JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...

Page created by Carlos Pearson
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
An official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
                                                                       MAY 2021

THE TMS FOUNDATION IN 2020: View the Honor Rolls and More
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
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JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

                                     About the Cover
                                     A representation of EBSD data from “Coupling
                                     thermomechanical processing and alloy design
                                     to improve textures in Mg-Zn-Ca sheet alloys,” by
5700 Corporate Drive                 Tracy Berman and John E. Allison, is shown on
Suite 750                            the cover. The effect of Ca and Zn additions on
Pittsburgh, PA 15237                 the microstructure and texture evolution during
USA                                  thermomechanical processing of Mg-Zn-Ca
Phone: 1-724-776-9000                sheet alloys was systematically investigated
Web:                     and quantified in this investigation. Increasing
E-Mail:           Zn content resulted in more random grain
                                     orientations in the as-deformed state, as
Publisher for TMS
James J. Robinson,                   illustrated here in the ZX30 alloy.
Executive Director
Matt Baker,
Department Head, Content
JOM: The Journal
Justin Scott,
Principal Editor; Department
Head, Research, Engagement,
Data, and Information
Maureen Byko,                        May 2021 Guest Editors
Editor                               8th European Conference on Renewable                          Developments in the Production
Kelly Markel,                           Energy Systems                                                of Magnesium Alloy Flat Products
Publications Coordinator             Shadia Ikhmayies, Consultant                                  Magnesium Committee
                                     Hilal Kurt, Gazi University                                   Jishnu J. Bhattacharyya, University of Virginia
JOM: The Magazine
                                                                                                   Aeriel Murphy-Leonard, Ohio State University
Lynne Robinson,                      Adaptive Metallurgical Processing Technologies
Department Head, Strategic             for Strategic Metal Recycling                               Thermodynamic Considerations for Improved
Communications and Outreach          Recycling and Environmental Technologies                         Renewable Energy Production
Kaitlin Calva,                         Committee                                                   Process Technology and Modeling Committee;
Magazine Managing Editor             Mingming Zhang, Wood Mackenzie                                Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
                                                                                                   Fiseha Tesfaye, Abo Akademi University
Cheryl M. Geier,
Senior Graphic Designer
                                     About JOM:
Contributing Writers                 The scope of JOM (ISSN 1047-4838) encompasses publicizing news about TMS and its members and
Ashley-Anne Bohnert,
                                     stakeholder communities while publishing meaningful peer-reviewed materials science and engineering content.
Outreach and External
Communications Lead                  That content includes groundbreaking laboratory discoveries, the effective transition of science into technology,
                                     innovative industrial and manufacturing developments, resource and supply chain issues, improvement and
Megan Enright,
                                     innovation in processing and fabrication, and life-cycle and sustainability practices. In fulfilling this scope, JOM
Promotions and Editorial Assistant
                                     strives to balance the interests of the laboratory and the marketplace by reporting academic, industrial, and
Ann Ritchie,                         government-sponsored work from around the world.
Technical Communications
Specialist                           About TMS:
Kelly Zappas,                        The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional organization that encompasses the entire range
Membership News and                  of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the
Communications Lead                  advanced applications of materials.
Graphics Support                     Publishing Information:
David Rasel,                         JOM is an official publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and is owned by the Society.
Media Manager
                                     TMS has granted Springer the exclusive right and license to produce, publish, archive, translate, and sell JOM
Bob Demmler,                         throughout the world. Publication Frequency: 12 issues per year.
Graphic Designer
                                     Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY, 10013-1578, USA
Contact                JOM articles from 1949 to the present are archived at
for information.                     Secure Copyright Permission:
                                     Submit permission requests at
                                     Send address changes to: JOM, Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Periodicals postage paid
                                     at New York, NY and additional mailing offices.
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
I’VE SPECIALIZED                                   Learn with the
   FOR 40 YEARS                                   TMS Webinar Library
 in the placement of Metallurgical,
Materials, and Welding Engineers in                 Refresh your knowledge
the areas of R&D, Q.C. Production,
  Sales & Marketing, nationwide.
                                                     of fundamentals, learn
                                                     about recent advances
  My background as a                               and ideas, or gain insights
 Met. Eng. can help you!                           on current issues with the
       Salaries to $190K.                           TMS Webinar Library—
     Fees paid by Company.                            now available free to
   Michael Heineman,                                     TMS members!
     Meta-Find, Inc.                                      Log in to
      Phone: (212) 867-8100
    Web:                          to start learning.

                                      Missed TMS2021 Virtual?
         C E L E B R A T I O N

                SINCE 1871

      The TMS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2021 Virtual) was held live,
       March 15-18, 2021, but you can still register for the conference for access to the
                            following resources through May 31:

                                                        CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS:
                                                   Gain electronic access to TMS2021 Virtual
    View more than 2,200 talks delivered at
                                                  published conference proceedings, valued at
    more than 85 symposia in 13 topic areas
                                                               more than $1,200

     Learn more at:
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

JO                          table of contents
                                                                     Volume 73
                                                                     Number 5
                                                                     May 2021

1211: In the Final Analysis: James J. Robinson       1227: Digging Deep into the History of the
                                                           Extraction & Processing Division:
1212: TMS Member News: TMS Receives AIME
                                                           Kaitlin Calva
      Grant; Material Advantage Member
      Bringing MSE to the Public                     1234: 2020 Peer Reviewers: Thank You for Your
1214: In Case You Missed It: Business News
      from the Field                                 1239: TMS Meeting Headlines
1215: The TMS Foundation: Standing Strong in         1240: JOM Call for Papers
      2020: Kaitlin Calva
1220: Meet the New Members of the TMS
      Foundation Board of Trustees:
      Kaitlin Calva
1224: Engaging with the Government and
      Public to Advance the Materials Science
      and Engineering Field and TMS Members:
      Eric N. Brown, Emily Rinko, Richard Otis,
      Viola L. Acoff, and Natasha Vermaak

8th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems
1242: Transesterification of Waste Cooking Oil       1261: Fine-Structured Red-Band Tail
      Using Bone and Egg Shell Mixture as a                Photoluminescence (PL) Spectra of
      Catalyst: Ali A. Jazie and Amar J. Albaaji           Nanocrystalline CdS:In Thin Films:
                                                           Shadia J. Ikhmayies
1251: High Temperature VLRA Lead Acid
      Battery SOH Characterization Based on          1271: Comparative Study of Discharge
      the Evolution of Open Circuit Voltage at             Emission Amplification in an Ar-Driven
      Different States of Charge: Javier Olarte,           Gas Discharge System with Microporous
      Jaione Martínez De Ilarduya, Ekaitz Zulueta,         Zeolite Cathode: B.G. Salamov
      Raquel Ferret, Erol Kurt,                            and H. Hilal Kurt
      and Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

