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JUN/JUL 2020

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Contents                                                                       Issue #206 | Volume 36 No 2

News                                                                                   Editor’s Note
4                                                                                      Welcome to the June / July
Vale Giancarlo Morbidelli                                                              issue of Supplier Magazine.
                                                                                       Inside you will find our 2020
Manufacturing                                                                          Product Showcase where, in the
                                                                                       absence of exhibitions and trade
8                                                                                      shows, we provide a platform for
A positive industry slant                                                              companies to feature their new
                                                                                       products and equipment as well
Product Update                                                                         as the very latest technologies
Functionality combined with design by Hafele                                           When it became evident that
                                                                                       the Coronavirus would become
Feature                                                                                a major health issue affecting
                                                                                       manufacturing, most suppliers
18                                                                                     acted promptly and with a total
2020 Product Showcase                                                                  commitment to their employee’s
                                                                                       and customer’s safety. Philip
Talking Business                                                                       Ashley spoke with key leaders
                                                                                       from the global woodworking
42                                                                                     industry, who told us what they
A man of integrity                                                                     did during the crisis and what
                                                                                       their view of the future is. It is
Design & Trends                                                                        compelling reading.

44                                                                                     Don’t forget to join our online
Interpreting design trends with Fenix                                                  community and visit us on
                                                                                       Facebook, Instagram and

                                                                                       Until next time,

                                                                                         Michelle Cammiade
                                    Front Cover                                                      Editor

    Find Supplier Magazine on:

             @suppliermagazine                 @suppliermagazine   @suppliermagazine

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                     www.suppliermagazine.com.au
News                                                                                                                                   4

Vale Giancarlo                                   DECO Australia Announce New
Morbidelli                                       Showroom and Innovation Centre
After a long illness, Giancarlo Morbidelli,      DECO Australia has announced its                  The Innovation Centre will feature DECO’s
born 1934, has died. He was a very popular       showroom in Minto, NSW, is undergoing             full range of architectural building products
person, not only because he created the          a massive redesign to help showcase the           including their unique aluminium cladding,
Morbidelli company, but for his crazy passion    company’s entire range of architectural           batten and decking systems, as well as a
for motorbikes, which led him to shift his       building products and finishes.                   number of new, soon-to-be-released product
focus away from woodworking machinery                                                              lines. Also on display will be the full range
to become one of the most charismatic and        The new facility – renamed the ‘DECO              of powder coat and sublimated aluminium
innovative figures of the two-wheel scene.       Innovation Centre’ – will celebrate the           finishes, including the premium timber-look
His woodworking machinery achieved               company’s innovative spirit while creating        DecoWood finish, and an operational kitchen
immediate success, and in fifteen years he       a flexible, collaborative space that delivers a   will feature DECO’s one-of-a-kind splashback
became the top figure of a company exporting     premium customer service experience.              product, DecoSplash.
to 40 countries, with 300 employees, and
one of the first significant takeovers by Scm.   The DECO Innovation Centre has been               DECO founder and director Ross Doonan
“To me and Alfredo, Giancarlo was like a         architecturally designed by renowned              believes the new centre will reflect the
brother”, said Adriano Aureli. “We went a        architecture firm ClarkeHopkinsClarke to          company’s core values of quality and
long way together, until in 1990 we acquired     achieve a dynamic building and space that         innovation. “The DECO Innovation Centre
75 percent of his business, as he had already    will allow for continued development and          will encourage our team to turn great ideas
decided that he want to dedicate most of his     change as the family-owned manufacturing          and concepts into products and processes. It
energy to motorcycling: he remained the          business continues to expand.                     will be an educational facility for our partners
technical director of Morbidelli, as well as a                                                     and suppliers, and it will be an inspirational
business partner… “. He had started to build     ClarkHopkinsClarke partner and architect          space for our customers to come visit”.
motorbikes in 1965 and he never stopped: his     Jordan Curran said his vision was to
racing department had bikes running in the       transform DECO Australia's industrial             The building structure will also include a
world championship from 1969 to 1981 and         warehouse into an innovation centre by            large architectural canopy, floor-to-ceiling
winning four world titles. A friend of Enzo      using their world-class products in real life     DecoWood windows, and other sculptural
Ferrari, he was depicted as David against        applications.                                     DECO elements to welcome visitors as they
Goliath, because he defeated the big Japanese                                                      enter the site. Inside the showroom customers
brands, such as Yamaha, and Kawasaki.            “DECO is a very innovative company with           will find an inspirational space where the
                                                 an extraordinary range of finishes and            DECO team will help bring their design ideas
He died at the Fano hospital, leaving his        products. They are constantly creating            to life.
wife Augusta and two children, Letizia and       and testing new material solutions for the
Gianni, the latter a Formula 1 driver. His       built environment. For this project, we           The DECO Innovation centre is expected to
heritage includes masterpieces like the 850      worked with the DECO team to shape a              open late 2020. ❚
bike with V8 engine, a unique creation, with     bright and flexible environment that would
a few examples displayed at the Guggenheim       allow their client base to interact with and
Museum in New York, Bilbao and Las Vegas. ❚      understand the properties of their products.
                                                 In particular we wanted to display products
                                                 in natural light, exhibiting how they
                                                 behave throughout the day and in different
                                                 seasons. We also wanted to create a sensory
                                                 experience, positioning products where
                                                 people could get up close and even touch.”
                                                 said Curran.

