Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022

Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Investor Day 2022
PEXA UK and PEXA Insights
13 May 2022
Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Important Notice and Disclaimer

This presentation and the information accompanying it                Forward statements                                                              Market and Industry data
(Presentation) has been prepared and provided solely by PEXA         No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made
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Note: numbers may not sum due to rounding.
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Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Today’s speakers                                                                                                               Today’s agenda
          Scott Butterworth
                                                                                                                               About PEXA & Group strategy   3
          Chief Data & Analytics Officer
          > An accomplished business leader working across many sectors in a variety of roles, across Asia, Europe and

          > Previously CFO at Slater & Gordon (ASX: SGH) from late 2018, until he joined PEXA in November 2021. Prior to       PEXA Insights                 4
            that, worked in financial services, mostly at NAB in Australia and the UK, with a short period at Westpac. Scott
            was also a Partner at Boston Consulting Group’s Financials Services practice in Australia and New Zealand.

          > Scott’s passion is for harnessing data-driven insights to provide value to government, financial institutions,
            PEXA members and the broader property sector                                                                       PEXA UK                       12

          James Bawa
          CEO UK                                                                                                               Q&A
          > A highly motivated executive leader with extensive experience in transformational change across financial and
            property sectors in the UK

          > Previously CEO at JN Bank UK, a cloud-based challenger bank which he set up and obtained a new license for;
            and CEO at Teachers Building Society, where he was responsible for re-engineering the society into a
            specialist lender (wining “Best Local Building Society 2011-13), Monmouthshire Building Society and Scottish
            Legal Life Assurance Society

          > Extensive regulatory experience with over 12 years as a panel member of the Financial Services Authority and
            Financial Conduct Authority. James applies a communicative, energetic, participative, and inspirational

          Gary Howard
          Chief Transformation Officer, PEXA
          > Known for his leadership and delivery, both in terms of start-ups, and business transformation / turnarounds

          > Experience of the last 10 years is somewhat unique, having seen PEXA from both sides; as an end user leading a
            transformational implementation of PEXA into one of the Australian Big 4 Banks, and within PEXA given his
            broader role leading Business Transformation
          > Over 30 years’ Financial Services experience in Australia and the UK, he brings a unique perspective to the
            International team having led large lending functions in Australia and overseas.

Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
About PEXA & Group strategy

                                                 TO TRANSFORM THE PROPERTY EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE

                       ENHANCE                             REPLICATE                                     EXTEND                                     BUILD

               Enhancing the core Exchange in   Bringing digital property settlement        Developing and partnering to provide         Investing in our people, platform
                  Australia building deeper     solutions to Torrens title jurisdictions      innovative data insights and digital      and brand to sustain an innovative
                   customer relationships                   internationally                services, transforming the experience of      culture and reputation trusted by
                                                                                            developing, buying and selling, settling,               stakeholders
                                                                                                owning and servicing properties
Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022

Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Leveraging PEXA’s data and distribution

                                                                  Workflow and events                                         PEXA Channels
                                                              ~85% of all property transactions
                                                                                                                                ~160+ FIs
                                                                                                                          ~ 9,600+ practitioners
                                                                      Settlement location                                    ~ 58 developers

                                                                                                        PEXA Insights
                                                             Australia’s most accurate geographic                        ~157 government / other
                                                                   mobility data for owners                              ~140k PEXA key invites
                                                    PEXA                                            Customer solutions
                                                                                                                              issued YTD
                                                  Exchange                                          •   Descriptive
                                                                     Settlement value
                                                                                                    •   Predictive
                                                              ~$800b pa of settlements for resi,
                                                                commercial and rural property       •   Proscriptive

                                                                                                                            Partner channels
                                                              > 90% of all inter-FI re-financings

                                                                                                        Acquired data

          Note: YTD reflects July 21 – April 22
Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Comprehensive Australian property content

Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Property markets will be reshaped

                                                                                                                                          •   New patterns of demand
                       •   Economic settings                                   •   Migration will trend back to

                            - Interest rates                                       pre-Covid levels
                                                                                                                                               - Changing use of CBDs
                            - Fiscal policy                                    •   Demand vs supply of
                                                                                                                                               - Regional growth
            Economy         - Housing policy                   Demographics        housing                                  Post-Covid         - Hyper-localisation

