Page created by Grace Lloyd
    Residence Life
    2021 / 2022

                          JOB KIT
                     Resident Assistant

                                 This kit is intended to guide you through the application
                                 process to recruit Resident Assistants (RAs) for the
                                 university’s halls of residence and provide you with all you
                                 need to know about the RA role. If you have any questions
                                 about the application process or the job itself after reading this
                   How to        document, please contact Accommodation Services.
                   Contact us:

                                                             Applications close 9am
                                                             Friday 21st May 2021

     Information   Residence Life (ResLife)
                   encompasses everything the
                                                           student community and their
                                                           experience in a residential
                   Accommodation Service team does         student environment (or other
                   to provide the best experience          customer care environment).
                   possible for students living in the
                   halls of residence. The focus is on     We are looking for candidates
                   providing support and guidance to       with sensitivity, common sense,
                   residents as well as providing social   confidence, discretion and an
                   and educational programmes to           ability to work confidently with
                   build communities and help              minimal supervision in a variety
                   students enjoy their time in the        of situations.
                                                           RAs are required to take
                   The RA is an essential member of        particular responsibility for
                   Accommodation Services' Residence       incidents occurring during their
                   Life programme. The RA's main role      “on call” duty periods during
                   is to assist with the social and        evenings and weekends, to
                   personal transition of resident         provide a link between the
                   students throughout their time in       university and its resident
                   halls of residence and to help          students and to help foster a
                   ensure that an atmosphere that is       good living environment with
                   conducive to study is maintained.       special regard to student welfare,
                                                           discipline, Residence Life
                   Successful candidates for RA            (ResLife) events and health and
                   positions will be selected on the       safety.
3                  basis of their interest in the
All applicants must watch our RA information
                                                                            presentation before moving forward to the
                                                                            application process.
                                                                            You will be asked for a code to enter at the
                                                                            application stage. This code will be available at

               RA JOB KIT                                                   the end of the presentation.

                 Timetable           RA APPLICATIONS / SELECTION

                                      PROCESS                                       PROCESS OPENS         PROCESS CLOSES

                                      Watch RA Information Presentation via the     23rd April 2021       14th May 2021

In order to apply for the RA role,    portal & enter code to continue process
including attending an
information session, log into the     Applications Open                             23rd April 2021       14th May 2021
Student Portal
                                      Shortlisting & Invites to Interviews sent     24th May 2021         28th May 2021
- Click the “My Student Life” tab
                                      Interviews                                    1st June 2021         18th June 2021
- Go to the Accommodation
Section                                                                             22nd June 2021        22nd June 2021
                                      Decisions Reached
- Click "Forms and Information"       RA job offers sent                            22nd June 2021        30th June 2021
- Under "Applications and
Useful Information" click
"Applications and Bookings"

- Under "RA Application" click
"Apply here"


                   RESIDENT ASSISTANT

Overall Purpose of Job                   3. Have a regard for the security,            9. Plan, organise, promote and facilitate
                                             welfare, health and safety of residents       (with support from Accommodation
    Resident Assistants (RAs) play a         and actively promote awareness in             Service staff) a range of events as part of
    key role in supporting the               these areas.                                  the ResLife programme in order to
    Accommodation Services' Residence                                                      encourage integration and interaction of
    Life (ResLife) programme. They live in   4. Promptly report any concerns               residents and support academic success.
    halls of residence and take an           regarding discipline, welfare, security,      This may include assisting with events
    active role in fostering a good          fire, health and safety to                    taking place on non-duty days/nights.
    living environment for residents         Accommodation Services.
    with special regard to student
    welfare, discipline, security and        5. Deal promptly with any misconduct          10.   Ensure that administrative tasks are
    health and safety. This includes         or incident within halls as required by       completed, including but not limited to
                                             the university, security staff or the local   displaying posters in the hall and
    taking responsibility for incidents
                                             hall manager calling on assistance from       conducting room inspections.
    occurring during “on call” duty
    periods and other times if required.     university and non-university staff
                                             including emergency services as the      11. Ensure residential regulations are
    RAs provide a link between
                                             circumstances dictate.                   observed by residents and report any
    Accommodation Services and
                                                                                      breaches of the regulations to
    residents and can be expected to
    perform a range of duties related to     6. Liaise with Accommodation Services Accommodation Services in a timely
                                             and/or any local non-university staff    manner.
    this function.
                                             having administrative responsibility for
                                             the accommodation on issues affecting 12.       Assist Accommodation Services in
                                             residents and report any concerns to     communication with residents and in
                                             them with the degree of urgency          projects involving residents as and when
    Main Activities and Duties               appropriate to the situation.            necessary.

