Page created by Micheal Baker
                STUDENTS GUIDE


      5th & 6th October 2018
      6th April 2019

      16th January 2019
      Come meet the Mature Students
      Officer and learn about degrees,
      careers, SUSI Grants, Access
      Courses and CAO application

      Contact us to arrange a
      tour of the campus guided
      by one of our Students

    www.nuigalway.ie/opendays               w
    www.nuigalway.ie/mature/public-events   w

    www.nuigalway.ie/cao                    w

Welcome to NUI Galway
                                                                                                   1 Irish Centre for          	
                                                                                                                               6 Áras na Mac Léinn and         12   Áras na Gaeilge              20   Áras Moyola
                                                                                                     Human Rights                Bailey Allen Hall             13   James Hardiman               	
                                                                                                                                                                                                 21 J.E. Cairnes
                                                                                                   2 Huston School of          7   The Quadrangle                   Library                         School of Business
                                                                                                     Film & Digital Media      	                                                                  and Economics
                                                                                                                               8 University Hospital           14   Orbsen Building
                                                                                                   3   Clinical Science           Galway                       15   Arts Millennium              	
                                                                                                                                                                                                 22 Engineering Building
                                                                                                                               9 NEW: O’Donoghue                    Building                     	
                                                                                                                                                                                                 23 Institute for Life Course
                                                                                                   4  Lamb Institute for 		      Centre for Drama,             	
                                                                                                                                                               16 School of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Society

Bienvenue                               Fáilte
                                                                                                   	Translational Research     Theatre & Performance
                       Selamat Datang
                                                                                                                                                                                                 24 Corrib Village Student
                                                                                                      and HRB                  	
                                                                                                                               10 NEW: Human Biology                                                Accommodation
                                                                                                                                                               17   Arts/Science Building

       Bem-Vindo Willkommen
                                                                                                   5 Ryan Institute               Building                                                       	
                                                                                                                                                                                                 25 Biomedical Sciences
                                                                                                                                                               18   IT Building
                                                                                                     (Martin Ryan Building)    	
                                                                                                                               11 Áras Uí Chathail / Access
                                                                                                                                                               19   Sports Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23 25
                                           3     4
                                                                     8                                                                                                                      21
                                                                                                                                                                                    20                                 24
                                                             7                                                                                            19
                                                                                              15       16
                                                                              12    13
                        1      2                     5                   10                                             17

                                                                 9             11
                                                         6                               14                               18

                                                                                                                                                                                         Connect with NUI Galway






Why NUI Galway

                1%                                        10%
                                                          10% 10%
       NUI    on the QS is  Worldranked
                                     University                In 2018 NUI Galway secured                     The Mature Students Office is part
        NUI  Galway
         We’ve   Galway is now
                 completed  now
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                                     multi-million        TáTá
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                                                                    capital        200
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                                                                                                                 a unit within
                                                                                                                          ar anStudent   Support Services.
                                                              future-proo     ng        university.
       in the world!                                        staidéir ar an nGaeilge.

    We have been voted as one of the top 30             98%
                                                        of ourofgraduates
                                                                 our graduates are
                                                                           areare   in employment
                                                                                working                        The Centre works with over 2,000
                                                           of our  graduates        working                    of ourfrom
                                                                                                                       graduates   are working and
          most beautiful campuses                        oforour
                                                        within  6    study of
                                                                  months   within
                                                                                      months of
                                                                              graduating                    students       diverse backgrounds
                 in Europe.                                within 6 months of graduating
                                                                   graduating.                             has within  6 months
                                                                                                               expertise           of graduating
                                                                                                                         in understanding, supporting
                                                         within 6 months
                                                         of our graduatesofare
                                                                               working                       and educating Mature, HEAR, DARE,
                                                         within 6 months of graduating                       early school leavers and students with
                                                                                                                physical and learning disabilities.

                   1%                                         1%
                                                             10%                                                     21%
                 completed   a multi-million
                                 a multi-million     NUINUI
                                                             We’ve  scientists
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                                        programme,   thethe
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                                                                                                                  Non-Traditional   léinn
                                                                                                                                  Entry routes.
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                    the   top 200
             most up-to-date
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                                                       the top  scienti
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                                                                               ag Gaeilge.
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      recreational                our students.
    euro capital investment programme,                 the top scienti c minds in the world*

Come and meet us
Open Days                                          on all things NUI Galway, whilst providing       Careers Fairs
                                                   an informal setting where you can speak to       NUI Galway is represented at all of the
Open Days are the perfect opportunity for          staff and students on a one-to-one basis.        major nationwide IGC career and regional
you and your family to experience life at
                                                   Find out more:                                   fairs. To arrange for a representative from
NUI Galway.
                                                   www.nuigalway.ie/guidance-counsellors            NUI Galway to attend your event please
                                                                                                    email schoolvisits@nuigalway.ie
Come and talk to our staff, lecturers and
current students to find out about our extensive   Campus Tour
range of subjects on offer, attend talks, visit    Come and explore our beautiful campus             Mature Students Regional
the main exhibition hall, take a campus tour       and see for yourself what’s on offer. One         Events:
and explore our beautiful campus.                  of our Student Ambassadors will bring you         8th November
                                                   on a guided walking tour to see all of the        Athlone Radisson Hotel 7pm
 2018 Autumn Open Days:                            main facilities including our newly opened
 5th & 6th October from 9am to 3pm                 O’Donoghue         Drama     Theatre   and
                                                   Performance Centre, impressive sports
 Mature Public Information Evening:                centre and much more. Tours can be
                                                                                                    Mature Students Officer/College of
 16th January, Life Course Institute               tailored to your requirements and will last      Further Education Visits
 from 5.30pm to 8pm with a CAO talk                approximately 1 hour.                            To arrange for a speaker to visit your
 at 6pm in LCI-G018                                                                                 education centre please contact
                                                   To book please email:
 2019 Spring Open Day:                             schoolvisits@nuigalway.ie                        T: +353 91 492695
 6th April from 9am to 3pm                                                                          E: maturestudents@nuigalway.ie
 Find out more and register for our                Taster Days 2019
 Open Days at:                                     Focusing on Mature Students
 www.nuigalway.ie/opendays                         Taster days give you the opportunity to
                                                   sample what it is like to study at university,

CAO Information Evenings
                                                    Mature Students Arts Taster Day:
At NUI Galway we understand the
                                                    Thursday 11th April
importance of reaching out to you and
we run various information evenings for
students and parents/guardians around              For information and booking details please
the country from Letterkenny to Tralee. Our        contact your guidance counsellor or see
information evenings feature a presentation        www.nuigalway.ie/guidance-counsellors

