Join the Adventure - DragonFish Row

Page created by Grace Higgins
Join the Adventure - DragonFish Row
   O P P O R T U N I T I E S

   Join the Adventure
DragonFish Row | Atlantic Challenge 2022   Sponsorship Opportunities | 1
Join the Adventure - DragonFish Row

The Race                                                                                                                                                                              ////
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The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is the premier event in
ocean rowing and the Worlds toughest row – A challenge that
will take rowers more than 3000 Miles west from San Sebastian
in La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain to Nelson’s Dockyard,                                                                                           LA GOMERA
English Harbour, Antigua.
The annual race begins in early                             Teams battle with sleep deprivation,
December, with up to 35 teams                               salt sores, and the physical and mental
participating from around the world.                        extremes inflicted by the race. Rowers
                                                            are left with their own thoughts, the
The race brings together teams from                                                                                                                       LE S
all walks of life united by the same
                                                            expanse of the ocean and the job of                                                3,000 MI
                                                            getting the boat safely to the other side.
objective: to take on the unique challenge
of crossing an ocean in a rowing boat.

 Fun facts

                                                                         15 KG

                        Waves can           In the 2020            Rowers lose an
                                                                                         More people have       We will row 2 hours
                       measure up to        race, 3 boats             average of
                                                                                         been in space than     on and 2 hours off
                       30 feet high        were punctured           15 kg’s of body
                                                                                        have rowed an ocean      all day every day
                                              by Marlin           mass during the row

                        We will row          More people             Fastest pairs
                                                                                              At it’s
                        in excess of       have stood on the        crossing record                             At the mid point we
                                                                                        deepest point, the
                         1.5 million       Summit of Mount            is just over                              will be closer to the
                                                                                        Atlantic Ocean is
                        oar strokes        Everest than have            32 days.                              ISS than to any landmass
                                                                                           5 miles deep
                                            rowed an ocean

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The Team                                                                                                                                                ////
In December 2022, Pete and Steve, two Jersey based part time Endurance athletes
(Team name: DRAGONFISH) will commence their biggest journey yet, testing
their mental strength, physical endurance and friendship to the limits.

They will row 3,000 miles across the           running the width of England non-stop, a
Atlantic Ocean from La Gomera, Canary          24 hour non-stop cycle ride and running
Islands to Antigua in the Talisker Whisky      around all of the Channel Islands over 3
Atlantic Challenge.                            days.
With extremely limited rowing experience       For this challenge, they will be pushing
at the time of writing (early 2021), Pete      themselves to their mental and physical
and Steve are certainly raising the bar with   limits with a view to winning the race and
this challenge .                               raising much needed awareness and funds
                                               for two chosen charities.
Pete and Steve met through their new
found love of Endurance events and their       Durrell are the first charity to have been
thirst for adventure in 2012.                  selected, with Pete and Steve wishing to
                                               support the first Rewild Carbon project in
They have since gone on to compete in
                                               the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. The project
numerous events and challenges, both
                                               aims to restore 4,500 hectares of vital
individually and together.
                                               forest corridors by 2030.
The challenges undertaken together have
                                               The other chosen charity will be nominated
included a 6-day 250km ultra-marathon                                                       Steve Hayes & Pete Wright
                                               by the title sponsor.
through the Amazon Jungle (Brazil),

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The Causes                                                                                                                                                 ////
Our aim is to support some great
causes. To achieve this we have set
our fundraising target as:
    This is how                     → £25K - 100% Distribution of all company assets post challenge,
                                      the boat and equipment being the main assets
    we plan to
                                    → £15K - Charitable donations and proceeds from fundraising activities
    do it:
                                    → £10K - Charitable ball and auction post challenge

Charity One:
DURRELL                                                                                                            The Talisker
Our fundraising journey with our first chosen charity, Durrell began in 2015 when
                                                                                                                 Whisky Atlantic
we competed in a 150 mile 6-day ultramarathon through the Amazon Forest of                                   Challenge has raised over
Brazil. We are passionate about conservation and are supporting the first Rewild

                                                                                                             € 11 Million
Carbon project in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. The project aims to restore 4,500
hectares of vital forest corridors by 2030.

