

2020-2021 Worker’s Compensation Insurance

This agreement secures workers’ compensation insurance coverage with UPMC through Arthur J. Gallagher Risk
Management Services, Inc. at an estimated cost of $110,354. It was passed unanimously with Mr. Wesley abstaining
because he works for UPMC.

2020-2021 District Insurance Coverage

The Board unanimously approved coverage through Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc., effective July 1,
2020 through June 30, 2021 as follows:

•     Package (including Auto & Boiler) $111,928.00
•     Educators (Legal Liability) $ 32,953.00
•     Umbrella $ 6,723.00
•     Cyber $ 8,974.00
•     Environmental Liability $ 11,212.00

2020-2021 Student Accident Insurance Coverage

The Board unanimously approved coverage with Bollinger Specialty Group, through the Arthur J. Gallagher Risk
Management Services, Inc. at a cost of $11,076, effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

2020-21 Non-Resident Tuition Rates

The Board unanimously approved the rates as follows:

                              2020-2021 Yearly           2020-2021 Quarterly                2019-2020 Yearly
                                                                                             (information only)

    Kindergarten                   $6,546                      $1,636.50                         $6,161

    Elementary (Gr 1-6)            $13,091                     $3,272.75                         $12,321

    Secondary (Gr 7-12             $13,633                     $3,408.25                         $12,953

Payment of the June and July 2020 Invoices

The Board unanimously approved payment of the June and July 2020 invoices, which will be ratified at the August 10,
2020 Voting Meeting.

Substitute Services Agreement with North Allegheny School District

The Board unanimously approved the Substitute Services Agreement with North Allegheny School District to provide day-
to-day substitute teachers.

                                                                                                                  Page 6
Approval of the General Fund Committed Fund Balance “Stabilization Fund” (Previously the “PSERS Stabilization
The Board approved the following appropriations and draw schedule:

               YEAR                                   Current                                      Updated

            2020-2021                                 505,000                                      625,000

            2021-2022                                 430,000                                      575,000

            2022-2023                                 352,000                                      525,000

            2023-2024                                 265,000                                      400,000

            2024-2025                                 172,000                                      300,000

            2025-2026                                 172,000                                      200,000

            2026-2027                                 70,000                                        94,000

               Total                                 1,794,000                                    2,719,000

2020-2021 Final Budget

The Board approved the 2020-2021 Final Budget with an 8-1 vote, with revenues of $53,999,584, expenditures of
$55,124,584 and the utilization of $625,000 from the Stabilization Fund and $500,000 from the unassigned fund
balance. The real estate tax rate will increase from 19.38 mills to 19.71 mills, which represents an increase of 0.33 mills
or 1.70%.

Mr. Vasko voted against the budget because it did not include a student activities fee fund. He proposed that only those
students who participate in activities would pay into the fund, which would offset expenses currently covered by tax
dollars. The District’s senior citizens especially need more tax relief, he said. A student activities fee fund is not currently
part of the budget.

Mr. Wesley said it was difficult for all Board Members to vote for a tax increase, especially this year. However, he is
confident the administration cut everything possible without jeopardizing the integrity of academic programs. He said it
was important to continue to contribute to the Stabilization Fund, because next year may also be a financial challenge.

Mr. Jarrell said he was impressed by the strategic and tactical way the District Leadership Team addressed the budget
shortfall created by the anticipated drop in tax revenue brought on by the economic impact of COVID-19.

2020-2021 Homestead/Farmstead Resolution

The Board unanimously approved the resolution, an annual requirement for the distribution of the Act 1 gaming funds to
the District’s residents. The District will receive $859,023 to distribute to 5,503 approved property owners. The
distribution is through an assessed value reduction on the tax bill and will amount to a decrease of $156.10 per
approved property. The recent state proposal to reduce the statewide distribution by 55% was reworked by the state
legislature by allocating funds from the State’s CARES funding.

