Irish $3.00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports

Page created by Carlos Harmon
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports


St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
2008 Fall Sports

State Champions                                                Individual Titles
Football 1972, 1981, 1982, 1988          Wrestling 2001        Track 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Girls Basketball 1980, 1981, 1995        Baseball 1986, 1989   Cross Country 2001, 2002, 2003
Boys Basketball 1984, 2000, 2001, 2003   Softball 1979, 1984   Wrestling 1972, 1979, 1981, 2002, 2003, 2004
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
Go Irish!
       October 18, 2008

Showcase supports all STVM teams, clubs and organizations.
     To volunteer, Participate or donate to Showcase
    call 330-253-9113 x143 or email
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                                  Catholic Education
It is by the authority of the Bishop of Cleveland that we teach the
Catholic Tradition. The ultimate goal of our school is to facilitate
the growth of Christ’s Spirit. In witness to this spirit, we minister
to one another and to the greater communities of our school, our
city, our country, and our world.

Mission In the spirit of the Gospel, we are committed to educate the whole
person to lead and to serve: enlightening the mind, developing the body,
touching the heart, and inspiring the soul.
Accreditation Akron’s first institution for Catholic, coeducational
secondary education, chartered by the State of Ohio and accredited by
the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges since
1950. St.Vincent-St. Mary is also accredited by the Ohio Catholic Schools
Accreditation Association.
Leadership Locally owned and controlled by an independent Board
                                                                                  St. Vincent-St. Mary High School’s National Merit Scholars for
of Trustees in cooperation with the Headmaster, Chief Financial Officer,
                                                                                  2009 (L-R): Kelsey Lecerf, Alex Horning, James Lloyd and Elizabeth
administrative team, faculty, parents, and support organizations, and with
religious direction from the Diocese of Cleveland.
Enrollment 700                                                                    St. Vincent-St. Mary Academic Success
Teacher/Student Ratio 1 classroom teacher per 19 students.
Graduates An average of 98% of St.Vincent-St. Mary graduates enroll               q Ohio Graduation Test – 100% Reading, Writing, Math
in four year colleges and universities across the country immediately upon
graduation, with an average of 73% awarded scholarships and grants. The           q ACT – 1/6 of senior class scored 30 or above
Class of 2008 earned nearly $8 million dollars in scholarships and grants.
Information Extensive information about our student body, administration          q Class of 2008 National Merit – one finalist, one semi-finalist,
and faculty, academic departments, course offerings, campus ministry, fine          three commended scholars, one minority award
and performing arts, student activities, athletic programs, support groups,
alumni, campus and facilities, code of conduct, ongoing events and much           q Class of 2008 statistics – 640 applications to 116 universities
more is available at our website: or write us:
                                                                                  q American Society of Engineers Bridge Building -1st place in strength and
15 North Maple Street, Akron, OH 44303
                                                                                    aesthetics (competed with 84 schools)
Phone 330.253.9113 • Fax 330.996.0020
                                                                                  q Junior Statesmen of America – largest chapter in Ohio; senior, Rita
                           The merging of Akron’s first two Catholic schools,       Rochford elected governor of The Ohio Valley State; best speaker awards
                            St. Vincent and St. Mary, is portrayed in the
                            official crest of STVM. Featured in gold on a green   q Participation in Ohio Continental Math League Competition, American
                            background are a cross, a torch, and a plow             Mathematics Competition, and Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics
                            and sword. The cross symbolizes the religious           (Mu Alpha Theta Math Honorary)
                            foundation of the school. The torch, symbolizing
                            learning, differs from traditional designs in         q Ten art students earned recognition for their original designs in 2008
                            that it is held by two hands, one representing          Northeast Central Ohio Scholastic Art Competition (competing with 3500
                            each school. The plow and sword symbolize               students from across Ohio)
                            commitment to social justice and were part of the
                                                                                  q Michael Kovarik selected as a Scholar Laureate by the American Council of
crest of the late Bishop Clarence Issenman, who directed the formation of
                                                                                    Teachers of Russian
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.
                                                                                  q Two First Place winners in the City of Akron Holocaust Arts and
                                                                                    Writing Contest
              2008-2009 Senior Class Officers                                     q A First Place winner in the Akron chapter of the American Institute of
                     President: Kim Pilcher                                         Architects essay contest
                Vice President: Courtney Benson
                                                                                  q One first place winner in the WVIZ "Speak Out" essay contest
                   Secretary: Ian Anuszkiewicz
                    Treasurer: Eddie Taggart                                      q Eight earned superior or excellent ratings in State of Ohio
                                                                                    Science Competition
                    Homecoming Game                                               q Academic partnerships with The University of Akron in science and foreign
                     September 26, 2008                                             language (Chinese and Arabic)
                STVM vs. Canton Central Catholic
                                                                                  q Ohio Magazine recognition of five STVM teachers for contributing to
                                                                                    Ohio’s commitment to achieving Excellence in Education
                      Homecoming Dance
                       September 27, 2008                                         q Class of 2008 – 73% awarded College scholarships totalling nearly
                                                                                    $8 million
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
St. Vincent-St. Mary Ski Club

Ski Club 2008-2009
Get ready for the slopes at Brandywine & Boston Mills.
Over 40 students participated in our 1st season and we
already have over 50 students signed up for this year!
Open Registration will be in October (stay tuned).
Questions? Call Ski Club Advisor Joanne Zaratsian at 330-253-9113 ext. 112
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
David V. Rathz                                                                    Tim Castrigano
Headmaster                                                                        Chief Financial Officer & Development Director
                            Once again, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School                                          St. Vincent-St. Mary High School has a long
                          ended a school year with a long list of outstanding                                  tradition of successful athletic programs, talented
                          achievements. The Class of 2008 had 73% earning                                      athletes and dedicated coaches. This rich tradition
                          college money in the form of scholarships and                                        continues today, as a new generation of Fighting
                          grants and 98% of its membership is continuing                                       Irish athletes and coaches proudly wear the
                          their education at the college level. Five more                                      Green and Gold. It’s no secret that this legacy of
                          STVM teachers were named Ohio Magazine                                               excellence extends beyond athletics and into our
                          Outstanding Private School Educators. The awards                                     classrooms. Our students are among the best and
                          our students received in the areas of science, math,                                 brightest in our community and their academic
                          and the arts were tremendous accomplishments                                         accomplishments are many.
and I anticipate even more success stories this year.                               As we embark on a new school year, we know our students will continue
  As we begin a new school year, I marvel at the enthusiasm of our students.      to make us proud in all they endeavor. Their hard work and dedication
Their eagerness to compete and achieve their team and individual goals is         inspires our staff, faculty and coaches to make STVM the best it can be – for
remarkable. What is even more impressive is the fact that St. Vincent-St. Mary    our current students and those who will follow in their footsteps. Together,
students seldom fall short of their goals. These endeavors are of course not      with the support of the entire STVM community, we will enlighten the mind,
possible without the support of family and friends.                               develop the body, touch the heart and inspire the soul, in the lives of these
  I look forward to seeing our longtime STVM families and welcoming our           talented young men and women. I hope you will join me in making STVM the
new families at the many events throughout the year.                              very best in Catholic, college preparatory education.

Sincerely,                                                                        Go Irish!
David V. Rathz
                                                                                  Tim Castrigano

Andy Jalwan                                                                                   Boys Soccer Team Seniors
Athletic Direcor
                            Dear STVM Community:
                               Thank you for your support of the Irish athletic
                            program. The tradition of athletic excellence at
                            St. Vincent-St. Mary would not be possible
                            without the consistent backing of our coaches,
                            parents, faculty, alumni, and booster members. The
                            dedication of the entire STVM community provides
                            our student-athletes with the opportunity to wear
                            the green and gold proudly and victoriously on the
                            playing field.
  It is with great pride that I have joined the Irish community this year. I am
appreciative of the warm welcome I have received since I came onto the job
in July. St. Vincent-St. Mary High School makes available the opportunity for
every student to participate while promoting good sportsmanship, integrity,
and performance that is consistent with our mission and the Catholic
education maintained in our classrooms. The entire athletic department is very
excited about the upcoming fall season. I hope to see you at all our contests.
                                                                                    Due to a scheduling conflict, Seniors who are on the Boys Soccer Team
Go Irish!
                                                                                    were unable to attend the All-Seniors photo shoot. Therefore they are not
                                                                                    included in the group photo that appears on the cover.
Andy Jalwan
Athletic Director

                                                                                              for all Irish Sports
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                                       Family Tree

