CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views

Page created by Guy Pearson
CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
From short-term economic
recovery to long-term
sustainable growth
July 2021
CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth


    Riding the
                                         The US
                                                                                CIO OUTLOOK
                                                                                SECOND HALF
                                                                                OF 2021: OPTIMISM
    recovery                             and China
    rollercoaster                                                               BOOSTS ASSET

                       08                                      16
                                                                                One look at key equity benchmark indexes
                                                                                tells much of the story of the first half of
                                                                                2021. Shares have surged and confidence
                                                                                is back. Any worries that investors have
                       Private markets                         Sustainability   overreacted to the pandemic crisis have
                       – lessons in                                             now receded. If anything, there are
                       resilience                                               concerns that too much optimism is priced
                                                                                in. The word bubble has come to the
                                                                                surface again. This applies to the private
                                                                                markets as much as the public.

                                         Beyond Covid-19:
                                                                                Corporate earnings have soared, but valuation multiples
                                                                                have also risen. Some optimism is clearly justified: the rollout
                                                                                of vaccination programmes in most of the world’s major
                                                                                economies has helped bring the pandemic under some sort
                                                                                of control. Following lengthy lockdowns, many countries are
                                                                                now largely open for business.
    megatrends                           the opportunity set
                                                                                Economies are rebounding sharply after suffering sharp
                                                                                contractions. The US grew at an annualised rate of 6.4% in
                                                                                the first quarter of this year, building on a 4.3% gain in the
                                                                                fourth quarter of 20201. This follows the record-breaking surge,
                                                                                and record-breaking slump, of earlier quarters in 2020.

                                                                                At Tikehau Capital, we are systematically scouring the markets
                                                                                – including geographies, asset classes, and sectors – to identify
                                                                                where value remains hidden and where too much optimism
                                                                                has been priced in.

                                                                                    US Commerce Department, as of June 24, 2021

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                                From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth

                       RIDING THE RECOVERY
                       Economic growth across the world has swung from one                        Central banks’ balance sheets have also ballooned. In the
                       extreme to another in the past 18 months as governments                    US, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has expanded to
                       first imposed stringent lockdowns and then tentatively                     $8trn through asset purchases, reaching the equivalent of
                       explored reopening.                                                        approximately a third of the country’s economic output. In the
                                                                                                  Eurozone, the ECB total balance sheet is circa €7trn – about
                       The world’s biggest economy, the US, exemplified the                       60% of the euro area’s GDP5.
                       rollercoaster ride that was 2020. The economy shrank dramatically
                       at an annualised rate of 31.4% in the second quarter. It then              Global debt levels have reached extreme levels: there is an
                       rebounded, with a record-breaking gain of 33.4% in the third               estimated $275trn of debt outstanding worldwide – equivalent
                       quarter as stability returned and some activities resumed2.                to 365% of global GDP6. In this context, converting debt into
                                                                                                  capital will be an important topic.
                       The statistics are now less volatile, but 2021 first-quarter growth
                       of 6.4% brings US GDP in absolute terms to 0.9% below its pre-             Inflation
                       COVID level. The US economy is expected to have recovered
                       fully by mid-year, confirming the fastest-ever economic                    Inflation, on the face of it, is back with a vengeance. The
                       recovery – following the shortest ever recession – in US history.          US Consumer Price Index rose 5% for the year to May7, the
                       Consumers have pent-up spending power, while household                     biggest rise since 2008. Inflation is rising in other economies,
                       income did not contract in 2020 despite the recession. This                too, including the UK, as consumers look to spend money
                       was largely due to massive stimulus programmes.                            they could not during lockdowns.

