June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware

Page created by Jeffrey Medina
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Community @pg3         Health @pg24

                                                                                               Food & Dining @pg19

                                                   Business @pg22

Town Square LIVE             @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com

      June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23

                                          Stay Connected @pg28                                  Government @pg8
                   Town Square LIVE    @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com                                    1
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
                                                                                                                     Photo Credit: ann lebengood

Community .................................3
Government ............................... 8
Food & Dining........................... 19
Business...................................... 22
Health ..........................................24
Stay Connected .................... 28

 sun’s out and so are diners                    help renters avoid eviction                  new beach restaurants

                          Town Square LIVE            @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com                                                   2
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Photo credit: deborah felmey

  Community     Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   3
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Community                                                          SUN’S OUT,                                                                                      r   e a s t Canc
                                                                   AND SO ARE                                                                                  e B                  er


                                                                   DINERS IN THE

                                                                                                                                                   De l

                                                                   STREETS AROUND                                                                              years
                                                                   DELAWARE                                                                                        of service
                                                                   & Village. Details will soon be posted on https://de-
                                                                                                                                   The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) has been connecting
                                                                     Milford                                                          and supporting breast cancer survivors, and their families in
                                                                     Third Thursday blocks off two blocks of Milford’s                      communities across Delaware for over 30 years!
                                                                   South Walnut Street on the third Thursday of the month.         DBCC offers breast cancer survivors a variety of resources including:
                                                                                                                                    financial aid, personalized support, health programs, activities, and
                                                                   The event resumed in May after months of a pandemic           events with other breast cancer survivors to foster healing and recovery.
 BY BETSY PRICE                                                    blackout. Downtown Milford, Inc. has a list of partici-
                                                                   pants, many with discounts.
   Areas around Delaware are tempting diners (and                    Newark
 drinkers—and shoppers) with special events in which                 The 17th annual Newark Food & Brew Fest is noon to
 the dining spreads onto sidewalks, parking spots, parks           7 p.m. July 31. It’s indoors, in more than a dozen down-
 or the streets.                                                   town restaurants, but it’s also an easy to to savor 4-ounce
   They were popular last year because the risk of being           samples of more than 50 beers.
 infected with COVID-19 is lower outdoors and being                  Main Street Alfresco will continue every Wednesday
                                                                                                                                  Having gone through                                             I gained both peace
 able to offer outside seating kept a lot of restaurants afloat.   through September, with the exception of National Night        my own journey with            Your financial help was
                                                                                                                                                                   amazing and got me               and strength from
                                                                                                                                   breast cancer, I am            through a very difficult       observing life through
   But restauranteurs say many diners prefer to eat out-           Out, scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 3. National Night Out             passionate about the
                                                                                                                                  work that DBCC does          few months. Food or bills       nature during my breast
                                                                                                                                                                   is a real struggle I’m       cancer journey. It gives
 doors, except for extremes of heat and cold.                      and Main Street Alfresco will be combined for that one        to make the path more
                                                                                                                                     bearable. DBCC             learning to deal with but
                                                                                                                                                                   your help was great.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     you a wonderful
                                                                                                                                 provides solidarity and                                       reassurance that nature
   Here’s a some of the places offering outdoor events,            week. Restaurants, as the name confirms, expand onto          knowledgable direction         I hope I can explain how
                                                                                                                                                               difficult it is for someone
                                                                                                                                                                                               is a cycle and proof that
                                                                                                                                   for people who are                                          life and nature do go on
 plus a few themed unifying festivals:                             Main Street.                                                     newly diagnosed.           dealing with this can be.            in a beautiful way.

   The 11th Delaware Beer, Wine & Spirits Festival runs                          CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
                                                                                                                                   To learn more, volunteer, or to donate to                  debreastcancer.org
 4-7:30 p.m. Aug. 28 at the Delaware Agricultural Museum                                                                         support DBCC's work in our communities visit:

                            Town Square LIVE          @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com                                                                                                                         4
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Community                                                                                                                    Standard tall tickseed.
                                                                                                                               Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve ‘Bluebird’ (Aster
                                                                                                                             laevis ‘Bluebird’) was ranked as the No. 1 aster in an
                                                                                                                             evaluation study at Mt. Cuba. Bluebird smooth aster
                                                                                                                             is a perennial discovered in 1988 in Connecticut and
                                                                                                                             introduced to the trade in 1994.
                                                                                                                               Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome’ (Aster
                                                                                                                             novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome’) “evokes feelings of garden
                                                                                                                             mums, but it’s native, and that alone is reason enough
                                                                                                                             to grow them,” said Sam Hoadley, Mt. Cuba’s trial garden
                                                                                                                               Solidago sphacelata ‘Golden Fleece’ was introduced by
                                                                                                                             Mt. Cuba in 1985. Golden Fleece autumn goldenrod is
 MT. CUBA LAUNCHES                                                                                                           a compact and adaptable perennial.
                                                                                                                               Upcoming events
 NATIVE PLANT                                                                                                                  The next Twilight on the Terrace is 5-8 p.m. June 18.
                                                                                                                             Tickets are free-$15. The music will be by Stacia LaChole
 COLLECTION                                                                                                                  & the Blac Soul Band, with food by Uncle John’s BBQ
                                                                                                                             and Burgers by Wildwich.
                                                                                                                               Birds in Action, running 3-4 p.m. June 19, is a free-
                                                                                                                             flight show. It’s included in admission.
 BY KEN MAMMARELLA                                                                                                             Christina in the Gardens, running 6-7:30 p.m. June
   Mt. Cuba Center has launched the Mt. Cuba Collection,        5 featured plants                                            25, features student performers from the Christina
 a branded selection of native plants that the Hockessin        Iris versicolor ‘Purple Flame’ is a perennial that thrived   Cultural Arts Center. Tickets are free-$15.
 botanic garden has introduced to commercial production.      near Mt. Cuba’s ponds for decades before being introduced        Nature as Therapy, running 12:30-3:30 p.m. June 26,
   The first five plants are available at garden retailers    to trade in 2020. Purple Flame blue flag emerges with          is a $49 garden walk and take-home planting.
 through early fall. Mt. Cuba was asked to name local         eggplant-purple foliage, eventually turning green, but
 retailers where the plants are available.                    bringing back the purple with its flowers.
   These plants “support healthy habitats by providing          Coreopsis tripteris ‘Gold Standard’ gets its name from
 homes and food for wildlife,” Jeff Downing, Mt. Cuba’s       its bright color and its superior performance when
 executive director, said in a statement. “By adding native   compared to the straight species in Mt. Cuba’s 2015 trial.
 plants to your garden, you can contribute to a healthier     The perennial, derived from seeds collected in Alabama,
 ecosystem.”                                                  was introduced in 2016 and is commonly called Gold

