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Journal of Natural Science Collections

Journal of Natural Science Collections

Title: The political platypus and colonial koala – decolonising the way we talk about Australian
Author(s): Ashby, J.
Source: Ashby, J. (2021). The political platypus and colonial koala – decolonising the way we talk
about Australian animals. Journal of Natural Science Collections, Volume 9, 35 - 45.

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Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

The political platypus and colonial koala – decolonising the way we talk
about Australian animals

Jack Ashby

University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street,
Cambridge, CB2 3EJ
                                                                                                      Received: 27th Feb 2021
Email:                                                                                Accepted: 12th Oct 2021

Citation: Ashby, J. 2021. The political platypus and colonial koala - decolonising the way we talk about Australian
mammals. Journal of Natural Science Collections. 9. pp. 35-45.

        Australian mammals are generally considered fondly, however there are particular trends
        in the way that they are represented in museums and other educational settings which
        inadvertently perpetuate a colonial view of these species by inferring relative inferiority.
        These tropes include describing species as ‘weird and wonderful’, ‘strange’, ‘peculiar’ and
        primitive; using often unhelpful comparisons with placental mammals; implying that
        convergent evolution is directional; the ways that placental-derived names deny Australian
        mammals an individuality; and the notion that ‘everything in Australia is trying to kill you’.
        While these practices appear harmless, they risk devaluing and othering Australian wildlife.
        This paper traces the origins of these habits among early colonial accounts of Australia,
        and concludes that value judgements continue to be applied to Australian species, unlike
        animals from elsewhere. These subconscious suggestions that Australian animals are inferior
        have inevitable impact on the ability to lobby for their conservation; and were intertwined
        with political arguments for the British invasion and colonisation of Australia, which has
        had profound impacts on Indigenous Australians.

                Keywords: Decolonisation; decolonial approaches; marsupials; monotremes;
                    Australia; history of science; museum interpretation; taxonomy;
                                 public engagement; Indigenous Australia

Decolonisation involves breaking down systemic                  museum collections were put together as a product
hierarchies where European narratives have                      of empire (e.g. Das and Lowe, 2018) and much of
typically been elevated in the extent to which                  the rest of this volume). However, the aim of this
importance is placed upon them, and how much                    paper is to take a decolonial approach to explore
visibility they are afforded (Ashby and Machin,                 whether European colonial narratives are also
2021) (for a wider discussion on decolonial research            present in how we typically talk about some
practices, see for example Smith, 2012). For good               animals today, specifically Australian mammals.
reason, decolonisation in museums is most
commonly applied to human stories, often by                     In 1770, when James Cook landed on the east
highlighting how colonised people's (among others)              coast of what became known as Australia – and
contributions have been side-lined in order to                  took possession of it for Great Britain – it
promote European achievements (e.g. Ashby,                      fundamentally changed the political, social and
2020); or by being honest about the ways that                   natural worlds. This act was carried out on an

                        © by the author, 2021, except where otherwise attributed. Published by the Natural Sciences
                        Collections Association. This wok is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
                        Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit:

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

 island which was part of the lands of Kaurareg            cover-story about platypuses in BBC Wildlife
 (who hold native title today), Gudang Yadhaykenu,         magazine which read, ‘Stranger things // Up close
 Ankamuthi and other Indigenous groups. Cook               with nature’s weirdest mammal’ (Vergnani, 2019).
 named it Possession Island, although it already had       Elsewhere, The New York Times’ coverage of a
 names including Bedanug and Tuidin.                       story relating to monotreme genomes described
                                                           the platypus as ‘a Frankencreature’ (Giaimo, 2021).
 The animals that the expedition encountered,              Additionally, in a slightly different way, platypuses
 described and exported would profoundly change            and echidnas – but also marsupials – are regularly
 the West’s experience and understanding of zoology.       described as ‘primitive’ (see below).
 This paper questions the ways in which Australian
 animals have been represented and described since         Whilst these are arguably playful and are not
 the settlers and explorers of the seventeenth,            necessarily negative in their own right, they are
 eighteenth and nineteenth centuries arrived from          value judgments, which subconsciously continue to
 Europe. As dramatic as it sounds, the ultimate            reflect a colonial mindset from early European
 question is whether – and how – the zoological            descriptions of Australia. To pick one characteristic –
 and socio-historical stories of marsupials, platypuses,   and caricaturistic – example, there is this 1846
 echidnas and other Australian animals may                 poem from English cleric Richard Whately (1787-
 intertwine to have severe impacts on both global          1863):
 politics and conservation biology. The underlying
 assertion is that those early descriptions started
 a trend by which Australian wildlife is regularly             There is a place in distant seas
 denigrated through hierarchical language; and                 Full of contrarieties:
 that museums risk being accidentally complicit in             There, beasts have mallards’ bills and
 maintaining this practice today.                              legs,
                                                               Have spurs like cocks, like hens lay eggs.
 Museums create and utilise various platforms                  There parrots walk upon the ground,
 intended to engage audiences with the natural                 And grass upon the trees is found;
 world, but which often use this questionable                  …Swans are not white, but black as
 language, including in gallery text (labels and               soot.
 guides) and audio-visual interpretation, website              There neither leaf, nor root, nor fruit
 content, publications, engagement activities                  Will any Christian palate suit,
 (written resources and spoken content in events               …There quadrupeds go on two feet,
 and films) and social media. Thankfully, these are in         And yet few quadrupeds so fleet;
 the museums’ control, and so it is in museums’                There birds, although they cannot fly,
 hands to decrease the incidence of this pejorative            In swiftness with your greyhound vie.
 language and its effects. These suggestions could             With equal wonder you may see
 apply equally to any providers of information                 The foxes fly from tree to tree;
 relating to Australian mammals.                               And what they value most, so wary,
                                                               These foxes in their pockets carry.
 ‘Strange’ creatures: describing Australian                    …Now of what place could such
 animals                                                       strange tales
                                                               Be told with truth save New South
 It is fair to say that today, Australian mammals are
 generally considered affectionately by the world at
                                                                         (Whately, 1846, pub. 2009)
 large, and it is unusual to come across explicitly
 (i.e. deliberately) negative descriptions of them in
                                                           A result of over two centuries of such teasing
 popular accounts. On the surface, either in tone or
                                                           treatment is that it is extremely easy – and indeed
 language, most descriptions of these species – in
                                                           probable – for an unintentional view to develop
 fiction and non-fiction books, television pro-
                                                           of Australia as an evolutionary backwater: that it is
 grammes (including cartoons and factual
                                                           a country full of wonderful but ultimately peculiar
 programming), museums and news articles –
                                                           little oddities. They are thereby reduced to colonial
 appear to treat them enthusiastically. Nonetheless,
                                                           curiosities. By othering them in this way, we can
 there are certain prevalent tropes for how nature
                                                           detect a clear hierarchical narrative: the subtle
 in Australia is represented to the wider world
                                                           implication is that Australian animals are lesser
 which have implicitly negative connotations. They
                                                           than species from other parts of the world.
 are considered fondly but not fairly. It is extremely
                                                           Arguably no wildlife in any other major landmass in
 common to see phrases such as ‘weird and
                                                           the world gets consistently described in this way.
 wonderful’, ‘bizarre’, ‘strange’ and ‘peculiar’ being
 used. One illustrative example is a recent

