Page created by Michele Flores
Coming Up at Dreweatts                                                                                                                                                    JEWELLERY, SILVER, WATCHES,
                                                                                                                                                                          PENS, COINS AND MEDALS
Auctions                                                                                                                                                                  (PART 1)
20 April | Live Online                                                                                                                                                    DONNINGTON PRIORY | WEDNESDAY 5 MAY 2021 | 10.30am
The Transport Sale

21 April | Live Online
Fine Clocks, Barometers and Scientific Instruments

29 April | Live Online
Fine and Rare Wine and Spirits                                                                               AUCTION FORMAT: LIVE ONLINE                                         AUCTION NO. 14359
                                                                                                             This is a live online auction with an auctioneer. Bidding is
5 May 2021 | Live Online                                                                                                                                                         SPECIALISTS:
                                                                                                             available online, by telephone or commission (absentee) bids.
Jewellery, Silver, Watches, Pens, C
                                    oins and Medals – Part 1                                                If not bidding online, please contact Dreweatts to register all     James Nicholson FGA, DGA
                                                                                                             commission bids or telephone bids by 12 noon (local time) on        Nick Mann
6 May 2021 | Live Online                                                                                                                                                         Tessa Parry FGA, DGA
                                                                                                             Tuesday 4 May.
Piet Jonker | Garden Statuary and Ornament                                                                                                                                       Ian Pickford (Consultant, Silver)
                                                                                                             FREE ONLINE BIDDING IS AVAILABLE AT DREWEATTS.COM:                  Terry Taylor MBHI (Consultant, Watches)
6 May 2021 | Live Online                                                                                     The Dreweatts’ bidding platform allows you to watch, listen and
Jewellery, Silver, Watches, Pens, Coins and Medals – Part 2                                                bid with no additional online bidding fees applicable.              VIEWING:
                                                                                                                                                                                 Viewing will be available by appointment only and in strict
12 May | Live Online                                                                                         REGISTRATION:                                                       accordance with government Covid-19 regulations.
Interiors to include the selected contents of Berwick House, Shropshire                                      We advise clients to register at least 48 hours in advance of the
and other properties                                                                                         auction as you may be asked to provide documents to verify          Thursday 29 April:     10am – 5pm
                                                                                                             your identity. Registration for new clients will close at 12 noon   Friday 30 April:       10am – 5pm
13 May 2021 | Timed Online                                                                                   (local time) on Tuesday 4 May.                                      Tuesday 4 May:         10am – 5pm
Hambridge Sale
                                                                                                             BUYER’S PREMIUM:                                                    Please note there is no viewing on the morning of the sale.
19 May | Live Online                                                                                         Buyer’s premium is charged per lot at 25% of the hammer price
Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art (Part 1)                                                                   (30% including VAT) up to and including £500,000, 20% (24%
                                                                                                             including VAT) of the hammer price from £500,001 up to and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Donnington Priory
20 May | Live Online                                                                                         including £1,000,000, and 12% of the hammer price (14.4%
Japanese & Chinese (Part 2) and Indian & Islamic Ceramics &                                                  including VAT) in excess of £1,000,001.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Berkshire RG14 2JE
Works of Art
27 May | Live Online                                                                                         Please note, we cannot accept payment by telephone for lots
                                                                                                                                                                                 +44 (0) 1635 553 553
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                                         NOW INVITING ENTRIES FOR OUR 2021 AUCTIONS

NEWBURY                  LONDON                                 HAMBRIDGE LANE       ENQUIRIES
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Donnington Priory        16-17 Pall Mall                        1 Hambridge Lane     please contact
Newbury                  St James’s                             Newbury              +44 (0) 1635 553 553
Berkshire RG14 2JE       London SW1Y 5LU                        Berkshire RG14 5TU
British Silver
                                                                      1                                                           4
                                                                      A Queen Anne silver slightly tapered tankard                A late George II silver shaped oval swing handled bread
                                                                      by John Rand, London 1705, Britannia standard,              basket by William Plummer, London 1759, with a cable twist
                                                                      the S-scroll handle with a shield terminal, with a          loop handle, a beaded shaped border, the wirework body
                                                                      moulded flared foot, engraved with a crest and              applied with grape vine and wheat decoration, on an oval
                                                                      shield, 20.5cm (8in) high, 1106g (35.55 oz)                 foot, 35cm (13 3/4in) long, 697g (22.4 oz)

                                                                      The crest and shield for the RADCLIFFE family of            £400-600
                                                                      Ordshall and Foxdenton, Lancashire. The motto
                                                                      DIEU MOY AYDERA is believed to be in Middle
                                                                      French (14th-17th century) and loosely translates to
                                                                      ‘God Help Me’.


                      1                                                                                                                                                                                    4
A George II silver bluster pot, maker’s mark obscured, London 1755, with a
foliate finial to the pull off cover, chased with floral sprays and C-scrolls, on a
circular foot, 14cm (5 1/2in) high, 272g (8.75 oz)                                                                                                                                     5
                                                                                                                                                                                       An early George III silver baluster coffee pot by Thomas
Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                                                                                                      Whipham & Charles Wright, London 1760, with a lobed bell
                                                                                                                                                                                       shaped finial to the ogee domed cover, a wood double scroll
£150-250                                                                                                                                                                               handle, engraved with a crest and on a circular moulded
                                                                                                                                                                                       spreading foot, 29cm (11 1/2in) high, 911g (29.3 oz) gross

                                                                                                                                                                                       The crest possibly a PHILLIPS family of unknown origin


                                                                                                         2                                               5
                                                         A George II silver caster, maker’s mark obscured, London                 6
                                                         1756, with a bell shaped finial to the pierced and domed                 An early George III silver oval sauce boat
                                                         cover, engraved with a monogram and on a circular moulded                by John Muns, London 1764, with a shaped
                                                         spreading foot, 14cm (5 1/2in) high; and a caster by Carrington          border, leaf capped flying double scroll
                                                         & Co., Birmingham 1912, with a bell shaped finial to the pierced         handle, engraved beneath B over OR, on three
                                                         and domed cover, with husk bands and on a circular moulded               stepped pad feet, 14.5cm (5 3/4in) long, 196g
                                                         spreading foot, 17cm (6 3/4in) high, 242g (7.8 oz) gross                 (6.3 oz)
                3                                        £80-120                                                                  £80-120

2                                               | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                  3
                                                                                      7                                   A George III silver shaped
                                                                                      A George III silver pap boat,       circular waiter by Thomas
                                                                                      maker’s mark obscured,              Pratt & Arthur Humphries,
                                                                                      London 1765, 11cm (4 1/4in),        London 1782, with a beaded
                                                                                      58g (1.9 oz)                        border, engraved with a
                                                                                                                          monogram, engraved with
                                                                                      £100-150                            a presentation inscription
                                                                                                                          beneath and on three ball
                                                                                                                          and claw feet, 17cm (6 3/4in)
                                                 7                                                                        diameter, 238g (7.65 oz)

                                                                                                                          Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                                                          Shrewsbury, Shropshire


                                                              8                                                                                                              A George III silver pear shaped jug by Daniel Smith & Robert
                                                                                                                                                                             Sharp, London 1784, with a bell shaped finial to the domed
                                                                                                                                                                             cover and a scroll handle, engraved with a crest and on an
8                                                                                                                                                                            circular beaded foot, 16cm (6 1/4in) high, 251g (8.05 oz)
A pair of George III silver cauldron salts, maker’s mark obscured, London 1777, with a gadrooned border and
on three stepped pad feet, 7cm (2 3/4in) diameter; and another pair of George III cauldron salts, maker’s mark                                                               £150-250
obscured, London 1777, engraved with a coat of arms and on three stepped pad feet, 7cm (2 3/4in) diameter, 424g
(13.6 oz) gross


                                                                               A pair of George III silver oval salts,
                                                                               possibly by John Lambe, London
                                                                               1779, with beaded borders, pierced
                                                                               bodies and on four ball and claw
                                                                               feet, 9cm (3 1/2in) long, 87g (2.8 oz),                          11
                                                                               with two blue glass liners                 12
                                                                                                                          A George III silver oval mustard by Robert Hennell, London 1786,
                                                                               Provenance: Berwick House,                 with a ball finial to the domed cover, a scroll handle, a beaded
                                                                               Shrewsbury, Shropshire                     border, pierced and engraved bands, 8.5cm (3 1/4in) long, 104g
                                  9                                                                                       (3.35 oz), with a blue glass liner
                                                                               £100-150                                                                                                                                   12