Bryant Ausperk – Cassandra Ausperk VM07                                              Lucia Cursio V52, Ann Sullivan Mundy V38, Mary Sullivan McGuckin V30,
Stephanie Beck – Nareene Wong Beck VM74, David Beck VM07 FB TR, Allison              Elizabeth Sullivan V35, Mike Mundy VM73, Patrick McGuckin, Tom McGuckin V58,
Beck VM08 TR                                                                         Bernie McGuckin V61, Tim McGuckin V66, Jim Sullivan, Barbara Sullivan, Mike
Benjamin Bertsch – Leonard Bertsch V26, David Bertsch V71, Brandon Bertsch           Sullivan VM75, Greg Sullivan VM77, Pat Sullivan VM81
VM03 BTE                                                                             Landon Davis – Brian Davis VM79 FB BBK, Diane Davis VM83 GBK, Rick Davis
Beth Breiding, Joe Breiding & Jessie Neumann – Richard Breiding V46,                 VM86 FB BBK, Julie Sullivan Davis VM86 GVB, Jennifer Davis VM90 GBK
Elizabeth Donohoe Breiding V47, Lisa DeKemper Lanham VM87 GBK SB, Tom                Rachel A. Dedinsky – Robert Dedinsky VM08 GBO MB, Terry Dedinsky V64 WR,
Breiding VM83 BSO, Tom DeKemper M56 FB BB BBK, Mary Ann Shumaker                     Dan Dedinsky V68, Chris Dedinsky V70, Karen Dedinsky Bolesny V68 MJ
DeKemper M57, Tom DeKemper VM78 FB, Noreen DeKemper Wagner VM81 CH,                  Colleen Demboski & Joe Demboski – Rita Demboski VM01 GBK, Jean
Mitch Wagner VM79 FB, Don DeKemper VM83 WR, Barbara “Bobbie” Glenn                   Demboski VM05 CC TR
DeKemper VM87 SB GBK, Jim DeKemper VM85 FB, Marie Waltz DeKemper VM85                Bianca DiFeo – Catherine DiFeo V47, Mark DiFeo V69 FB WR, Joe DiFeo V71 FB
SB GVB, Dan DeKemper VM86 FB, Kathleen Breiding Myers V71, Tim Breiding V72          WR, Jim DiFeo VM73 FB WR, Bob DiFeo VM75 FB WR, John DiFeo VM78 FB WR,
WR, Bill Breiding VM73 FB TR, Winnie Breiding Neugebauer VM74 SB GVB, Liz            Lisa DiFeo VM79, Ed DiFeo VM81 FB WR, Patricia Koehl M63, Sara DiFeo VM99,
Breiding Neumann VM76 SB, Pete Breiding VM78 WR FB, Bridget Breiding Rinaldi         Alanna DiFeo VM01, Michael DiFeo VM05, Pat Koehl V65
VM82 GVB, Mary Breiding VM84, Joe Breiding VM87 BSO WR, Chrysa Breiding              Madeline B. Esker – Emily C. Esker VM06 TR
Zraik VM92 CH, Jamie Breiding DeLorenza VM95 GVB, Hallie Neumann VM02                Sal Faetanini – Erin Burdon Faetanini VM86 GBK, Christopher Burdon VM88
GSO TR GBK, Kellee Neumann VM04 GSO TR, Ryan Breiding VM04 BSO, Zachary              BBK, Jamie Burdon Vignali VM94 GBK, Joe Burdon VM96 BBK, Patricia Dyer
Neumann VM05 BSO BTE, Lauren Breiding VM06, Molly Breiding VM08 AT GBK,              Burdon M69
Michael Breiding VM08 BSO, Ann Breiding King VM91, Hillary Neumann VM08              Brian Foster and Melissa Foster - Joan Hunt Stampfli V47, Jean Stampfli
GSO CC, Winnie Donohoe Oyler V48, Dave Breiding V49, Lenore Breiding Denker          Brennan V71, Kathy Stampfli Dovey V73 CH, Tom Stampfli VM76 BBK BB, Mary
V48, Chris Breiding Davis VM80                                                       Stampfli Foster VM78 GBK, Patty Stampfli Tople VM79, Anne Stampfli Strobel
Ben Brown – Ann Pozuc Brown VM81, Francine Pozuc Booker M71, Patty Pozuc             VM81 CH
Carlson VM85, Paula Pozuc Walck VM78                                                 Michael Freeman – Tom Freeman VM78 FB BB, Michelle Rossi Freeman VM78
Jill Brownfield – Mary Jo Amer Brownfield V35, Helen Amer Seib V37,                  CH, Kyle Hillery Freeman VM73 GBK, Martha Freeman Hailey VM74, Theresa
Tom Amer V40, Lou Amer V42, Barb Amer Walter V49, Al Amer V47 and R.B.               Freeman VM81 SB, Melissa Rossi Shinaberry VM85 CH, Bill Clevenger Jr. VM86
Brownfield VM03                                                                      FB, Matt Clevenger VM89 FB BBK BB, Michael Buehrle VM99 CC, Frank Freeman
Isaac Cabe – Christine Kayatin Cabe VM78, Jill Cabe VM87, Julie Rummel VM89,         VM03 FB BB, Emily Buehrle VM05, Lauren Buehrle VM05, Ashley Freeman VM06
Susan McVan Cabe M65, Ronald Kayatin V51 BBK, James Kayatin V32, Norma               CC CH TR, Patrick Freeman VM07 FB BB TR
Quattrocchi Chinrock V53                                                             Dylan Garritano – Steve Garritano VM79, Janice Garritano VM79, Judy
Sarina Caponi – Angelo Caponi VM01 FB WR, Rocco Caponi VM04 FB CC WR                 Garritano VM82, Debbie Garritano VM77, Sue Garritano VM77, Mary Garritano
and Marco Caponi VM06 CC WR TR, Elizabeth Caponi VM01                                VM80, Joseph Garritano VM88, Frank Martucci V36, John Martucci V39, Phillip
Alyssa Chiarappa – John Chiarappa VM83 FB, Anthony Chiarappa VM79, Joan              Martucci VM74, Theresa Martucci V35, Frank Martucci, Jr. VM73
Pappano Matthews V63, Rosemary Pappano Holland V59, Patricia Pappano V56,            Evan Gorbach – Jeff Gorbach VM80
Marie Cilurzo Chiarappa M59, Mary Lombardi Pappano M37                               Shannon Hamilton – Florence Bernard V33, William J. O’Neil V39, William J.
Anthony Cicione – Marihelyn Horrigan VM86, Anthony Cicione VM86 FB BB                O’Neil, Jr. V64, Regina Bernard Dain V65, Gloria O’Neil Fickert V67, Martin F.
BBK, James Horrigan VM80 FB, Daniel Horrigan VM81 WR, Daniel Horrigan V56            O’Neil V71 FB BBK BB, Rooney O’Neil Gotta VM74, Judi O’Neil Hamilton VM78,
FB, Lucretia Simone Horrigan V56 CH, Elizabeth Horigan Testa VM83, Dolores           Kate O’Neil Sutter VM79, William J. O’Neil III VM87 BSO, Steve Clemens VM89
Masturzo Cicione V52, Chris Ludle VM79, Zach Ludle VM04 BB, Adam Ludle               BTE, Molly O’Neil Byrne VM90 GTE CH, Mike O’Neil VM91 BSO, Alissa Gotta
VM03 FB BB, Deanna Ludle Horrigan VM87, James Horrigan V49 FB BBK, Terry             VM04 CC, Kailey Gotta VM07 CC
Horrigan V54 FB AD, Patricia Simone Muster V59, Ann Cicione Johann M60, John         Jacob Hammer – Patrick A. Hammer VM79 FB
B Masturzo V48, Mary Rose Kury VM75, Caullen Horrigan VM08 FB BVB,                   Adrienne Henterly – Toni Roncone Henterly VM80, Robert Henterly VM83
Fr. Ignatious Kury VM99                                                              Alfredo Hildebrandt, Diego Hildebrandt, & Oliver Hildebrandt –
Cassie Colarik – Courtney Colarik VM07 CH                                            Alexander Hildebrandt VM07 BB BBK
Nick Conlon – Leo Longville V49 FB BBK BB, Sally Delagrange Longville V52,           Stacey Hoffman – Beth Hoffman VM08 GVB
Renee Longville Conlon VM74, Mariwin Longville Linsenmayer VM75, Paul                Nikki Kanakkanatt – Santosh Kanakkanatt VM78 FB BTE and Kirin
Longville VM76, Leo Longville VM79, Amy Rankin Longville VM79, Colleen               Kanakkanatt VM07 GSO
Longville VM81, Eddie Longville VM83, Elizabeth Conlon VM08 GVB                      Samantha Kirk – Elizabeth Sutter Kirk VM82, Michael Kirk VM83 BSO, Michelle
Alexandra D’Andrea – Joe D’Andrea V69 FB, Tony D’Andrea VM76 FB, Mike                Sutter V71, Larry Sutter V72 WR, MaryAnn Sutter VM74, Paul Sutter VM76 WR,
D’Andrea VM78 FB BB, Gino S. D’Andrea VM81 FB BB BBK, Jim D’Andrea VM82              Peter Sutter VM78 WR, Michael Sutter VM77, Elaine Sutter Thomas VM80 GBK, Ed
FB, Angelo D’Andrea VM84 BBK FB, Art Sunday VM75 BBK, Rob Sunday VM80                Sutter VM81, Patty Kirk Gorbach VM77, Tim Kirk VM81 BSO, Susan Kirk Kleinman
BBK, Gia D’Andrea VM84 SB GBK, Dante D’Andrea VM92 FB, Chuck D’Andrea                VM79, Angela Sutter VM04 CH, Larry Sutter MV06 BSO, Tessie Sutter VM08 SB,
VM96 FB, Gino D’Andrea VM02 FB BB, Gino Cosmo D’Andrea Booster Club                  Scott Gorbach VM06, Anne McDowell V46, Bill Kirk V49, Jeanne Blanco Sutter
President 1981-1983, Pat Darrow VM85 BBK, Valerie Sunday-Humphrey VM78               V72, Caroline Mellody Sutter VM78, Kelly Weideman Kirk VM81
GVB, Mike D’Andrea VM99 FB, Chris D’Andrea VM07 FB, Denise Darrow VM88               Kelsey Lecerf – Katie Lecerf VM04 GVB SB and Kristen Lecerf VM07 GVB
GVB, Lisa Stefancik VM90 GVB, Diane Crano M70 GVB                                    Natalie Maloy – Willard Maloy V31 BGO, Bill Maloy V57 BGO FB BBK, Mike
Emma Davis – Rick Davis VM86 FB BBK, Julie Sullivan Davis VM86 GVB, John             Maloy VM80 BGO, Tim Maloy BM81, Dan Maloy VM83 FB, Patti McBride V59,
Sullivan V55, Grace Cursio Sullivan V56, John Sullivan VM75 BB, Elizabeth Sullivan   Jack McBride V33, Libby Dettling V22
VM75 CH, Teresa Sullivan Peterson VM79 CH, Vincent Sullivan VM80 WR, Maria           Anthony Manna, Austin Manna & Cody Keathley – Cassandra Manna
Sullivan Carson VM81 CH, Rachel Sullivan Dewell VM88 GVB GBK, Grace Sullivan         VM08 GSO
Dexter VM93 GBK GSO, Tiffany Sullivan VM01 GSO, Christie Sullivan VM03 GSO,          Matthew Matuska – Kevin Matuska VM77 FB, Patricia Hearns V68
GBK, Anna Sullivan VM01, Michael Sulivan VM03 BB, Brian Davis VM79 FB BBK,           Erica R. McCoy – Melissa McCoy VM06 GTE, Ryan McCoy VM03, Marilynn
Diane Davis Kukura VM83 GBK GVB, Jennifer Davis Hajdu VM91 GBK, Charles              Hohas McCoy VM78, Richard Hohas V70
Sullivan V28, Mike Sullivan V53, Kathy Sullivan V60, Pietro Cursio V54,
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                                  The Tradition Continues

