IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry

Page created by Cecil Mckinney
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
IOSH Presentation
Control of As bes tos Regula tions 2012 - Pos t Development of the As bes tos
                                   Indus try
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Why are we here ?

●   5 yea rs ha ve pa s s ed s ince CAR 2012 ha s been relea s ed = HSE required to review of the
    Effectivenes s of Regula tions

●   UK s till ha s the highes t m orta lity ra te for Mes otheliom a rela ted illnes s in the World

●   No. of Prohibition Notices increa s ing des pite clea rer Regula tions & ACOP’s

●   Additiona l 50,000 + people over the next 99 yea rs will die of a s bes tos rela ted illnes s if we
    rem oved the Regula tions & Code of Pra ctice

●   £ Multi Billion incentive to m eet ‘m inim um requirements ’
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry

● Development of the Regulations, Approved Code of Practices and Guidance
    - Asbestos
●   HSE Post CAR 2012 Implementation Review
●   Update on Health Effects - Mesothelioma
●   Role of HSE
●   Future Changes
●   Beyond the Standards
●   Duty Holders Role
●   Campaigns
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Asbestos Regulations
The Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations 1983 (ASLIC), as amended, which require work with all the more hazardous
asbestos-containing materials to be done by a contractor licensed by HSE

The Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations 1992 (Prohibitions Regulations), as amended, which ban the importation,
supply and use of raw asbestos and asbestos containing materials.& working with asbestos containing materials.

2002: Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 introduces regulation 4 where businesses are obliged to identify
and manage asbestos in their properties. (2004 : Duty to Manage).

2006: Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 introduced. This is an amalgamation of previous asbestos regulations.

2012 : Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 introduced. An update of 2006 Regulations to align with EU directive
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Regulation - Key Changes 2006 > 2012

2002 - 2006 - m a jor cha nges to a lign 3 s epa ra te regula tions into 1 s ingle regula tion.
http:/ / www.hs cons ult/ condocs / cd205.pdf

CAWR 2006 > CAR 2012

  ●   EU Directive - UK fa iled to fully im plem ent directive to ens ure workers a re protected from the
      ris k of expos ure
  ●   Term inology a m ended (‘non-fria ble’ a nd ‘without deteriora tion of non-degra ded’ m a teria ls
      a dded)
  ●   3 Ca tegories of works - Licens ed, Notifia ble Non Licens ed a nd Non Licens ed
  ●   Notifia ble Non Licens ed Works require workers to ha ve m edica ls every 3 yea rs
  ●   Ma inta ining records for Non Licens ed work
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Code of Practice

2006 - L127 (The management of asbestos in non-domestic premises)

2006 - L143 (Work with materials containing asbestos)

2013 : L143 (Second edition) Managing and working with asbestos .

The ACOP has been revised to make legal compliance clearer to dutyholders
and to reflect the changes introduced in The Control of Asbestos Regulations
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Code of Practice - Key Changes 2006 > 2012

● Defining / Notifica tion of NNLW a nd Licens ed Works
● Clea rer guida nce for ma king, ma na ging a nd communica ting the
  ma na gement pla n
● Wha t Pla n of Work s hould include
● Expa ns ion on emergency procedures
● Preventing s prea d of a s bes tos
● Hea lth Surveilla nce a nd Records
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Guidance Documents (Inspection & Testing)

Inspection (Surveys)

 ●   2001 - MDHS 100 : Surveying, s a m pling a nd a s s es s m ent of a s bes tos -conta ining m a teria ls
 ●   2010 (2nd Edition 2012) - HSG 264 : As bes tos : The s urvey guide

Testing (Air)

 ●   1988 - EH10, 1995 - MDHS39 & 1999 MDHS77
 ●   2005 - HSG 248 : As bes tos : The a na lys ts ' guide for s a m pling, a na lys is a nd clea ra nce procedures
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
Guidance - Key Changes

 ●   Rem ova l of Type 1/ 2/ 3 - Repla cem ent with Ma na gement a nd Refurbis hm ent / Dem olition
 ●   Requirem ent for Qua lity Ma na gem ent Sys tem
 ●   Em pha s is on com petency of the s urveyor
 ●   Im proved Survey Pla nning
 ●   Scope of Surveying types & Reporting
 ●   Guida nce for Duty Holder AND Surveyor


 ●   ISO 17025 s ta nda rd by 2004
 ●   Im proved Ana lytica l Methods
 ●   Enha nced Appendices
IOSH Presentation Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - Post Development of the Asbestos Industry
2017 - 5 Years on from CAR 2012

CAR2012 included a s ta tutory requirement to a s s es s their
effectivenes s a fter they ha ve been opera tiona l of a period
of tim e: the s o-ca lled ‘Pos t Im plem enta tion Review’ (PIR).
The purpos e of the PIR wa s to eva lua te the regula tory
fra m ework, ra ther tha n to exa m ine government policy on
control of a s bes tos .