                          Town Square LIVE        @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                                                                          5
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Community                                                          YMCAS TO OFFER
                                                                   FREE SUMMER
                                                                   FOR TEENS                                                       don’t
                                                                   youth develop through positive experiences, especially
                                                                   as the pandemic that isolated many people is easing.
                                                                     “The last year has been a challenging one for all of us,
                                                                   especially our children and teens. It is more important
 BY BETSY PRICE                                                    than ever that we keep our young people engaged in
                                                                   positive experiences, and we can do that in a healthy
   Encouraging teens to Take On Summer, YMCA of                    and safe environment at the Y,” said Deborah Bagatta-
 Delaware is offering free summer memberships for                  Bowles, CEO. “Providing opportunities for youth is at
 those ages 12 to 17.                                              the heart of our mission.”
   Dajour Jones who has been a part of the program for four          She said Take On Summer is designed to help cultivate
 years at the Bear/Glasgow YMCA is excited to return.              values, skills and relationships that lead to positive
   “I love it,” Jones said. “In the part of Delaware that I live   behaviors, better health and educational achievement.
 I didn’t really have friends like that before the program.          Jones said that his favorite part of the program is the
 When I went to this program I got to interact with a              trips that the group would go on, especially to Wells Fargo
 variety of different children.”                                   Center and the Lincoln Financial Field. Jones also quite
   Jones said that spending time in the pool, playing              enjoyed the community outreach that the group has
 games and going on trips with other people his age built          done, which taught him the importance of giving back.
 a comradery that was really important to him.                       “I’ve gotten a lot of maturity out of it. I’ve gotten a lot
   The memberships start June 15 and will include access           more balanced and caring,” Jones said. “We’ve picked
 to the YMCA fitness facilities and pools, as well as              up trash and things like that for the community. It’s           Enroll now.
 in-person and virtual activities including workforce              made me a better person overall.”
 development, leaders in training, youth government,
 black achievers and teen nights.                                                 CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
   The Y wants the free memberships to help Delaware’s

                            Town Square LIVE          @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com                                                    6
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
                                                                                                                                  WORRIED YOUR TEEN WILL
                                                                                                                                   SPEND THE SUMMER
                                                                                                                                      ON THE COUCH?

                                                                                                                                  LEARN NEW SKILLS & BUILD WORK ETHIC

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 WELCOMING TOURS                                                                                                                      FREE 'JOB MATCH' SERVICES
                                                                                                                                      CLICK TO LEARN MORE OR VISIT


   The East End Lighthouse in Lewes is shining brighter than   But with time comes wear and then disrepair, and the         made breakwater, creating a safe harbor for ships during
 ever, thanks to restoration efforts over the pandemic.        Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs stepped in       a storm. When it was a working lighthouse, it proved
   Work on the historical breakwater lighthouse was            to preserve the structure for future generations to enjoy.   vital for ships and boats to know where they were at sea.
 completed this past December, with work lasting                 There is no public access to the East End Lighthouse.        The breakwater was initially commissioned by Congress
 throughout the summer of 2020.                                However, Cape Water Tours and Taxi out of Lewes charters     and President John Quincy Adams in 1825. Each
   Delaware’s Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs      trips to the structure.                                      massive stone was painstakingly brought down from a
 did structural repairs on the 136-year-old building and         The structure has a shiny coat of reddish brown, black     New York, quarry and hand-laid into the structure.
 had it repainted. New windows were added, along with          and white paint. The inside still smells of the oil needed     On the tours, curators provide historical narration
 pylon restructuring and extensive ironwork. Extensive         to keep the light lit during its early days. Most of the     and information about the lighthouse and breakwater.
 rust removal was also part of the task.                       rust is gone off the walls inside and a historical plaque      Guests can get out off tour boats and explore the lighthouse,
   Initially going into service in 1885 and decommissioned     commemorates the structure’s importance.                     including climbing metal rungs for the remarkable view
 in 1996, the lighthouse is an iconic Lewes landmark.            Standing at 45 feet tall, the lighthouse sits on a man-    from the top.

                          Town Square LIVE         @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                                                                              7
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Photo Credit: Deb Felmey