                                                                                                                    Page 7
Adjusted 2020-2021 Real Estate Tax Collection Due Dates

The Board unanimously approved the following changes to the Real Estate Tax Collection Due Dates:

Please copy the formatted list from the June 8 meeting.
          Description                          Existing Dates                             Proposed Dates
   2% Discount Period Ends                       August 31st                               September 30th
       Face Period Ends                         October 31st                               November 30th
  10% Penalty Period Begins                     November 1st                               December 1st
  Installment Dates
               #1                            1/3 on August 31st                          1/4 on August 31st
               #2                            1/3 on October 31st                         1/4 on October 31st
               #3                           1/3 on December 31st                        1/4 on December 31st
               #4                                                                       1/4 on February 28th

                                                  Personnel Agenda

The Board unanimously approved the following personnel items:


The Board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Jansen Jamison, who is resigning effective July 1, 2020. (Mrs. Jamison is a
Class III Paraeducator at Hampton Middle School.)


1. The Board approved the following professional employees who have attained tenure status effective June 8, 2020:

Claire Leventis, Poff Elementary Teacher
Sarah Rassau, High School Teacher
Dejana Smajic, Middle School Teacher
Rachel Zang, Wyland Elementary Teacher


2. The Board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Vera Coleman, who is retiring after 32 years with the District effective
August 7, 2020. (Mrs. Coleman is a Class VII-Benefits Specialist for the District.)

3. The Board approved a 3% salary increase for the 2020-2021 School Year for the following for:

Executive Assistants
Technology Technicians
Health Office Nurses
Safety & Security Specialist

                                                                                                                Page 8
4. The Administration recommended and the Board approved the following conditional appointments for 2020-2021, each
at a rate of $139 per point, with each such appointment being conditioned on the District making a subsequent
determination that the supplementary position and work associated with such position is needed and approved and will
continue during the coronavirus pandemic following future guidance from the Commonwealth. Each appointment shall be
effective only where the position is approved and operational and where the work associated with such position is actually
being performed. This conditional appointment does not obligate the District to approve some, all or any of the
supplementary positions for 2020-2021 and does not guarantee any of the persons listed below that his or her
supplementary position will be needed and in place, or that it will continue uninterrupted, in 2020-2021:
        NAME                                  POSITION                          BUILDING POINTS      RANGE
Patricia Boretsky     Kindergarten – Grade Level Curriculum Leader                            15      11/15    $2,085
Courtenay Garrett     Grade 1 – Grade Level Curriculum Leader                                 15      11/15    $2,085
Shanna Struble        Grade 2 – Grade Level Curriculum Leader                                 15      11/15    $2,085
Lisa Milsom           Grade 3 – Grade Level Curriculum Leader                                 11      11/15    $1,529
Wendi Hunter          Grade 4 (Language Arts) Curriculum Leader                               12      11/15    $2,085
Lauren Mytinger       Grade 4 (Math) Curriculum Leader                                        11      11/15    $1,529
Joell McMonigal       Grade 5 (Language Arts) Curriculum Leader                               14      11/15    $1,946
Stephanie Moser       Grade 5 (Math) Curriculum Leader                                        15      11/15    $2,085
Hartley Kennedy       6-12 Business & Computers Department Liaison                             7       5/7      $973
Melinda Jackson       6-12 Family & Consumer Science Department Liaison                        7       5/7      $973
Ryan Scott            6-12 Technology Education Department Liaison                             7       5/7      $973
Kelly Koble           K-12 Art Department Liaison                                              7       6/8      $973
Sean Desguin          K-12 Music Department Liaison                                            7       6/8      $973
Mark Gartner          K-12 Physical Education Department Liaison                              13      11/15    $1,087
Dina Dunmire          Bus Monitor                                                  Poff       12       12      $1,668
Dina Dunmire          Safety Patrol Sponsor                                        Poff        5        5       $695
John Lee              AV-Computer Coordinator                                      Poff       22      18/22    $3,058
Greg Shumaker         AV-Computer Coordinator                                      MS         28      22/28    $3,892
Michele Hurst         Activity Director                                            MS         22      18/22    $3,058
Lori Palmer           Student Council Sponsor                                      MS         18      15/19    $2,502
David Hartman         Yearbook Sponsor                                             MS         30      24/30    $4,170
Joseph Lagnese        Bus Monitor “A”                                              MS         12       12      $1,668
Hartley Kennedy       Bus Monitor “B”                                              MS         12       12      $1,668
David Hartman         English Department Head                                      MS         17      13/17    $2,363
Brian Molinero        Math Department Head                                         MS         17      13/17    $2,363
Sheree Lucas          Reading Department Head                                      MS         17      13/17    $2,363
Michele Hurst         Science Department Head                                      MS         19      15/19    $2,641
Greg Shumaker         Social Studies Department Head                               MS         17      13/17    $2,363
Amy Holtz             Special Education Department Head                            MS         15      13/17    $2,224
Dave Sheets           Team Leader “A”                                              MS         10       10      $1,390
Mary Bukovac          Team Leader “B”                                              MS         10       10      $1,390
Lori Palmer           Team Leader “C”                                              MS         10       10      $1,390
Jamie Pillar          Team Leader “D”                                              MS         10       10      $1,390
Stacie Sespico        Team Leader “E”                                              MS         10       10      $1,390
Jay D’Ambrosio        Team Leader “F”                                              MS         10       10      $1,390
Chad Himmler          Band Director                                                HS         65      53/65    $9,035
Sean Desguin          Band Assistant 1                                             HS         44      36/44    $6,116
Charlie Houck         Band Assistant 2                                             HS         38      36/44    $5,282
Shannon Shaffer       Band Assistant 3                                             HS         25      20/25    $3,475
Lena Clary            Band Assistant – Percussion                                  HS         24      20/25    $3,336
Christina Nowak       Band Assistant – Color Guard                                 HS         34      26/34    $4,726
Leighann Bacher       Band Assistant – Dance Drill Team                            HS         34      26/34    $4,726
Jacque DeMatteo       Football – Varsity Head Coach                                HS         70      58/70    $9,730
Ron Gooden            Football – Varsity First Assistant                           HS         46      38/46    $6,394
Ron Budziszewski      Football – Varsity Assistant “A”                             HS         41      33/41    $5,699

