Isozyme-specific induction of low-dose aspirin on cytochrome P450 in healthy subjects

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Isozyme-specific induction of low-dose
aspirin on cytochrome P450 in healthy
          Objective: This study was designed to define the effect of low-dose aspirin administration on the activity of
          cytochrome P450 (CYP) in normal human subjects.
          Methods: Aspirin, 50 mg daily, was given for 14 days to 18 nonsmoking healthy male volunteers. A modified
          5-drug cocktail procedure consisting of caffeine, mephenytoin, metoprolol, chlorzoxazone, and midazolam
          was performed to simultaneously assess in vivo activity of CYP1A2, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and
          CYP3A, respectively. The activities were assessed on 4 occasions including at baseline, after 7 and 14 daily
          doses of aspirin, and at 7 days after discontinuation of aspirin. Concentrations of parent drugs and corre-
          sponding metabolites in biologic samples were assayed by reversed-phase HPLC.
          Results: Both 7-day and 14-day aspirin intake increased the activity of CYP2C19 significantly, as indicated by
          4-hydroxymephenytoin urinary recovery (P < .001). Induction of low-dose aspirin on CYP2C19 was time-
          dependent. CYP3A activity indices increased moderately but significantly by both 7-day and 14-day aspirin
          treatment (P < .05), but the percentage changes in CYP3A activity indices were not significant. Low-dose
          aspirin had no effect on CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP2E1 in vivo activity by either 7-day or 14-day treatment.
          Conclusions: The effect of low-dose aspirin on CYPs was enzyme-specific. Both 7-day and 14-day low-dose
          aspirin induced the in vivo activities of CYP2C19 but did not affect the activities of CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and
          CYP2E1. The effect of low-dose aspirin on CYP3A activity awaits further confirmation. When low-dose
          aspirin is used in combination with drugs that are substrates of CYP2C19, doses of the latter should be
          adjusted to ensure their efficacy. (Clin Pharmacol Ther 2003;73:264-71.)

          Xiao-Ping Chen, PhD, Zhi-Rong Tan, BS, Song-Lin Huang, BS, Zheng Huang, MD,
          Dong-Sheng Ou-Yang, PhD, and Hong-Hao Zhou, MD Changsha, Hunan, China

   Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) has been widely used as            disease, and heart failure.1 The prolonged low-dose
a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent for decades. A                strategy has also been implicated in prophylaxis of
new use of the century-old drug is that low-dose aspirin             digestive tract cancer in recent years.2 Apart from these
(50-100 mg/d) is frequently prescribed as an effective,              therapeutic indications, low-dose aspirin usage was
safe, and economical agent for primary and secondary                 shown to be associated with reduced risk of dementia
thromboembolic prevention, especially in patients with               such as Alzheimer’s disease.3 Acetylsalicylic acid is
cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary               rapidly and completely deacetylated to salicylate by
                                                                     esterases present in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and
From the Pharmacogenetics Research Institute, Central South Uni-     serum after oral or parenteral administration. Previous
  versity.                                                           studies have indicated that aspirin may affect the phar-
Supported by the China Medical Board of New York (grants 99-697      macokinetics of coadministered drugs through induc-
  and 01-755) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China   tion of drug metabolism when used in relatively high
  (grant F30130210).
Received for publication Feb 21, 2002; accepted Sept 25, 2002.
                                                                     doses for anti-inflammatory and analgesic purposes.4,5
Reprint requests: Hong-Hao Zhou, MD, Pharmacogenetics Research       As an important superfamily that plays a major role in
  Institute, South Central University, Changsha, Hunan 410078, PR    the metabolism of many clinically important drugs and
  China.                                                             some other exogenous compounds, cytochrome P450
E-mail:                                       (CYP) has become a target of study for drug-drug
Copyright © 2003 by the American Society for Clinical Pharmacol-
  ogy & Therapeutics.
                                                                     interactions in recent years. Much attention has been
0009-9236/2003/$30.00 ⫹ 0                                            paid to the induction and inhibition of CYP and sub-
doi:10.1067/mcp.2003.14                                              sequent drug efficacy or toxicity, as well as possible