Vincent Michalec – Charlie Michalec VM07 FB BB BGO, Larry Michalec VM78,         Breiding Neumann VM76 SB, Pete Breiding VM78 WR FB, Bridget Breiding Rinaldi
Rita DeCarlo Michalec VM79, Paul Michalec V67 FB, Steve Michalec VM73 FB,        VM82 GVB, Tom Breiding VM83 BSO, Joe Breiding VM87 BSO WR, Ann Breiding
Kathey Michalec Weber V61, Pat Michalec Williams V63, John Costello V53          King VM91, Chrysa Breiding Zraik VM92 CH, Jamie Breiding DeLorenza VM95
FB, Elizabeth Costello DeCarlo M50, Toni DeCarlo Fisher VM73, Kathy Souers       GVB, Hallie Neumann VM02 GSO TR GBK, Kellee Neumann VM04 GSO TR, Ryan
Michalec V67, Debbie Berardi Michalec VM73, Kelly Michalec VM93, Steve           Breiding VM04 BSO, Zach Neumann VM05 BSO BTE, Lauren Breiding VM06, Molly
Michalec VM97, Molly Michalec VM00, Michael Michalec VM00, Andy Michalec         Breiding VM08 AT, Michael Breiding VM08 BSO, Hillary Neumann VM08 GSO CC
VM01, Emily Michalec VM04                                                        Eddie Taggart – Donald Taggart V52, Edward Taggart V54 FB BBK BB, Rosemary
Molly Miloscia – Betty McQueeny Dougherty V40, Chris Dougherty Marks V72,        McNellis Taggart M55 MB MJ, Mary Calahan McNellis V28, Helen Mallory Taggart
Dan Marks VM00 BTE, Tim Marks VM04 FB BBK BTE, Meghan Miloscia VM08 TR           M28, Lynn Taggart Rogers VM78, Joseph Taggart VM79, Michael Taggart VM81,
CC                                                                               Edward Taggart VM83 FB BBK, Thomas McNellis V60, Christine Stiller Taggart
Miranda Mondozzi – Mary Leone Mondozzi VM76, Michelle Mondozzi VM06              VM82 GTE CC, Jim Conlin Jr. VM83 FB BB
GVB SB CC TR, Alexis Leone Winter V72 MB, Annette Leone Nemchev VM74, Rita       Emily & Megan Tomei – Provie Tomei VM75 FB
Leone VM78                                                                       Emily Tomon – Adam Tomon VM08 BSO BBK
Mark Murphy – Kellyn Murphy Richeson VM04 GBK TR, Katie Murphy VM05              Daniel Toth & Vincent Toth – LuAnne Ulle Toth VM81 MB, Mia Ulle VM82,
GBK TR, Kara Murphy VM07 GBK                                                     Lisa Ulle Smolarek VM83 MB, Melissa Ulle Frederick VM86 GBK GVB, Albin Ulle Jr.
Benjamin Musci – Charles Labbe V46 BB Mgr, Clara Labbe Robinson V48,             VM88 BSO, Mike Ulle VM89 BSO
Dorothy Labbe Nelsen V50, Colleen Snyder Cahill V50, Roberta Snyder Brown        Ashlee Unrue – Carol Krummel V55, Robert Scarpitti M51
V54, Edward James Labbe V56, John D. Snyder V20, Florence Baker Snyder V22       Michael Vellequette & Ryan Vellequette – Steven Kalail VM07 BBK BGO
Amanda Olszewski & Matthew Olszewski – Dan Olszewski VM07                        Meghan Weber – Joseph R. Weber V51, Karen Jessie Becker V69, Connie Krause
Michael Novachek – Tom DeKemper M56 FB BB BBK, Mary Ann Shumaker                 Kluender V73, Ken Krause VM76, Ray Krause VM78, Candi Krause Weber VM80,
DeKemper M57, Tom DeKemper VM78 FB, Noreen DeKemper Wagner VM81 CH,              Kristin Krause VM87, Brian Kluender VM04, Kelley Kluender VM06
Mitch Wagner VM79 FB, Don DeKemper VM83 WR, Barbara “Bobbie” Glenn               Olivia Walter, Natalie Walter Michael Logsdon and Patricia Logsdon
DeKemper VM87 SB GBK, Jim DeKemper VM85 FB, Marie Waltz DeKemper VM85            – Cory Walter VM07 BSO TR, Jillian Walter VM06 GVB, Heidi Moats VM06 GSO
SB GVB, Dan DeKemper VM86 FB, Lisa DeKemper Lanham VM87 GBK SB, Molly            TR, Jane Walter VM06 GVB GBO, Michelle Zrebiec VM05 GSO SB, Jessica Healy
Breiding VM08. Also see Breiding and DeKemper family trees.                      VM05 GSO GTE, Sarah Walter VM05 GVB GBO, Leo Walter IV VM05 BSO BBO
Alyssa Paolucci - Bob Donatelli V62, Maryann Paolucci Eickelman VM73, Tom        BTE, Jessica Moats VM04 GVB GSO, Mary Kay Riccardi VM03 GSO, Colleen Walter
Paolucci VM75, Christine Paolucci Yacovazzi VM77, John Yacovazzi VM77, David     VM01 GVB, Michael Riccardi VM00 FB BTE, Julie Walter VM99 GVB CC GTE,
Paolucci VM82 BB BSO, Chris DePaul Paolucci VM85 BB, Rich Paolucci VM86          Emily Simmons VM97 SB GSO GBK. Abbey Simmons Steen VM95 GSO GBK, Lisa
BGO FB, Maria Donatelli Peterson VM90, John Donatelli VM91 BSO FB, Stephen       Walter VM94 GVB GBK, Anne Cervino VM94 GVB, Kevin Mathis VM94 BGO, Mark
Donatelli VM94 BSO FB, Katie Paolucci VM08 SB GGO GBK                            Morgan VM94 FB, Jeff Mathis VM92 BGO, Missy Simmons Nixon VM92 GBK GSO,
Vincent Pelini – Ryan Pelini VM07 GSO                                            Chris Morgan VM91 FB WR, Joan Cervino VM91 GVB, Kim Walter VM90 GBK GVB
Gregg Pier – Brian Pier VM04 BGO BBK FB, Jim Pier VM84 FB CC, Dorothy Pier       GSO, Ben Williams VM90 BSO, Sean Walter VM89 FB BBK BB, Jason Simmons
Torresi VM83 CC, Juli Pier VM81 GBK, Tracey Pier Wathen VM79 Booster, Jack       VM89 FB, Ann Morgan Denee VM89 GSO, Jenny Walter VM89 GVB, Theresa Seikel
Uecker VM10 BGO BBK                                                              Walter VM88 BBK, Mary Cervino Minadeo VM88 GVB GSO, Steve Morgan VM85
Matthew Schwenning – Mark Schwenning VM74, Jean Raff Schwenning                  FB BSO, Jim Morgan VM83 FB, Mike Morgan VM82 CC FB, Eileen Walter Moats
VM75, Sara Schwenning VM06, Bruce Raff V45, Bruce Raff, Jr. VM77, Julie Raff     VM80 GVB, David Carlos, Jr. VM79 FB, Ted Walter VM77 FB BBK, Leo G. Walter III
Pero VM81, Paul McCann V65, Linda Schwenning McCann V65, Chris McCann            VM76 BBK CC BTR CC Coach 81, Leo G. Walter Jr. V50 FB, David Carlos, Sr. V50
VM88, Heather McCann VM91, Jean McCann, VM95, Jon McCann VM96, Tim               FB, Richard Walter V40 BBK FB, Donald Walter V38 BBK FB, Gene Walter V36 BBK
McCann VM06, Frank Schwenning V61                                                FB, Edwin Walter V33 BBK FB, Natalie Walter VM11 GVB, David Moats VM08 FB
Christa Seikel & Taylor Seikel – Kayla Seikel VM07 CH, Justin Seikel VM06        Tessa Katherine Haley Weigand – Tom Devany Sr. V35, Frank Devany Sr.
CC TR, Lewis “Judge” Seikel V53 BB, Kathleen McDonald Seikel V56, Susie Seikel   V38, Jack Devany V47, Alice Devany Christie V65, Rose Devany Huxtable V66,
Ahbe VM78, Tim Seikel VM81 BBK, Cindy Seikel Fisher VM83 GBK CC, Bob Fisher      Andy Devany V66, Kathie Weigand Doolittle M67, Rose Mary Weigand M68,
VM83 BSO BTE BBK, Tricia Seikel Okuley VM85 GBK, Theresa Seikel Walter VM88      Grace Devany Hodges V69, Dan Devany Jr. V71, Laurie Devany Volker V72,
GBK, Sean Walter VM89 FB BB, Kathryn Seikel Perry VM93 CH, Doris Jane Seikel     Carol Weigand M72, Vi Devany VM73, Carolyn Devany Weigand VM75, Terry
Hinton V51, Tom McDonald V54, Mary Susan Shaul McDonald V60                      Devany Stickel VM75, Frank Devany Jr. VM76, David Devany VM78, Julie Devany
Jackson Shannon – Thomas J. Shannon V48, Marc Lee Shannon VM77 BBK BGO           Blumenthaler VM79, Willie Christie VM94, Haley Weigand VM08 GTE SB
Daniel Shisler – Rita Baumgartner Shisler M64, Tony Baumgartner VM83             Caitlin Welsh – Lauren Welsh VM07 CH, Megan Welsh VM03 CH, Michael
John Simonetti & Nat Simonetti – Connie Sear V54, Robert A. Harrison V52,        Kalaman VM76 FB, Kathy Kalaman Welsh V70, Jerry Bisheimer V71, Bernie
Joseph C. Sear V27                                                               Bisheimer V67 CC TR. Rick Bisheimer V66 CC, Pete Bisheimer M42 FB
Greg Sprungle & Alex Sprungle – Ray Sprungle VM93 FB, Ron Sprungle               Kaitlin Wenmoth – Andrew Wenmoth VM07 MB, Lorraine Lathem Wenmoth
VM81, Ann Marie Sprungle Condo VM78                                              VM80 MB, Liane Lathem Foote VM84 MB, John Lathem VM86 MB, Laura
Samantha Stacks – Evelyn King Lawrence M47, Mary Lou King Naugle M48,            Greenlee Lathem VM86 MB
Sr. Marjorie King H.M. M52, Loretta King Nicholas M58, Chris Wysocki VM79 BB     Michael Lee Williams – Stephanie Beth Williams VM81, Edward Williams VM05
Ray Stone, Jr. – Ray Stone, Sr. VM79 FB WR, Ernie Stone VM77 FB WR               FB
Kelsey Swords & Jacob Swords – Dan Chisholm V57, Pam Seman Chisholm              April Rose Zaratsian – G.I. Zaratsian VM04 BB FB
M59, Richard Breiding V46, Elizabeth Donohoe Breiding V47, Tim Breiding V72
WR, Bill Breiding VM73 FB TR, Winnie Breiding Neugebauer VM74 SB GVB, Liz

