July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Page created by Casey Lambert
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
July-September 2019
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Events at a glance
                                   Booking essential for many events. See page                further details can be found. All events free unless
                                   numbers for further details. Those with an *               otherwise stated on the relevant page numbers.
                                   refer to events listed on separate leaflets where

                                   1		                Press Photographers’ Association of Ireland Exhibition 2019                       Level 3   p6
                                   1		                Eat your heart out: Exhibition curated by Sarah Maria Griffin                     Level 4   p8
                                   1		                Pieces of the Past: Exhibition by dlr Local Studies                               Level 4   p8
                                   4		                Royal Photographic Society’s International Exhibition                  Municipal Gallery    p4
                                   4		                Photography exhibition: Celebrating Irish talent by Hugh O’Conor                  Level 3   p7
                                   5   11.00am        Open studio for adults                                            Project Room, Level 3     p5
                                   9   11.00am        Open studio for kids                                              Project Room, Level 3     p5
                                   13 2.30pm          Open studio for kids                                              Project Room, Level 3     p5
                                   15 11.30am         Dementia inclusive Gallery tour                                   Gallery/Project Room      p5
                                   16 2.15pm          Make a book for Summer Stars with Claire Halpin               Children's Library, Level 4   p13
                                   16 6.00pm          Getting started in Raspberry Pi & Arduino with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne          LexIcon Lab     p15
                                   17 7.00pm          Offshoot photography showcase                                   Gallery / Project Room      p4
                                   18 1.30pm          Wearable technology workshop for kids with MakeCreateInnovate                LexIcon lab    p16
                                   20 11.00am         Using your digital camera:
                                   		                 an introductory workshop with Aoife Giles                         Project Room, Level 3     p5
                                   22 7.30pm          dlr Library Voices: An evening with David Nicholls
                                   		                 in conversation with Eithne Shortall                                               Studio   p10
                                   23 3.30pm          Summer Reading Storytime with library staff                   Children's Library, Level 4   p13
                                   23 6.00pm          Create your own website with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                            LexIcon Lab     p15
                                   24		               Celebrating the history of Local Government [exhibition]                          Level 3   p7
                                   25 1.00pm          Poetry by the Pond                                                        Haigh Terrace     p12
                                   30 6.00pm          Cinema Book Club                                                                   Studio   p12

                                   Until 6            Photography exhibition: Celebrating Irish talent by Hugh O’Conor                  Level 3   p7
                                   6		                Crossing Borders, Forging Republics: Roger Casement &
                                   		                 his experience in Peru [exhibition)                                               Level 3   p6
                                   6		                Leinster Printmakers [exhibition]                                                 Level 4   p8
                                   7     6.00pm       Introduction to 3D printing with Ryan Paetzold                              LexIcon Lab     p15
                                   10 6.00pm          Getting started in Raspberry Pi & Arduino with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne          LexIcon Lab     p15
                                   13 10.30am         Hardware coding workshop for kids                                           LexIcon Lab     p16
                                   13 11.00am         Sunlight photo print workshop for kids                            Project Room, Level 3     p5
                                   14 7.00pm          Poetry evening with Elizabeth Beaton,
Cover Image: Michael Fitzpatrick

                                   		                 Rosamund Taylor & Jessica Traynor                                 Project Room, Level 3     p10
                                   15 2.15pm          Make a book for Summer Stars with Claire Halpin               Children's Library, Level 4   p13
                                   16 2.00pm          Smartphone photography workshop with Brendan Ó Sé                 Project Room, Level 3     p5
                                   20 6.00pm          Create your own website with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                            LexIcon Lab     p15
                                   21 11.00am         Photography review day with Tanya Kiang                           Project Room, Level 3     p5

                                   2 What’s On July—September 2019
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Events at a glance
Key to colour coding of sections                           dlr Lexicon Events
dlr Lexicon Exhibitions                                    dlr Lexicon Lab
dlr Lexicon Residencies                                    dlr Branch Libraries’ Events

August continued
24 10.00am       T-shirt printing workshop for kids & parents                                  LexIcon Lab     p16
24 12.00pm       Look Club #4                                                             Municipal Gallery    p5
27 6.00pm        Cinema Book Club                                                                    Studio    p12
28 7.00pm        Artist talk: Focus on Vukasin Nedeljkovic and Rajinder Singh        Project Room, Level 3     p5
29 1.00pm        Poetry by the Pond                                                          Haigh Terrace     p12
30		             Roger Casement Summer School                                                        Studio    p12
Until 31         Celebrating the history of Local Government [exhibition]                           Level 3    p7

2		              First to Fight. Exhibition in association with the Polish Embassy in Dublin         Level 3   p7
3     6.00pm     Drop in Maker evening with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                                LexIcon Lab     p15
Until 4          Royal Photographic Society’s International Exhibition                    Municipal Gallery    p4
4     10.00am    3D printing – Let’s get technical with Ryan Paetzold                          Lexicon Lab     p15
4     6.30pm     Summer Reading Celebration!
		               Monster Doodle with Elida Maiques                               Children’s Library, Level 4   p13
10 11.00am       Open studio for kids                                                Project Room, Level 3     p5
10 3.30pm        Gaming Club                                                                   LexIcon Lab     p16
11 10.00am       Baby Book Club                                                  Children’s Library, Level 4   p13
13 11.00am       Open studio for adults                                              Project Room, Level 3     p5
14 2.30pm        Open studio for kids                                                Project Room, Level 3     p5
14 2.30pm        Grúpa spraoi sa LexIcon: imeachtaí do pháistí trí Ghaeilge      Children’s Library, Level 4   p13
17 6.00pm        Create your own website with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                              LexIcon Lab     p15
20		             Lego competition display                                        Children’s Library, Level 4   p14
20 4.00pm        Culture Night at dlr LexIcon *                                            Various Venues
20		             Clann: Exhibition by Theresa Nanigian                                    Municipal Gallery    p4
24 10.30am       Making the most of your library card: workshop with library staff        Room 2, Level 5      p12
24 6.00pm        Cinema Book Club                                                                     Studio   p12
25 6.00pm        Introduction to 3D printing with Ryan Paetzold                                LexIcon Lab     p15
25 7.00pm        Catherine McCarthy & Patrick Deely introduced by Nell Regan                          Studio   p11
26 1.00pm        Poetry by the Pond                                                          Haigh Terrace     p12
Until 27         Leinster Printmakers [exhibition]                                                   Level 4   p8
Until 30         Crossing Borders, Forging Republics:
		               Roger Casement & his experience in Peru [exhibition)                                Level 3   p6
30 6.00pm        Graphic Design / Vinyl Cutting workshop with Ryan Paetzold                    LexIcon Lab     p15

   Summer Stars Event

                                                                                     dlr LexIcon Events at a glance 3
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                         The Municipal Gallery Exhibition & Learning
                                                                                 Programmes are managed by dlr Arts Office

 Municipal Gallery Exhibition Programme — Level 3

                                                                                         above Theresa Nanigian, Untitled
                                                                                         (Blackrock Market Photobooth I), 2019

