International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft

Page created by Anita Baldwin
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
and Training
 Strategy to
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
Copyright: © The State of Queensland June 2016. Copyright protects this material.
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2 | International Education & Training
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
Queensland should be a destination of choice for international        Our aspiration for Queensland is to continue to grow the industry
students: we have world class education and training                  and achieve a national international education and training
institutions; an outstanding lifestyle and unique tourism             enrolment market share of 20 per cent by 2026 – four per cent
experiences.                                                          higher than estimated for that year in a ‘business as usual’
And with growing global demand for education and training
services, we need to ensure we entice more international              This is why the Draft International Education and Training
students to choose Queensland – which will mean more local            Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 sets out the clear
jobs, economic growth and better cultural ties in a globalised        directions needed to achieve our objectives. The Queensland
economy.                                                              Government recognises that if we act now, guided by a well-
                                                                      coordinated, cohesive and holistic strategy, we can shore up our    The Honourable Jackie Trad MP
Global competition for students is intensifying. Other leading        position as a first choice international education and training     Deputy Premier
and emerging education systems are lifting their game and             provider and create a sustainable future for the industry in        Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government
taking some of our market share. So we must respond in kind           Queensland.                                                         and Planning and Minister for Trade and
and take our international education and training industry to new                                                                         Investment
levels of excellence.                                                 This strategy focuses on four core areas —international
                                                                      promotion, student experience, regional differentiation and         With the support of:
The world’s rapidly expanding middle classes, particularly            industry connectivity. In combination, these core areas provide
in Asia, have high aspirations for their children – aspirations       a platform for growth in international education and training, as
that invariably include a world-class education. Beyond               well as in related service sectors, including tourism.
Queensland’s world-class education and learning institutions
we have much, much more to offer international students.              This approach also supports the state’s broader trade and
Queensland boasts an enviable lifestyle with some of the world’s      investment strategies and the Queensland Government’s
best natural attractions on our doorstep and in addition we are       Advance Queensland plan, which aims to create the knowledge-
easily accessible, affordable, and provide a safe place to live and   based jobs of the future. Welcoming more international students
learn in a cosmopolitan multicultural society.                        adds directly to Queensland’s economy and supports the growth
                                                                      of our knowledge-based economy and jobs of the future and with
Taken together, this list of educational, cultural and natural        34 per cent of international students living outside of Brisbane
advantages can help Queensland retain its position as a               these benefits also flow to regional Queensland.
first choice destination for students but that requires close
collaboration and a clearly-stated and shared approach by             The strategy has been backed by expert research and analysis
government and industry.                                              from Deloitte Access Economics and enriched with input from
                                                                      leaders from the state’s education and training industries and      The Honourable                  The Honourable
In recent years, the growth of international education and            key government entities.                                            Kate Jones MP                   Yvette D’Ath MP
training enrolments in Queensland’s institutions has fallen                                                                               Minister for Education          Attorney-General and
behind the national average, and behind our international             The Queensland Government is committed to growing                   and Minister for Tourism        Minister for Justice and
competitors. Our educational institutes have been proactive in        international education and training in Queensland and              and Major Events                Minister for Training
expanding their international outreach but have suffered from         welcomes feedback on our strategy. We know that the success                                         and Skills
the lack of a coordinated strategy. The Palaszczuk Government is      of this strategy will depend on every stakeholder, every industry
determined to rectify this. Queensland will work with the industry    sector and government continuing to work together to embrace
in developing an international education and training strategy        an ambitious and uniquely Queensland approach to growing and
that will accelerate growth in the sector.                            improving international education and training in our State.
                                                                                                                                                                 International Education & Training | 3
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
Draft strategy at a glance           5                 Potential for regions              15

International education and training 7                 Quality to boost the yield         16
                                                       Offshore potential                 16
Current status                       8
                                                       Synergistic opportunities          17
Industry sectors and student enrolments            8
Value - export revenue and almost 20,000               The draft strategy                 19
jobs for Queensland                                9   Vision
Sustainability                                    10   Goal
Important industry for Queensland regions         11   Strategic imperatives
Source markets                                    11   Promoting Queensland
Offshore delivery of education and                     internationally                    20
training programs                                 12
                                                       Potential initiatives              23
Growth rate challenge for Queensland              12
                                                       Enhancing the student experience   24
Projected growth - ‘business as usual’ 12
                                                       Potential initiatives              27
Enrolments                                        13
                                                       Strengthening our regions          29
Growth rate and value - export revenue and jobs   13
                                                       Potential initiatives              30
Market share                                      13
Future source markets                             13
                                                       Connecting the international
                                                       education and training industry    32
Our aspirations for the industry                  15   Proposed governance framework      33
Increasing the market share to 20 per cent        15
                                                       Potential initiatives              34
Consistent growth                                 15
                                                       Consultation                       35
Increased enrolments growth and value             15

4 | International Education & Training
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
Draft strategy at a glance                                                                 STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES                                                    POTENTIAL INITIATIVES
                                                                                                                                                           Profiling and           Student           Business
                                                                                                                                                             branding             attraction       development
                                                                                 PROMOTING QUEENSLAND INTERNATIONALLY
         VISION                                                                  Attract the best and brightest students from the                          Major events          Marketing            Export
                                                                                 most diverse range of markets across all sectors                          sponsorship           campaigns            grants
                                                                                 both onshore and offshore.
                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘Friends of     Best & brightest
                                                                                                                                                            Advertising         Queensland’         - Advance
     A strong and sustainable                                                                                                                                                                     Queensland
                                                                                                                                                                              alumni program       fellowships
   international education and
                                                                                 ENHANCING THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE
 training industry that facilitates
  global engagement, produces                                                    Improve student satisfaction on the quality of                           Commencement               Living in Queensland

     lifelong ambassadors for                                                    their experience both inside and outside of the                           Pre-departure                            Affordable
 Queensland, and becomes a key                                                   classroom.                                                                 information
                                                                                                                                                                                ‘Student Hubs’
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and quality
                                                                                                                                                              sessions                            accommodation
catalyst for growing Queensland's
        knowledge economy.                                                                                                                                   State-wide
                                                                                  STRENGTHENING OUR REGIONS                                                                     Employment         International
                                                                                                                                                                                opportunities     student design
                                                                                  Increase the contribution of international                              student welcome
                                                                                                                                                                                  program            challenge
                                                                                  education and training to regional economies                                program
                                                                                  and ensure that Queensland offers the most
           GOAL                                                                   diverse, comprehensive and unique offerings to                                      The ‘Queensland difference’

