Page created by Patricia Valdez

CONTENTS PAGE ...................................................... 2
ATHLETE CHECK LIST ................................................ 4
EVENT SCHEDULE ..................................................... 5
ATHLETE REGISTRATION/CHECK-IN ...................... 9
   ID WRISTBAND ............................................................. 9
   TIMING INFO ................................................................. 9
   WITHDRAWAL & TIMING CHIP RETURN .................. 9
RACE DAY SERVICES ...............................................11
   MEDICAL ......................................................................11
   SAG WAGON ...............................................................11
   SWIM SAFETY .............................................................11
   BIKE MECHANICS........................................................11
   LOST AND FOUND ......................................................11
TRANSITION ............................................................12
   TRANSITION PROCEDURE .........................................12
     TRANSITION 1 (Swim to Bike).................................... 12
     TRANSITION 2 (Bike to Run)....................................... 12
   BIKE CHECK IN GUIDELINES ......................................13
   RACE MORNING WARM UP SWIM ..........................14
     AGE GROUPERS .............................................................. 14
   AGE GROUP SWIM START.........................................14
   SWIM COURSE RULES ................................................14
IRONMAN SWIMSMART .......................................15
   TRAFFIC ........................................................................16
   BIKE COURSE RULES ...................................................16
   ROAD & PATHWAY TRAFFIC .....................................17
   RUN COURSE RULES...................................................17
AID STATIONS .........................................................18
   AID STATIONS .............................................................18
   BIKE AID STATION PROCEDURE ...............................18
   RUN AID STATIONS ....................................................18
   RUN AID STATION PROCEDURE ...............................18
   DISCARDS / DROP ZONE ...........................................18
FINISH LINE ..............................................................19
   FINISH LINE POLICY ....................................................19
   FINISH LINE PHOTO ....................................................19
   RECOVERY & MEDICAL ..............................................20
   MASSAGE ....................................................................20
   AWARDS PRESENTATION..........................................21
   ROLL DOWN CEREMONY ..........................................21
   GENERAL EVENT INQUIRIES .....................................23

MESSAGE FROM SUNRISE                                            to be there to cheer on our little triathletes! More
                                                                information about the different activities can be found on

EVENTS, INC.                                                    our website.

Welcome to the 2018 IRONMAN 70.3 SUBIC BAY! We are
glad to bring back the annual 70.3 race alongside the very
first and only full distance race in the country for our 10th
year anniversary!

We at Sunrise Events Inc. worked closely with IRONMAN
Asia to ensure consistency in rules between the local
IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay Race Rules and the 2017
IRONMAN Global Competition Rules. You can view the
rules from our website.

Nearly 300 participants will be joining the IRONMAN 70.3
Subic Bay. There will be no relay category for this race – so
it’s time go hard or go home. Winners from the age
groupers will take home a range of prizes, treats as well as
the title and bragging rights for the rest of the year!

This year, the race will again feature the rolling start for
the swim where triathletes are expected to self-seed
themselves, a swim course at the Acea Beach
Resort featuring a 1.9km counter-clockwise swim, a 90km
bike and 21.1km run course that is hard enough to keep
everyone challenged yet fast enough to give that extra
push to go after their best time.

Once the home base of the U.S. Naval Forces in the Pacific,
Subic Bay is now a premier holiday destination for visitors
from all over the world. They come for its pristine beaches,
first-rate amenities and friendly services. The waters and
beaches of Subic Bay feature attractions for all types of
folks: miles of fine sand and calm waters for beach lovers
and picnickers, spectacular corals and underwater fauna
for divers and snorkelers, mysterious sunken wrecks for
history aficionados, and even choice spots for a relaxing
afternoon               of           fly             fishing.

But there's more to Subic Bay than sun-drenched shores.
Its blessed location at the foothills of the Zambales
mountain range has given it lush tracts of preserved
tropical forest, which have become favorite venues for
eco-tourism activities and sports events. U.S. Marines
used to hone their jungle-survival skills in these
mountains, trained by local indigenous people called the
Aetas who have learned to live in harmony with their
natural                                   environment.

Subic Bay is one of the best places to train and tri in the

Visit the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center to
see the Century Tuna IRONMAN Expo with a good line-up
of brands participating for that ultimate shopping
experience. In the morning of Saturday, it is the little ones
turn as the pre-event Alaska IRONKIDS is held. Make sure
ATHLETE CHECK LIST                                            Ensure you have government-issued photo
                                                              identification and bring to Athlete Registration
                                                              Confirm that your Emergency Contact person will be
We have provided the below checklist for the                  contactable on race day and is not also racing. Ensure
convenience of athletes participating in the IRONMAN          that the full number including area / country code is
70.3 Subic Bay to make sure everybody is prepared to          provided
have a great event.                                           Confirm your Medical/Health Insurance details are
    Read the Athlete Information Guide in its entirety        Check the weather forecast to ensure you bring all
    Familiarise yourself with the event schedule              relevant clothing and equipment
    Ensure you have received your email confirmation -        Familiarise yourself with the venue and race day road
    check all personal details are correct, print and bring   closures
    along with you to Athlete Check-In                        Familiarise yourself with the course – it is your
    Book flights and accommodation ensuring you arrive        responsibility to know this on race day
    in time for Athlete Registration from                     If you qualified for a 2018 IRONMAN 70.3 World
          o 2.00pm – 6.00pm Thursday 31 May                   Championship Roll Down spot:
          o 9.00am – 6.00pm Friday 1 June                               o Bring photo identification
          o 9.00am – 3.00pm Saturday 2 June                             o Bring valid credit card (Visa &
          o 6.00pm – 8.00pm Saturday 2 June*                                  MasterCard). AMEX and Diners Club are
    *Athlete Late Check-in Service with a 100USD Fee                          not accepted for USD payments.
    Check the athlete list online and ensure your name,       Tick off all items in the Race Day Check List (located at
    country and details are correct (if incorrect please      the end of this booklet)
    contact )

*Event Schedule is as of April 4, 2018. Please check the event schedule on the website as
times are subject to change.

