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26 Town Woods Road • Old Lyme, CT 06371 860-434-4127 www.seniorcenterct.org N IOR SE JULY 2021 C LY M ES’ EN T ER PROUDLY SERVING SENIORS 55 & BETTER! Outdoor Classes Page 2 Boxed Lunches Page 3 Virtual Classes Page 4-5 Cucumber Watermelon Recipe Page 5 Trips & Tours Page 6 Word Scramble Page 7 1
OUTDOOR In Person Classes, Services, and Program Schedule (PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED) CALL (860)434-4127 EXT 1 Max of 12 People per class Program Day of the Week and Time Price Country Line Dancing Class Mondays at 9:15am FREE • This 1-hour class is a fun way to give both your mind and body a workout. Morning Yoga with Laura Tuesdays at 10:00am $5.00 • Greet the day with stretching and breathing. Challenge yourself with guided meditation. Sit and Be Fit with Laura Tuesdays at 10:00am FREE • Seated 1 hour fitness class for all levels. Improve your stamina and strengthen muscles from your toes to your nose. NEW Low Impact Aerobics & Strength Training Thursdays at 8:30am $5.00 • This 1-hour class is a combination of aerobics and strength training. Very similar to Kathy O’Neil’s (who retired) class. ART WORKSHOPS Tuesdays and Fridays 12:30-2:30pm FREE • Come bring your own art supplies to paint or draw with other artists either under the trees or under our tent. Artists will be socially distanced. OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE MEMBER ONLY EVENTS (PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED) CALL (860)434-4127 EXT 1 Maximum of 37 People Pods (Only 2 people per pod) – Those that register will pick up a ticket the week before. Only those with tickets will be admitted. – Although tickets are required…. the tickets are free! *Members should bring their own chairs for the shows. Members may also want to bring a chair umbrella or hat for day shows. ENTERTAINERS STRING OF PEARLS (Outdoor Informal Rehearsal Concert)- Swing Band TICKETS AND PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED BEFORE 7/12/21 Wednesday, July 14th 6:30-8:30pm ENTERTAINER JOHN BANKER (Outdoor Summertime Concert) TICKETS AND PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED BEFORE 8/23/21 Wednesday, August 25th 6:30-8:30pm In Person Services (Held outside on back porch OR under Tent) Hair Dresser: Hair Dresser Carrie Desposa will be doing Haircuts on Thursday July 29th between 9am-12pm. APPOINTMENTS ONLY Will be held on the Porch. Call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to make an appointment. No walk in’s will be welcome. Masks are required and all safety protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time. Blood Pressure Clinics and Nursing Appointments: M-F 11-12pm APPOINTMENTS ONLY. Will be held on the Porch. Call (860)434-7808 to make an appointment. No walk in’s will be welcome. Masks are required and all safety protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time. Foot Care Clinic: Cost is: $35.00. Gretchen O’Connor, RN from Foot Nurse Associates will be accepting appointments for routine foot care services including assessing feet and legs, gentle cleaning, clipping, and sanding/filing of toenails to reduce length and thickness on Thursday, July 15th, from 12-3pm. All appointments will be held on the Porch. No walk in’s will be welcome. Masks are required and all safety protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time. Call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to make an appointment. 2
Phased Re-Opening Timeline As part of our phased opening, May was a very successful month of offering outdoor programs, services, and entertainment. We had 155 people join us in person over the month. It has been great to see people enjoy the in-person programs and services again. We also continue to offer virtual programs which had approx. 500 people participate in the month of May. My hope in enacting the phased re-opening is that it will give people much needed opportunities to see and be with each other all while keeping people safe. After conferring with other senior centers and their reopening plans and with our own building limitations in mind, we will be moving to our next reopening phase after the 4th of July holiday by moving certain programs and services that can be socially distanced inside if the classes wish to. Masks and preregistration will continue to be required. This phase will take place after the air filters Summer Time Unscramble will have been installed in the remaining 4 heat pumps at the 1. ELRTAV ____________________________________________ end of the current month. At 2. SIINCPC ___________________________________________ that point, the whole building 3. SDNA ______________________________________________ will be covered with air purifiers 4. FNU _______________________________________________ and Merv filters. One change 5. TEUISOD ___________________________________________ to the old policy is if you are 6. ARLLUEBM __________________________________________ vaccinated, you will no longer be required to wear masks outside 7. CSENEUSRN _________________________________________ although you can if you wish to. 8. OLOP ______________________________________________ 9. HBECA _____________________________________________ We hope to be targeting other, 10. SGBU ______________________________________________ non-socially distanced programs 11. NIGMMSWI __________________________________________ to return indoors starting August 12. NFAS ______________________________________________ 9th. Masks and preregistration 13. ICPLSSPEO _________________________________________ will be required. This will include 14. MOENDLAE __________________________________________ cards, Wii, movies etc. Bigger entertainment events will still be 15. OBGNITA ___________________________________________ held outside through the fall. I 16. SIREKOWRF _________________________________________ am told that in person meals will 17. SUNBNUR ___________________________________________ return to the center sometime 18. EATH ______________________________________________ this fall, possibly September 19. LADSNSA ___________________________________________ and the date of return will be 20. RAOEENWTML ________________________________________ determined by the Estuary Senior 21. OCTUSOKO __________________________________________ Center and the State of CT. In the meantime, we are offering a 22. OAAVTICN __________________________________________ few outdoor lunch opportunities 23. SHNGFII ___________________________________________ in July and August to get people 24. BQB _______________________________________________ together which will be held 25. ORMSES ____________________________________________ outside under the tent. Check out 26. APCNIGM ___________________________________________ page 7 for details. 1.travel,2.picnics,3.sand,4.fun,5.outside,6.umbrella,7.sunscreen,8.pool,9.beach,10.bugs,11.swimming Thank you for all your patience ,12.fans,13.popsicles,14.lemonade,15.boating,16.fireworks,17.sunburn,18.heat,19.sandals, 20.watermelon,21.cookouts,22.vacation,23.fishing,24.BBQ,25.smores,26.camping 20.watermelon,21.cookouts,22.vacation,23.fishing,24.BBQ,25.smores,26.camping while we work to safely get our ,12.fans,13.popsicles,14.lemonade,15.boating,16.fireworks,17.sunburn,18.heat,19.sandals, Senior Center back to the lively 1.travel,2.picnics,3.sand,4.fun,5.outside,6.umbrella,7.sunscreen,8.pool,9.beach,10.bugs,11.swimming happening place it was pre- pandemic! 26. APCNIGM ___________________________________________ 25. ORMSES ____________________________________________ 3 24. BQB _______________________________________________
MARCH Upcoming Virtual Classes 2020 & Programs D Tuesday Monday WednesdayTuesday Monday To Sign Up email seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov $45) 9:15 Make up Session Ballet at the Barre ($40)$3.00 donation 10:00-12:15 Hearing 9:30 Clinic (F)Trailblazer SUR 8:15 (F) NEW 8:15&NEW 9 Week YogaSlow 10:00 Sit and Be Fit (F) Lunches Lunches are are aa $3.00 donation for for seniors seniors 60+ 9:00 NEW60+8 Week Chair9:30 Yoga Trailblazer Hikes Hikes for Pain ($40) SUR (F) 8 Week Slow Steady 9:00-11:00 Mini ($4 Facials k 1 (F) SUR MUST 10:00 NEW Still LifeBE A MEMBER and and need need & Watercolor to be to($) Class TOIn SIGN ordered beDrop ordered the UP the day -before ALL day before CLASSES by 10:30 11 11 am. byExercise with MEET am. 10:00(S) ONCE 10:00 Kathy Sit and A Sit and beWEEK be Fit 10:30 (F) Exercise Fit10:30-12 with (F) Aging Mastery Kathy (S) 10:00Program NEW 8 Week Beg1 Week Mashed Potatoes, Lunches Lunches can can be be ordered ordered 12:00 Fish & Chips, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Banana by by calling calling (860) (860) 12:00434-4322 434-4322 Pot Roast, 10:00 Gravy, Potatoes,Creative Carrots, Drawing-sign Apple 10:00 Creative Drawing-sign Pie up 10:45 req. up req. 12:00 Swiss Steak, NEW (F) Gravy,Inte (F) Tomato 8 Week M VIRTUAL 1:00 CLASS Classes Healthy Perspective to our Aging Date Classes and Bodies (F) of SUR First and Events Class Events = & Time/ = Italics 1:00 Italics Duration Airborne Jazz Band (F) 12:00 Beef Stew, COST Potatoes & Carrot Coins, Mixed Pears 12:00 Sausage & Pep 1:30 Brain Yoga (F) SUR 12:00 Beef Stew, Potatoes & Mixed Mixed Veg, Peach Co 5:00 NEW SESSION 9 Week Fitness Fusion ($45) 1:00 Cards/Bridge (F)1:00 Wii Bowling (F) Slow and Steady Yoga Lunches Lunches == Mondays 9:00-10:15amBold Bold 4:00 Make up Session Vegetables, Vegetables, Yoga Fundamentals &Peaches Peaches Meditation ($21) Call1:00-3:00SUR for info Scrabble (F) 1:00SUR 2 (F) (F) = = free3 free 7:00 CT Camera Cards / Duplicate B 4 Club4:00 NEW Pilates1Class 1 Low Impact/ High Energy Dance Tues. =&$4.00 $$ = Thurs.aa9:00am $20.00 $4.00 class class a mo. 10:00 Sit and Be Fit (F)12:00 Pulled Pork Sandwich, Pineapple 9:00 8 Week Chair Yoga for Pain ($40) SUR 8:15 9 Week Slow &8:15 9 Week Steady YogaSlow ($45)& S k 2 (F) SUR Chair Yoga forStill 10:00 Pain 12:00Class Life & Watercolor Pulled Pork ($) Drop In Sandwich, Wednesdays Pineapple 9:00-10:15am Call10:30-12 for info 10:00 8(F) Week Beginne 9:00 -12:30 Hair Cuts ($10) SUR 10:00 Creative Drawing-sign 10:00 Creative Drawing-sign up.10:45Aging Mastery up. req. Program req.8 (F) Week 2 rown Rice, 12:00 Shepherd’s Pie, Coleslaw, Coleslaw, Fruit, Corn, Biscuit, PearsJuice, Fruit, Juice, Brownies