VOLUME 73, NUMBER 3                                                                             Chen et al     265

associations with cancer and other diseases.6-8 Our in-     given 100-mg caffeine tablets (Hunan Pharmaceutical
terest in acetylsalicylic acid was aroused by reported      Inc), 200-mg chlorzoxazone tablets (Hongqi Pharma-
effects of acetylsalicylic acid or salicylate on CYP        ceutical Inc, Shanghai, China), 100-mg metoprolol
activity (in particular, CYP2E1) when used in relatively    tablets (Astra, Wuxi, China), 100-mg racemic mephe-
high doses.9-13 However, no data are available as to the    nytoin tablets (Mesantoin; Sandoz Inc, East Hanover,
effect of aspirin or salicylate on CYP activity in hu-      NJ), and 7.5-mg midazolam tablets (Dormicum;
mans. Because of the frequent use of low-dose aspirin,      Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland) with 150
it is of interest to determine whether low-dose aspirin     mL of water at 7:30 AM after an overnight fast. On day
administration modulates activities of CYP isozymes in      8, the cocktail drugs were given concurrently with 50
vivo in humans.                                             mg aspirin. Food was given 1.5 hours after drug ad-
   Multiple families and subfamilies of CYP have been       ministration. For metoprolol ␣-hydroxylation and
identified and can be detected in adult human liver, the    S-mephenytoin 4-hydroxylation phenotyping, each sub-
major organ involved in CYP-mediated metabolism.14          ject emptied the bladder before taking the probe drugs.
To investigate the effect of low-dose aspirin on CYP, a     Urine was collected from 0 to 8 hours after drug intake
cocktail approach with isozyme-specific probe drugs         in a container with ascorbic acid. The urine volume was
for simultaneous determination of the activity of           recorded, and a 5-mL aliquot was stored for detecting
CYP1A2, CYP2C19, CYP2E1, CYP2D6, and CYP3A                  CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 activity. Blood samples (8
was used.15 These 5 isozymes consist of about 70% of        mL) were collected at 1, 4, and 6 hours after adminis-
the total microsomal CYP proteins in adult human            tration of probe drugs with ethylenediaminetetraacetic
liver14 and are responsible for the metabolism of nearly    acid as the anticoagulant and were centrifuged, and
90% of drugs in clinical use. Therefore any modifica-       plasma was harvested for determining CYP3A,
tion in activity of these enzymes may result in de-         CYP2E1, and CYP1A2 activity, respectively. All sam-
creased efficacy or increased toxicity of medications.      ples were stored frozen at ⫺20°C until analyzed.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of
both 7-day and 14-day daily low-dose aspirin on in vivo
activity of these enzymes in humans.                        Analytic technique
                                                               All drugs and corresponding metabolites in plasma
METHODS                                                     or urine were measured by reversed-phase HPLC tech-
Subjects                                                    niques with an ultraviolet detector. The within- and
   Eighteen normal healthy Chinese male volunteers          between-day coefficients of variation for each of these
(age, 21.3 ⫾ 1.5 years [mean ⫾ SD]; weight, 60.27 ⫾         assays were ⬍10%.
4.86 kg) participated in the study. The experimental           Plasma assay for caffeine and paraxanthine. Para-
protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of            xanthine and caffeine in plasma were determined by
Xiangya School of Medicine (Changsha, China), and           HPLC according to the method established by Ou-Yang
all subjects gave written informed consent before the       et al.16 A 300-␮L aliquot of plasma was mixed with
study began. All subjects were nonsmokers and were in       100 ␮L of the IS (100-␮mol/L ␤-hydroxyethyl-
good health as indicated by medical history, routine        theophylline) and 300 mg of ammonium sulfate. The
physical examination, and biochemical testing. All sub-     sample was extracted with 5 mL of chloroform and
jects were asked to abstain from alcohol or caffeine-       isopropanol (9:1). All components were separated on a
containing products or any other medications during the     reversed-phase column (Spherisorb octadecylsilane 2;
study and a week before the study.                          Waters Corporation, Milford, Mass) (250 mm ⫻ 4 mm
                                                            internal diameter; 5 ␮m particle size). The solvent used
Study protocol                                              for elution was acetic acid, 0.05%; acetonitrile; and
   An enteric-coated aspirin tablet (Hunan Pharmaceu-       methanol. Typical conditions for elution were 81.5%
tical Inc, Changsha, China), 50 mg/d, was given to all      acetic acid, 0.05%; 8.5% acetonitrile; and 10% metha-
subjects from day 2 to day 15 at 7:50 AM after breakfast.   nol for 0 to 5 minutes and 81.5% to 72% acetic acid,
A modified 5-drug cocktail procedure15 for simulta-         0.05%; 8.5% to 18% acetonitrile; and 10% methanol
neously determining the in vivo activity of CYP1A2,         for 5 to 13 minutes. The flow rate was 0.7 mL/min. The
CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and CYP3A recently                 detection wavelength was 282 nm. The coefficients of
developed by us was applied to detect the activity of       both intra-assay and interassay variations were ⬍8%
these isozymes on 4 separate occasions— day 1, day 8,       for paraxanthine and ⬍10% for caffeine. The ranges of
day 16, and day 23. On each occasion, each subject was      concentrations in the calibration curves for both para-
266    Chen et al                                                                                         MARCH 2003

