JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...

Page created by Ramon Holland
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...

I was overjoyed to learn of the abundant
generosity displayed during this year’s
Associate Christmas Fund gift effort. On
behalf of the associates, I wish to thank
residents, residents’ family members,
and the 2020 Christmas Fund Committee
for this incredible offering of thanks and
appreciation to our associates.
                     Gary Selmeczi
                     WCBR President & CEO
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
page 2                              January 2021                              happenings

More outpourings

                                                 Associates Christmas Fund
                                                 Committee Final Accounting
To [Jim Kingsbury] and Residents of WCBR,        Need I say more about why we do what
                                                 we do every holiday season? Clearly, you
Once again, you deliver kindness and abundant
                                                 and your incredible generosity touched
gifts for the associates, just in time for the
holidays!                                        people’s lives in the best way possible.
                                                 Adding our voices to those of the Associates:
We are inspired by your support throughout       From members of the Associates Christmas
the year, especially this one, but your          Fund Committee and the WCBR Residents’
generosity goes beyond measure.
                                                 Association, many, many heartfelt thanks.
Not only am I deeply moved by the magnitude
                                                 Committee activities started this pandemic
of your gift, but also the resulting bonds of
                                                 year in August with the first fundraising
loyalty and trust that my team and other
                                                 letter. As of December 1, you, the very
associates are able to build.
                                                 generous Residents of WCBR, have given
With a full heart, I cannot thank you            $417,048 — give yourselves a hand! To this
enough, not only for the gift, but also for      number, we add funds collected last year
the opportunity to serve your needs in this      (AFTER Associates’ checks were written) to
exceptional community!
                                                 get a grand total of $428,540. That huge
                    Most Gratefully Yours,       sum is what you provided to fund gifts of
                    Sammy [Barnes]               gratitude for WCBR’s Associates. Applause,
.                                                applause to you, please, again! Thank you,
                                                 thank you.
                                                 On December 3, we wrote 306 checks using
                                                 up that huge amount. Generally, the Fund
                                                 gives all money collected to Associates,
                                                 except for bank fees. This pandemic year
                                                 was, however, a little different. Because we
                        This clock is a gift     were not allowed to host an Open House
                        to WCBR Residents.       get-together, we were forced to mail all
                        It can be seen in        the gifts directly to Associates, which we
                        the display cabinet      did on December 4. WCBR paid for postage,
                        just to the right of
                        the entrance to the      but the Committee (using your funds) also
                        WCBR Chapel.             included a printed holiday card for which
                                                 we were charged $57.92 for 320 cards.
                                                                              (continued on p. 3)
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
happenings                               January 2021                                   page 3
Final Accounting (continued from p. 2)            WCBR for 20 years. Longevity gifts were
The Associates Christmas Fund Committee           proportionately given for categories 5-9,
operates at the direction of the Residents’       10-14, 15-19, 20-24, and 25+ years, with
Association. We are charged to create an          the basic gift in each division increasing by
algorithm that divides the available sum          $30 for each year over the bottom of that
equitably among Associates, taking into           division according to the following:
account whether they are part- or full time,
and also rewarding longevity on the job.
We did this according to:

                                                  For example, a person working at WCBR for
We call it the Associates Christmas Fund
                                                  18 years would receive a longevity bump
because the word “employees” does not
                                                  of $750, plus $90 (3 years beyond 15 at
capture all of the people we are thankful
                                                  $30/year) for a total of $840. As you can
for. Individuals in Physical Therapy, and
                                                  see, $60,510 was spent for longevity gifts;
some of those in Dining Services are
                                                  116 of these gifts were made.
contract workers. While we are thankful for
their service to WCBR, they are technically       The largest gift this year was $2,730 made
“employees” of other companies. We                to full time employees who have been at
provided gifts of gratitude to contract           WCBR for 25 years or more (there were
employees as follows:                             four such gifts). The smallest gift was
                                                  $300 given to new hires and to those who
                                                  have not yet reached enough hours to be
                                                  considered quarter-time. Your Committee
                                                  felt it important not to leave anyone out
                                                  of the gift-giving and, so, everyone got
                                                  something. Thanks to the generosity of
                                                  WCBR Residents, many families have had
A full-time Associate received $1,480, and        a nicer Christmas this year because
there were 202 of these gifts. Gifts were         Residents banded together to say a great
proportionately given to three-quarter,           big THANK YOU for their service to us and
one-half, and one-quarter time individuals.       to WCBR, and for the extra measures each
The total spent for these gifts of gratitude      and every one of them had to take to keep
was $368,030. Why $1,480 for a full-time          all of us Residents safe.
individual? The Committee tries to select
                                                  I want to thank members of the Associates
a number that when spread across the
                                                  Christmas Fund Committee for the hard
population of Associates burns as much as
                                                  work done to accomplish this year’s
possible of the total available, leaving enough
                                                  Associates Christmas Fund activities. From
for a non-trivial bump-up for longevity.
                                                  the start in August to the writing of the
A total of 306 gifts were made in the name        final check, these people worked for
of Residents of WCBR. Some Associates             you, the Residents of WCBR, to make
also got a bump-up because they have              everything a success. If you see them in
been working at WCBR longer than five             the halls, say “good job,” because it was a
years. The basic longevity gift this year         good job, and a job well-done.
was $1000 for a person employed at                                            (continued on p. 4)
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
page 4                                   January 2021                             happenings
Final Accounting (continued from p. 3)
Members of the Associates Christmas Fund
                                                         We miss you, Jim!
Committee (2020) are
ANSELL, Kay            PERRY, Joy                              Jim Odom
BLAKE, Wanda           POTTER, Lou                 October 21, 1954 – December 6, 2020
DEODHAR, Glee          ROBERTS, Chris
GUIRARD, Ruth          SCOTT, John
                                                 Jim Odom began working at WCBR about
   Isabelle               (Treasurer)
                                                 seven and half years ago as a painter. He
HOLLAND, Ann           SEALE, Rita               then moved into a general maintenance
LEEPER, Mary Ann       SLAUGHTER, Mary           position at Pantops for about a year while
MERRILL, Lissa         TRAUTMAN, Dave            the building was under construction. After
PALMER, Frances        WADLINGTON, Ruth          that time, he moved to serve the residents
PATE, Bob              YOUNGS, Margot            of Blue Ridge, then returned to Pantops
                                                 as general maintenance and inventory and
Finally, I want to thank you, the Residents      parts guru in what he and his friends came
of WCBR for the opportunity to serve you         to refer to as the "flapper shack." He was
in this capacity. Here’s something for you       assigned to all of these places, but really
to do: If you think of something you’d like      worked wherever he was needed — both
to see at next year’s Open House (and,           cottages and apartments.
there WILL be an Open House), drop me
                                                                   Jim was known for his
an email. If you think of something that
                                                                   good humor and easy
could have been done better, drop me an
                                                                   to get to know manner,
email. If there is something you’d like
                                                                   and he quickly established
never to see again, drop me an email.
                                                                   friendships with many
(Be aware, the Christmas Fund is always                            of WCBR’s residents and
open and ready to accept your donation                             associates. He was usually
whether it be with one check, or done                              the first to volunteer when
quarterly, monthly, or however you wish.                           help was needed and he
Make your check out to “WCBR Associates                            would lend a hand even
Christmas Fund” and send it to me via            outside of normal working hours.
internal mail at A7505.)
                                                 From the small file of stories that can be
     Jim Kingsbury, Chair                        repeated, there are the occasions when
     Associates Christmas Fund Committee         Jim responded to reports of birds trapped
                                                 in microwaves. He not only managed to
                                                 free the birds, but to catch and release
          Coming in February!                    the newly-liberated creatures as they took
            TOWN HALL                            laps around an apartment. (Hopefully, this
                                                 issue has been solved with bird screens…)
     Wednesday, February 3
                                                 Mostly, Jim will be remembered for not only
   at 2:00 p.m. on Channel 972
                                                 being a special man who had a youthful
   or https://it.wc-br.org/live                  mischief, but as someone who could
   Please submit any questions you may           graciously be on the receiving end of good
    have to townhall@wc-br.org or place          natured ribbing or the target of a joke. He
   them in the white Town Hall question          liked to laugh and to naturally carry-on
   box in the Mailroom between Friday,           with everyone as he went about his work.
    January 15 and Friday, January 22.
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
happenings                                    January 2021                                page 5