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

What’s notable is that while nineteenth-century           which is deeply rooted in Australia’s colonial history
literature regularly used purple prose and human          – and helps to perpetuate it. I believe this idea is
social value judgements for species from across the       grounded in subconscious colonial framing in a way
world (see, for example hyenas being described as         that denigrates these animals.
‘repulsive’, ‘disgusting’, ‘cowardly’ and ‘maniacal’ in
(Wood, 1865), arguably Australasia is the only con-       No malice is intended by the use of these terms
tinent whose animals continue to be treated in that       (particularly as it is reasonable to assume that they
way today.                                                are used in the spirit of attempting to garner
                                                          enthusiasm for the natural world – which are key
‘Weird and wonderful’                                     missions of museums and natural history
                                                          broadcasters). We can trace the roots of how the
To briefly unpick some of the terms associated
                                                          trope developed to the earliest written
with Australian animals mentioned above, two
                                                          descriptions of Australian animals by Europeans.
examples from the BBC Natural History Unit and
                                                          In the 1790s, Watkin Tench, diarist of the founding
the Natural History Museum, London (NHM) are
                                                          British settlement at Port Jackson, wrote:
typical of the way museums and other institutions
with pedagogic missions may use them (it is not
                                                                ‘We have killed she-kangaroos whose pouches
my intention to single these organisations out
                                                                contained young ones … At its birth… the
unfairly; I highlight them as two of the UK’s major
                                                                kangaroo is not so large as a half-grown mouse.
windows onto the natural world). In the BBC’s
                                                                … This phenomenon is so striking and so contrary
landmark Seven Worlds, One Planet series, the blurb
                                                                to the general laws of nature, that an opinion has
describing the episode about Australia reads,
                                                                been started that animal is brought forth not by
‘Isolated for millions of years, the weird and
                                                                the pudenda [genitalia], but descends from the
wonderful animals marooned here are like
                                                                belly into the pouch by one of the teats.’
nowhere else on Earth.’ (BBC, 2019). Not only
                                                                                                 (Tench, 1793)
does this include the ‘weird and wonderful’ trope,
but it introduces the commonly repeated notion
                                                          Tench’s suggestion that kangaroos gave birth
that Australia is isolated, which similarly has the
                                                          directly through their nipples became common
effect of othering the fauna. In truth, Australian
                                                          among the European colonists, and it was likely
wildlife cannot be considered ‘marooned’, given
                                                          influenced by a questionable translation of a
that half of its native mammalian fauna (a quarter
                                                          seventeenth-century Dutch account of tammar
are bats and a quarter are rodents) descends from
                                                          wallabies by Franciso Pelsaert on the Houtman
relatively recent waves of colonisation from Asia
                                                          Abrolhos islands off the Western Australian coast
(Van Dyck and Strahan, 2008), and for instance,
                                                          (Pelsaert, 1629, trans. 1994). Tench’s suggestion
three of the world’s most numerous groups of
                                                          that kangaroo reproduction was ‘contrary to the
birds (collectively making up the majority of the
                                                          general laws of nature’ puts marsupials well and
world’s bird species) – songbirds, pigeons and
                                                          truly beyond the realms of normality, and into the
parrots – first evolved in Australasia but
                                                          alien. Despite his wording, Tench was not
subsequently dispersed out of it (Low, 2016).
                                                          referring to natural ‘laws’, he was referring to his
                                                          own notions of what nature should be like, which
Second, when promoting an online event, the
                                                          were the result of the society he was part of. This
NHM tweeted ‘Join us from 1200BST tomorrow
                                                          is an early demonstration of the wider point:
to learn all about mammals, from the peculiar
                                                          Western or ‘Old World’ animals have acted as the
platypus to the humble haster’ (@NHM_London,
                                                          zoological standard, and in not being perceived as
2020). Both of these instances appear innocuous,
                                                          conforming to that standard, it is implied that
but what do they actually mean? It is easy to
                                                          Australian species are inferior to it.
demonstrate that literally every animal on earth is
weird or peculiar. From deer to ants, bees
to rhinos, and bears to owls, every animal is             ‘Primitive’
strange, and yet why is it that Australian animals        If the ‘weird and wonderful’ trope is most common
so consistently get these labels applied to them?         in light-hearted or popular descriptions of
                                                          Australian mammals, there is another term that is
These tropes are used as they are intended to             often also found in authoritative or apparently
engage through encouraging excitement. The                scientific accounts, and that is to state or infer that
notion of oddness and weirdness can appear to be          they are ‘primitive’. This descriptor is most
an easy way to pique audience interest without            typically associated with platypuses and echidnas –
having to provide any specific information. Their         the egg-laying mammals, known as monotremes –
use relies upon the pre-existing public assumption        but is also applied to marsupials. As an example
that Australian animals are bizarre – a notion            from museum interpretation, at the time of my