    1.  Assist Accommodation Services        7. Assist other RAs, university               13.  Assist with the arrival, induction and
    in creating a welcoming, inclusive       staff, local non-university staff             departure of residents throughout the
                                                                                           academic session.
    and supportive environment and a         and emergency services staff in
    strong sense of community for            emergencies, fire activations,
    students living within the halls of      evacuations and at student functions.         14.   Assist with tours of accommodation
                                                                                           on all university Open Days. These may
                                                                                           take place on non-duty days.
                                             8. Make regular patrols of the site
    2.  Be familiar with the                 during the “on call” duty period.
                                                                                           15.   Assist with Open Evenings and ad-
    Accommodation Licence Agreement,
                                                                                           hoc viewings as needed.
    university fire, health, safety,
    emergency, incident, accident and
    disciplinary procedures.                                                               16.   Establish both formal and informal
                                                                                           contacts with residents and attend
                                                                                           meetings or other resident forums as

Scope                                                                                  Desirable

    • RAs will be part of a team operating     • Good verbal communication and             • Understanding of health and safety
    on a rota and will normally be rostered    interpersonal skills, including the         issues in halls.
    one day a week from Monday to              ability to deal with situations in a calm
    Thursday from 6pm to 8am and one           and confident manner.                       • Experience of living in halls of
    weekend in four from 6pm Friday until                                                  residence.
    8am Monday. Although duties are            • Good written communication skills
    principally related to the specific rota   including reporting on issues and           • Experience of student clubs/
    periods, RAs may also have general         incidents and supplying relevant data       societies/arranging events.
    duties associated with the residents       to Accommodation Services.
    of a particular building or area and                                                   • Leadership/mentoring skills.
    will be expected to assist other staff     • Good time-keeping, including arriving
    in the event of major problems or if       for duty periods on time and ensuring       • Experience in a customer service
    requested by the local line manager at     prompt reporting of matters to              environment.
    any reasonable time. Additionally all      Accommodation Services and any
    members of the team are required to        relevant local staff.
    work on the Saturdays where Open
    Days are taking place, some evening        • Good active listening skills including
    open events and move in and move out       the ability to handle confidential
    weekends in addition to their usual        information and show empathy and
    rota.                                      understanding when dealing with
                                               resident concerns.
    • RAs are appointed to contribute to
    the formation of a good community on       • Knowledge of issues related to
    residential sites and will be expected     communal living which can impact
    to be aware of issues affecting or         upon students.
    concerning residents.
                                               • Commitment to the university’s
    • The free accommodation provided          Equality Strategy.
    for the performance of RA duties is to
    be occupied as the principal residence     • Ability to work alongside and
    for the duration of the contract. RAs      collaborate with a wide range of staff.
    are required to be active members of
    the resident community.
                                               • Ability to work in a demanding
                                               environment with minimum
    • RAs are given training to enable         supervision.
    them to effectively carry out the duties
                                               • Flexibility in approach to work and
                                               dedication to duties during evenings,
                                               weekends, holidays and peak
                                               recruitment periods.