                       The situation is similar in Europe, where the region’s economy             For now, markets are accommodating these higher inflation
                       contracted by 6.6% in 20203 but household revenues were                    numbers because they believe inflation is temporary.
                       up – an unprecedented dichotomy.
                                                                                                  However, if inflation is not temporary, we face a potential
                       Elsewhere, things are becoming more complex. A slowdown                    disruption in the alignment of interest between central banks
                       in China was expected as monetary and fiscal policy is not as              and governments. For the last three decades, central banks
                       accommodative as elsewhere. China follows its own agenda,                  and governments have been aligned in their push for lower
                       looking to soften domestic credit growth.                                  interest rates on the back of strong deflationary pressures
                                                                                                  coming from globalisation and demographic trends.
                       Brazil and India are still suffering from Covid-19 disruptions,
                       accounting for disappointing growth numbers compared with                  If inflation persists, however, we could see central banks trying
                       expectations. Brazil recently became the second country in the             to fight it while governments welcome the potential to inflate
                       world, after the US, to register half a million Covid-19-related deaths.   debt away. This could create tensions between institutions
                                                                                                  and volatility in markets.
                       Governments worldwide have committed $16trn to combat the
                       effects of the pandemic, consisting of $10trn of spending and
                       $6trn in state guaranteed loans. This commitment represents
                       20% of global GDP, an astonishing sum4.

                           US Commerce Department, June 24, 2021
                           EU’s Statistical Office (Eurostat), March 9, 2021
                           Bloomberg, October 2020
                           Bloomberg, June 2021
                           Reuters, February 2021
                           Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 24, 2021

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                                                                                                                                             From short-term economic recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to long-term sustainable growth

    Booms and bubbles

    Asset prices are at or close to all-time highs on a variety of    • Extreme valuations – as outlined above, many markets are           This last category is more favourable to economies as the
    measures and metrics.                                                trading at historic extremes.                                     associated assets and infrastructure remain even once the
                                                                                                                                           bubble has burst, whereas with the other two categories,
    Approximately 80% of all fixed income securities now trade with   • New paradigms to justify valuations – the emergence of             once the bubble bursts, nothing remains.
    a yield of less than 2%. European and US high yield indexes          acronyms like EBITDAC (earnings before interest, taxation,
    are close to record-low yields.                                      depreciation, amortisation and coronavirus) suggest               While the signs of a bubble are there, it is not clear exactly what
                                                                         investors are attempting to justify expected higher revenues      kind of scenario we are in currently. The Covid-19 crisis shows
    In equities, global market capitalisation has crossed the            and earnings despite a lack of certainty. Different definitions   that the digital economy will prevail, but at the same time some
    $100trn mark for the first time ever and its ratio to GDP is at      of ‘adjusted earnings’ and the wider use of the ‘rule of 40’ –    of the technological economic models seem to exhibit bubble
    115% - $105trn global market cap versus $91trn global GDP.           coined by venture capital investors – are also warning signs.     features. Is the fever for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
    In the US, the numbers are even more spectacular: the market                                                                           like that seen with Tulipmania in the Netherlands in the 17th
    capitalisation to GDP ratio stands at 230%, 90 percentage         • Instances of fraud, operational accidents, and one-off large       century? Or will it be more like railroad industry’s boom in the
    points above its long-term average. The S&P 500 in the US            losses in financial institutions are happening more and more      19th century, leaving behind an asset that will stay to boost
    and Stoxx 600 index in Europe are also at all-time highs in          frequently, suggesting that all is not going as smoothly as       productivity even aftewr the bubble has burst?
    absolute terms and multiples8.                                       investors believe below the surface.
    In 2020, the number of stocks that had risen by more than         • Extreme retail activity in stock trading
    400% year-on-year was three times higher than any year of                                                                              The recent flurry of interest in special-purpose acquisition
    the previous decade9.                                             The signs are there – but where can we expect to see a bubble        vehicles (SPACs) started with the acceleration in the pace
                                                                      manifest? Academic research indicates that a bubble can              of asset rotation in public and private assets. Such vehicles
    Meanwhile, private equity transactions are closing at around      happen on three types of assets:                                     on the surface seem to be a good way to park cash when
    11x EBITDA on average, an all-time high10.                                                                                             rates are low or negative. As such, they can look like another
                                                                      • Rare assets such as land, gold, tulips – or bitcoin.               demonstration of a bubble situation.
    Does this mean we are in a bubble situation?
                                                                      • Assets that are perceived as a game-changer for the world          However, SPACs can also be seen as another bridge between
    It is always difficult to assess whether a market or markets         economy, such technology in 1999-2000, and arguably China.        public and private markets, improving the efficiency of the
    are in bubble territory, as bubbles are best assessed after                                                                            private-to-public transition.
    the fact. However, there are several indications that we are      • Assets perceived as boosting productivity: railroads,
    approaching such a situation.                                        telecommunications, the internet - and data.                      Private equity funds can take companies to market through
                                                                                                                                           initial public offerings (IPOs), remove them from listed markets
                                                                                                                                           through buyouts and takeovers, or buy spin-offs from listed
                                                                                                                                           companies. Listed companies can also bring private companies
                                                                                                                                           to the public markets through purchases.