4                                       | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                     5
                                                                                                                             A George III silver circular waiter by Langlands I &
                                                                                                                             Robertson I, Newcastle 1794, with a reeded border,
                                                                                                                             engraved with a crest and on three pad feet, 17.5cm
                                                                                                                             (7in) diameter, 219g (7 oz)


A George III silver straight sided oval tea pot by William Vincent, London 1788, with a turned wood finial and a loop
handle, engraved with a crest, 27cm (10 1/2in) long, 473g (15.2 oz) gross


                                                                                                                                                                                            A George III silver shaped oval swing
                                                                                                                                                                                            handled pedestal basket by Robert
                                                                                                                                                                                            Hennell I & David Hennell II, London
                                                                                                                                                                                            1795, with a reeded loop handle and
                                                                                                                                                                                            border, engraved with grape vines and
                                                    14                                                                                                                                      wreath vacant reserves and on a shaped
                                                                                                                                                                                            oval pedestal foot, 18.5cm (7 1/4in) long,
                                                                                                                                                                                            247g (7.95 oz)


                                                                         A pair of George III silver oval salts by
                                                                         Charles Chesterman II, London 1791, with
                                                                         twin loop handles, reeded borders and on
                                                                         oval reeded pedestal feet, 13.5cm (5 1/4in)
                                                                         long, 175g (5.6 oz)


                                                                         15                                                  A George III silver pedestal mustard by Robert Hennell
                                                                         A George III silver oval tea pot stand by           I & David Hennell II, London 1795, with a ball finial to the
                                                                         Timothy Renou, London 1792, with a reeded           domed cover, a reeded border, a scroll handle and on a
                                                                         border, engraved bands and on four pad feet,        square base, 10cm (4in) long, 146g (4.7 oz), with a blue
                                                                         17cm (6 3/4in) long, 155g (4.95 oz)                 glass liner

                                                                         £100-150                                            £80-120
                                 15                                                                                                                                                                        18

6                                          | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                               7
22 Y
                                                                                                                     A George III silver oval
                                                                                                                     fluted baluster tea pot
                                                                                                                     by Stephen Adams II,
                                                                                                                     London 1801, with an
                                                                    19                                               ivory finial to the domed
                                                                    A George III silver oval swing handled           cover, a wooden loop
                                                                    basket by Solomon Hougham, London                handle, engraved with
                                                                    1795, with a beaded swing handle and             foliate bands and a
                                                                    border, pierced bands, engraved foliate          crest, 27.5cm (10 3/4in)
                                                                    band and on an oval pedestal moulded             long, 466g (15 oz) gross
                                                                    spreading foot, 16cm (6 1/4in) long, 209g
                                                                    (6. 75 oz), with a red glass liner               Provenance: Berwick
                                                                                                                     House, Shrewsbury,
                                                                    £100-150                                         Shropshire

A George III Scottish silver oval
pedestal salt by Francis Howden,
Edinburgh circa 1800, with a reeded
border and on an oval pedestal
foot, 10cm (4in) long; together with                                                                                                                                         23
another similar unmarked example,
134g (4.3 oz) gross                                                                                                  23
                                                                          20                                         A pair of George III silver oval tub shaped salts by Richard Crossley, London 1801, with oval cut loop handles, a
Provenance: Berwick House,                                                                                           gadrooned border and engraved with a crest and a motto, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) long; and another similar pair, London
Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                                                               1806, with rectangular cut loop handles, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) long, 423 (13.6 oz) gross

£80-120                                                                                                              £400-600

                                               21                                                                    24
                                               A George III silver wine funnel by Peter, Ann & William               A George III Irish silver wine funnel
                                               Bateman, London 1801, with a reeded border and a clip, 12cm           by Robert Breading, Dublin 1803,
                                               (4 3/4in) high, 86g (2.75 oz)                                         with a reeded border, a clip and
                                                                                                                     engraved with a crest, 14cm (5 1/2in)
                                               £100-150                                                              long, 99g (3.2 oz)

                                                                                                                     Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                                                     Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                            24


8                                  | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                       9
25                                                                                28
                                          A George III silver globular wig powder/pounce pot by William Parker,             A George III silver six division toast rack by
                                          London 1804, with a circular finial to the pierced domed cover, a                 William Burwash & Richard Sibley, London
                                          gadrooned band and on a circular spreading pedestal foot, 9cm (3 1/2in)           1811, with a shaped loop handle, a gadrooned
                                          high, 113g (3.65 oz)                                                              border and on four foliate and paw feet, 17cm
                                                                                                                            (6 3/4in) long, 302g (9.7 oz)

                25                                                                                                                                                                                              28

A George III silver bachelors tea pot, maker’s
mark obscured, London 1805, with a wood finial
to the cover and a loop handle, 13cm (5in) high,
266g (8.55 oz) gross

Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury,                                                                                                                                       29
Shropshire                                                                                                                                                                   A George III silver half fluted coffee pot by Rebecca Emes
                                                                                                                                                                             and Edward Barnard I, London 1811, with a fluted finial to the
£100-150                                                                                                                                                                     domed cover and a wood angular handle, the body engraved
                                                                                                                                                                             with a motto above a crest and on a circular foot, 20cm (8in)
                                                                                                                                                                             high, 644g (20.7 oz) gross


                                                                                                                            A George III silver rectangular
                                                                         27                                                 inkstand by John Roberts & Co.,
                                                                         A George III silver oval pedestal sugar            Sheffield 1811, with a gadrooned
                                                                         basket by Charles Houghman, London                 border, two pen trays, a central
                                                                         1809, with a reeded loop handle, pierced           chamberstick flanked by two glass
                                                                         decoration and on a conforming oval                bottles with silver covers, engraved
                                                                         pedestal foot, 15cm (6in) high, 132g (4.25 oz),    beneath and on four paw feet, 651g
                                                                         with a blue glass liner                            (20.95 oz) weighable
                                                                         £150-250                                           £250-350


10                                        | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                11
                                                                                   A George III rectangular eight-bottle
                                                                                   cruet frame by Thomas Wilkes Barker,
                                                                                   London 1817, with a gadrooned loop
                                                                                   handle to an urn chased stem, the
                                                                                   frame composed of circular gadrooned
                                                                                   loops, a chased foliate border with
                                                                                   floral sprays to the corners, on four
                                                                                   foliate and paw feet, 29cm (11 1/2in)
                                                                                   long, with six cut glass bottles, four
                                                                                   with silver mounts, 1133g (36.45 oz)                                                           34 (part lot)
                                                                                   Provenance: Berwick House,                    Two George IV silver leaf shaped chamber sticks by Joseph Willmore, Birmingham 1829, with leaf capped scroll
                                                                                   Shrewsbury, Shropshire                        handles, 7.5cm (3in) and 8.5cm (3 1/2in) long; and an electro-plated chamber stick by Matthew Boulton, with shaped
                                                                                                                                 circular borders and a loop handle, 12cm (4 3/4in) long, 89g (2.9 oz) gross weighable
                        31                                                         £400-600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                A William IV silver circular cream
32                                                                                                                                                                                                              jug by Benjamin Stephens, London
A George III silver six division toast rack by John &                                                                                                                                                           1835, with a gadrooned border and
Henry Lias, London 1818, with a loop handle and on                                                                                                                                                              a foliate scroll handle, chased with
four bun feet, 16cm (6 1/4in) long, 203g (6.5 oz)                                                                                                                                                               a floral and foliate band, engraved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                with a monogram within a shaped
£150-250                                                                                                                                                                                                        reserve, another vacant, on four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                scroll feet, 17cm (6 3/4in) long, 262g
33 Y                                                                                                                                                                                                            (8.4 oz)
A George IV silver circular tea pot and cream jug by
Rebecca Emes & Edward Barnard I, London 1822 and                                                                                                                                                                Provenance: Berwick House,
1823, the tea pot with a flower finial to the domed                                                                                                                                                             Shrewsbury, Shropshire
cover, ivory warming bands to the leaf capped loop
handle, chased with foliate and floral bands, engraved                                                                                                                                                          £80-120
with a crest and a circular foot, 17c, (10 1/2in) long,
888g (28.55 oz) gross


                                                                                                                                 A William IV Irish silver travelling communion cup by Henry
                                                                                                                                 Flavelle, Dublin 1836, the cup unscrewing to a stopper, 9.5cm
                                                                                                                                 (3 3/4in) high; and a late Victorian silver spirit measure by
                                                                                                                                 William Comyns & Sons, London 1900, engraved C to J 1900,
                                                                                                                                 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high, 176g (5.65 oz) gross

