Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance

Page created by Gabriel Yates
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance

Johor Startup
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
Published by:                                                          Project Director
     StartupJohor ℅ At20s (M) Sdn Bhd                                       Lim Feng
     Unit 02-02, Lvl 2, CIMB Leadership Academy,
     No. 3, Jalan Medini Utara 1, Medini Iskandar,                          Editor
     79200 Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia                                 Amin Khairuddin

                                                                            Layout Design
                                                                            Lim Xiao Qiu
     Copyright 2019 At20s (M) Sdn Bhd.

                                                                            Photography & Videography
     Copyright of the image is copyright of each
                                                                            Lau Chong Jin
     respective owner unless stated otherwise.

                                                                            Survey & Data Compilation
     Produced in conjunction with 1st anniversary
                                                                            Nur Ain Zubir
     of IskandarSpace.
                                                                            Kwong Pei Yee
                                                                            Lawrence Tan
                                                                            Lee Sheah Liang
                                                                            Charmaine Tan

                                                                            The community members of

         Disclaimer :

         This report has been prepared for general guidance of the overview of Johor startup ecosystem only,

         and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this

         publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or

         implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication,

         and, to the extent permitted by law.
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
Table of Content
Editor’s Note                                      02

Message from PCEO of Iskandar Investment           03
Berhad Datuk Khairil Anwar Ahmad

Message from Chief Executive of IRDA               04
Datuk Ismail Ibrahim

Message from Chairman of Johor International       05
Trade, Investment & Utilities Committee,
YB Jimmy Puah Wee Tse

Message from Community Director,                   06
StartupJohor, Lim Feng

Introduction to Johor                          07 - 13

Coworking Space in Johor                       14 - 18

Influencers of Johor Startup Ecosystem         19 - 22

Notable Founders in Our Ecosystem              23 - 65

List of Technology Startup in Johor            66 - 70

Deep Dive into the Johor Startup Ecosystem     71 - 74

Conclusion & Outlook for 2019                      75

List of References                                 76
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
Editor’s Note

     I met Lim Feng and the greater Johor Startup                on time, from contributors to those that we featured.
     community by a chance meeting on the job. To                We hope you will find inspiration and drive to try new
     see someone at his age, command the respect of              things, take risks and learn, like many of the people we
     his peers impressed me and when I saw how he                featured in this report have.
     conducted his event, I was amazed at what he and the
     community had achieved. At that moment, I knew that         As this is my last contribution to the team, and maybe
     he has the drive and vision to lead a new generation of     the last thing I write for awhile, I hope that all of you
     entrepreneurs on the right path to success and              find this report not only as a valuable resource to learn
     greatness.                                                  from, but also source of inspiration, to achieve greater
                                                                 things and the drive to find success, as how I have
     Feng, as many call him gave me a chance to join his         gained from my time with this wonderful, brilliant and
     team and thus our journey together began. Over the          welcoming community.
     past year, I saw many budding entrepreneurs and
     experienced players from the ecosystem make their           To Feng and StartupJohor, I can’t thank you enough
     dreams into reality, always inspiring me and those          for believing in my skills and giving me a chance to
     present to strive forward and set new goals.                be one of you. I wish the best to you, the team and
                                                                 the Johor ecosystem, may you reach for the skies and
     When he wanted me to write and edit this report, I felt     become stars that inspire a new generation of talented
     we didn’t really know how big of a task was upon us,        individuals that will change our Johor, into a better
     but we as a team managed to complete something              place.
     that we are proud of. On behalf of the editorial team, I
     would like to thank all that help us complete this report   Thanks, Amin Khairuddin
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
PCEO of Iskandar
Investment Berhad
Datuk Khairil Anwar Ahmad

Iskandar Space is one of Iskandar Investment Berhad’s      accelerated innovations and creativity; and we want
visionary developments. It has been established to         to continue inspiring startups, innovators and students
attract business creation, expedite the growth of local    to become magnets for investors looking for the Next
entrepreneurs, startups and talents, and to act as a       Big Thing.
platform for them to network, collaborate, upskill and
even host events in Medini, Iskandar Puteri. Our aim       StartupJohor has been creating waves since its
to make Iskandar Space the most active grassroot           inception in 2014, and their technical knowledge and
entrepreneurship centre in Iskandar Malaysia and part      influence have been instrumental in the development of
of this city’s placemaking, materialised within its very   Iskandar Space. This report speaks volumes about the
first year of operation - thanks to StartupJohor.          startup ecosystem in Johor, providing you with useful
                                                           insights and a must-have for any strategic roadmap.
Iskandar Space has to-date successfully hosted more
than 100 entrepreneurs and technology-related events       Co-working space will continue to change the way we
and registered over 5,000 visitors. This outstanding       work, and we hope that StartupJohor and Iskandar
achievement has played an important part in attracting     Space will continue to evolve and become the
33 companies and 70 members to operate from                epicentre for the best minds in Iskandar Puteri. We
Iskandar Space and has created one of the most             trust our budding entrepreneurs will soon establish
energising common ground for entrepreneurs from            their empires, and that they will continue to optimise
Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Brunei, Italy,          the abundance of resources available in this city.
United Kingdom, United States, New Zealand, Romania
and Malta. It is also one of our way of supporting the     Our role as the catalytic developer of Iskandar Puteri
state government’s mission of attracting RM8 billion       has no end, and at times, we build developments
investment to Johor in 2019.                               and ecosystems ahead of time. We will continue to
                                                           stay true to Khazanah Nasional Berhad’s agenda to
Signature events such as IP SMART Startup Festival,        develop Iskandar Puteri, and for that, I would like to
IP SMART Hackathon, Innovate Malaysia Design               thank StartupJohor, especially Lim Feng for being
Competition,   and    Fashion    AI   Hackathon     have   forward-thinking and an invaluable partner to us.
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
     Chief Executive of IRDA
     Datuk Ismail Ibrahim

     Assalammualaikum w.b.t and Salam Sejahtera.                 businesses, taking advantage of the growing number
                                                                 of people living, working and visiting Iskandar
     It gives me great pleasure to congratulate StartupJohor     Malaysia.
     for producing this Johor Startup Ecosystem Report
     2018. I am optimistic that this report will be a valuable   This   is   also     where      important   partners       like
     guide and an inspiration for those intending to start       StartupJohor helps Iskandar Malaysia to realize
     a business in Johor, especially in Iskandar Malaysia.       its vision to become a ‘Strong & Sustainable
                                                                 Metropolis of International Standing’. As a result of
     Since 2006, the development of Iskandar Malaysia            the partnership which began in 2014, we have seen
     has always been guided by the Comprehensive                 several companies such as Hermo & RunCloud where
     Development     Plan    (CDP)    and    the   Circle   of   local Johorean talents are taking the global market
     Sustainability, an all-encompassing development             by storm. StartupJohor was also involved in the
     principle which devotes equal attention to the              2018’s annual ‘Futuristic Iskandar Malaysia Advisory
     three interrelated spheres of economy, social               Council’ or FIMAC, bringing different perspective
     inclusiveness and environment in its development.           on technology startup & innovative companies.

