Journal o f Transport Geography

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Journal o f Transport Geography
Journal of Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178

                                                        C o n te n ts lis ts a v a ila b le a t S c iV e rs e S c ie n c e D ire c t

                                                   Journal o f T ransport Geography

ELSEVIER                                     journal      homepage:

Towards a new intermediate hub region in container shipping? Relay
and interlining via the Cape route vs. the Suez route
Theo E. Notteboom*
ITMMA - University of Antwerp, Kipdorp 59, BE-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Antwerp Maritime Academy, Noordkasteel Oost 6, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium

A R T I C L E        I N F O                           A B S T R A C T

Keywords:                                              The Suez Canal plays a p iv o ta l ro le in today's global co n ta in e r s h ip p in g n e tw o rk , in p a rtic u la rly in accom ­
Container shipping                                     m o d a tin g vessels sa ilin g on th e im p o rta n t A sia-E uro pe tra de lane. This p a per analyses to w h a t e x te n t and
Vessel routing                                         fo r w h ic h tra de lanes th e Cape ro ute cou ld develop in to a c o m p e titiv e a lte rn a tiv e to th e Suez ro ute. The
Competition                                            m a rk e t p o te n tia l o f th e Cape ro ute is analysed using a distance analysis, a tra n s it tim e analysis and a gen­
                                                       eralized cost analysis fo r a large set o f 0 /D re la tions. W e com pare vessel in te rlin in g via th e p o rt o f A lgec-
Suez Canal
                                                       iras w ith in te rlin in g v ia th e n e w p o rt o f N gqura in South A frica. The results sho w th a t th e Cape ro u te has
                                                       th e p o te n tia l to serve as an a lte rn a tiv e to th e Suez ro ute on 11 tra de lanes. A scenario and s e n s itiv ity anal­
                                                       ysis reveals th a t in te rlin in g v ia a hu b near th e Cape is expected to becom e m ore c o m p e titiv e due to a
                                                       c o m b in a tio n o f h igh er Suez Canal tra n s it fees, b e tte r vessel econom ics, h ig h e r b u n k e r costs, slo w steam ­
                                                       in g practices and subject to a m ore c o m p e titiv e te rm in a l p ric in g stra tegy o f s ou thern A fric a n tra n s h ip ­
                                                       m e n t fa c ilitie s . The expected em ergence o f th e Cape ro u te sho uld be seen as th e e m b o d im e n t o f a
                                                       p ro m is in g de v e lo p m e n t o f s o u th -s o u th tra de volum es b e tw e e n Asia, Sub-Saharan A frica and S outh
                                                       A m erica.
                                                                                                                                           © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. A ll rig h ts reserved.

1. Introduction                                                                                  M editerranean, to name b u t a few. The role o f interm ediate hubs
                                                                                                 in m a ritim e hub-and-spoke systems has been discussed exten­
     From a n e tw o rk perspective, the location and fu n ctio n o f                            sively in recent lite ra tu re (see fo r instance Baird, 2006; Fagerholt,
te rm in a l facilities is not always guided by ce n tra lity vis-à-vis a                        2004; Guy, 2003; McCalla et al., 2005). The hubs have a range o f
local/regional service area. Flem ing and H ayuth (1994) pointed                                 com m on characteristics in term s o f nautical accessibility, p ro x im ­
o u t th a t interm ediate locations can emerge between origins and                              ity to m ain shipping lanes and ow nership, in w hole o r in part, by
destinations. W h ile the concepts o f ce n tra lity and interm ediacy                           carriers o r m u ltin a tio n a l te rm in a l operators. These nodes m u ltip ly
are not always clear-cut in practice, interm ediate nodes are added                              shipping options and im prove con ne ctivity w ith in the n e tw o rk
to a n e tw o rk w h en considered appropriate by the n e tw o rk opera­                         th ro u g h th e ir pivotal role in regional hub-and-spoke netw orks
tors in v ie w o f overall performance o f the netw ork. Interm ediacy                           and in cargo relay and in te rlin in g operations between the carriers’
ty p ic a lly im proves the overall n e tw o rk con ne ctivity and service                       ea st-w est services and oth er in te r- and in tra -reg ion al services.
frequency, allow s be tte r use o f economies o f scale in transp ort                            Rodrigue and Notteboom (2010) argue th a t such interm ediate
equipm ent and generates a d ditiona l cargo handling in the netw ork.                           hubs in some cases go beyond a pure transfer fu n ctio n in the net­
     Interm ediacy has become increasingly prevalent in container                                w o rk th ro u g h processes o f foreland-based regionalization.
lin e r shipping. Container cargo is bundled by co m b in in g /lin kin g                            M ost o f the interm ediate hubs are located along the global b e lt­
tw o o r more lin e r services th ro u g h the setting o f hub-and-spoke                         w ay o r equatorial ro u n d -th e -w o rld route (i.e. the Caribbean,
netw orks th a t rely on m ainline/feeder, relay and in te rlin in g a ctiv­                     Southeast and East Asia, the M id dle East and the M editerranean).
ities in interm ediate hub term inals. Interm ediate hubs emerged                                Port sites situated close to strategic passage ways such as the
since the m id-1990s w ith in m any global po rt systems: Freeport                               Straits o f G ibraltar, the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal and the M a­
(Bahamas), Salalah (Oman), Tanjung Pelepas (Malaysia), Gioia                                     lacca Straits act as magnets on the developm ent o f transhipm ent,
Tauro, Algeciras, Taranto, Cagliari, D am ietta and M alta in the                                relay and in te rlin in g activities. W h ile the route via the Cape at
                                                                                                 the southern tip o f the A frican con tine nt can also be considered
                                                                                                 as a strategic passage way, at present it does not play a significant
 * Address: ITMMA - University of Antwerp, Kipdorp 59, BE-2000 Antwerp,
Belgium. T el: +32 3 265 51 52/3 205 64 30; fax: +32 3 265 51 50.                                role in the global container shipping netw ork. The container port
    E-mail address:                                                      systems in countries like South Africa, M ozam bique, Nam ibia and

0966-6923/$ - see front m atter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
doi: 10.1016/j.j trangeo.2012.01.003
Journal o f Transport Geography
T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178                                                    165

the islands o f Madagascar and M au ritius are considered rem ote to                          M id dle East/Asia and Europe. This process has accelerated since
the m ain n e tw o rk and are served by a lim ite d num ber o f container                     the 1970s w hen significant scale increases in o il tankers and bu lk
carriers (m a in ly M aersk Line, MSC, MOL, Evergreen and CMA CGM).                           carriers coincided w ith m ajor upgrades o f the Suez Canal. The glo­
There are no hub-and-spoke and re la y /in te rlin in g operations in the                     bal container shipping n e tw o rk n o w p rim a rily relies on the equa­
region comparable to the ones found along the global beltw ay. The                            to ria l route in w h ich the Suez Canal is a key m a ritim e passage.
geographical location and the curre nt lim ite d cargo po tentia l o f                        6852 container vessels transited the Suez Canal in 2010, an in ­
southern Africa seem to make the ports in the region no m atch                                crease o f 46% com pared to 2001. M ore than a th ird o f a ll vessels
fo r the tra d itio n a l re la y /in te rlin in g centres located at the cross­              using the Canal are container vessels (Table 2). About 646 m illio n
roads o f ea st-w est and n o rth -s o u th trade. As a result, tra n sh ip ­                 tons o f cargo passed via the Canal in 2010. Some 57% o f the cargo
m ent incidence in A frica was around 32% in 2008, b u t this is                              volum e is containerized (Table 3). Total container volum es reached
m a in ly the result o f the N o rth -A frican transh ip m ent hubs o f Port                  an estim ated 33 m illio n TEU in 2010 compared to 20 m illio n in
Said (transh ip m ent incidence o f 96.3%), Dam ietta (83.1%), Alessen-                       2004. Nearly 93% o f these container flow s are related to the Eur-
dria (77.3%) and Tanger Med (99.1%). Africa, excluding these N orth                           ope-Asia trade routes. N o rth Am erica (East Coast)-Asia trade rep­
A frican hubs, has a lo w transh ip m ent incidence o f o n ly 12% w h ich                    resents about 5.3% (figures Boston Consulting and Suez Canal
points to a po rt system w ith a w eak ‘in te rm ed iacy’ in the global                       A u th o rity).
container shipping netw ork.                                                                       Im p o rta n t for this study is th a t the N o rth -S o u th and diagonal
     Recent histo ry has show n th a t container shipping rem ains a                          trade lanes (e.g. N o rth Europe-W est Africa and N o rth Europe-
h ig h ly dynam ic m arket. Shippers and shipping lines are co n tin u ­                      South Am erica) are largely connected to the m ain be ltw a y via tra n ­
ously re-assessing the design o f th e ir shipping and d is trib u tio n                      shipm ent and in te rlin in g /re la y hubs such as Algeciras in Spain,
netw orks in search o f high cost efficiency, manageable risks and in ­                       Tanger M ed in Morocco and Port Said and D am ietta in Egypt.
creased ro u tin g fle x ib ility . Against this background, this paper                            In this paper we w ill analyze the m arket po tentia l o f the Cape
analyses to w h a t extent and fo r w h ich trade lanes in te rlin in g /re la y              route by answ ering the fo llo w in g research question:
operations along the Cape route could develop in to a com petitive
                                                                                                   W h a t is the curre nt and expected future m arket position o f
alternative to existing routes. W e p a rticu la rly zoom in on the po­
                                                                                                   interm ediate hub locations in southern A frica vis-à-vis in te rm e ­
te n tia l for ports in southern part o f Africa to serve as an alternative
                                                                                                   diate hubs in the M editerranean fo r east-w est and n o rth -s o u th
to the m ain hubs on the ea st-w est shipping routes fo r attractin g
                                                                                                   relay and in te rlin in g operations?
re la y /in te rlin in g business. This paper not on ly assesses the current
com p etitive position o f southern Africa in this respect, b u t also                             Fig. 1 gives a schem atic representation o f the m ethodology de­
elaborates on the conditions th a t need to be m et in order to make                          ployed. The concept o f ‘m arket po sitio n ’ is made operational by
the Cape route a viable o p tion in container shipping networks.                              analyzing and com paring relative distances, tra n sit tim es and gen­
     In the firs t part o f this paper, we develop the research question                      eralized costs on a set o f o rig in -d e s tin a tio n relations. A firs t qu al­
and a m ethodology to analyse route co m p e titio n between the Cape                         ita tive analysis o f the relevant routes to consider w h en com paring
route and the Suez route. Next, the results o f the route co m p e titio n                    the Cape route and the Suez route resulted in 14 relevant o rig in -
analysis are discussed. The paper concludes w ith a discussion on                             d e stination relations (Table 4). The choice o f the 14 routes w ill
key issues related to the com p etitive position o f the Cape route                           be fu rth e r substantiated in the distance and tra n sit tim e analyses.
vs. the Suez route.                                                                           M ost o f the selected routes relate to shipm ents between W est A fri­
                                                                                              ca and Asia and South Am erica and Asia.
2. Research question and methodology                                                               W e compare the Suez route and the Cape route by using pivotal
                                                                                              ports: the po rt o f Algeciras as a m ain transh ip m ent and in te rlin in g /
   Over the last 50 years o r so, the developm ent and upgrading o f                          relay hub linked to the Suez route and the new po rt o f Ngqura in
the Suez Canal (Table 1 ) gradually underm ined the position o f the                          South Africa as a po tentia l transh ip m ent and in te rlin in g /re la y
route via the Cape as the do m in ant vessel route between the                                hub linked to the Cape route.