Brownies 10:30 Exercise with Lynn (S) 12:00 Salmon, Cranberry Week Interme Glaze, Bro Tap Class1:00 Tea with Susan B1:00 1:00 Nickel Anthony (F) SUR Card Nickel Games Games (13 Wednesdays Card at Nickels) (13 11:00am FREE Nickels) 12:00 Chicken w Gravy, 12:00 12:00 Chicken Chicken Mashed Stir Potatoes, Fry, StirGreen Wild Fry, Beans, Wild Broccoli, Rice, Rice, Pineapple Oriental Oriental 12:00 St Patrick’s D Chunks 5:00 9 Week Fitness Fusion 1:00($45) 1:00 Bridge Bridge (F) (F) Apple Blueberry Crisp Vegetable, Vegetable, Pineapple Pineapple Cards / Bridge by 1:00Tidbits Tidbits (F) 3/2 to sign Asparagus up. C Blend, V Slow and Steady Yoga Fridays 9:00-10:15am1:00 19th Amendment1:00 Tips Tips for Presentation 1:00 (F) forSURdealing with Call for dealing info with Back Back Pain Pain -- Bowling (F) 1:00 Wii 1:30 Brain Yoga (F) SUR sign sign up up req req (F) (F) 1:00 Cards / Duplicate 9 10 4:00 Make up Session Yoga Fundamentals & Meditation 11 ($42) SUR 7 7 4:00 Pilates Class8 8Drop FREE (VIRTUAL) 10:00 Sit andFood Experience: Be Fit (F)10:00 10:00 Cooking Watercolor Watercolor Class ($)with Class ($) -- reg 59:00-11:00 ingredients reg req. req. or 9:30 Foot Care Clinic 9:30 less Trailblazer (F)-Call Hikes 860-434-7808 Trailblazer 8:15 (F)up Slow &8:15 9(F) to sign Hikes Week 9 Week Steady YogaSlow ($45)& S 10:00 Still 10:00 Ireland Trip Pre Join us for some funLifewith & Watercolor Sue Class ($) Drop Beeman, 10:00-3:00 10:00-3:00 MS,InRDN. With Reflexology Reflexology ($10), ($10), sign sign 9:00 a specialtyup upin8req Week Chair senior req Yoga10:00 for Pain nutrition, 10:00 she($40) Sit Sit andSURbe will and be be 10:30 leading Fit Fit (F) (F) aExercise virtualwithCooking Lynn ($) 10:00 8 Week Beginne k 3 (F) SUR Experience 12:00 oodles, Garden Beef Stew, Peas on Wednesday, July 10:30& Carrots, 10:30 21st atBiscuit, Exercise Exercise1:00pm.Apple ($) ($) TheCrisp, Fruit will10:30 recipes Exercise with be summer Lynn inspired(S) and 10:00 10:00 5 ingredients Creative Creative 10:30-12 Aging or less Drawing-sign Drawing-sign and up up Mastery sent req. req. 10:45 Program 8(F) (F) Week Week 3 Interme Juice 12:00 Corned Beef Hash, Roasted Potatoes,12:00 Chicken Parmesan, Asparagus Penne No to you ahead 1:00ofIrish time. SchoolIfofyou wish 12:00 12:00 Dance you Swiss (F) SURSwisscanSteak prepare Steak w/ it w/ Red Redwith her OR Sauce, Sauce, just watch Roasted Roasted Blend, Vanilla the demonstration. 12:00 12:00 Pudding, Juice These Chicken Chicken Fruit Fajitas,recipes Fajitas, Garlicare Flour Salad,Flour easy, 12:00 Tortilla Tortilla Knot, Baked Cod, L Orange quick, healthy, 5:00 9andWeekfun! Please Fitness RSVP before Potatoes, Potatoes, Fusion ($45) Tuesday,Mandarin Cauliflower, Cauliflower, July 13th by Mandarin calling Oranges 1:00 Oranges (860)65434-4127 I’m Turning Black What ext. Now?Beans, Black (F) Beans,SUR1.Rice, 1:00 Cards / Bridge Lemon Rice, Applesauce Applesauce (F) Meringue P 1:30 Brain Yoga (F) SUR 1:00 Wii Bowling (F) 1:00 1:00 Nickel Nickel CardCard Games Games (13 (13 Nickels) Nickels) 12:45 12:45 Caroling Caroling to to Shut Shut InsIns (F) (F) -- 1:00 Cards / Duplicate 16 17 18 4:00 Pilates Class15Drop 1:00 1:00 Bridge Bridge (F) (F) 14 14 sign sign upup req. req. 15 FREE (VIRTUAL) American History Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD 10:00 Still Life & Watercolor Class ($) Drop In Andrew Johnson 9:00-11:00 Foot Care210:00 Clinic 10:00 Sit Sit and (F)-Call and be Fit8:15 be Fit 860-434-7808 (F) to (F)sign up Slow &8:15 9 Week 9 Week Steady YogaSlow & Stea ($45) 12:00 Herband Impeachment Friday, July at 2:00pm nd 10:00 8 Week Beginner T Baked Chicken, 10:00 10:00 Mashed Watercolor WatercolorPotatoes, Sonoma Class Class ($) ($) -- reg reg 9:00 8 Week Chair Yoga req. req. for PainCreative 10:30 Exercise up ($40) SUR Drawing-sign with10:45 Lynn 8(S) k 4 (F) SUR 10:00 10:00 Creative Drawing-sign up 10:30-12 Aging Mastery req. req. (F) Week (F) Program Intermedi Blend Veg, Peaches12:00 Chicken Florentine, Rice Pilaf, 10:30 Exercise with Lynn Whole (S) Christmas Luncheon 11:00Pork Reading toWeek Connec4 Experiments s, Peas, Tropical 1:00 in Women & War CT12:00 Freedom: Chicken Woman Hall Florentine, of Fame (F) SUR Rice Pilaf, Whole Friday, 12:00 612:00 12:00 Aug. Gravy, Pork Roast, th Christmas at Mashed 2:00pm Potatoes,Luncheon 12:00 -- Roast Swedish Butternut Roastto signPork Meatballs, w/ w/ up Noodles, The5:00 United States 9 Week Fitness Baby Baby & ($45) Fusion Carrots, Carrots, African Peaches Peaches 1865-1900.Squash, Apple Sauce, Americans, Gravy, Gravy, Roasted Birthday Cake Potatoes, Roasted Fruit Butternut Potatoes, Butternut 12:00Squash, Squash, Chicken Corn C 1:00 Nickel Card Games Sarkany (13 Pie Juice, Chocolate Chip Crazy Horse6:00-7:30 Talk by Holocaust and Westward Survivor 1:00Expansion Nickel Endre (Andy) Card Games (13SURNickels) (F) Nickels) 1:00 Jenna Lynn Friday, Pie (F) SUR Sept. 3rd at 2:00pm 1:00 Cards 1:00 Wii Bowling (F) 1:00 1:00 Bridge Bridge (F) (F) 1:00 1:00 LOL LOL HighHigh School 1:00 Bridge School Select (F) Select Singers Singers 1:00 Cards-- sign sign up upBr / Duplicate lcome 23 24 req. req. (F) (F) 1:00 