JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer

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JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer

                  ARTICLE                 OPEN

                  JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA-
                  503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer
                  Jun Zhang1, Mingliang Wang1, Jiashun Wang1 and Wendong Wang

                  © The Author(s) 2022

                     Jumonji domain containing protein 2C (JMJD2C) could epigenetically regulate cancer cells. We specifically explored the
                     downstream mechanism of JMJD2C in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) from the long non-coding RNA metastasis associated
                     with lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1/microRNA-503-5p/septin 2 (MALAT1/miR-503-5p/SEPT2) axis. NSCLC clinical tissues were
                     utilized to assess JMJD2C, MALAT1, miR-503-5p and SEPT2 levels. NSCLC cell lines (A549 and H1299) were applied for loss-of-
                     function and gain-of-function tests to identify the functional roles of JMJD2C, MALAT1, miR-503-5p, and SEPT2. The interactions
                     among JMJD2C, MALAT1, miR-503-5p, and SEPT2 were assessed. Augmented JMJD2C, MALAT1, and SEPT2 and reduced miR-503-5p
                     levels were found in NSCLC. Depleting JMJD2C or MALAT1, or restoring miR-503-5p exerted anti-tumor effects on NSCLC cells
                     in vitro and in vivo. JMJD2C is bound to the promoter of MALAT1. MALAT1 bound to miR-503-5p and miR-503-5p targeted SEPT2.
                     Knocking down MALAT1 or SEPT2, or elevating miR-503-5p mitigated the pro-tumor effects of upregulated JMJD2C on NSCLC. It is

                     evident that the JMJD2C-mediated MALAT1/miR-503-5p/SEPT2 axis takes part in the process of NSCLC and even worsens NSCLC.

                     Cell Death and Disease (2022)13:65 ;

                  INTRODUCTION                                                                         individualized therapy for NSCLC [15]. As a member of miRNA,
                  Lung cancer is composed of subpopulations of cells or clones with                    miR-503 has the capacity to retard NSCLC [16] and mediate
                  different molecular characteristics, resulting in intratumoral                       cisplatin resistance [17]. miR-503-5p is an inhibitory effector in
                  heterogeneity [1]. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) takes the                      ovarian cancer that could be sponged by MALAT1 [18]. Based on
                  majority of lung cancer cases, of which about a quarter are                          that, we would like to know whether MALAT1/miR-503-5p works in
                  classified as locally advanced disease, otherwise known as stage III                  NSCLC cell progression. Septins (SEPTs) are connected to the
                  disease [2]. Late diagnosis of lung cancer primarily blames on                       cytosolic actin cytoskeleton in matrix-attached cancer cells and act
                  asymptom in early-stage, and misdiagnosis with early symptoms                        critically in metastatic cancer cells [19]. Through bioinformatics
                  [3]. Stage-based treatments vary in patients with NSCLC which are                    software, we found that SEPT2 was a predicted target of miR-503-
                  comprised of complete surgical resection, conventional, or                           5p and studies have partially explored SEPT2-related mechanisms
                  stereotactic radiotherapy, and percutaneous thermal ablation [4].                    in cancers from its feedback with lncRNA-miRNA [20, 21].
                  Having a thorough insight into the mechanism of NSCLC could                             Thus, we conducted the research with the hypothesis that
                  facilitate to managing the disease.                                                  JMJD2C-mediated histone methylation of MALAT1 stimulates the
                     JMJD2 histone demethylases are thought to be epigenetic                           progression of NSCLC by interacting with miR-503-5p and SEPT2.
                  mediators in cancers [5] and JMJD2 overexpression has oncogenic
                  potential [6]. In addition, JMJD2s have been reported to
                  dramatically correlate with cisplatin resistance in NSCLC [7].                       METHODS AND MATERIALS
                  Concerning JMJD2C, some research has pointed out that it drives                      Ethics statement
                  cancer migration and invasion in lung cancer [8] and mediates                        All patients signed an informed consent form. Experimental approval was
                  tumorigenesis in osteosarcoma [9]. Given that JMJD2C promotes                        obtained from the ethics committee of Union Hospital, Tongji Medical
                  colorectal cancer (CRC) metastasis via histone methylation of                        College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Animal research
                  metastasis-related lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) [10],                   has been approved by the animal care and use Committee of Union
                                                                                                       Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
                  it is unclear whether and how JMJD2C-mediated downstream                             Technology.
                  involving MALAT1 functions in NSCLC. MALAT1 has been identified
                  as an onco-lncRNA involved in the promotion of NSCLC [11]. It is
                  noted that MALAT1 confers acquired malignant phenotypes of lung                      Subjects
                  cancer cells [12, 13], as well as enhanced drug resistance for NSCLC                 Tissue specimens (cancer tissues and adjacent tissues) were acquired from
                  cells by cooperation with microRNAs [14]. Altered miRNA expres-                      116 patients with NSCLC in Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
                  sion profiles have diagnostic value and can even program                              University of Science and Technology. The patients including 69 males and 47