  Government     Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   8
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Government                                                      MORE SAFE
                                                                LIKELY FOR
                                                                whip and a bill sponsor, was also emailed for comment.
                                                                  Nicole Poore, the committee’s vice-chair, applauded
                                                                the bill and asked to be added as a sponsor.
   A bill to allow families to safely surrender babies at         Melanie Ross Levin, director of Delaware Office of
 Delaware’s police stations received only positive comments     Women’s Advancement and Advocacy, also praised the
 at a Senate Health & Social Services hearing Wednesday.        expansion, because it “provides immunity from criminal
   SB 161 expands the safe haven concept from hospitals,        prosecution.”
 and the idea came from nurses at ChristianaCare, according       Only one or two babies have been surrendered under
 to Sen. Marie Pinkney, the bill’s primary sponsor.
                                                                                                                                     Get vaccinated before
                                                                current law, Pinkney said, and officials don’t expect an influx
   “Abandonment of a baby is an irresponsible act,” the         by allowing for surrendering to occur at more places.                 June 29 and you’re
 bill says, and safe havens “prevent the unnecessary risk         There was some concern that security cameras and                automatically entered to win.
 of harm to or death of that baby” by a “desperate” parent.     the lack of privacy at hospitals discourage them becoming
   The state reached out to police and fire departments.        safe havens, Pinkney said, but Poore noted that police               From biweekly winners to two
 Police agencies were receptive, Pinkney said, but fire         stations pose the same issue.                                       low-number license plates and
 departments were not. They’re mostly volunteer, she              Illinois addresses the privacy issue by establishing safe         ONE BIG $302,000 PAYOUT —
 said, and representatives feared that they did not have        haven boxes, with alarms that register when babies are                getting vaccinated has never
 the abilities and facilities to care for surrendered babies.   dropped off, Pinkney said.                                               been more rewarding.
   Committee members Brian Pettyjohn, the Senate’s
 minority whip, and David L. Wilson, did not speak at                                                                               Visit DEwins.org for the details
 the virtual committee meeting about the bill and were                                                                                and the entire list of prizes.
 emailed for comment. Gerald Hocker, the Senate minority

                           Town Square LIVE        @TownSquareLive       TownSquareLive.com                                                                            9
June 10, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 23 - Community @pg3 - Town Square Delaware
Government                     REPEAL OF YOUTH AND
                               TRAINING WAGE HEADS                                                                         刀攀搀甀挀攀⸀ 刀攀甀猀攀⸀ 刀攀瀀攀愀琀⸀
                               TO CARNEY                                                                                  䬀攀渀渀礀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 匀栀漀瀀刀椀琀攀猀 漀昀 䐀攀氀愀眀愀爀攀
                                                                                                                         挀愀爀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀攀 攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀⸀ 䤀渀猀琀攀愀搀 漀昀 甀猀椀渀最
                                                                                                                           㘀㔀 䬀 猀椀渀最氀攀ⴀ甀猀攀 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 戀愀最猀 愀 眀攀攀欀Ⰰ 漀甀爀
                                                                                                                         挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀猀 栀愀瘀攀 栀攀氀瀀攀搀 甀猀 爀攀搀甀挀攀 漀甀爀 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀
                                                                                                                         眀愀猀琀攀 琀漀 樀甀猀琀 ㄀ Ⰰ㔀 爀攀甀猀愀戀氀攀 戀愀最猀 愀 眀攀攀欀℀
                                                                                                                             圀攀 氀漀漀欀 昀漀爀眀愀爀搀 琀漀 挀漀渀琀椀渀甀攀 氀漀眀攀爀椀渀最
                                                                                                                           琀栀愀琀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 眀椀琀栀 漀甀爀 挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀猀밂 猀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀⸀

                                                                                                                            吀栀愀渀欀 礀漀甀 昀漀爀 礀漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀椀琀洀攀渀琀
 BY BETSY PRICE                                                                                                           琀漀 爀攀搀甀挀椀渀最 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 眀愀猀琀攀 椀渀 漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀Ⰰ
   As expected, Democrats were successful Tuesday in           After rancorous hearings in the House and Senate,               洀愀欀椀渀最 漀甀爀 眀漀爀氀搀 愀 挀氀攀愀渀攀爀Ⰰ 洀漀爀攀
 passing a bill through the state Senate that would repeal   the arguments among senators pretty much repeated                          戀攀愀甀琀椀昀甀氀 瀀氀愀挀攀⸀
 the youth and training wage passed in 2018.                 everything that had been said before.
   House Bill 88, which is part of a package of economic       Those who supported the bill said that it was unfair to
 bills pushed by the Dems, would go into effect 90 days      treat young people and new workers different from others;
 after it’s signed into law.                                 that many young people work to help support their family;
   That would mean anyone hired after that date would        and that it’s time to raise the minimum wage.
 have to be paid at least the prevailing minimum wage          Those who opposed it said that young people and new
 for the job. The youth and training wage let employers      workers often require time to learn the job properly; the
 pay anyone younger than 18 or in their first 90 days of     timing of the bill is bad because of COVID-19; and
 employment a half dollar less per hour.                     passage of the law will mean fewer jobs for younger
   Related bills include one that would raise minimum        people and that companies will use automation instead
 wage to $15 by Jan. 1, 2025, and a bill that would raise    of hiring more people.
 the tip wage.                                                 While Republicans argued that many younger workers
   Business groups have fought all three bills.              need to be taught to work and not spend a lot of time on
   Democrats have a supermajority in the Senate and a        their cellphones, bill sponsor Sen. Jack Walsh, D-Stanton
 majority in the Senate, which means they can pass most      said the bill only set the wages and did not require an
 legislation they want to.                                   employer to keep a worker who wasn’t good.
                                                                           CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

                          Town Square LIVE       @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                                                                 10
Government                                                     BILL THAT WOULD
                                                               CREATE PROGRAM
                                                               TO HELP RENTERS
                                                               AVOID EVICTION
                                                               PASSES SENATE
                                                                 About 18,000 Delaware households end up being
                                                               evicted, supporters said, at a rate that’s 2% higher than
                                                               the national average. While 69% of those are likely to be
                                                               eligible for legal representation, about 4,000 tenants
                                                               probably would accept it, the bill’s financial note says.
                                                                 Sponsor Sen. Bryan Townsend, D-Newark, said one
                                                               of the program’s points was to offer pre-eviction help
                                                               rather than post-eviction help. He said he had not real-
                                                               ized the critical insecure housing has on every aspect of
    A bill that would create a new state program to help       a person’s life until he became chair of the Senate Health
 people on the edge of eviction stay in their homes or         Committee.
 apartments is headed to the House after passing the             “Long before the pandemic, Delaware has had…an
 Senate Tuesday.                                               underfocus on housing and an underfocus on the way
    The bill would add jobs in the Department of Justice       in which unstable housing has this tremendous impact
 to create a diversion program to resolve landlord-tenant      in so many ways,” he said. “We can try to bring stability
 disputes before they result in legal actions. It would also   to the process that does not reward bad tenants for being
 set a floor on how much a renter must owe before they         bad tenants.”
 can be evicted and allow tenants to stay in their homes         Those who are in danger of losing their home need to
 if all back rent, fees and costs are paid.                    have legal representation, he said.
    If enacted the program would cost the state $1.3 million
 the first year and $3.6 million by the third year and                       CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
 require two deputy attorneys general, one legal admin-
 istrative specialist and one legal assistant.