                                                MAY 27, 2018, SUNDAY
                                                                                             Subic Bay Exhibition and
   8:30am - 12:30pm                  Sun Life Bike Out (Within Subic Bay Only)
                                                                                            Convention Center (SBECC)
                                               MAY 31, 2018, THURSDAY
                           Shuttle Service for participants booked through Sunrise Events    *refer to shuttle jeepney
   1:00pm - 6:00pm
                                                     official hotels                           schedule for details
    2:00pm - 5:00pm           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Swim Course Open                  ACEA Subic Bay
                           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Official Merchandise Open
                          Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines, IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay &
                                           IRONKIDS Athlete Check-In
                                  Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Expo Open                 Subic Bay Exhibition and
   2:00pm - 6:00pm
                                                                                            Convention Center (SBECC)
                            Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Information Booth Open
                                        Storck Bike Mechanic Service Open
                                                Media Center Open
   3:30 pm - 6:00 pm        IRONLEGENDS Talk featuring Dave Scott and Craig Alexander          Shangri-la Fort, BGC
                                                 JUNE 1, 2018, FRIDAY
                           Shuttle Service for participants booked through Sunrise Events    *refer to shuttle jeepney
    7:00am - 7:00pm
                                                     official hotels                           schedule for details
    7:30am - 9:30am           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Swim Course Open
                           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Ride Out #1 (Within Subic            ACEA Subic Bay
                                                 Bay Only)
                          Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines, IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay &
                                           IRONKIDS Check-In Open
                           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Official Merchandise Open

   9:00am - 6:00pm                Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Expo Open

                            Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Information Booth Open
                                        Storck Bike Mechanic Service Open
                                                Media Center Open
                                                                                             Subic Bay Exhibition and
                              Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Meet the Pros Press
        3:00pm                                                                              Convention Center (SBECC)
                           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Ride Out #2 (Within Subic
                                                 Bay Only)
                          Meet The Legends Talk featuring Dave Scott, Craig Alexander and
                                                  Lance Watson

                          Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines & IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay
   6:30pm – 8:30pm
                                    Athlete Welcome Dinner hosted by SBMA

                                               JUNE 2, 2018, SATURDAY
                                                                                               WOW Recreation &
    6:00am - 9:00am                         Alaska IRONKIDS Swim-Run
                                                                                                Activity Center

Shuttle Service for participants booked through Sunrise Events    *refer to shuttle jeepney
                                              official hotels                           schedule for details
7:00am - 9:00pm
                                                                                      Subic Bay Exhibition and
                                     AWA Participants Breakfast
                                                                                     Convention Center (SBECC)
7:30am - 9:30am        Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Swim Course Open                  ACEA Subic Bay
9:00am - 10:00am              Century Tuna Superbods Underpants Run
                   Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines & IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay
9:00am - 3:00pm
                                        Check-In Open
                   Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Official Merchandise Open         Subic Bay Exhibition and
                                                                                     Convention Center (SBECC)
                           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Expo Open
9:00am - 6:00pm
                                 Storck Bike Mechanic Service Open
                                         Media Center Open
    10:00am                    CEEPO Ride Out (Within Subic Bay Only)

                    IRONMAN Compulsory Bike and Gear Check-in, and Helmet
                             Check for Race Numbers 101 to 750
10:00am - 1:00pm
                   IRONMAN 70.3 Mandatory Bike Check-in and Helmet Check for
                                 Race Numbers 1501 to 1700                                ACEA Subic Bay

                   IRONMAN Mandatory Bike Check-in and Helmet Check for Race
                                   Numbers 751 to 1500
1:00pm - 4:00pm
                   IRONMAN 70.3 Mandatory Bike Check-in and Helmet Check for
                                 Race Numbers 1701 to 1900
                      IRONMAN Compulsory Run Gear Bag Check In for Race
                                    Numbers 101 to 750
10:00am - 1:00pm
                    IRONMAN 70.3 Compulsory Run Gear Bag Check In for Race
                                   Numbers 1501 to 1700
                       IRONMAN Compulsory Run Gear Bag Check In for Race                    Remy Field
                                   Numbers 751 to 1500
1:00pm - 4:00pm
                    IRONMAN 70.3 Compulsory Run Gear Bag Check In for Race
                                   Numbers 1701 to 1900
    10:30am                            (T2) Transition Tour #1

    11:00am                            (T1) Transition Tour #1                            ACEA Subic Bay

    12:30pm                            (T2) Transition Tour #2                              Remy Field

1:00pm - 4:00pm                          Swim Course Open
                                                                                          ACEA Subic Bay
    1:00pm                             (T1) Transition Tour #2

    2:00pm                 Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Pro Briefing                VIP ROOM 1, SBECC

    2:30pm                             (T2) Transition Tour #3                              Remy Field
                                                                                        Plenary 1, Subic Bay
                            Lance Watson and Belinda Granger Race Tips               Exhibition and Convention
    3:00pm                                                                                 Center (SBECC)
                                       (T1) Transition Tour #3                             Aces Subic Bay

    4:00pm                         IRONMAN Race Briefing Batch 1                        Plenary 1, Subic Bay
                                                                                     Exhibition and Convention
    4:30pm                         IRONMAN Race Briefing Batch 2                           Center (SBECC)