                   Department of Thoracic Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 430022 Wuhan, China.
                  Edited by Professor Roberto Mantovan

                  Received: 24 March 2021 Revised: 14 December 2021 Accepted: 10 January 2022

                  Official journal of CDDpress
JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer
J. Zhang et al.
    females were aged at 46–72 years old. All patients were diagnosed as NSCLC        Western blot assay
    by histopathology and received no pre-operation treatments.                       After lysis by radio-immunoprecipitation assay lysis solution (Beyotime),
                                                                                      the tissues and cells were centrifuged and the supernatant was collected.
                                                                                      The protein concentration was measured by using the BCA kit (Beyotime)
    Cell culture                                                                      The proteins (30 μg) were added with β-mercaptoethano, boiled for
    Normal lung bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B) and lung cancer cell         10 min, and separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel
    line (A549) were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM;               electrophoresis. Then, the protein transferred to a nitrocellulose mem-
    Gibco, CA, USA) while another lung cancer cell line (H1299) in Roswell Park       brane (Bio-Rad, CA, USA) was combined with the primary antibodies, anti-
    Memorial Institute-1640 medium (Gibco). The above medium was                      SEPT2 (1:500, Proteintech, USA), anti-JMJD2C (1:500), and anti-GAPDH
    supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Gibco), penicillin (500            (1:1000, both from Abcam, MA, USA), as well as the secondary antibody for
    units/mL) and streptomycin (200 µg/mL). The cell lines were from BeNa
                                                                                      reaction. The membrane was treated with enhanced chemiluminescence
    culture collection (Beijing, China).
                                                                                      reagent (SuperSignal Western Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate; Pierce,
                                                                                      USA)). Image J software (National Institutes of Health) was applied to
    Cell transfection                                                                 protein quantitative analysis. The gray value of the band was normalized
    Transfection was conducted with Lipofectamine 3000 (Invitrogen, CA, USA)          to GAPDH.
    according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A549 and H1299 cells were
    transfected with sh-NC, sh-JMJD2C, sh-CTR(control shRNA with scrambled            Dual luciferase reporter gene assay
    sequence), sh-MALAT1, mimic NC, miR-503-5p mimic, JMJD2C over-
                                                                                      To evaluate the function of JMJD2C on MALAT1 promoter activity, A549
    expression plasmids, JMJD2C overexpression plasmids + sh-MALAT1,
                                                                                      cells were transfected with sh-NC or sh-JMJD2C with a luciferase reporter
    JMJD2C overexpression plasmids + miR-503-5p mimic, or JMJD2C                      plasmid containing MALAT1 promoter through Lipofectamine 3000
    overexpression plasmids + sh-SEPT2. Shortly, cells were cultured in a             (Invitrogen). After 48 h, cell lysates were subjected to analysis of relative
    6-well plate at 4 × 105 cells/mL and transfected at 80% cell confluence. The       luciferase activity on the dual luciferase reporter gene detection system
    medium was replaced 6 h after transfection, and the cells were harvested          (Promega, WI, USA) [10].
    48 h later. Genepharma (Shanghai, China) was responsible for synthesis of            The interaction between MALAT1 and miR-503-5p and the targeting
    various constructs.
                                                                                      relationship between miR-503-5p and SEPT2 were conformed. MALAT1
                                                                                      wild-type (WT), MALAT1 mutant (MUT), SEPT2 WT and SEPT2 MUT
    3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium                            potentially binding to miR-503-5p were inserted into pGL4 luciferase
    bromide (MTT) assay                                                               reporter and co-transfected with miR-503-5p mimic or mimic-NC into A549
    Cells after transfection were seeded into 96-well plates at 3000 cells/plate      cells. After 48 h, the relative luciferase activity was measured using a dual
    and cultured for 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively. Then, each well was added        luciferase detection system (Promega).
    with 20 µL MTT (5 mg/mL) for 4 h, and the purple formazan precipitate was
    dissolved in 200 µL dimethyl sulfoxide (Sigma-Aldrich). Optical densi-            Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay
    ty490nm was measured by a spectrophotometer and cell growth curve was             ChIP assay kit (Millipore, MA, USA) was utilized. The chromatin extracted