       Harness Queensland’s                                                       international students.                                                    Regional             Support for         Access,
                                                                                                                                                          implementation        regional study     affordability
    comparative advantages to                                                                                                                                  plans            organisations     and pathways
     reposition Queensland as                                                     CONNECTING THE INTERNATIONAL
      a leading destination for                                                   EDUCATION AND TRAINING INDUSTRY                                               Leadership, coordination and advocacy
   international education and                                                    Improve leadership, coordination and advocacy
                                                                                  and develop a Queensland perspective on                                                                Central implementation
    training in the Asia-Pacific                                                                                                                            Ministerial Champion
                                                                                                                                                                                            and coordination
 region – aspiring to 20 per cent                                                 industry issues and opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Recognition of sector
   of the national market share                                                                                                                                Advisory Group               and international
              by 2026.                                                                                                                                                                     student excellence
                                                                                   UNDERPINNING STRENGTHS

     World class           Higher education       An advanced             A demonstrated      Unique regional     Excellent           A safe and          Queensland                 A well-established
     education and         and research           economy with            Government          diversity           accessibility       relaxed lifestyle   boasts unrivalled          multicultural
     training              bodies performing      world-class             commitment          with half the       and direct          in a clean,         natural                    community,
     providers             well in global         infrastructure          to innovation       population and      international       green and warm      attractions                with a wide variety
     delivering quality    rankings, with         attracting global       and knowledge       one-third of        airport links       environment.        including the              of ethnic and faith
     teaching across a     particular areas       players ranging from    industries          international       to major regional                       Great Barrier Reef,        organisations
     diverse range of      of expertise in        aviation and defence,   led by the          students living     centres. A                              Queensland’s               contributing to
     subjects.             aviation and           food and agriculture,   Advance             outside the         diverse mix of                          famous beaches             cuisines, sport and
                           defence, agriculture   information and         Queensland          capital.            international                           and many of                social life.
                           technology, mining,    communication           program.                                and Australian                          Australia’s world
                           engineering,           technology, financial                                           students.                               heritage-listed
                           tropical science       services, tourism and                                                                                   sites.
                           and tropical health.   mining.

                                                                                                                                                                           International Education & Training | 5
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
In 2015:

                                       international student
                                           in Queensland

                                       $2.9 billion
                                        in export revenue


6 International Education & Training
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
International               education          and training
A critically important industry for Queensland
A strong international education and training           defence, agriculture, technology, mining,
industry drives innovation, builds a stronger           engineering, tropical science and tropical health.
economy and creates more jobs. These are some
                                                      • An advanced economy with world-class
of the immediate and most obvious economic                                                                            Enhancing
                                                        infrastructure attracting global businesses.
benefits provided by the industry, but there are
many other significant benefits that may not be as    • Government commitment to innovation,                        Queensland’s
                                                        technology and knowledge industries, led by the
immediately obvious. The industry also enhances
                                                        Advance Queensland program.
                                                                                                                   global standing
Queensland’s global standing and enriches our
community, facilitates international diplomacy,       • Unique regional diversity, with half the
                                                                                                                  and enriching our
creates global business networks and enhances           population and one-third of international                    community
research partnerships. Our international alumni         students living outside the capital _ Queensland
are spread across the world, taking with them           is the only state in Australia where a non-capital
our reputation for education and training and           city, the Gold Coast, is listed among the best
a respect for Queensland’s culture and values.          student cities in the world.
Queenslanders also benefit from a greater global                                                                 International
                                                      • Excellent accessibility, with direct international
outlook and improved understanding of many
                                                        airport links to major regional centres, including
                                                                                                                 alumni in over
cultures through engagement with international
students.                                               Cairns and the Gold Coast as well as Brisbane,                  160
                                                        unlike other Australian states and territories.
                                                                                                                countries around
Queensland’s advantage                                • Greater diversity in the international student
                                                                                                                   the world
                                                        nationality mix relative to other Australian
Queensland has significant capability in delivering
quality education and training outcomes. It is
geographically close to key growth markets and        • The most affordable lifestyle on Australia’s
offers a unique and affordable lifestyle that           eastern seaboard, with tuition fees,
attracts students and their families.                   accommodation and public transport generally
                                                        cheaper in Brisbane than Sydney and                  Queenslanders benefit
Queensland’s international education and training       Melbourne and cheaper again in our regions.             from a greater
industry is both world class and unique. Among its    • Home to the nation’s highest profile natural
distinguishing factors are:                             attractions, including the Great Barrier Reef and
                                                                                                                global outlook
• World class education and training providers          many world heritage-listed sites.
  delivering quality teaching across a diverse        • A well-established multicultural community
  range of subjects.                                    with a wide variety of ethnic and faith
• Higher education and research bodies                  organisations contributing to cuisines, sport
  performing well in global rankings, with              and social life. These communities are a
  particular areas of expertise in aviation and         drawcard for international students.
                                                                                                                   International Education & Training | 7
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
Current status
Industry sectors and student enrolments
The international education and training industry encompasses higher education, vocational education
and training (VET), schools and English language intensive courses for overseas students (ELICOS).
During their educational experience, the majority of international students undertake study in more than
one educational sector.

In 2015 there were 62,300 international student visa commencements in Queensland, leading to 103,251
enrolments in total, representing 16 per cent of the Australian total. These are big numbers in the context
of overall education in Queensland and in the context of the Queensland economy as a whole.

Queensland's proportion of national                                Proportion of total student enrolments
market share by sector 2015                                        by sector in 2015

  Overall national                                              Govt Schools 2.5%
                                                                                                                       Non-Govt Schools 2%
                                                                    Non-award 6%
    market share
Higher education                14.5%                                  ELICOS
                                                                                                                         Higher Education
                                                                                                                         (Public) 32.5%

                      VET       16.2%                            (Private) 17%

               Schools          20.9%                                ELICOS
                                                                  (Public) 8%
                                                                                                                          Higher Education
                                                                                                                          (Private) 5.5%
                                                                                                                   VET (Public) 2.5%

                   Other        5%                                      VET (Private) 24%

                              National market
                              645,185 enrolments
                                                         100%      Source: International student data December 2015,
                                                                   Australian Education International

Source: The opportunity and imperative for Queensland’s
international education and training sector, Deloitte Access
Economics, May 2016

8 | International Education & Training
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
Value – export revenue and almost 20,000 jobs for Queensland
International education and training is one of Queensland’s most valuable industries. In dollar
terms, Deloitte Access Economics estimates that international learners on student visas spent
almost $2.9 billion in Queensland in 2015. This translates into $2.2 billion in value added to gross
state product and 18,651 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs that were sustained in Queensland that year.