     As we continue to draw in investments and                   I would like to convey my gratitude to StartupJohor,
     businesses to power the development of the region,          again, for producing this report and for their
     we also made sure that the people and the green             success     in     supporting     and   growing         startup
     environment in Iskandar Malaysia benefit from this.         businesses and entrepreneurs in the state of Johor.
     One such example the ‘Kawan Iskandar Malaysia’
     (KIM) initiative is how we upskill locals in selected       Congratulation,      thank   you    and     all   the     best!
     villages around the region to become entrepreneurs
     and run eco-tourism and cottage industry related
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
Chairman of Johor
International Trade,
Investment & Utilities Committee
YB Jimmy Puah Wee Tse

Today,     digitalisation      and    e-commerce         are   re-   the business community in Johor Bahru and I wish
shaping businesses. SMEs need to look at these                       you all for a better future and happy new year.
new business models and reposition themselves
to seize opportunities from the digital economy.                     The “Industrial Revolution 4.0” has become the buzzword
Currently, Malaysian SMEs are still at the nascent                   of the last 5 years and fascinated the world at an
stage of e-commerce, and the Government is                           unprecedented level. However, it is unfortunate to note
committed to provide the necessary support with an                   that, until today, the second industrial revolution has yet
aim to enable SMEs to expand their market globally.                  to be experienced by 17% of the world’s population. In
                                                                     other words, more than 1.3 billion people still lack access
At the state level, the Johor Government will provide                to electricity. This is also true for the third industrial
grants     to    SMEs,      especially    microenterprise      or    revolution, with more than half of the world population
Startups, in order to empower local high value ideas                 lacking internet access due to poor administration.
and assist them to expand their business beyond our
shores. The Johor State Government will also work                    The facts keep reminding me that it is truly important
with certain Johor Universities/ academy institutions to             for the administrator of a state to ensure that our
commercialise intellectual property that is innovative in            manufacturing sector does not fall behind, and stay
order to accelerate market speed to embrace IR 4.0.                  competitive on the international stage, as technological
                                                                     advancement does not come without the efforts to
Last     but    not   least,    the   coordination       between     pursue it.
Government and Startup Incubators like Iskandar
Space is particularly important to create synergies                  The year of 2019 will be the year of acceleration for
that will nurture SMEs. Startup Incubator possessed                  Johor to realise its ambition as an “Advanced Economy
the requisite knowledge and flexibility to facilitate                State”. More than 90% of our business community
Micro-enterprise and Startups to utilise all the                     players are SMEs, and the numbers of these
possible       advantages      that   exist   in   the    market.    established by Johor is 98,190 (10.8% in Malaysia).
                                                                     Therefore, SMEs will undoubtedly playing a vital role

With this, I would like to congratulate Iskandar                     to the development of our business ecology and of
Space for their remarkable achievement for serving                   course the economy’s growth.
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
Message from Community
     Director, StartupJohor
     Lim Feng

     “How’s the ecosystem like in JB?” That’s probably the       RM5 million scholarship fund for serious learners to take
     most frequent question I get at any conference or startup   a glimpse of the startup world through programming.
     related event. And this question comes from people from     We feel privileged to continuously receive support
     different ecosystems, some investors, other startups,       from our community members, corporate partners
     business owners and of course government agencies.          and government agencies over the last 5 years.
                                                                 It is with this continuous support from all of you
     We organised at least 3 roundtable for different            that keeps us, and me going till today. We hope
     stakeholders every year since 2016, in order for them       this report will be insightful and actionable for our
     to get to know the players in the local ecosystem.          stakeholders who care about our growing ecosystem.
     Sometimes, departments of the same government
     agency.                                                     This report is the 1st official study of the local startup
                                                                 ecosystem in the southern region of Malaysia. We
     StartupJohor has been building the startup ecosystem        aim to provide an overview to our stakeholders
     in the southern region for the past 5 years. Since          and any newcomers to the community, to help you
     2014, we have conducted various initiatives including       understands the uniqueness of the Johor startup
     regular meetups, networking sessions, hackathons,           scene. We will highlight the stage of our ecosystem, its
     pitching sessions, market access as well as mentoring       strengths & weakness & actionable recommendations
     programmes and tech/startup festivals. We also              to   bring   this   ecosystem    to   the   next    level.
     operate and manage one of the most active coworking
     spaces, IskandarSpace located in Iskandar Puteri            We are committed to our vision, to produce more
                                                                 world-class founders, scalable technology ventures
     We have gone through a lot, especially in 2018.             in Malaysia, starting from Johor. Moving forward,
     We’ve launched a Silicon Valley based ideation              StartupJohor will continue to expand via local & regional
     stage accelerator programme,successfully trained            strategic partnerships while extending our community
     & graduated 9 high potential founders. We also              reach & offering to a wider range of entrepreneurs
     organised the first ever startup festival IPSMART in the    including non-tech startups, SMEs & the B40 groups.
     southern region. We saw more than 500 community
     members and speakers from all over South East Asia          Thank you.

     come and take part in this 4 days event. We partnered       Lim Feng
     up with LEAD Academy, who eventually launched a             Community Director | StartupJohor
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
      to Johor
Johor Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 - Internet Alliance
3rd                                                                                        Located in the southern part of Peninsular
     Most populated state in Malaysia                                                           Malaysia, Johor is the country’s southern gateway
                                                                                                connecting it with neighboring Singapore and others
                                                                                                in the region. The name Johor derives from the Arabic
     RM111,084 million                                                                          word ‘Jauhar’ which means precious gems, due to the
     GDP of Johor (4th in Malaysia)                                                             popularity of the state as a port city in the past. Since
                                                                                                then, Johor has grown into the second largest city in the
                                                                                                peninsular, and with its melting pot of cultures and
     RM108 billion                                                                              heritage has made it a truly precious asset to the
     FDI into Iskandar Malaysia                                                                 country.