                                                                                                                                           SPACs are an alternative to these well-established routes.
                                                                                                                                           Management teams are mandated to select private companies
                                                                                                                                           and bring it fully or partially to the public market. This can be
                                                                                                                                           useful if interests with SPAC investors are aligned.

         Bloomberg, June 2021
         Wall Street Journal, January 2021
         Bain Private Equity Report, March 2021

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                                                                                                                                               From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth

                                                                                                                                          Broadening the investor base                                           Debt to equity conversion

                                                                                                                                          People want their investments to make sense. They want to              Debt is piling up everywhere and capital is missing. At Tikehau
                                                                                                                                          be proud of how their money is used to finance the economy,            Capital, we believe opportunities lie within the area of debt-
                                                                                                                                          create social inclusion, and fight climate change, for example.        to-equity conversion.

                                                                                                                                          These desires are driving a new increase in interest in private        In a globalised world, companies can optimise the amount
                                                                                                                                          markets assets from individual and retail investors as they seek       of capital they operate with in order to boost their return on
                                                                                                                                          out impactful investments such as venture capital, that can            equity, in an economic model based on short-term growth.
                                                                                                                                          more clearly demonstrate a tangible outcome than traditional           For example, share buybacks financed by debt have helped
                                                                                                                                          equity or bond funds.                                                  to boost shareholder returns.

                                                                                                                                          The US is leading the way in facilitating retail investors to          When the Covid-19 crisis cut short-term growth, corporate
                                                                                                                                          allocate to private assets. This is in part because risk appetite is   capacity to fund share buybacks and similar initiatives vanished.
                                                                                                                                          greater in North America. However, Europe is rapidly catching          Governments have been obliged to provide rescue financing
                                                                                                                                          up in such respects and Asia is also on the move.                      to companies lacking capital.

    PRIVATE MARKETS –                                                                                                                     At Tikehau Capital, we are working on several projects to allow        It is inevitable that corporate debt will need to be converted

    LESSONS IN RESILIENCE                                                                                                                 non-professional investors to gain access to some appropriate
                                                                                                                                          areas of private markets.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 into equity in some way. Just like banks after the 2007-09
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 financial crisis, companies will probably be more constrained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to operate with capital buffers that will be a headwind to short
                                                                                                                                          The rhetoric from governments that savings should finance              term optimisation. Furthermore, companies will need to invest
    The first true test of private debt                                • Inside the asset class, capital has been efficiently             companies that create jobs has become more widespread                  to adapt to the post-pandemic world and remain competitive
                                                                          reallocated towards sectors identified as being pandemic        in Europe in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, which exposed            despite less-than-optimum capital positions. Reshoring of
    Private debt markets have opened up dramatically in the years         ‘winners’. Transactions have concentrated on resilient          flaws in global supply chains.                                         supply chains, digitalisation, and the energy transition – among
    since the financial crisis of 2007-09 as banks have withdrawn         sectors such as software, digital, advisory, healthcare,                                                                               other things – will require investment.
    from the market and asset managers have stepped in. Demand            and the ‘silver economy’.                                       In the wake of the pandemic, a more locally focused economy
    for diversifying assets and income from pension schemes                                                                               could improve corporate resilience to supply chain shocks.             Demographic factors could also trigger an additional need for
    and other asset owners has fuelled significant inflows into        • A private debt secondary market has emerged, allowing            However, these companies still need to invest to adapt and             capital. The global working-age population is shrinking, and
    the asset class.                                                      both limited partner-led and general partner-led operations     to reinforce this resilience, likely through non-organic growth.       a diminished labour force in decades ahead may have to be
                                                                          that could boost the efficiency of the asset class as well as   Local financing of companies that people know and feel close           compensated by more capital.
    However, before the pandemic hit, it was widely agreed that           providing interesting investment opportunities to investors.    to is a theme that encourages non-professional investors to
    private debt still had to prove its resilience as an asset class      Highly diversified, fully deployed portfolios can be bought     consider financing their local economies.                              We believe addressing this necessary conversion of debt into
    by going through a full economic cycle. It has done this – and        at a discount.                                                                                                                         capital makes sense through strategies focusing on special
    come through the test with flying colours. This resilience has                                                                        New vehicles in Europe are emerging that appear to allow this          financing, such as preferred equity or private convertible capital.
    come from several factors:                                         • Direct lending instruments usually take the form of floating-    increased access to private assets. These include unit-linked          The trend will be strong – and we have several strategies
                                                                          rate debt, making this asset class an interesting value         products in life insurance contracts, the European Long-Term           available to seize the opportunity.
    • Its flexibility to adapt to an extreme situation. Being the         proposition if inflation picks up. Including direct lending     Investment Fund, known as ELTIF, and expanding use of
       sole lender allows covenant renegotiation, waivers, and            in a fixed income asset allocation in the context of higher     multi-asset strategies allowing access to a diversified pool of
       easier restructuring.                                              interest rates makes sense, as those instruments embed          private assets.
                                                                          mainly credit risk and almost no duration risk.