Adaptive Metallurgical Processing Technologies for Strategic Metal Recycling
1279: Process and Kinetics of Extracting Cobalt   1337: Kinetics of Tungstate and Phytate
      from Complex High-Silicon White Alloy             Adsorption by D201 Resin: Biyun Luo,
      by Sulfuric Acid Oxidation Leaching:              Xuheng Liu, Jiangtao Li, Xingyu Chen,
      Lei Tian, Xuan-Gao Wu, Ao Gong,                   Lihua He, and Fenglong Sun
      Xiao-Qiang Yu, and Zhi-Feng Xu
                                                  1344: Fusion of Chromite Ore Using Sodium
1290: Behavior and Mechanism of Indium                  Phosphate Salt as Flux and the Effects of
      Extraction from Waste Liquid-Crystal              Sodium Ions in Wet Chemical Analysis:
      Display Panels by Microwave-Assisted              Trevor T. Chiweshe, Megan Welman-Purchase,
      Chlorination Metallurgy: Shuai Chen,              and Lore-Mari Deysel
      Jie Guan, Hao Yuan, Hongcheng Wu,
                                                  1353: Analysis of Galena Leaching and
      Weixing Gu, Guilan Gao, Yaoguang Guo,
                                                        Maximum Electrodeposition Capacity
      Jue Dai, and Ruijing Su
                                                        of Pb Using an Electrochemical Cell:
1301: Separation and Extraction of Scandium             S.I. Moreno-Saldaña, V.J. Martínez-Gómez,
      from Titanium Dioxide Waste Acid:                 S. Valle-Cervantes, R. Lucho-Chigo,
      Lili Zhang, Ting-An Zhang, Guozhi Lv,             J.C. Rojas-Montes, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno,
      Weiguang Zhang, Tingting Li,                      and R. Pérez-Garibay
      and Xuejiao Cao
                                                  1362: Effect of Titanium on the Smelting
1310: Preconcentration of a Low-Grade                   Process of Chromium-Bearing Vanadium
      Ta–Nb Deposit Using Physical Separation           Titanomagnetite Pellets: Weidong Tang,
      Methods: Miao Cao, Hao Bu, and Yude Gao           Songtao Yang, and Xiangxin Xue
1321: Heating-Assisted Preparation of             1371: Review: Research Progress on Liquid–
      Ferrotitanium to Recover Valuable                 Liquid Extraction of Chromium:
      Elements of Ilmenite and Reduce                   Zhaobo Liu, Suqin Li, and Weiwei Wang
      Aluminum Consumption: Zixian Gao,
                                                  1386: Sequential Leaching of Strategic Metals
      Gongjin Cheng, He Yang, and Xiangxin Xue
                                                        from Exhausted LNCM-Cathode Batteries
1328: Isothermal Carbothermal Reduction of              Using Oxalic and Sulfuric Acid Lixiviants:
      FeTiO3 Doped with MgO: Xiangdong Xing,            Pankaj Pathak, Vinay K. Singh,
      Yueli Du, Jianlu Zheng, Sha Wang,                 and Karan Chabhadiya
      Shan Ren, and Jiantao Ju

Developments in the Production of Magnesium Alloy Flat Products
1395: Multi-Island Genetic-Algorithm-Based        1440: Improving Room-Temperature Stretch
      Approach to Uniquely Calibrate                    Formability of Mg-4.9Al-0.16Mn (mass%)
      Polycrystal Plasticity Models for                 Alloy Sheet via Optimizing Rolling
      Magnesium Alloys: Xiaochuan Sun,                  Temperature: Taiki Nakata, Chao Xu,
      Bo Zhang, Yaodong Jiang, Peidong Wu,              Takumi Fujii, Yu Yoshida, Katsuhito Yoshida,
      and Huamiao Wang                                  and Shigeharu Kamado
1403: Review: Magnesium Sheet Alloy               1450: Coupling Thermomechanical Processing
      Development for Room Temperature                  and Alloy Design to Improve Textures in
      Forming: Alan A. Luo, Renhai Shi,                 Mg-Zn-Ca Sheet Alloys: Tracy D. Berman
      Jiashi Miao, and Thomas Avey                      and John E. Allison
1419: Strain-Rate Sensitivities of Different      1460: Influence of Twin-Roll Casting Speed on
      Deformation Mechanisms in AZ31B                   Microstructural Homogeneity, Centerline
      Magnesium Alloy Sheet at Various                  Segregation, and Surface Quality of Three
      Temperatures: Guowei Zhou, Ruxue Liu,             Different Mg Alloys: J. Victoria-Hernández,
      Weiqin Tang, Dayong Li, Yinghong Peng,            G. Kurz, J. Bohlen, S. Yi, and D. Letzig
      and Peidong Wu                              1471: Toward Development of Strong and
1428: Microstructural and Texture Evolution of          Formable Magnesium Alloy Sheets with
      Hot-Rolled TA32 Alloy and Its Effect on           Bake-Hardenability: T.T. Sasaki, M.-Z. Bian,
      Tensile Properties: Chandra S. Perugu,            Z.H. Li, and K. Hono
      Krishna Kamlesh Verma, H. C. Madhu,
      and Padaikathan Pambannan
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

Thermodynamic Considerations for Improved Renewable Energy Production
1484: Thermodynamic Considerations for             1511: Refinement of the Phase Diagram of the
      Improved Renewable Energy Production:              Bi-Te System and the Thermodynamic
      Fiseha Tesfaye and Chukwunwike O. Iloeje           Properties of Lower Bismuth Tellurides:
                                                         Gunel S. Hasanova, Aytan I. Aghazade,
1487: Synthesis and Thermodynamic
                                                         Samira Z. Imamaliyeva, Yusif A. Yusibov,
      Investigation of Energy Materials in
                                                         and Mahammad B. Babanly
      the Ag-Te-Cl System by the Solid-State
      Galvanic Cells: Mykola Moroz,                1522: Solid-Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Sb-S
      Fiseha Tesfaye, Pavlo Demchenko,                   System and Thermodynamic Properties
      Myroslava Prokhorenko, Serhiy Prokhorenko,         of Copper-Antimony Sulfides:
      Daniel Lindberg, Oleksandr Reshetnyak,             Leyla F. Mashadiyeva, Parvin R. Mammadli,
      and Leena Hupa                                     Dunya M. Babanly, Garay M. Ashirov,
                                                         Andrei V. Shevelkov, and Yusif A. Yusibov
1495: A Study on the Roasting Process for
      Efficient Selective Chlorination of          1531: Production of High-Purity TiO2 Powder
      Ilmenite Ores: Jinyoung Kim, Ye Rin Lee,           from FeTiO3 via High-Temperature
      and Eun Jin Jung                                   Sulfurization: Seung-Hwan Shin
                                                         and Sun-joong Kim
1503: Solid-Phase Relationships in the
      Tl2Te-Tl2Te3-TlTbTe2 System and
      Thermodynamic Properties of
      Thallium–Terbium Tellurides:
      Samira Z. Imamaliyeva, Dunya M. Babanly,
      Vagif A. Qasymov, and Mahammad B. Babanly

Technical Articles
1538: Dendritic Growth Transition During           1546: Energy Storage Applications of
      Laser Rapid Solidification of                      CdMoO4 Microspheres: M. Isacfranklin,
      Nickel-Based Superalloy: Yuan Chen,                R. Yuvakkumar, G. Ravi, E. Sunil Babu,
      Qin Zhang, Yanbing Guo, Qunli Zhang, Liang         Dhayalan Velauthapillai, M. Thambidurai,
      Wang, Jianhua Yao, and                             Cuong Dang, Tahani Saad Algarni,
      Volodymyr Kovalenko                                and Amal M. Al-Mohaimeed
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
150 years ago on May 16, 1871, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 22 mining engineers
    came together to form the American Institute of Mining Engineers, now the
  American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME). As
   AIME is our parent organization, TMS is celebrating this historic milestone, too!

