JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery

JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
1315 Water Street
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R3

We acknowledge that the Kelowna Art Gallery
operates on the unceded traditional territory
of the syilx/Okanagan people.

Tuesday        10 am to 8 pm
Wednesday      10 am to 5 pm
Thursday       10 am to 8 pm
Friday         10 am to 5 pm
Saturday       10 am to 5 pm
Sunday         12 pm to 4 pm                       Jed Lind (Canadian, b. 1978), Gold, Silver & Lead, 2011, ¼ inch laser cut steel plate, high-build epoxy coating, LED lights,
                                                   298 x 94 x 49 in. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of the artist, 2019. Photo by Yuri Akuney, Digital Perfections.

Individual: $5
                                                   From the Director
Student: $4
Senior (65+): $4                                   Here at the Gallery, we are delighted to welcome 2022 with another noteworthy
Family: $10
Members: FREE                                      line-up of exhibitions and public programs that promise to bring people and art
Children under 12: FREE                            together and have significant social impact. At the Kelowna Art Gallery, we create
Free Admission on Thursdays                        an environment that focuses on and engages our visitors, inspires audiences, and
                                                   aspires to be innovative in the ways we create community through art.

Wine and brewery partners
                                                   Deepening the relevance of the visual arts in our region and beyond, continues to
                                                   be an important and exciting task for those of us who work and volunteer on the
                                                   Gallery’s behalf. I am grateful to the Gallery staff, Board of Directors, volunteers
                                                   and stakeholders for their continued support and dedication to our mission.

Follow us on                                       We are always exploring ways to better serve you, our members, and to reach
                                                   out to new audiences who will help increase our attendance, profile, and impact.
                                                   Please join us in the new year. Come for a visit and share the Gallery’s exhibitions
                                                   and programs with your family and friends.

                                                   As always, please let us know if we can do anything to make your Gallery
                                                   experience richer and more enjoyable. Your feedback is important to us.

Cover image:                                       All my best,
Kenojuak Ashevak, Owl’s Treasure (detail), 2002,   Nataley Nagy, Executive Director
ink and coloured pencil on paper, 26 x 20 in.
JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
A Story in Three Parts
    Ashevak, Pootoogook, Isuma

    Through to May 8, 2022
    Treadgold/Bullock Gallery

    A Story in Three Parts brings together three distinct but connected
    narratives which explore the past and present of Inuit creative
    expression. Kenojuak Ashevak (1927–2013) and Sharni
    Pootoogook (1922–2003) were early generation Kinngait
    artists who became two of the first to create drawings, prints,
    and sculptures under the auspices of the West Baffin Eskimo
    Cooperative. Isuma was co-founded in 1990 as Canada’s inaugural
    Inuit-owned independent production company. Ataguttaaluk – A Life
    to Live For is an Isuma-produced documentary that tells the story of
    a woman who survived famine to become one of the most important
    residents of Igloolik. To complement this collection of multi-
    generational Inuit cultural voices, Canada’s only national Inuktut
    television channel will also be showcased. Uvagut TV broadcasts a
    variety of programming 24/7 with the purpose of empowering Inuit to
    share their stories and connect with Canadians everywhere.

    Guest curator William Huffman is an arts administrator, educator,
    and writer, currently with West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative.

                 Presented with support from:

    Still (detail) from Ataguttaaluk – A Life to Live For, dir. Carol Kunnuk. Photo: Nunavut Independent
    Television Network, 2019.

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
The Witness Blanket
    Carey Newman

    January 15 to April 10, 2022
    The Front Project Space

    The Witness Blanket is a large-scale installation by artist and master
    carver Carey Newman, inspired by a woven blanket. The Kelowna
    Art Gallery is honoured to exhibit a 40-foot-long reproduction of The
    Witness Blanket, constructed from cedar with photographic panels
    to represent the original artifacts.