Board 25of Directors 6:00 Meeting, All WelcY How to Maximize FREE (VIRTUAL) Biography Lecture Series with Jared Day,21 21PHD th 4:00 Pilates Class Drop 22 Genghis Khan 10:00 Sit and Be Fit (F) Friday, July 16 at 2:00pm 22 8:15 9 Week Slow & Steady Yoga ($45) 10:00 Still Life & Watercolor Hernan Cortes Class ($) Drop 10:00-3:00 10:00-3:00 In Reflexology Reflexology ($10), ($10), sign upFriday, sign up req Aug.20thCalendar req at 2:00pm Key 10:00 Open Art Studio (F) 12:00 Cheese Lasagna, Winter Blend Veg, Garlic Knot, Classes 10:00 & 10:00= SitEvents = andItalics be Fit10:30 be Fit (F) Exercise with Lynn (S) (F) Satu k 5 (F) SUR Regency King: King George IV of England 10:30 Exercise ($) Friday, Sept.17 Lunchesat 2:00pm 10:30 Exercise ($) th Sit Bold and $=$5 Pound Cake w Strawberries 12:00 Cheese Rotelle w/ Tomato Sauce, Italian 10:00 Creative 10:30-12 Drawing-sign AgingupMastery req. Program (F) Week 5 Broccoli, Pears 1:00 -5:00 AARP Driving 12:00 Class ($)Cheese SUR Rotelle w/ Tomato Sauce, Italian 10:00 Creative Drawing-sign up req. SUR = Sign Up Required (F) = Free 12:00 Chicken Divan, Brown Rice, (F) $10B Blend, Blend, Pears Pears New12:00 12:00 Stuffed Stuffedin Fish, classes/programs red Roasted Fish,1:00 Roasted Potatoes, Potatoes, Spinach,Spinach, 28 5:00 9 Week Fitness Fusion ($45) Cards 65 Additional Free Virtual Programs/ Lectures/ Classes are offered monthly 1:00 1:00 Nickel Nickel Card Card Games Games (13 (13 Nickels) Nickels) 28 to Special Trips in blue our members through a Connecticut Apple Apple Programs in purple 1:00 Bridge (F) 30 Senior Center Exchange. For 1:00 more 1:00 Bridge information Bridge (F) (F) on 31 participating in these programs, please email us at seniorcenter@ 29 29 oldlyme-ct.gov The PowerTwo of Physic Two Locatio Locatio ise Here Calendar Key Adverti ph: 66 Davis Old Road 8 Davis Road Old Lyme, Lyme,CT CT ph:860.434.9155 860.434.9155 O ntact Classes & Events = Italics Lunches = Bold $=$5 fax: Con fax:860.434.3889 860.434.3889 Colin Colin Morris, Morris, MSPT, MSPT, OCS. OCS. COMT 67-9087 SUR = Sign Up Required (F) = Free New classes/programs in red COMT Gillian As 860-76 RissB Gillian Rissl Trips in blue Chr Special Programs in purple TREATMENT Treatment ofOFallALL ORTHOPEDIC dysfun orthopedic DYSFUNC Treatment of all orthopedic dysfun 4 Select Physical therapy ad 5.16.indd 1
MARCH 2020 Do you need more books to read OR jigsaw puzzles to do? December 2015 MARCH 2020 De D We continue to have a table set out in front of our building with jigsaw puzzles and books including large print books for day Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Returns Bin located under the table. If you are homebound and would like a puzzles or books please call us and we can Thursday you to borrow. Feel free to stop by anytime and help yourself. When you finish please kindly return it by putting it in theWednesday Wednesday Tuesday FridaT 45) for provide home 10:00-12:15 9:15 delivery. Hearing Make Clinic (F)Trailblazer up Session SURBallet at the Barre ($40)$3.00 8:15 NEW 9 Week10:00-12:15 Slow &60+ Hearing Steady Yoga Clinic ($45) (F) SUR SUR 8:15 NEWTai Ji9 Quan-Move Week Slow &B ation nation for seniors seniors 60+ 9:00 NEW60+ 810:00 WeekSitChair and 9:30 9:30 Yoga for Lunches Be FitTrailblazer Lunches (F)Pain ($40) SUR Hikes are aa(F) are Hikes $3.00 donation (F) donation for 9:00-11:00for seniors seniors Mini9:00 9:00 89:00 60+ NEW($15) Facials Week Tai SUR Tai 9:30 Chi Chair9:30 Chi Yoga• • Trailblazer 10:30 Trailblazer for10:30 Exercise Pain ($40) Hikes Hikes($) Exercise SUR (F)9:00 NEW 8 Week (F) ($) 9:00-11:00 10:00 10:00 Mini Facials(F he day before by 11 am. and need to be ordered the day before by 11 am. 9:30 Shoreline Artists’ Workshop he 1 (F)day SUR before byExercise 1110:00 am. 10:00 10:00 Sit and and be need Fit (F) to($) be ordered the dayNEW before 1112:00 byExercise am. Herbed 10:00 Baked Sit andChicken, and be be Fit (F)Brown (F) Rice, 12:00BeginC Grab10:30and Go with NEW Kathy Lunches areSit Still(S) Life and &available Watercolor beClass Fit through(F)Drop In Estuary the 10:00Council. 8 Week 10:30Beginner Five 12:00 Tapwith delicious ClassHerbed 10:00 ($32) Kathy and SUR (S) Baked Sit nutritious Chicken, Fit meals frozen Brown 10:30perNew Rice, 410:00 personWeekNEW are 12:00 High8Energy/Low Week y calling ay calling (860) (860) 434-4322 12:00434-4322 Pot Roast, 12:00 Fish10:00 Gravy, &Potatoes, Lunches Chips,Creative Lunches Carrots, Baked can Applecan be Drawing-sign Pie ordered beSlaw, ordered upby calling 10:45 upbyreq. NEW (F) calling (860) 8 Week (860) 434-4322 Intermediate Carrot 12:00434-4322 Pot Roast, Tap Class Gravy,Coins, 10:00($32) Potatoes, SUR Fruit CreativeCrisp Carrots, Drawing-sign Apple Pie up 10:45 up req. NEW w(F) 8 Week FruitInter Mashed Potatoes, available for 10:00 contact-less Creative pick upBeans, every Cole Drawing-sign Tuesday Banana morningreq. 