Charity Two:
MACMILLAN                                                                                                        for good causes!
Like so many we have been exposed to the horrors of Cancer over the past few
years and our second chosen charity, Macmillan Jersey have become a necessary
part of our life and that of so many other islanders. We are truly thankful that there
are organisations like Macmillan Jersey that are there to offer support to people in
Jersey with any type of cancer and at any stage.

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About Pete                                                                                                                                ////
Pete is a 40 something Finance Director and a       Pete met Steve a few years ago when supporting
part-time adventurer.                               each other with respective charitable challenges.
                                                    The two established a firm friendship, which
Born in London, he relocated to Jersey just under
                                                    started with a pairs team entry at the OMM 2014
20 years ago and is currently FD and COO of
                                                    race in the Brecon Beacons.
Prosperity 24/7, a Jersey based Business and IT
Consultancy company.                                Pete is a passionate supporter of local charities
                                                                   and has been actively fundraising
Pete suffered with asthma
as a child but was able to            ‘...extreme                  for several years, combining
                                                                   his newly acquired passion for
manage this and was a keen
footballer. At the age of
                                      sporting                     endurance events whilst raising
35, he switched his focus             events have                  nearly £50,000 for his nominated
                                                                   organisations. Pete’s efforts were
to marathon running and
after completing the London
                                      become very                  recognised in 2020 when he was
marathon in 2011 decided to           much part of                 announced as a finalist for both the
                                                                   Pride of Britain and Pride of Jersey
challenge himself further. As
a result, extreme sporting            his DNA.’                    awards.
events have become very                                            Pete is currently training for a
much part of his DNA.                               ‘7 Iron man in 7 days’ challenge, which he hopes
                                                    to successfully complete in 2021.
Pete has subsequently completed several ultra
marathons globally, including Marathon des          Pete is married to Rachel and has two children,
Sables, Western States 100, Ultra Trail du Mont     Josh and Leila. He will be 49 when the race
Blanc, the Ice Ultra and The Jungle Marathon. He    starts in 2022.
has also completed other challenges, to include
a non-stop 24-hour cycle ride and a marathon
whilst towing a 1 tonne car.

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About Steve                                                                                                                                        ////

The younger of the two, Steve is a passionate              resulted in some immediate lifestyle changes being
and dedicated Hotel Manager with 24 years of               made…before it was too late. He immediately gave
Hospitality and customer service experience.               up drinking and smoking and began exercising and
                                                           began enjoying the new addictions. Since then he
General Manager of the Somerville Hotel where
                                                           has been busy competing/completing and very
he has been busy building a fabulous team and
                                                                            occasionally winning endurance
winning customer service
awards, although more recently             ‘...aims to push                 events whilst raising money for
                                                                            various charities and testing his
focusing on dealing with the
implications of Covid-19.                  himself to all                   mental and physical strength.
Originally from Wales, he first            reasonable                        Notable career highlights include
moved to Jersey in 2003 for a
few years before taking some               limits and is                     finishes at some of the world’s
                                                                             toughest Ultra-marathons from the
time to travel and further his             always on the                     Amazonian jungles of Brazil and
career in the UK and another
Channel Island. He returned                lookout for                       the arctic conditions of Canada and
                                                                             Alaska to closer to home events
with his partner at the time and
two wonderful children Isla and
                                           the next                          such as the Spine Race, Dragons
                                                                             Back, Tor des Geants, an English
Evan in 2011.                              challenge..’                      Channel Swim and more recently,
                                                                             a victory at the UK’s Brutal Triple
Now he’s happily married to
                                                                             Ironman. He aims to push himself
his supportive wife Corina with whom they have
                                                           to all reasonable limits and is always on the lookout
a recent new addition in Sophia. After a very late
                                                           for the next challenge whilst trying to maintain
start in life with regards to sport, health and fitness,
                                                           a balance between family, work and hobbies.
he changed his lifestyle back in 2009 after many
                                                           Following the sudden death of both parents at the
years of heavy drinking, heavy smoking and general
                                                           end of 2014, Steve had a new perspective on life
poor living. After several years of working 70+
                                                           and making the most of every moment, hence the
hours per week within the hospitality industry and
                                                           signing up for TWAC2022.
partying a little too hard, a shock visit to the doctors

