Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch

Page created by Herbert Silva
Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Kapsch TrafficCom

Investor Presentation.
January 2019.
Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
KTC: Leading entity of the Kapsch Group.

     Kapsch founded in Vienna in 1892
     Electronic industry
     Strong brand in Austria
     Four key entities
   ▪ Kapsch TrafficCom – KTC
       (Intelligent Mobility Systems)
   ▪ Kapsch BusinessCom                                   Kapsch: Tradition meets Future.
       (ICT solutions for enterprises and public          125+ years in the ever-changing
       administration)                                    technology industry are a proof of the
   ▪ Kapsch CarrierCom                                    sustainable business approach and the
       (End-to-end telecom solutions for railway          entrepreneurial spirit within the family-
       operators, public authorities, and airports)       owned Kapsch Group.

   ▪ Kapsch Public TransportCom                           This, together with the professionalism,
       (Intelligent infrastructure solutions for public   structures and transparency required
       transport operators & transportation agencies)     from a listed company, are key success
                                                          factors for Kapsch TrafficCom.
     Group revenues >EUR 1bn

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Kapsch TrafficCom.
At a glance.

                                     Provider of Intelligent                                           Solid financial parameter
                                     Mobility Solutions                                                ▪   Revenues ~EUR 700mn
                                     ▪   Tolling                                                       ▪   EBIT ~EUR 50mn
                                         (Electronic Toll Collection – ETC)
                                                                                                       ▪   Sustainable dividend
                                     ▪   Mobility
                                         (Intelligent Mobility Solutions –
                                                                                                           policy: Base dividend of
                                         IMS)                                                              EUR 1.—
                                                                                                       Fiscal year: April 1 – March 31

   Global player                                                              Listed at Vienna Stock
   ▪     More than 5,200                                                      Exchange
         employees                                                            ▪   IPO in 2007
   ▪     Presence in >30 countries                                            ▪   Free float 36.7%
   ▪     References in >50

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Relevant mega trends & drivers for the ITS industry...
... and how Kapsch TrafficCom addresses them.

   Urbanization.                                          Mobility.                                              Kapsch TrafficCom’s approach.
   Share of people living in cities is rising:            Increasing affluence: desire for mobility increases.   The company helps deal with traffic flows more
   Since 2007: > 50%            by 2030: > 60%                                                                   efficiently by
                                                          Mobility viewed as a basic need/necessity.
   Urban population:                                                                                             ▪   collecting charges for the use of road
                                                          Emerging countries catch up economically: Strong
   Today:      4.2 billion         by 2050: 6.7 billion                                                              infrastructure (ETC segment),
                                                          growth of individual transportation.
                                                                                                                 ▪   managing traffic (IMS),
   Climate protection.                                    Financing of transportation networks.                  ▪   applying traffic safety and security solutions
   In Europe, >25% of energy consumption and CO2          Road infrastructure needs to be maintained and
                                                                                                                 ▪   expanding from ITS to intelligent, holistic
   emissions attributed to transportation sector.         expanded (especially in emerging countries).
                                                                                                                     mobility solutions (both segments).
   64% of total kilometers driven in cities; number of    Global investment in transport infrastructure to
   kilometers is expected to triple (2010-2050).          grow 5% p.a. (2015-2025).

   Technology and concepts.                               Change of the ITS industry.
                                                                                                                 Make road traffic safer, more reliable, more
   Radical change in transport industry with new          Convergence of the various ITS market segments         efficient and more convenient, while reducing the
   technologies and concepts, e.g. e-mobility, Mobility   calls for intelligent, holistic mobility solutions.    environmental impact.
   as a Service (MaaS), connected vehicles, big data-
   based applications.

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Reporting segments.
Tolling (Electronic Toll Collection, ETC).

                        ETC=78%                                                  of total revenues

0%           20%           40%                60%            80%          100%

 Electronic toll collection                                     Plaza tolling                                City tolling                                      Tolling as a service (TaaS)
      Multi-lane free-flow                                         Stand-alone manually operated                Static city toll                                     European Electronic Toll Service
                                                                   tolling plazas                                                                                    (EETS)
      Managed lanes (tolled)                                                                                    Situation-dependent road pricing
                                                                   Plaza tolling systems combined                                                                    Tolling services for passenger cars
      Mobile tolling
                                                                   with electronic toll collection

Components Implementation                                                                                 Operation                        Key financials
                                                                                                                                                                                       H1          H1
                                                                                                                                           All figures in EUR mn
                                                                                                                                           unless otherwise stated      2017/18   2017/18     2018/19       +/-
                                                          Toll stations                                   Consulting                       Revenues                       521.6     260.7        262.1      1%


