Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...

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Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary
           and concurrent session presentations

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            using the video networking lounge

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Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Wednesday, May 19, 2021           Thursday, May 20, 2021            Friday, May 21, 2021

Exploring Inequities and System     Hall Laureate Lecture             Concurrent Panels
  Gaps Exposed by COVID-19         10:30am – 11:45am EST           10:30am – 11:45am EST
    10:30am – 11:45am EST                                              *see page 11 for details

                                     Exhibits & Posters
      Exhibits & Posters          11:45am to 12:45pm EST              Exhibits & Posters
   11:45am to 12:45pm EST                                          11:45am to 12:45pm EST

                                    Concurrent Session C
     Concurrent Session A          1:00pm to 2:15pm EST                Special Sessions
    1:00pm to 2:15pm EST              *see page 9 for details      12:45pm to 2:00pm EST
       *see page 7 for details                                  *more details to come soon, stay tuned!

                                    Concurrent Session D
     Concurrent Session B          2:45pm to 4:00pm EST               The Way Forward:
    2:45pm to 4:00pm EST             *see page 10 for details     Caring for Aging Canadians
       *see page 8 for details                                      2:30pm to 4:00pm EST
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Exploring Inequities and System Gaps Exposed by COVID-19
                                     Wednesday, May 19, 2021
                                     10:30am to 11:45am EST

Dr. Diane Finegood   Dr. James Makokis   Dr. Beverley Essue    Dr. Naheed Dosani   Ms. Sue Robins
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
2021 Hall Laureate Lecture
    Thursday, May 20, 2021
     10:30am to 11:45am

        Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
The Way Forward: Caring for Aging Canadians
                                     Friday, May 21, 2021
                                    2:30pm to 4:00pm EST

Dr. Nathan Stall      Dr. Colleen Flood    Mr. Andre Picard   Dr. Carrie Bourassa   Dr. Malcolm Doupe
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Conference Rates
                    Member: $495
                  Non-Member: $595

         Student Member: $200
       Student Non-Member: $275

           Patient & Caregivers: $50
It is our aim that all those interested in the conference will be able to attend. We
recognize that the pandemic may make this difficult for some. If you do not have
 organizational/institutional financial support for conference attendance and the
   registration fees as set out will preclude you from attending the conference,
                please reach out to Sally Clelford at
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Concurrent Session A
                                                                              Wednesday, May 19, 2021 (1:00pm to 2:15pm)
                                                                                                         Optimizing the use of person-centred quality
                 Canadian Atlas of Palliative Care – Pilot    Digging Deeper: A Qualitative Study of the      indicators by Canadian healthcare             Barriers and facilitators to virtual care in a   Rural telemedicine use before and
                 Study: Hindsight, Insight and the Road      Unintended Consequences of Performance organizations: a mixed methods study assessing          tertiary hospital system during the COVID-       during the COVID-19 pandemic: A
Health System
                                 Ahead                       Management in Healthcare Delivery Systems    the readiness, barriers and facilitators to            19 pandemic: A survey evaluation             repeated cross-sectional study
                          Christopher Klinger                                 Elvina Li                                implementation                                      Karen Spithoff                               Cherry Chu
                                                                                                                     Kimblerley Manilili
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Leveraging Remote Patient
      A2         The Canada Health Data Research (HDR)                                                                                                      Leveraging Community Support Services in
                                                                                                             Using a Learning Health System Approach to                                                         Monitoring to Provide Chronic
Collaborative     Alliance – increasing the “findability”,    Essential Together: Moving co-developed                                                          Proactive COVID-19 Surveillance: An
                                                                                                              Evaluating an Ontario Health Team in East                                                      Disease Management and COVID-19
  Healthcare       accessibility and utility of important            policy guidance into action                                                            Embedded Approach to a Mixed Methods
                                                                                                                               Toronto                                                                       Care in Burlington and Surrounding
Improvement                Canadian data assets                            Jessie Checkley                                                                               Research Study
                                                                                                                              Mark Fam                                                                                      Areas
 Partnerships                   Nicole Yada                                                                                                                              Elizabeth Kalles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chi-Ling Sin
                                                               Development and validation of a cancer
                                                                                                              Mobile Integrated Healthcare Delivered by
                 The promises and pitfalls of forty-two-      model to predict risk of poor performance                                                     Optimal provision of stroke rehabilitation
     A3                                                                                                       Emergency Medical Services: An Economic
                 year trends of public health spending:      status and severe symptoms over time: The                                                                     in Alberta
    Health                                                                                                           Analysis of Real-World Data
                          Canadian evidence                                PROVIEW+ tool                                                                                  Charles Yan
  Economics                                                                                                                    Feng Xie
                          Emmanuelle Arpin                                   Hsien Seow