    drawn [22].                                                                       from cells were immunoprecipitated with anti-JMJD2C antibody (Abcam).
                                                                                      A control immunoglobulin G (Merck, Germany) was applied. Primers of
    Colony formation assay                                                            MALAT1 promoter: forward: 5′-GGTCAGCCTGAGACCACTTC-3′, reverse: 5′-
    Cells were counted after transfection, seeded into 6-well plates at 3000 cells/   CTGTGCCTGTTCTGGGGAAT-3′ [10, 26].
    plate and cultured for 9–14 days until visible colonies appeared, during
    which the medium was refreshed every 48 h. Then, cells fixed in 75%                RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assay
    ethanol were subjected to staining by 0.1% crystal violet. At least 50 cells      With Magna RIP™ RIP kit (Millipore), RIP analysis was carried out. Cells that
    were contained in each colony and viewed under ten fields of view [23].            were lysed in complete radio-immunoprecipitation assay (protease
                                                                                      inhibitor cocktail and RNase inhibitor) were combined with RIP buffer
    Flow cytometry                                                                    containing magnetic beads coupled with human anti-Ago2 antibody
    After 72 h of transfecion, cells were rinsed with PBS twice, immersed in          (Millipore) or immunoglobulin G(IgG). The sample was added with
    binding buffer and combined with annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate              proteinase K and RNase inhibitors, and isolation of immunoprecipitated
    (BD Biosciences, NJ, USA) and propidium iodide (BD Biosciences) in the            RNA was performed. The purified RNA was analyzed by RT-qPCR [23].
    darkness. Cell apoptosis was measured on a flow cytometer at 488 nm
    (Agilent, Hangzhou, China) [24].                                                  Tumor formation assay
                                                                                      BALB/c nude mice (5 weeks old) were employed for animal studies. A549
    Transwell assay                                                                   cells with stably JMJD2C-inhibition, MALAT1-inhibition, miR-503-5p-
    Migration test: Cells after transfection were seeded in the upper chamber         overexpression were established and injected subcutaneously into the
    of the transwell containing 24-well plate in serum-free medium at 1 × 105         left side of the posterior flank of nude mouse. Tumor growth was
    cells/well. The lower chamber was filled with complete medium. Cells were          monitored by measuring tumor maximum length and minimum length
    incubated for 48 h, and those migrated under the membrane were fixed               every 7 days, and tumor volume was calculated by the formula: volume
    with 4% paraformaldehyde, and stained with 1% crystal violet for 20 min.          (mm3) = (width2 × length/2). On the 28th day, tumors were excised from
    The cells were sealed with neutral resin and observed in five random fields         euthanized mice [27].
    of view.
       Invasion test: Matrigel was added to the membrane of the upper                 Statistical analysis
    chamber, the rest steps were similar to the migration test [25].                  Data were analyzed with GraphPad Prism 6 (La Jolla, CA, USA). Fisher’s
                                                                                      exact test, Kaplan–Meier survival analysis, Pearson correlation test
    Reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction                      t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze data.
    (RT-qPCR)                                                                         P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
    After being extracted from tissues and cells using Trizol kit (Invitrogen;        ***P < 0.001).
    Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA), and quantified using NanoDrop ND-1000
    (NanoDrop), total RNA was transformed into cDNA through Mir-XTM miRNA
    First Strand Synthesis Kit (for miRNA) and Primpscript®RT reagent kit (for        RESULTS
    mRNA and lncRNA) (both Takara, Japan). PCR was amplified on the ABI                JMJD2C-related MALAT1 is highly expressed in NSCLC tissues;
    PRISM 7700 (Applied Biosystems; Thermo Fisher Scientific) using SYBR               JMJD2C is related to NSCLC clinicopathological factors
    Premix Ex Taq™ II PCR kit (Takara). Supplementary Table 1 showed primer           The differences in levels of JMJD2C, MALAT1 in NSCLC tumor
    sequences (U6 and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [GAPDH]                tissues and para-tumor tissues were assessed by RT-qPCR. As
    as internal controls). The 2−ΔΔCt method was applied to quantitative
    analysis.                                                                         indicated by the outcome, JMJD2C and MALAT1 were highly

                                                                                                             Cell Death and Disease (2022)13:65
JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer
J. Zhang et al.