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                                                                            From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth


     The old and the new                                                   in tax rates. The US and the UK have helped to initiate the
                                                                           move – despite being among the most aggressive in cutting
     The global working population peaked in 2012. In 2001 the             taxes in recent years.
     inclusion of China in the World Trade Organization doubled the
     global workforce available, creating the biggest labour shock         In addition, the decline of globalisation means less ability to
     ever in human history. This phenomenon, combined with                 produce where costs are low, to pay taxes where rates are
     globalisation and deregulation, has injected massive deflationary     low, and to optimise capital through share buybacks financed
     forces into the global economy over the past 20 years. Central        by debt. This means that strong headwinds will blow against
     banks have been credited with defeating inflation, but they were      corporate earnings growth.
     arguably less of an influence than demographics.
                                                                           Just as in a cycling race, when a tailwind blows, the whole
     This trend is now reversing as the Chinese population ages.           peloton benefits, so it has been with the recent reign of market
     The global working population has been contracting since 2012         beta. When the headwind comes, only the best racers keep
     and, combined with less globalisation and the emergence of            performing – so it will be with the return of alpha generators.
     trade tensions, this is highly inflationary on a long-term horizon.   In a world with lower growth, higher debt levels, higher rates
                                                                           and taxes, the companies with the best management teams
     There is another megatrend that is reversing at the same time:        and governance will outperform. Among the others, there
     corporate taxes. In 1980, the average corporate tax rate globally     will be a lot of ‘zombies’ and ‘value traps’, destroying value
     was 46%. In 2020 it was 25%11. This change has provided               and leading to the misallocation of capital. These companies
     companies with a strong tailwind for the past 40 years.               risk dedicating too much of their free cash flow generation to
                                                                           repay their debt.
     In the next decades, corporate taxes will be forced to increase
     as governments seek to finance the $16trn spent to fight the          This is not a bearish view. There will be a lot of opportunities in
     global pandemic.                                                      such an environment. It just means investors must be hyper-
                                                                           selective in picking assets. In a world where central banks
     The recent G7 decision to implement a minimum corporate               and governments are all trying to maintain high asset prices,
     tax rate of 15% is a significant step in reversing the decline        dispersion is the new form of correction.

          Tax Foundation, December 9, 2020

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                         From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth

                        THE US AND CHINA
                        President Biden’s new deal on infrastructure                        Biden’s plan aims to reward industries that create jobs at
                                                                                            home, support US manufacturing, reduce carbon emissions,
                        The US is suffering from decades of underinvestment.                improve living standards for the disadvantaged, and maintain
                        Infrastructure spending by state and local governments has          the US’s technological lead over China.
                        steadily declined over the past few decades from a high of 3%
                        of the nation’s GDP to less than 2% in the past few years. This     This last part is particularly interesting and contrasts with
                        is less than half the proportion of many growing economies.         Roosevelt’s New Deal of 1932. While Roosevelt also focused on
                                                                                            domestic issues and creating jobs, Biden’s spending plan refers
                        In contrast to much of the developed world, the US has relied       to the strategic competition with China, calling for investment in
                        on federal, state, and local governments, rather than the private   research and development in semiconductors, batteries, and
                        sector, to finance large-scale infrastructure projects.             broadband technology in an international context.