12:00 (F)the atSausage Lymes’ & Peppers Carrot Senior Grinder Coins, 10:00 Center, on Whole Fruit Creative 26 Town Wheat CrispDrawing-sign Woods Roll, Rd,12:00 Old Chicken Lyme, req. 12:00CT, (F) Sausage Fruit BBQ Sauce, & Pep M ents ents = Italics =from 1:00 ItalicsAirborne Jazz Band 1:00 Healthy (F) Perspective 12:00 12:00 pm. Beef to BeefThe our Stew, Stew,Classes Classes Aging Bodies Potatoes Potatoes and (F)and SUR will be & & Events Events Mixed Mixed == Italics 1:00 Italics Airborne Jazz 12:00 12:00 Band (F) 12:00 Senior 12:00 Senior You ClubBeef Club Stew, Luncheon Beefplace Stew, Luncheon Potatoes Out Potatoes & Mandarin Mixed there&asMixed Out Oranges 12:30 12:30 CobW 1:3011:00 Brain YogaamNEW 5:00 (F)toSUR12:00 SESSION 9 Week Fitnessmeals Fusion ($45) placed in your Mixed truck Veg, Peach or back Cobbler, 1:30 Brain seat. YogaFruit (F) Juice SUR can a check 1:00 New well 4 Mixed Week forVeg, Peach Latin/Ballroom = = BoldBoldpayment. 4:00 Make up AllSession Vegetables, Vegetables, appropriate Yoga Covid-19 Fundamentals &Peaches Peaches Lunches Lunches precautions Meditation ($21) = = SUR are taken1:00Bold Bold Wii Bowling while 1:30 (F)Make up handling 4:00 theBrain 1:30 SessionBrainVegetables, meals. Yoga Yoga Vegetables, Yoga Suggested Fundamentals Peaches •• &4:30 Peaches 4:30 Yoga Yoga donation Meditation $$isSUR$15.00 1:00 ($21) for Wii5Beginner 1:00 (F) D 1:00 Bowling DL 2:30 NEW 4 Week CountrBr free free3 meals, 2 however if you cannot afford it, you are(F) 4not (F) = 1:00 Cards / Duplicate Bridge 4:003NEW Pilates free =required free to pay.1Class 1 To 5:30 Dropget (F) 5:30more66 Week Week Pilates Pilates Class Class In & Try ($) information or to order the 5-- Sign Sign up up4req. 1:00 req. call meals, 4:002 2 Cards / Duplicate NEW Pilates 1Class 1 D 00 aa class class860-388-1611. Meals MUST be ordered by $$ = = $4.00 the aa class Friday before $4.00 class at 11am. ich, Pineapple wich, 9:00 8 Week10:00 Pineapple ChairSit andfor Yoga BePain Fit (F)($40) 12:00 12:00 SURPulled Pulled Pork Pork Sandwich,8:15 9Pineapple Sandwich, Week Slow Pineapple 9:00&8 Steady Week9:00 YogaTai Chair 9:00 ($45) Yoga Tai forSUR Chi Chi •• 9:15-11:30 Pain ($40) SUR 9:15-11:30 Haircuts Haircuts 8 Week8:15 9:15($10) ($10) Tai Ji9Quan-Move sign sign Week up Slow &forSteB up 2 (F) SUR Nonperishable 10:00 9:00 -12:30 Hair Groceries CutsStill Life ($10) & SUR 10:00 Watercolor Class ($) Drop In 10:00 8 Week Beginner 9:00 -12:30Tap Class Hair 9:00 Cuts ($32) ($10) -- 12:00 SUR SUR Choices Counseler 9:30 10:00 Shoreline -- appt req 8 Artists’ (F) Week Beginner Workshop (FF ownies ownies own Rice, If 10:30 12:00 10:00 Creative Creative Coleslaw, Coleslaw, Drawing-sign Drawing-sign Fruit, Fruit, Juice,up. Juice, up. req. req.8(F) Brownies Brownies 10:45 (F) Week Intermediate 9:00 Tap Class 10:00 12:00 10:00 ($32) Creative Choices Creative SUR Drawing-sign Counseler Drawing-sign appt up.req up. req.(F)8(F) req. 10:45 (F) Week12:00 12:00 Intermed you areExercise withShepherd’s finding Lynn (S) Pie, yourself in Corn, need Biscuit, of food,Pearsplease reach out to 10:30 the Exercise Senior10:00 with CenterLynn (S) and -- 12:00 1:00 we Hearingcan provide Clinic you -- appt 10:30 a bag 4 neededWeek of High non-(F) Energy/Low Imp (13 (13 Nickels) Nickels)12:00 Chicken 1:00 Tea 12:00 12:00 with w Gravy, Susan Chicken Chicken Mashed 1:00 1:00 (F)Stir NickelStir Nickel B(860)434-4127 Anthony Potatoes, Fry, Fry, Card Card SURGreen Wild Wild Games Games Beans, Rice, Rice, (13 (13 Oriental 12:00Oriental St Patrick’s Nickels) Nickels) 12:00to Day 10:00 Luncheon, Chicken w up. 1:00 12:00 Gravy, callMashedChicken Hearing Chicken 860-388-1611 Stir Clinic Potatoes, Fry, StirGreen Fry,apptWild Wild 12:00 Beans, Rice, needed Rice,12:00 Cheese Oriental (F) Oriental St Patrick’s Tortellini, 12:30 12:30 Pesto Da perishable groceries. Call Vegetable, Pineapple to set Tidbits up an byappointment 3/2 to sign up. pick 10:30 Corned10:30 it Beef Exercise Hash, Exercise Vegetable,Roast($) ($)Potatoes, Pineapple Tidbits by 3/2 to sign up. Co 1:00 D 5:00 9 Week Apple Blueberry Vegetable, Crisp Fitness Fusion 1:00 Pineapple ($45) Bridge 1:00 Bridge (F) (F) Tidbits Apple Blueberry Vegetable, Crisp Pineapple Tidbits Veg, Tropical Fruit 1:00 D Asparagus Blend, Vanilla 12:00 12:00Pudding, Beef Beef Fruit Juice Over Stroganoff Stroganoff Over Noodles, Noodles, Asparagus Blend, Va Broccoli Broccoli 1:00 19th Amendment1:00 Tips Tips for Presentation 1:00 (F) forSURdealing dealing with with Back Back Pain Pain -- 1:00 1:00 Wii Bowling (F) 19th Amendment 1:00 Tips Presentation 1:00 Tips for (F) for dealing SURdealing with with1:00 Back 4 BackWeek Pain Pain - - 1:00 1:00 Wii Bowling (F) -D Latin/Ballroom Line 1:00 - 1:30 Brain Yoga (F) SUR sign sign up up req req (F)(F) 1:30 Brain 1:00 1:00 Yoga 1:00 Cards / Duplicate Bridge (F) sign Tree (F)Tree SUR Trimming Trimming up up req signFundamentalsreq (F)Party Party (F) (F) (F)& Meditation 2:30 4 Week Beginner 1:00 CardsCountry LineB / Duplicate 10 4:00 9Make up7Session Yoga Fundamentals & Meditation 11 4:0010 4:00 Make 1:30 8 up Session Brain YogaYoga • 4:30 12 Yoga $ 11 SURIn &7 99 Class8 1:30 Brain Yoga • 4:30 Yoga $ ($42) SUR 7 8Drop 7 8Drop Cucumber Watermelon 8:15 Salad Pilates Class ($42) Try ($) 4:00 Pilates 5:30 5:30 66 Week Week Pilates Pilates Class Class -- Sign Sign up up req. req. $) $) -- reg reg req. 10:00 Sit and Be Fit (F) 9:00-11:00 Foot Care Clinic req. 9:30 9:30(F)-Call9 Week