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

 most recent visit (June 2019), the Field Museum’s         which they inherited from mammals’ reptile-like
 displays of monotremes and marsupials were                ancestors. It is singled out because it has been lost
 positioned under a banner which reads ‘Early              in the other mammal groups – marsupials and
 Mammals’, even though the species on display are          placentals – but is retained in monotremes. From
 all extant. Again, I don’t mean to single out the         there, people incorrectly make the leap to
 Field Museum as an outlying perpetuator of this           describe the species as primitive. But birds lay eggs
 problematic message. It is well acknowledged in           too, a feature they also inherited from their
 museums that permanent displays can be the most           reptilian ancestors, dinosaurs. So why does
 challenging to find budget to regularly refresh,          egg-laying make platypuses primitive, whereas the
 seeing as they do not directly generate income in         term is never applied to birds? The fact that
 the way that temporary exhibitions can. The Field         humans have legs is also a primitive trait, because
 Museum is undergoing a redevelopment of its               we evolved it from our fishy ancestors. However,
 Indigenous American displays with an aim to               we aren't considered primitive for having legs. The
 remove problematic messaging. It is hoped that the        notion of primitivity in monotremes is a human-
 discourse in this paper will encourage museums            centred value judgment without any scientific
 with natural history collections to interrogate their     meaning. All species have primitive traits, but that
 own displays and interpretation for similar practices.    does not make the species primitive.
 Perhaps they could then argue that historic
 colonial-derived terminology in their displays            This label is just another colonial undertone which
 deserve resources being allocated for their               can be traced back to countless historical accounts.
 refreshment. Similar assertions can be found in           Among them, arguably one of the most influential
 the scientific literature, such as in a book (Lewis,      popularisers of natural history in Victorian Britain
 1996) about the blood-clotting adaptations of             was John Gould. In the introduction to his 1863
 different groups of animals – platypuses featured         work The Mammals of Australia he supposes that
 along with wallabies, to which they are only              the species there are stuck in a lowlier form of
 distantly related, in a chapter titled ‘Primitive         development, ‘I may ask, has creation been arrested
 Australian Mammals’, without any justification            in this strange land?’ (Gould, 1863). Another widely
 for this hierarchical view of nature. No living           disseminated book was Arthur Mee’s Popular
 complex species should ever be described as               Science that claims that marsupials are ‘a low type
 primitive (Ashby, 2017).                                  of small-brained animal approaching the reptile,
                                                           and developed chiefly in Australia’ (Mee, 1912).
 The ancestors of modern marsupials and modern             This notion that marsupials have small brains was
 placental mammals (the group which includes the           so ingrained that nobody had thought to check
 majority of living mammals, including humans and          whether it was true, until 2010, when no
 all mammals found in Europe) diverged                     differences in brain-size were found between
 approximately 160 million years ago (Newton, et           placental and marsupial mammal of equivalent
 al., 2018). This means that the two groups are            body sizes, if primates were excluded from the
 exactly the same age. As such, there can be no            comparison – a group that is characterised by
 logical justification for describing marsupials as        unusually large brains. In fact, at smaller body sizes
 primitive or ‘early’, which means we must look for        marsupials had relatively large brains compared to
 an illogical one. I suggest that it stems from a          their placental counterparts (Weisbecker and
 subconscious hierarchical view of nature which            Goswami, 2010). This suggests that marsupial
 places humans and other mammals like us as                science had been held up by unscientific prejudices
 superior to species that do things differently.           against them.