                                                                                                            Johor Population
                                                                                                            3,701,000 Johorian

      LEDANG      PAGOH
                                                                                                                                  52%    MALAY

                 BAKRI    PARIT   AYER HITAM    KLUANG                                                                            30%    CHINESE
                              GADING           SIMPANG RENGGAM           TENGGARA

                                  BATU PAHAT
                                                                                           KOTA TINGGI
                                                                                                                                  8%     NON - CITIZEN
                                                                                                PENGERANG                         6%     INDIAN
                                                             PIAI  GELANG
                                                                             JOHOR                                                1%     OTHERS

               Source: Laporan Ekonomi Negeri Johor 2017

               The Iskandar Development Region and South Johor                                                      14.89 mbps
               Economic Region also known as Iskandar Malaysia,                                                     Average Internet Download
               encompasses the city centre of JB, Iskandar Puteri,                                                  Speed in Johor Bahru
               the Kulai District, Pasir Gudang as well as South
               Pontian making it a major development zone within
               the state with an area of 221,634 hectares of land.                                                  3.7million

                                                                                                                    Population in Johor State
Creative                                          0.5 %

       Education                                           1%
       Emerging Technologies                               1%                                         in Johor
       Finance                                             1%

       Goverment                                           4%
                                                                               Most of the incentives in the state
       Healthcare                                          2%                  provide are focused within the
                                                                               Iskandar Malaysia region and for
       Industrial Properties                               8%
                                                                               specific industries, offered by a
       Logistics                                           3%                  myriad of agencies providing
                                                                               kickbacks as a step to gain and
       Manufacturing                                      23 %
                                                                               attract investment into Iskandar
       Mixed Development                                  32 %                 Malaysia Johor.

       Residential Properties                             18 %

       Utilities                                           5%

       Others                                            1.5 %

   Source: MIDA June 2016 Report & Audited Corporate & Announcement

MDEC                           MDEC - MSC Status / MSC for Startup

IRDA - IDR Status              Companies with qualifying activities under the six promoted service sectors, which are Tour-
                               ism, Healthcare, Education, Creative, Financial and Logistics can qualify for a cooperate
                               exemption for ten years or investment tax allowance of 100% for five years.

GBS Iskandar                   Qualified companies under the GBS Iskandar programme can gain access to a unique layer of
Customised Incentives          customised incentives to help subsidise the cost and build a business case for setting up their
                               GBS operations in Iskandar Puteri.

IRDA - 15% Knowledge           Knowledge workers and new expatriates in the promoted sectors who plan to reside or already
worker tax incentive           living in Iskandar Malaysia can apply through their employers for their employment income to
                               be taxed at a preferential flat rate of 15%.

National Talent                An ETP initiative that involves a 12 month training programme to develop industry relevant
Enhancement Program            skills via partnerships with E&E companies as well as companies who have projects, process-

(NTEP)                         es or products that are focused on green technologies with an aim to increase the employabil-
                               ity of graduates by providing on the job experience and industry relevant training.
Singapor e

     Talent in Johor

          > 13000                     1.67 million
          Graduates from Johor        workforce in Johor
          public university

          2nd best                    A large number of Malaysians are bilingual
                                      (English, Bahasa Melayu), and around 35% are
                                      trilingual (with additional language skills such
          English Proficiency in      as Mandarin, Cantonese, Tamil & others)
Recruitment & Academy
      The LEAD Academy - Programming / Coding
      Founded by Dr Lau Cher Han, LEAD is an technology education institute in Malaysia,
      providing courses in Data Science, Full Stack Web Development, Digital Marketing & Business, for
      individuals and corporates. LEAD gathered a group of experts with >15 years experience in technology
      mentoring to help students get real insights & strategies from the best developers, digital marketers,
      IoT experts, and data scientists.

      Johor Bahru Programming Class (JBPC) - Programming / Coding
      Led by Jason Tian, who came back to his hometown from Taiwan, i-TEA started off as a web
      development agency. He eventually setup JBPC, a technology learning provided, specialises in
      teaching basic web programming language & development using PHP, HTML, CSS & JS.

      JIOS Academy - Digital Marketing
      Founded by Stephen Liew, JIOS Academy is an Internet Marketing Academy that provides
      practical knowledge of different internet marketing skills such as SEOs, eCommerce, Funnel
      Marketing, Copywriting, Video Marketing as well as Social Media Marketing. One of their major
      program was the partnership with Alibaba Global Course for e-commerce.

      Online Marketing Academy - Digital Marketing
      Founded by Johnson Lai, With more than 15 years of experience in Digital Marketing, Online
      Marketing Academy (OMA) offers high quality Online Marketing & Social Media Marketing coaching
      to Business Professions and Individuals in professional learning environment.

Accelerator & Incubator
     High quality accelerators & incubators play             to meet potential stakeholders, corporate entities,
     an important role in building a sustainable             government agencies and the media, as well as
     startup ecosystem. These two entities form              other ecosystems that are out there.
     a central pillar in the foundations of building
     the community of entrepreneurs, connecting              Accelerators and incubators have existed in the
     founders directly to mentors. These initiatives         local ecosystem for at least five years, many
     also provides entrepreneurs with technical              have come and gone without lasting long enough
     know-how, resources, market access & funding            to produce good / highly potential companies.
     they need to build and cultivate their startup.         Many from the past had been accepted into
                                                             other programmes including MaGIC Accelerator
     The benefits of being in these facilities does not      Programme (MAP), Cradle-Proficeo’s Coach &
     end there, it provides connectivity for talents         Grow Programme (CGP), and 1337 Accelerator.

                               Introduced in 2018, a Silicon Valley based 14 week intensive accelerator programme
                               that helps pre-funding entrepreneurs and teams in building an enduring company
                               by establishing a critical support network consisting of local startup expects who are
                               invested in their success.

                               Established in 2013, MaGICX is the strategic partnership between University Te-
                               knologi Malaysia (UTM) and Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) as a
                               step to promote and support the development and ecosystem of the creative industry
                               that focuses on games, gamification and the enrichment of digital content.

                               Established in 2010, to help researchers within the university’s campus to protect and
                               commercialise their inventions and innovations.
Events & Programmes
For this report, we will only include events that are held annually or periodically that are related to the
ecosystem, which includes entrepreneurship, startups & technology. We may have missed out on a
few events due to our preference of event hosted in the English language, but that does not mean
they do not contribute to the local ecosystem as a whole.