Slow & Steady Yoga ($45) Trailblazer 10:00 860-434-7808 Trailblazer 10:00 Hikes Watercolor Hikes Watercolor (F) to sign(F)upClass Class ($) ($) -- reg 9:15 8 Week8:15 reg req. req. Tai Ji9Quan-Move Week Slow &forSteB 9:00-11:009:00 Tai Foot Care 9:00 9:30 Chi TaiClinic • Trailblazer 10:30 Chi(F)-Call 9:30 • Exercise 860-434-7808 Trailblazer 10:30 Hikes Exercise Hikes ($) (F) to sign (F)up ($) 9:00 8 Week 10:00 Chair Still Yoga Life for & Watercolor Pain ($40) Class SUR ($) Drop In 10:00 Ireland 9:00 Trip Presentation 8 Week Chair 11:00 atYoga Eastfor Lead LymePain & Senior ($40) Public Center SUR (F) SURQuestions Health 10:00 9:30 Shoreline (F) Ireland Artists’ Trip Prese Workshop (FS $10), $10), p,3 (F) sign SURsign Fruit up req Watermelon, up req 12:00 10:30 Exercise withBeef 10:00 cucumber 10:00 Sit Lynn Stew, (S) Sit and 10:00-3:00 and andherbs 10:00-3:00 be Fit (F) Reflexology are(F)a delicious be FitReflexology Peas & Carrots, Biscuit, Apple Crisp,10:00 ($10), ($10), sign combination up signBeginner Fruit8 Week10:30 req up reqthat's11:00 Tap Class Exercise with 10:00 Lead 10:00 ($32) Lynn (S) & Sit and Public be Health Fit (F) Questions SUR Sit and be Fit (F) 10:30 4 Week (F) 10:00 High Week12:00 12:00 8Energy/Low Beginner Im perfect for summer. 10:00 10:00 ThisCreative 10:30 salad Creative 10:30 Drawing-sign Exercise uses lime Drawing-sign Exercise ($)juiceup ($) and up req. req. 10:45 8(F) herbs Weekfor (F) flavor, Intermediate 12:00 12:00but Tap Lasagna, Lasagna, 10:00 you Class 10:00 Tossed Creative Creative ($32)Roasted SUR Salad Salad w/ TossedDrawing-sign Drawing-signw/ Dressing, Dressing, up req. up 10:45 req.Steak, WeekCarrot 8(F) (F) Carrot IntermedM oodles, Garden 12:00 Corned JuiceBeef Hash, Roasted Potatoes, Asparagus 12:00 Corned Beef Hash, Potatoes, 12:00 Salisbury Asparagus Gravy, dd Sauce, Roasted Sauce,couldRoasted 12:00 12:00 Chicken 12:00 Chicken 12:00 Swiss Fajitas, Swiss Fajitas, Steak Steak Flour Flourw/ w/ 12:00 Tortilla Red Sauce, Tortilla Red Sauce, Baked Cod, Roasted Roasted Garlic Garlic Lemon Sauce, Bread, Bread, Wild 12:00 12:00 Fruited Fruited Rice, Chicken Chicken Jello Broccoli,Jello Fajitas, Fajitas, Flour Flour 12:00 Tortilla Tortilla Baked Cod, LeW 12:30 12:30 Blend,also VanillatryIrish 1:00 this Pudding, salad School Fruit with Juice of Dance a balsamic vinaigrette as well! (F) SUR Blend, Vanilla Pudding, Fruit Juice Pears andarin Oranges Mandarin 1:00 I’m Turning Oranges 5:00 965Week Black What BlackNow?Beans, Fitness Potatoes, (F) Beans, Rice, SUR($45) Potatoes, Fusion Rice,Cauliflower, Applesauce ApplesauceMandarin Cauliflower, Lemon Mandarin Meringue Oranges Pie 1:00 1:00 Senior 1:00 I’m Turning 65 What Oranges Senior Black Black Club Club Now?Beans, Meeting Meeting (F) SUR Rice, Beans, Rice, Applesauce Applesauce Lemon Meringue 1:00 4 Week Latin/Ballroom 12:45 12:45 Pi DancC Line(F) 1:30 Brain Yoga (F) SUR 1:00 Wii Bowling 1:30 (F) Brain 1:30 1:30 Yoga Senior (F)Senior SUR Club Club Bingo Bingo ($1.00) ($1.00) 1:00 Wii Bowling (13 (13 Nickels) Nickels) 12:45 12:45 Caroling1:00 1:00 Nickel Caroling to to Shut Nickel Card CardIns Shut Games Ins (F) (F) -- (13 Games 1:00 Nickels) (13 Nickels)/ Duplicate Bridge (F) 12:45 12:45 Caroling Caroling to to Shut Shut Ins 1:00(F) Ins Open--Art1:00 (F) Studio 1:00 1:00 D (F) / Duplicate DB 17 16 4 servings Makes: 18 17 Cards 1:30 Brain Yoga • 4:30 19 Yoga $ 18 Cards 14 14 sign up1:00 sign up 1:00 req. Bridge req. Bridge (F) (F) 4:00 Pilates Class 15 1:30 15Drop In5:30 &14 14 Brainsign Yoga Try ($) sign up req. 66 Week up req.• 4:30 Yoga $2:30 4 Week 4:0016 16 Class15 Beginner Pilates 15Drop Country Line 5:30 Week Pilates Pilates Class Class -- Sign Sign up up req. req. Ingredients 9:00-11:0010:00 Still 10:00 Life & (F)-Call Watercolor Class 8:15 9 Week Slow9:00-11:00 & Steady Yoga Foot($45) up 8 Week8:15 Tai Ji9Quan-Move Week Slow &forStead Foot Care Clinic 10:00 Sit Sit and and be($)Fit be 860-434-7808 Drop Fit (F)In (F) to sign up 10:00 8 Week Beginner Tap Class CareSUR ($32) 10:00 Clinic 10:00 Sit Sit and (F)-Call and be be Fit 860-434-7808 (F) Fit to (F)sign9:00 10:00 8 Week Beginner Ta Bett ma 2 Tbs 9:00 8lime Week juice 12:00 Chair Herb Yoga Baked for Pain Chicken, ($40) SURMashed Potatoes, Sonoma 9:00 8 Week Chair Yoga for Pain ($40) SUR 9:30 Shoreline Artists’ $) $) - reg reg req. 4 (F)- SUR req. Blend Veg, 10:00 10:00 Peaches 10:00 10:00 Watercolor Creative Creative Watercolor Drawing-sign Drawing-sign Class Class up($) up ($) -- reg req. 10:45 req. reg(F)req. 8(F) Week Intermediate10:30 req. 10:30 Tap Exercise 10:00 Class ($32) ($) SUR Creative Exercise 10:00 ($) Creative Drawing-sign Drawing-sign up req. req.8(F) up 10:45 (F) Intermedia( Week Workshop e, Rice ¼ Pilaf,cup 10:30 minced Exercise Whole with fresh Lynn 12:00 parsley, (S) 12:00 Christmas cilantro Chicken or mint Florentine, 11:00 RiceReading 10:30 to Pilaf, ConnectExercise Whole (F) SUR with Call Lynn Linda (S) Alexander at 860-434-1684 10:30 4 Week High 11:00 Energy/Low Reading w/ Im to Connect e,Peas, Rice Pilaf, Tropical Whole 12:00 1:00 Pork Women Roast, 12:00 & WarMashed Gravy, CT 12:00 Christmas Woman Hall ofLuncheon Chicken Potatoes, Luncheon