Table 1
Evolution o f the nautical characteristics o f the Suez Canal. Source: Own elaboration based on data Suez Canal Authority.

                                          U nit        1869          1956            1962             1980           1994               1996         2001            2008
  W idth at 11 m depth                    m            44            60              90               160            210                210          210             210
  Maximum draft o f vessels               feet         22            35              38               53             56                 58           62              68
  Overall length                          km           164           175             175              190.25         190.25             190.25       190.25          190.25
  Doubled parts                           km           -             29              29               78             78                 78           78              78
  W ater depth                            m            10            14              15.5             19.5           20.5               21           22.5            23.5
  Max. tonnage o f vessel (DWT)           ton          5000          30,000          80,000           150,000        180,000            185,000      210,000         210,000

Table 2
Key data on Suez Canal transit (absolute figures and growth compared to the previous year). Source: Based on Government o f Egypt and Suez Canal Authority.

                                          2001        2002        2003        2004          2005        2006       2007        2008        2009       2010        2001-2010
  Total crossing vessels                  13,986      13,447      15,667      16,850        18,224      18,664     20,384      21,415      17,228     17,993      29%
                                                      -3.85%      16.51%      7.55%         8.15%       2.41%      9.22%       5.06%       -19.55%    4.44%
  Net tonnage (m illion tons)             456.1       444.8       549.4       621.2         671.8       742.7      848.2       910.1       734.5      846.4       86%
                                                      -2.48%      23.52%      13.07%        8.15%       10.55%     14.20%      7.30%       -19.29%    15.23%
  Number o f container vessels            4700        4549        5209        5928          6557        6974       7718        8156        6080       6852        46%
                                                      -3.21%      14.51%      13.80%        10.61%      6.36%      10.67%      5.68%       -25.45%    12.70%
  Total cargo volume (m illion tons)      372.4       368.8       457.9       521           571.1       628.6      710.1       723.0       559.2      646.1       73%
                                                      -0.97%      24.16%      13.78%        9.62%       10.07%     12.97%      1.81%       -22.65%    15.54%
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Table 3
Cargo volumes transiting the Suez Canal and estimation o f TEU volumes. Source: Based on Government o f Egypt and Suez Canal Authority -estimates in TEU based on 1
TEU = 11 tons.

  In m illion tons                                       2004                                                                           2005                                                    2006                                                        2007                        2008                     2009     2010
  All cargoes
  North to South                                         211.6                                                                          244.8                                                   252.2                                                       286.0                       309.6                    295.4    318.1
  South to North                                         309.4                                                                          326.3                                                   376.4                                                       424.0                       413.4                    263.9    328.0
  Total                                                  521.0                                                                          571.1                                                   628.6                                                       710.1                       723.0                    559.3    646.1
  Containerized cargo
  North to South                                         108.3                                                                          119.0                                                   126.1                                                       141.4                       156.0                    149.7    179.7
  South to North                                         112.0                                                                          128.1                                                   150.8                                                       177.1                       188.0                    159.2    187.3
  Total                                                  220.4                                                                          247.1                                                   276.9                                                       318.5                       344.0                    308.9    367.0
  Share o f containerized cargo
  North to South                                         51%                                                                           49%                                                      50%                                                         49%                         50%                      51%      57%
  South to North                                         36%                                                                           39%                                                      40%                                                         42%                         45%                      60%      57%
  Total                                                  42%                                                                           43%                                                      44%                                                         45%                         48%                      55%      57%
  Estimated loaded TEU in millions (1 TEU = 11 tons)
  North to South                9.849                                                                                                   10.819                                                  11.462                                                      12.853                      14.180                   13.609   16.337
  South to North                10.185                                                                                                  11.648                                                  13.711                                                      16.101                      17.092                   14.473   17.027
  Total                         20.034                                                                                                  22.467                                                  25.173                                                      28.953                      31.271                   28.082   33.364

                                                                                                 Distance analysis                                                                                                                                      Distance tables for routing via Algeciras
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and via Ngqura (South Africa)

                                                                                   Transit time analysis                                                                                                                                     Sailing times, dwell time at interlining terminal,
                                                                                                     P ort-to-portbasis                                                                                                                      time at intermediate ports of call, canal transit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              time, delays

                                                                                                     Cost analysis                                                                                                                             Handling rates at interlining terminal, ship
                                                                                                        C osts per TE U -                                                                                                                     operating costs, canal transit fees, port dues
                                                                                   perspective o f shipping line

                                                                                                                                                    Fig. 1. Sub-analyses in the route competition analysis.

Table 4
Identification o f relevant routes for the Cape route in competition w ith the Suez route.
                                                          North Africa (Maghreb)

                                                                                                                                                                                                        US East Coast/Gulf

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             US West Coast
                                                                                                     Southeast Asia

                                                                                                                                                North Europe

                                                                                                                                                               Europe Med
                                                                                                                                  Middle East
                             West Africa

                                           East Africa

                                                                                                                      East Asia



   W est Africa                        I s l                                          s                s                s          s                                                             p                             p               s                   S   - Suez Canal now typically used

   East Africa                                       1        S                                                                                   s             s            s            s                s                   p
   North Africa (Maghreb                                                              s                s                s          s                                                             p                             p               s                   P   = Panama Canal now typically used

   India/Pakistan                                                                                                                                 s             s            s            s                s
   Southeast Asia                                                                                                                                 s             s           S/P S/P                    S/P                                                     S/P = now via Suez Canal and/or Panama Canal

   East Asia                                                                                                                                      s             s           S/P S/P                    S/P

   Middle East                                                                                                                                    s             s            s            s                s                 S/P                               □       = trade route that does not represent a market

   North Europe                                                                                                                                                                              p                                 p               s                        for relay/interlining via the Cape

   Europe Med                                                                                                                                                                                p                                 p               s
   Carribbean                                                                                                                                                                                p                                 p               p               □       = trade route that might represent a market

   SAEC                                                                                                                                                                                  lii p                                 p             S/P                        for relay/interlining via the Cape

   SAWC                                                                                                                                                                                     ill            p

   US East Coast/Gulf                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 p                 S/P
   US W est Coast


Note: SAEC = South America East Coast, SAWC = South America West Coast.
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    The port o f Algeciras is a key te rm in a l fa c ility in the w o rld w id e              transh ip m ent po in t between ea st-w est (m a in ly Europe-Asia) and
lin e r n e tw o rk o f Maersk Line fu n ctio n in g as a m ajor in te rlin in g and           n o rth -s o u th container flow s (m a in ly from Europe to South Am er-

Table 5
Distance analysis - Cape route vs. Suez route (in nautical miles) (dataioy distance tables).

