INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.

Page created by Stephen Mendoza
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
       April 2022
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
Experienced Leadership Team | Co-Founders

                                      Co-founder of ROK Resources Inc., former President and CEO of Villanova 4 Oil Corp.,
          Cam Taylor                  Villanova Oil Corp. & Villanova Resources Inc. Mr. Taylor is a geoscientist with over 30
          Chairman &                  years of experience in oil & gas exploration and development. Since graduating with a
          Chief Executive Officer     BSc. in Geophysics in 1988, he has worked the Williston Basin, Foothills, deep Devonian
                                      and heavy oil exploration within Canada.

                                      Co-founder of ROK Resources Inc., and former Vice President Engineering of Villanova 4
          Bryden Wright | P.Eng.      Oil Corp. Mr. Wright has over 14 years of experience in Williston Basin oil exploration and
          Chief Operating Officer     production, specifically SE Saskatchewan conventional and unconventional oil plays. He
                                      holds an BSc in Petroleum Systems Engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer
                                      with APEGS (Saskatchewan) and APEGA (Alberta).

                                      Co-founder of ROK Resources Inc., and former Vice President Land with Villanova 4 Oil
          Jared Lukomski              Corp. Mr. Lukomski has over 14 years of experience in leading land related initiatives.
          Sr. Vice President Land &   Prior to joining the Villanova Group, Jared was employed by Conexus Credit Union from
          Business Development        2000 to 2007 where he managed a book of business in his role as a Commercial
                                      Account Manager.

                                                                                                                 2    TSX.V: ROK
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
Solid Track Record of Execution and Value Creation
 Management brings a solid track record of execution and value creation through the development, from infancy to the successful
                       divestitures, of four successive companies generating shareholder returns of 3x

                                                                           Previous Experience
     Successive                                     Company                Exit Date          Production           Proceeds
                                                    Villanova Energy
                      $154 mm                  1
                                                                          January 2009          2,389 boe/d            $139.2 mm
                         Raised                     Villanova
                                               2                              May 2010          1,048 boe/d            $130.1 mm
    $458mm                                          Resources Inc.
      Proceeds                                      Villanova Oil
                                               3                              April 2013        1,597 boe/d            $124.4 mm
                                                    Villanova 4 Oil
                         Returns               4                               July 2018        1,715 boe/d             $64.0 mm

                                                                                                                   3    TSX.V: ROK
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
ROK Resources | Creating Shareholder Value

       Mission                    Vision               Values
     To operate and       To create a diversified      Safety                                          Trusted
   conduct business in       and sustainable                                        Strong Free
                                                    Accountability   High Quality                   Management
   an honest, safe and    resource-based asset                                      Cash Flow
                                                    Sustainability      Assets                       Team with
    environmentally &     portfolio and enhance                                     Generation
                                                                                                  Experience in Area
   socially responsible     shareholder return       Innovation
         manner            through responsible
                          energy exploration and

                                                                                                        4    TSX.V: ROK
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
Company Profile | Snapshot                                                                               Acquired Production

ROK Resources Inc. (ROK) is an independent domestic oil & gas
company focused on growth through the exploitation of
conventional oil properties in Alberta and Saskatchewan. ROK is
led by a reputable management team with a solid track record of                                                                                           2,962
value creation in the area.                                                                                             948 boe/d

                                                                                                                         35% liq.
                            Notable Events (Q1 2022)                                                                     55% WI

                                                                                            AB SK                                   SW Sask.              SE Sask.
                                                                                                                                    460 boe/d            1,554 boe/d
                                                                                                                                     82% liq.              95% liq.
                                                                                                                                     18% WI                39% WI
          $72 million          Oversubscribed ~$17           Transaction supports goal
       transformational      million equity financing and    to become a net-negative
          acquisition        $65 million debt financing            CO2 emitter                                                                  Weyburn Unit
                                                                                                                                                 460 boe/d

                          Capitalization   (as April 15, 2022)

50-day Moving Avg.                                                                 $0.23                        Warrants
                                                                                           # Warrants     Expiry Date                  Price
Market Cap.                                                                   $42.8 mm
                                                                                           4,783,333      June 19, 2022                $0.15
Basic Shares                                                                  187.9 mm
                                                                                           7,692,308      July 31, 2022                $0.15
Warrants                                                                      141.3 mm
                                                                                           3,550,000      November 9, 2022             $0.30
Options                                                                         17.1 mm    7,780,000      May 23, 2023                 $0.35
Insider Ownership                                                                 15.4%    117,514,704    March 7, 2025                $0.25

                                                                                                                                                   5     TSX.V: ROK
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
Transformational Acquisition & Financing
ROK recently completed the transformational and highly-accretive acquisition of oil-weighted properties (72% liquids) from Federated Co-
operatives Limited (FCL) for total consideration of ~$72 million.

