Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS

Page created by Ellen Santos
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Investor Presentation
                   January 2021

© 2021 DZS                           © 2021 DZS   1
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Forward-Looking Statements

     This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and our future results
     that are subject to the safe harbors created under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
     1995. These statements reflect the beliefs and assumptions of the Company’s management as of
     the date hereof. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,”
     “forecast,” “goal,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” variations
     of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In
     addition, statements that refer to projections of earnings, revenue, operating expenses, gross profit,
     costs or other financial items (including non-GAAP measures) in future periods are forward-looking
     statements. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are only predictions and
     are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. The Company’s actual
     results could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in or contemplated by the forward-
     looking statements. In addition to factors discussed herein, factors that could cause actual results to
     differ include, but are not limited to, those risk factors contained in the Company’s SEC filings
     available at, including without limitation, the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K,
     quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and subsequent filings. In addition, additional or unforeseen affects
     from the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic climate may give rise to or amplify many of
     these risks. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements,
     which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to
     update or revise any forward-looking statements for any reason.

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                             2
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Introducing DZS

    ▪ Management with Disruptive Technology Heritage and Global Customer Relationships
    ▪ Broadband and 5G Innovation validated in Asia competing against Huawei and Nokia
             -   Aggressively Expanding into North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa
    ▪ Favorably positioned for 5G and Work-From-Home Broadband Access Trends
             -   First to market with 5G Open-RAN Mobile Transport – Rakuten Mobile Network
             -   First to market with 10 Gigabit PON – Many Networks around the world
    ▪ Aggressively pursuing ~$22B+ U.S. Rural Digital Opportunity Fund and Secured &
      Trusted Communications Networks Act Programs
    ▪ Favorably positioned for Enterprise, MDU and Government Fiber upgrade cycle
    ▪ Streamlining Operations to capture Cost Synergies and Margin Expansion
                 $25B Fixed, Mobile and Enterprise Addressable Market – 10 Year Upgrade Cycle
© 2021 DZS                                                                                                  3
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
DZS (NASDAQ: DZSI) at a Glance

  •  Dallas, Texas

  Research & Development
  •   Dallas, Texas
  •   Seoul, South Korea
  •   Hanoi, Vietnam

  ~20M Products In-Service
  ~800 Employees
  ~1,000 Customers
  ~100 Countries
© 2021 DZS                          4
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
World Class Leadership Team

                                                                    Charlie Vogt                                            new additions
                                                                    President and CEO
                                                                                                                         since Vogt’s arrival

             Tom Cancro                                                                                             Laura Larsen-Misunas
                                        Miguel Alonso                                   Jay Hilbert
                                                                                                                    Chief People Officer
             Chief Financial Officer    VP of Product Line                              EVP AEMEA Sales

             Andrew Bender              Doron Paz                                       Bill Ko                     Justin Ferguson
             Chief Technology Officer   VP of Research &                                EVP Asia Sales              Chief Legal Officer

              Daniel Won                                                                Michael Martin              Darrin Whitney
                                          Geoff Burke                                                               Chief Information Officer
              Chief Product Officer                                                     Global Operations Officer
                                          Chief Marketing Officer

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                                                      5
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Supplier to many of the World’s Most Admired Service Providers

#1    U.S. based Fiber
      Access vendor*
                         #1   Mobile Supplier in
                              S. Korea and Japan*
                                                    #2   10G PON vendor
                                                         outside of China*
                                                                                 5G O-RAN Market Mover
                                                                                         Mobile AnyHaul Transport

                                                                             *Omdia (2Q 20 Broadband Aggregation Market Share)   6
© 2021 DZS
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Why DZS Wins

                   Portfolio     5G Ready

                   Marquee                       ▪ Innovation / Market First
                  References                     ▪ Global Scale
                                                 ▪ Global Experience
                                                 ▪ Agile and Adaptable
                                                 ▪ Standards-Focused
                                                 ▪ Future Ready - Software-
                                                   Defined Networking
© 2021 DZS                                                                     7
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Where We Play in the Network

                                                  xPON Wi-Fi 6
                                                                                                            Pedestals                        Wi-Fi6 & Mesh CPE

                                                                            Ethernet / Optical                (>100M)
                       Transport Aggregation

                                       10-400G                                               Access Ring(s)
                                                             Building                           10-400G                                xPON (1–10G+)

                                                                          BackHaul               MidHaul           FrontHaul

                                                                              BBU / O-RAN CU                                                        5G
    Internet   Core Network                    Transport Aggregation
                                                                                                                          Mobile Cell Site    Fixed Wireless

