Page created by Larry Frazier
                                                                 2021  JUNE 1-2
                                                                    VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                 INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                 AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                 WELDING EDUCATION

                                                    9 th ANNUAL WELDING
                                                    EDUCATORS CONFERENCE
                                                    JUNE 1-2 • VIRTUAL

9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                   P1
Schedule                                                                                         2021        JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                                                                  VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                                                          INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                                                          AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                                                          WELDING EDUCATION

                                        DAY 1- JUNE 1ST                                                                                        DAY 2- JUNE 2ND
TIME SLOT                   SESSION TITLE                                    SPEAKER(S)                   TIME SLOT                SESSION TITLE                                   SPEAKER(S)
 10:45- 10:55               Welcome Address                            Max Ceron- CWB Association         11:45- 11:55              Welcome address                         Max Ceron- CWB Association

 11:00- 11:30      Transforming CWB Learning Resource              Acorn Education & Development team     12:00- 12:30           Post-Covid teaching tools                  Max Ceron- CWB Association

                                                                                                          12:30- 12:45                TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION
 11:30- 11:45                                EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION
                                                                                                                                                       STUDENT EXPERIENCE BLOCK
 11:45- 12:15      Transforming CWB Learning Resource              Acorn Education & Development team
                                                                                                                          Spotlight on Secondary School Projects           CWB Welding Foundation team
 12:15- 12:30                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION                        12:45- 1:30
                                                                                                                              Special student announcement                 CWB Welding Foundation team
12:30- 1:00 HS*        Choose Your Own Adventure                       j’Amey Bevan- Boilermakers
                                                                                                           1:30- 1:40                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION
                   A Practical Approach to Post Pandemic
12:30- 1:00 PS**                                                           Josh Brewster- SAIT             1:40- 2:10                Live Weld Build                         Daniela Torelli- CWB Group
                              Welding Training

   1:00- 1:15                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION                         2:10- 2:15                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION

 1:15- 1:45 HS              Working TogetHer                          Allison Zerr- Saskpolytech WITT      2:15- 2:45             Be Part of the Solution                    Mackenzie Jopp- Seaspan

                                                                                                           2:45- 3:00                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION
 1:15- 1:45 PS          Social Media and Welding                         Kevin Roy- JR’s Welding
                                                                                                           3:00- 3:30        Right Reason, Wrong Reasoning                David Rogalsky- Northern College
   1:45- 2:15                                              BREAK
                                                                                                           3:30- 3:45                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION
   2:15- 2:45      Welding Through an Indigenous Lens              Mike Johnston- RB Russel High School
                                                                                                                                                                         Mackenzi Johnston/Jolene Borrelli-
                                                                                                           3:45- 4:15    Our Response to Gender Equity in Welding
   2:45- 3:00                 TRANSITION TO NEXT SESSION/EXPLORE OUR EXPO PAVILION                                                                                                  Red Bench
                                                                                                           4:15- 4:30                    Closing                            Max Ceron- CWB Association
   3:00- 3:45             Sparking Success Panel                      CWB Welding Foundation team

   3:45- 4:15            Closing/Prize giveaways                       Max Ceron- CWB Association

                                   STREAMED SESSIONS
  *HS= High school educator focused/**PS= Post secondary educator focused

 9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                                                                        P2
Day One Speakers                                                                   2021    JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                              VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                          INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                          AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                          WELDING EDUCATION

11:00-12:15 - Transforming CWB Learning Resources                                  HS Stream 12:30- 1:00 - Choose your own Adventure