Review ca rried out in form of focus groups , works hops
a nd ques tionna ires from s ources whom a re dutyholders ,
thos e who ca rry out licens ed works , thos e who ca rry out
notifia ble works a nd thos e who ca rry out non notifia ble
PIR - CAR 2012 - What are the Benefits ?

●   Reducing the ris ks of expos ure to as bes tos , and protecting both workers a nd the public
●   Creating cons is tency and s etting clear s tandards regarding the controls tha t s hould be in
    place when carrying out work with as bes tos
●   Rais ing awarenes s and providing as s urance to em ployers and others tha t the neces s a ry
    controls to prevent and/ or m inim is e any potential ris ks from expos ure to as bes tos are in
PIR - CAR 2012 - Clarity

 ●   Contra ctors carrying out Licens ed, Notifiable Works and Duty Holders believe the
     Regulations were clear and in practice provided an effective m ethod of protecting the ris k
     of expos ure.
 ●   Contra ctors conducting Notifiable Non Licens ed Works believed the Regulations were not
     clea r. Dis tinction between 3 Categories am biguous
 ●   Uncertainty for thos e whom leas e, rent or own properties that are leas ed or rented. Who
     has the res pons ibility ?
PIR - CAR 2012 - Effectivenes s

●   Prevalent view acros s the board that the Regulations were effective in protecting workers
    and others from as bes tos ris ks provided that they are com plied with
●   Finding that ins ufficient awarenes s and/ or unders tanding of the regula tions a m ong s elf-
    em ployed contractors and s m all com panies
●   ACOPs were beneficial to the Duty Holder
●   Im provem ents required for NNLW, Managem ent Plans , Plans of Work & Medical
    Exa m inations
PIR - CAR 2012 - Implementation

● Contra ctors ca rrying out Licens ed, Notifia ble Works a nd Duty Holders
  believe the Regula tions were ea s y to follow a nd pra ctica l to implement
● Concerns over NNLW
● Belief tha t different indus tries ha ve different wa ys of complying - which is
  bes t ?
PIR - CAR 2012 - Competence

Duty Holders feedba ck on concerns over competence of s urveyors a nd
licens ed contra ctors :

Ques tions ra is ed over us e of :

 ● non UKAS a ccredited orga nis a tions
 ● HSE Licens e s cheme i.e how do HSE determine length of licens e, how
   rigorous a re the checks on the compa nies hea lth a nd s a fety records a nd
   s hould Licens es be expa nded a s compa nies ha ve va ria tion of competency.
A0 - As bes tos
Es s entials
Plan of Works

Rem em ber POW does not need to be
unneces s arily lengthy and com plicated
docum ents are not required.

The plan needs to guide em ployees in a practical
way on the work in hand

The plan of work s hould be s uitable for the s cale
and type of work to be carried out
Management Plan

As with POW the Ma na gem ent Pla n does not need to be unneces s a rily lengthy.

 ●   Pers on(s ) res pons ible for m a na ging a s bes tos ris k (includes vis itors / contra ctors )
 ●   As bes tos Regis ter / Action Pla n / Schedule / Dra wings
 ●   Com m unica tion of the Pla n (procedures for working within the building i.e ens uring works do
     not ta ke pla ce in the building with the MP being cons ulted a nd unders tood)
 ●   Contingency Pla ns / Em ergency Procedures
 ●   Monitor / Review
Duty Holder - Who has the res pons ibility ?
The dutyholder is the owner of the non-dom es tic prem is es or the pers on or organis ation that has clear res pons ibility
for the m aintenance or repair of non-dom es tic prem is es , for exam ple through an explicit agreem ent s uch as a tenancy
agreem ent or contract.

