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CALL FOR PAPERS International Young Researchers’ Conference on Second Language Pedagogies ISSUES OF SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IN MIGRATION CONTEXTS France, Metz, 21-22 September 2018 This young researchers’ conference (Colloque Jeunes Chercheur-e-s, CJC) is a continuation of the CJC dedicated to the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language in view of the CEFR in non- European context, organized by the University of Lorraine on 28 and 29 September 2017. The main themes of the last CJC having laid the groundwork for a broader reflection on the teaching/learning of foreign/second languages, our new CJC will address the didactical issues of the acquisition of the languages in migration contexts. Indeed, the globalization processes that are accelerating at the beginning of the 21st century, and the resulting mobility phenomena, raise new challenges that call for new solutions in terms of reception and integration/insertion of the migrant populations. More specifically, in a perspective of social cohesion and shared citizenship, it is to meet the needs of language training of the migrant populations: for example the “Erasmus +” programs proposed by the European Union, initially dedicated to European students, who have recently been introduced to migrant / refugee populations. The increasing demand for second / instructional language in schools also reflects this shift in pedagogical considerations in order to meet the diverse learning needs of migrant students. Finally, linguistic experiences related to language training and professional integration of the migrant populations have been developed in Europe thanks to public authorities (the FLI, « français langue d’intégration », French as an integration language, in France1) or companies from the public and private sector, as in Italy2. As the needs of the migrant populations and the contexts in which they operate are extremely diverse, we will or must question the pedagogies of languages and cultures both in consideration of the diversity of socio-cultural contexts, and of its intervention processes, aiming to develop action models related to social realities. Thus, our CJC intends to discuss the modalities of transmission/acquisition of second language learning in different migration contexts. It will be necessary to draw up an inventory of research and the steps to take in order to find new pedagogical perspectives with regard to the political, social and educational issues related to the reception of the migrant populations. The presentations may address in particular the contexts and effects of contexts in pedagogical approaches in second languages for migrant populations within four thematic axes: 1 Access: 2 Access: occupati-e-aziende
• Axe 1: The nature and specificity of the knowledge and skills to be transmitted in second language acquisition in different teaching-learning situations: school, university, socio- institutional and professional contexts. • Axe 2: The pedagogical approaches and teaching contents related to the needs and objectives of the integration of migrant populations. • Axis 3: Consideration of multilingual skills and processes related in particular to interlanguage and intercomprehension in the context of acquisition of a second language. • Axis 4: The place and the role of digital technologies in the contextualization of pedagogical facilities aimed at the integration of migrant populations. KEY DATES • Call for papers: 3 May 2018 • Deadline for submitting a proposal: 24 May 2018 • Date of acceptance or refusal to authors: 15 June 2018 LANGUAGES OF THE CONFERENCE The languages of the conference will be French, Italian and English. SUBMISSION PhD students and young doctors (whose defense took place after 1st September 2016) in linguistics and/or second language pedagogy can submit a proposal for a 20-minute presentation (followed by a 10-minute discussion). The proposal submission should be organised as follow: one document containing the author’s name, their institutional affiliation, mail address, title of the proposal and a short bio of 5 lines (young doctors should also include date, place, title and composition of the jury of their PhD defense) and a second document containing the anonymous proposal. The proposals should be written in the language chosen for the oral communication. In order to guarantee a better comprehension of all the participants, the PowerPoint presentation should be prepared in a language other than the one chosen for the oral presentation. The proposals of communications should not be longer than 500 words (references included). Each proposal will be subject to a double-blind review by two members of the scientific committee. The criteria of evaluation include the quality, the contents, the relevance to the themes and the originality of the proposal. Proposals should be sent to: Subscription fee : 65 Euros Selected papers will be published.