                                                                              $72 Million Acquisition Funded by
                                                                   ~$17 Million SR Financing and $65 Million Debt Facility
                   Pre-Acquisition                                                                                                                                               Pro Forma Summary

    • Core Areas:                                                                                                                                                   • Core Areas: SW &
      SE Sask.                                                                 ✓ ~$17 million oversubscribed prospectus                                               SE Saskatchewan
                                                                                 offering                                                                             and Alberta
                                                                                    • Bought public offering of subscription
                                                                                      receipts (SR) for gross aggregate
                                                                                      proceeds of ~$17.3 million, including
                                                                                      the full over-allotment option
    •   Production: 210 boe/d                                                                                                                                       •   Average WI: ~50% (excl. Weyburn)
    •   NOI: ~$2 mm                                                            ✓ $65 million senior secured term loan                                               •   2022E Production: 3,278 boe/d1
    •   Netback: $26/boe                                                                                                                                            •   2022E NOI: ~$63 mm1
    •   Other: 25% interest in Hub City                                             • Anticipated to be fully repaid within                                         •   2022E Netback: ~$53/boe1
        Lithium Corp.(HCL)                                                            three years (no prepayment penalties)
                                                                                                                                                                    •   Other: 2.1% WI in Weyburn-Midale CCUS
                                                                                                                                                                        project; 25% interest in HCL

1. Illustrative forecast assumes average unhedged oil price of US$90/bbl WTI and averaged hedged oil pricing of US$104.42/bbl. Refer to hedging disclosures for further information.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     6   TSX.V: ROK
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
Transformational Acquisition | Strategic Rationale

         Base Production                                   Significant Free                             Substantial Land                                 Excellent ESG
        Drives Material NOI                                  Funds Flow                                    Position &                                    Characteristics
                                                             Generation                                  Development

     ✓ Acquisition included 2,962                   ✓ Stable base production                      ✓ 1,380,556 gross (333,347 net)                 ✓ 2.1% strategic interest in the
       boe/d medium-to-light oil                      yields significant free funds                   acres of land acquired                        world-class Weyburn-Midale                          The acquisition
       weighted production                            flow potential                              ✓ Acquired PDP / 2P reserves of                   CCUS EOR project                                    supports ROK’s
       between 27-38° API gravity                                                                     $96 mm / $168 mm1                                                                              transformation into a
                                                    ✓ Free funds flow driven by a                                                                 ✓ Offsets 86% of current CO2
     ✓ Low royalties (~13%) and                       shallow base decline and                    ✓ Estimated 2P RLI of ~12 years2                  / GHG emissions                                    premier producer
       operating costs (~$20/boe)                     high operating netbacks                     ✓ High WI and operatorship in                                                                        characterized by
                                                                                                                                                  ✓ Supports ROK’s ESG
                                                                                                      key growth properties ensures                                                                       responsible
     ✓ Pro forma annualized NOI                     ✓ Compelling capital                                                                            principles and visions to
                                                                                                      substantial control over pace                                                                     exploration and
       of ~$63 million driven off a                   efficiencies (~$20k/boe/d)                                                                    become a net-negative
                                                                                                      of development                                                                                    development of
       ~$53/boe netback                                                                                                                             emitter
                                                    ✓ 24-month hedging (~75% of                                                                                                                          diversified and
       (including hedges)
                                                      ROK’s current production) at                                                                                                                    sustainable assets
                                                      average WTI of US$93.61

   1. NPV-10% (B-Tax); Acquired reserves as evaluated by McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. (“McDaniel”) as of October 31, 2021, based on the Sproule Associates Limited (“Sproule”) price forecast dated November 1, 2021.
   2. Reserves Life Index (“RLI”) is based on acquired 2P reserves divided by March 2022E estimated production of 3,073 boe/d.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7       TSX.V: ROK
INVESTOR PRESENTATION - April 2022 - ROK Resources Inc.
Hedging Program
                             Quarterly Hedging Summary                                                                                WTI Hedges (24-months)
                                                                                                         bbls/d                                                                                         US$/bbl
                                    WTI Swaps                          Natural Gas Swaps1                3,000
                                                                                                         2,500                                                                                          $125.00
                                                                                                                                            2022E oil production
 Starting Month              Bbls              US$/bbl               Mmbtu            US$/mmbtu          2,500
                                                                                                         2,000                                                                                          $100.00
                                                                                                         2,000      1,468
 Apr-22                        133,604             $113.63               342,248                $4.48    1,500
                                                                                                                             1,414      1,339    1,253                                                  $75.00
                                                                                                                    1,468    1,414                         1,243     1,195
                                                                                                         1,500                          1,339                                   1,140        1,075
                                                                                                                                                 1,253     1,243     1,195
 Jul-22                        128,717             $102.49               335,274                $4.57    1,000
                                                                                                                                                                                1,140        1,075      $50.00
 Oct-22                        123,231               $96.47              325,106                $4.69
                                                                                                          500                                                                                           $25.00
 Jan-23                        115,291               $91.48              308,452                $4.66
                                                                                                             --                                                                                         -
 Apr-23                        111,886               $88.44              302,721                $3.35             Apr-22
                                                                                                                  Apr-22     Jul-22
                                                                                                                             Jul-22    Oct-22
                                                                                                                                       Oct-22    Jan-23
                                                                                                                                                 Jan-23    Apr-23
                                                                                                                                                           Apr-23    Jul-23     Oct-23       Jan-24