The extent of the duty will depend on the nature of that agreem ent. In a building occupied by one leas eholder, the
agreem ent m ight be for either the owner or leas eholder to take on the full duty for the whole building; or it m ight be to
s hare the duty. In a m ulti-occupied building, the agreem ent m ight be that the owner takes on the full duty for the whole
building. Or it m ight be that the duty is s hared - for exam ple, the owner takes res pons ibility for the com m on parts while
the leas eholders take res pons ibility for the parts they occupy. Som etim es , there m ight be an agreem ent to pas s the
res pons ibilities to a m anaging agent.

In s om e cas es , there m ay be no tenancy agreem ent or contract. Or, if there is , it m ay not s pecify who has res pons ibility
for the m aintenance or repair of non-dom es tic prem is es . In thes e cas es , or where the prem is es are unoccupied, the
duty is placed on whoever has control of the prem is es , or part of the prem is es . Often this will be the owner
PIR Summary
The Res ult of PIR :

“overall CAR 2012 has met its objectives and sets clear health and safety requirements to ensure the appropriate
control measures are in place to prevent exposure “ HSE

Areas identified for improvement :

      Work.pdf (HSE Memo 2012 - also refer to L143)
  ●   DUTY HOLDER (Leased / Renting) (HSE website - also refer to L143)
  ●   MANAGEMENT PLAN - L143 - page 36/37
  ●   MEDICAL EXAMINATION - Due to be changed -now remaining as 2 years.
  ●   SME’S / SELF EMPLOYED (IOSH, Working Well Together, HSE App, Asbestos Essentials….)
Statistics - Influence of Regulations
                                        The m odel s ugges ts that
                                        the fall in expos ures to
                                        as bes tos between 1980
                                        (which is approxim ately
                                        when m eas ures to
                                        control expos ures s tarted
                                        to be introduced) and
                                        2015 will lead to 25,700
                                        fewer deaths from
                                        m es otheliom a and lung
                                        cancer in the 100 years
                                        between 2001 and 2100.
                                        £20.9 bn benefit to
                                        s ociety.
Statistics - Influence of Regulations

                                        If we s topped
                                        com plying with the
                                        regulations es tim ated
                                        between 2016 - 2115
                                        there would be an
                                        additional 50,500
                                        deaths (40,800
                                        m es otheliom a & 9,700
                                        as bes tos related lung
                                        cancer) Cos t to s ociety
                                        of £1.3 m illion per fatal
                                        cas e.
Asbestos Burden - 21s t Century

Mes otheliom a cas es 2500 likely to rem ain each year until pos t 2020
(initial peak es tim ate 2015)

Mes otheliom a is eas ier to s tudy due to clos e relations hip with
as bes tos though in 2014 nearly 1000 new cas es of as bes tos is and
over 400 cas es of diffus e pleural thickening were as s es s ed and in
addition there were s everal hundred cas es of pleural plaques
identified. The latter is likely to be a s ubs tantial underes tim ate of the
incidence of pleural plaques which, although us ually s ym ptom les s , are
an indicator of pas t as bes tos expos ures

Mes otheliom a m ortality is currently higher in Britain than in any other
country. Striking contras t to France & US, France im ported far les s
am os ite. Britain im ported ⅓ of South Africa’s m ined am os ite, 7 tim es
m ore than US. Mes otheliom a s tudied s ince 1968 in UK.
2014 Mesothelioma Act

April 2014 The Mes otheliom a Act - Victim s of the fatal
as bes tos -induced cancer m es otheliom a who can’t trace a
liable em ployer or an em ployers ’ liability ins urer are now able
to apply for com pens ation packages worth an average of
£141,000 plus £7,000 towards legal expens es

Before Act claim s did not exceed £20,000

Governm ent added £380 m illion into Pot (Paid by levy from
Insurance Industry)

2017 - £40 million in the pot

Average 30 claims per month with increasing average age and
living claimants
Mesothelioma By Occupation - Changing
   Tide ?