When non-student visa ELICOS and visiting friends and relatives are included, Deloitte Access
Economics estimates that the economic contribution of the sector in Queensland is $2.3 billion in
total value added to gross state product, sustaining 19,470 FTE jobs.

Regional Queensland IET employment (FTE) 2015                                                           Export revenue proportion by sector
                                                                                                        in Queensland 2015
 1                                                                       Brisbane         12,076
 2                                                                                                                                                                Non-award 5%
                                                                       Gold Coast         3268                 Schools 5%
 3                                               Tropical North Queensland                807                     ELICOS
 4                                                                                                      (Student visa) 7%
                                                                Sunshine Coast            576
 5                                                                Darling Downs           547
 6                                                      Northern Queensland               519
                                                                                                               VET 17%
 7                                                         Central Queensland             172
 8                                                                   Fraser Coast         163
 9                                                                    Bundaberg          158                                                                            Higher
                                                                                                                                                                        Education 66%
10                                                                 Whitsundays           130
11                                                       Outback Queensland               119
12                                                                         Mackay        116
                                                                                                       Student visa contribution only.
                                                                                                       Source: International student data December 2015, Australian Education International.
                                                                                                               Australian Government Department of Education Research Snapshot 2014/15.

Student visa contribution only.
Source: The opportunity and imperative for Queensland’s international education and training sector,
Deloitte Access Economics, May 2016

                                                                                                                                                                 International Education & Training 9
International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 - Draft
  In 2015, the top 10 fields for international students in Queensland’s higher education were dominated
  by business, management and accounting. This concentration in generic business related courses is
  also evident in the VET sector. Increased efforts to improve enrolments in courses such as science,
  engineering/IT, medicine and other courses would therefore increase the sector’s diversity, sustainability
  and yield.

  Broad fields of Queensland higher education 2015
                                        Agriculture, Environmental
                                        and Related Studies 1%
      Dual Qualification 4%                                            Architecture and
                                                                       Building 1%
      Society and Culture 10%                                          Creative Arts 4%
      Natural and                                                      Education 1%
      Physical Sciences 6%
                                                                       Engineering and
      Mixed Field                                                      Related Technologies 9%
      Programs 2%

                                                                       Health 12%

                                              Management and           Information
                                              Commerce 44%             Technology 6%

                                                                                        Source: AEI detailed pivot tables
                                                                                        December 2015

 Broad fields of VET Queensland 2015
          Environmental and                                          Creative Arts 1%
          Related Studies 1%                                         Education 5%
                                              Society and            Engineering and
                                              Culture 12%            Related Technologies 5%
                                                                     Food, Hospitality and
                                                                     Personel Services 8%
                                        Mixed Field
                                        Programs                     Health 3%
                                        13%                          Information
                                                                     Technology 2%

                                                  Management and
                                                  Commerce 50%

                                                                                        Source: AEI detailed pivot tables
                                                                                        December 2015
10 International Education & Training
Important industry for                     Source markets
Queensland regions                         Compared with the international education and training sector nationally, Queensland has a more
A defining feature of Queensland’s         diversified onshore student profile in terms of source market mix.
international education and training
industry is the way the industry’s         Queensland has a higher proportion of students from South Korea, Brazil, Japan and the United
activities are dispersed around the        States, but a slightly lower proportion of students from China.
regions. In the financial year 2014-2015
around 34 per cent of all international    While making up a smaller share of enrolments, growth is expected to be fastest from emerging
students in Queensland were living         Asian and African source markets, with enrolments from the Philippines and Nigeria expected to
outside the State capital of Brisbane,     double from 2016 to 2026.
compared to just 12 per cent of similar
students in New South Wales studying
outside Sydney, and four per cent in       Top 10 Queensland source markets 2015                                   Student Visa
Victoria studying outside Melbourne.
This allows Queensland’s regional           1                                                          China 19,250
areas to benefit from the economic
diversity that comes with international
                                            2                                                           India 12,711
education and training, and contributes     3                                                          Brazil 7,102
to the development of a more inclusive,
welcoming and multicultural community       4                                                 South Korea 6,607
in every corner of the State.
                                            5                                                         Taiwan 4,356
In 2015, the regional economic
contribution of student related export
                                            6                                                           Japan 4,124
revenue (outside Brisbane) was $937         7                                                     Colombia 3,949
million. Regions also benefit from
increased tourism, from both students       8                                                   Hong Kong 3,066
themselves and their visiting friends
and family and by providing other goods     9                                                             USA 3,057
and services to the education industry.    10                                                      Malaysia 2,924
                                           The other 38% of the international student visa enrolments are from
      $937 million                         over 150 other countries around the world.

    in student related                     Source: The opportunity and imperative for Queensland’s international education
  export revenue outside                   and training sector, Deloitte Access Economics, May 2016

                                                                                                                                  International Education & Training | 11
Offshore delivery of education and                                Growth rate - challenge for                                     Projected growth – ‘business
training programs                                                 Queensland                                                      as usual’
Queensland institutions have pioneered                            Queensland’s international education and                        International education and training is one
distance and blended education and training                       training industry has grown rapidly, with                       of the fastest growing industries in the global
since 1981. New technologies are used often to                    cumulative growth of 85 per cent over the ten                   economy and Australia is expected to be a
deliver and access quality learning and teaching                  years to 2015 and a 2015 growth rate of 6.1 per                 major beneficiary of that growth. Deloitte
outcomes.                                                         cent. However, Queensland’s growth rate has                     Access Economics forecasts enrolments
                                                                  been lower than that achieved by New South                      for international students in Australia on
In 2014, from 10,594 enrolments, total fees                       Wales, Victoria and Australia as a whole. For                   student visas to grow 37 per cent by 2026,
revenue for the sector was $56.6 million,                         example, in 2015 Victoria achieved an 11.7                      so international education and training
equivalent to approximately 5 per cent of                         per cent student visa enrolment growth rate,                    represents a massive opportunity for
the fees revenue from international students                      compared to Queensland’s growth rate of 6.1                     Queensland.
studying onshore.                                                 per cent. *Source: Australia Education International detailed
                                                                  pivot tables December 2015.                                     Deloitte Access Economics suggests Australia
                                                                                                                                  and Queensland’s recent high growth rates
                                                                  As a result, Queensland’s share of Australia’s                  may ease over the next decade because of
Queensland's offshore enrolments and
                                                                  international student enrolments has fallen from                changes in the global international education
value 2015
                                                                  its historical high of 16.7 per cent in 2010 to 16              landscape, such as intensifying competition,
                                                                  per cent today.                                                 an ageing population in key source
                                                                                                                                  markets and Australia’s relative capacity to
                                                                  This highlights the urgency for a strategy to                   accommodate growth in the sector.
                                                                  prepare the state for growth, increase market
                                                                  share and promote Queensland internationally
                                 $56.6 million
                                                                  as a quality international education and
            7,713                             2,881               training location offering a rewarding study
       offshore students                  students studied with
                                            Queensland public     experience.
       Higher education                        and private
                                              VET providers

