JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties

Page created by Duane Nichols
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Pre-Conference Day:
Newly Elected County
Officials Orientation
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
MACo Winter Conference
            January 4-6, 2023 | Hyatt, Cambridge, MD

What’s next for
 MACo’s Winter Conference leads into Maryland’s General Assembly Session—
 the intensive 90 days of law-making that affect all residents of our state.
 Approximately 900 government leaders and legislators will gather at
 MACo’s Winter Conference to discuss how to prepare for the fiscal
 and policy realities of 2023 and beyond.

We’ll take a look at where we are, where we need to be, and how to get there.
Attendees will explore how county government works and dive into the policy issues
facing Maryland as we begin a new legislative session.

With an election comes new faces and new relationships to build - there will be a heavy
focus on helping newly elected officials at the county, state, and legislative levels get up
to speed with local needs and common goals.

                          If you're involved in local government in any way, you
                          should attend− don't miss your chance to shape the
                                          next four years in Maryland!

JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
MACo’s Winter Conference
 will empower you to:

      Gain knowledge and understanding of the issues facing
      local governments today.

      Find solutions to important challenges through face-to-face
      exchanges with county officials, county professionals, and legislators.

      Save money and increase efficiency through partnerships with
      stakeholders and vendors.

    About MACo:
      The Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) is a non-profit
      and non-partisan organization that serves Maryland’s
      counties by articulating the needs of local government to
      the Maryland General Assembly.

      The Association’s membership consists of county
      elected officials and representatives from
      Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City.

      MACo is the only organization serving the
      needs of county governments and elected
      officials across Maryland.

MACo Winter Conference | January 4-6, 2023 | Cambridge, Maryland
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Tuesday, January 3, 2023                                            Thursday, January 5, 2023
 (PRE-CONFERENCE DAY—for new county officials only)                 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM      Registration Open
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM     Registration Open                             7:30 AM - 3:00 PM      Exhibits Open
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM    Newly Elected Officials Orientation           7:30 AM - 9:00 AM      Continental Breakfast
                      (NEOO) - Part 1, new county officials only
                                                                    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM      County Elected Officials Forum,
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   NEOO - Welcome & Local Government
                      Structure: What You Need To Know                                     Breakfast, & Business Meeting*
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM   NEOO: Leading Local Government:               9:15 AM - 10:15 AM     General Session
                      Public Service Management                     9:30 AM - 4:00 PM      Guest Event (registration required)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM    Buffet Lunch*                                 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM    Networking Coffee Break
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM     NEOO -County Elected Officials' Role in the   10:30 AM - 11:30 AM    General Session
                                                                    11:45 AM - 12:45 PM    Lunch Buffet*
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM     Networking Coffee Break
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM     NEOO - Roundtable Mentoring Session:          11:45 AM - 12:45 PM    Affiliate Group Meetings & Lunches*
                      What to Expect Now That You Are a County      11:45 AM - 12:45 PM    Rural County Coalition Lunch*
                      Elected Official                              11:45 AM - 12:45 PM    Large County Coalition Lunch*
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM     Newly Elected Officials Reception             1:00 PM - 1:30 PM      Networking Coffee Break
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM     NEOO Networking Dinner*
                                                                    1:30 PM - 2:30 PM      Educational Session Block (3 sessions)
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM    NEOO Dessert Reception
                                                                    2:30 PM - 3:00 PM      Chocolate Break
                                                                    2:30 PM - 3:00 PM      Networking Coffee Break
           Wednesday, January 4, 2023                               3:00 PM - 5:00 PM      Exhibits Break Down
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM     Registration Open                             3:00 PM - 4:00 PM      Educational Session Block (3 sessions)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Continental Breakfast
                                                                    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM      Inaugural Banquet Reception
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Exhibits Set Up
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM    Newly Elected Officials Orientation           7:00 PM - 8:30 PM      Inaugural Banquet*
                      (NEOO) Part 2, all attendees welcome          8:30 PM - 9:30 PM      President's Reception
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM     NEOO - Foundations for Local Leadership       9:30 PM - 11:30 PM     Karaoke Reception
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM     Networking Coffee Break
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM    Academy Core: County Financial
                      Management                                                  Friday, January 6, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM   Networking Coffee Break
                                                                    7:30 AM - 10:30 AM     Registration Open
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM   Academy Core: Consensus & Teambuilding
                                                                    7:30 AM - 9:30 AM      Continental Breakfast
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM   Opening Roundtable
11:00 AM - 6:30 PM    Exhibits Open                                 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM      Academy Core: Open Meetings Act
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM    Affiliate Member Meetings & Lunches*          8:30 AM - 9:30 AM      Special Session
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM    Lunch Buffet*                                 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM      Networking Coffee Break
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM     Networking Coffee Break                       9:45 AM - 11:00 AM     2023 General Assembly Forecast
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM     Educational Session Block (3 sessions)        11:00 AM - 11:15 AM    Networking Coffee Break
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM     Popcorn Break
                                                                    11:15 AM - 12:15 PM    Closing Session
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM     Educational Session Block (3 sessions)
                                                                    12:15 PM - 12:45 PM    Wrap-Up Boxed Lunches*
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM     MACo's Good Government Book Club
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM     Women of MACo & Diversity Caucus              *=ticket required
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM     Welcoming Reception
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM     Welcoming Banquet & Awards Ceremony*           Please note: schedule is tentative and subject to change.
8:30 PM - 9:00 PM     Corporate Partner Dessert Reception            More details are listed on the following pages.
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM    WGL Energy's Dueling Pianos Reception          Check www.mdcounties.org for updates.

JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Sponsored by Maryland Community Action Partnership
NOTE: This day of the orientation is for NEWLY ELECTED COUNTY OFFICIALS ONLY — county staff, other elected
officials, and commercial/nonprofit representatives are not invited to attend the orientation.
County government is often characterized as "where the rubber meets the road" in providing vital core services to its residents.
Whether it is repairing potholes, keeping the public safe, setting local land use policies, or providing the first response in a crisis,
counties have a direct and tangible impact on their residents. Consequently, they are also the level of government closest to the
people and most directly answerable to them. During this orientation, newly elected county officials will learn about local
government budgeting and structure, along with their role in working with the Maryland General Assembly. A roundtable
mentoring session will give new officials the chance to learn directly from seasoned elected officials about the duties,
responsibilities, and challenges they will face over the next four years.
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | REGISTRATION CENTER                               12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Buffet Lunch (ticket required)

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Welcome & Overview                              1:30 PM - 2:15 PM | County Elected Officials' Role in the
In this session, new members will be introduced to MACo and                                     Legislature
will hear briefly from the National Association of Counties, the      State elected officials want to hear from counties regarding
Local Government Insurance Trust, Nationwide Retirement               legislation that will affect local revenues, operations, and
Solutions, and the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance         services. After all, both work for the same constituencies and
about resources available to public officials as part of MACo         counties are closest to the communities being served. During
membership.                                                           this session, participants will hear from a state Senator and
                                                                      Delegate offering tips for working most effectively with county
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Local Government Structure:                     delegations in the General Assembly. Participants will also
                          What You Need To Know                       learn about MACo's role in the legislative process and how they
Hear the inside scoop on how things work in Maryland                  can participate in the Association's advocacy efforts.
counties. In this session, speakers will outline county
government types, including Commission, Code Home Rule,               2:15 PM - 2:30 PM | Networking Coffee Break
and Charter structures, and discuss how the structure of a local
                                                                      2:30 PM - 4:00 PM | MENTORING SESSION
government influences the governance decisions of elected
                                                                        What to Expect Now That You Are a County Elected Official
officials. Speakers will share personal insights and experiences
                                                                      Peer-to-peer mentoring is the focus of this roundtable
stemming from the intricacies and peculiarities of the
                                                                      discussion. Newly elected county officials will have the
relationships between county government and other entities,
                                                                      opportunity to ask questions of veteran and current elected
including: Local Election Boards, Local Health Departments,
                                                                      officials and learn from their knowledge and expertise.
Local Boards of Education, Community Colleges, Libraries,
Circuit Courts, and Sheriffs.                                         5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Newly Elected Officials Reception
                                                                      Sponsored by Northeast Maglev and Solar Landscape
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM | Leading Local Government —
                         Public Service Management               6:30 PM - 8:00 PM | Newly Elected Officials Dinner
While there are similarities between managing in the public                         (ticket required)
and private sectors, when the rubber meets the road, they are Newly elected county officials are welcome to join this
more different than similar. The dynamic between elected         casual dinner to meet and network with peers.
leaders, appointed officials, and career or merit workforce can
sometimes be complex to manage, especially in counties with 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Newly Elected Officials Reception -
both legislative and governing bodies. Leaders must balance                            MD Trivia Night
politics and policy, while also considering community input and Newly elected county officials are invited to join us for a
the technical aspects, roadblocks, and possibilities of the work fun evening of MD Trivia!
at hand. This session provides insight and best practices for
newly elected officials who find themselves managing a
government for the first time.

 REGISTER TODAY: www.mdcounties.org/MACoCon
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Sponsored by Maryland Community Action Partnership
NOTE: Part 2 of the orientation is for all county participants who wish to attend.
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM | Foundations for Local Leadership              process that seems foreign to the uninitiated. In this class,
A strong foundation of knowledge and skills is needed to          veteran public administrators discuss the budget process
successfully navigate the many different facets of being a        and financial reporting, as well as giving practical tips for
local government leader. In this session, speakers will           county officials. This session is open to all conference
introduce participants to the basic core competencies every       participants – an evaluation form must be completed if
county government practitioner needs to know, such as risk        participants want Academy credit.
management, reaching consensus, ethics, employment
issues, and the Open Meetings and Public Information Acts.        10:45 AM - 11:00 AM | Networking Coffee Break
Then, attendees will observe a live-action role play of an        Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC
open meeting and see if they can spot the mistakes being
made — they're not as obvious as one might think!                 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Consensus & Teambuilding
                                                                  ACADEMY FOR EXCELLENCE IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM | Networking Coffee Break                       This class introduces local government leaders to the basic
Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC                  skills needed to successfully resolve conflict and build
                                                                  consensus within a local government setting. Particular
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM | County Financial Management                  emphasis is placed on developing ways to improve the
ACADEMY FOR EXCELLENCE IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE                        design of public processes to enhance community
A challenge faced by new and veteran county officials is          involvement and satisfaction. This class is highly interactive
understanding and using the government budget process,            and involves analysis of real world examples as well as small
the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and other              group work built around hypothetical situations that will
financial documents effectively as tools for setting priorities   seem familiar to anyone who has served as a local
and managing the government while maintaining the fiscal          government official.
integrity of the jurisdiction. Fiscal management can be
infused with economic assumptions, technical jargon, and a

