JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos

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JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
JAPAN 2022
 Why Japan continues
 to shrug off the staggering
 costs of gender inequality

 February 2022

JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
                   © www.marcospola.com
JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
In 2020 Japan fell 11 places in the       Yet, unlike countries with similarly     HOW CAN WE EXPLAIN
      World Economic Forum’s Report on
      Gender Equality1 to the position of
                                                low rankings, gender inequality is not
                                                an obvious feature of everyday life in   JAPAN’S LOW RANKING?
      121st out of 153 countries in terms of    Japan; it does not manifest in overt,
      gender equality, followed by a slight     oppressive, or aggressive ways. In       The World Economic Forum classifies       In terms of Educational Attainment
      improvement to 120 th place out of        fact, most Japanese women would          each country’s overall gender             (1.7% gap) and Health & Survival
      156 countries in 2021. 2 At 34.4%,        likely be unwilling to trade places      equality ranking as comprised of four     (2.7% gap), Japan is nearly
      the gender inequality gap between         with Japanese men, who carry their       components: (1) Health & Survival,        gender equal. A lack of Political
      Japanese men and women is greater         own burden of expectations.              (2) Educational Attainment, (3)           Empowerment (93.9% gap) and
      than in 119 other countries, and the                                               Economic Participation and                Economic Participation and
      greatest in East Asia.                                                             Opportunity and (4) Political             Opportunity (39.6% gap) are the key
                                                                                         Empowerment.                              drivers of gender inequality in Japan.

       FIGURE 01                                                                          FIGURE 02
        OVERALL GENDER                                       OVERALL GENDER                                   ECONOMY
        EQUALITY RANKING                                     EQUALITY GAP

        1                           ICELAND                  10.8%
                                                                                                                                                   JAPAN SCORE
        16                          FRANCE                   21.6%

        30                          UNITED STATES            23.7%

        34                          MEXICO                   24.3%                                                                                 AVERAGE SCORE
        54                          SINGAPORE                27.3%

        102                         SOUTH KOREA              31.3%

        107                         CHINA                    31.8%                                             HEALTH

        120                         JAPAN                    34.4%
                                                                                         Although Japanese men and women are close to parity in the realms of
        133                         TURKEY                   36.2%
                                                                                         Educational Attainment and Health & Survival, it is in Economic Participation &
        140                         INDIA                    37.5%                       Opportunity and Political Empowerment where the greatest equality gaps persist.

      Source: “The Global Gender Gap Report 2021”, World Economic Forum                  Source: “The Global Gender Gap Report 2021”, World Economic Forum

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JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
SERIAL PROCLAMATIONS,                                                             COVID’S UNEQUAL IMPACT

      LITTLE CHANGE                                                                     In Japan, as in many countries, Covid     in Japan declined by 3.2% between
                                                                                        has disproportionately negatively         the end of 2019 and July 2020, the
      The Japanese government has made        While there are more women in the         impacted working women. More              decline of male workers was only
      proclamations and set goals around      workplace, however, the quality of        likely to hold tenuous “non-regular”      0.8%.12 Women are over-represented
      achieving greater gender equality       their employment has not improved         (contract and part-time) professional     in the hard-hit food service and retail
      over the past decade, yet progress      at the same pace. Women continue to       positions,10 Japanese women are the       sectors where laying off workers is
      continues to fall vastly short of       make up two-thirds of “non-regular”       first to go when times get tough.11       made easier by the prevalence of
      stated intentions. Nearly a decade      (part-time and contract) employment       While the entire number of employees      short-term contracts.
      ago, former Prime Minister Abe          positions which offer far less pay, job
      embraced the idea of “Womenomics”       security, training, and benefits. And
      and removing barriers to fuller         only 45% of women hold permanent
      professional participation of women,    employment contracts compared to           FIGURE 03
      setting the goal of having 30% of all   78% of men.6 In essence, women
      management positions occupied by        get far less for their labor in myriad    CHANGE IN NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN JAPAN (IN THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE)
      women by 2020. By 2019, with less       ways. And while the gender pay gap
                                                                                                                                   -200      -100          0     100
      than 15% of management jobs held by     in the workplace is 23.5% at home,7
      women3 and recognizing that the goal    Japanese women do nearly 5 times as                 HOTELS AND FOOD SERVICE
      would be missed by a wide margin,       much unpaid labor as men. 8                  LIFESTYLE SERVICE AND LEISURE
      the government pushed the goal back
      to 2030. In the context of Covid and    When it comes to boosting female                             MANUFACTURING
      the absence of major change, this       corporate leadership, new guidelines
      goal too is extremely likely to go      (rather than binding requirements)                    WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
      unmet.                                  were set in 2015 to increase the          INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION
                                              number of women on Japanese
      Some gains have been made, however      corporate boards, along with                         FINANCE AND INSURANCE
      slowly and unevenly. The government     the requirement to disclose the
      has made increasing access to           percentage of female executives in                  REAL ESTATE AND LEASING
      childcare for working parents a         corporate reporting. As of July 2019,                             HEALTHCARE
      priority4 and, by 2021, female          63% of companies in the JPX 400 had
      employment participation has risen to   at least one female board member (vs.        MALE        FEMALE