                        The tax-exempt municipal bond market has been the financing         The key to successful implementation of the Biden plan will
                        tool of choice for state and local governments, but the pandemic    depend on how effectively states and municipalities can
                        has brought financial stress, and state and local governments       respond and ultimately deliver on infrastructure projects,
                        might have to rely on other options in the future. Tax revenues     especially on a large scale beyond routine upgrade work.
                        are down and deficits are growing, making it more difficult for
                        states to continue their approach of relying on tax increases       Public capital budget processes are iterative and lengthy.
                        or public bonds to finance and operate infrastructure.              The availability of funding will be the deciding factor between
                                                                                            what gets implemented and what does not. Funding can
                        President Joe Biden’s $2trn infrastructure investment plan          be optimised by applying creative and innovative financing
                        vows to be transformative. It addresses the need to modernise       solutions. Alternative delivery mechanisms like privatisation
                        highways, bridges, tunnels, and broadband access across             and public-private partnerships can leverage the Biden plan’s
                        the US – something for which the country has been crying            federal and government dollars and bring benefits to investors
                        out for years.                                                      as well as US citizens.

                        The aim to do it all sustainably, emphasising climate-related       The green revolution
                        priorities, is significant. It would go beyond the traditional
                        approach of fixing highways and transit and seize the               When it comes to adapting to the move away from fossil
                        opportunity to build a more resilient, sustainable economy          fuels towards greater uptake of renewable energy sources,
                        – one that will put the US on an irreversible path to achieve       Europe is undoubtedly in the lead – but the US and China are
                        net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050.            catching up quickly.

                        The spending will be spread over the rest of the decade and         For the US, the energy transition is a crucial topic for several
                        will be paid for over 15 years by raising the corporate tax rate    reasons. First, it is one of the ways in which it can maintain its
                        from 21% to 28%. The Trump administration lowered the rate          position as a global superpower, through leading by example
                        from 35% to 21%.                                                    at a time when China has also engaged in the energy transition.

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                                                                         From short-term economic recovery
                                                                                                                                                  to long-term sustainable growth

     The energy transition also represents a strong business             One positive from reducing dependence on fossil fuels would
     opportunity for US firms, particularly those with strong            be to reduce oil imports mainly from the Middle East. On top
     innovative cultures and those at the cutting edge of                of its own energy independence, China also wants to ensure
     technological developments.                                         food security, a massive issue that could threaten the regime
                                                                         if it is not addressed.
     In addition, The Biden administration wants to create more jobs
     through its infrastructure plan, meaning additional investment      On economic policy, China’s response to the crisis has been
     will be needed to retrain workers in the fossil fuel sector.        very different from other developed countries. China was the
                                                                         only developed economy with positive real interest rates and
     Finally, the energy transition will provide an alternative to the   positive GDP growth in 2020.
     shale oil and gas industry. This sector is struggling, although
     it has improved US energy independence. The successful              During the last 20 years China has been accused of printing
     development of onshore clean energy sources can help                money and injecting liquidity to sustain an economy in massive
     maintain the US’s energy independence.                              overcapacity. Meanwhile, the US and European Union have
                                                                         embarked on budgetary and monetary experiments to
     As with Europe, the energy transition was a niche sector three      stimulate final demand.
     years ago but has now become a strategic tool of economic
     policy to make local economies more resilient, putting this         Western governments spend money while the Chinese
     sector at the heart of the economic recovery. As well as            authorities move in the opposite direction, which should
     representing a massive business opportunity it will also be         confirm the strength of renminbi. This is not a coincidence.
     an instrument of soft power. The US cannot afford to lag            The Chinese population is ageing, so China cannot continue to
     Europe and China.                                                   build its growth model on a competitive workforce producing
                                                                         goods for the world that are exported, driven by a low-cost
     China’s goals for economy and climate change                        workforce and a massively undervalued currency. It needs to
                                                                         switch to a growth model based on domestic consumption,
     This year marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of the        importing goods and services – and this is happening.
     Chinese Communist Party in July 1921 in Shanghai, led by Mao
     Zedong and 12 other founding members. Modern China wants            China aims to become the leading Eurasian economic
     2021 to be a year of stability following the pandemic, but also     superpower. To achieve this, China needs to impose the
     wants to take a step towards global leadership, targeted for        renminbi as a reliable trade currency, develop a deep and
     2049, the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.      transparent bond market, and open capital markets further
                                                                         to attract financial flows.
     China’s new five-year plan issued in January 2021 has
     two priorities: independence and the energy transition. The         It is worth investors watching this area closely. A weak
     government has committed to becoming a zero-carbon                  Chinese currency has proven highly deflationary as it helped
     economy by 2060 and wants to build an image of leadership           fuel globalisation. A strong renminbi will be highly inflationary.
     on climate change, a topic that has attracted so much attention
     in recent years.