  5                                                                                                                                        3

    6                                                         24                                                          38
NUI Galway as                                                College of Arts,                                             College of Medicine,
a Mature Student                                             Social Sciences,                                             Nursing and Health
                                                             and Celtic Studies                                           Sciences
Did you know?                        02
Come and Meet Us                     03
Public Information Evening           07
What is a Mature Student             09
How to Apply                         11
Mature Student Scholarships          13

                                                               30                                                          43
Mature Students Supports             15
Returning to Education –
Access Diploma Courses               17
QQI Applicants                       19
What Our Students Say                20
                                                             College of Business,                                         College
                                                             Public Policy and Law                                        of Science

    22                                                          34                                                          46
Degree Programmes                                            College of Engineering                                       Financial Information,
and Mature Students                                          and Informatics                                              FAQ’s, Leaving Certificate
Criteria Quick Guide and                                                                                                  Points Converter
Allocation of Places
Disclaimer; whilst every effort is made to ensure contents are accurate, the Mature Students Guide is issued only for the guidance of students. It does not impose
or infer any legal obligations on the National University of Ireland Galway. Course syllabi, fees, regulations or other information given may be altered, cancelled or
otherwise amended at any time. The Mature Students Guide does not confer any rights on a student registered for any course of study.
7   5
Mature Public
    Information Evening -
    College for Everyone
    Wednesday, January 16th,
    Lifecourse Institute.
    North Campus, Dangan,
    5.30pm to 8pm
    This special information evening is designed particularly for
    anyone aged 23 or over, who maybe considering studies
    at NUI Galway in 2019 with an emphasis on applying to a
    full-time degree aimed at those who never thought it was
    possible and could not for a diverse range of reasons attend
    third level in earlier years. It is an annual event to reach out to
    community that university is accessible to all and to promote
    lifelong learning. All adult learners are welcome no matter
    what your age is as the university offers so much more than
    just full-time degrees.
    The Mature Students Officer will give a welcome presentation
    at 6.pm in G018 explaining the CAO application procedure
    and sharing some past students experiences with you. SUSI
    (Student Universal Support Ireland) will be on hand to present
    on undergraduate funding.
    Representatives from all our College Degree Programmes
    will be there to advise and talk one to one to you about
    career opportunities and learning outcomes of their individual
    The Careers Service will be there to assist with questions on
    career prospects if you complete a degree.
    The Centre for Adult Learning and Professional Development
    will be present and offers short special interest courses,
    on-line courses, languages, classroom based learning and
    professional development courses.
    Many people attending the evening in the past have been
    directed into Access Diploma Courses to give them the
    Foundation Skills in academic subjects at a pre-university
    level 6 and supported onwards to degrees in all disciplines
    at NUI Galway. These courses build confidence in self, ability
    and supports each individual to reach their full potential.
    There is a place for everyone at NUI Galway whether it is
    through an Access course, a full-time degree or through our
    Centre for Adult Learning and Professional Development
    To attend this evening you may sign up now at:

    Find out more:
     www.nuigalway.ie/adult-learning                               w
     www.nuigalway.ie/accesscentre                                 w
9    www.susi.ie                                                   w      7
What Is the Definition
     of a Mature Student?
     Full-time Degree Mature Student
     You will qualify as a mature applicant for full-time study if
     you are at least 23 years of age on or before 1st January
     in the year you submit your application and if your Leaving
     Certificate qualifications are insufficient for standard
     admission. Therefore, to apply to NUI Galway for the
     academic year 2019, your birth date must be on or before
     January 1st 1995 and you must have lived in an EU/EEA
     Member State for three of the last five years. Students
     attending university on a full-time basis are generally not in
     full-time employment.
     If you started a degree but did not complete it, you must be
     5 years out of formal education to qualify for Free Tuition
     Fees again.
     Holders of a Level 8 degree, who may be 23 or over will not
     qualify for Free Tuition Fees but still eligible to apply as a
     Mature Student but the costs can prevent studying again
     at this level. Such students are encouraged to look at Post
     Graduate study options.

     Part-Time Degree Mature Student
     The Centre for Adult Learning and Professional
     Development recognises mature students at the age of
     21 and over. This route may suit you if you are in full-time

     Access Mature Student
     You will qualify as a mature applicant for an Access
     Course if you are 23 or over. If you apply at the age of 22
     please ensure that you turn 23 before the 1st of January
     for progression purposes to a full-time degree. The
     Access Course is one year part-time daytime course that
     aims to provide disadvantaged mature students with the
     opportunity to prepare, personally and academically, for
     an undergraduate course of full-time study of at least three
     years duration at NUI Galway.

     School Leaver Access Course
     The Access Course for School Leavers is a course
     specifically designed for students who are aged 22 or
     under and has a proven ability to study, but was unable to
     progress due to financial, family, personal and other issues
     that disrupted their studies and denied progression to
     higher education.

     Find out more:
      www.nuigalway.ie/mature                                       w
      www.nuigalway.ie/access                                       w
      www.nuigalway.ie/adult-learning                               w
11                                                                      9
How to apply as a
     Mature Student for
     Full-time Degrees
     Mature students should apply online
     through the Central Applications
     Office (www.cao.ie) before the 1st
     of February for all NUI Galway’s
     full-time undergraduate courses.

     The cost of applying through the CAO is approximately
     €40. There is an online discounted rate of €25 if you apply
     before the January 20th. It is important to complete the CAO
     application form thoroughly. Supporting documentation such
     as exam results, current studies and a strong statement of
     intent are essential components of your CAO application for
     some programmes.
     If you use the online application process you must forward
     your supporting documentation to the CAO immediately
     afterwards with your name and CAO number clearly stated
     on each document. Do not send any documents to NUI
     Galway - these will not be reviewed. Documentation that
     supports your application will only be considered for
     admission purposes if it has been included with your formal
     application through the CAO.
     Important: Your supporting documents must arrive in
     the CAO offices within seven days of your submission of
     the online application. It is of the utmost importance as a
     mature student that you ensure all relevant information,
     including evidence of formal education, certificates, personal
     statements and other requested documents, are included
     with your CAO application. Omission of this information may
     affect the success of your application to NUI Galway.
     The CAO also provides a comprehensive handbook, which
     includes information specific to mature students and must be
     read carefully in advance of submitting a final application.
     Some Degree Programmes also require the applicant to
     register for assessments in association with their CAO
     application with certain deadlines and one testing date. Such
     programmes are Medicine (HPAT), Arts (MASP) and Nursing

     Find out more:
      www.cao.ie                                                w
      https://hpat-ireland.acer.org                             w
      https://www.msap-ireland.acer.org                         w
      www.nmbi.ie/Careers-in-Nursing-Midwifery                  w
13                                                                    11
Mature Student
     NUI Galway has encouraged and
     facilitated the admission of mature
     students to its programmes over
     many years.