         Annual Events

                           Regular Community Events

Coworking Space
in Johor

                                                                                 Infinity 8
                                                               The Q             (HQ)
                                                                Big                           Infinity 8
                       The Q                                   Wheel                          (Business Centre)
                                                      The           Infinity 8
                                                      Bunker   (Ecommerce Hub)
                                                                                          My Cloud Labs
                                     B.e Coworking
                                     Space                                              Men Inn Work
                                                           GA Space                Melting Pot
                                                      Dream Space
                                  The Q               Shared Office                     Mo.Space
     Men Inn Work
                                                            Value Office           Headquarters
                         The Q
    Network         V Workspace
                                                                                                                          The Q
                          Xpress                                                 MSC Cyberport
                          Train           IskandarSpace
                                                                  J Hub
                                                 Dream Space
                                                  uteri Harbour
                            The Q
                                          Big W
                                                                                                                  Coworking Space

                                                                                                                  Service Office

                                                                                                                  Commercial Hub

> 35                                       > 298,000 > 106%
Spaces across Iskandar                     Square feet in total                                   Annual growth since
Malaysia                                                                                          2014                              15
Coworking Space Industry

     Co-working spaces are important for the              shared, flexible workspaces that provide
     startup ecosystem to thrive, from freelancers to     partitioned rooms with furniture, with only a
     entrepreneurs, these places help cultivate their     selected few who really focus on community
     ideas and offer them a place to work from,           building as well as providing an environment that
     network with others and are often flexible for any   is conducive for innovation, collaboration and
     of your needs or interests.                          productivity.

     With the current growth that the Johor               These flexible workplaces provide a viable
     ecosystem has seen over the past few years,          solution for the oversupply of vacant
     more co-working spaces have popped up across         commercial property, with many mushrooming
     the state, many have even expanded to more           over the years in matured or new shop houses,
     than one location in order to help the locals in     who offer smaller spaces as compared to the few
     realising their dreams.                              who are in commercial buildings and the luxury
                                                          of having their own facility with a larger space to
     As far as co-working spaces are concerned, many      offer.
     of those in the city are still focused on being

      Total Space by Category                             Average Space Size by Category

                  Serviced   Coworking   Commercial                    Serviced   Coworking   Commercial
                   Office     Space         Hub                         Office     Space         Hub
At the end of 2018, Johor has a total of 35 spaces, spanning from co-working spaces, shared service
office as well as commercial hubs with an approximate total of 198k sqft of space.

These spaces show an average growth of 106% each year since 2014, with a built up growth rate that
averages at 73.55%. 2018 saw a 230% growth compared to 2016, this indicates that more spaces are
opening up in the city but are smaller in terms of average built up size.

Overview Growth of Industry

15                                                                                         80000


                                                                                                   # of Spaces

                                                                                           20000   Total Size (Sqft)

                                                                                                   Average Size (Sqft)

 0                                                                                         0
       1998        2014         2015    2016       2017          2018         2019
                                           Year Established

Space Distribution by Area






                          City Centre   Iskandar    Setia Tropika /   Taman Molek /    Others
                                          Puteri    Impian Emas       Mount Austin /
                                                                       Desa Tebrau

Popular areas where many co-working spaces are located within the state includes several Central

Business Districts such as Taman Molek / Tebrau / Mount Austin area, Iskandar Puteri, Johor Bahru
City Centre as well as Setia Tropika and Impian Emas within the Kempas cluster.
Average Size of Each Spaces

           1001 - 15000                                                              0 - 3000
           2.9 %                                                                       42.9 %
           5001 - 7500
           8.6 %                       3

           15001 - 20000               3
           8.6 %

           7501 - 10000                    4
           11.4 %
                                                                                 3001 - 5000
                                                                                       25.7 %

     We also saw an average growth of 56% for the prices on hot desks as well as a 35% increase for
     dedicated desks in various spaces across town who offer open working space plans.

     While there is a significant 17% drop in terms of the average price for private suites across these
     co-working spaces, this is likely due to market competition.
of Johor Startup Ecosystem
Ahmad Nizam Ismail         Dr Lau Cher Han
     Cradle Fund                LEAD Academy


     Aidah Ahmad Adzmi          Dr Mohd Shahrizal
     IRDA                       Sunar


     Arif Tukiman               Dr Ramesh Zaidi Rozan
     RunCloud                   UTMxCite
      Entrepreneur               Educator

     Clarence Chew              Dr Yeong Che Fai
     Hermo / TinkerBox Studio   DF Automation

      Entrepreneur               Entrepreneur

     Eason Chan                 Edey Suresh
     JohorNow                   The Iskandarian
Euginn Lim        Ir Mohd Salehoddin
Whats Going On    Abd Hamid
In Johor Bahru    Iskandar Investment Berhad

Feng Lim          Jason Kang
StartupJohor      KJS / ServisHero


Ganesh Kumar      Johan Ropi
Bangah            SKALA REKA / Kilang Bateri
                   Angel Investor
 Angel Investor

Heng Cheng Loke   John Tan
MTech Holding     Maker Kluang

 Angel Investor    Educator

Ian Chua          Johnson Lai
Hermo             Online Marketing Academy /
Law Poh Chin                Pierre Chua
     JBTALK / iCore              Timev Asia

     Lee Sheah Liang             Rob Lee
     Infinity8 Coworking Space   Common Extract


     Leong Hean Hong             Stephen Liew
     HackerspaceJB               JIOS Academy


     Lokman Hakim                Suphier Goh
     52ST Coworking Space        DrinkEntrepreneurs JB

     MC Teng                     Zi Kang Tai
     SAM Property                OxWhite / FitGear

      Entrepreneur                Entrepreneur
Notable Founders
     in Johor Ecosystem
Mohammed Al-Alas
                                   & Shukry Radzi
                               Co-founders of Gini Technologies
     Around two and a half years ago, Alas,
     Shukry and Wahab met each other in while
     studying in university and by a chance
     visit to Forest City, Pontian, the boys
     sparked an idea to bring local Malaysian
     properties and showcased them to a wider
     audience. By utilising virtual reality to provide
     property developers a new tool to market
     their developments, VRgini was born.

     “When we first started the virtual reality
     still relatively a new thing in Malaysia but
     property at that time was very
     lucrative investment. A lot of people are
     coming to Johor and many of them are
     internationals who are investing in
     Malaysia. So we believed there is an
     opportunity in real estate market and since
     I was from the industry I think there is an
     untapped market in term on technology in
     real estate,” said Shukry.