      72.8% (vs. 86.7%) for men.5             54% in 2018). Still, more than one-
                                              third of boards remained all-male.9       Monthly average April–July 2020 compared to April–July 2019
                                                                                        Source: Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

6 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                                    IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 7
JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
                                                                                         FIGURE 04
      The gender equality gap in Political     Upper House.13 Although two female        TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING
      Empowerment continues to be              politicians competed for the Labor        STATEMENT: "ACHIEVING EQUALITY BETWEEN MEN AND
      yawning, sinking Japan to a ranking of   Democratic Party’s nomination for         WOMEN IS IMPORTANT TO ME PERSONALLY".
      147th of 156 countries. As of January    Prime Minister in the past election,                                                                        % WOMEN % MEN
      2020, female representation in the       Japan has never come remotely close                                                                          AGREE  AGREE
                                                                                        COUNTRY         AGREE 65%                           DISAGREE 26%     69%    62%
      Japanese parliament was only at 10%      to having a female head of state.        PERU                                                                 81%     80%
      in the Lower House and 23% in the                                                 COLOMBIA                                                             80%     75%
                                                                                        SOUTH AFRICA                                                         78%     74%
                                                                                        SPAIN                                                                81%     71%
                                                                                        CHILE                                                                81%     69%
                                                                                        TURKEY                                                               79%     72%
                                                                                        SERBIA                                                               80%     69%
      Despite Japan falling lower on the       female applicants’ test scores to        INDIA                                                                76%     72%
      gender equality rankings in recent       prevent their admittance). In 2018, as   MALAYSIA                                                             77%     67%
      years, and despite women earning         #metoo protests took to the streets in   ITALY                                                                71%     73%
                                                                                        MEXICO                                                               74%     67%
      only 44% of what men do at work with     countries around the world, including
                                                                                        ARGENTINA                                                            72%     60%
      little decision-making authority14 or    in East Asia, they were noticeably met
                                                                                        CANADA                                                               71%     62%
      even voice in the realms of business     with relative indifference in Japan.     GERMANY                                                              71%     59%
      or politics, there is curiously little                                            SWEDEN                                                               73%     58%
      conversation or energy around            This seemingly resounding lack of        BELGIUM                                                              69%     60%
      achieving greater gender equality        concern around gender equality issues    UNITED STATES                                                        64%     62%
                                                                                        HUNGARY                                                              60%     64%
      in Japan, even among women               is apparent in the results of an Ipsos
                                                                                        SOUTH KOREA                                                          68%     55%
      themselves. Occasionally, a story        2019 Global Advisor Survey. Among        GREAT BRITAIN                                                        68%     55%
      of egregious gender discrimination       the 27 countries surveyed, Japanese      AUSTRALIA                                                            69%     52%
      does catch the media’s attention         people were the least likely to agree    BRAZIL                                                               61%     61%
      and becomes a point of societal          with the statement: “Achieving           FRANCE                                                               63%     56%
      reflection (e.g. the remark by 83-year   gender equality is important to me,      POLAND                                                               58%     49%
                                                                                        NETHERLANDS                                                          55%     50%
      old Head of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics      personally” (36%; 41% of women and
                                                                                        RUSSIA                                                               50%     39%
      organizing committee in February         31% of men). Even for women, gender      JAPAN                                                                41%     31%
      2021 that women “talk too much”          inequality appears not to be perceived
                                                                                                        % AGREE 2018 (70%)         % DISAGREE 2018 (21%)      INDICATES
      at meetings, and the 2018 scandal        as an issue of personal relevance in                                                                           DIFFERENCES
                                                                                                                                                              OF 10%+
      around medical schools altering          Japan.
                                                                                        Base: 18,800 online adults aged 16-64 across 27 countries, 21 Dec 2018 - 4 Jan 2019
                                                                                        Source: Ipsos International Women’s Day 2020 report