                                                  •   Pricing                                                •    New mechanisms to
                                                       - Housing                                                  improve affordability
                                                       - Agricultural                                               - Interests
                                Property values        - Some commercial                     Affordability          - Financing

                                                                               •   Pressure on building costs
                       •   Pressure on zoning and use

                                                                                    - Supply chain impacts                                •   Climate change will
                                                                                       on materials                                           increasingly reshape land
                            - Free up supply
                                                                                    - Shortages of critical                                   use and value
            Land use        - Unlock significant value
                                                                Factor costs           construction skills                   Climate

Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
$1.1b land information market by FY27

                                                          Estimates of market for land information: FY22 – FY27 ($m)

                                                                                                                                   CAGR (% pa)


                                                                                                                           665        ~43%
                                        520                                                           324

                                                          420               430                       440           445    455        ~2 %

                                       FY22               FY23             FY24                       FY25          FY26   FY27
                                                                                                1               2
                                                                                  Traditional       Augmented

Note: Estimates rounded to nearest $5m, Source:
1. Frost & Sullivan Market Report as per IPO prospectus
2. PEXA estimates
Investor Day 2022 PEXA UK and PEXA Insights 13 May 2022
Areas of focus

                        Segment                  Demand for land    Use of land      System efficiency         Housing affordability   Data / Capability

                        Federal government
                                                                                                                       Work with
                                                                                                                       partners to
                                                                                                                    foster debate on
                        State government                                                                              affordability
                                                                                                                    reputation and
                        Local government                              Leverage                                          talent
                                                   Leverage            PEXA’s
                                                                     distribution,                                                        Commercial
                                                  geographic                             Leverage
                                                                   extend PEXA’s                                                        partnerships to
                                                  mobility data                       transaction and
                        Financial Institutions                      relationships                                                        acquire data,
                                                                                         Refi data
                                                    ~20% of                           ~13% of market 1                                   capability and
                                                    market 1                                                PXI
                        Developers                                                                       products

                                                                      ~38% of
                        Agents                                        market 1



1 % of estimated market in 2027
Source: PEXA estimates
Strategic investment in Landchecker

  > PEXA Insights made its first significant strategic
    investment during 1H22 in prop-tech data company,
    –38% stake (RACV 51%, Founders 11%)
  > Landchecker allows homebuyers, developers and
    renovators to make informed property decisions,
    –Informing consumers about planning restrictions
    – Planning permit applications such as pending
      development next door
    –Planning restrictions such as heritage overlay
    –Approximate land size, boundaries and
  > Investment enriches the unique and timely property
    data PEXA is unlocking for industry
  >Creates new value for consumers, government
   and industry through additional products and
Progress and objectives

                                           Mid 2021 – Mid 2022              Mid 2022 – end 2023              2024/2025 +

                                              Foundation                             Build                   Accelerate

            Team                    • Established team - data       • Leadership team for scale up
                                      scientists, data engineers,
                                      product specialists

            Product                 • Built and launched two new    • Launch 5+ new PXI products
                                      products into market
                                                                               1                       Run business at scale –
                                                                    • Launch 5+ new research
                                                                                                       circa $50m revenues pa

            Partnerships            • State governments – data      • M&A pipeline – augment
                                    • Melbourne Business School       capability, data, distribution
                                    • Landchecker                   • Commercial arrangements

1. Subject to regulatory approval

PEXA is uniquely placed to become a first mover globally
and disrupt the completion of property transactions

  Global leaders in building and       Depth of experience in       Proven track record with      Capability for building supplier
    operating an orchestrated            managing industry            operating a complex         and customer integrations that
    lodgement and settlement       transformation and regulatory   enterprise platform at scale   enable an end-to-end solution
  platform for the completion of           developments
       property transactions

Market scoping resulted in the UK being
assessed as the most significant opportunity

           PEXA undertook a structured scoping exercise to identify target           The global opportunity set was filtered through six criteria
           markets of opportunity

                                              Multiple international
                                          jurisdictions were assessed                     1                            2                            3

                                        Six filtering criteria were applied            Common processes /                 Ease of                        Total
                                            to identify target markets                Torrens title jurisdictions     doing business              annual transactions

                                                                                          4                            5                            6
                                        Target markets were ranked to
                                         identify the highest priority                           Bank               Proportion of English                Population
                                                                                              concentration         speaking population
                                                Target markets:
                                                UK               NZ