    The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize
    the atrocities of the Indian residential school era, honour the
    children, and symbolize on-going reconciliation. The original piece
    is made from hundreds of items reclaimed from Indian Residential
    School Survivors, churches, government, and other cultural
    organizations, which were borrowed from 77 separate sites across
    Canada. Each item tells a story of loss, strength, resilience, and

    The Witness Blanket, an exhibition based on the art of Carey
    Newman and developed in collaboration with, and circulated by, the
    Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Winnipeg, Manitoba).

         Organized and circulated by:

          Exhibition supported by:

    Detail from a panel of The Witness Blanket travelling exhibition.

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
    Briar Craig

    January 29 to April 17, 2022
    Mardell G. Reynolds Gallery

    README explores the frustration of misconception through a
    selection of work from our Permanent Collection by Kelowna-based
    artist Briar Craig. Craig creates clever wordplay through printmaking
    using ultra-violet cured ink, shining a spotlight on political rhetoric
    and everyday phrases. Bold words are superimposed over found
    objects like magazines and chalkboards, where the letters become
    game pieces that both entice and create confusion.

    Briar Craig is a professor of Printmaking, Photography and Drawing
    at UBC Okanagan. His work has been exhibited in over twenty-
    five solo exhibitions and hundreds of group exhibitions. Craig’s art
    is held in the permanent collections of many notable institutions
    across the globe.

    Briar Craig, Door Hinge (Punk Poet), 2014, ultra-violet screen print on paper, 40 x 28.25 in.
    Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of the artist, 2020. Photo: Yuri Akuney, Digital Perfections.

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
Gold, Silver & Lead
    Jed Lind

    Displayed Year-round

    This outdoor sculpture, part of the Kelowna Art Gallery’s
    Permanent Collection, features seven abstracted car bodies
    stacked vertically in a minimalist form. The cars, crafted from
    painted steel, disassemble and deteriorate as they rise, becoming
    indistinguishable by the time they reach their tallest point. Stripped
    of both form and function and standing at approximately 7.5 meters
    tall, the illusion of Gold, Silver & Lead transforms our familiar urban
    landscape into a contemplative space.

    Jed Lind uses the iconic 1979 Honda Civic as the model for his
    sculpture, capturing the spirit of its original design as a modern,
    yet humble, car of the future. Designed as a response to the
    Second Oil Crisis when much of North America was forced to ration
    available gasoline, the fuel-efficient Civic was seen as the way
    forward. Equal parts philosophical and architectural, Gold, Silver &
    Lead invites us to reflect on our own mobility, our destination, and
    our connection to the urban environment.

    Jed Lind, Gold, Silver & Lead, 2011, ¼ inch laser cut steel plate, high-build epoxy coating,
    LED lights, 298 x 94 x 49 in. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of the artist, 2019.
    Photo: Yuri Akuney, Digital Perfections.

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
Adad Hannah, still image from Social Distancing Video Portrait 136, (happy to be here edition) (detail), 2020. Courtesy   Annabel Stanley, The Circle of Life, installation at the Kelowna Art Gallery, December 2021.
     of Equinox Gallery, Vancouver, and Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain, Montreal. Music performed by Brigitte
     Dajczer. Photo: Courtesy of the artist.

     Social Distancing Portraits                                                                                               The Circle of Life
     Adad Hannah                                                                                                               Annabel Stanley
     Through to January 23, 2022                                                                                               Through to September 11, 2022
     Mardell G. Reynolds Gallery                                                                                               Rotary Courtyard