                                                                                          Municipal Gallery
                                                                                          Learning Programme
                                                                                         Booking Please book for all of the
above Christopher Bethell, The Grand Canyon, 2015, from the series The Duke of Earl      events unless otherwise stated as
                                                                                         places are limited. To book go to
                                                                                         www.eventbrite.ie and search
The Royal Photographic                       Theresa Nanigian: Clann                     for “dlr LexIcon Gallery”. For more
Society’s International                      20 Sept-17 Nov                              information www.dlrcoco.ie/arts
Photography Exhibition 161                   ‘Clann’, a spirited portrait of Dún         or (01) 236 2759
4 July-4 Sept                                Laoghaire-Rathdown County, is a
The Royal Photographic                       series of large-scale photographs           OffShoot Photography
Society’s International                      of groups who live, work and play           Showcase
Photography Exhibition is                    in the County. The work reflects            Gallery/Project Room
the world’s longest running                  the fact that Irish clans have long         Wed 17 July, 7.00-8.30pm
photographic exhibition, having              been composed of members                    OffShoot will present a
been held almost every year                  far beyond blood relations, and             showcase of their work
since 1854. 7,327 entries were               demonstrates the cultural shifts            with members on hand to
submitted to the open call from              in what the County has become               discuss their work, share
over 60 countries. The exhibition            and where it might be headed.               their photography practice,
presents 100 images with the                 Nanigian’s exhibition may also              some technical, practical and
chance to see some incredible                include photographs taken by                artistic advice and answer any
contemporary photography,                    members of the Dún Laoghaire-               questions you may have about
covering a huge variety of                   Rathdown public in the fondly-              joining a photographic society.
subject matter and themes.                   regarded photo booth.                       The evening will begin with
                                                                                         a short exhibition tour with
                                                                                         photographer Aoife Giles.
4 What’s On July—September 2019
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions
Introduction to Using Your           Photography Review Day                  Open Studios
Digital Camera with Aoife Giles      Project Room                            Project Room
Project Room (and outdoors)          Wed 21 Aug                              No booking required.
Sat 20 July, 11.00am-2.00pm          20 mins slots running from              Adults:
Adult Workshop           Cost: €5    11.00 am-4.00pm                         Fri 5, 12, 19 & 26 of July.
This practical, hands-on             Booking essential .                     Fri 13, 20, & 27 Sept.
workshop with photographer           Aimed at serious amateur                11.00am-1.00pm
Aoife Giles will introduce           photographers.                          Kids: Tues 9 July, 10 Sept.
beginners to digital photography     Get some feedback and friendly          11.00am-1.00pm
and how to get the most out of       advice about your photography           Kids: Sat 13 July, 14 Sept.
their cameras.                       from Tanya Kiang, Director              2.30-4.30pm
                                     and curator of the Gallery of           Come along and try out our Open
Sunlight Photo Print                 Photography. Bring along a              Studios for adults and kids. Make
Workshops for Children               selection of your photographs           use of our free space with artists
Project Room                         (max 40 - these can be brought          on hand to help and encourage
Tues 13 Aug, 11.00am-                on USB) for an informal, one-to-        your artistic projects! Materials
12.00pm Parent/Toddler               one free review session.                are provided so you can try out
Tues 20 Aug, 11.00am-                                                        lots of different things. There are
12.30pm Age: 7-10 yrs                Look Club # 4                           no Open Studios in August.
Join artist Jane Fogarty to          Gallery
create photographic prints from      Sat 24 Aug, 12.00-1.00pm                Dementia Inclusive
sunlight with magical cyanotype      Look Club is to exhibitions as Book     Gallery Tours
paper. Be inspired by nature and     Club is to books. Explore the current   Gallery/Project Room
everyday shapes to create these      exhibition, have a conversation         Mon 15 July,
exciting pictures. A selection of    and learn together in a supportive      11.30am-1.00pm
materials will be provided, but      and welcoming atmosphere.               Tues 23 July, 2.30-4.00pm
participants are encouraged to       Tea and coffee provided.                Would you like to try something
bring along small shapes for                                                 different with a family member
their photographic print. (leaves,   Artist Talk                             or friend living with dementia?
paperclips, flowers, string, etc.)   Focus On: Vukašin                       Facilitators trained to support
                                     Nedeljković and                         people with dementia will
Smartphone Photography               Rajinder Singh                          facilitate an enjoyable tour of the
Workshop with Brendan Ó Sé           Project Room                            exhibition, together with friends
Project Room (and outdoors)          Wed 28 Aug, 7.00-8.30pm                 or family, where you can both
Fri 16 Aug, 2.00-5.30pm              This special evening promises           take time to look at selected
Adult Workshop            Cost: €5   to be an interesting insight into       work on show. There will be
Award-winning photographer           the work of two contemporary            time to enjoy a cup of tea and
Brendan Ó Sé will help you           artists from diverse cultural           chat about the experience at the
discover tips and tricks to help     backgrounds now based in                end of the tour. Each tour looks
you get the most out of your         Ireland – Vukašin Nedeljković           at different work, so you are
phone’s camera.                      (b. Serbia) and Rajinder Singh          welcome to attend both.
                                     (b. Malaysia). Followed by Q&A.         To book, phone (01) 236 2759
                                                                                         dlr LexIcon Exhibitions 5
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                The exhibition programme on pages
                                                                       6-8 is managed by dlr Libraries.

                                                                       Crossing Borders, Forging
                                                                       Republics: Roger Casement
                                                                       and his experience in Peru.
                                                                       6 Aug-30 Sept. Launch on
                                                                       Thurs 29 August as part of
                                                                       the Roger Casement Summer
                                                                       School, see page 12.
                                                                       All welcome.
                                                                       Roger Casement (1864-1916)
                                                                       made two journeys into
                                                                       the north-west Amazon to
above Eskimo Boy by Tom Honan.    Honan who is no stranger to          investigate claims about the
                                  the PPAI Awards stage having         mistreatment of workers involved
                                  received 9 awards to date in         in rubber extraction and he wrote
Level 3                           previous years. His winning          an official report exposing the
                                  portfolio this year features         desperate plight of indigenous
Press Photographers               work commissioned by The             Amazonian communities.
Association of Ireland            Irish Times. The 2019 exhibition     Casement’s legacy as an activist
Exhibition 2019                   features 101 prints and chronicles   and a revolutionary, not only for
www.ppai.ie                       the year 2018 covering all the       Irish Independence and against
1-31 July. Launch on Wed 3        highs and lows including the         King Leopold II’s Congo Free
July, 6.45pm. All welcome.        many sporting events at home         State has fascinated generations
For the fifth year in a row, we   and abroad, the momentous            of Peruvian intellectuals, among
are pleased to showcase the       Papal Visit as well as the           them José Carlos Mariátegui and
Press Photographers Association   catastrophic weather events          Mario Vargas Llosa.
of Ireland ‘Press Photographer    including the infamous ‘Beast        This exhibition has been
of the Year 2019’ exhibition at   from the East’.                      compiled by the Embassy of
dlr LexIcon. The overall award                                         Peru in Ireland with the support
this year went to Dublin-based                                         of the Dublin Festival of History,
freelance photographer Tom                                             a Dublin City Council initiative.
6 What’s On July—September 2019
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions

                                                                         the Councillor and raises public
                                                                         awareness on the work and
                                                                         activities of local authorities
                                                                         throughout the country.

                                                                         First to Fight. Exhibition in
                                                                         association with the Polish
                                                                         Embassy in Dublin
above Kwaku by Hugh O’Conor.         Celebrating the History of          2-30 Sept.
                                     Irish Local Government              September 2019 marks the 80th
                                     24 July-31 Aug.                     anniversary of the attacks against
Level 3                              As we complete the recent local     Poland which started the Second
                                     elections for 2019, it is timely    World War. This disastrous
Photography Exhibition:              to note that April 2019 marked      conflict took the lives of millions
Celebrating Irish Talent by          the 120th Anniversary of the        of people worldwide, including
Hugh O’Conor                         first local elections following     six million Polish citizens. In
4 July-6 Aug                         the enactment of the Local          September 1939, the Polish
We are pleased to host Virgin        Government (Ireland) Act, 1898      Armed Forces and society put up
Media Dublin International Film      which provided the legislative      firm resistance, the first to fight
Festival’s third annual exhibition   basis for much of our present       on such a scale to the air, sea and
of portraits by Hugh O’Conor.        local government system. It is      land onslaught at its West, North,
The exhibition highlights the        of particular significance that     East and South borders.
wealth of Irish talent in the 2019   women were given the franchise,
Festival programme, showcasing       albeit a limited one, for the
O’Conor’s distinctive style.         first time in Ireland in the 1899
                                     elections. The exhibition notes
                                     the importance of the role of
                                                                                     dlr LexIcon Exhibitions 7
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions
photo Bríd O’Donovan

                                                                                               Free Workshops.
                                                                                               Sat 10 Aug, 11.00am-1.00pm
                                                                                               Etching for beginners with
                                                                                               Pamela de Brí. Room 1, Level 3.
                                                                                               Sat 7 Sept, 11.00am-1.00pm
                                                                                               Relief printmaking with Rebecca
                                                                                               Homfray. Room 1, Level 3.
                                                                                               Sat 21 Sept, 11.00am-1.00pm
                                                                                               Drypoint for beginners with
                                                                                               Margaret Becker. Room 1, Level 3.
                                                                                               Bookings via
                                                                                               dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
                                                                                               (01) 280 1147. Max 15.

