Investors confront volatility as Russia invades Ukraine

Page created by Tyrone Tucker
Investors confront volatility as Russia invades Ukraine
Investors confront volatility as
Russia invades Ukraine
February 25, 2022

When market volatility spikes, investors question what, if anything, they
should do.
Markets reacted strongly to news that Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine. The world
has been watching tensions in the region escalate since the beginning of the year.
Russia objects to the idea of Ukraine joining NATO, a move that it believes encroaches
on its sphere of influence and places the U.S. at its doorstep. The invasion is likely to
have a significant human toll, and our thoughts are certainly with the people in Ukraine.

Prior to the Russian action, investors were largely focused on high inflation and
imminent rising interest rates. Now the focus has shifted to the attack’s expected
impacts on energy, global growth, inflation and central bank actions.

On energy, we need clarity on further sanctions                                              William Davies
Simmering tensions between Russia and Ukraine have pushed oil prices higher since            Global CIO
the beginning of the year. Given a fragile high demand/tight supply dynamic, volatility in
energy prices may continue, especially if sanctions on Russia ratchet up and provoke a
further Russian response. Both the U.S. and Europe are trying to penalize Russia, but
without straining the energy markets and creating further inflationary pressure. Russia
supplies enormous amounts of natural gas to Europe, and these cannot be swiftly

Greater vulnerability for growth and inflation in Europe
The U.S. and Europe were already under pressure from high inflation due to a
combination of supply issues and strong demand. But inflation and growth in Europe are       Edward Al-Hussainy
more vulnerable to an energy price shock as, relative to the U.S., economies across the      Senior Interest Rates Strategist
region are manufacturing and trade-heavy. In the U.S., the economy is more diversified
and services-heavy, making it less sensitive to energy price shocks, and trade as a
share of GDP is 23% (in comparison, it’s 81% in Germany).* Higher oil prices in the
short term may add to headline inflation on the margin in the U.S., but they are unlikely
to change the overall economic picture unless they remain elevated.

                                                                                             Anwiti Bahuguna, Ph.D.
                                                                                             Senior Portfolio Manager, Head of
                                                                                             Multi-Asset Strategy
Investors confront volatility as Russia invades Ukraine
The Fed is unlikely to change course on tightening monetary policy
For central banks, the geopolitical tensions introduce complexity on the timing and
magnitude of rate hikes. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) strategy may be impacted
more directly should the crisis escalate, and we may see it delay plans to withdraw
monetary accommodation later this year. In the U.S., the Fed is unlikely to change
course on tightening monetary policy and we continue to expect the first 25 bp hike in
the fed funds rate in March. The Fed will be looking for a slowdown in inflation and wage
growth in the second half of 2022 as a guide on whether to accelerate or decelerate
monetary tightening. Oil prices are unlikely to play a major role in this decision, unless
any change were to impact the outlook for economic growth meaningfully.

What should investors do?
Market corrections driven by wars and oil-market disruptions have historically been
sharp but short-lived. As ever, volatility creates an urge among investors to do
something, but our guide continues to be to stay invested and focused on long-term
goals. Active asset management can help investors ride out short-term shocks in
markets while capitalizing on longer term trends. As an example, our colleague Gene
Tannuzzo, Global Head of Fixed Income, has observed “Investment-grade and high-yield
markets seem to be selling first and asking questions later. We have been selective
in what we’re doing in portfolios, focusing on fundamental credit research and bonds
that are selling off at least as much as the market but with less negative connections
to what could be a longer conflict.” While recent events have been a difficult period for
the markets, it’s important to remember that volatility can offer opportunities to identify
valuation discrepancies, unearth hidden gems or add to existing holdings at opportune

* The World Bank,, as of February 25, 2022 (last full year reported
is 2020).
Investors confront volatility as Russia invades Ukraine
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Investors confront volatility as Russia invades Ukraine
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