Foundation News                                      Chaplain’s News
Year-End Giving                                      Greetings from the Chaplain’s Office!
The WCBR Foundation has received many                I extend to all of you my very best wishes
wonderful and generous gifts in recent               for a happy New Year. Last year was one for
weeks, and we thank all who have chosen              the record books. In 2020, we discovered
to make their contributions at this time of          what we were made of as we faced many
year. Many of you also reached out to let            challenges ranging from the pandemic to
us know that you plan to make a gift in              social and racial injustice, and everything
the spring, and this is a great help, too!           in between. What we are made of, it turns
Your support, whether new or continuing,             out, is resilience and love. Being among all
allows our Foundation trustees to secure             of you all during this time has been a
the assistance we provide to residents and           blessing for me. You have renewed my
associates, including Fellowship for those           faith in the kindness and generosity of the
residents who have exhausted their financial         human race. In spite of all that we have
resources through no fault of their own,             been through in this last year, you have
help for associates who are furthering               managed to not only survive, but thrive,
their education, and many more areas of              while helping one another along the way.
support that make the WCBR community                 Thank you for inviting me to share the
a place of caring and compassion. Thank              journey with you.
you!                                                 As we begin the new year, the Chaplain’s
Gifts That Help Pay for COVID-19 Tests               Office is committed to meeting the spiritual
                                                     needs of all residents and associates. I hope
Among the many gifts we received were
                                                     that you were able to virtually participate
several that were designated to help cover
                                                     in the Longest Night Service and Festival
the cost of testing all of our associates
                                                     of Lessons and Carols during Advent, and
regularly for COVID-19. Residents Dan and
                                                     I would love to hear your feedback. As the
Rita Seale, Mary Beth Smyth, and Kay Ansell
                                                     year gets under way, I will be interested in
joined an anonymous donor in directing
                                                     hearing any suggestions you may have for
their gifts to this important effort that
                                                     services and special programs. Please feel
makes a big difference in keeping all of us
                                                     free to contact me at x2560. As always, I
safe. If you would like information about
                                                     am here if you need anything.
how you can help, please call Erin Garvey
at x3281.                                            I offer you all blessings for the new year
                                                                             Chaplain Elaine Tola
        In Memory of                                 Vespers Leaders
      Joseph (Ramsey) Martin                         Sundays at 4:00 p.m. on Channel 972
   October 15, 1930 – December 4, 2020               January 3:    The Rev. Elaine Tola
         William Earle Hilgert                       January 10: Fr. Henry Minich and
                                                                 The Rev. Elaine Tola
    May 17, 1923 – December 22, 2020
                                                     January 17: The Rev. Pat Nabers and
  In the December 2020 issue of happenings,                      The Rev. Elaine Tola
 Col. Charles Mott’s date of birth was incorrectly   January 24: The Rev. Mary Beth Wells
  reported. He was born on January 18, 1929.
        We truly apologize for this error.                       and The Rev. Elaine Tola
                                                     January 31: The Rev. Elaine Tola
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page 6                                   January 2021                            happenings

Notices and Announcements                       Inspired by the process of painting itself,
                                                and by the play of light, shadow, and
                                                the seasons on the natural landscape,
                                                John alternates between building up and
                                                scraping down layers of pigment, creating
                                                richly textured surfaces that capture both
                                                the physicality of his subject matter and his
                                                memories. His paintings have been featured
                                                in galleries in Columbia, SC; Charlotte, NC;
                                                Raleigh, NC; Atlanta, GA; Nashville, TN; and
                                                Washington, DC. They have been the subject
                                                of many reviews and catalogues and are
                                                in major private and public collections,
Red Gate at Night by John Borden Evans          including the Emily Couric Clinical Cancer
                                                Center and the Battle Building at the
Gallery Walk Exhibit                            UVA Children’s Hospital. This year, five of
WCBR’s residents, associates, and visitors      John’s paintings were selected for the
are privileged to enjoy one of the nicest       Watari Shinichiro Art Museum in Amami
galleries in our area. Both professional and    Oshima, Japan.
amateur artists and groups are selected
from a long list of applicants for monthly      Note from the WCBR
shows planned a year or more in advance.        Residents’ Association
Even with the pandemic raging and severe
restrictions on how exhibitions are to be       Hooray for 2021! In with the New!
handled, only a couple of groups decided        As we greet the new year, I am heartened
to opt out of their previously scheduled        by the sense of renewal that is being
shows, choosing to wait a year while            expressed throughout our community. The
retaining a place in our line-up. Individual    Residents’ Association committees are all
artists from this area were delighted to        active and productive. The Gift Shop has
take their place on a last-minute basis.        reopened. The pool will soon be finished.
Our January artist is John Borden Evans.        Dining Services is refreshing our menus,
John was born in Edinburgh, Scotland,           offering popular specials, fun sips, and
to American parents. He graduated from          libations. Importantly, as the days are
Davidson College as a studio art major          getting longer, new residents are moving
and has been painting ever since. Forty         in; fourteen have joined our community in
years ago, John and his wife moved to an        the past six months. The constraints for
old farmhouse in North Garden, VA, where        keeping our bubble safe remain, but inside
they raised two children. These days, John      our safe community there is a re-energized
spends a lot of time looking after his five     sense of hope.
grandchildren who all live nearby. John         Looking ahead, I am filled with optimism.
also enjoys working in his garden, building     The most powerful reason for this is the
things, and being a good neighbor.              arrival of a vaccine that will provide us all
Over the years, John’s paintings have           with protection against COVID-19. In the
become more and more about place. That          meantime, stay safe! Wear your masks
place is his immediate environment, the         properly, maintain a 6-foot social distance,
cattle fields, the trees, the fences, and the   and wash your hands.
skies. He produces lush acrylic-on-canvas                     Charlie Stamm, President
paintings of the peaceful pastoral scenes.                    WCBR Residents’ Association
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
happenings                      January 2021                                page 7