  From                           To                                                                  via Suez             via Cape          Difference        Cape
   1. W est Africa               East Africa               Dakar-Muqdisho                                 5954              6505               551
                                                           Dakar-Maputo                                   7801              4728            -3 073            Favourable
                                                           Douala-Muqdisho                                7942              5316            -2 626
                                                           Douala-Maputo                                  9789              3508            -6281
  2. W est Africa                India/Pakistan            Dakar-Mumbai                                6497                 8240              1743
                                                           Dakar-Calcutta                              8161                 9126               965             Mixed
                                                           Douala-Mumbai                               8486                 7020            -1 466
                                                           Douala-Calcutta                            10,150                7906            -2 244
  3. W est Africa                Southeast Asia            Dakar-Singapore                            8487                 9255                768
                                                           Dakar-Kaohsiung                           10,099               10,867               768             Mixed
                                                           Douala-Singapore                          10,475                8035             -2 4 4 0
                                                           Douala-Kaohsiung                          12,087                9647             -2 4 4 0
  4. West Africa                 East-Asia                 Dakar-Shanghai                            10,696               11,472               776
                                                           Dakar-Tokyo                               11,389               12,157               768             Mixed
                                                           Douala-Shanghai                           12,684               10,207            -2 477
                                                           Douala-Tokyo                              13,377               10,937            -2 4 4 0
  5. W est Africa                Middle East               Dakar-Jeddah                                   4163              8298             4135
                                                           Dakar-Dubai                                    6363              8418             2055             Weak
                                                           Douala-Jeddah                                  6151              7078              927
                                                           Douala-Dubai                                   8351              7198            -1153
  6. W est Africa                Oceania                   Dakar-Perth                                9763                 8464             -1299
                                                           Dakar-Auckland                            12,830               11,320            -1 510            Very
                                                           Douala-Perth                              11,751                7244             -4 507            favourable
                                                           Douala-Auckland                           14,818               10,100            -4 718
   7. East Africa                SAEC                      Maputo-Georgetown (Guy.)                   9658                  6132            -3 526
                                                           Maputo-Buenos Aires                       11,606                 4809            -6 797            Favourable
                                                           Muqdisho-Georgetown                        7811                  7940               129
                                                           Muqdisho-Buenos Aires                      9759                  6617            -3 142
  8. India/Pakistan              SAEC                      Mumbai-Georgetown                         11,967                9207             -2 7 6 0
                                                           Mumbai-Buenos Aires                       10,303                8321             -1982             Favourable
                                                           Calcutta-Georgetown                       10,019               10,530                511
                                                           Calcutta-Buenos Aires                     11,967                9207             -2 7 6 0
  9. Middle East                 SAEC                      Jeddah-Georgetown                          6020                  9702             3682
                                                           Jeddah-Buenos Aires                        7968                  8379               411            Weak
                                                           Dubai-Georgetown                           8220                  9822              1602
                                                           Dubai-Buenos Aires                        10,168                 8499            -1669

Table 6
Distance analysis - Cape route vs. routes via the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal (in nautical miles).

  From                      To                                                  via Suez        via Panama       via Cape      Difference    Difference   Position
                                                                                                                               Suez          Panama       Cape
   10. Southeast Asia       SAEC                  Singapore-Georgetown          10,344           12,119          10,659           315        -1 460
                                                  Singapore-Buenos Aires        12,292           16,042           9336         -2 9 5 6      -6 706       Favourable
                                                  Kaohsiung-Georgetown          11,956           10,534          12,271           315          1737
                                                  Kaohsiung-Buenos Aires        13,904           14,457          10,948        -2 9 5 6      -3 509
   11. Southeast Asia       East Coast/Gulf       Singapore-New York            10,201           12,620          12,439            2238       -181
                                                  Singapore-Houston             11,762           12,212          13,165            1403         953       Weak
                                                  Kaohsiung-New York            11,813           11,035          14,051            2238       3016
                                                  Kaohsiung-Houston             13,374           10,627          14,777            1403       4150
   12. East-Asia            SAEC                  Shanghai-Georgetown           12,553           10,127          12,831           278          2704
                                                  Shanghai-Buenos Aires         14,501           14,050          11,508        -2 993        -2 542       Mixed*
                                                  Tokyo-Georgetown              13,246            9252           13,561           315          4309
                                                  Tokyo-Buenos Aires            15,194           13,175          12,238        -2 9 5 6       -9 3 7
   13. SAEC                 Oceania               Georgetown-Perth              11,620           12,709           9868         -1752         -2841
                                                  Georgetown-Auckland           14,687            8065           12,724        -1963           4659       Very favourable
                                                  Buenos Aires-Perth            13,568           16,632           8545         -5 023        -8 087
                                                  Buenos Aires-Auckland         16,635           11,988          11,401        -5 2 3 4       -5 8 7
   14. East Coast/Gulf      Oceania               New York-Perth                11,477           13,210          11,648              171     -1 562
                                                  New York-Auckland             14,544            8566           14,505             -3 9       5939       Mixed
                                                  Houston-Perth                 13,038           12,802          12,374            -6 6 4     -4 2 8
                                                  Houston-Auckland              16,105            8158           15,230            -8 7 5      7072

  Favourable to Brasil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
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                                                                                 Algecirass^    **'■------                                                           •T o k y o


                                                                                                                M uqdisho            nn j   ¿ I* Singapore

                                                                                                          ^ M a p u to ,-^ '
                                                                  Buenos Aires

                                               Fig. 2. Base ports and example of distance comparison between Suez and Cape route.

ica East Coast and W est Africa). Algeciras is the 8th largest con­                              favorable sailing distance pro file on the trade lanes W est A fric a -
ta in e r p o rt in Europe w ith a to ta l container th ro u g h p u t o f 2.8 m il­             East Africa, W est Africa-O ceania, East A frica-S o uth Am erica East
lio n TEU in 2010, compared to 1.5 m illio n TEU in 1998. It is an                               Coast, India/Pakistan-South Am erica East Coast, Southeast A sia-
alm ost pure transh ip m ent hub w ith a transh ip m ent incidence                               South Am erica East Coast and South Am erica East Coast-Oceania.
(hub-and-spoke and re la y /in te rlin in g ) o f 85%. Algeciras p a rticu ­                     On the oth er trade lanes the results are fa irly m ixed depending
la rly is a m ajor in te rlin in g hub for W est Africa w ith a volum e o f                      on the po rt o f o rig in o r destination. Routes 5, 9 and 11 give a poor
about 631,200 TEU in 2007 o f w h ic h 442,800 TEU southbound                                    result for the Cape route. These three O/D routes w ill therefore not
and 151,200 TEU no rthbound (Dynam ar, 2008). The d is trib u tio n                              be considered in the tra n s it tim e and cost analyses fu rth e r in this
o f the container volum es o f Algeciras to /fro m W est Africa are esti­                        paper.
m ated to consist o f 58% European volum es (N o rth W est Europe
42% and M editerranean 16%), 32% Asian cargo and 10% Am erican
                                                                                                 4. Transit time analysis
     The p o rt o f Ngqura is located near Port Elisabeth on the East
                                                                                                      In the tra n sit tim e analysis w e compare the tw o ro u tin g alterna­
Coast o f South Africa. Notteboom (2010) dem onstrates th a t the
                                                                                                 tives fo r the rem aining 11 o rig in -d e s tin a tio n relations. The transit
South A frican container p o rt system is a m u ltip le gateway system
                                                                                                 tim e in hours on route k between a po rt o f o rig in and a p o rt o f des­
w ith Durban as the d o m in ant gateway and Cape Tow n and Port
                                                                                                 tin a tio n w ith n interm ediate ports o f call and an in te rlin in g opera­
Elisabeth as tw o oth er gateway ports. The gateway ports are each
                                                                                                 tio n at interm ediate hub u is defined as follow s:
serving a part o f the South A frican hinterland. None o f the ports in
the South A frican container p o rt system to date serves as a tra n ­                                     d           "
shipm ent te rm in a l in an extensive hub-and-spoke n e tw o rk o r as                          c    ~    ~ ' ¿s     y tp i • Z p i+ tp u    +   t sc
in te rlin in g /re la y term in al. The tra n sh ip m e n t/in te rlin in g /re la y in c i­
dence in South A frican ports is s till lo w b u t rising: fro m a modest                        w ith ds is the sailing distance on lin e r service route k (in nautical
18.2% o f to ta l container th ro u g h p u t in South A frican ports in 2007                    m iles); vth e average sailing velocity o r speed (in knots); tpithe ‘no r­
to 21.9% in 2011. Transhipm ent volum es are m a in ly concentrated                              m al’ po rt tim e (in h) at interm ediate po rt o f call i along lin e r service
in Durban (transh ip m ent incidence o f 20.2% in 2007 and 20.6% in                              route k\ tpu average d w e ll tim e o f the container (in h) at the in te r­
2011) and new com er Ngqura (transh ip m ent incidence o f 52.2%                                 lin in g hub po rt u; tsc the average tim e (in h) for Suez Canal transit;
in 2011). The curre nt transh ip m ent a c tiv ity is m a in ly in relation                      zs contingency factor representing the degree o f risk fo r an exten­
to Tanzania, Namibia, Kenya and Angola (figures Transnet). The                                   sion o f sailing tim e caused by chance such as heavy weather condi­
p u b lic com pany Transnet operates a ll container term inals in the                            tions or mechanical failure (value > 1 ) . For example, a value o f 1.1
co u n try (via Transnet Port Term inals o r TPT) and also acts as p o rt                        indicates a 10% increase o f the ‘no rm al’ sailing tim e due to the fac­
a u th o rity (via NPA) and controls a ll ra il fre ig h t business in the                       to r chance; zpi is the contingency factor representing the risk for
country. In the sum m er o f 2009, Transnet made several announce­                               having abnorm al delays in po rt i caused by e.g. no berth available
ments th a t the new p o rt Ngqura w o u ld be positioned as a hub p o rt                        o r abnorm al w a itin g tim es fo r pilots o r tug boats (value > 1 ).
fo r South Africa. The firs t tw o container berths were opened in                                    The above equation indicates the tra n s it tim e excludes the han­
October 2009 as Phase 1. W o rk on the second tw o in Phase 2 is u n ­                           d lin g tim e at the po rt o f o rig in and the p o rt o f destination. As such
der w ay (Kernohan, 2009). Ind ustry experts endorsed Transnet’s                                 we consider the to ta l tra n s it tim e between the departure fro m the
decision to select the p o rt o f Ngqura as a new shipping hub o f                               po rt o f loading and the arrival at the p o rt o f discharge. The transit
the country. Ngqura’s success depends on it becom ing an efficient,                              o f the Suez Canal tsc ty p ic a lly takes 14 h tra n sit tim e plus 4 h w a it­
cost effective and w e ll serviced hub.                                                          ing tim e. Variables zs and zpi are included to incorporate risks
                                                                                                 linked to the tim e factor (see also Notteboom , 2006 fo r a more
3. Distance analysis                                                                             com prehensive analysis on the tim e factor in lin e r shipping ser­
                                                                                                 vices). The standard value fo r these variables is 1. Heavily con­
   Tables 5 and 6 give the com petitiveness o f the Cape route vs. the                           gested interm ediate ports o f call have a high value fo r zpi (in
Suez route based on a distance analysis in nautical miles. For each                              extrem e cases up to a value o f 4) w h ile routes characterized by fre­
trade region tw o base ports were selected at bo th extremes o f the                             quent rough seas and heavy w eather w ill ty p ic a lly have a value for
region considered (Fig. 2). The Cape route has a favorable o r very                              zs o f between 1.05 and 1.2.
Journal o f Transport Geography
T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (20Í2) 164-178                                            169