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM | REGISTRATION CENTER                           10:30 AM - 10:45 AM | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK
                                                                  Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC
                                                                  10:45 AM - 11:45 AM | OPENING ROUNDTABLE
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM | SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC "LIFE IS ON"              Your County's High Stakes Fight Against Pandemics
                        ATTENDEE LOUNGE                           and Opioids
This is your space to take a phone call, respond to email, or     County governments are truly on the front lines having faced
have a quick meeting!                                             the multi-level crisis of the COVID pandemic, all the while
                                                                  suffering a continuing but less heralded crisis of opioid
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE                          misuse. Public health leaders will host an interactive
Motorola's 9-1-1 Transcription Services Answers the State's       discussion on the county role, still ongoing, in managing the
Call for Mental Health                                            worries of today, and preparing for the worries of tomorrow.
Hosted by Motorola                                                What resources do we need locally? What do we do
                                                                  differently if there's a "next" time? What parts of your
                                                                  community are being disproportionately affected? Learn from
                                                                  a storied panel about what things county leaders can control
                                                                  as well as where we are at the mercy of higher governments
                                                                  and the medical community.

                       MACo Winter Conference | January 4-6, 2023 | Cambridge, Maryland
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK                      12:00 PM - 12:30 PM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE SESSION
Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC                   Tax-Efficient Retirement Income
                                                                   Hosted by Nationwide Retirement Solutions
11:00 AM - 6:30 PM | EXHIBITS                                      The Nationwide Retirement Institute® can help plan for
Visit the exhibits in the main foyer and Choptank Ballroom to      sustainable retirement income by offering access to planning
meet potential partners and learn more about their cost-saving     tools and consultative support. Don't miss this chance to
products and services.                                             become knowledgeable about how taxes impact retirement
                                                                   and tax-efficient harvesting strategies. With the right balance of
                                                                   taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free accounts, plus a thoughtful
                                                                   withdrawal strategy, clients can minimize the impact of taxes in
                                                                   retirement. Attend this session today to learn more for yourself,
                                                                   your loved ones, or your employees about a tax-efficient
                                                                   retirement strategy.
Driving Equity, Inclusion, and Better Community Outcomes           12:45 PM - 1:15 PM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE SESSION
through Data and Analytics                                         Here Is the Answer to Effectively Tackling Local Poverty
Hosted by GCOM                                                     Hosted by MCAP
Did you know that 80% of your health is determined by non-         Join Maryland Community Action Partnership (MCAP) in a show
medical factors, including socioeconomic status, living            -and-tell of interactive, state data-based tools that reveal the
conditions, and social connectedness? Social determinants of       answer to addressing economic stability for people in poverty.
health like access to quality education, economic stability, and   Hear the impact stories and plan of action developed by
other aspects of social equity can determine whether you're        MCAP’s leadership of 19 agencies with decades of experience in
more or less likely to suffer from a serious health condition.     addressing poverty. Get the facts and get excited to see a REAL
Understanding the impact of these factors across geographies       resiliency plan for our communities. Newly released COVID
and subpopulations is crucial to driving better health outcomes    Impact Dashboard and Self-Sufficiency Standard for Maryland
in your community. In this session, we'll discuss how counties     with county-specific calculators provide fact-fueled baselines.
can leverage data and analytics to make more informed              Come for the big reveal to learn how you can be a part of it.
program and policy decisions, develop collaborative data equity
strategies across diverse stakeholders, and reduce inequities in   1:15 PM - 1:300 PM | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK
service access and quality.                                        Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company, LLC
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | LUNCH BUFFET (ticket required)                1:30 PM - 2:00 PM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE SESSION
                                                                   Exploring Essential HR Tools and Training for Local
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | WORKING LUNCHES
   Affiliate Member & Interest Groups
                                                                   Hosted by LGIT – Local Government Insurance Trust Human
   (private - Wed lunch ticket required)
                                                                   Resources departments perform a wide variety of essential
     • County Communications and Public Information
                                                                   services for county governments. Hear from HR and liability
                                                                   experts with the Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT)
     • Emergency Management Directors
                                                                   about dedicated online training platforms and in-person classes
     • Human Services Affiliate
                                                                   to meet the training needs of county and municipal
     • Information Technology Directors
                                                                   governments. Find out how your jurisdiction can receive direct
     • Regional Councils
                                                                   HR assistance - from licensed attorneys - through an
                                                                   employment law hotline and LGIT's very own HR department.
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM | AFFILIATE MEETING                             From second opinions on policy issues to safe and correct
                     (private – ticket required)                   employment terminations, the experts at LGIT can help! Learn
Maryland Association of County Health Officers (MACHO)             about the HR-related services that LGIT has to offer and how
                                                                   your local government can make use of the resources

  REGISTER TODAY: www.mdcounties.org/MACoCon
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | AFFILIATE SESSIONS                          2:30 PM - 3:30 PM | POPCORN BREAK
Amplifying Your Message — Effective Constituent
Hosted by Maryland's Public Information Officers and
Communications Professionals
The right communication strategies can build a bridge between
government officials and the public they serve. The wrong
strategies can find you treading in dangerous waters. Officials
must find the right methods for engaging with constituents to
foster trust, support, and understanding. In this digital age,
social media is just one increasingly powerful tool that — when
done correctly — can be a fast and effective way to deliver
messages and learn about your community's needs. Attend this
session to learn how to effectively navigate modern
communication channels and steer clear of perilous pitfalls.