                                      Library Notes
                                      The library has recently acquired
Harriet Mohler        January    1    some exciting prize-winning titles:
Helen Culbertson      January    1    Poems 1962-2012 and The Wild
Adelaide Ruffner      January    3    Iris by Louise Gluck, an American
Corky Sablinsky       January    5    poet and the 2020 winner of the
                                      Nobel Prize in Literature.
Catherine English     January    5
                                      An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo,
Randy Baskerville     January    6
                                      a Native American writer whose
Earl Dudley           January    8
                                      two-year term as the US poet
Ginger Greene         January    8    laureate was recently extended.
Anne Taylor           January    9    Harjo is also a winner of the
Dolores Bedell        January    9    Ruth Lily Poetry Prize and the
Marilyn Dailey        January   10    Wallace Stevens Award.
Denise Lowit          January   10    Shuggie Bain by Glasgow writer,
Jeanne Radcliffe      January   11    Douglas Stuart, winner of the
                                      2020 Man Booker Prize for Fiction,
Ann Holland           January   12
                                      is on order and expected soon.
Penny Goodsill        January   13
Gerald Kinne          January   13    Jack Rinehart’s Watercolors
Louise Dudley         January   14    Although an architect by training, WCBR
Barry Battle          January   15    resident, Jack Rinehart, has published
                                      Farmington Memories in Watercolor, a
Virgil Wagner         January   17
                                      collection of charming scenes which he
Fred Sibley           January   17                  recently painted. Each scene
Mary Louise Maroney   January   18                  is accompanied by Jack’s
Frances Young         January   18                  reminiscences of Farmington
David Hogg            January   18                  Country Club, located just
Jan Burland           January   19                  west of Charlottesville, as it
Gladys McCubbin       January   19                  was while he was growing
                                                    up. The book is on display in
Sally Rinehart        January   20
                                                    the library’s main room.
Charlie Flora         January   21
                                                                     Louise Dudley
Gloria Rennolds       January   21
Phyllis Ihrman        January   21
Ruth O’Callaghan      January   21
Samuel Gammon         January   22
James Craig           January   23
Ken Tung              January   23
Jim Kingsbury         January   24
Angelica Light        January   25
Jenny Gaden           January   27
Fred Landess          January   27
Waldine Wheeless      January   27
Chris Roberts         January   30
Robert Mentzer        January   30
                                       Photo by Penny Goodsill
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
page 8                                  January 2021                               happenings

WCBR Book Groups
The next book club meetings will take
place in the Blue Ridge Room at 1:00 p.m.
on Friday, January 8, and Thursday, January
14. Both groups will be discussing Ethan
Frome by Edith Wharton. If you wish to
participate on one of those days, please
sign up by contacting Nancy Bonner
(x2777) for the Friday group, or Jenny
Gaden (x3014) for the Thursday group.