                                                                                                              Page 9
         NAME                                POSITION                      BUILDING   POINTS     RANGE
 Steve Sciullo            Football – Varsity Assistant “B”                    HS         41       33/41    $5,699
 Ryan Budziszewski        Football – Varsity Assistant “C”                    HS         41       33/41    $5,699
 Scott Breen              Football – Varsity Assistant “D”                    HS         41       33/41    $5,699
 Scott Breen              Volunteer Football Coach                            HS
 Dave Interthal           Volunteer Football Coach                            HS
 Michael Shannon          Middle School Head Football Coach                   MS         34       28/36    $4,726

 Wes Freeborough          Middle School Assistant Football Coach              MS         31       23/31    $4,309

 Sean Gally               Middle School Assistant Football Coach              MS         29       23/31    $4,031
 Dean Longwell            Boys’ Cross Country – Head Coach                    HS         35       27/35    $4,865
 Heather Dietz            Girls’ Cross Country – Head Coach                   HS         35       27/35    $4,865
 Dave Sheets              Middle School Head Cross Country Coach              MS         27       19/27    $3,753
 Catherine Close          MS Asst. “A” Cross Country Coach                    MS         20       15/20    $2,780
 Jennifer Schrom          Volleyball – MS Head Coach                          MS         23       15/23    $3,197
 Dainen Holler            Volleyball – MS Asst. Coach                         MS         14       10/14    $1,946
 Matt McAwley             Boys’ Soccer – Head Coach                           HS         49       37/49    $6,811
 Josh Casey               Boys’ Soccer – Assistant Coach                      HS         35       27/35    $4,865
 Jon McAwley              Volunteer Boys’ Soccer Coach                        HS
 Jeff Bauman              Boys’ Soccer – Head MS Coach                        MS         28       20/28    $3,892
 John Galiotto            Boys’ Soccer – Assistant MS Coach                   MS         23       16/23    $3,197
 Bill Paholich            Girls’ Soccer – Head Coach                          HS         49       37/49    $6,811
 Suzanne Pagano           Girls’ Soccer – Assistant Coach                     HS         33       27/35    $4,587
 Amy Shane                Girls’ Soccer – Head MS Coach                       MS         28       20/28    $3,892
 Michael Zebrine          Girls’ Soccer – Asst. MS Coach                      MS         23       16/23    $3,197
 Bruce Steckel            Golf – Head Coach                                   HS         20       16/20    $2,780
 Kellen Wheeler           Golf – JV Coach                                     HS         19       15/19    $2,641
 Joe Gally                Volunteer Golf Coach
 Grant McKinney           Girls’ Tennis – Head Coach                          HS         33       25/33    $4,587
 Sara Long                Girls’ Tennis – Assistant Coach                     HS         18       16/20    $2,502
 Chelsea Niehaus          Varsity Cheerleader Head Coach                      HS         39       36/44    $5,282
 Austin Wolf              Junior Varsity Cheerleader Coach                    HS         36       28/36    $5,004
 Nicole Relihan           7th & 8th Grade Cheerleading Coach                  MS         28       24/28    $3,892