     VRgini provides two main services,
     the first is solving their client’s needs
     on a case by case basis. The other is
     contentcreation via the use of VR. For the
                                                         “Normally when we talk about a property portal, you
     past two years, they have been focusing on
                                                         upload a photo, info and that’s it. What if you did it in
     service solutions to fund their main project
                                                         virtual reality? Your customers can basically walk
     which is a VR platform for developers to
                                                         through the whole house,” said Alas, adding that it
     showcase their properties to the greater
                                                         takes a bit of convincing for the greater masses to

     market. The co-founders are confident to
                                                         accept VR as a tool instead of a gimmick. Both of them
     have over 60,000 content to be hosted on
                                                         revealed that during their initial set up two years ago,
     their platform within the first year.
there were already developers attempting               them an edge over other competitors that are
to ride the VR wave but came short due to              trying to penetrate the market.
unfamiliarity with the limitations and potential use
of the technology.                                     “We always try to channel the knowledge we
                                                       learned in last 2 years to the platform itself, so if
“People know the technology exists but they don’t      we look at scalability, we try to push to multiple
know how to utilise it so that’s where we come         markets as a platform not just in Malaysia. We
in. That’s why we are switching service based to       can establish a good track of scalability when we
platform, we try to tackle the mentality that this     look at our users from Southeast Asia and the
is how you use it. It’s not about the building the     Middle East,” said Alas.
technology but also how you can utilise it,” said
Shukry.                                                He added that what they develop has the insights
                                                       of not just property developers, but from agents,
They added that during the two years, they             customers and the layman who wants to sell his
educated the market by conducting multiple             property.
campaigns to convince them that VR is more than
                                                        “With insight from the perspective of people
just a simple trick, but a powerful tool to someone
                                                        who are going to use it, that’s where we focus
that truly understands it.
                                                        on user interface and user experience. We
                                                        developed whatever people tell us they need
“We don’t see ourselves as just a technology
                                                        and we make it look and feel certain way that
provider. We look at ourselves as solution
                                                        they feel more comfortable with,” continued
provider. We see a problem and try to tackle

that. We don’t want to provide technology like an
application and just give it to you. Because           The two gentlemen advised eager entrepreneurs
if you create a sense of something that can be         that it is not an easy path to building a successful
beneficial, customers will come,” said Shukry.         company and that there are a lot of hurdles
                                                       and hardships that must be experienced and
Alas added that by doing so, it created a strong       overcome for the business to truly take root and

relationship between VRgini and the property           grow with the only way to fix things is to address
industry, and having a good track record gave          issues and move forward together as a team.
Arif Tukiman
     Co-founder of Runcloud

     With a background in computer science from
     UTM, Arif began development for Runcloud in
     2014 while still running his previous software
     startup, Cool Code. Now purely focusing on
     his cloud storage solution, the company aims
     to simplify the onboarding process of cloud
     servers from hours into minutes.

     “While we were operating our software house
     and developing systems for our clients, we
     saw that there were a lot of processes when it
     comes to cloud computing. So we developed
     our own automated script and that’s when we
     saw the potential in it.”

     Over the 3 years period of running a software
     house, Runcloud is one of the idea where we
     did our own R&D, launch and managed to see
     it picking up in traction to be able to spin off as
     a separate business.

     Arif and his team built Runcloud and decided
     to test the market with developer community
     JobWeb and did a soft launch at the JomLaunch
     event where the crowd gave positive response.
as he knew that these sites need
                                                                    good content to gain more traction
                                                                    and viewed it as a win, win situation
                                                                    for Runcloud.

                                                                    “The third option was to find a
                                                                    product or brand ambassador.
                                                                    Within three months, we managed to
                                                                    get a few genuine feedback from our
                                                                    users who reached out to us, saying
                                                                    how much they liked our product and
                                                                    wanted to contribute to our project
                                                                    by writing about us and giving out
                                                                    promo codes for their readers.”
“Most of the developers who develop websites & web
application might not know how to properly and efficiently deploy
                                                                    Runcloud now has ambassadors in
their website to the clouds. We simplify this with our solution.”
                                                                    the UK, US, Australia, Indonesia,
                                                                    Brazil, Portugal and India. These
Because Runcloud was well received by developers, they
                                                                    few individuals help contribute and
began to use and recommend the solutions in global
                                                                    drive the digital solution forward get
forums and social media portals. Due to the close knit global
                                                                    benefits such as a pro user account,
community, Arif rode the wave and utilised a Zero Marketing
                                                                    merchandise as well as special
Budget approach via the free channels available to him.
                                                                    promotions and features for their
 “In the early days of Runcloud, what we did is that we             community.
 put our solutions as a community project on Digital
 Ocean. Within 2 months, Digital Ocean mentioned us as              Arif shares Runcloud with two
 the most view project in 2016. From there, a lot others            other     co-founders,     Amir      &
 developer community is aware about us and started                  Jebat. They are backed up by a team

 looking at us closely.                                             consisting of both a front end and
                                                                    back end developer respectively as
They started discussing about us.”
                                                                    well as a digital marketer making it a
                                                                    six man operation in Malaysia.They
“I tried to add a lot of friends and admins from different
                                                                    are further supported by a customer
wordpress / laravel community groups. We gave them a
                                                                    support        team       of     four
free Runcloud account, they tried and like it and began
                                                                    individuals based in India with six
recommending into their communities.”
                                                                    brand ambassadors across six
The second marketing channel Arif utilised was content

creation and sharing it at selected programming and tech sites,
“Most of our developer team members work                  They plan to launch Runcloud Education next year to
     remotely and communicate through Slack, Skype             help students in their studies and projects.
     and Telegram. As the founders, we make regular
     weekly & quarterly video conferencing meetings            They have engage the Ministry of Education and
     with them. I would said that Software as a service        both private and public universities to adopt the idea.
     (SaaS), the scaling part is crazy, once you have a very   Arif added that they plan to launch it worldwide with
     solid product and users start to recommend, you can       subsidised costs of up to 80% for students.
     grow organically just from community to community.”
                                                               “We will also run our own Runcloud community
     “The challenge for us is to cover technical support       meetup at every big city where our current user base,
     from different timezone and localisation. Right now       including New York, London, Mumbai & Indonesia.
     our user base is 80% from US & UK, only 20% from          That part is one of the big cities we’re looking to focus
     APAC region. We need to find ambassadors who can          to grow our community.”
     help us to understand how community and cultures
     work in other countries. The ambassadors knows their      Runcloud also has plans to team up with other cloud
     community best and this helps us in the process.”         service providers such as Upcloud in Finland and
                                                               Digital Ocean in New York. They also plan to organise
     Despite the growth and response of Runcloud, Arif         our meetup, cohost with Digital Ocean at their HQ
     believes that there is much to gain and still much to     in New York and try to concentrate to big scale tech
     do before he calls it a success.                          events such Wordcamp Europe & London.