5:00pm                              IRONMAN 70.3 Race Briefing
      6:00pm                                     Catholic Mass
  6:00pm - 8:00pm                     Athlete Late Check-In Arrangement
                                         JUNE 3, 2018, SUNDAY - RACE DAY
4:00am - 1:00am (next    Shuttle Service for participants booked through Sunrise Events    *refer to shuttle jeepney
         day)                                      official hotels                           schedule for details
  4:30am to 5:30am               IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay (T1) Transition Open
                                   IRONMAN Philippines (T1) Transition Open
  4:30am to 6:00am         Street Gear, Special Needs Run, and Special Needs Bike Bag           ACEA Subic Bay
      5:50AM                   IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay Age Group Rolling Start

 IRONMAN 70.3 SWIM CUT OFF: Each participant is given 70 minutes to finish the 1.9K swim based on a rolling start.
                                                  (7:06 AM)

         IRONMAN 70.3 BIKE CUT OFF: 5 hours and 30 minutes from the last rolling start release (11:26 AM)

 IRONMAN 70.3 RUN CUT OFF: Each participant is given 8 hours 30 minutes to finish the entire course from the last
                                       rolling start release (2:26 PM)

      6:20am                            IRONMAN Philippines Pro Male

      6:22am                           IRONMAN Philippines Pro Female
                                                                                                ACEA Subic Bay

      6:30am                     IRONMAN Philippines Age Group Rolling Start

IRONMAN SWIM CUT OFF: Each participant is given 2hours 20minutes to finish the 3.8K swim based on a rolling start.
                                                 (9:05 AM)

           IRONMAN BIKE CUT OFF: 10 hours and 30 minutes from the last rolling start release (5:15PM)

   IRONMAN RUN CUT OFF: Each participant is given 17 hours to finish the entire course from the last rolling start
                                              release (11:45 PM)
 10:14am (*approx.)                 IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay First Finisher                         Remy Field
                         Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Official Merchandise Open        Subic Bay Exhibition and
 11:00am - 7:00pm
                                 Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Expo Open               Convention Center (SBECC)

  11:00am - 3:00pm           IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay Post Race Celebratory Lunch
  1:30pm - 5:30pm
                              IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay Bike & Gear Bag Check-Out
       2:26 PM                        IRONMAN 70.3 Finish Line Closes                             Remy Field
 2:53pm (*approx.)        Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines First Pro Male Finisher
 3.44pm (*approx.)       Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines First Pro Female Finisher
      3.30pm                     IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay Awards Presentation                   WOW Recreation &
      5.00pm            2018 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Roll Down Ceremony                Activity Center

  5:00pm - 12:00am       Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Bike & Gear Bag Check-Out
                                                                                                  Remy Field
  12:00am (June 4,
                          CENTURY TUNA IRONMAN Last Finisher & Finish Line Closes
                                              JUNE 4, 2018, MONDAY
                         Shuttle Service for participants booked through Sunrise Events    *refer to shuttle jeepney
  7:30am - 4:00pm
                                                   official hotels                           schedule for details

8:00am - 10:00am    Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Bike & Gear Bag Check-Out          Remy Field

                    Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Official Merchandise Open
8:00am - 12:00pm
                           Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Expo Open

     8:00am              Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Results posted
                                                                                  Subic Bay Exhibition and
                      Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Post Race Celebratory     Convention Center (SBECC)
8:30am - 10:30am
                        Century Tuna IRONMAN Philippines Awards Ceremony

10:30am - 12:00pm    2018 IRONMAN World Championship Roll Down Ceremony

ATHLETE                                                          The organizers encourage all participants to include a
                                                                 non-racing companion's contact details who are with
REGISTRATION/CHECK-IN                                            them during the race weekend as their emergency
                                                                 contact as well.

Check-In for all athletes participating in the IRONMAN
70.3 Subic Bay will take place at the Subic Bay Exhibition       ID WRISTBAND
and Convention Center on the following days and times:           Your ID wristband must be worn at all times, as this will
                                                                 be your entry to ‘athlete only restricted areas.’ This is your
    2.00pm – 6.00pm Thursday 31 May                              only means of entry to Transition to rack your bike pre-
    9.00am – 6.00pm Friday 1 June                                race and to collect your gear and bike after the race.
    9.00am – 3.00pm Saturday 2 June                              IRONMAN will not allow access into these areas without
    6.00pm – 8.00pm Saturday 2 June*                             athletes wearing their wristband. This will also allow you
*Athlete Late Check-in Service with a 100USD Fee                 access to the carbo load and post-race meal areas. Your
                                                                 ID wristband is colour coded – Yellow Green for Age
It is compulsory for all athletes to Check-In during these       group. AWA will have an additional wristband on top of
times. No athlete will be able to Check-In after 8.00pm on       their age group wristband for easier identification.
Saturday 2 June 2018.