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CIO OUTLOOK 2021 From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth - Alternative Views
CIO Outlook 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                     From short-term economic recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to long-term sustainable growth

                                                                                                                                                Cementing real estate sustainability

                                                                                                                                                Cities serve numerous social and economic purposes in a
                                                                                                                                                single location, as opposed to suburban and rural areas, which
                                                                                                                                                typically specialise economically. This will probably not change
                                                                                                                                                post-Covid-19, but cities will have to evolve.

                                                                                                                                                The trend is towards mixed areas. Areas reliant on offices
                                                                                                                                                are not in fashion any more, as remote, flexible and hybrid
                                                                                                                                                working patterns have rapidly become the norm. Quality of life
                                                                                                                                                is better when a district caters for every use. In those areas,
                                                                                                                                                the increased quality of life creates opportunities for investors:
                                                                                                                                                building a mixed-use community opens the possibility of
                                                                                                                                                investment in residential, offices, retail, and dining. It therefore
                                                                                                                                                allows investors to realise the optimal function of each space
                                                                                                                                                and mitigates risk across the spectrum of property types.

     SUSTAINABILITY                                                                                                                             Take the Nicholsons Shopping Centre in Maidenhead, England,
                                                                                                                                                which Tikehau Capital purchased in 2019. It was largely
     A flight path to resilience                                          next 15 to 20 years, makes sense to us. Zero-carbon planes            dedicated to a dying asset class: the retail shopping centre.
                                                                          will be flying in less than 15 years. The supply chain has to         We began its conversion to a primarily residential area, with
     A fall in globalisation will likely mean shorter supply chains       adapt to this revolution.                                             office space and ground-floor retail. This unlocked its best
     and reshoring of manufacturing. This will go hand-in-hand                                                                                  use – foot traffic from the residential and office areas helps
     with higher labour and production costs for companies and            This is the goal of a strategy mastered by ACE Capital dedicated to   retail, while office and retail spaces make living there a more
     reduced ability to optimise taxes.                                   making the European aerospace supply chains more resilient. The       manageable and enjoyable experience.
                                                                          Spanish government has just announced a similar strategy – with
     In addition, the demographic long-term trend will amplify the        Tikehau Capital as a partner, alongside SEPI, Airbus and Indra.       Urban centres also create economies of sustainability. They
     shortage of available workers. To remain competitive in such                                                                               enable carbon-free transportation with bikes, or carbon-
     an environment, companies need to invest massively in two            Digitalization and the energy transition are two natural sources      efficient transportation through subways and buses. Efficient
     directions: digitalisation and the energy transition. Both can       of value creation in this sector. They have become strategic          living is enabled in terms of space and heat. Through such
     allow companies to mitigate the rising cost of labour with           areas, sitting at the heart of an economic recovery in Europe.        modern cities, residents can engage in a more environmentally
     existing, proven technologies.                                                                                                             conscious lifestyle while investors can reduce the environmental
                                                                          More broadly, this is part of a larger theme that marks the           footprint of their real estate portfolios.
     Let’s take an example: The aerospace industry, which was             comeback of capital expenditure in a less optimised world that
     enjoying a megatrend of growth for decades, has been                 needs to reshore, transform, reallocate and convert production        The sustainability of a city is also amplified by mixed-use strategies.
     decimated by the Covid-19 pandemic for obvious reasons.              capacity to adapt to the post-pandemic situation. All this must       When someone can walk to work, then to dinner, and then back
     In Europe, hundreds of mid-sized companies manufacturing             be done while creating jobs to address rising inequalities            home, three opportunities to pollute have been eliminated.
     high tech components for aeroplanes and helicopters have             exposed by the pandemic.
     been severely affected by the crisis. This sector is strategic for                                                                         The rise of ‘smart cities’ is also an attractive area with
     Europe, being a significant provider of jobs and a significant       In this context, bringing patient stable capital to mid-sized         technology enabling energy efficiency, low carbon mobility,
     positive contributor to the EU trade balance.                        companies and creating jobs and growth is absolutely crucial          and better regulation of flows and traffic.
                                                                          for governments. It is not only an economic challenge but also
     Investing in aerospace to bring long-term stable capital, helping    a social one – and hence a political one. At Tikehau Capital,
     both the consolidation of a fragmented but strategic supply          we believe that growth equity is the most promising segment
     chain and a rapid transition towards low-carbon mobility in the      of the private equity universe for these reasons.