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                   www.suppliermagazine.com.au


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News                                                                                                                                 6

A National Survey of the Joinery Industry
During these past few months, Supplier           38% of respondents predicting automation
Magazine has been proudly supporting the         to be among the biggest growth areas within      option to cut spending where they could.
National Joinery Industry Survey. The team       the next 5-10 years. Residential building work
behind the goCabinets online cabinetry           also joined with 38% to be the equal highest     The National Joinery Industry survey revealed
ordering platform organised and directly         predicted growth area. The concerns and          fascinating and insightful statistics and
sent this survey to over 7,500 cabinet makers,   challenges of the industry were also raised      information on our industry as well as into
installers, designers, and other industry        as participants were asked to identify three     the varying segments, ages, business sizes,
professionals nationwide as well as promoted     of their top concerns for the industry. 55% of   and states that make up this industry.
it online.                                       respondents selected pricing pressures and
                                                 operational costs as a leading concern for       There are thousands of components that
The start of June marks the release of the       the future while competition from imported       go a step towards improving the results
published findings report. The Report delves     products was a very close second with 53% of     of a business or helping them prepare for
into the demographic landscape of the            respondents agreeing it was a top concern.       the uncertainty of the future. Through
joinery industry including leading trends,                                                        publishing these results goCabinets hope
common practices and provides insight into       The COVID-19 crisis in particular including      that businesses will be able to find valuable
the concerns among members of the industry       the effects felt by industry members was also    information that will assist in their overall
including where they see it progressing in the   tackled as 40% of recipients identified it as    decision-making process as well as provide
years to come.                                   one of their leading concerns for the future.    useful insights into the direction our industry
                                                 More than 80% of participants highlighted        is headed.
Notable findings include the importance          the negative impact from COVID-19, yet
of computerisation and technology in this        astonishingly 29% of those who were affected     You can check out the full report by visiting
modern industry. 67% of respondents use          claimed they had not implemented any new         the goCabinets website. ❚
design, production or CAD-based software         business measures to combat this problem.
within their business with this percentage
increasing to 89% for larger businesses with     The importance of marketing during
more than 10 employees. The internet in          this COVID-19 period also revealed some          3D Kitchen
particular also showed its importance as a       interesting findings as 23% of those affected
large portion of respondents look towards        by COVID-19 chose to increase their              Software – winners
online ordering for their materials (59%),       marketing and advertising efforts and 6%
hardware (49%), and flatpack (59%) needs.        of those affected chose to decrease their        announced
                                                 marketing and advertising. While some chose
Looking towards the future of the industry,      to go on the front foot and compete harder for
technology once again had its presence with      the market share, a minority saw their best      In conjunction with Supplier Magazine,
                                                                                                  Chris and Rose Adams of 3D Kitchen Design,
                                                                                                  would like to congratulate the following
                                                                                                  companies who have both won the fabulous
                                                                                                  3D Software package:
             the   National                                                                       • Potters Bathroom and Kitchen Centre
           Joinery Industry                                                                       • Joes Quality Country Kitchens

                        SURVEY                                                                    So, to those readers who have considered
                              Powered by                                                          applying, please do not hesitate. For your
                                                                                                  chance to win a 3D Software package go to
                                                                                                  pages 28 and 29 for all entry details. ❚

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                  www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Manufacturing                                                                                                                      8

                                     A Positive Industry Slant
Story by Philip Ashley

COVID-19 hit Australia and the                But behind all of this was some despair,           online training as before. We had a small
World hard. But what is the                   especially in Italy where most of our              drop in sales in the Australian market, but
feeling of industry suppliers                 imported machinery and equipment is                this is beginning to pick up again.”
about the recovery? Are                       made, and where the virus hit hardest. Many
they optimistic or are they                   people known to customers in Australia died,
concerned? We asked a number
of suppliers of machinery,
                                              and tears shed by many of the people who
                                              have shared their thoughts for this story.
                                                                                                 “The view of the future
software, and hardware both                   However, for others the impact was far less         is definitely moving to
here and overseas to comment                  severe, especially here in Australia and New
and generally; the feeling is one             Zealand. We’ve put together many of the              a more positive one...
of optimism.                                  comments from international and local
                                              suppliers who told us what they did during         we will return to a more
When it became evident that the Coronavirus
would become a major health issue that
                                              the crisis and what their view of the future is.
                                              We hope you find it compelling reading.
                                                                                                   normal state and an
would affect manufacturing, most suppliers
acted promptly and with a total commitment    3D Kitchen
                                                                                                  increasing confidence
to their employee’s and customer’s safety.    Chris Adams, owner of 3D Kitchen,                      leading to future
Many companies set up management              reflects, “From the onset of COVID-19, we
committees that followed the restrictions     at 3D Kitchen assumed there would be a             customer investment. ”
being imposed in their own countries and      significant slowdown within the general
the Countries to which they were exporting.   cabinet-making industry, and this would
Video conferencing; working from home         have a negative effect on our own business.        “The view of the future is definitely moving
(WFH); smart and safe working practices       As it transpired this was far less than            to a more positive one. It is sure the
and remote technical support all became       anticipated. We have continued with the            COVID-19 threat had a huge negative effect
important tools to ensure their customers’    same level of contact from our existing            on the world economy, and this will be felt
needs were met.                               customers, providing remote support and            for several years. But we are also sure that
                                                                                                 as the restrictions placed on business are
                                                                                                 gradually removed, we will return to a more
                                                                                                 normal state and an increasing confidence
                                                                                                 leading to future customer investment. One
                                                                                                 way 3D Kitchen aims to help cabinetmakers
                                                                                                 in Australia is to continue to offer our
                                                                                                 software as a give-away in Supplier
                                                                                                 magazine. We know this has been a great
                                                                                                 boost to many and we are committed to keep
                                                                                                 this going.”

                                                                                                 Altendorf Group
                                                                                                 Vit Kafka, is working in Germany this year
                                                                                                 but said in regard to COVID-19, “At Altendorf
                                                                                                 we all got to know ‘Zoom’ and ‘Teams’
                                                                                                 very well during these challenging       10

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Manufacturing                                                                                                                        10

