Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology

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Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology

Inventing the
A Bug′s Life
Advancing the Fight
Against COVID-19
Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology
          DEAN, LEWIS COLLEGE OF                                                                Lewis College of Science and Letters
           SCIENCE AND LETTERS                                                                  plays an integral role in the mission of
              Christine L. Himes                                                                the university.
                     EDITOR                                                                       We provide the basic foundations in
                 Linsey Maughan                                                                 communications, the sciences, critical
                                                                                                thinking, and global citizenship necessary
                   DESIGNER                                                                     for success in today’s society. At the same
                   Joe Goforth                                                                  time, our faculty and students are engaged
                PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                     in cutting-edge research addressing
        Olivia Dimmer and David Ettinger                                                        pressing problems of the world, be it pest
                                                                                                control in Michigan, the mysteries of the
              BOARD OF ADVISORS                                                                 universe, or our ongoing pandemic.
              William C. Bartholomay                                                              The year 2021 marks the 20th
         Deborah Crown (M.S. REHB ’88)                                                          anniversary of Professor of Chemistry
                     Judy Erwin                                                                 Rong Wang’s career at Illinois Tech,
                Bridget M. Gibbons                                                              where she has developed an active lab
        Terrence J. Koller (Ph.D. PSYC ’75)                                                     with several health-related projects on
                   Robert L. Kruse                                                              the frontier of scientific advancement,
    Daniel V. Lezotte (M.S. PSYC ’83, Ph.D. ’89)    including the development of technology for a smart toothbrush and the utilization
         William J. Pizzi (Ph.D. PSYC ’72)          of silk cocoons from silkworms to restore pelvic floor tissue in women. The
           Guy F. Summers (M.B.A. ’78)              Department of Physics has this year built upon its close working relationships
                 Stephen C. Urrutia                 to the area’s quantum science laboratories through its hire of our newest faculty
                   David J. Vitale                  member, Assistant Professor Rakshya Khatiwada, who holds a joint appointment
                                                    with the physics department and FermiLab and is developing Illinois Tech’s first-
             SEND ALUMNI NEWS                       ever quantum computing course for undergraduates. In the humanities, Associate
           and other correspondence                 Professor of History Mar Hicks has been recognized for their contributions to the
                to                     national discussion of ethical considerations in artificial intelligence, landing on a
                                                    list of “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics,” and has just published their second book.
       Informing the future: New worlds             And in social sciences, Associate Professor of Political Science Daniel Bliss is taking
  of possibility at the intersection of science,    advantage of our fertile backyard—the city of Chicago— for his studies through his
           humanity, and technology                 contribution to an upcoming book on the successes and failures of our city’s mayors.
                                                      Our students and alumni have also been hard at work. Their research projects
   Lewis College of Science and Letters was         range from the mitigation of cutworms devouring corn and dry bean plants in
                                                    the Midwest, to body image differences in women, and from gut microbiomes to
    formed on June 1, 2020, and houses the
                                                    bioanalytics and dreams of NASA. Looking at our alumni, we see that this wide range
departments of Biology, Chemistry, Food Science
                                                    of interests and skills carries on after graduation, into careers in the food industry,
 and Nutrition, Humanities, Physics, Psychology,
                                                    nuclear safety, communications, and emergency management.
               and Social Sciences.
                                                      Of course, the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic created a need for research
Illinois Institute of Technology, also known as     on various fronts, and Lewis College remains engaged through multiple projects.
  Illinois Tech, is a private, technology-focused   Leading advancements in COVID-19 treatment, Professor of Biology David
    research university offering undergraduate      McCormick has developed a drug now on its way to FDA approval. Psychology
and graduate degrees in engineering, science,       professors Nicole Legate and Arlen Moller, meanwhile, have focused on attitudes
architecture, business, design, human sciences,     toward social distancing in an international context.
            applied technology, and law.              As I sat down to write this letter I realized that it was a year ago today that the
                                                    World Health Organization declared that the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19,
                                                    was officially a pandemic. On March 23, 2020, Illinois Tech moved classes online,
                                                    and most of our instruction has been virtual since. It has been a challenging year
                                                    for our country and our world in many ways. We have dealt with sickness and
                                                    loss, social isolation, and uncertainty. Financial resources have been stretched
                                                    to the breaking point. Children have had their educations disrupted, and parents
                                                    have coped with balancing work and caregiving. For me, it has made even clearer
                                                    the relevance of the education and research we carry out at Illinois Tech. Now,
               Like us on Facebook:                 with spring, I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I wish for all of you a
                happier and healthier year in 2021.