Trent Konrad : Education and Learning Development Manager, CWB Group               j’Amey Bevan : Director of the Boilermakers’ National Training Canada
Beth Peck : Learning Development Manager, CWB Group
Alex Nazarov : Online Development Manager, CWB Group                               ABSTRACT: When I graduated from high school, I could never have predicted
                                                                                   the path my career would take and how enjoyable and exciting my work would
ABSTRACT: CWB Education and Learning Development has listened to educator          become. My first l eap w as t o m ake a career d oing t he t hings I l oved a nd was
feedback and completely redesigned the Acorn program ahead of the Fall 2021        passionate about, but hard reality set in pretty quickly. Adulting can be difficult
school year. With over half of Canadian post-secondary’s and 325 high schools      and doing what you love for work sometimes squeezes the fun out of it. The
nation-wide using our material, it was time to innovate our approach to content    opportunity to explore Boilermaking as a career presented itself and my path
delivery. This presentation will cover the innovative changes being made to the    since then has been far more fulfilling than I ever could have imagined. Being a
content, our new integrated LMS platform, and exciting new supports for learners   Tradesperson is what I credit to my success and much of my fulfilment. I hope I
and educational practitioners across a wide range of programs and courses.         can offer you some nuggets of what I learned along the way and how the des-
                                                                                   tination is not nearly as important as the journey of learning and the experiences
                                                                                                                you collect along the way.

                                                                                                               BIO: For over 20 years j’Amey Bevan has worked in
                                                                                                               the industrial construction and maintenance industry.
                                                                                                               She holds a trade certificate with an Interprovincial
                                                                                                               Standards Red Seal endorsement in the Boilermaker
                                                                                                               trade, an Achievement in Business Competencies
                                                                                                               Program (Blue Seal) certificate and a Masters degree
                                                                                                               of Arts in Leadership through Royal Roads University.
                                                                                                               Additionally, Ms. Bevan has been the Chair of the Alberta
                                                                                                               Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board since May
                                                                                                               2016. She is the Director of the Boilermakers’ National
      Trent Konrad                 Beth Peck                Alex Nazarov           Training for Canada and through her career with the Boilermakers, she has served
                                                                                   on multiple boards and committees to enhance and advocate for continuous
                                                                                   learning, supportive work environments and trade mastery. Ms. Bevan passionately
                                                                                   believes that apprenticeship is the foundation on which many careers, and
                                                                                   indeed, the economic growth and stability of our country is built, and therefore
                                                                                   it is towards apprenticeship that she has chosen to direct the bulk of her energy
                                                                                   and dedication.

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                               P3
Day One Speakers                                                                   2021    JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                                  VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                              INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                              AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                              WELDING EDUCATION

PS Stream 12:30- 1:00 - A Practical Approach to Post-Pandemic Welding Training           HS Stream 1:15-1:45 - Working TogetHer

Josh Brewster : Academic Chair of Welding Engineering Technology and 		                  Allison Zerr : WITT Coordinator, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
		                  Non-Destructive Testing, SAIT
                                                                                         ABSTRACT: Women in Trades and Technology (WITT) supports women to
ABSTRACT: What will welding training look like after the pandemic? This is a             succeed in non-traditional careers. We have coordinators across the province
question that I am asked weekly, if not daily. This presentation is designed to assist   to support your trades or technology journey at Saskatchewan Polytech. Addi-
welding educators as they determine how to best prepare for welding training in          tionally, we provide access to education for those looking to enter a trades field
a post-pandemic environment. By examining student and instructor feedback,               and career support after you have completed your program. We’re passionate
technology utilization and availability, as well as key lessons learned from 2020,       about changing the trades industries to make them more accessible to women
this presentation will provide a decision-making                                                                     by transforming the perception and making them a
framework for the planning and delivery of welding                                                                   first-choice career option.
training in 2021 and beyond. With student success as
the focus, the practical approach used in this presentation                                                         BIO: Allison Zerr is a mom, an educator, a mentor
will be applicable to both secondary and post-                                                                      and a dual certified red seal and blue seal endorsed
secondary educators.                                                                                                Welder and Metal Fabricator. Working in the welding
                                                                                                                    industry for over a decade has given Allison the
BIO: Josh Brewster, CET, RSE is a licensed Pressure                                                                 opportunity to experience and apply a broad range
Welder, Welding Inspector, Welding Examiner, In-                                                                    of skills learned in both the classroom and custom
Service Pressure Vessel Inspector, and Welding                                                                      fabrication shop settings. Allison is committed to
Engineering Technologist with over eleven years of                                                                  lifelong learning and career development and is
experience in the field of welding and non-destructive                                                              currently studying to become a Welding Inspector.
testing. Previously, Josh was an instructor within the Welding Engineering Technology    She is passionate about sharing her experience and developing the skills and the
Program at SAIT where he taught Codes and Standards, Robotics, Pressure Vessel           knowledge necessary to build successful careers for men and women entering
Construction, and Failure Mitigation. He is now the Academic Chair of both the           the trades.
Welding Engineering Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Departments at
SAIT. Josh is the Program Chair of the Calgary Chapter of the CWB Association,
an Executive Member and Education Subcommittee Chair of the International
Pressure Equipment Integrity Association, as well as a Voting Member of the
National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body Scheme Committee.