                                                                                                        Estimated digital property
                                                  Initial priority                               settlements potential market size          Population         Dwellings
    As a large Torrens title market
                                                      market:      Country                                                  (A$m)1                (m)2              (m)3
    PEXA’s success in the UK will
    further strengthen its reputation
    as the global e-conveyancing                   (England and England and Wales                                           $641                59.4                  24.7
    leader as it continues to grow                    Wales)
                                                                  Scotland                                                   $62                 5.5                   2.3
    into other markets
                                                                  Northern Ireland                                            $17                 1.9                 0.8

Building an ecosystem of participants who together
will transform the current heavily manual process

                                                                                               The PEXA-enabled ecosystem will:

                              Borrower                                                         •   Deliver a brand new settlements scheme at
                                                                                                   the Bank of England

                                                                                               •   Enable lenders and conveyancers to work
             Lender                                   Lender                                       collaboratively within a single workspace –
                                                                                                   using a combined workflow

                                                                                               •   Automate a significant amount of the admin
                                                                                                   overhead currently associated with property
             Registry                               Conveyancer
                                                                                               •   Automate searches and lodgement through
                                                                                                   integration with Her Majesty's Land Registry
                              Bank of

       Transacting Entities     Enabling Entities               Does not access the platform

PEXA UK solution overview
                                                                                                 Key Partners for PEXA Pay
              Financial Institutions,                Conveyancers,              Other parties,
              e.g. Banks, Lenders                    Legal etc.                 e.g. Borrowers
                                                                                                          BANK OF ENGLAND
                     PEXA Pay Subscribers

                                                                                                 •   PEXA Pay is the seventh net settlement
                                                                                                     payment system to clear through the Bank
                                                                                                     of England

                                             REMO Transaction                                    •   The previous six are BACS, C&CCC, CHAPS,
                                                                                                     LINK, Paym and Faster Payments

                                                                                                 •   PEXA Pay became live in March 2022
          Netting                       Payment                      Query   Lodgement

     Settlements                                                                Lodgement

                                           PEXA Go Platform                                      •   UK’s first clearing bank in more than 250

             Bank of England,                     Non Scheme                    Land Registry,   •   ClearBank is a next-generation clearing
             PEXA Pay                             Payments,                     HMLR
                                                  Transaction Bank
                                                                                                     and embedding banking platform
             Payment Scheme

                         SWIFT                                                                   •   Partnered with PEXA to disburse funds to
                                                                                                     accounts held with Lenders not already
              PEXA Payments & Disbursement
                                                                                                     integrated with PEXA

Lenders are key beneficiaries of the PEXA remortgage solution

Enabling frictionless Remortgages.                                          Reduce direct processing cost
Faster completions with more certainty.
                                                                            Decrease time to completion
Providing a streamlined and automated post offer to completion solution
for Remortgages that is integrated to HMLR and the Bank of England to       Increase Remortgage capacity
orchestrate lodgement and financial settlement.


                                                                          debt consolidation

PEXA’s remortgage solution also unlocks
significant benefits across the UK industry

         Consumers                              Her Majesty’s Land Registry                Government & Regulators

  ✓ Enhanced security                    ✓ Improved data quality for lodgement      ✓ Addresses imperatives and
  ✓ Increased speed and certainty        ✓ Increased uptake of the Digital            challenges highlighted by COVID-19

  ✓ Seamless completion process            Mortgage                                 ✓ Aligns with UK Gov policy and
                                         ✓ Lower costs from far less work, errors     digital strategy to “Build world-class
  ✓ Transparency of post offer process                                                digital infrastructure for the UK”
                                           and rework
  ✓ Better loan deals created by ease                                               ✓ Promotes good consumer
    of switching                                                                      outcomes and competition

Progress and next steps

                           Remortgage                     Bank of England                Sale & Purchase                    Sale & Purchase    MARKET SHARE
 Reconnaissance          discovery & build                   Go-Live                        discovery                            launch           TARGETS
    → 2020                    Q1 2021 →                      Q1 2022                        2022 →                           2024/2025

                                                                                                                                               Remortgage =
                                                                                                                                              25-40% by 2025

           Board approval,                First Lenders                     Remortgage                         Sale &
          funding approval,                signed-up                          launch                       Purchase build                     Sale & Purchase =
          CEO appointment                                                                                                                       25% by 2027
              Q4 2020                        Q4 2021                         Q3 2022                         2022 →


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