You are required to show photo identification to register
                                                                 TIMING INFO
– i.e. Driver’s License, Passport or any government-issued       You will collect your Timing Chip and confirm your identity
ID.                                                              with the timing personnel during Bike Check-In at
                                                                 Transition 1. At this stage you will confirm your personal
Please do not take your bike into the Check-In queue as          information and ensure that your race number matches
this congests the area and makes it dangerous for other          your timing chip. Please ensure you put it in a safe place
athletes. Bike racks will be located outside the Subic Bay       and remember to have it with you on race morning.
Exhibition and Convention Center. Please allow time for
delays when making travel arrangements.                              Timing Chips must be worn on your left ankle.
                                                                     On race morning, your timing chip must be worn or
Please note, it is illegal for someone to race under your            brought to enter Transition.
name or for you to race under someone else’s name: this              If you do not start the race or pull out of the race for
will result in a five year (5) ban from being able to register       any reason you are to return the Timing Chip to the
in all Sunrise Events Inc. races and ineligibility to race in        Timing personnel within the transition or Transition
other IRONMAN events.                                                Manager.
                                                                     If your Timing Chip is not returned or is lost you will
                                                                     be charged $150 for a replacement.
During Check-In, athletes will receive the following:                Timing results will include swim split, bike split, run
    ID wristband (this will be secured to your wrist during          split and finish time– overall and category results.
    Check-In and will need to be worn throughout the
    weekend and to the end of the race, even at the after        If timing chips are not worn throughout the duration of
    party.)                                                      the race, race results will not be available to that athlete.
    Race bib (compulsory on run leg only)
    Swim cap (compulsory) colour based on swim zone              If a timing chip is lost during the race, the athlete needs
    Helmet sticker (placed on the front of the helmet)           to inform an official in Transition, so that officials can do
    Bike seat post sticker (to wrap around the seat post         their best to replace that chip in order to record splits for
    of your bike and stick to itself)                            the rest of the race. It is recommended you wear the strap
                                                                 supplied with the timing chip, using an alternative puts
    Bike Pump sticker
                                                                 you at risk of losing the chip during the race.
    Body Tattoos (race number to be placed on right
    upper arm and letter category to be placed on right
    calf)                                                        WITHDRAWAL & TIMING CHIP RETURN
    Bike and Run bags                                            If you withdraw from the race at any time (before or
    Street gear bag                                              during), please inform IRONMAN via the Information
    Sponsor promotional items                                    Booth at the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center
                                                                 lobby or Transition Manager. It is the athlete’s
                                                                 responsibility to return their timing chip. If you fail to
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (ICE)                                       return your timing chip, a $150 replacement charge
Upon check-in, it is mandatory for the participants to           applies. It is extremely important for all timing chips to
update their In Case of Emergency contact details.
be returned to ensure all athletes are accounted for
across the event.

RACE DAY SERVICES                                               Should at any point an athlete decide to abandon the
                                                                swim, they will be taken to one of the swim extraction
                                                                points. From here they will be required to confirm their
MEDICAL                                                         athlete number and be checked over by medical. It is then
Your safety is of utmost importance to us. If you are           the athlete’s responsibility to walk back to Transition and
unsure about your ability to complete the race or are not       hand in their timing chip to the Drop Out Clerk located at
feeling physically fit in the lead up to the event, IRONMAN     the Information Desk.
highly recommends you seek medical advice from your
doctor.                                                         White swim caps will be available at the stage area of the
                                                                swim start on race morning. Wearing white swim caps
Basic first aid is available throughout the event. If you       alert the swim team that you are a beginner or not a
require medical attention we recommend that you visit           confident swimmer.
our Information Desk or seek the assistance of event
                                                                BIKE MECHANICS
Medical staff will be situated in a variety of positions on     THERE WILL BE OFFICIAL BIKE MECHANICS DURING THE
race day. These locations are as follows:                       RACE WEEKEND. They will be conducting a paid service
       o Swim Start                                             for ‘minor mechanicals’ during these times. A limited
       o Swim Exit                                              ‘emergency service’ will be available inside Transition on
       o Transition                                             race morning for athletes.
       o Roaming Bike & Run Course
       o Finish & Recovery                                      During the race, mechanics will be circulating around the
                                                                bike course. They will provide basic tools and spares
Basic first aid support can also be obtained at the Bike and    enabling athletes to conduct repairs. Athletes should be
Run Aid Stations.                                               aware that MECHANICS AND TOOLS WILL BE LIMITED and
                                                                spare wheels would not be available from mechanics.
It is strongly advised that you have adequate personal
insurance for this event.                                       LOST AND FOUND
                                                                Lost and Found will be at the Event Information Desk
                                                                during race week and on race day. Please check the
SAG WAGON                                                       schedule of events for Event Information Desk hours and
The Sag Wagon will collect athletes who are unable to
                                                                location. After the conclusion of the event, please email
complete the event, or are unable to finish within the
                                                       to locate any
course cut-off time. Collected athletes will be transported
                                                                missing items and schedule returns. Shipping fees will
to the closest Aid Station or back to Transition/Finish Line.
                                                                apply. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity
                                                                within 30 days.
Should you require a Sag Wagon at any time, please wave
down a motorbike official and they will contact IRONMAN
for Sag Wagon deployment. Alternatively advise
volunteers at the nearest Aid Station or any Medical

Please note delays in Sag Wagon transport are expected.
To assist with a prompt response, please do not move
from your reported location once a Sag Wagon has been
requested as this could affect their ability to locate and
transport you.

There will be a large number of water safety personnel
and craft on the water pre and during the swim. The water
safety team is there to support you should you require.
They will be resourced with an array of Rescue Boards,
Surf Ski’s, Jet Skis and small boats. At any time should you
require the assistance of water safety please raise one
arm into the air and they will come to your aid.