                          Town Square LIVE         @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                   11
Government                      GENERAL ASSEMBLY EASES                                                                          “Space constraints inside Delaware’s Legislative Hall
                                                                                                                              —one of the smallest statehouses in the nation—have

                                RESTRICTIONS, ALLOWING                                                                        previously made the public’s safe return impossible given
                                                                                                                              previous social distancing requirements,” the press

                                25 PEOPLE IN GALLERY FOR                                                                      release said.
                                                                                                                                It said small numbers of people now will be allowed

                                SESSIONS                                                                                      because Gov. John Carney now has reduced social
                                                                                                                              distancing from 6 feet to 3 feet, and nearly half of
                                                                                                                              eligible Delawareans are fully vaccinated.
                                                                                                                                The announcement comes two days after House
                                                                                                                              Minority Leader Danny Short, R-Seaford, told fellow
                                                                                                                              members of the Legislative Council, a committee of
                                                                                                                              leadership members of Democratic and Republican
                                                                                                                              caucuses that he thought it was time to open.
                                                                                                                                Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth
                                                                                                                              Beach, told him that they had been talking about that,
                                                                                                                              and he would call him after the meeting to discuss what
                                                                                                                              they were thinking.
                                                                                                                                Short and other Republicans pointed out that when
                                                                                                                              they go out, most people are not wearing masks and they
 BY BETSY PRICE                                                                                                               didn’t know why Leg Hall couldn’t open. Democrats
                                                                                                                              said they still see many people wearing masks and that
   With the Delaware General Assembly in the last month         the House and Senate floor is closed except to members
                                                                                                                              there were issues they weren’t sure how to deal with.
 of its regular session, rules have been changed to open        and staff.
                                                                                                                                One included the fact that many people working in
 Legislature Hall in Dover to the public in a limited way.        Floor sessions will be held in Leg Hall in a hybrid form,
                                                                                                                              Leg Hall and many elected officials have children who
   The statehouse will require the public to sign up to         with only members and staff allowed on the house floor.
                                                                                                                              have not been vaccinated yet. Nobody wanted the kids
 reserve a spot in the gallery for House and Senate sessions,   Members may opt to dial in from their legislatives offices.
                                                                                                                              to somehow be exposed through their parents’ work.
 a press release said Friday night.                               Sessions will continue to be broadcast online via the
                                                                                                                                While a special session has been called for later in the
   Those spots will be limited, with 25 available in the        legislative website, and committee hearings will continue
                                                                                                                              year to deal with redistricting, the regular session must
 House and 25 in the Senate. Those who are admitted will        to be in a virtual format.
                                                                                                                              end by midnight on June 30, 2021.
 be allowed to arrive 30 minutes before a session. They will      The General Assembly press release noted that Legis-
                                                                                                                                Starting June 8, the House and Senate will meet Tuesdays,
 be asked to leave once the session is completed. All members   lative Hall has been closed since March 2020. In that time,
 of the public must wear masks while in Legislative Hall.       10% of Delaware’s population has been infected with
                                                                                                                                            CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
   Access to the rest of the building will be forbidden, and    the COVID-19 virus and more than 1,670 residents have died.

                           Town Square LIVE        @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com                                                                                           12
Government                     CORRECTION COMMISSIONER
                               TO QUIT TO OVERSEE STATE
                               STIMULUS FUNDING
                               BY BETSY PRICE

                                 Delaware       Correction    week, Rehoboth Beach, Ocean View and Cheswold have
                               Commissioner         Claire    signed on to the program, joining Lewes, Newark and
                               DeMatteis is leaving her       Dewey Beach.
                               job to become special            Carney will nominate Deputy Correction Commissioner
                               assistant to the governor, a   Monroe B. Hudson Jr. to replace DeMatteis. He has been
                               press release said Friday.     deputy commissioner since 2019. He served for 31 years
                               In that capacity, she will     in the Delaware State Police, rising to the rank of lieutenant
 oversee management of the federal stimulus funding           colonel and serving as deputy superintendent. The
 received by Delaware and also assist with crisis man-        Delaware Senate is expected to consider Hudson’s
 agement projects across state government.                    nomination on June 23.
   The job does not require Senate confirmation.                Carney also will nominate Jacqueline Mette to serve
   DeMatteis previously had been a special assistant to the   as the next Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner.
 governor, overseeing reforms to Delaware’s corrections       She has served as deputy legal counsel for Carney since
 system following the 2017 riots that led to the death of     2018 and was chief policy adviser for the Delaware
 Sgt. Steven Floyd.                                           Department of Services for Children, Youth and their
   State Auditor Kathleen McGuiness, who last week an-        Families. The Senate is expected to consider Mette’s
 nounced a project to help school districts, county and       nomination on June 23.
 municipal governments report their stimulus spending           Mette would replace Commissioner John H. Cordrey,
 and maintain transparency, congratulated DeMatteis           who is retiring after serving for two decades.
 on her new position.                                           “These are all committed public servants who I’m
   McGuiness said in an emailed note that she welcomed        confident will serve Delaware well,” said Carney in the
 the additional set of eyes on the federal money coming       press release. “Together, they have decades of experience
 through the state.                                           in and around state government, and I want to thank
   DeMatteis’ role does not affect McGuiness’ Project:        them for their willingness to continue serving.”
 Gray Fox, she said. Since announcing the program last
                                                                             CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

