ITS Ireland - Smart Cities

Page created by Christina Potter
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland – Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
ITS Ireland - Smart Cities
How to measure impact?
• Introducing temporary infrastructure to
  support more people to walk and cycle
  rather than using public transport is
  enabling cities to move forward with
  concepts that were previously stalled.
• How do we measure the impact of these
  new cycling and sustainable mobility
• Need to be able to make the case that
  numbers are increasing and also
  understand local economic impacts
A new level of collaboration and innovation

 • A coming together of national, regional and local stakeholders
   to tackle a common cause

 • Unprecedented levels of data sharing and collaboration. Not
   just public sector but across private sector players
 • Renewed focus on open data

 • Creation of new data infrastructures at a national level –
   COVID-19 datahub –

 • A realisation of the importance of near real time data – what
   is the new norm? and how will behaviour change?

 • Significant investment in IOT applications, devices, sensors

 • Accelerating investment in digital and smart cities….
Smart Streets
Dublin City Council
            Jo Martin
           ITS Division
   Environment & Transportation
Pilot Overview

• What the pilot is
   • 8 months DCC have worked with partners in industry on R&D Pilot
   • Trial a smarter approach to vehicle detection and classification
   • Two locations
• The solution trialled
   • SMART Cameras at two locations
   • Privacy by design
   • Sophisticated machine learning algorithms
   • EDGEWAY device - to provide the secured camera-to-cloud IP connection and 4G router all in
     one box
   • 4G connectivity
Why? Its all about DATA
 Mobility Data
 • SCATS Traffic Detector Loops
 • Limited as vehicles are counted but not classified
 • COVID-19 has lead to an even greater demand for
Why? Richer Datasets
Mobility Data
• Canal Cordon

• Counts and
  classifies travel

• Conducted since
  1980 counted in
  November every
  year over a two day
Can we further improve on rich datasets?
Canal Cordon Data
•    Provide us with a rich
     data set and clear
     picture of modal
     share and shifts
     towards more
     sustainable travel

•    Limited to once per

•    How can we improve
     on what we have?
What if we could
classify count and
monitor vehicles
in real time?
                 Is there potential
                 for improved data
                 driven decision
What new
insights could
we learn from                         What would be the
real time data?                       impact on reporting
                                      to agencies like CSO
                                      & HSE?
Smart Streets Pilot - Detection Zone
      Bachelor’s Walk            St John’s Road
Smart Streets Pilot – Real Time Classification
      Bachelor’s Walk             St John’s Road
Research & Development -Collaboration is Key
• Smart Cities Team – DCC
• ITS Division – DCC
• Law Agents – DCC
• SeeChange (ARM)
• Vodafone Ireland
• SmarDTV
Next Steps
• DCC will be presented with
  the anticipated outcomes
  of the Smart Streets Pilot
  February 2021

• DCC already exploring
  future use cases
   • Bus Lane Enforcement
   • Axle Counters
   • Future trials will move to full edge
Thank You
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