                       Level 4                                                                 Level 5

                       Eat Your Heart Out
                       1-31 July. Launch on Tues 2
                       July at 6.30pm. All welcome.
                       Curated by Sarah Maria Griffin,
                       dlr Writer in Residence 2018-
                       19, Eat Your Heart Out is an
                       exhibition about food and
                       memory. Contributors were
                       invited to write about a recipe      Leinster Printmakers
                       or dish that meant a great deal      6 Aug – 27 Sept. Launch on 6
                       to them, or to describe a special    Aug at 6.30pm. All welcome.        Pieces of the Past
                       food memory and to explore why       The Leinster Printmaking Studio,   1 July-31 August
                       it is significant. Congratulations   Clane, Co. Kildare, celebrated     Nigel Curtin, dlr Local Studies
                       to all the contributors:             its 20th anniversary in 2018.      Librarian, presents a short
                       Caroline Bracken, Patricia Doran,    To mark the occasion, the          taster exhibition of promotional
                       Sally Dunne, Angela Finn, Jackie     studio invited all members         material held in the Local Studies
                       Fitzgerald, Clare Hall, Michelle     past and present, as well          Collections at dlr LexIcon. Fitting
                       McElroy, Cormac O’Connor,            as guest printmakers who           into that ‘grey’ literature of library
                       Maggie O’Dwyer, Marie G.             had participated in previous       holdings, these posters and
                       O’Dwyer, Adrienne Quinn, Hester      exhibitions, to make a print for   pamphlets have recently been
                       Scott and Michelle Walsh.            this exhibition. The theme was     selected from the Local History
                       Special thanks to photographer       open so as to allow participants   collection for digitisation. This
                       Bríd O’Donovan.                      demonstrate their influences,      display highlights the importance
                                                            inspirations and personal style.   of digitising such ephemeral
                                                            All work is handprinted using a    material for posterity and
                                                            variety of processes.              capturing those moments in time.
                       8 What’s On July—September 2019
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Residencies

Archivist in Residence                   Musician in Residence                Writer in Residence
David Gunning is currently               Organised by dlr Arts Office,        2018-19
completing a major project               the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown           Congratulations to Sarah
celebrating the centenary of the         County Council Musician-in-          Maria Griffin on her wonderful
Dominican Oratory of the Sacred          Residence scheme is jointly          residency – we will all be sorry to
Heart, Dún Laoghaire. He is working      funded by the Arts Council, and      say farewell at the beginning of
with Nigel Curtin, dlr’s Local Studies   managed by Music Network.            July this year! Her final event will
Librarian and many key institutions                                           be the launch of her exhibition
such as the National Gallery of          Over the summer improvising          Eat your Heart Out on Tuesday
Ireland, Dominican Archives, Cabra       pianist and composer Izumi           2 July. We are also thrilled to
and dlr Heritage Office. We look         Kimura’s residency will explore      hear her latest news regarding
forward to a major exhibition on         the connection between Dún           the Secret Project that she was
the Oratory at dlr LexIcon, a new        Laoghaire’s environmental            working on during her residency.
publication and a series of talks and    soundscape and musical sounds.       This follows on from the highly
workshops in October/November.                                                successful launch of her latest
                                         Concert Programme                    novel Other Words for Smoke in
David’s popular Big House-               Studio Theatre, Level 1              April this year.
themed Cinema Book Club                  Thurs 4 July, 7.00pm
has been going from strength             For her first performance,           Over the last year, Sarah has
to strength and dates for                audiences will have a chance to      conducted creative writing
the coming months include                hear new works. Izumi will be        workshops on the topic of food
Tuesdays 30 July, 27 August and          joined by collaborators Anthony      and memoir, was invited to
24 September. David will also be         Kelly, one of the creators of the    participate in and host numerous
giving a talk in Dalkey Library on       intriguing online Dún Laoghaire      literary events both nationally
15 July as part of his travelling        Sound Map, and violinist Cora        and internationally, gave a public
exhibition F.M. O’Flanagan:              Venus Lunny.                         reflection at the Commemoration
Recorder of Dalkey.                      Thurs 1 August, 7.00pm               of the RMS Leinster in October
                                         This performance will be the         2018 and was invited to read her
The archival collections held            culmination of the collaborative     novel Spare and Found Parts as
at dlr LexIcon are open to               work created during the entire       part of The Book on One with
researchers by appointment. As           residency. Izumi will be joined by   RTÉ.
David processes and catalogues           collaborators Anthony Kelly and
the collections, they will become        vocalist Olesya Zdorovetska.
available for consultation.
Enquiries: dgunning@dlrcoco.ie           Free events; booking essential on
                                                                                         dlr LexIcon Residencies 9
July-September 2019 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Events
                                                       DLR LIBRARY VOICES AND POETRY EVENTS

                                                       An Evening with David                                      Poetry evening with
                                                       Nicholls, in conversation                                  Elizabeth Beaton,
                                                       with Eithne Shortall                                       Rosamund Taylor
                                                       Mon 22 July, 7.30pm                                        and Jessica Traynor
                                                       Studio Theatre, Level 1                                    Wed 14 Aug, 7.00pm
                                                       Tickets €12 & €10 from                                     Project Room,
                                                       eventbrite.ie                                              beside Municipal Gallery
                                                                                                                  Free event, booking essential
                                   photo Hal Shinnie

                                                                                                                  on eventbrite.ie
 Breaking News

                                                                                              photo John Beaton
 Congratulations to our new
 Writer in Residence 2019-20
 Sadhbh Devlin, who will join
 us from July. The residency
 this year will focus on the
 theme of inclusivity and will
 have a particular emphasis on                         Sweet Sorrow is a novel about
 creativity for 6-12 year olds.                        the joy and angst of first love, the
                                                       potency of friendship, the worry
 Sadhbh is the author of two                           and the misery too. It is a
 picturebooks in Irish; Bí ag                          tragicomedy about a turning
 Spraoi Liom! (illustrated by                          point in the life of an
 Tarsila Kruse, 2017) and Beag                         unremarkable young man who is
 Bídeach (illustrated by Róisín                        suddenly offered an opportunity                            A unique evening of poetry,
 Hahessy, 2018). Beag Bídeach                          to change his fortunes. David                              featuring three dynamic women
 was recently shortlisted for                          Nicholls, the bestselling author of                        poets: Elizabeth Beaton,
 the Children’s Books Ireland                          Starter for Ten, One Day and Us,                           the Australian author of the
 Book of the Year Awards. Her                          aims to make the reader think,                             chapbook Unbroken Circle, and
 award-winning blog www.                               ‘yes, I remember exactly what                              two Irish poets, Rosamund
 wherewishescomefrom.                                  that felt like’. Few writers can tug                       Taylor, winner of the 2017
 com features her other                                at the heartstrings as                                     Mairtín Crawford Award, and
 passions - crafting with kids                         convincingly and eloquently as                             Jessica Traynor, author of two
 and celebrating the seasons.                          David Nicholls. His most recent                            collections, most recently, The
                                                       screenwriting credits include                              Quick. The poets will read on
 Further details of Sadhbh's                           Patrick Melrose, starring Benedict                         themes as diverse as travel, loss,
 residency will be announced in                        Cumberbatch, adapted from the                              sexuality, myth and witches.
 the coming months. You can                            novels by Edward St Aubyn.
 find out more about her on