 Jul-23                        108,775               $85.58              292,751                $3.40                        Natural Gas Hedges (24-months)
                                                                                                          mmbtu/d                                                                                    US$/mmbtu
 Oct-23                        104,914               $83.12              283,342                $3.58
                                                                                                          6,000                                                                                             $6.00
                                                                                                                                            2022E natural gas production
 Jan-24                          98,908              $79.72              263,468                $3.74
                                                                                                          5,000                                                                                             $5.00
 Total                         925,326               $93.61           2,453,362                 $4.09     4,000     3,761     3,684      3,534                                                              $4.00
                                                                                                                                                  3,353      3,364     3,217      3,080
                                                                                                          3,000                                                                                             $3.00
      Hedging program represents approximately 75% of ROK’s current
                                                                                                          2,000                                                                                             $2.00
      production base at a weighted average WTI price of US$93.61/bbl
       and gas price of US$4.09/mmbtu over the next 24-month period                                       1,000                                                                                             $1.00

                                                                                                              -                                                                                             -
                                                                                                                    Apr-22    Jul-22    Oct-22    Jan-23    Apr-23     Jul-23    Oct-23        Jan-24
1. Natural gas contracts are swaps on Henry Hub, shown in $USD. The Company has also secured a swap on
   the AECO basis for the same term.

                                                                                                                                                                                         8      TSX.V: ROK
Transformational Acquisition | Economics
                                                               Undiscounted Pro Forma Total Proved Cash Flows ($mm) 1

  $700                                   ($98)

  $600                                   $639
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ✓ Acquisition
                                                                                                                                                                                                    funded through
                                  ✓ Average
  $500                                                        ($285)                                                                                                                                 $17 million of
                                  royalty burden                                                    ✓ Low ARO
                                                                                                     requirements                                                                                      new equity
                                   over reserves
  $400                                                                                                                  ✓ Strong capital                                                            equates to $114
                                    life of ~13%                                     $354
                                                                                                                             efficiencies                                                           million pro forma
                                                               $354                                       ($80)                                                       ✓ Favorable terms on            cash flow to
                                                                                                                                                                           debt financing                equity
                                                                                                          $275                  ($84)                 $191
                                                                                                                                $191                                  $179              ($65)            $114
  $100                                                                                                                                                                                  $126

                 Revenues              Royalties               Opex          NOI before ARO                ARO                 Capex                DAFCF         Interest on Term Repayment of     Cash Flows to
                                                                                                                                                                        Loan        Term Loan          Equity

                                                   >$114 million of 1P cash flows to equity after capex, ARO and debt service
1. Acquired reserves as evaluated by McDaniel as of April 1, 2022, based on a 3 Consultant Average Price Forecast (McDaniel, GLJ, Sproule) dated April 1, 2022.

                                                                                                                                                                                                9      TSX.V: ROK
Consolidated Corporate Reserves
                                                     Reserves Volumes and Value1                                                                  Reserves Volumes and Value (B-Tax NPV-10%)1

                                                  Reserves Volumes                             Reserves Value (Before Tax)
                                 Oil          Gas       NGL        Total          Liquids       NPV-10%        NPV-10%
                                 mbbl         mmcf         mbbl         mboe         %            $mm           $/share2
                                                                                                                                                          Prob.                                       Prob.
PDP                                4,891         9,870            364     6,900        76%             $114           $0.61                            6.2mmboe                                     $83mm              PDP
                                                                                                                                                          (40%)                                      (37%)          $114mm
1P                                 6,873       11,755             457     9.290        87%             $143           $0.77                                                 (45%)
Prob.                              3,731       12,023             423     6,158        67%              $83           $0.44
2P                               10,604       23,7790             880    15,447        74%             $225           $1.21
                                                                                                                                                            PUD+PDNP                              PUD+PDNP
                                                                                                                                                             2.3mmboe                               $29mm
                                                     NOI, Capex, and FCF          Profile1,3                                                                    (15%)                                (13%)