                                                                                                                                                               A systematic review and narrative
                                                             Outpatient follow-up practices and the well-    Understanding the Individual, Organizational                                               Associations between daily nurse
                   Dentists and Leaves of Absence and                                                                                                       synthesis on the determinants of health
     A4                                                        being of primary care and mental health       and System-Level Factors Shaping Access and                                             staffing practices and the incidence of
                  Return to Work Experiences: A Mixed                                                                                                         workforce surge capacity during the
Health Human                                                 nurses in Quebec during the first wave of the    Autonomy within a Regional Maternity Care                                                 postoperative atrial fibrillation in
                             Methods Study                                                                                                                    COVID-19 and other viral respiratory
  Resources                                                              COVID-19 pandemic                                      System                                                                           cardiac surgery
                           Jelena Atanackovic                                                                                                                          disease outbreaks
                                                                          Jean Daniel Carrier                        Caroline Chamberland-Rowe                                                                 Christian Rochefort
                                                                                                                                                                          Neeru Gupta
                 “Sometimes, I honestly feel hopeless”:                                                      Examining the Gendered Nature of Mental          Provincial surveillance of prescribing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Use of emergency departments for
                  Social care providers’ perspectives on                                                    Health Issues, Leaves of Absence & Return to    pharmaceutical alternatives to the toxic
     A5                                                           Health service use patterns of forensic                                                                                              first contact of mental health and
                 caring for structurally vulnerable patie                                                    Work Experiences of Canadian Physicians: A    drug supply during the dual public health
Mental Health                                                        mental health clients in Québec                                                                                                 substance use disorders among youth
                 nts with substance use disorders within                                                   Case Study of the Healthy Professional W orkers emergencies of COVID-19 and overdose in
and Addictions                                                              Marichelle Leclair                                                                                                        and young adults in British Columbia
                                acute care                                                                                    Partnership                                       BC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hasina Samji
                              Nicole Gehring                                                                               Mara Mihailescu                                Heather Palis
                                                                 The Impact of Multimorbidity Level and                                                      Examining the Association Between a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Participatory research to improve
    A6            Approaches to psychosocial care within        Functional Limitations on the Accuracy of  Phase-specific health system costs of dementia    Dementia Care Program in Retirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                     partnerships between caregivers and
  Chronic        tertiary care diabetes centres in Canada:    Using Self-Reported Data from Community- in Ontario, Canada: a propensity score-matched        Homes and Transitions to a Long-Term
                                                                                                                                                                                                      care providers of persons living with
  Disease                  An environmental scan             living Adults to Measure General Practitioner                   cohort study                       Care Home in Ontario, Canada: A
Management                    Pablo Gonzalez                               and Specialist Visits                           Laura Maclagan                        Population-Based Cohort Study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paul Holyoke
                                                                            Lauren E. Griffith                                                                            Derek Manis
 Equity and
                                                                        How do Quebec health and social care workers strive to better meet the needs of vulnerable migrant populations?
                                                                              Lara Gautier, Lisa Merry, Naima Bentyab, Isabelle-Ann Leclair-Mallette, Stella Carine Kengne Tiné
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Concurrent Session B
                                                                           Wednesday, May 19, 2021 (2:45pm to 4:00pm)
                                                                                                               A Scoping Review on Implementing Virtual                                            Pharmacist Prescribing in Nova Scotia: A
       B1                   The Evolution of Primary Care              Virtual Care during COVID-19 and                                                     If Continuity is King, Access is the
                                                                                                                 Primary Healthcare during COVID-19 in                                              Qualitative Analysis of Self-Perceived
    Primary          Transformation Across Canada: 6 Years Later     Implications for Future Care Delivery                                                                 Queen
                                                                                                                        High-income Countries                                                                     Barriers
   Healthcare                     Monica Aggarwal                                 Sara Bhatti                                                                            Lisa Cook
                                                                                                                           Priyanka Challa                                                                     Jennifer Isenor