Leading by Example
We are now in the winter months when
COVID-19 may spread more rapidly
because people are staying indoors during
cold weather. Vaccines
are beginning to be
distributed, but it may
be many weeks, if not
months, before we all
have an opportunity to                          Foothills of the Blue Ridge by Randy Baskerville
receive a vaccine. All
residents and associates
                                                Safety Alert!
are encouraged to get
a vaccination when it                           To all WCBR residents and associates:
is offered. Help protect                        Remember to stay on footpaths and within
your family, friends, and coworkers from        crosswalks when out walking. Please do not
the spread of this life-threatening virus!      walk in the roadway! Vehicle drivers may
Dr. Seki Balogun, WCBR’s Medical Director,      not be able to see you and/or your dog in
received her COVID-19 vaccination at UVA.       the road, or to stop in time if they do.
She writes, “It was relatively painless — in    There have been some very near misses
spite of the look in my eyes. :)”               lately and we all care about your safety.

Cottage 137 during the December 17 ice storm. Left: 7:00 a.m. Right: 7:00 p.m.
Photos by Ross Thomas
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
happenings                                January 2021                                    page 9
                 The WILL Team has planned          on the newspaper industry
                     four sessions for January.     and public higher education,
                       You won’t want to miss       working with the media
                      any of them! Enjoy them       changed enormously during
                    all from the comfort of your    that time. More recently,
                  living room.                      social media have changed
                                                    the entire landscape of media
January 4                                           relations, particularly when
Bill Baskerville:                                   it comes to crisis communications.
Canal Boating
                                                    January 25
France has over 750 miles of
navigable canals that have                          Dudley Rochester and Ross
changed little in the past 300                      Thomas: Los Alamos
years. Often lined with trees or surrounded         From 1918 to 1943, the main
by fields of lavender, the canals meander           activity in Los Alamos, NM, was
through quaint villages and past medieval           the Los Alamos Ranch School
citadels with an unexpected delight around          (LARS) which Dudley attended
every bend. While focusing on what it is like       from September 1940 until
to travel the French canals and adding              January 1943, when the US
tidbits of history, Bill will also touch on local   government took over the
food specialties and French wines. He will          school and created Los Alamos National
also explore the various options for traveling      Laboratory (LANL). He will talk about his
rivers and canals.                                  experiences, review the school’s history, and
                                                    discuss selected faculty. Ross will describe
                January 11                                          the establishment of a major
                                                                    part of the Manhattan Project
                Jim Craig: Lifespan                                 in Los Alamos and also tell
                One of my lifetime habits has                       about the subsequent growth
                been to inform myself about                         of LANL into one of the
                future activities, reading travel                   largest science and technology
                books before a trip, for example.                   institutes in the world.
                Recently my subject of research
has been the aging years. I admit that I got
a late start on this subject, but hope to have      You, Too, Can Present a WILL Class!
some future remaining. The two main topics          Many of you in the WCBR community have
of this presentation will be Centenarians and       had fascinating careers or have hobbies
Life Expectancy. I will introduce you to some       and passions that you would like to share.
of my favorite 100+ year-old individuals and        Preparing and delivering a course enriches
provide some general information about the          the lives of both the instructor and the
group. Next, I’ll present general information       audience. We would like to hear from WCBR
about life expectancy and discuss how we            residents interested in offering courses on
may manage to live longer and better lives.         new topics. If you do not wish to prepare a
                                                    full PowerPoint lecture, WILL now offers the
January 18                                          opportunity to present a Q&A session on a
Louise Dudley: Before Fake News                     subject of interest. Prospective instructors
Louise will draw on her years of experience         are encouraged to contact Mitch Sams or
telling UVA’s stories — the good news and           Ross Thomas to discuss topics and dates.
the rest. Reflecting the rise of investigative
journalism, the passage of the Freedom of           Watch WILL classes every Monday
Information Act, and economic pressures             at 2:30 p.m. on WCBR Channel 972.
JUBILATION ! - Westminster Canterbury of the Blue ...
page 10                               January 2021                             happenings

Fitness and Wellness News                      At the end of each week, you will be
                                               challenged to repeat your assessment and
Upcoming Wellness Challenges                   send in the results. Everyone who submits
Wellness Goal Setting                          their assessment results to the Fitness and
Physical, Mental, and Community                Wellness Team will be entered into a prize
Wellness, January 4 — 8                        drawing.