Learn more about TMS and our shared history with AIME:
  ·   Discover the TMS History Timeline
  ·   Download the digital AIME History Walk companion booklet
  ·   Watch the AIME Oral Histories, featuring prominent TMS members
  ·   Keep reading JOM for more historical content

JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

JOM Vol. 73, No. 5, 2021
Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

“Ah, there you are! And just in time . . . there’s a little matter I forgot to mention—
                                                                                                      JO          Volume 73

you until you return! Now I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home!”                          Number 5
                                          —“Ghost Host” of Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion
                                                                                                                   May 2021

   I have Disneyland on the mind as I am looking forward ten months to when TMS will
(surely, oh surely) convene an in-person annual meeting in Anaheim, California. Our event
site is literally across the street from Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure. So, if
you missed pinning a trip to Disney World as part of your travel to TMS2021 after our switch
from Orlando to virtual, the Anaheim event may present you with a similar opportunity. No
the end of TMS2022.
   My favorite Disney attraction is the Haunted Mansion. It is silly spooky, not scary spooky,
tools, the ghosts that follow us home today are algorithm ghosts intent on narrowcasting
                                                                                                            James J. Robinson
e-newsletter on association management. Finding more and more headlines worthy of a
click, my curiosity led me to learn that an algorithm was custom-compiling articles for me                       @JJRofTMS
that. Reservations aside, is the algorithm ghost getting it right? Consider some recent articles
presented in the customized-to-Jim newsletter:
  • ³:KDWWR&RQVLGHU:KHQ&UDIWLQJ&29,'9DFFLQH3ROLFLHV´                                        “Looks like algorithm
  • ³6L[2൶FH3ROLFLHV
JO MAY 2021 - The Minerals, Metals ...
Table of Contents

   JOM Vol. 73, No. 5, 2021
   Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                               TMS Receives AIME Grant; Material Advantage
                               Member Bringing MSE to the Public
                               AIME Provides Support to TMS and Other Member Societies
                                  The American Institute of Mining,             and engaging online professional
                               Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers           development courses, and building a robust
                               (AIME) approved a $1 million grant in            library of webinars that members can
                               February 2021 to its member societies,           access at no charge.
 m ember news
         news                  which include TMS, to mitigate the                  “This grant will support TMS as we
 Share the good news           negative impact on society operations            weather disruptions to many of our
 about your professional       associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.           traditional activities and pivot toward new
 accomplishments!              AIME’s member societies include TMS; the         ways of better serving our members around
                               Association for Iron & Steel Technology          the world during the pandemic,” said James
 Contact Kaitlin Calva,
                               (AIST); the Society for Mining, Metallurgy,      J. Robinson, TMS executive director. “We
 JOM Magazine Managing
                               and Exploration (SME); and the Society of        greatly appreciate the support of AIME
 Editor, at kcalva@tms.        Petroleum Engineers (SPE). The grant will        in helping us meet these goals. I think it
 org. Please note that         be divided equally among the four groups.        LV¿WWLQJWKDWDVZHFHOHEUDWHWKHWK
 only news submitted by           “The COVID-19 pandemic has presented          anniversary year of AIME, we are working
 current TMS members           unprecedented challenges to the association      together to develop new capabilities that
 will be considered.           community, including the disruption of           will serve our members far into the future.”
                               convening people for knowledge sharing              The American Institute of Mining,
                               and networking,” said George Luxbacher,          Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
                               AIME president. “All have had to pivot           was founded in 1871 by 22 mining
                               to new ways of delivering member value,          engineers in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania,
                               AIME hopes that this increased support will      in 2021. TMS will be celebrating the AIME
                               ease the transition.”                            anniversary year at the TMS 2021 Virtual
                                  For TMS, delivering member value in           Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March
                               the past year has included establishing the      ±DQGDWWKH706$QQXDO
                               COVID-19 Resource Portal, providing              0HHWLQJ ([KLELWLRQ)HEUXDU\±0DUFK
                               meaningful virtual conference experiences,       3, 2021, in Anaheim, California, USA.

                               Paul Ohodnicki Receives ARPA-E Grant
                                  Paul Ohodnicki, associate professor           such as natural gas pipelines. Through the
                               of mechanical engineering and materials          FRPELQDWLRQRIHPEHGGHGVHQVRUVDUWL¿FLDO
                               science at the University of Pittsburgh          intelligence, and machine learning, this
                               (Pitt), received $1 million from the U.S.        smart monitoring technology would allow
                               Department of Energy’s Advanced Research         for targeted repair of the “intelligent”
                               Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Rapid            pipelines with robotic crawlers, reducing
                               Encapsulation of Pipelines Avoiding              both the time and cost of repairs.
                               Intensive Replacement program.                      Ohodnicki has been actively involved
                                  Ohodnicki’s lab at Pitt will collaborate      in several committees since becoming a
                               with other research groups at Pitt and           TMS member in 2009. In 2010, he received
                               3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW1DWLRQDO/DERUDWRU\RQ         the Functional Materials Division (FMD)
Paul Ohodnicki                 WKHLUSURMHFW³µ,QQHUYDWHG¶3LSHOLQHV$1HZ   Young Leaders Professional Development
                               Technology Platform for In-Situ Repair and       Award. He currently serves on the TMS
                               Embedded Intelligence.” The award was            Board of Directors as FMD Director/Chair.
                               DQQRXQFHGLQ1RYHPEHUDQGZRUNRQ         In 2016, he received a Presidential Early
                               the project began in January 2021.               Career Award in Science and Engineering
                                  The “innervated” pipelines will mimic         from the Department of Energy. And
                               WKHQHUYRXVV\VWHPZLWKRSWLFDO¿EHU            in 2019, his work on cobalt-based
                               sensor technology embedded into the              nanocrystalline alloys for gapless inductors
                               internal pipelines of critical infrastructure,   earned him an R&D 100 Award.
Table of Contents

TMS Receives AIME Grant; Material Advantage Member Bringing MSE to the Public                                         1213