                     A Validation of Diagnostic Codes for Benign   The value of proxy-rated health status in
                                                                                                                 Virtual care use during the COVID-19                                               Tracking Canada’s response to COVID-
       B2             Indications for Gynecologic Surgery in the   pediatric settings: Evidence from linked                                                 Can virtual care make health care
                                                                                                                 pandemic in Ontario: a retrospective                                                  19: CIHI’s Intervention Scan and
      Health         Canadian Institutes for Health Information        patient experience surveys and                                                               more sustainable?
                                                                                                                              cohort study                                                                   Interactive Timeline
   Informatics         Discharge Abstract Database (CIHI-DAD)           administrative data in Alberta                                                              Bobby Gheorghiu
                                                                                                                            Vess Stamenova                                                                     Christina Catley
                                  Magdalene Payne                                 Brian Steele

                                                                                                                                                              Evaluating Pharmaceutical
                                                                   Opioid Agonist Therapy as treatment for     The impact of OHIP+ universal pharmacare
                       Integration of self-management principles                                                                                             Alternatives to the Toxic Drug        Are the Best Outcomes Being Measured
      B3                                                           opioid use disorder: comparing duration,    on prescription drug use and costs among
                     into medication management frameworks: A                                                                                              Supply: Experiences of Indigenous         in Studies of Oral Anticoagulants? A
 Pharmaceutical                                                        risks and frequency of healthcare         children and youth under 25 years in
                                     scoping review                                                                                                          People who use Drugs in BC's                     Systematic Survey
     Policy                                                                        encounters                        Ontario: a time series analysis.
                                      Lauren Cadel                                                                                                                  Northern Region                               Mei Wang
                                                                               Daniel McCormack                           Benard N Miregwa
                                                                                                                                                                     Alexa Norton

                                                                    Reconciling validity and challenges of                                                 Conditionally positive: a qualitative    Engagement and Capacity Building of
                         Patients-trainers in Primary Care : A
        B4                                                           patient comfort and understanding:         The SPOR PPE Evaluation Framework: a        study of public perceptions about          Patient and Family Advocates:
                      Knowledge Transfer Tool for Best Practices
Patient and Public                                                     Guidelines to patient-oriented                Consensus Building Exercise              using health data for artificial           Collaborating on Ontario
                                   among Clinicians
  Engagement                                                                   questionnaires                           Audrey L'Esperence                        intelligence research                   Health System Redesign
                                  Marie-Eve Poitras
                                                                              Mireille Lambert                                                                        Alison Paprica                            Tiffany Scurr

                                                                                                                                                           What are the differences in health
                                                                     Characterizing re-assault in Ontario,     Delays for Medical Imaging and Radiology
       B5               Electronic consultation in correctional                                                                                            service use between persons with             Critical illness among patients
                                                                                   Canada:                     Procedures Among Medical Inpatients: A
 Health System          facilities worldwide: A scoping review                                                                                             dementia living in rural and urban            experiencing homelessness.
                                                                        A population-based analysis                         Cohort Study
  Performance                       Claire Sethuram                                                                                                                 areas in Quebec?                               Khara Suaro
                                                                               Rachel Strauss                               Emily Bartsch
                                                                                                                                                             Genevieve Arsenault-Lapierre