 Whilst describing living monotremes as primitive is       Denying individuality through comparison
 also scientifically inaccurate, it does likely stem
                                                           Aside from the specific pejorative words, it is
 from a common misunderstanding about evolution.
                                                           common to see Australian animals, and particularly
 Nonetheless it is reasonable to assume that in this
                                                           marsupials, described through comparisons with
 instance, the misunderstanding is made more
                                                           well-known placental mammals, even when those
 probable given the underlying attitudes to Australian
                                                           comparisons do not stand up to scrutiny. For
 mammals. While living species should never been
                                                           example, quolls are smaller, spotted carnivorous
 described as such, individual features are often
                                                           relatives of the Tasmanian devil, from Australia
 described as primitive. This is used as a shorthand
                                                           and New Guinea. They are very commonly
 to indicate that a certain characteristic in a certain
                                                           described as ‘cat-like’, despite the fact that they
 species has been inherited from its ancestors
                                                           share few distinguishing features with cats – they
 without much modification. In monotremes,
                                                           have long pointed faces (cats’ faces are short and
 egg-laying is described as primitive as it is a feature
                                                           round) and very short legs (cats have long legs),

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

with bright white spots against a solid dark            from Cook’s diary (reproduced in Cash, C. G.
background (if cats are spotted, they are dark          (ed), c.1905):
spots against lighter backgrounds). Likewise, the
small carnivorous marsupials such as antechinuses,        ‘June 22nd, 1770.
planigales and dunnarts are said to be ‘mouse-like’.      Some of the people … had seen an animal as
These descriptions do not fit the natural history or      large as a greyhound, of a slender make, a
appearance of the species in question.                    mouse colour, and extremely swift.’
                                                          June 24th.
Using familiar species to describe unfamiliar ones        I saw myself one of the animals ... It was
might be assumed to be a useful method of                 of a light mouse colour, and in size and
communicating what they look like in an accessible        shape very much resembled a grey-
way (for example by describing ichthyosaurs as            hound; it had a long tail also, which it
‘dolphin-like reptiles’). However, as well as             carried like a greyhound; and I should
considering whether the comparisons are accurate,         have taken it for a wild dog, if instead of
we need to think about where this practice                running, it had not leapt like a hare or a
positions the animals in any perceived hierarchies,       deer. Its legs were said to be very
and whether the comparison has particular risk            slender, and the print of its foot to be
of creating misunderstandings. Constantly                 like that of a goat.’
describing Australian mammals in terms of how
they resemble mammals from the rest of the world          8th July.
could be argued to place them as secondary to             some of our men saw four animals of
them, effectively denying Australian animals an           the same kind, two of which Mr. Banks’
identity in their own right.                              greyhound fairly chased …These
                                                          animals were observed not to run upon
In any case, when the comparisons are inaccurate,         four legs, but to bound or hop forward
they render the descriptions useless. All of the          on two.’
Europeans that encountered hopping marsupials
before James Cook’s visit in 1770 used Old-World          July 14th.
-species to explain what they saw. The first was in       Mr. Gore … had the good fortune to kill
1606, when the Spaniard Don Diego de Prado y              one of the animals ... In form it is most
Tovar described what was probably a dusky                 like the jerboa [hopping rodents], which
pademelon (a wallaby-relative) in New Guinea.             it also resembles in its motion, but it
He wrote that it was,                                     greatly differs in size, the jerboa not
                                                          being larger than a common rat, and
   ‘in the shape of a dog smaller than a                  this animal, when full grown, being as
   greyhound, with a bare and scaly tail                  big as a sheep’.
   like that of the snake, and his testicles
   hang from a nerve like a thin cord; they             Despite the fact that Banks said, ‘To compare it to
   say that it was a castor [referring to a             any European animal would be impossible as it has
   beaver], we ate it and it was like                   not the least resemblance of any one I have
   venison’.                                            seen’ (Banks, 1770), this brief excerpt compares
                            (George, 1964)              kangaroos to a greyhound (three times, in shape,
                                                        size and tail), a wild dog, a hare and a deer (in
Subsequent pre-Cook accounts are similarly broad        movement), a goat (in footprint), a mouse (in
in the number of species they use to describe           colour), a jerboa (in movement and shape) and a
marsupials, and as difficult to relate to the animals   sheep (in size) (Ashby, 2012). Aside from the entry
themselves (for other examples see Ashby, 2015).        for July 8th, there is very little here that would
While Cook had read the accounts of these               allow a reader to recreate the image of a kangaroo
voyages, when he himself met kangaroos he –             in their mind’s eye.
understandably – failed to realise he was seeing
similar species to those explorers who had come         Naming
before. This demonstrates that such comparisons
                                                        The legacies of this comparative habit are perhaps
are of limited value.
                                                        most evident today in some of the names that are
                                                        used for these species. Their scientific names
Nonetheless Cook continued the tradition in his
                                                        regularly deny their individuality:
own reports (as did Joseph Banks, whose diary
entries describing the kangaroos over this period         • Koalas’ scientific name is Phascolarctos:
are almost identical). Here follow some entries               ‘pouched bear’.