    BB – Baseball, BBK – Boys Basketball, GBK – Girls Basketball, SB – Softball, FB – Football, BSO – Boys Soccer, GSO – Girls Soccer, TR – Track,
      CC – Cross Country, GTE – Girls Tennis, BTE – Boys Tennis, BGO – Boys Golf, GGO – Girls Golf, AT – Athletic Trainer, CH – Cheerleading,
         GVB – Girls Volleyball, BVB – Boys Volleyball, MB – Marching Band, BBO – Boys Bowling, GBO – Girls Bowling, ID – Irish Dancer,
                                              SW – Swimming, MJ – Majorette, AD – Athletic Director
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
Join Us - Groundbreaking Ceremony
                          September 26th   6:30 - 6:45 p.m.
                on site of the Proposed New Student Activity Center
                           Share the Vision                                John Cistone Field/Green Street Stadium, and we have continued
                                 In order to make this vision a reality,   to protect our investment in our current facility by making
                             we must raise $3 million so we can break      improvements to the heating and cooling systems, roof and kitchen.
                             ground in the Fall of 2008. We have already   Yet this final phase of our Capital Campaign is perhaps our most
                             secured an anonymous $1 million gift, but     crucial, as we strive to break ground on a much-needed second
                             we need your help to make this succeed.       gymnasium and the expansion of our current Student Center.
                             Won’t you please help us reach the final         This final phase also represents the first expansion of our building
                             goal of this Capital Campaign?                since St. Vincent-St. Mary High School was founded in 1972. At that
                             Your support will ensure that                 time, St. Mary and St. Vincent High Schools, two of the oldest parish
                             St. Vincent-St. Mary High School will         high schools in Akron, merged together, as directed by the Diocese of
be well positioned to remain an educational leader now and into            Cleveland, to form St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.
the future. It will also ensure that we will be able to increase our          Today, we remain unified in our commitment to Catholic
enrollment and remain financially viable.                                  education. The successful completion of our Share the Vision
   As an independent, private school, we rely on the philanthropic         Campaign will enable us to meet the school’s strategic goals, as
support of our alumni, parents and friends as a major source of our        set forth by our executive board, for growing our student body,
funding.                                                                   maintaining the highest educational standards and improving our
   Please Share the Vision for our new gymnasium and the expansion         facilities.
of our Student Center.                                                     Once completed, the final phase of our Share the Vision Campaign
                                                                           q Benefit each and every student who attends St. Vincent-St. Mary
Recap 2004-2009                                                                 High School.
   As St. Vincent-St. Mary High School enters the fifth and final          q Ensure we remain competitive in attracting the best and
phase of our five-year, $20 million Share the Vision Capital                    brightest students.
Campaign, we are grateful for the support we have received and all         q Enable us to accommodate our growing student body
that has been accomplished to date.                                             with a first-class facility.
   We have grown our endowment to over $8 million. We have                 q Allocate our resources where they can provide the
completed a state-of-the-art Center for Science and Technology.                 greatest benefit for our students and faculty.
We have renovated Green Street Stadium and dedicated it as the
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
Some features of the new facility include:
                                                                           q A second game gymnasium with athletic offices on the
                                                                             upper level.
                                                                           q New wrestling room, locker rooms and weight room on the
                                                                             lower level.
                                                                           q Enhanced security; when school is not in session, we can
                                                                             secure the existing high school building and keep only
                                                                             the new gymnasium open for games and other activities.
                                                                           q A new facility between the school and the football field,
                                                                             which better unifies our campus.
                                                                           q A promenade (Walk of Champions) to connect the new
Phases I to IV - Completed                                                   facility with our main building and provide stairs to the
From Vision to Reality                                                       lower level, playing fields and parking.
Since we embarked on the Share the Vision Campaign for
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, much progress has been made.             Other elements of Phase V include:
This would not be possible without our dedicated, generous and loyal       q An expansion of our current Student Center to better
donors who have shared this vision for our future.                           accommodate our growing student body.
Your support has enabled us to complete the first four phases of our       q Improvements to our existing gymnasium, including new
capital campaign, while remaining independent and self-sufficient.           bleachers.
                                                                           q Renovations to existing areas that will be vacated once they are
Our Accomplishments                                                          moved to the new facility.
Phase I: The Center for Science and Technology completed                   q The creation of a more welcoming entry to the school.
Phase II: Capital repairs completed (new roof, HVAC 			                    q Landscaping and exterior improvements at Maple and
system, kitchen and lockers)                                                 Walnut streets.
Phase III: Growth of Endowment Fund (goal achieved and 		                  q A more prominent bookstore and snack shop.
growth continues)
Phase IV: Green Street Stadium/John Cistone Field completed                Projected Cost
Phase V: Final Phase                                                       The project cost breakdown for Phase V is as follows:
Construction of a New Gymnasium and the Expansion of our                   q $3 million for a new gymnasium, wrestling room, locker
Student Center                                                                rooms, athletic offices and promenade passageway.
A new gymnasium and expanded Student Center are essential to our           q $2 million for the expansion of our existing Student
long-term success because:                                                    Center, renovations to our current gymnasium and to
q Our existing facility is simply not large enough to meet 		                 those areas that will be vacated during the expansion, a
    our needs and to accommodate our growing student body.                    new Maple Street entrance and landscaping.
q The expansion of our Student Center is vital to increasing our
    current enrollment.
q We are the only co-educational, Catholic high school in the area         Naming Opportunities
    without a second gymnasium. This makes it difficult to provide         Student Activity Center       $3,000,000
    for the many student activities that complement our curriculum.        Court One			$250,000
q Nearly all of our students are involved in one or more sports. 		        Court Two			$250,000
    Because we are currently limited to one gymnasium, this influx of      Wrestling Room      		        $150,000
    activity makes it increasingly difficult for all of our teams to get   Boys Locker Room         		   $50,000
    adequate practice time and valuable team-building experience.          Girls Locker Room             $50,000
q We will be able to accommodate more Catholic Youth 		                    Cheer Room              		    $50,000
    Organization (CYO) events and summer camps, which are vital            Fitness Center        		      $100,000
    to recruitment.                                                        Development Office            $50,000
q By moving the wrestling room and athletic offices into the lower         Walk of Champions             $100,000
    level of the new gymnasium, we will increase the space that is 		      Art Center		                  $100,000
    available in our main building. This will provide more classroom       Classroom (4)			$50,000
    space for our academic programs.                                       Bookstore		                   $50,000
q We will continue to protect our investment in our existing facility      Chapel 		             		      $100,000
    by making necessary improvements.                                      Board Room              		    $50,000
                                                                           Student Center        		      $100,000
                                                                           Endowed Building Fund         $1,000,000
Our Vision for the Future                                                  Maple St. Gardens        		   $50,000
As we have developed and evaluated the plans for Phase V, we have          Walnut St. Gardens            $50,000
continued to make modifications, which we believe are the most             Science Labs (3) 		           $50,000
prudent and fiscally responsible. These new plans are not contingent       Rededicated Varsity Gymnasium $1,000,000
upon the closing of Maple Street. They will also help to unify our
entire campus and better integrate the new facility with the existing
Irish .00 St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 2008 Fall Sports
Robert S. Thomas II

                                 Robert B. Trattner

                                Brian J. Malone

                           1 South Main Street-2nd Floor
                              Akron, Ohio 44308-1825
                                  (330) 253-5738
                               FAX (330) 253-5743

Aon Risk Service Northeast, Inc.