                                                                                                                                                              “We need to raise the bar!”
                                                                                                               Confronting Racism within the Canadian
                         Understanding Indigenous peoples’           Understanding Indigenous peoples’                                                     Understanding Indigenous patients’      Stakeholder Perspectives on Indigenous
       B6                                                                                                      Healthcare System: Systemic Exclusion of
                       experiences and perspectives on health      experiences and perspectives on health                                                     health care experiences and              Boys’ and Men’s Sexual Health
   Indigenous                                                                                                  First Nations from Quality and Consistent
                          research practices and priorities           research practices and priorities                                                     perspectives on promising health                     Promotion
     Health                                                                                                                      Care
                                Amelie Boudreault                              Shannon Field                                                                         care practices                             Jenny Rand
                                                                                                                          Wanda Phillips-Beck
                                                                                                                                                                   Andreas Pilarinos
   Knowledge                                                                          Health Data Research Network Canada – Outputs, Outcomes, and Getting Involved
   Translation                                                                                        Lisa Lix, Juliana Wu, Amy Y.X. Yu, Scott Garrison
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Concurrent Session C
                                                                           Thursday, May 20, 2021 (1:00pm to 2:15pm)
                                                                   Health inequities and virtual mental          A mixed methods evaluation of risk
                                                                                                                                                               The Mental Health Commission of
     C1            The effect of a rapid transition to online     health care uptake among children and        mitigation measures to address the dual                                              Aging and mental health: what matters
                                                                                                                                                              Canada’s COVID-19 Policy Response
Mental Health          delivery of counselling services          adolescents in Ontario during the COVID-        public health crisis of COVID-19 and                                                        most to Canadians?
and Addictions             Robbie Babins-Wagner                                19 pandemic                                    overdose                                                                         Justine Giosa
                                                                                                                                                                        Mary Bartram
                                                                              Alene Toulany                               Karen Urbanoski

                 “They’re so deconditioned that they’re not      Caregiving for older adults with hip         Understanding medication self-                     Developmental Evaluation of        The Impacts of Enrolment Policies on
      C2         able to go home”: A qualitative study of the  fractures: Exploring the perspectives of    management in community-dwelling                      COVIDCare@Home, a Family           Patient Affiliation with Primary Care
   Primary          lived experiences of deconditioning in    caregivers, providers and decision-makers adults with chronic medication experience:             Medicine Led Remote Monitoring              Physicians in Quebec,
  Healthcare                        hospital                              in Ontario, Canada              An exploratory concept mapping study                  Program for COVID-19 patients                       Canada
                                 Sara Guilcher                               Sara Guilcher                            Kadesha James                                       Celia Laur                            Caroline King

                                                                                                                                                               “Let me know when I’m needed”:
                   Follow-up after postpartum psychiatric           Postpartum acute care use among           Lessons learned from the implementation                                                Uptake of virtual mental health care
     C3                                                                                                                                                        Exploring the gendered nature of
                  emergency department visits: An equity-          women with disabilities in Ontario: A      of Canada’s first alongside midwifery unit:                                              among children and adolescents
Maternal and                                                                                                                                                   digital technology use during the
                   focused population-based cohort study             population-based cohort study                    A explanatory case study                                                        through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Child Health                                                                                                                                                         transition to parenting
                                Lucy Barker                                  Hilary Brown                                      Liz Darling                                                                   Natasha Saunders
                                                                                                                                                                         Bradley Heibert
                                                                                                                                                               Examining the Factors that Shaped
                                                                                                                Mapping the determinants of mental             the Adoption of Virtual or Remote
     C4                                                          Health Equity and the Implementation of      health among racialized and low-income           Delivery of Domestic Violence and
                 Safer Supply would work well if...A Concept                                                                                                                                        The effect of COVID-19 on home care
 Equity and                                                                     Virtual Care                  communities: Considerations to building            Sexual Assault Services During
                               Mapping Study                                                                                                                                                                PSWs’ work absence
 Vulnerable                                                                  during COVID-19                  psychological resilience during COVID-19           COVID-19 in Alberta, Canada:
                                Bernie Pauly                                                                                                                                                                   Lady Bolongaita
 Populations                                                                  Simone Shahid                                  and beyond                       Perspectives from the Anti-Violence
                                                                                                                       Mauriene Tolentino                                    Sector
                                                                                                                                                                     Stephanie Montesanti
                                                                                                                                                             Family Caregivers as Essential
                                                                  Consumer preferences for attributes of
      C5                                                                                                      Twin Innovations: Evaluating the Impact of    Partners in Care: Examining the
                 Using a public engaged approach to identify         cannabis products: A qualitative                                                                                          Improving Coordination of Care through
 Patient and                                                                                                   Patient Engagement in Transforming the      Impacts of Restrictive Acute Care
                 priority areas for cannabis policy evaluation      assessment of drivers of purchase                                                                                           the Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood
    Public                                                                                                                  Health System                Visiting Policies During the COVID-19
                                  Lisa Bishop                                   decisions                                                                                                                  Artem Safarov
 Engagement                                                                                                               Tamara McCarron                         Pandemic in Canada
                                                                            Jennifer Donnan
                                                                                                                                                                 Stephanie Montesanti
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “I don’t know how we would have
                                                                                                                                                                  The impact of the first wave of
      C6                                                                                                                                                                                            coped without it.” Understanding the
                    Long-term life care: research to drive       Care aides’ perceptions of residents’ past   Canadian Long-term care policy guidance         COVID-19 on medication prescribing
  Home Care,                                                                                                                                                                                        Importance of Virtual Hospital Visiting
                          needs-based home care                       psychological trauma histories          for staff to support resident quality of life   in Ontario long-term care homes: an
Long Term Care                                                                                                                                                                                          Programs during the COVID-19
                                Justine Giosa                                  Trina Thorne                                 Mary Jean Hande                      interrupted-time series analysis
   and Aging                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                        Michael Campitelli
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Katie Dainty
Health System                                                               Leveraging Virtual Care within Hospital Systems: Case example at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Performance                                                                                  Rebecca Liu, Andriana Lukich, Suman Budhwani, Jamie Fujioka
Join us for an exciting 3 days of virtual plenary and concurrent session presentations Reconnect with friends and colleagues using the video ...
Concurrent Session D
                                                                              Thursday, May 20, 2021 (2:45pm to 4:00pm)
                                                                                                                   Sustainability of INFORM (Improving         How does a natural occurring
                                                                      Feasibility of routine quality of life                                                                                        Shifts in the prevalence and incidence of
       D1             Spatial analysis of healthcare offer and                                                   Nursing Home Care Through Feedback On          retirement community with
                                                                                   assessment                                                                                                        psychotropic medication use in Ontario
 Health System      request for over 65-aged people in Quebec                                                   perfoRMance data): A complex team-based       supportive programming impact
                                                                           in long-term care homes                                                                                                             long-term care homes
  Performance                       Juliette Duc                                                                        improvement intervention                      health utilization?
                                                                                Matthias Hoben                                                                                                                     Daniel Harris
                                                                                                                            Matthias Hoben                           Catherine Donnelly