                                                          Enforcement                          Complete                                       Implementation              138.9      68.2         73.6      8%
                                                                                                          Technical operation
                                                          stations                             turnkey                                        Operation                   278.1     140.3        133.4     -5%
     Road-side                                                                                 systems
                                                          Back office                                     Commercial operation                Components                  104.7      52.2         55.1      6%

                                                                                                                                           EBIT                            53.5      32.1         24.8    -23%

                                           End-to-end solutions as a one-stop shop                                                           EBIT margin                 10.3%     12.3%         9.5%    -2.8%p

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Reporting segments.
Intelligent Mobility Solutions (IMS).

                                            IMS=22%         of total revenues
0%           20%           40%     60%    80%        100%

 Traffic management                          Traffic safety & security                  Connected vehicles                          Smart urban mobility
     Highway traffic management                 Road safety enforcement                    V2X-automotive                                 Access management
     Urban traffic management                   Commercial vehicle enforcement             V2X-infrastructure                             Smart parking
     Managed lanes                              Electronic vehicle registration            (connected road)                               Intermodal mobility
     Tunnels and bridges                                                                   Connected mobility

                                                                                                                Key financials
 Broad set of solutions and services addressing different aspects of traffic/mobility.
                                                                                                                All figures in EUR mn                       H1          H1
                                                                                                                unless otherwise stated      2017/18   2017/18     2018/19       +/-
     ▪   Some offerings are already fairly mature (e.g. traffic management).
                                                                                                                Revenues                       171.6      79.1         73.7     -7%
     ▪   Others are investments into future growth (e.g. connected vehicles, smart parking).
                                                                                                                   Implementation               83.4      35.6         30.3    -15%

                                                                        Different revenue split than in ETC.       Operation                    78.9      38.2         38.4      0%

                                                Implementation of software and hardware has higher share.          Components                    9.3       5.3          5.0     -4%

                                                 Operation revenues represent mainly technical operations.      EBIT                            -3.4      -6.8         -7.0     -3%

                                          Potential to increase recurring revenues (mid-term to long-term).       EBIT margin                 -2.0%     -8.6%        -9.5%    -0.9%p

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
System integrator with in-house production.
Hardware and software.

   In-vehicle products                   Radio frequency (RF) field products   Software platforms to be customized
         5.8 GHz DSRC transponders/on-      5.8 CEN DSRC transceivers          (selection)
         board units
                                            5.9 WAVE/5G DSRC transceivers
         5.9 WAVE/5G DRSC                                                      Tolling
         on-board units                     915 readers
                                                                               ▪   Back office
         915 transponders                   RFID-63 readers
                                                                               ▪   Kapsch Mobile CRM
         RFID-63 passive transponders       Handheld & desktop
                                            transceivers and readers           Traffic management
         GNSS/DSRC on-board units
                                                                               ▪   DYNAC®
                                                                               ▪   EcoTrafiX™ suite
   Video and sensor products             Traffic management products
         ANPR cameras                       EcoTrafiX™ controller              Connected vehicles
         Image processing suite                                                ▪   Kapsch Connected Vehicle Software Suite
         Vehicle detection and
         classification systems                                                Intermodal mobility
                                                                               ▪   FluidHub

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Tolling extended to intelligent mobility solutions.
Kapsch TrafficCom – reducing the risk profile; less dependent on few large customers.

2007/08 (IPO)                      2012/13                      2017/18                                        In the 2020s

     Mainly tolling business         Mainly tolling business      Mainly tolling business                        ETC and traffic
     Only a few customers            Strong ETC growth            Customer base               customers          management
                                     driven by a few large-       significantly diversified                      business expand
     Very limited traffic                                                                     New/additional     further
                                     scale customers              (also within ETC)
     management activities                                                                    solutions
                                                                                                                 Intelligent mobility
                                     Little non-ETC business      Non-ETC portfolio
     Business in Europe,                                                                                         solutions, e.g.
                                                                  massively expanded          New business
     Australia and Chile             In total 1,000 customer                       grow rapidly and
                                                                  projects                                       represent a
                                                                                                                 substantial part of
                                                                  Global player                                  the business

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
What makes Kapsch TrafficCom unique?