                         $75                                                                                   $450
                                                                                                                                                 ROK’s assets include significant, long-life reserves
 NOI, Capex, FCF ($mm)

                                                                                                                        Cumulative FCF ($mm)
                         $50                                                                                   $300
                                                                                                                                                 of over 15 mmboe (2P), equating to a RLI of over
                         $25                                                                                   $150
                                                                                                                                                                    12 years4

                                                                                                                                               1. Reserves as evaluated by McDaniel as of April 1, 2022 based on a 3 Consultant Average
                            -                                                                                  -
                                                                                                                                                  Price Forecast (McDaniel, GLJ, Sproule) dated April 1, 2022
                                                                                                                                               2. Based on pro forma basic shares outstanding of 187.86 million.
                                                                                                                                               3. Does not include estimated abandonment retirement obligations (“ARO”) spending.
                         ($25)                                                                                 ($150)                          4. Reserves Life Index (“RLI”) is based on 2P reserves divided by March 2022E estimated
                                 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035                                            production of 3,073 boe/d.

                                        Proved NOI       Prob. NOI      Capital     2P FCF        Cum. FCF

                                                                                                                                                                                                           10       TSX.V: ROK
Southeast SK Assets | Frobisher

                                             FROBISHER                  $80 WTI & $4 AECO                $90 WTI & $5 AECO               $100 WTI & $6 AECO
                                             DCE Cost                                      $1.0MM                           $1.0MM                           $1.0MM
    Future Locations
                                             IP30 (Bopd)                                         175                              175                              175
                                             EUR (Mbbl/Mboe)                       75,000/85,000                    75,000/85,000                    75,000/85,000
•    20+ booked locations                    F&D Cost ($/boe)                                $11.76                           $11.76                           $11.76

•    6 Frobisher Hz wells planned for 2022   Netback ($/boe)                                 $48.12                           $59.71                           $70.41
                                             NPV10%                                        $2.6MM                           $3.3MM                           $4.0MM
                                             IRR% (BT)                                        500%                           >500%                            >500%
                                             Payout                                            5 mo                             4 mo                             3 mo
                                             Recycle Ratio                                        4.1                              5.1                                 6.0
                                              1. Booked locations and type curves as per McDaniel & Associates April 1, 2022 Corporate Reserve Evaluation. F/X 0.80.

                                                                                                                                            11       TSX.V: ROK
NW AB Assets | Kaybob Cardium A

                                                          CARDIUM A                  $80 WTI & $4 AECO                $90 WTI & $5 AECO               $100 WTI & $6 AECO
                                                          DCE Cost                                      $3.0MM                           $3.0MM                            $3.0MM
                                                          IP30 (Bopd)                                         120                              120                            120
                                       Future Locations
                                                          EUR (Mbbl/Mboe)                    135,000/155,000                  135,000/155,000                  135,000/155,000
                                                          F&D Cost ($/boe)                                $19.35                           $19.35                           $19.35
•   20+ sections of high WI land prospective for
                                                          Netback ($/boe)                                 $42.16                           $53.61                           $64.19
    Cardium, Dunvegan, Bluesky, Montney (12 booked
    locations)                                            NPV10%                                          $1.5M                          $2.5MM                            $3.4MM
                                                          IRR% (BT)                                          40%                              60%                             80%
•   2023 capital program expected to include Cardium
    development                                           Payout                                           2.0 yr                           1.5 yr                          1.1 yr
                                                          Recycle Ratio                                        2.2                              2.8                            3.3
                                                           1. Locations & type curves as per McDaniel & Associates April 1, 2022 Corporate Reserve Evaluation. F/X 0.80.

                                                                                                                                                         12       TSX.V: ROK
Capitalization | Corporate Profile
                            Current Capitalization                                         Illustrative Proforma Forecast1
 50-day moving average share price                         $0.23   2022E production (74% liquids)                                                           3,278 boe/d

 Basic shares outstanding                               187.9 mm   2022E net operating income (NOI)                                                            $63.3 mm

 Options (average exercise price of $0.24 per share)     16.2 mm   2022E debt adjusted cash flow (DACF)                                                        $58.2 mm

 Warrants (average exercise price of $0.25 per share)   141.3 mm   2022E debt adjusted free cash flow (DAFCF)                                                  $41.7 mm

 Market capitalization (basic)                          $42.8 mm   EV/boe/d                                                                                $18.9k/boe/d

 Current net debt                                       $56.2 mm   EV/NOI                                                                                             1.0x

 Enterprise value (basic)                               $99.0 mm   EV/DACF                                                                                            1.1x

                                                                   Debt adjusted funds flow yield                                                                     67%

                                                                   1. Estimates based on illustrative management forecast assuming $90 WTI on unhedged volumes and 75%
                                                                      hedged production (average 2022 hedges of US$104.42/bbl). All EV metrics are based on projected net
                                                                      debt at year-end 2022 of $21.1 mm.