     “Our big goal & dream is to IPO the company either in
     Malaysia, Australia / Nasdaq in 5 years. There is still
     a lot of things we need to achieve quarterly & yearly
     in our roadmap towards IPO. We’ve seen a lot of
     potential of how being a SaaS company to go to IPO

     with a valuation of more than USD 1 billion. There are
     plenty of examples out there.”
Cheok Ming Jing
                                                                     Co-founder of Charby

With an idea to bring safe and      Lim Thol Yong was undertaking        where they managed to secure
reliable charging solutions to      their master’s course, they          funding that enabled them to
everyone, it took two years         began researching on the idea        bring their idea further.
for Ming Jing and his team at       and built their first prototype
Charby to research and develop      in the basement of their hostel      “This fund really helped us in our
a working model before founding     room.                                R&D stages, mould making and
his company a year later.                                                since we have all the prototype
                                    “After our prototype was built, we   already, we reached out to
Because of the dangers of           reached out to our smartphone        our investors. That is why we
overnight charging or faulty        distributors to validate our         secured the fund. It allowed us
wiring, injuries can and will       idea and prototype. We later         to do proper marketing activities
happen when these electronic        distributed the prototypes to        and launch our product on
devices catch fire or explode       selected customers to test it        the US crowdfunding platform
without warning, which sparked      out.”                                Indiegogo back in December
the idea to create a safer,                                              2017.”
smarter charging solution to all.   By using the feedback given
                                    to them by their test subjects,      Ming Jing explained that they

While Ming Jing and his             they revisited the idea and later    choose Indiegogo due to the
co-founders Chik Sheng Fei and      reached out to Cradle Fund           platform having a reasonable
amount of backers who are easily
     acceptable    to new   emerging

     “They are willing to trust the company
     even when the product hasn’t come out
     yet, these are our potential customers.
     We also want to have our product being
     tested by a lot of people, and these
     are those who are ready to see the
     product. And by utilising this platform,
     we can raise funds even before our
     product is being manufactured, which
     also works as a validation process for
     the product.”

     Ming Jing also knew the risks of going
     to an online crowd sourcing platform
     but due to their confidence in their
     product, they were instantly validated
     by over 50 customers and the overall
     feedback they receive from their
     Indiegogo backers was positive, which
     provided a much needed boost in
     getting their startup off the ground.

     “They have never seen such a product
     before and we know there is a lot of
     untapped market for our product. We
                                                “We don’t micromanage here, we like them to suggest new
     were quite confident at the time to
                                                ideas and we let them criticise our system for us to improve.
     launch our product on Indiegogo.”
                                                Every week we have a meeting for them to do that.”

     For a team that consists mainly of a
                                                When it comes to measuring success, the team feels that
     young generation of entrepreneurs,
                                                there is still room to grow and expand their horizons.
     they take a modern and flexible
     approach to managing the business.          “We can’t say we’re successful yet. Yes, we have
     This is becausethey feel that with more     reached a certain milestone, but if you want to measure

     flexibility, each person is allowed the

                                                 success we have to look at sales figures.
     creative space and room to work with.
Currently we have reached over half a million in
sales. That’s where we are in our first financial year.”

Ming Jing revealed their plans for the next few
months, which is to hit the one million mark by
launching several new products, both hardware and
software that is expected to double their revenue.

Charby currently has customers from all over the
world, mainly due to its chosen business model
which includes drop ship sellers and Amazon.
Due to being sold only, they have reached several
international markets including US, Canada,
                                                           wages and the fact that Charby products are
Australia, Germany and UK being their major
                                                           seen as a premium, it was easier for them to
markets outside of Malaysia and Singapore.
                                                           penetrate and be accepted in those markets.

“Because our business models are more towards
                                                           “We realise that in SEA, many people will push
product selling, and the fact our product is designed
                                                           quality aside and judge a product based on
to adapt with people from different countries,
                                                           pricing and that is something difficult to fight
therefore we try had to get the European standard
                                                           because products from China are cheap. We
with is the FCC and CE that allows us to sell in
                                                           want our company’s branding to be known on
countries such as the US and UK.”
                                                           the international level and hence we aimed US
                                                           and UK markets first, before accepting sales
When asked why not focus on a closer, more relatable
                                                           from the rest of the world.”
market such as South East Asia or China, MingJing
revealed that it is due to the disposableincome
                                                           “We want to be the no 1 smart charging brand
those markets contain. Due to the higher hourly
                                                           in SEA and the voice of a safer and smarter
                                                           charging solution.”

Dr Iskandar Illyas Tan
     Founder of Holistic Lab
     Halal certification is a game changer in many
     markets across the world, even in Malaysia. Meet
     Dr Iskandar Illyas, founder of Holistic Labs, a startup
     that specalises in halal certification.

     “When we talk about the halal industry, it is quite
     complex. For a company to get halal certification,
     there are several different kind of scheme and
     categories they can apply. The company can come
     from food & beverages / cosmetics / pharmaceutical/
     logistics / consumers good & also slaughtering house,
     there are in total 7 different kind of categories.”

     “We wanted to understand the ecosystem in the
     halal industry
      we found out that most of the challenges was
      for companies to get their halal certificate. We
      tried to explore more on what are the problems

      and challenges faced by these companies.
Dr. Iskandar explained that halal is more than        Holistic Labs developed a compliance application
just what you eat, and it applies to consumer         for mobile devices in order to help companies get
products, like cooking oil, cosmetics and also        their halal certificate.
                                                      “If a company wants to get the halal certificate,
He added that each category has different             they need to comply internally 1st. So they need
standards they must comply. According to Dr           to conduct internal audit because later on, after
Iskandar, big multinational companies have no         they summit every single application & documents
qualms due to the resource they control, but it can   and so on, Jakim who manage and control the
make or break any SME with limited funding who        halal certification in Malaysia, will come to their
may face problems in compliances to processes.        company / premise to conduct an external audit.”

“We have somewhere around 90% of our SMES             “We are not just the only company that develop this
who have problems getting their certificate. So,      solution, because from our experience from the
more research that we do, we realise that it is       R&D and our close collaborations with authority in
because of the process towards getting the halal      Hahal, Jakim & Jabatan Islam Negeri, we develop
certificate, primarily more on the compliance         something like a formula and technology to assist
issue.”                                               this process.”