8 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                                      IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 9
JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
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JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
WHY ARE JAPANESE WOMEN                                             FRAMING
                                                                         A “WOMEN’S ISSUE”
      Three main drivers provide insight into
      the dynamics at play:                                              Japan is not exceptional in perceiving    women to enable them to function
                                                                         issues around gender inequality as        more effectively in the corporate
                                                                         being essentially “women’s issues”.       workplace. The potential gains of
         1                                                               Even the most purportedly progressive     addressing gender inequality are often
                                                                         governments and organizations have        perceived as belonging to women and,
      Framing of gender inequality issues: What                          tended to focus potential solutions       therefore, the onus to address gender
      is gender inequality? Who does it affect?                          around how to “fix” or accommodate        inequality is on them.
      Who does it harm or benefit? Where are
      these perceptions coming from?
                                                                         LACK OF A SHARED UNDERSTANDING

         2                                                               A 2019 Ipsos Japan survey15               “Gender equality is being talked
                                                                         revealed a lack of both understanding     about a lot now and I think
      Cultural Context within which gender                               and consensus about what constitutes      women’s rights are becoming
      inequality is intertwined with cultural                            “gender inequality”. Rather than          equal with those of men. However,
      practices, traditions, relationships, and                          understanding it as inequality of         a part of me feels that it is a fact
      foundational understandings.                                       opportunity, gender equality was          that men and women are good at
                                                                         more often understood to mean that        different things. Ignoring those
                                                                         men and women must be treated             different strengths is irrational. It
         3                                                               exactly the same. In Japan, genders       is not meant to be male dominant,
                                                                         have long been considered innately        but it seems illogical to treat men
      Institutional and Societal Context                                 different, both biologically as well as   and women equally. It has to be
      that supports perceptions of gender                                possessing complementary strengths        considered on a case-by-case basis
      differences and upholds, propagates,                               and weaknesses. Men and women are         to decide what kind of inequality
      and reinforces strict gender roles across                          thought to each play their own critical   may be suitable depending on the
      the Japanese media, educational system,                            role, contributing to overall harmony     situation.” Male, age 3916
      and working culture and structure.                                 and stability of Japanese society. As
                                                                         one respondent of the Ipsos study

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JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
      Another way in which framing plays       It is up to me to navigate within the        Much within the historical and contemporary Japanese cultural context explains
      into the apparent ambivalence of         existing structure to get my needs           the apparent ambivalence towards gender inequality.
      Japanese men and women towards           addressed, rather than to raise my
      gender inequality relates to how         voice and try to affect change on a
      personal experience or struggle is       larger scale. To make my personal            HIERARCHY AND ROLE DIVISION
      not readily extrapolated to the bigger   issues an issue of societal concern in
      picture. In other words, my salary       this context is unnatural and illogical.     The adoption of Confucianism              were to be full-time housewives,
      being lower than my male co-worker’s     Therefore, considering gender                around 285AD contributed to the           managing every aspect of the
      for the same job is my personal issue.   inequality as a larger societal issue        transformation of Japanese society        household and child-rearing, while
                                               beyond the personal fails to register.       into a hierarchical and patriarchal       men were to devote themselves,
                                                                                            feudal structure. During the long         body and soul, to the needs of the
                                                                                            Tokugawa period, the bushido (“way        corporation.
                                                                                            of the warrior”) code of ideals and
                                                                                            behaviors served to further place         Although the economic and
                                                                                            women in a position of dependence         demographic structure of Japan
                                                                                            and subservience. Until 1946, women       has changed dramatically in recent
                                                                                            lived under the authority of the male     decades, a corresponding update in the
                                                                                            head of household.                        expectations and aspirations for the
                                                                                                                                      lives of men and women has lagged.
                                                                                            Within this social structure, women       Even among young women, the role
                                                                                            were to play a supportive role            of full-time housewife is most often
                                                                                            and embody ideals of restraint,           considered the aspirational ideal. A man
                                                                                            respect, organization, decorum and        with a job that is stable and well-paid
                                                                                            modesty. Even today, women most           enough to support a full-time housewife
                                                                                            typically fulfil roles of nurture, care   can allow her the time, attention, and
                                                                                            and support within the family and         energy to devote to the family and
                                                                                            society. Men serve as the public face,    pursue her own interests. Men continue
                                                                                            protector, and financial provider of      to strive to uphold these expectations,
                                                                                            the family. To enable the “economic       yet the realities of an economy that
                                                                                            miracle” of the post-war period,          has contracted and wages that have
                                                                                            government policy reinforced this         stagnated over the past three decades
                                                                                            clear division of gender roles. Women     makes this increasingly less achievable.