                                                                                                                                 Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

12                                             | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                        13
                                                       A pair of early Victorian silver shaped circular salvers by
                                                       John Tapley, London 1839, with chased scroll and foliate
                                                       borders, engraved with a crest above an armorial, on three
                                                       grape vine, shell and foliate scroll feet, 23.5cm (9 1/4in)
                                                       diameter, 1078g (34.65 oz)



                                                                                                                            39 Y
                                                                                                                            A Victorian silver three piece circular tea set by Benjamin Smith III, London 1840, the tea pot with a flower finial to
                                                                                                                            the domed cover and a shaped border, the foliate capped loop handle with ivory warming bands, the body chased
                               37                                                                                           with foliate swags, two shaped vacant reserve and four foliate feet, 29.5cm (11 1/2in) long, 1579g (50.75 oz) gross


                                                                                                                            40 Y
38 Y                                                                                                                        A Victorian silver lobed circular tea
A Victorian silver baluster four piece tea set by Joseph & Albert Savory, London 1840, the tea pot by with a bud            pot by William Hunter, London 1841,
finial to the domed cover, a leaf capped loop handle with ivory warming bands, engraved with foliate swags and two          with a flower finial to the domed cover,
monograms, on four shell feet, 28cm (11in) long, 2293g (73.7 oz) gross                                                      a scroll handle with ivory warming
                                                                                                                            bands, the body chased with floral
Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                                           spays, foliate swags and C-scrolls, on
                                                                                                                            four foliate scroll feet, 28cm (11in) long,
£700-1,000                                                                                                                  679g (21.85 oz) gross



                                                                                                                                                                                     A Victorian silver jug by John James Keith, London 1842,
                                                                                                                                                                                     with a foliate scroll handle, engraved with a foliate swag band
                                                                                                                                                                                     and a crest, on a circular pedestal foot, 17cm (6 3/4in) high,
                                                                                                                                                                                     267g (8.6 oz)


14                                        | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                         15
                                                                         A Victorian silver shaped
                                                                         circular bowl by Robert
                                                                         Hennell III, London 1842, the
                                                                         lobed body with chased floral
                                                                         sprays and scrolls, 25.5cm (10in)
                                                                         diameter, 718g (23.1 oz)

                                                                         £300-500                              45
                                                                                                               A Victorian silver hexagonal mustard by George John Richards, London 1854, with a shell thumb piece and scroll
                                                                                                               handle, engraved with a monogram, foliate and floral sprays, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) long, with a blue glass liner; and four
                                                                                                               Victorian shaped circular salts by Horace Woodward & Co., London 1890, chased with foliate swags, 6cm (2 1/4in)
                                                                                                               diameter, 247g (7.95 oz) gross
43                                                                                                             Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
A Victorian silver circular
egg cup basket by Edward,                                                                                      £100-150
Edward junior, John &
William Barnard, London                                                                                                                                                                         46
1845, with a woven loop                                                                                                                                                                         A cased pair of Victorian silver
handle, a chased floral                                                                                                                                                                         grape scissors by Yapp &
centre, four egg cups and                                                                                                                                                                       Woodward, Birmingham 1855, with
on a circular foot, 18cm (7in)                                                                                                                                                                  grape vine loop handles, 131g (4.2 oz)
diameter, with four Victorian
fiddle pattern egg spoons by                                                                                                                                                                    Provenance: Berwick House,
George Adams, London 1876,                                                                                                                                                                      Shrewsbury, Shropshire
12.5cm (5in) long, 551g (17.75
oz) gross                                                                                                                                                                                       £80-120


                                                           43                                                                                        46
                                                                                                               A Victorian silver baluster mug by Edward & John Barnard, London 1856, with a tree branch scroll handle, chased
                                      44                                                                       with grape vines, engraved with a
                                      A cased Victorian silver gilt christening mug by George Ivory,           monogram and on four foliate scroll
                                      London 1851, with a tree branch scroll handle, engraved with a           feet, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high; and a William
                                      monogram to the body and a presentation inscription beneath,             IV lobed baluster mug by John Wilmin
                                      chased with a girl and her dog, on a foliate and scroll foot, 11cm       Figg, London 1836, with a scroll handle,
                                      (4 1/4in) high, 241g (7.75 oz)                                           chased with flowers and on a shaped
                                                                                                               circular pedestal foot, 10cm (4in) high,
                                      Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire                        293g (9.4 oz) gross

                                      £80-120                                                                  Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                                               Shrewsbury, Shropshire

16                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                          17
48 Y                                       51
                                                                                     A Victorian silver circular tea pot,       A Victorian silver circular waiter by
                                                                                     maker’s marks for Edward & John            Martin, Hall & Co., Sheffield 1861,
                                                                                     Barnard and George Richards                with a beaded and pierced border,
                                                                                     Elkington, London 1858, with a floral      engraved with a Greek key band and
                                                                                     finial to the domed cover and a            a crest above a monogram, on three
                                                                                     beaded border, the loop handle             pad feet, 16.5cm (6 1/2in) diameter; and
                                                                                     with ivory warming bands, the              a shaped circular waiter by Charles
                                                                                     body chased with foliate sprays            Stuart Harris & Sons Ltd., London
                                                                                     and C-scrolls, engraved with a crest       1912, with a raised moulded border
                                                                                     within a circular beaded reserve,          and on three pad feet, 16cm (6 1/4in)
                                                                                     on a beaded circular foot, 17cm            diameter, 360g (11.55 oz) gross
                                                                                     (6 3/4in) long, 233g (7.5 oz) gross
                                                                                                                                Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
                                                                                     Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                     Shrewsbury, Shropshire                     £150-250

A Victorian silver baluster jug by Joseph Angell II, London
1858, with a leaf capped scroll handle, engraved with scroll
decoration, a lobed band and on a circular pedestal foot,
17cm (6 3/4in) high, 249g (8 oz)



                                                                                                                                52 Y
                                                                                                                                A Victorian silver three piece baluster tea set by Daniel & Charles Houle, London 1863, the tea pot with a quatrefoil
                                                                                                                                finial to the domed cover, ivory warming bands to the leaf caped double scroll handle, the body chased with strap work,
                                                                                                                                floral sprays and C-scrolls, engraved with a crest and on three foliate feet,
                                                                                                                                25cm (9 3/4in) long, 1630g (52.4 oz) gross


                                           A Victorian silver pedestal cup by Elkington & Co., London 1860, engraved            53
                                           with foliage, birds within oval reserves, an oval shaped vacant reserve, a           A Victorian silver six division toast rack
                                           beaded knopped stem and on a circular moulded spreading foot, 19cm                   by George Fox, London 1865, with a
                                           (7 1/2in) high, 204g (6.55 oz)                                                       loop handle, 16cm (6 1/4in) long, 345g
                                                                                                                                (11.1 oz)
                                           Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
                50                                                                                                                                                                             53

18                                            | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                        19
                                                                A Victorian silver egg shaped tea diffuser by Charles
                                                                Rawlings & William Summers, London 1872, 6cm
                                                                (2 1/4in) long; and an electro-plated egg shaped tea
                                                                diffuser by Elkington & Co., 11cm (4 1/4in) long, 39g
                                                                (1.25 oz) weighable

                                                                Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire


55                                                                                                                           57 Y
A set of four Victorian silver                                                                                               A Victorian silver oval three piece bachelors tea set, maker’s mark E.E over E.E (not traced), London 1874, the tea
cauldron salts by Richards & Brown,                                                                                          pot with an ivory oval finial to the flat cover and a loop handle, with beaded borders and engraved with foliate swags
London 1873, with beaded borders                                                                                             and oval vacant reserves, 20cm (8in) long; together with an associated silver tea spoon and a pair of sugar tongs,
and on three shell and stepped                                                                                               610g (19.6 oz) gross
pad feet, 6.5cm (2 1/2in) diameter,
together with four silver fiddle                                                                                             Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
pattern salt spoons, various makers
and dates, 274g (8.8 oz)                                                                                                     £250-350
£100-150                                                                                                                     58
                                                                                                                             A Victorian silver gilt pedestal cup by Goldsmiths Alliance Ltd., London
                                                                                                                             1876, engraved with foliate and floral decoration, a monogram above 1900,
56 Y                                                                                                                         a beaded knopped stem and on a conforming circular pedestal foot, 16cm
A Victorian silver shaped circular four piece tea set by Martin, Hall & Co., London 1874, the tea pot with an urn            (6 1/4in) high, 214g (6.85 oz)
shaped finial to the beaded dome cover, ivory warming bands to the loop handle, beaded borders, engraved with
foliate decoration, a crest, motto and a monogram, on a beaded circular pedestal foot, 25cm (9 3/4in) long, 2225g            Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
(71.55 oz) gross



