IPMS Canada - RT (Random Thoughts) Index List by Category and Subject

IPMS Canada

            RT (Random Thoughts) Index
                                         Maintained by: Fred Hutcheson C5659

                       List by Category and Subject

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                  e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                        web: www.ipmscanada.com                                   Page 1 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                               Country Comments
Category:           aircraft
3104                40B                     Boeing 40B-4                  a   USA        build CMR 1:72 resin kit
1603                184                     Shorts Type 184               r   UK         Airframe vf kit @1:72
0028                504                         Avro   504                a   UK         Cdn mkgs (Golden Centennaires)
0412                504                         Avro   504K               a   UK         Nightfighter mkgs (1 of 3) 77 Sqn, Scotland
0606                504                         Avro   504K               a   UK         Swedish mkgs - 1919
0606                504                         Avro   504/552A           a   UK         Cdn mkgs, 1920-28 & notes for converting to 552A
0611                504                         Avro   504K               a   UK         Civil mkgs - 1918 - G-CABV in Manitoba
0905                504                         Avro   504K               a   UK         CMA-A to Z: #6 - photos & history
0906                504                         Avro   504N               a   UK         CMA-A to Z: #7: history & photos
0909                552                         Avro 552                  a   UK         CMA-A to Z : #8: history & photos
2305                707                     Boeing 707                    r   Canada     Leading Edge decals & refuel pod 1:72
0809           707/720                      Boeing B-720                  a   USA        Civil mkgs; Allman Brothers Band
0202          707/C-135                     Boeing C-135                  a   USA        Civil Federal Aviation Adm mkgs 'N96'
0203          707/C-135                     Boeing C-135                  l   USA        notes on aircraft shown in 0202
2306          707/C-135                     Boeing KC-135                 r   USA        Detail & Scale book
2603            707/E-3                     Boeing E-3 Sentry             a   USA        building Airfix kit @1/72
0612                727                     Boeing 727                    a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs - 3 profiles
4001                727                     Boeing 727                    a   Can        improve Airfix 1:144 airliner
0612                737                     Boeing     737                a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs - 6 profiles (early 70s)
0711                737                     Boeing     T-43               a   USA        USAF trainer mkgs & modelling notes
1504                737                     Boeing     737                r   USA        Maquettes M&B kit @1:100
2303                737                     Boeing     737-300            a   USA        markings for several airliners
2706                737                     Boeing     737-200            r   USA        JBOT decals for ZIP Air @ 1:200
3902                737                     Boeing     737-200            a   Canada     Airfix 1:144 kit + other bits - EPA markings
1704                747                     Boeing 747                    r   USA        book on history & photos of the type
0210            A 143                       Amiot 143                     a   France     Int dwg for Heller kit
1901                A-1                    Morane A-1                     a   France     Formaplane vacuform
0702                A-2                         Spad A-2                  a   UK         Conv Spad S 7 to A 2
0704                A-7                    Anotov A-7                     a   USSR       Glider - Detail dwgs for scratch build
2002         Access ladders                            modern fight       r              P.P.Aeroparts resin & etched metal
1802     Aces - AustroHungary                                             r   Austria    book on air aces of WWI
1111         Aces - Finnish                                               r   Finland    book on men & machines
0908   Aces - Russia - Kozhedub                                           a   USSR       biography - Part 1 - Po-2 & UT-2
1104   Aces - Russia - Kozhedub                                           a   USSR       story of hero - part 2
2604        Aces & aircraft                                               r   USSR       complete book on WWI Imperial R Air
2003     Aces & Wingmen v1                                                r              USAAF 8th men & markings
0208          Air Shows                                Abbotsford 1969    l   Canada     notes on types on display etc
0810          Air Shows                                Air Expo '75       a   Canada     15 pictures of craft on hand; notes
1108          Air Shows                                                   a   Canada     Maple Flag 1978
1111          Air Shows                                                   a   Canada     wrap-up of photos from 1978
1301          Air Shows                                                   a   Canada     Maple Flag 79 notes & serials attending
1402          Air Shows                                Abbottsford 1980   a   Canada     photos from show
2003          Air Shows                                Abbottsford        l   Canada     An 225 & MiG 29 photos
0022           Airacobra                        Bell P-39M-1-LO           a   USA        Mkgs - Hergla, Tunisia, July 1943
0307           Airacobra                        Bell P-39                 a   USA        Cdn mkgs at Rockcliffe 1942 April 16
0407           Airacobra                        Bell TP-39                a   USA        Trainer dwgs (1 of 3)
snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                           e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                        web: www.ipmscanada.com                                                    Page 2 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                            Country Comments
0704           Airacobra                        Bell P-39Q             a   US/USSR    craft of Capt Guljajev 2x 'Hero'
0904           Airacobra                        Bell P-39N             a   USA        Italian mkgs; Campo Vesuvio 1944
1108           Airacobra                        Bell P-39D             a   USA        Detail dwgs
1204      Airacobra/Kingcobra                   Bell P-63              a   USA        Dwgs various mk's
2802           Airacomet                        Bell YP-59             a   UK         improve 1:48 Hobbycraft kit
2301             Airbus             Airbus Industrie A340-300          r              Revell Germany kit @ 1:144
3001    Aircraft, Japanese WW2                                         r   Japan      Czech magazine in colour
2305        Aircraft, modern                                           r              PP Aeroparts Sidewinder & ACMI data 1:72
b1801        Aircraft, Royal                                           a   UK         planes flown by UK Royals
0906       Aircraft, Swedish                                           a   Sweden     12 photos of Viggen, B/V 107, Draken + others
b1707        Aircraft, weird                                           a              11 weird types where kits exist
b1710        Aircraft, weird                                           l              note about a 12th type/kit
b1804        Aircraft, weird                                           a              twelve more weird planes you can build
b1807        Aircraft, weird                                           l   France     the look on the Leduc 021 pilot's face
b1907        Aircraft, weird                                           a              10 more weird planes to build
2301     Airlines -Air North Ltd                                       a   Canada     modelling equipment of airline
1403    Airlines -Alta Forest Ser                                      a   Canada     Civil helos
2303    Airlines -Central Mtn Air                                      a   Canada     aircraft types & markings
2305    Airlines -Pacific Coasta                                       a   Canada     types & markings
2203    Airlines -Trans Provincia           various                    a   Canada     history, photos/notes of equipment
0905         Airship Akron               Goodyear Akron                a   USA        Airship history & details; + F9C Sparrowhawk
0905         Airship Macon               Goodyear Macon                a   USA        Airship history & details; + F9C Sparrowhawk
1305            Albatros                   Albatros                    r   Germany    Wingspan book on all versions
2002            Albatros                   Albatros   D.I / D.III      r   Germany    Meikraft Models 1:72 kit
2104            Albatros                   Albatros   D.Va             r   Germany    1:48 decals for a specific craft
2303            Albatros                   Albatros   D.III            a   Hungary    history & markings for Hungarian ace
2602            Albatros                   Albatros   Dr.1             r   Germany    1:48 kit of prototype /proposal
2701            Albatros                   Albatros   D.V              r   Germany    Eduard kit @ 1:72
2706            Albatros                   Albatros   D.V              a   Germany    building Eduard kit @ 1:72
2803            Albatros                   Albatros   D.III            a   Germany    detail Eduard kit @ 1:48
2803            Albatros                   Albatros   D.III            r   Germany    Roden kit @ 1:72
4203            Albatros                   Albatros   D.V              a   Germ/UK    build Wingnut Wings 1:32 kit as a captured craft
0206           Albatross                 Grumman      CSR-110          a   USA        Cdn mkgs & notes for Rescue craft
0504           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16B/E         a   USA        US mkgs - 9 craft with notes; pt 1
0608           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        Conv "B" to "A" model, 5 sets of markings
0609           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        Cockpit dwgs & Italian mkgs - 2 profiles
0702           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        Brasilian mkgs - 2 profiles
0705           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA/W G    3 profiles of West German mkgs
0707           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            l   USA/W G    Note: late scheme (RT 0705) has Day-glo bands
0710           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        Brazilian mkgs; addendum to RT 0702
0712           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        Japanese mkgs; profile with colour notes
0809           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        8 detail pictures of Cdn craft
1606           Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16            a   USA        Civil mkgs, current Indoesia
b1205          Albatross                 Grumman      HU-16B/CSR-110   a   Canada     differences with the Cdn version
b1905          Albatross                 Grumman      CSR-110          a   USA/Cana   convert Monogram 1:48 kit for RCAF
2545        Albatross (DH)              deHavilland DH.91              a   UK         building 1:72 vac-form kit
0410                Alf                  Kawanishi E7K2                a   Japan      Mkgs & details; mod Hasegawa kit for radial
0712                Alf                  Kawanishi E7K2                a   Japan      Japanese mkgs profile + 4 tail mkgs (Sentai 74)
snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                        e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                        web: www.ipmscanada.com                                                  Page 3 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                       Designation                         Country Comments
1504           Alpha Jet                               Alpha Jet     r               ESCI kit @ 1:48
0015s           Anson                           Avro   Anson         a   UK          RCN mkgs
0308            Anson                           Avro   Anson II      a   UK          Notes & Dwgs to conv Airfix Mk I to a II
0411            Anson                           Avro   AT-20         a   UK          1945 US mkgs (for export 1 of 3)
0708            Anson                           Avro   Anson I/5     a   UK/Canad    2 profiles of Cdn mkgs; 7 AOS, Portage La Prairie
1007            Anson                           Avro   Anson I       a   UK          CMA-A to Z #14a; history, 2 photos
1101            Anson                           Avro   Anson II      a   UK          CMA-A to Z #16,photos of 1st Cdn version
1108            Anson                           Avro   Anson         a   UK          CMA-A to Z #18
1804            Anson                           Avro   Anson         a   UK          RCN service
1804            Anson                           Avro   Anson         a   UK          RCN mkgs
b1402           Anson                           Avro   Anson         a   Canada      overview of Cdn versions with side views
0026       Antennae making                                           a               Uncle Freddie - ways to create good antennae
3103           antennas                                rig wires     a               using thread for wire antennae
0211                AOP                       Auster   AOP VI        a   UK          Cdn Mkgs; Cdn Aero Museum 1969
0212                AOP                       Auster   Mk. VI        l   Canada      Notes to drawing in RT 0211
0501                AOP                       Auster   Various       a   UK          Various mkgs, Can, Brit, Aust
0903                AOP                       Auster   AOP           a   UK          CMA-A to Z #4; Notes & Photos
0904                AOP                       Auster   AOP VI        a   UK          CMA-A to Z #5; Austers post-War
2201    Ar 68 & FW Triebflugel                Arado Ar 68            r   Germany     kits by HUMA in 1:72
2604            Ar 196                        Arado Ar 196           r   Germany     book on the type - variants & profiles
2545            Ar 240                        Arado Ar 240C-2        r   Germany     Revell 1:72 kit of nightfighter
2302           Ar 396A                        Arado Ar 396A          r   Germany     HUMA kit @ 1:72
2202            Argosy               Hawker Siddeley                 a   Canada      modelling TransAir unit in 1:72
2704            Argus                       Canadair CP-107          a   Canada      modify Airways 1:72 Britannia kit
1107       Argus/Forwarder                  Fairchild UC-61          a   UK          Cdn mkgs - 12 Sqn
0031            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        a   Canada      Detailing Aurora kit & dwgs
0604            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        a   Canada      Cdn mkgs to same scale as Aurora kit & notes
1505            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        a   Canada      Astra vac @1:72 review
1904            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        r   Canada      Hobbycraft Canada 1:48 injection kit
1905            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105J       a   Canada      mods to update CF105 from Hobbycraft
2502            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105 Mk.2   r   Canada      Stratosphere vacform @ 1:48
2603            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        r   Canada      book on the type
3104            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        a   Canada      build 'new-tool' Hobbycraft 1:48 kit
3901            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        a   Canada      build Hobbycraft 1:48 kit with additions - pt 1
3902            Arrow                   Avro Canada    CF-105        a   Canada      Build Hobbycraft 1:48 kit - pt2
2603           Art, Nose                                             r   Canada      WW2 Cdn nose art
4201           Atlantic              Dassault Breguet BR.1150 -1     a   Germ        Build Revell 1:72 kit as German Retirement scheme
0812                Atlas        Armstrong Whitworth Atlas           a   UK          CMA-A to Z #3; history & 3 photos
0411           Autogiro                  Cierva/Avro C-6             a   Spain       Detail Dwgs, 4 port side views
0502           Autogiro                  Cierva/Avro C-6C            l   Spain       Correction to article in RT 0411
0015s          Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   USA         RCN mkgs
0018           Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   USA         Cdn civil mkgs + mods for spray work
0021           Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   USA         Cdn civil (Skyways) mkgs
0036           Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   USA         852 Sqn TBF's onboard HMCS Nabob
0605           Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   USA         Skyway Air Services mkgs - 1966
0911           Avenger                     Grumman     TBM-3         a   USA         RCN ASW craft - history & 8 mkgs
1004           Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   USA         Cdn mkgs, 821 Sqn - 1951
1406           Avenger                     Grumman     TBF           a   Canada      RCN, photos at Regina