    In term s o f tra n s it tim es, in te rlin in g via the Cape route does of­          port o f W est Africa) to oth er parts o f the w o rld are m ostly better
fer advantages compared to in te rlin in g via Algeciras on m ost o f the                 o ff via the Suez route, w h ile shipm ents out o f m ore southern ports
routes considered (Fig. 3). The SAEC-Middle East route is the least                       in W est Africa (here Douala in Angola) are be tte r o ff if in te rlin in g
interesting w ith in some cases a tim e disadvantage for the Cape                         takes place in South Africa. This is in line w ith the conclusions o f
route o f up to 33%. Shipments out o f Dakar (m ost no rth ern m ajor                     the distance analysis.

                     R e g io n 1      R e g io n 2

                                                            Tokyo-Buenos Aires
                                       East Asia
                                                         Shanghai-Buenos Aires
                                                         Buenos Ai res-Auckland
                                                             Buenos Ai res-Perth
                                                          Georgetown -Auckland
                                                              Georgetown -Perth
                                                        Kaohsiung-Buenos Aires
                                                         Kaohsiung -Georgetown
                                         Asia           Singapore-Buenos Aires
                                                         Singapore -Georgetown
                     America East
                       Coast                                 Dubai-Buenos Aires
                                                              Du bai-Georgetown
                                      Middle East
                                                           Jeddah-Buenos Aires
                                                            Jeddah -Georgetown
                                                          Calcutta-Buenos Aires

                                     India/Pakista          Calcutta-Georgetown
                                                           Mumbai-Buenos Aires
                                                            Mum bai-Georgetown
                                                         Muqdisho -Buenos Aires
                                                          Muqdisho -Georgetown
                                      East Africa
                                                           Maputo-Buenos Aires
                                                      jyiaputo -Georgetown (Guy.)
                                                                   Doua la-Tokyo
                                       East Asia                    Dakar-Tokyo
                      West Africa      Southeast
                                         Asia                  Dakar-Kaohsiung
                                                                 Douai a-Calcutta
                                                                  Dakar-Mum bai
                                      East Africa

                            ■ via Ngqura                                            0    5      10     15     20        25        30        35   40   45   50

                            □ via Algeciras                                                                 T r a n s it tim e in d a y s

             Fig. 3. Transit tim e analysis - Cape route vs. Suez route in days (port-to-port basis) w ith call interlining in respectively Ngqura and Algeciras.
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170                                                                             T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (20Í2) 164-178

                 44                                                                                                   and m arine charges per TEU carried (in USD) for vessels x and y at
                 42                                                                                                   the in te rlin in g hub po rt u; ctu the to ta l tw o -w a y transhipm ent cost
                                                                                                                      per TEU (discharge plus loading) at in te rlin in g hub port u; cSC(X:y) is
         >                                                                                                            the one-w ay Suez Canal transit fee per TEU carried (in USD) fo r ves­
                                                                                                                      sel size x o r y transiting the Suez Canal ( if applicable).
                                                                                                                           The to ta l bunker costs per trip depend on speed and vessel size.
                                                                                                                      In the analysis we used a bunker price o f USD 300 per to n for the
                                                                                                                      base scenario representing the situa tion in the firs t h a lf o f 2008
                                                                                                                      (N otteboom and V ernim m en, 2009). In scenario A the bunker price
                                                                                                                      am ounts to USD 500 per ton. For scenario BÍ we assumed USD
                                                                                                                      1000 per to n and slig h tly lo w e r average vessel speeds due to slow
                                                                                                                      steaming strategies o f container lines. The higher bunker prices are
                                                                                                                      n ot on ly the result o f expected higher fuel prices, b u t also a result
                                                                                                                      o f the new lo w su lfu r fuel requirem ents o f the International
                                                                                                                      M a ritim e O rganization (IM O) for global shipping. These regula­
                                                                                                                      tions impose a reduction o f the m a xim u m su lfu r content in ship
                          16         17    18         19     20       21     22           23   24    25               fuel fro m 4.5% today (1.5% for the Emission Control Areas in n o rth
                                                 Vessel speed in knots                                                Europe) to 3.5% by 2012 and even 0.1% fo r the ECAs by 2015 (see
                                                                                                                      also Notteboom , 2011). Scenario B2 represents the case o f super
             •        Singapore - Buenos Aires via                -        Singapore - Buenos Aires via               slow -steam ing large vessels in cu rrin g high bunker costs o f USD
                      Algeciras                                            Ngqura
                                                                                                                      1500 per ton.
                      Dakar-Shanghai via Algeciras                - —— Dakar-Shanghai via Ngqura                           The values for ctu o r the rates fo r transh ip m ent containers
                                                                                                                      (in clu d in g discounts for larger volum es) for Ngqura were obtained
Fig. 4. Sensitivity analysis on transit times - examples on the impact o f slow
steaming on transit times - Singapore-Buenos Aires and Dakar-Shanghai.                                                fro m the rate tables o f Transnet. The rates for Algeciras were
                                                                                                                      obtained via m arket info rm atio n. W e assume th a t te rm in a l rates
                                                                                                                      in scenarios A, B Í and B2 are the same fo r both ports b u t substan­
     Fig. 4 presents the results o f a se n sitivity analysis on the im pact                                          tia lly higher than in the base case. W e also collected data on the
o f vessel speed on tra n s it tim es for tw o p o rt-to -p o rt routes: Singa-                                       applicable cargo dues and p o rt dues at the in te rlin in g hubs. T erm i­
pore-Buenos Aires (Southeast Asia-SAEC) and Dakar-Shanghai                                                            nal efficiency gains are expected to decrease the average container
(W est Africa-East Asia). The change in the vessel speed v, for                                                       d w e ll tim es at the in te rlin in g term inals from 2.5 days in the base
exam ple by in tro d u cin g slow steaming, seems to have on ly a m a r­                                              case to 2 days in the oth er scenarios. The cost m odel does not
ginal im pact on the gap in tra n s it tim es between the ro u tin g via                                              include p o rt dues and te rm in a l handling costs at interm ediate
Algeciras and Ngqura (Fig. 4).                                                                                        ports o f call on the route and at orig in /d e stin a tio n ports.
                                                                                                                           The typica l Suez Canal tra n s it fees per vessel type fo r the base
                                                                                                                      scenario are presented in Table 8. The tra n s it rates are established
5. Cost analysis
                                                                                                                      by the Suez Canal A u th o rity (SCA). They are com puted to keep the
                                                                                                                      canal tra n s it fees attractive to shippers.1 SCA charges ships based on
    W e develop a cost m odel to compare the tw o ro u tin g alte rna­
tives for 11 trade lanes and 44 o rig in -d e s tin a tio n relations. The                                            th e ir volum etric cargo carrying capacity. To capture revenue for con­
cost m odel is applied to fou r scenarios in v ie w o f dem onstrating                                                tainers abovedeck, the Canal m aintains a surcharge on tolls based on
                                                                                                                      the num ber o f tiers o f boxes. For example, an average sized Panamax
the c om p etitive position o f in te rlin in g via the Cape route under d if­
ferent operational conditions (Table 7). The base scenario repre­                                                     containership w ith five tiers abovedeck w ill pay a 10% surcharge on
                                                                                                                      its net tonnage fee. The average canal transit fee per TEU (at 90% ves­
sents the situ a tio n fo r 2008 w h ile A, BÍ and B2 refer to like ly
scenarios for the next 10 years. These scenarios fo r the future                                                      sel u tiliza tio n ) in the base scenario amounts to 102 USD for a vessel
assume a.o. a fu rth e r scaling up o f vessel sizes on the various                                                   o f 1000 TEU down to 56 USD for the largest container vessels. The
                                                                                                                      Suez tonnage per container vessel size was obtained by perform ing
routes com bined w ith slow steaming strategies o f shipping lines.
Scenario B2 is a va ria tio n on scenario BÍ characterized by very high                                               a linear regression analysis on the relationship between the Suez
                                                                                                                      Canal Net Tonnage (SCNT) and the vessel capacity in TEU using the
bunker costs and super slow steaming.
    The cost m odel specification is as follow s. The to ta l cost per TEU                                            Fairplay ship database (K-square o f 0.9861). The sample dataset con­
carried (in USD) on route k between a p o rt o f o rig in and a po rt o f                                             tained around 100 vessels.
destination w ith n interm ediate ports o f call, an in te rlin in g                                                       It is expected th a t the average Suez Canal tra n s it w a itin g tim e
operation at interm ediate hub u and the deploym ent o f vessel size                                                  w ill increase in the future due to capacity constraints in term s o f
                                                                                                                      num ber o f transits per day com bined w ith peaks in vessel arrivals.
X sailing to u and vessel size y sailing from u is calculated as
follow s:                                                                                                             W e assumed an average w a itin g tim e o f 4 h in the base scenario,
                                                                                                                      14 h in scenario A and 24 h in scenarios B Í and B2. The Suez Canal
Ck(X,y) =    (Ccx     +   Cb x i x    (( ■t X   ¡I   + (Cry + C¡)y ) y     ,1 ■ ty   II   + Cpu¡Xy + CtU + C f Ix y   A u th o rity is lik e ly to raise tolls. Factoring in bo th the o p p o rtu n ity

