JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Page created by Elmer Rice
JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
Issue 05

             Húsavík! The town that Eurovision made famous · Kristín Sesselja sings songs to cry to
             · Sigurður Guðjónsson makes the little things grand · Eruptions, vaccines and more!

        Power Paladin is just here to have fun… and if a dragon
        gets slayed in the meantime? Even better!
JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
Issue 05
                                                                                                            COVER ART:
                                                                                                            Photographer:               Props were supplied by

             Húsavík! The town that Eurovision made famous · Krístín Sesselja: Tunes to cry in the tub to
             Sigurður Guðjónsson makes the little things grand · Eruptions, vaccines and more!

                                                                                                            Art Bicnick                 the one-and-only Nexus,
                                                                                                                                        your stop for anything
                                                                                                            The photo is taken at the   nerdy in Reykjavík.
                                                                                                            Viking Hotel Fjörukráin     Hopefully one day they
                                                                                                            in Hafnarfjörður, who we    will outfit our office.
        Power Paladin is just here to have fun… and if a dragon
                                                                                                            cannot thank enough.

        gets slayed in the meantime? Even better!

                                                                                                                                                                   08: POWER PALADIN!                              12-13: Fluorescent Art                            26: Erlendur Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                   06: Immigrants. Don't.                          19: Minningar & The                               27: Tiktok Star Elfgrime
                                                                                                                                                                       Spread. COVID.                                  Music Of Glaciers                                 Teaches Us Style
                                                                                                                                                                   08: The One Shoe-d God                          23: Fighting Fire W/ Fire                         28: ALL HAIL SEITAN!


                                                                                                                                                                  So, How Do We Want To
                                                                                                                                                                  Move Forward?          When this is writ-        again. To heal again.                             the ones they love, and people they will
                                                                                                                                                                                         ten, well over               Right now, over 3 million people               never know, by applying to restrictions
                                                                                                                                                                                         50,000 Icelanders         have died from the virus. That’s half of          connected to the virus.
                                                                                                                                                                                         have been fully           the civilians that are believed to have              This should give us hope. Because
                                                                                                                                                                                         vaccinated. Over          died in World War I. It’s one million             our behaviour, and the will to sacrifice
                                                                                                                                                                                         100,000 have              more than are believed to have died in            our comfort to keep others safe prob-
                                                                                                                                                                                         gotten at least           the Vietnam war. These numbers will               ably saved millions of lives all around
                                                                                                                                                                                         one shot. And if          only go up for the next months and                the world. In Iceland alone, our dark-
                                                                                                                                                                  everything goes according to the most            years. It’s a possibility that we will have       est projection for the virus was that
                                                                                                                                                                  optimistic plans of the government,              to live with COVID-19 for the coming              we could have lost over 200 lives if we
                                                                                                                                                                  Iceland will have no domestic restric-           years.                                            wouldn’t have done anything to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                  tions connected to the virus at the end             It’s vital that everyone who is healthy        the spreading. We lost 29 people, but
                                                                                                                                                                  of June. In short; we are on our way to          and sound get the vaccine to help reach           possibly saved around 170 lives. This is
                                                                                                                                                                  restore normality, and able to turn back         herd immunity. It's also clear that               of course a reckless play with numbers,
                                                                                                                                                                  to our old routine.                              countries that fail to reach herd immu-           but we can be confident that our actions
                                                                                                                                                                     That said, nothing will be the same           nity will be left behind when it comes to         saved lives, nonetheless.
                                                                                                                                                                  again. It’s foreseen that the virus will         industry, and it will have political and             So how do we want to move forward?
                                                                                                                                                                  affect travel in the coming years. What          economical consequences. This goes                I think we already have our answer:
                                                                                                                                                                  can be taken away from us in one day,            without saying.                                   united. And we need to realise that
                                                                                                                                                                  like our freedom to travel, takes a long            But we also have to stop and think             together, we can change whatever we
                                                                                                                                                                  time to gain back. This applies to every-        with ourselves, how we want to step               want, and there are bigger challenges
                                                                                                                                                                  thing when it comes to freedom.                  into this post-virus era. In our opin-            waiting for us.
                                                                                                                                                                     If we compare the virus to a dicta-           ion, at Reykjavík Grapevine, the biggest
                                                                                                                                                                  tor, history has shown again and again           feat in the battle against the virus is           Valur Grettisson
                                                                                                                                                                  that oppressed countries are not free            how the world stood united, developed             Editor-in-chief
                                                                                                                                                                  the day the dictator dies. It takes years,       a vaccine in record time, and billions of
                                                                                                                                                                  even generations to gain normality               people did what they could to protect

John Pearson is a Rey-                                                                                      Hannah Jane Cohen is        Pollý is a hard-work-     Alina Maurer is a        Catharine Fulton is a   Art Bicnick is an         Andie Sophia Fontaine   Owen Tyrie is a young     Valur Grettisson is
kjavík resident who                                                                                         based out of Iceland        ing journalist by day     media studies intern     writer and editor who   international man         has lived in Iceland    journo straight out of    an award-winning
combines writing with                                                                                       by way of New York.         and an enthusiastic       at the Grapevine. She    has been involved       of mystery. He            since 1999 and has      Cheshire, England. Af-    journalist, author
professional back-                                                                                          She's known for her         ball-catcher by           studied all things       with the Grapevine      moves like a shadow       been reporting since    ter studying journal-     and playwright. He
grounds in music,                                                                                           love of Willa Ford,         night. A four-year-old    Icelandic at HÍ and      for many years, from    through the subcul-       2003. They were the     ism for three years       has been writing for
broadcasting, scuba                                                                                         David Foster Wallace,       dachshund mix with        can finally distin-      being our online        tures and soirees         first foreign-born      in Leeds, he recently     Icelandic media since
diving, engineering                                                                                         and other such              an IQ of a five-year-     guish Marvel’s Thor      news editor to staff    of Reykjavík, never       member of the           moved to Reykjavík        2005. He was also a
and underwater                                                                                              "intellectuals." Her        old human, Pollý has      from the real Þór.       journalist. She is      still, often ghosting     Icelandic Parliament,   in order to pursue his    theatre critic and
photography. He loves                                                                                       visionary work is           been the official         After a year’s break     now our beloved         the scene in a puff       an experience they      dream of becom-           one of the hosts of
puns, alliteration and                                                                                      known for expand-           Chief Of Morale at        in Germany she came      copywriter. Outside     of blue smoke—the         recommend for           ing Icelandic. He’s a     the cultural program,
lists that have three                                                                                       ing the definitions of      the Grapevine for         back to Iceland due      of dealing with our     exhaust fumes of the      anyone who wants        film fanatic, gaming      'Djöflaeyjan' at RÚV.
things in them.                                                                                             emotion, introspec-         eight months and is       to missing the ocean     writers turning in      elusive, well-travelled   to experience a         enthusiast and most       Valur is not to be
                                                                                                            tion, and above all         a regular contribu-       and Icelandic ice        work late, she also     Bicnick Mini.             workplace where         of all, ginger. Oh, and   confused with the
                                                                                                            else, taste. Hannah is      tor to the Grape-         cream. She loves         has two extremely                                 colleagues work tire-   he loves tea.             dreadful football club
                                                                                                            also the current Drag       vine Newscast on          pretzels, clay art and   cute kids.                                        lessly to undermine                               that bears the same
                                                                                                            King of Iceland, HANS.      YouTube. Woof.            boiling in hot tubs.                                                       each other.                                       name.

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JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
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JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
First                                                                                            The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                    Issue 05— 2021

                                                                                             ...uh...wait...was I about to write a caption?