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                       e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                          web: www.ipmscanada.com                                             Page 4 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                          Country Comments
1506           Avenger                   Grumman       AS3, Mk2      a   USA        details & dwgs
1805           Avenger                   Grumman       AS Mk 3/TBF   a   USA        RCN mkgs, 1951-53
2502           Avenger                   Grumman       TBM/TBF       r   USA        Warbird Profile
2703           Avenger                   Grumman       TBM-3         a   USA        building 1:48 kit
3104           Avenger                   Grumman       AS3 tug       a   Canada     convert Hasagawa 1:72 kit to Cdn tug pt1
3201           Avenger                   Grumman       AS3 tug       a   Canada     convert 1:72 kit to target tug, part 2
0910            Avian                           Avro Avian Mk IVM    a   UK       CMA-A to Z #9; history & photos
0911            Avian                           Avro Avian IVM       l   UK/Canad CMA-A to Z #9: caption error - are Avian'Majors'
0612            Aztec                           Piper Aztec          l   USA/Cana photo of unit with MAD boom
2004         B.35 & 135                         Avia                 r   Czech      MPM kits @ 1:48
2403                B-10                    Martin 139WAN            r   USA        book on Argentine use
0305       Babs Ki 15/C5M                Mitsubishi Ki 15/Tp97       a   Japan      Japanese mkgs
0307       Babs Ki 15/C5M                Mitsubishi Ki 15/Tp97       l   Japan      notes on colour error in RT 0305
0611       Babs Ki 15/C5M                Mitsubishi Ki 15/Tp97       a   Japan      Conv Ki-15 to Ki-15 II
1901                Baby                   Sopwith Baby              a   UK         Airframe kit, colours
0804           BAC 111                          BAC BAC 111          a   UK         mod Airfix 1:144 kit
0611          Baka/Oka                   Yokosuka MXY-7              a   Japan      Oka trainer dwg & notes
0015s          Banshee                  McDonnell      F2H           a   USA        RCN mkgs
0610           Banshee                  McDonnell      F2H-3         a   USA        Detail dwgs (3 pages), 3 profiles, notes & photos
1805           Banshee                  McDonnell      F2H-3         a   USA        RCN mkgs, 1957
2004           Banshee                  McDonnell      F2H-3         a   Canada     RCN Update, Photos
2304           Banshee                  McDonnell      Banshee       r   Canada     Carl Mills book on type in Canada
2406           Banshee                  McDonnell      Banshee       r   USA        reprint of Ginter book on type
0606          Barracuda                     Fairey Barracuda III     a   UK         Cdn mkgs HMS Puncher, 1944
1205          Barracuda                     Fairey Barracuda         l   UK         notes on colours in Ceylon
0410            Battle                      Fairey Battle            a   UK         Belgian mkgs & details; modify Airfix 1:72 kit
1502            Battle                      Fairey Battle            a   UK         Cdn gun school mkgs
1902            Battle                      Fairey Battle            a   UK         Turret trainer
1905         Battle/Fulmar                  Fairey Fulmar            a   UK         Rareplanes vacuform
21sb           BCATP                                                 a   Canada     photos of types in use
2304           BCATP                                                 r              "Behind the Glory" - book on the program
0806            BD-5                            Bede BD-5            a   USA        Dwgs & notes on colours
1404            BD-5                            Bede                 r   USA        299 Models kit @ 1:72
1502            BD-5                            Bede BD-5J           r   USA        modification & reissue by 299 Models
0309           Bearcat                   Grumman F8F-2               a   USA        Greenamyer 1969 speed record A/C notes/dwgs
0611           Bearcat                   Grumman F8F                 a   USA        Civil mkgs - 70s - Reno Racer
0702           Bearcat                   Grumman F8F                 l   USA        profile & notes for Reno racer in 1969
0306          Beaufighter                   Bristol    Mk.X          a   UK         404 Sqn cdn Markings, Banff, 1944 Nov
1007          Beaufighter                   Bristol    Beaufighter   a   UK         Cdn 404 Sqn mkgs D-Day
1107          Beaufighter                   Bristol    Beaufighter   a   UK         Dominican mkgs - late 40s
2605          Beaufighter                   Bristol    Mk.VI         a   UK         building the Tamiya 1:48 kit
2804          Beaufighter                   Bristol    Mk.IF         r   UK         CMK kit to backdate to 1st 1:48
3203          Beaufighter                   Bristol    TF Mk X       a   UK/Can     build / mark Tamiya 1:48 kit as Cdn
3301          Beaufighter                   Bristol    TF Mk.X       a   UK/Can     build 1:48 Tamiya kit for 404 Sqn RCAF
3503          Beaufighter                   Bristol    TF Mk.X       a   Canada     build Tamiya 1:48 Mk.VI kit for 404 Sqn
3503          Beaufighter                   Bristol    TF Mk.X       a   Canada     Ops history of a 404 Squ Beau
3601          Beaufighter                   Bristol    TF Mk.X       a   Canada     Pt.2 - profiles of 3 craft of 404 Sqn over time
0204           Beaufort                     Bristol Beaufort Mk.II   a   UK         Notes & Mkgs; 47 Sqn, 1942 Oct 26, North Africa