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • Abid Sarah (PhD Student, University of Lorraine) • Achard-Bayle Guy, (Professor, University ofLorraine) • Fracchiolla Béatrice (Professor, University of Lorraine) • Fragonara Aurora (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bergamo / PhD, University of Lorraine) • Galazzi Enrica (Professor, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) • Kaced Omar (PhD Student, University of Lorraine) • Li Junkai (PhD Student, Sun Yat-sen University / Visiting PhD Student at University of Lorraine) • Macaire Dominique (Professor, University of Lorraine) • Masseron Caroline (Professor, University of Lorraine) • Seifelnaser Tarek (PhD Student, University of Lorraine) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (CURRENTLY BEING FINALISED – CONFIRMED MEMBERS SO FAR INCLUDE) • Achard-Bayle Guy (Lorraine) • Adami Hervé (Lorraine) • Agresti Giovanni (Napoli-Federico II) • Bosisio Cristina (Cattolica-Milano) • Cuq Jean-Pierre (Nice) • Galazzi Enrica (Cattolica-Milano) • Grassi Roberta (Bergamo) • Londei Danielle (Bologna + DoRIF) • Masseron Caroline (Lorraine) • Petitjean André (Lorraine) • Pugliese Rosa (Bologna) • Rossi Micaela (Genova + DoRIf) • Valentini Ada (Bergamo) ORGANIZATION Event co-organized by the Centre de Recherche sur les Médiations (University of Lorraine, France) and by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy) with the patronage of the DOcumentazione & RIcerca per la didattica della lingua Francese nell’Università italiana (DoRiF, Italy) REFERENCES ADAMI H., 2009, La formation linguistique des migrants, Paris, CLÉ International. ANDORNO C., VALENTINI A., GRASSI R., 2017, Verso una nuova lingua. Capire l’acquisizione di L2, Turin, UTET-De Agostini. AUGER N., 2011, Élèves nouvellement arrivés en France, Réalités et perspectives pratiques en classe, Paris, Édition des Archives Contemporaines. BÉACCO J.-C. (dir.), 2013, Éthique et politique en didactique des langues. Autour de la notion de responsabilité, Paris, Didier.
BERNINI G., SPREAFICO L., VALENTINI A. (dirs), 2008, Competenze lessicali e discorsive nell’acquisizione di lingue seconde (Atti del Convegno, Bergamo, 8-10 giugno 2006), Pérouse, Guerra Edizioni. BETTONI C., 2006, Usare un'altra lingua: Guida alla pragmatica interculturale, Bari, Laterza. BLANCHET Ph., MOORE D., ASSELAH-RAHAL S. (dirs), 2008, Perspectives pour une didactique des langues contextualisée, Paris, Éditions des Archives Contemporaines / AUF. BOSISIO C., CAMBIAGHI B., 2015, « Enseigner et apprendre les langues : un regard épistémologique », in Repères DoRiF n°7, « Des médias à l’éducation comparée : les diagonales de Louis Porcher », DoRiF Università. Accès en ligne : BOSISIO C., CAMBIAGHI B., ZANOLA M., 2012, L’italiano L2 nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Rome, Bulzoni Editore. BOZZONE COSTA R., FUMAGALLI L., VALENTINI A. (dirs), 2011, Apprendere l’italiano da lingue lontane : prospettiva linguistica, pragmatica, educativa, Pérouse, Guerra Edizioni. CAMBIAGHI B., 2010, « L’insegnamento-apprendimento delle LS », in M. Mezzadri (ed.), Le lingue dell’educazione in un mondo senza frontiere, Atti del I° convegno della DILLE (Società Italiana di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa), Parme, 13 novembre 2009, Pérouse, Guerra Edizioni, pp. 141-143. CAMBIAGHI B., BOSISIO C., 2010, « Il plurilinguismo / pluriculturalismo come risorsa per la facilitazione », in F. Caon (dir), Facilitare l’apprendimento dell’italiano L2 e delle lingue straniere, collection Le lingue di Babele, Turin, UTET-Universitaria, pp. 16-25. GHEZZI C., GUERINI F., MOLINELLI P., (dirs), 2004, Italiano e lingue immigrate a confronto : riflessioni per la pratica didattica, Atti del Convegno-Seminario Bergamo, 23-25 giugno 2003, collana C.I.S., Pérouse, Guerra Edizioni. CHISS J.