$56.6 million
    in tuition fees
      revenue for
   offshore delivery

12 | International Education & Training
Enrolments                                                                   Growth rate and value – export                      Market share
Deloitte Access Economics suggests that the                                  revenue and jobs                                    Without a strategy for growth, Queensland’s
current strong growth will continue until 2018,                              This translates to a 10-year compounding            market share of enrolments in Australia would
before easing back to a long-term trend growth                               annual growth rate of 2.9 per cent, or a            probably contract slightly from about 16 per cent
path. Under ‘business as usual’ assumptions                                  cumulative increase of 33 per cent over ten         in 2016 to 15.7 per cent in 2026. Thus Queensland
(i.e. without major changes in policy settings or                            years to 2026. By applying the forecasted           would miss an opportunity to take full advantage
movements in the industry’s supply and de-                                   cumulative increase in onshore student visa         of one of the world’s fastest growing export
mand dynamics) onshore international student                                 enrolments, the export revenue from this            markets.
visa enrolments in Queensland are projected                                  industry in Queensland could rise from almost
to increase from 103,251 in 2015, to 135,700 in                              $2.9 billion in 2015 to $4.6 billion in 2026.
2021 and to 150,600 by 2026.                                                 There is also capacity for these figures to be      Future source markets
                                                                             boosted by improvements to the industry’s           Not surprisingly, the economic advancement of
                                                                             student profile.                                    the large Asian source markets is expected to
                                                                                                                                 play a key role in the ongoing development of
                                                                                                                                 Queensland’s international education sector.
                            Projected regional share of student visa enrolments                                                  By 2026 six of the eight top source markets
                                     ‘Business as usual’ scenario 2015                                                           are expected to be from Asia. By that time the
                                                                                                                                 top source markets are expected to be India,
                                                                                                                                 China, Brazil, South Korea, Nepal, Vietnam,
                                                                                                                                 Japan and Colombia. These markets are
                                                                 13,890         16,190                                           forecast to make up 56 per cent of enrolments
                                Tropical North Queensland
                                                                                                                                 in Queensland, compared to 64 per cent for the
                                                                        3,440         4,140                                      national market.
                                     Northern Queensland
                                             Whitsundays              440       540                  2,490      3,060            This suggests that the student base of onshore
                                             Mackay                                                                              international education in Queensland will
                                                                             740      890                                        remain more diversified than elsewhere in
                                                                                                          750     910
                                                    Central Queensland                                                           Australia.
                                                            Bundaberg                                            3,850   4,490
                                                              Fraser Coast                                                       However, with the exception of India, the
                                                            Sunshine Coast                                       5,420   6,360   source markets in which Queensland has a
                                                                                            50,970     61,860                    high onshore penetration rate are also the
                                                                Darling Downs                                                    ones where enrolments are forecast to grow at
                                                                Gold Coast
                                                                                         1,660       1,990                       a below-average pace. Much of the increasing
                                                                                                                                 diversity in Queensland’s international
                2016     2026                                                         25,280     30,030                          education and training industry over the next
                                                                                                                                 decade is expected to come through the rise
Source: The opportunity and imperative for Queensland’s international                                                            of emerging economies such as Indonesia, the
education and training sector, Deloitte Access Economics, May 2016.                                                              Philippines, Pakistan, Kenya, and Nigeria.
                                                                                                                                                       International Education & Training | 13

14 | International Education & Training
Our aspirations for the industry
The reason Queensland is developing an international                                                          Aspirational
education and training strategy is to out-perform the                                                        targets 2026:
‘business as usual’ outlook - which means more knowledge
jobs for Queenslanders.                                                                                           20%
                                                                                                             market share
Increasing the market share to                    Increased enrolments growth
20 per cent                                       and value                                                  (business as usual
                                                                                                            15.7% market share)
This strategy benchmarks Queensland’s             The modelling shows that a successful state-
performance in comparison with the national       based strategy, that achieves an international
average. It sets an industry-wide aspirational    education enrolment market share of 20 per cent
national market share target of 18 per cent by
2021 and 20 per cent by 2026. This is to be
                                                  by 2026, would probably see onshore enrolments
                                                  reach 193,250 — an increase of 28 per cent, or
achieved while at least maintaining the current   42,700 enrolments over the base case. This would
                                                                                                              student visa
regional share of the Queensland industry. Of     deliver an additional $2.9 billion per annum in             enrolments
course, achieving these aspirational targets      export earnings, adding to a total of $7.5 billion.        (business as usual
will require proportionate growth across the      Deloitte Access Economics estimate this would             150,550 enrolments)
four sectors. Lifting numbers for the important   add $1.7 billion to Queensland’s Gross State
pathway sectors (schools and ELICOS) will not     Product at 2026 and create an additional 6,800
only help exceed the target for those sectors,    full-time jobs.
but will also help raise numbers for the higher                                                              $7.5 billion
education and training sectors.                                                                         export revenue including
                                                  Potential for regions
                                                                                                         $2.4 billion for regions
                                                  If the proportion of international student related
Consistent growth                                 expenditure benefiting regional Queensland
                                                                                                         (business as usual $4.6 billion)
To achieve these targets, Deloitte Access         remains the same, the Deloitte Access Economics
Economics suggests Queensland will need to        ‘business as usual’ scenario projects student
average a growth rate of international student    related expenditure (outside Brisbane) to rise
commencements of more than five per cent per
annum (or 70% in cumulative terms). This is
                                                  from $937 million in 2015 to $1.5 billion in 2026.
                                                  Under the aspirational target, student related         6800 additional
a challenging target, but one that would reap     expenditure outside Brisbane could rise to $2.4              full time
significant rewards.                              billion in 2026.                                          equivalent jobs