                                                                                                                             A pair of Victorian silver oval mustards by Daniel & John Wellby, London 1880, with shell thumb pieces to the
                                                                                                                             domed covers, scroll handles and engraved with crests, 10cm (4in) long, 251g (8.05 oz), with a blue glass liner and
                                                                                                                             electro-plated mustard spoon
                                                                                                                             Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire


20                                         | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                         21
                                                                                                                              A Victorian silver cylindrical castor by Martin Hall & Co., Sheffield 1889, with
                                                                                                                              a spiralling cone finial to the pierced and domed cover, a gadrooned border,
                                                                                                                              a girdle and on a circular gadrooned foot, 16cm (6 1/4in) high, 240g (7.7 oz)


A cased set of four Victorian silver gilt oval pedestal salts and spoons by Joseph, Albert, Horace & Ethelbert                                                                                                                       62
Savory, the salts London 1881, with beaded borders and twin loop handles, foliate and floral swags and oval moulded                                                                                63
spreading pedestal feet, 10cm (4in) long, the spoons London 1884, with twisted stems and gilt bowls, 8cm (3 1/4in)                                                                                 A pair of Victorian silver candlesticks by
long, 307g (9.85 oz)                                                                                                                                                                               Hawksworth, Eyre & Co., Sheffield 1889, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   circular sconces with beaded borders, bell shaped
Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                                                                                                                  capitals, tapering square stems and square bases,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   22cm (8 3/4in) high, loaded
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury,



                                                                                                                              A Victorian silver half lobed circular jug by
                                                                                                                              Charles Stuart Harris, London 1890, with a
                                                                                                                              pierced thumb piece and a wooden scroll handle,
                                                                                                                              15cm (6in) long, 314g (10.1 oz) gross

                                                61                                                                            Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury,
61 Y                                                                                                                          Shropshire
A Victorian silver globular three piece tea set by Charles Boyton (II), London 1882, the tea pot with an ivory domed
finial to the flat cover, the loop handle with ivory warming bands, engraved with birds among foliage and on three            £100-150
ball feet, 18cm (7in) long, 370g (11.9 oz) gross


22                                          | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                       23
                                                                                   A pair of Victorian silver frames by Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders & James Francis Hollings, Chester 1892, with
                                                                                   tapering candle holders, chased with floral sprays and C-scrolls and easel stands, 11.5c, (4 1/2in) long, 94g (3 oz)

                                                                                   Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

                       65 Y
                       A Victorian silver mounted and tortoiseshell
                       rectangular tray by William Comyns & Sons,
                       London 1891, with a pierced and chased C-scroll and
                       mask border, on four bracket feet, 19cm (7 1/2in)
                       long; another silver mounted and tortoiseshell tray;
                       a silver mounted and tortoiseshell heart shaped
                       frame by William Comyns & Sons, London 1892, with
                       beaded borders, 12cm (4 3/4in) high; and a silver
                       mounted and tortoiseshell page turner by Levi &
                       Salaman, Birmingham 1891, 19cm (7 1/2in) long

                       Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire


                       A cased Victorian silver shaped circular swing
                       handled sugar basket and a sifting spoon by
                       Wakely & Wheeler, London 1891 and 1892, the
                       sugar basket with floral pierced swing loop handle,                                                                  68
                       a conforming border, chased with foliate swags              68
                       and flower heads, on a circular pedestal foot, 11cm         A cased pair of Victorian silver oval pedestal salts by Charles Stuart Harris, London 1892, with twin loop handles
                       (4 1/4in) diameter, the spoon with a shaped and             and reeded borders, on oval moulded spreading pedestal feet, 11cm (4 1/4in) long, with a pair of Old English pattern
                       pierced bowl, 14cm (5 1/2in) long, 216g (6.9 oz)            salt spoons by Josiah Williams & Co., London 1892, 7.5cm (3in) long, 103g (3.3 oz) gross

                       Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire           Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

     66                £80-120                                                     £70-100

24 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                          25
                                                                                   A Victorian silver circular pedestal punch bowl by
                                                                                   Charles Stuart Harris, London 1892, the half foliate
                                                                                   chased body on a circular pedestal foot, 28cm (11in)
                                                                                   diameter, 975g (31.35 oz)

                                                                                   Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire



                     69                         69 Y
                                                A cased Victorian silver
                                                gilt three piece tea set
                                                by Elkington & Co. Ltd.,
                                                Birmingham 1892 (1) and
                                                1893 (2), the tea pot with a
                                                domed finial to the domed
                                                cover and ivory warming
                                                bands to the scroll handle,
                                                engraved with foliate bands,       72
                                                20cm (8in) long, with five tea     A Victorian silver shaped oval dish by William Hutton & Sons, London
                                                spoons, 556g (17.9 oz) gross       1893, with a foliate scroll border, pierced lattice decoration and chased
                                                                                   with C-scrolls and foliage, on four foliate feet, 18cm (7in) long; and an oval
                                                Provenance: Berwick House,         pedestal dish by William Neale & Son Ltd., Birmingham 1912, with a beaded
                                                Shrewsbury, Shropshire             border, pierced body and on a conforming oval pedestal foot, 20cm (8in)
                                                                                   long, 335g (10.75 oz) gross
                                                                                   Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

                                                70                                 £100-150
                                                A cased pair of Victorian
                                                silver shaped oval dishes
                                                by Horton & Allday,                73
                                                Birmingham 1892, chased            A Victorian silver mounted tapering spirit flask by Drew & Sons,
                                                with C-scrolls, florals sprays     London 1893, the cap and cup engraved W.W.C.P, 29cm (9in) high;
                                                and shells, 24cm (9 1/2in)         and a silver mounted spirit flask, the cover by Charles Henry Dumenil,
                                                long, 314g (10.1 oz)               London 1897 and the cup by Drew & Sons, London 1897, both
                                                                                   engraved with a crest, motto and W.W.C.P., 15cm (6in) high
                                                Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                Shrewsbury, Shropshire             Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

     70                                         £100-150                           £150-250

26 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                              27
                                             A late Victorian silver pedestal bowl by James Deakin & Sons, Sheffield
                                             1893, the half fluted and lobed body chased with ribbons and florals swags,
                                             on a circular pedestal foot, 12.5cm (5in) diameter, 235g (7.55 oz)


                                             75 Y
                                             A Victorian silver circular tea pot and cream jug, maker’s mark T.W,
                                             Birmingham 1893, the tea pot with a wooden lobed circular finial to the
                                             domed cover, ivory warming bands to the loop handle and a lobed and
                                             fluted band to the body, 21cm (8 1/4in) long, 414g (13.3 oz) gross

                                             Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

                                                    75                                                                            A Victorian silver twin handled oval tray by Elkington & Co. Ltd., Birmingham 1893, with twin gadrooned loop
                                                                                                                                  handles and border, engraved with C-scrolls, floral sprays and a presentation inscription, 75.5cm 29 (3/4in) long,
                                                                                                                                  4498g (144.6 oz)

76                                                                                                                                Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
A late Victorian silver cigarette case, maker’s mark J.N.M, Birmingham 1894, engraved W.B.P, 12cm (4 3/4in) long;
a silver mounted cigarette box by William Neale Ltd., Birmingham 1927, the cover engraved with linear decoration                  £1,500-2,500
and a crest within a circular shaped reserve, 11.5cm (4 1/2in) long, with a cedar liner; a plain silver mounted cigarette
box; a silver circular engine turned box, maker’s mark obscured, Birmingham 1927, with a circular shaped reserve,
                                                                                            opening to a mirror, 5cm
                                                                                            (2in) diameter; an octagonal          78
                                                                                            silver box by Stokes & Ireland        A Victorian silver shaped circular pedestal
                                                                                            Ltd., Birmingham 1893, with           punch bowl by Sibray, Hall & Co., London
                                                                                            gadrooned borders and                 1895, with a C-scroll border, a half fluted
                                                                                            engraved with a monogram,             body, engraved with a monogram and a
                                                                                            8.5cm (3 1/4in) long; and a           presentation inscription within oval reserves,
                                                                                            vesta case, 322g (11.35 oz) gross     on a circular pedestal foot, 27.5cm (10 3/4in)
                                                                                            weighable                             diameter, 1522g (48.95 oz)

                                                                                             Provenance: Berwick House,           Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury,
                                                                                             Shrewsbury, Shropshire               Shropshire