     There are some scholarships that applicants can apply to
     before even receiving a college offer. More are given on merit
     or for socio-economic reasons.
     Scholarships include :
     •	Mature Students Scholarships
     •	University Scholarships for Higher Education
     •	1916 Bursary Fund
     These are applicable to Mature Students in particular.
     For details of each scholarship, application dates and
     eligibility criteria please refer to nuigalway.ie/mature/

     Terms and conditions apply.

     Find out more:
      www.nuigalway.ie/mature/scholarships/                      w
15                                                                    13
Mature Student
     The following are a number of student support services that
     you can avail of as a full-time mature student:

     Return to Learning programme
     The Return to Learning programme is offered in August to
     new incoming Mature, Access, and QQI students so as to
     prepare them academically, socially and practically before
     the semester begins.
     The week long programme comprises of a series of
     workshops including practical study skills sessions, memory
     techniques, practical computing and advice on making the
     transition to third level education as well as information on the
     support services in the University. These workshops provide
     you with an opportunity to meet fellow mature students, make
     friends, and familiarise yourself with our campus.

     The university runs an orientation week for all new first
     years in early September with an opportunity to hear college
     talks from the Deans, learn about academic and personal
     supports, and receive timetables and library tours.

     Academic Skills workshops
     NUI Galway runs a number of practical skills workshops
     throughout the academic year ranging from academic
     writing, research skills, and practical study skills to revision
     techniques and exam preparation.
     The SUMS Centre provides mathematical supports for all
     students but has each Fridays dedicated to Mature Students.
     The Academic Writing Centre provides practical supports
     with writing essays guidance on how to improve your
     approach to assignment writing tasks.
     On-Line study resources are available through Blackboard
     our internal learning system.

     Financial and Student Supports
     The Financial Aid Fund can assist students who are in an
     extremely hard financial situation.
     The Counselling Service provides students with an opportunity
     to have support for on-going concerns and can provide an
     appointment with a Mental Health Officer if required.
     The Disability Support Service supports students who
     have long-term physical or a mental health conditions, or
     a specific learning difficulty and are encouraged to register
     with the Disability Support Service to ensure supports and
     accommodations can be put in place to enable them to fulfil
     academic potential. The team are committed to the provision
     of an equitable learning environment that will enable you to
     become an independent learner and highly skilled graduate.

     Find out more:
      www.nuigalway.ie/academic-skills                             w
      www.library.nuigalway.ie/awc                                 w
      http://www.nuigalway.ie/public-sites/s-u-m-s                 w
      www.nuigalway.ie/students                                    w
17    www.nuigalway.ie/disability                                  w     15
Returning to Education
– Access Diploma Programmes
NUI Galway’s Access Office offers pre-university             Technology and Career/College Guidance.
preparatory Access and Foundation diploma programmes
for under-represented groups in higher education - for       Fees are €380 for employed and €60 for unemployed.
example, those from socio-economically disadvantaged
backgrounds, students with disabilities and mature
                                                             Diploma in Foundation Studies Business, Arts
students including adults who may be in employment.
                                                             and Law
                                                             This is a joint diploma delivery with GMIT and is a fee
The preparatory programmes are student centred               paying evening programme that runs Tuesday/Thursday
and are delivered in a very supportive environment by        evenings and some Saturdays from September to May
experienced tutors and staff who understand you and          and is suitable for those over 22 who are interested in
your background. All staff are focused on supporting         moving onwards to a full-time or part-time degree in
you paying particular emphasis on people who have            NUIG or GMIT in areas such as Business, Humanities
been out of traditional education for some time and on       and Law. Academic Support Modules include Academic
those who were unable to meet their full potential due       Writing, Study Skills, Technology and Career/College
to circumstances beyond personal control. The overall        Guidance subjects include Maths, Economics, Business
aim is to give the chance of college to everyone and to      Skills and Accountancy. This course is also taught in
provide an opportunity to progress to full-time or part-     GMIT Castlebar.
time degrees once the foundation year is completed.
Each year over 200 students progress to university and       Fees are €380 for employed and €60 for unemployed.
excel in their new degrees. Continued support is provided
to all students by the Access Centre.                        Access and Diploma Progression Criteria to
                                                             Degrees and Scholarships
Mature and School Leavers Access Course                      All Modules studied in all Access and Diploma courses
The Mature Access Course is a full-time day programme        must be passed and completed and attendance
for disadvantaged students over 22 from diverse              required is 85%. All courses are classroom based over
backgrounds and is free based on meeting certain             2 semesters with exams, assignments and continuous
financial and personal conditions. Subjects offered are in   assessment. Certain subjects require A’s and practical
the areas of Humanities, Science and Business and also       work experience for some degrees including Health
teaches Academic Writing, Study Skills, Technology and       Sciences and Nursing (School Leavers) All students
Career/College Guidance. Upon completion and meeting         who want to proceed to full-time degrees apply to
certain grades, students’ progress to full-time degrees      the CAO before Jan 20th for a discounted fee of €25.
in these areas including Health Sciences, Law and            Places in degrees are allocated according to grades and
Engineering. School Leavers are under 22 meeting similar     competition for places.
access requirements and can progress to Humanities,
                                                             Certain high achieving mature students who enter 1st
Science, Business, Law, Health Sciences, Engineering
                                                             year of a full-time degree may receive a scholarship
and Nursing.
                                                             of 1,500 euros subject to terms and conditions. Other
Out Reach Access Courses                                     funding may be available through the Financial Aid Fund
                                                             and Access Funds for School Leavers.
These free programmes are delivered in centres such
as Ballinasloe, Carraroe and St. Angela’s Sligo. They        How To Apply
are made up of both Mature and School Leavers from
                                                             Applications to all Access Courses are completed on-
disadvantaged backgrounds. These courses provide the
                                                             line from March. Interviews apply. Details of documents
opportunity to progress to NUI Galway or St. Angela’s
                                                             required are available on the access website.
Sligo upon completion offering a range of subjects
including Home Economics unique to St. Angela’s.             Applications to Diploma in Foundation Studies Science,
                                                             Technology and Engineering/ Business, Arts and Law are
Diploma in Foundation Studies Science,                       completed on-line from July. No interviews apply.
Technology and Engineering
                                                             Information Evenings are ran during the year on all
This is a joint diploma delivery with GMIT and is a fee      listed courses and will be posted on the access website
paying evening programme that runs Tuesday/Thursday          throughout the year.
evenings and some Saturdays from September to May
and is suitable for those over 22 who are interested in
moving onwards to a full-time or part-time degree in
NUIG or GMIT in areas such as Engineering, Science,          Find out more:
Computer Science and Health Sciences. Academic                www.nuigalway.ie/access                              w
subjects include Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Support Modules include Academic Writing, Study Skills,       www.nuigalway.ie/mature/part-time                    w