                                                                     What Are Icelanders                                                                                and give tourism an extra boost by
                                                                                                                                                                        the time summer arrives. Thou-

                                                                       Talking About?
                                                                                                                                                                        sands of people have been getting
                                                                                                                                                                        dosed, in drives so large that the
                                                                                                                                                                        Laugardalshöll stadium has been
                                                                                                                                                                        opened for the sole purpose of
                                                                                            Rumble in the jungle                                                        accommodating enough people

                                                                                                                                                                        to get their shots. As this is being
                                                                   Words: Andie Sophia Fontaine Photos: Psychonaut/Wikimedia Commons                                    written, some 40,000 people are set
                                                                                               & Art Bicnick                                                            to get vaccines within the span of a

                                                                                                                                                                        week, using a mixed bag of vaccines
                                                                   NEWS      Drugs! Do you like to do                who were amongst the first to                      from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca
                                                                             drugs? Well then you may                break the story of Samherji brib-                  and Janssen. If all goes according to
                                                                   be interested to know that Parlia-                ing Namibian officials in exchange                 plan, pretty much everyone should

                                                                   ment is debating whether or not                   for lucrative fishing quotas. The                  be vaccinated by late July. Wish us
                                                                   to decriminalise cannabis for                     case has drawn international                       luck!
                                                                   personal consumption. On the one                  attention, prompting the Namibia

                                                                   side are the classic arguments in                 Media Professionals Union to issue                 Lastly, the eruption site just got a
                                                                   favour: addiction should be treated               a statement of support for their                   lot more, um, lively. We’ve got lava
                                                                   as a health issue rather than a crim-             Icelandic cohorts. So no, we don’t                 fountains belching 300 metres into
                                                                   inal one, the war on drugs is lost,               murder reporters here; we just have                the air. We’ve got chunks of lava
                                                                   and so forth. Opposing this idea,                 corporate and political interests                  raining down hundreds of metres
   APOTEK Kitchen+Bar is a casual-smart                            however, are the police (unsurpris-               using other methods to silence and                 away from their point of departure.
                                                                   ingly) but also the Icelandic Medi-               censure them.                                      It’s a veritable volcanic rager. Quite
   restaurant located in one of Reykjavíks                         cal Association, who contend that                                                                    photogenic, but plans are being
          most historical buildings.                               decriminalisation would lead to                   In happier news, vaccinations have                 made to expand the danger area
                                                                   more young people trying drugs—                   been kicking into high gear. A                     around the eruption site, so that
        We specialize in fresh seafood                             contrary to actual research, which                large part of this is due to Icelandic             visitors can stay safe as the situa-
            and local ingredients                                  shows that places which have                      authorities both wanting to relax                  tion changes.
                                                                   decriminalised drugs have seen no                 domestic restrictions completely
        prepared with a modern twist.                              increase—and sometimes even a
                                                                   decrease—in consumption. The
                                                                   battle rages on!

                                                                   Another hot topic in the discourse
APOTEK KITCHEN+BAR   Austurstræti 16   101 Reykjavík   is press freedom in Iceland. This
                                                                   may come as a surprise, consider-
                                                                   ing you don’t hear about journal-
                                                                   ists being jailed, kidnapped or
                                                                   assassinated here. But Reporters
                                                                   Without Borders, in their World
                                                                   Press Freedom Index for 2021,
                                                                   recently pointed out one case in
                                                                   particular that Icelanders have
                                                                   been very concerned about: fish-
                                                                   ing giant Samherji’s campaign of
                                                                   harassment against journalists
                                                                   who reported on the company’s
                                                                   wrongdoing. Samherji has specifi-
                                                                   cally targeted journalists at RÚV,
                                                                                                                                                 RIP the photographer who took this shot

                                                                                            PUBLISHER                LISTINGS DIRECTOR        SALES DIRECTORS           CONTACT US:              magazine may be
                                                                                            Hilmar Steinn            Hannah Jane Cohen                                  —» Editorial             reproduced in whole
                                                                                                                                              Aðalsteinn                                         or in part without the
                                                                                            Grétarsson         Jörundsson                +354 540 3600
                                                                                                                                                                    written permission
                                                                   Published by                                                    of the publishers. The
                                                                                                                     COPY EDITOR                                        —» Advertising           Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                   Fröken ehf.              +354 540 3601                                     Helgi Þór Harðarson
                                                                                     Catharine Fulton                                   354 540 3605             is distributed
                                                                   Hafnarstræti 15,                                                          around Reykjavík,
                                                                   101 Reykjavík                                                                                                                 Akureyri, Egilsstaðir,
                                                                                            EDITOR-IN-CHIEF          INTERNS                  FOUNDERS                  —» Distribution
                                                                                                                                                                        & Subscriptions          Borgarnes, Keflavík,
                                                            Valur Grettisson         John Pearson             Hilmar Steinn             +354 540 3604
                                                                                         johnpearson@             Grétarsson,                                        Ísafjörður and
                                                                                                                                                  distribution@            at key locations
                                                                   Member of the                                                              Hörður Kristbjörnsson,             along road #1, and
                                                                   Icelandic Travel         NEWS EDITOR              Owen Tyrie                                                                  all major tourist
                                                                                                                   Jón Trausti               —» Press releases
                                                                   Industry Association     Andie Sophia Fontaine                             Sigurðarson,                                       attractions and
                                                                        andiesophia@             Alina Maurer                                 tourist information
                                                                                            Oddur Óskar                                        centres in the
                                                                                                                                              Kjartansson,              —» General Inquiries     country. You may not
                                                                   Printed by Landsprent                                                                         like it, but at least
                                                                                            CULTURE EDITOR           PHOTOGRAPHERS            Valur Gunnarsson
                                                                   ehf.                                                                                                                          it's not sponsored
                                                                                            Hannah Jane Cohen        Kevin Pages                                                                 (no articles in the
                                                                                                                                                                    Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                     Daniele Girolamo                                                            are pay-for articles.
                                                                                                                                                                        The Reykjavík
                                                                                                                     Psychonaut                                         Grapevine is             The opinions
                                                                                            PHOTO EDITOR                                                                                         expressed are the
                                                                                                                                                                        published 21 times
                                                                                            Art Bicnick                                                                 a year by Fröken         writers’ own, not the
                                                                                                                                              ltd. Monthly from        advertisers’).
                                                                                                                                                                        December through
                                                                                                                                                                        February, and
                                                                                                                                                                        fortnightly from
                                                                                                                                                                        March til October.
                                                                                                                                                                        Nothing in this
JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
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JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
First                                                                                                                                                                  6      The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                              Issue 05— 2021

                                                                                                                       autumn when domestic restrictions                                ASK AN
                                                                                                                       were relaxed.
                                                                                                                          Despite this, people have continued
                                                                                                                       to insist that letting people into the
                                                                                                                       country is bad for our health, perhaps              Q: Why Is Pornography
                                                                                                                       deliberately ignoring the fact that                    Illegal In Iceland?
                                                                                                                       the coronavirus was first brought to
                                                                                                                       Iceland by Icelanders.

