January 3rd, 2021 The Epiphany of the Lord Epifanía del Señor - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus

Page created by Francis Simmons
January 3rd, 2021
The Epiphany of the Lord

   Epifanía del Señor
Please remember those on our sick list in
                                                your prayers: Michael Anobile, Lottie
                                                Wojciechowicz, Maria Petrona Paiz Turcios,
                                                Catherine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha
                                                Banfield, Allen Ryczek, Levieva Svetiana, Molly
Saturday, January 2:                            Tyburczy, John Tyburczy, Julissa Garcia, Caro-
 9:30 + Fr. Joseph Vathalloor, CMI              lyn Lattanzio, Joan Dobkin, Laurie Rueckheim,
 5:30 FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH              Judith Ballaster, Steve Belus, Janice L. Whelan,
                                                James Cunniff, Donald Buddenhagen, Matthew
Sunday, January 3:                              Colasanti, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Laura Bor-
 9:30 + Michael J. Palica by Barbara Maffia     ruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Josep Lauron,
11:00 + (Spanish) En honor a El Sagrado         Patricia Riordan, Carmelo Reyes, Marylou
        Corazón de Jesús by La Cofradía de El   Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stone-
        Sagrado Corazón de Jesús                breaker, Zofia Orlowska, Mary Sanz, Robert
12:30 + Feast of St. Chavara                    Keenan, Ryan Marshall, Anne Marie Stampf,
                                                Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth
Monday, January 4:                              Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska, Caitlyn Geer,
 9:30 + The soul of Pasquale Bozzone by Son,    James Buddenhagen, Bill Wisniewski, Gary
        Michael Bozzone                         Normandia, Brian Francis Campion, Gemma
                                                Ferrara, Frank Sarlie, Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto,
Tuesday, January 5:                             Lawrence O’Donnell, Julia Silva, Theresa
 9:30 + Kazimierz Kuligowski by Sister          Good, Mary Knapp, Elizabeth “Betty” Gifford,
                                                Baby Jozef Ban, Oliver Jayme Lopez, Carol
Wednesday, January 6:                           Wood, Mary Barreta.
 9:30+ Michael Daniel Kenny by Cousin, Joan
                                                                Happy Birthday
Thursday, January 7:
 9:30 + In memory of our beloved friend John           December 27: Madeline Sanchez
        Rios by M/M R. Pineiro                             January 4: Betty Hulsen
                                                         January 7: Gerry Cornthwait
Friday, January 8:
 9:30 + Edward Killip (45th Anniversary) by
 7:30 + (Spanish)

Saturday, January 9:
 5:30 + Agnes & Anthony Kimkowski by Sally

Sunday, January 10:                                       Offertory Envelopes 2021
11:00 (Spanish) La Familia Gómez Lizardo en          A friendly reminder that the offertory
        Agradecimiento                          envelopes will be mailed directly to your homes
12:30 + Eric Clare by Tom and Alice Brown and      on a bi-monthly bases for the year 2021.
        Family                                  Please be on the look out for the envelopes in
                                                                 your mailbox.

                                                If you wish to enroll in our envelope mailing list
                                                        please contact the parish office.
A Message from Fr. Sebastian’s Desk:
                                    The Feast of Epiphany