19                                                                                                                     17
     A number of Undergraduate
     programmes in NUIG are open on
     a competitive basis to students
     who present with a recognised
     QQI (FETAC) Qualification.

     In order to be considered for a place on these programmes,
     students are required to have completed the requisite Level
     5 or Level 6 course and hold a minimum of five distinctions
     in the requisite modules.
     For the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of QQI
     (Fetac) entry routes and requirements, see the CAO website
     or discuss with your Education Advisor in your college of
     further education.
     Please note that places are limited for QQI applicants in
     degree programmes. Quotas of places are advertised on the
     admissions website.
     If you are doing a pre-nursing course and are over 23, you
     can also apply as a Mature Student and take the NCC
     nursing exam in addition to completing your QQI course to
     have a second chance of obtaining a nursing place.
     All applications must be made before Feb 1st through the
     CAO on year of application for a full-time degree.

     Find out more:
      daniel.savery@nuigalway.ie                                e
      www.cao.ie                                                w
      www.nmbi.ie/Careers-in-Nursing-Midwifery                  w
21                                                                  19
What Our Access Centre Students Say

                     SANDRA (B Comm Accountancy)
                     I have just accepted a college offer for NUI Galway. I am so delighted that I got
                     my first choice course. Thank You for everything you did over the year. The access
                     course overall was a great experience and hopefully will make 1st year a little easier.
                     On a personal note, I know that I would not have gotten any offer if it had not been
                     for your help a few weeks ago. I really, really appreciate the help you gave me and
                     wouldn’t forget anytime soon. Looking forward to seeing you in September!

CHRISTINA (Bachelor of Corporate Law)
Just a quick email to say how much I loved attending the Return to Learning
programme for Mature Students last year. I can’t believe how fast these 12 months
have gone since doing the course.
I accepted a place on the Return to Learning programme for two reasons. First
was for a general introduction to college life and academic studies. Secondly it
was to meet people. I was so nervous on Sunday night. I didn’t sleep I was so
nervous. I hated the idea of having to meet new people and the small talk. But I
came in on Monday morning with an open mind. The last 3 days have been unreal.
I came into the course not knowing a single person. By Wednesday evening we
had a whatsapp group set up and a night organised for next week. People from
different backgrounds, different ages and different experiences all coming together
for a common goal. We shared all our experiences, fears and anxieties about the
upcoming few years. It was a massive weight off my shoulders hearing that other
people had the same fears as myself. Trying to explain these fears and anxieties
to someone not in the same situation just doesn’t help to be honest because they
just don’t get it!
So today, reflecting on the past few days, the confidence I have going forward
is immeasurable. So I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to you
and everyone that spoke over the last few days. I really hope that this programme
stays around for the foreseeable future.

                     CORMAC (Bachelor of Arts)
                     Now a Registered Ph.D. Student in Psychology
                     I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I graduated on Tuesday. The
                     ceremony marked the end of the most fantastic journey of my life (so far) and I
                     wanted to thank you for being part of that journey and for all the help and support
                     you gave me in. Over the three years studying Arts and psychology, I may not have
                     used the Mature Office a lot, but knowing that it was there and, more importantly,
                     that you were there meant so much to me.
                     As if Tuesday wasn’t joyous enough, I got to graduate with my daughter. Not too
                     many people can say that. I am enclosing a picture just in case any mature ever
                     says to you ‘Oh! I couldn’t go to college. My kids are there’. You can tell them that
                     they will get to do THIS!!!!
                     Again, a million thanks for everything. You make a difference.

CRYSTAL (Bachelor of Science (Physics with Astrophysics))
     I found out recently that I have been approved for CoS funding to start a PhD
     in September in NUIG and I am absolutely delighted! I just wanted to thank you
     for all your help over the years. I didn’t imagine when starting the Diploma in
     Foundation Studies Science, Technology and Engineering 5 years ago meant that
     I would graduate with 1st class honours, and be able to start studying for a PhD
     too. So thanks a million! I’m sure we’ll see each other around the canteen come

                           COLIN (Diploma in Foundation Studies Business)
                           I chose the Foundation Diploma in Business having left my job through redundancy.
                           This gave me the opportunity to further my education. Once I started, I realised
                           how easily I took to the course and getting back into studying. I learned many skills
                           that I use on a daily basis and not only business based skills. This was a great
                           introduction to college life for me and it would recommend it to anybody thinking of
                           returning to education. Having done this course, it had me prepared for both part-
                           time and full-time college and what it would entail.

     ANDREA (Business Information Systems)
     I’ve been meaning to send this for a while. I had to tell you that doing the Diploma
     in Foundation Studies Business was the best thing I ever did! I know I may have
     been quite vocal regarding some of my issues however I look back at them as
     character building! I’ve now gone on to do Business Information Systems and
     whilst it sometimes feels like I’m in a parallel universe, it consolidates the fact that
     I couldn’t have done it without having done the Access Course. I also have just
     received the €1500 mature scholarship and it was so unexpected and will be such
     a help - it actually means I can afford to buy some books! So once again, thank

                           KLAUDIA (Bachelor of Science)
                           Going back to college as a mature student was challenging especially since English
                           isn’t my first language but it was a great choice. I did the part time Diploma in
                           Foundation Studies Science, Technology and Engineering at NUIG and then chose
                           science for my degree. Throughout the 2nd and 3rd year I studied microbiology,
                           pharmacology and other elective subjects and I decided to do biochemistry in my
                           final year. During research project I explored effects of UV irradiation on human
                           cells, which made me want to continue education in this area. I am now in a
                           Master’s programme in Cancer research which will help me develop essential skills
                           for further employment.