                                                                                                                                                    13       TSX.V: ROK
2022E Oil Price Sensitivity                                                                                                    ROK is hedged at ~75% PDP at highly attractive oil prices

                          2022E Net Operating Income ($mm)1                                                                               2022E Debt Adjusted Cash Flow ($mm)1
$70.0                                                                                                              $70.0
                                                                                                                                          Capex          Minimum interest & principal           FCF
                                                                                                                   $60.0                                                                $58.2
                                                                                           $65.5                                                     $53.8
$65.0                                                                                                                                                                                                  $16.4
                                                                                                                   $50.0                                              $12.0             $14.2
                                                                        $63.3                                                                        $9.8

$60.0                              $58.9
                                                                                                                   $30.0          $27.5              $27.5            $27.5             $27.5          $27.5


                                                                                                                                  $16.5              $16.5            $16.5             $16.5          $16.5

$50.0                                                                                                                      -
            US$60/B WTI        US$70/B WTI       US$80/B WTI        US$90/B WTI US$100/B WTI                                   US$60/B WTI        US$70/B WTI     US$80/B WTI     US$90/B WTI US$100/B WTI
                                           WTI Sensitivity (Hedged)                                                                                          WTI Sensitivity (Hedged)

 1.   Illustrative management forecast assumes $90 WTI and 75% hedged production (average 2022 hedges of US$104.42/bbl).                          Illustrative Management Forecast

                                                                                                                                                                                            14        TSX.V: ROK
Value Proposition | Peer Comparison                                                                                                               ROK provides an attractive value proposition for investors, with
                                                                                                                                                     valuation multiples trailing peers at current pricing, while
                                                                                                                                                   leading the peer group in debt adjusted free cash flow yield
Select Domestic Oil Weighted Producers
                                                2022E EV/DACF (x)                                                                                  2022E Debt Adjusted Free Cash Flow Yield (%)
 6.0x                                                                                                                                 40% >40%
 3.0x                                                                                                                                 20%
         1.1x                                                                                                                         10%
 0.0x                                                        WCP                                                                      0%





























                                         2022E Net Debt/DACF (x)                                                                                                     2022E Free Cash Flow Yield (%)
 1.0x                                                                                                                                 40%

 0.5x                                                                          0.4x                                                   30%
 0.0x                                                                                                                                 20%

 -0.5x                                                                                                                                10%

 -1.0x                                                                                                                                0%

























  1. Peers are based on analyst consensus estimates for 2022 as reported by Capital IQ on March 15, 2022. EV is calculated as market capitalization plus year-end net debt.
  2. ROK is shown at 50-day moving average of $0.22 per share as of March 15, 2022. Estimates based on illustrative management forecast assuming $90 WTI and 75% hedged production (average 2022 hedges
     of US$104.42/bbl).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15      TSX.V: ROK
Catalysts For Growth                                                                     Why Invest in ROK Resources
                                                                                                                Substantial Long-Term
                                                                        High Quality Assets
                                                                                                                 Development Upside

ROK closed a transformational acquisition of the Federated Co-op        Strong Free Cash Flow                    Exposure to Upward
                                                                             Generation                          Commodity Market
 assets on March 7, 2022, becoming a ~3,000 Boepd company.
                                                                      Trusted Management Team
                                                                        with Experience in Area

    Corporate                      Announce 2022                   Kick-Off 2022                        Kick-Off 2023
  Reserves Report                     Budget                        SE SK Drill                          Kaybob Drill
     April 19th                                                       Program                              Program

       April 2022                        April 2022                   June 2022                            January 2023

                                                                                                                   16     TSX.V: ROK
ROK Resources |


                               17   TSX.V: ROK
Appendix I | Board of Directors
Cam Taylor                        Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

                                  Geoscientist with over 30 years of international O&G experience with Pan Orient Energy, Orion Securities,
Jeffrey Chisholm                  Bow Valley Energy, Canadian Occidental Petroleum (Nexen), PanCanadian Petroleum (Encana) and Niko
Independent Director              Resources. He has been President, CEO and Director of Pan Orient Energy Corp. since July 2005.