                                                                                             £200-300                             £500-700

28                                              | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                        29
                                                                                                                                A late Victorian silver double cigar
                                                                                                                                box by Mappin & Webb (John
                                                                                                                                Newton Mappin), London 1897,
                                                                                                                                with a loop handle and two hinged
                                                                                                                                covers, each engraved with a crest,
                                                                                                                                26cm (10in) long, with a cedar liner
                                                                                                                                Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                                                                Shrewsbury, Shropshire

                                                                                                                                £150-250                                                           82

A set of six silver oval napkin rings by Sandra Poulton, Sheffield 1986 (2), 1987 (3) and 1988 (1), pierced with birds
and animals, 5.5cm (2 1/4in) long, 179g (5.75 oz)


80                                                                                                                                                                                                83
A late Victorian Irish silver dish or potato ring by                                                                                                                                              A late Victorian silver circular kettle on stand by
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co., Dublin 1896, the                                                                                                                                                   George Nathan & Ridley Hayes, Chester 1897, with
waisted body pierced and chased with animals                                                                                                                                                      a wicker wrapped loop handle and a composition
and a male figure among foliage and C-scrolls,                                                                                                                                                    lobed finial to the domed cover, engraved with a
engraved with a crest, 21cm (8 1/4in) diameter,                                                                                                                                                   crest above the motto I Hope To Share, the kettle
394g (12.65 oz)                                                                                                                                                                                   on a circular pierced stand above a burner, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                  twin wicker wrapped handles and on four pad feet,
Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury,                                                                                                                                                            19cm (7 1/2in) long, 691g (22.2 oz) gross


                                                                                            A late Victorian silver shaped
                                                                                            oval swing handled basket by
                                                                                            Josiah Williams & Co., London
                                                                                            1896, with a foliate chased loop
                                                                                            handle, a scroll border with
                                                                                            foliate sprays at intervals, the
                                                                                            bowl chased with foliate swags                                                              84
                                                                                            and C-scrolls, engraved with a
                                                                                            presentation inscription and        84 Y
                                                                                            on an oval pedestal foot, 29cm      A late Victorian silver mounted and tortoiseshell page turner by Henry Matthews, Birmingham 1897, the handle
                                                                                            (11 1/2in) long, 629g (20.2 oz)     chased with C-scroll and foliate swags, engraved 1900 and a presentation inscription, 37cm (14 1/2in) long; and a silver
                                                                                                                                letter opener by J B Chatterley & Sons Ltd., Birmingham 1960, 23cm (9in) long, 61g (1.95 oz) weighable

30                                            | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                           31
                                 85                                                                                           An Edwardian silver mounted etched glass claret jug by Walker & Hall,
                                 A late Victorian ‘Go to Bed’ candle light holder by Samuel Jacob, London 1897, with          Sheffield 1903, with a domed finial to the domed cover. a mask capped scroll
                                 a domed cover and rotating base with striker, 7cm (2 3/4in) high, 77g (2.45 oz), with        handle and a foliate spout, 27.5cm (10 3/4in) high
                                 the original Clarke’s patent “Burglar’s Horror” Pyramid candle with paper label
                                                                                                                              An Edwardian silver rectangular inkstand by Edward Barnard & Sons Ltd.,
                                                                                                                              London 1903, with a gadrooned border, a pierced floral and scroll gallery,
                                                                                                                              engraved with a presentation inscription, with two cut glass inkwells with
                                                                                                                              silver covers, on four scroll feet, 28cm (11in) long, 917g (29.5 oz) weighable

           85                                                                                                                 £250-400

An Edwardian silver shaped oval sugar basket
by Marston & Bayliss, Birmingham 1901, with
a reeded swing handle and border, pierced
decoration and on a shaped oval pedestal foot,
14.5cm (5 3/4in) long, 127g (4.1 oz), with a blue
glass liner

Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury,

£80-120                                                                                                                                            89


                                                                                   87                                         90
                                                                                   An Edwardian silver oval spirit            An Edwardian set of four silver
                                                                                   flask by Army & Navy Cooperative           shaped circular dishes by Goldsmiths
                                                                                   Society Ltd., London 1902, with a          & Silversmiths Co. Ltd., London 1904,
                                                                                   pull off cup, 16cm (6 1/4in) high; a       with reed, stitch and foliate borders,
                                                                                   late Victorian silver mounted and          pierced and engraved with bows, floral
                                                                                   glass oval spirit flask by William         swags and roundels, 21cm (8 1/4in)
                                                                                   Hutton & Sons Ltd., London 1898,           diameter, 1233g (39.65 oz) gross
                                                                                   with a pull off cup, 15.5cm (6in) high;
                                                                                   and a silver mounted, glass and            Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                   leather spirit flask, maker’s mark J.M.    Shrewsbury, Shropshire
                                                                                   & S., Sheffield 1935, with a pull off
                                                                                   cup, 353g (11.35 oz) gross weighable       £400-600


                                      87                                                                                                                                                                       90
32                                          | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                              33
Four novelty silver animal pepperettes, to include: an Edwardian silver bird pepperette by William
Edward Hurcomb, London 1906, 4cm (1 1/2in) long; another similar with sponsor’s mark for Burthold
Muller, import mark for Chester 1903, 4cm (1 1/2in) long; an Edwardian rabbit pepperette by Grey &
Co., Birmingham 1902, 7cm (2 3/4in) high; and a bear pepperette, maker’s mark WW overstriking
that of another, Birmingham 1909, 4cm (1 1/2in) high, 88g (2.85 oz) gross



                                                                                                                             An Edwardian silver oblong baluster tea pot by Atkin Brothers, Sheffield 1909, with a composition finial and angular
                                                             91                                                              handled, a gadrooned border and half lobed body, 27cm (10 1/2in) long, 614g (19.75 oz) gross


                                                                       A silver shaped circular salver by James Dixon
                                                                       & Sons, Sheffield 1906, with a raised moulded         95 Y
                                                                       scroll and shell border, on three scroll feet,        An Edwardian silver and coral
                                                                       37cm (14 1/2in) diameter, 1125g (36.15 oz)            mounted baby rattle by George
                                                                                                                             Unite & Sons, Birmingham 1909, with
                                                                       £400-600                                              a suspension loop, chased with floral
                                                                                                                             decoration, a whistle and eight bells,
                                                                                                                             11cm (4 1/4in) long; and another similar,
                                                                                                                             obscured maker’s mark only, 11.5cm
                                                                                                                             (4 1/2in) long


93 Y                                                                                                                         An Arts & Crafts silver pedestal bowl
An Edwardian silver shaped oval sugar bowl by Sibray,                                                                        by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd.,
Hall & Co. Ltd. (Charles Clement Pilling), London 1907,                                                                      London 1910, signed Latino Movio, the
with an ivory finial to the domed cover, a shaped border,                                                                    hammered body chased with a rose
twin loop handles and on three paw feet, 13cm (5in) long,                                                                    band and on a circular pedestal foot,
274g (8.8 oz) gross                                                                                                          20cm (8in) diameter, 523g (16.8 oz)

£80-120                                                                                        93                            £200-300                                                                      96

34                                         | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                     35
                                                 A silver octagonal baluster tea pot by R. & S. Garrard & Co.,
                                                 London 1911, with a bell shaped finial to the domed cover, a wooden
                                                 double scroll handle and on a circular foot, 21cm (8 1/4in) high, 699g
                                                 (22.5 oz) gross

                                                 Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire


                 97                                                                                                                                                                     100
98                                                                                                                             100 Y
A silver matched circular baluster four piece tea set by Asprey & Co. Ltd., London 1913 (1), 1923 (2) and 1926 (1), the        A silver four piece oblong baluster tea set by Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1916, the tea pot with an ivory finial to the
tea pot with a wood octagonal finial to the octagonal domed cover and scroll handle, engraved with a motto and a               domed cover and warming bands to the angular handle, a tongue and shell border, engraved with a monogram and
crest, on a circular foot, 22cm (8 3/4in) long, 2148g (69.1 oz) gross                                                          on four ball feet, 30cm (11 3/4in) long, 2148g (69.05 oz) gross

£700-1,000                                                                                                                     £700-1,000
                                                                                                                                                                                 A silver octagonal tapering coffee pot by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths
                                                                                                                                                                                 Co. Ltd., London 1918, with an orb finial to the domed cover and a
                                                                                                                                                                                 wooden scroll handle, 23.5cm (9 1/4in) high, 511g (16.4 oz) gross