23                                                                                                             23
Quick Guide for Mature Students
For each degree, assessments, interviews or academic criteria and further education apply. Please refer to this guide
for detailed information on all application criteria. In all CAO applications include a Statement of Intent and Relevant
Information to the degree applied for. Include additional pages of necessary.

Course   Course Name                                Mature      Quick Guide For Mature Students
Code                                                Places
GY101    Bachelor of Arts (Joint-Honours)           Unlimited   MSAP
GY104    Arts (Psychology)                          1           MSAP, Further Education in Psychology, Statement of Intent.
GY105    History                                    Unlimited   MSAP
         Na Dána (Gaeilge agus                                  Irish from Leaving Cert to an Honours standard both written and oral, written assessment
GY107                                               2
         Léann an Aistrúcháin)                                  and interview.
GY109    Arts (Mathematics and Education)           2           MSAP, Honours Maths, Experience and Statement of Intent.
GY110    Bachelor of Arts with Children's Studies   2           MSAP, Background in Childrens Studies through Further Education, Work Experience.
GY111    Bachelor of Arts with Creative Writing     2           MSAP, Evidence of written works or publishings and recent studies in a relevant area.
GY112    Film Studies with Arts                     2           MSAP, Evidence of media interest of genres, producers, and recent studies in a relevant area.
GY113    Human Rights with Arts                     2           MSAP and work/life experience and further education in human rights issues.
GY115    Performing Arts Studies with Arts          2           MSAP and work/life/performance experience and further education in performance.
         Bachelor of Arts in Drama,
GY118                                               2           MSAP and work/life/performance experience and further education in theatre.
         Theatre & Performance Studies
GY119    BA with Journalism                         1           MSAP and work/life/ experience and further education in writing.
         Arts (Child, Youth & Family Policy and
GY120                                               2           MSAP and work/life/experience and further education in youth work.
GY121    Arts (Children Studies)                    2           MSAP and work/life/experience and further education in childrens studies.
GY122    Na Dána (Cumarsaid)                        2           Irish from Leaving Cert to an Honours standard both written and oral, written assessment and interview.
GY123    BSc Applied Social Sciences                3           MSAP and work/life/experience and further education in social issues.
                                                                MSAP plus Leaving Cert Mathematics.
GY124    Arts (Arts with Data Science)              2
                                                                Evidence of IT experience in coding and programming is desirable.
                                                                MSAP exam plus Leaving Cert Mathematics.
GY125    Arts (Digital Arts and Technology)         2
                                                                Evidence of IT experience in web design and coding is desirable.
                                                                MSAP exam plus evidence of interest in novels, plays and film with a brief description of a
GY126    Arts (English and Media Studies)           2
                                                                topic of a media of your choice and further education studies completed in a relevant area.
                                                                MSAP exam plus evidence of interest in film and screen with a brief description of a topic of
GY127    Arts (Film and Digital Media)              2
                                                                a media of your choice and further education studies completed in a relevant area.
         Arts (Global Languages)                                MSAP exam plus evidence of an aptitude for languages supported by either further education,
GY128                                               2
         Places to be approved                                  leaving cert or life experience of living in a non-English speaking country.
                                                                MSAP exam plus evidence of an aptitude for languages supported by either further education,
GY129    Arts (International)                       2
                                                                leaving cert or life experience of living in a non-English speaking country.
GY130    Arts (Music)                               2           MSAP exam plus ability to read music.
GY131    Arts (History and Globalisation Studies)   2           MSAP Exam
GY132    Government (Politics, Economics and Law) 2             MSAP Exam
         BA Education (Computer Science and                     MSAP Exam plus Honours Maths
GY133                                               2
         Mathemathical Studies

                                                                Criteria for selection include an assessment of the candidate's ability to benefit from, and to
GY201    Commerce                                   Unlimited   undertake the programme. Experience and educational background are taken into account.
                                                                An aptitude for Mathematics is beneficial. Interviews are not required.
                                                                Criteria as for GY201. In addition, you must submit evidence of certificates/diplomas obtained
GY202    Commerce with French                       Unlimited
                                                                studying the French language.
                                                                Criteria as for GY201. In addition, you must submit evidence of certificates/diplomas obtained
GY203    Commerce with German                       Unlimited
                                                                studying German.
GY204    Commerce with Spanish                      Unlimited   Criteria as for GY201. In addition, a proven aptitude for learning modern languages.
                                                                Criteria as for GY201. In addition, an aptitude for Mathematics (normally Leaving Certificate
GY206    Business Information Systems               Unlimited
                                                                ordinary level) is required.
                                                                Criteria as for GY201 and should have studied maths to Leaving Certificate standard or equivalent.
                                                                A good standard of English is an advantage. An aptitude for Accountancy (normally Leaving Certificate
GY207    Commerce (Accounting)                      Unlimited
                                                                or equivalent) is desirable and where possible to have taken exams and modules in an Accountancy
                                                                Technician course.

Course   Course Name                               Mature      Quick Guide For Mature Students
Code                                               Places
GY208    Commerce (Gaeilge)                        2           Criteria as for GY201 and have a HC3/H4 in Leaving Certificate Irish.
         Commerce (Global Experience)
GY209                                              2           Criteria as for GY201.
         Places to be approved
                                                               Criteria include an aptitude for legal study, Accountancy, Mathematics, and the likelihood of
GY250    Law & Business                            Unlimited
                                                               successful completion of the course.
GY251    Law                                       Unlimited   Criteria as for GY250.
GY252    Law and Human rights                      Unlimited   Criteria as for GY250 plus evidence of voluntary work in Human Rights areas.

                                                               Evidence of mathematical and science ability is desired either from the Leaving Certificate or from
GY301    Science (Undenominated)                   Unlimited
                                                               Further education completed. Please include statements of Leaving Cert exam.
GY303    Biomedical Science                        Unlimited
GY304    Biotechnology                             Unlimited
GY308    Environmental Science                     Unlimited
GY309    Financial Mathematics and Economics       Unlimited
GY310    Marine Science                            Unlimited   Evidence of mathematical and science ability is desired either from the Leaving Certificate or from
GY313    Health and Safety Systems                 Unlimited   Further education completed. Please include statements of Leaving Cert exam.
GY314    Earth and Ocean Sciences                  Unlimited
GY318    Biopharmaceutical Chemistry               Unlimited
GY319    Mathematical Science                      Unlimited
GY320    Physics with degree options               Unlimited

GY401    Engineering (Undenominated)               Unlimited
GY402    Civil Engineering                         Unlimited
GY405    Mechanical Engineering                    Unlimited
GY406    Electronic and Computer Engineering       Unlimited   A minimum of grade C3 Higher Level Maths (H5) is desirable and evidence of science studied at
                                                               Leaving Cert Level or equivalent. IT and Technical Drawing subjects, will be considered; therefore
GY408    Biomedical Engineering                    Unlimited   please include statements of Leaving Cert exam.
GY410    Project and Construction Management       Unlimited
GY413    Engineering - Energy Systems              Unlimited
GY414    Engineering - Electrical and Electronic   Unlimited
                                                               A minimum of grade C3 Higher Level Maths (H5) is desirable and evidence of science studied at
         Computer Science and Information
GY350                                              Unlimited   Leaving Cert Level or equivalent. IT and Computer programming subjects, will be considered;
                                                               therefore please include statements of Leaving Cert exam.