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JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
The Ipsos study on gender in Japan         part of being a family man in Japan.
      revealed a high level of mutual            It looks difficult, tiring and not nearly
      respect between men and women in           as emotionally gratifying as the role
      the roles that each play. Rather than      of wife and mother. In this way, the
      focus on unfair differences in rights      lack of energy Japanese women show
      or privileges, our respondents spoke       around achieving gender equality may
      about the responsibilities that each       be partly driven by a lack of aspiration
      must take on. Women don’t envy the         for the alternative.
      pressures and limited free time that are


      From a young age, girls in Japan           good atmosphere and group harmony.
      are conditioned to look and behave         Being vocal, insistent, or demanding
      in a “feminine” way. For Japanese          of others is considered distinctly
      women, the goal of embodying               unfeminine. In this context, achieving
      femininity informs how she dresses,        positions of leadership and authority
      walks, speaks and behaves. Feminine        within corporate or political contexts
      norms require behaving in a way            can feel in conflict with feminine
      that is soft-spoken, gentle, and           ideals and, even worse, carries a
      conscientious about maintaining a          whiff of masculinity.

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JAPAN 2022 THE DEVIL YOU KNOW - Why Japan continues to shrug off the staggering costs of gender inequality - Ipsos
INSTITUTIONAL & SOCIAL CONTEXT                                                      Most importantly, Japanese boys       media messaging and social policy
                                                                                          and girls are not taught to reflect   around what it means to be feminine
      While Japanese culture creates a          can do and be. Over the course of         on their own assumptions and          and admired reinforce this binary
      firm foundation of clear gender roles     a lifetime, these ideas become so         experiences of gender. The limited    choice as logical, reasonable… and
      for men and women, the educational        internalized that men and women           choices offered according to gender   even obvious.
      system, media messaging and the           don’t question the status quo and         roles from childhood into adulthood
      nature of work reinforce them, limiting   limited options offered to them.          go unquestioned. By the time that     The 2021 Ipsos & Women’s Forum
      ideas about what men and women                                                      a young woman faces the choice of     Barometer Survey evidences this: 36%
                                                                                          pursuing a career or marriage and     of Japanese agree with the statement
                                                                                          motherhood, she doesn’t question      “A woman will always be happier in
      EDUCATION                                                                           why she must choose only one. The     her role as a mother, rather than her
                                                                                          examples and messaging that she has   professional life,” compared to 26%
      The educational system in Japan           Not only does the educational system      received through family, education,   across G7 countries.17
      contributes to creating clear             limit ideas about what men and
      perceptions of gender difference          women can do and be through
      from a very early age. As Yuriko          color-coding and gender stereotyping,
      Murakami, former Head of the OECD’s       the educational system fails to offer
      Tokyo Bureau, explains, “Children         education around issues of gender
      have developed gender bias by             and gender bias. The concept of
      kindergarten or first grade.” Gender      gender equality is taught as the law
      is color-coded through name tags,         of Japan, but there is no discussion of
      uniforms, and backpacks. Although         why it is important or what it means
      gendered curriculums were abolished       practically on a day-to-day basis.
      in the 1990s, what remains today is       Without frameworks or the vocabulary
      a sort of “hidden curriculum” that        to think about and discuss issues of
      promotes and reinforces ongoing           gender inequality, Japanese men and
      unconscious bias. In textbooks, the       women struggle to have a shared
      doctor is male and the nurse female.      definition of “gender inequality” and
      The man returns from work while the       to see its relevance.
      wife waits at home.