                                                                                                                              The virus doesn’t
                                                                                                                       A recent outbreak at a play school
                                                                                                                       fanned the flames of xenophobia
                                                                                                                       again, as reporters revealed that a
                                                                                                                       foreign-born resident of Iceland had
                                                                                                                       broken quarantine to return to work.
                                                                                                                                                                       With all the talk surrounding OnlyFans,
                                                                                                                       This led to a spike in harassment and
                                                                                                                                                                       we wondered—isn’t making pornorg-
                                                                                                                       bullying of foreign residents in Iceland,       raphy illegal in Iceland? To learn more,
                                                                                                                       prompting Chief of Civic Protection             we sat down with Dr. Thomas Brorsen
                                                                                                                       Víðir Reynisson to caution people not           Smidt, MA and PhD in gender studies
                                       Viðir Reynisson, the Chief of Civic Protection                                  to single out others as potential virus         and project and research manager at
                                                                                                                       carriers based on their nationality             the GRÓ Gender Equality Studies and

Xenophobia & The Pandemic
                                                                                                                       alone — curious, considering Víðir              Training Programme.
                                                                                                                       himself told reporters just two weeks
                                                                                                                       ago that, of those who break quaran-            "It is and it isn’t. According to article
                                                                                                                       tine, “actually almost all of them [are]        210 of the Icelandic penal code, who-
                                                                                                                                                                       ever prints, imports, sells, or distrib-
      Fear of the virus turns ugly for foreigners in Iceland
                                                                                                                       of foreign nationalities.”
                                                                                                                           With all this in mind, it must be           utes pornographic material, or has
                                                                                                                       emphasised that foreign residents               it publicly on display, will get fined
                                                                                                                       living in Iceland do, for the most part         or jailed up to 6 months. Still, porn is
           Words:      The coronavirus pandemic has, from                   steam in June 2020, when the Icelandic     abide quarantine guidelines, and that           available in Icelandic bookstores, sex
     Andie Sophia      the very beginning, often been a vehi-               government announced it was going          tourists and people born in Iceland             shops, and of course via the almighty
         Fontaine      cle for xenophobia. While the most                   to slightly relax border restrictions to   have also been known to break quar-             internet. Very few convictions involving
                       obvious example is anti-Asian hate,                  allow people to visit Iceland under very   antine. Ultimately, the coronavirus             pornography with consenting adults
                                                                                                                                                                       have been made since the law was first
              Photo:   there has been another less discussed                strict conditions.                         does not care about nationality, nor
                                                                                                                                                                       formulated in 1869 (with amendments
     Vísir / Vilhelm   side to this in Iceland, where foreign-                  Almost immediately, the backlash       is nationality any indication as to
                                                                                                                                                                       made in 1940 and 1996). Convictions
                       ers in general are being blamed broadly              began. Some people loudly proclaimed       whether or not someone has or has not
                                                                                                                                                                       include that of a satiric magazine for
                       for the pandemic and for individual                  that this was going to fan the flames      broken quarantine.
                                                                                                                                                                       some suggestive silhouettes, and a TV
                       outbreaks in particular.                             of the pandemic and lead to a spike
                                                                                                                                                                       channel for broadcasting some lewd
                                                                            in cases. In retrospect, the data did                                                      Danish films back in the 1990s.
                             "Close the borders!"                           not support this; domestic cases of                                                            The discussion really flared up
                                                                            the coronavirus stayed relatively low                                                      in 2010-2014 when the government
                       This arguably began to pick up real                  all summer, only to spike again in the                                                     sponsored a series of meetings to dis-
                                                                                                                                                                       cuss the 'pornification' of Icelandic
LOST IN GOOGLE TRANSLATION                                                                                                                                             society, culminating in a conference
                                                                                                                                                                       featuring anti-porn feminist Gail Dines.

Maximum Crime, Minimum Punishment
                                                                                                                                                                       A work group was assembled to exam-
                                                                                                                                                                       ine how Icelandic police could combat
                                                                                                                                                                       pornography. As it turns out, this is very
                                                                                                                                                                       difficult if the police do not have 1) a
Hey! Are you a no      task to, you know,        control and before         and stole a variety                                                                        working definition of pornography and
good, lousy, stink-    steal literally every-    we hatched our             of things, such as a                                                                       2) control of the internet.
ing criminal? Do       thing. It might take      grand plan to begin        few 66º North hats.                                                                            Recently, the debate has flared up
you want to nab as     a bit of planning,        stealing everything        I assumed the pun-                                                                         again after people realised that a lot of
much swag as you       maybe a few alibis        in existence, we           ishment for that                                                                           Icelandic young people were produc-
can with as few        and definitely some       decided to do what         would be death,                                                                            ing and selling homemade sexually
consequences as        balls of steel, but       most journalists           however it seems                                                                           explicit content via OnlyFans. But in a
possible? Well, as     surely it’s worth it if   don’t bother to do         that the police are                                                                        recent interview in Stundin, the Icelan-
a journalist, I have   you only have to sit      and read the entire        a bit more lenient                                                                         dic police said they have not received
news for you! The      in prison for a few       story.                     than me. There                                                                             a single report referencing Article 210
punishment for         months.                      A man in Styk-          were a lot of items                                                                        on distribution via OnlyFans and that
stealing everything       This headline          kishólmur has been         stolen, but I do                                                                           this is also not among their priorities.
in Iceland is… three   from Fréttablaðið         imprisoned for             think Frettablaðið                                                                             So no one cares, even the police.
months!                certainly caught          three months for           might have been a                                                                              Why then is pornography still il-
    Yes, you read      our eye; espe-            stealing every-            bit misleading with                                                                        legal? My best guess is signal value.
that right. Steal,     cially Pollý, who         thing… from the            their headline as                                                                          Sure, it might be appropriate to repeal
plunder, rob as        frantically started       houses he broke            not “everything”                                                                           a dead letter law that no one follows
much as you want       stealing everyone’s       into. Even then, he        has been stolen.                                                                           anyway, but because there is still a
and you’ll only have   shoes from their          didn’t technically         Anything for a click,                                                                      big divide on the issue of pornogra-
to serve three         feet, food from           steal everything           amirite? OT                                                                                phy, whoever attempts to repeal the
months in the can.     our plates and            from the houses.                                                                                                      law will still be perceived as de facto
Not bad right? I       toys from nearby          The story goes that                                                                                                   endorsing pornography, and so no can
understand that        children. After           he burgled five                                                                                                       be bothered to do it." °
it might be a hard     getting her under         different places

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JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
First                                                                                                                                                            7      The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                        Issue 05— 2021

                                                                                                                away, making it one helluva fashion
                                                                                                                statement. And, you must admit, an
                                                                                                                even better curb stomping tool.                        GRAPEVINE
                                                                                                                  Now as the god of vengeance, Víðarr
                                                                                                                (with his boot) had quite the task wait-
                                                                                                                ing for him at the prophesised end
                                                                                                                of the world—Ragnarök. One which
                                                                                                                he would likely spend his entire life
                                                                                                                preparing for. His fate? Avenge Óðinn                                     electronica moves
                                                                                                                                                                                          from Cigarettes
                                                                                                                by killing the great wolf Fenrir and                                      After Sex langour to
                                                                                                                survive to tell the tale…                                                 Grimes-esque sass,
                                                                                                         no one, as it was the end of the                                  taking in a diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                          range of references
                                                                                                                world.                                                                    —including Florence
                                                                                                                                                                                          Welch—on the way.
                                                                                                                     Vengeance... his sole                      PORT - Prussian Blue
                                                                                                                                                                                          “Runner Up” stands
                                                                                                                                                                                          out; a heartfelt
                                                                                                                          purpose                               Did you know that         appeal to a lover
                                                                                                                                                                doctors actually          to show their true
                                                                                                                 Once Ragnarök, the unavoidable,                use Prussian              colours, produced
                                                                                                                                                                Blue pigment to           in a dreamy,
                                                                                                                 unstoppable end of all beings, was             treat heavy metal         reverberant sonic
                                                                                                                 upon our mighty smiters, Óðinn                 poisoning? While          widescreen format.
                                                                                                                                                                Port is far from heavy    Lush and lovely. JP
                                                                                                                 was torn a new one and devoured by
                                                                                                                                                                metal, their new
                                                                                                                 the massive mighty wolf, Fenrir. As            album is definitely
                                                                                                                 you’d expect, it was now the turn of           a welcome funky
                                                                                                                 the god of vengeance to exact his, uh,         reprieve from the
                                                                                                                                                                heaviness of the
                                                                                                                 vengeance on the beast.                        world right now.
                                                                 He's gone and put his foot in it now, innit?      It is written that Víðarr avenged            The track “Prussian
                                                                                                                                                                Blue”—from which
                                                                                                                 Óðinn by placing his celebrated big