     Ability to develop tailored solutions – proven track record
     Close to our customers
     Domain know-how
     Broad variety of technologies, prime quality
     Integrated, one-stop-shop
     Only real global player in ETC
   ▪ Best practice
   ▪ Risk diversification

     A leading position in our core business
     Size and financial stability
     Listed (transparence, access to capital)
     No principal-agent-conflict as one main shareholder is the CEO.

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Investor Presentation - January 2019 - Kapsch
Financial results.
H1 2018/19.
H1 2018/19 and beyond.

       Germany: Contracts for implementation & operation of passenger vehicle toll system + for the automatic enforcement.
       Poland: Contract to support the further operation of the system for another 21-27 months.
       Czech Republic: Minister of Transport signs contract with a competitor; legal proceedings ongoing.
       Zambia: Full consolidation of JV from September 2018 (nation-wide concession for road safety & traffic management).
       EETS: JV with Axxès to build and operate technology platform for EETS; partnership with OMV to launch OMV Smart Toll.
       Deferments in certain projects had impact on revenues and earnings of H1 2018/19.

   Revenues                               EBIT                          EBIT margin                 EPS
   EUR 335.8 mn
   .                                      EUR 17.8 mn                   5.3%                        EUR 0.70
    H1 2017/18              EUR 340 mn    H1 2017/18       EUR 25 mn     H1 2017/18       7.4%      H1 2017/18       EUR 1.1
                            -1%                            -30%                           -2.1%p                     -37%
 FY 2017/18: EUR 693.3 mn                FY 2017/18: EUR 50.1 mn       FY 2017/18: 7.2%            FY 2017/18: EUR 2.21

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H1 2018/19.
Other key financials.

                                                                                                                                                 Balance sheet total
   Net CAPEX                                      Free cash flow                                Net cash/debt                                    and equity ratio

            10                                              35                                             20                                          700
                                                                   33.1                                    15
                                                            25                                                             16.2                        600   639.1
             8     8.8                                                                                     10                                                                621.1    614.6
                                                                                                            5                                          500

                                                                                                                                           in EUR mn
                                                in EUR mn
in EUR mn

                                                                                              in EUR mn
             6                                                                                                                                         400
                                                                                                           -5                                                               37.0%
                                                             5                                                                                               34.8%                   35.9%
                                                                                                          -10                                          300
             4                                                                                                  -15.7
                                                             -5              -1.0                         -15
                                                                                                          -20                                          200
             2                           2.8
                                   2.4                      -15                     -16.9                 -25
                                                                                                                                  -31.7                100
             0                                              -25                                           -35                                           0
                 2017/18        H1      H1                        2017/18     H1      H1                        Sep 30    Mar 31 Sep 30                      Sep 30         Mar 31 Sep 30
                              2017/18 2018/19                               2017/18 2018/19                      2017      2018 2018                          2017           2018 2018

                 CAPEX on previous year’s level.                                                           Negative free cash flow and dividend payment (EUR 19.5 mn)
                                                                                                           caused net cash to turn into net debt.
                 Free cash flow followed development operating result;
                 net working capital increased stronger than in H1 2017/18.                                Balance sheet continues to be very robust.

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Outlook & medium-term goals.

Outlook 2018/19
     Revenues and EBIT at previous
     year's levels
Revenues (medium-term)
     Growing in both segments
     Grow stronger than the market
     Higher growth rates for IMS in the
     long run
EBIT margin (medium-term)
     ETC:           comfortably >10%
     IMS:           in good environment,
                    8% possible
     Group: > 10%

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Dividend policy*
     At least the higher of
     1/3 of the earnings per share (EPS) and EUR 1.
     Depending on economic development, the market environment and capital
     needs for upcoming projects, the dividend payment can be higher or lower. ...
     ... However, within a reference period of 3 years, the company aims at paying
     out an average annual dividend of at least EUR 1.
* As of November 29, 2016.

Dividend payouts
2016: EUR 1.50 (EPS 2015/16: 2.39)
2017: EUR 1.50 (EPS 2016/17: 3.35)
2018: EUR 1.50 (EPS 2017/18: 2.21)

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Kapsch TrafficCom share.

Shareholder structure                             Institutional investors by region
                                                                                      Source: Shareholder
                                                                                      survey from March 2018,
                                                                                      participation notification,
                                                                                      estimates by Kapsch

Basic information                                 Select events
    Listed in Prime Market segment at the
                                                  February 21, 2019    Results Q1-Q3 2018/19
    Vienna Stock Exchange since 2007
                                                                                                                    ISIN: AT000KAPSCH9
    13 million shares                             June 18, 2019        Results FY 2018/19
                                                                                                                    Reuters: KTCG.VI
    Coverage by: Erste Group, Kepler Cheuvreux,
                 ODDO, Raiffeisen Centrobank      More information:                        Bloomberg: KTCG AV

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Share price development.
Kapsch TrafficCom and ATX Prime.