TRANSITION                                                    your bike is racked.
                                                                                      Failure to do so may result in

TRANSITION PROCEDURE                                          Athletes can equip themselves for the run leg at their
Transition opens at 4.30am and closes at 5.30am for           allocated bike rack location. Otherwise, bring the RED
IRONMAN 70.3 athletes on race day.                            bag and proceed to the changing tent to change from
                                                              bike to run attire. Upon exiting the changing tents, there
                                                              will be a drop off or collection area for your RED bag.
TRANSITION 1 (Swim to Bike)
                                                              Upon exiting Transition, athletes will pass the Transition
                                                              Aid Station and Penalty Tents before heading to the run

                                                              For more information on Transition Rules, please see the

                                                              GEAR BAGS AND SPECIAL NEEDS BAGS
                                                              During Check-In, athletes will receive three gear bags..
                                                              You must affix your race number sticker to each bag
                                                              before drop off.
From ACEA Beach, participants will run up towards the
service road through the parking lot to San Bernardino
road for Transition 1.                                        WHAT TO PUT IN YOUR BAG

At the Swim Exit, you will pass through a timing chute with
                                                              Here are the suggested items to include in your bag. The
showers and run 200m, grabbing your BLUE bags
                                                              bike and run gear bags include items that are
arranged numerically and into the changing tents to
                                                              compulsory and items that may be optional for your own
change from swim to bike attire. Upon exiting the
changing tents, there will be a drop off or collection area
for your BLUE bags. As you enter transition located on
San Bernardino road, find your bike racked in numerical              BIKE GEAR BAG                    RUN GEAR BAG
order. Unrack and push bike to the exit of transition
through the Bike Out Chute. Bike leg will commence on             Bike shoes (or on bike)       Running shoes (compulsory)
the mount line and make a sharp left heading to Argonaut                                             Race Bib Number
Highway.                                                                  Helmet
                                                                        Sunglasses                      Sunglasses
Reminder: helmets must be worn and clipped on before                      Socks                            Hat
athletes can start moving their bikes.                             Change of Clothes                      Socks
                                                                Nutrition and fluids (or on
                                                                                                     Change of clothes
TRANSITION 2 (Bike to Run)                                                 bike)
                                                                                                    Nutrition and fluids

                                                                 • Headsets, headphones, cameras, phone
                                                                     cameras, video cameras not allowed at any time
                                                                     during the race

                                                              No Loitering inside transition
                                                              Bike Check Out: 1:30pm to 5:30pm at Remy Field (T2)

As you dismount your bike in the Bike Finish Chute, you
are responsible for taking your bike to your numbered
racking within Transition and racking the bike up
correctly. Your helmet must remain on and secured until

The Transition Area will be located at the ACEA Subic Bay.   ATHLETES
Bike racks for athletes will be set out in number order.
Please note you MUST finish Athlete Check-In in order to        •    Single Entry Only: Once you exit the transition
access Transition for Bike Check-In at the ACEA Subic Bay.           area, you will only be allowed to re-enter the
                                                                     next day at 4.30am.
Your bike MUST be checked into the Transition area              •    Ensure to vacate the transition area by 4pm.
between 10.00am and 4.00pm ONLY on Saturday, June               •    Participants will have full access to their bikes on
2, 2018. The bike check in priority schedule are as                  race morning. Transition Area will be open at
follows:                                                             4.30am on race day.
     • 10.00am to 1.00pm - Athletes #1501 to #1700.             •    Athletes must personally check in their bikes.
     • 1.00pm to 4.00pm – Athletes #1701 to #1900.              •    Athletes must come with their bikes.
     • PRO, Asian Elite, and AWA athletes can check             •    Athletes must show ID wristbands to enter.
         in at their convenience.                               •    No companions will be allowed inside the
                                                                     transition area.
Bike Check-In Sequence
                                                                •    Companions will be asked to stay outside the
    1. Photo of athlete and bike
                                                                     transition area.
    2. Mandatory helmet checks
    3. Rack bike                                                •    Loitering in the transition area is strictly
    4. Timing chip release.                                          prohibited.
                                                                •    Claim your timing chip at the Timing Chip
As you enter Transition, you will be asked to advise                 Releasing Tent before exiting Transition.
marshals of your race number. Race marshals will double
check this with the name in the system. A photo of           BIKES
athlete and the bike will be taken by the marshal to
record the entry of athlete. This photo will be used to         •    Only road bikes, triathlon, time trial bikes,
counter check the athlete and bike during bike check                 Mountain bikes are allowed.
out.                                                            •    Stickers must be attached before bike check-in.
                                                                •    Colored sticker with athlete’s number must be
Your bike must display your seat post sticker and                    attached on the top tube.
correspond with your ID wristband. If you do not have           •    White sticker with athlete’s number must be
either of these, you will not be allowed to enter                    attached on the seat post.
Transition.                                                     •    Facing your assigned numbered bike box, park
                                                                     your bikes to the left of the number.
Athletes will then walk up to the helmet check station          •    Once you check in your bikes, bikes cannot be
where you will be asked to wear your helmets. Marshalls              removed from transition until the bike portion of
shall check the integrity of the helmet and if the athlete           the race begins.
is wearing it properly.                                         •    There is a possibility of RAIN, you can decide to
                                                                     cover your bike during bike Check-In.
Athletes will then be guided to their respective bike rows      •    NO RIDING inside the transition area at all times.
and racks. Facing your assigned numbered bike box,
park your bikes to the left of the number.                   GEARS
                                                                •    Bike box with your corresponding athlete
When you rack your bike on Saturday between 10.00am                  number is for your gear and belongings.
and 4.00pm please allow plenty of time to walk through          •    Never leave personal belongings (cellphone,
the routes that you will take through the Transition area.           money, jewellery, etc.) in the bike box. Sunrise
Make sure you have your timing chip before exiting                   Events Inc. will not be liable for loss of these
Transition. As you exit Transition, you will only be                 personal belongings.
allowed back in at 4.30am on race day.                          •    Helmets, shoes, water bottles, nutrition and
                                                                     other items are advised to be brought into
Timing chips will be handed and issued to you after                  transition on morning of race Day.
racking your bike, just before exiting Transition.              •    Helmets, shoes, and race belts may be clipped or
                                                                     attached to the bike.
                                                                •    There will be limited technical assistance in
                                                                     transition during Bike-Check-In and Race Day.
                                                                     Make sure you bring your own tools.
SWIM COURSE – 1.9KM                                         RACE MORNING WARM UP SWIM

