JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES - National Agencies Event March 2021 - Diku

Page created by Clinton Yates
JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES - National Agencies Event March 2021 - Diku
National Agencies Event
March 2021

                JEAN MONNET
                      in 2021

ZOTTI, Stefan
JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES - National Agencies Event March 2021 - Diku
JEAN MONNET: What’s New?

•   New strand: Jean Monnet for other fields of education & training

     •   Aim: Promote better understanding of the EU and the functioning of its
         institutions in schools and VET

     •   3 elements:
     ❑   Teacher Training
     ❑   EU Learning Initiatives (as of 2022)
     ❑   Networks for schools and VET providers

•   5 activities in 2021: 3 HE, 2 other fields
JEAN MONNET activities in 2021

     Higher Education Institutions   In other fields of Education and training

Modules                              Teacher training
                                     Networks for schools and VET providers
Centres of Excellence

Any HEI in the world                 Erasmus+ programme countries
Modules are short teaching programmes or courses in the field of European Union studies at offered at a
higher education institution. They may concentrate on one particular discipline in European studies or be
multidisciplinary in approach and therefore call upon the academic input of several professors and experts.

Who                                 Dur    Max       %     Type      other
                                    atio   Eu              of
                                    n      contri          cost
One HEI in any country of the       3      30.000    75    Fixed     Minimum 40 teaching hours per academic
world                                                %     lump      year. Summer courses allowed
Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors. A Jean Monnet
Chair is held by only one professor, he/she may also have a team to support and enhance the activities of the
Chair, including the provision of additional teaching hours.

   Who                               Dur    Max      %    Type     other
                                     atio   Eu            of
                                     n      contri        cost
   One HEI in any country of the     3      50.00    75   Fixed    Minimum 90 teaching hours per academic
   world                                    0        %    lump     year by the Chair
Centres of Excellence
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are focal points of competence and knowledge on European Union
subjects. They should gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts aiming to at develop
synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies as well as at creating joint
transnational activities. Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence have a major role in reaching out to students
from faculties not normally dealing with European Union issues as well as to policy makers, civil servants,
organised civil society and the general public at large

    Who                              D     Max       %    Type     other
                                     ur    Eu             of
                                     ati   contrib        cost
                                     on    ution

    One HEI in any country of the    3     100.00    8    Custo    Only one at the time per HEI
    world                                  0         0    mised
                                                     %    lump
Teacher training
The Jean Monnet “Teacher Training”: Higher Education Institutions or Teacher Training Institutes/Agencies will
prepare and deliver teacher training activities for teachers in schools and VET providers to develop new skills, to
teach and engage on EU matters.

 Who                                  Du    Max Eu     %    Type      other
                                      rat   contrib         of
                                      ion   ution           cost
 One HEI or one teaching training     3     300.000    80   Custo     Trainings should be formal and end with a
 institute/agency providing                            %    mised     certificate.
 training to teachers and                                   lump      The proposed activities should also include
 established in an E+ programme                             sum       support to participants (e.g. contribution to
 country                                                              travel and subsistence, provision of
                                                                      handbooks and other specific tools,
                                                                      exemption from fees).
Jean Monnet Networks in other Fields of
          Education and Training
Networks of schools and/or VET providers will allow exchange of good practices and knowledge as well as
experiencing co-teaching within a group of countries. The activities will facilitate a common understanding on
learning methodologies about European Union matters. The schools/VET providers will exchange information
and practices on what and how they make their learners become more knowledgeable about the EU. And
teachers will have mobility experiences of a few days to organise and deliver co-teaching / co-tutoring with
their partners.

Who                               Du    Max Eu     %    Type    other
                                  rat   contrib         of
                                  io    ution           cost
5 schools and/or VET providers    3     300.000    80   Custo   Example of type of activities:
established in 3 different E+                      %    mised   gather and discuss teaching methodologies;
programme countries                                     lump    collect and share good practices on learning
                                                        sum     about European Union subjects; organise
                                                                co-teaching and collaborative teaching
                                                                experiences both via mobility or online.
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