18 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                               IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 19
                                                                                             FIGURE 05
      The media plays a critical role in         over the longer-term, the turnover of
      reinforcing perceptions around             female idols is far quicker. Amongst the
      gender roles. Ideals of femininity         most popular idol groups, males are at
      projected through the media reinforce      least 10 years older than their female
      the expectation of a woman to be           counterparts. Beyond age disparities,
      supportive and willing to sacrifice        women on television are typically
      herself for the needs of others. From      placed in secondary, support positions,    TV Asahi’s cast feature young women and older men
      variety shows to idol culture, women       validating and expressing fascination      https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/goodmorning/cast/
      are shown in support positions to          with what the men have to say.
      men, and young women are treated as
      time-limited, perishable commodities.      In a world where social media               FIGURE 06
                                                 removes traditional media
      Especially in Japan’s ubiquitous           gatekeepers, there are some signs
      variety shows, a young, cute female        of positive change. Former female
      assistant is often paired with an          newscaster Keiko Kojima has become
      older male host. While the male host       an activist since leaving her news
      remains constant over years, and even      career, founding an organization called
      decades, the female assistants are         FUN (Women’s Announcer Network)
      routinely replaced after a certain time.   to help women in news support
      They are said to “graduate”, placing a     each other and raising awareness           The average age of members of popular boy band Arashi was around 37 vs.
      positive spin on this forced stepping      around the pressure put upon female        21 average age for popular girl group.
      down of older women. Major television      announcers to conform to a Japanese
      news channels often feature male           female ideal.19
      personalities (rather than journalists)                                                FIGURE 07
      leading the afternoon shows, with          However, traditional media has
                                                                                                                                 Former TBS news announcer, Keiko
      young female assistants.18                 offered little in terms of role models
                                                                                                                                 Kojima, has become an activist raising
                                                 to widen perspectives about what
                                                                                                                                 awareness around gender bias in
      This manner of treating young women        men and women can be and do
                                                                                                                                 television news.
      as generic commodities that require        within Japanese society. Television
      regular “refreshing” can be seen in        and movies lack images of working
      celebrity culture as well. While many      mothers able to competently balance
      male “idols” can sustain popularity        professional life and family life.

20 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                                    IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 21

      The feminine world lies within the       their jobs within 10 years.20 The men     Add to this arrangement the societal          These pressures are felt intensely
      domestic realm in Japanese culture,      are the leaders and “lifers”, setting     conditioning that places motherhood           and go relatively unquestioned. The
      while the external world of work         the tone, structure, and rhythm of the    as a woman’s highest purpose and              individual tends to accommodate
      and politics is that of men. As such,    Japanese workplace.                       the widely-held belief that a child’s         herself to the situation. The personal
      the corporate world is perceived as                                                first 3 years of life should be spent         burdens and challenges are made to
      essentially masculine. While most        Career progression is typically           physically close to the mother, it is         feel like one’s own failing, rather than a
      women in Japan do work professionally,   seniority-based, which penalizes          no wonder that women with children            larger societal issue. In fact, this is all
      their presence - until recently - was    women who must take time off for          perceive enormous pressure to leave           the product of a government, corporate
      typically deemed as temporary (until     maternity leave. Women returning from     the workplace and become full-time            structure and society that operates
      they marry/have children), and best      maternity leave are typically offered a   mothers. In Japan this is called a            under the assumptions of strict gender
      suited to support roles.                 “jitan” (時短) arrangement of reduced       “specialized housewife”.                      roles that no longer suit the societal
                                               hours and reduced salary. This practice                                                 and economic realities of Japan.
      The decision to pursue a career or not   puts working mothers on a “mommy
      is made when a woman is hired into       track” of limited expectations and
      either the administrative track          limited career progression. The salary
      (一般職) with its shorter hours and         reduction and increased difficulty           IN SUMMARY…
      lesser demands, or the management        securing childcare and tax incentives
      track (総合職). In 2014, only 22% of        make continuing to work challenging          Within Japanese society, the way that issues of gender inequality are framed,
      female employees chose to enter the      and less financially rewarding.              the cultural context, and the institutional and social context all reinforce ideas
      management track. Of these, 60% left                                                  and practices, working in conjunction to limit conceptions of what men and
                                                                                            women can do and be. Conditioned since early childhood, and visible across
                                                                                            every aspect of society, a belief that gender differences are natural and
                                                                                            necessary is deeply internalized. This means that neither Japanese men nor
                                                                                            women question the status quo and the limited life paths open to them.

22 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                                         IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 23

      Part of the reason that Japan’s attitude       by working, but they still must bear
      towards gender equality looks like             the burdens of housework and child-
      ambivalence is that the younger                rearing. This is impossible to balance,
      generation lacks political and institutional   especially when you have a nursing
      influence and power, and has not yet           or sick child. I think that the mindsets
      reached decision-making leadership             and social systems don’t recognize
      positions. In Japan, young people tend         that these old values don’t match with
      not to vote, contributing to the problem       today’s realities.” Female, age 37 22
      that their needs and viewpoints are
      brushed aside in favor of those of an          What may look like ambivalence from
      older generation, who diligently turn up at    an aggregate perspective reflects the
      the polls. In Japan’s most recent general      confusion of societal forces pulling in
      election, just one-third of people in their    two directions: an older generation
      twenties cast their ballot compared to         tethered to traditional value systems
      72% among people aged 60-69.21                 and their own highly-gendered life
                                                     experiences as reference points versus
      Younger Japanese may want and need             a younger generation with greater
      change, but they do not have a strong          awareness and sensitivity to gender
      enough voice to accelerate change. As a        inequality when experienced personally,
      result, they are pushed in two directions:     especially within the work context.
      between systems and structures based
      on former realities and traditional value      As the older generation passes the
      systems, and an economy that often             torch to the younger generation, and
      requires a two-income family and greater       as economic necessity continues
      flexibility in strict gender roles at home.    to push women into the workplace,
      As one female respondent remarked:             attitudes and beliefs about the
                                                     relevance and necessity of strict
      “The idea that men work outside                gender roles will likely evolve.
      the home and women take care of                Simultaneously, economic necessity
      the home is deeply-rooted. However,            will drive behavior change, which
      today’s reality is that women need             will eventually result in new values,
      to contribute to household finances            aspirations, and beliefs.