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                        Fall 2008 Senior Athletes

Anuszkiewicz, Ian       Ballard, Alex       Berger, Sam       Bertsch, Ben
       FB                   GTE                Band                FB

Bordewick, Amanda      Breiding, Beth     Bridenthal, Jess   Brownfield, Jill
     Trainer                GVB                GVB               GSO

  Caponi, Sarina       Chopko, Tyler       Conte, Mike        Corpas, Nick
       CC                  CC                 Band                FB

   Culver, Todd      D’Abrosca, Antonio   Dambrot, Alysse     Darago, Pat
       FB                   BSO               GSO                BGO
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                        Fall 2008 Senior Athletes

 Dehnke, Mike       Demboski, Colleen     Ede, Mike       Esker, Maddy
     BSO                  CC                 FB              CC/GTE

 Fleming, Nick       Freeman, Mike       Freeman, Tom    Gorbach, Hilary
      FB                  FB               BSO & CC           GSO

 Hammer, Kyle          Harris, Ben       Heegan, Katie    Hrovat, Chris
     FB                  Band               Band              BSO

Jackson, LaChelle     Jasso, Megan        Jones, Matt     Kaiser, Olivia
       CH                  CH              FB & Band          GVB
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                       Fall 2008 Senior Athletes

 Kananen, Tim         Keathley, Cody      Klee, Nancy          Laury, Frank
     BSO                   BSO               GSO                   FB

 Lecerf, Kelsey         Lee, David         Lee, Katie          Lee, Robert
     GTE                    FB            Band & GSO              Band

 Lloyd, James        Logsdon, Patricia   McCargar, Ryan     McShaffrey, Maggie
     BGO                  GSO                Band           GSO & Irish Dancer

Miller, Malloree        Mion, Luke       Molinelli, Carli     Munka, Rachel
       CH                  CC                 GSO                 CH
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                        Fall 2008 Senior Athletes

Murray, Samantha     Nasrallah, Nate     Novisky, Nick    Oliverio, Vinnie
      GVB                  FB                BSO                 FB

Olszewski, Amanda     Over, Andrew       Pelini, Vince      Pier, Gregg
      GSO                  BSO                FB                 FB

  Prebish, Noah      Rickus, Hannah      Rosen, Jimmy      Sawan, Sam
        FB            Irish Dancer         BSO & FB           BSO

  Shimko, Kalli       Sickels, Kyle     Simonetti, Nate   Stavros, Hallie
      CC                   CC               Band               GSO
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                          Fall 2008 Senior Athletes

 Stokes, Garland         Taggart, Eddie              Tomazic, Tyler            Trifiro, Gabriella
       FB                     FB                         CC                            CH

Tristano, Elizabeth       Tuck, Harvie             Wallace, Rodrianna             Wells, Eric
       GGO                     FB                         GGO                       BSO

Wenmoth, Kaitlin        Wilcox, Garrett             Wilson, Elizabeth           Winer, Natalie
    Band                      FB                           CH                       GTE

                                  St. Vincent-St. Mary Alma Mater
                                  High atop a hill in Akron, waves the Green and Gold.
                                  Proud she stands for truth and honor,
                                  courage strong and bold.
                                  Sound her praises, sing her glory, spirit will prevail!
                                  Ever stands our Alma Mater...
                                  St. Vincent-St. Mary Hail!
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                            Fall 2008 Scholar Athletes

The students listed ended the 2007-2008 school year with a 3.0 or better cumulative G.P.A
Almenar, Kimberly            2010   Demboski, Colleen      2009   Lugo, Carlos          2011   Shisler, Daniel               2012
Almenar, Nicole              2012   Demboski, Joe          2011   Lecerf, Kelsey        2009   Sprungle, Alexandra           2011
Anuszkiewicz, Thomas “Ian”   2009   DiFeo, Bianca          2012   Leonard, Scott        2012   Sprungle,Greg                 2010
Arnone, Maria                2011   Domer, Chris           2010   Maloy, Natalie        2010   Stacks, Samantha              2010
Ballard, Mallory             2012   Donahue, Kate          2011   Manna, Austin         2012   Stone, Jr., Ray               2012
Breiding, Beth               2009   Esker, Madeline        2009   Matuska, Matthew      2012   Sustersic, Timothy            2012
Breiding, Joe                2011   Faetanini, Sal         2012   McCoy, Erica          2011   Swords, Kelsey                2010
Bridenthal, Jessica          2009   Foster, Melissa        2011   McGrew, Alexandra     2012   Thrower, Erin                 2011
Bridenthal, Rebecca          2011   Freeman, Michael       2009   Michalec, Vince       2011   Tomei, Emily                  2010
Brown, Ben                   2012   Friess, John           2012   Miller, Malloree      2009   Tomei, Megan                  2012
Brownfield, Jill             2009   Hamilton, Shannon      2011   Miloscia, Molly       2010   Tomon, Emily                  2010
Cabe, Isaac                  2011   Hammer, Jacob          2010   Mondozzi, Miranda     2011   Tristano, Elizabeth           2009
Caponi, Sarina               2009   Harris, Benjamin       2009   Murphy, Mark          2011   Unrue, Ashlee                 2011
Carlier, Kaitlyn             2011   Heising, John          2010   Musci, Benjamin       2010   Vandermolen, Johannes (Joe)   2011
Cetnarowski, Tyler           2012   Henterly, Adrienne     2011   Muzilla, Michael      2012   Vellequette, Michael          2010
Chalfant, Jordan             2010   Hildebrandt, Alfredo   2010   Myers, Olivia         2011   Vellequette, Ryan             2012
Chiarappa, Alyssa            2011   Hildebrandt, Diego     2010   Nasrallah, Nate       2009   Walsh, Ian                    2011
Christian, Chelsea           2012   Hildebrandt, Oliver    2011   Nasrallah, Rachel     2012   Walter, Natalie               2011
Clark, Evan                  2012   Hochevar, Kyle         2012   Neumann, Jessie       2011   Walter, Olivia                2010
Codrea, Nick                 2011   Hoffman, Stacey        2010   O’Brien, Patrick      2012   Weber, Meghan                 2011
Colarik, Cassie              2012   Hutson, Erica          2010   Olszewski, Amanda     2009   Weigand, Tessa Katherine      2012
Conlon, Nick                 2011   Hutson, Rachel         2012   Paolucci, Alyssa      2011   Welsh, Caitlin                2010
Cresswell, Brian             2010   Kagafas, Mike          2010   Pelini, Vincent       2009   Wenmoth, Kaitlin              2009
Cunniff, Elizabeth           2010   Kananen, Tim           2009   Pier, Gregg           2009   Wilcox, Garrett               2009
D’Andrea, Alexandra          2009   Kanakkanatt, Natasha   2010   Poholski, Sean        2012   Wilcox, Gavin                 2012
Davis, Emma                  2012   Kirk, Samantha         2012   Sawan, Sam            2009   Wilson, Rachel                2010
Davis, Landon                2010   Klee, Marty            2012   Schwenning, Matthew   2011   Zaratsian, April              2011
Dean, Jay                    2011   Klee, Nancy            2009   Seikel, Christa       2011
Dedinsky, Rachel             2010   Kovalchick, Sasha      2012   Seikel, Taylor        2012
Dehnke, Michael              2009   Laury, Frank           2009   Shand, Claire         2012
Good Luck                                         Good Luck
                           Amanda!                                       Garrett Wilcox
                                                                           and the 2008
                          Have a great                                      Fighting Irish
                          Senior Year!                                     Football team!
                                                                            Have a great
                                                                            Senior Year!
                       Love, Mom, Dad, Dan &                            Love, Mom, Dad, Grant &
                           Matt Olszewski                                     Gavin VM12

   Ben Harris                                  We’re Proud of You
     VM09                                           Hannah!
  Thank you for
making us so proud!                                  Go Irish
                                                  Class of 2009
    Enjoy your
    Senior Year
                                                 Love, Mom, Dad,
       Love                                    Caitlin, Gabby & Emma
     Mom & Dad

                          Finish Strong                                       Ian
                              Ben                                        Anuszkiewicz,
                        and have a great                                 We are so Very Proud
                          Senior Year!                                   of You. Good Luck to
                                                                            the Fighting Irish
                          2008-2009                                      Football Team in this,
                                                                        your Senior Year, 2009.
                       Love Mom, Dad & your                              Have a Great Football
                          Bertsch Bunch                                   Season and a Great
                                                                              Senior Year!
                                                                           Love, Mom & Dad

    Good Luck                                  Good Luck Twirling!
  Caity Welsh                                  Kaitlyn Carlier
and the Girls Tennis                              Have a great
      Team!                                     Sophomore Year!

                                               Love, Mom, Dad & Emily
    We Love You
  Mom, Dad, Megan
    and Lauren
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                                            Inspiring the Soul

Coach Boarman Gives Thanks
   Once again, this year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the
St. Vincent-St. Mary community for the wonderful welcome that my family
and I have received. I am humbled by this embrace upon my return, and
I am so fortunate to come full circle in my life by returning to my roots—
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.
   I have become increasingly aware each day that the “fire” of the Fighting
Irish is very much alive, and I am so grateful to once again be a part of that
excitement. The feeling of tradition and pride is palpable, and it is truly a special
time in my life to once again be a member of the Fighting Irish.
   St. Vincent-St. Mary is a unique institution, so integral to the history of
Northeastern Ohio. No high school in the area can match it in any regard. It
is a school which has produced winners, not only on the athletic field and in
academics, but also in life.
   Throughout our journey together, I believe that it is important to revive some
                                                                                           Dear Mary,
of the traditions of the past. Therefore, following each game, we will walk
                                                                                           Mother of God and patroness of the St. Vincent-St. Mary Community, give
together as a team to the shrine of the Blessed Mother, to pray together and
                                                                                           us the desire to grow in God’s grace and love. Continue to shower us with
give thanks. In doing so, we will be reminded of our faith, and how it helps us
                                                                                           compassion and humility so that we may be a reflection of you. Kindly
to come together as a school family. I hope that everyone in the St. Vincent-
                                                                                           enlighten our students with wisdom and guide us in the discernment of
St. Mary community will join us in prayer after each and every home game.
                                                                                           our vocations. Holy Mary, Blessed Mother, shed light on the paths we walk
Working together, we will achieve success.
                                                                                           and brighten our journey into the future. Help us recognize the constant
                                                                                           presence of your loving Son Jesus and inspire us with faith to turn to Him
Dan Boarman V70 St. Vincent-St. Mary Head Football Coach
                                                                                           in our hour of need. Amen.