  120            CZ: Offer for nation-wide   CZ: Tender       Profit warning: Q1            New project:         CZ: Minister    New project: Support      Sale of stake           New project:
                        tolling system not    cancelled      below expectations,           Modernize toll     signed contract      operation of nation-   in ParkJockey              Passenger
                 considered the cheapest                         lowered outlook           system in CH       with competitor    wide toll system in PL                        vehicle toll in DE


    80                                                                                                                                                                                           81

    70              New project: Upgrade                                                                                    New project: Automatic
                 toll collection equipment                                                                               enforcement of passenger
                         in Maryland, USA       Results 2016/17         Final Q1 results           Dividend ex date              vehicle toll in DE              H1 results
                     04                   05               06                07                     08                  09                10                11                     12
                    2018                 2018             2018              2018                   2018                2018              2018              2018                   2018

                                                            ATX PRIME                                                      Kapsch TrafficCom

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This presentation is made by Kapsch TrafficCom AG (“Kapsch TrafficCom”) solely for use at this          Given these risks, uncertainties and other factors, recipients of this document are cautioned not
presentation. It is furnished to you solely for your information and its content may not be copied,     to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Kapsch TrafficCom disclaims any
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                                                                                                        This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any
The facts and information contained herein are as up to date as is reasonably possible and are          solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities of Kapsch TrafficCom in any
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Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the facts stated herein are accurate and       Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the
that the opinions contained herein are fair and reasonable, this document is selective in nature        “Order”) or (iii) who fall within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) (“high net worth companies, unincorporated
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achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

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Thank you
for your attention.

Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna, Austria
P: +43 50 811 - 0

Please Note:
The content of this presentation is the intellectual property of Kapsch TrafficCom AG and all rights are reserved with respect to the copying, reproduction,
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References and recent major projects.
References in more than 50 countries.
                                                                       All figures in EUR mn                   %
                                                                       unless otherwise stated   2017/18 of total
Global                                                                 Revenues                    441.9    64%
All figures in EUR mn                     %                              thereof ETC               346.8    50%
unless otherwise stated     2017/18 of total                             thereof IMS                95.1    14%
Revenues                      693.3
  thereof ETC                  521.6      75%
  thereof IMS                  171.6      25%

                                                                                                                    All figures in EUR mn                     %
                                                                                                                    unless otherwise stated     2017/18 of total
                                                                                                                    Revenues                       42.3     6%
                          Americas                                                                                    thereof ETC                   35.5        5%
                          All figures in EUR mn                   %                                                   thereof IMS                    6.8        1%
                          unless otherwise stated   2017/18 of total
                          Revenues                    209.1    30%
                            thereof ETC               139.3    20%
                            thereof IMS                69.8    10%

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Overview: Major project.
Implementation and operation of the system to collect the German passenger vehicle toll.

 About the project                                                                            Federal Republic of Germany
                                                                                              Capital:                Berlin
       Implementation and operation of the German passenger vehicle toll system:              Official language:      German
                                                                                              GDP (PPP)/cap*:         USD 50,639
    ▪ Technology: eVignette (for highways and federal roads).                                 Currency:               Euro
                                                                                              Population*:            82.7 million
       Awarded: December 2018.                                                                Member of the European Union
       Term:                                                                                                                                          Czech
                                                                                                  Netherlands          Poland
    ▪ Implementation 18-21 months.
    ▪ Operation: 12 years from the first collection of the passenger vehicle toll, can be
         extended to up to 15 years.                                                        Luxembourg

 Organizational & financial
       50/50 joint venture (JV) with CTS EVENTIM.                                                                    Austria

       Consolidation: At equity (expected).                                                              Switzerland

       Project volume for the JV: About EUR 1.6 billion over minimum contract                       France
                                                                                                                               *Source: World Bank (Data for 2017)

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Overview: Major project.
Automatic enforcement of the German passenger vehicle toll.

 About the project                                                                       Federal Republic of Germany
                                                                                         Capital:                Berlin
       Planning, development, implementation, operation and maintenance of the           Official language:      German
       automated enforcement system for the German passenger vehicle toll:               GDP (PPP)/cap*:         USD 50,639
                                                                                         Currency:               Euro
    ▪ Technology: Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR).                             Population*:            82.7 million
                                                                                         Member of the European Union
    ▪ Equipment (e.g. cameras, scanners).                                                             Denmark                                    Czech
    ▪ Central system (software).                                                             Netherlands          Poland
       Awarded: October 2018.
       Term: until 12 years from the first collection of the passenger vehicle toll,   Luxembourg

       can be extended to up to 15 years.