                                                                                                                                Wi-Fi6 /
                                                                             10G PON Backhaul                                  Small Cell

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                                                                       8
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Leading the Hyper-Connected Evolution

              Automation, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Managed Services

                                                Today                      Future

                                             Mobile Anyhaul             5G Open RAN

                                             Access Nodes                  Cloud
                                            Switching/Routing          Disaggregation

                                               Wi-Fi 6                 WiFix, mmWave,
                                              ONT / ONU                Fixed Wireless

© 2021 DZS                                                                              9
Investor Presentation - January 2021 - DZS
Aligned with Mega-Trends

                             Open Standards

                                              Mobility and 5G
              Fiber Deep

  Cloud /                                                       Connected
Data Center                                                     Everything

© 2021 DZS                                                                   10
Pursuing ~$35B TAM – Year 3 of 10-Year Investment Cycle

             $12,000                                                     $25,000                                                      $5,000
                                                                                           Fiber      Switching                                                  5G FWA
                                      FrontHaul                                                                                       $4,500
             $10,000                                                                      Access                                                  Wi-Fi
                                                                         $20,000                                                      $4,000


                                                                         $15,000                                                      $3,000
              $6,000                                                                                                                  $2,500
                                                                         $10,000                                                      $2,000
              $2,000                                                      $5,000                                                      $1,000
                 $0                                                          $0
                        2018   2019   2020    2021   2022                          2018   2019     2020    2021   2022
                                                                                                                                               2018       2019   2020      2021       2022

                       5G AnyHaul Transport                                          Fiber Access/Switching                                       Connected Premises

                                                                                                                             Sources: Omdia (2Q 20 Mobile Backhaul/Fronthaul Forecast)
                                                                                                                                      Omdia (2Q 20 Wireline Broadband Access Equipment Forecast)
                                                                                                                                      360 Markets (2020 5G FIxed Wireless Access Forecast)

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                                                                                                         11
Generational Growth Opportunity

               Wireless                        Broadband
               - 10x capacity increases        - 1-10 Gigabit upgrade cycle
                 driving Front-Mid-Backhaul      underway
               - O-RAN First Market Mover      - Year 3 of 10 year cycle

               Geopolitical                    Enterprise
               - China security concerns       - Copper to Fiber (PON)
                 enabling Cap & Grow             Upgrade Cycle underway
               - DZS experienced with          - Year 3 of 10 Year Cycle
                 Huawei/ZTE interoperability

© 2021 DZS                                                                    12
5G Opportunity

     ▪ Densification and new band plans / spectrum require ~10x
       increase in mobile transport (Front-Mid-Backhaul)
       capacity vs 4G
     ▪ 5G initiatives such as Open RAN and Virtualized RAN will
       disrupt traditional proprietary and capital-intensive
     ▪ DZS is favorably aligned in the 5G upgrade cycle with many
       of the world’s most admired mobile operators
     ▪ DZS is aligning with the Open RAN technology ecosystem
     ▪ DZS is expanding its 5G Mobile Transport portfolio

© 2021 DZS                                                          13
Broadband Growth

                   Digital Broadband Demands
                   are moving towards 10 Gigabit                10 Gigabit
                                                   1 Gigabit
        Fiber Replacement of Copper                            Work from Home & Digital
        continues to accelerate                                Connectivity demands are fueling
                                                               the pace towards 10+ Gigabit

© 2021 DZS                                                                                        14
Geopolitical and China Security Bans

     China Security Bans                           ▪ China Security Risk creating global
     ▪ U.S, Japan, Australia, UK, India, Finland     opportunity for Cap & Growth and Rip &
       have officially banned China suppliers        Replace
       with many other countries evaluating           - Countries represented as “Banned”, “Weighing”, or
                                                        “Cancelled” represent ~40% of global carrier CAPEX
                                                   ▪ U.S. Secured and Trusted Communications
                                                     Networks Act (STCNA) enabling $1.9B of
                                                     Huawei and ZTE Rip & Replace
                                                   ▪ U.S. Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF)
                                                     enabling $20.4B of 5G and Broadband Access
                                                     capital spend acceleration

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                   15
Enterprise Transformation

                         ▪   Space and Power Reduction         ▪   Increased Life Span and Density
                         ▪   Improved Security versus Copper   ▪   Future Proof

                              Before                     Before                        After

      Air Conditioning
       on each floor

        HVAC Power                                                                                     Passive Optical
        on each floor                                                                                 Mux on each floor
     Copper Switches
      on each floor