Ken McDonald Campus Minister                                                               ~Anna Wilson VM07

                                          In his own words, Mr. McDonald says:
                                        “God has blessed each and every one of us
                                        so tremendously in giving us the physicality
                                        of our being and the athletic talents we                                         Have a
                                        share. That which we do with these talents
                                        – be it on the football field, the soccer field,                              great season
                                        the cross country course, basketball court,                              Jacob Hammer
                                        bowling alley, the sidelines cheering, the
                                        wrestling mat, baseball or softball diamond
                                                                                                               and the 2008-2009
                                        or in track and field – is our gift to God. I                      Fighting Irish Football Team
                                        am just here to help remind our students
                                      where their true strength comes from and to
help them strengthen their relationship with God.”
  No matter what the season, the St. Vincent-St. Mary faith community                                    Love, Mom, Dad, Gianna, Marie and
continually strives for peace, justice, sportsmanship and the creation of                                        Best Bud, Dominic
God’s Kingdom.

            Best of Luck
                 Eddie                                                                                                  Good Luck
            and the                                                                                                       Carlos
         Fighting Irish
        Football Team!                                                                                             Have a great year!
      Have a great Senior
         year Buddy!

        Love, Mom, Dad, Ben                                                                                    Love, Mom, Dad and Diego
              and Eric
Good Luck                             Go Irish!
          Ben Musci                              Good Luck
                                         Tyler Cetnarowski
and the Fighting Irish 2008 Teams
        Have a Great Season!                We’re Proud of You

Love, Mom, Dad, Vince, Jaclyn & Jared   Love, Mom, Dad, Emily & Regina

       Have a Great Year!
                                                 Good Luck
   Patricia Logsdon VM09                   Patrick Walters
              Soccer                    and the 2008 Fighting Irish
      Olivia Walter VM10                      Football Team
   Michael Logsdon VM11                    Have a great Junior Year
     Natalie Walter VM11                      Love, Mom & Dad

            Good Luck                            Good Luck
        Ray Stone, Jr.                        Alex Ballard
 and the Fighting Irish Football        Have a Great Senior Year!
      & Wrestling Teams                            VM09
     Have a great Freshman Year

   Love, Mom, Dad, Val, Ed & Julie        Love, Mom, Dad, & Mallory

            Good Luck                            Good Luck
       Mallory Ballard                     Bryant Ausperk
           VM12                                and all of the
         Go Irish Soccer!               Fighting Irish Football Team

       Love, Mom, Dad, & Alex              Love, Mom, Dad & Cassie
Good Luck
                              Good Luck                                            Kelsey
                                Vince                                           We’re so proud
                                                                                    of you!
                          and the 2008-2009
                          Irish Football Team                                    Have a Great
                                                                                 Senior Year!

                                                                                Love, Mom, Dad,
                                                                                 Katie & Kristen

   Go Irish Soccer                                We’re Proud of you

    Have a great                                        Sean!
    Senior Year
      Jimmy                                           Good Luck!

                                                     Love, Mom, Dad
Love, Dad, Mom & Kelsey
                                                          & A.J.

                           “Dream, Believe,                                      Good Luck
                              Commit”                                               Tuck
                          We’re Proud of You                                    Have a Great
                               Frank!                                            Senior Year

                                                                              We Love You, Mom
                             Love, Mom, Dad,
                                                                            (Genell), Camren, Camari
                          Drew, Chelsea & Logan
                                                                                      & Tierra

     Good Luck                                         Good Luck
      Maddy!                                       Austin Manna
 Have a Great Senior                                  and the 2008
Year—Go Irish Tennis                              Fighting Irish Football
  & Cross Country                                         Team!

                                                      Love, Mom, Dad,
 Love, Mom, Dad, Emily                               Cassandra VM08,
     & Christopher                                 Anthony VM09, Olivia &
Good Luck to All Irish Athletes and Coaches!
          We’re with you all the way!
    St. Vincent-St. Mary Athletic Boosters
Jim and Maggie Aitken            Jim and Andrea Hillery           Mark and Christine Quine-Perella
Roberto and Lisa Almenar         Tom and Rosemary Hlivko          John and Kathy Renzi
Pat Armour                       Jim and Judy Hollenack           Nicholas Rimedio
Chris Baugh                      Lenny Horvat                     Randy and Jennifer Ringer
Nancy Bennett                    Chuck House                      Mark and Denise Ronk
Robert and Sylvia Berdis         Grant Innocenzi                  Jim and Amy Rosen
James Bertsch                    Harold Jenkins                   Ron Ruthenberg
Bob and Bev Bertsch              Beth and Gary Johnson            Mike and Debbie Rutherford
Paul and Marianne Bertsch        Jim and Patti Kagafas            Duke Salata
Bob and Andrea Booth             Ed and Joyce Kaiser              Ken and Lisa Sawan
Paul Bordewick                   Jim and Sue Kananen              Jim and Sharon Seikel
Tom and Pam Boyle                Tim and Aleta Killian            Marty and Cynthia Shaffer
Burr Brown                       Kris and Ruth Klee               Greg Shook
Rick and Tracy Burke             Dick and Shirley Lang            Jim and Jana Sovacool
Steve and Cathy Buschko          Barbra Laughlin                  Judy and Tom Stecz
Tom and Darla Carone             Jack Lecref                      John and Vicki Stephenson
Gloria Chalfant                  Chris and Jackie Ludle           Ellen Stevens
Jerry Chase                      Lou and Mary Jean Maglione       Michael Sullivan
Fred and Diane Chopko            Don Maione                       Jim and Martha Thomas
Michael and Mary Colarik         Hank Mancino                     Robert and Christine Thomas
Jim and Renee Conlon             Jeff and Tina Marks              Pat Thompson
Dean and Mary Corpas             Fred and Michele Mathews         Ray and Sandy Tomazic
Marie Daily                      Kevin McDonald                   Richard and Linda Tomon
Mark and Mary Dean               Michael and Jean McGlinchy       Ralph and Joan Trecaso
Jim and Peg Demboski             Martin and Clarice McNeill       Michael and Luci Trifiro
Douglas and Andrea Fleming       Chris and Kathy Miloscia         Robert and LuAnn Unrue
Tom and Michelle Freeman         Eric and Eileen Moats            Don Utrup
Jerry Fulkerson                  David and Renay Muehlheim        John and Jenee Valle
Don and Jill Fulkerson           Chris and Mary Ann Myers         Han and Loretta Vandermolen
Jeff and Helen Fusco             Mike and Kathy Neag              Mike and Kim Vellequette
Thomas Giffels                   Pat and Barb Neman               Ted and Barb Walter
Louis Giffels                    Thomas and Maureen Novisky       Leo and Mary Ann Walter
Jeff and Jan Giles               Tim and Nancy Ochsenhirt         Pete and Kathy Wells
Robert Goodney                   Dave and Lisa Paolucci           Tom and Kim Wilcox
Jim and Jill Hadley              Bernie Paridon                   Michael and Angela Wray
Tom and Paula Hadley             Steve and Lori Phillips
Theresa Hammer                   Ron Piekarkski
Paul and Lynn Harrell            Brenda Pier
Marcelo and Nancy Hildebrandt    Debbie Pierce
Tom Hillery                      Mike and Beth Piglia

       Booster Club meetings: Every third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Wentz Room.
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                                       Remember When

                                   Eddie Wentz                              John Cistone                           Harry Kidder
                                    St. Vincent                          St. Vincent-St. Mary                        St. Mary
Twenty Years Ago…                                                                   Jackson ,Jerry White, Dave George, Danny Pappano, Ronnie Franks, Ray Gmerek,
The 1998 Irish captured the Division III State Championship with a thrilling 14-    Tom Butowicz, Chuck Petit, Marty Misbrenner, Jerry Bell, Terry Ede, Jim Chislolm,
12 win over Ironton. The Irish compiled 12 wins against a lone regular season       John Skeese and Dave Barbuto.
loss to Youngstown Cardinal Mooney. The season featured other key wins over
Massillon and Walsh and a playoff victory against Cardinal Mooney. The senior       Almost Sixty Years Ago…
members of the team were Mike Barbetta, Rob Wallace, D.J. Carr, Tony Silfani,       Undefeated, untied, and ranked ninth in the state, the 1949 Irish gave Eddie
Chris Littler, Tony Neman, Sean Walter, Chuck Wotring, Tim Quinn, Eric Stecz,       Wentz a fitting tribute to his 25th year of coaching. The squad was led by All
John Hanlon, Kevin Ahern, Tom Olechnowicz, Dale LaChance, David Huston,             State Dick Pitts, Larry Coyle, Leo Longville, Dick Moss, Bus Whitmyer, Frank
Jason Simmons, Bret Lorius, Pete Gori, Rob Sine, James Willard, Steve Nagy, Matt    Berardi, Tom Leffler, Don Smith, Pete Schlosser, Bob Pfeil and Ed Brown. Juniors
Clevenger, John Grace, Charles Palko, Dave Walchak and Coley Lucas.                 playing vital roles were long-time Irish Coach John Cistone, Gene Halamay, Frank
                                                                                    Stams, John Darago and Dave McMCullen.
Thirty Years Ago…
The 1978 Irish won 4, lost 5 and tied Garfield 7-7. The wins were over              Seventy Years Ago…
Youngstown East, St. Thomas Aquinas, Brooklyn and Warren Western Reserve.           The 1938 team made up largely of juniors posted a very respectable 4-3-1
The senior members of the team were Chip Booth, Dave Carlos, Terry Cistone,         record and made a bold bid for the Western Reserve League title. Highlights of
Brian Davis, Doug DeLong, John Donohue., Gene Getziner, Kurt Greissing, Pat         the season were one 8-7 win over archrival West and a 13-0 victory of Falls.
Hammer, Pat Hutson, Denny Lang, Kevin Murray, Roy Owens, Bernie Paridon,            Squad members include George Florin, Ward Dunn, Jim Mundy, Fritz Graf, Leo
Dave Petracca, Tom Presper, Ray Stone, Mike Sutter, Bill Trunck, Mitch Wagner,      Fimmen, Jim Smith, Bob Smith , Dick Fraley, Lou Heffernan, Bill Dies, Dick Walter
Jim Wheeler and Jack Wiolland.                                                      and Bill Doyle.