                                                               Honours Leaving Cert Laboratory Science (C2 or H4 minimum) such as Chemistry, Physics, Biology or
GY501    Medicine (Surgery and Obstetrics)         3           Agricultural Science is required. HPAT test must be completed and possible Interview for shortlisted
                                                               Honours Leaving Certificate Science and work experience in a health care area is required for
GY502    Occupational Therapy                      2           consideration to Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Podiatric Medicine.
                                                               A strong Statement of Intent is required in your CAO application.
                                                               Honours Leaving Certificate Science and work experience in a health care area is required for
GY503    Speech and Language Therapy               2           consideration to Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Podiatric Medicine.
                                                               A strong Statement of Intent is required in your CAO application.
                                                               Honours Leaving Certificate Science and work experience in a health care area is required for
GY504    Podiatry                                  2           consideration to Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Podiatric Medicine.
                                                               A strong Statement of Intent is required in your CAO application.
GY515    Nursing Science (General)                 9           Nursing Careers Exam.
GY516    Psychiatric                               5           Nursing Careers Exam.
GY517    Midwifery Science                         4           Nursing Careers Exam.
         Bachelor of Business Studies
GY261                                              1           Criteria as for GY201.
         (International Hotel Management)
         Bachelor of Commerce
GY262                                              0           NA
         (International Hotel Management)

25                                                                                                                                                                   23
College of
 The College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies is at the
 cutting edge of new thinking in every subject offered within our
 programmes. Our degrees are designed to inspire your intellectual
 curiosity, build your capacity for creative and critical thinking.

 (Statement of Intent not required in the CAO application
 unless applying for other listed degrees to follow)
 GY101 Bachelor of Arts
         MSAP Exam Only and No Interviews (score of over 80 required)

 (A Statement of Intent must be completed in your CAO application)
 GY110 Bachelor of Arts with Children’s Studies
         MSAP Exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work in a related area and
         all further education courses completed in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
 GY111 Bachelor of Arts with Creative Writing
         MSAP Exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of written work and all further
         education courses completed in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
 GY112 Bachelor of Arts with Film Studies
         MSAP Exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work in a related area and
         all further education courses completed in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
 GY113 Bachelor of Arts with Human Rights
         MSAP Exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work in a related area and
         all further education courses completed in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
 GY115 Arts with Performing Arts Studies
         MSAP plus knowledge of degree, evidence of work in a related area and all further
         education courses completed in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
 GY119 Bachelor of Arts Journalism
         MSAP Exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work in a related area and
         all further education courses completed in a relevant area. Interview may apply.

27                                                                                           25
College of

     (A Statement of Intent must be completed in your CAO application)
     GY118 Bachelor of Arts in Drama, Theatre & Performance
             MSAP Exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work
             in a related area and all further education courses completed
             in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
     GY104 Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
             MSAP Exam and evidence of further education in the area of
             psychology. Psychology can also be studied through the Arts
             Omnibus GY101 and mature applicants are encouraged to
             put both programmes on their CAO application
     GY105 Bachelor of Arts History
             MSAP Exam Only (Statement of Intent not required in the CAO
     GY109 Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics and Education)
             MSAP Exam plus Honours Leaving Certificate Maths.
     GY120 Bachelor of Arts Child, Youth and Family Policies and
             MSAP Exam evidence of work in a related area and all further
             education courses completed in a relevant area.
     GY121 Arts (Children’s Studies)
             MSAP exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work
             in a related area and all further education courses completed
             in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
     GY123 BSc (Applied Social Sciences)
             MSAP exam plus knowledge of the degree, evidence of work
             in a related area and all further education courses completed
             in a relevant area. Interview may apply.
     GY124 Arts (Arts with Data Science)
             MSAP exam plus Leaving Cert Mathematics. Evidence of IT
             experience in coding and programming is desirable.
     GY125 Arts (Digital Arts and Technology)
             MSAP exam plus Leaving Cert Mathematics. Evidence
             of interest and/or experience in Information Technology
             is desirable. A strong statement of intent should show
             knowledge of the degree, your motivation for studies and
             efforts of any further education completed in recent years.

GY126 Arts (English and Media Studies)
            MSAP exam plus evidence of interest in novels, plays and film
            with a brief description of a topic of a media of your choice
            and further education studies completed in a relevant area.
     GY127 Arts (Film and Digital Media)
            MSAP exam plus evidence of interest in film and screen with
            a brief description of a topic of a media of your choice and
            further education studies completed in a relevant area.
     GY128 Arts (Global Languages)
            MSAP exam plus evidence of global languages, not including
     GY129 Arts (International)
            MSAP exam plus evidence of an aptitude for languages
            supported by either further education, leaving cert or life
            experience of living in a non-English speaking country.
     GY130 Arts (Music)
            MSAP exam and must have the ability to read music.
     GY131 Arts (History and Globalisation Studies)
            MSAP exam.
     GY132 Government (Politics, Economics and Law)
            MSAP exam.
     GY133 BA Education (Computer Science and Mathemathical
            MSAP Exam plus Honours Maths with a H5.

     GY107 Na Dána (Gaeilge agus léann an Aistriúcháin)
            Leaving Certificate Irish, Irish Interview, Irish Written Test is
            required. MSAP NOT required. Demonstrate knowledge of
            the degree, evidence of work in a related area and all further
            education courses completed in a relevant area in your CAO
     GY122 Na Dána (Cumarsáid agus Gaeilge)
            Leaving Certificate Irish, Irish Interview, Irish Written Test is
            required. MSAP NOT required. Demonstrate knowledge of
            the degree, evidence of work in a related area and all further
            education courses completed in a relevant area in your CAO

29                                                                              27
College of

     Applications to the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies
     programmes are considered on the results of the MSAP - Mature
     Students Admissions Pathway - exam (except Na Dána degrees) held
     on one day Saturday March 9th 2019.