Fame (F) Butternut SUR -- Roast Florentine, Roast Pork Rice to sign up Pilaf, Pork w/ w/12:00 Whole 12:00 12:00 Pork Roast, Cheeseburger 12:00 Cheeseburger 12:00Mashed Gravy, Christmas Christmas Macaroni Luncheon Macaroni Potatoes,Luncheon & & Cheese, Butternut -- Roast Cheese, 12:00 Roast Pork to sign Breaded up w/ Pork Tilapia, Sweet Po 2 medium5:00cucumbers, WeekGravy, Gravy, washed, Roasted Baby Roasted Baby slicedPeaches Potatoes, Carrots, Potatoes, Carrots, lengthwise Peaches Butternut Butternut then 12:00 Squash, Squash,sliced Chicken Corncrosswise Zucchini, Zucchini, Chowder, Garden Gravy, Citrus Gravy, Citrus Salad, Roasted Fruit Roasted Fruit Bread Stick,Potatoes, Potatoes, Fruit Butternut Butternut 12:00Squash, Squash, Chicken Corn Ch Squash, Apple9 Sauce, Fitness Fusion Birthday ($45) Cake Squash, Apple Sauce, Birthday Cake Oranges (13 (13SURNickels)3 1:00 cupsJenna watermelon, Pieby cut Pie in 1-inch 1:00 Nickel cubes Card (about Sarkany1(13 Games pound) Juice, Chocolate Chip Cookie Nickels) Pie Pie Juice, Chocolate Chip C (F) Nickels) 6:00-7:30 Lynn (F) SURTalk Holocaust 1:00 Survivor Nickel Endre (Andy) Card Games (F) (13 1:00SUR Nickels) Wii Bowling1:00(F) Jenna12:45 Lynn (F)Popcorn 12:45 SUR Popcorn && aa Movie: Movie: HolidyHolidy Inn Inn 1:00 (F) (F)1:00 4 Week Latin/Ballroom Wii Bowling (F)Line D 1:00 1:00 LOL LOL High 1:00 1:00High School School Bridge Bridge (F) (F) Select Select Singers Singers 1:00 Cards-- sign sign up upBridge5:30 / Duplicate (F) 66 Week 5:30 1:00 1:00 LOL Week LOL PilatesHigh High Pilates School School Class Class - - Sign SignSelect Select up up 1:00 Singers Singers req. req. Open 1:00 Art --(F) Cards Studio sign sign up upBri / Duplicate come24 Optional: 23 ½ cup req. req. (F) (F) crumbled feta cheese 25 24 6:00 How to Maximize Your SSA Benefi req. ts (F) req. SUR(F) (F) 26 25 6:00 How to Maximize 2:30 4 Week Beginner Country Lin Yo 4:00 Pilates Class Drop In & Try ($) 4:00 Pilates Class Drop 21 21 22 22 21 21 23 23 22 22 10:00 Sit and Be Fit (F) Instructions $10), $10), sign 1.up sign up req 10:00the req Combine Still Life lime & Watercolor 10:00-3:00Classfresh 10:00-3:00 juice Calendar Keyand ($) Drop In Reflexology Reflexology herbs in a ($10), ($10), sign sign up large bowl. up req req Calendar Key ot, 12:00 Cheese Classes 10:00 Lasagna, & Events Sit = andWinter Italics be Blend Fit Veg, (F) Garlic Knot, Saturday Drop 10:30 Classes In & Events Yoga Exercise 10:00 = Class ($) Sit and Italics be be Fit Fit (F) aSatur 5 (F) SUR 2. Add the 10:00 cucumbers; Pound Lunches Cake w 10:30 Sit and 10:30 = Boldtoss$=$5 Strawberries Exercise be Fit Exercise (F)($) ($) with a rubber spatula, coating all cucumberLunches 10:30 Exercise 10:00 pieces. Sit($) = BoldAdd and $=$5the (F) watermelon; in are12:00 foldLunches $3.00T 12:00 Tomato Sauce, Italian 10:00 Creative 12:00 Drawing-sign Cheese Free Rotelle Rotelle w/up req. w/ Tomato (F) req. (F) Sauce, 12:00 Italian 12:00 Pot 10:00 =Pot Roast Roast w/ Creative w/ Gravy, Mashed Drawing-sign up and Potatoes,need req. to (F) be ordered Sprout Tomato Broccoli, Sauce, Pears Italian gently.1:00SUR 10:00 = Sign -5:00 AARP New12:00 Creative 12:00 UpDriving RequiredClass(F) Drawing-sign Cheese =SUR in($)Fish, up Tomato Sauce, Italian $10/class 10:00 SUR9:00-10:15 Sign Up RequiredamGravy, Creative Free Mashed Potatoes, (F) =Drawing-sign up req. (F) Sprou Lunches Spinach,$10/ can be ordere 12:00 Stuffed classes/programs Stuffed Blend, Blend, red Fish, Pears Pears Roasted Roasted Potatoes, Potatoes, Spinach, Spinach, Peas Peas & 12:00 New & 12:00 Carrots, Stuffed classes/programs Carrots, Fruit Stuffed Fruit Fish, inJuice, red Fish, Juice, Roasted Birthday Roasted BirthdayPotatoes, Cake Potatoes, Cake 12:30 Spinach, are sW 12:30 28 28 5:00 9cover, 3. Optional: Week Fitness and Fusion set ($45) aside for 1 hour to allow flavors to blend. Meals (13 Nickels) (13 Nickels) 28 Apple Apple Trips in Special Programs blue 1:00 1:00 Nickel Card Games Nickel Card Games (13 Nickels) in purple (13 Nickels) 28 5:30 6 Apple Apple Week 5:30 6Special Week Trips in blue Pilates Pilates Programs Class - Sign up Class - Sign up req. in purple req. 1:00 1:00 D D 31 30 1:00 1:00 Bridge Bridge (F) (F) 31 29 29 30 30 29 29 The PowerTwo of Physical Two LocationsTherapy Locations to to Serve You! Serve ™ You! The PowerTwo of Physica Two Location Locatio ise ar Key Here Calendar ph: 66 Davis Old Key Old Lyme, Road 86 Halls Road, Davis Road Lyme,CT CT ph:860.434.9155 860.434.9155 929 929 Boston Old Lyme,OldOld Unit Boston CRoad Post Post CTSaybrook, 06371 CT Saybrook, ph: 860.434.9155 ph: ph:860.388.6511 Road CT 860.388.6511 ph: 66 Davis Old Road 86 Davis Road Old Lyme, Lyme,CT CT ph:860.434.9155 860.434.9155 O ntact nts = Italics old $=$5 Classes & Eventsfax: Lunches = Bold $=$5 = Italics fax: 860.434.3889 fax: 860.434.3889 860.434.3889 fax: fax:860.395.0016 860.395.0016 fax: fax:860.434.3889 860.434.3889 Colin Colin Morris, SUR =MSPT, Sign UpOCS. COMT Colin Colin Morris, Morris, MSPT, MSPT, OCS. OCS. COMT 67-9087 quired (F) = Free rograms in red Morris, MSPT, OCS. COMT Required (F) = Free Ashley Gualandri, PT, DPT New classes/programs inGillian Bryan red Rissler, Gillian Rissler, Schmidt, PT, DPT DPT DPT COMT Gillian Ash Br Gillian Rissle Rissle n blue Trips in blue Christopher Dentch, Christopher PTA, BS Christopher Dentch, Dentch, PTA PTA Chris ams in purple Special Programs in purple Contact Contact Betsy Betsy Avery, Avery, PerPe TREATMENT Treatment Treatment ofOFall of allALL ORTHOPEDIC dysfunction orthopedic orthopedic DYSFUNCTION AND dysfunction and andDISORDERS disorders disorders TREATMENT OF ALL ORTHOPEDIC DYSFUNCT Treatment Treatment Local: of of all all orthopedic 860-434-1611orthopedic dysfunc dysfunc •• Local: 860-434-1611 5