       Víðarr, The One Shoe Wonder
                                                                                                                                                                the album is named—
                                                                                                                 boot on the lower jaw of Fenrir, grab-         is kind of like a very
                                                                                                                bing his upper jaw with one hand and            happy Joy Division        Lord Pusswhip -
                                                                                                                                                                went to a goth club in    Reykjavík ‘93
                                                                                                                then pulling the wolf’s mouth apart,                                      ‘Reykjavik ‘93’ will
  POV: You’ve just killed Óðinn and the god of vengeance is
                                                                                                                                                                Beirut and then had
                                                                                                                ripping and tearing until it was done.          to accompany the          likely be my favourite
                                                                                                                Quite the feet of strength.                     belly dancers there       electro-album of the
                         coming for you                                                                            After finally slaying the foul beast,        after having taken a
                                                                                                                                                                plethora of downers.
                                                                                                                                                                                          year. It’s brilliant—a
                                                                                                                                                                                          fascinating fusion of
                                                                                                                Víðarr became one of the sole survivors         “Hats” is another         old-school hardcore
                                                                                                                                                                                          from the ‘90s and
                                                                You know what they say                          of Ragnarök, damned to live the rest of         standout, especially
                                                                                                                                                                if you want to get        modern tones that
        Words:      Imagine being the son of Óðinn. Imag-                                                       their lives in a purgatory called Iðavöllr
     Owen Tyrie     ine being imbued with blood that
                                                               about a guy with a big foot                      that lies where Ásgarðr was before it
                                                                                                                                                                your roommate high        took me by surprise.
                                                                                                                                                                                          And therein lies
                    makes you nigh on invincible, allow-                 right?                                 was nuked during the end of the world.
                                                                                                                                                                and then fuck with
                                                                                                                                                                them and make them        the magic of Lord
                                                                                                                                                                think they are being      Pusswhip. He takes
                    ing you to defeat one of the most          Víðarr is the god of vengeance and, boy,         Metal as f***.                                  tracked by aliens in a    what you already
                    deadly creatures in Norse mythology.       will he have good reason to be vengeful.            As you’d imagine, there’s not much           late-90s vampire film.    know, fucks around
 Superpowers:       Imagine being one of the only gods to      To start with, he’s the son of big daddy         recorded about what happens after               Dig up your leather       with it, and adds
     One super                                                                                                                                                  trench coat. HJC          some unexpected
       powerful     survive the literal end of all existence   Óðinn and one of his many side chicks,           that event. The survivors of Ragnarök                                     extra magic that you
   Timberland       and being forced to live eternally on      Gríðr the jötunn. Given his lineage,             chill out for an eternity contemplating                                   would have never
                                                                                                                                                                                          imagined. VG
 boot. Survives     the plains where Ásgarður once stood.      Víðarr is exceptionally strong—in                whether surviving the event was really
 the literal end    Imagine being all of this and more, but    fact, almost as strong as his more               worth it, whilst all the other gods wine
  of the world.     only being remembered for the fact         famous brother Þór. However, Víðarr’s            and dine in Valhalla. That’s what you
  Weaknesses:       that you wore one large leather boot.      most notable feeture, as previously              get for surviving the end of the world I
   Only has one        Historians can be real pricks some-     mentioned, is indeed his one very large          guess; he shoe’d have known better.
          shoe.     times.                                     Timberland shoe, which is made of all
                                                                                                                                                                Hipsumhaps - Þjást
                                                               the leather waste that mortals throw                                                             There’s nothing I like
                                                                                                                                                                more than crying at
                                                                                                                                                                my desk while writing     RAKEL, JóiPé &
                                                                                                         JUST SAYINGS                                           our monthly playlist,     CeaseTone - Ég var
                                                                                                                                                                you know? The song,       að spá

                                                                    “Þegar skrattinn hittir
                                                                                                                                                                which translates          “Ég var að spá” (“I Was
                                                                                                                                                                to “Suffering”, talks     Thinking”) is a low-key
                                                                                                                                                                about the insecurity      pop superhit with an
                                                                                                                                                                of love. Musically,       interesting mashup

                                                                        ömmu sína”
                                                                                                                                                                it has the wash of        featuring hip-hop
                                                                                                                                                                harmonies and pain        superstar JóiPé,
                                                                                                                                                                that brings up that       indie folk-rock artist
                                                                                                                                                                famous Imogen Heap        CeaseTone and jazzy
                                                                                                                                                                track and probably        pop singer Rakel, who
                                                               We know you love your grandmother                Milton cut of ‘Paradise Lost’, right?) But      the-one-who-got-          just stepped up as a
                                                                                                                                                                away or some other        solo artist but a few
                                                               and think she’s the world. And perhaps           we must conclude that she was probably          sentimental person        months ago. The song
                                                               she is. But you haven’t met the devil's          a badass or just pure evil. Either way,         in your life. If you’re   is a slick modern hip-
                                                               grandmother yet.                                 this is something that Icelanders often         reading this... HJC       hop disco (that’s a
                                                                                                                                                                                          thing, right?) number
                                                                  The saying “þegar skrattinn hittir            use when telling a crazy story about                                      that delivers as a
                                                               ömmu sína” or “when the devil met his            someone they know. And if someone                                         solid radio hit, which
                                                               grandmother” describes that relatable            uses it to describe you? Wow. Call us. VG                                 could easily save a
                                                                                                                                                                                          shitty day in the rain.
                                                               situation when a tough mother$#er                                                                                          And to be honest,
                                                               meets their equal or an even more                                                                                          that’s all we want. VG
                                                               formidable character. In other words:
                                                               shit’s gonna hit the fan.
                                                                  It’s quite an old saying and to be                                                            Blankiflúr -
                                                               honest, we have no idea where it origi-                                                          Over the course of
                                                               nated or who the devil’s grandmother                                                             its nine tracks, this
                                                               even is! (If only we had gotten the                                                              album of sparse
         So when am I going to meet this nice Beelzebub?                                                                                                        atmospheric

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JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
8   The Reykjavík Grapevine
    Issue 05— 2021

     Your Friendly
     Power Paladin
          Power Paladin is just here to have fun… are you
          ready to join the quest?
          Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photos: Art Bicnick Props: Provided by Nexus
JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
9     The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                         Issue 05— 2021

                                                                                           been about that. It’s small man’s music.      tesy of Ingi. So if this is Iceland’s first
                                                                                           It’s outsider music. So you always want       introduction to power metal—well, it’s
                                                                                           to go against the grain and then music        basically a greatest hits of the genre.
                                                                                           goes in waves. What’s the current wave

    "With great power                                                                      and how can you be the opposite of

                                                                                           He pauses to mull it over; is the niche-
                                                                                                                                         POWER PALA-
                                                                                                                                          DIN ON THE
  comes great metal."                                                                      ness of power metal due to more than
                                                                                           just run-of-the-mill nonconformity?
                                                                                           “Power metal is so specific as well,”
                                                                                           he answers. “It’s not just heavy metal
                                                                                                                                         The band released the single with little
                                                                                           pound-your-fists-in-the-air         music,    fanfare, barely expecting it would even
Character class: Paladin (c. 8th             opportunity, garnering an immediate           which is easy listening as far as metal       get radio-play in Iceland. But then,
century AD)                                  and enthusiastic yes from each.               goes, it’s also so rooted in nerd-ism and     it quickly went to the top of the X-ið
                                                                                           shit like that,” he laughs. Hence their hit   charts, where it remained for more