     In addition, an interview may apply if shortlisted for certain
     programmes listed in this guide. Not everyone who applies for
     restricted programmes is called to interview. Places are limited.

     All are encouraged to write a strong Statement of Intent in your CAO
     application stating your knowledge of degree, profession, why choose
     you and any further relevant studies completed or life experience
     gained that would make you an ideal student. This does not apply if
     only applying for GY101 or GY105 as MSAP score is only required.
     A minimum of an overall score of 80 is required to enter these
     programmes. For all other degrees the highest performers of MSAP
     and other criteria is considered.

     On the day of the test you will be required to present an original photo-
     bearing current driver’s license, along with your MSAP admission ticket
     sent to your email in advance.

      Student cards and Garda ID cards will not be accepted

     If you need special support for the exam you will need to supply ACER
     with evidence of your disability. Preparation Practice papers, tips and
     supports are available online.

Mature Students
     Admissions Pathway
     (MSAP) Procedure
     Candidates are required
     to complete independently
     administered by ACER (Australian
     Council for Educational Research).
     Steps to register for the MSAP
     assessment are:

     1. 	Apply through the CAO at www.cao.ie before 1st
     2.   A CAO number is given to you via email
     3. 	Apply directly to ACER to register for the MSAP
          assessment before 8th February. Pay the fee of €83 by
          Diners Club, Mastercard or VISA assessment, materials
          required for the paper test, provision of assessment
          results to the candidate, and the transfer of results to the
          CAO. Early application for the assessment is advisable.
          If you do not have a credit card, single use cards are
          available for purchase from banks and shops for use on
          the internet.
     The fee for MSAP-Ireland 2019 is €83 per candidate during
     the timely registration period (5 Nov 2018 - 3 Feb 2019). An
     additional fee of €35 applies to test bookings made between
     4 - 17 February 2019.
     Test Date 9 March
     YOUR RESPONSIBILITY: You must have an active email
     account and check regularly that messages do not go to
     Junk Mail! Only one sitting of this exam!

     Find out more:
      https://hpat-ireland.acer.org/                               w
      www.cao.ie                                                   w
      www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad                                   w
      www.nuigalway.ie/arts                                        w

31                                                                       29
A Diploma in Foundation Studies
Business best prepares Mature
Students for degrees in the College
of Business Public Policy and Law.
See page 17 for more information.

College of
 NUI Galway has a long history and is internationally recognised for
 producing high-quality, market-ready graduates in all areas of Business,
 Public Policy and Law. We offer a wide range of programmes, which
 are all taught by staff who are at the forefront of original thinking and
 innovation, ensuring you get the best student experience for your
 future career.


 GY201 Bachelor of Commerce
       Criteria for selection include an assessment of the candidate’s ability to benefit
       from, and to undertake, the programme. Experience and educational background
       are taken into account. An aptitude for Mathematics is beneficial. Interviews are not

 GY202 Bachelor of Commerce (International with French)
       Criteria as for GY201. In addition, you must submit evidence of certificates/
       diplomas obtained studying the French language.

 GY203 Bachelor of Commerce (International with German)
       Criteria as for GY201. In addition, you must submit evidence of certificates/
       diplomas obtained studying German.

 GY204 Bachelor of Commerce (International with Spanish)
       Criteria as for GY201. In addition, a proven aptitude for learning modern languages.

 GY206 Bachelor of Science (Business Information Systems)
       Criteria as for GY201. In addition, an aptitude for Mathematics (normally Leaving
       Certificate ordinary level) is required.

 GY207 Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
       Criteria as for GY201. Candidates should have studied maths to Leaving Certificate
       standard or equivalent. A good standard of English is an advantage. An aptitude
       for Accountancy (normally Leaving Certificate or equivalent) is desirable and where
       possible to have taken exams and modules in an Accountancy Technician course.

 GY208 Bachelor of Commerce (Gaeilge)
       Criteria as for GY201 and have a HC3 in Leaving Certificate Irish.

 GY209 Bachelor of Commerce (Global Experience)
       Criteria as for GY201.

33                                                                                             31
College of


     GY261 Bachelor of Business Studies (International Hotel
            Criteria as for GY201


     GY250 	Bachelor of Law & Business
            Criteria include an aptitude for legal study, Accountancy,
            Mathematics, and the likelihood of successful completion of
            the course.

     GY251 Bachelor of Law
            Criteria as for GY250

     GY252 Law and Human Rights
            Criteria for selection include an assessment of the candidate’s
            ability to benefit from, and to undertake, the programme.
            Experience and educational background are taken into
            account. Voluntary or work experience in Human Rights
            issues. Interviews are not required.

     GY101 Bachelor of Arts (Joint-Honours) in Law
            Criteria is MSAP exam Only - Refer to page 25

     GY103 Law in Bachelor of Arts (Public and Social Policy)
            Criteria is MSAP exam Only - Refer to page 26

     GY201 Law in Bachelor of Commerce
            Criteria for selection include an assessment of the candidate’s
            ability to benefit from, and to undertake, the programme.
            Experience and educational background are taken into
            account. An aptitude for Mathematics is beneficial. Interviews
            are not required.

     Apply through the CAO before
     February 1st 2019

     Assessment procedure
     Emphasis is placed on the academic
     criteria listed for each programme
     and on evidence of recent academic
     achievements (within the past three
     years is desirable). Factors which
     may assist in determining suitability
     for all courses include:

     Relevant work/life experience
     Absence of previous opportunity to
     undertake third-level education
     Leaving Certificate results and other
     educational qualifications

     Work/Life experience
     A detailed account of this is beneficial
     to your application. An aptitude
     for organisation, decision making
     and management is desirable.
     Commitment to your interests is

     Statement of Intent in the CAO
     This should explain why you are
     motivated to pursue a degree in your
     chosen area of interest and how
     you see your degree being an asset
     to your future plans. Any personal
     interests or business/language-
     related activity would also be of

     Find out more:
      www.nuigalway.ie/law/            w
      www.nuigalway.ie/commerce        w
      www.cao.ie                       w

35                                              33
College of
 At NUI Galway you will get a first-class education across all
 Engineering disciplines, taught by lecturers who are leading
 experts in their fields, and who will prepare you for an interesting
 and challenging future in your chosen engineering specialism. This
 coupled with the fact that we have Ireland’s premier purpose-built
 and award-winning Engineering Building makes NUI Galway the first
 choice for anyone interested in studying Engineering.