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                     e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                        web: www.ipmscanada.com                                              Page 5 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                            Country Comments
0612            Beaver              deHavilland Can      DHC-2         l   Canada     Laurentian Air Services markings
0709            Beaver             de Havilland Can      DHC-2         a   Canada     profile: BC Air (D Lacasse, Ocean Falls) 1964/65
0710            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2         a   Canada     Ontario Prov Air Ser Mkgs
0807            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2/L-20    a   Canada     Philippine mkgs; Nichols AFB 1973
1604            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2         l   Canada     noted 1:24 snap-kit
1705            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2         a   Canada     Detail dwgs
2206            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2         a   Canada     photos of markings + Otter & Twin Otter
2305            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2         a   Canada     photo of Pacific Coastal unit
2545            Beaver           deHavilland Canada      DHC-2         l   Canada     photos of completed model - see 22-3
0612     Beaver/Turbo Beaver     deHavilland Canada DHC-2              a   Canada     Turbo Beaver conv, dwgs & mkgs (5 profiles)
2601        Bellanca 28-70                  Bellanca 28/70, 28/90      a   USA        build resin kit of racer/fighter 1:72
1904          Bestmann                        Bucker Bu 181            r   Germany    Huma 1:72 injection kit
1706            BH- 3                           Avia BH-3              r   Czech      KP kit @ 1:72
1505            BH-11                           Avia BH-11             r   Czech      Smer kit @ 1:48
1702            BH-21                           Avia BH-21             r              KP kit @ 1:72
0310           Bird Dog                       Cessna L-19              a   USA        Cdn mkgs
0711           Bird Dog                       Cessna L-19              a   USA        Cdn army mkgs; late 1950s
2402         Black Brant           Bristol Aerospace sounding roc      a   Canada     sizes & shapes, history
0711         Black Widow                    Northrop P-61A-5           a   USA        US mkgs - Europe
1901         Black Widow                    Northrop P-61A             a   USA        Monogram's 1/48 kit
2106          Blackhawk                     Sikorsky MH-60G Pave       r   USA        High Flight cvrt to Pave Hawk 1:48
2406          Blackhawk                     Sikorsky UH-60L            r   USA        Academy Minicraft kit @ 1:48
0312           Blenheim                       Bristol Blenheim Mk.I    a   UK         Mkgs: 62 Sqn Malaya; 1941 Dec 9
0031     Blenheim/Bolingbroke                 Bristol    Bolingbroke   a   UK/Can     Cdn mkgs & history; review of Airfix Blenheim IV
0502     Blenheim/Bolingbroke                 Bristol    Bolingbroke   a   UK/Can     History & mkgs for 8 (BR) Sqn esp in Alaska
b1507    Blenheim/Bolingbroke      Fairchild (Bristol)   Bolingbroke   a   Canada     Notes on the Marks and pictures
b1510    Blenheim/Bolingbroke      Fairchild (Bristol)   Bolingbroke   a   Canada     pictures of Bolingbroke cockpits
0033       Blitz (Lightning)                   Arado Ar 234            a   Germany    Int dwgs & details
1108           Bo-105                           MBB      Bo-105        a   Germany    photos, Italaeri kit @ 1:32
1502           Bo-105                           MBB      Bo-105 HOT    r              Italaeri kit @ 1:32
1502           Bo-105                           MBB      Bo-105        r              ESCI kit @ 1:48
1702           Bo-105                           MBB      Bo-105        a   Germany    Cdn C G details & mkgs
1901     Bo-105 (Coast Guard)                   MBB Bo-105             a   Canada     Coast Guard Bo-105 conversion
1201           Bomarc                         Boeing CIM-10B           l   Canada     distant photo of demonstrator 1960
1404           Bomarc                         Boeing CIM-10B           l   Canada     notes on colour re v1201
b1801          Bomarc                         Boeing CIM-10B           a   Canada     build the Revell 1:56 kit
1605           Bombay                         Bristol Bombay           a   UK         Vac @ 1:72 review & detailing
3101        Bombs, practice                                            a   USA        details of NATO BDU-5003 bomb
0801           Bonanza                         Beech     Bonanza       a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs - CD-PJT in Winnipeg
1806           Bonanza                         Beech     Bonanza V35   r   USA        Arii kit at 1:72
4202           Bonanza                         Beech     Model 35      a   USA        Lindberg & Minicraft 1:48 kit combo - B Holly's
b1704          Bonanza                         Beech     Model 35      a   USA        markings for Buddy Holly's plane
2405            Boston                       Douglas A-20 (MkIIIa      a   UK         build & modify AMT kit @ 1:48 to MkIII
2405            Boston                       Douglas A-20G Havoc       a   USA        closeup photos & AMT 1:48 kit
3001            Boston                       Douglas Mk III            a   Canada     detail etc old Airfix kit for 418 Sqn
0504            Brisfit                       Bristol F 2B             a   UK         Cdn mkgs - Imperial Gift G-CYBC
2502          Buccaneer             Hawker Siddeley                    r   UK         Airfix kit @ 1:48

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                        e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                          web: www.ipmscanada.com                                               Page 6 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                       Designation                            Country Comments
2406            Buffalo                     Brewster F2A                r   USA          AJ Press monograph on type
2604            Bv 138                Blohm & Voss                      r   Germany      book on the type - variants & profiles
2305            Bv 141                Blohm & Voss Bv-141B-0            r   Germany      KARO-AS resin kit @ 1:48
0412            Camel                       Sopwith Camel F1            a   UK           Nightfighter mkgs (3 of 3) 44 Home Def Sqn
0910            Camel                       Sopwith Camel               a   UK           Multi-colour 1000th craft; Photos
1201            Camel                       Sopwith Camel               r   UK           Monogram kit @ 1:48
0701           Canopies                                                 a                How to super detail (Uncle Freddie)
2301           Canopies                                                 r   Germany      1:48 Luftwaffe Pt.2 from Falcon
0016        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY              a   USA          Cdn mkgs & conv info (post war)
0024        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-5A           a   USA          Cdn mkgs - West Coast 1952
0203        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY/ Canso A     a   USA          Nfld Forest Service mkgs 1968; Revell 1:72 kit rev
0512        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY              a   USA          PBY-1 to -6 details
0712        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY              a   USA          antenna Details & Cdn mkgs; 3 profiles & document
0801        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY              a   USA          Antenna Dwg, notes & int details esp re RT 0712
1012        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   Canso A          a   USA/Cana     Detail photos (162 Sqn history), Hornell's plane
1106        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY              a   USA          Cdn mkgs - 1942-45
1205        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY              a   USA          Cdn mkgs - 1960
2006        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-5A/Canso A   a   Canada       fix Revell 1:72 kit & NL fire bomber scheme
2501        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-6A           a   USA          photos of Cousteau's Calypso in '75
2501        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-5A           a   USA          reprint of one in RT 11/06
2501        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-2            r   USA          Minicraft kit @ 1:72
2501        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-5,PBY5A      r   USA          Monogram & Pro-modeller @ 1:48
2545        Canso/Catalina              Consolidated   PBY-5A           a   USA          modify 1:72 Revell kit for waterbomber
0035            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           a   Canada       Detail dwgs, European Mkgs - 445 Sqn
0208            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           a   Canada       Details of 414 Sqdn mods & mkgs
0702            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           a   Canada       Cdn mkgs; 433 Sqn North Bay, mid 1950s
0804            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100 Mk.IV     a   Canada       Int dwgs & mkg notes for 9 craft
0806            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           a   Canada       Belgian mkgs; notes on history etc
1302            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100 Mk.4      a   Canada       Mkgs - 425 Sq in 50's
1704            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           r   Canada       Astra vf kit @ 1:72
1704            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           r   Canada       SMS book on type
1802            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100           a   Canada       Astra vac review
3804            Canuck                  Avro Canada    CF-100 MkV       a   Canada       build the 1:72 Hobbycraft kit
1902           Caribou            deHavilland Canada   DHC-4            a   Canada       Caribou in Canadian Service,drawings.
1902           Caribou            deHavilland Canada   DHC-4/C-7A       a   USA          Caribou in US service
1903           Caribou            deHavilland Canada   DHC-4            a   Australia    Caribou in Australian service
1903           Caribou            deHavilland Canada   DHC-4            a                Caribou in civilian service
2545           Caribou            deHavilland Canada   DHC-4            r   Canada       Hobbycraft kit in 1:72
2606           Caribou            deHavilland Canada   DHC-4T           a   Canada       mod 1:72 kit for proto turbo prop
0031       Caribou/Buffalo        deHavilland Canada   DHC-5/C-8        a   Canada       Cdn mkgs & details
2005       Caribou/Buffalo        deHavilland Canada   DHC-5            a   Canada       interior & exterior detail photos
2005       Caribou/Buffalo        deHavilland Canada   DHC-5            a   Canada       photos & short history
2103       Caribou/Buffalo        deHavilland Canada   DHC-5            l   Canada       more notes re article in 20-05
0612        Cayuse/Loach                     Hughes OH-6/500            a   USA          Photos of civil A/C; including interior
0704        Cayuse/Loach                     Hughes OH-6/500            a   USA          US Army mkgs, ND ANG, May 1973
0034   Cdn Air Force in England             1918-20                     a   Canada       History of Cdn AF - Sqns & types
0306      Cdn Aircraft Serials                                          a   Canada       old & new Serial Nos by type (1970)
2204      Cdn Aircraft Serials                                          a   Canada       discussing variations in ranges
2303      Cdn Aircraft Serials                                          l   Canada       more comments
0023          Cessna 180                     Cessna 180                 a   USA          Cdn civil mkgs - Tyee Airways, Sechelt
snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                           e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
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IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                          Country Comments