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                                  P4
Day One Speakers                                                                      2021    JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                                   VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                              INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                              AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                              WELDING EDUCATION

PS Stream 1:15-1:45 - Social Media and Welding                                        2:15-2:45 - Welding Through an Indigenous Lens

Kevin Roy : Welder, JR Welding                                                        Mike Johnston : Welding Instructor, R.B. Russell Vocational High School

ABSTRACT: I would like to present on learning how to weld during a pandemic           ABSTRACT: According to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Calls to
and using social media as a tool to boost your knowledge. The next generation         Action, it is of the utmost importance that we be responsible for education regarding
of welders have been raised in a technology advanced world. Where social media        reconciliation within our schools. The TRC calls for change and commitment and
plays a role in how we think and relate with other people. With this pandemic         aims to encourage the “sharing information and best practices on teaching
classes have been canceled or have been held online. This is a challenge when         curriculum related to residential school and Aboriginal history”. The goal of this
it come to hands on learning or asking your instructor for a demonstration. This is   presentation is to educate peers on how traditional welding outcomes can be
where social media can help, there are so many talented                                                             used to embrace Indigenous teachings and culture.
welders sharing videos and knowledge online. There                                                                  Welding tasks are often direct in nature – skills are
are even websites and pages dedicated to teaching                                                                   shaped by repetition and practice. By integrating an
and answering questions about welding. So, when                                                                     Indigenous perspective into these tasks, students are
you can’t physically go to school this can be a tool                                                                given a greater purpose for their work. Learning tradi-
to keep you on the right track.                                                                                     tional welding techniques becomes an opportunity of
                                                                                                                    creation and cultural exploration – of artistry, respect,
BIO: Kevin Roy has been welding professionally for                                                                  and reconciliation. By looking at the art and practice
15 years. He had an opportunity to do everything                                                                    of welding through an Indigenous Lens, we can better
from pressure welding to building unique stairs and                                                                 understand how traditional welding outcomes can
railings. Repairing heavy equipment and building                                                                    not only be inclusive of, but also actively promote,
structural steel. Fabricating grain terminal parts to                                                               Indigenous history, teachings, and culture. Our trade
custom fabrication of stainless steel and aluminum. Kevin also made metal artwork     could be at the forefront of Truth and Reconciliation and “building student capacity
like flowers and plants amongst other things. He has done field work and shop         for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect”.
work and have managed jobs and people. He is a weld rounded welder.
                                                                                      BIO: Mike Johnston is a journeyman welder by trade who has spent the last 12
                                                                                      years teaching welding in Winnipeg’s inner city. He started welding at the age of
                                                                                      21 and cycled through a variety of positions including production, fitter/fabricator,
                                                                                      construction, shop foreman and sales in the welding industry. Mike currently
                                                                                      works at R. B. Russell Vocational High School in Winnipeg and enjoys spending
                                                                                      summers at his family cottage in Ontario with his wife, young daughter, and son.

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                                    P5
Day One Speakers                                                       2021    JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                  VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                              INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                              AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                              WELDING EDUCATION

3:00-3:45 - Panel- Sparking Success: Collaborating for Welding Education Excellence

CWB Welding Foundation :

The CWB Welding Foundation presents a panel discussion that features a case
study of an innovative partnership in support of student success and pathways
to apprenticeships and careers—a partnership that includes teacher education,
facility upgrades, customized student experiences and more. Together, we’ve           PANEL MEMBERS:
created an “impact pyramid” to measure and evaluate students’ progress to-
wards careers in the skilled trades and welding. Panelists include partners from
industry, education, and labour.                                                      Dave Barrett,                   Alanna Marklund,
                                                                                      OYAP Coordinator/Facilitator,   RSE, National Manager, Youth,
MODERATOR : Joe Saundercook,                                                          Bluewater DSB &                 Diversity and Indigenous
           Manager of Fund and Partnership Development,                               Bruce-Grey Catholic DSB         Relations,UA Canada
           CWB Welding Foundation