Top 10 Occupations associated to Mesothelioma Cases (Male):

2002 - 2010
Construction Trades / Carpenters and joiners / Electrical Trades /Electricians, electrical fitters
Plant And Machine Operatives/ Metal Machining, Fitting And Instrument Making Trades
Transport Drivers And Operatives / Plumbers, heating and ventilating engineers / Building
Trades/ Metal working production and maintenance fitters

2011 - 2015
Construction and Building Trades / Carpenters and joiners / Electrical and Electronic Trades /
/Electricians and electrical fitters / Road Transport Drivers / Plumbers and heating and
ventilating engineers /Plant and Machine Operatives / Construction and building trades n.e.c.
/ Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument Making Trades / Building Finishing Trades
Mesothelioma By Occupation - Changing
Tide ?

Mes othelioma ca s es ha ve s tea dily
increa s ed between 2002 a nd 2014
for fema les in :

Professional Occupations;
Administrative Roles, Caring
Occupations, Teaching and Sales /
Customer Service Roles
Advancements in Medicine - Is There a Cure
   for Mes othelioma?

Adva ncements in Immunotherapy a nd Gene Thera py with res ults prolonging
pa tients lives beyond 12 months .

Mes o Wa rrior - Ma vis Na ye - Dia gnos ed 2009; 2017 in remis s ion

Is s ues - Rea s ona ble Cos t (Double Lung Tra ns pla nt £360k. Chem othera py £30k)
    “This is not the death sentence it was 20 years ago. Long-term survival is possible. We now have the
    road map, and others have traveled the path, I remain optimistic that we can, in the next decade, put
    together the right combination of patient and treatment to affect a cure, which is our holy grail.”

    – Dr. David Sugarbaker Thoracic Surgeon
Advancements in Medicine - Is There a Cure
for Mes othelioma?


●   a round half (50%) of people with m es otheliom a will live at leas t a yea r a fter dia gnos is
●   a round one in every 10 people (10%) with m es otheliom a will live a t lea s t five yea rs a fter
    diagnos is
●   Patients options ; Chem otherapy, Radiotherapy, Surgery, Supportive care (palliative care)
    or Clinical trials to im prove treatm ent.
●   Im m unotherapy and Gene Therapy currently not available on NHS
Ground-breaking Cas e - Keytruda
J uly 2017 - Aubrey Kennedy, who is currently living with m es otheliom a, was awarded the full cos t of the treatm ent, in a
s ettlem ent agains t a num ber of em ployers . Doctors us ing the therapy als o s ay that the s ide effects are m uch les s
s evere for patients than traditional chem otherapy.

Mr Kennedy, who is 68, was initially treated with chem otherapy when he was diagnos ed with the dis eas e in J uly 2015.
He s uffered s ide effects from this and it affected his kidneys . The tum our was initially s table but began to grow again
in J uly 2016. He was therefore recom m ended for im m unotherapy but had to pay for the treatm ent privately becaus e it
is not available on the NHS. The cos t to him was recovered as well as the cos t of treatm ent he m ight need in the future.

Current s tatis tics on the treatm ent ; 76 per cent of patients derive clinic benefit from the treatm ent.

More groundbreaking cas es s ince...Claim ants awarded Periodic Paym ent Order to allow Im m unotherapy Treatm ent
HSE Role - Pos t 2012
HSE gives ins pection priority to where:

  ●    uncontrolled s tripping is planned;
  ●    work is propos ed in hot environm ents ;
  ●    the us e of power tools is planned.

HSE als o gives priority to ins pecting:

  ●    new licence holders ;
  ●    licens ees whos e licence expires within next 4-6 m onths and
       they have not been ins pected in the previous 12 m onths ;
  ●    licens ees who have been is s ued with a warning

HSE Cam paigns - Refurbis hm ent / Dem olition Sites / Farm s
Improvement Notices 2007 - 2016

                                  Pos t 2012 reduced
                                  num ber in
                                  Im provem ent
                                  Notices . Further
                                  im provem ent
                                  required to com ply
                                  with Regulations
                                  es pecially Regulation
                                  4 Duty to Manage
                                  and Regulation 10
                                  Inform ation,
                                  Ins truction and
Prohibition Notices 2007 - 2016
                                  Increas e pos t 2012
                                  Regulations . More
                                  recently m os t com m on
                                  notices agains t
                                  regulation 11
                                  (Identification of the
                                  pres ence of as bes tos )
                                  . Regulation 5
                                  (Prevention or
                                  reduction of expos ure
                                  as bes tos ). Regulation
                                  16 (Duty to prevent or
                                  reduce the s pread of
                                  as bes tos )
HSE.GOV.UK 2017 Prosecutions
£300,000 Fine

13 employees expos ed to a s bes tos removing ga s kets (us e of power tools )

Informa tion on s ite ina dequa te (no s uita ble a s bes tos a s s es s ment)

No a s bes tos a wa renes s tra ining

SSE Horns ea Ltd of Invera lmond Hous e, 200 Dunkeld Roa d, Perth plea ded
guilty to brea ching Sections 2 (1) a nd 3(1) of the Hea lth & Sa fety a t Work etc
Act 1974.