0912         Chaika (Gull)               Polikarpov I-153            a   USSR       Dwgs & 6 mkgs
2306         Chaika (Gull)               Polikarpov I-153            r   USSR       vacuform kit from MPM & other problems
0801       Cherokee Arrow                       Piper Arrow          a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs - CF-YMS of 927 Airlines, Winnipeg
0207          Chipmunk            deHavilland Canada DHC-1           a   Canada     Notes, Dwgs & Cdn mkgs
0211          Chipmunk            deHavilland Canada DHC-1           a   Canada     Cdn mkgs revised from RT 0207
1405          Chipmunk            deHavilland Canada DHC-1           a   Canada     interior, Mrkings
0710    Cicogna (Stork)/BR 20                    Fiat BR 20          a   Italy      Italian mkgs: 2 profiles & notes
0710         Cirrus Moth                deHavilland DH 60            a   UK         Ontario Prov Air Ser mkgs
1404            CL-215                     Canadair CL-215           a   Canada     details & mkgs
1504            Claude                    Mitsubishi A5M             a   Japan      markings, 1940-43
3003         Club Project                                            l   USA        pictures from Memphis Chapter contest
1605    Collection - Air Canada                                      a              building the fleet @ 1:200
0015       Colours -Japanese                                         l   Japan      basic colours in use
2601       Colours -Japanese                                         a   Japan      current thought (1998) on schemes
3002            Comet                   deHavilland                  a   UK         build 1:72 vacu-form Welsh Models kit
b1411           Comet                   deHavilland 1A               a   Canada     History of the 2 units with the RCAF
2805          Commando                       Curtiss C-46            a   Canada     Williams Bros kit in Cdn Pacific mkings
0805         Constellation                Lockheed C-121             a   USA        US mkgs; Pusan Korea, 1951 + base pictures
1603         Constellation                Lockheed C-121             a   USA        Details /Heller kit @1:72
1605         Constellation                Lockheed C-121             a   USA        Speedpak details
1603      Constellation, Super            Lockheed C-121             a   USA        Engine Details
1401          Contest, RC                                            a   Canada     note on 1980 Internationals in Ottawa
2902          Cormorant                             CH-149           a   Canada     pictures of the type for details
b2004         Cormorant                    Leonardo CH-149           r   Canada     Book with history/details on the type
2101            Cornell                    Fairchild PT-19 /PT-26    r   Canada   Modelaire Int'l resin kit & conversion
2202            Cornell               Fairchild Fleet PT-26 (PT-19   a   Canada   building Modelaire 1:72 in resin
b1910           Cornell               Fairchild Fleet PT-19/26       a   Norway/C photos & notes/kits for Little Norway use
0015s           Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U            a   USA        RCN mkgs
1501            Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U-4          r   USA        Hasegawa kit @ 1:48
1706            Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U, FG-1      r   New Zeala colour schemes & marking info
2302            Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U-7          r              Heller kit @ 1:48
2303            Corsair               Chance Vought   FG-1D          a   Canada     revising Hasegawa 1:72 kit for Cdn VC
2304            Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U-7          l   France     note about 1:48 corrections kit
2406            Corsair               Chance Vought   AU-1           r   USA        revisions to Heller kit @ 1:48
3002            Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U-1          a   Great Brit build mount of RCNVR pilot
b1604           Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U            a              building a "Nest of Pirates"
b1701           Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U            a   Canada     use by Canadians & kit notes
b1704           Corsair               Chance Vought   F4U            a   USA        simple build of Hasegawa 1:72 kit
0411           Corsair II                       LTV   A-7A           a   USA        USN ATC Mkgs @ Cold Lake winter 1970-71
1105           Corsair II                       LTV   A7D/H          r   USA        ESCI kit @ 1:48
1109           Corsair II                       LTV   A-7            a   USA        Mkgs - USS America 1976
1201           Corsair II                       LTV   A7A            r   USA        Monogram kit @ 1:48
1302           Corsair II                       LTV   A-7            r   USA        decal sheet @ 1:48
2004         Cosmopolitan                   Convair CC-109           a   Canada     Detailing Execuforms 1/72 vacuform
0810         Crane/Bobcat                    Cessna AT-8/17          a   USA        Dwgs, mkgs for 6 craft (1 USAAF)
3303         Crane/Bobcat                    Cessna AT-8/17          a   Canada     markings for Cdn BCATP in colour
0409           Crusader               Chance Vought F-8              a   USA        Dwgs of TF-8A

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                     e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                         web: www.ipmscanada.com                                             Page 8 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                           Country Comments
3702           Crusader              Chance Vought F-8C & XF8U-3      a   USA        build 1:72 Academy & Anigrand kits
b1701          Crusader              Chance Vought RF-8               r   USA        Osprey book on RF-8 use in Vietnam & Cuba
2002           Cub (J3)                         Piper J3 or L-4H      r   USA        Meikraft Models 1:72 kit
3502        Cub/Super Cub                       Piper                 a   Canada     improve Revell 1:32 kit with Cdn markings
1601            Cutlass              Chance Vought F7U                r   USA        Naval Fighters book on type
b2004          Cyclone                    Sikorsky CH-148             r   Canada     Book with history/details on the type
0605            D 520                    Dewoitine D 520              a   France     Italian mkgs - 1943 Sept 3
2604            D 520                    Dewoitine D 520              r   France     book on the type
0013          D3A (Val)                         Aichi D3A             r   Japan      notes on 1:50 Imai kit
0612         Dart Herald              Handley Page S200               a   UK/Canad drawing of EPA craft, early 70s
2305            Dash-8           deHavilland Canada CT-142            r   Canada     Leading Edge parts 1:72
b1905           Dash-8                DHC Canada DHC-8 300            l   Canada     OzMods 1:144 kit noted
1202          Dauntless                    Douglas SBD-3 to -6        r   USA        Matchbox kit @ 1:32
1405          Dauntless                    Douglas SBD                l   USA        @ Hamilton 1980
2703          Dauntless                    Douglas SBD-5              r   USA        building 1:48 kit
1703          Dauphin 2                Aerospatiale SA-365N           r   France     Matchbox kit @ 1:72
2604            DC-2                       Douglas DC-2               r   USA        Dekno kit @ 1:72
1405            DC-3                       Douglas      DC-3          l              @ Hamilton 1980
1904            DC-3                       Douglas      DC-3          a   Canada     Canadian Pacific Airlines DC-3
2201            DC-3                       Douglas      DC-3          a   Canada     Central Mtn Air markings
2206            DC-3                       Douglas      DC-3          r   USA        Monogram kit @ 1:48 - Eastern AirLines
2303            DC-3                       Douglas      DC-3          a   Canada     markings for Central Mtn Air (see 2201)
b1707           DC-3                       Douglas      DC-3          a   USA        Markings of plane that killed Rick Nelson
0021     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Dwgs of float version
0203     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      Dakota IV     a   USA        436 Sqn SEAC 'Canucks Unlimited' mkgs
0307     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        RCAF-UN & Yugoslav mkgs (1963); notes
0505     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs for TV's "Flight of the Arctic 7"
0512     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        civil mkgs; Norcanair '72 & Transair '70
0606     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn TAC mkgs - mid 1950s
0607     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs, 1972 - Survair Ltd (MAD sting)
0609     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Dwgs of Super DC-3 & previous mkgs
0611     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        new Cdn mkgs - 70s (429 Sq)
0612     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47          a   USA        Craft used to bring BD-5 to Abbotsford 1973
0701     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs; Eldorado 1958, Mobil Oil 1973
0703     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs - North Coast Air Services 1973
0704     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs; 2 from Gateway Aviation
0705     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47          a   Canada     unit of BC Forest Products 1973
0709     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      DC-3          a   USA        CP Air civil mkgs
0803     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs; Harrison Airways & Trans-Provincal
0805     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn civil mkgs; Northern Thunderbird Airlines
0806     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Rhodesian mkgs; notes for 1950s-60s
0807     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Civil mkgs; ex CP Air to Harrision Air (re 0803)
0903     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Cdn mkgs - Pinocchio F-104 nose
0907     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        4 mkgs- German 1957 & 1943, RAAF, Paraguay
1007     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Int detail dwgs; typical CFANS in 1969
1201     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47          r   USA        Monogram kit @ 1:48
1303     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47          r   USA        Monogram kit @ 1:48
1304     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      C-47/DC-3     a   USA        Conv C-47 to DC-3 in 1/48,lots of dwgs
1504     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas      Dakota/C-47   r              ESCI kit @ 1:72

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                      e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                        web: www.ipmscanada.com                                                Page 9 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                          Country Comments
1801     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47/DC-3       a   USA          Sp iss, hist, Cdn C G Mkgs
1801     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47/DC-3       r   Denmark      build 1:72 ESCI C-47 in Danish mkgs
1801     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47            r   Australia    build 1:48 Monogram C-47 in Aussie mkgs
1806     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47/DC-3       a   USA          Trimotor w/ PT6 turboprops Dwgs
1806     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47            r   Netherland   decals for Dutch marked a/c
2101     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   Dakota          a   Canada       use of IPMS Can decal sheet
2102     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   Dakota/C-47     a   Canada       build Monogram 1:48 kit in Cdn markings
2301     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   DC-3 & other    a   Canada       aircraft of Air North Ltd.
2305     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47            a   Canada       photo of Pacific Coastal unit
2305     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47            r   Canada       Leading Edge parts for Pinocchio 72&48
2604     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   C-47 float      r   USA          build Execuform floatplane - 1:72
2804     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas                   a   Canada       do Austin Airways finish - 1:48
3701     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain               Basler   BT-67           a   USA          convert 1:72 Italeri C-47 to modified type
4004     DC-3/Dakota/Skytrain              Douglas   Dakota Mk 3     a   Can          Decals for unit with CEPE in 1950s
0609         DC-3/Tabby             Showa/Nakajima L2D3              a   Japan        Dwgs for conv & Airfix kit @1:72
1106        DC-4/NorthStar                 Douglas DC-4/4M           r   Canada       Rareplanes vf @ 1:72
2001        DC-6 (Conair)                  Douglas DC-6              a   Canada       DC-6's in Conair livery, photos
1904      DC-6 Waterbomber                 Douglas DC-6B             a   France       French waterbombers
1904            DC-6B                      Douglas DC-6B             r   USA          Airliners America 1:144 urethane kit
1504             DC-9                      Douglas DC-9              r   USA          Maquettes M&B kit @1:100
b1804            DC-9                      Douglas DC-9-32           l   Canada       plane in which Stan Rogers died
1703     Decals-83 Air Tattoo                                        r                Modeldecal sheets
1502        Decals-Belgian                                           r   Belgium      current etc @ 1:72, 1:48
1606      Decals-Blue Angels                                         r   USA          for Connie or Hercules
1606       Decals-Canadian                                           r   Canada       Tracker & Sea King from Flight Colours
2003 Decals-CF100,CF105,Otter                                        r   Canada       Arrow Graphics for modern types
3001     Decals-codes & serials                                      r   UK           Aviaeology - 4 sheets for RAF / FAA
0605       Decals-Correction                                         a   Russia       Transl'n correc'n of ESCI decals
2205         Decals-Dutch                                            r   Netherland for many types of 40s to 60s @ 1:72
1109      Decals-F106 & T33                                          r   USA          4 a/c from Michigan ANG
1806    Decals-France in Africa                                      r   France       decals for 1:72 a/c
2004    Decals-French (mostly)                                       r                Carpena @ 1:72 & 1:48
1706         Decals-Japan                                            r   Japan        IPMS/USA hinomarus
2204    Decals-P-51 & FW-190                                         r                sheets @ 1:48 & 1:72
1111      Decals-UK postwar                                          r   UK           Modeldecal #47,48 @ 1:72
1702    Decals-USAF tail codes                                       r   USA          4 sheets from Detail & Scale
0024            Defiant                Boulton-Paul Defiant F.Mk I   a   UK           Cdn mkgs - 410 Sqn RCAF 1942
1505      deHavilland Canada                                         r   Canada       book on the company
0407       Delfin (Dolphin)                     Aero L-29            a   Czech        Egyptian mkgs (with colour chips)
b1405            Delta                    Northrop Delta             a   Canada       history & profiles in Cdn service
b1502            Delta                    Northrup Delta             a   Canada       further pictures for article in B1405
0302         Delta Dagger                  Convair   F-102           a   USA          notes on US mkgs; dwgs Montana ANG
0508         Delta Dagger                  Convair   F-102           a   USA          US mkgs: ND ANG @ Moose Jaw
0606         Delta Dagger                  Convair   F-102           a   USA          Idaho NG mkgs, 1972(?)
0611         Delta Dagger                  Convair   F-102           a   USA          US mkgs - 125th FIG Fla ANG - 1973
0803         Delta Dagger                  Convair   F-102           a   USA          US mkgs - CA ANG