               Follow us on Twitter:

                                                    Christine L. Himes
                                                    Dean, Lewis College of Science and Letters
Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology

2 Publication News
   New research findings on the gut microbiome composition of
   adults with prediabetes, on the activities of the western bean
   cutworm in Michigan, and on inequalities and marginalization
   within the field of computing.

4 Students on the Rise
   Clinical psychology Ph.D. candidate Talissa Dorsaint explores body
   image differences between Black and white women, and analytical
   chemistry third-year Diana Csercse, the first student in her major,
   discusses some key experiences shaping her education.

5 Inventing the Impossible
   Twenty years into her career at Illinois Tech, Professor of
   Chemistry Rong Wang is at work with student researchers on
   several innovative and interdisciplinary projects with the potential
   to improve health outcomes.

8 Faculty Updates
   A new inhaled therapy to treat COVID-19 infection, an international
   study into attitudes around social distancing, an analysis of Rahm
   Emanuel’s performance as mayor of Chicago, and a new assistant
   professor of physics.

10 Alumni Successes
   Liang Bennett (BCHM ’15, M.S. FST ’16) rocks the meat industry;
   Brook Bell (HUM ’16) builds brand awareness for one of Canada’s
   fastest growing companies; Sandor Demeter (M.S. HP ’16) publishes
   and practices in the field of health physics; and Olurotimi “Timi”
   Akindele (PS ’15) grows his career federal government.

                                                  ON THE COVER
                                                  Professor of Chemistry Rong
                                                  Wang extracts and purifies
                                                  the protein fibroin from the
                                                  cocoons of silkworms, which
                                                  are used to generate silk-
                                                  carbon nanotube composite
                                                  fibers that help restore pelvic
                                                  floor tissue in women.

                                                  Photo: Olivia Dimmer

                                                                          BIG PICTURE | 1
Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology
  A study led by Illinois              organic compounds],
  Institute of Technology              and [whether their gut
  researcher and alumna                microbiota profiles correlate]
  Xuhuiqun “Sissi” Zhang               with impaired metabolic
  (Ph.D. FDSN ’20) has found           biomarkers,” Zhang says.
  that young and middle-aged             The researchers used a
  adults with prediabetes              process called whole genome
  have an altered gut                  shotgun metagenomic
  microbiome composition,              sequencing to characterize
  which is associated with             the gut microbiome
  reduced concentrations of            composition of young
  select bioactive microbial                                              Xuhuiqun “Sissi” Zhang works with a human plasma sample like those
                                       and middle-aged adults             used in her study in the Center for Nutrition Research.
  metabolites and impaired             with prediabetes and
  metabolic health, as well as         insulin resistance, as well
  potential risk for diseases.                                          participants’ consumption              that helps maintain gut
                                       as metabolically healthy
                                                                        of a (poly)phenol-rich red             homeostasis. Individuals with
    Zhang, who works as a              study participants. They
                                                                        raspberry test drink.                  prediabetes have also been
  research scientist at Illinois       measured fasting glucose
                                                                                                               found to have impaired gut
  Tech’s Center for Nutrition          and insulin, fasting lipids        The most significant feature
                                                                                                               microbiome function.
  Research, published a paper          profile, blood pressure, and     of the altered gut microbiome
  on her team’s findings in the        body composition of 36           composition present in                 “In the next step [of our
  journal Nutrients in 2020.           participants to assess their     adults with prediabetes               research], we would like to
                                       metabolic health status.         was enriched Ruminococcus             explore if nutritional strategy
    “We aimed to understand
                                       Targeted quantitative            gnavus, a proinflammatory             would improve cardio-
  if adults with prediabetes
                                       metabolomic analysis of          bacterial species associated          metabolic health through
  have specific gut microbiota
                                       blood and urine samples          with Crohn’s disease. The             shaping the gut microbiome,”
  profiles that may affect
                                       collected over 24 hours were     researchers also found                Zhang says.
  the [ability] to metabolize
                                       used to examine microbial        evidence of depleted
  bioactive (poly)phenols,
                                       (poly)phenolic metabolites       Bifidobacterium bifidum, a
  [which are naturally occurring
                                       in response to study             common probiotic species