                                  Over 30 years of experience in oil and gas marketing and commercial arrangements. Currently owner and
Kent McDougall                    Chief Commercial Officer of Torq Energy Logistics Ltd., previously Vice President, Energy Sales with
Independent Director              Goldman Sachs, and Vice President- Fixed Income, Energy Trading & Marketing with Credit Suisse.

Peter Yates                       Mr. Yates has been a consultant and lawyer with EnerNext Counsel since August 2017. Previously an
Independent Director &            associate in the securities/corporate finance group at Field LLP, and partner in the securities/corporate
Corporate Secretary               finance group at Dentons Canada LLP.

                                  14 years of public accounting and financial reporting experience, including four years with Deloitte &
David Hergenhein                  Touche LLP. Mr. Hergenhein is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and has provided financial
Independent Director
                                  management services for several international junior oil and gas exploration companies.

     Audit Committee     Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee             Reserves and Environmental, Health and Safety Committee

                                                                                                                            18    TSX.V: ROK
Appendix II | Strategy & Focus

  Operational Excellence             Superior Risk-Adjusted
      Optimization of base                  Returns
  production through enhanced      Multi-year, low-risk development
   production techniques and       drilling inventory underpinned by
          cost controls                   strong base production

     Capital Discipline             Accretive Opportunities
  Disciplined capital allocation   Well-positioned to capitalize on
    strategies targeting high      opportunities through continued
  operating netbacks and low         acquisitions of high-quality
       decline production                       assets

   Conservative Balance
    Sheet Management                 Focus on Sustainability
   Organic free funds flow to       Corporate-wide focus on best-
  support rapid de-leveraging;       in-class ESG practices and
    2022YE debt to trailing          continuous monitoring and
          NOI of 0.3x

                                                   19     TSX.V: ROK
Appendix III | Insider Alignment

                                   Material Investment
                                   Management and board own ~15% of the current shares

                                   Shareholder Focus
                                   Pre-existing note indentures held by insiders were equitized at
                                   the same price and structure as the public equity financing

                                   Continued Support
                                   Insiders consistently demonstrate support for the business
                                   including a ~$4 million President’s List in the latest financing

                                   Strong Alignment
                                   Insiders have continued to show support in all aspects of the
                                   business, including participation in all financings, since its
                                   founding in 2019

                                                                                          20   TSX.V: ROK
Appendix IV | Weyburn CCUS EOR Project
 The acquisition includes a 2.1% strategic interest in the world-
 class Weyburn-Midale Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) project,
 which is one of the largest Carbon Capture, Utilization and storage
                                                                                                                                             ~2 mm tonnes
 (CCUS) project for EOR in the world.
                                                                                                                                               CO2 sequestered
                                                                                                                                                annually by the

                                     2 million tonnes of CO2 is
                                equivalent to >3,100 km2 of mature
                                    trees growing for one year1
                                                                                                                                                   ~$44 mm
                                                                                                                                                Acquired interest
                                                                                                                                                  PDP NPV102

     “Weyburn is a world-class asset capable to organically fund what we
        have identified as a deep inventory of drilling opportunities in
        Saskatchewan and Alberta, and we believe these assets can                                                                               Offsets 86%
        uniquely position ROK to achieve its goal of becoming a net-                                                                            of ROK’s current
                            negative CO2 emitter”                                                                                                CO2 emissions

                                       Cameron Taylor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                              2. Reserves as evaluated by McDaniel as of October 31, 2021, based on the Sproule price forecast dated November 1, 2021.
1.   Source: Whitecap Resources Inc.

                                                                                                                                                                                       21         TSX.V: ROK
Appendix V | CO2 Sequestration Process
This is a major step in ROK’s vision to be a sustainable and environmentally responsible operator by offsetting ~86% of its current CO2
emissions and by supporting its goal to become a net-negative CO2 emitter.

                                                                       CO2 Sequestration Process1

                 Prevent CO2 from being                                                     Enhance and support                Extracting valuable
                                                   Permanently and safely store
              released into the atmosphere                                                    long-term crude oil             resources sustainably
                                                     away CO2 underground
                                                                                            production responsibly

                                       CO2                                                        CO2           Oil


              Purchase CO2 from Boundary Dam        Inject and store CO2 safely and      CO2 acts as solvent to flush oil   Oil and natural gas liquids are
                  Power Station in Estevan,         permanently deep underground         from porous rock which would       maximized, extracted and sold.
              Saskatchewan and the Great Plains        (~1,500m) into producing              otherwise have been             CO2 produced during EOR is
                Synfuels plant in North Dakota.   formation to increase oil production   unrecoverable by conventional           returned to reservoir