xanthine and caffeine were 1.0 to 100 ␮mol/L. The           a 0.5-mL plasma sample was deconjugated with 1000
limit of detection was 0.1 ␮mol/L for both compounds.       U of ␤-glucuronidase. Fifty microliters of phenacetin
   Urine assay for 4ⴕ-hydroxymephenytoin. Urine ali-        (20 ␮mol/L; used as IS) was added to the sample and
quots were assayed for concentration of 4⬘-                 extracted by 5 mL of diethyl ether. The organic phase
hydroxymephenytoin by a modification of a procedure         was evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen at
developed in our laboratory.17 In brief, a mixture of       37°C. The residue was dissolved in 50 ␮L of mobile
urine containing total 4⬘-hydroxymephenytoin after en-      phase, and a 20-␮L aliquot was injected into the HPLC
zymatic deconjugation by 1000 U of ␤-gluconidase and        system. All components were separated on a C8 col-
phenobarbital as the IS was extracted with diethyl          umn (Hewlett-Packard) (4.6 mm ⫻ 150 mm; 5 ␮ par-
ether. The residue remained after evaporation was re-       ticle size). The mobile phase was composed of 25-
constituted in 50 ␮L of mobile phase, and 20 ␮L was         mmol/L sodium dihydrogen phosphate, acetonitrile,
injected into the HPLC system. Separation of 4⬘-            and methanol at a ratio of 66:24:10 (vol/vol/vol), and
hydroxymephenytoin was achieved with a C18 column           the pH of the mobile phase was finally adjusted to 3.5
(Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, Calif) (4.6 mm ⫻ 125           with orthophosphoric acid. The flow rate was 0.7 mL/
mm; 5 ␮m particle size). The sample was eluted with a       min for 0 to 5 minutes and then 1.4 mL/min afterward.
mobile phase of acetonitrile and water (15:85 [vol/vol])    The ultraviolet detection was set at 282 nm for 0 to 6
pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The eluent was         minutes and then shifted to 264 nm thereafter. The
monitored at 204 nm. The retention times for 4⬘-            column temperature was maintained at 37°C. The re-
hydroxymephenytoin and the IS were within 6 minutes.        tention times for 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone, IS, and
The coefficients of both intra-assay and interassay vari-   chlorzoxazone were within 8.5 minutes. The coeffi-
ations were ⬍10%. The range of concentrations in the        cients of both intra-assay and interassay variations were
calibration curve was 12.5 to 1000 ␮mol/L. The limit of     ⬍10% for chlorzoxazone and ⬍9% for 6-hydroxy-
detection was 0.1 ␮mol/L.                                   chlorzoxazone. A good linear relationship was obtained
   Urine       assay       for     metoprolol        and    in the range of 0.25 to 80 ␮mol/L for both chlorzoxa-
␣-hydroxymetoprolol.             Metoprolol          and    zone and 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone. The limit of detec-
␣-hydroxymetoprolol in urine samples were deter-            tion for both compounds in plasma was 0.125 ␮mol/L.
mined by a modified HPLC method according to Huang             Plasma assay for midazolam and 1ⴕ-
et al.18 Urine, 100 ␮L, was alkalinized by sodium           hydroxymidazolam.          Midazolam         and      1⬘-
hydroxide (pH 12.5) and extracted with 5 mL dichlo-         hydroxymidazolam were also determined by HPLC. In
romethane after 250 ng propranolol was added as the         brief, 1.0 mL of plasma was deconjugated with 200 U
IS. The residue that remained after evaporation of the      of ␤-glucuronidase in sodium acetic acid buffer (pH
organic phase was dissolved in 50 ␮L of mobile phase,       4.75) at 37°C. After addition of 50 ␮L of phenacetin
and 20 ␮L was injected into the HPLC system. All            (IS, 20 ␮mol/L), the mixture was extracted by 5 mL of
chemicals were separated on a reversed-phase column         diethyl ether. After centrifugation, the upper organic
(Spherisorb octadecylsilane 2) (250 mm ⫻ 4 mm in-           phase was transferred and evaporated to dryness. The
ternal diameter; 5 ␮m particle size) with the use of a      residue was dissolved in 50 ␮L of mobile phase, and a
mixture of 700 mL of methanol, 300 mL of water, 1.2         20-␮L aliquot was injected into the HPLC system. All
mL of glacial acetic acid, and 300 ␮L of triethylamine      components were separated isocratically on a C8 col-
as the mobile phase pumped at a flow rate of 1.0            umn (Hewlett-Packard) (4.6 mm ⫻ 150 mm; 5 ␮m
mL/min. The retention times for metoprolol, ␣-hydroxy-      particle size). The mobile phase was composed of 25-
metoprolol, and the IS were within 5 minutes. The           mmol/L sodium dihydrogen phosphate, acetonitrile,
coefficients of both intra-assay and interassay varia-      and methanol at a ratio of 55:35:10 (vol/vol/vol) and
tions were ⬍5% for both metoprolol and ␣-hydroxy-           was delivered at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min; the pH of
metoprolol. The ranges of concentrations in the cali-       the eluent was finally adjusted to 3.5 with orthophos-
bration curves were 0.1 to 15 ␮g/mL for both                phoric acid. The detection wavelength was 234 nm. The
compounds. The limits of detection were 0.05 ␮g/mL          column temperature was maintained at 37°C. Retention
and 0.01 ␮g/mL for metoprolol and ␣-hydroxy-                times for IS, 1⬘-hydroxymidazolam, and midazolam
metoprolol, respectively.                                   were within 8 minutes. The coefficients of both intra-
   Plasma       assay     for    chlorzoxazone       and    assay and interassay variations were ⬍10% for both
6-hydroxychlorzoxazone. The concentrations of chlor-        midazolam and 1⬘-hydroxymidazolam. A good linear
zoxazone and 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone in plasma were          relationship was obtained in the range of 12.5 to 800
assayed by a modification of Frye and Stiff.19 In brief,    nmol/L for both midazolam and 1⬘-hydroxymidazolam.
VOLUME 73, NUMBER 3                                                                                                              Chen et al        267