  Associate Professor of History       research focuses on questions     “[The book] trains a                   Hicks’s first book,
  Mar Hicks has recently been          of socially responsible AI and   spotlight on the inequities           Programmed Inequality:
  named one of the 100 Brilliant       ethical technology.”             and marginalization that our          How Britain Discarded
  Women in AI Ethics and has             Hicks collaborated with        technological infrastructures         Women Technologists and
  also just published their                                             have taken for granted—and            Lost Its Edge in Computing
                                       three other scholars of
  second book.                                                          intensified—as they’ve scaled,”       (MIT Press, 2018), received
                                       information studies and the
                                                                        Hicks says. “The essays in it         several awards including the
    The “brilliant women”              history of technology to co-
                                                                        help us understand how we             prestigious Herbert Baxter
  recognition came from                edit Your Computer Is on Fire
                                                                        can learn from this history to        Adams Prize from the American
  Women in AI Ethics, “a global        (MIT Press, March 2021), a
                                                                        avoid replicating destructive         Historical Association.
  initiative with a mission            collection of essays.
                                                                        patterns over and over again.”
  to increase recognition,                                                                                       Hicks is now at work on a
  representation, and                                                                                         book about the “hidden histories”
  empowerment of women in                                                                                     of electronic computing.
  [Artificial Intelligence] Ethics,”                                                                             “It teaches us new historical
  according to its website.                                                                                    lessons by illuminating
  The initiative is sponsored                                                                                  histories that have not
  by the Social Good Fund, a                                                                                   yet been told,” Hicks says.
  California-based nonprofit.                                                                                 “These examples give us
    “It’s a great honor to be                                                                                  new conceptual tools for
  named to this list, which                                                                                    understanding how we got
  includes both women and                                                                                      into some of the technological
  nonbinary people this year,”                                                                                 messes we’re currently
  Hicks says. “The people on this                                                                              dealing with, as well as how
  list are luminaries in STEM                                                                                  we can get out.”
  and humanities fields whose

Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology
New research from Illinois Institute
                                                  of Technology biology Ph.D. student

                                A BUG’S LIFE
                                                  Dakota Bunn (Ph.D. BIOL Candidate)
                                                  is providing insight into the habits of
                                                  the western bean cutworm, a pest to

                                  (IN MICHIGAN)   corn and dry beans that is native to
                                                  the western Great Plains but has found
                                                  its way to Michigan. Bunn published
                                                  his research on the activities of the
                                                  cutworm in the February 2021 issue
                                                  of Environmental Entomology, in a
                                                  paper titled “Contribution of Larvae
                                                  Developing on Corn and Dry Beans to
                                                  the Adult Population of Western Bean
                                                  Cutworm in Michigan.”
                                                    The cutworm, which is actually a
                                                  type of moth, is now present in 25 states
                                                  and four Canadian provinces. Corn
                                                  and dry bean farmers in Michigan have
                                                  separate methods of pest management
                                                  for dealing with the cutworm: a naturally
                                                  occurring soil bacterium called Bacillus
                                                  thuringiensis (Bt) is used to alter the
                                                  genetic makeup of corn, helping the crop
                                                  to develop its own insecticidal properties,
                                                  while a liquid insecticide is applied to the
                                                  leaves of the dry bean plants.
                                                    “When using these techniques, we
                                                  have to be conscious of resistance
                                                  development, so normally a portion
                                                  of each field is not treated to keep
                                                  treatment susceptibility in the pest
                                                  population,” Bunn says. “We wanted to
                                                  know if the moths that fed on beans as
                                                  larvae were interacting with the moths
                                                  that fed on corn as larvae, and if these
                                                  crops could be used as a type of co-refuge
                                                  for each other.”
                                                     Bunn and his colleagues captured
                                                  moths over two summers in central
                                                  Michigan, froze them, and then conduced
                                                  a stable carbon isotope analysis on
                                                  their wings and heads, which revealed
                                                  whether the adult moths fed on corn
                                                  beans in the larval state.
                                                   “Overall, we found that very few moths
                                                  that we captured developed on dry beans,
                                                  and almost all moths that we captured
                                                  developed on corn,” Bunn says. “We were
                                                  able to determine that corn and beans
                                                  are not suitable as co-refuges, and that
                                                  mainly adults that developed on corn are
                                                  contributing to the next generation of
                                                  western bean cutworm in Michigan.”
   Dakota Bunn uses phase
     contrast microscopy to                         Bunn says the findings underscore the
  examine Nosema spores,                          need to continue to closely monitor the
    a type of spore-forming                       cutworms’ resistance to the insecticide
 unicellular parasite, in the                     used for corn.
western bean cutworm. He
hopes to better understand
        the frequency of the
 infection in the moths and
   how it could affect them
  and their general biology.