Dr Iskandar explained that there is no single         He added that in the beginning it was not easy for
solution to help local companies comply to the        the team to learn the ropes of the Halal industry
standards, even with the multitude of software’s      as they come from a background in tech.
and apps that are available on the market.

“It is very challenging to establish the same
     mindset. Jakim is more on the operations for
     halal certification. For us, when we come from
     the technology side who wants to introduce new
     innovative technology in the area. At the 1st
     stage it is very difficult for us as we don’t speak
     the same language. But along the way, when
     we try to learn their language, and also they try
     to understand our language as well. It goes for
     several years, but along the way, new people
     came into Jakim and some of them comes from
     the technology side as well, they can appreciate
     what we try to offer for them.”

     The company has grown significantly since its
     inception in 2009, with several milestones, among
     them, exclusive partnership with Halal Penang,
     the island state’s halal hub that manages and
     regulates the industry there.

     “We just secured a project with Gerbang Alaf Sdn
     Bhd, the company who’s the main franchisor of
     McDonalds in Malaysia. Our product, QuikHalal
     which is a cloudbase mobile halal auditing app,       go beyond halal to HACCP and also GMP. We will
     which may be used by companies to perform             try to collaborate with other different agency. For
     their internal audit. McDonalds currently having      example if we talk about HACCP and GMP, they
     250- 260 outlets all over Malaysia.”                  are under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Health.
                                                           Our application is quite similar for different kind of
     Dr. Iskandar reveals that there is still ample        compliance.”
     room to grow the company, seeing that the Halal
     industry covers a wide scope, meaning a bigger        “We also want to look into another area which is halal
     market to penetrate and with his network built        tourism. For example, in Malaysia we have Islamic
     over a decade, is confident that Holistic Labs will   tourism center under the ministry of tourism. They
     make waves in the industry.                           have some kind of standards, they are very active
                                                           in terms of encouraging Muslim friendly hospitality
     “At the moment, our focus is on halal, but next       services, such as hotels, travel agent, and tourist
     year we want to go on other different kind of         packages. They already have these standards and

     compliance. For example in Malaysia, we have          we want to go into that area.”
     food safety and quality certification, we want to
Dr Khor Kang Xiang
                    Co-founder of
               Techcare Innovation
While still in his university days, Khor Kang
Xiang always wondered about the skills and
knowledge that he gained, and how to actually
apply his robotic and technological skills to good
use. During a chance visit at a stroke centre
is when he was inspired to put his knowledge
to help stroke patients and their rehabilitation

“I saw a lot of stroke patients going for their
rehabilitation sessions and I realised that the
tools and equipment that they are using were
very limited. I saw a patient about the same
age as me and that got me thinking to put my
knowledge and skills to help and assist stroke

At first, Kang Xiang’s mentor advised
     him to pass on the medical idea and
     focus on traditional industries as a focus
     of his talents, but he felt differently on
     the matter and decided to pursue the
     idea in spite of the difficulties he may

      “They said it will take me many years
      to succeed, but I said if we are one of
      the best robotic teams in the country
      decided to drop the idea, who else
      would do it? During that time, there
      were not many startups venturing

      into the medical industry.
                                                  Kang Xiang also mentioned that the road to get here was
                                                  not easy, mentors and accelerator programmes were
     Six years later, Kang Xiang has no
                                                  things they needed to go through before being able to test
     regrets as many stroke centres use their
                                                  their invention with stroke patients.
     solutions with positive feedback and
     response, making his time and effort
                                                  “Dr. Yong from DF Automation is a very close mentor, he’s
     worthwhile when he sees the patient’s
                                                  been with us since our beginning and gave us a lot of advice.
     happy faces.
                                                  We joined a lot of accelerator programmes including CGP,
                                                  Creator Coach and MaGIC’s accelerator programmes.”
     He began his journey with three other
     classmates who are from several
                                                  “Of course we had a hard time, once we had to test our
     disciplines   including   programming,
                                                  prototype on a specific date, but we had to work through
     electronics and hardware design. From
                                                  the night with no sleep to solve the technical issues that
     their competitive years in the robotics
                                                  we faced.”
     scene, they grew their company slowly
     with a common goal to help people with
                                                  According to him, the company positions itself as both
     their hard-earned skills.
                                                  in the rehabilitation and robotics fields but with a more
                                                  affordable price, as a step to push his product into more
     “We don’t have any bosses, but we
                                                  rehabilitation centres.
     share a common goal which is to help
     people with the skills and knowledge
                                                  “A lot of people can’t afford it unless the rehab centre is an
     that we have, and that’s what brings us
                                                  advanced one. At the time we started this, there were only
     together in this company and I admire
                                                  three rehabilitation robots that we know, and not all of them

     them due to this.”
                                                  are in working conditions.
“I started thinking if every year there’s around
fifty two thousand stroke patients in Malaysia,
but only two robots to help them, how does
this impact their lives? That’s where the idea
of creating something which is compact and
portable design that we can bring it around
and easy to use.”

After much research and development,
they managed to build something easily
transportable, which made them a cut above
the current players in the market. He feels
that in the near future, his products will enter
the homes of patients, going further than the      “We observed that people still use the same
conventional rehabilitation centre.                device that’s been around six years ago, still
                                                   queuing up. Imagine taking an hour to travel
                                                   to a place that has only one device to use and
                                                   waiting hours before you can actually use it.
                                                   We have the ambition that in the future, people
                                                   can do it at the comfort of their homes by

                                                   He feels that because of the acceptance that
                                                   doctors and physiotherapists have given him
                                                   and the team that has allowed them to reach
                                                   the distance today. But he also owes his
                                                   success to the tedious testing and reiterations
                                                   that they went through.

                                                   “We have to actually be careful because
                                                   most of the time we’ve done our testing and
                                                   experiments in the lab, which makes us think
                                                   we can do anything that we want. But in the
                                                   field, we have to thread carefully as we are
                                                   dealing with patients’ lives, who will be using
                                                   our products in the hospitals and rehabilitation
                                                   centres. This makes us think twice and consider

                                                   what we can provide or commit to doctors and
                                                   physiotherapist on that we promise to deliver.”
Dr. Koh Kho King
                                                         “At first, it was just a simple open source online
                                                         platform, I uploaded photos of the products and
                                                         my wife will buy and send it to the customers
     Founder of Shashinki                                here (Malaysia). It gave her something to do
                                                         and earn from. Only when we saw competition
                                                         from another Malaysian company that we began
                                                         treating it as a serious business.”