Goal setting is an important tool in helping   Wellness Charts
us create motivation and accountability        Physical, Mental, and Community
toward improved health and wellness. To        Wellness, January 25 — 29
start 2021, the WCBR Fitness and Wellness
                                               WCBR’s Fitness and Wellness Team will
Team challenges everyone at WCBR to
                                               deliver Wellness Charts to each resident so
write down one goal for improving their
                                               that you can wrap up the first month of
physical, mental, social, environmental,
                                               2021 by taking time to intentionally
and community wellness. We will send a
                                               participate in one Physical, one Mental,
goal chart to your home. Use this week to
                                               and one Community wellness activity each
think of a goal in each of these wellness
                                               day for five days. Starting the year off
categories AND to write at least two steps
                                               right is the best way to make 2021 a year
you will take this year to help you achieve
                                               full of wellness. If you choose to do so, at
that goal. Our team is offering to serve as
                                               the end of the week you can return your
your “accountabilibuddies” all year long.
                                               completed Wellness Chart to the Fitness
We will check in with you throughout 2021
                                               and Wellness Team to be entered in a
to monitor your progress toward reaching
                                               prize drawing.
your goals. As an added incentive, send
your goal sheet in to us at the end of the
                                               Wellness Challenge Round-Up
week and we will enter your name into a        and Prize Winners
prize drawing.
                                               The WCBR community has been staying
Fitness Assessments                            well all through the COVID-19 pandemic
Physical Wellness — Leg Strength and           thanks to many different programs and
Flexibility, January 11 — January 15           challenges. Along the way, the Fitness and
                                               Wellness Team has been giving out prizes
Fitness Assessments
                                               to winners as an added incentive. Check
Physical Wellness — Arm Strength and
                                               out the information below to get caught
Balance, January 18 — January 22
                                               up on the challenge results and prize
WCBR’s Fitness and Wellness Team loves         winners:
to start your new year of wellness off with
a fitness assessment. Unfortunately, since     November 23 — 27
                                               Wellness Charts
current COVID-19 restrictions make that
much more difficult, we challenge you to       Wellness Charts Winner – Peggy Harbert
two weeks of fitness self-assessments. We      December 1 — 24
will send home instructions on how to          Wellness Advent Calendars
perform and record your own fitness            We hope that everyone enjoyed counting
assessment results. We will also include a     down to Christmas with their Wellness
week-long training plan to help you start      Advent Calendars.
to see improvement in your results. In the
first week, we will focus on leg strength      Thank you all for participating in our WCBR
and flexibility. In the second week, our       wellness activities and congratulations to
focus will be on arm strength and balance.     our winners.
happenings                           January 2021                                  page 11

Enrichment Thursdays                          office, taking on entrenched local political
                                              networks and fighting to reshape politics
Broadcast on Thursdays, 2:30 p.m., CH 972
                                              on their own terms.

                                              1/21: PBS — Frontline, In the Age of AI,
1/7: LIVE from Lincoln Center, Odyssey:       114 min. A documentary exploring how
The Chamber Music Society in Greece,          artificial intelligence is changing life as we
85 min. The extraordinary musicians of the    know it — from jobs to privacy to the
Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
journey to Greece, performing works which     growing rivalry between the US and China.
embody the essence of classical music in
iconic settings like the ancient theatre
of Larissa and the historic Church of the
Taxiarchon in Pelion.

                                              1/28: A&E Biography, Eleanor Roosevelt:
                                              A Restless Spirit, 50 min. She is one of the
1/14: PBS—Independent Lens, Represent,        20th century’s most respected and admired
86 min. Leading up to the 2018 midterm        figures; a humanitarian who transformed
elections, Represent follows three women      the role of women in society and in the
in the heart of the Midwest as they run for   White House.

                                              This is a special request for you to share
                                              an unframed wedding photo that can
                                              be scanned for a special
                                              project to be shown in
                                              February. Photos must
                                              be provided to Sherrie
                ❤❤❤                           Sykes by January 20 to
         Would you like to record a           be included.
    Valentine message to play on the TV
    for your Valentine? Contact Sherrie       Contact Sherrie at x3248
   Sykes (x3248) to make arrangements.        for more information.
page 12                                    January 2021                                  happenings