                                                                     Attitudes and Practices of a Sample of
      D2              Does policy impact equitable access to                                                        Island Health Scholar in Residence:                                               Using the CanMEDS-FM Indigenous
                                                                         Nova Scotian Physicians for the                                                      Development of Equity-Informed
  Equity and        services? - A critical discourse analysis of                                                 Promoting Health Equity in Public Health                                           Health Supplement to Provide Culturally
                                                                     Implementation of HIV Pre-Exposure                                                               Decision Tools
  Vulnerable        discharge policy in pediatric rehabilitation                                                           Systems and Services                                                                   Safe Care
                                                                                  Prophylaxis                                                                        Shawn Winsor
  Populations                    Meaghan Reitzel                                                                               Bernie Pauly                                                                    Heather Mullen
                                                                                   Jad Sinno

                     Up to Date Patterns for Colorectal Cancer       Characterizing the financial burden of
                                                                                                                 Living with Advanced Colorectal Cancer:     The importance of patient advisors      Design of a surveillance system for late
                    Screening: Low Uptake in a Population with        advanced cancer: interim analysis of
       D3                                                                                                        How Prepared are Informal Caregivers to      in oncology during the COVID-19       effects of treatment in childhood cancer
                       No Regular Primary Care Provider and         financial effects data from people living
     Cancer                                                                                                             Care for their Loved ones?                       pandemic.                                  survivors
                         Opportunities for Improvement                  with advanced colorectal cancer
                                                                                                                             Misson Rahman                         Marie-Pascale Pomey                          Jennifer Shuldiner
                              Kamala Adhikari Dahal                           Aynharan Sinnarajah