                                                         This happened in 2008 when a local competitor
     What started out as a hobby to provide his          began copying their business, making them
     friends with photography equipment from Japan,      realise that existing customers still prefer the
     it grew bigger and turned into the entity we        product and services that the couple provided.
     now know as Shashinki. Dr. Koh Kho King was
     studying for his PHD in Japan from 2005 till 2008   While Dr. Koh was still lecturing in UTM, the
     before returning to Johor. While in Japan, Mrs.     couple made the decision to hire more staff
     Koh occupied her time by helping her husband        and make it a sustainable business, but due to
     purchase photography equipment and shipping it      competition, they had to make sure that their

     back to Malaysia.                                   inventory management was unique in order to
                                                         move ahead of the pack.
“It depends on how you look at competition.         people come over to pick up their stuff, we saw
When people initially challenge you by              that we can provide a better environment for them
duplicating your business, you feel a bit of        while they wait for us to pack their stuff.”
pressure, you think of ways to overcome it.
This is actually a positive thing. You need         “As the online business grew, we decided to take

challenges to grow.                                 up more space, hence the decision to move into a
                                                    three story facility. Although we are predominantly
“The biggest advantage is that we have a huge
                                                    an online business, now we have a place to
number of SKUs in our website, currently we have
                                                    showcase our products and provide other services
about to twenty thousand products online, mainly
                                                    such as repairs and camera maintenance.”
dedicated to photography equipment.”
                                                    Dr. Koh added that because they had a physical
He added that having a wide inventory and
                                                    store, more customers were purchasing items as it
the technical knowledge for each product
                                                    generated confidence and the option to come and
complements the business aspect as they can
                                                    make informed purchases, fueling the growth of
always help customers with their purchases. He
                                                    Shashinki’s online presence.
also explained the reason for expanding from
online to offline retail.
                                                    “I think the beauty of being an online store is that
                                                    you do not have to keep all the SKU that you have.
“We had a successful online business at the time,

                                                    We have about 20k SKUs online, but we don’t keep
but we were operating from a home office set up.
                                                    all. So long as there is a platform to showcase it
It was efficient but can be messy at times. When
we can always order from the supplier
     when customer make the order. But
     we do keep about 30% fast moving
     items in our store.”

     He believes that the photography
     industry is a professional industry
     due to the way customers make
     their purchases. From professional
     content creators to enthusiasts,
     those who need the right equipment
     will flock to the one who can provide
     the best value for money with good

     “Those are our customer from day
     one. In that sense, our business is
     still growing, although not like before,
     but we get more quality customers
     who are serious and want to know
     more about photography.”

     Dr. Koh shared that he never expected
     for Shashinki to grow into the brand it
     is today, as it was just a hobby fueled
     by passion that drove him forward.

     “If you want to start something, you
     must have deep passion in it, for you
     to last. If it’s purely about making
     money, it won’t bring you far. You’ll
     get tired very soon, very easily. If you
     want to go further and make it your
     lifetime career, you must have deep
     passion and love in it, don’t chase /
     start an online e-commerce business
     just because you want to make money

     but to make you happy till the end.”
Dr Lim
Meng Hui
Founder of

Sometimes, having the
knowledge and idea does
not mean it’s going to be an
instant hit with the market
and coming short may bring
the end of a startup. But if
one learns from his mistakes,
having a second try with a
fresh new perspective might
be the ticket to success.

Take the story of Dr. Lim
Meng Hui, founder of
Smartpeep. An academician
based in Hong Kong with
a background in computer
science and specialising
in facial and fingerprint
recognition, he had the
passion to share these
breakthroughs   with  the
“There are many problems that we know we can                 “We talked to a lot of our customers and found
     solve with our video analytics technology. We                out they’ve tried similar products but have a lower
     chose to start with intruder detection, as home              accuracy of around 60%, so that means a lot of
     safety has been a critical issue in Malaysia. We             false alarms. After our initial pilot launch, we found
     feel that this is a social problem that we can help          out that Smartpeep is 80% to 90% accurate and
     alleviating with. However,we failed because AI is            that’s a huge leap from any other existing product.”
     still a very expensive technology and we realized
     that consumers in Malaysia are less willing to               Dr. Lim shared his journey from launching the
     afford.”                                                     healthcare application in July 2017 when they
                                                                  joined an accelerator programme in Hong Kong.
     “Our passion has always been to solve social                 After graduating from the programme, they began
     problems with AI. Because of my grandma’s fall               prototyping their designs before running a pilot
     incident, we came up with our second idea of                 project nine months later.
     automating fall monitoring with video analytics,
     aiming to contribute towards better aging care.              “After six to nine months of testing. We rolled out
     We have since obtained our first significant                 our prototype for a three month trial with a client.
     investment from Zeroth accelerator and started to            During this time, we encountered several issues
     grow. In 2018, we have started winning several               and addressed them.”
     competitions in Singapore and Malaysia.”

     Smartpeep is a nursing aid that helps hospitals
     and nursing homes to reduce inpatient falls in
     their facilities with the help of a virtual patient sitter
     system. In a nutshell, it’s a babysitter that will notify
     the nurses or caretakers if a patient falls from their
     beds, allowing faster response times without the
     tedious tasks of round the clock rounds.

     Dr Lim feels that healthcare is a very conventional
     industry and with the advancements of AI
     technology, should be better integrated for the
     benefit of the greater masses.

     Although his idea and product sounds easy,
     there are already competitors in the market
     with similar features, Smartpeep has a
     higher accuracy that pulls it ahead of the

     pack in terms of service value.
“Technology was a challenge. Video analytics          to convince the management to give us a try, because
is a tough subject when it comes to AI. Our first     we are similar but on a whole different technological
tests were in a confined environment with limited     level.”
data showing us good results. But during the
pilot programme, we realised that our product         With the rise of AI predicted over the next decade, he
was triggering false alarms, we had to fix this.”     advises those keen to be patient and ready for the
                                                      challenges to come, but always see the opportunities
Dr Lim and his team addressed each issue              that come with each obstacle.
and solved them to make sure their client was
happy with the product as the game is always
advancing and once a potential client is left
unsatisfied, he or she may lose confidence in
the idea.

“Video analytics is evolving over time, some
hospitals in Singapore have actually tried similar
tech two, three years ago but they failed. A lot of
false alarms and misdetection that the previous
company did not address. It took us awhile
You can also read