                                WCBR Show Times
                 Movies Will Be Broadcast on Channel 972
Fridays at 7:30 p.m.                Saturdaysat
                                    Saturdays at7:30
1/1: The Third Man, 1949, NR,       1/2: Loving Vincent, 2017,          1/30: Inglorious Bastards,
Film-Noir/Mystery/Thriller, 93      PG-13, Animation/Biography/         2009, R, Adventure/Drama/War,
min. Pulp novelist Holly Martins    Crime, 94 min. Depicted in oil      153 min. In occupied France
travels to shadowy, postwar         painted animation, a young          during World War II, a plan
Vienna, only to find himself        man comes to the last home          by a group of Jewish US
investigating the mysterious        of painter Vincent van Gogh to      soldiers to kill Nazi leaders
death of an old friend, Harry       deliver the artist’s final letter   coincides with a theatre owner’s
Lime. Starring Orson Wells,         and ends up investigating his       plans to do the same. Stars
Joseph Cotton, and Alida Valli.     final troubled days. Starring       Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, and
1/8: Never Cry Wolf, 1983,          Douglas Booth, Jerome Flynn,        Eli Roth.
PG, Adventure/Drama, 105 min.       and Robert Gulaczyk.
                                                                        Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m.
A government researcher sent        1/9: Hidden Figures, 2016,
to study wolves in the north        PG, Biography/Drama/History,        1/5: Dirty Dancing, 1987,
learns about the beneficial and     127 min. The story of a team        PG-13, Drama/Music/Romance,
positive nature of the species.     of female African-American          100 min. While spending the
Stars Charles Martin Smith,         mathematicians who served a         summer at a Catskills resort
Brian Dennehy, and Zachary          vital role at NASA during the       with her family, Frances “Baby”
Ittimangnaq.                        early years of the US space         Houseman falls in love with the
                                    program. Stars Taraji Henson,       dance instructor, Johnny Castle.
1/15: Singin’ in the Rain,
                                    Octavia Spencer, and Janelle        Stars Patrick Swayze, Jennifer
1952, G, Comedy/Romance/
                                    Monáe.                              Grey, and Jerry Orbach.
Musical, 103 min. A silent film
production company and cast         1/16: The Life Aquatic with         1/12: Bridget Jones’ Diary,
make a difficult transition to      Steve Zissou, 2004, R, Action/      2001, R, 97 min. In a year in
sound. Starring Gene Kelly,         Adventure/Comedy, 119 min.          which she keeps a personal
Donald O’Connor, and Debbie         With a plan to exact revenge        diary, Bridget is determined
Reynolds.                           on a mythical shark that killed     to improve herself while she
                                    his partner, oceanographer          looks for love. Starring Renée
1/22: Doctor Zhivago, 1965,
                                    Steve Zissour rallies a crew        Zellweger, Colin Firth, and
PG-13, Drama/Romance/War,
                                    that includes his estranged         Hugh Grant.
197 min. The life of a married
Russian physician and poet who      wife, a journalist, and a man       1/19: Sleepless in Seattle,
falls in love with a political      who may or may not be his           1993, PG, 105 min. The son of
activist’s wife and experiences     son. Stars Bill Murray, Owen        a recently widowed man calls
hardship during World War I         Wilson, and Anjelica Huston.        a radio talk show attempting
and the October Revolution.         1/23: Frozen, 2013, PG,             to find his father a partner.
Stars Omar Sharif, Geraldine        Animation/Adventure/Comedy,         Stars Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan,
Chaplin, and Julie Christie.        102 min. When Queen Elsa            and Ross Malinger.
1/29: The Ipcress File, 1965,       accidentally turns things into      1/26: When Harry Met Sally,
NR, Thriller, 109 min. While        ice and curses her home with        1989, R, 95 min. Harry and
investigating the kidnapping        infinite winter, her sister teams   Sally have known each other
and brainwashing of British         up with a mountain man, his         for years, and are very good
scientists, a counterespionage      reindeer, and a snowman to          friends, but they fear sex
agent must deal with his own        change the weather. Starring        would ruin the friendship.
bureaucracy. Stars Michael Caine,   Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel,         Stars Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan,
Nigel Green, and Guy Doleman.       and Jonathan Groff.                 and Carrie Fisher.
happenings                                 January 2021                                    page 13