Forty Years Ago…                                                                    Eighty Years Ago…
The 1968 Irish, one of the area’s most powerful squads, were an explosive, high-    The 1928 Irish gridders posted a 5-4 record over stiff opposition. St. Vincent
scoring aggregation as they rolled to a 7-3 record against some of the state’s      overpowered Cathedral Latin 25-12. Latin had claimed the National Catholic
best. Seniors included Ronnie Greene, Jerry Engler, Mike Lorenzo, Larry Graf, Bob   Championship the previous year. And again, Irish cagers with an 11-3 record
Sutter, Frank Laatsch, Tom Matuschak, Tony Galati, Pat Endress, Fred Tomei, Jay     participated in the National Catholic tournament in Chicago. Athletes of that era
Dalton, Ernie Cornelius, Ray Uridales, Bob Keith and Bob Maltarich.                 were Nooney Marsh, Joe Salber, Francis McCarthy, Eddie Butler, Bernie Wilhelm,
                                                                                    Art Hesidence, Bill Shaughnessy, Francis Considine, Francis Quine and Francis
FiftyYears Ago…                                                                     Herrigan.
The undefeated 1958 Irish were mythical district champions. Tied in their first
three outings, they went on impressively to win six straight. Seniors were Joe      Thanks to Jim Hadley V59 for maintaining these historical records!
Mackey, John Mihelich, Larry Mehok, Ray Fitz, Steve Berish, Ronnie Russell, Dick
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                 Football Statistics

                                             1972 AA STATE CHAMPIONS
                                       1974 AA STATE PLAYOFFS SEMI-FINALIST
                                          1979 AA STATE PLAYOFF FINALIST
                                         1981 DIVISION III STATE CHAMPIONS
                                         1982 DIVISION III STATE CHAMPIONS
                                  1983 DIVISION III STATE PLAYOFF QUARTER-FINALIST
                                         1988 DIVISION III STATE CHAMPIONS
                                        1991 DIVISION III STATE SEMI-FINALIST
                                          1999 DIVISION IV STATE PLAYOFFS
                                        2001 DIVISION IV STATE SEMI-FINALIST
                                          2002 DIVISION IV STATE PLAYOFFS
                                          2005 DIVISION IV STATE PLAYOFFS
                                          2007 DIVISION IV STATE PLAYOFFS

    COACH		            COACHED WON LOST TIES WINNING%                                   POINTS      OPP. POINTS
    P. HUSTON    		       24    5   16   3      24                                        180            404
    E. WENTZ     		      350   177  133  40     57                                        4415          3861
    J. CISTONE 		        328   207  115   6     64                                        5829          3622
    J. MEYER     		      42     21   21   0     50                                         822           789
    J. BROPHY		          35     20   15   0     57                                         750           625
    K. WAKEFIELD         22     11   11   0     50                                         487           365
    R. WIGGINS    		     10      4    6   0     24                                         187           173
    D. Boarman 		        12      9    3   0     75                                         300           158

              		           823    454         320        49           59%                   12970       9997

GAMES WON 389 LOST 215 TIED 18 WINNING % 64		               STVM VS. PLAYOFF OPPONENTS W 22 L 10 WINNING % 69

                                 STVM RECORD VS. 2008 OPPONENTS
                    GAMES             WON/LOST		                                     OPP.
                    PLAYED            TIED     PTS.                                  PTS.           LAST MEETING
VASJ                 23               10-12-1  388                                   385            2007, STVM L 14-7
CLEAR FORK            1               1-0-0    23                                    0              2007, STVM 23-0
GARFIELD             22               12-9-1   274                                   259            2004, STVM L 28-38
HOBAN                18               7-11-0   265                                   280            2007, STVM W 33-28
NAPOLEON              2               1-1-0    31                                    28             2007, STVM W 21-15
CANTON CENTRAL CATH. 11               6-5-1    190                                   183            2005, STVM L 0-21
WALSH                30               12-18-0  406                                   554            2007, STVM W 27-21
CARDINAL MOONEY      16               1-15-0   99                                    354            2007, STVM L 7-28
UNIVERSITY           10               6-4-0    243                                   184            2007, STVM W 28-7
URSULINE              8               3-5-0    122                                   150            2007, STVM L 30-33
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                Football Opponents Since 1972*

OPPONENTS                 GAMES WON   LOST   TIED   OPPONENTS                  GAMES WON      LOST    TIED
AKRON EAST                  7    6     1      0     LOUISVILLE ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 16   13      3       0
AKRON CENTRAL-HOWER         8    8     0      0     MANCHESTER                    2    2       0       0
AKRON FIRESTONE             10   9     1      0     MASSILLON                     16   2       14      0
AKRON GARFIELD              22   12    9      1     MENTOR LAKE CATHOLIC          7    4       2       1
AKRON HOBAN                 18   7     11     0     MIDVIEW                       1    1       0       0
AKRON KENMORE               1    0     1      0     NAPOLEON                      2    1       1       0
AKRON NORTH                 7    6     1      0     NEWARK                        1    0       1       1
BALDWIN, PA.                1    0     1      0     NORWALK                       1    0       1       0
BARBERTON                   15   10    4      1     NORWIN, PA.                   1    1       0       0
BEDFORD                     2    2     0      0     ORANGE                        1    1       0       0
BROOKLYN                    2    2     0      0     ORVILLE                       1    0       1       0
BUCYRUS                     1    1     0      0     OREGON CLAY                   2    2       0       0
CANTON CENTRAL CATHOLIC     11   7     4      0     PAINESVILLE HARVEY            3    3       0       0
CANTON McKINLEY             1    0     1      0     PAINESVILLE RIVERSIDE         1    1       0       0
CASTALLIA MARGARETTA        1    1     0      0     PERRY                         1    1       0       0
CINCINNATI MOELLER          1    0     1      0     RAVENNA                       2    1       0       0
CIRCLEVILLE                 1    1     0      0     ROGER BACON                   1    1       0       0
CLEARFORK                   1    1     0      0     SHAKER HEIGHTS                2    2       0       0
CLEVELAND BENEDICTINE       10   2     8      0     STOW                          2    1       1       0
CLEVELAND CENTRAL CATHOLIC 1     1     0      0     ST. THOMAS MORE               1    1       0       0
CLEVELAND COLLINWOOD        1    1     0      0     STOW WALSH JESUIT             30   12      18      0
CLEVELAND ST. IGNATIUS      1    1     0      0     stuebenville                  2    0       2       0
CLEVELAND JOHN MARSHALL     1    1     0      0     STRUTHERS                     1    1       0       0
CLEVELAND ST. JOSEPH / VA   20   11    9      0     TOLEDO MACOMBER               4    4       0       0
CLEVELAND J.F.K.            2    2     0      0     TOLEDO ROSSFORD               1    1        0      0
CLEVELAND WEST TECH         5    5     0      0     TOLEDO SCOTT                  1    1       0       0
COLUMBUS DESALES            6     3    3      0     TOLEDO START                  1    1       0       0
COLUMBUS ST. CHARLES        1    1     0      0     TOLEDO WOODWARD               3    3       0       0
COLUMBUS WATTERSON          1    1     0      0     UNIONTOWN LAKE                1    1       0       0
CUYAHOGA FALLS              16   11    5      0     UNIVERSITY                    10   6       4       0
EAST LIVERPOOL              2    1     1      0     WARREN HOWLAND                1    1       0       0
ELYRIA CATHOLIC             4    3     1      0     WARREN J.F.K.                 2    2       0       0
ERIE ACADEMY                1    1     0      0     WARREN WESTERN RESERVE        7    3       4       0
ERIE CATHEDRAL PREP         1    0     1      0     WASHINGTON COURTHOUSE         1    1       0       0
ERIE TECHNICAL              2    1     1      0     WEST HOLMES                   1    1       0       0
FOSTORIA                    1    1     0      0     WICKLIFFE                     1    0       1       0
GROVE CITY, PA.             1    0     1      0     YOUNGSTOWN CHANEY             1    1       0       0
GROVEPORT MADISON           1    1     0      0     YOUNGSTOWN EAST               3    3       0       0
HIGHLAND                    2    2     0      0     YOUNGSTOWN MOONEY             16   1       15      0
IRONTON                     3    2     1      0     YOUNGSTOWN SOUTH              1    1       0       0
KENSTON                     2    2     0      0     YOUNGSTOWN WILSON             2    2       0       0
LABRAE                      1    0     1      0     YOUNGSTOWN URSULINE           8    3       5       0
LAKEWOOD ST. EDWARD         2    1     1      0     YOUNGSTOWN RAYEN              9    7       2       0
LORAIN SENIOR               1    1     0      0                                   ____ ____    ____    ____
LORAIN SOUTHVIEW            6    5     1      0                                   382  233     146     3