times. We have done a lot of demonstrations       everyone, but I am convinced that after
on-line to the point where customers send         this time, there will be a recovery. We must
us their material for us to edge and produce      work to be ready to take the opportunities
a sample. That has been successful. We            that arise. We must take advantage of this
have also taken the chance to do a lot of         accelerated cultural change that was already
on-line training for our customers, dealers,      underway. The factory evolves, the processes
internally and with our subsidiaries. In late     become more streamlined and automated
May we were working on the concept of the         and Biesse Group focuses on activities with
Altendorf Virtual Tour.”                          greater added value. We will be even closer to
                                                  our customers, able to accompany them in
“Our service and spare parts have been            this important cultural leap, cantered on the
uninterrupted 24/7. In Germany, the               digitalization and automation of production
manufacturing is continuously running             processes. Together we will do it”.
in both the Altendorf and Hebrock plants. I
have been always a firm believer that every       Biesse Group Australia focused on remote,
downside has an upside and there is no            online demonstrations and live software
difference with COVID-19. We have learned         training. Positions were filled fast, and
something, and we have implemented new            additional classes were needed, such was
ways. We are realistic that there is a long way   the popularity of these events. Webinars
to go but we are prepared. In Australia, the      were arranged by brand sales managers
footy season is on the way back and things        and focused on different topics and shared
are looking up.”                                  useful and educational information. Biesse
                                                  Group’s online tech talks included topics
                                                                                                   Above: Working safely at Biesse Italy
Biesse Group                                      with financial advisers on finance and the
Federico Broccoli is Biesse Group Wood            government incentives as well as the new         CDK Stone
Division Director. He said, “Today we are         SME credit environment. Other topics from        Jonathan Height, Joint Managing Director
rediscovering an unusual closeness based          Brand Sales Managers included tips to            of CDK Stone said, “When the COVID-19
on technology that leads us to place greater      better perform technologies and the current      situation arose, CDK Stone responded
value on connections and relationships.           covid-19 situation.                              quickly and put in a range of measures that
Sure, there will be repercussions for                                                              ensured the safety of our clients and staff.
                                                                                                   As a business, we investigated ways to work
                                                                                                   remotely and leverage technology in our
                                                  “We will be even closer                          communication with clients. During these
                                                                                                   times, we have ensured that our high level
                                                  to our customers, able                           of customer service and support has not
                                                                                                   changed. We have taken steps to keep vital
                                                    to accompany them                              areas of our business open whilst remaining
                                                      in this important                            safe and contactless.”

                                                  cultural leap, cantered                          “We have seen a lot of interest in stone and
                                                                                                   its application. We believe this will flow on
                                                   on the digitalization                           to support our clients and the wider industry.
                                                                                                   Growing with the processes we have already
                                                     and automation of                             put in place, CDK Stone is developing more
                                                   production processes.                           areas of the business to better accommodate
                                                                                                   our clients and raise our level of customer
                                                  Together we will do it”.                         service even higher. As we develop a deeper
                                                                                                   understanding of how to better service

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                  www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Manufacturing                                                                                                                                11

                                       our clients, we have shared this with our               to happen anyway. I consider video calls
                                       customers to support the wider industry.                especially useful, we save a lot on travel
                                       Looking to the future, we have already seen             and hotel expenses, but limited to non-
                                       clients looking to invest in automation                 critical meetings. Preliminary contacts
                                       technology and machinery plant                          and finalization meetings will still have to
                                       equipment to leverage the opportunity                   be in person. My inborn optimism makes
                                       in the booming renovation market and                    me believe, once again, Italians will get
                                       to support their business when economic                 out of this crisis even stronger than before,
                                       conditions improve.”                                    leveraging our ability to make the best out
                                                                                               of impossible situations.”
                                       HOMAG Group
                                       Walter Crescenzi is Managing director,                  In Australia Director Ross Campbell sent
                                       HOMAG ITALIA. He said, “Although this                   Homag salespeople home on 16th March.
                                       emergency was unpredictable, our reaction               Admin, spare parts, and service continued
                                       was so quick that even our super-organized              as normal but with workplace distancing,
                                       German producers were amazed. While                     disinfecting, and sanitizing both at the
                                       it is clear that personal relations with                office and with customers. The sales team
                                       people cannot be replaced by a video                    has been communicating digitally by
                                       conference, the events we experienced                   phone, email, ‘Skype’ and ‘Zoom’. Ross
                                       gave a boost to digital interactions,                   said, “This work has continued, and it’s
                                       accelerating a transition that was going                been really cool to participate, to learn

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Manufacturing                                                                                                                       12

and watch how everyone responded and             seen as an essential service. In some cases,      adapted and applied the requirements
embraced digital communications. I think         our service people attended the customer at       in order to continue working. The way
everyone has found that when effectively         specific times to ensure that no persons were     businesses have diversified and adapted will
used, these tools can be just as useful, it is   placed at risk.”                                  assist in our industry moving forward as
definitely more efficient on everyone’s time.                                                      restrictions are raised.”
I see the future with a fair degree of caution   “Being wholly Australian owned, and our
but not without some optimism either. From       machinery manufactured in Australia,              SCM Group
the point of view of workplace practices, I      we saw no impact on our production or             Luigi De Vito is SCM Division Director
think COVID-19 has driven change, some of        customer support. Owners of Multicam              (Italy). He comments, “The social-economic
which I hope will become entrenched.”            machinery had un-interrupted access to all        impact of this pandemic is proving to be
                                                 service and spare part items. This also meant     deep at world level, with repercussions which
Leda Machinery                                   customers were able to take immediate             could prove similar or worse than those
Leda Machinery’s Peter Schilling reports,        advantage of government incentives to             previously experienced during the 2008
“March 16th Leda Machinery implemented           upgrade plant and equipment, putting them         financial crisis. The biggest change we have
Phase one of our COVID-19 Strategy. In           on the front foot as the recovery begins.         seen is how we work and interact with our
preparation for a downturn in business we        There is no doubt that recovery will take         business partners, dealers, and subsidiaries
acted to immediately cease non necessary         time, however we are optimistic that many         around the world. In an international
spending and reduce expenses, basically          businesses will emerge stronger, with a more      context which has seen key industry events
going into ‘survival’ mode. We developed a       diverse range of capabilities. Many have          cancelled or postponed until possibly mid
COVID-19 policy to protect our employees and     already adapted and taken advantage of new        next year, we are discovering and taking
customers; limiting contact for technicians      opportunities during the pandemic.”               advantage other ways of doing business.
working on site and had some of our people                                                         These include conference calls, practical
working from home. The phones stopped            Planit Cutting Edge                               demonstration, and on-line courses about
ringing and customer confidence was down         Solutions                                         our technologies with businesses of all
with the uncertainty of what was ahead.”         Blake Cugley said, “We have been assisting        levels, including artisans. With the ‘Maestro
                                                 customers’ transition to working from home        connect’ platform we provide instant access
“However, after only a week customer             through short term licence arrangements as        to a vast range of services which allow wood
confidence was coming back and the phones        well as ensuring our Tech Support team were       industry operators to be assisted by the Scm
were ringing again. Two months later by          available to assist customers who needed          team even ‘virtually’ in order to maximise
mid-May we were back in full swing. After a      assistance moving their software to a new         all the service and maintenance activities.
slight delay with shipments from suppliers       computer in order to take work home. Planit
we took delivery of 11 containers in May and     has been able to transition all our face-to-
have a further 15 containers on order. With      face events online, as well as all integrations
so many businesses and industries affected       moved online to ensure customers continue
by COVID-19 we are thankful that the             to move forward.”
impact to us has been relatively low and are
extremely optimistic for the future.”            “It has been exciting to hear customers
                                                 mention new enquiries coming through,
Multicam                                         aided by software such as Vortek Spaces,
Stephen Heusz said, “We have been                allowing them to sell online. Some of their
operating more-or-less as normal during          customers have moving their spending
the crisis. We worked with our customers to      from travel to renovation and updating
ensure we followed all directives in relation    their kitchens. Our industry needs to be
to hygiene and personal distancing and yet       commended in both the way they supported
maintain the level of support our customers      the community, but also the way they
required. Because the majority of our            approached working onsite. The fact that
customers were able to remain in operation,      many projects have been installed during
the backup and support we provided was           this period is testament to how our industry

