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                 & METABOLISM
                 THE JOURNAL
                 OF CLINICAL

    NUMBER 3
    VOLUME 106
    March 2021

                                             March 2021               VOLUME 106               NUMBER 3
2A  Contents                                                                               J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2021, 106(3):13A–20A

                                         THE JOURNAL
                                         OF CLINICAL
                                         & METABOLISM

                                                                                  PUBLICATIONS CORE COMMITTEE
                                                                                  Daniel I. Spratt, Chair
                                                                                  Amita Bansal

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                                                                                  Arthur Gutierrez-Hartmann
                                                                                  Smita Jha
                                                                                  George J. Kahaly
   MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ENDOCRINE SOCIETY                                     Ana Claudia Latronico
   We unite, lead, and grow the endocrine community to accelerate                 Zhenqi Liu
   scientific breakthroughs and improve health worldwide.                         Sue Moenter
                                                                                  Stephanie T. Page
   APRIL 2020 – MARCH 2021                                                        Matthew D. Ringel
                                                                                  Hironobu Sasano
   BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                             Gary D. Hammer, Ex Officio (President)
   Gary D. Hammer, President                                                      Carol H. Wysham, Ex Officio (President-Elect)
   Carol H. Wysham, President-Elect                                               Dolores M. Shoback, Ex Officio (Secretary/Treasurer)
   E. Dale Abel, Immediate Past President
   Dolores M. Shoback, Secretary/Treasurer
   Henry Anhalt
   Richard J. Auchus
   Samantha F. Butts
   Ann Danoff
   Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan
   Whitney S. Goldner
   Ruth A. Keri
   Kathryn A. Martin
   John D.C. Newell-Price
   Stephen M. Rosenthal
   Joy Y. Wu

   Jenny A. Visser, Ex Officio (Nominating Committee Chair)
   Lindsey S. Trevino, Ex Officio (Early Career Director)

    On the cover: Light micrograph of the interior lobe of a human pituitary gland. Credit: Michael Ross / Science Source

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 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2021, 106(3):13A–20A                                                                                                   9A
                                                                                                                                THE JOURNAL
 March 2021 ● VOLUME 106 ● NUMBER 3                                                                                             OF CLINICAL
 EDITORIAL BOARD                                                                                                                & METABOLISM

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                  Nicola Napoli, MD, PhD                               Serdar E. Bulun, MD
                                                 University Campus Bio-Medico                         Northwestern University
Paul M. Stewart, MD, FRCP, FMedSci               Rome, Italy                                          Chicago, Illinois, USA
University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom                            Genevieve Neal-Perry, MD, PhD                        Sonia Caprio, MD
                                                 University of Washington School of Medicine          Yale University School of Medicine
                                                 Seattle, Washington, USA                             New Haven, Connecticut, USA
                                                 Elizabeth N. Pearce, MD                              Ada S. Cheung, MBBS (Hons),
Ursula B. Kaiser, MD
                                                 Boston University Medical Center                     FRACP, PhD
Harvard Medical School
                                                 Boston, Massachusetts, USA                           Austin Health and The University of Melbourne
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
                                                                                                      Melbourne, Australia

