JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS - Cambridge University Press
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JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS VOLUME 55 1996 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Downloaded from IP address:, on 12 Dec 2021 at 15:03:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
EDITORS PROFESSOR R A CAIRNS, School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews KYI 6 9SS, Fife, Scotland, jpp@st-andrews. ac. uk PROFESSOR GEORGE H MILEY, Fusion Studies Laboratory, University of Illinois, 103 S Goodwin Avenue, UrbanalL 61801, USA, ASSOCIATE EDITORS D R ROBERT L BINGHAM, Space Science Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire 0X11 OQX, England, D R MARCO BRAMBILLA, Max-Planck-lnstitut fur Plasmaphysik, Postfach 1533, D-85740 Garching, Germany, PROFESSOR E R Y K I N F E L D , Soltan Institute, Hoza 69, PL-00681 Warsaw, Poland, Eryk.Infeld@fuw. PROFESSOR P K KAW, Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar 382 424, Gujarat, India, PROFESSOR D B MELROSE, Research Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics, School, of Physics, The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia, melrose@physics. su. oz. au PROFESSOR EDWARD C MORSE, Nitclear Engineering Department, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94720, USA, D R RICHARD A NEBEL, T-15, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS K717, Los Alamos NM 87545, USA, PROFESSOR G J PERT, ER.S., Department of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, England, D R PADMA K SHUKLA,Instilutfilr Theoretische Physik IV, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany, D R GARY P ZANK, Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, Newark DE19716-4793, USA, Dr John P Dougherty, Founding Editor, 1967-1994 JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS (ISSN 0022-3778) is published once every two months in February April, June, August, October and December, by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU and Cambridge University Press, Journals Department, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211. Three parts form a volume. The subscription price (excluding VAT, but includes postage) of Volumes 55 and 56 (1996) is £324.00 (US $610.00 in the USA, Canada and Mexico) for institutions ;£ 199.00 (US $380.00) for individuals. Single parts cost £59.00 each (US % 110.00 in the USA, Canada and Mexico) plus postage. All orders must be accompanied by payment. EU subscribers (outside the UK) who are not registered for VAT should add VAT at their country's rate. VAT registered subscribers should provide their VAT registration number. Japanese prices for institutions (including ASP delivery) arc available from Kinokuniya Company Ltd, RO. Box 55, Chitose, Tokyo 156, Japan. Copies of the journal for subscribers in the USA, Canada and Mexico are sent by air to New York to arrive with minimum delay. Second class postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes in USA, Canada and Mexico to Journal of Plasma Physics, Cambridge University Press, 110 Midland Avenue, Port Chester, New York, NY 10573-4930. Information on Journal of Plasma Physics and all other Cambridge journals is available on and in North America on © Cambridge University Press 1996 Downloaded from IP address:, on 12 Dec 2021 at 15:03:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
CONTENTS TO VOLUME 55 PART 1 FEBRUARY 1996 Professor William B. Thompson: 1922-1995 1 Nonlinear dynamics of low-frequency drift waves M. BECKMANN, P F R A N K and G. HIMMEL 3 Analytical description of low-frequency electron density and temperature oscillations P FRANK, M. BECKMANN and G. H I M M E L 25 Thermal instability of a compressible finite-Larmor-radius Hall plasma in a porous medium R. C. S:H ARM A and S U N I L 35 Dynamic properties of J/(.-mode weak turbulence ALIREZA P A K Y A R I and VLADIMIR P PAVLENKO 47 Ponderomotive effects on the expansion of a photoplasma in the microwave range B. LELOUTRE, J.-P F U R T L E H N E R and P CAMUS 59 Electromagnetic ion-beam instabilities in a cold plasma G. GNAVI, L. GOMBEROFF, F. T. GRATTON and R. M. 0. GALVAO 77 Expansion of a bounded plasma with dust particles Yu. I. CHUTOV, A. Y D KRAVCHENKO and P P J. M. SCHRAM 87 Transfer integrals for fully ionized gases HORST F I C H T N E R , S. RANGA SREENIVASAN andNoRBERT VORMBROCK 95 Two-dimensional shear Alfven-wave turbulence in a plasma with arbitrary /? G. BRODIN 121 Diocotron instability of a warm electron beam in crossed fields H EE J. L E E and K W A N G - S U F YANG 131 Comments on the paper 'Specular reflection as a probe for diagnostics of 1 ase i - p rod u ced pi asm as' G. P Gu PTA and B. K. SINHA 143 Downloaded from IP address:, on 12 Dec 2021 at 15:03:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