Material Advantage Student Launches MSE Podcast
   Material Advantage member Punith              we’re facing right now in the world”
Upadhya and co-host Thomas Miller are            and “a discipline uniquely equipped to
bringing materials science and engineering       solve these problems.” Upadhya has
(MSE) to a new audience through their            similar hopes for the podcast showing the
podcast, It’s a Material World.                  general public how “materials science and
   The podcast markets itself as “the show       engineering plays a role in our everyday
that uncovers why materials science will         OLYHVDQGKRZLQQRYDWLRQVLQWKLV¿HOG
change the world,” and it delivers on that       will dramatically change the world.”
promise through a series of episodes with        Ultimately, the pair hopes the podcast will
guests who discuss “the secret interactions      also encourage
materials science has in our everyday            more students to
lives.” From using nanotechnology in the         pursue a career in
materials innovations help engineer better          It isn’t all work,
clothing, each episode gives listeners a         though: both
glimpse into some of the ways that materials     hosts set out to
   Upadhya is currently pursuing his             discussing MSE
M.S. in MSE at Georgia Institute of              and their earnest
Technology (Georgia Tech) with a focus           interest in the topics
on nanomaterials and biomaterials. Miller        ropes listeners in.
recently completed his B.S. in MSE at            “My favorite part
Georgia Tech where his primary interest was      about the podcast
in functional materials. The pair conceived      is the guests we
the idea for their podcast in the summer of      get a chance to
2020 when their internships transitioned to      talk to,” Upadhya
a virtual environment and were delayed due       says. “Each of our                                     Thomas Miller (left) and
to COVID-19. They channeled their new-           guests have an impressive foundation of             Punith Upadhya (right) are
found free time into planning and launching      knowledge, and we hope their passion for            bringing materials science
posted by August that year.                         1HZHSLVRGHVDUHXSORDGHGHYHU\                      to the public with their
                                                                                                         podcast, It’s a Material
   Miller notes that one goal for the podcast    two weeks and can be accessed on your                                     World.
is to highlight MSE “as a lens to look at        preferred podcast platform or at https://
solutions to some of the biggest problems

  In Memoriam
     TMS extends its condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues
  of Michael Loretto, emeritus professor at the University of Birmingham,
  who passed away in January 2021. He received his B.Met. in 1955
  from Sheffield University and his D.Sc. in 1972 from the University of
     Loretto’s career spanned the globe and bridged sectors, as he held
  positions at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
  Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia, Battelle Memorial Institute in
  the United States, and the Cavendish Laboratory at the University
  of Cambridge and the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in
  Materials for High Performance Applications at the University of
  Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He also published about 300
  papers and conference presentations over the course of his career.
  In 2011, he retired from his role as director of the IRC but remained
  actively involved in the programs he established while there.
     A longtime TMS member, he was recognized at TMS 2014
  Annual Meeting & Exhibition with a special symposium, A Lifetime of
  Experience with Titanium Alloys: An SMD Symposium in Honor of Jim
  Williams, Mike Loretto, and Rod Boyer. In 2015, he received the TMS Michael Loretto (right) receives the 2015 Cyril Stanley
  Cyril Stanley Smith Award.                                              Smith Award from 2014 TMS President Hani Henein.
Table of Contents

    JOM Vol. 73, No. 5, 2021
    Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

                                   In Case You Missed It:
                                   Business News from the Field
                                   Zero-Gravity Printing
                                   Put to the Test
                                                                                    skarn and more copper-rich styles of
                                                                                    mineralization developed at depth.
                                   Munich, Germany: Researchers at the
                                                                                    ARM Begins Platinum Project
                                   Munich University of Applied Sciences
                                                                                    Johannesburg, South Africa: African
                                   tested a new additive manufacturing process
                                                                                    5DLQERZ0LQHUDOV $50 DGLYHUVL¿HG
                                   for orbiting spacecraft in collaboration
                                                                                    mining company, is moving forward on the
                                   with the European Space Agency. The team
                                                                                    Merensky reef project at the Two Rivers
                                   developed a 3D printer that extrudes liquid
                                                                                    platinum group metals (PGM) mine, near
                                   photopolymer, applies ultra-violet light to
  Do you have business                                                              Burgersfort, South Africa. The project will
                                   harden structures quickly, and moves the
                                                                                    produce 182,000 six-element PGM ounces,
  or industry news of              print head three-dimensionally rather than
                                                                                    1,600 tonnes of nickel, and 1,300 tonnes
                                   in a layer-by-layer traditional movement.
  interest to the minerals,                                                         of copper a year. Two Rivers is a joint
  metals, and materials                                                             venture between ARM, at 51%, and Impala
                                   Components printed in spacecraft may be
  community? Submit                tailored to their purposes in comparison
                                   to Earth-made counterparts that must be          Steel Dynamics Readies
  your announcement                oversized and built to withstand the forces      New Mill
  or press release to              of rocket launch.                                Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA: Steel
                                                                                    Dynamics Inc. (SDI) plans to begin
  Kaitlin Calva,                   EMX and Esan Partner
                                   in Turkish Mine
  JOM Magazine                                                                      ELOOLRQÀDWUROOHGVWHHOPLOOLQ6LQWRQ
                                   Vancouver, Canada: EMX Royalty
  Managing Editor, at                                                               Texas, as the pandemic has not impacted
                                   Corporation with operating partner Esan
                                                                                    construction. The new state-of-the-art for               (F]DFLEDúL(QGVWUL\HO+DPPDGGHOHU6DQ
  consideration.                                                                    expected to have an annual production
                                   zinc-silver royalty property in northwestern
                                                                                    capacity of approximately three million
                                   Turkey. Commercial production may start
                                                                                    st and is strategically located within the
                                   as early as the fourth quarter of 2021. EMX
                                                                                    southwestern U.S. and Mexican markets. At
                                   acquired the project’s mineral rights via
                                                                                    least three SDI customers have committed
                                   its exploration programs, and then sold the
                                                                                    to locating operations on the mill’s campus,
                                                             property while
                                                                                    representing one million tons of annual
                                                             retaining a 4%
                                                                                    processing and consumption capacity.
                                                             net smelter return.
                                                             The property is        New Magnesium Alloy
                                                             situated in Balya      Thwarts Corrosion
                                                             mining district        Geesthacht, Germany: Scientists
                                                             where there are        DWWKH+HOPKROW]=HQWUXP*HHVWKDFKW
                                                             extensive zones        Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
                                                             of carbonate           created an alloy with pure magnesium
                                                             replacement style      and very small amounts of calcium that
                                                             lead-zinc-silver       achieved an exceptionally low corrosion
                                                             mineralization         rate. The calcium reduces the cathodic
                                                             in addition to         water reduction kinetics, allows the
Monterey, California, USA: Xerox Corporation deployed ElemX 3D printer for          and stabilizes impurities within the alloy.
research activities at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. ElemX is one of the      The alloy was comparable to stainless
first products to employ a production methodology called liquid metal jet printing   magnesium in corrosion resistance. The
(LMJP). University trials found LMJP up to 10 times faster and one-tenth the        discovery may impact the light metal’s
cost of prevailing additive manufacturing methods. Liquid metal jet printing may    use in industry, where magnesium alloys
also lead to a 30% or greater increase in overall tensile strength. The printer
could facilitate the mass production of parts for defense, aerospace, heavy         are valued for automotive, aerospace,
equipment, and oil and gas applications in the future. (Photo by Petty Officer       electronics, biomedical, and energy-
3rd Class Leonard Weston, Naval Postgraduate School.)                               storage applications.
Table of Contents

JOM Vol. 73, No. 5, 2021
Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

  Kaitlin Calva

 “In a year full of challenges like no other, the TMS Foundation held tight to its mission and persevered…”