                                               • Experience of working as part of a
7                                              team.
RA JOB KIT      1.RAs must be full-time, registered
                    and attending students of the
                    university and will usually -
                                                               so in writing to the Assistant Director
                                                              of Student and Academic Services
                                                              (Student Services) within 7 calendar
                                                                                                          11. RAs will be required to attend
                                                                                                          meetings and training between 9am and
                                                                                                          5pm Monday to Friday with reasonable

        Terms &    •
                       Be returning students.
                       Not owe any accommodation
                                                              days of the dismissal.                      notice and in fitting with their academic
                                                                                                          schedule. RAs may also be required to
                                                                                                          visit their local Accommodation Service
      Conditions   •                                          6. RAs may terminate their employment
                       fees as of the 1st August 2021
                                                              at any time with one month’s written        Centre before 5pm on a duty night for
                       Studying full academic year            notice.                                     handover, collection of keys, etc.
                   2. Standard RA appointments are for 43
                                                              7. RAs may reapply for further period(s)    12. In addition to their rostered duties,
                   consecutive weeks (and one day) from
                                                              of employment normally up to a              all RAs are required to work on the
                   Saturday 28th August 2021 until Sunday
                                                              maximum of three consecutive periods        Resident Arrivals and Departure
                   19th June 2022 including university
                                                              and, if successful, will be issued with a   weekends. RAs are also required to
                   shutdown periods (a reduced rota will
                                                              new contract in line with the Terms and     assist with all University Open Day
                   normally be in place) and are subject to
                                                              Conditions then in force.                   tours, some of which may take place on
                   satisfactory references.
                                                                                                          non-duty weekends. This may take
                                                              8. RAs can be appointed to any hall of      place at a hall other than that in which
                   3. All RA appointments are subject to a                                                the RA resides.
                                                              residence and can be required to
                   probationary period of three months
                                                              relocate to another hall at any time
                   and employment by the university is
                                                              after reasonable consultation. RAs must
                   subject to the satisfactory completion                                                 13. RAs are required to assist with Open
                                                              reside on the site to which they are
                   of this period.
                                                              appointed to.                               Evenings and ad-hoc viewings of the
                                                                                                          accommodation as required during their
                   4. During the probationary period, the                                                 periods of "on call" duty.
                                                          9. RAs must be accessible to residents
                   performance of RAs will be closely
                                                          when, as part of a roster with other RAs
                   monitored and any RA failing to                                                 14. RAs are required to assist with
                                                          on the same site, they are “on call”.
                   perform the duties as described in the                                          Residence Life (ResLife) programmes,
                   job description or by action or inaction                                        some of which may take place during
                                                          10.   RAs must be available on site for
                   injuring the formation of good                                                  non-duty periods.
                   community in the halls of residence    the periods of “on call” duty which
                   may have their employment terminated   normally will be one day each week
                                                          Monday to Thursday and every fourth      15. Leave of absence may be
                   or have the probationary period
                   extended                               weekend as follows in addition to open taken, subject to reasonable
                                                          days/arrival and departure weekends      notice in writing and agreement by the
                                                                                                   Accommodation Office Manager
                   5. RAs contravening the Terms and      and additional times when room checks
                                                                                                   at the site of employment. Suitable
                   Conditions of their employment or      or other admin tasks are required:-
                                                                                                   cover for the absence is required and is
                   behaving in such a way as to undermine                                          to be provided by the other RAs on that
                   their position or authority may have   18:00 to 08:00 Monday to Friday
                                                                                                   site. RAs are expected to liaise with
                   their appointment terminated at any    18:00 Friday to 08:00 Monday
                                                                                                   their fellow team members to ensure
                   time with one month’s notice. RAs who
                                                                                                   cover can be found before requesting
                   wish to appeal against their dismissal
8                                                                                                  leave.
                   must do
16. In return for the performance of      20. Any RA unable to perform duties        23. It is mandatory that RAs attend all
                   all required duties, RAs will receive     for a period of two weeks or more          required training that is normally held
                   accommodation free of charge on the       because of academic commitment,            prior to or at the commencement of

                   site to which they are appointed for      health etc. may be required to pay for     the RA contract.
                   the duration of their employment          their accommodation until such time
                   period. There is no fixed standard        as normal duties can be resumed.           24. Time spent undertaking actual
                   for RA’s accommodation, which will                                                   work as an RA while on duty (answering
        Terms &    vary from site to site. RA
                   accommodation will normally be the
                                                             21. It is a requirement that RAs hold
                                                             a current, recognised and full first-aid
                                                                                                        phone calls, dealing with queries,
                                                                                                        attending to incidents,writing reports

      Conditions   same or similar to the standard study
                   bedrooms available to resident
                   students within the hall.
                                                             qualification and the arrangement
                                                             and payment of this training will be
                                                             made by the university. RAs will not
                                                                                                        etc.) counts towards the hours you are
                                                                                                        permitted to work at the university.