Back to Basics: What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity             3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | AFFILIATE SESSIONS
Hosted by MACo's Information Technology Affiliate                     Dollars & Sense: Capital Consensus
Cybersecurity threats are on the rise globally, and it is             Hosted by MACo's Budget & Finance Officers Affiliate
increasingly hard to open any news sources and not see a story        Budgeting to maintain a county's infrastructure can be a
about a hacking or severe ransomware attack. Counties are             complicated process. Local elected officials must understand
especially at risk due to the outsized role they play in providing    infrastructure needs and maintenance schedules, develop
public services - their servers are a treasure trove of personal      priority projects, and generate sustainable funding
data and sensitive information. Speakers will discuss effective       mechanisms. A close partnership with county administrators
cybersecurity efforts and strategies, including additional            and agency heads is essential — from the beginning stages of
funding sources. Join this session to be sure your county is          assessing the capital needs and requests to managing projects
doing everything it can to protect your constituents' data.           after budget adoption. This expert panel will detail why a
                                                                      rigorous and coordinated intergovernmental, interagency,
Public Works: More Than Just Filling Potholes
                                                                      and interdisciplinary effort is critical for a successful Capital
Hosted by MACo's Engineers Affiliate (CEAM)
                                                                      Improvement Program.
Public works is easily one of the most central functions of a
local government. Beyond just filling potholes, this department       From the Ground Up: Implementing Police Accountability
maintains the lion's share of critical infrastructure that            Hosted by MACo's Administrators and Attorneys Affiliates
communities rely on — everything from road maintenance to             With the passage of new legislation, counties have been
permits and, in some cases, even airports. Interacting with           building out the most robust police accountability program
municipal, state, and federal partners, public works                  Maryland has seen to date. The creation, filing, and staffing of
departments do much more than the average resident realizes.          three new entities will lay the foundation for responsible
This panel will dive into the ins and outs of technical challenges,   policing in the years to come. Each county will assemble a
major funding concerns, and recent federal actions.                   Police Accountability Board, Administrative Charging
The ABCs of LMBs: Investing in Your State-County Partnership          Committees, and Trial Board. Establishing new procedures
Hosted by MACo's Human Services Affiliate                             and infrastructure brings the added challenge of forming a
Counties have an important role in supporting an array of             timeless framework to inspire the confidence of future
critical programing and services via Local Management Boards          generations. This expert panel will share both the successes
(LMBs). LMBs, a conduit for state-local partnerships to               and challenges of implementation as well as suggestions for
implement public services related to youth, social services, and      counties that are still working to get their programs online.
healthcare, are prime examples of the role of county
governments to empower communities. Learn about LMBs,
their robust duties, and how county governments can support
their critical mission to empower Maryland families.

                       MACo Winter Conference | January 4-6, 2023 | Cambridge, Maryland
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Help Your Health Department Help You                           4:15 PM - 5:15 PM | MEETING
Hosted by MACo's Health Officer Affiliate (MACHO)              Clean Chesapeake Coalition
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that response
time is critical. Promptly disseminating crucial information   4:15 PM - 5:15 PM | SPECIAL SESSION
can save lives, but what door those answers lie behind can     MACo's Good Government Book Club Discussion and
be a tricky question. In this session, experienced Health      Reception
Officers will provide a "Who, What, When, and Where"           Sponsored by JP Morgan
rundown of how a local health department works within the      Each MACo conference brings a renewal of the "Good
real-life context of today's most pressing public health       Government Book Club," an informal discussion of a book
issues. Plus, they'll share best practices to bolster          and its applications for public sector services or leadership.
collaboration and communication, from unexpected rapid         This conference, readers have selected XYZ by NAME. We will
response scenarios to routine procedures within existing       be discussing that book and its lessons and implications
programs. Attendees will even walk away with a reference       during this late afternoon conversation. Haven't read the
tool to keep in the office.                                    book? Come anyway, and join the discussion regardless.

FirstNet Connected Vehicle: Transform Communications           Women of MACo & Diversity Caucus Reception
with an End-to-End Public Safety Solution                      Sponsored by Cigna
Hosted by FirstNet/AT&T
FirstNet is the only wireless communications ecosystem         5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | WELCOMING RECEPTION
created solely for and with input from first responders in
                                                               6:30 PM - 8:30 PM | WELCOMING BANQUET & AWARDS
law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and the
                                                                                      CEREMONY (ticket required)
9-1-1 community. With FirstNet, first responders and public
                                                               Hosted by LGIT - Local Government Insurance Trust
safety technology solutions no longer have to share
                                                               Co-Sponsored by ANGARAI and Pepco & Delmarva Power
commercial networks with the public. The results can mean
                                                               This event is a highlight of MACo's Winter Conference. Join us
faster response times, greater safety for first responders,
                                                               to celebrate MACo's public service, best practices, and
and improved overall public safety efficiency. Discover how
                                                               legislative award winners.
the connected vehicle modernizes all technologies within a
first responder's vehicle. This platform provides enhanced     8:30 PM - 9:00 PM | DESSERT RECEPTION
security through interoperable communications, vehicle         Hosted by MACo's Corporate Partners
telematics, and location and situational awareness. Attend
this session to learn more about how these capabilities can    9:00 PM - 11:00 PM | WGL ENERGY'S DUELING PIANOS
come together effectively for your agency.                                          RECEPTION
                                                               This fun networking event features dueling pianos to help
                                                               you get energized and refreshed to start the next day's