   Coming out of a year of change for the TMS Foundation,          recognition of their generosity, the TMS Foundation thanks
2020 began just as exciting as its predecessor. The TMS            the following TMS members and friends for their support
Foundation Board of Trustees and TMS Board of Directors            in 2020 with its listing of the Annual Giving Honor Roll
met for a retreat at the TMS 2020 Annual Meeting &                 DQG/LIHWLPH*LYLQJ+RQRUL¿F6RFLHWLHVDOVRDYDLODEOHDW
Exhibition in February 2020, at which members of both    
ERDUGVUHD൶UPHGWKHLUFRPPLWPHQWWRWKHPLVVLRQRIWKH               To secure your place on the 2021 Honor Roll and help
Foundation and made plans for engaging the Society in              continue the mission of the TMS Foundation, make a
their philanthropic goals. The board members went forth,           donation today at
recognizing the challenge that lay ahead but nonetheless
Table of Contents

  1216                                                                                                            Calva

The TMS Foundation 2020                                   Titanium Society           Silver Society
                                                          ($ ,
                                                          ($10,000 to $
                                                                         ,           ($5,000 to $9,999)
Honor Roll

1871 Legacy Circle
Lucinda and Martin Glicksman
Garry W. Warren and Larry Goldman
                                                           Viola L. Acoff            Antoine Allanore
Lifetime Giving Honorific Societies                         Cynthia Bognar            Anonymous
Diamond Society                                            Joan and David DeYoung    Corbett C. Battaile
($100,000 or more)                                         James C. Foley            Cynthia K. Belt
Lucinda and Martin Glicksman                               Gordon H. Geiger          Nancy and David Bourell
                                                           Lorenzo Martinez          Brad L. Boyce
Geraldine McCulley Wadsworth
  and Jeffrey Wadsworth                                    Gomez                     Amy J. and Kester D. Clarke
                                                           Maria Oliva and Kevin     Ellen K. Cerreta and Carl Trujillo
Robyn and Rob Wagoner
                                                              Hemker                 Anne and Jonathan Dantzig
                                                           Michelle A. and Edward    James Earthman
                                                              D. Herderick           Carol and Kenneth Fuchs
Platinum Society
($50,000 to $99,999)                                       Elizabeth Holm and        Jeffery C. Gibeling
                                                              David Crockett         Stacy and Bob Gleixner
Future Members to Come
                                                           Carol and Stanley         William C. Harrigan Jr.
                                                              Howard                 Hani Henein
                                                           George T. Gray III        Joy and Gregory Hildeman
Gold Society
($20,000 to $49,999)                                       Diane and David Matlock   John Howarter
                                                           Tina and Daniel Miracle   John Hryn
Seta and Diran Apelian
                                                           Tai-Gang Nieh             Cesar R. Inostroza
Om P. Arora (deceased)
                                                           Warren Oliver             George Krauss
Carl M. Cady
                                                           Luis Ortiz                Diane and David Laughlin
Joseph D. Defilippi                                         Sonia and Deepankar       Thaddeus B. Massalski
Linda and Lionel Kimerling                                    Pal                    Ronald E. Miller
Kenneth R. Kinsman                                         Lallie and Ray D.         Michael J. Mills
Marc A. Meyers                                                Peterson               Jean and William Nix
                                                           Marilyn and George        Leah and Paul R. Ohodinicki Jr.
Deepa and Brajendra Mishra
                                                              Pharr                  Harold W. Paxton
David Alan Shifler in Memory of Robert B. Pond Sr.
                                                           Mary C. and Robert D.     Lynne and James Robinson
Garry W. Warren and Larry Goldman                             Shull
                                                                                     Wolfgang A. Schneider
                                                           Michèle and Patrice       Angela and Alexander Scott
                                                                                     Linda S. Schadler
                                                           William G. Wagstaff
                                                                                     Christopher Schuh
                                                                                     King-Ning Tu
                                                           Deborah L. Yaney
                                                                                     Olivia D. Underwood
                                                           Joan and James Yurko
                                                                                     Frank E. Wagstaff
                                                                                     Robert B. Wagstaff
                                                                                     Leigh and Timothy Weihs
                                                                                     Ingo Wender
                                                                                     Wendelin J. Wright and John C.
Table of Contents

The TMS Foundation: Standing Strong in 2020                                                                1217

 2020 Annual Giving Honor Roll
 Foundation Leader                    Alexis C. Lewis                        Ramana G. Reddy
 ($2,500 or more)                     Michele V. Manuel                      Lynne and James Robinson
 Antoine Allanore
                                      Diane and David Matlock                Dongwon Shin
 Cynthia Bognar
                                      Christina Elizabeth Meskers            Victoria and Hong Yong Sohn
 Carl M. Cady
                                      Jean and William Nix                   Thermo-Calc Software Inc.
 Joseph D. Defilippi
                                      Toshiyuki Nohira                       Robert B. Wagstaff
 James C. Foley
                                      Leah and Paul Ohodnicki                Dihua Wang
 Yasuhiro Fukunaka
                                      Lallie and Ray Peterson                Clarissa Yablinsky
 Cesar Inostroza                                                               and Ben Morrow
                                      Michel Rappaz
 Kenneth R. Kinsman                                                          Huayi Yin
                                      W. Jud Ready
 Marc A. Meyers
                                      Michel R. Reverdy                      Foundation Provider
 Tina and Daniel Miracle                                                     ($250 to $499)
                                      Rob Ritchie
 Luis Ortiz                                                                  Anonymous
                                      David Sapiro
 David A. Shifler in Memory of                                                Kimberly and Patrick Cannon
                                      Linda S. Schadler
   Robert B. Pond Sr.
                                                                             Alfredo Oscar Del Campo
                                      James L. Smith
 Mary and Robert Shull
                                                                             Joy H. Forsmark
                                      Ann and Dan Thoma
 Michèle and Patrice Turchi
                                      Brian and Sandi Thomas                 Ronald Gibala
 Robyn and Rob Wagoner
                                      Steven J. Zinkle                       Andrew J. Gmitter
 Joan and James Yurko
                                                                             Michelle and Edward
                                      Foundation Builder                       Herderick
 Foundation Founder
                                      ($500 to $999)
 ($1,000 to $2,499)                                                          Michael E. Kassner
                                      Nancy and Iver Anderson
 Viola L. Acoff                                                              Douglas Kelley
                                      Acta Materialia Inc.
 American Institute of Mining,                                               Carlos G. Levi
   Metallurgical, and                 Raymundo Arroyave
   Petroleum Engineers (AIME)                                                Alan A. Luo
                                      Brad L. Boyce
 Anonymous                                                                   Robert Maass
                                      Eric N. Brown
 Corbett C. Battaile                                                         Eric A. Nyberg
                                      M. Grace Burke
 Thomas P. Battle                                                            Elsa Olivetti
                                      Carelyn E. Campbell and
 Garth W. Billings                      Mark R. Stoudt                       Robert A. Rapp

 Nancy and David Bourell              Mary and Raymond Decker                Martha and Robert Rose

 Gerbrand Ceder                       Philip Giudice                         Krishnan K. Sankaran

 Amy and Kester Clarke                Siegfried S. Hecker                    Judy Schneider

 Joan and David DeYoung               Hani Henein                            Justin A. Scott