                                                                                                                International Education & Training | 15
Quality to boost the yield                         Offshore potential
While the strategy aims to increase                Fundamental changes in the global economy
international education and training               are driving future opportunities for offshore
enrolments, it has an equally strong focus on      international education and training in the
maintaining the high quality of Queensland         coming years. A rise in the lower income groups
education and training offerings.                  is likely to increase demand for a ‘global’
                                                   education; a projected global shortage of 85
Therefore the strategy also seeks to promote       million medium-skill and high-skill workers by
student pathways within Queensland and to          2020 provides opportunities for employment-         Hangzhou Dongfang High School
encourage students to remain longer in higher      linked training and development. In addition,       teaches the Queensland Certificate
levels of education. For example, the ELICOS       disruptive technologies, such as online learning    of Education (QCE) program to years
sector is the first step in an Australian study    and education technology (EdTech), are driving      11 and 12 students who then become
pathway for nearly two-thirds of international     innovative learning and teaching approaches,
                                                                                                       eligible for entrance to Queensland
students. In other examples, 42 per cent of        and helping to establish learning pathways
                                                                                                       and Australian universities. Hangzhou
international students in Australian schools go    across the four sectors that are increasingly
on to further study in the tertiary sector while   attractive to modern learners.                      Dongfang High School was the first
46 per cent of international students in higher                                                        school signed up to the QCE program
education have studied previously in one of the    As a result, 1.1 billion learners (aged             in China.
other sectors.                                     between 25-64 years old) are expected to be
                                                   participating in education by 2026 just from        At least 50 per cent of the QCE
Deloitte Access Economics also estimates that      Australia’s key source markets. If Australia        graduates who decided to come to
incorporating realistic targets to encourage       reaches just 1 per cent of these global learners,   Australia to study over the past two
growth in high-yield courses could raise the       and Queensland maintains its current share of       years have chosen universities in
value-add of this strategy to Queensland’s         the offshore Australian market (at 6.1 per cent),   Queensland. This reinforces the value
Gross State Product at 2026 from the additional    conservatively estimated Queensland could           of offshore education as a pathway to
$1.7 billion previously mentioned to an            reach over 675,000 learners by 2026.                onshore education in Queensland and
additional $1.9 billion. This could also raise
                                                                                                       the opportunities this can present for
the additional full-time jobs generated by 2026
                                                                                                       the Queensland industry.
from 6,800 to 7,680.

16 | International Education & Training
Synergistic opportunities                             with a commitment to invest in research                 Major events: Events such as the upcoming
                                                      has encouraged international recognition of             XXI Commonwealth Games represent significant
Queensland’s growing international education
                                                      Queensland as a hub for scientific education,           and unique opportunities to showcase
and training industry offers a range of synergistic
                                                      research, development, commercialisation and            Queensland and all it has to offer. The 2018
opportunities. While this strategy does not have
                                                      innovation. High levels of international research       Games will draw significant numbers of
a specific focus or range of initiatives linked to
                                                      collaboration can help to drive innovation and          international visitors and provide an opportunity
cross-industry promotion or development, it is
                                                      productivity through cross-country collaboration        to highlight the Gold Coast’s Health and
important to acknowledge that success in the
                                                      and information exchange.                               Knowledge Precinct – and other state of the
international education and training industry
                                                                                                              art research and technology precincts in the
will strengthen related industries and provide
                                                      Tourism and accommodation: The tourism                  state – ultimately promoting Queensland as a
overarching benefits to the state. This is briefly
                                                      industry will benefit from growth of international      trade, investment, innovation and education
outlined below:
                                                      students by boosting local tourism jobs and             destination.
                                                      increasing economic impact. Deloitte Access
Advance Queensland: this is a comprehensive           Economics estimate that the value added to the
suite of programs, based on international
                                                      2015 Queensland economy from Queensland                                                     Tourism
evidence of ‘what works’, designed to create the
                                                      international student friends and relative visits
knowledge-based jobs of the future. The program
                                                      alone was $11 million, supporting 120 jobs. Over
will drive innovation, build on Queensland’s
                                                      the past decade, tourism marketing have given                                     Students,                                 Accomodation,
natural advantages, and help raise our profile as                                                               Industry             visiting friends                                food &
                                                      prospective students their ‘first introduction’ to                              and relatives
                                                                                                                                                                                   other retail
an attractive investment destination. Advance
Queensland positions Queensland as a place                                                                                 col Rese                                          pti
                                                                                                                              lab arc                                      um
where entrepreneurs, industry, universities                                                                                      ora h
                                                                                                                                    tio        Queensland             Co
                                                      The Queensland tourism industry benefits from                                     n
and government collaborate to turn great ideas
                                                      resident international students undertaking                                               Education
into commercial products and businesses that                                                                                                       and
                                                      intrastate travel, international visitation from                                           Training M
create jobs. International education and training
                                                      friends and relatives of students, and from                                           s
                                                                                                                                       g Q file
                                                                                                                                                                     so inclu
contributes to these goals by strengthening                                                                                         din l pro                           cie siv
                                                      interstate international students holidaying in                           i l
                                                                                                                              Bu loba
                                                                                                                                                                           ty e
global partnerships and mobility - building strong                                                               Public         g                                                     Cultural
                                                      Queensland. Further, tourism sees continued              diplomacy
people-to-people connections for sharing ideas                                                                                                   global
                                                      benefits through alumni travel, with research                                             citizens
and knowledge. This strategy will complement
                                                      showing that 64 per cent of Chinese alumni made
and support Advance Queensland by attracting
                                                      a return visit to Australia, and a further 93 per                                           Cultural
international talent and promoting Queensland as                                                                                                  capital
                                                      cent intend to visit Australia in the next five years
a global innovation location.
                                                      (Pyke et al, 2013).
International collaboration in science and            Recognising the opportunity to increase tourism
innovation: play a vital role for the international   expenditure and jobs through international
education and training industry. The Queensland
                                                      student growth, Tourism and Events Queensland
Government works closely with researchers to
                                                      (TEQ) has named the international education and
ensure maximum benefit from national and
                                                      training industry as one of its six priority areas.
international projects and partnerships is
achieved. This pursuit of collaboration combined
                                                                                                                                                           International Education & Training | 17