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

     • Bandicoots’ scientific name is Perameles:          preferable to ‘banded anteater’. Many museums
       ‘pouched badger’.                                  are already doing this, as anecdotally it appears
     • Phascogale is a genus of small carnivorous         more common to see the comparative names on
       marsupials, meaning ‘pouched weasel’.              historic display labels than on modern ones.
     • Pademelons’ (small kangaroo-relatives)
     • scientific name is Thylogale, which also means     Some of these have the benefit of being based on
       ‘pouched weasel’. This is particularly lazy as     Indigenous words for the species, acknowledging
       pademelons are five-kilo hopping marsupials,       the deep history that Aboriginal Australians have
       and do not resemble weasels at all.                with their native fauna, and the role Indigenous
     • Antechinus means ‘similar to a hedgehog’, alt-     knowledge played in knowledge-acquisition by
       hough none are spiny and are a fraction of         Europeans (see Olsen and Russell, 2019). For
       the size of a hedgehog.                            example, ‘quoll’ derives from ‘Je-Quoll’ – a Guugu
     • Dasyures are New Guinean carnivores with           Yimithirr word for the animal, recorded in Joseph
       the scientific name Phascolosorex: ‘pouched        Banks’ diary from the Endeavour voyage, along with
       shrew’.                                            ‘kangaroo’ (Banks, 1770). This was the first time
                                                          that an Aboriginal Australian language is known to
     • Thylacines are named Thylacinus cynocephalus:
                                                          have been written down. Rakali is increasingly
       ‘pouch-like dog-head’.
                                                          being used for Hydromys chrysogaster Geoffroy,
                                                          1804 in favour of ‘Australian water rat’ across all
 (Note on thylacine etymology: Thylacinus is almost
                                                          of Australia, but it should be noted that some
 universally said to mean ‘pouched dog’ from the
                                                          common names derived from Indigenous words
 Greek Thylakos (pouch) and Kyon (dog); and so
                                                          are only typically applied to individual animals from
 Thylacinus cynocephalus would mean ‘pouched dog
                                                          specific parts of the country, acknowledging that
 dog-head’ (Strahan and Conder, 2007). However,
                                                          different species had different names in different
 thylacine-researcher Douglass Rovinsky noted
                                                          languages (Van Dyck and Strahan, 2008; Menkhorst
 (pers. com.) that in other names, ‘-inus’ means
                                                          and Knight, 2004). For example, boodie and
 ‘like’, for example anatinus means ‘duck-like’ in the
                                                          chuditch are names only applied to individuals of
 platypus’s name. We could think of no other times
                                                          Bettongia lesueur (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) and
 when a reference to dogs was spelt with an i as
                                                          Dasyurus geoffroii Gould, 1841 respectively if they
 in -cinus rather than a y as in cynocephalus. There
                                                          come from Western Australia – elsewhere the
 is no etymology given for the name in Temminck’s
                                                          names burrowing bettong and western quoll are
 original French publication which names the animal
                                                          more commonly applied (but other Indigenous
 Thylacinus (Temminck, 1824). I suggest that
                                                          names are also in common circulation for these
 Thylacinus cynocephalus directly translates to ‘pouch
                                                          species in other parts of the country). Further
 -like dog-head’. Temminck had seen no female
                                                          positive steps in this area include a project by the
 specimens and mentions the ‘sac’ into which the
                                                          Atlas of Living Australia to ethically map
 males’ scrotum fits, so perhaps that is the pouch
                                                          Indigenous names of plants and animals to scientific
 the name refers to, but this is just my conjecture.)
                                                          binomial names in its datasets (Duncan and Ashby,
                                                          2019). While Indigenous words have been
 The habit of using Old World models as the
                                                          incorporated in taxonomic names since the early
 standard for naming Australian species is not
                                                          days of Western taxonomy in Australia, it is
 restricted to scientific names, but is prevalent in
                                                          encouraging to see recently described mammal
 common names too. Museums can avoid these
                                                          species names derive from Aboriginal words. For
 unhelpful comparisons and allow Australian
                                                          example, the newly described species of extinct
 mammals to be freed from attempts to fit them
                                                          pig-footed bandicoot was named Chaeropus yirratji
 into European boxes by avoiding Eurocentric
                                                          Travouillon, et al. 2019– yirratji being the Warlpiri
 names, as well as inaccurate comparative
                                                          word for the local species (Travouillon, et al., 2019).
 descriptions themselves. This does not involve
 opting for obscure names, as many uniquely
                                                          The Australian Mammal Society published guidance
 Australian names are widely in circulation.
                                                          on the use of common names (Strahan, 1980)
 Thylacine is preferable to ‘Tasmanian tiger’ or
                                                          recommending they be descriptive, pleasing to the
 ‘marsupial wolf/hyena’; quoll is preferable to ‘native
                                                          ear and memorable, and reflect true relationships,
 cat’ or ‘tiger cat’; ‘marsupial mouse’ should be
                                                          while acknowledging the value of Aboriginal
 avoided for any of the small carnivorous marsupials
                                                          names. Others have since stated preferences for
 (including dunnarts, mulgaras, ningauis,
                                                          inclusion of words that correspond to the genus,
 antechinuses, false antechinuses, dibblers, kultarrs,
                                                          to communicate relationships between species.
 kalutas, kowaris and planigales); bettong and
                                                          For example, although the Aboriginal names
 potoroo are preferable to ‘rat kangaroo’; echidna
                                                          Kakarratul for Notoryctes caurinus Thomas, 1920
 is preferable to ‘spiny anteater’ and numbat is