                                                                                                                                                                                 Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire



                                                                                    99                                                           101
                                                                                    A silver three piece oblong baluster
                                                                                    tea set by Alexander Clark & Co.
                                                                                    Ltd., London 1915, with a wood             102
                                                                                    oblong finial to the domed cover           A silver chamberstick by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd., London 1924, with gadrooned borders, a scroll handle
                                                                                    and a loop handle, a gadrooned             and a tapering candle snuffer, 16cm (6 1/4in) long, 272g (8.75 oz)
                                                                                    border and on four ball feet, 25.5cm
                                                                                    (10in) long, 569g (18.3 oz) gross          Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
                                                                                    £200-300                                   £100-150

36                                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                           37
                                                       A cased set of four matched silver gilt apostle spoons, three
                                                       by D. & J. Welby, London 1925 and one by Pairpoint Brothers,
                                                       London 1900, 19cm (7 1/2in) long, 277g (8.9 oz) gross


                                             103                                                                             106
104                                                                                                                          A silver twin handled shaped oval tray by James Deakin & Sons, Sheffield 1931, with twin loop handles, a raised
A silver baluster sugar castor by Carrington & Co., London 1929, with a ball                                                 moulded border and engraved with a presentation inscription, 61.5cm 24 (1/4in) long, 2588g (83.2 oz)
finial to the pierced domed cover and on a circular moulded spreading foot,
20.5cm (8in) high, 267g (8.6 oz)                                                                                             Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                                            £800-1,200


                                                                                                                                                                                                              A silver Art Deco bachelors coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                              pot and sugar bowl by Charles S.
                                            105                                                                                                                                                               Green & Co. Ltd., Birmingham 1933,
                                            A silver baluster mug by F. C. Richards, Birmingham 1931, with a scroll                                                                                           the coffee pot with a composition
                                            handle, engraved with a presentation inscription and on a circular                                                                                                octagonal finial to the ogee domed
                                            moulded spreading foot, 13cm (5in) high, 389g (12.5 oz)                                                                                                           cover and scroll handle, engraved
                                                                                                                                                                                                              D and on a circular moulded
                                            Provenance: Berwick House, Shrewsbury, Shropshire                                                                                                                 spreading foot, 17cm (6 3/4in) high,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              373g (12 oz) gross

38                                         | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                      39
                                                                                                                               An Art Deco silver four piece
                                                                                                                               circular tea set by Dennison Watch
                                                                                                                               Case Co., Birmingham 1937, the tea
                                                                                                                               pot with a composition domed finial
                                                                                                                               to the stepped circular cover and an
                                                                                                                               angular handle, on a stepped circular
                                                                                                                               foot, 23cm (9in) long, 903g (29.05
                                                                                                                               oz) gross




108                                                                                                                                                                                   A silver shaped square salver by Walker &
A silver oblong ink stand by Asprey & Co. Ltd., Birmingham 1935, with a reeded border, two square inkwells with                                                                       Hall, Sheffield 1940, with a raised moulded
canted corners, a double pen rest and on four bun feet, 29cm (11 1/2in) long, 1053g (33.85 oz), with two glass liners                                                                 border, engraved with a Royal Engineers
                                                                                                                                                                                      cap badge, presentation inscription and
£400-600                                                                                                                                                                              monograms, on four bun feet 34cm (13
                                                                                                                                                                                      1/2in) wide, 1084g (34.85 oz)



                                                                                                                               A pair of silver pint mugs by William Suckling Ltd.,
                                                          109                                                                  Birmingham 1946, with loop handles, engraved
109                                                                                                                            D.G.S., on circular moulded spreading bases, 12cm
Eight silver rectangular matchbox holders, five by S. J. Rose & Son, London 1936, two by Mappin & Webb,                        (4 3/4in) high, 727g (23.35 oz)
Birmingham 1935 and one by Harrods Ltd., London 1933, with engine turned decoration, 4.5cm (1 3/4in) long, 161g
(5.2 oz) gross                                                                                                                 £250-350

£150-250                                                                                                                                                                                        112

40                                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                   41
                                                                                         A large silver mounted cigar
                                                                                         box by Charles S. Green & Co.
                                                                                         Ltd., Birmingham 1947, with
                                                                                         canted corners and engine                                                                         116
                                                                                         turned decoration, engraved                                                                       A pair of silver chambersticks by Garrard & Co. Ltd.,
                                                                                         with a presentation inscription                                                                   London 1960, with knopped stems and on hexagonal
                                                                                         and on four stepped pad feet,                                                                     moulded spreading bases, 287g (9.2 oz)
                                                                                         24.5cm (9 3/4in) long, with a
                                                                                         cedar liner                                                                                       £100-150

A silver mounted shaped rectangular
photo frame by Barker Brothers Silver Ltd.,                                                                                                           116
Birmingham 1951, applied with a German state
eagle, 36.5cm (14 1/4in) high; a silver coloured
photo frame, stamped K.S.W. silver, applied with                                                                               117
the state symbol of Pakistan, 42.5cm (16 3/4in)                                                                                A cased pair of silver oval sauce boats and Old English
high; an American silver coloured mounted                                                                                      pattern sauce ladles by Viner’s Ltd., Sheffield 1961, the
rectangular photo frame by Galt & Bro,                                                                                         sauce boats with Celtic borders, loop handles and on
engraved with the seal of the President of                                                                                     three pad feet, 15.5cm (6in) long, the sauce ladles
the USA, 39.5cm (15 1/2in) high; and a silver                                                                                  11.5cm (4 1/2in) long, 381g (12.25 oz) gross
coloured mounted photo frame,
unmarked, engraved with a floral                                                                                               £150-250
border, 34.5cm (13 1/2in) high

£300-500                                                                                         114
                                                                                                                               A silver limited edition
                                                                                                                               chess set by Cyril Endfield,
                                                                                                                               London 1972, no. 95 of                            117
                                                                                                                               650, with a silver mounted
115                                                                                                                            leather board, the silver
A set of four small silver table vases by Elsa Peretti for Tiffany & Co., London 1956, with compressed cylindrical             and silver gilt playing pieces
bodies, 4.5cm (1 3/4in) high, with a Tiffany & Co. pouch; and a silver handled carving knife and fork by Elsa Peretti for      slotting together, 304g
Tiffany & Co., London 1958, the knife 35cm (13 3/4in) long, with a Tiffany & Co. pouch, 101g (3.25 oz) weighable               (9.75 oz) weighable, with a
                                                                                                                               travel case and certificate
£100-150                                                                                                                       of authenticity

                                                                                                                               This chess set is to
                                                                                                                               commemorate the World
                                                                                                                               Championship game
                                                                                                                               between the American
                                                                                                                               Bobby Fischer and the
                                                                                                                               Russian Boris Spassky in

                                                            115                                                                £300-500                                                                            118

42                                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                       43
                                                               A limited edition silver circular salver by Historical
                                                               Heirlooms Ltd., Birmingham 1972, no. 2224 of 3500,
                                                               commemorating the silver wedding anniversary of Her
                                                               Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness The Prince               122
                                                               Philip, 20.5cm (8in) diameter, with a case and certificate;       A silver gilt and enamel surprise egg by
                                                               and a beaded Old English pattern stilton scoop by                 Stuart Devlin, the textured base hallmarked
                                                               Birmingham Mint, Sheffield 1986, 21.5cm (8 1/2in) long,           London 1985 and the associated cover
                                                               388g (12.45 oz) gross                                             1986, no. 106, opening to Mr Punch, Toby
                                                                                                                                 and a cake seller, 7cm (2 3/4in) high


120                                                                                                                                                                                                                     123
A silver limited edition commemorative bowl, London                                                                                                                                                                     A pair of cast silver
1977, no. 0141 of 2500, authorised by The Football League                                                                                                                                                               models of quails by
on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of H. M. Queen                                                                                                                                                                    Tessiers Ltd., London
Elizabeth II, 24cm (9 1/2in) diameter, 941g (30.25 oz), with                                                                                                                                                            1985, the tallest 9cm (3
a card box and certificate signed by Lord Westwood, Alan                                                                                                                                                                1/2in) high, 354g (11.35 oz)
Hardaker and Sir Matt Busby
                                                                                             120                                                                                                                        £300-500

A framed silver limited edition commemorative plate by Yorkshire Mint, Sheffield 1977, no. 1270 of 2500, authorised                                                                     124
by the College of Arms on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of H. M. Queen Elizabeth II, 26.5cm (10 1/2in) diameter,            124
with a certificate and booklet; together with another similar by Yorkshire Mint, Sheffield 1978, commemorating the               A cased set of six silver country sporting menu holders by J. A. Campbell, London 1988, pierced and engraved with
Coronation of Elizabeth OO. 26cm (10 1/4in) diameter                                                                             game and a spaniel within shaped circular borders, 3cm (1 1/4in) high, 79g (2.5 oz)