18 | International Education & Training
The draft strategy
Reaching the maximum potential                                                          nd                                     En
for Queensland’s international                                                        la                                            ha
                                                                                    ns lly                                             n
education and training industry                                                       a

                                                                                na ee

                                                                                                                                   cin peri
                                                                                                           g th
                                                                                                   cItNiGnTHE INDeUSiTnRYdu

                                                                           inter g Qu

                                                                                                                                      g t ence
                                                                                              nnNECT Higher                s


                                                                                                                            tr y

Improving Queensland’s performance and



achieving sustainable success in the highly
contested and rapidly changing global                                                        ELICOS                  VET
international education and training market                                                           Queensland
underlies the Queensland Government’s ongoing
investment in strategic planning for this sector.                                                                 Wider
                                                                                                 Schools         services

                                                                                         tr y

To get there, the government has recognised                                                                        nn
it needs to increase its existing efforts and                                                             dus        ec t
                                                                                              ing the i n
collaboration with the industry to propose
and put weight behind initiatives that address
current challenges and lay the platform for
aligning Queensland’s outstanding competitive                                                    ngth ing
advantages. The intention is to put the state in                                              the re en s
the best position possible to seize the global                                                      g i on
international education and training opportunity.
These immense global opportunities are around       Harness Queensland’s comparative advantages                  As depicted in the diagram above, the focus of
innovation, the knowledge economy and the           to reposition Queensland as a leading destination            this strategy is formed by the four imperatives
digital landscape and require the international     for international education and training in the              which are reflecting the themes that have
outlook that comes with a global exchange of        Asia-Pacific region – aspiring to a 20 per cent              emerged from industry engagement to date and
students, teachers and researchers.                 of the national market share by 2026, while                  the key findings of the related Deloitte Access
                                                    maintaining the state’s proportion of the industry           Economics study.
Vision                                              in Queensland regions.
A strong and sustainable international education
and training industry that facilitates global       Strategic imperatives
engagement, produces lifelong ambassadors           The following sections provide an overview of the
for Queensland, and becomes a key catalyst for      key strategic imperatives of the draft International
growing Queensland’s knowledge economy and          Education and Training Strategy to Advance
related jobs.                                       Queensland 2016-2026.
                                                                                                                                              International Education & Training | 19
Promoting Queensland internationally
Attract the best and brightest students from the most diverse range of markets across all four
sectors, both onshore and offshore

Branding                                             In creating this international education and           relationships, enhance Queensland’s
                                                     training brand and positioning for Queensland, it      reputation, create new research opportunities
In a crowded and extremely competitive global
                                                     is critical that the significant social and cultural   and build a pipeline from offshore to onshore
marketplace, a highly visible global brand and
                                                     aspects of the Queensland offering are also            study.
differentiated student experience are essential
to a resilient, trusted, world-class international
                                                                                                            The offshore opportunity is not without its
education and training industry in Queensland.
                                                     Promotion                                              challenges. However, new technologies and
                                                                                                            enhanced connectivity are driving innovative
Therefore, Queensland must build a distinct          The Queensland Government will work with the           learning and teaching approaches, and
international education and training brand that      industry and other related service sectors to          helping to establish learning pathways across
capitalises on the state’s reputation as a top       effectively promote Queensland in international        the four sectors that are increasingly attractive
tourist and event destination while maintaining      markets as an attractive international education       to modern learners. A flexible product that
focus on the quality of the international            and training location; one that aligns with            meets local needs with Australian quality, and
education and training offering. For some target     national brand positioning, works alongside            a long term commitment to offshore markets,
markets, particularly parents of international       the existing Queensland ‘tourism’ product, and         are likely to be imperatives for success. The
students, the ‘international education and           benefits all international education and training      Queensland industry will need to balance
training brand’ will need to be quite separate       sectors and regions in Queensland.                     the numerous opportunities and challenges
from tourism branding.
                                                                                                            unique to the offshore sector to differentiate
                                                     Importantly, the Queensland Government will            itself from competitors and capture market
A standalone international education and             also utilise Trade and Investment Queensland’s         share.
training brand will position Queensland as           international offices and connections. TIQ
a leader in new and emerging technologies,           currently has a network of 13 offices around           Internationalisation
leveraging the Advance Queensland initiative to      the world. Most have identified international
establish the state as an innovative knowledge       education and training as a priority focus and         The Advance Queensland strategy identifies
hub that attracts the best and brightest to our      several have a dedicated full-time employee            the need to instil an international outlook at
shores.                                              allocated to the industry.                             the foundation of our education and training.
                                                                                                            The immense global opportunities around
Concerted effort is now required to improve          Offshore delivery of services                          innovation, the knowledge economy and the
global recognition of our world-class education,                                                            digital landscape require the international
training and research providers in a unique          Successful offshore ventures significantly             outlook that comes with a global exchange of
destination with an enviable student lifestyle.      extend Queensland’s reach into existing and            students, teachers and researchers.
                                                     potential markets. They can strengthen global

20 | International Education & Training
The Queensland Government will continue to
build the international capacity of our education
and training system across early childhood,
schools, vocational education and training
(VET), English language, higher education
and research. This goes beyond international
student enrolments, encompassing student and
teacher exchange, sister school relationships,
internationalised curriculum and access to

Study Queensland
Trade and Investment Queensland actively
promotes its Study Queensland brand to
international markets. Study Queensland profiles
Queensland as a leading study destination. It
represents Queensland’s international education
and training providers and the quality education
and training they offer. The Study Queensland
brand is managed by Trade and Investment
Queensland’s International Education and
Training Unit (IETU).