10 What’s On July—September 2019
dlr LexIcon Events
Catherine MacCarthy and Patrick Deeley,                                                            Joseph O’Connor in
introduced by Nell Regan                                                                           Conversation
Thurs 26 Sept, 7.00pm                                                                              with Liz Nugent
Studio Theatre, Level 1                                                                            Wed 30 Oct, 8.00pm
Free event, booking essential on eventbrite.ie                                                     Pavilion Theatre
Join us for an evening of poetry to celebrate two new collections                                  Tickets €15/€12
of poetry, Daughters of the House by Catherine Phil MacCarthy and                                  (01) 231 2929 or
The End of the World by Patrick Deeley, both by Dedalus Press.                                     www.paviliontheatre.ie

                                                                            photo Gerry Stanford

                                                                                                   Irish author Joseph O’Connor
                                                                                                   sits down to discuss his new
                                                                                                   novel about Bram Stoker
Daughters of the House is               The End of the World is Deeley’s                           with crimewriting maven Liz
Catherine’s fifth collection and        seventh collection and shows                               Nugent. O’Connor’s new novel
opens with poems that arose             impassioned concern with                                   Shadowplay is a masterful
during a residency in Paris,            today’s uncertain times and                                account of the relationship
considering many Irish artists          the potential for calamity. His                            between Bram Stoker and
who were drawn to and lived in          evocations of wet meadow,                                  the great actor, Henry Irving.
Paris. The collection reflects on       seashore, city street, desert and                          Through his intense relationships
                   moments in                              moorland move                           with Irving and the actress,
                   Irish history                           with wonder                                                 Ellen Terry,
                   and honours                             through the                                                 Stoker will
                   historical figures                      living moment                                               be inspired
                   such as Maud                            and sing the                                                to write his
                   Gonne, Michael                          desire to make                                              masterpiece,
                   Davitt and                              life last.                                                  Dracula.
                   Sarah Purser.

                                                                                                                 dlr LexIcon Events 11
dlr LexIcon Events
                       To book for the following events,
                       please phone 280 1147 or email
                       dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie unless
                       otherwise stated.

                       Regular Events for Adults

                       English conversation classes
                       Children’s Library, Level 4
                       Mondays from 16 Sept
                       5.45-7.45pm                           Cinema Book Club                   Summer School and Festival is
                       Aimed at migrants working             Studio Theatre, Level 1            organised to honour the memory
                       and living in Ireland on a            Tuesdays 30 July, 27 Aug &         of Dún Laoghaire-born Irish
                       long-term basis. Enquiries:           24 Sept, 6.00pm                    revolutionary and international
                       failteisteachdun                      All welcome.                       human rights advocate Roger
                       laoghaire@gmail.com or                Read, watch, discuss! Every        Casement. This is the third year
                       www.thirdageireland.ie                month, David Gunning, dlr          of the Summer School and will
                                                             Archivist in Residence, selects    include a wide range of national
                       Coffee Morning as Gaeilge             a book with an accompanying        and international speakers. See
                       Café, Level 1                         film adaptation. This Big          page 6 for further details re
                       Tuesdays 11.00am-12.00pm              House-themed Cinema Book           the accompanying exhibition,
                       from Sept. All welcome.               Club has proven very popular       Crossing Borders organised by
                       Informal conversational Irish         in the last few months. Email      the Embassy of Peru in Dublin
                       language sessions.                    dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie for       and Dublin Festival of History.
                                                             further information.
                       Poetry by the Pond                                                       Making the most of your
                       Haigh Terrace entrance                Courses & talks for adults         library card: Informal
                       Thursdays 25 July, 29 Aug &                                              sessions with library staff.
                       26 Sept, 1.00pm                       Roger Casement Summer              Room 2, Level 5
                       All welcome                           School 2019                        Tues 24 Sept 10.30am-
                       Poetry by the Pond brings like-       Studio Theatre, Level 1            12.00pm
                       minded people together in a very      Fri 30 Aug-Sun 1 Sept              Max 6.
                       simple accessible way. Read your      Admission: €35 for full school     Booking essential via
                       own poetry or someone else’s,         (includes night of song & music)   dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
                       come along to listen if you prefer.   or €10 per session.                phone 280 1147.
                                                             Further information Tel:           Bring along your device and your
photo Dennis Gilbert

                                                             087 261 1597/086 057               library card to discover what the
                                                             2005/01 230 2311 or email:         online library offers and how
                                                             dlrrogercasementsummer             to access e-resources such as
                                                             school@gmail.com                   magazines, e-books and music!
                                                             The dlr Roger Casement

                       12 What’s On July—September 2019
dlr LexIcon Events
UCD Adult Education Classes                                                Summer Reading Storytime
              Keep a close eye                                             with Library Staff
              out for UCD’s
              listings for courses                                         Children’s Library, Level 4
              commencing in                                                Tues 23 July, 3.30-4.00pm
              Sept/October. We                                             Ages 3-6yrs. All welcome.
              look forward to                                              Join the library staff for a special
courses on history, philosophy       Lego Club with Library Staff          Summer Stars storytime as we
and literature for Autumn 2019.      Room 1, Level 3                       celebrate books and stories. Why
Enrol online at www.ucd.ie/all       Thursdays from 12 Sept                not come dressed up as your
or phone 01 716 7123 or email        for 6 weeks                           favourite character from a book?.
adult.education@ucd.ie for           3.30-4.45pm
further information.                 Ages 7-10 years. Max 12.              Make a book for Summer
                                     Booking required via                  Stars with artist Claire Halpin
Regular Events for Children          dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
                                     phone 280 1147                        Room 1, Level 3
Baby Book Club                       All Lego provided, just bring         Tues 16 July & Thurs 15 Aug
with Library Staff                   along your creativity!                Ages 6-8yrs 2.15-3.15pm
Children’s Library, Level 4                                                Ages 9-12yrs 3.30-4.30pm
Wed 11 Sept, 10.00-11.00am           Grúpa Spraoi sa LexIcon:              Join visual artist Claire Halpin in
All welcome.                         Imeachtaí do pháistí trí              a practical hands on workshop
Explore books, song and rhyme        Ghaeilge                              for children to create concertina
with your baby or young child.       Dé Sathairn 14 Méan Fómhair           and pop-up books using different
                                     2.30-4.00pm                           folding and cutout techniques and
Storytime with Library Staff         Áirithintí agus tuilleadh eolais ag   windows to create a landscape,
Children’s Library, Level 4          cabrini@glornangael.ie                a world of your own invention
Tuesdays,                            Tá fáilte roimh chách. Beidh          and imagination developing
3.30-4.00pm                          na himeachtaí go léir ar siúl trí     characters and building stories
Ages 3-6yrs. All welcome.            mheán na Gaeilge agus saor in         and tales around them..
                                     aisce. Arna eagrú ag Grúpa Spraoi
                                     Tuismitheoirí & Leanaí Ghlór na       Summer Reading
                                     nGael, Deisceart Átha Cliath.         Celebration!
                                                                           Monster Doodle
                                     Féile na nÓg dlr                      with Elida Maiques
                                     Dé Sathairn 5 Deireadh
                                     Fómhair,10.30am-4.30pm                Children’s Library, Level 4
                                     Sat 5 Oct, 10.30am-4.30pm             Wed 4 Sept, 6.30-7.30pm
                                     Save the date and watch out           Monster Doodles are magical
                                     for the separate flier with full      things, one enormous drawing,
                                     details. Join us for fun and          one big group of young artists; the
                                     games through Irish. Bígí linn i      energy is lovely, as we all draw
                                     gcóir spraoi agus spórt!              this amazing collaborative piece.
                                                                                          dlr LexIcon Events 13
dlr LexIcon Events

Lego Competition 2019
The theme for this year’s
competition is: ‘Design your ideal
WaterWorld using Lego’
What would it look like? Use your
imagination! Think it! Build it! Tell
us about it!