*When Computer Playoffs began
St. Vincent-St. Mary High School
                                         Varsity / Junior Varsity Football

Front row (l-r): T. Culver, V. Pelini, N. Fleming, E. Taggart, N. Corpas, F. Laury, D. Lee, N. Nasrallah, K. Hammer, M. Jones
Second row: H. Tuck, M. Freeman, N. Prebish, V. Oliverio, G. Pier, G. Stokes, M. Paridon, M. Ede, G. Wilcox, B. Bertsch, I. Anuszkiewicz, J. Adams
Third row: N Shook, J. Baker, N. Rohner, C. Ciraldo, J. Hammer, P. Walters, B. Cresswell, D. Toth, B. Castrigano, B. Ausperk, B. Foster, D. Grant
Fourth row: V. Michalec, T. Rice, D. Macreno, T. Dukeman, B. Musci, T. Keener, K. Rainsberger, B. Harmon, J. Chalfant, C. Ortman, B. Porter,
D. Williams, C. Lugo
Fifth row: J. Stone, D. Hughes, T. Brophy-Davis, A. Hawkins, C. Culver, O. Hildebrandt, M. Kagafas, J. Breiding, D. Bowen, M. Greissing, D. Mitchell,
M. Murphy, V. Joyce, J. Boswell
Sixth row: L. Piglia, C. Boggs, N. Codrea, M. Wassam, J. Steadman, M. McGovern, A. Cicione, N. Conlon, F. Oliverio, T. Kovalycsik, O. Lyde, S. Helmke,
T. Roebuck, N. Billotti

  Dan Boarman Head Coach                                                                       Schedule

                                Coach Dan Boarman, V70 begins his 2nd year as Head             08/23     @ Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School
                              Coach for the Fighting Irish Football Team.                      08/29     @ Clear Fork High School
                                Boarman has earned many athletic and coaching                  09/05     Garfield High School-Akron
                              honors. He was chosen for the all-city, all-district and         09/12     Archbishop Hoban @ Rubber Bowl
                              all-northeast Ohio football teams in 1969. He attended           09/19     @ Napoleon High School
                              Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, on a football        09/26     Canton Central Catholic
                              scholarship. While he served as defensive coordinator            10/03     Walsh Jesuit
                              at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, the school won              10/11     @ Cardinal Mooney
                              three state championships. He also coached two state             10/17     University School
  championship baseball teams at STVM. He has a head coaching record of 115-70. In             10/24     @ Youngstown Ursuline High School
  1977, he was inducted into the St. Vincent-St. Mary High School Athletic Hall of Fame.
  In 2001, he was inducted into the Greater Akron Baseball Hall of Fame.
    Coach Boarman and his wife Sandra, V70, reside in Akron. They have four children:
  Anne Marie, Daniel, Marisa and Anthony.
Football Varsity / JV Staff                                                   Football Roster
                                                                                No.   Name                 GR   HT     WT    POS
                                                                                4     Tyler Brophy Davis   11   6’2    175   WR/DB
                                                                                5     Dom Mitchell         11   5’10   160   WR/DB
                                                                                6     Vince Pelini         12   6’1    185   QB/DB
                                                                                7     Taylor Kovalycsik    10   5’8    130   WR/DB
                                                                                8     Todd Culver          12   5’10   165   WR/DB
                                                                                9     Cash Culver          11   5’10   150   QB/DB
                                                                                10    Anthony Cicione      10   5’9    145   QB/DB
                                                                                11    Oliver Hildebrandt   10   6’4    190   QB/DB
                                                                                12    David Lee            12   5’9    165   RB/WR/DB
                                                                                13    Mike Ede             12   6’0    165   WR/DB
                                                                                14    Frank Laury          12   6’4    200   WR/DB
                                                                                15    Nick Billotti        10   5’9    150   RB/LB
                                                                                16    Daryll Hughes        11   5’7    150   WR/DB
                                                                                17    Nick Corpas          12   5’7    155   RB/DB
                                                                                18    Kevin Rainsberger    11   5’10   155   QB/DB
                                                                                20    Brian Porter         11   5’9    165   WR/DB
                                                                                21    Doran Grant          10   5’10   165   RB/DB
                                                                                22    Billy Harmon         11   5’11   215   RB/LB
                                                                                23    Joe Breiding         10   5’10   160   WR/LB
                                                                                24    Mike Kagafas         11   5’10   180   RB/DB
                                                                                25    Ben Musci            11   6’1    190   RB/LB
                                                                                26    Jacob Hammer         11   5’11   185   RB/LB
                                                                                27    Odell Lyde           10   5’7    157   WR/DB
                                                                                28    Cody Boggs           10   5’6    160   RB/DB
                                                                                30    Vince Joyce          10   6’2    180   TE/DL
                                                                                32    Mike Greissing       10   5’9    165   RB/LB
                                                                                33    Brian Foster         11   6’1    220   RB/LB
Front row (l-r): Marcus Wattley, Provie Tomei, Dan Boarman, Danny Boarman,      34    Harvie Tuck IV       12   5’11   220   RB/LB
Anthony Boarman                                                                 35    Mike Freeman         12   6’0    160   WR/DB
                                                                                36    Garland Stokes       12   5’8    145   RB/DB
Second row: Willie Cook, Rob Brown, Mark Murphy, Steve Lutz                     37    Mark Murphy          10   6’1    180   RB/DB
                                                                                38    Gregg Pier           12   6’2    190   WR/DB
                                                                                40    Garrett Wilcox       12   6’3    225   TE/LB
                                                                                41    Noah Prebish         12   5’9    190   RB/LB
                                                                                43    Ben Castrigano       11   6’2    210   RB/DL
  Football Statistics All-Time Leaders                                          44
                                                                                      Troy Keener
                                                                                      Jimmy Rosen
                                                                                47    Joshua Boswell       10   5’9    155   RB/LB
                                                                                48    Sonny Howard         10   5’9    168   WR/DB
                                                                                49    Dante Macreno        10   5’9    165   RB/LB
  Yards Rushing/Game (Top 3)               Passing Yards/Season (Top 3)         52    Chris Ciraldo        11   5’11   228   OL/DL
                                                                                54    Nate Nasrallah       12   5’11   225   OL/DL
  Jim Braccio 299 vs Kent 1960 M           Matt McDonald 1,436 2001             55    Josh Stedman         10   6’2    220   LB/OL
                                                                                56    Freeland Oliverio    10   6’0    207   OL/DL
  Ron Hickman 270 vs Woodridge 1961 M      Ross Marconi 1,435 1998              57    Eddie Taggart        12   6’2    230   OL/DL
  Russ Stouffer 269 vs Ygstn Wilson 1999   Chris Wooley 1,330 2000              58    Matt Jones           12   6’4    240   OL/DL
                                                                                60    Nick Fleming         12   6’0    240   OL/DL
                                                                                61    Nick Shook           11   6’2    220   OL/DL
                                                                                62    Vince Oliverio       12   5’10   265   OL/DL
  Yards Rushing/Season (Top 3)             Passing Yards/Career (Top 3)         63    Jon Stone            10   5’8    265   OL/DL
  Russ Stouffer 1,448 1999                 Matt McDonald 2,638 2001-03          64    Brian Cresswell      11   6’2    295   OL/DL
                                                                                65    Ian Anuszkiewicz     12   5’10   260   OL/DL
  Jerry Gaydash 1,349 1979                 Chris Wooley 2,484 1999-00           66    Patrick Walters      11   5’11   250   OL/DL
  Thomas Hill 1,257 2000                   Jim Morrison 1,772 1961-62           67    Dan Toth             11   5’8    220   OL/DL
                                                                                68    Vince Michalec       10   5’10   192   OL/DL
                                                                                70    Travis Dukeman       11   5’11   285   OL/DL
                                                                                71    Mitch Wassam         10   6’0    250   OL/DL
  Yards Rushing/Career (Top 3)             Passing Yards/Game (Top 3)           72    Tyler Rice           10   5’10   255   OL/DL
  Henry Henderson 3,265 1982-84            Ross Marconi 253 vs VASJ 1998        73    Kyle Hammer          12   5’10   290   OL/DL
                                                                                74    Carlos Lugo          10   6’1    235   OL/DL
  Frank Stams 2,766 1980-83                Josh Zwisler 232 vs Massillon 1991   75    Nick Codrea          10   6’2    245   OL/DL
                                                                                76    Cory Ortman          11   5’10   200   OL/DL
  Thomas Hill 2,437 2000-01                Chris Wooley 212 vs Hoban 1999       77    Bryant Ausperk       11   6’7    305   OL/DL
                                                                                78    Jacob Baker          11   6’9    260   OL/DL
                                                                                79    Ben Bertsch          12   6’3    250   OL/DL
  Receiving Yards/Season (Top 3)           Receiving Yards/Career (Top 3)       80    Nick Conlon          10   6’3    200   TE/DL
                                                                                81    Luke Piglia          10   5’7    175   P/K
  LeBron James 1,160 2001                  LeBron James 1,912 1999-01           82    Tony Hawkins         11   6’2    160   WR/DB
  Miquel Irvin 959 1998                    Brian Glasper 1,300 2002-05          83    Jordan Chalfant      11   5’10   190   TE/LB
                                                                                84    Matt McGovern        10   5’7    180   WR/DB
  Chris Campbell 819 1991                  Chris Campbell 1,270 1989-91         85    Troy Roebuck         10   6’1    170   WR/DL
                                                                                86    D.J. Williams        10   6’3    265   TE/DL
                                                                                87    Nick Rohner          11   5’9    145   WR/DB
                                                                                88    David Bowen          10   5’7    145   WR/DB
                                                                                89    Jon Adams            11   6’1    195   WR/LB
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