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The Costs                                                                                                                                   ////
Getting to the start line.
For this enormous challenge, we will need to fund a boat, the technical
equipment, on shore-support, food, shipping and many other operational          Training             £4,000
                                                                                Advertising          £2,000
Whilst we are actively seeking sponsorship in return for advertising,
brand awareness, employee engagement and public relations, generous
                                                                                Boat                 £30,000 - £50,000
product donations and discounts will significantly help our cause.
The following pages will provide details on the extensive potential             Food                 £5,000
benefits available to sponsors/partners and the level of media exposure
& content available.                                                            Race Entry           £21,000

                                                                                Boat Equipment       £10,000
                                                           “Just in Case” Pot

                                                                                Shipping             £12,000
                                                                                Travel               £3,000
                                                                                Insurance            £500
                                                           Boat Equipment

                                                           Race Entry           “Just in Case” Pot   £2,500


                                                                                TOTAL                £90,000 - £110,000

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The Boat                                                                         ////
                                           Sogno Atlantico is an Adkin ocean rowing
                                           boat, built in 2013 for TWAC2013, it raced
                                           in that year’s edition as a pair, successfully
                                           completing the race and being one of
                                           the few boats not to capsize despite the
                                           challenging conditions at the start of the
                                           In November 2014 the boat was        Rossiter solo boats. The boat is
                                           moved to Cantiere Costantini in      fast and stable, once again Sogno
                                           Italy, a boatyard with over 100      Atlantico did not capsize during
                                           years of experience in building      her second crossing and reached a
                                           and designing boats. For the         maximum speed of 15 knots while
                                           next 12 months Sogno Atlantico       surfing waves.
                                           underwent extensive work to
                                                                                She was rowed across the Atlantic
                                           upgrade the electrical equipment
                                                                                again in 2018 by two French
                                           and optimize her performance as a
                                                                                rowers in 52 days.
                                           solo boat.
                                                                                Most recently, she completed
                                           In 2015, the boat made her second
                                                                                another Atlantic crossing in
                                           successful Atlantic crossing, this
                                                                                January 2021 with Frenchmen
                                           time crossing in 52 days. Sogno
                                                                                Giulem and Lilian in the boats
                                           Atlantico won the solo category,
                                                                                fastest time yet, 47 days.
                                           beating all other solos, including
                                           the newly designed Rannoch and

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Boat Branding                                                                                                                                      ////
The rowing boat is the ultimate blank
canvas - a floating billboard that will be
shown around the world.
Preparing to row the Atlanic           on a national and international
                                                                                                        BRONZE     BRONZE
Ocean takes time, training             scale.                                                  SILVER   BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                         GOLD           GOLD
and money. On average, the                                                                     SILVER
                                       Sponsoring a team’s challenge
rowers need to raise between
                                       gives companies and brands
£90,000 and £110,000 per
                                       the opportunity to align
campaign in order to get to
                                       with a project that not only
the start line.
                                       represents the core values of
The Talisker Whisky Atlantic           their business, but also gives
Challenge offers potential             access to a potential audience           TITLE                            TITLE
sponsors, brands and                   of more than 3 billion people
ambassadors the opportunity            worldwide.
to raise the profile and brand
perception of their company

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Marketing Stats &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ////
Media Coverage
The race generates an
unprecedented amount of media              Talisker Whisky                                                       Race Media Team                                                       Team PR Efforts
attention. Coverage was generated
by the combined efforts of Talisker        Talisker employs leading communications                               The dedicated race media team distributes                             The individual teams also generated coverage in
                                           agency CSM to deliver dedicated coverage for                          feature stories, news coverage, images and                            abundance themselves. Global and local news
Whisky’s communication agencies,           its sponsorship and the race all year.                                videos to major news outlets across the world.                        outlets were fascinated by the team’ diverse
the dedicated race media team, and                                                                                                                                                     backgrounds.
                                           Earned Media: 911 Pieces of news coverage                             Race specific press coverage: 362
the tremendous effort put in by many       Owned Media: 40m audience reach / 7.4m views / 33K mentions           Total audience reach: 522 million                                     Total press coverage by teams: 180+
                                                                                                                                                                                       Team specific audience reach: 362 million
of the teams to create coverage for        Media Partnership: 5.3m audience reach / 2.4m video views             Total global TV Broadcasts: 60+
                                                                                                                                                                                       Total team specific TV Coverage: 35+
                                           Influencer Marketing: 12.5m audience reach / 350k views               Total estimated TV viewers: 42.5 million
their campaigns.                                                                                                                                                                       Total team specific TV Viewers: 36.4 million