                     JANUARY AT A GLANCE
Note: Most events/activities will be broadcast on Channel 972 and https://it.wc-br.org/live
until further notice. Additional programing information will be announced as it becomes available.
 1 Fri   NEW YEAR’S DAY                         14      Thu    9:00 TV Functional Moves
          9:00 TV Aerobics                                    10:00 TV Chair Yoga
         10:00 TV Strength Training                            1:00 BR Thursday Book Group
          7:00 BR Ping-Pong and Cornhole Start                 2:30 TV Independent Lens, Represent
          7:30 TV Movie, The Third Man          15      Fri    9:00 TV Aerobics
 2 Sat    7:30 TV Movie, Loving Vincent                       10:00 TV Strength Training
 3 Sun    4:00 TV Vespers, The Rev. Elaine Tola                7:00 BR Ping-Pong and Cornhole Start
 4 Mon    9:00 TV Aerobics                                     7:30 TV Movie, Singin’ in the Rain
         10:00 TV Strength Training             16      Sat    7:30 TV Movie, The Life Aquatic
          2:30 TV WILL, Canal Boating           17      Sun    4:00 TV Vespers, The Rev. Pat Nabers
 5 Tue    9:00 TV Functional Moves                                     and The Rev. Elaine Tola
         10:00 TV Chair Yoga                    18      Mon    9:00 TV Aerobics
          2:30 TV Movie, Dirty Dancing                        10:00 TV Strength Training
 6 Wed    9:00 TV Tabata Intervals                             2:30 TV WILL, Before Fake News
         10:00 TV Strength Training             19      Tue    9:00 TV Functional Moves
          2:00 TV COVID-19 Update                             10:00 TV Chair Yoga
          2:30 TV Memoirs Readings                             2:30 TV Movie: Sleepless in Seattle
 7 Thu    9:00 TV Functional Moves              20      Wed    9:00 TV Tabata Intervals
         10:00 TV Chair Yoga                                  10:00 TV Strength Training
          2:30 TV The Chamber Music Society                    2:00 TV COVID-19 Update
                  of Lincoln Center, Odyssey                   2:30 TV Memoirs Readings
 8 Fri    9:00 TV Aerobics                      21      Thu    9:00 TV Functional Moves
         10:00 TV Strength Training                           10:00 TV Chair Yoga
          1:00 BR Friday Book Group                            2:30 TV Frontline, In the Age of AI
          2:30 TV Forum: Extraordinary Year 22          Fri    9:00 TV Aerobics
          7:00 BR Ping-Pong and Cornhole Start                10:00 TV Strength Training
          7:30 TV Movie, Never Cry Wolf                        7:00 BR Ping-Pong and Cornhole Start
 9 Sat    7:30 TV Movie, Hidden Figures                        7:30 TV Movie, Doctor Zhivago
10 Sun    4:00 TV Vespers, Fr. Henry Minich and 23      Sat    7:30 TV Movie, Frozen
                  The Rev. Elaine Tola          24      Sun    4:00 TV Vespers, The Rev. Mary Beth
11 Mon    9:00 TV Aerobics                                             Wells and The Rev. Elaine Tola
         10:00 TV Strength Training             25      Mon    9:00 TV Aerobics
          2:30 TV WILL, Lifespan                              10:00 TV Strength Training
12 Tue    9:00 TV Functional Moves                             2:30 TV WILL, Los Alamos
         10:00 TV Chair Yoga                    26      Tue    9:00 TV Functional Moves
          2:30 TV Movie, Bridget Jones’ Diary                 10:00 TV Chair Yoga
13 Wed    9:00 TV Tabata Intervals                             2:30 TV Movie, When Harry Met Sally
         10:00 TV Strength Training             27      Wed    9:00 TV Tabata Intervals
          2:00 TV COVID-19 Update                             10:00 TV Strength Training
          2:30 TV Memoirs Readings                             2:00 TV COVID-19 Update
                                                               2:30 TV Memoirs Readings
                         (The January at a Glance calendar continues on p. 14)
page 14                             January 2021                               happenings

WCBR’s Heritage Tree
                                               JANUARY AT A GLANCE
Ornaments on this tree date                            (Continued from P.13)
back to the opening of WCBR                 28 Thu 9:00 TV Functional Moves
in 1990. Some were made by
                                                   10:00 TV Chair Yoga
residents and others came
                                                    2:30 TV Biography, Eleanor Roosevelt
from their personal collections.
                                            29 Fri  9:00 TV Aerobics
Over the years, ornaments
have been added by residents,                      10:00 TV Strength Training
their families, and friends.                        7:00 BR Ping-Pong and Cornhole Start
                                                    7:30 TV Movie, The Ipcress File
New Forum                                   30 Sat 7:30 TV Movie, Inglorious Bastards
                                            31 Sun 4:00 TV Vespers, The Rev. Elaine Tola
A forum entitled Extraordinary Year 2020:
What Did We Learn? with discussants Don                   Resident Services
Nuechterlein and Jim Holden will be aired                 Christmas Tree
Friday, January 8, at 2:30 p.m. on WCBR
Channel 972.
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