  REGISTER TODAY: www.mdcounties.org/MACoCon
JANUARY 3- Pre-Conference Day: Newly Elected County Officials Orientation - Maryland Association of Counties
Thursday, January 5, 2023
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM | REGISTRATION CENTER                             and fire and rescue — are uniquely suited to move the needle
                                                                    when it comes to keeping communities safe. In this session,
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM | SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC "LIFE IS ON"                 participants will learn to leverage public safety institutions,
                       ATTENDEE LOUNGE                              directly from the individuals who manage them every day.
This is your space to take a phone call, respond to email, or       Beyond the basic, be ready to hear from counties that are
have a quick meeting!                                               nimbly working within their existing foundation to implement
                                                                    sweeping reforms and navigate the new and unexpected
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM | EXHIBITS                                        challenges of today. This experienced panel will prepare your
Visit the exhibits in the main foyer and Choptank Ballroom to       team to be on the front foot in maintaining a welcoming and
meet potential partners and learn more about their cost-saving      healthy community for constituents to prosper.
products and services.
                                                                    11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | LUNCH BUFFET (ticket required)
Sponsored by CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield                         11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | CHAPTER ORGANIZATION LUNCHES
                                                                                           (Thu lunch ticket required)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM | COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS FORUM,                     • Large County Coalition Lunch
                      BREAKFAST & BUSINESS MEETING                         Sponsored by American Fidelity
                      (private—ticket required)                         • Rural County Coalition Lunch
County Elected Officials are invited to attend this breakfast and          Sponsored by MacLeod Law Group
business meeting to conduct the Association's official business
and share best practices with their peers.                        11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | AFFILIATE MEMBER LUNCHES
                                                                                           (private - Thu lunch ticket required)
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM | GENERAL SESSION                                  • Attorneys Affiliate
The Power of Planning — Shaping Your Community                            Sponsored by Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd
Hosted by MACo's Planners Affiliate                                   • Human Resources Affiliate
Almost universally, planning and zoning policy is one of the core         Sponsored by American Fidelity
functions of local government. Very few policy tools shape the        • Parks & Recreation Affiliate
look and feel of our communities in the same way. How
counties choose to exercise this tool can also be incredibly      12:45 PM - 1:15 PM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE SESSION
controversial. From long-term planning to ensuring adequate       Leveraging Public Private Partnerships (P3) to Advance Your
infrastructure...in deciding what goes where, planning and        County's Big Ambitions
zoning policy touches every corner of a community. This panel Hosted by Schneider Electric
covers the fundamentals of planning and zoning policy, giving     Are you sitting on an untapped asset? It's time to stop looking
policy makers a crash course on one of their most effective       at your utility and operational spend as a sunk cost. The
tools.                                                            business case for public-private partnerships (P3) is strong —
                                                                  and can enable your vision for a safer, secure, and resilient
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM | GUEST EVENT                                   County! From Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC) and
                       (pre-registration required)                Energy as a Service (EaaS) to Charging as a Service (CaaS) to fully
Guests of registered attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors are      electrify County fleets and infrastructure, emerging trends
invited to attend a fun and educational event and lunch - more suggest more communities will use these proven alternative
details TBA!                                                      financing vehicles in 2023 and beyond. Get the information you
                                                                  need to maximize your next big ambition! Attend this session to
                                                                  find out how Counties across Maryland have leveraged P3s) to
Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC
                                                                  create more efficient infrastructure, drive revenue and new
                                                                  growth opportunities to boost economic development, and
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | GENERAL SESSION
                                                                  build a more sustainable and resilient community to attract
Safety First: Counties Delivering for Secure Communities
                                                                  new businesses and residents.
A proactive approach to public safety is the most powerful way
to build a community where people can thrive. County
governments — charged with overseeing policing, corrections,