Table I. Comparison of phenotypic measures of specific metabolizing enzymes at baseline, during 7 and 14 days
of treatment with aspirin, and at 7 days after aspirin dosing
 Activity index                                                       Day 1                    Day 8                 Day 16               Day 23      P value

 4⬘-Hydroxymephenytoin recovery in urine (%)                    44.5 (38.3, 54.0)        50.0 (45.8, 56.8)*†   60.0 (54.0, 69.8)‡§㛳   46.5 (42.0, 52.0) ⬍.001
 Plasma 1⬘-hydroxymidazolam/midazolam ratio                     2.42 (1.54, 3.32)        2.99 (1.65, 3.90)¶    3.05 (2.05, 3.73)†¶    2.29 (1.71, 2.86) .014
 Plasma paraxanthine/caffeine ratio                             0.38 (0.34, 0.47)        0.35 (0.28, 0.46)     0.38 (0.30, 0.50)      0.42 (0.28, 0.57) .978
 Urinary metoprolol/␣-hydroxymetoprolol ratio                   0.36 (0.24, 0.70)        0.49 (0.28, 0.70)     0.43 (0.20, 0.63)      0.36 (0.21, 0.82) .849
 Plasma 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone/chlorozoxazone                   0.85 (0.57, 1.03)        0.76 (0.59, 0.93)     0.78 (0.47, 1.21)      0.78 (0.63, 1.10) .372
 Data are expressed as median with 25th percentile and 75th percentile in parentheses.
 *P ⬍ .01, compared with day 1.
 †P ⬍ .01, compared with day 23.
 ‡P ⬍ .001, compared with day 1.
 §P ⬍ .001, compared with day 23.
 㛳P ⬍ .01, compared with day 8.
 ¶P ⬍ .05, compared with day 1.