     In Social Distancing Portraits, multi-media artist Adad Hannah presents a                                                 Annabel Stanley explores the form of the circle, how it shapes our environment,
     series of more than 200 video-recorded tableaux vivants (living pictures)                                                 and is reflected in the flora and fauna that surround us. This site-specific
     produced during the pandemic. Hannah’s videos appear suspended in time                                                    installation was inspired by her recent discovery of sacred geometry and the work
     and capture this strange in-between moment we are currently in. All portraits                                             of artist Alexander Liberman.
     are accompanied by a short but insightful interview and a bespoke musical
     composition written and performed by Brigitte Dajczer or Daniel Ingram. These                                             Visitors will encounter various sculptures woven from natural fibres such as
     intimate portraits act as a record, documenting our collective experience and our                                         grasses, dogwood, alder, willow, moss, and grape vines – including an oversized
     individual emotions. By examining our shared experiences during the COVID-19                                              bee skep that celebrates the humble but vital bee. The Circle of Life will feature
     pandemic, Hannah highlights the isolation it has caused and the real human                                                subtle changes throughout the year that reflect the cycle of the seasons.
     need to connect.
                                                                                                                               Stanley sources her materials throughout the Okanagan Valley and from her
     Adad Hannah was born in New York and currently lives in Burnaby, BC. He                                                   vineyard in West Kelowna. She trained in Willow Sculpture with artist Julieann
     holds a Ph.D. and MFA from Concordia University and a BFA from Emily Carr                                                 Worrall Hood in England and has exhibited extensively in British Columbia and
     University of Art + Design. His work has been exhibited on a global scale.                                                New Zealand.

                     Presented with support from:                                                                                             Presented with support from:

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
Jane Everett, Onyx Creek installation at Kelowna International Airport (YLW). Photo courtesy of the artist.   Susan Point, Timeless Circle (detail), 2013, screenprint on paper, 32 x 32 in. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery.
                                                                                                                   Gift of the artist, 2021. Photo: Yuri Akuney, Digital Perfections.

     Onyx Creek                                                                                                    Spotlight on the Collection
     Jane Everett                                                                                                  New Acquisitions
     Through to June 2022                                                                                          The Kelowna Art Gallery is thrilled to announce the acquisition of three
     Satellite space in the Kelowna International Airport (YLW)                                                    screenprints by Musqueam artist Susan Point (Canadian, b. 1952). Point is one
                                                                                                                   of the most widely known artists on the Northwest Coast and has become a
     Jane Everett celebrates the astonishing diversity of life in riparian areas, found                            key figure in the contemporary Coast Salish art movement. Her work is greatly
     near waterways, in this series of oil paintings. Influenced by American abstract                              influenced by traditional legends and culture and is known for her use of circular
     expressionist Helen Frankenthaler, Everett distills her memories of paddling                                  motifs inspired by the spindle whorl, an object traditionally used by Coast Salish
     through the mouths of local creeks when the morning light is reflected. The                                   women to prepare wool for weaving.
     combined titles of these works form a poem that expresses the sentiment of
     these transient moments, “we parked near line 17, you moved off with your                                     Susan Point was inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts and
     camera, and I soon lost sight of you.”                                                                        received the National Aboriginal Achievement Award in 2004. She became
                                                                                                                   an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2006. She received the Queen Elizabeth
     Everett’s practice in drawing and painting is intimately connected to the lakes                               II Diamond Jubilee medal in 2012 and, in 2019, the Audain Prize for Lifetime
     and forests of interior British Columbia and explores the intersection between the                            Achievement in the Visual Arts.
     fabricated and natural worlds. She divides her time between Kelowna and her
     country studio in the Shuswap.

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
In-progress shot from a Block Printing art class with Rena Warren. Photo courtesy of the artist.