                                                                                      Ray Lemieux,                    Chris Wasyliw,
                                                                                      Training Specialist -           Labour Relations, Construction
                                                                                      Welding, UA Canada              Building Trades, Bruce Power

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                    P6
Day Two Speakers                                                                      2021     JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                                    VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                               INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                               AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                               WELDING EDUCATION

12:00-12:30 - Post-Covid Teaching Tools                                               12:45-1:30 - Student Experience Sessions

Max Ceron : Director, CWB Association                                                 Susan Crowley : Executive Director, CWB Welding Foundation

ABSTRACT: Gone are the days where a PowerPoint was a useful teaching tool.            CWB Welding Foundation : Spotlight on Secondary School Projects / Plus:
Who uses textbooks anymore? What is the best way to get my class to do their          A special announcement!
homework that doesn’t require extensive training? This session will explore some
                                                                                      At the CWB Welding Foundation, we are inspired by the fun and innovative projects
new formats and skills that can be useful for repurposing content and resources for
                                                                                      created by students and their teachers. We’re proud of the role we play in sparking
educators looking to update and reinvigorate both online and hybrid classrooms.”
                                                                                      this kind of success and are thrilled to share these projects with you. In this session,
                                                                                      three teachers will share a class project. We’ll also be announcing a new annual com-
BIO: Max has been in the steel trades since the age of 17. Throughout his career      petition and financial award to support secondary school welding programs.
he has been a business owner, worked in the mining industry, custom fabrication,
huge manufacturingplants, structural erection, high
pressure piping, and even Hollywood movies. With
a Red Seal in Welding, Steel Fabrication and a Blue
Seal, Max has been able to be a part of very exciting
projects across Canada and overseas. Max designed
curriculum and taught Welding, Fabrication, and the
new Innovative Manufacturing Program at Saskatchewan
Polytechnic for 7 years.

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                                     P7
Day Two Speakers                                                                     2021    JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                                   VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                              INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                              AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                              WELDING EDUCATION

1:40-2:10 - Build with Daniela                                                         2:15-2:45 - Be Part of the Solution

Daniela Torelli : Assistant Welding Instructor, CWB Group                              Mackenzie Jopp : Welding Supervisor, Seaspan

ABSTRACT: It is time to get organized! This desk organizer is like no other and        ABSTRACT: I would like to spend time talking about work ethic. Most young
will give you the satisfaction of building your own. Made completely from steel,       adults are too tied up with their social lives and social media that they have never
it is extremely sturdy, and will last you a lifetime. As a teacher there are divided   been educated on how to work. They don’t understand that they have become
compartments to organize all your writing instruments, business cards and              part of the problem. They have been told that the world is their oyster and they
more! Students can use this at their welding table to store soap stone, welding        can do anything however that was a lie. The world is a hard place. Business is all
pliers, and much more! Your friends will want one of their own and might try           about the bottom line. You need to work hard to get anywhere don’t expect it to
to STEEL it, but have no fear there is a spot to weld                                                               fall on your lap. At Seaspan we work though we work
your name on it!                                                                                                    with a labor union for trades. We do get to interview
                                                                                                                    and hire apprentices on our own. These apprentices
BIO: Daniela Torelli started her welding journey                                                                    are under contract for 4 years with the company not
five years ago, from vet technician to welder, and                                                                  the union. When hiring apprentices, the most em-
it wasn’t long before she fell in love with the trade.                                                              ployable skill for me is a good attitude with the ability
From starting her own successful company, Think                                                                     to learn and change, and yeah I might check out your
Pink Welding, to working as an Instructor at the                                                                    social media while I’m at it.
CWB Group, she seems to have done it all, but she’s
far from where she wants to be. Her drive and ambition                                                             BIO: Started welding as a hobby in 2007 and decided
have led her to work some pretty exciting jobs, and                                                                to go professional in 2008. Upon completion of Level
shecontinues to push through barriers to prove that                                                                A in BC there was no work…. Started my own company
women in welding are a force to be reckoned with. Daniela has made many                Jopp Welding & Ironworks in 2008 and started contracting to several local
contributions to the welding industry and continues to do so in many different         companies’ shipyard and heating mechanical companies. Became a UA contractor
capacities.                                                                            in 2014. Started instructing at Camosun College in 2015 as a part time instructor.
                                                                                       Got hired on at Seaspan as Welding Production Supervisor in January of 2017
                                                                                       and have been here since.