                       MACo Winter Conference | January 4-6, 2023 | Cambridge, Maryland
Thursday, January 5, 2023
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK                           funding sources and illustrate how these infrastructure projects
Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC                      boost local morale, increase opportunity, and encourage
                                                                      tourism and economic development. Case studies will also
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | AFFILIATE SESSIONS                                highlight how funds have been leveraged to enhance
Beyond the Ballot: The Evolution of Elections                         community partnerships to better deliver public recreation
Hosted by Maryland's Elections Officials                              services to residents.
Elections are a core function of county government...but times
are changing. Modern trends in voter preference, new                  1:30 PM - 2:00 PM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE SESSION
technology, supply shortages, difficulties recruiting and retaining   Supporting Employee Mental Well-being Post-Pandemic
election judges, new and evolving cyber threats, and defending        Hosted by Cigna
against a constant stream of disinformation are top of mind for       With the increased focus on mental health during the pandemic,
county leaders and local election officials. In this session, an      it is important that organizations implement programs that not
expert panel will explore innovative policies and new solutions to    only address and support the mental health needs of employees,
advance and promote free, fair, and secure elections.                 but also increase the vitality of their employee population. Come
                                                                      learn more about current mental health trends and resources to
Calling HR: The Evolving Complexities of the Workplace                support the "workforce of the future."
Hosted by MACo's Human Resources and Attorneys Affiliates
New policies, judicial decisions, and the evolving workplace          2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | CHOCOLATE BREAK
increasingly complicate human resources operations. Issues like       Stop by for a sweet boost to get you through the afternoon!
concealed weapons, public meeting requirements and
information requests, and the pending legalization of adult-use       2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | SOLUTIONS SHOWCASE SESSION
recreational cannabis can cause headaches for even the most           Digital Equity & the Affordable Connectivity Program
experienced county HR professionals. In this session, industry        Hosted by Comcast
experts will share best practices and legal considerations for        Comcast is proud to participate in the Affordable Connectivity
acclimating to the "new normal."                                      Program (ACP), a federal government program that provides
                                                                      low-income households a credit of up to $30/month towards
The Politics of Flushing? The Basics of Septic and Sewer              their Internet and/or Xfinity mobile services. Learn about
Hosted by MACo's Environmental Health Affiliate                       partnerships to empower even more individuals in your
Septic systems provoke many questions and misconceptions.             community with the life-changing tools and resources they
Over 420,000 homes in Maryland rely on septic, with many              need to succeed in a digital world."
more served by public sewer systems. Although both types of
                                                                      2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK
systems accomplish similar end goals, there are dramatic
                                                                      Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC
differences — and county leaders need to be aware of them to
make the best governing decisions for their communities. In
this session, speakers will explore the basics of septic systems,
the regulatory structure that protects the environment and
public health, and the evolving political debate over
wastewater treatment.

Not a Walk in the Park: Funding Your Recreational Programs
Hosted by MACo's Parks & Recreation Affiliate
The General Assembly provides two major sources of funding
for county parks projects: Local Park and Playground
Infrastructure (LPPI) and Program Open Space. This funding
provides results across the State, giving life to projects (that
may not otherwise have happened), assisting local
governments to better meet the changing recreational needs
of a growing and diverse population, and providing opportunity
and hope for residents. The session will break down these

  REGISTER TODAY: www.mdcounties.org/MACoCon
Thursday, January 5, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | AFFILIATE SESSIONS                                 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM | INAUGURAL BANQUET RECEPTION
Caring for the Incarcerated: Navigating Rehabilitation and             Sponsored by Aetna, ANGARAI, Bolton, Kaiser Permanente,
Mental Health Reform                                                   LGIT Health, Standard Solar
Hosted by MACo's Corrections Affiliate
County jails have long felt the strain on resources, from intake       7:00 PM - 8:30 PM | INAUGURAL BANQUET (ticket required)
to reentry. Acute staff shortages and the looming                      Sponsors:
implementation of 2019's HB 116 only compound the issue.               Co-Sponsors: Comcast, Motorola Solutions, SAS, Solar
While the legislation could offset some mental and behavioral          Landscape, TEDCO
health costs between hospitals and community correction                Wine Service: Amazon Web Services, Presidio, Skyline
alternatives, counties still must bolster their existing medical       Technology Services, Zelenkofske Axelrod
infrastructure in county jails to fulfill the assessment,              Celebrate the installation of MACo's 2023 Board of Directors.
observation, and tracking requirements. Attend this session to         Connect with old friends, meet new ones, and hear from a
learn best practices for counties to secure adequate space,            special guest speaker about the legislative outlook for the year
resources, funding, and staff to comply with the new standards.        ahead!

Crisis Control — Principles and Practice                               8:30 PM - 9:30 PM | PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION
Hosted by MACo's Emergency Managers Affiliate                          Sponsored by Howard County
Communities face more frequent and complex disasters due to            Co-Sponsored by Cigna, MABE Pharmacy Purchasing
vexing issues like a changing climate, social and economic             Collaborative, Sensys Gatso
inequity, aging infrastructure, cyber threats, and humanitarian        Join MACo's newly installed President and Board for a
crises. By enhancing communication and collaboration with local        celebratory reception.
emergency managers, policymakers and community partners can
apply emergency management principles to solve today's most            9:30 PM - 11:30 PM | OKTA/Z+C KARAOKE RECEPTION
complex challenges. In this session, an expert panel will share        Sponsored by Okta and Z+C
best practices for prioritizing mitigation, preparation, response,     Join us for a fun evening of enjoying the musical talents of your
and recovery to develop scalable, flexible, and adaptable              fellow attendees!
solutions for even the most complex issues.

Data, Data Everywhere: How Tourism Turns Clicks Into Cash
Hosted by Maryland's Destination Marketing Organizations
From sales tax reports, to advertising click-through rates and
visitation figures, to credit card zip code analysis, the amount of
data generated by the tourism industry has multiplied
exponentially in the last twenty years. Learn how today's
tourism leaders are navigating this wealth of information and
mining it to maximize effectiveness and stretch budgetary
dollars, all while bringing in state and local tax dollars, creating
jobs, and supporting economic development. This panel session
will include case studies demonstrating how tourism leaders
from across Maryland are using data analysis to guide decisions
and measure results.