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                  www.suppliermagazine.com.au
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Above: Virtual reality from SCM
We all need to look at this crisis situation
as an accelerator for change, rethink our
working practices, improve our production
                                                  “The social-economic                        connection
sites, and make them safer, healthier, and       impact of this pandemic                     in less than
                                                                                                a week
more comfortable. Many of our customers
stopped production but not their creativity.       is proving to be deep
They are making the most of this period
to develop and implement new production
                                                    at world level, with
strategies, new business opportunities, new
smart working methods and communication
                                                   repercussions which                        Complete
with customers and suppliers which perhaps,         could prove similar                      ERP system
in the past, they would have been unlikely to
have given any thought.”                            or worse than those
                                                  previously experienced
                                                      during the 2008
                                                     financial crisis. ”.

                                                WOODSHOW (Dubai, Uae)
                                                Rahul Ranka is assistant project manager
                                                WOODSHOW (Dubai). He said, “Undeniably
                                                this global pandemic has affected the
                                                majority, if not all, of businesses and
                                                industries all over the world. However, we    CAD+T Australasia Pty Ltd
                                                are optimistic that such negative impacts
                                                are only short-term. For the most part, it
                                                changed how businesses operated. Many           Level 5, 23-25 O‘Connell Street
                                                operated remotely and relied on digital               NSW, 2000 Sydney
                                                                                                  Phone: +61 (2) 800 620 67
                                                                                               E-Mail: office@cadt-solutions.com
                                                                                                Web: www.cadt-solutions.com
Manufacturing                                                                                                                     14

technology to enable communication and          And changing everything is the only way
collaboration. As an individual, I believe it   to say that we have learned the lesson of
also changed people’s perspectives on life      this emergency. Think about continental
and its vulnerability. There are different      and intercontinental journeys, we will need
possibilities and changes that can happen       to increase safety measures… I believe
in the future depending on how the              this situation will have not only a strong
society and countries exit this crisis and      economic impact as everyone fears, but
its repercussions. Preparation is the main      also massive psychological consequences.
key to survive the ‘post COVID-19 world’.       People will be afraid to go ‘back to normal’.
Businesses must be equipped to manage           To go to a football match, travel in crowded
potential setbacks and threats. Hopefully,      transportation, walk around in shopping
companies will take advantage of this           malls packed with people. The quarantine
predicament to build strength and a more        improved the situation, but we must wait for
solid management, and for people to foster      a vaccine to be safer.”
better relationships and a more meaningful
lifestyle”.                                     Andrea Bucciarelli is director Furniture
                                                systems REHAU (Edge Banding tapes)
                                                ITALIA. He said, “A great uncertainty
    “Everything will                            characterizes the days we are living in and
                                                unfortunately, even the post-Coronavirus
 change. And changing                           scenarios are unpredictable and unknown.
  everything is the only                        Before jumping to hasty conclusions, it will
                                                be necessary to see how the Italian system
                                                                                                We are Italians, from Bergamo, and we are
                                                                                                businesspeople, so we never give up. In our
 way to say that we have                        reacts. After all, national industries have a   region, so many people have died that I
                                                relevant export share, so we also depend on     cannot even remember how many messages
  learned the lesson of                         the epidemic progression in other countries.    of condolence I have sent, but I am sure we
                                                Extraordinary and incisive measures are         will make it!”
    this emergency.”                            necessary to face an unprecedented liquidity
                                                crisis and to support our sector, which         Stefano Mauri is Co-owner, GIARDINA
                                                represents an essential supply chain for the    GROUP, specialising in automated spray
More Comments                                   economic and social stability of Italy”.        lines and with equipment in Australia.
Anastasia Parlamentas said, “The COVID-19                                                       Stefano said, “Most of all, we have learned
pandemic has certainly presented some           Fabrizio Azzimonti is owner, Ormamacchine       that emergency management, for any type
unique challenges to Nikpol. Normal face        (Bergamo, Italy). He says, “I could never       of emergency, should be one of the top skills
to face interactions have changed, these        imagine I would have talked about, and          in any company. The costs of this ‘crisis’,
changes look like they will endure long         even less experienced, a situation that         if you want to call it that, must be borne
into the future. The safety of our staff and    can only be described with one word:            by everyone: governments, which will have
customers had to become the key objective.      apocalypse. The damage to the economy           to do their best to support citizens and
This meant a change in the way we used          and image of our companies will be              businesses; companies, that will pay a price,
modern technology, to engage the market         devastating, in the short term because we       they must dare to invest and look ahead.
and to display and explain the solutions of     cannot fulfill the existing orders, and in      And there will also be costs for individuals,
our products safely. Social distancing rules    the long term because there will be no          people, families. I wish we can develop new
have meant that normal practices had to be      new orders. This crisis is much worse than      capacities to understand, share, act like a
evolved and refined. The future is unclear,     September 11. As to my own company, we          community.”
hopefully the worst is behind us.”              have realized that we must increase our
                                                digital transformation efforts and support      Franco Tanzini is Co-owner VITAP
Andrea Volpato is President, Fravol (Vigonza,   marketing, communications, service,             (Poggibonsi, Siena). He said, “At first I was
Padua). He said, “Everything will change.       e-commerce, and smart working practices.        thinking about me being an animal in a

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                               www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Manufacturing                                                                                                                       15

                                                                          need to sign off that they are a safe workplace, in line with COVID
                                                                          safety guidelines (e.g. no one on site is sick, travelled overseas
                                                                          etc). During this time, we developed new OH&S guidelines to
                                                                          incorporate increased hygiene measures and we will continue to
                                                                          do this for as long as necessary. As far as we are concerned, it was
                                                                          business as usual and we all continued working 5 days a week to
                                                                          be there when needed.”