 Kathy Long               Competitive Spirit Cheerleading Coach               HS         28       24/28    $3,892

Personnel Agenda Comments

The Board congratulated the four teachers who were granted tenure.

The Board thanked the retiring Mrs. Vera Coleman for her 32 years of service. Mr. Shages noted she has been the first
person anyone sees when entering the District Office, and she greets everyone with a smile that will be missed. Dr.
Loughead noted Mrs. Coleman has been looking forward to her retirement and could have left a month ago, but selflessly
stayed to help get the District through the COVID closure.

Mr. Wesley said the salary increases for the Executive Assistants, Technology Technicians, Safety and Security Specialist,
and Health Office Nurses were very much deserved. He noted how hard all of them work to help students and families,
particularly over the past three months.

                                                                                                             Page 10
Policy & Legislative Agenda
There was no report this evening.

                                              Transportation Agenda
ABC Transit Contract

The Board unanimously approved the five-year contract extension with ABC Transit for student transportation services
from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2025, per their proposal dated June 2, 2020, pending final review and approval by the
District Solicitor.

School Closure Transportation Addendum

The Board voted 8-0 to approve transportation addendums for the 2020 school closure with ABC Transit, Monark Student
Transportation Corp., and WL Roenigk Inc. subject to addendum approval by the District’s solicitor and the contractors.
The District will pay 62% of the contractors’ daily rates for regular daily student transportation. This percentage excludes
field trips, athletic trips, charters or other non-routine transportation. Mr. Jarrell abstained from the vote because his law
firm works with one of the companies.

                                                 Technology Agenda
There was no report this evening.

                                            A.W. Beattie Career Center
Mr. Stein said contract negotiations are ongoing.

                               Hampton Alliance for Educational Excellence
Mrs. Midgley reported that HAEE has approved a $20,000 grant for Phase 1 of the creation of a new Learning Pavilion at
Hampton Middle School. The Learning Pavilion will be an active and collaborative learning experience for middle school
students, she said. Highlights include an interactive world map and an arcade system which will allow students to
experience an augmented reality – the physical world enhanced with virtual reality elements.

Planning continues for HAEE’s annual race, which may need to be virtual due to COVID-19.

HAEE is asking District families to designate HAEE as the recipient of Amazon Smile donations tied to their online

Ms. Midgley thanked Dr. Cunningham for the publicity HAEE grant projects received in the Hampton News and Hampton
Journal, which she hoped would inspire businesses to make donations to HAEE, even though this is a tough time,
economically. Dr. Cunningham thanked HAEE, and highlighted the phenomenal support that the organization gives to the
students and teachers at Hampton.

                                                                                                                 Page 11
Public Comment
Ms. Alicia Rounds said the distance learning program put together by the District in response to the pandemic was
mostly amazing. Her daughter’s one issue was that her daughter’s zoom account was sometimes problematic. She said
she solved the problem by allowing her daughter to use a desktop computer instead of the District laptop.

Dr. McKaveney said that families should reach out anytime there is a technology issue they cannot solve, and the
sooner, the better, as determining what caused the problem can become more difficult with passing time. He
encouraged families to use the contact information on the District’s website to report any problems immediately.

Mr. Mark Farbaugh asked why the District was not putting the entire amount of the state security grant into the budget.
Mr. Kline explained that the District had already planned to spend $25,000 on COVID-related security issues.

                                                                                                               Page 12
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