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                      e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
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IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                        Designation                           Country Comments
2502          Delta Dagger                    Convair F-102             r   USA        decal sets for Idaho & Alaska ANG
0406           Delta Dart                     Convair   F-106           a   USA        Mkgs; 5th FIS @ Minot AFB 1970 May
0510           Delta Dart                     Convair   F-106           a   USA        USAF 5th FIS, Minot ND mkgs
1601           Delta Dart                     Convair   F-106           r   USA        Monogram kit @ 1:48
1706           Delta Dart                     Convair   F-106           a   USA        Kit detailing @ 1:48
2402           Delta Dart                     Convair   YQF-106         a   USA        markings for drone use
0707            Demon                      McDonnell F-3/F3H            a   USA        US navy mkgs at Cold Lake 1974
0201            DFS 230                          DFS 230                a   Germany    Luftwaffe in detail: Drwgs to scratch build glider
1803            DFS 230                          DFS 230                r   Germany    HUMA injection kit in 1:72
0510             DH-4                     deHavilland DH-4              a   UK         Dwgs for several conv's; esp to DH 9A
0704             DH-4                     deHavilland DH-4              a   UK         Cdn civil mkgs; G-CYCW, AB forestry patrol
1008             Dieppe                                                 a   UK         RAF & RCAF over Dieppe
0811             Dinah                      Mitsubishi Ki-46 III        a   Japan      2nd Sentai; Philippines 1944
0203             Do   17                      Dornier   Do 17Z-2/3      a   Germany    Monogram 1:72 kit review & Int detail dwgs
0207             Do   17                      Dornier   Do 17Z          a   Germany    Notes & dwgs re Monogram kit errors- RT 0203
0309             Do   17                      Dornier   Do 17P          a   Germany    German mkgs, 3 craft & basic pattern
3101             Do   17                      Dornier   Do 17Z          a   Germany    build old Hobbycraft 1:48 kit
1205             Do 18                        Dornier                   r   Germany    Matchbox kit @ 1:72 (?)
2602             Do 24                        Dornier Do 24T N & K      a   Netherland on Swedish & Rus - decals, conv etc 1:72
3102           Do 26 v2                       Dornier Do 26v2           a   Germany    build Airmodel 1:72 vac-form
0205            Do 217                        Dornier Do 217E-5         a   Germany    Luft' in Detail: Cockpit dwg & notes
3201           Do J Wal                       Dornier Do J Iia          a   Germany    build Huma's 1:72 kit
2305        Dollies, beaching                                           a   Canada     modified cars for beaching seaplanes
1111         Dragon Rapide                deHavilland                   r   UK         Veejay ltd-run kit @ 1:72
0506        Draken (Dragon)                    SAAB J-35                a   Sweden     Mkgs - 6 different versions
0609        Draken (Dragon)                    SAAB SK-35C              a   Sweden     Trainer conv w/ dwgs using Airfix kit
b1601            Drones                    Radioplane RP-1/OQ-3         l   USA        Reg Denny & Norma Jean etc
0508             Duck                       Grumman J2F                 a   USA        Peruvian mkgs
3404             E-175                       Embraer 175                a   Canada     build & paint Hasegawa 1:144 kit of the 170 for AC
1205             Eagle              McDonnell Douglas   F-15A           r   USA        Monogram kit @ 1:48
2105             Eagle              McDonnell Douglas   F-15            r   USA        Verlinden Super Detail set 1:48
2306             Eagle              McDonnell Douglas   F-15            r   USA        Color & Markings book
2404             Eagle              McDonnell Douglas   F-15            r   Israel     decal sheet (various scales)
4203             Eagle              McDonnell Douglas   F-15A           a   USA        convert Hasegawa 1:48 kit for early blue craft
2306        Engines, various                                            r              resin units from Aircraft Accessories
2506           Eqpt, Gnd                                                r              WW2 ground support equipment @ 1:48
2106            Etendard                     Dassault Etendard IVM      r   France     Heller kit 1:48
0015s          Expeditor                       Beech    JRB-3NM         a   Canada     RCN mkgs
0907           Expeditor                       Beech    (C-45) Mk 3NM   a   USA        403 Sqn Cdn mkgs
1803           Expeditor                       Beech    C-45            a   USA        Details dwgs mkgs
1805           Expeditor                       Beech    C-45            a   USA        RCN mkgs, 1963
2003           Expeditor                       Beech    C-45            r              Pioneer 1:72 injection
4002           Expeditor                   Beechcraft   UC-45F          a   Can        notes on markings for early post-war
b1807          Expeditor                   Beechcraft                   l   Canada     two comments/questions on Expeditors in RT 40-02
b1801       Expeditor/H-18                 Beechcraft Super 18          a   USA        Plane that Otis Redding died in
1102    Ezust Nyil (Silver Arrow)       Weiss Manfred WM 23             a   Hungary    Dwgs of a prototype

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                         e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                           web: www.ipmscanada.com                                            Page 11 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                            Country Comments
2404                F.13                    Junkers                    a   Canada       details & modelling 2 bush planes
0030           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5A     a   USA          Cdn mkgs drawings (poor) & notes
0210           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116D/CF-5D    a   USA          Notes, Detail dwgs & Cdn mkgs
0212           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116A/CF-5     a   USA          Cdn camo scheme (replace scheme in RT 0030)
0308           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   USA          Misc notes (corr RT 0212) & PR nose details
0611           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   Canada       new Cdn mkgs -70s (433 Sq)
1108           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   Canada       Cockpit & eject seat
1111           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5A     a   Canada       Detail dwgs & mkgs
1205           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   Canada       Cdn mkgs - 1979
1302           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   Canada       Cdn mkgs, experimental 1979
1403           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5A     l   Canada       for 419 & 435 in 1980
1405           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   Canada       CF-116 mkgs - 419 Sq Cold Lake 1979
1501           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      a   Canada       Cold Lake experimental markings (79-81)
1704           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      r   Canada       book on type
2106           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5A     a   Canada       drawing of special markings
2402           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5A&D   a   Canada       revising F-5E Hasegawa kit @ 1:32
2605           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116/CF-5      l   Canada       photos of pilot seat
3302           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116D          a   Canada       build Classic Airframe 1:48 kit
4004           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116D          a   Canada       build Kinetic 1:48 kit as unit of display team
4004           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116A          a   Canada       build 1:48 Kinetic kit as AETE unit with extras
4103           F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116A          a   Canada       modify Hasegawa 1:32 F-5E with scratch built parts
b1209          F-5/CF-5                   Northrop    CF-116a          r   Canada       Kinetic's 1:48 kit - very good CF-116
b1807          F-5/CF-5                   Canadair    CF-116           r   Canada       notes on 2 ESCI 1:72 kits.
0703      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Canadair    F-5              a   Venezuela    3-view of Venezuelan mkgs
0703      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Canadair    F-5A             a   Norway       3-view of Norwegian 332 Sqn mkgs
0807      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Northrop    F-5              a   USA          Philippine mkgs
0812      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Northrop    F-5A             a   Norway       Norwegian mkgs: 334 Sqn
1007      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Northrop    RF-5             a   USA          S Korean mkgs - 'Black Eagles' 1975
1010      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Northrop    F-5A             a   USA          S Korean mkgs
1701      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Northrop    F-5A             r                Esci kit @ 1:72
1703      F-5/Freedom Fighter             Northrop    F-5              a   USA          Aggressor F-5
0710           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38             a   USA          Thunderbirds mkgs 1974; notes for Hasegawa 1:72
0801           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38             l   USA          Corrections to article in 7#10
0805           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38             a   USA          Correction to article 7-10; build notes & drwgs
0809           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38             a   USA          USN mkgs; Fighter Weapons School 1974/75
0910           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38A            a   USA          US mkgs; 64th FWS (the Aggressors)
0911           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38A            a   USA          US Navy mkgs; NAS China Lake ~1976
1001           F-5/Talon                  Northrop    T-38A            a   USA          US Navy mkgs (early 70s); Test Pilot School, Pax R
1106          F-5/Tiger II                Northrop F-5E                r   USA          Monogram kit @ 1:48
1108          F-5/Tiger II                Northrop F-5E                r   USA          Monogram kit @ 1:48
1502          F-5/Tiger II                Northrop F-5E                r   USA          new Monogram kit @ 1:48
0302            FA 330               Focke Achgelis FA 330             a   Germany      Dwg & German mkgs
1202             Fagot             Mikoyan Guervich MiG-15             r   USSR         Kovozavody Prostejov kit @ 1:72
2502             Fagot             Mikoyan Guervich MiG-15             r   USSR         decals for 2 craft in Korea
0904     Falco (Falcon)/CR-42                   Fiat CR-42             a   Italy        2 Italian mkgs; Torino & Sicily
1102     Falco (Falcon)/CR-42                   Fiat CR-42             a   Italy        Hungarian mkgs - 1941-43
0709    Falco I (Falcon)/Re 2000          Reggiane Re 2000             a   Italy        Hungarian mkgs
1103    Falco I (Falcon)/Re 2000          Reggiane Re 2000             a   Italy        Hungarian mkgs - 1941-45
0028            Falcon              Dassault Breguet CC-117            a   France       Cdn ATC 412 Sqn mkgs & notes
0511            Falcon              Dassault Breguet CC-117            a   France       CAF mkgs; Cold Lake 1972 Apr 29