Fig. 1 JMJD2C-related MALAT1 is highly expressed in NSCLC tissues. A RT-qPCR analysis of JMJD2C in NSCLC tissue; B RT-qPCR analysis of
MALAT1 in NSCLC tissue; C Correlation between JMJD2C and MALAT1; D Relation between JMJD2C expression and survival of patients with
NSCLC. ***P < 0.001; Data statistics was by t-test, Pearson’s correlation analysis, Kaplan–Meier analysis.

expressed in NSCLC tissues compared with para-tumor tissues
(Fig. 1A, B). Subsequently analyzed by Pearson test, we found the      Table 1. The relationship between JMJD2C expression and
positive correlations between levels of JMJD2C and MALAT1 in           clinicopathological characteristics in patients with NSCLC.
tumor tissues (Fig. 1C).                                              Parameter              Case    JMJD2C                          P value
   For further analysis of the clinical significance of JMJD2C in
NSCLC, we divided NSCLC patients into JMJD2C high expression                                         Low             High
and JMJD2C low expression groups (Table 1) and found that                                            expression      expression
JMJD2C expression was associated with tumor size and tumor                                           (n = 50)        (n = 66)
node metastasis. Also, after Kaplan–Meier analysis, we determined     Age (years)                                                    0.254
that patients with high JMJD2C expression had shorter overall
JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer
J. Zhang et al.

    Fig. 2 Preventive effects of silenced JMJD2C on NSCLC. A, B RT-qPCR and Western blot analysis of JMJD2C level after downregulating
    JMJD2C; C MTT measured the growth curve of A549 and H1299 cells after downregulating JMJD2C; D Colony formation assay measured
    colony formation ability of A549 and H1299 cells after downregulating JMJD2C; E Flow cytometry measured A549 and H1299 cell apoptosis
    after downregulating JMJD2C; F Transwell measured cell migration and invasion ability after downregulating JMJD2C; G Tumor formation
    assay evaluated tumor volume and weight after downregulating JMJD2C. ***P < 0.001; Data statistics was by t-test.