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                                                 Mark Sherlock, MB (Hons), BCh, BAO,
Raghavendra G. Mirmira, MD, PhD
                                                 MRCPI, MD, PhD                                       Ching-Lung Cheung, PhD
The University of Chicago
                                                 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and             The University of Hong Kong
Chicago, Illinois, USA                           Beaumont Hospital
                                                                                                      Hong Kong
                                                 Dublin, Ireland
ASSOCIATE EDITORS                                                                                     Mirjam Christ-Crain, MD, PhD
                                                 Hirotaka Watada, MD, PhD
                                                                                                      University of Basel
Takashi Akamizu, MD, PhD                         Juntendo University
                                                                                                      Basel, Switzerland
Wakayama Medical University                      Tokyo, Japan
Wakayama, Japan                                                                                       Adi Cohen, MD, MHSc
                                                 EDITORIAL BOARD                                      Columbia University
Felix Beuschlein, MD
                                                                                                      New York, New York, USA
University Hospital Zurich                       Carlos A. Aguilar-Salinas, MD, PhD
Zurich, Switzerland                              Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutricion   Cosimo Durante, MD, PhD
                                                 Mexico City, Mexico                                  Sapienza Università di Roma
Ellen E. Blaak, PhD
                                                                                                      Rome, Italy
Maastricht University                            Erik K. Alexander, MD
Maastricht, The Netherlands                      Brigham & Women’s Hospital,                          Elif I. Ekinci, MBBS, FRACP, PhD
                                                 Harvard Medical School                               University of Melbourne
Stephanie T. Chung, MBBS (Hons), FAAP            Boston, Massachusetts, USA                           Melbourne, Australia
National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and
Kidney Diseases                                  Trevor E. Angell, MD                                 Tobias Else, MD
National Institutes of Health                    University of Southern California Keck               University of Michigan
Bethesda, Maryland, USA                          School of Medicine
                                                                                                      Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
                                                 Los Angeles, California, USA
Joshua N. Farr, PhD
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
                                                                                                      Pamela U. Freda, MD
                                                 Caroline M. Apovian, MD
                                                                                                      Columbia University
Rochester, Minnesota, USA                        Boston University School of Medicine
                                                                                                      New York, NY, USA
                                                 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Mônica Gadelha, MD, PhD
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
                                                                                                      Julia H. Goedecke, PhD
                                                 Natasha M. Appelman-Dijkstra, MD, PhD
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                                                                                South African Medical Research Council
                                                 Leiden University Medical Center
                                                                                                      Cape Town, South Africa
                                                 Leiden, The Netherlands
David J. Handelsman, MB BS, PhD,
FRACP, FAHMS                                     Muthuswamy Balasubramanyam, PhD,                     Whitney S. Goldner, MD
ANZAC Research Institute, University of Sydney   FAMS, MNASc, FAPASc, FASCh                           University of Nebraska Medical Center
Sydney, Australia                                Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF)           Omaha, Nebraska, USA
                                                 Chennai, India
Jens Otto Lunde Jørgensen, MD, DMSci                                                                  Mathis Grossmann, MD, PhD, FRACP
Aarhus University Hospital                       Irina Bancos, MD                                     University of Melbourne
Aarhus, Denmark                                  Mayo Clinic                                          Heidelberg, Australia
                                                 Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Sangeeta R. Kashyap MD                                                                                Haixia Guan, MD, PhD
Cleveland Clinic Foundation                      Nienke Biermasz, MD, PhD                             Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital
Cleveland, Ohio, USA                             Leiden University Medical Center                     Guangzhou, China
                                                 Leiden, The Netherlands
Karen S.L. Lam, MD, FHKAM(Med),                                                                       S. Mitchell Harman, MD, PhD
FHKCP, FRCP(Edin, Lond), FRACP                   Michael S. Boyne, MD                                 University of Arizona College of Medicine and the
The University of Hong Kong                      The University of the West Indies                    Phoenix VA Health Care System
Hong Kong                                        Kingston, Jamaica                                    Phoenix, Arizona, USA

J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2021, 106(3):9A                                                                     https://academic.oup.com/jcem       9A
                                     THE JOURNAL
                                                                                                                                                    March 2021
                                     OF CLINICAL
                                     ENDOCRINOLOGY                                  EDITORIAL BOARD                                                VOLUME 106
                                     & METABOLISM                                  continued from EB 4A                                              NUMBER 3

  Megan R. Haymart, MD                                V. Mohan, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP, FACE                   Young Kee Shong, MD, PhD
  University of Michigan                              Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre             Asan Medical Center
  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA                            Chennai, India                                       Seoul, South Korea

  Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, MD, PhD                 Giovanna Muscogiuri, MD                              William F. Simonds, MD
  Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University     University of Naples Federico II                     National Institutes of Health / NIDDK
  Hospital                                            Naples, Italy                                        Bethesda, Maryland, USA
  Stockholm, Sweden
                                                      Mitsuhide Naruse, MD, PhD                            Noel P. Somasundarum, MD
  Reiko Horikawa, MD, PhD                             Ijinkai Takeda General Hospital                      National Hospital of Sri Lanka
  National Center for Child Health and Development    NHO Kyoto Medical Center                             Colombo, Sri Lanka
  Tokyo, Japan                                        Kyoto, Japan
                                                                                                           Kathryn C.B. Tan, MD
  Gregory A. Kaltsas, MD, PhD, FRCP                   Karel Pacak, MD, PhD, DSc, FACE                      University of Hong Kong
  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens      National Institutes of Health / NICHD                Hong Kong
  Athens, Greece                                      Bethesda, Maryland, USA

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                                                                                                           Manuel Tena-Sempere, MD, PhD
  Bente L. Langdahl, MD, PhD                          Stephanie Page, MD, PhD                              University of Cordoba
  Aarhus University Hospital                          University of Washington School of Medicine          Cordoba, Spain
  Aarhus, Denmark                                     Seattle, Washington, USA
                                                                                                           Elena Tsourdi, MD
  Kok Onn Lee, MBBS, MD, FRCP(Edin)                   Nelly Pitteloud, MD                                  Dresden University Medical Center
  National University of Singapore                    Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois             Dresden, Germany
  Singapore                                           Lausanne, Switzerland
                                                                                                           Adina F. Turcu, MD, MS
  Ana Luiza Maia, MD, PhD                             Catalina Poiana, MD, PhD, FACE                       University of Michigan
  Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul           “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy   Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  Porto Alegre, Brazil                                Bucharest, Romania
                                                                                                           Anand Vaidya, MD, MMSc
  Monica Marazuela, MD, PhD                           Salman S. Razvi, FRCP, MD                            Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  Hospital de la Princesa, Universidad Autonoma       Newcastle University                                 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  de Madrid                                           Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
  Madrid, Spain                                                                                            Bobbie-Jo Webb-Robertson, PhD
                                                      Sirimon Reutrakul, MD                                Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  Erica E. Marsh, MD, MSCI, FACOG                     University of Illinois at Chicago                    Richland, Washington, USA
  University of Michigan                              Chicago, Illinois, USA
  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA                                                                                 Jacques Young, MD, PhD
                                                      Michael Rosenbaum, MD                                University Paris Saclay, INSERM and AP-HP
  Christopher R. McCartney, MD                        Columbia University Irving Medical Center            Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
  University of Virginia School of Medicine           New York, New York, USA
  Charlottesville, Virginia, USA                                                                           Hongting Zheng, MD
                                                      Sebastian M. Schmid, MD                              The Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical
  Philippa Melamed, PhD                               Universität zu Lübeck                                University
  Technion - Israel Institute of Technology           Lübeck, Germany                                      Chongqing, China
  Haifa, Israel
                                                      Claudia E. Sedlinsky, MD                             Zhiguang Zhou, MD, PhD
  Zaher Merhi, MD, HCLD                               Instituto Cesar Milstein                             Second Xiangya Hospital of CSU
  Einstein & New York University School of Medicine   Buenos Aires, Argentina                              Changsha, Hunan, China
  New York, New York, USA
                                                      Nalini S. Shah, MD
  Veronica Mericq, MD                                 King Edward Memorial Hospital                        ENDOCRINE SOCIETY STAFF
  University of Chile                                 Mumbai, India
  Santiago, Chile                                                                                          Richard T. O’Grady, PhD
                                                      Susmeeta T. Sharma, MD, MHSc                         Publisher
  Geltrude Mingrone, MD, PhD                          Medstar Washington Hospital Center/Georgetown
  King’s College London                               University Hospital                                  Timothy M. Beardsley, DPhil
  London, United Kingdom                              Washington, DC, USA                                  Executive Editor

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