A sect of knights in Emperor Char-                                                         song about a formidable Spider-Man            than a month. It seems Kraven had hit
lemagne’s court. Crusaders, who nobly                                                      villain. “Power metal is not that user-       a target, (though hopefully not the one

and valiantly protected the empire from                                                    friendly. It might [musically] sound          on Spider-Man), and to call the band
heathens and other non-Christian folk.                                                     user-friendly but at least before nerd        shocked by the reception would be an

                                                      LEVEL I
Warriors of God and chivalric healers                                                      culture became [more mainstream],             understatement.
who rode through the empire fighting                                                       like 10 years ago, power metal was not
for good and healing people through                                                        seen as cool at all.”                         “The last thing I thought would happen
prayer and bandages. Best compared           For those unacquainted with metal                                                           is that we would get to number one,”
to the Knights of the Round Table.           genres, power metal is known for              This causes another round of laughter         Bjarni Egill relays fiercely. “I thought,
                                             its clean vocals, bombastic arrange-          from the group, who, without a doubt,         maybe if we were super lucky, we would
Character class: Paladin (c.                 ments, rapid guitar work and fantasti-        definitely seem baffled by their now-         maybe scrape the bottom of the list.
20th-21st century AD)                        cal themes. But a description like that       cool label.                                   And then we’d say, ‘All right! Time to
                                             doesn’t really cut it. The main defin-                                                      move on!’ But then week one, we’re top.

                                                                                           THE KRAVEN-
A staple species in digital and tabletop     ing feature of power metal is the feel-                                                     Wow, we did not see that coming.”
role-playing games such as Dungeons &        ing it evokes in listeners. Power metal

Dragons and World of Warcraft. Clerical      is cheesy, unabashedly so. It’s uplift-                                                     “And four weeks later, we were still
warriors who usually have a proclivity       ing and fun, music you’re supposed                                                          one,” Bjarni Þór interjects, and you can’t
for white magic or healing spells. The       to pump your fist and smile to. At all                                                      help but feel in your gut how genuinely
poster children for lawful good, (but        times, power metal strives to be as epic      Power Paladin was, from the beginning,        humble and grateful all of them are
relatively violent in their quest for it).   as possible in as visceral a way as it        a passion project for the group. Playing      for the reception. “We’d never expect
                                             can—and then it adds a key change at          a rather obscure genre in the already         people would love a song that is based
Character class: Power Paladin (c.           the end, just for good measure. Lyrics        obscure Icelandic metal community,            on a villain in Spider-Man.”
2021 AD Iceland)                             speak of quests to join your brothers-        the band never even thought that
                                             in-arms to find—who knows?—a                  people they weren’t friends with would        Atli smiles brightly, though you can tell
A power metal band. Local cult favou-        dwarven broadsword to defeat an evil          come to their shows—much less that            there’s still a part of him that remains
rites. Best known for their unexpected       wizard who lives far over the misty           they’d be topping Icelandic charts and        in disbelief. “It’s the goofiness of the
Spider-Man themed debut hit “Kraven          mountains. Then there’s a two-minute          sharing live television billing with          whole song. It’s power metal. We sing
the Hunter”—which spent more than            guitar solo, a children’s choir and, after-   acts like BRÍET and Bubbi Morthens,           it in English. We just never thought
a month on top of the X-ið Dominos           wards, the whole fellowship gets drunk        which they just did on the Hlustendav-        people in Iceland would like it,” he grins.
Chart—as well as their live gigs that        on a keg of elven mead. It’s the music        erðlaunin 2021. And now they’re booked
often involve sword fighting, costumes,      of people who’d probably enjoy playing        for Iceland Airwaves in November, too.        “Well there’s never been music made
and glam rock-style choreography.            games with a Paladin character.                                                             like this in Iceland,” Bjarni Egill points
Debut album forthcoming and highly                                                         “That was the first time that it really       out. And it’s true—Power Paladin is,
anticipated.                                 “Epicness,” drummer Einar Karl ‘Kalli’        dawned on us—wow people actually              without exaggeration, the only one.
                                             Júlíusson says simply, when asked what        like us,” Bjarni Þór laughs, when asked       They’re in unexplored territory here,
Now, it’s here that one could spin some      attracted him to the genre.                   about the TV gig. “We had no clue.”           having just released the first Icelandic
sort of grandiose Charlemagne-level                                                                                                      power metal single and being on the
metaphor to say that it’s clear that the     “It’s the Eurovision of metal,” keyboard-     Despite being active locally for years,       cusp of dropping the first Icelandic
Paladin is the perfect character for our     ist Bjarni Egill Ögmundsson chimes in.        the band only entered mainstream              power metal album. That said, Bjarni’s
Power Paladin to be named after. To do       Guitarist Bjarni Þór Jóhannsson smirks.       Icelandic culture in 2020 after drop-         quick to note that this isn’t because the
this, one could perhaps claim that the       “You know that’s actually a sub-genre         ping their aforementioned first single        band is completely revolutionary—
sextet are warriors fighting against the     of power metal,” he corrects his band-        “Kraven the Hunter” in early December.        it’s more circumstantial luck. “What
otherwise dreary and sombre Icelandic        mate. The two are no doubt the jokers of                                                    we’re doing, it’s been done abroad a lot,
music scene with a staunch moral code        the group—constantly one-upping the           “I’m a huge Spider-Man fan so I wanted        but not here,” he continues. “So this
of wackiness and fantasy. One could          other in ridiculousness, like a power         to do something weird with that, but          might be something completely new to
say their healing powers are rooted in       metal Bert and Ernie. “It’s the biggest       still keep it fantasy,” Atli says, prefac-    people.”
escapism. One could even say they are        of music,” Bjarni Egill continues. “You       ing his explanation of the Kraven-lore.
spreading the gospel of a niche genre        can basically get away with everything.       “So it’s a story about Spider-Man trav-       “It’s just the wackiness of it all,” Atli
in a country in which it’s never been        Add ten choirs and everyone’s like, you       elling through dimensions to go into a        responds. “Us being named Power Pala-
accepted.                                    know, we can definitely make room for         medieval world where there’s another          din. The song being about a villain from
                                             one more!’”                                   Spider-Man who has been transformed           Spider-man. And now it’s on the radio.”
Or one could just say the band is here                                                     into a Spider-Monster.” It’s at this point

                                             NICHE MUSIC                                                                                     WELCOME
to have fun and, man, isn’t it cool to be                                                  that Kraven the Hunter, the world’s
named after a knight?                                                                      greatest big game hunter and Spider-

                                                                                                                                             TO WORLD
                                                                                           Man’s sworn enemy, arrives. “He’s hunt-

                                             But despite power metal being one             ing the Spider-Monster down, but when

                                             of the most popular metal genres in           the original Spider-Man shows up,

                                             Europe, it’s the above qualities that         Kraven mistakes him for the monster
                                             have always made the genre somewhat           and starts hunting him.” Cue the epic