w ith fx^ uis the transit tim e (in days) using vessel size x between the
p o rt o f origin and an in te rlin in g operation at interm ediate hub u,                                               1 In fiscal year 2008, Egypt earned USD 5 billion in canal fees (USD 4.6 billion in the
                                                                                                                      previous year) making it Egypt’s third largest revenue generator after tourism and
includ in g interm ediate ports o f call; ty^ u the transit tim e (in days)
                                                                                                                      remittances from expatriate workers. SCA has been steadily raising Suez transit fees
using vessel size y between an in te rlin in g operation at interm ediate                                             at a rate oi3-7% between 2005 and mid 2008. February 2005 saw an increase of 3%, a
hub u and the port o f destination, including interm ediate ports o f                                                 first general increase in fees in 9 years. Fees increased by 7.1% in 2008. In early 2009
call; ccx the daily charter rate per TEU carried by vessel size x (in                                                 SCA announced an indefinite freeze on transit fees as a result of the global downturn
USD); c¡¡x the da ily bunker cost per TEU carried by vessel size x at                                                 and the Somali piracy crisis. Suez Canal fee revenues fell to USD 1.1 billion in the first
                                                                                                                      quarter of fiscal year 2009/2010 compared to USD 1.5 billion in the same period of the
average sailing speed v\ ccy the da ily charter rate per TEU carried
                                                                                                                      previous fiscal year (minus 24%). The number of ships passing through the canal is
by vessel size y (in USD); cj¡¡, the da ily bunker cost per TEU carried                                               expected to decline by 7% in 2009. The Suez Canal Authority decided therefore to keep
by vessel size y at average sailing speed w ; cpU(Xi3,) the to ta l port dues                                         its transit fees unchanged (SCA press statement, 5 January 2009).
Journal o f Transport Geography
T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178                                                    171

Table 7
Average vessel sizes (x, y), bunker cost and transhipment cost ctu for the 4 scenarios. Source: own elaboration based on Drewry, Dynamar and ASX Alphaliner data.

                                                  Base scenario                    Scenario A                       Scenario BÍ                    Scenario B2
                                                  via Suez         via Cape       via Suez          via Cape       via Suez            via Cape    via Suez           via Cape
                                                  (Algeciras)      (Ngqura)       (Algeciras)       (Ngqura)       (Algeciras)        (Ngqura)     (Algeciras)        (Ngqura)
  Vessel size x, y (capacity in TEU)
  South America East coast                        3900             2900             4800            3800             5500            4900           5500              4900
  East Asia                                       6900             3100             8700            5100            10,000           6300          10,000             6300
  Southeast Asia                                  7800             3100            10,500           5100            11,500           6300          11,500             6300
  Oceania                                         2900             1900             3500            2700             4200            3500           4200              3500
  Middle East                                     3500             2100             4500            3000             5000            3500           5000              3500
  India/Pakistan                                  4000             2000             4400            2900             4900            3500           4900              3500
  West Africa                                     1900              900             2500            1700             2800            2200           2800              2200
  East Africa                                     1500             1300              1900           1900             2300            2500           2300              2500
   Bunker cost per ton (in USD)                    300                300             500            500              1000           1000              1500           1500
  Transhipment cost per TEU cm (in USD)                95             110             120             120              140            140              140             140

Table S
Estimated transit fees for a single transit via the Suez Canal (fees for April 2008). Source: own elaboration based on transit fee tables of SCA

  TEU-            Typical         Canal transit fees        Net tonnage fee         Fee on-deck containers         Per TEU (full         Per TEU 90%          Per TEU 60%
  capacity        SCNT*           (USD)                     (USD)                   (USD)                          vessel)               utiliz.              utiliz.
    1000             8727          91,999                    87,618                 4381                           92.0                  102.2                153.3
    1500           14,210         130,762                   123,360                  7402                          87.2                   96.9                145.3
    2000           19,693         168,141                   157,141                11,000                          84.1                   93.4                140.1
    3000           30,659         221,403                   205,002                16,400                          73.8                   82.0                123.0
    4000           41,625         271,939                   251,796                20,144                          68.0                   75.5                113.3
    6000           63,557         373,589                   339,627                33,963                          62.3                   69.2                103.8
    8000           85,489         455,770                   414,336                41,434                          57.0                   63.3                 95.0
   10,000         107,421         536,782                   483,588                53,195                          53.7                   59.6                 89.5
   13,000         140,319         654,455                   584,335                70,120                          50.3                   55.9                 83.9

  Suez Canal net tonnage = 10.966 n TEU-capacity - 2238.7 (fi-square = 0.9861).

fo r cyclical changes in the SDR/dollar rate (the fees are expressed in                     the Suez route economies o f scale advantages, and differences in
Special D raw ing Rights o r SDR) and the expectation o f several                           po rt costs given th a t the pricing o f transh ip m ent cargo in South
nom inal to ll increases, the average effective to ll per TEU is lik e ly                   Africa is less com p etitive compared to Algeciras. The above effects
to increase by 5% per year t ill 2015, and w ith 3% per year between                        make th a t the a d ditiona l costs related to the tra n sit o f the Suez
2015 and 2020 (Johns and Associates, 2005). These increases are                             Canal are m ore than counterbalanced by savings on vessel costs
absorbed in scenarios A, B Í and B2.                                                        and p o rt costs.
     Figs. 5 -8 present the results fo r the base case and the three                             U nder scenario A, the cost gap between the Suez route and the
future scenarios using tw o axes: the average tra n sit tim e difference                    Cape route is m uch smaller. In te rlin in g via Ngqura has the poten­
between the Cape route and the Suez route and the cost difference                           tia l o f becom ing the low est cost o p tio n for 30 o f the 44 o rig in -d e s ­
between the Cape route and the Suez route (p o rt-to -p o rt basis).                        tin a tio n relations considered. In scenario BÍ and B2 this figure
The percentage values per trade route were obtained by averaging                            am ounts to 34 O/D relations. In the base case, in te rlin in g via the
the O/D relations per trade route listed in Tables 5 and 6. In both                         Cape was the best o p tio n fo r on ly 23 o f the 44 routes. The routes
cases a negative percentage indicates an advantage fo r in te rlin in g                     fro m /to Southeast Asia and East Asia, w h ic h were problem atic for
via the Cape route.                                                                         the Cape route in the base case, show m uch m ore po tentia l in sce­
     In term s o f the costs, in te rlin in g via the Cape at the p ricing lev­             nario A. The trade lane from South Am erica East Coast to East Asia
els and vessel sizes o f the base case w o u ld be more expensive than                      evolves fro m a 12% to 36% cost disadvantage fo r in te rlin in g via the
in te rlin in g via Algeciras on m ost o f the routes considered. In te rlin ­              Cape in the base case to a -13% to +7% cost difference in scenario A,
ing via Ngqura is on ly com petitive on the routes W est A frica-East                       -19% to plus 1% in scenario BÍ and -18% and plus 3% in scenario
Africa, SAEC-East Africa and SAEC-Oceania. The m ost problem atic                           B2. The W est A frica-E ast Asia route sees the cost difference evolve
routes are linked to Southeast Asia and East Asia:                                          from +6%/+42% in the base case to -12%/+16% in scenario A, -14% /
                                                                                            +9% in scenario B Í and -16%/+7% in scenario B2. The Cape route
 • SAEC-East Asia: 12-36% cost disadvantage for in te rlin in g via                         im proves its position on the shipping lanes between the South
   the Cape (depending on O/D relatio n considered).                                        Am erican East Coast to Southeast Asia to reach a cost difference
 • W est Africa-E ast Asia: 6-42%.                                                          o f -16% to +7% in scenario A, -21% to 3% in scenario BÍ and
 • W est Africa-SE Asia: up to 41% cost disadvantage.                                       -20%/+5% in scenario B2. Also from W est Africa to Southeast Asia
                                                                                            the Cape route becomes an interesting alternative (fro m up to
    The above conclusions are problem atic given th a t the flow s to/                      +41% cost disadvantage in the base case to -1 5 /+ 1 8 in scenario
fro m Asia are the thickest. W h ile the tra n sit tim e analysis was                       A, -1 6 /+ 1 2 in scenario B Í and -1 8 /+ 1 0 in scenario B2). The Cape
qu ite favourable for in te rlin in g via Ngqura, the cost analysis seems                   route no w becomes even m ore com petitive on the shipping
to reverse m any o f the tra n sit tim e results. The m ain reasons for                     connections between W est A frica and East A frica (i.e. a cost advan­
the weaker cost position o f the Cape route relate to clear d iffe r­                       tage o f up to 54% in scenarios B Í and B2), SAEC-East Africa (cost
ences in vessel scales (see base scenario in Table 7) w h ic h give                         advantage ranging from 10% to 55% in scenarios B Í and B2) and
Journal o f Transport Geography
172                                                                   T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (20Í2) 164-178