                                                    International Education & Training | 21
                                          the best and

22 | International Education & Training
Promoting Queensland internationally - potential initiatives
Attract the best and brightest students from the most diverse range of markets across all four sectors,
both onshore and offshore.                                                                                                            Business development
                                                                                                                    Inbound           Education agents, overseas
                                                                                                                                      scholarship bodies and
                    Profiling and branding                                  Student attraction                      familiarisation   institutional partners are key
                                                                                                                    tours             influencers and need to experience
Brand and           A refreshed, modern brand            Develop             In order to effectively promote
                                                                                                                                      firsthand the unique and diverse
                                                                             the Queensland brand, a dynamic
positioning         identity for Study Queensland,       digital assets      website is required, as well as a                        Queensland study experience.
expansion           aligned with both the national                           social media presence and engaging
                    brand and across all sectors and                         video content, including a reality     Ministerial       To advance opportunities in current
                                                                             web series depicting what it is like                     and new international markets,
                    regions of Queensland.                                                                          education         including an annual international
                                                                             to live and study in Queensland.
                                                                                                                    and training      education and training mission to
Major events        Greater visibility of the                                If Queensland is to effectively        missions          an emerging or growth market, such
                                                         Marketing                                                                    as the Study Queensland Week in
sponsorship,        Queensland brand to raise                                compete for market share,
                                                         campaigns           ongoing and increased investment                         Indonesia held in May 2016.
participation       awareness of Queensland as a                             is required in marketing and
and attraction      preferred study destination for                          promotion activities. Programs         Export            To assist small to medium
                                                                                                                                      innovative education and training
                    international students.                                  such as the ‘Best Semester             innovation        providers to capitalise on overseas
                                                                             Abroad’ campaign increase              grants
                                                                             the visibility of Queensland to                          business opportunities.
Advertising         Include a focus on attracting                            prospective students.
                                                                                                                    Offshore          Research by TIQ internationally based
through             overseas media and celebrities to                                                                                 staff and subsequent communication
                                                         ‘Friends of         Students and alumni have the           opportunities
traditional and     report on and endorse the quality                                                                                 to education providers. Opportunities
                                                         Queensland’         potential to be influential brand      program           are likely to include twinning
non-traditional     education and training on offer in
                                                                             ambassadors for Queensland                               arrangements, branch campuses,
channels            Queensland.                                              and they should be supported to                          franchising, consultancy, curriculum
                                                                             share their personal Queensland                          development, capacity building, aid
                                                                             education journeys in their own                          programs and public diplomacy.
                                                                             words to their global networks.

                                                                             To be used to incentivise VIP
                                                                                                                    Best and          Research collaboration and global
                                                         Education                                                  brightest         partnerships between research
                                                         agents’             agents to promote Queensland                             bodies and business and the
                                                         rewards             to prospective students as the                           promotion of Queensland as a
                                                                             preferred study destination.                             scholarship destination through
                                                                                                                                      Advance Queensland fellowships.
                                                         Direct flights      Support airline capacity growth
                                                         initiative          through the Aviation Investment        Innovative        Massive Open Online Courses
                                                                             Fund, with the view to enhancing                         (MOOCs) and EdTech have changed
                                                                                                                    digital           the way individuals learn and
                                                                             the perception of Queensland and
                                                                             the student arrival experience.        learning tools    provide a platform for education
                                                                                                                    promotion         institutions to communicate with
                                                                                                                                      global audiences. Queensland
                                                                                                                                      industry has an opportunity to
                                                                                                                                      leverage and participate in this
                                                                                                                                      global phenomenon.

                                                                                                                                           International Education & Training | 23
Enhancing the student experience
Creating a better end-to-end experience for international students                                             Case study: Griffith mates

Queensland’s welcoming and relaxed lifestyle,           key factors that influence the selection and
warm climate and unique natural features                ranking of study destinations. The 2015 report         International students attending Griffith
have long attracted international visitors. This        highlighted the importance of providing high           University are guaranteed a warm
natural appeal, coupled with quality teaching           quality accommodation, transportation links, and       welcome from Griffith Mates, a program
and infrastructure in a clean, green and safe           employment services.                                   set up as part of the University’s English
environment, are all major drawcards for                                                                       Language Enhancement Strategy to
international students who highly rank their            While Queensland can leverage its existing             encourage informal opportunities for
learning and living experience in Queensland.           advantages, Queensland must monitor and
                                                                                                               students to practise their English and
                                                        continually improve the student experience,
Queensland offers international students a
                                                                                                               meet domestic students.
                                                        and approach this task in a highly targeted
wide variety of study experiences, locations,           way. Regular surveys and ongoing contact with
and lifestyles. The State has quality educational       international student representatives will help        Griffith Mates are a diverse group of
institutions both in its capital of Brisbane as         create a seamless experience for international         senior domestic and international
well as its regions. The regional experience -          students in terms of education and training            students who are especially selected
be it coastal, city-based, in the tropics or the        outcomes and the provision of social and cultural      and trained to run a program of events
outback _ helps to cater for a wide variety of living   support to students to ensure they participate in      for domestic and international students
preferences while still ensuring strong education       our community and savour Queensland’s relaxed          throughout the academic year, focused
and training outcomes.                                  lifestyle.                                             on ensuring student integration and
                                                                                                               engagement in the host community.
Ensuring Queensland provides international              The Queensland Government will continue to
students with the best experience possible is           work with stakeholders to enhance the student          In addition to enhancing all students’
important at all stages of the student journey.         experience and ensure students feel welcome and
                                                                                                               experience at Griffith, the program offers
This applies to the student experience both in,         supported throughout their stay. Concerted and
and out of the classroom.
                                                                                                               leadership and volunteer opportunities
                                                        consistent effort in this area will also help ensure
                                                        former students share their positive experience        to senior students as well as the chance
The International Student Barometer Report is a         with others.                                           to gain paid work experience.
survey of international students that identifies

24 | International Education & Training
International Education & Training | 25
Inside classroom focus
                          Led by industry

                                                Admissions                                                                                          Post study work or
                                                                                                  Learning and
                                              e.g. application                                                                                         further study
                                           process and response                                                                                     e.g. careers advice
                                                                                               e.g. expert lecturers
                                                   of offer                                                                                          and employability
                                                                                                 and counselling

                                                                            Arrivals                                                       Graduation
                                                                       e.g. welcome and                                                  e.g. assessment
                                                                          orientation                                                     and farewells
     Institute                                                                                                                                                                         Enhanced global
    promotion                                                                                                                                                                             standing

                 Future                                                                                                                                                                of
                Student                                                                                                                                                            Queensland

Study Queensland                                                                                                                                                                       Networking &
   promotion                                                                                                                                                                            promotion
                                                               Arrivals                                             Support                                         Return home
                                                        e.g. airport welcome                                   e.g. host friends                                   e.g. alumni and
                                                           desks and city                                       and family and                                    work opportunities
                                                         welcome festivals                                       student hubs
                               Pre-departure                                                                                       Work
                               e.g. Access to                                             Living
                                                                                  e.g. transport links                       e.g professional
                              counselling and                                                                              internships and part
                                information                                           and quality
                                                                                   accommodation                                 time jobs

                          Outside classroom focus
                          Support from Queensland Government

 26 | International Education & Training
Enhancing the student experience – potential initiatives
Creating a better end-to-end experience for international students.