                                                                          We Conclude
                                                                          We are incredibly lucky to be living in Australia or New Zealand
                                                                          and while there is some dissent over the measures taken to keep us
                                                                          safe, both governments have done a great job. In times of crisis,
                                                                          creativity will flourish, and the coronavirus pandemic will unleash
                                                                          a new era of innovation. The comments from our suppliers have
                                                                          reinforced the recent industry direction of digitalisation and in
                                                                          many ways, we were already prepared for what most believe must
                                                                          happen for our industry to prosper. Those that can learn and adapt
                                                                          will survive to take advantage of better times in the future. Survival
                                                                          will make way for more profitable times for both manufacturers
                                                                          and workers as circumstances improve. ❚

cage, the paternal relationship with the company interrupted, and
   “During this time, we developed
 new OH&S guidelines to incorporate
   increased hygiene measures and
   we will continue to do this for as
          long as necessary.”

all sorts of thoughts like these. In reality it was like a ceasefire in
what is a perennial battle of protecting the company, finding new
markets, making new products and all the subjects that daily are
on your desk. Everybody had to stop and stay in a time suspended
in the clouds. From a very personal point of view living in the
countryside with all my family around has helped me enormously
and I have been focused on the family much more.”

Katarina Partic said, “The Weinig Group (Australia) sales team
was grounded at home but worked diligently over the phone and
video conferencing calls. Weinig used the downtime to develop
staff with further training (online/video) with our German
product managers. The service team continued visiting customers
for breakdowns, training and installs, however the customer did

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                  www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Product Update                                                                                                                      16

Introducing AvanTech YOU

Increasingly, the customisation megatrend        and blends in with furniture as a design
is placing an even greater focus on the          element. This permits handle less design in
individual user with their very own personal     uncompromising perfection both inside and
preferences. Hettich, one of the world’s         out. Given the ease with which a drawer can
leading cabinet hardware and fittings            be customised in terms of colour, shape and
producers introduces the new AvanTech YOU        material, manufacturers can stand out from
                                                                                                 Above: Hettich - Purist perfection:
drawer system coming soon to the Australian      the crowd. AvanTech YOU comes in three
                                                                                                 AvanTech YOU can be used to create
market in 2020. Hettich not only takes drawer    colours and five heights with aluminium or
                                                                                                 exceptionally slimline drawers without cover
customisation to the next level but also         wooden rear panels. The product range offers
                                                                                                 caps or visible screw heads, even in XXL
furniture design. With its latest AvanTech       designer profiles in stainless steel, chrome,
                                                                                                 format without sacrificing convenience.
YOU platform system, Hettich is now forging      aluminium look, walnut and oak look. The
ahead once again. As a pioneer, Hettich          clever part is being able to use any chosen
presented the world’s first platform solution    materials as well. This opens the potential     Two drawers behind one front panel
for drawer systems with InnoTech, back in        for kitchen and furniture manufacturers to      reliably open parallel with each other and
1996. The latest AvanTech YOU platform now       set themselves apart from the competition;      close gently. Three-dimensional drawer
offers even more options for customising in      with their own furniture design in different    adjustment – in height, from side to side
terms of colour, shape and material.             price segments, targeted response to customer   and in tilt – guarantees perfect reveal
                                                 wishes and the system's cost effectiveness.     alignment.
AvanTech YOU is designed to impress
with a sleek linear design, slender drawer       AvanTech YOU provide the optimum solution       What is remarkable is the ease in which
side profile and at an impressive 13 mm          for anyone wanting to design generously         the platform concept can be adapted to suit
thickness, the style is uncompromisingly         proportioned, handle less furniture with        manufacturing or buyers’ requirements; the
sleek. The purist design keeps all working       exclusive materials. The previous limits        drawer can be used on two different runner
components hidden into the slender drawer        to creating handle less design as a result      systems with the same cabinet body hole
side. There are no cover caps or holes to        of extremely large front panel weights or       pattern, creating a flexible and cost-effective
spoil the look of flawless beauty. The fitting   formats are eliminated by Push to open          basis for addressing different market segments
deliberately recedes into the background         Silent with multi synchronisation.              and fields of application. The components
                                                                                                 within the platform can be easily combined
                                                                                                 with each other. At the assembly stage, there
                                                                                                 is no requirements to rout drawer bases and
                                                                                                 install catches, nor is it necessary to use rear
                                                                                                 panel corner connectors for wooden rear
                                                                                                 panels. As the rear panels come in the same
                                                                                                 width as the drawer base, this additionally
                                                                                                 saves time and money. Wooden drawers can
                                                                                                 also be used on identical runners without any
                                                                                                 facing panel as a statement in a kitchen's
                                                                                                 otherwise closed front panel look.

                                                                                                 AvanTech YOU is a product concept with a
                                                                                                 broad ranging line-up that makes it possible
Above: Hettich - Quickly transformed: AvanTech YOU designer profiles in wood, stainless          to reduce the otherwise usual variety of stock
steel, aluminium or chrome look add an individualised look to the top of the drawer side         items and permit individuality on all levels
profile and are simply clipped into place.                                                       in a cost effective and easy manner. ❚

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                 www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Product Update                                                                                                                     17

Functionality combined with design by Hafele

Your project deserves the highest quality of hardware from hinge         The handles are comfortable to hold,
to handle. Hafele’s, newly released handle range will support your       there are no unpleasant corners or edges
work whilst helping to make your project stand out. The 14 different     to impair the tactile experience, and
designs are fully aligned with current industry trends including;        are made of zinc alloy, aluminium and
Textile, Nouveau Art Deco and Cube design.                               leather. The handles are suitable for any
                                                                         type of opening, allowing easy openening
Handles are an important focal point of any project as they add a        of heavy doors, like those on refrigerators,
visual centre to any cabinet. Just think about the different style of    dishwashers or pull outs for kitchen
handles you would use for a farm-style kitchen versus an urban           pantries.
                                                                         With their hole spacing of 32 to 448 mm, they can be integrated in
Hafele’s new handle range has impressed on an international scale.       an active production process without problems. All handles are tested
Being awarded with the Red Dot Design Award for the H1910 handle         to comply with the industry standards in the kitchen industry as well
that features the Textile theme, shows international recognition for     as with their German label to meet the highest standards of quality
exclusive trend design.                                                  and convenience.