iv Contents PART 2 APRIL 1996 Nonlinear MHD waves on an interface of finite thickness with compressibility and resonant damping A. V K H R A B R O V and B. U. 6. S O N N E R U P 145 Resonant four-wave mixing of finite-amplitude Alfven waves S. R A U F and J. A. TATARONIS 173 Steady waves in a cold plasma ANDREJ IL'ICHEV 181 Beam-plasma instability excited by non-thermal electrons with arbitrary distribution function and comparison with electron-cyclotron maser instability G U A N G - L I H U A N G , D E - Y U WANG and D I N G - Y I MAO 195 Electrostatic solitons in an electron-positron plasma with two distinct groups of positrons J. S R I N I V A S , S. I. P O P E L and P K. SHUKLA 209 Nonlinear stability of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in magnetic fluids stressed by a time-dependent acceleration and a tangential magnetic field YUSRYO. E L - D I B 219 A new Hamiltonian formulation for fluids and plasmas. Part 1. The perfect fluid J O N A S LARSSON 235 A new Hamiltonian formulation for fluids and plasmas. Part 2. MHD models J O N A S LARSSON 261 A new Hamiltonian formulation for fluids and plasmas. Part 3. Multifluid electrodynamics J O N A S LARSSON 279 BOOK REVIEW Solitary Waves in Plasmas and in the Atmosphere, by V. Petviashvili and 0. Pokhotelov ' 301 PART 3 J U N E 1996 A criterion for splitting of a reconnecting current sheet into MHD discontinuities S. A. M A R K O V S K I I and B.V SOMOV 303 Relativistic transverse modulational instability of two electron cyclotron waves KVVANG-SUP YANG 327 Downloaded from IP address:, on 12 Dec 2021 at 15:03:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
Contents v Magnetogravitational instability of compressible streaming superposed fluids A H M E D E . RADWAN 339 Resonant electromagnetic wave mixing in a dusty plasma J I N - X i u MA, M. Y. YU and E K. SHUKLA 349 Electrostatic parametric resonances in a plasma revisited j . E M C K E N Z I E and T. HAGFORS 359 TM mode radiation guiding in an REB-induced plasma duct J E T E N D R A PARASHAE and LALITA 387 Ion dynamics and gravitational instability of a dusty plasma B. R P A N B E Y and C. B. D W I V E D I ' " 395 Dynamics of a magnetized gravitating dusty plasma L. MAHANTA, B. J. SAIKIA, B. R PAKDEYand S. BUJARBARUA 401 Black-body radiation in plasmas L E V A N N . TSINTSADZE, D I R K K . CALLEBAUT and N O D A R L . TSINTSADZE 407 A dielectric tensor for a uniform magnetoplasma with a generalized Lorentzian distribution R. L. MACE 415 A numerical investigation of magnetic reconnection CRAIG ANDERSON and F E R D I N A N D JAMITZKY 431 Generalized Case-van Kampen modes in a multidimensional non-uniform plasma with application to gj^roresonance heating E. R. TRACY, A. J. BRIZARD and A. N. KAUFMAN 449 BOOK REVIEW Theory of Space Plasma Instabilities, by S. R Gary 487 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 55 489 Downloaded from IP address:, on 12 Dec 2021 at 15:03:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
Instructions for Authors Editorial policy: The journal welcomes submissions in any of the areas of plasma physics. Its scope includes experimental and theoretical work on basic plasma physics, the plasma physics of magnetic and inertial fusion, laser-plasma interactions, industrial plasmas, plasma devices and plasmas in space and astrophysics. This list is, of course, merely illustrative of the wide range of topics on which papers are invited, and is not intended to exclude any aspect of plasma physics that is not explicitly mentioned. Authors are urged to ensure that their papers are written clearly and attractively, in order that their work will be readily accessible to readers. Manuscripts must be written in English. Journal of Plasma Physics employs a rigorous peer-review process whereby all submitted manuscripts are sent to recognized experts in their subjects for evaluation. The Editors' decision on the suitability of a manuscript for publication is final. 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J. Plasma Phys. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS Volume 55 Part 3 June 1996 CONTENTS A criterion for splitting of a reconnecting current sheet into MHD discontinuities S. A. MARKOVSKII ANDB. V. SOMOV 303 Relativistic transverse modulational instability of two electron cyclotron waves KWANG-SUP YANG 327 Magnetogravitational instability of compressible streaming superposed fluids AHMED E. RADWAN 339 Resonant electromagnetic wave mixing in a dusty plasma JIN-XIUMA, M. Y. YU ANDP. K. SHUKLA 349 Electrostatic parametric resonances in a plasma revisited J. F. MCKENZIE ANDT. HAGFORS 359 TM mode radiation guiding in an REB-induced plasma duct JETENDRA PARASHAR AND LALITA 387 Ion dynamics and gravitational instability of a dusty plasma B. P. PANDEY ANDC. B. DWIVEDI 395 Dynamics of a magnetized gravitating dusty plasma L. MAHANTA, B. J. SAIKIA, B. P. PANDEY AND S. BUJARBARUA 401 Black-body radiation in plasmas LEVAN N. TSINTSADZE, DIRK K. CALLEBAUT AND NODARL. TSINTSADZE 407 A dielectric tensor for a uniform magnetoplasma with a generalized Lorentzian distribution R. L. MACE 415 A numerical investigation of magnetic reconnection CRAIG ANDERSON AND FERDINAND JAMITZKY 431 Generalized Case-van Kampen modes in a multidimensional non-uniform plasma with application to gyroresonance heating E. R. TRACY, A. J. BRIZARD AND A. N. KAUFMAN 449 BOOK REVIEW Theory of Space Plasma Instabilities, by S. P. Gary 487 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 55 489 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 0022-3778(199606)55:3; 1 -C Downloaded from IP address:, on 12 Dec 2021 at 15:03:25, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
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