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

and Itjaritjari for Notorcytes typhlops Stirling, 1889    works. As in music, the cover version is never con-
are increasingly used, Jackson and Groves suggest         sidered as good as the original. This implies a hier-
northern marsupial mole and southern marsupial            archy which has no
mole respectively (Jackson and Groves, 2015).             biological reality.
While most of this guidance is not contradictory to
the recommendations above, there are occasions like       Everything is dangerous
Notoryctes when museums may wish to decide for
                                                          Another common trope that paints an unreasonable
themselves between prioritising decolonising the
                                                          picture of Australian wildlife is that everything
names, or to communicate the relationship. This
                                                          there is dangerous (see for example an article in
example is particularly fraught as it involves a
                                                          The Huffington Post entitled, ‘Everything In Australia
comparative term to European moles, albeit a
                                                          Wants To Kill You, In This Order’ (Degnate,
reasonably sensible one.
                                                          2017) and the presenter of the BBC programme
                                                          Deadly 60, Steve Backshall, describing Australia as
Convergent evolution
                                                          the ‘home of deadly’ in Australian Geographic
There are situations when marsupials and
                                                          (Dineley, 2013). Museums may be tempted to
placentals do warrant close comparison, and that is
                                                          reflect this notion in their content. Australia is
in instances of convergent evolution – another
                                                          certainly home to venomous organisms that pose
topic that is regularly discussed in museum
                                                          a risk to humans, including snakes, spiders,
content. Convergent evolution is where similar
                                                          jellyfishes, octopuses, ants, centipedes, stonefish,
features which perform similar functions evolve
                                                          stingrays and even trees, plus sizeable crocodiles
independently in different species on different
                                                          and sharks. However, this is not an unusual list for
branches of the tree of life. A prime example of
                                                          any coastal country outside of Europe. Further,
this between marsupials and placentals is the
                                                          very many other countries have several large land
extraordinary similarities between the adaptations
                                                          predators in addition to these, from big cats to
of aye-ayes and striped possums. Aye-ayes are
                                                          bears; and massive herbivores which cause injuries
famously wood-pecking lemurs from Madagascar.
                                                          to humans. As such, despite its reputation, one
They bite holes in tree branches with long,
                                                          could argue that Australia is less dangerous than
protruding, curved incisors, and use a remarkably
                                                          nearly every other continent. It is home to only
elongated, single thin digit to hook beetle grubs
                                                          some of the types of animals that people are often
out of these holes. Striped possum are marsupials
                                                          fearful of, whereas most other parts of the world
from Australia and New Guinea which do precisely
                                                          have many more.
the same thing. They also have prominent, sharp,
forward-pointing incisors for gouging holes, and a
                                                          While the potency of the venom of some Australian
single long, skinny finger for hooking grubs. The
                                                          snakes is extremely high, a report from Australia’s
only notable difference is that aye-ayes’ third finger
                                                          governmental science body, CSIRO, outlined how
is the longest, whereas it is the fourth in striped
                                                          the commonly stated notion that Australia
possums. Striped possums also have the largest
                                                          contains the world’s most dangerous snakes is
brain relative to body size of any marsupial, again
                                                          inaccurate: there are very few human deaths from
showing a similarity with primates (Ashby, 2017).
                                                          snake bites there each year, but tens of thousands
                                                          across Asia, Africa and South America (Fender-
Aye-ayes are well-known for their adaptations,
                                                          Barnett, 2019). Much of the difference in fatalities
thanks to regular features in natural history
                                                          is due to the differences in the likeliness of people
documentaries and in popular writing, whereas
                                                          encountering snakes, and the availability of medical
striped possums enjoy almost no limelight. It is not
                                                          interventions. Nonetheless the unique synonymy
unreasonable to suggest that this imbalance is a
                                                          of Australia with killer creatures is noteworthy. In
result of placental chauvinism (sensu Paddle, 2000),
                                                          actuality, a study of the human toll of enven-
but the key point relates to how convergences like
                                                          omation by animals in Australia between 2000 and
this are commonly described. When placentals and
                                                          2013 found that stings from bees, hornets and
marsupials have evolved similar features, it is typical
                                                          wasps were responsible for more than twice the
for to hear, for example, that striped possums are
                                                          number of hospitalisations (12,351) as snakebites
‘marsupial versions’ of aye-ayes. Likewise, thylacines
                                                          (6,123. NB. this figure also includes lizard bites).
are said to be ‘marsupial versions’ of wolves;
                                                          Beestings alone caused almost the same number of
Notoryctes are ‘marsupial versions’ of placental
                                                          deaths (25) as snakes (27). Spiders caused no
moles; and Tasmanian devils are ‘marsupial
                                                          deaths (Welton, et al., 2017). It is important to
versions’ of hyenas. This phrase implies that
                                                          note that no native bee species in Australia have
marsupials have evolved in order to be like
                                                          stings – these hospitalisations and deaths are
placental mammals; that one is the original and one
                                                          caused by introduced European honeybees.
is the cover version, and that's not how evolution