Handles and knobs no longer just serve functionality, but need to also   For more information visit Hafele.com.au ❚
meet high demands when it comes to different finishes and designs.
We see an increased popularity for black handles in vintage style
but also a consistent demand for the classics in brushed nickel and
polished chrome plate.

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Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                  www.suppliermagazine.com.au

                                           2020 Product Showcase
                      Story by Philip Ashley
                                                                           July is normally an exciting
                                                                           time for the Australian and
                                                                           New Zealand furniture and
                                                                           cabinet industries with new
                                                                           and interesting equipment
                                                                           and products at the bi-annual
                                                                           AWISA exhibition. The show may
                                                                           have been cancelled but your
                                                                           preferred supplier is still eager
                                                                           to provide you with the very
                                                                           latest technologies available.

                                                                           As I write this, I realise some manufacturers
                                                                           would have been at Xylexpo in Milan this
                                                                           last week in May, while most would be
                                                                           looking forward to AWISA in early July.
                                                                           Add the cancellation of Holz Handwerk in
                                                                           Nuremberg early this year and it’s been a
                                                                           tough year for trade shows. At Supplier we
                                                                           don’t imagine anyone will be traveling to a
                                                                           trade show until Interzum and Ligna, over
                                                                           a year away now but still with questions as
                                                                           to how many overseas visitors will actually
                                                                           make the trip to Germany.

                                                                           Analysts are saying business travel won’t
                                                                           get back to normal for two more years so
                                                                           the next show you can attend may very
                                                                           well be AWISA in 2022. For now, most
                                                                           machinery manufacturers would be
                                                                           concentrating on Ligna next year as the
                                                                           first major event to put their companies
                                                                           back on the map. The COVID-19 crisis has
                                                                           seen companies send most non-essential
                                                                           workers home to work, and manufacturing
                                                                           has been slowed. Delivery dates may be
                                                                           longer than usual and of course, product
                                                                           development has been affected. Almost no
                                                                           supplier is likely to release new product
                       Top: Leuco Airstream. Above: Blum digital kitchen   when no one is buying.

 Supplier June/July 2020                                                         www.suppliermagazine.com.au
Feature                                                                                                                           19

                                                                                               The world is in a temporary lull as the
                                                                                               current situation stabilises, but it is certain
                                                                                               that business will resume after the crisis.
                                                                                               Trade fairs have a special significance
                                                                                               because they serve as a driver and trendsetter
                                                                                               for industry. Beyond this, trade fairs create
                                                                                               space and encounters that cannot be depicted
                                                                                               virtually. The industry focus should perhaps
                                                                                               change as customers re-evaluate the way
                                                                                               they live and look at what is important in
                                                                                               their lives. Not only will the home be a space
                                                                                               for multifunctional living, consumers will
Above: Beck wood nail award                                                                    also begin to rethink styling, layouts, and
                                                                                               proportions in line with changing behaviours
Companies will release new product between     Xylexpo exhibition goes ahead but pundits       and more time spent indoors.
shows, but there is nothing like a big bash    see this as too soon. It could be a potential
and a major trade show is the perfect          financial disaster if the conditions are not    In times of crisis, creativity will flourish,
opportunity to get industry and the trade      right. However, the German interzum and         and the Australian industry is particularly
media together for a major new release. As     Ligna show organisers are still proceeding as   adept at giving the customer what they want.
far as technology is concerned, we may see     if those events will take place mid-2021. We    Carla Buzasi speaks for WGSN, the ‘World's
something new in November if the Italian       will see.                                       Global Style Network’ and says, “We are

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Feature                                                                                                        20

re-imagining what consumers will want in
a post-Covid-19 world. We need to imagine a
different future. Plan for multiple scenarios.
Design for a new kind of consumer.” One
particular suggestion is technology to
connect those at home via virtual means or
tech innovations. Some of the furniture and
cabinet hardware companies like Blum and
Häfele have already started to produce for
this purpose.

European machinery producers have been
through a few challenging years. 2016 to
2018 sales were on a high, but exports fell
almost double digits in 2019 with Australia
recording 38% fewer machines from Italy,
                                                                             Above: Hettich multifunction living
our biggest source of new equipment, with          “We are re-imagining
a value of just over 33 million Australian
Dollars. The Italian Acimall Studies office         what consumers will      Industry 4.0 will continue to be a focus
says this can only get worse after the                                       for technological change. By 2021 Homag
dramatic events of the first months of 2020.      want in a post-Covid-19    Group expects to be able to provide digital
In Germany, production generally continued
during the crisis. Australian suppliers like
                                                     world. We need to       solutions for all customer groups. Biesse
                                                                             Group has already committed to achieving
Multicam CNC; Ville-Tec; Harp Industries;           imagine a different      this goal. No longer the province of the
Kitchen King (New Zealand); Timber Tools;                                    biggest Tier-one Australian manufacturer’s,
CarbiTool; Nikpol and Jobman (production         future. Plan for multiple   the typical 8-10 person small to medium
software) may still be affected in sourcing
overseas parts and products, but only
                                                  scenarios. Design for a    Australian enterprise (SME) will be able
                                                                             to make use of technologies from all the
marginally, and some may not affected at          new kind of consumer.”     major suppliers that only a few years ago
all.                                                                         were just ideas. Things like virtual planning;
                                                                             integration of machines; predictive
                                                                             maintenance done with virtual reality.