The limit of detection for both compounds in plasma                                  tidrug intake) during cocktail phenotyping procedures.
was 6.5 nmol/L.                                                                      No interfering peaks were observed in chromatograms
                                                                                     after cocktail administration. In addition, for each spe-
Data analysis                                                                        cific HPLC assay, no interfering peaks were observed
   The molar concentration of paraxanthine divided by                                in blood or urine samples after aspirin dosage alone. No
that of caffeine (paraxanthine/caffeine) in the 6-hour                               poor metabolizer of either CYP2C19 or CYP2D6 was
plasma sample was used to assess CYP1A2 activity.                                    identified among the 18 subjects.
The percentage of the dose excreted as 4⬘-                                              As shown in Table I and Fig 1, A, both 7-day and
hydroxymephenytoin in 0- to 8-hour urine was used as                                 14-day aspirin administration significantly increased
the phenotypic index of CYP2C19 activity. The 0- to                                  (P ⬍ .001) the urinary recovery of 4⬘-
8-hour urinary metoprolol/␣-hydroxymetoprolol ratio                                  hydroxymephenytoin, a measure of CYP2C19 activity.
was used to indicate CYP2D6 activity. The plasma                                     This induction in CYP2C19 activity was progressive
molar concentration ratio of 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone                                  from the 7-day aspirin treatment to the 14-day aspirin
to chlorzoxazone at 4 hours was used to assess CYP2E1                                treatment.     This    increase     in    S-mephenytoin
activity.     The      molar      concentration     of                               4-hydroxylase activity was reversed, and the 0- to
1-hydroxymidazolam divided by that of midazolam in
                                                                                     8-hour urinary recovery of 4⬘-hydroxymephenytoin re-
the 1-hour plasma sample was used to assess CYP3A
                                                                                     turned to the baseline level 7 days after discontinuation
                                                                                     of aspirin.
Statistical analysis                                                                    As shown in Table I and Fig 1, B, both 7-day and
                                                                                     14-day aspirin intake produced moderate induction of
   All analyses for comparing the phenotypic index
were performed by SPSS software for Windows (ver-                                    CYP3A activity, as indicated by midazolam
sion 10.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). Results were ex-                                 1-hydroxylation activity (day 8 or day 16 versus day 1,
pressed as median with 25th percentile and 75th per-                                 P ⬍ .05; day 16 versus day 23, P ⬍ .01). Furthermore,
centile or as mean ⫾ SD. The activity indices of                                     this induction in CYP3A activity was reversed and
individual isozymes on different occasions were ana-                                 returned to the baseline level 7 days after aspirin dis-
lyzed by use of the Friedman rank sum test. Differences                              continuation. However, when changes in CYP3A ac-
in the change in CYP2C19 activity indices were also                                  tivity indices were analyzed as percentages, no differ-
analyzed by the Friedman test. A significant difference                              ence was observed among the changes for day 8 versus
was regarded as P ⬍ .05.                                                             day 1, day 16 versus day 1, and day 23 versus day 1
                                                                                     (P ⫽ .076), which were 24.36% ⫾ 48.24%, 31.65% ⫾
RESULTS                                                                              33.25%, and 9.75% ⫾ 40.71%, respectively.
  All 18 subjects completed the trial. No side effects                                  There were no significant differences in any of the
occurred during the 14-day aspirin administration. No                                phenotypic indices determined for CYP1A2, CYP2D6,
other side effects were observed except for a brief                                  and CYP2E1 activity among the different occasions
period of sleepiness (within about 1-3 hours after mul-                              including before aspirin, at 7 days and 14 days after
268     Chen et al                                                                                              MARCH 2003

Fig 1. Comparison of percentage of 0- to 8-hour urinary
                                                                Fig 2. Comparison of paraxanthine (17X) to caffeine (137X)
4⬘-hydroxymephenytoin       recovery     (A)     and      1⬘-
                                                                plasma ratio at 6 hours (A) and metoprolol to
hydroxymidazolam (1⬘-OH-MDZ) to midazolam (MDZ)
                                                                ␣-hydroxymetoprolol ratio in 0- to 8-hour urine (B) from
plasma ratio at 1 hour (B) from individuals at baseline, at 7
                                                                individuals at baseline, at 7 and 14 days after aspirin treat-
and 14 days after aspirin treatment, and at 7 days after
                                                                ment, and at 7 days after discontinuation of aspirin.
discontinuation of aspirin.

                                                                resulting from induction or inhibition of drug-
aspirin intake, and at 7 days after aspirin discontinua-        metabolizing enzymes in recent years. Aspirin, a com-
tion (Table I; Figs 2 and 3).                                   monly used drug for various clinical purposes, dis-
                                                                placed some coadministered drugs from plasma protein
DISCUSSION                                                      and increased the clearance of drugs such as fenopro-
   Patients are often taking multiple medications simul-        fen4 and phenytoin,5 presumably through induction of
taneously, and consequently the problem of drug-drug            drug metabolism, when used in relatively high doses
interactions among comedications occurs. To optimize            for anti-inflammatory and analgesic purposes. As men-
drug efficacy and minimize toxicity, intensive attention        tioned in the context above, low-dose aspirin is cur-
has been paid to pharmacokinetic drug interactions              rently prescribed together with other medications more
VOLUME 73, NUMBER 3                                                                                    Chen et al       269