CUT-OFF TIME – 70 minutes from an athlete’s individual      Age Groupers
start time based on a rolling start.
                                                            Age Group Athletes will be able to warm up on the side of
                                                            the start area. No swimming is allowed directly in front of
                                                            the Start line due to safety reasons. Age Groupers will be
                                                            able to warm up from approximately 5:30am once the
                                                            Race Director has determined it is safe to do so. They will
                                                            need to exit the water by 5.45am and be ready in their
                                                            Swim Pen. Please follow the directions of water safety
                                                            staff at all times during warm up.

                                                            AGE GROUP SWIM START
                                                            BEACH START VIA ROLLING START

                                                            Age Group Participants will be released in a continuous
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The swim starts at the pristine         flow, based on the pre assigned predicted finish times:
ACEA beach. Participants will swim with a counter
clockwise format, enjoying the mountain ridges as their         •   Zone 1: 30 minutes and below (5:50AM)
backdrop. The single loop, 1.9KM swim course starts             •   Zone 2: 31 - 35 minutes
with a 550 meter swim before making a left turn taking          •   Zone 3: 36 - 40 minutes
participants to the 850 meter straight which is the             •   Zone 4: 41 - 45 minutes
longest portion of the swim course. . Participants will         •   Zone 5: 46 minutes or more
then make a left turn for 50 meters before making
another left turn taking them to the 350 meter part of      SWIM COURSE RULES
the course. They will then make a right turn leading        – For more information visit the website.
them to the final 100 meter part of the course to end the
loop. Upon exiting the swim course, participants will run
out of ACEA beach and into Transition 1for the bike

•   Swim Cut-Off - Each participant will have 70 minutes
    to complete the swim course. The swim course will
    close 70 minutes after the last participant crosses
    the start line in the rolling start. Any participant
    whose swim time is greater than 70 minutes will be
    stopped by race officials at any of the following

    - Swim Exit
    - Transition

•   Any participant who exceeds the 70 minute swim cut
    off will not be allowed to proceed onto the bike and
    run course and will receive a result of DNF (did not
    finish). This applies to individual participants.

•   Race Officials reserve the right to remove
    participants from the swim course 70 minutes after
    the final participant enters the water.

•   Make sure your wetsuit fits properly and that your

IRONMAN SWIMSMART                                                      goggles, swim cap and other accessories work
                                                                   •   Prepare for the unexpected with backups of all
Top 10 Checklist                                                       your gear.

An open-water swim in a triathlon is substantially               7. Warm Up on Race Day
different from swimming in a pool. To alleviate stress, it’s
important that you arrive on race day healthy, fit and             •   Arrive early enough on race day for a proper warm-
prepared. Here's a top-10 checklist to help get you ready.             up prior to the start, preferably in the water.
                                                                   •   If you aren’t able to warm up in the water, spend
1. Prepare for Race Conditions                                         between 5 and 10 minutes getting loose.
                                                                   •   Be sure to do some cardio activity, such as a light
• Race day should not be your first open water swim.                   jog, to increase circulation and prep your muscles.
Make sure some of your training replicates real race
conditions, including water temperature, proximity to            8. Checkout the Course
other swimmers and wearing a wetsuit if needed.
                                                                   •   Get comfortable with the course by checking out
2. Race in Shorter Events                                              water conditions, the swim entry and exit layouts
                                                                       along with the turning buoy locations.
• Being properly trained is the best way to reduce anxiety.        •   Identify basic navigation points so that you know
If possible, race in shorter events and clinics to prepare             what you are swimming towards.
yourself for open water conditions.
                                                                 9. Start Easy– Relax and Breathe
• For extra guidance, talk to a coach or your local triathlon
                                                                   •   Don’t race at maximum effort from the start.
                                                                   •   Relax and focus on proper breathing technique as
3. Learn About Course Details                                          you settle into a sustainable pace.

                                                                 10. Be Alert and Ask For Help
•       It’s important to prepare yourself mentally as well as
        physically prior to race day. Thoroughly review the
                                                                   •   In a race setting always stop at the first sign of a
        race website and pre-race communication to                     medical problem.
        familiarize yourself with the course.
                                                                   •   If you or a fellow athlete needs help, just raise your
•       Keep in mind, every body of water is different, so             hand to alert a lifeguard or safety boat.
        you’ll need to educate yourself on water current and
                                                                   •   Race rules allow for competitors to stop or rest at
        surf conditions.
                                                                       any time during the swim.
•       Study the event timetable to plan for proper arrival
                                                                   •   Feel free to hold on to a static object like a raft,
        and preparation.
                                                                       buoy, or dock.
4. Ensure Heart Health                                             •   You may also rest by holding on to a kayak, boat or
                                                                       even a paddleboard. As long as you don’t use it to
•       As an athlete in training, you should take the proper          move forward, you won’t face disqualification.
        steps to assess your health with your physician.
•       If you have any concerns about your heart health, we
        recommend you consult with your GP prior
        undertaking the event.

5. Pay Attention to Warning Signs

•       If you experience chest pain or discomfort, shortness
        of breath, light- headedness or blacking out while
        training, consult your doctor.