1.   Source: Whitecap Resources Inc.

                                                                                                                                                     22       TSX.V: ROK
Appendix VI | Lithium Exploration
 •     ROK’s lithium diversification is a highly opportunistic strategy, with access to                                                 Lithium Lands
       untapped lithium properties in Saskatchewan:
          •     ROK owns 25% of private corporation Hub City Lithium Corp. and serves                           Land Position
                as Operations Manager for the company                                                         ~212k gross acres
                                                                                                              100% Crown lands
          •     Hub City Lithium owns ~212k gross acres of Crown lands                                                                  Saskatchewan

          •     Test results show industry leading lithium concentrations at Mansur
                                              Attractive Fundamentals
                                                                                                                            Kindersley        Regina
                                                                              Comparable companies have
     Shareholder value via diversification and
                                                                               demonstrated exceptional                                  Weyburn               Mansur
          exposure to growing sector
                                                                              economics in similar projects

                                                                                                                       Test Results (Duperow Formation)
        Lithium prices are on the rise, as                                  ROK’s lithium strategy further
       demand rapidly grows for greener                                       supports the company’s
      mobility products and alternative uses                              commitment to ESG practices and                                                  Li Concentration1
                                                                                                                    11-2-9-13 Wellbore
                                                                                a sustainable future                                                           (mg/litre)

                                                                                                                   Lower Wymark A & B                            85.0 - 85.8
                                                                                                                    Upper Wymark E & F                           89.0 - 96.3
1.   Laboratory tes ting performed by two independent labs, Isobrine (Edmonton, AB) & AGAT (Calg ary, AB).

                                                                                                                                                                 23     TSX.V: ROK
Appendix VII | Debt Facility
Amortization Chart – Projected Cash                                                                  Amortization Chart - No Cash Sweeps
Sweeps              Average
                                    Monthly                                                                                              Monthly
                                    Principal       Average Monthly Projected Cash    Principal                                          Principal
            Months                  Amount              Interest        Sweep        Outstanding                    Month(s)             Amount

 March 2022 – March 2023 2,000,000                       494,000      3,237,000      35,706,000                    March 2022            1,647,068

 April 2023 – March 2024           1,569,000             244,000      2,189,000      14,824,000              April 2022 – March 2023     2,042,366

 April 2024 – March 2025            948,000               77,000      2,420,000      1,475,000               April 2023 – March 2024     1,633,893

  April 2025 – May 2025             737,000                7,000          0              0                   April 2024 – March 2025     953,104

                                                                                                            April 2025 – February 2026   816,946
  ➢ No prepayment penalties
  ➢ No warrants

                                                                                                   If there is excess cash flow, ROK is required to prepay the
  ➢ Interest Rate: US Prime (currently 3.5%) + 8.0%
                                                                                                   loan in an aggregate amount equal to 25% of ROK’s good
  ➢ Gross Overriding Royalty: 2.5% for 4 years reducing to 1.5% for perpetuity
                                                                                                   faith estimate of the excess cash flow
    on existing assets only