 GY401 Undenominated Engineering

 GY402 BE (Civil)

 GY405 BE (Mechanical)

 GY406 BE (Electronic and Computer)

 GY408 BE (Biomedical)

 GY410 BSc (Project & Construction Management)

 GY413 BE (Energy Systems)

 GY414 BE (Electrical & Electronic)

 GY350 BSc (Computer Science & Information Technology)

37                                                                      35
A Foundation Diploma Course
in Science, Engineering and
Technology best prepares Mature
Students for degrees in Engineering.
See page 17 for more information.

College of

     A minimum of grade C3 Higher Level Maths (H5) is desirable and
     evidence of science studied at Leaving Cert Level or equivalent. IT
     and Technical Drawing subjects, will be considered; therefore please
     include statements of Leaving Cert exam.

     Qualifying Maths Exam may apply in some cases. Interviews are not

     Apply through the CAO before February 1st 2019

     Assessment procedure
     Emphasis is placed on the academic criteria above and on evidence
     of recent academic achievements (within the past three years is
     desirable). Factors which may assist in determining suitability for all
     courses include:

     Relevant work/life experience
     Absence of previous opportunity to undertake third-level education
     Leaving Certificate results and other educational qualifications

     Work/Life experience
     A detailed account of this is beneficial to your application. An aptitude
     for organisation, decision making and management is desirable.
     Commitment to your interests is sought.

     Statement of Intent in the CAO
     This should explain why you are motivated to pursue a degree in your
     chosen area of interest and how you see your degree being an asset
     to your future plans. Any personal interests in engineering, design,
     medical devices, computing, building etc. would also be of interest.

     Find out more:
      www.cao.ie                                                         w
      www.nuigalway.ie/engineering                                       w

39                                                                               37
A Foundation Diploma Course
in Science, Engineering and
Technology best prepares Mature
Students for degrees in Health
Sciences (not nursing)
See page 17 for more information.

College of
 The College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences comprises
 three schools: Health Sciences, Nursing and Midwifery, and
 Medicine. We work to provide programmes that are grounded in
 clinical expertise and cutting-edge research to best prepare you for a
 challenging career in the changing healthcare environment.

 GY501	Bachelor of Medicine (MB) of Surgery (BCh) and of Obstetrics (BAO)

 GY502 BSc (Occupational Therapy)

 GY503 BSc (Speech and Language Therapy)

 GY504 BSc (Podiatric Medicine)

 GY515 Bachelor of Nursing Science (General)

 GY516 Bachelor of Nursing Science (Psychiatric)

 GY517 Bachelor of Midwifery Science

41                                                                           39
College of

 Criteria for Medicine                                      *Registered mature students of NUI Galway, who
 The subject eligibility requirement is a C2/ H4 grade      are enrolled on the ACCESS Diploma in Foundation
 in a Leaving Certificate higher level laboratory           Studies (Science/ Engineering Stream) are eligible
 science subject (i.e. Chemistry, Physics, Biology,         to apply for mature entry to medicine each year
 Physics with Chemistry (joint) or Agricultural             without having the Leaving Certificate Science
 Science) or equivalent. You need to have achieved          subject requirement at the time of application, by
 this grade in order to be eligible to apply, ie you        meeting certain standards of performance on the
 must have achieved this grade by taking the Leaving        Access Diploma Programme and HPAT-Ireland,
 Certificate examination in the year prior to applying      provided they present the required Leaving Subject
 or earlier (see exception below*). Evidence of             score prior to taking up the offer of a place in
 English proficiency is required where English is not       medicine.
 your first language.                                       The following standards of performance apply:
 All applicants must sit HPAT-Ireland. You need to          a)	the applicant must be eligible for mature entry
 register for this in advance. Please see the website for
 closing date details and date of HPAT-Ireland for 2019.    b)	the applicant must achieve 85% attendance on
 https://hpat-ireland.acer.org/                                 the Access Course
                                                            c)	the applicant must successfully complete all
 Applicants’ scores on HPAT-Ireland are used to                 modules of the Access Course
 rank order applicants for a Multiple Mini Interview
 (MMI). The top performing applicants are called to         d)	the applicant must achieve at least three Grade
 this interview process. Approximately 15 applicants            A’s and 1 B in their science/maths modules
 are interviewed each year. The MMI will be held            e)	the applicant must complete HPAT-Ireland and
 on Tuesday May 14th 2019. Each MMI station is                  achieve a minimum score of 150
 designed to test performance on a different aspect         f)	the applicant must achieve a minimum of a
 of medical professionalism such as communication               Higher Level Leaving Cert C2 in a laboratory
 skills, team work, moral reasoning, and ethical                Science subject / H4 grade. This can be
 decisions.                                                     presented after the MMI, but before uptake of
 NUI Galway is an undergraduate medical                         offer of a place.
 school, and the mature entry route is aimed at             A CAO statement of Intent is not required for
 widening diversity. Applicants who qualify to              Medicine.
 apply for graduate entry medicine elsewhere (i.e.
 achieving a second class honours, grade one- 2:1           HPAT exam is applied up to 20th Jan 2019. The fee
 undergraduate degree) are not eligible to apply to         to sit HPAT – Ireland is €140. An additional €105
 the NUI Galway Mature Entry Route. Applicants              late fee applies for registrations completed after
 who have a place in another medical school are             3 February 2019. Exam sitting is Saturday 23rd
 not considered eligible to apply for Mature Entry          February.
 to Medicine at NUI Galway. The maximum number              Criteria for Nursing and Midwifery
 of times an applicant can be interviewed is twice.
 Uptake of a place in medicine is contingent on             An aptitude test is the only requirement considered
 meeting the Garda/Police vetting, Medical Clearance        for Mature Nursing places and is carried out by
 requirements and good standing regulations, as per         the Nursing Careers Centre. The score of the test
 NUI Galway admissions policies and regulations.            determines places which are highly competitive. A
 See website for further details www.nuigalway.ie/          CAO statement of Intent is not required for Nursing.
 admissions/admissionspoliciesandregulations/               Having applied through the CAO before February
 See admissions website for further details.                1st 2019, Mature Applicants must also register and
 www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions/school-              apply through the Public Appointments Service
 leavers/medicine/medicinemature/                           (PAS) website www.publicjobs.ie. This must be done
                                                            as per dates set out by the Nursing and Midwifery

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