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Methodological review of items for
                     Reflections on the implementation and
                                                                                                                 Increase in the uptake of virtual primary                                           assessing the risk of bias in network
                    value of virtual care in Primary Healthcare                                                                                              Virtual Visits and Management of
       D4                                                          Key factors to scaling-up eConsult in four   care during the pandemic: How Canadians                                                    meta-analyses provides
                       during COVID-19: Perspectives from                                                                                                       Primary Care in a Pandemic
    Primary                                                                        provinces                       are using virtual care technologies to                                           groundwork for the development of a
                        patients, healthcare providers, and                                                                                                             Environment
   HealthCare                                                              Melanie Ann Smithman                     interact with the healthcare system                                             new risk of bias tool for network meta-
                              organizational leaders.                                                                                                                 Leanne Kosowan
                                                                                                                             Waldo Beausejour                                                                       analysis
                                    Rebecca Liu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Carole Lunny
                                                                      Return on investment and network
                                                                                                                                                               Tiered Models of Rehabilitation       Is there too much COVID-19 research?
       D5              Pan-Canadian Caregiver and Youth             impact: An evaluation of Diabetes Action
                                                                                                                  Analyse des politiques québécoises de         Services: Insights from Realist         Implementation and analysis of a
Health Policy and     Experiences in Accessing Government                    Canada, a Strategy for
                                                                                                                        prévention des surdoses               Research to Support Inclusion of                  COVID-19 research
  Healthcare                   Disability Programs                 Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Chronic
                                                                                                                      Antoine Bertrand-Deschênes             Children and Youth with Disabilities         inventory for British Columbia
     Reform                      Brittany Finlay                                Disease Network
                                                                                                                                                                     Sandra Vanderkaay                           Lindsay Hedden
                                                                               James M. Bowen
                                                                   Selection of Patient Reported Experience
                                                                                                                    Approaches to Understanding How
                                                                   Measures (PREMS) for public reporting in
       D6            Design and Implementation of a Learning                                                      Provincial Health Systems can Mobilize        Estimated Cost of COVID-19           Impact of COVID-19 on Canada Health
                                                                                  Canada: Key
 Health System            Health System Support Model                                                                         Registry Data for                  Hospitalizations in Canada                      care Systems
                                                                      findings from CIHI’s mixed methods
  Performance                   Stephanie Brooks                                                                     Quality Improvement: A Protocol                 Stephanie Bonnell                          Jennifer Frood
                                                                                                                              Jacqueline Krysa
                                                                              Naomi Diestelkamp

Health Policy &                                                              What is a Sustainable Health System? Considering environmental Sustainability in Canadian Healthcare
  Healthcare                                                                               Fiona Miller, Karen Born, Quinn Grundy, Kathleen Morris, Jennifer Zelmer
Reform (PANEL)
Concurrent Panels
                           Friday, May 21, 2021 (10:30am-11:45am EST)

                        PANEL 1                                                           PANEL 4
        Theme: Equity and Vulnerable Populations                               Theme: Maternal and Child Health
         “Partnership for Racial Equity in Health”            “Medication abortion in Canada: Past, Present, and Future Directions”
Panelists: Lloy Wylie, Danielle Alcock, Sume Ndumbe-Eyoh         Panelists: Kathryn Laroche, Angel Foster, Srishti Hukku, Carly
                                                                                   Demont, Abdiasis Yalahow

                        PANEL 2                                                           PANEL 5
          Theme: Patient and Public Engagement                                    Theme: Indigenous Health
“Public perspectives on health data and research – Hearing     “Honouring Indigenous Data Sovereignty within Mainstream Data
from the ICES and HDRN Canada Public Advisory Councils”          Environments by Weaving together Current Indigenous Data
 Panelists: Jenine Paul, Frank Gavin, Mpho Begin, Krysta                          Governance Strategies”
         Nesbitt, Gyan Chandra, Randy Davidson               Panelists: Robyn Rowe, Jennifer Walker, Kristine Neglia, Melissa Dane

                    PANEL 3
      Theme: Home Care, Longer Care and Aging                                            PANEL 6
 “Confronting the Long-term Care Workforce Crisis: A                         Theme: Mental Health and Addictions
             Cross Jurisdictional Analysis”                        “Mental Health and Substance Use Workforce Capacity in
 Panelists: Anna Cooper Reed, Amy Hsu, Sara Allin,                                 Response to COVID-19”
Amanda Vyce, Maude Laberge, Dawson Clark, Shereen                      Panelists: Mary Bartram, Ivy Bourgeault, Rebecca
                     Hussein                                                Jesseman, Fred Phelps, Lynn McNeely
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