                          Town Square LIVE        @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com                                      13
Government                                                    TWO MEN SENT
                                                              TO PRISON IN
                                                              LARGEST HEROIN,
                                                              FENTANYL CASE
                                                              distribute 10 kilograms of heroin and about 14,000
                                                              fentanyl-laced fake Oxycodone pills.
                                                                The street value of the seized drugs was more than of $1
                                                              million. The amount of heroin seized is conservatively

                                                                                                                            一漀琀栀椀渀最 戀爀椀渀最猀 愀
                                                              estimated at 1.4 million doses, a press release said.
                                                                Perez-Guillen was arrested Aug. 21, 2019 in New Castle,
                                                              Delaware, after selling a kilogram of heroin and 600
                                                              fake Oxycodone pills containing fentanyl. Rivera-Villa         昀愀洀椀氀礀 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀
                                                              was arrested the same day outside the residence he
                                                              shared with Perez-Guillen in Gloucester City.
                                                                                                                           氀椀欀攀 愀 最漀漀搀 洀攀愀氀⸀
 BY BETSY PRICE                                                 Inside that residence, Drug Enforcement Administration
   Two New Castle men have been sentenced to prison,          agents and task force officers found seven additional         䘀愀洀椀氀礀ⴀ漀眀渀攀搀 ☀ 漀瀀攀爀愀琀攀搀 昀漀爀
 one for 10 years and one for 7, in a drug case involving     kilograms of heroin, 13,000 more fake Oxycodone pills,             洀漀爀攀 琀栀愀渀 ㈀㔀 礀攀愀爀猀Ⰰ
 more than $1 million of heroin, cocaine and fentanyl-        and three kilograms of cocaine. They found another two
 laced pills.                                                 kilograms of heroin located inside hidden traps behind         䬀攀渀渀礀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 匀栀漀瀀刀椀琀攀猀
   U.S. District Court Judge Richard G. Andrews sentenced     the seats of a car registered to Perez-Guillen.                       漀昀 䐀攀氀愀眀愀爀攀
 Julian Rivera-Villa, 57, yesterday and his co-defendant,       David C. Weiss, U.S. Attorney for the District of            愀爀攀 栀漀渀漀爀攀搀 琀漀 瀀爀漀瘀椀搀攀 漀甀爀
 Ricardo Perez-Guillen, 41, on April 13, 2021. Rivera-Villa   Delaware, said this was the largest federal seizure of
 received the 10-year sentence and Perez-Guillen the          heroin and fake Oxycodone pills by Delaware law              挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀椀攀猀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 昀漀漀搀 琀栀愀琀
 seven-year.                                                  enforcement in recent memory,                                  戀爀椀渀最猀 礀漀甀爀 昀愀洀椀氀礀 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀⸀
   Court records say Rivera-Villa and Perez-Guillen,
 both of Gloucester City, New Jersey, conspired to                          CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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   A Republican representative has filed a bill that would              Efforts were not successful Thursday to get responses
 prevent Delaware colleges and universities from insisting            from Democratic leaders in the Delaware General
 students be vaccinated to return to campus this fall.                Assembly or college communications staff.
   House Bill 209 filed by Rep. Rich Collins, R-Millboro,               Some opposed to vaccinations say that requiring proof
 would forbid state or local governments including any                of vaccination is a way to force those reluctant to take a
 entity receiving at least $10 million in annual state                shot into doing it.
 funding, such as the University of Delaware, Delaware                  Collins says requiring vaccinations tramps over
 State University and DelTech from requiring proof of                 citizens’ most basic rights.
 vaccination to engage in certain activities or receive services.       “There are some people that may have religious
   “No one should be coerced into having a vaccine injected           objections,” he said in the press release. “Others may
 into their body,” said Collins said in a press release.              believe that the vaccine poses a bigger threat than
   He says the bill will prohibit the denial of rights and services   contracting the virus. In any case, our citizens have the
 to citizens based on their COVID-19 vaccination status.              right of self-determination, the right to worship as they
   It would not apply to the question of whether businesses           see fit, and the expectation that their health care privacy
 can require workers to be vaccinated.                                will be respected.…
                                                                                    CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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Government                        BILL WOULD TOUGHEN,
                                  WIDEN BAN ON SINGLE-
                                  USE PLASTIC BAGS

   Delaware’s ban on single-use plastic bags might become             The new bill requires a reusable bag to
 tougher, if a new bill becomes law.                                be 10 mils thick.
   HB 212, introduced Thursday, goes for multiple                     The bill specifies that reusable bags
 measures:                                                          “must be made of polypropylene fabric,
   • The ban would expand to all stores as of July 1, 2022.         PET non-woven fabric, nylon, cloth,
   • Reusable bags would have to be even thicker.                   cotton, jute, hemp product, or other
   • Reusable bags would have more specific require-               washable fabric. The bag also must be
     ments on how they’re made.                                     made of cloth or other durable fabric that
   “Shortly after the implementation of the state’s prohi-          has stitched handles, is designed to be used at least 125   found any issues of non-compliance with the program.”
 bition on single-use plastic bags, we realized the law of          times, and has a capacity of at least four gallons,” the      By banning single-used plastic bags, advocates hoped
 unintended consequences was occurring,” said Rep. Gerald           representatives said in a release announcing the bill.      consumers would bring bags from home and keep reusing
 Brady, D-Wilmington West, the bill’s main sponsor,                   The bill retains multiple exceptions to the ban, the      them. Some also hoped stores, if they gave out bags,
 said in a release. “We immediately received complaints             release said.                                               would switch to paper, and if they charged for bags, the
 from constituents, that new, thicker plastic bags were being         The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and          charge would be enough for consumers to go bag-free
 provided by several stores. Unfortunately, the thicker             Environmental Control in May launched a survey ask-         or bring bags from home.
 bags only compounded the threat on our environment.”               ing consumers how they’re handling the ban. A pinned          Those hopes did not happen.
   The ban started Jan. 1, affecting large stores and chain         post on DNREC’s Facebook page has so far generated            Acme, for instance, switched to 2.25-mil plastic bags
 stores. Last fall, retailers appealed to delay the start, citing   mostly negative comments.                                   and gave them out for free.
 concerns about coronavirus and a shortage of paper bags.             “We have received inquiries from consumers about            Plastic carryout bags are not well-recycled, the release
 The state denied the request.                                      whether stores can swap out single-use carryout plastic     said, and because they tend to jam recycling machinery,
   The ban originally defined a recyclable bag as “either           bags for thicker plastic bags” said Nikki A. Lavoie, DN-    they must not be placed in the recycling carts that many
 a bag made of cloth or other fabric that has handles and           REC’s chief communications officer. They’ve been told       Delawareans have.
 is designed and manufactured to be used repeatedly or…             that the current law allows that.
 a durable plastic bag with handles that is at least 2.25             “We have performed inspections throughout the                           CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
 mils thick.”                                                       state,” she added. “We have not issued any actions or