                                             on the outs in Iceland, where metal           battle, betrayal, and bridge.                 Internationally, the song reached
                                             tastes have usually swayed towards                                                          another target audience—to even goof-
                                             harsher and uglier types. In fact, there’s    Musically, the track is about as power        ier and wackier results.
“With great power comes great metal,”        no hyperbole in saying that Power Pala-       metal as it gets. A roaring, soaring sing-
singer Atli Guðlaugsson says formally        din is the only power metal band in           along chorus drives the anthem, revolv-       “There was a comment on Reddit by
when asked to distil down the magic of       Iceland. They are, quite literally, on a      ing around the lyrics, “Hunted by the         some guy who was obviously a huge
Power Paladin. The seriousness in his        raid of their own.                            enemy tonight!” with Atli’s voice flying      Spider-Man fan,” Bjarni Þór laughs. “It
statement—a Spider-man reference for                                                       higher than helium. There’s even a good       just said... ‘They got the canon wrong,’”
anyone who didn’t get that—immedi-           “The black metal, death metal and             ole’ duelling guitar solo that collapses      he says in a mock-pseudointellectual
ately causes the rest of the band to burst   extreme metal scenes have always              in a dramatic acoustic interlude, cour-       voice with the exact deadpan intonation
into hearty laughter, which Atli returns,    dominated here. So nobody expected
his former visage dropped in favour of       there to be a power metal band,” Atli
a warm smile. “No, that’s what we’re
printing on the back of the ‘Kraven the
Hunter’ shirts though,” he grins.
                                             explains. Moreover, they never expected
                                             there to be such a beloved one. Ingi
                                             Þórisson, guitarist, nods. “We’re a
                                             genre that nobody listens to. We play
                                                                                           "Heavy metal is small
The band was formed in 2017 on Atli’s
volition, when he essentially reached
out to anyone he thought might possi-
                                             niche music,” Ingi laughs.

                                             “Power metal has always been rooted
                                                                                           man’s music. It’s outsider
bly be interested in being in a power        in European metal festivals—it’s made
metal band. There’s not a big power          for big stages and arenas, so in a small
metal community in Iceland, so it ended      scene like Iceland, music lends itself
up being a rather small group—most of        to opposition. Maybe with the weather
them already close friends. That said,       too, that led towards harsh music,” Atli
for all current members it was a rare        continues. “But heavy metal has always
JOIN THE QUEST - The Reykjavik Grapevine
10 The Reykjavík Grapevine
       Issue 05— 2021

you’d expect of a guy who corrects    metal fans that make fun tradi-         tion, Power Paladin is the absolute
power metal bands on Reddit. It’s
hilarious, and at this, the band
loses it, despite probably having
heard that punchline hundreds of
                                      tional power metal songs—the fact
                                      that it’s caught on with both the
                                      metal community and the main-
                                      stream rock crowd was surprising.
                                                                              antagonist to everything that’s
                                                                              happened over the past year and
                                                                              a half. In contrast to our world,
                                                                              which in the late-pandemic haze
                                                                                                                      "It’s the goofi-
times before.

But apparently, getting “well
actually”-ied by some know-it-
                                      A shocking turn in a quest they
                                      would have happily continued on
                                                                              now seems so dark and unteth-
                                                                              ered, Power Paladin is uplifting and
                                                                              hopeful. Their multiverse, full of
                                                                              ships, stars and a Spider-Monster,
                                                                                                                      ness of the whole
all on the internet was a forma-
tive experience for the group—or
maybe just a validating one—
and they seem even more jazzed
                                      Atli attributes people’s connection
                                      to Power Paladin to the contrast
                                      they offer. “The mood shifts when
                                      we’re playing with other bands that
                                                                              is simple—there’s an evil emperor
                                                                              queen and a chosen one to defeat
                                                                              them. Their music is playtime, a
                                                                              sharp escape from the gritty and
                                                                                                                      song. It’s power
by this achievement than any
chart position. And don’t worry;
they’ve got an explanation for said
commenter’s confusion.
                                      maybe play a lot of minor chords,”
                                      he explains. “We’re giddy and
                                      upbeat. Maybe it’s refreshing.”
                                                                              sad vibes that have so dominated
                                                                              not only mainstream art, but the
                                                                              news, too. It’s no wonder that a
                                                                              disheartened public has found such
                                                                                                                      metal. We sing
“‘Kraven the Hunter’ is based on
the multiverse, which is a huge
thing in the comics. See, in comic
                                      For Kalli, Power Paladin gives
                                      people a much needed opportunity
                                      to relax, creating a space where they
                                      can revel in their nerdiness unself-
                                                                              a beacon in their wholesome music.

                                                                              In fact, Power Paladin’s recent
                                                                              show at Gaukurinn was one of the
                                                                                                                      it in English. We
books, different dimensions have
numbers assigned to them,” Atli
explains. “Ours is 626, which
doesn’t exist in the comic books.”
                                      consciously. “It probably takes
                                      them back to that time where they
                                      can enjoy the simpler stuff. Enjoy
                                      nostalgia, without all the worries
                                                                              first to happen after gathering
                                                                              restrictions were lifted and it was
                                                                              here that this contrast was seen
                                                                              in high definition. It was just fun,
                                                                                                                      just never thought
“So it’s technically canon,” Bjarni
concludes. Silly commenter.
                                      about being super [hardcore or
                                      cool] or whatever,” he reveals.

                                      But it’s Bjarni Egill that manages
                                                                              with a diverse crowd of fans who
                                                                              showed up early to guarantee one
                                                                              of the coveted 50 spots. And when
                                                                              the intro started—an orchestral
                                                                                                                      people in Iceland
                                      to put it in the fewest words: “You
                                      have a license to smile,” he says
                                      of their work and power metal in
                                      general. And that’s the truth—you’d
                                                                              version of the Spiderman theme
                                                                              song, mind you—people were
                                                                              unabashedly happy, pumping their
                                                                              fists and indulging in some epic
                                                                                                                      would like it."
                                      be hard-pressed to find anyone not      escapism together as Atli waved
But when asked why they think         having a blast at a Power Paladin       a sword around (safely) and the
their song got such a reaction in     show.                                   band engaged in some machine-
Iceland, the boys pipe down. They                                             gun guitar choreography. Not only
don’t really have an answer. For      Because if heavy metal is, as Atli      could audience members finally
them, they’re just a group of power   said previously, driven by opposi-      sit with their friends and watch

                                                                                                                     live music again, but they got to do     Ingi was like, ‘Hell no, it’s not. Let
                                                                                                                     that while singing about entering        me show you why it’s a bad idea. So
                                                                                                                     a magical forbidden forest. It was       Ingi wrote it and was like ‘Oh my
                                                                                                                     like restarting and finding yourself     god! This is amazing!’”
                                                                                                                     suddenly at level 70.
                                                                                                                     Because perhaps coming out of this       Paladin seem to love this story.
                                                                                                                     pandemic, a license to smile is just     “Yes, we have a harpsichord writ-
                                                                                                                     what we need. Perhaps people just        ten out of pure spite,” Ingi admits.
                                                                                                                     want to have fun.                        “A hatred-harpsichord solo,” Bjarni
                                                                                                                                                              Egill declares.
                                                                                                                     Perhaps Power Paladin will soon be

                                                                                                                     the standard.