                                           Facebook                                                  Instagram                                         Twitter                                            YouTube

                                           The 2019 race reached close to                       Instagram is proving to be one of                     Twitter provides the fastest way                    The Talisker Whisky Atlantic
                                           20 million on facebook, with a                       the most popular ways for fans to                     to get the latest news from the                     Challenge’s official YouTube
                                           reach age range of 25-54.                            engage with the race. The latest                      fleet. The Race’s content team                      channel has generated more than
                                           Face-book live proved to be                          content from the fleet is                             continually updates the feed                        2 million lifetime views from over
                                           hugely popular, attracting over                      constantly uploaded by dedicated                      with all the latest information.                    53 countries. Most views come
                                           half a million live video views                      content managers.                                                                                         from western Europe.

                                            18,256,873 total reach                             68,649 total post likes                                 2,486 followers                                    2,113,574 lifetime views
                                            25 - 34 most reached age group                     25 - 34 most reached age group                          4,800 impressions per day                          Over 66% of the audience is
                                            26,333 page likes                                  8,578 total page followers                                                                                 between 18 and 44 years old
                                            186,748 Impressions                                                                                        44,700 tweet engagements
                                                                                               4% engagement rate
                                            152,926 post reach

                                           SOURCE: Facebook Analytics April 2020                SOURCE: Instagram Analytics April 2020                 SOURCE: Twitter Analytics April 2020                 SOURCE: YouTube Analytics April 2020

DragonFish Row | Atlantic Challenge 2022                                                                                                                                                                        Sponsorship Opportunities | 10
Title Sponsor details                                                                                                         SPONSORSHIP TO
                                                                                                                              BE NEGOTIATED                                                       ////

                          Branding                                 Corporate & Employee Engagement                                    Public Relations & Media

                                                                Use of boat for up to 3 events pre- and post-challenge,   Press release announcing your company as title sponsor
    Choice of Charity for Fundraising
                                                                for example: Use of boat for team building events

                                                                                                                          Prominent logo, company name and bio on website
                                                                A pair of signed ocean rowing oars for display in your    sponsorship page with information and a link to your
    Boat to be branded in your company’s colours                office.                                                   website

                                                                                                                          Mentions of your company as title sponsor, where
                                                                Up to four motivational speaking events with your         possible, at media interviews, training and fundraising
    Large and prominent company logos to be displayed in        colleagues/clients about our experiences rowing the
    prime positions on the boat (see boat diagram)                                                                        events
                                                                                                                          Company will feature prominently as title sponsor
                                                                                                                          in our online monthly blog and social media streams
    Company logo will be showcased as the campaign              Up to four school visits about our experiences rowing     (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
    sponsor on the dragonfishrow website                        the Atlantic

    Company logo to be printed on all team kit and                                                                        Rights to use team videos, photos and press-releases
                                                                Monthly blogs for your website or intranet about our
    merchandise, and will be displayed prominently during       preparation for the row
    the Atlantic race, training events and fundraising events
                                                                                                                          Exposure through official race media content (photos
                                                                                                                          and videos)
    Large and prominent company logo on all printed and         Display of company material at fundraising and
    digital promotional material                                promotional events

    Company logo to be featured on the blades of one pair       Signed and framed team photograph                                 TITLE
    of oars
                                                                                                                                                                     BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                                                        SILVER       BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                           GOLD           GOLD

                                                                Branded team t-shirt x 4

                                                                Bottle of Talisker Whisky                                         TITLE                                       TITLE

DragonFish Row | Atlantic Challenge 2022                                                                                                                         Sponsorship Opportunities | 11
Gold Sponsor                                                                                                          £15,000                                                                ////

                         Branding                             Corporate & Employee Engagement                                        Public Relations & Media

                                                            Use of boat for up to 2 events pre- and post-challenge,   Press release announcing your company as Gold sponsor
    Large and prominent company logo to be displayed on     for example: Use of boat for team building events
    outside of the boat (see boat diagram)
                                                                                                                      Large logo, company name and bio on website
                                                            Up to three motivational speaking events with your        sponsorship page with information and a link to your
                                                            team members/clients including a post race row            website
                                                                                                                      Mentions of your company as gold sponsor, where
                                                                                                                      possible, at media interviews, training and fundraising
    Company logo will be showcased as a gold partner on                                                               events
    the dragonfishrow website                               Up to three school visits about our experiences rowing
                                                            the Atlantic
                                                                                                                      Company will feature regularly as a gold sponsor on our
                                                                                                                      social media streams (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