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

 This commonplace attitude is just another form of        Australia’s nationwide environmental catastrophe
 colonial denigration; another unsubtle hint that         of the last 200+ years has a number of drivers. At
 Australia is uncivilised and primitive. Considering      the top of the list are introduced carnivores that
 the above tropes together, it is clear that Australian   the Europeans brought with them. Cats were
 wildlife is subtly and subconsciously written off as     imported both as pets and for rodent control.
 inferior, even within Australia itself.                  Foxes were imported simply to be hunted. On top
                                                          of that, habitat destruction, primarily for
 These suggestions should not be dismissed as navel       agriculture and industry, has taken place at a
 -gazing ‘woke’ complaints – the characterisations        continental scale. Land clearing in Queensland
 so far described have real-world impacts. All of         alone – the state with the highest rate of loss of
 these issues fundamentally devalue Australian fauna,     native vegetation – was estimated to kill 100
 with significant human and ecological consequences.      million native mammals, birds and reptiles each
                                                          year (Cogger, et al., 2003). Watercourses are
 Discussion: the impact on extinction                     diverted for irrigation as well (over half the
 Although it would likely be impossible to                waterways that feed the largest catchment in the
 demonstrate cause-and-effect in Australia’s case, it     country – the Murray-Darling basin – have
 is reasonable to assume that species that are            disappeared since colonisation (Gammage, 2011),
 valued less do not enjoy the same prioritisation         stripping precious water from ecosystems.
 when it comes to environmental protection.               Alongside this came the introduction of non-native
                                                          pigs, cane toads and herbivores (sheep, cattle,
 Albeit inadvertently, the pervasive language that        goats, camels, donkeys, horses, deer, buffalo,
 creates an impression that Australian animals are        rabbits and hares) for food, pest-control, sport
 inferior inevitably impacts their extinction-rates       hunting and transport, all of which have eaten,
 and conservation. It is harder to make the political     trampled, buried and pooed on native vegetation
 arguments to conserve them because they have             and soils to such a degree that few native animals
 been devalued by negative stereotypes. Equally, a        can prosper alongside them. If plants manage to
 misguided assumption that they are in crisis             avoid the livestock themselves, these newcomers
 because of that alleged inferiority also damages the     compress the soil so water runs off it more
 urgency to protect them: they risk being incorrectly     quickly, changing which plants can live there
 written-off as biologically determined to go extinct.    anyway. Plus, this modified land then holds less
                                                          water, so droughts hit harder and are more
 Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate of        difficult to break.
 anywhere in the world. In the 233 years
 since Britain invaded Australia, more mammals            These are the direct drivers of extinction, however
 have gone extinct there than anywhere else. At           the overriding cause of this conservation emergency
 least 30 Australian species have been lost entirely      is that the Australian government has consistently
 (almost 10% of the entire mammalian fauna).              failed to sufficiently protect its native wildlife. This
 Taking into account the terrestrial species listed as    was the conclusion of a ten-year review of
 extinct by the International Union for the               Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity
 Conservation of Nature, who consider a species           Conservation Act (Samuel, 2020) – the major
 extinct once 60 years have passed since they were        piece of national legislation which supposedly
 last seen, 37% of mammals that have gone extinct         safeguards species and ecosystems. The fantastic
 anywhere since 1788 were Australian (IUCN,               work that conservationists undertake in Australia
 2021).                                                   is achieved against a backdrop of weak federal
                                                          environmental protection. The review found the
 Since the first of those extinctions, probably in the    Act to be ineffective, and that very little had been
 1840s, Australia has lost one to two species every       done to enforce it over the twenty years since it
 decade, and that rate appears to be holding true in      has been in place. Essentially, it creates laborious
 the twenty-first century so far (Woinarski, et al.,      and inconsistent processes for how to assess
 2015). Of those species that do survive, many have       whether species or habitats are threatened,
 been reduced to a minute fraction of their               particularly by major industrial developments like
 pre-European range. Prior to the 2019-2020               coal, gas and mineral extraction. If species are
 Australian bushfires – which are assumed will have       found to be at risk, plans have only rarely been
 increased the extinction risk of many others – 124       developed for how to help them recover, and the
 land mammal species were considered to be                Act makes no requirement to do so.
 threatened with extinction in Australia, or near
 threatened (Legge, et al., 2018).                        The review found that environmental laws in
                                                          Australia were rarely policed, and when they