£400-600                                                                                                                         £80-120

44                                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                         45
                                                                                                                               A silver cigar tube by A. J. Poole,
                                                                                                                               Birmingham 2000, the cover
                                                                                                                               engraved DGS, 14cm (5 1/2in) long;
                                                                                                                               an Italian silver coloured cigar tube,
                                                                                                                               Firenze post 1968 .800 standard, with
                                                                                                                               reeded decoration and engraved DGS,
                                                             125                                                               19cm (7 1/2in) long; and an Italian silver
                                                                                                                               coloured cigar cutter, Firenze post                           128
                                                                                                                               1968 .925 standard, with twin loop
                                                                                                                               handles, 6cm (2 1/4in) long, 138g (4.45
                                                                                                                               oz) gross

A pair of silver oval sauce boats by C. J. Vander Ltd., Sheffield 1989, with leaf capped flying scroll handles and on
three shell and stepped pad feet, 15cm (6in) long, 305g (9.8 oz)
£80-120                                                                                                                                                                     A silver wine funnel by Victoria Silverware Ltd.,
                                                                                                                                                                            London 2000, with a gadrooned border and a grape
                                                                                                                                                                            vine handle, 13cm (5in) long, 117g (3.75 oz)

126                                                                                                                                                                         £70-100
A pair of silver pepper grinders by Whitehill Silver &
Plate Co., London 1990, with domed finial and waisted
bodies, 7cm (2 3/4in) high



                                                                           127                                                 130
                                                                           A pair of silver novelty cowboy boot salt           A pair of silver mounted wine
                                                                           and pepper shakers, sponsor’s mark for              coasters by Carr’s of Sheffield,
                                                                           Theo Fennell, import mark for London 1994,          Sheffield 2001 and 2004, with
                                                                           8.5cm (3 1/4in) high, 185g (5.95 oz)                pierced bodies and turned wood
                                                                                                                               bases, 13cm (5in) diameter; together
                                                                           £80-120                                             with a similar example by M. C.
                                                                                                                               Hersey & Son Ltd., London 1998,
                                                                                                                               13cm (5in) diameter

                       127                                                                                                                                                                 130

46                                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                    47
                                                                                                                             A silver shaped circular salver by C. J.
                                                                                                                             Vander Ltd., Sheffield 2004, with a raised
                                                                                                                             moulded border, engraved Anglo American
                                                                                                                             PLC 1999 - 2005 and various monograms,
                                                                                                                             on three stepped pad feet, 27.5cm (10 3/4in)
                                                        131                                                                  diameter, 583g (18.75 oz)

131                                                                                                                          £150-250
Five silver mounted bottle stoppers by A. J. Poole, Birmingham 2002 (1), 2007 (2) and 2009 (1), topped with
sporting figures, including a jockey, a cricketer, a man behind a shops wheel, a dogs head and a fox among pheasants,
the tallest 10cm (4in) high


132 Y                                                                                                                                                                                                 135
Two silver jester pattern baby
rattles by Quarrier Ward Ltd.,                                                                                                                                              136
Birmingham 2002 and 2003, with                                                                                                                                              A silver six division toast rack by Whitehill Silver &
plastic rings and mother of pearl                                                                                                                                           Plate Co., Birmingham 2004, with a loop handle, shot
handles, 16cm (6 1/4in) long overall;                                                                                                                                       gun formed bars and on four ball feet, 14cm(5 1/2in)
and an owl example, Birmingham                                                                                                                                              long, 374g (12 oz)
2004, 14.5cm (5 3/4in)



                                                  A silver elephant vesta case by David A. Bowles, London 2003,              137
                                                  with a glass eye, 5.5cm (2 1/4in) long, 49g (1.6 oz)                       A silver toast rack and jam jar by
                                                                                                                             Grant MacDonald Silversmiths,
                       133                        £80-120                                                                    London 2007, the four division
                                                                                                                             toast rack with a loop handle, flower
                                                                                                                             terminals and on four compressed
                                                  134                                                                        bun feet, 9cm (3 1/2in) long, the jam
                                                  A silver mouse vesta case by David A. Bowles, London 2004, with            jar with a cone finial to the domed
                                                  glass eyes, 6cm (2 1/4in) long, 40g (1.3 oz)                               cover, the 13cm (5in) high, with a
                                                                                                                             glass liner, 657g (21.1 oz)
                                                  £80-120                                                                                                                                    137

48                                         | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                           49
                                 A silver mounted shaped photo frame by Carr’s
                                 of Sheffield Ltd., Sheffield 2007, chased with a
                                 cherub mask and foliate scrolls, with a shaped
                                 vacant reserve, 18cm (11in) high                         141
                                                                                          Two silver mounted folding
                                 £80-120                                                  double photo frames by Kitney
                                                                                          & Co., London 1994 and 2007,
                                 139                                                      the tallest 21.5cm (8 1/2in) high,
                                 Six silver armada dishes by Carr’s of Sheffield          the shortest 15.5cm (6in) high
                                 Ltd., Sheffield 2008 (1) and 2009 (5), four 13cm
                                 (5in) diameter, two 10cm (4in) diameter, 455g            £70-100
                                 (14.6 oz), each with a card box



                                                                                          Four silver mounted rectangular photo frames by Kitney & Co.,
                       139                                                                London 1999 (1), 2006 (2) and 2009 (1), with beaded borders, the
                                                                                          tallest 18cm (7in) high, the shortest 10.5cm (4in) high

                                             A pair of silver mounted wine
                                             coasters by M. C. Hersey & Son               143
                                             Ltd., London 2009, 9.5cm (3 3/4in)           A silver mounted shaped rectangular photo frame by Ray Hall,
                                             diameter, with turned wood bases; and        circa 2000, chased with C-scroll and floral sprays, 32cm (12 1/2in)
                                             a pair of silver mounted bellied wine        high, with a card box
                                             coasters, maker’s mark W.E.V., London
                                             2009, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) diameter               £80-120

50      | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                     51
                                                                                                                          A silver mounted shaped photo frame by Carr’s of Sheffield Ltd.,
                                                                                                                          Sheffield 2007, chased with a cherub mask and foliate scrolls, with a
                                                                                                                          shaped vacant reserve, 18cm (11in) high


                                                                                                                          Three silver mounted folding double photo frames by Kitney &
                                                                                                                          Co., London 2005 (2) and 2009 (1), with reed and stitch borders, the
                                                                                                                          tallest 21.5cm (8 3/4in) high, the shortest 16cm (6 1/4in) high



Two pairs of silver mounted photo frames by Kitney & Co.,
London 2002 and 2003 and London 2007 and 2009, the tallest
21cm (8 1/4in) high, 15.5cm (6in) high


A silver mounted rectangular photo frame by Kitney & Co.,
London 2002, 30cm (11 3/4in) high




                                                                               A pair of silver mounted shaped
                                                                               rectangular photo frames by Carr’s
                                                                               of Sheffield Ltd., Sheffield 2005 and
                                                                               2006, chased with shell and foliate        149
                                                                               scrolls, with a cartouche shaped           Five silver mounted rectangular
                                                                               vacant reserve, 29cm (11 1/2in) high       photo frames by Carr’s of Sheffield
                                                                                                                          Ltd., Sheffield 2006 (2), 2007 (1),
                                                                               £150-250                                   2008 (1) and 2009 (1), the tallest
                                                                                                                          28.5cm (11 1/4in), the smallest 10cm
                                                                                                                          (4in); and an electro-plated example

                                                                                                                          £200-300                                                                149

52                                      | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                       53
           Five silver mounted rectangular photo frames, maker’s mark PJP,
           Birmingham 2006 (1), Edinburgh 2008 (1) and 2009 (3), 18.5cm (7in) high


           A large silver mounted rectangular photo frame by Kitney & Co.,
           London 2008, 30cm (11 3/4in) high


           152                                                                                                                                       154
           Two silver mounted folding double photo frames by Kitney & Co.,
           London 2008, with beaded borders, the tallest 21.5cm (8 1/2in) high, the
           shortest 18cm (7in) high



                                                                                              153                                   154                                      155
                                                                                              Five silver mounted rectangular       A pair of silver mounted                 Six silver mounted rectangular
                                                                                              photo frames by Kitney & Co.,         rectangular photo frames by Kitney       photo frames by Kitney & Co.,
                                                                                              London 2009, with reed and stitch     & Co., London 2009, with reed and        London 2009, with beaded borders,
                                                                                              borders, 18cm (7in) high, each with   stitch borders, 17.5cm (7in) high; and   18cm (7in) high, each with a card
                                                                                              a card box                            another pair, London 2008, 15cm          box
                            152                                                                                                     (6in) high
                                                                                              £150-250                                                                       £150-250

54          | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                  55
                                                                                                                               A George II silver baluster cream jug by Ayme Videau,
                                                                                                                               London circa 1730, with a capped double scroll handle,
                                                                                                                               engraved with foliate swags and an armorial, on three
                                                                                                                               stepped pad feet, 10cm (4in) high, 144g (4.65 oz)

                                                                                                                               Believed to be the arms of John ASHBURNHAM (1724-
                                                                                                                               1812), 2nd Earl Ashburnham, the son and heir of John
                                                                                                                               ASHBURNHAM (1689-1737), who was created 1st Earl
                                                                                                                               Ashburnham in 1730, by his third wife Lady Jemima
                                                                                                                               GREY (died 1730) daughter of the politician and courtier
                                                                                                                               Henry GREY (1671-1740) the 1st Duke of Kent.