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Government                                                   STATE AUDITOR PLANS TO TRACK HOW
                                                             DELAWARE SPENDS COVID CASH
                                                             come in to review how officials have spent these funds,”         that seeks to protect consumers and promote good
                                                             she said.                                                        government—gave Delaware a C+ rating and ranked it
                                                               The initiative will be dubbed Project Gray Fox, in             in the bottom 10 states in providing online access to
                                                             honor of the state wildlife animal.                              government spending data. In 2019, Delaware received
                                                               Several mayors attended her press conference to                a D+.
                                                             support the notion.                                                “Delaware should be striving for an A+ rating, and
                                                               “Newark is excited to participate in Auditor                   we’re going in the wrong direction,” McGuiness said.
                                                             McGuiness’ transparency initiative,” said Newark                 “As the First State, we should be a leader in fiscal
                                                             Mayor Jerry Clifton. “Our shared constituents expect             transparency—and that’s why I’ve created this initiative
    State Auditor Kathy McGuiness announced recently         transparency from their government, and Project: Gray            for Delawareans.”
 that she hopes to answer questions about how county         Fox helps us meet that expectation.”
 and local governments and school districts will spend         “As mayor, I really appreciate all the efforts of the
 the $1.2 billion in federal COVID-19 funds by tracking      Delaware State Auditor’s Office,” Dewey Beach Mayor Dale
 the expenditures.                                           Cooke said. “Since transparency with expenditures of
    “One thing I have heard repeatedly from Delawareans      funds is of major importance in a small municipality
 is that they want to know exactly how that money is going   with minimal staffing, any process that makes it easier to
 to be spent,” McGuiness said in a Dewey Beach press         document and keep our property owners and residents
 conference. “This is an unprecedented amount of federal     informed is certainly a welcomed addition.”
 money for these officials to receive and, as Delaware’s       “Transparency in the expenditure of these public funds
 fiscal watchdog, I want to help track where these tax       is critical because all Delawareans should be confident
 dollars are being spent.”                                   these funds are being used to benefit their respective
    McGuiness’ website will host a secure online portal—     communities,” said Lewes Mayor Theodore Becker. “The
 powered by OpenGov—that will allow government of-           city of Lewes looks forward to participating in this program.”
 ficials to enter their American Rescue Plan spending          A spokesman for Gov. John Carney declined to comment
 quickly and efficiently each week. The website will then    on the program.
 provide easy-to-read graphics for the public to review        McGuinness said Project Gray Fox is the first of its
 and compare the expenditures.                               kind in the First State.
    “Building this reporting into their workflow now will      She pointed out that in April 2016, the U.S. Public
 save officials headaches and hassles later when entities    Interest Research Group Education Fund—a nonprofit

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Government                       SPEAKERS AT SENATE MEETING STRONGLY
                                 OPPOSE CHANGING FOIA

   A bill aimed at restricting Freedom of Information               At Gay’s invitation, Aaron Goldstein, Delaware’s chief           Javonne Rich, policy and advocacy director for the
 Act requests generated spirited opposition from members          deputy attorney general, spoke as an expert witness in           American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware, argued
 of the public at a Senate Elections and Government               support of SB 155.                                               that the bill “contradicts the purpose and spirit of FOIA,
 Affairs Committee meeting on Wednesday.                            “This bill modernizes our FOIA law to make the law             which is to promote open government and transparency,
   No members of the public spoke in support of SB 155.           simpler to understand, codifies current practices,               as well as allow the public to monitor the performance
 If released from the Senate committee, the bill would be         addresses problems with abusive filers, and gives [the           and decisions that are made by governmental bodies.”
 brought to the Senate floor for a vote before being sent to      Department of Justice] the ability to respond to the real          John Flaherty, director of the Delaware Coalition for
 the House for committee assignment and consideration.            heart of legal questions that come before the office by          Open Government, summarized his organization’s
   Senate Bill 155, sponsored by Sen. Kyle Evans Gay,             providing more time for responses.”                              opposition to SB 155, noting that the allowance for
 D-Brandywine Hundred, seeks to amend how government                Goldstein argued these changes are necessary due to an         additional administrative fees would “make Delaware
 bodies respond to FOIA requests.                                 increase in requests received over the years, specifically       one of the most costly states to request public informa-
   If passed into law, SB 155 would grant public bodies           from “abusive filers.”                                           tion by ordinary citizens and the news media.”
 the ability to deny requests they deem “unreasonable,              Abusive filers, according to Goldstein, pervert the              Flaherty also highlighted findings of an analysis
 disruptive or abusive.”                                          “good intentions of FOIA” and “undermine the important           conducted by the Coalition for Open Government,
   The bill would further allow public bodies to charge           purpose of FOIA, which is to ensure access to the work           which found that since 1995, “of the 580 FOIA opinions
 additional administrative fees for all FOIA reviews,             of government and observe government functions.”                 issued in response to citizen complaints by the Delaware
 including for the review and redaction of information              Goldstein believes that FOIA requests can and have             attorney general, no complaints were labeled unreason-
 deemed exempt from FOIA.                                         been weaponized to “unduly waste government resources”           able, disruptive or abusive” and that “no examples have
   According to the Delaware Department of Justice,               or even harass and stalk individual government employees.        been provided of FOIA requests that have been fulfilled
 Delaware’s FOIA law already prohibits disclosing certain           These requests, according to Goldstein, “do not serve          under the current law, but would have been denied under
 information, including personnel or student records,             the purposes of open government or FOIA, and wastes              the proposed law.”
 tax returns of other citizens, Social Security numbers, health   government resources.”                                             Flaherty’s time expired, and his feed was cut before he
 and welfare records, Family Services records, criminal             In spite of this, Goldstein notes that “there is [currently]   could continue.
 history records, investigative files and prisoner records.       no legal basis to deny those requests.”
   Unlike these protections, SB 155 would allow public bodies       Opponents of the legislation expressed concern that
 discretion in discerning whether a request is “unrea-            the bill’s language is overly vague and could be open to
 sonably broad, unduly burdensome, intended to disrupt            interpretation, allowing government agents excessive
 the essential functions of the public body, or is abusive.”      authority over what information should be released.