     Saturday Art Workshops                                                                             Art Break
     Cost: $90 (Members $72) | Supplies Included                                                        Spring Break Art Camps
     Art of Block Printing                                                                              Ages 6 to 12
     Instructor: Rena Warren                                                                            March 21 to April 1, 2022
     Date: Saturday, January 22 | 10 to 3 pm
                                                                                                        We are sure to have something to keep your young ones busy this Spring Break,
                                                                                                        from art camps to art boxes.
     Willow Weaving: Hearts
     Instructor: Annabel Stanley
                                                                                                        Each day of camp explores a different theme and a variety of art materials,
     Date: Saturday, February 12 | 1 to 5 pm
                                                                                                        techniques, and creative approaches to making art. Class sizes are limited
                                                                                                        so that children receive one-on-one instruction in a friendly, non-competitive
     Orange Shirt Beaded Pins
                                                                                                        environment. Camps will adhere to current provincial health guidelines including
     Instructor: Kyla Shields
                                                                                                        increased cleaning schedules, and reduced class sizes.
     Date: Saturday, March 5 | 11 to 3 pm

     Beadwork Earrings
                                                                                                                      Keep an eye out for more upcoming details about
     Instructor: Kyla Shields
                                                                                                                             Spring Art Breaks on our website.
     Date: Saturday, April 9 | 11 to 3 pm

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JOURNAL 66 - Kelowna Art Gallery
A Year From Now: Works from the Permanent Collection, presented from July 31 to November 21, 2021.   Visitors pose for a photo with their Family Sundays creation in Annabel Stanley’s exhibition The Circle of Life.
     Photo: Yuri Akuney, Digital Perfections

     Membership                                                                                           Board of Directors
                                                                                                          Lisanne Ballantyne                                                June Nicolay, Vice Chair
                                                                                                          Garry Benson                                                      Lori Samuels
                                                                                                          Gillian Dougans                                                   Candace Surette, Treasurer
     In 2022, colour a bright future with the Kelowna Art Gallery.                                        Jessica Hedrick                                                   Stoke Tonne, Chair
                                                                                                          Sarah Neely
                                                                                                                                                                            Christine McWillis, City Liaison
     Your membership helps ensure that the Gallery is a place that brings a variety of
     people safely together to celebrate the visual arts.                                                 Staff
                                                                                                          Nataley Nagy, Executive Director                                  Aidan Peleato, Curatorial and Programming
                                                                                                          Sumi Ali, Education Coordinator,                                  Assistant (Mat Leave)
     As a member, you will enjoy free admission year-round, a 20% discount on                             Children’s and Family Programs                                    Kyle L. Poirier, Graphic Designer
     art classes, exhibition catalogues and merchandise, and you will be invited to                       Aubrey Creasor, Programming Assistant                             Victoria Verge, Education Coordinator,
                                                                                                          Joshua Desnoyers, Marketing and Events                            Adult Programming
     exhibit a piece in our annual members’ exhibition. You will also receive priority                    Coordinator
                                                                                                          Mat Glenn, Preparator                                             Gallery Assistants
     registration to our ever-popular classes.
                                                                                                          Clea Haugo, Assistant Curator and Registrar                       Shaniya Anand
                                                                                                          Liz MacDonald, Research Associate                                 Katerina Colalillo
                                                                                                          Mackenzie Mantler, Curatorial and Programming                     Nimrat Grewal
     In addition, we hope you might consider making a charitable donation to the                          Intern                                                            Janine Hall
     Gallery. Your gift, no matter what size, will have a direct impact on our work.                      Christine May, Curator                                            Joe Lanaway
                                                                                                          Ady Miller, Operations Manager                                    Mia Main
     With a donation of $100 or more, you will also receive discounted admissions                                                                                           Fern Teleglow
     at many other Galleries through the NARM reciprocal program across North                                                                                               Avery Ullyot-Comrie


                 To purchase a membership or make a donation, visit
  or call us at 250-762-2226.
                                                                                                          The Kelowna Art Gallery gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the City of Kelowna, The
                                                                                                          Canada Council for the Arts, British Columbia Arts Council, the Province of British Columbia, Central
                                                                                                          Okanagan Public Schools, Central Okanagan Foundation, and our members, donors, and sponsors.

                                                                                                          Kelowna Art Gallery © 2021 | Design by Kyle L. Poirier | Printed by
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1315 Water Street
     Kelowna, BC, V1Y 9R3    6228062

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