A pair of Scottish silver mounted square photo frame, maker’s mark PJP, Edinburgh 2009, 24cm (9 1/2in) wide

£80-120                                                                                                                                                                                                         159

                                                                                                                                                                                          A George II silver cream jug by John Gorsuch, London
                                                                                                                                                                                          1733, with a leaf capped double scroll handle, engraved
                                                                                                                                                                                          with an armorial and on three paw feet, 10cm (4in) high,
                                                                                                                                                                                          157g (5.05 oz)




                                                                                   158 (part lot)
157                                                           158
A George I silver pear shaped cream jug by John               A George III silver baluster cream jug by George                 161
Eckford II, London 1725, with a scroll handle, engraved       Greenhill Jones, London 1729, with a scroll handle and           A George II silver lobed oval cream
with an armorial and on three stepped pad feet, 151g          on a circular moulded spreading foot, 8.5cm (3 1/4in)            jug, maker’s mark obscured, London
(4.85 oz)                                                     high; and a George III bellied cream jug, maker’s mark           1739, with a leaf capped flying scroll
                                                              obscured, London 1764, with a leaf capped double scroll          handle and on three shell and
£120-180                                                      handle and on a circular moulded spreading foot, 9cm             stepped pad feet, 13.5cm (5 1/4in)
                                                              (3 1/2in) high, 152g (4.9 oz) gross                              long, 138g (4.45 oz)

                                                              £150-250                                                         £80-120

56                                           | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                     57

                                                                                                                                                       166                                                             167
162                                                          163                                                               166                                                          167
A George III Irish silver cream jug by Samuel Walker,        A George III silver baluster cream jug, maker’s mark              A George III silver oval cream jug by Robert, David and      A George III silver oviform cream jug by Peter, Ann and
Dublin circa 1760, with a capped double scroll handle, a     obscured, London 1774, with a leaf capped double scroll           Samuel Hennell, London 1802, with a reeded border and        William Bateman, London 1803, with a reeded scroll
girdle, chased with birds, flowers and C-scrolls, engraved   handle, chased with a husk band and floral decoration,            scroll handle 12cm (4 3/4in) long, 126g (4.05 oz)            handle and border, engraved with a foliate band and a
with a crest and on three lion mask and paw feet, 13.5cm     a shaped vacant reserve and on three trefoil feet, 9cm                                                                         monogram within an oval reserve, 12.5cm (5in) high, 132g
(5 1/4in) long, 172g (5.5 oz)                                (3 1/2in) high; and a George III cream jug by Nathaniel           £80-120                                                      (4.25 oz)
                                                             Appleton & Ann Smith, London 1780, with a leaf capped
£300-500                                                     double scroll handle, chased with a floral and ribbon                                                                          £200-300
                                                             band and on a circular pedestal foot, 10cm (4in) high,
                                                             140g (4.5 oz) gross


                         164                                                               165                                                         168                                                             169
164                                                          165                                                               168                                                          169
A George III silver octagonal cream jug by Charles           A George III silver oval straight sided cream jug, maker’s        A George III silver squat bulbous cream jug by Alice &       A George III Irish silver rectangular cream jug by
Chesterman II, London 1793, with a scroll handle, reeded     mark S .., London 1796, with a scroll handle, engraved            George Burrows II, London 1808, with an angular handle       Richard Sawyer, Dublin 1813, with a gadrooned border
bands and engraved with a monogram, 12cm (4 3/4in)           beneath M. C. Marguritte Collings, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high,          and on a circular foot, 13.5cm (5 1/4in) long, 155g (5 oz)   and scroll handle, engraved with floral sprays, a crest and
long, 143g (4.6 oz)                                          92g (2.95 oz)                                                                                                                  a vacant reserve, on four ball feet, 167g (5.4 oz)
£100-150                                                     £80-120                                                                                                                        £100-150

58                                          | +44 (0) 1635 553 553    Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                         59
                                                 A Victorian silver baluster cream jug by Charles Reily & George                174
                                                 Storer, London 1844, with a C-scroll border, a double scroll handle,           A cased set of twelve silver Harley pattern fruit knives and forks by
                                                 chased with C-scrolls and floral sprays, on four foliate scroll feet,          Moses Brent, London 1810, the knives 22cm (8 3/4in) long, the forks
                                                 16cm (6 1/4in) high, 306g (9.85 oz)                                            18cm (7in) long

                                                 £100-150                                                                       £200-300

                                                 A Victorian silver cream jug by Louis Dee, London 1883, retailed by
                                                 Alfred Clark, with a the body, scroll handle and three feet inset with
                                                 coins, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high, 186g (6 oz) gross



172                                                                                                                                                                                                           174
An Arts & Crafts cream jug by George Unite & Sons, Birmingham
1910, with a loop handle and on a circular foot, 9.5cm (3 3/4in) high;
and an Arts & Crafts cream jug by James Fenton & Co., with a scroll
handle, 8cm (3 11/4in) high, 153g (4.95 oz) gross

£100-150                                                                                                                                                                                                  175
                                                                                                                                                                                                          A cased pair of Victorian silver fish
                                                                                                                                                                                                          servers by Hilliard & Thomason,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Birmingham 1854, with foliate
                                                                                                                                                                                                          handles, engraved with foliate swags
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and flower heads, the knife 33cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (13in) long, the fork 24cm (9 1/in)

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Provenance: Berwick House,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shrewsbury, Shropshire

173 Y
A cased George III silver mounted                                                                                               176
and tortoiseshell travel knife and                                                                173                           A pair of cased Victorian silver fish
fork, duty and sterling marks only,                                                                                             servers by Hilliard & Thomason,
inlaid with an engraved guilloche                                                                                               Birmingham 1861, with foliate and
band with roundels, 14cm (5 1/2in)                                                                                              scroll handles, engraved with a
long (extended)                                                                                                                 monogram, the knife 33cm (13in)
                                                                                                                                long, the fork 25cm (9 3/4in) long

60                                            | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                61
                                                                               A set of six Victorian silver King’s
                                                                               pattern poultry skewers by
                                                                               Chawner & Co. (George William
                                                                               Adams), London 1866, three 18cm
                                                                               (7in) long, three 15cm (6in) long,
                                                                               228g (7.35 oz)


A cased pair of Victorian silver apostle
spoons by Martin Hall & Co., Sheffield 1873m
with shell shaped bowls, 20cm (8in) long;
and a pair of late Victorian apostle spoons by
William Hutton & Son Ltd., London 1898, with
shell shaped bowls, 20cm (8in) long, 283g (9.1
oz) gross




                                                                         179                                              180
                                                                         A cased pair of Victorian silver anointing       A collection of silver fiddle and shell pattern flatware, various makers and dates, some engraved with a crest or
                                                                         spoons by John Aldwinkle & James                 monogram, comprising:
                                                                         Slater, London 1881, with masked terminals       Five table spoons, nine table forks, twenty eight dessert spoons, twenty six dessert forks, twenty tea spoons, a sifting
                                                                         and gilt bowls, 21.5cm (8 1/2in) long, 120g      spoon, a sugar spade, a small salad serving fork, a fish knife, 4261g (137 oz)
                                                                         (3.85 oz)                                        Together with the following knives with silver handles and stainless steel blades:
                                                                                                                          Six table knives, six dessert knives
                                                                         £80-120                                          Together with the following knives with ivorine handles and stainless steel blades:
                                                                                                                          Twelve table knives, six dessert forks, three piece carving set



62                                      | +44 (0) 1635 553 553   Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                                         63
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