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Photo Credit: J&J Photography

   Food & Dining Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   19
Food & Dining                                                    WHERE
                                                                 PEOPLE CAN GET
                                                                 DEALS ON FOOD
                                                                 AND DRINK
                                                                 • 1000 Degrees Pizza, 4526 Linden Hill Road,
                                                                   Wilmington, 50% off order Monday-Thursday
                                                                 • Aroma Mediterranean Cuisine, 208 Second St.,
                                                                   Rehoboth Beach, free dessert with meal
                                                                 • Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, 3214 Kirkwood Highway,
                                                                   Wilmington, 10% off order
                                                                 •B  ardea Food & Drink, 620 N. Market St., Wilmington,
                                                                   free dessert with purchase of meal
                                                                 • Bawarchi Indian Restaurant, 2909 Concord Pike,
                                                                   Wilmington, 30% off check
                                                                 • Bear Diner, 603 Pulaski Highway, Bear, free coffee
   Small businesses across Delaware are getting state              with meal from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
 grants to cover the cost of providing incentives for            • Blue Moon Restaurant, 35 Baltimore Ave., Rehoboth
 vaccinated customers.                                             Beach, 10% off all food purchases
   More the 200 will receive state grants up to $5,000 for       • Cactus Cantina Mexican restaurant, 211 W. Ninth
 reimbursements, the state announced Monday.                       St., Wilmington, free lunch
   About 80 are in the food and drink business. Their            • Cafe Milano, 4737 Concord Pike, Wilmington, half
 incentives vary. Some are food; some are drink; some are          off any entrée, large pizza or stromboli (dine-in only)
 something else. Sometimes there’s free stuff; sometimes         • Centreville Cafe, 5800 Kennett Pike, Wilmington,
 there’s a discount. Some list qualifications. And some offers     free signature sandwich or latte
 are available only at scattered outlets of popular chains.
   Here’s the latest list, as alphabetized by the state:                       CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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Food & Dining                                 MUNCH YOUR WAY THROUGH
                                              DAY AT THESE NEW BEACH
                                              BY BETSY PRICE

                                                Although Memorial Day in Delaware was a wet one, it          shopping center. (The zip code is Lewes, but it is not in
                                              didn’t dampen coastal diners’ appetites for new restaurants.   the city.)
                                                Now that Delaware’s eateries are fully open, you can           Taste of the South Bistro in Long Neck offers an array
                                              munch your way through the day at these beach newbies.         of baked goods along with breakfast and brunch items.
                                                Breakfast, lunch or brunch                                     Farther inland, Taste of the South Bistro is now
                                                In Lewes, Eggcellent is a breakfast and lunch spot           operating in Long Neck. Georgia native Brandon Tatum-
                                              nestled in the former home of the first Café Azafran,          Poole is a newcomer to the hospitality scene, but he’s no
                                              which later became The Gate House and Bushi Sushi.             stranger to pleasing customers. He owns Vogue on 54
                                                Eggcellent owner Elina Kamalova serves the ultra-            Salon & Spa and Vogue on 24 Salon & Spa.
                                              trendy avocado toast—with two eggs, tomatoes and                 The shopping center location once housed a short-
                                              crushed red pepper. But the Elvis sandwich brings the          lived bakery, and Taste of the South takes full advantage
                                              fun factor to the table. Sliced bananas top two pieces of      of the equipment to whip up pies, cakes and cinnamon-
                                              French toast with peanut butter and bacon.                     sugar doughnuts.
                                                In downtown Rehoboth, Sunny Bay Café is in Cuvee               The family-style breakfast and brunch menu includes
                                              Ray’s old location. Currently open for breakfast and           such classic dishes as shrimp-and-grits, cheesy grits and
                                              lunch, the café sports traditional American breakfast          chicken and waffles.
                                              fare. But you’ll also find savory, sweet and breakfast           Honey’s Farm Fresh in Lewes has a second location in
                                              crepes. The clever kids’ menu includes “I Don’t Know”          Ocean View for lunch and breakfast. It’s not hard to find.
                                              (chicken tenders with fries) and “Grandma Lets Me                The 1930s-era dining cars next to the building are
                                              Have It” (a beef hotdog with fries).                           remnants of the long-gone Royal Zephyr restaurant.
                                                Restaurants capitalizing on daytime hours aren’t limited     Salted Rim Margarita Bar & Grill, which was in the
                                              to the resort towns. Greenman Juice Bar & Bistro, a            space, has moved to the former La Tonalteca/Fat Tuna
                                              downtown Rehoboth destination for smoothie-lovers,             building in Millville.
                                              now has a second site in Peddlers Village, a Route 24

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   Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   22


   Delaware is the the ninth best state for jobs, according       • Fourth in employment.
 to the 2021 Best & Worst States for Jobs, released Wednesday     • 14th in median annual income (adjusted for cost of
 by WalleHub, a personal-finance website.                           living).
   WalletHub compared the 50 states across 35 key indi-           • 16th in average length of work week (in hours).
 cators of job-market strength, opportunity and economic          • 24th in job opportunities.
 vitality. Delaware’s rank (1 being best and 25 being average):   • 28th in monthly average starting salary.