                                                                                                                             THE                               FRIENDLY
                                                                                                                           HATRED                                NEIGH-
                                                                                                                           HARPSI-                            BOURHOOD
                                                                                                                           CHORD                                PALADIN
                                                                                                                     They will continue the fun, they         But ignoring any hatred-filled
                                                                                                                     promise, vowing that everything          keys, the boys of Power Paladin
                                                                                                                     the band started on Kraven will be       are already happy, just grate-
                                                                                                                     continued on their upcoming debut        ful for all the opportunities and
                                                                                                                     album, which should be out any day       support they’ve been given. As they
                                                                                                                     now.                                     constantly reiterate—they never
                                                                                                                                                              expected any of this.
                                                                                                                     “It’s all carefully written down. You
                                                                                                                     just have to listen to the album to      “Our dream has always been to just
                                                                                                                     understand,” Ingi urges—sarcasti-        publish an album, something that
                                                                                                                     cally—when asked if there is any         we love and get it printed, mostly
                                                                                                                     overarching lore in the album, as        for ourselves. That’s all that ever
                                                                                                                     is so common with power metal            mattered,” Atli says. “And really,
                                                                                                                     bands. “Yes, it will all connect,”       that was the starting position. And
                                                                                                                     Bjarni Egill smirks. “I mean the         then extras from that would be to
                                                                                                                     Lord of the Rings took three books!      play some fun gigs in Iceland, some
                                                                                                                     So in the three albums...” Ingi adds,    of the other festivals—that’d be
                                                                                                                     trailing off as a chorus of snickers     super awesome.”
                                                                                                                     from the group swallow the conver-
                                                                                                                     sation.                                  “And a heavy metal cruise,” Bjarni
                                                                                                                                                              Egill jumps in. “Yes, our first goal
                                                                                                                     They do though explain that while        with the band was always to get
                                                                                                                     “Kraven the Hunter” is the great-        famous enough so that we just get
                                                                                                                     est hits version of a power metal        to play on the heavy metal cruises
                                                                                                                     single, the album will fulfill all the   and nothing else,” Bjarni Þór piles
                                                                                                                     other tropes of the genre and more.      on. Once again—the jokers.
                                                                                                                     There’s a keyboard intro that lasts
                                                                                                                     minutes, a choir section featuring       “We’ll see what the future holds
                                                                                                                     more vocal tracks than they’d like       and just be your friendly neigh-
                                                                                                                     to admit, and even a harpsichord         bourhood Paladin,” Atli smiles,
                                                                                                                     solo, which was apparently a rather      taking us back to the Spiderman
                                                                                                                     divisive decision.                       references. “As long as we are
                                                                                                                                                              having fun.”
                                                                                                                     As he recalls making “Ride The
                                                                                                                     Distant Storm,” Bjarni Egill can
                                                                                                                     hardly hold back the laughter. “Atli
                                                                                                                     was like, ‘A harpsichord solo would
                                                                                                                     be a really good idea here!’ and then
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                                                                                                                                                                 Libia says. “So this exhibition for us is
     “When you start                                                                                                                                             marking that time.” The rooms are, as
                                                                                                                                                                 Libia explains, a place both to reflect
       a book, you                                                                                                                                               on the past and also determine the best
     don’t introduce                                                                                                                                             way to make a better future. “That’s why
                                                                                                                                                                 we have this project space-in-progress,”
        its leading                                                                                                                                              she continues. “We are using this space
      characters at                                                                                                                                              to produce new work and for activism
                                                                                                                                                                 meetings. We are all thinking together
      the end. They                                                                                                                                              how to continue the campaign.”
                                                                                                                                                                    And in that way, the exhibition
      are placed in                                                                                                                                              treads through an undefinable space
       the order of                                                                                                                                              between history lesson, contemporary
                                                                                                                                                                 art museum and activist hangout. But
      importance.”                                                                                                                                               this murkiness, as Libia illustrates, Is
                                                                                                                                                                 necessary to the overall meaning of the
                                                                                                                                                                    “The movement of going into a mu-
                                                                                                                                                                 seum allows you a space of reflexivity,
                                                                                                                                                                 of reflection, but you also go out of the
                                                                                                                                                                 museum and that becomes an action,
                                                                                                                                                                 an intervention into society. So in this
                                                                                                                                                                 show, many of the works and how the
                                                                                                                                                                 whole installation is made up follow
                                                                                                                                                                 this frame of thinking—the poros-
                                                                                                                                                                 ity between society and life,” Libia ex-
                                                                                                                                                                 plains. “So for example, when you are
                                                                                                                                                                 in the entrance, those banners that are
                                                                                                                                                                 put up are both paintings and banners.
                                                                                                                                                                 They fulfil both of those different roles.
                                                                                                                                                                 They go into the history of conceptual
                               "We need to not let it go. Be active and make these elections meaningful."                                                        painting, textile works, art and femi-

                      There’s The New Constitution
                                                                                                                                                                 nism and they also go into activism.
        CULTURE                                                                                                                                                     “And we are still using them like
                                                                                                                                                                 that,” Libia continues proudly. “We can
                                                                                                                                                                 take one down and go into the street. So
                                                                                                                                                                 then [the banner] is activated, [serving]

                      Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson will never stop fighting for what they
                                                                                                                                                                 another role and another function, and
                                                                                                                                                                 then we put it back in the installation.”

                                                 were promised                                                                                                        But what can we do?
                                                                                                                                                                 Thinking beyond the scope of art and
                      For almost 10 years, the cry of ‘Hvar er        course—such as the role of King being        age from the financial crash. Lastly,         protest, what can one tangibly do to
         Words:       nýja stjórnarskráin?’ (‘Where’s the new         shifted to President. That said, struc-      a special work area has been created          fight for the new constitution?
    Hannah Jane       constitution?’) has been heard around           turally it wasn’t too different. A proper    downstairs for activists and artists to           “Absolutely informing themselves,”
         Cohen        the country as Iceland’s “crowdsourced”         long-term constitutional committee           continue their work campaigning for           Libia states. “Inform themselves about
                      constitution remains unratified by the          was put together to write a new wholly-      the ratification of the new constitution.     the differences: What is this new one?
          Photos:     government, despite overwhelming                Icelandic one, but after three years, it                                                   What is the old one? Also the context—
      Art Bicnick     support in a public referendum. But             faded away and the rudimentary con-
                                                                                                                   How different is different?                   how have they been written? What is
                      what you might not know is that that            stitution remains in use to this day.                                                      this idea that the people in this country
                      cry has been going on for many years               “So it’s a 19th century constitution,”    “A fundamental difference is the order        had always wanted to write a new one?”
                      longer—decades longer in fact.                  Libia Castro, Ólafur’s artistic partner,     of appearance,” Ólafur explains, when             But as a representative democracy,
                         “So when Iceland decided to break            emphasises. “And it was meant to be a        asked about the specifics of the new          Libia continues, it’s really in the politi-
                      away from Denmark in 1944, there was            temporary solution,” Ólafur adds. The        constitution. In the current constitu-        cal parties’ court in the end. Unfortu-
                      a period in that early process when             meaning is clear: Iceland was always         tion, the first 25% defines the role of the   nately, it’ll be them that choose whether
                      Iceland considered writing a whole              meant to write a new constitution.           president, which is largely symbolic.         or not to ratify it.
                      new constitution,” artist Ólafur Ólafs-            The two artists and activists, known      From there, it goes to parliament, the            “The sad version of this answer is
                      son explains. At the time, the former           for their provocative works exploring        government, institutions, the church          that there is not enough one can do with
                      Kingdom of Iceland lived under the              identity and nationhood, have been           and, after all of that, come the people       just voting,” Ólafur interjects. “The par-
                      monarchic Danish constitution. “But             pushing Iceland’s understanding of           and human rights. “When you start a           ties aren’t clear enough on their po-
                      they found they didn’t have the time. It        their own constitution for decades.          book, you don’t introduce its leading         sitions. It comes to the sad cliché of
                      was more complex than they thought.             Now they are back with ‘Magic Meeting        characters at the end. They are placed        broken promises.”
             Info     So they went to make the least changes          — A Decade On’, their newest exhibition      in the order of importance.” The new              Libia nods. “So before the elections,
‘Magic Meeting —      that were necessary to adapt the Dan-           focusing on the battle surrounding the       constitution flips that, starting with        it’s very important that people inform
  A Decade On’ will   ish constitution into the new Icelandic         proposed Icelandic constitution.             the public.                                   themselves and that they actually vote
run until May 30th    one.” This hastily made document was                                                            “We felt so strongly then that [our        for parties that put this at the centre,”
     at Hafnarborg    heavily based on the monarchic one
                                                                            Searching for magic                    performance of the new constitution]          she urges. “Even if they are maybe not
                      with some very notable changes, of                                                           had to be a collaborative work,” Libia        totally in agreement with the whole po-
                                                                      The exhibition—which uses the word           continues. Thus, they featured partici-       litical programme of the party. If they
                                                                      decade due to it being 10 years since        pants of all backgrounds and styles,          want the new constitution, they need to
                                                                      the original Constitutional Council—is       both in composition as well as perfor-        think of that when they vote.”
                                                                      a continuation of their 2020 collective      mance, as well as languages as diverse            For Ólafur, even if the fight can of-
                                                                      performance ‘In Search of Magic – A          as Greenlandic and Filipino.                  ten seem relentless, it’s necessary to
                                                                      Proposal for a New Constitution for The         With their performance, they also          keep going. Even the two artists have
                                                                      Republic of Iceland’ which took place on     set out to underline the topical differ-      seen their art and activism challenged
                                                                      October 3rd, 2020 at various places in       ences of the proposed constitution,           —in fact, on May 2nd, the city of Haf-
                                                                      Reykjavík, including the Reykjavík Art       which features new sections on the            narfjörður unceremoniously removed
                                                                      Museum Hafnarhús, Prime Minister’s           rights of nature and natural resources.       their pro-new constitution banners,
                                                                      office and in front of Alþingi. There,       In a particularly moving moment, Erla         which hung outside the museum with
                                                                      a diverse group of composers, artists,       Bolladóttir, known for being wrongfully       no warning. The town council claimed
                                                                      activists and members of the public          convicted in the 1974 Guðmundur and           they didn’t have permission; something
                                                                      joined together to create a multivocal       Geirfinnur case, read Article 27, the new     which has never been an issue in the
                                                                      work that brought to life all 114 articles   declaration of freedom.                       past.
                                                                      of the proposed Icelandic constitution.                                                        But remember, as Ólafur reminds us,
                                                                         The new exhibition at Hafnarborg
                                                                                                                   Standing on the precipice                     the people already spoke their mind and
                                                                      features a plethora of objects relating to                                                 supported this new constitution, so the
                                                                      the performance, including the sketch-       But the exhibition also stands on the         government should follow suit—and a
                                                                      es of the original plans, banners from       cusp of the upcoming elections in Sep-        watered-down version isn’t the answer.
                                                                      the protests, photographs, and much          tember—elections that could deter-                “We need to not let it go,” he con-
                                                                      more. Most notable is a five-hour vid-       mine the fate of the new constitution.        cludes. “Be active and make these elec-
                                                                      eo of the show, stitched together from          “To get the new constitution imple-        tions meaningful.”
                                                                      video footage and cell phone record-         mented, what is most important is the
      Banners ready for both the museum and the barricades
                                                                      ings interspersed with archival foot-        parties that are going to be elected,”
Culture                                                                          The Reykjavík Grapevine 12
                                                                                                                                                          Issue 05— 2021