24 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                               © www.marcospola.com   IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 25
INCONVENIENT TRUTH                                                                           wages and economic growth. Currently,     dynamic, and talented young women

      TO HUGE OPPORTUNITY                                                                          Japan is investing in providing equal
                                                                                                   education to girls and boys, but
                                                                                                                                             who feel they cannot thrive in these
                                                                                                                                             circumstances often join foreign
                                                                                                   then throws away the investment           companies or leave Japan altogether,
      If progress on gender inequality               Put simply, addressing gender equality        by maintaining work structures and        gaining education and building careers
      is inevitable, and if about half of            issues could potentially provide answers      cultures that underutilize women and      where they feel they will be most
      the population are not concerned               to Japan’s most urgent challenges;            discourage their long-term, meaningful    valued.
      about gender inequality while the              economically, societally, and individually.   participation. Japan’s most ambitious,
      other half is not vocally protesting,          Japan no longer has the luxury of
      why the need to push for change?               underutilizing the talents, skills, and
      As urgent priorities like the strain           knowledge of half of its citizens across      THE SOCIETAL OPPORTUNITY
      of a ballooning elderly population,            its business and political spheres. Nor
      increasing inequality, and Japan’s             can it afford to keep the other half from     The Japanese population has been          men and women are simply choosing
      diminishing international influence            fully participating in family life. Gender    shrinking every year since 2008.          not to marry and have children, hence
      and competitiveness beg for attention,         equality must be understood as an             And, thanks to increasing longevity       the famous “demographic timebomb”
      what is the relevance of gender?               opportunity for all of Japan’s citizens,      combined with a declining marriage        of more old people and fewer young
                                                     both men and women, to fulfill their          rate and declining birth rate, Japan is   people, squeezing society at both ends.
                                                     full potential.                               famously the world’s fastest-ageing
                                                                                                   nation24 with 28% of the population       Addressing gender inequality to create
                                                                                                   aged 65 or above. 25                      more flexible work structures and
      THE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY                                                                                                               cultures will allow Japanese couples
                                                                                                   Part of the reason for the decline        greater flexibility and resources to
      The positive economic impact that              retires and younger generations cannot        in marriage has to do with the            combine careers and family life by
      more women in the workplace brings             fill the gaps. In 2010, Goldman Sachs         restructuring of corporate Japan over     sharing work and care responsibilities.
      is widely acknowledged in Japan; in            estimated that, if Japan’s female             the past three decades from “regular”
      fact, women’s empowerment (versus              professional participation rate matched       employment with benefits and security     Scandinavian countries are well-known
      “gender equality”) was positioned              that of males, GDP would be boosted by        towards “non-regular” employment          to be the most gender-equal and,
      as an economic growth strategy of              15%.23                                        with lower salaries, no benefits, and     likely not by coincidence, tend to have
      former Prime Minister Abe’s 2013                                                             no security, as well as long-term         higher fertility rates compared to the
      “Womenomics” initiative. A higher level        The opportunity is not just about             wage stagnation. There are simply         EU average and rank as the happiest
      of female participation at all levels of the   numbers of workers filling gaps, but          fewer men that can afford to support      nations on earth. What new kind of
      workforce is essential to address the          also about improving the quality of the       a family with a full-time housewife.      family life could we imagine for young
      labor shortage and ever-growing public         work that women do. This will improve         With a pragmatic attitude towards         Japanese couples and children?
      spending needs as the older generation         Japan’s lagging productivity and boost        marriage, more and more Japanese

28 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                                             IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 29