We will display the wonderful
Lego builds we receive on
Culture Night at dlr LexIcon on
Friday 20 September. How to
Enter: Simply bring your build
and entry form to the Children’s
Library, Level 4, dlr LexIcon on
Wed 18 Sept between 3.00pm
& 7.00pm. Entry forms will be           Be a summer star                     entering your reading cards into
available from any dlr Library          with dlr libraries                   our prize draw boxes that will be
branch, online at                       The Summer Stars Reading             in each dlr Library.
libraries.dlrcoco.ie or you can         Challenge will run during the
email libraryculture@dlrcoco.ie         summer in public libraries all       We also have Summer Stars
                                        over Ireland. Children are invited   reading events in every dlr
Our thanks to Bricks 4 Kidz for         to register and enjoy reading        Library during summer. Look
sponsoring our Lego competition         lots of books during the summer      out for end of summer reading
again this year.                        months. All participants will be     celebrations where winners
                                        given a Summer Stars Reading         will also attend a prize-giving
                                        Card to record and track their       ceremony in dlr LexIcon on Sat
                                        progress. You get a stamp on         21 September. Check out the
                                        your cards for any books you         Summer Stars website at
                                        read, and if you are on holidays     www.summerstars.ie. There
                                        you can collect summer reading       are also helpful tips for reading
                                        stamps wherever you are in the       and recommended titles by age
                                        country! There are lots of fun       group for children to read. And
                                        incentives along the way as well     it’s all free!
                                        as great prizes to be won by
14 What’s On July—September 2019
dlr LexIcon Lab
LexIcon Lab for Adults                                      Drop in Maker evenings with         Booking essential via
                                                            Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                 dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie
Create your own website                                     Tuesday 3 Sept, 6.00-8.00pm         This workshop will give you a
with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                                    Have an idea but need some          basic introduction and get you
Tuesdays 23 July, 20 Aug &                                  help figuring out where to          started with your first 3D printed
17 Sept, 6.00-8.00pm                                        get started or what creative        object. Suitable for those with
Max. 16                                                     technologies might help bring       little or no experience of 3D
Booking essential via                                       the idea to life? Drop in to the    printing and computer-aided
dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie                                    LexIcon Lab and meet other          design software.
If you’re interested in setting up                          “makers” who are keen to help
a personal blog or portfolio or                             out. No booking required but        3D Printing – Let’s Get
getting your business online, this                          for updates, see https://www.       Technical, with Ryan
workshop is designed to get you                             meetup.com/lexicon-maker/           Paetzold
started. You’ll be introduced to                                                                Wed 4 Sept
several free tools that make it                             Graphic Design workshop             10.00am-12.00pm, Max 16
easy to set up and manage your                              using the LexIcon Lab Vinyl         Booking essential via
own website.                                                Cutter with Ryan Paetzold           dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie
                                                            Mon 30 Sept, 6.00-8.00pm            This workshop builds on the
Getting started with                                        Max. 8                              basic introductory course and
Raspberry Pi & Arduino with                                 Booking essential via               introduces more technical tools
Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                                         dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie            for 3D modelling.
Tuesdays 16 July & 10 Sept                                  Create signs, branding and logos
6.00-8.00pm                                                 using OpenSource software and       Tovertafel (Magic Table)
Max. 16                                                     the LexIcon Lab's vinyl cutter.     demonstrations
Booking essential on                                        Great for anyone interested in      Demonstrations available by
eventbrite.ie                                               graphics, design, and technology.   appointment via
Ever wanted to try your hand at                             No experience necessary             dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie
programming a robot, controlling                            but basic computer skills an        The Tovertafel consists of a series
your house from your phone or                               advantage.                          of interactive games projected
simply flashing some lights?                                                                    onto a table. The games provide
This workshop will give you a                               Introduction to 3D Printing         adults, older people and children
taste of how inputs and outputs                             with Ryan Paetzold                  with specific care needs with
on small computers such as the                              Wednesdays 7 Aug & 25 Sept          activities that are meaningful
Raspberry Pi and Arduino can be                             6.00-8.00pm, Max. 16                and above all lots of fun! Ideally
used to create smart solutions to                                                               suited for those at a later stage of
                                     photo Peter Cavanagh

everyday problems.                                                                              their dementia journey and also
                                                                                                for those with special needs. If
                                                                                                you have a family member who
                                                                                                you think would benefit, or if you
                                                                                                are a carer, please contact us and
                                                                                                we will be delighted to arrange a
                                                                                                                  dlr LexIcon LAB 15
dlr LexIcon Lab
                                                                        T-Shirt Printing for kids and
                                                                        parents with Ryan Paetzold
                                                                        Sat 24 Aug, 10.00am-1.00pm
                                                                        Ages strictly 9-12. Max 12.
                                                                        Booking essential via
                                                                        All children must be
                                                                        accompanied by a parent or
                                                                        guardian for the full workshop.
                                                                        Add some personality to your
                                                                        t-shirt! A workshop to introduce
                                                                        you to OpenSource design
                                                                        software and the top of the
                                                                        line vinyl cutter at the LexIcon.
                                                                        Transform your t-shirt from the
                                                                        ordinary to the extraordinary!
                                                                        T-shirts will be supplied by the