                                                                                            Cell Death and Disease (2022)13:65
JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer
J. Zhang et al.
   Next, the carcinogenic potential of JMJD2C in vivo was uncovered   DISCUSSION
through injecting A549 cells with stable and low expression of        NSCLC is caused by multi-step carcinogenesis induced by
JMJD2C. The outcomes manifested that downregulating JMJD2C            chemical and physical mutagens [30]. The molecular mechanism
suppressed the growth of xenograft tumors (Fig. 2G).                  of NSCLC was partly explored from JMJD2C-regulated MALAT1/
   Evidently, silencing JMJD2C suppressed cellular and tumor          miR-503-5p/SEPT2 axis in our research. A summary was obtained
growth of NSCLC in vitro and in vivo.                                 that JMJD2C regulated the histone methylation of MALAT1, thus
                                                                      to upregulate MALAT1 level and deteriorate the malignant
Inhibitory effects of downregulated MALAT1 on NSCLC cells             phenotypic of NSCLC cells via suppressing miR-503-5p and
A549 and H1299 cells were successfully transfected with sh-           promoting SEPT2 (Fig. 6).
MALAT1 to knock down MALAT1 expression (Fig. 3A). Subse-                 From the experimental data, we found that JMJD2C was
quently, in A549 and H1299 cells with lowered MALAT1, the             upregulated in NSCLC that was connected with shorter survival
cellular malignant phenotypes were destructed (Fig. 3B–F).            time, and silencing JMJD2C reduced tumorigenicity of NSCLC. As a
Moreover, in the xenograft nude mouse model, sh-MALAT1                matter of fact, JMJD2C has been identified as the oncogene in
reduced the growth of xenograft tumors (Fig. 3G).                     pancreatic cancer, and deficiency of JMJD2C is capable to weaken
                                                                      cell proliferation and invasion [31]. The aberrant increment is seen in
MALAT1 binds to miR-503-5p                                            JMJD2C expression in osteosarcoma tissues that is suggested to
miR-503-3p inhibits lung cancer cell viability and induces cell       associate with cell metastasis, and JMJD2C could drive the growth of
apoptosis [29]. Using RT-qPCR, we uncovered that miR-503-5p was       osteosarcoma cells through inducing fibroblast growth factor 2 [9].
downregulated in NSCLC cancer tissues and NSCLC cell lines            In the context of lung cancer, the elevated level of JMJD2C indicates
(Supplementary Fig. 2A, B). Then we found that MALAT1                 an association with metastasis, and suppression of JMJD2C partly
expression was negatively correlated with miR-503-5p level in         attributes to the impairments in migration and invasion, as well as
tumor tissue (Supplementary Fig. 2C).                                 tumor hepatic metastasis and epithelial–mesenchymal transition [8].
   On the Starbase website, the binding sites between MALAT1          Apart from that, the augmented level of JMJD2C has been implied
and miR-503-5p were found (Supplementary Fig. 2D). Then, in           to supply the niche for colon cancer cell growth, but knockout of
dual luciferase reporter gene detection, miR-503-5p mimic could       JMJD2C oppresses cell growth and colony forming ability [28], as
reduce the luciferase activity of MALAT1-WT in A549 cells             well as retards lung metastasis in breast cancer [32]. Showing the
(Supplementary Fig. 2E). Also, RIP experiment tested the              consistence with these reports, JMJD2C adversely performed
enriched MALAT1 and miR-503-5p levels in Ago2 immunopreci-            in NSCLC.
pitation (Supplementary Fig. 2F). Besides, RT-qPCR revealed an           MALAT1 has been ensured to be positively regulated by
increment in miR-503-5p level in A549 and H1299 cells after           JMJD2C through modification of histone methylation, and works
downregulating MALAT1 (Supplementary Fig. 2G). Collectively,          to enhance metastasis of colorectal cancer cells [10]. Consistently,
MALAT1 can specifically bind miR-503-5p, thereby regulating            we discovered the mechanism that JMJD2C upregulated MALAT1
miR-503-5p level.                                                     through mediating the methylation modification of H3K9 and
                                                                      H3K36 on the promoter of MALAT1. Previously proved, MALAT1
Repressive effects of miR-503-5p on tumorigenicity of NSCLC           acts crucially in regulating the metastatic phenotype of lung
We transfected miR-503-5p mimic into A549 and H1299 cells, and        cancer cells, and lung cancer cells deficient of MALAT1 are
verified the success of transfection by RT-qPCR (Fig. 4A). Notably,    impaired in terms of their migration and metastasis abilities in
suppressed cellular progression was seen in A549 and H1299 cells      xenografted tumors [12]. In NSCLC, the raised level of MALAT1 is
up-regulating miR-503-5p (Fig. 4B–F). Also, in the xenograft nude     detectable in NSCLC [33], and knocking out MALAT1 weakens the
mouse model, overexpression of miR-503-5p suppressed the              biological functions and tumorigenic ability of NSCLC cells
growth of xenograft tumors (Fig. 4G).                                 through binding to miR-185-5p [25]. MALAT1 expression shows
                                                                      a reduction in NSCLC clinical samples, and elevated level of
miR-503-5p negatively mediates SEPT2                                  MALAT1 fuels the proliferation, migration and invasion activities of
SEPT2 level measured by RT-qPCR and Western blot was                  NSCLC cells [34].
upregulated in NSCLC tissues and A549 and H1299 cells                    Our discovery revealed that MALAT1 drove the development in
(Supplementary Fig. 3A, B). We found that SEPT2 expression was        NSCLC through interacting with the specific miRNA, miR-503-5p.
negatively correlated with miR-503-5p level in tumor tissue           Supported by a late report, MALAT1 targets miR-503-5p, thus to
(Supplementary Fig. 3C). The targeting relationship between           induce proliferation and suppress apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells
miR-503-5p and SEPT2 was predicted through the Starbase               [18]. Extensive reports have discussed that miR-503-5p represses
website (Supplementary Fig. 3D). The dual luciferase reporter         tumors, complying our findings that elevating miR-503-5p
gene test further examined that the luciferase activity of cells      hampered NSCLC cell growth in vitro and in vivo. In colon cancer,
transfected with miR-503-5p mimic and SEPT2-WT was reduced            the success in suppressing tumorigenesis and lymphangiogenesis
(Supplementary Fig. 3E).                                              could be partly attributed to introduction of elevated miR-503-5p
   The outcome of Western blot also clarified that upregulating        [35]. In addition, as to hepatocellular carcinoma cells introduced
miR-503-5p in A549 and H1299 cells depressed SEPT2 level              with upregulated miR-503-5p, their mobility and metastasis are
(Supplementary Fig. 3F), proving miR-503-5p targeting SEPT2.          impaired [36]. Mechanistically, miR-503-5p demonstrates a
                                                                      reduced level in osteosarcoma, and if suppressing miR-503-5p in
The pro-tumor effects of elevated JMJD2C on NSCLC cells are           osteosarcoma cells, the tumorigenesis progression could be push
reversed by silencing MALAT1 or SEPT2, or restoring miR-503-5p        forward [37]. Overall, targeted restoration of miR-503-5p could
The mechanism of JMJD2C, MALAT1, miR-503-5p, and SEPT2 in             restrain the malignant progression in tumors.
NSCLC was further assessed. We recommended sh-MALAT1,                    SEPT2 was a target of miR-503-5p and downregulating SEPT2
miR-503-5p mimic, or sh-SEPT2 into A549 and H1299 cells that          was proved to delay tumorigenesis in NSCLC. SEPT2 has been
had been transfected with JMJD2C overexpression plasmid. The          implicated to aggrandize the aggressiveness of various tumors,
pro-tumor effects of elevated JMJD2C on NSCLC cells were              and silencing of SEPT2 is inhibitory for tumor growth. Evidently,
reversed by silencing MALAT1 or SEPT2, or restoring miR-503-5p        downregulating SEPT2 restrains the invasive capability of glio-
(Fig. 5A–D).                                                          blastoma cells [38] and the proliferative ability of epithelial ovarian
   In summary, JMJD2C mediated NSCLC by regulating MALAT1/            cancer cells [39]. Similar to our findings, SEPT2 has been revealed
miR-503-5p/SEPT2 axis.                                                to exert as a number of lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network, thus to