-L. (dir.), 2008, Immigration, école et didactique du français, Paris, Didier. CHISS J.-L., DAVID J., REUTER Y. (dirs), 2005, Didactique du français. Fondements d’une discipline, Bruxelles, De Boeck-Université. CUQ J.-P., 1991, Le Français langue seconde : origines d’une notion et implications didactiques, Paris, Hachette. DESOUTTER C., 2009, Scripteurs plurilingues. Quand des Italiens écrivent en français au travail, Rome, Aracne. GALAZZI, E. (dir), 1997, L’Università all’ascolto dell’azienda : quali competenze linguistiche per il futuro professionale, Gallarate, Esedra. GALAZZI E., (dir), 2013, Projets de recherche sur le multi/plurilinguisme et alentours, Repères DoRiF n°3. Accès en ligne: GAONAC’H D., 1987, Théories d’apprentissage et acquisition d’une langue étrangère, Paris, CREDIF- Hatier, collection LAL. GIACALONE RAMAT A. (dir), 2003, Verso l'italiano. Strategie di acquisizione, Rome, Carocci. GIACALONE RAMAT A., 2009, « Typological universals and second language acquisition », in S. Scalise, E. Magni, A. Bisetto (dirs), Universals of language today, Berlin, Springer, pp. 253-272. GRASSI R. (dir), 2012, Nuovi contesti d’acquisizione e insegnamento : l’italiano nelle realtà plurilingui. Atti del Convegno-Seminario CIS. Bergamo, 12-14 juin 2012, Pérouse, Guerra Edizioni. GRASSI R., 2015, « L’interazione in classe tra l’insegnante e gli alunni “stranieri” » Sesamo Didattica interculturale. Accès en ligne: interazione-in-classe-tra-l-insegnante-e-gli-alunni-stranieri/. GUERNIER M.-C., LACHAUD M.-H., SAUTOT J.-P., BOGANIKA L., 2016, « Les écrits professionnels dans la formation des adultes faiblement qualifiés : quelle didactique du français ? », Pratiques 169-170 ; HALTÉ J.-F, 1992, La Didactique du français, Paris, PUF, coll. « Que sais-je ? » KRASHEN S., 1982, Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, Oxford, Pergamon. MILANI C., PONTANI P., CAMBIAGHI B., 2005, Europa plurilingue, comunicazione e didattica, Milan, Vita e Pensiero. MOIRAND S., 1990, Enseigner à communiquer en langue étrangère, Paris, Hachette. POLSELLI P., ZORZI, D. , 2003, « Le multilinguisme d’entreprise : l’italien langue seconde (projet ELIA) », in Repères DoRiF n°3, Projets de recherche sur le multi/plurilinguisme et alentours… Accès en ligne:
PUGLIESE R., 2017, « Tradurre per la compagna di banco : child language brokering e interazioni costruttive nella classe plurilingue », in : Educazione linguistica in classi multietniche, Atti dei workshop di Udine e Malta (2014), Rome, Aracne, pp. 63 – 86. PUGLIESE R., MINUZ F., 2012, « L’input linguistico nel continuum delle situazioni didattiche rivolte ad immigrati adulti, apprendenti di italiano L2 », in : Competenze e formazione linguistiche, Atti dell’11° Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, « Competenze e formazione linguistiche. In memoria di Monica Berretta », Università di Bergamo, 9-11 giugno 2011, Pérouse, Guerra Edizioni, pp. 339 - 360 . PUREN C., 1994, La didactique des langues étrangères à la croisée des méthodes. Essai sur l’éclectisme, Paris, Didier, coll. Essais. VALENTINI A. (dir.), 2016, L’input per l’acquisizione di L2 : strutturazione, percezione, elaborazione, Florence, Cesati. VERDELHAN-BOURGADE M. (dir.), 2007, Le FLS : un concept et des pratiques en évolution, Bruxelles, de Boeck. VEDOVELLI M., 2016, Neoemigrazione, immigrazione straniera, nuovo spazio linguistico italiano in Lingue in contatto / Contact linguistics. Atti del XLVIII congresso internazionale di studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Udine, 25-27 septembre 2014, pp. 51-75. VEDOVELLI M. (dir.), 2017, L’italiano dei nuovi italiani. Atti del XIX Convegno Nazionale del GISCEL, Università per Stranieri di Siena, 7-9 avril 2016, Rome, Aracne. VIGNER G., 2009, Le Français langue seconde, comment apprendre aux élèves nouvellement arrivés, Paris, Hachette, Education. ZARATE G., LIDDICOAT, A. (dirs), 2009, « La circulation internationale des idées en didactique des langues », Le Français dans le Monde Recherches et applications 46. ZORZI, D., BERSANI BERSELLI, G., POLSELLI, P., ZANONI G., (eds), 2012, Educazione Linguistica per Istituzioni e Aziende della provincia di Forlì-Cesena (Il progetto ELIA), Bologna, Bononia University Press.
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