                             Interlining via Ngqura takes                                                                                                                                Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                less time, but is more

                             than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                                                              than interlining via Algeciras

                      -40%                  -30%                   - 20 %                    -   10%                                                 10%                    20%                    30%
             <                                                                                                                                                                    between Suez route and Cape route
                                                                         Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                                                           less time and is cheaper                                                                                      Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                                                        than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                      more time, but is less

                                                                                                                                                                                         than interlining via Algeciras
                                                                             ------------------------------ 4Q%-1---------------------------------------
                                                                              A ve rag e tra n s it tim e d iffe re n c e (base = in te rlin in g v ia A lg e c ira s )
                Base case (year 2008)
Fig. 5. Competition between the Suez route and the Cape route based on transit tim e and costs (port-to-port basis) - base case 2008. Note: WAfrica = West Africa,
EAfrica = East Africa, SAmerEC = South America East Coast, India/Pak. = India/Pakistan, MEast = Middle East, EAsia = East Asia, SEAsia = Southeast Asia.

                             Interlining via Ngqura takes less                                                                                                                            Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                time, b u tis more expensive                                                                                                                                 more time and is more
                               than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                                                                       expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                          than interlining via Algeciras
                                                                                                                     30% -

            05                                                                                                       20%
            c                                                                                                        10 %   -

            05                                                                                                                  >AmerEC-MEast
            C                                                                               WAfrica-EAsia
                                                                                tfrica-S EAsia
                                                                   _20% ^A m erE C -E A s[i
           1          -40%                  -30%                                                                                                     10%                    20%                      30%
                                                                       SAmerbfiçS EAsia
            05                                                                                                           SAn erEC-lndia/Pak.
            0)                                                                                                   -   10%    -
                                                                                                                                                                              = Pure interlining traffic

            C/5           Interlining via Ngqura takes
            o               less time and is cheaper                    WAfrica-Oceania
                                                                                                                                                                              = Interlining traffic, but hub-and-
            05           than interlining via Algeciras                                                          -20^                                                           spoke solution (feeder) also possible
            0)                                                              SAmerEC-Oceania                                                                                    = Area of strongest competition
           <                                                                                                                                                                     between Suez route and Cape route
                                WAfrica-EAfrica                                                                                                                                            Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                                                                                                                                                                              more time, but is less
                                                              SAmerEC-EAfrica                                                                                                                        expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                          than interlining via Algeciras
                                                                             ----------------------------------- 40%-J---------------------------------------------

             Scenario A                                                       A v e ra g e tra n s it tim e d iffe re n c e (base = in te rlin in g v ia A lg e c ira s )

       Fig. 6. Competition between the Suez route and the Cape route based on transit time and costs (port-to-port basis) - cost model estimation for scenario A.

SAEC-Australia (15-36% cost advantage in scenarios BÍ and B2).                                                                  6. Conditions for interlining/relay via a hub near the Cape route
The overall absolute costs do not increase very sig nifica ntly as
the increased bunker costs and o th e r cost increases in scenarios                                                                Under scenarios BÍ and B2, tw o scenarios th a t are strongly
B Í and B2 are p a rtly compensated by scale increases in vessel size                                                           based on increases in vessel scale, high bunker costs and slow
and slow steaming practices.                                                                                                    steaming practices, in te rlin in g via the Cape clearly outperform s
Journal o f Transport Geography
T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (2 0 Í2 ) 164-178                                                                                 173

                          Interlining via Ngqura takes less time,                                                                                                                          Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                   b ut is more expensive                                                                                                                                     more time and is more
                               than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                                                                        expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                          than interlining via Algeciras
          U)                                                                                                           20%
          'c                                                                                                           10 %   -


                                                                                WAfrica-S EAsia
             a)                                                                                                        «
          1       -40%                    -30%                     -20 %                                                                          10%                       20%                      30%
             a>                                                            SAmehSQ-EAsia            wAfrica-EAsia
             0)                                                SAmerEC-S EAsia                                     -   10 %
                                                                                                                                                                             = Pure interlining traffic

             o                                                                    SAmerEC-India/Pak.                                                                         = Interlining traffic, but hub-and-
                                                                                                                   - 20 ° /
             a>                            WAfrica-Oceania                                                                                                                     spoke solution "           aiso possible

          a)                            SAmerEC-Oceania                                                                                                                        = Area of strongest competition
          <                                                                                                                                                                      between Suez route and Cape route
                                                                                                                   -30% -
                                 WAfrica-EAfrica                        Interlining via Ngqura takes                                                                                       Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                                                          less time and is cheaper                                                                                            more time, but is less
                              SAmerEC-EAfrica                          than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                                expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                          than interlining via Algeciras
                                                                            ----------------------- 404^ ------------------------------
                                                                            A v e ra g e tra n s it tim e d iffe re n c e (base = in te r lin in g v ia A lg e c ira s )
               Scenario B1
     Fig. 7. Competition between the Suez route and the Cape route based on transit tim e and costs (port-to-port basis) - cost model estimation for scenario BÍ.

                         Interlining via Ngqura takes less time,                                                                                                                          Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                  but is m ore expensive                                                                                                                                     more time and is more
                              than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                                                                        expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                         than interlining via Algeciras
        _C5                                                                                                        20%
        'c                                                                                                         10%


                                                                           ÍA frica-S E A sia

        1         -40%                  -30%                   -20%                                                                               10%                       20%                     30%
         o                                                                                          SAmerEC- EAsia
         c                                                    SAmerEC-S EAsia
                                                                                                               -   10 %
                                                           WAfrica-lndia/Pak.                                                                                                = Pure interlining traffic

         c/5                                              SAmerEC-India/Pak.
         o                                                                                                     - 20° /
                                                                                                                                                                             = Interlining traffic, but hub-and-
                                                                                                                                                                               spoke solution................
                                                                                                                                                                                                           also possible
         u¡                                                        SAmerEC-Oceania
         ai                         WAfrica-Oceania                                                                                                                           = Area of strongest competition
        <                                                                                                                                                                       between Suez route and Cape route
                                                                        Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                                                          less time and is cheaper             -30%
                                                                       than interlining via Algeciras                                                                                     Interlining via Ngqura takes
                                           JJ      SAmerEC-EAfrica
                                                                                                                                                                                             more time, but is less
                                                                                                                                                                                         than interlining via Algeciras
                                                                           ------------------------------------40% ----------------------------------------------
                                                                           A v e ra g e tra n s it tim e d iffe re n c e (b a se = in te r lin in g v ia A lg e c ira s )
             Scenario B2

     Fig. 8. Competition between the Suez route and the Cape route based on transit time and costs (port-to-port basis) - cost model estimation for scenario B2.

the Suez route on the routes W est Africa-O ceania, W est A fric a -                                                              tim e differences between the tw o in te rlin in g options are sm all so
East Africa, South Am erica East Coast-Oceania and South Am erica                                                                 th a t intense c o m p e titio n between the tw o routes can be expected.
East Coast-East Africa. A ll oth er routes w ill be positioned w ith in                                                           The actual po sitio nin g o f in te rlin in g via the Cape compared to the
and close to the com p etitive range, i.e. the cost differences and                                                               Suez route w ith in this com petitive range w ill be m ainly
174                                                  T.E. N otteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178

determ ined by an in te rplay o f forces w h ich eith e r relate to clear                the global coverage o f th e ir respective lin e r service networks.
threats to the d o m in ant po sitio n o f the Suez route (see section 7)                The developm ent o f in te rlin in g /re la y business near the Cape de­
o r weaknesses o f and challenges to the Cape route.                                     mands a targeted strategy on the m ain shipping lines in the region.
                                                                                         These carriers w ill have to be able to generate a critica l mass so
6.1. A vailability o f ship services                                                     th a t co n n e ctivity between several deepsea services at an accept­
                                                                                         able frequency and lo w in-betw een tim e is possible. Given the re­
     Shipping lines value the a va ila b ility o f a range o f ship services.            sults o f the distance analysis, the desired carrier(s) should have a
W h ile nautical services often appear where new po rt a c tiv ity takes                 strong pro file w ith respect to lin e r services in relatio n to the east
place, the com petitiveness o f the Cape route in a ttra ctin g in te rlin ­             coast o f South Am erica and W est Africa. The firs t m ajor tra n sh ip ­
ing/relay business w ill depend on the existence o f one o r more                        m ent hub in the region is lik e ly to benefit fro m firs t m over advan­
hubs w h ich offer a fu ll range o f ship chandling services, bunker                     tages compared to po tentia l com peting hubs th a t m ig h t emerge
services and extensive ship repair facilities. Supply o f such services                  later. E arly-m over advantages are m a in ly caused by the high con­
in southern A frican ports is expected to rem ain rathe r lim ite d com ­                n e ctivity early adopters can develop in term s o f supply and fre­
pared to the m ajor re la y /in te rlin in g node Singapore, b u t is com pet­           quency o f lin e r services callin g at the port.
itiv e compared to oth er transh ip m ent hubs such as Freeport
Bahamas, Kingston (Jamaica), Algeciras, and Jeddah.                                      6.4. Low cost