6. Don’t Use New Gear on Race Day

•       Focus on controlling as much as you can on race day.
    •    You should never race in equipment you haven’t
         trained in this is not the time to test new gear.

BIKE COURSE – 90km                                            Bike Course Red Zone is the down hill portion of the bike
                                                              course from the Tipo gate to the corner of the Rizal Drive
                                                              in Subic bay or from KM 79.50 up to KM 87.50. This
CUT-OFF TIME – 5 hours 30 minutes from the last rolling       portion of the course will have several steep turns and
swim start release. Any participant who does not              fast downhills.
complete the swim and bike course before the cut-off
time will receive a DNF result (did not finish).              Extreme caution is needed to avoid any accidents or
                                                              untoward incident in this part of the course.

                                                              Participants must take extreme caution in this area.
                                                              Please follow the directional signs and race course
                                                              marshals. DO NOT USE YOUR AERO BARS. Please
                                                              slowdown and please be alert on the course at all times.

                                                              BIKE COURSE RULES
                                                              – For more information visit the website.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: From ACEA, participants will exit
to San Bernardino road and turn on Argonaut Road
heading towards Tipo Gate. The course will take
participants up and down the hills of Tipo Road before
entering the downhill part of SCTEX (Subic Clark Tarlac
Expressway). The long flat roads of SCTEX will be a fast
and smooth ride along the country’s longest expressway,
showcasing the lush fields and mountainous landscape of
the area. The 90km 1 loop course will make its only turn-
around at KM 47.5 before heading back to face a short yet
steep climb to Tipo Gate. Participants will head to Rizal
Drive to enter transition 2 at Remy Field.

Whilst we implement traffic management infrastructure
on course, and the roads are closed, there will be
vehicular traffic sharing the roads at times. Please
exercise vigilance and tolerance if traffic is encountered,
particularly at all roundabouts and intersections. Normal
road rules apply. Police, traffic controllers, course
marshals and event crew will be on course to assist.

Please remember to take extreme caution once you enter

RUN COURSE – 21.1KM                                          Normal road rules apply at all times. Police, traffic
                                                             controllers and event crew will be on course to patrol
                                                             and direct PARTICIPANTS.

CUT-OFF TIME – Each participant will have 8 hours and
30 minutes to complete the entire course (swim, bike         RUN COURSE RULES
and run). Time for each participant will begin as soon as    – For more information visit the website.
they cross the timing line at the swim start. Course times
will be based on each participant’s individual chip time.
Any participant who does not complete the race course
before the cut-off time in 8 hours and 30 minutes will
receive a DNF result (did not finish).

COURSE DESCRIPTION: From Remy Field, participants
will exit to Burgos Road and make a right turn leading
them to Rizal drive, where they will make another right
turn in Argonaut road heading towards the airport.
Participants will make their first turn-around at KM 8.75
just before San Bernardino road. They exit back to
Argonaut, leading them back to Rizal drive where they
will take a left turn at Burgos street passing Remy field.
Participants will head to Sampson road exiting to
Waterfront road and turn right heading to Lincoln street.
From Lincoln Street, they turn right crossing towards
Taft street and head towards Betty Lane where they
make the second turn-around at KM 19.25. From here,
they head back to the same course taking them back to
Waterfront and Burgos street before heading back to
Remy Field for the Finish Line.

Road closures are in place for the duration to minimize
the traffic flow on course and to protect the athletes.

AID STATIONS                                                   RUN AID STATIONS
                                                               The Run Course have TWENTY (20) Aid Stations located
The Transition Aid Station will offer:                         approximately 1km to 1.5km apart.

•    Aquafina Water                                            Run Aid Stations will offer:
•    Gatorade
                                                               •    Aquafina Water
BIKE AID STATIONS                                              •    Gatorade
The Bike Course has Six (6) Aid Stations located at the
                                                               •    Pepsi Cola
following distance points:
                                                               •    Gu Energy Gels
 • KM 15.50/79.50
                                                               •    Bananas
 • KM 27/69
                                                               •    Sponges
 • KM 44.25/51.75
                                                               •    Ice Chips / Ice Candy
Bike Aid Stations will offer/have                              •    Portable Toilets

•    Aquafina Water                                            RUN AID STATION PROCEDURE
•    Gatorade                                                  Slow down when entering Aid Stations. If you do not
•    Ice chips                                                 require any product from a Run Aid Station please stay to
•    Sponges                                                   the right.
•    Portable Toilets
                                                               There will be signs along the Aid Station listing what is on
BIKE AID STATION PROCEDURE                                     offer. Volunteers will also be advising what they are
                                                               holding. Please help the volunteers to help you by
Slow down when entering Aid Stations, don’t stop! If you
                                                               communicating politely as per your needs. Feel free to
do not require any product from a Bike Aid Station please
                                                               move through the tables at your leisure and help yourself.
stay to the LEFT of the roadway.
                                                               Please discard any unwanted items post the Discard Zone
There will be signs along the Aid Station listing what is on
                                                               Start sign and pre-Discard Zone Finish sign. Anything
offer. Volunteers will also be advising what they are
                                                               discarded outside this area will be penalized.
holding. Please help the volunteers to help you by
communicating politely as per your needs.
                                                               DISCARDS / DROP ZONES
Please discard any unwanted items post the Discard Zone        Each Aid Station will have drop zones clearly marked on
Start sign and pre-Discard Zone Finish sign. Anything          either side of the station (zone is approx. 200m on bike
discarded outside this area will be penalized.                 and 70m on run). This is the area to discard
                                                               bottles/biddons, gel wrappers, banana skins etc.
AAI BIKE PIT STOPS                                             Discarding items on any other part of the course except
                                                               at designated drop zones may result in a littering
There will be two (2) AAI Pitstops on the bike course,         infringement or disqualification.
which will provide food and basic amenities.
    • KM: 21.50
    • KM: 37

Pit stops will offer/have:
     • Spam Musubi
     • Vita Coco
     • Peanut butter sandwiches (bite size)
     • Hopia
     • Chocolate
     • Gummy Bears
     • Water dispensers
     • Portable toilets

Friends and family members, including children are not permitted in the finish chute or finish area.