 George T. Gray III                   Maria Oliva and Kevin Hemker           Kathy and George Spanos

 Carol and Stanley Howard             John A. Howarter                       Alex T. Vai

 The Charles and Esther Lee           Enrique Lavernia and Julie Schoenung   Charles H. Ward
   Kimerling Charitable Foundation    Paul Mason                             Mark L. Weaver
 Halvor Kvande                        Dihua Wang                             Edward McRae Williams
 Diane and David E. Laughlin          Adam C. Powell IV                      Hongmin Zhu
Table of Contents

  1218                                                                             Calva

Foundation Ambassador   Campbell Laird                    Michael Bazzy
($100 to $249)          Sanboh Lee                        Christine J. Beyke
                        Harry A. Lipsitt                  Irene J. Beyerlein
David F. Bahr
                        Jonathan D. Madison               William P. Blankenship
William J. Boettinger
                        Suveen N. Mathaudhu               Kyle Boone
Ekkes Brueck
                        David L. McDowell                 Michael P. Brady
Daniel B. Bullen
                        Terry R. McNelley                 David J. Browne
Douglas Burkes
                        Neville R. Moody                  Daniel C. Bufford
Indrajit Charit
                        Richard P. Oleksak                Laurent Capolungo
Blythe Gore Clark
                        Hong Peng                         Dick Casali
David S. Conochie
                        Yu Ren                            X. Grant Chen
Jacob Crane
                        Steve Reubi                       Corleen Chesonis
Subodh K. Das
                        Thomas K. Searles                 Joseph Chieu
Chanaka De Alwis
                        James L. Smialek                  Julie A. Christodoulou
Marc J. De Graef
                        Oscar Marcelo Suarez              Alan G. Chynoweth
Sandy K. DeWeese
                        Srivatsan S. Tirumalai            Megan J. Cordill
Jeffrey W. Fergus
                        Arthur P. Turner                  Herbert Danninger
John E. Flinn
                        Pello Uranga                      Nader Dariavach
David U. Furrer
                        Natalie and Chester J. Van Tyne   Kristiaan Deckers
Jeffery C. Gibeling
                        William J. Weber                  Alexander Derkaschenko
Paul S. Gilman
                        F.W. Wiffen                       Patrice Desrosiers
Anthony F. Giamei
                        David B. Witkin                   Eric Detsi
Frederick R. Hafner
                        Charles Fred Yolton               Jaroslaw W. Drelich
William L. Hamm Jr.
                        Yuntian Zhu                       Matthew R. Earlam
Ola L. Harrysson
                        Foundation Patron                 Saryu Jindal Fensin
Jeffrey A. Hawk         ($25 to $99)                      Paul S. Follansbee
Richard W. Hertzberg    Vincent Ben B. Abratigue
                                                          Gordon H. Geiger
Lee E. Hoffman          Patrick M. Afenya
                                                          Jonathan Gigax
William P. Imrie        Jason P. Allen
                                                          Lee A. Gouwens
Vladislav Kanazirev     Gerardo Raul Alvear Flores
                                                          Richard E. Grace
Sung K. Kang            Amazon Smile Foundation
                                                          Mustafa Guclu
Marian S. Kennedy       Alex O. Aning
                                                          Douglas C. Haag
Peter L. Kern           Anonymous
                                                          William F. Hammetter
Matthew J. Kramer       Raiyomand F. Aspandiar
                                                          Joseph Hamuyuni
Jessica A. Krogstad     Roy Baguley
                                                          Rune Hansen
Jamie J. Kruzic         Eduardo Balladares
Table of Contents

The TMS Foundation: Standing Strong in 2020                                                       1219

  Hiroshi Harada                      Erik M. Mueller                  G. Malcolm Stocks
  Leonard Harris                      Donald W. Murphy                 Chantal K. Sudbrack
  Adrian Hightower                    Guiru L. Nash Liu                Dion J. Sunderland
  Douglas C. Hofmann                  Funsho K. Ojebuoboh              Robert M. Suter
  Won Sik Hong                        Harmen Oterdoom                  Keith W. Sweatman
  Werner H. Hort                      Walter A. Petersen               Arif S. Tiammar
  Mihaiela Isac                       Suzanne and Andre Phillion       Stewart W. Towle
  Tsutomu Ito                         Xiaofeng Qian                    Francis O. Ugbo
  Animesh Jha                         Ramesh C. Rao                    Ali Unal
  Hana Jirková                        Ricardo Rios                     Kinga Angelika Unocic
  John R. Jose                        Linda L. Rishel                  Jesus M. Velazquez
  Ricardo K. Komai                    Fernando C. Rizzo                Heather M. Volz
  Pavel A. Korzhavyi                  Michael Roesner-Kuhn             Paulo Von Kruger
  Hanlie Kotze                        Joseph C. Sabatini               Cong Wang
  Dileep Kumar C J                    Mary Samsa                       William Yi Wang
  Lilia Kurmanaeva                    Mohsen Seifi                      Garry W. Warren and Larry Goldman
  Julien Lauzon-Gauthier              Amit Shyam                       Glenn G. Whiteside
  Pascal Lavoie                       Eugene A. Silva                  Andrew E. Wessman
  Changwoo Lee                        Alok Singh                       Barry J. Welch
  Luis Leon                           Ernest J. Sirois                 David Sydney Wong
  Nan Li                              Winston Oluwole Soboyejo         Winnie K. Wong-Ng
  Pei Yong Li                         Alfred Spanring                  Jien-Wei Yeh
  Greta Lindwall                      Ashley D. Spear                  Hung-Wei Yen
  Yi Liu                              Bala Srinivasan                  Qiaoshi Zeng
  William D. Macdonald                Robert L. Stephens               James Zuback
  Juan Carlos Madeni
  Bhaskar S. Majumdar
  Peter E. Marshall                                                This symbol after a name
                                                                   signifies members of the
  Jan W. Matousek
                                                                   Foundation’s 40/40 Club—
  Masahiro Michino
                                                                   donors age 40 or under who
  Victoria M. Miller                                               gave $40 or more in 2020.
  Leila Miranda
  Arthur E. Morris
  John W. Morris Jr.
  Carol E. Moyer                                                                               JO
Table of Contents

    JOM Vol. 73, No. 5, 2021
    Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

   Kaitlin Calva

   Similar to the role of the TMS Board of Directors in           The six individuals presented in the following pages
setting strategic priorities and leading the Society into the   ZHUHR൶FLDOO\LQVWDOOHGDVWKHQHZHVWPHPEHUVRIWKH
future, the TMS Foundation Board of Trustees represents         TMS Foundation Board of Trustees at their March 2021
the Foundation’s mission, provides strategic direction for      PHHWLQJ7R¿QGRXWKRZ\RXFDQJHWLQYROYHGZLWKWKH
SURJUDPVDQGIXQGVDQGHQJDJHVLQH൵HFWLYHIXQGUDLVLQJ       TMS Foundation as a member of the Board of Trustees,
7KH\DUHWKHSKLODQWKURSLFVWHZDUGVRIWKH6RFLHW\7KHLU      contact Kimberly Cannon, Membership, Volunteerism &
building experiences for students and young professionals       WPVRUJRU
helps to ensure a bright future for the minerals, metals, and     To learn more about the Foundation’s mission, visit the
PDWHULDOVSURIHVVLRQV                                          $ERXWSDJHDWZZZ706)RXQGDWLRQRUJ