TRIPS & TOURS OVERNIGHT TRIPS & TOURS Registration begins on the dates noted. Register as soon as you can. Payments will be made directly to the Tour Company arranging the trip. Checks can be dropped off to the Senior Center office or mailed directly to the Tour Company. In most circumstances, departure will be from the East Lyme Community Center Parking lot. Sep 8 - 17, 2021 - 10 day Shades of Ireland. 13 meals. Explore Ireland. Depart from NYC. $3629pp double occupancy, $4329pp single occupancy, or $3599pp triple occupancy. Trip insurance strongly encouraged for an additional $399pp. Sep 20 - 28, 2021 (New Date) - 9 day adventure in the Painted Canyons of the West. 11meals. Other dates available later in the year. Call us with your interest. Enjoy the beauty of the west. Depart from NYC. $3529 double occupancy, $4429 single occupancy, $3479 triple occupancy. Trip insurance strongly encouraged for an additional $299pp. Oct 6 - 8, 2021 - 3 days/2 nights in Lancaster, PA to see “Queen Esther” at The Sight and Sound Theatre. Visit the Appalachian Brewing Co., Kitchen Kettle Village, and the Mount Hope Estate and Winery as well as see the fabulous production of “Queen Esther”. $565pp double occupancy, $715pp single occupancy, or $515pp trip occupancy. Oct 4 – 12, 2021 - 9 day trip to Tropical Costa Rica. 14 meals. Depart from NYC. $2229 double occupancy, $2429 single occupancy, $2199 triple occupancy. Trip insurance strongly encouraged for an additional $399pp. Mar 27 - Apr 5, 2022 - 10 day tour of the British Landscapes. 12 meals. See Wales, Scotland, and end in London. Depart from NYC. $2998pp double occupancy, $3598pp single occupancy, $2968pp triple occupancy. Trip insurance strongly encouraged for an additional $399 DAY TRIP Thu, Sep 16th - There is another cool exhibit that is currently running at the New York Botanical Gardens - Kusama: Cosmic Nature. Come explore the Gardens and marvel at Yayoi Kasama’s out of this world art work sprinkled within the property. Lunch will be on your own on Arthur Avenue with some time to explore the shops. Trip fee is $72pp. A lot of walking. Registration begins July 1st. 6
NEW FUN “TO GO” OR IN PERSON LUNCH Join us for a Boxed Lunch Day! Wednesday July 28th 12:00-12:30pm We will be ordering boxed lunches from Subway to include a 6-inch cold sub, a bag of chips, a cookie, and a bottle of water. Sub options are cold cut combo (Bologna, Salomi, and turkey), Ham, Turkey, Tuna, BMT (Peperoni, Ham & Salomi), Ham & Turkey, Spicy (Peperoni and Salomi) and Veggie Delight. You will also be able to pick out veggies (lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, pickles, olives, hot peppers, banana peppers, sweet peppers, red onion, green peppers), type of cheese (provolone, American, swiss, pepper jack) and sauces (chipotle, honey mustard, ranch, Caesar, buffalo, parmesan, vinaigrette, sweet onion, BBQ, mayo, mustard), and bread (Italian, Herb and Cheese, Wheat). All orders and payments will be due by July 20th. As a thank you to all our wonderful members from the Board we will be charging $5.00 for this meal valued at $8.50. Meals can be ordered to pick up drive thru style OR you can reserve a place to eat under our tent. All those wishing to eat under the tent will need to let us know at the time they place the order. Join us for a Boxed Lunch Day! Wednesday August 18th between 12:00-12:30pm. The LOL Lions Club will be offering a cookout menu. Meals can be ordered to pick up drive thru style OR you can reserve a place to eat under our tent. All those wishing to eat under the tent will need to let us know at the time they place the order. Prices will be available when you call. Meal will include hot dogs, hamburger, or cheeseburger with condiments, chips and a soda or bottles water. As a thank you to all our wonderful members from the Board we will be charging $5.00 for this meal valued at over $8.00. All profits go toward community charities. Programs and Services Update Starting July 6th we will hold exercise classes and art workshops inside if participants wish. Participants WILL be required to wear their masks for the entirety of their time inside INCLUDING during the class. Only registered participants will be allowed in the building and space will be limited. 7
Lymes’ Senior Center N IOR SE N IOR Lymes’ Senior Center C SE PRSRT STD LY M ES’ EN C U.S. Postage LY M ES’ T ER EN PAID T ER 26 Town Woods Road • Old Lyme, CT 06371 Permit No. 155 26 Town Woods Road • Old Lyme, CT 06371 Deep River, CT Proudly serving seniors 55 & better 8
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