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                          e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
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IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                            Country Comments
0803            Falcon              Dassault Breguet CC-117            a   France     Cdn mkgs - 412 Sqn
b2008           Falcon              Dassault Breguet Falcon 20         a   Fr/Cdn     Pictures in Cdn service & kits (RT 0511 dwg)
0711      Farmer/MiG-19/F-6               Shenyang F-6                 a   USSR       profile of Pakistani mkgs (IPMS ad!)
1010        Fawn & Finch                        Fleet   Fawn           a   Canada     CMA-A to Z #15a, Dwgs & 25 mkg profiles, photos
1012        Fawn & Finch                        Fleet   Finch 16B      a   Canada     CMA-A to Z #15b: history, 15 profile Dwgs
2006        Fawn & Finch                        Fleet   Fawn & Finch   r   Canada     1:72 vacuforms from CAN-VAC
2105        Fawn & Finch                        Fleet   Finch & Fawn   a   Canada     building the Can-Vic kits
21sb        Fawn & Finch                        Fleet   Finch          a   Canada     photos of BCATP planes
b1905       Fawn & Finch                        Fleet   Finch Mk II    r   Canada     Azur Fr.Rom's 1:72 kit + photos
0035            FDB-1                       Gregor FDB-1               a   Canada     Dwgs, & notes
b1308           FDB-1               Gregor/Can-Car                     a   Canada     short history of the type
b1311           FDB-1               Can-Car/Gregor                     l   Canada     2 comments on article in b1308
1706            Feather                    Yakolev Yak-15 & 17         r   USSR       dubena vf kits @ 1:72
0034        Feather/Yak 15                 Yakolev Yak 15              a   USSR       Dwgs & conversion notes
2201                Fi-5                     Fiesler                   r   Germany    kits by HUMA in 1:72
0911        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16A          a   USA        D Bell's Modeler's Notes
1004        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16           r   USA        Otaki kit @ 1:48
1202        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16B          a   USA        photos of visit of demostrator to Ottawa
1403        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16           r   USA        Testors Italieri kit
1602        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16A/B        r   USA        compare Italeri & ESCI kits
1602        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16           r   USA        Hasegawa kit @ 1:48
2803        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16A/C        r   USA        Black Box cockpit @ 1:48
2804        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16D          r   USA        Black Box cockpit @ 1:48
2804        Fighting Falcon        General Dynamics     F-16C          r   USA        Black Box cockpit @ 1:48
2545           Firebrand                  Blackburn - TF.5             a   UK         scratch build in 1:48
0015s           Firefly                      Fairey     Firefly        a   UK         RCN mkgs
0202            Firefly                      Fairey     Firefly        a   UK         Conv of Mk V to Mk I, dwgs & Cdn dwgs
1804            Firefly                      Fairey     Firefly        a   UK         RCN mkgs
2304            Firefly                      Fairey     Firefly FR.1   a              2 craft from Eritrea back to Canada
2405            Firefly                      Fairey     FR.1           a   UK         Novo (Frog) reissue @ 1:72
b2008       First Flight, jet                Gloster E28/39            r   UK         Clear Prop 1:72 expert kit
0511            Fishbed           Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-21         a   USSR       CSSR,Syrian, & NVAF mkgs; PFM & MF, notes
1701            Fishbed           Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-21MF       r   USSR       KP kit @ 1:72
1901            Fishbed           Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-21MF       r   USSR       Czech 1:48 injection kit
2105            Fishbed           Mikoyan Guervich      MiG-21 bis     r   USSR       Fujimi kit in 1:72
2106            Fishbed           Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-21         r   USSR       book from 4+ Publications on type
0407             Fitter                      Sukhoi Su-7               a   USSR       Egyptian mkgs (with colour chips)
1402             Fitter                      Sukhoi Su-7               a   USSR       photos of a unit on display
2101            Flagon                       Sukhoi Su-21F             r   USSR       Pioneer 2 1:72 injection kit
1806           Flamingo                         SIAT SIAT 223          r   Germany    PM (Turkey) injection kit at 1:48
2506           Fleet 50                         Fleet Model 50K        a   Canada     story & drwg of 2 engine freighter
1505         Flora/Yak 23                  Yakolev Yak 23              a   USSR       1/72 dwgs, mkgs
2603           Flugelrad                     BMW - V-1                 r   Germany    Resin kit of proposal/proto in 1/72
0503        Flying Boxcar                  Fairchild C-119G            a   USA        US mkgs @ Cold lake; well used craft
2305        Flying Boxcar                  Fairchild C-119             r   Canada     Leading Edge decals & parts 1:72
0023        Flying Fortress                  Boeing B-17F              a   USA        Detail turret dwgs & mkgs
0034        Flying Fortress                  Boeing YB-40              a   USA        YB-40 conv from Airfix B-17G
0301        Flying Fortress                  Boeing B-17E/F            a   USA        Cdn types: Notes on Cdn mail A/C; markings
snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                        e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                         web: www.ipmscanada.com                                             Page 13 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                         Country Comments
1107        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17        a   USA         Cdn civil mkgs - 1969
1205        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17G       l               photos of civil unit in 1966
1301        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17G       r   USA         Monogram "phantom" kit @ 1:48
1302        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17G       r   USA         Aerodata #8 on type
1303        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17G       l   USA         2 photos of civil craft - 1978
2302        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17G       r   USA         Minicraft kit @ 1:144
2405        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17E       a   USA         Minicraft kit @ 1:72 in RAF mkgs
3203        Flying Fortress                 Boeing      B-17G       a   USA/Can     Hasegawa 1:72 kit as Kenting survey type
2701         Fokker D-II                    Fokker D.II             r   Germany     Gavia kit @ 1:48
3101          Fokker Dr.I                   Fokker Dr.I             a   Germany     build & improve 1:32 Roden kit
0027         Fokker D-VI                    Fokker D-VI             a   Germany     Dwgs for conv 2 kits to D.VI
0904         Fokker D-VI                    Fokker D-VI             a   Germany     Conversion using Dr-I & D-VII kits
0035         Fokker D-VII                   Fokker      D-VII       a   Germany     Cdn mkgs! For captured craft in 1919
0409         Fokker D-VII                   Fokker      D-VII       a   Germany/    USMC mkgs
0804         Fokker D-VII                   Fokker      D-VII       a   Germany     Dwg & marking notes for specific craft
1201         Fokker D-VII                   Fokker      D-VII       r   Germany     Monogram kit @ 1:48
3903         Fokker D-VII                   Fokker      D-VII       a   Canada      build Wingnut Wings kit as post-War Cdn
0512        Fokker D-VIII                   Fokker D-VIII           a   Germany     Conv w/ dwgs
1803        Fokker D-VIII                   Fokker D-VIII           r   Germany     Classic Planes vacform kit in 1:72
2602         Fokker E.III                   Fokker E.III            r   Germany     reissue of 1:48 kit with resin parts
2604          Fokker E.V                    Fokker E.V              r   Germany     Flashback kit @ 1:48 - Eduard & Aires
3701          Fokker E.V                    Fokker E.V              a   Germany     Build 1:48 Eduard kit as memorial
0507     Folgore (Thunderbolt)             Macchi MC 202 sIX        a   Italy       Italian markings; Catania, Sicily, 1943 Aug 23
0512        Folgore/Veltro                 Macchi MC-205            a   Italy       Conv from MC-202 w/ dwgs (from IPMS Italy)
4003        Folgore/Veltro                 Macchi MC 205 Veltro     a   Ita         build Hasegawa 1:48 kit with extras
0812                Fort                        Fleet   60 Fort     a   Canada      Dwg, mkgs; esp last one built
1302                Fort                        Fleet   Fort        r   Canada      Airframe vf kit @ 1:72
1401                Fort                        Fleet   Fort        a   Canada      1/72 dwg & mkgs
1402                Fort                        Fleet   Fort        l   Canada      dwg correction to RT 14-01
2306       Foxbat/Foxhound                Mikoyan MiG-25 & 31       r               AJ Press monograph on type
2403       Foxbat/Foxhound                Mikoyan MiG-25 & -31      r   USSR        booklet on type - drawings (Polish text)
0803     Frank/Hayate (Gale)             Nakajima Ki 84             a   Japan       1st Sentai mkgs - 2 craft
2704        Freccia (Arrow)                      Fiat G-50          r   Italy       notes on a 1:48 scale kit with extras
0511           Freighter                    Bristol 170 Freighter   a   UK       Cdn mkgs & correction notes
0809           Freighter                    Bristol 170 Freighter   a   UK       Cdn civil mkgs; Norcanair 1974 (ex RCAF)
1002           Freighter                    Bristol 170 Freighter   l   UK/Canad cover photo: RCAF 170 Mk 3IM @ Marville 1965
1203           Freighter                    Bristol Freighter       a   UK       Cdn mkgs - 1960
2601           Freighter                    Bristol Freighter       l   UK/Canad photo of a/c in Manitoba - 1998
b1601          Freighter                    Bristol Model 170       a   UK/Canad Mark differences, kits & Cdn markings
b1701          Freighter                    Bristol                 l            noting OzMods Freighter kit @1:144
0406            Fresco            Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-17      a   USSR        NVAF mkgs for 4 craft + MiG-21PF
0411            Fresco            Mikoyan Guervich      MiG-17      l   USSR        Errata re surround on Natl insignia (RT 0406)
0808            Fresco            Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-17      a   USSR        Dwgs, mkgs for more than 10, kit notes
0905            Fresco            Mikoyan Gurevich      MiG-17      a   USSR        Mkgs & drwgs; supplement to RT 0808
1004            Fresco                        MiG       MiG-17      l   USSR        note on airbrakes for article in RT 0808
2802       Fulcrum/MiG-29         Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29           l   Germany     photos of type @ Cold Lake 2000
0203           FW 190                   Focke Wulf FW 190 A-7       a   Germany     Mkgs for Pips Priller - 1944 June 6
0502           FW 190                   Focke Wulf FW 190A-8        a   Germany     mkgs for I/JG II, Darmstadt, spring 1945
snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                      e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
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IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                          Country Comments
0604           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190A-8 R1   a   Germany    version int dwgs & cutaways
0606           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190A-8      a   Germany    captured - UK & USA mkgs
0805           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190F        a   Germany    Mkgs - Russian Front; unknown unit
1006           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190A-8      r   Germany    Otaki kit @ 1:48
1010           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190         a   Germany    History of last Jabo raid on London;1943 April
1103           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190         a   Germany    Hungarian mkgs - 1944
1203           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190         l   Hungary    errata on mkgs in 1103
2202           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190F-8      a   Hungary    notes & drawings on markings
2203           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190A-8      a   Hungary    drwg & note on history of an action
2301           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190A-5/6    r   Germany    conversion parts for Hasegawa A-8 @1:72
2303           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190D-9      r   Germany    decals @1:48 for JV44 & JG6
2406           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190D-11     a   Germany    revise Trimaster/Dragon D-9
2406           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190D-9      r   Germany    build Tamiya kit @ 1:48
2501           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190 S-5     a   Germany    build MPM trainer version @ 1:72
2506           FW 190                   Focke Wulf    FW 190A8/U1    a   Germany    mkgs & story re 2-seat radar equipped
0212        FW 190/Ta 152               Focke Wulf Ta 152 H-0        a   Germany    Mkgs & conv tips; JG 301, 1945 spring
0408        FW 190/Ta 152               Focke Wulf Ta 152H           a   Germany    Correct & Detail 1:72 Frog kit
2301        FW 190/Ta 152               Focke Wulf Ta 152            r   Germany    detailing parts @ 1:72
2306        FW 200 Condor               Focke Wulf FW 200            r   Germany    Revell kit @ 1:72 ? of the airliner
2404            Gannet                      Fairey Gannet            l              photo of craft @ Edmunston NB, July 1995
2405            Gannet                      Fairey Gannet            a   UK         building Dynavector vacuform
0204           Gauntlet                     Gloster Gauntlet         a   UK         Conv from Impact 1:48 Gladiator: notes/dwgs
0803            Gazelle                Aerospatiale Gazelle          a   France     US Civil markings & details - mod Airfix 1:72 kit
0605          Genet Moth                deHavilland Moth             a   UK         Conv Frog Gipsy Moth to Genet Moth
0022        George/Shiden                Kawanishi N1K2-J            a   Japan      Mkgs
1111           Gladiator                    Gloster Gladiator        a   UK         Swedish mkgs - 1937-47
2803           Gladiator                    Gloster Sea Gladiato     r   UK         Roden kit @ 1:48
4202           Gladiator                    Gloster Mk.II            a   Uk         build Airfix 1:72 kit for V (Woody) Woodward
b1604      Gladiator - engine               Bristol Mercury          r   UK         SBS Models 1:72 resin engine
2405                Glen                 Yokosuka E14Y1              a   Japan      MPM kit @ 1:72
2302            Go 145                       Gotha Go 145            r   Germany    HUMA kit @ 1:72
1303            Go 242                       Gotha Go 242            a   Germany    Mkgs
2545            Goblin            Can-Car/Grumman G.23/FF-1          a   Canada     schemes used incl Cdn
b1810           Goblin                        CCF G-23 Goblin        r   Canada     MPM/Special Hobby 1:72 kits - for experts
2002            Goose                    Grumman      G-21           a   Canada     Photos, drawings, details
2106            Goose                    Grumman      JRF-2 Goose    a   Canada     mrkgs for war & peace, history of craft
2305            Goose                    Grumman      JRF-2          a              photo of Pacific Coastal unit
2403            Goose                    Grumman      Goose          a   Canada     mkgs for RCMP machine in BC
0031        Greif (Griffin)                Heinkel He 177            a   Germany    Detail & int dwgs
0506        Greif (Griffin)                Heinkel He 177A-3/R2      a   Germany    Int armament detail dwgs
0201         Greif/He 277                  Heinkel                   l   Germany    Unc Freddie talks about doing major conv mods
0709         Greif/He 277                  Heinkel He 277 B-5/R-2    a   Germany    Dwg
1302          H- 5/S-51                   Sikorsky H- 5/S-51         a   USA        Details & dwgs - Cdn use
2403          H- 5/S-51                   Sikorsky HO3S-1 (H-5)      a   USA        review of MPM kit @ 1:72
1903                H-12                        Hiller CH-112        a   Canada     mkgs-4 Troop - C Sqn - Fort Garry Horse
0015s    H-13/HTL/Model 47                       Bell HTL/47         a   USA        RCN mkgs
1805     H-13/HTL/Model 47                       Bell HTL-4/47       a   USA        RCN mkgs
2201     H-13/HTL/Model 47                       Bell 47G & D        a   USA        construction details, drwgs & photos
snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                      e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
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IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                           Country Comments
2201     H-13/HTL/Model 47                       Bell 47G,H-13,HTL    r   USA        building the Esoteric kit 1:72
0015s      H-19/HO4S/S-55                   Sikorsky HO4S/S-55        a   USA        RCN mkgs
1805       H-19/HO4S/S-55                   Sikorsky HO4S/S-55        a   USA        RCN mkgs, 1953
2202       H-19/HO4S/S-55                   Sikorsky HO4S RCN         a   Canada     description of markings
0305    H-19/HO4S/Whirlwind        Sikorsky Westland HO4S/S-55        a   USA        Cdn Navy mkgs, notes on Airfix kit
2102                H-21              Piasecki/Vertol H-21/HRP-2      a   Canada     photos & detailing Hobbycraft kit
2102                H-21              Piasecki/Vertol H-21/HRP-2      a   Canada     colour schemes Cdn, US & Germ
2103                H-21              Piasecki/Vertol                 l   Canada     errata on article in 21-02
2104                H-21              Piasecki/Vertol                 l   Canada     errata on article in 21-02
3501      H-21/H-44/Shawnee           Piasecki/Vertol H-21A/B         a   Canada     build/improve the Italeri 1:72 kit
b1305     H-21/H-44/Shawnee           Piasecki/Vertol H-21B           a   Canada     pictures of the restored craft at Comox
b1402     H-21/H-44/Shawnee           Piasecki/Vertol H-21A/B         l   Canada     notes & pictures from ex-RCAF person
0015s         H-25/HUP                       Piasecki HUP-3           a   USA        RCN mkgs
1805          H-25/HUP                       Piasecki HUP-3           a   USA        RCN mkgs
2004          H-25/HUP                       Piasecki HUP-3           a   Canada     Photos, drawings, colours
1402          H-34/HSS                      Sikorsky H-34A(S-58)      l   USA        photo at Cold Lake 1960
2004          H-34/HSS                      Sikorsky H-34             r              Revell kit @1:48
0402      H-34/HSS/Wessex          Sikorsky Westland H-34             a   USA        Cdn Rescue mkgs; Cold Lake 1969 (Frog 1:72
0019    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113         a   USA        Cdn mkgs (Army & rescue)
0310    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   H-46           a   USA        Cdn Army (Mobile Cmd) mkgs in 1970
0402    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113         a   USA        Cdn Rescue mkgs; Summerside 1968 Dec
1302    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113A        a   Canada     special 442 Sqn craft in 1975
1901    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113A        a   Canada     Mods to Fujimi 1/72 kits
2305    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol                  r   Canada     Martin Hobbies resin tail mod @ 1:72
2502    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113         a   USA        markings & changes over Cdn service
2545    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113A        l   Canada     3 more schemes - update to 25-2
2602    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113         l   Canada     on designations & squadrons from 2502
3401    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113         a   Canada     build/detail Academy 1:48 kit to Cdn
3402    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing/Vertol   CH-113 /A      a   Canada     Reference Notes on the type - part 1
3403    H-46/Labrador/Voyageur         Boeing Vertol   CH-113         a   Canada     Notes on differences and changes Part 2
1001           Hadrian                          Waco CG-4             l   Canada     C Fragments of MA-A to Z: 442Sqn partial glider
0005           Halifax                 Handley Page Halifax B.7       a   UK         notes on converting Airfix 1:72 kit
1302           Halifax                 Handley-Page Halifax           r   UK         Aerodata #7 - Merlin engined variants
21sb           Halifax                 Handley-Page Mk.V & II         a   UK         markings for 3 of 1586 Flt & 301 Sqn
21sb        Halifax - flight           Handley-Page                   a   UK         story of a flight
0202           Hampden                 Handley-Page Hampden           a   UK/Swede 1:72 drgs of Swedish Mkgs in 1938
1107           Hampden                 Handley-Page Hampden           a   UK       Cdn mkgs - 415 Sqn
2303      Hansa-Brandenburg                            KD (D.I)       a   Hungary    history & markings for Hungarian ace
2306                Hare                         Mil Mil-1            r   USSR       2 kits @ 1:72, MPM (inject) & Modelaire
1502            Harrier                          BAe AV-8A/GR.1       r              Monogram kit @ 1:48
2306            Harrier           "Sea Harrier over th e Falklands"   r   UK         book / biography on Falklands War
2604            Harrier                          Bae Sea Harrier      a   UK         building updated Airfix kit @ 1:48
1602      Harrier/Sea Harrier                   BAe FRS               a   UK         1/32 conv w/ dwgs
0608                Hart                     Hawker Hart              a   UK         Finnish mkgs on skis - 1940
b1205 Harvard II/Texan II/PC-9      Pilatus/Raytheon CT-156           r   Canada     Caracal decals @1:48 for 4 Afs
2004         Harvard/Jeep            North American NA-44             a   Canada     Drawings
3702         Harvard/Jeep            North American NA-44 jeep        a   Canada     build Revell/Heller 1:72 kit as a 'one-off'