      The OECD’s 2018 PISA study reveals             more than 14% for women and, sadly,
      that, amongst 30 OECD countries                by nearly 30% for elementary school
      surveyed, only 15-year-olds in Turkey          students as well. 28
      and the UK rated their life satisfaction
      lower than Japanese 15-year-olds. 26           How could greater gender inequality
      Despite strong improvement since               give a greater sense of opportunity,
      the number of suicides peaked in               optimism and possibility to Japanese
      2003, Japan continues to have the              younger people? By releasing men and
      highest suicide rate of the group of 7         women from the pressure of fulfilling
      advanced economies. Notably, suicide           strict gender roles that only suit some,
      is the top cause of death for those            how much human potential could be
      aged 15-39. 27 The pandemic appears            unleashed as each individual has the
      to have only worsened the situation            opportunity to choose his/her own
      for women and young people; in 2020,           path to find fulfillment, satisfaction
      the overall suicide rate increased by          and joy?
      +3.7% in Japan, but increased by

         IN SUMMARY…

         Gender equality is not the end-goal in itself, but also the means to an
         end that will create opportunity for all of Japan’s citizens to fulfil their full
         potential, with benefits to be had economically, societally and individually.
         Without a doubt, greater gender equality is essential to achieving a more
         prosperous, more hopeful, and healthier Japan.

30 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                               © www.marcospola.com   IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 31
Japan is moving in the right direction      Board diversity in Japan’s top companies   Corporate and political Japan may          an educated, capable workforce,
      when it comes to addressing issues of       (the Nikkei 225) is only at 6% in 202029   now be starting to speak the language      a strongly cohesive and peaceful
      gender inequality in the economic and       and, although the Tokyo Stock Exchange     of diversity, but the value of diversity   society, wealth, and technology.
      political spheres, but progress is too      has set new guidelines for reaching        is likely not well-understood, and         Continuing to favor the status quo
      slow and uneven. New Prime Minister         female inclusion on corporate boards,      certainly not internalized. Homogeneity    when it comes to gender inequality
      Kishida’s cabinet includes three women      the American NASDAQ has been more          is perceived to enable Japanese            means a Japan that decides that
      out of 24 members (see Figure 8 below).     forceful in setting strict requirements.   society’s incredible social cohesion and   shrinking is better than changing.
                                                                                             has thus long been perceived as one of
                                                                                             Japan’s greatest strengths, preserving     As noted by Bill Emmott in his book
       FIGURE 08                                                                             a society that is cooperative, peaceful,   Japan’s Far More Female Future
                                                                                             and stable. Sameness is a strength,        (Oxford University Press, 2020), “the
                                                                                             not diversity.                             three decades of Heisei [era] have […]
                                                                                                                                        seen Japan lose its world champion
                                                                                             Against this cultural backdrop, the        status”, with depressed real incomes,
                                                                                             value of diversity to a workplace or       lower household consumption and
                                                                                             an institution is not fully understood     savings, and lower expectations that
                                                                                             or embraced as a way to navigate           result in less frequent marriage and
                                                                                             the challenges of rapid demographic,       fewer children, not to mention
                                                                                             economic, environmental, technological     steadily growing levels of poverty
                                                                                             and geopolitical changes. To the           and inequality.30
                                                                                             individual and organization, “diversity”
                                                                                             as a concept is likely just as poorly      “The result is that a country that
                                                                                             understood and seemingly irrelevant        could and arguably should be a high-
                                                                                             as “gender equality”.                      wage, high-quality place, operating
                                                                                                                                        at or near the technology frontier […]
                                                                                             Until the value of diversity is truly      enters Reiwa [era] as a surprisingly
                                                                                             understood and internalized by             low-wage, even high poverty society.
      Prime Minister Kushida (front, centre) and cabinet                                     government and corporate leaders,          It doesn’t look like that if you wander
                                                                                             Japan will continue to struggle to         the streets of Tokyo. But it is.”31
                                                                                             make gains in gender equality. Japan
                                                                                             has innumerable strengths, including