The compa ny wa s fined £300,000 a nd ordered to pa y cos ts of £1,731.
Fines - Pos t 2012

HSE believed that m any of the m axim um penalties available for health and s afety offences were too low.

For offences com m itted between the 16th J anuary 2009 and before the 12th March 2015, the offence
carries a m axim um fine on conviction in the m agis trates ' court of £20,000 or im pris onm ent for a term not
exceeding 6 m onths or both.

The m axim um penalty in the Crown Court is an unlim ited fine or im pris onm ent not exceeding two years or both.

For offences com m itted on and after the 12th March 2015 the m axim um penalty in the m agis trates ’ court
is an unlim ited fine or im pris onm ent for a term not exceeding 6 m onths or both. In the Crown Court, the
m axim um penalty is an unlim ited fine or im pris onm ent not exceeding two years or both.

On average 15 duty holders fined per year - average am ount £5,500. Crim inal Record
Asbestos Regulations - Future Changes

No revis ions s cheduled for Regula tions - CAR 2012 or Approved Codes of
Pra ctice - L143

 ●   Ana lys t Guide (dela yed) due for Is s ue 2017 ; cha nges :
 ●   4SC - photogra phs , vis ua l tim e es tim a tes , expla na tion if tim e is s horter / longer, feedba ck on
     num ber of fa iled s ta ges
 ●   As bes tos in Soil - s urvey, s a m pling a nd a na lys is m ethods
 ●   RPE us e a nd deconta m ina tion.
 ●   Grea ter us e of pers ona l s a m pling
 ●   Ca ution when us ing PCM a na lys is / res ults
 ●   Dus t s a m pling guida nce
Beyond the Standards

SEM Technology (Sca nning Electron
Micros copy)

Us ed wider in the EU - les s in the UK (cos t, availability
& lead tim e in res ults )

Why us e SEM ?

  ●     As bes tos in a ir qua ntified a t lower levels
  ●     Dis crim ina tion of As bes tos & Non As bes tos Fibres
  ●     Releva nt da ta for Ris k As s es s m ent
  ●     Occupa tiona l or As bes tos Expos ure
Duty Holders Role - Pos t 2012

●   Procuring Licens ed Contra ctors ; check they’ve the com petence to execute the works , don’t rely
    on the Licens e only
●   Procuring Surveyors ; UKAS a ccredita tion does not gua ra ntee com petency , ISO 9001
    certifica tion or 17020 a ccredita tion a ccepta ble to the HSE, check com petency of Surveyors
●   Procuring Ana lys ts ; UKAS a ccredited 17025 only, check com petency of Ana lys ts
●   Work in Progres s ; Ca rry out Site Audits
●   Tra ining - Conduct Tra ining Needs Ana lys is
●   Record Keeping ; num ber of cla im s ris ing ens ure a ll records a re s ecurely a rchived.
●   PIR - enga ge with cons ulta nt
●   PQQ > Tender (with s ocia l va lue) > Interview > Pilot Survey > Interview > Awa rd
Active Campaigns

●   Evidence tha t the Regula tions a nd Approved Codes of Pra ctice a re ha ving a nd will continue to
    ha ve a pos itive im pa ct on s ociety.

●   PIR Area s for Im provem ent - Further inform a tion is a va ila ble HSE webs ite & Cons ulta nts

●   Cha llenges s till rem a in in enga ging with s ole tra ders a nd SME’s - Support where you ca n

●   Due ca re a nd diligence when s electing contra ctors / pa cka ging works
                     Any Questions ?

                  St Andrews Business Centre, Queens Lane, Mold CH7 1XB

Services : Asbestos Surveys (ISO 9001) * Asbestos Consultancy * Asbestos Training

    Coming Soon March 2018 ; Asbestos Surveys (ISO 17020) * Air Monitoring (ISO 17025)
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