                               Brad Boyce                       hopeful that I can help communicate the unique value of
                             “I view my donation to the         WKH)RXQGDWLRQDVDVSRQVRUIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIHDUO\
                        Foundation as a way to pay              FDUHHUSURIHVVLRQDOV,¶PDOVRKRSHIXOWKDWZHFDQH[SDQG
                        it forward,” said Brad Boyce,           the portfolio of services that the Foundation provides to
                        distinguished member of the             HQDEOHDEURDGHUUDQJHRISRVLWLYHRXWFRPHV´
                        /DERUDWRULHV³$V,KDYHDGYDQFHG      many aspects of TMS membership, such as the shared
                        in my career, each step has been        H[SHULHQFHRIDWWHQGLQJLQSHUVRQPHHWLQJV%R\FH
                        facilitated by support from a           recognizes there is still a need to lift members up with
                        network of colleagues, mentors,         WKHKHOSRIWKH)RXQGDWLRQ³7KURXJKWKLVOHQVZHUHDOL]H
me develop my network and learn about the advances              IDFLOLWDWHGPHHWLQJVDVIRUXPVIRULQWHUDFWLRQ$VZHORRN
DFURVVWKHZRUOGLQPDWHULDOVUHVHDUFK%\FRQWULEXWLQJ        to rebuild those connections, donations to the Foundation
to the Foundation, I am contributing to the development         can help the Society continue to engage early members,
RIWKHQH[WJHQHUDWLRQRIHDUO\FDUHHUUHVHDUFKHUVZKR         who are especially isolated by the virus at a critical stage
are joining the TMS family and contributing in their own        in their career and in need of that extra encouragement
XQLTXHZD\V´                                                   DQGVXSSRUW´
when he received the Structural Materials Division (SMD)
Young Leaders Professional Development Award in                    “I’m hopeful that I can help communicate
+HDWWHQGHGWKH(PHUJLQJ/HDGHUV$OOLDQFH (/$              the unique value of the Foundation as
program, supported through a registration grant from the
Foundation, several years later and then became a donor            a sponsor for the development of early-
as his engagement with TMS grew, from volunteering                 career professionals.”
within the SMD to his most recent role as Programming
                                                                   —Brad Boyce
Table of Contents

Meet the New Members of the TMS Foundation Board of Trustees                                                      1221

                       Amy J. Clarke
                           Currently an associate professor    Foundation, not only recognize established professionals,
                        LQWKH*HRUJH6$QVHOO'HSDUWPHQW    but also acknowledge the adversity experienced by some
                        of Metallurgical and Materials         RIRXUPHPEHUV7KHLUVWRULHVSURPRWHDZDUHQHVVDQG
                        School of Mines, Amy Clarke               :KLOH&ODUNHKDVEHHQDPHPEHURIPDQ\706
                        QRWHVWKDWLW¶VGL൶FXOWWRSLQSRLQW   committees and served as Membership & Student
                        KHU¿UVWLQYROYHPHQWZLWKWKH         Development Director on the TMS Board of Directors, she
                        706)RXQGDWLRQ5HFHLYLQJWKH         steps into a new role with the Society as member of the
Manufacturing Division Young Leaders Professional              forward to the most is learning more about the positive
'HYHORSPHQW$ZDUGDQG706)HGHUDWLRQRI                  impacts the TMS Foundation is having on our members! I
Table of Contents

    1222                                                                                                           Calva

                       Linda Schadler                        ,DPPRVWSDVVLRQDWHDERXW,DPKRSLQJ,FDQKHOSWKH
                            Linda Schadler, dean of          Foundation realize some of their fundraising goals in these
                       WKH&ROOHJHRI(QJLQHHULQJDQG       WZRDUHDV´
                       Mathematical Science at the               “There are only a few ways for the materials
                       TMS at the encouragement of her       course, by spending time mentoring students and young
                       beginning her academic career,        IXQGVZHFDQVSHQGWRUHOLHYHWKH¿QDQFLDOEXUGHQIRU
                       she got involved with the TMS         VWXGHQWVDQGWRUHFRJQL]HWKHLUH൵RUWVLQUHVHDUFK:HRZH
                       (GXFDWLRQ&RPPLWWHHWKURXJKKHU      it to our community to give back with time, talent, and, as
welcoming and I found colleagues that I learned a lot
from, enjoyed hanging out with, and for whom I have
WUHPHQGRXVUHVSHFW´                                             “…just as impactful are the funds we can
   “The TMS Foundation’s commitment to supporting                spend to relieve the financial burden for
students is an important contribution to the materials
FRPPXQLW\´6FKDGOHUUHPDUNHG,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVH             students and to recognize their efforts in
a more diverse and inclusive professional community              —Linda Schadler
Foundation supports other programs, these are the ones

                        Dan J. Thoma                         VDLG³,QP\RSLQLRQWKHPDWHULDOVSURIHVVLRQVDGYDQFH
                           “I look forward to promoting      WHFKQRORJ\DQGLQFUHDVHTXDOLW\RIOLIH7KH706
                        enthusiasm to engage impactful       Foundation is one mechanism to sustain the future health
                        activities that advance the          RIWKHSURIHVVLRQV´
                        profession,” said Dan Thoma,            Looking to the bylaws and mission of TMS, Thoma
                        director of the Grainger Institute   recognizes how the mission of the Foundation supports
                        materials science and engineering    think most of our current and future members want to make
                        0DGLVRQ³My service and past        materials enable technology advancement for topics such as
roles within TMS have provided a large network of            clean energy, transportation, communication, and safety is a
interactions, and I hope to engage that community for the    SRZHUIXOPHVVDJH´
   Thoma has been involved in TMS and the TMS
Foundation since about 1992, holding many roles within          “In my opinion, the materials professions
the Society throughout his membership, including as             advance technology and increase quality
of Trustees for the American Institute of Mining,               of life. The TMS Foundation is one
0HWDOOXUJLFDODQG3HWUROHXP(QJLQHHUV $,0( DQGIRU          mechanism to sustain the future health of
                                                                the professions.”
organizations have strived to provide advancement for           —Dan J. Thoma
professionals in a materials and engineering career,” he
Table of Contents

Meet the New Members of the TMS Foundation Board of Trustees                                                             1223