        Wiring Closet
        on each floor                                                                                 Active components
                                                                                                     in the basement only

© 2021 DZS
                                                          After                                                             16
Software Defined Networking and Orchestration Roadmap

        NextGen SDN Control & Management
        ▪ SDN Control Plane functions                                  Control &
        ▪ NE Management Plane functions                               Management
        ▪ In-portfolio and partner companion applications

        Next Gen Software Platform                                      Data Plane
                                                                      Spine Switches
        ▪ State-of-the-Art Portable Linux based OS
        ▪ Fully SDN-enabled and future-ready architecture
        ▪ Modular, virtualized/containerized software

        Disaggregated / Distributed Networking              .           Data Plane
                                                            .          Leaf Switches
        ▪ NOS-based Data Plane Functions
        ▪ Comprehensive and extensible L2 and L3 features

         Leads to Higher Margins, Re-Occurring Revenue and Customer Dependency
© 2021 DZS                                                                             17
Third Quarter 2020
      Financial Results

© 2021
  2021 DZS
       DZS                 19
Key Highlights

 Integrating Into One DZS            Favorable Market Dynamics            Strong Quarter of Execution

 ▪ Strengthened management by        ▪ Increasing demand for              ▪ Q3 revenue of $94M exceeded
   hiring 30 leaders across the        equipment at the network edge        $74-79M guidance
                                     ▪ Geopolitical movement towards      ▪ APAC revenue strength driven
 ▪ Expansion plans targeting N.        secure networks                      by recent Mobile Transport
   America, Latin America, and the                                          wins while orders improved in
                                     ▪ Addressable market expanding
   EMEA regions                                                             North America
                                       with recent entrance into Mobile
 ▪ Streamlining operations to          Transport (4G/5G) and the          ▪ Financial performance includes
   improve margin profile              Enterprise                           market share gains vs Huawei
                                     ▪ Government Rural Broadband
                                       Initiatives (i.e. RDOF, 5G Fund
                                       for Rural America)

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                   20
Q3 2020 Y/Y Comparisons
                      Revenue                                 Adj. Gross Margin(1)                                                    Adj. Operating Expenses(1)
                                                                                                                                                               (in millions)
                      (in millions)

             $100.0                    $93.9                     32.5%                                                                           $24.5
                                                                 32.0%                                                                           $24.0
              $80.0    $71.5
              $60.0                                                                                                                              $23.0
                                                                                                  30.6%                                          $22.5                            $22.3
              $20.0                                              30.0%                                                                           $21.5
               $0.0                                              29.5%                                                                           $21.0
                       Q3'19           Q3'20                                    Q3'19             Q3'20                                                         Q3'19             Q3'20

                 Adj. EBITDA(1)                             Adj. EBITDA Margin(2)                                                                         Adjusted EPS(1)
                       (in millions)

              $7.0                      $6.4                   8.0%                             6.8%
              $6.0                                             7.0%
                                                               6.0%                                                                              $0.25                             $0.20
                                                               5.0%                                                                              $0.20
                                                               4.0%                                                                              $0.15
              $3.0                                             3.0%
              $2.0                                                                                                                               $0.10
              $1.0                                             1.0%                                                                              $0.05          ($0.06)
                       ($0.3)                                                -0.4%
              $0.0                                             0.0%                                                                              $0.00
             ($1.0)    Q3'19           Q3'20                  -1.0%          Q3'19             Q3'20                                            ($0.05)         Q3'19             Q3'20

                                                          Q3’19                         Q3’20
                                               (1)   Refer to the Stockholder Letter filed as an exhibit to the 8-K filed with the SEC on October 29, 2020 for a detailed reconciliation of Q3’20 actual gross margin to Adjusted gross
                                                     margin, actual operating expense to Adjusted operating expense, net income (loss) to Adjusted EBITDA and net income (loss) per share to Adjusted net income (loss) per share,
                                                     or Adjusted EPS.
© 2021 DZS                                     (2)   Adjusted EBITDA Margin is calculated as Adjusted EBITDA divided by revenue.                                                                                                        21
Market Dynamics and Execution Delivering Growth

                         Record Quarterly Revenue in Q3                                   Revenue by Geography
   $90                                                                    $100                   Americas    EMEA   Asia
   $80                                                                     $90

   $70                                                                     $80

   $60                                                                     $70
   $50                                                                                   57%
                                                                           $50   54%
   $40                                                                                                                     55%
   $30                                                                                                      52%
   $20                                                                           22%     25%                                       21%
                                                                           $20                                             23%
                                                                           $10   24%                                       22%     18%
                                                                                         18%                24%
    $0                                                                      $0
                                                                                 Q3'19   Q4'19              Q1'20          Q2'20   Q3'20

         *Q4 2020 reflects mid-point of $75-80M revenue guidance range.