LexIcon Lab for kids                Hardware Coding for Kids            Gaming Club
                                    with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne            with library staff
Wearable Technology                 Tues 13 Aug                         Tuesdays 10 & 24 Sept and
Workshop with                       10.30am-12.30pm                     continuing fortnightly
MakeCreateInnovate                  Ages 9-12. Max 16.                  3.30-4.30pm
Thurs 18 July, 1.30-4.30pm          Booking essential via               Strictly for ages 9-12. Max 8
Ages 9-12 yrs. Max 12               dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie            Booking essential by emailing
Booking essential via               Have some experience                dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie            programming with Scratch,           phoning 280 1147.
Would you like to create your       but are getting bored of just       Kids can play with and against
own wearable technology and         making animations and games?        each other on Playstation 4,
have some fun with electricity      This workshop will build on         Xbox One and Nintendo Switch
and conductive tape? Then try       your Scratch knowledge and          consoles on our 80 inch HD
some electronic tailoring and       introduce you to the basics of      screens. They try out different
an introduction to soldering!       hardware programming, think         games each session, and
Learn the basics of circuitry and   Robots, Home Automation             the emphasis is on fun and
find out how to design a unique     and Wearable Technology!            interaction.
wristband or bracelet. You          Participants will get hands-on
will leave with a hand-crafted      experience programming Arduino
prototype that incorporates LEDs    and micro:bits (small, cheap
and switch based on your design.    programmable computers).
Please bring a light snack and      Prior experience with Scratch (or
drink for a short on-site break.    similar) is beneficial.
16 What’s On July—September 2019
dlr Branch Libraries’ Events
Blackrock Library                                                            Culture Day at
T 288 8117                                                                   Blackrock Library
E blackrocklib@dlrcoco.ie
                                                                             Fri 20 Sept
Events for adults                                                            Check time with library staff
                                                                             Blackrock library is delighted to
Carnegie Secret Cinema Club                                                  hold its first Culture Day! Drop
Thursdays from 12 Sept                                                       by on Friday 20 Sept and take
6.00-8.00pm                                                                  time out of your day to enjoy a
Booking required                                                             string quartet courtesy of Music
                                     A talk on happiness                     Generation dlr.
    Carnegie                         and well-being with
     secret                          Patricia Allen-Garrett
  Cinema Club                        Tues 17 Sept, 6.30-7.30pm               Events for children
   Blackrock                         Booking required
                                     Happiness and positive emotions         Junior book club
     Library                         enhance our resilience in difficult     3rd Wed of each month
The club will take a break for the   times, build better health and          Ages: 9-12yrs
summer and return on                 allow us to be creative and open        From September the club is
12 September. This first session     to others. In this talk Patricia will   changing day and time.
will feature a Q&A with a local      explore what happiness and the          Further details from library staff.
film-maker.                          happiness ratio are and how your
                                     thinking style can impact on your       Baby book club
Carraig Dubh                         happiness levels.                       First Wednesday of
creative writing group                                                       each month
2nd & 4th Monday                     Art classes                             10.15-11.00am
of each month                        with John Carpenter                     This once-a-month session
10.15am-12:30pm                      Wed 18, 25 Sept & 9 Oct                 of stories, rhymes and craft
The group will recommence            10.30am-12.30pm                         continues over the summer.
on 9 September. Booking and          Beginners welcome.                      Musical instruments will be
further details from the library.    All materials supplied.                 available courtesy of Music
                                     Booking essential.                      Generation dlr .
A talk on anxiety with               Must attend all three classes.
Patricia Allen-Garrett               We're delighted to welcome
Tues 10 Sept, 6.30-7.30pm            back John for a series of                      Baby
Booking required
In this talk Patricia will look at
                                     workshops using acrylics.
                                     Participants will paint images                 book
what anxiety is, the symptoms,       based on Markey Robinson and                   Club
some brief descriptions of OCD,      his daughter Annie, who painted
Generalised Anxiety Disorder,        in the west of Ireland from the
phobias and panic, and some          1950s onwards. Complete a
resources to help.                   painting at each session.
                                                                                    dlr Branch Libraries’ Events 17
dlr Branch
Music storytime                                                          Cabinteely Library
with Music Generation                                                    T 285 5363
                                                                         E cabinteelylib@dlrcoco.ie
Thursdays in July, 3.00pm
Drop into the library every                                              Quiet Tuesdays
Thursday afternoon in July and
listen to stories and music from                                         Tuesday evenings
3.00pm.                                                                  5.00-7.30pm
                                    Harry Potter Quiz                    All welcome
Friday Fun Family Films                                                  Each Tuesday evening, we will be
                                    Wed 31 July                          turning lights down and reducing
Every Friday morning                11.00am-12.00pm                      noise in Cabinteely Library
in July and Aug, 10.30am            A fan of Harry Potter? Think you     to create a more welcoming
Looking for something to do         can answer all there is to know?     environment for autistic patrons.
during the summer holidays?         Then sign up for the Harry Potter
Call into Blackrock Library on      Quiz and test your knowledge
Friday mornings and enjoy           against other witches and            Events for adults
an animated classic for all         wizards and, you never know,
the family. This is a relaxed       maybe a few Muggles!                 Knit Club
programme, suitable for children                                         Thursdays, 2.00-3.00pm
with autism.                        Summer Stars reading finale!         All welcome
                                                                         Come and join our new Knitting
LEGO Saturdays                      Sat 14 Sept                          Circle in Cabinteely Library! Bring
                                    Check time with library staff        your current project, and see
10.30am-12.00pm                     Save the date! We will hold          what others are working on - the
All children welcome                our Summer Stars certificate         perfect opportunity to share your
Under 8s accompanied                ceremony on Sat 14 Sept. Further     skills and pick up some tips!
by an adult                         details to follow.
                                                                         Tracing your WW1 relatives
                                    Parent and toddler music             with Seán Downes
                                    sessions with Music                  Tues 2 July, 1.30-5.00pm
                                    Generation                           All welcome, drop in
                                                                         Library staff member
                                    Sat 21 Sept, 10.30-11.15am           Seán Downes (curator of
                                    From autumn, come along to           Remembered- A Bray man in the
                                    a musical parent and toddler         Great War) will be available to
Come join us on Saturday            session, one Saturday per            assist with any queries you may
mornings for old-fashioned          month with Music Generation          have about relatives who fought
LEGO fun!                           beginning on Culture Saturday, 21    in the Great War, or point you
                                    September.                           in the direction of tracing their
                                    Further details from library staff   history.
                                    in early September.
18 What’s On April—June
                        2019 2019
dlr Branch
                                                     dlr LexIcon
Introduction to backyard             Managing conflict in the             Summer Stars storytime
seed saving with                     parent/child relationship
Aga Kowalska                         with Tara Kelly of New               Mon 1 July, 10.00-10.30am
Sat 20 July, 2.30-3.30pm             Authority Parenting                  Ages: 3-6yrs
Booking required. Children           Thurs 19 Sept, 6.30-7.30pm           All welcome, no booking
also welcome at this workshop        All welcome                          required.
Saving your own vegetable and        Many parents and carers are          Join us for a special Summer
flower seeds is within your reach!   experiencing increasing levels       Stars storytime!
Join this informal workshop to       of aggression, abuse and even
learn the basics of harvesting,      violence from their children. This   Sleepy stories
drying and storing seeds from        talk aims to equip parents - and
your own garden.                     those who support them - with        Thurs: 18 July, 1 & 15 Aug
                                     the skills and the knowledge         6.30-7.00pm
Drypoint etching workshop            required to bring this form of       Ages: 3-6yrs
with Jason Deans                     violence to an end.                  Join us for some special bedtime
Fri 26 July, 2.30-4.00pm                                                  stories. Pyjamas and teddies
Booking required                                                          welcome!
                                     Events for children
                                                                          Parent and toddler yoga
                                     Baby book club                       with Yo-Yo Yoga
                                     with library staff                   Wed 10 July, 10.00-11.00am
                                     Wednesdays in Aug & Sept,            Age: 10 months – 3yrs
                                     10.00-10.30am                        Booking required
                                     All welcome                          Bend and bond with your toddler
                                     We’ll be taking a break for July     and enjoy songs, games, nursery
                                     but Baby book club will be back      rhymes and stories with Magda
                                     in August!                           of Yo-Yo Yoga.

                                     STEAM Saturday                       Yoga storytime
Join Printmaker Jason Deans to       Each open Saturday: 6 & 20           with Yo-Yo Yoga
produce a small edition etching.     July, 10 & 24 Aug, 7 & 21 Sept       Mon 19 Aug, 10.00-11.00am
Jason will show participants how     11.00am-12.30pm                      Age: 4+
to use drypoint etching to make      Ages: 4-8 yrs                        Booking required
a one-of-a-kind print to show        All welcome, no booking              Using storybooks both familiar
all your friends. This beginners     required                             and new, this is a unique
printing class will give you         Come and build with us using         opportunity for children to
everything you need to create        Magformers and wooden blocks!        experience yoga through the
your original artwork.                                                    medium of storytelling.