Get Grapevine Merch!

                                                                                                                                                          “These are
                                                                                                                                                         not invisible
                                                                                                                                                        places, rather
                                                                                                                                                          places that
                                                                                                                                                            we come
           VOLCANO                                                                                                                                      across in our
          COLLECTION                                                                                                                                    daily lives, but
                                                                                                                                                         we pay them
                                                                                                                                                         no mind. Still
                                                                                                                                                          they lurk in
                                                                                                                                                           the back.”

                                                                                                The artist & his halo, pictured in the museum (not heaven)

                                                                             The Poetics Of
                                                                                                                                                          The work contains a two-chan-
                                                                                                                                                      nel video and sound piece that is
                                                                                                                                                      projected onto opposing walls.

                                                                                                                                                      Perfectly circular, each spiral-
                                                                                                                                                      ling video shows a hypnotic and
                                                                                                                                                      methodical sequence that almost
                                                                                                                                                      resembles sand or a kaleidoscope.
                                                                                  Sigurður Guðjónsson                                                 It’s eerily meditative and with soft
                                                                                                                                                      droning in the background, it’s a
                                                                                 and the unseen world                                                 piece you could easily stand in
                                                                                                                                                      front of for aeons, gazing into its
                                                                   Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photos: Art Bicnick & Provided by artist                  tantalising void.
                                                                                                                                                          In reality though, it’s footage
                                                                                                                                                      from inside a fluorescent lamp
                                                                 Exhibit                                 rumbling videos—the aforemen-                taken by a macro lens.
                                                                                                         tioned ‘Fluorescent’—which proj-                 “It‘s magical and mesmerising
                                                                 ‘Unseen Fields’ by Sigurður             ect around him in the Berg gallery.          to look into the glass tube where
                                                                 Guðjónsson will show at Berg            “I’ve always been curious about              the luminescent material becomes
                                                                 Contemporary until June 5th, 2021       the inner workings and parts of              visible through the movement as
                                                                                                         things,” he continues. “And since            it flows and forms a kind of vor-

                                                                 “The title of the exhibition is ‘Un-    2010, I’ve been experimenting with           tex,” he explains. “I thought the

                 n e.i
                                                                 seen Fields’, which is a direct ref-    machines and tools in conjunction            work fit extremely well with this

            pe i
              v .is
                                                                 erence to places, spaces or things      with more lateral elements.”                 space and it can be said that the

        r a
       g pevine
                                                                 that I seek as a resource,” explains        In the past, Sigurður explains,          length of the space points to the

   o p.
                                                                 Sigurður Guðjónsson of his newest       these machines and tools have in-            bulb itself.” He’s referring to the

s p.gra             .i s
                                                                 exhibition at Berg Contemporary,        cluded now-archaic innovations               expansive rectangular area occu-

               i n e
                                                                 which includes two of his pieces        such as slide projectors, cassette           pied by the opposing videos. In
                                                                 ‘Fluorescent' and ‘Enigma.’ Known       decks and those combo radio/tele-            fact, for ’Unseen Fields’, it seems
                                                                 for his immersion in machinery          vision units, each of which were             Berg Contemporary has truly be-
                                                                 and otherworldly audio-visual           considered the height of technol-            come somewhat of its own kind of
                                                                 works, the artist will soon rep-        ogy at one point or another. All             fluorescent lamp—sans the phos-*
                                                                 resent Iceland at the 2022 Venice       of these, Sigurður dismantled to             phorus or mercury, of course.
                                                                 Biennale. “These are not invisible      their cores to capture the everyday              The low humming sound that
                                                                 places, rather places that we come      minutia typically associated with            accompanies the video, he reveals,

                                                                 across in our daily lives, but we pay   the object.                                  is merely the signal from the lamp,
                                                                 them no mind,” he continues. “Still         “One of my main starting points          which he captured using a special

                                                                 they lurk in the back.“                 is that I want to create a world that        magnet recorder and fiddled with
                                                                                                         the viewer is able to travel through,        in audio programs.
                                                                       Machine magic                     rather than creating a singular ob-              “I have talked about this in-
                                                                                                         ject or memorabilia,” he says.               stallation as a visual-sound work,
                           Don't Hesitate!                       “I like to look at technology in a                                                   because the feeling in the work

                                 Act Now!
                                                                 poetic way,” Sigurður relays sim-
                                                                                                               No mercury here                        is, in a certain way, that you can
                                                                 ply, when asked about the ethos                                                      hear sound through the world of
                       * You only need to type the URL in once   behind his work. He speaks qui-         In ‘Fluorescent’, Sigurður dove              images. I then tried to shape the
                                                                 etly and with great reverence, as       into, as you might guess, fluores-           world of sound so that it fits in
                                                                 if afraid of disturbing his own         cent lights.                                 with the works themselves and the
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