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                       e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
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IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                              Country Comments
1704         Harvard/Oak                    Kyushu K10W1                 a   Japan        1/72 Dwgs
0025         Harvard/P-64            North American P-64                 a   USA          Notes & Dwgs for conv
0015s       Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       RCN mkgs
0204        Harvard/Texan            North American   Harvard Mk.2A      a   Canada    Cdn mkgs; MacDonald Gunnery School 1952
0212        Harvard/Texan            North American   Harvard MkI/BC-1   a   USA       Notes, Dwgs to Conv to Harvard Mk I
0410        Harvard/Texan            North American   Harvard II         a   USA       Cdn mkgs; 442 Sqn Vancouver 1948
0506        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       Cdn mkgs- privately owned in WA, USA
0506        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       French mkgs; Sqn 03/004 Algeria 1957
0509        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA/Cana  Harvard "Goldilocks" mkgs; Moose Jaw 1964
0510        Harvard/Texan            North American   Harvard Mk II      a   USA/Cana  Mkgs - 1 Training Command, Trenton, ON early 1941
0702        Harvard/Texan            North American   Harvard IV         l   USA       Cdn mkgs; static display @ Penhold AB
0712        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6F/KN-1          a   USA       Texan on floats(!)- Korean
0904        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       Cdn Mkgs - 402 Sqn 1940s/50s
0907        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6 (IIB)          a   USA       403 Sqn Cdn mkgs; 2 craft
1201        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       Swedish mkgs - 1947-72
1202        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       Cdn mkgs - 1960
1303        Harvard/Texan            North American   AT-6               r   USA       Monogram kit @ 1:48
1704        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       Civil Mkgs, 1981
1706        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       Book Mark #1, references
1804        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       RCN mkgs
1806        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                a   USA       RCN mkgs
2004        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                r             Squadron Signal In Action book
2204        Harvard/Texan            North American   Harvard            r   Canada    book on use & diagrams
2601        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6G               a   USA/Portu build Portugese ltd-run kit 1:48
2605        Harvard/Texan            North American   T-6                r   USA       Academy kit @ 1:72
2801        Harvard/Texan            North American   Mk.II              a   Canada    convert 1:48 Mk.4 from Modelcraft
3203        Harvard/Texan            North American   2A                 l   USA/Can marking drawings of craft in 1950
0014      Harvard/Whirraway      Commonwealth A/C Whirraway              a   Australia    Conv from Harvard w/ dwgs
0025      Harvard/Whirraway      Commonwealth A/C Whirraway              a   Australia    Notes & Dwgs for conv
1402      Harvard/Whirraway      Commonwealth A/C Whirraway              a   Australia    Conv Harvard to Whirraway
1702         Harvard/Yale            North American   NA-16              a   USA          Yale details & 1/48 dwgs
2805         Harvard/Yale                    SAAB     Sk 14              r   Sweden       modelling reference for the type
4002         Harvard/Yale            North American   NA-64              a   Can          build unit as seen in "Captains of the Clouds"
b1507        Harvard/Yale            North American   NA-64              a   Canada       BCATP Yales with French markings
b1810        Harvard/Yale            North American   Yale               l                to note "Maroon 18" s/b FS10076 (RT40-02)
2603     Harvard/Yale/Texan          North American various              a   Canada       review of differences among versions
0410            Hawk                        Curtiss   75A-8(P-36G)       a   USA          Norwegian mkgs @ Little Norway (+ history)
0508            Hawk                        Curtiss   P-36/75            a   USA          Peruvian mkgs
0607            Hawk                        Curtiss   P-36/75            a   USA          Finnish A/C & mkgs - 11 profiles, aircraft serials
2702            Hawk                        Curtiss   Hawk 75 P-36       a   USA          variations in engines etc for versions
2703            Hawk                        Curtiss   -75, P-36          a   USA          after-Mkt parts & drawings of versions
b1801           Hawk                        Curtiss   H-75A-8            a   Canada       notes on colours of craft of Little Norway
1603          Hawk (T)                          BAe Hawk T Mk 1          r   UK           Aeroguide book on type
3601          Hawk (T)                          BAe CT-155               a   Canada       modify Airfix 1:48 Hawk 100 to Cdn
b1308         Hawk (T)                          BAe CT-155               a   Canada       build Airfix 1:48 kit as Cdn
0036        Hawk/Goshawk                    Curtiss Hawk III             a   USA          Dwgs & Nat Chinese mkgs - conv F11C-2 kit
0310       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40E              a   USA          Details, dwg to fix Revell 1:72 kit
0404       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40               a   USA          Cdn mkgs/history; 133(F) Sqn, WAC Spring 1945
0406       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40               a   Canada/U     War in the NW: Pt 10 - 111(F) Sqn
0409       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40               a   USA          War in NW: Pt 11 14 (F) Sqn - 4 Cdn mkgs

