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John Sheedy about H IS FOR HAPPINESS
“Oh she is annoying!”

H IS FOR HAPPINESS, a feel good film       unexpected ally.
for all ages, tells the story of two
young outsiders… and a miniature           In Candice’s opinion the secret of
horse. The film watches the world          happiness seems to be in solving
through the eyes of a quirky girl, in a    other people’s problems.
joyous celebration of all things slight-   John Sheedy: I think happiness needs
ly odd. After the international pre-       to be found within ourselves first and
miere at the Berlinale 2020, the Kplus     once we have found it we can pass
children’s jury (who gave the film a       it onto others which ultimately will
Special Mention) described H IS FOR        make you even more happy because
HAPPINESS as “a motivating film from       they’re happy.
start to finish… humorous and at the
same time profound.”                       Enthusiasm can be tiring. Would you      hold a fine balance of humour and          Hoppe had done a wonderful job of
                                           define Candice’s enthusiasm as con-      pathos. Save for Baz Luhrmann, we          adapting it from the novel by Barry
I have been involved with the arts since   tagious or annoying?                     don’t really do romance on Austral-        Jonsberg. With producer Julie Ryan
I was a child,” says John Sheedy, “act-    Sheedy: Oh she is annoying! Charm-       ian screens. Nor do we have many           at the helm of an all female producing
ing in stage productions and TV spots.     ingly annoying! But we forgive her       films with a sharp and witty 12 year       team, I knew the project was in excep-
After my studies and my post grad in       because it always comes from such        old female lead. There’s something         tional hands. We then assembled the
directing, I ran a theatre company that    a good place and her vulnerability is    wonderful about dipping into the           cast, including our outstanding lead
created works for young people and         never too far away.                      world of children and their perspec-       protagonist Daisy Axon and Wesley
family audiences.” Thus it is no sur-                                               tive. As for them everything is slightly   Pattern as Douglas Benson From An-
prise that in Sheedy’s feature film de-    Why did you consider this the right      heightened and exaggerated, you are        other Dimension. These two young
but young people are taking the lead.      story for your feature debut?            allowed to have more fun and the im-       actors both had a different approach
In H IS FOR HAPPINESS, Candice Phee        Sheedy: I have always enjoyed authors    agination can go wild.                     to their performances, Daisy always
is determined to spark happiness in        like Cormac McCarthy, Will Self, Vir-                                               leads with her head and thinks things
the lives of others, and becomes a         ginia Wolf and anything Shaun Tan        Was it you who found the story, or         through methodically, while Wesley
peacemaker in her quarrelsome, grief       does. In cinema I admire the works       did the story find you?                    leads straight from gut instinct, he is
ridden family. Her new schoolmate,         of directors like John Hughes, Pedro     Sheedy: The script was already writ-       a natural clown.
Douglas Benson turns out to be an          Almodovar and Wes Anderson that          ten by the time I came on board. Lisa

                                                                                                                  10 | Journal 03 | 2020
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Candice’s face is like an open book.      The actors worked on their physical-     sensitivity, heartbreak and comedy          The basis for this film is the perfect
Was that in Daisy Axon’s acting, or       ity’s quite a bit in rehearsals and on   to the role. Myriam was always Miss         balance you found between grief
in the camera work, or maybe just         set. You will find the same physical     Bamford for me, right from the begin-       and fun.
in me getting carried away by this        quirks in Rich Uncle Brian and all of    ning, that was a no brainer.                Sheedy: When dealing with a young-
wonderful creature?                       the extras throughout the film. It’s                                                 er audience in particular it is impor-
Sheedy: I think you’re definitely you     a deliberate inclusion to make the       How did you create Miss Bamford’s           tant not to water down the tougher
getting carried away. But I have to say   world a little cooky and awkward as it   exceptionally busy lazy eye?                themes and trust that young people
it is all down to Daisy Axon’s insight    is all told through Candice’s eyes.      Sheedy: Myriam was quite nervous            will be able to emotionally navigate
into the character. Daisy is Candice                                                                                           their way through. Equally important
Phee!                                                                                                                          is to allow them to step out of the
                                                                                                                               darker moments and laugh at the
What is it exactly that Douglas sets                                                                                           mess we sometimes make as humans.
in motion when entering Candice’s                                                                                              It is a fine balancing act but ultimate-
life?                                                                                                                          ly you need to put trust in the young
Sheedy: She certainly wasn’t expect-                                                                                           audience!
ing love to enter her world, but how
can you not fall in love with Douglas                                                                                          What enabled you to tell a story,
Benson from Another Dimension? He                                                                                              combining so many difficult emo-
is super charming. Adding a whole                                                                                              tional moments in the lives of chil-
new set of complications for Candice,                                                                                          dren?
he is definitely the catalyst for the                                                                                          Sheedy: As artists we always end up
unfolding events throughout the film.                                                                                          applying personal moments in our
Yankee Doodle, our miniature horse,                                                                                            lives into our work. I unfortunately
might also have something to do with                                                                                           lost my younger sister a few years
it.                                                                                                                            ago so I could certainly apply my ex-
                                          Not to forget Miriam Margolyes,          about it, and rightly so, but once I ex-    perience of grief to that of the Phee
Between the two of them, their ges-       known as Professor Sprout from           plained the approach we were taking         family.
tures seem strictly choreographed,        the Harry Potter films, and the out-     she was an absolute trooper, throw-
like a strange ballet scene.              standing Richard Roxburgh as Can-        ing herself into it. We had to shoot        You know how to use colours to cre-
Sheedy: This is something I was very      dice’s father.                           each of her scenes twice, once with         ate that slightly aberrant universe.
conscious of bringing into the world.     Sheedy: Richard and I studied at the     no eye rolling and then again with no       Walking through town with Candice
The dialogue is so particular and de-     same drama school. He is one of the      dialogue and just eye rolling. It was in-   is like entering another world.
liberate that I wanted the physicality    best actors we have in this country.     credibly funny to watch! The rest was       Sheedy: We created three worlds
of the characters to compliment it.       I knew that he would bring a certain     all done in VFX post.                       across the film all through the per-