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Photo credit: Delaware Division of Public Health - DPH Facebook

   Health         Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   24
Health                                                         STATE BEARING DOWN ON 70%
                                                               VACCINATION MARK FOR FOURTH
                                                               OF JULY
                                                               having received at least one shot, only one-third of those        Adolescent hospitalizations this year have been three
                                                               in the 18-45 age group have received a dose.                    times higher than hospitalizations related to the flu for
                                                                 The state has been increasingly focused on pumping            the last three years.
                                                               these numbers up with its DE Wins initiative, a weekly            Rattay also said the CDC has announced that a full
                                                               raffle with numerous prizes for those that have been            vaccination of Moderna or Pfizer is 91% effective at
                                                               vaccinated. The state has also partnered with local busi-       reducing the risk of infection and 81% effective for those
                                                               nesses in offering discounts to those with vaccine cards.       partially vaccinated.
                                                                 The state also has dropped mass vaccinations in favor
                                                               of targeting smaller venues where people are already heading,                 CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

                                                               such as alfresco dining nights or community events.
                                                                 Officials said during a recent press conference that
                                                               the state needed to vaccinate 5,000 people a week to reach
                                                               their goal. But officials have not answered questions
                                                               about whether they really are vaccinating 5,000 people
   As Delaware nears its Fourth of July goal of having at      a week.
 least 70% of those eligible have at least one vaccine shot,     The numbers are trickling up. At a recent vaccination
 state officials on Tuesday unveiled guidance for colleges     event at the Starboard in Dewey Beach, a free Orange
 and universities and illustrated the danger that              Crush was offered to those who got vaccinated at the
 COVID-19 poses to adolescence.                                event, but only 37 said yes.
   During the state’s weekly COVID-19 press briefing,            Dr. Karyl Rattay, director of the Division of Public
 Gov. John Carney said the state is nearing the vaccine        Health, said that hospitalizations across the country are
 goal set by President Biden with 67.5% of those 18 and        showing why it’s so important to have youths vaccinated.
 older having at least one shot.                               In a CDC analysis of 204 adolescent hospitalizations in
   That means only 2.5% more of the population by July         March and April, one-third required ICU admission
 4 to succeed.                                                 and 5% required a ventilator. She said 75% of this group
   But it’s going to be a hard-won victory, as demand for      had some kind of underlying condition.
 the shots has fallen off. With 92% of those 65 and older

                          Town Square LIVE         @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                                                                            25
Health                                                     FRIDAY’S COVID-19
                                                           DECLINE IN
                                                           COVID-19 CASES
                                                           vaccinated recently. Prizes drawn Monday were $5,000,
                                                           as well as two annual passes to a Delaware State Park,
                                                           and a Luxury Suite Package for the Wilmington Blue
                                                           Rocks. The state is waiting for winners to give permission
   And the good news keeps coming.                         for their names to be shared. They do not have to reveal
   On June 4, 51 people were hospitalized in Delaware      who they are.
 because of COVID-19. And only 48 new cases were re-         On June 4, another drawing was held for $5,000 and
 ported on a seven-day average.                            Firefly tickets.
   The numbers illustrate the decline in the number of       At the end of the month, the state will give away
 new cases, hospitalizations and deaths.                   $302,000 and two low-digit car tags, drawing from a
   As of June 3, a state Division of Public Health press   pool of everyone who has been vaccinated in Delaware
 release said, there have been 109,005 positive cases of   and is in the state’s DelVax system.
 COVID-19, and the seven-day average of new positive         Variant update
 cases decreased to 48.4 as of Thursday. The seven-day       The United Kingdom variant has now accounted for
 average for positive tests was 2.0%, a drop from 2.7%     850 cases in Delaware in random testing by the state
 the week before.                                          Public Health Laboratory. There are more because the
   A total of 1,674 Delawareans have died from COVID-19,   state lab has only tested 2,915 specimens in total and
 with 14 additional deaths added in the last week.         182 within the past week.
   DE Wins! update
   The state has contacted the first winners in the DE                   CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
 Wins! Raffle, which rewards people who have been

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Health                               VA WILL VACCINATE
                                       VETERANS’ 12- TO
                                 17-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN


   The Wilmington VA Medical Center began vaccinating         health care system and beneficiaries who are eligible          Now youths ages 12-17 can get the Moderna vaccine.
 adolescents Monday.                                          due to disability or death of a veteran.                       Dillon said the VA has no way of knowing how many
   The expansion will only be offered to those 12- to           “To date, Wilmington VA Medical Center has admin-          youths it will vaccinate.
 17-year-olds who are caregivers of veterans or veteran       istered more than 34,000 doses of the vaccine at the           “At this time there is no estimate, but getting any
 beneficiaries under the Save Lives Act.                      medical center in Wilmington and our five community-         amount of vaccinations in arms is a success on the road
   Shots will be available at its main campus at 1601         based outpatient clinics in Delaware and southern New        to reaching immunity in the community and putting
 Kirkwood Highway.                                            Jersey,” said public affairs officer Jacob L. Dillon in an   this deadly virus behind us as we go into the summer
   The Save Lives act was passed in March, allowing the       email. “We have vaccinated nearly 70% of the 25,000          months,” Dillon said.
 VA to expand its vaccination efforts beyond the veterans     Veterans who get their primary care through Wilmington
 use the VA for health care.                                  VA Medical Center.”
   That allowed the VA to vaccinate veteran spouses,            That puts the Wilmington VA Medical Center in the
 veterans’ caregivers, veterans who cannot enroll in the VA   top-10 VAs in the country for vaccination percentage.

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