34 JAPAN 2022: THE DEVIL YOU KNOW                                                                                                                        IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 35
IN CONCLUSION                                                                        REFERENCES
      An advanced society in so many            Yet, enabling all of Japan’s citizens to   1. World Economic Forum’s 2020 Report on Gender Equality.
      ways, Japan lags far behind other         achieve their full potential in a more
                                                                                           2. World Economic Forum’s 2021 Report on Gender Equality.
      industrialized nations and its Asian      gender-equal society can unleash
      neighbors in achieving gender             enormous benefits economically,            3. “Slow Progress on Gender Spurs Calls for Legal Targets,” Eric Johnston,
      equality. Yet, among Japanese             societally, and individually. Without         The Japan Times, September 17, 2021, p.4.
      men and women, there is seeming           a doubt, greater gender equality           4. According to the OECD Survey of Japan, p. 19, under the Abe government, Japan
      ambivalence around issues of gender       is essential to achieving a more              added 530,000 childcare places and 300,0000 after-school places in 2013-2017
      inequality in Japan.                      prosperous, more hopeful, and
                                                healthier Japan.                           5. World Economic Forum’s 2021 Report on Gender Equality, p.233.
      Causal factors include the way that                                                  6. Emmott, Bill. Japan’s Far More Female Future. Oxford University Press,
      issues of gender inequality are           While the status quo (“the devil you          2020, p. 27.
      framed, the cultural context, and how     know”) may seem like the easier
                                                                                           7. World Economic Forum’s 2021 Report on Gender Equality, p.234.
      the institutional and social context      path in the short-term, Japan’s
      reinforce ideas and practices, limiting   continued lagging behind on gender         8. World Economic Forum’s 2020 Report on Gender Equality
      ideas about what men and women can        equality issues is creating missed
                                                                                           9. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-trends/Japan-s-all-male-
      do and be.                                opportunities and holding its people
                                                back from a far brighter future.
      A belief in gender differences as                                                    10. Emmott, Bill. Japan’s Far More Female Future. Oxford University Press,
      natural and necessary is deeply                                                          2020, p.28.
      internalized, so that both Japanese                                                  11. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/The-Big-Story/Success-and-suffering-
      men and women do not question the                                                        The-pandemic-s-burden-on-working-women
      status quo.
                                                                                           12. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Datawatch/Women-bear-brunt-of-Japan-
      The assumptions of strict gender roles                                               13. “Slow Progress on Gender Spurs Calls for Legal Targets,” Eric Johnston,
      no longer suit the societal and economic                                                 The Japan Times, September 17, 2021, p.4.
      realities of Japan.
                                                                                           14. “A growing push for equality”, The Japan Times, August 26, 2021.

                                                                                           15. 2019 Ipsos Japan Survey, “Attitudes towards Gender Inequality”.

                                                                                           16. 2019 Ipsos Japan Survey, “Attitudes towards Gender Inequality”.

17. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2021-06/
                                                                                     THE IPSOS FLAIR PROGRAMME
18. Some examples: https://www.ntv.co.jp/sukkiri/ https://www.fujitv.co.jp/viking/   “The Devil You Know” dives into the       In this way, Flair uses Ipsos surveys
                                                                                     issue of gender equality in Japan         and external data sources – the hard
19. https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/story_jp_61246746e4b07fee0cb0be2d
                                                                                     and is part of an ongoing Ipsos Flair     facts – as a starting point for the
20. https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-34485                                        programme in the country, developing      expression of our experts’ points of
21. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211029-generation-gap-why-               articles on key topics of interest        view. We look at the signals in society
    japan-s-youth-don-t-vote                                                         today.                                    that indicate the development of
                                                                                                                               broader trends, focusing on changes
22. 2019 Ipsos Japan Survey
                                                                                     Flair seeks to transform survey results   in markets, sectors, and values,
23. “Womenomics 3.0: The Time is Now”, Goldman Sachs, 2010.                          into inspiring insights, capturing the    and connect the dots to understand
                                                                                     mood of a society, drawing on our         people’s feelings and expectations.
24. https://www.oecd.org/economy/ageing-inclusive-
                                                                                     experts’ intuition. Beyond the figures,
                                                                                     Flair wants to understand the deeper      Flair is also developed in Brazil, China,
                                                                                     motivations and perspectives of           Colombia, France, India, Indonesia,
25. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-japan-marriages-           consumer-citizens.                        Italy, Russia, Mexico, Peru, South
    idUSKBN2AM1FY                                                                                                              Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand.
26. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/c414e291-en/index.html?itemId=/
                                                                                     For more information, please contact:
27. https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h00857/

28. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/01/22/national/japan-suicide-rate/        Yves Bardon, Ipsos Flair Programme Director
29. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-trends/Japan-s-all-male-
                                                                                     Yuko Yamanobe Marketing & Communications, Ipsos in Japan
30. Emmott, Bill. Japan’s Far More Female Future. Oxford University Press,           Yuko.Yamanobe@Ipsos.com
    2020, p.31.

31. Emmott, Bill. Japan’s Far More Female Future. Oxford University Press,
    2020, p.31.
JAPAN 2022

  Deanna Elstrom Strategic Insight Partner, Ipsos in Japan

  Erina Miyazaki Research Manager, UU, Ipsos in Japan

  Japan Photos provided courtesy of Marco Spola Photography

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January 2022

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