Reflecting Your Community: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in
Public Service
As county leaders, it is important to consciously work to
represent all members of your community. Learn from experts
in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) about best practices to
incorporate explicit consideration of equity into policy,
practices, programs, and budgets, and develop strategies and
actions that reduce inequities and foster success for all.

                       MACo Winter Conference | January 4-6, 2023 | Cambridge, Maryland
Friday, January 6, 2023
7:30 AM - 10:30 AM | REGISTRATION CENTER                          9:30 AM - 9:45 AM | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK
                                                                  Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC
                        ATTENDEE LOUNGE                           9:45 AM - 11:00 AM | GENERAL SESSION
This is your space to take a phone call, respond to email, or     2023 General Assembly Forecast
have a quick meeting!                                             What's in store for the 2023 legislative session? From fiscal
                                                                  outlooks to pending policy changes, this is your sneak-peak at
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM | CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST                         what's next in Annapolis. Attendees will gain key insight into
Sponsored by Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company              need-to-know issues and more.
                      GOVERNANCE                                  Sponsored by OpenGov and Davenport & Company LLC
Open Meetings Act
This class provides an overview of Maryland's Open Meetings       11:15 AM - 12:15 PM | CLOSING SESSION
Act law, which guides public officials in the requirements for    Deep in the Weeds — Cannabis Implementation in Maryland
providing public notice of the meetings that public bodies hold   With the legalization of adult-use cannabis on the ballot and
to conduct public business and for closing meetings when          widely anticipated to pass, it is essential to begin thinking about
appropriate. The presenters focus on steps that local             implementation as Maryland heads into the 2023 General
governments can take to comply with the law's application to      Assembly Session. Issues like county opt-outs, revenue
Maryland local government, discuss some of the cases and          structures, planning and zoning, and even human resources
complaints that have come before the Open Meetings                implications are top-of-mind for county officials. This panel
Compliance Board, and, if time permits, address questions from    delves into what can be expected in the upcoming
the audience. All conference participants may attend, but         implementation discussion.
Fellows in the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance will
earn Core credit for their participation.                         12:15 PM - 12:45 PM | WRAP-UP BOXED LUNCHES
                                                                                        (ticket required)
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | GENERAL SESSION                               Grab a boxed lunch to enjoy on your way home or sit and talk
Public Education 101: Key Partners for Success                    with friends about what you've learned before you hit the road!
Managing relationships — and sometimes competing priorities
— with the multitude of stakeholders in education can be
overwhelming. Learn who the major stakeholders are and best
practices to successfully collaborate with them. Speakers will
explore the role of local government in supporting public
education, especially as the state embarks on the
implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.

                                    FUTURE CONFERENCES
        Summer Conference: August 16 - 19, 2023                           Winter Conference: December 6 - 8, 2023
    Roland Powell Convention Center, Ocean City, MD                 Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Hotel, Cambridge, MD

  REGISTER TODAY: www.mdcounties.org/MACoCon
Don’t Miss MACo’s Exhibit Show!
         Wednesday, January 4, 2023........................................ 11:00 am—6:30 pm
         Thursday, January 5, 2023 ........................................... 7:30 am—3:00 pm

Approximately 70 vendors will be present to showcase their cost-saving products and services.
  Interested in exhibiting? More info here: www.mdcounties.org/WCJ23ExhibitorBrochure

Currently Registered Exhibitors:
 •   Academy for Excellence in          Purchasing Collaborative      •   PSA Insurance and Financial
     Local Governance               •   Maryland Community                Services
 •   Accela                             Action Partnership            •   Republic Services
 •   Accenture                      •   Maryland Correctional         •   Retiree First/Labor First
 •   Aetna                              Enterprises                   •   Royal Plus, Inc.
 •   American Fidelity              •   Maryland Energy               •   SAS Institute Inc.
 •   ANGARAI                            Administration                •   Sensys Gatso USA
 •   AT&T                           •   Maryland Environmental        •   SISCO
 •   Bolton                             Service                       •   Skyline Technology
 •   CareFirst BlueCross            •   Maryland League of                Solutions
     BlueShield                         Conservation Voters           •   Southland Industries
 •   Chaberton Energy               •   Maryland Relay                •   Standard Solar, Inc.
 •   Cigna                          •   Maryland State Firemen's      •   Talkie Communications
 •   Comcast                            Association (MSFA)            •   United Concordia Dental
 •   Convey911                      •   MD-DE-DC Beverage             •   University of Maryland
 •   CVS Caremark                       Association                       Extension
 •   Dynatrace                      •   Motorola Solutions, Inc.      •   USC/Canterbury
 •   EA Engineering, Science,       •   National Vision               •   Verizon
     and Technology, Inc., PBC          Administrators, LLC           •   Wesco
 •   Healthworks LLC                •   Nationwide Retirement         •   WGL Energy, Inc.
 •   Kaiser Permanente                  Solutions (NRS)
 •   LGIT Health                    •   Northeast Maglev
 •   Local Government               •   OpenGov
     Insurance Trust (LGIT)         •   Pepco & Delmarva Power
 •   MABE Pharmacy                  •   Presidio

             MACo Winter Conference | January 4-6, 2023 | Cambridge, Maryland
                                   100 Heron Blvd, Cambridge, Maryland 21613
              The conference will take place at this hotel—book soon as the resort usually sells out!