       Total project volume in the range of
German passenger vehicle toll system.

                                                                                                   Public                   Public
 Collection                                                                                        agency1)                 agency2)                                              Automatic enforcement
 German residents: Vehicle information provided                       Toll payment
 by the central vehicle register.
                                                                     Data                                                                                         No: forward
                                                                                                                                                                 number plate
                                                                                                                                                                 data to public
 Non-German residents: Registration options:                                                                                                                           agency     2) Registered           3) Forward act
                                                                                                                                                                                  yes/no                  to public agency
      Self-service terminal                                                                                                                                      Yes:                                     for enforcement
                                                                                     Back office                                                         data deleted
                                                  Payment platform   Data
                                                                                                                                                                             Yes:                  No:
                                                                                                                                                    1) German number plate
                                                                                                                                                                             data deleted          prepare act
                                                                                                    Call                                                           yes/no
                                                                                                    center                                                              STATIONARY
                                                                                              Annual notice
                                                                                              for German
                                                                                                   print                                                      ROAD
                                                                                                   send                                                       USER
      Mobile app                                                     Data

                                                                               1)   Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA)   2)   Bundesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG)

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Overview: Major project.
Road safety and traffic management in Zambia.

 About the project                                                          Republic of Zambia
                                                                            Capital:               Lusaka
       Nation-wide concession contract to improve road safety and traffic   Official language:     English
       management.                                                          GDP (PPP)/cap*:        USD 4,050
                                                                            Currency:              Zambian Kwacha (ZMW)
       Main components:                                                     Population*:           17.1 million;
                                                                                                   >40% live in urban areas
    ▪ Vehicle inspection,
    ▪ Vehicle registration,
    ▪ Speeding fines and other traffic-related infringements.

       Term: 17 years

 Organizational & financial                                                        Democratic                               Tanzania
                                                                             Republic of Congo
       Joint venture (JV) with local partner Lamise Trading (49%).                       Angola                            Malawi

       Full consolidation since September 2018 (before: at equity).                     Namibia

       JV’s expected revenues for 3 years: EUR 90 - 110 million.                                                   Zimbabwe

                                                                                                        *Source: World Bank (Data for 2017)

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Overview: Major project.
Nation-wide tolling system in Bulgaria.

 About the project                                                                      Republic of Bulgaria
                                                                                        Capital:                Sofia
       Contract to design and build nation-wide tolling system.                         Official language:      Bulgarian
                                                                                        GDP (PPP)/cap*:         USD 20,329
       Satellite technology for trucks over 3.5 tons.                                   Currency:               Lev (BGN)
                                                                                        Population*:            7.1 million
       eVignette for passenger cars.                                                    Member of the European Union

       Tolls collected on all class I, II, and III roads, (all paved roads).
       Some details:
    ▪ 500 terminals for registering and issuing eVignettes,
    ▪ 100 enforcement vehicles, 100 weigh-in-motion facilities, 100 tolling gantries.

       Term: 19 months from signing (January 2018).
       Kapsch TrafficCom‘s 6th nation-wide toll collection system in Europe                               Serbia                          Turkey

       (after Austria, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Belarus).                            Macedonia
       Total project volume of about EUR 76.6 million.
                                                                                                                   *Source: World Bank (Data for 2017)

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Overview: Major project.
Tolling in Maryland (USA).

 About the project                                                              Maryland
                                                                                Capital:                 Annapolis
       Contract to replace and maintain all roadside tolling equipment in the   Currency:                US dollar (USD)
       mixed-mode, cash, and express toll lanes under management of the         Population:              6.1 million

       Maryland Transportation Authority.
       The new roadside equipment will include:
    ▪ RFID toll readers,
    ▪ Automated license plate recognition (ALPR) cameras,
                                                                                              West Virginia
    ▪ Scanners in the mixed-mode lanes,
    ▪ Stereoscopic Vehicle Detection and Classification sensors.                                                    Washington, D.C.

       Term: Start in February 2018, replacement of all toll equipment by
       2020, six years of subsequent technical operation as well as the
       option to extend the contract for additional four years.

       Total project volume of more than EUR 55 million.

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Overview: Major project.
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (USA).