                                                            Monthly blogs for your website or intranet about our
    Large company logo on all printed and digital           preparation for the row                                   Rights to use team videos, photos and press-releases
    promotional material

                                                            Display of company material at fundraising and            Exposure through official race media content (photos
                                                            promotional events                                        and videos)

    Company logo to be featured on the blades of one pair
    of oars
                                                            Signed and framed team photograph
                                                                                                                                                                  BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                                                   SILVER         BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                      GOLD            GOLD

                                                            Branded team t-shirt x 3

                                                                                                                             TITLE                                         TITLE
                                                            Bottle of Talisker Whisky

DragonFish Row | Atlantic Challenge 2022                                                                                                                    Sponsorship Opportunities | 12
Silver Sponsor                                                                                                              £10,000                                                       ////

                         Branding                             Corporate & Employee Engagement                                  Public Relations & Media

                                                                                                                   Medium logo and company name on website
                                                            Use of boat for 1 event pre- and post-challenge, for   sponsorship page with information and a link to your
                                                            example: Use of boat for team building events          website

    Medium company logo to be displayed on outside of the                                                          Mentions of your company, where possible, at media
    boat (see boat diagram)                                 Up to two motivational speaking events with your       interviews, training and fundraising events
                                                            team members/clients including a post race row
                                                                                                                   Company will feature monthly on our social media
                                                                                                                   streams (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
                                                            Up to two school visits about our experiences rowing
                                                            the Atlantic
                                                                                                                   Rights to use team videos, photos and press-releases

    Company logo will be showcased as a silver partner on   Monthly blogs for your website or intranet about our   Exposure through official race media content (photos
    the dragonfishrow website                               preparation for the row                                and videos)

                                                            Display of company material at fundraising and
                                                            promotional events
                                                                                                                                                                BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                                                SILVER          BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                    GOLD           GOLD

                                                            Branded team t-shirt x 2
    Medium company logo on all printed and digital
    promotional material

                                                                                                                           TITLE                                         TITLE
                                                            Bottle of Talisker Whisky

DragonFish Row | Atlantic Challenge 2022                                                                                                                 Sponsorship Opportunities | 13
Bronze Sponsor                                                                                                                                   £5,000

                         Branding                                                 Corporate & Employee Engagement                                  Public Relations & Media

                                                                                One motivational speaking events with your
                                                                                team members/clients including a post race row         Small logo and company name on website sponsorship
    Small company logo to be displayed on outside of the                        presentation/talk/Q&A                                  page with information and a link to your website
    boat (see boat diagram)
                                                                                One school visits about our experiences rowing the
                                                                                                                                       Company will feature monthly on our social media
                                                                                Monthly blogs for your website or intranet about our   streams (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
                                                                                preparation for the row
    Company logo will be showcased as a Bronze partner on
    the dragonfishrow website
                                                                                Display of company material at fundraising and
                                                                                promotional events
                                                                                                                                       Rights to use team videos, photos and press-releases

                                                                                Branded team t-shirt
    Small company logo on all printed and digital
    promotional material                                                                                                               Exposure through official race media content (photos
                                                                                Bottle of Talisker Whisky                              and videos)

                                      Are you a small local business or             a mention on at least one of our social
                                      perhaps an individual who would like to       media platforms                                                                 SILVER
                                                                                                                                                                                  BRONZE     BRONZE
                                                                                                                                                                                  BRONZE     BRONZE
                                      join the adventure and be part of the                                                             GOLD           GOLD
                                                                                    You will be entitled to a private viewing                                       SILVER
                                                                                    of the boat and receive a Dragonfish

 Club                                 For just £250 you can have your name
                                      / Company logo / Photo or motivational
                                      message printed on the boat. You will
                                      have a mention on our 250 club wall of
                                                                                    Our 250 club sponsors are hugely
                                                                                    important to the success of our
                                                                                    campaign.                                                  TITLE                                       TITLE
                                      fame on our website and will also get

DragonFish Row | Atlantic Challenge 2022                                                                                                                                Sponsorship Opportunities | 14
Join the
For any further information or to discuss the
campaign and our opportunities, please contact us
at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.

Telephone: +44 (0) 7700 706451

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