                                                                                dlr Branch
                                                                                     dlr LexIcon
                                                                                                       Events 19
dlr Branch
                                    Baby massage                           Dalkey Library
                                    with ClapHandies                       T 285 5277
                                    Mon 9 Sept, 10.00-11.00am              E dalkeylib@dlrcoco.ie
                                    Age: 6 wks+
                                    Booking required                       Events for adults
                                    Massage can promote sleep and
                                    relieve pain in babies. Join us for    F. M. O’Flanagan:
                                    this introductory session of baby      Recorder of Dalkey, a talk
                                    massage with ClapHandies.              with David Gunning
                                                                           Mon 15 July
                                    What world do you want                 11.30am-12.30pm
                                    in 2030? Workshop with                 All welcome
Bee-friendly                        Comhlámh                               David, Archivist in Residence at
intergenerational art class         Mon 30 Sept, 10.00-11.00am             dlr LexIcon, will give a talk about
with Shevaun Doherty                Class visit, suitable for              the F. M. O’Flanagan exhibition
Wed 14 Aug, 2.00-4.45pm             5th/6th class                          on display in July.
Ages: 6yrs+ with parent/            Booking required
grandparent/carer                   The Sustainable Development
Booking required.                   Goals are global targets to end
Explore the buzzy world of          extreme poverty, fight inequality
bumblebees with botanical artist    and injustice and fix climate
Shevaun Doherty. Take a close       change for everyone by 2030.
look at bees and learn how to       In this interactive workshop,          'Fell down, knocked down,
draw realistic bees with soft fur   Comhlámh will explore questions        and slipped in'
and glistening wings.               that include: Why are the Goals        Tues 20 Aug, 7.00-8.00pm
                                    so important at home in Ireland        All welcome
Summer Stars celebration            and in other countries around          A Heritage Week talk in
with storyteller                    the world? What can we all do to       association with the Old Dublin
Paul Timoney                        make them happen by 2030?              Society, James Scannell will
                                                                           recall three accidents that made
Fri 30 Aug, 2.30-4.30pm             Exhibition                             the press in Dalkey in the late
All Summer Stars welcome!                                                  19th and early 20th century.
Join us in Cabinteely Library for   Remembered:
our Summer Stars celebration.       A Bray man in the Great War
Storyteller Paul Timoney will       Curated by dlr Libraries’ staff
help us to bring this summer’s      member Seán Downes
reading challenge to a close by     July
creating some wonderful stories     This is the story of Private 21526
featuring some characters you       Cleary, John of ‘D’ Company, 9th
might recognise.                    Dublins, but it is also the story of
                                    his comrades and includes extracts
                                    from their surviving letters.
20 What’s On April—June
                        2019 2019
dlr Branch
                                                     dlr LexIcon
                                    Events for children                     Baby PlayLab
                                                                            with ClapHandies
                                    Early years programme –                 30 Aug
                                    Fridays at 10.30am:                     Age: 0-12 months
                                                                            Booking required
                                    Baby book club                          PlayLabs offer a wonderful start
                                    5 July, 2 Aug, 6 Sept                   in social play, with activities
                                    Ages: 0-4yrs. All welcome.              such as rhyme time, music and
                                    Join us at Baby Book Club where         movement.
                                    library staff will delight and
                                    entertain babies, toddlers and pre-     Let’s make music!
                                    schoolers alike with some of our
Season of craft: Felt-making        favourite stories, rhymes and crafts.   20 Sept
with artist Tunde Toth                                                      Ages: 0-4 yrs
Sat 21 Sept,                        Let’s play!                             Booking required
10.00am-12.30pm                     12 July, 9 Aug, 13 Sept                 A fun and engaging session
Booking required.                   Ages: 0-4 yrs. All welcome.             using songs and instruments to
Beginners welcome                   An open play session in which           create a relaxing atmosphere for
The first of Dalkey Library’s       children can explore their library      parents and children.
Season of Craft workshops for       surroundings and share our
adults.                             library toys.                           Library Sprouts
Join visual artist and arts                                                 gardening club
educator Tunde Toth to learn        Let’s build!                            Mondays in July & Aug
traditional wet felting processes   19 July, 16 Aug, 27 Sept                10.30-11.15am
using dyed and un-dyed Merino       Ages: 0-4 yrs. All welcome.             Ages: 4+
wool with hot water and soap.       An open play session for babies         Booking required as places
                                    and pre-schoolers using our             are limited.
Harvest celebration                 Duplo Lego and building blocks.

Sat 28 Sept, 2.30pm                 Let’s decorate!
All welcome                         26 July & 23 Aug
We’ll be hosting an afternoon of    All ages welcome,
Thanksgiving and Harvest music      no booking required
to celebrate a successful season    Help us add to our summer mural
of growing our own fruit and        in the Junior Library and colour
vegetables in the Maeve Binchy      in some fish, animals and birds         Library Sprouts gardening club
Garden. Admire the end of our       to cut out and put on display.          will be growing and caring for
vegetable harvest and children                                              veggies in the library garden,
can decorate an autumn wreath                                               talking about bugs and the
to bring home.                                                              environment every week
                                                                            throughout July and August.

                                                                                  dlr Branch
                                                                                       dlr LexIcon
                                                                                                         Events 21
dlr Branch
Gruffalo party with                                                      Deansgrange Library
Music Generation dlr                                                     T 285 0860
                                                                         E deansgrangelib@dlrcoco.ie
Wed 24 July, 10.30-11.30am
Booking required                                                         Quiet/Sensory Room
The Gruffalo is 20 this year!
Come along to celebrate with                                             Thursdays 5.00-7.30pm and
stories, music, crafts, a Gruffalo                                       Fridays 2.00-4.30pm
hunt and a Happy Birthday                                                dlr Libraries hope those with
singalong finale.                                                        autism will avail of the room and
                                                                         the sensory equipment within it.
Drive-in movie                       Summer Stars celebration            The room is also available as a
                                     with Dave's Jungle                  meditation/quiet space.
Wed 14 Aug, 10.30-12.00pm
Ages: 4+                             Sat 14 Sept, 11.00am-
Booking required                     12.00pm                             Events for Adults
Join Dalkey Library staff for a      Booking required
craft session with a difference!     The Summer Stars finale for         NEW — library writers’ group
All you need to bring is your        Dalkey Library welcomes Dave’s      Every Wednesday, 6.30pm
imagination and a cardboard box      Jungle. Dave will introduce you     All welcome
that you can sit comfortably in,     to creatures you have only seen
and leave the rest to us!            on Animal Planet or National        Explore dlr Libraries online
                                     Geographic!                         resources with library staff
LEGO club                            Make sure to submit your            Each Wednesday from
Saturdays from September             completed Summer Stars card         3 July-25 Sept inclusive
2.00-3.00pm                          for inclusion in Dalkey Library’s   6.30-7.30pm
Ages: 5-8yrs                         prize draw for all those who        Booking required
Places limited                       completed the reading challenge.
                                                                         Summer growing in the
Teen book and film club                                                  garden with Aoife Munn
Tues 10 Sept, 4.30pm                 Exhibition                          Wed 24 July, 6.30-7.30pm
Suitable for those in 6th                                                Booking required
class, 1st & 2nd year                F. M. O’Flanagan:
Dalkey Library's newest club         Recorder of Dalkey                  Writing poetry: beginners
for teen book and movie buffs        July                                workshop with Mark Granier
is looking for lively discussion     Curated by David Gunning,           Fri 27 Sept, 10.30am-12.30pm
and great recommendations. We        Archivist in Residence at dlr       Booking required
supply all the books and DVDs!       LexIcon, this features material
                                     relating to F. M. O’Flanagan,
                                     Dalkey resident and activist.

22 What’s On April—June
                        2019 2019
dlr Branch
                                                 dlr LexIcon
Events for Children                                                                       Summer crafts
                                                                                          with library staff

     Baby                                                                                 Tuesdays 13 & 20 Aug, 3.00pm
     book                                                                                 Booking required

     Club                                                                                 Summer Stars celebration
                                                                                          and prizes with Alan Nolan

Baby book club

                                                                    photo Mark Harrison
with library staff
Last Monday of the month:
29 July, 26 Aug, 30 Sept
10.00-10.45am                    Summer Monster Doodle
Suitable for ages 0-3yrs         with Elida Maiques
All welcome
Explore books, song and rhyme    Thurs 11 July, 3.00pm
with your baby or young child.   Ages: 7-12yrs
                                 Booking required
                                 Monster Doodles are magical
                                 things, one enormous drawing,
                                 one big group of young artists;
                                 the energy is lovely, as we all                          Thurs 5 Sept, 3.00pm
                                 draw this amazing collaborative                          All welcome
                                 piece. Artist Elida Maiques will
                                 be on hand to help and draw
                                 with you.                                                Exhibition

                                 Parent and toddler music                                 Many hearts, no homes:
                                 session with                                             Voices from the frontline of
Summertime storytime             Music Generation                                         homelessness
with library staff                                                                        September
                                 Sat 14 Sept, 10.30am                                     South Dublin Children’s & Young
Every Mon & Wed, 3.00pm          All welcome                                              People’s Committee.
All welcome
                                 LEGO building
Summer crafts                    with Bricks 4 Kidz
with library staff
                                 Sat 27 July, 2.30-4.30pm
Tuesdays 9 & 16 July, 3.00pm     Booking required
Ages 6+yrs. Max 12
Booking required
                                                                                                dlr Branch
                                                                                                     dlr LexIcon
                                                                                                                       Events 23
dlr Branch
Dundrum Library                     Events for children                   Autism friendly storytime
T 298 5000                                                                with Paul Timoney
E dundrumlib@dlrcoco.ie             Storytelling workshops
                                    with Helena Byrne                     Thurs 4 July, 2.30-3.30pm
Quiet Wednesdays at                 Wed 3 July & 7 Aug                    Ages: 5+yrs. Max 12
Dundrum library                     3.00-4.00pm                           Paul Timoney will be hosting a
                                    Ages: 6+. Max 20 children             fun-filled session of bug-making
5.30-7.30pm                         plus parent/minder                    and interactive storytelling.
All welcome                                                               Everyone will get to make their
Each Wednesday evening, we’ll                                             very own beautiful bug. We
be turning lights down and                                                will use all sorts of recycled
reducing noise in Dundrum                                                 materials.
Library to create a more
welcoming environment for                                                 Paint or draw a portrait of
autistic patrons.                                                         Teddy competition!