                                                                                                                  11 | Journal 03 | 2020
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spective of Candice. There is her home                                                                                              allow?
which is a house of grief and silence.                                                                                              Sheedy: Not much, I wanted to keep
Then there is her school, a heightened                                                                                              the themes of the film grounded,
world of colourful characters and                                                                                                   especially as we are dealing with
strange assignments. And then there                                                                                                 such things as grief. The visual world
is the town which is full of quirky ec-                                                                                             around them is heightened enough so
centric locals that all have something                                                                                              if there is any hint of magic, it would
special about them. Creating theatre                                                                                                be in the forest with a miniature horse
for families. I have always enjoyed the                                                                                             and its disappearing acts.
challenge of how to tackle tough is-
sues in the storytelling, how to make                                                                                               The story is equally ‘placeless’ as
it accessible to a young audience                                                                                                   timeless.
whilst also making them feel safe and                                                                                               Sheedy: Whilst there are specific ref-
allowing them to laugh... A lot. I drew                                                                                             erences to contemporary technology
on this experience in sensing how to                                                                                                and in the vocabulary of the young-
grant the audience the space to sit-in                                                                                              er characters, it still needed to have
on the more heart-breaking moments         be a setting that could be anywhere          who is always watering his garden,          a timeless feel to it. All this required
while navigating Candice’s emotional       in the world. A world where children         and named him after my grandfather.         some extra efforts from the costume
ups and downs; to be able to laugh         and adults alike would both feel an in-      Naturally I had to play his voice. I con-   department and set designers. They
and be entertained by entering a           stant familiarity to, as though it were      sider Germany my second home and            went above and beyond to create this
world that is so visually appealing.       a seaside town not too far from home.        love returning there to visit relatives.    colourful and quirky world. Like the
                                                                                        The colour palette throughout the           best of Disney, I never want H IS FOR
That is why you went to the picture        Did it bring back personal memories          film reminds me of my origins: the          HAPPINESS to have an ‘expiry date.’
postcard seaside town of Albany.           for you?                                     green takes me to the beautiful for-        I hope that the children who watch
Sheedy: This town was the perfect hit,     Sheedy: Not in that sense. But I did         ests of Europe, and the warmer red          it now will engage in a story that
projecting a sense of old world charm      put a little of my German heritage           tones feed into the emotional land-         doesn’t feel dated and then be able to
in its architecture and landscape, the     into the film. My mother comes from          scape of our characters. When com-          relive that memory again sometime in
beautiful bay, the quirky hills and        Fulda, my grandmother from Bad               bining these two colours, it takes me       the future with their own children.
boulders. Albany has such a cinemat-       Neuenahr. After WWII the whole fam-          to Christmas in Germany! Needless to
ic feel to it and no matter where I        ily moved to Australia, started a new        say I was very honoured to have the         –
pointed the camera, I knew I was go-       life and became florists. So as a little     film premiere at the Berlinale.             Uta Beth
ing to be able to frame the moment         nod to them I popped a little florists
beautifully. I didn’t want it to be geo-   shop in the film called ‘Schatzis’. I also   All this takes the film to the ‘edge                   watch trailer
graphically specific because it had to     created the character of Mr. Wiegard         of magic’. How much magic did you

                                                                                                                       12 | Journal 03 | 2020
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