Cell Death and Disease (2022)13:65
JMJD2C-mediated long non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA- 503-5p/SEPT2 axis worsens non-small cell lung cancer
J. Zhang et al.

    Fig. 3 Inhibitory effects of down-regulated MALAT1 on NSCLC. A RT-qPCR analysis of MALAT1 level after down-regulating MALAT1; B MTT
    measured the growth curve of A549 and H1299 cells after downregulating MALAT1; C Colony formation assay measured colony formation
    ability of A549 and H1299 cells after downregulating MALAT1; D Flow cytometry measured A549 and H1299 cell apoptosis after
    downregulating MALAT1. E, F Transwell measured cell migration and invasion ability after downregulating MALAT1. G Tumor formation assay
    evaluated tumor volume and weight after downregulating MALAT1. ***P < 0.001; Data statistics was by t-test.

                                                                                             Cell Death and Disease (2022)13:65
J. Zhang et al.

Fig. 4 Repressive effects of miR-503-5p on tumorigenicity of NSCLC. A RT-qPCR analysis of miR-503-5p level after upregulating miR-503-5p.
B MTT measured the growth curve of A549 and H1299 cells after upregulating miR-503-5p. C Colony formation assay measured colony
formation ability of A549 and H1299 cells after upregulating miR-503-5p. D Flow cytometry measured A549 and H1299 cell apoptosis after
upregulating miR-503-5p. E, F Transwell measured cell migration and invasion ability after upregulating miR-503-5p. G Tumor formation assay
evaluated tumor volume and weight after upregulating miR-503-5p. ***P < 0.001; Data statistics was by t-test.

Cell Death and Disease (2022)13:65
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    Fig. 5 The promoting effects of elevated JMJD2C on NSCLC are reversed by silencing MALAT1 or SEPT2, or restoring miR-503-5p. A MTT
    measured the growth curve of A549 and H1299 cells. B Colony formation assay measured colony formation ability of A549 and H1299 cells.
    C Flow cytometry measured A549 and H1299 cell apoptosis. D Transwell measured cell migration and invasion ability; Data statistics was by
    t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis.

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