                   Arrival                                                 Living in Queensland
Pre-departure       Conducted in 10 strategic markets      State-wide      The establishment of dedicated,     International   The competition would challenge
information         around the world, videoed and          ‘Student        central, ‘one-stop-shop’            student         students to develop an app
sessions            available online as an information     Hubs’           international ‘student hubs’        design          or other digital tool to reflect
                    support tool, to support future                        for advice and referral services                    positively on their own experience
                    students with their transition to                      would significantly enhance                         and also provide insight into
                    Queensland and Australia.                              their experience by creating an                     what can be improved for future
                                                                           environment that makes them                         students.
                                                                           feel welcome, safe, respected and
State-wide          International airport welcome
                                                                           supported.                          Promoting       Specific program attracting
international       desks staffed by local and                                                                                 international students and their
                                                                                                               holidays with
student             international student volunteers,                                                                          visiting friends and relatives to
                    providing information from             Local           To strengthen the Queensland        family and
welcome                                                                    community connection with           friends         Queensland.
program             accommodation to transport;            buddies and
                    welcome ceremonies, with officials     community       international students and make
                    welcoming international students       engagement      them feel accepted.                 Access to       School aged international students
                    into their city and community.                                                             schools         and their families will have greater
                                                           program                                                             access to state school programs
                                                                                                                               across Queensland.
                                                           Employment      During, and post-study
                                                           opportunities   employment opportunities are a
                                                                                                               Affordable      A proactive program of profiling
                                                           program         major drawcard for international
                                                                           students. There is a potential
                                                                                                               and quality     student accommodation
                                                                                                               accommodation   development opportunities to
                                                                           to provide internships and
                                                                                                                               developers and investors utilising
                                                                           employment pathways in
                                                                                                                               TIQ’s overseas network and
                                                                           collaboration with regional and
                                                                                                                               interstate industry linkages; and
                                                                           industry organisations.
                                                                                                                               Accommodation Quality (homestay)
                                                                                                                               exploring the introduction of
                                                                                                                               benchmarked standards for
                                                                                                                               self-accreditation by homestay
                                                                                                                               providers in Queensland.

                                                                                                                                    International Education & Training | 27

28 | International Education & Training
Strengthening our regions
The ‘Queensland difference’

Queensland’s regional diversity offers some            Diversifying regional economies: in 2015,            Student experience: Queensland’s regional
unique international education and training            the regional economic contribution of student        international education and training providers
opportunities that can be a decisive point of          related expenditure (outside Brisbane) was           have worked hard to enhance the student
difference for some students. The range of             $937 million. (Deloitte Access Economics).           experience. Many regional centres have the
study options, like the State itself, stretches        Queensland’s regions also gain significant           resources and capacity to provide an excellent
from tropical health research in the north, to         indirect benefits as a result of increased demand    student experience, from arrival through to
palaeontology studies with dinosaur digs out           for goods and services and tourism visits from       post-studies. Some international students
west, agricultural training in the central and         international students based in other centres,       have reported a more personal and welcoming
south-west regions, tourism and hospitality in         or interstate, and their visiting friends and        experience in regional centres. They have also
the south-east, and creative industries in the         relatives.                                           reported that they have a more positive learning
capital city. Queensland, including its regions,                                                            experience as a result of smaller class sizes.
also hosts a number of global employers                There are also clear benefits for
including Boeing Australia, Virgin Australia,          international students studying in the
Mitsui, General Electric, Warner Bros, Ernst &         regions:
Young, many international banks and many other
                                                       Liveability: almost half of Queensland’s
global organisations.
                                                       population live outside the capital and as a
                                                       result many regional centres have developed
International students bring many                      into vibrant and exciting places, offering a safe,
benefits to the regions including:                     friendly and affordable lifestyle. Major education
Social and cultural vitality: international            and training providers are located on the Gold
students deliver a raft of social, cultural and        Coast, North Queensland (Townsville and
strategic benefits to Queensland’s regions through     Cairns), the Sunshine Coast, Central Queensland
increased cultural capital and diversity and greater   (Rockhampton) and the Darling Downs
international collaboration and idea sharing.          (Toowoomba).

The Queensland Government recognises the               Cost of living: many regional centres offer part-
importance of regional study organisations, such       time employment opportunities for international
as Study Brisbane, Study Gold Coast and Study          students which, combined in some regions with
Cairns in supporting further growth of international   lower accommodation and living costs, makes
education and training in the regions.                 them an attractive destination for self-funded

                                                                                                                                   International Education & Training | 29
Strengthening our regions – potential initiatives
(in addition to the other state-wide initiatives)

                              The ‘Queensland difference’
 Participation                 Develop an implementation plan for establishing early and ongoing commitment to, and
 by regional                   participation in the strategy by regional study organisations. Strong and effective engagement
 study                         with regions will be both a challenge and opportunity for Queensland’s international education
 organisations                 and training industry whose governance structure is predominantly Brisbane based.

 Support for                   Organisations such as Study Gold Coast and Study Cairns should be encouraged to actively
 regional study                participate in all state-wide initiatives, including market development and targeted student

 organisations                 initiatives. Enhancing linkages between international education and training providers in the
                               regional and tourism authorities and accommodation developers will be pivotal in building
                               awareness and profiling the unique advantages that regions offer.
                                                                                                                                    TAFE Queensland’s Toowoomba
 Access,                       In addition to access to schools programs state-wide, there are options to improve the               campus is beautiful with supportive
 affordability                 affordability of state education for school aged dependants of international students in regions.    staff. As a girl with no prior
 and pathways                  In highlighting the benefits of living in Queensland’s regional centres, which feature world class   experience in the automotive
                               education and training facilities as well as an enviable lifestyle, appropriate pathways from
                                                                                                                                    industry, I enjoy the many practice
                               school to VET and higher education will attract more students to study in Queensland’s regions.
                                                                                                                                    opportunities in the course. It helps

                                                                                                                                    me learn a lot in both theoretical
                                                                                                                                    and practical aspects of automotive

                                                                                                                                    Kuo-Lin Chu, Taiwan,
                                                                                                                                    Certificate III in Automotive

30 | International Education & Training
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