6.2. Cargo availability                                                                      The revenue per container move in in te rlin in g and tra n sh ip ­
                                                                                         m ent - w h ic h entails bo th a discharge and a loading - is generally
    Having a local cargo base is a strength. It allow s to com bine the                  lo w e r than achieved in the im p o rt/e x p o rt sector. Thus, i f there is a
re la y /in te rlin in g fu n ctio n w ith a gateway function. Compared to is­           straight choice between these tw o sectors, te rm in a l operators ty p ­
land locations (cf. M au ritius and Madagascar), the South African                       ica lly seek to m axim ize revenue by focusing on im p o rt/e xp o rt
ports give the advantage o f generating a large gateway tra ffic as                      flow s at the expense o f transhipm ent. Significantly, i f there is a
w e ll am o un ting to above 3 m illio n TEU in 2010. This m ig h t make                 shortage o f capacity then these pressures w ill intensify. However,
the re la y /in te rlin in g business th a t m ig h t develop in a South African         the cost involved in developing a tra n s h ip m e n t/in te rlin in g hub is
hub less ‘footloose’.                                                                    in varia bly less than p ro vid ing the same scale o f fa c ility at a port
                                                                                         w h ic h is largely dependent on land access. This im plies th a t any
6.3. M arket structure                                                                   hub in southern Africa is challenged to keep te rm in a l operating
                                                                                         costs and p o rt dues low.
     The po rt hierarchy is determ ined by the decisions o f in d ivid u a l
container shipping lines (operating as independent carriers o r in
                                                                                         6.5. High reliability
groupings). The decisions o f these lines regarding the hierarchy
o f the ports o f call is rarely identical. Hence, a po rt m ay fun ction
                                                                                              The sm ooth synchronization o f deepsea services requires a high
as a regional hub fo r one lin e r operator and as a feeder po rt for an­
                                                                                         schedule in te grity. R e lay/in terlinin g business depends a lo t on high
o th e r (Table 9). In te rlin in g /re la y o n ly takes place between services
                                                                                         re lia b ility. This factor can even o u tw eigh tra n sit tim e as such.
o f the same carrier o r carrier com b in ation (e.g. strategic alliances
such as the G6 Alliance and the CYKH-alliance). These carriers o f­
ten rely on a dedicated te rm in a l to com bine gateway, hub-and-                       6.6. Vessel size and draft conditions
spoke and in te rlin in g /re la y traffic. The carrier involved in in te rlin ­
ing/relay business is often the d o m in ant player in the port. A good                      Any hub along the Cape route should be able to accommodate
exam ple is MSC in A n tw e rp w h ich handled approxim ately h a lf o f                 large vessels and offer a fast vessel turna rou nd (high te rm in a l
the to ta l container th ro u g h p u t in A n tw e rp on its dedicated MSC              p ro d u ctivity, high crane density). M ajor tra n s h ip m e n t/in te rlin in g
Home Term inal. Maersk Line is by far the d o m in ant player in                         term inals around the w o rld offer a d ra ft o f at least 14 m (Table 10).
Algeciras, Tanjung Pelepas and Salalah, p a rtly because o f the                         In Africa, on ly few ports offer such d ra ft conditions. O pportunities
involve m en t o f sister com pany APM Term inals in te rm in a l opera­                 should thus be created for shipping lines to fu rth e r increase the
tions. European shipping lines such as M aersk Line, MSC and                             vessel size deployed for relay activities in the A frican po rt system
CMA CGM have the strongest focus on re la y /in te rlin in g due to                      (d ra ft o f at least 14 m).

Table 9
Main transhipment hubs of the top ten container shipping lines. Source: own elaboration based on carrier information.

                  Northern Europe                   Med                            Middle East/       Southeast Asia           Far East              Central America
  Main transhipment hubs o f the top 10 carriers
  Maersk        Rotterdam/Bremerhaven/           Algeciras/Port Said/Gioia         Salalah/Dubai      Tanjung Pelepas/         Kaohsiung/Yantian     Balboa/Kingston/
                Zeebrugge                        Tauro                                                Singapore                                      MIT
  MSC           Antwerp/Le Havre/Bremerhaven Valencia/Las Palmas                   Dubai/Jeddah       Singapore                Ningbo/Busan          Freep ort/
  CMACGM          Rotterdam/Zeebrugge/Hamburg       Marsaxlokk/Damietta            Khorfakkan         Port Klang               Ningbo/Chiwan         MIT/Kingston
  Hapag-Lloyd     Rotterdam/Hamburg                 Gioia Tauro/Damietta           Dubai              Singapore                Kaohsiung             MIT
  Cosco           Rotterdam/Hamburg                 Port Said West/Naples          Dubai              Singapore
  China           Rotterdam/Hamburg                 Port Said East/Barcelona                          Port Klang               Yantian               MIT
  Evergreen       Rotterdam/Hamburg                 Taranto/Port Said West         Dubai              Tanjung Pelepas          Kaohsiung             CCT
  APL/NOL         Rotterdam/Hamburg                                                Dubai/Salalah      Singapore                Kaohsiung/Hong        MIT/Balboa
  Hanjin          Rotterdam/Hamburg                 Port Said West                 Khorfakkan         Singapore                Busan/Hong Kong
  NYK             Rotterdam/Hamburg                 Gioia Tauro/Damietta           Dubai                                       Kaohsiung             MIT
T.E. Notteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178                                              175

Table 10
Draft in ports around the world (in m). Source: Own elaboration.

  Draft at some major transhipm ent/interlining hub terminals                                                            Draft at African ports
  Port                                Country                Max berth depth (m)            Main shipping line           Port                     Max berth depth (m)
  Algeciras                           Spain                  16.0                           Maersk Line                  Durban                   16.0
  Marsaxlokk                          Malta                  15.5                           CMA CGM                      Cape Town                14.0
  Gioia Tauro                         Italy                  15.0                           -                            Ngqura                   16.5
  MITH-Cagliari                       Italy                  14.0                           -                            Port Elizabeth           12.2
  Sines                               Portugal               17.0                           MSC
  Taranto                             Italy                  16.0                           Evergreen                    Tema                     11.5
  Port Said                           Egypt                  16.0                           Maersk Line                  Abidjan                  11.5
                                                                                                                         Mombasa                  11.0
  Northern Europe                                                                                                        Dar Es Salaam            10.5
  Home Terminal Antwerp               Belgium                15.0                           MSC                          Reunion                  14.5
  APM TZeebrugge                      Belgium                15.0                           Maersk Line                  Walvis Bay               11.5
  APM T Rotterdam                     Netherlands            16.7                           Maersk Line                  Luanda                   12.8
  NST - Bremerhaven                   Germany                15.0                           Maersk Line                  Douala                   10.5
  Alterwerder Hamburg                 Germany                14.5                           -                            Djibouti                 12.0
                                                                                                                         Maputo                   11.5
  Middle East                                                                                                            Mauritius                14.0
  Aden                                Yemen                  16.0                           -

  Salalah                             Oman                   16.0                           Maersk Line
  Caribbean and South                 America
  Manzanillo                          Panama                 13.0                           -

  Free port                           Bahamas                16.0                           -

  Sepetiba                            Brasil                 18.5                           -
  Colombo                             Sri Lanka              16.0                           -

  Tanjung Pelepas                     Malaysia               16.0                           Maersk Line
  Kitakyushu                          Japan                  15.0                           -

  Gwangyang                           South Korea            15.0                           Hanjin/HMM

Notes: A deepening program in Durban completed in 2010 increased the harbor entrance from 110 m to 225 m, deepening the outer channel to 19 m and the inner channel
from 12.2 m to 16 m. Mauritius w ill be dredged to 14.5 m.