                                                                          Draw the Dundrum Library teddy
Events for adults                                                         this summer and be in with a
                                                                          chance to get your picture framed
Bridge taster session with                                                and win a prize! 3 age categories!
Michael O'Loughlin                                                        Please contact Dundrum library
Thurs 5 Sept, 3.00-4.00pm           Join storyteller Helena Byrne         for further details.
Max 16. Booking required            as she tells Irish folk tales with
                                    fun, interactive exercises in         Summer Stars celebration
Bridge improvers’ session           the art of storytelling. Helena’s     with Monster Doodle
with Michael O’Loughlin             storytelling transports children’s
Thurs 12 Sept, 3.00-4.00pm          imaginations into the magical         Thurs 12 Sept, 6.30pm
Max 16. Booking required            world of Irish folklore, with tales   All welcome
                                    of the Leprechaun, the Fairy Folk     Monster Doodles are magical
                                    and spooky Irish ghost stories.       things, one enormous drawing,
                                                                          one big group of young artists.
                                    Puppet show                           Collect your Summer Stars
                                    with Julie-Rose McCormick             Certificate and some prizes!

Heritage Week                       Mon 8 July, 11.30am-12.30pm           Exhibition
17-25 August                        Family show.
Library staff will organise an      Booking required.                     Many hearts, no homes:
exhibition of old photographs       Come along to see Beauty and          Voices from the frontline of
from the Dundrum area for           the Beast brought to life via         homelessness
Heritage Week, come take a look!    puppetry and story, and sign up       August
                                    for Summer Reading while you’re       South Dublin Children’s & Young
                                    in the library!                       People’s Committee.
24 What’s On April—June
                        2019 2019
dlr Branch
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Shankill Library                      Events for children               Stillorgan Library
T 282 3081                                                              T 288 9655
E shankilllib@dlrcoco.ie              Parent and toddler group          E stillorganlib@dlrcoco.ie
                                      Mondays, 10.30am-12.00pm
Events for adults                     All welcome                       Events for adults

Painting classes                      Parent and toddler yoga           Ciorcal comhrá
with John Carpenter                   with Yo-Yo Yoga                   Gach Céadaoin, 5.30-6.30pm
Tuesdays 30 July & 6 Aug              Mondays 8 July & 12 Aug           Fáilte roimh chách
2.30-4.30pm                           10.30-11.30am                     Grúpa ag freastal ar an
Booking required                      Booking required                  leabharlann gach Céadaoin chun
Join artist John Carpenter for        Bend and bond with your toddler   Gaeilge a labhairt.
two painting classes focusing         and enjoy songs, games and
on the work and styles of Irish       nursery rhymes.                   English conversation group
artist Markey Robinson and his                                          Wednesdays, 6.30-7.30pm
daughter Annie Robinson.              Musical parent and toddler        All welcome
                                      sessions                          Would you or someone you
A Shankill Civil                                                        know like some help with your
War incident,                         Mon 16 Sept, 10.30-11.30am        spoken English? This friendly
August 1922                           Booking required                  group meets weekly to work
Thurs 22 Aug, 7.00-8.00pm             Music Generation dlr present      on conversation skills in a very
Booking required                      a music class for parents and     relaxed and informal setting.
In this Heritage Week talk,           toddlers.
James Scannell of the Old Dublin                                        Creative writing group
Society recounts an incident in       Summer Monster Doodle             Thursdays, 10.30-11.30am
August 1922 when an attempt           with Elida Maiques                All welcome
was made to blow up the Dublin
Road and Stonebridge Road             Wed 10 July, 3.00-4.00pm          20th Century Irish art &
bridges over the former Harcourt      Ages: 7-12                        literature series
Street to Bray railway line.          Booking required                  Thurs 29 Aug; 5, 12 & 19 Sept
Autumnal planting, a talk                                               All welcome
with Aoife Munn                                                         Art historian Jessica Fahy will
Thurs 26 Sept, 6.30-7.30pm                                              begin this series with two
Booking required                                                        lectures on Evil art: Censorship
Horticulturist Aoife Munn will                                          in twentieth century Irish art and
give you lots of ideas for planting                                     literature. (29 Aug, 5 Sept)
this autumn.                                                            Library staff member Aideen Kerr
                                                                        will then introduce us to The
                                      Monster Doodles are magical       drama of Oscar Wilde: The man
                                      things, one enormous drawing,     behind the mask. (12, 19 Sept)
                                      one big group of young artists
                                                                              dlr Branch
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                                                                                                     Events 25
dlr Branch
                                      Guitar workshops                     Potion-making workshop
Events for children                                                        Mon 29 July, 3.00-4.00pm
                                      Tues 9 July                          Ages: 8-12yrs. All welcome.
Storytime                             Ages: 6-8 yrs, 10.30-11.30am
Every Wednesday, 3.30pm               Ages 9-12 yrs, 12.00-1.00pm:         Wand-making workshop
Ages: 3-6yrs                          Booking required                     Tues 30 July, 3.00-4.00pm
All welcome                           Have you always wanted to            Ages: 8-12yrs. All welcome.
Join us for a special intergalactic   play the guitar? Join us for your
interactive storytime on 10 July!     opportunity to do just that!         “Ah, music, a magic beyond
                                                                           all we do here!”
Musical storytime                     Blast off! Rocket-making
                                      workshop                             Wed 31 July, 3.00-4.00pm
Wed 4 Sept, 3.30pm                    Tues 9 July & Thurs 8 Aug            Ages: 8-12yrs. All welcome.
Ages: 3-6yrs                          3.30-4.30pm                          A musical celebration of all
                                      Age: 6-9. All welcome.               things Potter-related with some
                                      Join Stillorgan Library staff to     readings and wonderful live
                                      create your very own rocket to       music from our Muggle friends in
                                      travel through space.                Music Generation dlr.

                                      Percussion workshops                 Harry Potter Movie Morning
                                                                           Thurs 1 Aug, 11.00am
                                      Mon 22 July, 10.00-11.30am           Ages: 8-12yrs. All welcome.
All welcome                           Ages: 8-12yrs                        Join us for a movie morning
Come along and enjoy storytime        Booking required                     to watch the first of the Harry
with a difference; musical            We’ll have lots of drums and         Potter movies. All are welcome
accompaniment to illustrate           other percussion instruments for     and we’d love to see you in Harry
our weekly storytime. Dance,          you to try out!                      Potter inspired costumes.
sing and enjoy our wonderful
stories with their musical            Happy Birthday Harry Potter!         Movies on Monday
accompaniment.                                                             Mon 12, 19 & 26 Aug, 11.00am
                                      We’re celebrating the birthday       Ages: 5-10yrs. All welcome.
Try an instrument                     of the world’s most famous           Book-related movies for all the
                                      wizard in Stillorgan Library this    family.
Wed 3 July, 10.30am-12.00pm           July. Harry Potter is 38 years old
Ages: 7-11yrs                         on 31 July so we thought we’d
Booking required                      celebrate with some activities
We’ll have guitars, ukuleles,         and events. All events are
bass guitars and electric guitars     suitable for 8 to 12 year olds.
available for you to try out!

26 What’s On April—June
                        2019 2019
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