There is a quote attributed to King Claudius in the celebrated Shakespearean Drama, Hamlet
(3:1) which states: “Madness in great ones must not unwatched go.” We can arrive at many
conclusions from this statement. In Shakespearean tragedies, the death of the hero is not an
isolated one; it will take many lives along with his. It is in a way applicable in the case of
Herod who is mad after power and in his crooked plans to stay in power even at the cost of
many innocents losing their lives. He ordered the killing of innocent children to make it a
foolproof method to eliminate the threat to his kinship. The magi had tipped him about the
birth of a new king. The story of the innocent children definitely points to the corruption in the
society and the nefarious means adopted to stay in power. It refers to the weakening of human
will against worldly temptations. The corruption in high places will have overarching
ill-effects on the entire society.
The magi, or the wise men from the East, appear to be non-Jewish. Chapter Three of the
Gospel according to Mathew emphasizes this with a purpose: namely Christ is for all. This
conclusion is used to present the universality of the incarnation of Christ which embraces the
whole humanity irrespective of the differences in color, culture, ideology, ethnicity and
geographical distances. The gentiles joining in worshipping the Messiah along with the Jews
presents Him as the Savior for all. Mathew, the evangelist, connects the prophecies of old,
Micah and 2 Samuel, to present Jesus as the Son of David and as the fulfillment of the
scriptures. The Jewish leaders along with their King Herod do not want to accept this truth,
even when the gentiles, the magi, accepted this. The plan of Herod to use the magi as spies is
thwarted by the message they receive in a dream. Dreams are a means in the scriptures to
present God’s plan.
The result was the massacre of innocents. The madness for power and egotism in high places
will result in the shedding of innocent blood. Many of the maladies in the history of human-
kind resulted from this kind of madness among the rulers of the time. At our own individual
level, let us be alert against the temptations to be corrupt and be wise enough to sense it when
we see it in places of power. Let us be proud of all those who lost their lives for standing for
Christ who is the embodiment of Truth.
                Wishing and praying that the New Year be a blessed one for all!
Fr. Sebastian Augustine, CMI
Spiritual Communion Prayer

     My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
      I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
          Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
                   Come at least spiritually into my heart.
                  I embrace you as if you were already there
                       And unite myself wholly to you.
                 Never permit me to be separated from you.

                Oración para la Comunión Espiritual

        Dios mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo Sacramento.
      Te amo por encima de todas las cosas y deseo recibirte en mi alma.
        Ya que en este momento no puedo recibirte sacramentalmente,
                 Ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón.
                     Te abrazo como si ya estuvieras allí.
                          Y unirme totalmente a ti.
                     Nunca permitas que me separen de ti.
St. Anthony & St. Alphonsus Church Guidelines for Attending Mass Post-COVID-19

                Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday: 9:30 a.m. (English)
                         Friday, Mass at 7:30 p.m. (Spanish)
                      Saturday, Vigil Mass: 5:30 p.m. (English)
      Sunday Mass: 9:30 a.m. (English), 11:00 a.m. (Spanish), 12:30 p.m. (English)

     Please make sure to read before attending Mass and follow the instructions below:
• Please make sure to wear your mask properly when you attend Mass.
• Alternative pews will be closed, please see the signs before you take your seat.
• There will be no entrance procession or recessional procession.
• We will not have any ALTAR server for the time being.
• No missal, hymns or worship aids will be available. There will be NO Holy water
  in the font.
• We will have a lector seated in the first pew that will come forward for the readings.
• There will be neither exchange of peace nor holding of hands during the Lord’s Prayer.
• Communion will be distributed ONLY by the priest at daily Mass.
• To receive the Holy Communion there will be an orderly fashion, lining up pew by pew
  guided by ushers.
• Please keep 6 feet distance at all times, especially when you line up to receive the Holy
• The bishop has requested that the Eucharist be received by HAND. There will be no precious
  blood offered.

Weekend Mass Guidelines: Please make sure you follow the above directives when you
attend Mass.

• We will have the organist and a cantor to lead our music. THERE WILL BE NO CHOIR.
• There will be two Eucharistic Ministers to distribute the Holy Communion besides the
• The Eucharistic Ministers will not wear gloves, but THEY MUST wear a mask.
• The church is open daily, Monday - Sunday from 8 AM till 12 PM for private prayer

Un Mensaje del Padre Sebastian:

                                     Epifania del Señor

Hay una cita atribuida al rey Claudio en el famoso drama shakespeariano, Hamlet (3:1) que
dice: "La locura en los grandes no debe ir sin ver". Podemos llegar a muchas conclusiones de
esta declaración. En las tragedias de Shakespeare, la muerte del héroe no es aislada; tomará
muchas vidas junto con la suya. Es de una manera aplicable en el caso de Herodes que está
loco después del poder y en sus planes torcidos para permanecer en el poder incluso a costa de
muchos inocentes que pierden sus vidas. Ordenó el asesinato de niños inocentes para
convertirlo en un método infalible para eliminar la amenaza a su parentesco. Los magos le
habían avisado sobre el nacimiento de un nuevo rey. La historia de los niños inocentes
definitivamente apunta a la corrupción en la sociedad y los medios nefastos adoptados para
mantenerse en el poder. Se refiere al debilitamiento de la voluntad humana contra las
tentaciones mundanas. La corrupción en lugares altos tendrá efectos generales en toda la
Los magos, o los sabios de Oriente, parecen no ser judíos. El capítulo tres del Evangelio según
Mathew lo enfatiza con un propósito: Cristo es para todos. Esta conclusión se utiliza para
presentar la universalidad de la encarnación de Cristo que abarca a toda la humanidad,
independientemente de las diferencias de color, cultura, ideología, etnia y distancias
geográficas. Los gentiles que se unen para adorar al Mesías junto con los judíos lo presentan
como el Salvador para todos.
Mathew, el evangelista, conecta las profecías de viejo, Miqueas y 2 Samuel, para presentar a
Jesús como el Hijo de David y como el cumplimiento de las Escrituras. Los líderes judíos
junto con su rey Herodes no quieren aceptar esta verdad, incluso cuando los gentiles, los
magos, aceptaron esto. El plan de Herodes de usar a los magos como espías se ve frustrado
por el mensaje que reciben en un sueño. Los sueños son un medio en las Escrituras para
presentar el plan de Dios.
El resultado fue la masacre de inocentes. La locura por el poder y el egoísmo en lugares altos
resultará en el derramamiento de sangre inocente. Muchas de las enfermedades en la historia
de la humanidad resultaron de este tipo de locura entre los gobernantes de la época. A nuestro
propio nivel individual, estemos alerta contra las tentaciones de ser corruptos y ser lo
suficientemente sabios como para sentirlo cuando lo vemos en lugares de poder. Estaremos
orgullosos de todos aquellos que perdieron la vida por defender a Cristo, que es la encarnación
de la Verdad.

    ¡Deseando y rezando para que el Año Nuevo sea lleno de bendiciones para todos!

Padre Sebastian Augustine, CMI
WEEKLY OFFERING                          Feast of the Epiphany
Weekend of December 19 - 20, 2020        The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated
         Attendance - 248                on January 6. This feast commemorates
      Collection - $ 2,508.00             the visit of the wise men to worship the
Second Collection Christmas Offering -                    baby Jesus.
     Votive Candles: $ 789.00             Tradition tells us that their names were
     Last year’s Attendance - 588          Caspar, Melchior and Balthassar. The
  Last year’s Collection - $ 3,681.00    men were astrologers who were looking
   Last year’s Christmas Offering -       for the star that would lead them to the
              $ 3,504.00                 promised Messiah. This was prophesied
 Last year's Votive Candles - $ 815.00    in the Book of Micah. According to the
                                         Gospel narratives, the wise men brought
 Weekend of December 12 - 13, 2020         gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh
                                              with them. These gifts were very
           Attendance - 383                              meaningful.
        Collection - $ 3,806.00
Second Collection Religious Retirement           Gold was a precious and
              - $1,033.00                     expensive gift, and showed how
       Votive Candles: $ 294.00          important Jesus was. Frankincense is a
     Last year’s Attendance - 767        sweet perfume which was often burned
  Last year’s Collection - $ 3,748.00     in the temple to worship God. It was a
  Last year’s Religious Retirement -      sign that Jesus should be worshipped.
               $ 1,423.00                  Myrrh was used to keep things fresh,
 Last year's Votive Candles - $ 815.00   and it was used by the women to anoint
                                         Jesus’ body when he died. By bringing it
         November 50/50 Club             as a gift to Jesus, the wise men foretold
                                                  his suffering and death.
      M/M Kennedy Massey Santan

      Annual Catholic Appeal
      Parish Goal: $ 38,453.00
       Balance: $ 10,178.00
        Total Paid: $ 27,035.00
      Total Pledged: $ 28,275.00
Please help us reach our goal. We are
 thankful to those who have already         *Please note that the last two bulletins
   made a pledge. Our deadline is            including this one were published in
        December 31, 2020.                      advanced due to the holidays*
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