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                                                 22
Streamlining Operations to Deliver Margin Expansion

       30.6%*                                                               Service                           NPI
                                                              Manufacturing            Optimization
                                                       China Consolidation Expansion
                           Product                     Tariff
                 Merger Rationalization     Power


© 2021 DZS                                                                             *Adjusted Gross Profit Margin    23
Q3 2020 Balance Sheet Highlights

  Financial Metric ($ millions)                Q3 2019   Q4 2019   Q1 2020   Q2 2020   Q3 2020

  Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash    $52.3     $33.4     $35.7     $47.2     $40.4
  Debt                                          $54.1     $36.5     $39.7     $56.8     $51.5
  DSO                                            139       132       169       129       105
  Inventory                                     $43.0     $35.4     $39.9     $48.2     $43.9
  Inventory Turns                                4.4x      5.2x      3.2x      4.2x      5.6x

© 2021 DZS                                                                                       24
Financial Outlook

             Financial Category                                                                                                             Q4 2020(1)

             Revenue                                                                                                                         $75M to $80M
             Adjusted Gross Margin(2)                                                                                                        29.3% to 30.8%
             Adjusted Operating Expense(2)                                                                                                   $23.2M to $22.2M
             Adjusted EBITDA(2)                                                                                                              $(1.2)M to $2.5M

                    (1)   projections or outlook with respect to future operating results are only as of October 30, 2020, the date presented on the related earnings conference call. Actual results may differ
                          materially from these forward-looking statements. DZS assumes no obligation to update this information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
                    (2)   Refer to the Stockholder Letter filed as an exhibit to the 8-K filed with the SEC on October 29, 2020 for a complete GAAP to Non-GAAP reconciliation of our Q4’20 guidance

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                                                                                                                         25
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results(1)
                                                                                                                           Three Months Ended September 30, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Net Income
                                                                                                                                                                              Net Income            (Loss) per
                                                                                                                                                                                  (Loss)          Diluted Share
                                                                                                                                Operating                   Operating        Attributable to      Attributable to
                                                                        Cost of Revenue                 Gross Profit            Expenses                  Income (Loss)            DZS                  DZS
              GAAP amount                                               $        65,755             $          28,192         $      26,215              $         1,977    $            (115)   $           (0.01)
              Adjustments to GAAP amounts:
                 Depreciation and amortization                                           (503)                      503                       (883)                1,386               1,386                 0.06
                 Stock-based compensation                                                 (16)                       16                     (1,644)                1,660               1,660                 0.08
                 Loss on debt extinguishment                                                -                         -                          -                     -                   -                    -
                 Headquarters Relocation                                                    -                         -                        (35)                   35                  35                    0
                 Executive transition                                                       -                         -                     (1,383)                1,383               1,383                 0.06
               Adjusted (Non-GAAP) amount                                $            65,236        $           28,711        $            22,270        $         6,441    $          4,349     $           0.20

                                                                                                                           Three Months Ended September 30, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Net Income
                                                                                                                                                                              Net Income            (Loss) per
                                                                                                                                                                                  (Loss)          Diluted Share
                                                                                                                                Operating                   Operating        Attributable to      Attributable to
                                                                        Cost of Revenue                 Gross Profit            Expenses                  Income (Loss)            DZS                  DZS
              GAAP amount                                               $        49,347             $          22,177         $      26,078              $        (3,901)   $          (4,033)   $           (0.19)
              Adjustments to GAAP amounts:
                 Depreciation and amortization                                           (502)                      502                       (841)                1,343               1,343                 0.06
                 Stock-based compensation                                                 (11)                       11                     (1,171)                1,182               1,182                 0.06
                 Inventory step-up amortization                                          (175)                      175                          -                   175                 175                 0.01
               Adjusted (Non-GAAP) amount                                $            48,659        $           22,865        $            24,066        $        (1,201)   $         (1,333)    $          (0.06)

© 2021 DZS                                                                                                                                                                                                                26
       1) The following table shows the reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA as reported in the Company’s Third Quarter 2020 Stockholder Letter.
Thank You

© 2021 DZS            © 2021 DZS   27
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