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

were, the penalties for breaking them were minor.        Invasion, occupation and colonisation were justified
The combined fines issued to developers who              through the notion of terra nullius – meaning
failed to deliver the environmental safeguards they      ‘nobody's land’ – by which the colonial
had committed to were lower over the course of a         establishment argued that Australian
decade than the parking fines individual local au-       Aboriginal people were too uncivilized to lay
thorities collected in a single year (Samuel, 2020).     legal claim to their land, and as such they did not
                                                         own it. (On this topic, museums should be careful
Australia has no legislation on its statute books        to avoid the suggestion that Europeans
which obliges the government to actively protect         ‘discovered’ Australia, or any of its species, given
its threatened species, and so it doesn't. Australia     that Indigenous Australians arrived there at least
has powerful industrial lobbies – for mining and         60,000 years ago.) Instead, the narrative became
mineral extraction, and for farming. In the context      established that Indigenous Australians were
of this paper, it is worth noting that these are all     primitive hunter-gatherers; that they successfully
themselves clear legacies of colonialism. These          exploited natural resources by passively moving
special interests have far more political power than     across the land, but not by actively managing it.
marsupials and monotremes.
                                                         This assumption remains pervasive today, however
I suggest that this is all tied-in to the way they are   two recent works – by Bruce Pascoe (Pascoe,
represented to the outside world, and within             2018) and Bill Gammage (Gammage, 2011) – have
Australia itself. As long as people continue to          synthesised the arguments that across many parts
incorrectly infer that Australian wildlife is merely a   of Australia, people were not hunter-gatherers at
weird bunch of primitive curiosities; cute, but          the time of European invasion. Early colonial
inevitably doomed to be outcompeted by a                 accounts describe large permanent settlements
superior evolutionary force from the north, then         alongside complex agricultural systems, fish-
conservation is unlikely to be prioritised. If we add    farming, the use of crops and intricate land-
to that the incorrect but popular idea that they are     management practices operating through decades-
less intelligent, the ill-informed might suggest that    long cycles. It is not true to say that all Indigenous
they are ‘too stupid to survive’. Australian mammals     Australians were hunter-gatherers and museums
are devalued by the way they are represented in          today should avoid describing them as such.
everyday language, museums, popular culture and
scientific research, and this is having a catastrophic   I suggest that the perceived status of the people
impact by inevitably contributing to the extinction      and the animals in Australia were fundamentally
crisis. There are clearly many factors that are          intertwined in the minds and the words of the
involved in mitigating the impact of the extinction-     colonisers. It served their political narrative to
drivers mentioned above, but accidentally                dismiss both people and animals as primitive and
perpetuating negative stereotypes isn’t helping the      inferior, because it augmented the arguments to
situation. Seeking to reduce the use and impact of       justify the invasion. By tying animals and Aboriginal
those stereotypes is one relatively simple               people together in an alleged collective inferiority,
contribution museums and other trusted sources           it became easier to paint Australia as a primitive,
of information could make.                               degenerative backwater. Through their denigrative
                                                         written descriptions, the imperial establishment
Discussion: the impact on notions of terra               created a hierarchy in which Europe was made to
nullius                                                  look superior to Australia in every respect – the
                                                         people, the animals and the climate.
Another impact of pejorative inferences about
Australian wildlife are the consequences for the
                                                         There has been over-writing of both Australian
people of Australia. Since European invasion, not
                                                         cultures and ecosystems; people and animals have
only have species gone extinct, but Aboriginal
                                                         been dispossessed of their land. While colonists
Australian peoples’ relationships with their country
                                                         replaced or sought to replace human communities
have been fundamentally changed (Olsen and
                                                         as owners and occupiers, European Acclimatisation
Russell, 2019). (Unlike the sanitised and euphemistic
                                                         Societies methodically sought to replace the fauna
word ‘settlement’, using the word ‘invasion’
                                                         and flora of the land with familiar species from
recognises that European colonisation of Australia
                                                         home. These locally organised groups aimed to
was not a gentle process. Many thousands of
                                                         bring a sense of comforting suburban England to
people died violently, and others were
                                                         the colonies by introducing familiar British species.
dispossessed of their land and sovereignty
                                                         They were also driven by the notion that their
(Gammage, 2011). Museums may wish to use this
                                                         new home was faunally impoverished, and that the
term as part of decolonial practice.)
                                                         European species they let loose would improve

Ashby, J. 2021. JoNSC. 9. pp.35-45.

 the landscape, again reflecting the attitudes relating   In propagating these views, museums risk
 to what was happening with Australia’s new and           perpetuating the subconscious assumptions that
 existing human inhabitants.                              placental mammals – and European wildlife in
                                                          general – are the zoological standard, and that
 The environmental legacy of many of these                anything that does not closely comply with that
 introductions is the major contribution they make        standard is biologically determined to be inferior
 to the extinction crisis discussed above. And the        to it. This is not only bad science, but has real
 human legacy of these historical attitudes remains.      world consequences for environmental
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities        conservation and human social justice.
 continue to be institutionally marginalised in
 modern society, and many believe that the                Acknowledgements
 structure of the Australian constitution continues       Much of the research behind this paper was conducted
 to be systemically racist (Bond, 2017).                  for a popular science book on the topic due for
                                                          publication in 2022. As such I am extremely grateful for
 Conclusion – what does this mean for                     the work of my editors Myles Archibald at
 museums?                                                 HarperCollins and Joseph Calamia at the University of
                                                          Chicago Press; my literary agent Doug Young; and the
 Since their earliest encounters with Australian          book’s peer-reviewers Kristofer Helgen, Katherine Tuft
 mammals, Europeans have consistently denigrated          and Georgia Ward-Fear for their many suggestions
 them through pejorative descriptions. While              which honed the arguments herein. I am also grateful to
 animals from other parts of the world were also          this paper’s two anonymous reviewers, and the Journal’s
 subject to human value judgements in historical          Editor Jan Freedman for their helpful comments. Thanks
 literature (see e.g. Thomson, 2008), arguably no-        also to the NatSCA Committee for organising the
 where else on earth continues to be treated in this      Decolonising Natural Science Collections conference in
                                                          November 2020, where this paper was first
 way today. A fuller comparison contrasting Euro-         communicated, and the attendees and other speakers
 pean descriptions of other continents’ fauna with        for the valuable discussions on the day.
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