                                                                             As the crisis abates, there is still plenty of
                                                                             good news starting with ground-breaking
                                                                             machinery technologies released from
                                                                             Altendorf and Felder. Egger (Nikpol) and
                                                                             Fenix continue to break new ground with
                                                                             surfaces. Prestigious awards went to the
                                                                             Grass Kinvaro T-Slim flap lift system; BECK’s
                                                                             innovative wood nail system and Leuco for
                                                                             their Airstream tooling. Fully integrated
                                                                             production cells can now be provided for
                                                                             even the smallest enterprises by the major
                                                                             suppliers Biesse; Homag; SCM and other
                                                                             equipment brought in by agents. It’s going to
                                                                             be an exciting time when things finally get
Above: Biesse Ray Force                                                      back to ‘normal’ whatever that may be. ❚

Supplier June/July 2020                                                            www.suppliermagazine.com.au

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4 Commercial Joiners reveal
how Empower Factory Productivity &
Scheduling Software has transformed
factory productivity and profit
By Sean O’Sullivan, B Com (Hons) Otago University

PEPPERTREE FURNITURE (ADELAIDE, SA)                                                     PREMIER FURNITURE (SYDNEY, NSW)
MARK TOZER, MANAGING DIRECTOR                                                           PETER LANGFORD, MANAGING DIRECTOR

                                                                                         “Empower Software has made a substantial improvement to factory
 “At 10 weeks of using Empower Software we got 46% increase in                           productivity and bottom line and we would not be without it”
 factory productivity, at 6 months we had got to a 86% increase and
 at 3 years we had got a 100% increase in factory productivity. On                      Key Points
 factory productivity increases alone generated by Empower Software
                                                                                        • Our factory staff have really stepped up to the mark and consistently
 our annual profit has increased by approximately $200,000”
                                                                                          meet and beat the budgeted times on the factory PCs, using Empower
                                                                                        • Empower provides factory staff with a tool to be aware of their own
Key Points                                                                                productivity
• Empower is the tool that our factory staff use to bring their jobs in                 • The software is brilliant at staff performance reviews
  on budgeted time                                                                      • We give individual factory staff reports on their weekly productivity.
• Our factory staff culture is far better as a result of being time and                   This is invaluable feedback to them to keep their productivity up
  job focused                                                                           • Empower gives us accurate times on jobs to allow us to carry out a
• Each factory staff member gets paid bonus for meeting their                             sensible job cost (ie back cost) on completed jobs so we can refine
  personal productivity goals. This comprises capping their downtime                      our future budgeted labour in our costings and quotations
  and meeting times on jobs each week                                                   • Empower is designed specifically for my role as production manager
• The brilliant thing about how Empower has worked for me from day                        to ‘track, report and substantially increase factory productivity’ and
                                                                                          it certainly works for us
  1 of putting it in, is it simply reported area by area, in small bite size
                                                                                        • Empower times are the truth and accurate – with evidence on issues
  pieces each issues that I could address, precisely where I needed to
                                                                                          I act immediately
  start focusing to get things in order and up to scratch, which I simply
                                                                                        • Empower is the most positive thing we have done in 10 years
  followed through on
                                                                                        • It certainly makes guys on the factory floor focus on their jobs and
• We have used Empower accurate actual times on products                                  their times
  to go back and accurately cost our labour and set consistent
  margin across our products and quoting. This has enabled us to                        Core Products Manufactured       Wide range of standard and custom office furniture
  significantly increase our profit margin across our sales.                            (or Core Business)
                                                                                        Any Key Background               2009 Empower Software was recommended to
Core Products Manufactured (or        Panel and Steel Tube Framed Furniture             Information                      us, a factory productivity software and consultancy
Core Business)                                                                                                           business, which had 10 years experience in our
Any Key Background Information        We operate the largest retail outlet for                                           industry and a solid track record of increasing their
                                      commercial furniture in South Australia                                            clients factory productivity by 15 to 80%.
# Factory Floor Staff                 20                                                # Factory Floor Staff            15
# Total Staff                         25                                                # Total Staff                    20
Annual Revenue (approx)               $4 Million                                        Annual Revenue (approx)          Confidential
Factory and Office Size m2            4100m2                                            Factory and Office Size m2       Large
# of CNCs                             We run two Sleco beam saws, two Biesse            # of CNCs                        2
                                      borers, one SCM edge bander and a Stefani         Geography Serviced               All Australia
                                      edge bander
                                                                                        Staff Times on Jobs Recording    Our production manager Robert advised “prior to
Geography Serviced                    All States                                        prior to Empower                 2009 we were attempting to run our factory and our
Staff Times on Jobs Recording prior Our factory staff manually filled in their lie                                       labour the manual way, which was no different to how
to Empower                          sheets at day end                                                                    factories were run in Australia over 100 years ago.
Years in Business                     35                                                                                 Stepping up to using factory PCs and time tracking
                                                                                                                         software has been a quantum leap in professionalism
Staff Groups Tracked on Empower       All Factory Staff                                                                  and productivity for Premier Furniture
Years using Empower                   9 years to date (at 2018)                         Years in Business                Since 1959
Number of PC’s on the factory         8 @ 2nd hand PCs plus we have Empower on          Staff Groups Tracked on          All staff in all work centres throughout the factory
floor with Empower on                 our CNC machines                                  Empower                          floor
Number of our Managers using          3                                                 Years using Empower              12 months to date (as at Jan 2011)
                                                                                        Number of PC’s on the factory 4
Estimated Factory Productivity        I thought that my factory was productive before   floor with Empower on
Increase on Empower                   putting in Empower but really had no way of
                                      knowing whether I was productive or not at        Number of our Managers           2
                                      the time. Looking back on it I now know that      using Empower
                                      my factory was terribly unproductive prior to     Estimated Factory Productivity   Substantial improvement to both our factory
                                      Empower.                                          Increase on Empower              productivity and our annual profit
TASKER JOINERY (SYDNEY, NSW)                                                               FINECUT JOINERY (SYDNEY, NSW)
GREG TASKER, MANAGING DIRECTOR                                                             MITCHELL BLACK - PRODUCTION MANAGER