We ask that all athletes respect the Finish Line area and ensure that celebrations do not interfere with other athlete’s Finish
Line experience.

As you cross the line, volunteer catchers will be there to escort you to the secured recovery area. You will be presented with
your Finishers Medal and Towel and your timing chip will be removed. These catchers will endeavor to briefly assess you as
you proceed and may need to take you directly to the Medical Tent for treatment. If you do not require any treatment you
will be able to proceed to the other post finish facilities. Hot and cold food, fruit and drinks will be served within the
designated area in Recovery. You will also have access to your Street Gear Bag and have the option of a free massage if

Unfortunately you will not be able to re-enter Recovery once you have exited so make sure you are comfortable prior to
this point. Please remember volunteers and the medical team are there to help you at any time should you require.

FinisherPix is proud to be selected as the Official Photo Service of the 2018 IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay. FinisherPix will have
photographers working at the swim exit, on the bike course, on the run course and of course, at the Finish Line!

So what do you need to do to be able to purchase your photos from Finisher Pix?

•    Register your email address at to be notified as soon as photos are online
•    Please be sure you have your helmet sticker visible on the FRONT of your bike helmet so we can identify your biking
•    Please be sure to keep your bib number visible on the FRONT of your body during the run and at the Finish Line so we
     can identify your photos
•    Smile and celebrate when you cross the Finish Line! Don’t worry about touching your watch, the timing company will
     ensure an accurate record of your achievement
•    Visit within 24-48 hours after the race to view, order, and share your photos from your 2018
     IRONMAN 70.3 Subic Bay event!

After you have finished, you will be escorted into the Post Finish area to take advantage of the post finish facilities
available. This area is for athletes, sponsors and VIPs only. Located within the post finish area will be the:

•    Iced Pool
•    Recovery Massage
•    Medical support
•    Post-Race Snacks and Treats

Make the most of the facilities post finish before you exit the area and return to your family or friends. There is a no re-
entry policy so make sure you are comfortable before you exit.

The Post Finish Recovery area will offer:
 • Water
 • Gatorade
 • Pepsi
 • Beer
 • Banana
 • Ineng’s Barbeque
 • Ice Cream
 • Chips

Recovery Massage will be provided for free after the race at the Post Finish Recovery Area.

Presentations will be held on Sunday June 3 at 3.30pm at the WOW Recreation and Activity Center.

Awards will be presented to the top 3 finishers in each Age Group Category.

If you are a place getter but are unable to collect your trophy, please contact IRONMAN after the event by sending an
email to to arrange collection.

– 2018 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa

Twenty-Five (25) Age Group qualifying slots for the 2018 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship (1-2 September, 2018, in
Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa) will be awarded to the top age group finishers.

Qualified athletes are required to claim their IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship slot in-person on Sunday June 3, 2018
from 5.00pm. Roll Down will be held at the WOW Recreation and Activity Center. Please bring a valid form of Photo ID with
you and be prepared to pay the full entry fee $425.00 USD (plus 8% Active fee) with Credit Card only. No cheque or cash
payments will be accepted.

Final Slot Allocation will be determined on race day based on the number of official starters.

Only Age-Group Athletes are eligible to receive Age-Group World Championship qualifying Slots. Athletes holding
current Professional or Elite status with any ITU Member National Triathlon Governing Body, WTC’s Pro Membership
program or having raced as an elite athlete in any international events during the calendar year, are not eligible for Age
Group Slots. Athletes may not at the time of the event, nor at the time of the World Championship event they have
qualified for, hold professional or elite status.

Any change in an athletes status prior to any event participation or a qualified World Championship event must be
disclosed to WTC immediately. Failure of Athlete to make such disclosure will be cause for disqualification from such
Event and may result in sanction from WTC Events

   Transition opening times 4.30am – 6.00am
   ID Wristband
   Timing Chip (applied to left ankle)
   Race Number Tattoo (Right Upper Arm)
   Category letter Tattoo (Right Calf)
   Bike pump
   Nutrition to strap/secure to your bike

   Race supplied Swim cap

    Bike racked and ready in Transition with bike seat
    post sticker attached
    Bike shoes safely clipped onto your bike or on the
    ground next to your bike
    Have your helmet checked on race morning and
    placed onto or next to your bike

   Race bib
   Running Shoes

There will be a Race Information booth at the Expo area located at the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center. Opening
hours will be from 9.00am to 6.00pm, Friday 1 June to Sunday 3 June.

Information desk is also available at the following official hotels:
    • ACEA
    • Best Western Plus
    • Court Meridian Hotel
    • The Lighthouse Marina Hotel
    • Mansion Garden Hotel
    • The Villas
    • Subic Bay Peninsular
    • Subic Bay Yacht Club
    • Subic International Hotel – Delta

Information desk is located at the hotel lobby near the hotel’s front desk. Opening hours for the Information Desk will be
from 8.00am to 5.00pm Friday 1 June to Sunday 3 June. Our friendly staff will do their best to help you with any questions
you may have. The Information Desk will have maps of the event and surrounding areas. Internet is available within the
hotel and a phone can be used through the front desk.

Additional information can be found via our following details:

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