6.7. Logistics factors                                                                  shippers and m ig h t thus benefit the fu tu re position o f the Cape
     R e lay/in terlinin g tra ffic is in essence linked to the decisions o f                First o f all, the recent wave o f piracy acts has generated great
the shipping line w ith regard to lin e r service n e tw o rk op tim iza tion.          concern am ong shipping lines and cargo owners (Mo, 2002). The
R e lay/in terlinin g does in princip le not take place because o f ship­               num ber o f reported attacks near Somalia and in the G u lf o f Aden
pers’ requirem ents. However, the po sitio n o f a hub fo r re la y /in te r­           increased fro m o n ly 10 in 2006 to 111 in 2008 and 199 in the first
lin in g tra ffic can im prove and become less vulnerable w hen the                     9 m onths o f 2011 (figures o f the Intern ation al M a ritim e Board).
hub provides shippers w ith the po ssib ility o f using the hub for                     The security th re a t linked to piracy increased insurance fees for
added-value logistical activities, p a rticu la rly i f the hub is a lo w cost          vessels tra n sitin g the region (i.e. w a r risk insurance, ad ditiona l
location before entering high d is trib u tio n cost areas. Free trade                  P&I fees and higher p re m ium on cargo insurance) and increased
zone status can trig g e r developm ent o f value-added services.                       operating costs in term s o f a d ditiona l m anning costs, costs related
Theys et al. (2008) provide a more detailed discussion on the po­                       to a licensed security guard and deterren t equipm ent. De M onie
te n tia l o f interm ediate locations in attractin g logistics activities.             (2009) estimates th a t these a d ditiona l costs ty p ic a lly am ount to
Follow ing th e ir model, the chance for southern Africa to develop                     USD 100,000-115,000 per transit. For container vessels operating
logistics activities on transh ip m ent cargo is p a rtly determ ined by                on the Europe-Far East trade, vessel re ro utin g via the Cape Good
the status o f hinterland co rrid o r developm ent in Sub-Saharan A fri­                Hope is an expensive solutio n to avoid piracy. The a d ditiona l cap­
ca. This region is characterized by a large num ber o f sm aller m a r­                 ita l o r vessel charter costs (m ore vessels needed to guarantee a
kets w ith m any local ports offering a lim ite d access to the distant                 w e ekly call in each p o rt along the loop), a d ditiona l voyage and
hinterland. This is positive fo r the consolidation o f logistics a c tiv i­            b unker costs (sailin g tim e increases w ith 5 -7 days) and ad ditiona l
ties in a m aritim e-based logistics hub in the region. Poorly devel­                   cargo in ve n to ry costs w o u ld not o u tw eigh the savings in Suez Ca­
oped corridors in o th e r countries o f Sub-Saharan Africa provide                     nal fees and security costs (De Monie, 2009). The Cape route does
op po rtu nitie s for a logistics hub in South Africa to act as a turn ta b le          not elim in ate security costs com pletely as security threats also ex­
fo r the d is trib u tio n o f products to Sub-Sahara A frican markets. A               ist o ff the coast o f Nigeria (40 attacks in 2008) and p o te n tia lly also
free trade zone status o f such a logistics hub can facilitate the                      in Tanzania, M auretania and Kenya. Somalia pirates operate up to
developm ent o f logistics activities near a transh ip m ent hub. Free                  500 nautical m iles fro m the coast.
trade zones lo w e r the costs related to the inclusion o f a central dis­                   Second, the Suez Canal has a fin ite capacity. For the foreseeable
trib u tio n p o in t in the n e tw o rk and are p a rticu la rly useful as buffers     future there are no serious capacity constraints o r no d ra ft lim ita ­
in supply chains and as (deK on solida tion points in networks.                         tions fo r container vessels. However, the single-lane character o f
                                                                                        the Canal continues to constrain the num ber o f tra n sitin g vessels
                                                                                        per day due to peaks in ship arrivals. As soon as the Canal is near­
7. Threats to the position of the Suez route                                            ing its fu ll capacity, SCA m ig h t have to consider a capacity manage­
                                                                                        m ent strategy based on a variable p ricin g system, i.e. high transit
   W h ile the Suez Canal w ill undo ub te dly rem ain a very im p o rta n t            fees on peak m om ents and lo w e r fees w h en dem and is lower.
oceanic canal, the Suez route is confronted w ith a num ber o f chal­                   Moreover, the Panama Canal exam ple has dem onstrated th a t oper­
lenges w h ich determ ine the Canal’s appeal to shipping lines and                      ating at fu ll capacity leads to higher fees per transit.
176                                                       T.E. N otteboom /Journal o f Transport Geography 22 (2012) 164-178

     Third, o u r analysis showed th a t bunker price evolutions rem ain                      route. Shipping via the NSR could save about 40% o f the sailing dis­
an im p o rta n t factor to the success o f the Suez Canal. Low bunker                        tance fro m Asia (Yokohama) to Europe (R otterdam ) compared to
prices make shipping lines less concerned about nautical distances.                           the tra d itio n a l Suez route. In cost term s the route today is s till less
H igh bunker prices give an incentive to shipping lines to slow                               favourable due to the need for ice-classed ships and ice breaker
steam and cut sailing distance. Our cost analysis dem onstrated th a t                        assistance, n o n -re g u la rity o f lin e r services, slow er sailing speeds,
a scenario o f ever higher bunker prices is lik e ly to lead to a pa rtial                    navigation d ifficu ltie s and Russian tra n sit fees (Drent, 1993; Liu
re ro utin g o f in te rlin in g business fro m the Suez route to the Cape                    and Kronbak, 2010).
route.                                                                                             The com petitiveness o f the NSR im proves som ewhat w h en b u n ­
     Fourth, the m acro-econom ic geography has con tribu te d s ig n ifi­                    ker prices are high. In 2011, the Russian governm ent announced its
can tly to the success o f the Suez Canal. Hence, the Europe-Far East                         co m m itm e n t to make the NSR route m ore com petitive. Schoyen
container trade, the Canal’s key trade lane, surged in the last dec­                          and Brathen (2011) conclude th a t the u n certainty in schedule re li­
ades and even accelerated in the period 2002-2008. The Europe-                                a b ility via the NSR (caused by seasonality) makes th a t this route
Far East route overtook the transpacific route in 2007 to become                              should p rim a rily be explored fo r b u lk rathe r than fo r lin e r shipping.
the largest containerized tra d in g lane. The Europe-Far East trade                               The com m ercial po tentia l o f the east-west ra il corridors, a set o f
totaled 16.82 m illio n TEU in 2009 compared to 4.4 m illio n TEU                             ra ilw a y lines connecting East Asia and the w estern part o f Russia
in 1995, 7.11 m illio n TEU in 2000 and 13.74 m illio n TEU in 2005                           w ith the Eastern part o f Russia, was already id e n tifie d in the early
(UNCTAD, 2002, 2008, 2011). However, the Suez Canal is chal­                                  w orks o f Helle (1977) and H ayuth (1982). The m ain arteries are the
lenged by a changing econom ic geography in w o rld trade. Next                               Trans-Siberian Railway, the T rans-M anchurian Railway, the Trans-
to the rise o f Asia, oth er regions such as South Am erica and Sub-                          M ongolian Railway and the Baikal A m u r M ainline (BAM - opened
Saharan Africa are expected to take up a more pro m in e n t role in                          in 1991). The ‘Trans-Siberian in Seven Days’ program sets a target
global trade patterns. Container flow s between Asia on the one                               speed o f 1500 km a day by 2015. Large ports in Europe such as Rot­
hand and the South Am erican East Coast and W est and South Africa                            terdam , A n tw e rp and Ham burg are already be ne fiting from im ­
on the o th e r hand are no w ty p ic a lly being in te rlin e d in tra n sh ip ­             proved land bridge connections. For example, in the Spring o f
m ent hubs like Algeciras and Valencia in Spain and fu rth e r up                             2011, the p o rt o f A n tw e rp established a ra il service to Chongqing
n o rth in A ntw erp, Le Havre and Rotterdam. As dem onstrated ear­                           in China passing via Duisburg. Rail land bridges in princip le offer
lie r in this paper the dependency o f these container flow s on the                          lead tim e advantages to shippers, b u t capacities rem ain lo w com ­
Suez route is not guaranteed in the longer te rm w h en considering                           pared to container lin e r services. According to a 2011 study on
an operational en viro nm en t characterized by rising bunker costs,                          Interco ntine ntal Combined Traffic (ICOMOD) by the International
slow steaming practices and scale increases in vessel size.                                   U nion o f Railways (UIC), Euro-Asian ra il transp ort volum es could
     This paper focused on co m p e titio n between the Suez route and                        reach 1 m illio n TEU annually by 2030, m a in ly com ing from East
the Cape route for a ttra ctin g in te rlin in g business. The results show                   Asia/China. In addition, tra ffic from South Asia could add another
th a t the Suez route is expected to rem ain the logical and dom inant                        150,000 TEU annually. H ille to fth et al. (2007) dem onstrated th a t
choice fo r connecting Asia w ith Europe. Still, this fin d in g does not                     ra il land bridges in princip le o ffer lead tim e advantages to shippers,
im p ly the Suez route w ill not face a certain degree o f com p etitio n                     b u t inefficiencies in the in te rm od al chain hin d e r these alternatives
fro m a num ber o f oth er ro u tin g alternatives th a t are being planned                   fro m reaching th e ir fu ll potential. Vernya and G rigentinc (2009)
o r are in operation to accom modate part o f the trade volum es                              adopted a m odel schedule between Shanghai and Ham burg to ana­
between Europe and Asia (Fig. 9). A detailed discussion on these                              lyse the relative costs o f various axes in the Asia-Europe transp ort
ro u tin g options goes beyond the scope o f the paper. W e lim it the                        netw ork. T heir results show th a t shipping th ro u g h the Suez Canal
discussion to the N o rth Sea Route (NSR) and the Euro-Asian rail                             is s till by far the cheapest option. The N o rth Sea Route and the
transp ort corridors volumes.                                                                 Trans-Siberian Railw ay appear to be roughly equivalent second-
     The N orthern Sea Route (NSR) is a set o f a ll-w a te r shipping                        tie r alternatives. The N o rth South land corridor, a landbridge from
lanes between the A tla n tic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean along the                           the Persian G ulf via Iran to Russia, is considerably m ore expensive
Russian coast o f Siberia and the Far East. Future ice cap reductions                         than the Suez route in case the de stination is in N o rthern Europe
w o u ld open new possibilities fo r com m ercial shipping on this                            (M ohsenpour, 2006).

                                      N o rth w e s t Passage
                                                                                                                                 N o rth e rn Sea Ro ute

                                                                                                      East-West rail corridors

            P an am a Canal ro u te

              a = Trans-Siberian Railway
              b = Trans-Manchurian Railway
              c = Trans-Mongolian Railway
                                                                                        Cape Ro ute
              d = Baikal Am ur Mainline (BAM)
              e = New Asia-Europe Land-Bridge

                                                  Fig. 9. The main routing alternatives between East Asia and Northern Europe.
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