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CIO Outlook 2021                                                                       From short-term economic recovery to long-term sustainable growth

                        BEYOND COVID-19:
                        THE OPPORTUNITY SET
                        A quartet of ideas                                                   special opportunity investment strategies and private debt
                                                                                             strategies investing in hybrid instruments (mezzanine,
                        We are convinced that asset price dispersion is the new form         preferred equity, private convertible bonds), long term
                        of correction. As such, being highly selective and disciplined       equity expertise investing in listed mid-cap stocks, or
                        when investing in any sector, geography, or asset class will be      private equity strategies with a strong sectoral angle and
                        a key factor of success for the years to come – arguably more        a clear mission to make a sector more resilient.
                        so than asset allocation or portfolio construction.
                                                                                          • Asset conversion. The K-shaped recovery will affect
                        The post-pandemic recovery will be characterised by                  real estate and infrastructure, notably those with a
                        significant debt burdens and a ‘K-shaped’ recovery as                need for conversion. This includes converting shopping
                        winners and losers emerge.                                           malls or industrial sites into mixed areas of residential,
                                                                                             offices, and retail. It also includes converting fossil fuel-
                        In the years to come, companies will face higher labour costs,       linked infrastructure into greener facilities. We address
                        higher interest rates and higher taxes. They will be forced to       this opportunity through equity and debt investments, in
                        operate with larger capital buffers. To remain competitive,          value-add real estate, infrastructure and special situations.
                        companies from all sectors will have to invest massively in
                        two areas where existing technologies already allow significant   As well as these megatrends, we also see opportunities in
                        cost efficiency.                                                  Asia and asset management.

                        Tikehau Capital offers many strategies through which investors    Two thirds of the world’s population lives in Asia, a continent
                        are able to take advantage of the megatrends we have observed.    rapidly becoming a world leader in many ways. China’s
                                                                                          consumer spending will outpace that of the US in absolute
                        • Digitalisation of processes and supply chains. We               term by 2024, making the Chinese consumer one of the main
                           address this opportunity both through a dedicated private      growth providers globally.
                           equity growth strategy and by investing selectively in
                           companies providing these services in private debt, liquid     The rise of a middle class in highly populated countries like India
                           credit and listed equities.                                    and Indonesia accelerates this trend with global effects. We
                                                                                          address this opportunity through dedicated Asian investment
                        • Energy transition. We address this opportunity through          strategies in private equity as well as selected investments in
                           a group of strategies dedicated to financing the energy        real assets and liquid credit.
                           transition in private equity and infrastructure, but also
                           through impact investment strategies in liquid credit and      Asset management is one of the most fragmented sectors
                           private debt.                                                  globally with around 25,000 companies worldwide, of which less
                                                                                          than 1% are listed. The sector is undercapitalised but is growing
                        • Debt to equity conversion – as well as bringing                 fast. Because the sector is allocating world savings to finance
                           additional capital to mid-sized organisations that represent   the economy and create jobs, as well as supporting the energy
                           a significant percentage of jobs in North America and          transition, it is highly strategic. Consolidation has to happen and
                           Europe. We address this opportunity in different ways:         well capitalised players can address this opportunity.

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CIO Outlook 2021

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