                                                             be permitted to take up or remain          25. RAs who are Tier 4 students are
                   17. RAs will be required to sign a        in post unless they are in receipt of      not permitted to undertake other
                   university Accommodation Licence          this qualification within eight weeks      employment at the university as this
                   Agreement for the accommodation           of their appointment. RAs have a           may lead to them breaching the terms
                   provided. Any RA contravening the         duty to make themselves aware of           and conditions of their visa.
                   terms and conditions of the Licence       all fire, health, safety and emergency
                   Agreement may be subject to               procedures, together with all student      26. RAs who are Tier 4 students must
                   sanctions under the Halls of Residence    services available on site. The local      submit a monthly timesheet listing
                   Code of Behaviour which forms part        line manager and/or facilities             actual hours work within 5 working
                   of the university Accommodation           management staff will provide              days of the end of each month to
                   Regulations.                              guidance in these areas.                   the Accommodation Office Manager.
                                                                                                        Further guidance on completing the
                   18. Hall fees will become payable         22. It is a requirement that RAs           timesheet will be provided.
                   should the RA’s employment cease          undergo a basic Disclosure check and
                   from the point at which it finishes.      provide a certificate to Accommodation     27. RAs who are Tier 4 students and
                   RAs failing to perform duties for which   Services. Further information about        are approaching the limit of hours they
                   they are rostered, except where agreed    how to obtain a certificate will be        are permitted to work during the week
                   in advance with their line manager or     issued. RAs are required to pay for this   must advise the Accommodation
                   because of illness or other unavoidable   certificate and apply for a refund. If     Office Manager immediately so that
                   and compelling reason, may become         this is not completed in good time         other arrangements for cover may be
                   liable for the payment of hall fees       before the position commences (by          made if necessary.
                   for the period that they are unable       1st August for RAs on standard
                   to perform their on-call duties.          contract lengths) or there is a cause
                                                             for concern arising from this check,
                   19. The accommodation is provided         the offer of the RA position may be
                   solely for occupation by the RA and       rescinded and the contract canceled.
                   must be vacated by 10am on the last
                   day of the period of appointment as a

RA JOB KIT    Attendance at the RA training is mandatory and a requirement for assuming the role as an RA in
                   university halls of residence. If you are successful, please ensure that you are available for all of
       Mandatory   the training days below.

                      Contract Period                     Saturday 28th August 2021 - Sunday 19th June 2022

                                                       Friday 08th July - RAs must apply by this date for the
                                                       Basic Disclosure Certificate in order to ensure it is received
                               Introduction            by 1st August.

                               and Training
                                                       Tuesday 31st August 2021 - Tuesday 07th September 2021
                                                       9am - 5pm (not including Saturday and Sunday) *

                                                       * Returning RAs are only required to attend training on some
                                                       days. At the time of writing, these are expected to be Tuesday
                                                       31st August, Wednesday 1st September, and Tuesday 7th
                                                       September. However, this may change and returning RAs are
                                                       advised not to make other plans during this period without
                                                       checking final training dates.

Arrival Weekend
     RA JOB KIT                                            Saturday 11th September - Sunday 12th September 2021
                                                           All RAs are required to work both days

           Dates   Departure Weekend                       Saturday 18th June - Sunday 19th June 2022
                                                           All RAs are required to work both days

                               Important                  Attendance at the training and other dates listed above
                                                          is mandatory. If you will not be available on any of
                             Information                  these dates, you are advised not to complete an
                                                          application to become an RA for 2021/2022.

                                                          If you are appointed and you fail to undertake the
                                                          training and/or do attend on the other mandatory dates
                                                          listed above, your contract of employment as an RA may
                                                          be terminated.

                                * If you are not required, you will be advised.

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