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                            e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                         web: www.ipmscanada.com                                                 Page 17 of 57
IPMS Canada - RT Index - List by Category and Subject
Volume Subject                      Designation                           Country Comments
0409       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40            l   USA/Can     Errata from item in RT 0406
0508       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40            a   Canada      War in the NW - 118 (F) Sqn - pt4
1104       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40E           r   USA         Revell kit @ 1:48
2405       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40E           r   USA         Eduard accessories @ 1:32
2545       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40E           a   USA         build Revell kit in 1:32
4002       Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   XP-40           a   Can         notes on backdating kits to prototype Ottawa 1940
b1601      Hawk/Kittyhawk                   Curtiss   P-40            l   Canada      Pictures in Aleutians + promo
0301      Hawk/Sparrowhawk                  Curtiss F9C-2             a   USA         Notes on US mkgs for parasite fighter
0306      Hawk/Sparrowhawk                  Curtiss F9C-2             a   USA         revised Mkgs notes (see RT 0301)
0905      Hawk/Sparrowhawk                  Curtiss F9C-2             a   USA         Notes on markings
0005       Hawk/Warhawk                     Curtiss   P-40K-10-CU     a   USA         notes on modifying Frog kit
0407       Hawk/Warhawk                     Curtiss   TP-40E          a   USA         Two seater dwgs (2 of 3)
1302       Hawk/Warhawk                     Curtiss   P-40N           a   USA         Konversion - P-40E to -N @ 1:48
2204       Hawk/Warhawk                     Curtiss   P-40K           r   USA         Czech kit @ 1:72
2604       Hawk/Warhawk                     Curtiss   P-40F           a   USA         build AMT/ERTL kit - corrections noted
3402       Hawk/Warhawk                     Curtiss   P-40N-1         a   New Zeala   combine a -N & -K @1:48 for RNZAF train
3903     Hawkeye/Greyhound               Grumman C-2A                 a   USA         build Fox One's 1:144 resin kit
0403            He 51                      Heinkel He 51B             a   Germany     3 German (1936-41) & 1 Spanish mkgs; notes
1406            He 51                      Heinkel He 51 (Cadena)     a   Germany     Condor Legion mkgs
2403            He 51                      Heinkel He 51              a   Spain       Mkgs for Sp Civil War
2704         He 70 Blitz                   Heinkel He 70K             a   Hungary     converting & improve Matchbox 1:72 kit
0701            He 111                     Heinkel He 111H            a   Germany     Ger mkgs - KG26 (the First of Many - shot down)
0202           He 111Z                     Heinkel He 111Z            a   Germany     Luft' in Detail: Conv & dwgs @ 1:72 for centre
1404            He 112                     Heinkel He 112B            r   Germany     Heller kit @ 1:72
1108            He 115                     Heinkel He 115             a   Germany     Swedish mkgs - 1937 & 1940
1706          Helicopters                                             a               intro to choppers & photos
2301            Helix                       Kamov Ka-27               l   USSR        note on visiting one
0015s           Hellcat                  Grumman      F6F             a   USA         RCN mkgs
1206            Hellcat                  Grumman      F6F             r   USA         book on use in WWII
2545            Hellcat                  Grumman      Hellcat II      a   Canada      Q & A with ace on markings, decal review
3302            Hellcat                  Grumman      Hellcat MK.II   a   UK/Can      1:48 Hasegawa kit with RCNVR pilot
0802           Helldiver                    Curtiss SB2C              a   USA         Italian mkgs - target tug & Navy in 1951
1401      Helldiver/Cleveland               Curtiss SBC               r   USA         Heller kit
1405      Helldiver/Cleveland               Curtiss SBC-4             r   USA         Matchbox kit @ 1:72
0027           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130           a   USA         Details & Cdn mkgs
0033           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130E/C.1      a   USA         RAF mkgs for Mk C.1
0201           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130           a   USA         Cdn mkgs for Biafra relief - 435 & 436 Sqns
0303           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130E          a   USA         Airfix 1:72 kit review: Int & ext detail dwgs
0611           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130           a   USA         new Cdn mkgs - 70s
0707           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130           a   USA         Cdn mkgs for Biafra (from 1969)
1201           Hercules                   Lockheed    CC-130          l   Canada      photo from 1961
1802           Hercules                   Lockheed    C-130           a   USA         Cdn mkgs, 1969
3602           Hercules                   Lockheed    CC-130E         a   Canada      improve Italeri 1:72 kit for Cdn use
2302           Heron II                 deHavilland                   r   UK          Airfix reissue @ 1:72
2002                Hind                        Mil Mil-24 F          r   USSR        AMT/ERTL 1:72 injection kit
2305                Hind                        Mil Mil-24            a   Russia      photos of civil mrkings - Sask 92
2305                Hip                         Mil Mil-8             a               photos of civil markings Sask 92
b2011               Hip                         Mil Mi-17V (CH-178)   a   Ru/Cdn      Story of Cdn use & kits

snail: Box 626, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P7                                       e-mail: box626@ipmscanada.co
February 11, 2021                         web: www.ipmscanada.com                                             Page 18 of 57
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