            Discounted Group Rates
           (per room, per night, plus applicable taxes)
                       Single or Double Occupancy: $139
                       Waterview/Balcony:        $189/$199
           (additional fees apply for smoking and pet-friendly rooms)

       Reservations                                             Policies
       By Phone: 410.901.1234                                   Room Block Deadline: December 13, 2022
       (be sure to request the Maryland Association of                                   (or while rooms are available)
       Counties or MACo discounted rate)                        Please reserve your room before this date.
                                                                Room block WILL fill up prior to deadline.
       Online:                                                  RESERVE TODAY!
       Rooms may also be reserved online through the Hyatt’s    Reservations made after this date will be subject to
       online reservation portal —                              availability & prevailing rates.
       please visit www.mdcounties.org/WCJ23Hyatt.
                                                                MACo Guests do not pay the $20 Daily Resort Fee.

                                                                Hotel Cancelation Policy: Cancelations must be made
                                                                72 hours prior to arrival date to receive a full refund.

                       HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS CAMBRIDGE
                                2715 Ocean Gateway, Cambridge, Maryland 21613
                                   This hotel is less than a mile from the Hyatt.

           Discounted Group Rates
          (per room, per night, plus applicable taxes)
                      Single, Double, or Triple Occupancy: $132
        By Phone: 410-221-9900                                  Room Block Deadline: while rooms are available
        (be sure to request the Maryland Association of
        Counties discounted rate)
        Rooms may also be reserved online through the
        Holiday Inn’s online reservation portal —
        please visit www.mdcounties.org/WCJ23HolidayInn,

                   WANT TO BE ADDED TO THE WAITLIST?
MACo is holding a waitlist for both hotels. To be added to it, email spablosaguirre@mdcounties.org
and include: guest name, check-in and check-out dates, guest title and organization, email address.

   REGISTER TODAY: www.mdcounties.org/MACoCon
January 4-6, 2023 (pre-conference New County Officials Orientation on January 3)
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Hotel, Cambridge, MD | Online Registration | Hotel Reservations | More Details

                                                                                          Before        Through         After
ATTENDEE REGISTRATION RATES:                                                              11/30/2022    12/16/2022      12/16/2022
COUNTY MEMBERS (Elected, Appointed, or Hired)
 Pre-Conference Newly Elected Officials Orientation (For NEW County Elected Officials     FREE          FREE            FREE
 ONLY—includes sessions, meals, and breaks for 1 person on January 3)
 Full Registration (includes all conference sessions, meals, and breaks for 1 person)     $355          $380            $435
 Wednesday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                         $225          $255            $285
 Thursday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                          $225          $255            $285
 Friday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                            $225          $255            $285
 Spouse/Family Guest Registration (age 18+—includes Wed & Thu Banquets;                   $245          $255            $275
 Thu Lunch & Event
OTHER GOVERNMENT (Municipal, State, Federal employees)
 Full Registration (includes all conference sessions, meals, and breaks for 1 person)     $410          $435            $490
 Wednesday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                         $260          $290            $320
 Thursday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                          $260          $290            $320
 Friday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                            $260          $290            $320
 Spouse/Family Guest Registration (age 18+—includes Wed & Thu Banquets;                   $250          $260            $280
 Thu Lunch & Guest Event)
COMMERCIAL (Profit & Non-Profit)
 Full Registration (includes all conference sessions, meals, and breaks for 1 person)     $460          $485            $540
 Wednesday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                         $315          $345            $400
 Thursday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                          $315          $345            $400
 Friday Sessions & Breaks only (order meal tickets separately)                            $315          $345            $400
 Spouse/Family Guest Registration (age 18+—includes Wed & Thu Banquets;                   $270          $280            $300
 Thu Lunch & Guest Event)
 Wednesday Lunch                                                                          $25           $30             $35
 Wednesday Welcoming Banquet                                                              $80           $85             $95
 Thursday Lunch                                                                           $35           $40             $45
 Thursday Inaugural Banquet                                                               $95           $100            $105
 Friday Boxed Lunch                                                                       $20           $25             $35

Registration Policies and Procedures                                                 REGISTER ONLINE:
Full Registration for 1 person includes:
  • All conference sessions and exhibit halls
                                                                     Registration will be completely online this year
  • All conference meals, receptions, and breaks
                                                                     (no PDF or postal mail registration options).
Daily Registration for Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for            Check payment will be accepted, if needed—
1 person includes:                                                   email avalliant@mdcounties.org to arrange check
  • All conference sessions and exhibit hall for that day            payment.
  • Conference Breakfasts and breaks for that day
                                                                     Please contact Allison Valliant with any questions
                                                                     regarding registration at 410.269.0043 or email
  • Lunch and banquet tickets may be purchased separately -
     but only with a daily registration for the day of that event;
  • Multiple daily registrations must be purchased consecutively.
    Example: Wednesday/Thursday Sessions Only registrations          Members of the Maryland General Assembly, Members of
    are allowed, but Wednesday/Friday Sessions Only                  the Press, and MACo Corporate Partners can register
    registrations are NOT allowed.                                   online or email avalliant@mdcounties.org to register.
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