  1. Figures are shown in $CAN with an estimated $0.79 CAD FX rate.

                                                                                                                                                   24   TSX.V: ROK
Disclaimer | General Advisory
This presentation includes information that constitutes “forward-looking information” or “forward-looking statements”. More particularly, this presentation contains statements concerning expectations regarding the successful implementation of
drilling activities on assets which have recently been acquired by ROK Resources Inc. (“ROK” or the “Company”), cash flow, business strategy, priorities and plans, expected production, the evaluation of certain prospects in which ROK holds an
interest following the completion of such acquisition, estimated number of drilling locations, expected capital program (including its allocation), production growth, reserves growth, the receipt of and the timing of receipt of environmental licenses,
the ability of ROK to transport and sell its crude volume and other statements, expectations, beliefs, goals, objectives, assumptions and information about possible future events, conditions, results of operations or performance. Readers are
cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are based will occur. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous
assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, estimates, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not occur, which may cause
actual performance and results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Business priorities disclosed herein are objectives only
and their achievement cannot be guaranteed. Indicative capital spending, drilling and production estimates for 2020 and beyond, which are provided herein, are subject to change Material risk factors include, but are not limited to: the inability to
obtain regulatory approval for any operational activities, the risks of the oil and gas industry in general, such as operational risks in exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas, market demand and unpredictable shortages of
equipment and/or labour; potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; fluctuations in oil and gas prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates, and reliance on
industry partners and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of ROK. You can find an additional discussion of those assumptions, risks and uncertainties in ROK’s securities filings on SEDAR at Neither ROK nor any of
its officers, directors or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors nor do any of the foregoing accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the opinions expressed in this
document or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. Readers should also note that even if the drilling program as proposed by ROK is successful, there are many factors that could result in production levels being less than
anticipated or targeted, including without limitation, greater than anticipated declines in existing production due to poor reservoir performance, mechanical failures or inability to access production facilities, among other factors. Statements relating
to “reserves” are deemed to be forward-looking statements or information, as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the reserves described can be profitable in the future. Estimated values of future
net revenue disclosed do not necessarily represent fair market value. There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating quantities of reserves, including many factors beyond the control of ROK. The reserve data included herein represents
estimates only. In general, estimates of economically recoverable oil and natural gas reserves and the future net cash flows therefrom are based upon a number of variable factors and assumptions, such as historical production from the properties,
the assumed effects of regulation by governmental agencies and future operating costs, all of which may vary considerably from actual results. All such estimates are to some degree speculative and classifications of reserves are only attempts to
define the degree of speculation involved. The assumptions relating to ROK reserves on a stand-alone basis are as per management and based on assumptions contained in the report of GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. for the Glen Ewen Property
acquired by ROK and dated June 23, 2020 and effective March 31, 2020 and the report of Sproule Associates Limited for the Florence Property acquired by ROK as of August 31, 2021. The Assumptions relating to the February 2022 acquired
assets are based on assumptions contained in the report of McDaniels Consultants Associates Ltd. effective October 31, 2021. Throughout this presentation, the calculation of barrels of oil equivalent (“boe”) is at a conversion rate of 6,000 cubic
feet (“cf”) of natural gas for one barrel of oil and is based on an energy equivalence conversion method. Boe may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6,000 cf: 1 barrel is based on an energy equivalence
conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalence at the wellhead. For the purposes of the following, “Misrepresentation” means an untrue statement of a material fact, or an omission to state a
material fact that is required to be stated, or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was made. If this presentation contains a Misrepresentation, a purchaser in Ontario who purchases
securities of ROK has, without regard to whether the purchaser relied on the Misrepresentation, a statutory right of action for rescission or, alternatively, for damages against ROK, provided that no action shall be commenced to enforce a right of
action more than (a) in the case of an action for rescission, 180 days after the date of the transaction that gave rise to the cause of action; or (b) in the case of any action, other than an action for rescission, the earlier of (i) 180 days after the
purchaser first had knowledge of the facts giving rise to the cause of action, or (ii) three years after the date of the transaction that gave rise to the cause of action. ROK will not be liable if it proves that the purchaser purchased the securities with
knowledge of the Misrepresentation. In an action for damages, ROK will not be liable for all or any portion of those damages that it proves do not represent the depreciation in value of the securities as a result of the Misrepresentation. In no case
will the amount recoverable exceed the price at which the securities were sold to the purchaser. Investors should refer to the applicable provisions of the securities legislation of their respective provinces or territories for the particulars of these
rights or consult with a legal advisor. The forward- looking information contained in this investor presentation speaks only as of the date of this investor presentation and is expressly qualified, in its entirety, by this cautionary statement and ROK
disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws. This information is confidential
and is being presented to potential investors solely for information purposes. These materials do not and are not to be construed as an offering memorandum. An investment in securities of ROK involves a high degree of risk and potential investors
are advised to seek their own investment and legal advice. Forecast capital expenditures are based on ROK’s current budgets and development plans which are subject to change based on commodity prices, market conditions, drilling success,
potential timing delays and access to cash, cash flow, available credit and third party participation. ROK’s capital budget has been prepared based upon anticipated costs for equipment and services which are subject to fluctuation based upon
market conditions, availability and potential changes or delays in capital expenditures. Additionally, forecast capital expenditures do not include capital required to pursue future acquisitions. Anticipated production growth has been estimated based
on (i) the proposed drilling program with a success rate based upon historical drilling success and an evaluation of the particular wells to be drilled and has been risked, and (ii) current production and anticipated decline rates. Although the forward-
looking information contained herein is based upon assumptions which Management believes to be reasonable, ROK cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with this forward-looking information. Data obtained from the initial
testing results, including barrels of oil produced and levels of water-cut, should be considered to be preliminary until a further and detailed analysis or interpretation has been done on such data. The well test results obtained and disclosed are not
necessarily indicative of long-term performance or of ultimate recovery. The reader is cautioned not to unduly rely on such results as such results may not be indicative of future performance of the well or of expected production results for the
Company in the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25        TSX.V: ROK
ROK Resources Inc.
1911 Broad Street
Regina, SK S4P 1Y1

Phone: (306) 522-0011
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