                       Olivia D. Underwood                      LQFOXVLRQ7KHZRUNRIGLYHUVLW\HTXLW\DQGLQFOXVLRQLVIDU
                       Jackson                                  from being done and requires each one of us to do our part
                            “TMS has helped me to grow          WRPDNHWKLV6RFLHW\PRUHLQFOXVLYH´
                         SURIHVVLRQDOO\DQGDVDOHDGHU          In this new leadership role with the Foundation, Jackson
                         It has also provided a platform        KRSHVWRHQVXUHWKHVXFFHVVRIWKHQH[WJHQHUDWLRQ³,DP
                         where I could share my research;       looking forward to helping expand and maintain the current
                         therefore, it is important that I      and future TMS funding avenues to support students and
                         continue to pay it forward through     young professionals to be able to attend conferences and to
                         support to provide opportunities for      6KHFRQWLQXHGQRWLQJWKDW³5HSUHVHQWDWLRQPDWWHUV,
students and young professionals,” said Olivia Underwood        will be actively looking for roles where I can advocate for
-DFNVRQSULQFLSDOPHPEHURIWKHWHFKQLFDOVWD൵DW6DQGLD      equity in TMS actions, champion diversity and inclusion,
1DWLRQDO/DERUDWRULHV-DFNVRQQRWHVWKDWDWWHQGLQJWKH        and push TMS in taking a bolder leadership role in
(/$SURJUDPLQZDVKHU¿UVWLQYROYHPHQWZLWKWKH          increasing the recruitment, retention, and participation of
Foundation, which provided her with invaluable leadership       historically underrepresented groups in materials science
to grow professionally and hone her abilities has kept her
DFWLYHLQ706DQGWKH)RXQGDWLRQRYHUWKH\HDUV                   “…it is important that I continue to pay
    Jackson also received the 2019 Frank Crossley
'LYHUVLW\$ZDUGIURP706ZKLFKDVD¿UVWJHQHUDWLRQ               it forward through my interactions and
FROOHJHJUDGXDWHKDVDVSHFLDOPHDQLQJIRUKHU³$IWHU            financial support to provide opportunities
it feels like to be excluded and to be met with resistance          for students and young professionals.”
because of the color of my skin, it warms my heart to see           —Olivia D. Underwood Jackson
TMS celebrate and take an active interest in diversity and

  The TMS Foundation Board of Trustees
  Chair                                                         John Howarter
  Garry W. Warren                                               Associate Professor of Materials Engineering and
  Professor Emeritus, University of Alabama                     Environmental & Ecological Engineering, Purdue University
  Executive Committee Representative                            Marc Meyers
  James Foley                                                   Distinguished Professor of Materials Science,
  Sigma-1 Group Leader, Los Alamos National Laboratory          University of California, Santa Barbara
  Trustees                                                      Ray Peterson
  Viola Acoff                                                   Technology Director, Real Alloy
  Associate Dean, University of Alabama                         Linda Schadler
  Brad Boyce                                                    Dean, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences,
  Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff,                  University of Vermont
  Sandia National Laboratories                                  David A. Shifler
                                                                Program Officer, Office of Naval Research
  Carl M. Cady
  Technical Staff Member, Los Alamos National Laboratory        Robert D. Shull
                                                                NIST Fellow (Retired), National Institute for Standards and
  Amy J. Clarke                                                 Technology (NIST)
  Associate Professor, George S. Ansell Department of
  Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,                      Dan J. Thoma
  Colorado School of Mines                                      Director, Grainger Institute for Engineering, and Professor,
                                                                Materials Science and Engineering, University of
  David DeYoung                                                 Wisconsin-Madison
  Director of Reserach & Development (Retired),
  Alcoa                                                         Olivia D. Underwood Jackson
                                                                Principal Member of Technical Staff,
  Stanley M. Howard                                             Sandia National Laboratories
  Senior Lecturer and Professor Emeritus,
  South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
                                                                James J. Robinson
                                                                TMS Executive Director
Table of Contents

    JOM Vol. 73, No. 5, 2021
    Ó 2021 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

  Engaging with the
  Government and
  Public to Advance
  the Materials Science
  and Engineering Field                                                              Members of the TMS Board of Directors,

  and TMS Members                                                                          P&GA Committee, and staff at a
                                                                                      Congressional Visits Day in July 2015.

  Eric N. Brown, Emily Rinko, Richard Otis, Viola L. Acoff, and Natasha Vermaak

                                    While most TMS members engage             706DGYRFDWHVIRUEURDGEDVHGPDWHULDOV
                                 with the Society and other members of the    UHODWHGUHVHDUFKDQGGHYHORSPHQWVXSSRUWV
                                 are familiar with the important work         the materials science and engineering
                                 the Society does in engaging with the        SURIHVVLRQ7KH3 *$&RPPLWWHHR൵HUV
                                 the materials science and engineering        WKHPVHOYHVRQSXEOLFSROLF\LVVXHVUHOHYDQW
                                 disciplines on behalf of the TMS             WRWKHLUFDUHHUVDQGWRSURYLGHWKHLUH[SHUW
                                 *RYHUQPHQWDO$൵DLUV 3 *$ &RPPLWWHH       WKHSXEOLF706ZHOFRPHVWKHRSSRUWXQLW\
                                                                              with other organizations and professional
                                                                                 TMS participates in formal and
Iver Anderson (left, standing), TMS P&GA Committee member, gives a
presentation for staff members of the U.S. Senate and House Congressional     ,QIRUPDWLRQ/XQFKHRQVEULQJLQJ
offices at the September 2015 Materials Information Luncheon: Building the     UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPWKHPLQHUDOVPHWDOV
STEM Workforce for a Robust Economy.                                          DQGPDWHULDOVFRPPXQLW\WRFRQJUHVVLRQDO

   Eric N. Brown               Emily Rinko             Richard Otis          Viola L. Acoff           Natasha Vermaak
Table of Contents

Engaging with the Government and Public to Advance the Materials Science and Engineering Field and TMS Members         1225

                                                                                                         TMS Executive Director
                                                                                                        James J. Robinson (left)
      6FLHQFH (QJLQHHULQJ                       OLPLWIRULQWHUQDWLRQDOVWXGHQWYLVDVDQG           and 2017 TMS President
   • 5DFLDODQG6RFLDO-XVWLFH                    WKHSURSRVDOZDVZLWKGUDZQ706DQG                 David H. DeYoung (right),
      3DUWLFLSDWLRQIRU)HGHUDO(PSOR\HHV         organizations signed an open letter to the          Mike Doyle (PA-18; center)
                                                                                                            during a busy day of
                                                                                                          Congressional visits in
      6XVWDLQDELOLW\                              6HFXULW\DQG'HSDUWPHQWRI6WDWHDUJXLQJ                          April 2017.
   • Basic Research in Science and                DQGWRRNDFWLRQVUHJDUGLQJUDFLDOMXVWLFH
      (QJLQHHULQJ                                 with TMS leaders committing to adding
      National Laboratories                       :DVKLQJWRQ'&WRHQJDJHZLWKIHGHUDO
engineering and called for the repeal of an       LQFOXGLQJWRSLFVUDLVHGE\LQGLYLGXDO
ZRUNSODFHGLYHUVLW\WUDLQLQJ706VHQWD         in collaboration with other committees
letter to the incoming Biden administration       ZLWKLQWKH6RFLHW\LQFOXGLQJWKH706
of a ban on federal employee training             &RPPLWWHHRQ WRSLFVDURXQGGLYHUVLW\
LQFOXVLRQ706VXEPLWWHGDOHWWHUWRWKH         and topics raised by the TMS Board of
'HSDUWPHQWRI+RPHODQG6HFXULW\LQ               'LUHFWRUV3URSRVHGletters and statements
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