 About the projects                                                        Port Authority of
                                                                           New York and New Jersey
 1.      Tolling (2016)                                                       Interstate agency
                                                                              Established 1921
       Replace the toll collection system at all bridges and tunnels and      Financially self-supporting public agency
       ongoing system maintenance.
       Term: Upon completion, maintenance for a 6-year period, with                                               New York
       options to extend for up to three 2-year periods.                                               Pennsylvania       Connecticut

       Total project volume >EUR 100 million.
                                                                                                                           New York
                                                                                                                          New Jersey
 2.      Traffic Management (2017)
       Design and install an Agency-Wide Advanced Transportation
       Management Software (ATMS).
       Term: 4-year base term followed by two additional 1-year optional
       support periods.
       Total project volume >EUR 8 million.

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Promissory note bond & long-term bank loan.

   2016                               2021                                         Corner stones of the promissory note bond
   Promissory note bond               PNB: EUR -26mn
   (PNB)                                                                             Issued 2016
                                         1.22% p.a
        EUR 62.0mn
                                      PNB: EUR -4.5mn                                Volume: EUR 62mn + USD 14.5mn
        USD 14.5mn
                                         6M EURIBOR + 120bps                         3 tenors (5/7/10 years)
                                      PNB: USD -14.5mn                               Partially fixed interest, partially variable
                                         3M LIBOR + 170bps

                                                                                   Corner stones of the long-term bank loan
                    2018              2022-2024
                    Loan              Loan                                           Issued January 2018
                         EUR 50.0mn     8 x EUR -6.25mn                              Volume: EUR 50mn
            2017                                  2023            2026
                                                                                     Term: 6 years
            Corporate bond                        PNB: EUR -23mn PNB: EUR -8.5mn
            repaid                                                                   Fixed interest: 0.8% p.a.
                                                     6M EURIBOR     2.26% p.a.
                 EUR -70.8mn.                        + 150bps.                       Redemption: 2.5 years grace period, then 8
                                                                                     half-year installments

Jan 2019 | Investor Presentation                                                                                  | 29
Corporate milestones (1).
More than 125 years in the ever-changing electronic industry.

 1892                              Morse telegraph devices            1995                                 2002                               2007
                                   Telephones (fixed and mobile)
 Kapsch founded                    Capacitors and dry batteries       Contract for the realization of      Kapsch Aktiengesellschaft          IPO of Kapsch TrafficCom
                                   Radios, incl. portable radios      the nationwide Ecopoint              restructured in:
                                   TVs (black & white, later color)                                                                           Nation-wide ETC system in Czech
                                                                      System, the world’s 1st               • Kapsch TrafficCom
                                   Telecom networks                                                                                           Republic goes into operation
                                                                      emissions-based TMS                   • Kapsch BusinessCom
                                                                                                            • Kapsch CarrierCom

                                           1991                                             1999                                  2004
                                           Toll collection division within                  Launch of world’s 1st MLFF            Austria introduces the national truck
                                           Kapsch Aktiengesellschaft                        ETC system for an urban               road user charging system: the worldwide
                                                                                            motorway on Melbourne City            1st nationwide multi-lane free-flow system
                                                                                            Link in Australia.                    on major highways

Jan 2019 | Investor Presentation                                                                                                                 | 30
Corporate milestones (2).
More than 125 years in the ever-changing electronic industry.

 2007                                       2011                                            2016
 IPO of Kapsch TrafficCom                   Capital increase                                Acquisition of the
                                                                                            transportation business
 Nation-wide ETC system in Czech            USA: Selected by E-ZPass Group
                                                                                            of Schneider Electric
 Republic goes into operation               for new 10 year technology and
                                            services contracts

                                   2010                            2012                                2017                              2018
                                   Poland: Contract for            Belarus: Contract for               Zambia: Concession agreement      Germany: Contracts for
                                   implementation and operation    implementation and operation        for nation-wide road safety and   implementation & operation of
                                   of nation-wide tolling system   of nation-wide tolling system       traffic management                passenger vehicle toll system +
                                                                                                                                         for the automatic enforcement
                                   North America: Acquisition of                                       Bulgaria: Nation-wide tolling
                                   MARK IV IVHS                                                        system
Jan 2019 | Investor Presentation                                                                                                         | 31
We. make traffic solutions

Why is this so important to us?

❖ Because we want you to reach your
  destination quickly, comfortably, and safely.

❖ Because we want to enable our customers to
  provide the very best service at a low cost.

❖ Because we want to protect the environment.
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