frequently to patients with cardiovascular disease.
There are studies that focus on the effect of low-dose
aspirin on the efficacy of drugs such as angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors through pharmacody-
namic mechanisms.20 However, little is known about
the pharmacokinetic effects of low-dose aspirin on con-
currently used drugs, although metabolic drug interac-
tions involving aspirin are also possible. Therefore it is
of interest to investigate whether low-dose aspirin af-
fects the metabolism of comedications. As an important
peroxisome proliferator, a 1.6-fold induction of total
CYP content was observed in mouse liver after expo-
sure to a diet containing acetylsalicylic acid, 1.0%, for
10 days; at the same time, aspirin increased the activity
of CYP4A significantly and was used as a tool to
induce CYP4A expression in some animal studies.10,21
However, a study carried out by Jagota9 suggested that
aspirin caused marked depression of both total CYP
and cytochrome b5 in liver microsomes in mice; the           Fig 3. Comparison of 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone (HCZX) to
latter is an important coenzyme of CYP isozymes such         chlorzoxazone (CZX) plasma ratio at 4 hours from individu-
as CYP2E1.22 In this study, we investigated the effect       als at baseline, at 7 and 14 days after aspirin treatment, and at
of 7-day or 14-day low-dose aspirin administration on        7 days after discontinuation of aspirin.
the in vivo activity of major CYP isozymes involved in
drug metabolism, including CYP1A2, CYP2C19,
CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and CYP3A, by a multiprobe cock-             low-dose aspirin treatment was significantly higher
tail procedure. The results showed that low-dose aspirin     than that by 7-day treatment. This time-dependent in-
affected CYP activity and that the effect was isozyme-       duction of CYP2C19 was in agreement with the obser-
selective. Both 7-day and 14-day low-dose aspirin sig-       vation of Branch et al,25 who also reported that the
nificantly induced the activities of CYP2C19 and             induction of CYP2C19 by 28 daily doses of rifampin
CYP3A, as measured by mephenytoin and midazolam              (INN, rifampicin) was greater than that by 3 daily
as the probe drugs. The activities of CYP1A2,                doses. One possible explanation for this is that it takes
CYP2D6, and CYP2E1 as measured by the probe drugs            time to reach maximal induction through synthesis of
caffeine, metoprolol, and chlorzoxazone, respectively,       new enzyme molecules by these inducers. Although a
were not affected.                                           recent report has shown that a steady state of induction
   The human CYP2Cs are an important subfamily of            for the CYP2C family occurred at about 50 hours after
CYP enzymes that metabolize approximately 20% of             treatment by inducers in primary cultures of human
clinically used drugs and some endogenous com-               hepatocytes,26 the time interval needed to reach the
pounds, such as arachidonic acid. There are 4 members        steady state of induction for these enzymes in vivo in
in this subfamily—CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and               humans is still uncertain. Furthermore, the concentra-
CYP2C18.23 However, because of the limitations of the        tion of inducers used in vitro may be different from that
cocktail procedure applied at present,15 only one mem-       used in vivo.
ber of this subfamily, CYP2C19, was investigated in             CYP3A is the predominant isoform of the CYP su-
this study. With S-mephenytoin 4-hydroxylation activ-        perfamily in both the intestinal epithelium and liver,
ity as the activity index, our results showed that both      which contributes about 30% of the total CYP proteins
7-day and 14-day aspirin intake increased the activity       in adult liver. Despite its role in the biotransformation
of CYP2C19 significantly. This induction of CYP2C19          of almost 50% of clinically used drugs,27 CYP3A also
by aspirin may partially explain the increased clearance     contributes to remarkable first-pass elimination of its
of phenytoin, a substrate of CYP2C19, when used              substrates after their oral administration. Therefore elu-
concurrently with aspirin.5,24 Of course, the exact un-      cidation of the modulation of CYP3A becomes impor-
derlying mechanism for this induction is unclear and         tant. The results of our study showed that both 7-day
requires further investigation. The results also showed      and 14-day low-dose aspirin treatment significantly in-
that the degree of induction in CYP2C19 by 14-day            creased the activity of CYP3A. However, when
270    Chen et al                                                                                           MARCH 2003

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activity of CYP3A would be important.                            macokinetics and toxicological consequences in human.
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