                                                                                             “We have achieved a 25% increase in our staff and factory

                                                                                           Key Points
                                                                                           • It has been much easier and more accurate for us to provide clients
 “Using Empower we are getting 20% more joinery out the door each                            with an ETA, especially when using both Empower Time Tracking
 month. Our business consultant confirmed that a 20% increase in                             and Job Scheduling Software
 our factory productivity would increase our annual profit by an                           • Empower and the factory PCs force factory staff to be aware of their
 estimated 60%”                                                                              budgeted and actual times on each job and take responsibility for
                                                                                             jobs they work on
Key Points                                                                                 • Our factory staff are aware of how long they are taking on a job
• For the first time in many years I enjoy coming to work, because                           realise the importance of finishing on time
  the Empower system has my entire business monitored and well                             • Empower has helped management and the sales team ensure
  in control. I am no longer stressed as I used as I used to be, due                         that our prices are accurate as far as our labour component is
  to inadequate monitoring. I now feel as if my management, office                           concerned
  staff factory staff and site staff are now “in the same boat and
                                                                                            Core Products Manufactured (or Core        White Good Appliance Displays mainly
  rowing in the same direction”                                                             Business)
• At 2 years of using Empower our factory productivity has increased
                                                                                            % Production is custom made - one off      100%
  by an estimated 20%                                                                       designs (each job different to the last)
• When I finally retire I will be able to pass on to my son a business                      # Factory Floor Staff                      5
  with far better: systems and controls and a business that is far
                                                                                            # Total Staff                              13
  more: productive and profitable
                                                                                            Annual Revenue (approx)                    Confidential
Core Products Manufactured (or Core        Interior fit outs, commercial joinery and        Factory and Office Size m2                 1000m2
Business)                                  kitchens                                         # of CNCs                                  1 CNC and 1 computerised panel saw
% of Jobs Custom One Offs                  100%                                             Geography Serviced                         Mostly Sydney and NSW, however we go
# Factory Floor Staff                      8                                                                                           nationwide
# Total Staff                              13                                               Staff Times on Jobs Recording prior to     No form of time tracking previously
Annual Revenue (approx)                    2.3 Million approx.
                                                                                            Years in Business                          18
Factory and Office Size m2                 800 square metres approx.
                                                                                            Associations and any positions held        FIAA
# of CNCs                                  1
                                                                                            Staff Groups Tracked on Empower            Factory staff, pre production staff in office
Geography Serviced                         Sydney mainly
                                                                                                                                       and site workers
Staff Times on Jobs Recording prior to     Factory staff manually recorded their
                                                                                            Years using Empower                        3 years
Empower                                    times on jobs daily
                                                                                            Number of PC’s on the factory floor with   3
Years in Business                          31
                                                                                            Empower on
Associations and any positions held        Housing Industry Association
                                                                                            Number of our Managers using Empower 3
Staff Groups Tracked on Empower            Office, factory and site staff
                                                                                            Estimated Factory Productivity Increase    We have achieved a 25% increase in our
Years using Empower                        2                                                on Empower                                 staff and factory productivity. We have
Number of PC’s on the factory floor with   2 PC’s                                                                                      maintained production levels and not
Empower on                                                                                                                             had to replace 2 staff that left (1 position
                                                                                                                                       in factory and 1 on site), so our current
Number of our Managers using Empower 3
                                                                                                                                       8 staff are doing the workload of our 10
Estimated Factory Productivity Increase    Using Empower we are getting 20%                                                            staff previously. This is a 25% increase in
on Empower                                 more joinery out the door each month                                                        staff and factory productivity.

Please contact us anytime for an information package,
a software demonstration or pricing
Founding Director Sean O’Sullivan B Com (Hons)
+64 27 2284211, phone anytime
sean@manufacturingandengineering.co.nz                                                                                                        FACTORY PRODUCTIVITY &
                                                                                                                                              JOB SCHEDULING SOFTWARE

Email your company name and contact details to vicky.cammiade@elitepublishing.com.au for your chance to win.
                                                                                Conditions Apply.
Feature                                                                                                                           24

           Empower - key benefits of software implementation

Empower Factory Productivity and                “Early adoptors of tablets on the work            7. Of those 10% or less of Australian
Scheduling Software’s plan for AWISA            shop floor and factory productivity and              joiners who have invested in any form
2020 was to present key statistics from         scheduling software commenced using                  or training in or adoption of Lean
the Australian Joinery Industry, on a           this technology in the Australian                    Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and
series of four 100 inch TV monitors. Daily      joinery industry in 2006, 14 years ago”.             Advanced Manufacturing the substantial
presentations detailing market indusrty                                                              majority have not invested in a tool
research into the way joiners operate and the   4. 95% of Australian joiners who use work            and technology to collect labour and
benefits of implementing factory productivity      shop completed manual time sheets to              production information accurately
and scheduling software where the focus of         record hours worked on their jobs or              from workshop floor in real time to
Empower’s exhibit.                                 those joiners who do not record their             enable effective implementation of
                                                   labour hours on jobs at all take 20% to           and effective on going use of Lean
The 8 key statictics are unpacked and              40%+ additional hours at 20% to 40%+              Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and
addressed by Sean O’Sullivan from                  higher labour cost than those joiners who         Advanced Manufacturing.
Empower below.                                     use tablets on the factory floor and factory
                                                   productivity and scheduling software.          8. 27 business and management failings
1. 30% of Australian joiners still use work                                                          exist for those joiners who use work shop
   shop staff completed manual time sheets      “Furthermore, tablets on the work shop               staff completed manual time sheets to
   to record their work shop staff times on     floor and factory productivity and                   record hours worked on jobs or for those
   their jobs.                                  scheduling software for a joiner with, for           joiners who do not record their work
                                                example 10 work shop staff, will generate            shop staff hours worked on jobs at all.
 “Manual time sheets were used in               80 hours additional production per week
Australian joinery and manufacturing            and $6,000 additional revenue per week.            “This list of 27 business and management
almost 100 years ago”.                                                                            failings is available on request sean@
                                                5. 10% or less of Australian joiners use          manufacturingandengineering.co.nz
2. 60% of Australian joiners do not record         some form of scheduling software to
   work shop time on jobs at all.                  schedule forward work.                         If you wish to discuss the technology of
                                                                                                  tablets on the work shop floor and factory
 “This is mainly because joiners know           6. 10% or less of Australian joiners have         productivity and scheduling software phone
that the information from work shop                invested in any form of training in            or email Sean at Empower.
staff completed manual time sheets is              or adoption of Lean Manufacturing,
too little, too late and too inaccurate.           Industry 4.0 or Advanced Manufacturing.        web www.empowersoftware.co.nz ❚
Not recording work shop time on their
jobs occurred in Australian joinery and
manufacturing almost 100 years ago.”

3. 10% or less of Australian joiners use
   some form of tablet, PC, bar code
   scanner or other device on work shop
   floor and some form of software to track
   jobs, tasks and individual staff – to
   provide accurate individual staff and job
   tracking in real time.

Supplier June/July 2020                                                                                 www.suppliermagazine.com.au
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