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                                    P8
Day Two Speakers                                                                     2021     JUNE 1-2
                                                                                                                                                   VIRTUAL EVENT
                                                                                                                                             INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                                                                             AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                             WELDING EDUCATION

3:00-3:30 - Right Reason - Wrong Reasoning (Oxy-fuel Process Safety Review)          3:45-4:15 - The Red Bench - Our Response to Gender Equity in Welding

Dave Rogalsky : IWT Welding Professor, Northern College                              Mackenzi Johnston & Jolene Borrelli : The Red Bench

ABSTRACT: The Oxy-fuel (OF) process has been used worldwide for cutting,             ABSTRACT: Mackenzi Johnston and Jolene Borrelli will speak on the importance
heating and joining since the early 1900’s. The OF process is perfectly safe and     of gender parity in trades and technology, from the perspective that equality
predictable as long as the equipment is installed and maintained correctly and       advances welding engineering by drawing more people to the field. They will
all safe operating procedures are followed. But what happens when the process        introduce their work, The Red Bench, a community workshop where women can
is taken for granted and changes are made to the equipment or procedures?            pursue technical skill development through access to a free tool library. Mackenzi
Equipment and procedural changes are often made for seemingly good reason            and Jolene touch on their personal experiences in welding by outlining the
but the reasoning behind the changes may be incomplete or inaccurate. As             unique paths each has taken to arrive at an undergraduate degree in Materials
a result, the OF operator and others nearby can be exposed to unnecessary            Engineering.
and unrecognized dangers. This presentation will
review case studies where process changes have                                                                 BIO: Mackenzi Johnston pursued her passion for welding and
been made for good reason but resulted in unsafe                                                               welding education after graduating high school in 2016 and
conditions, personal injury and property damage.                                                               completing welding studies at SAIT. However, she experienced
                                                                                                               adversity during her first forays into the male-dominated trade
                                                                                                               and questioned whether she belonged in the field. Determined
BIO: Dave has extensive background in the welding                                                              not to give up, Mackenzi took a break from welding to study
industry and graduated from Northern College as                                                                Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta. She founded
a Welding Engineering Technologist and a Welder/                                                               and taught women’s welding classes while at the university,
Fitter (pressure piping) from Niagara College. In the                                                          where she met Jolene. Mackenzi was inspired to find The Red
early years he worked as a Boilermaker and Weld-                                                               Bench to create a space for women like herself to find their
er. This was followed with employment at Welding                                                               place in the trades.
Institute of Canada (WIC) as a Senior Welding Technologist. He spent the next
                                                                                                               BIO: After graduating high school in 2001, Jolene Borrelli
17 years in welding sales, training and consulting. For the past 11 years Dave has                             pursued her interest in trades and technology by becoming
worked as a Welding Professor in the Welding Engineering Technology program                                    a horticulturist and later, a JavaScript programmer. With the
at Northern College in Kirkland Lake, Ontario                                                                  dream of studying engineering always present in her mind,
                                                                                                               Jolene chose to switch careers and enrolled in the Materials
                                                                                                               Engineering program at the University of Alberta. She learned
                                                                                                               how to weld during Mackenzi’s women’s welding classes at the
                                                                                                               university, which ignited her passion for welding and supporting
                                                                                                               women in technical fields. Jolene was inspired to find The Red
                                                                                                               Bench to give women like herself the opportunity to carve a
                                                                                                               path in industry, on their own terms.

  9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                                                                                     P9
Educators Conference                           2021   JUNE 1-2
                                                                                             VIRTUAL EVENT

                                                                                         INNOVATIVE DISCOVERIES
                                                                                         AND ADVANCEMENTS IN
                                                                                         WELDING EDUCATION

                                                    We'd like to thank our event sponsors!

              Thank you!

9TH ANNUAL CWB GROUP WELDING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE                                                            P10
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