                                                                               BIG PICTURE | 3
Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology
  Now on the brink of defending       though, culturally speaking,      fit [Black women’s]
  her dissertation, Illinois          in Western society we’ve          experiences so as
  Institute of Technology             stepped away from the thin        to explain what’s
  clinical psychology Ph.D.           body ideal. We can see that in    been happening
  candidate Talissa Dorsaint          celebrity culture, specifically   in the research for
  is preparing to share her           with athletes such as             the last few years.”
  findings on the body image          Serena Williams in a classic         Dorsaint is
  experiences of Black and            athletic body. We also see        still processing
  white women. Dorsaint, a            changes in bodies in a more       the data from
  graduate student researcher         curvaceous way—thinking           her study, but
  in Associate Professor of           about your Kim Kardashians        hypothesizes that
  Psychology Alissa Haedt-            and Beyoncés, and even            Black women
  Matt’s Eating Behaviors             considering how beauty            exposed to a
  Lab, collected data from            standards have changed in         curvy body ideal
  400 United States women             terms of plastic surgery. We’re   will report larger
  online, 200 Black and 200           noticing that there’s more of a   increases in body
  white. Participants completed       desire for that body type.”       dissatisfaction
  questionnaires pertaining             Dorsaint says existing          than white women
  to body dissatisfaction and         research has tended to show       exposed to the
  disordered eating, and were                                                                            2020 after founding both
                                      that Black women experience       same ideal. Going
  randomly exposed to either                                                                             the program’s student-led
                                      body dissatisfaction with         forward, she hopes to publish
  10 images of thin Black and                                                                            diversity committee and
                                      limited explanation as to why.    this research in an academic
  white bodies or 10 images of                                                                           the Chicagoland Diversity
                                                                        journal. As a student in the
  curvy Black and white bodies.        “That was always compared
                                                                        clinical psychology Ph.D.        Committee Network, which
                                      against the thin ideal, which
   “Our research is showing                                             program, Dorsaint has also       brings clinical psychology
                                      comes from sort of a white
  that body ideals have changed                                         been recognized for her          Ph.D. students in Illinois
                                      societal standard of what it
  drastically in the last 10 years,                                     commitment to diversity          together to discuss best
                                      means to be thin,” she says. “I
  and that’s why I’m focusing                                           and inclusion; she received      practices for their programs’
                                      thought it would be a good
  on curvaceous body ideals,”                                           the program’s inaugural          diversity committees.
                                      idea to look into additional
  Dorsaint says. “It seems as                                           Social Justice Award in
                                      body ideals that might better

                                      SKY’S THE LIMIT
                                      Third-year student Diana          gas chromatography,               it was possible to be a
                                      Csercse is the first-             high-performance liquid           chemist and work for NASA. I
                                      ever Illinois Institute of        chromatography, ultraviolet-      should’ve known, but it was
                                      Technology student to             visible spectrometry, and         almost an unreachable goal
                                      enroll in the new Bachelor        atomic spectrometry               in my brain. When we spoke,
                                      of Science in Bioanalytical       machines. We write                she not only gave me her
                                      Chemistry program, which          extensive reports to finish       email to connect with her, but
                                      itself is the first program       off the experience.”              she applauded me. She said,
                                      of its kind in the United            Csercse is also making
                                                                                                         ‘NASA looks for people like
                                      States. A native of Brasov,                                         you: someone who will make
                                                                        valuable connections at
                                      Romania, Csercse is now                                             their way up and introduce
                                                                        Illinois Tech, including with
                                      gaining hands-on experience       industry experts who visit        themselves. She showed me it
                                      in an Analytical Method           her classes as guest speakers.    is possible.”
                                      Development Lab course.           One guest in particular—a           Csercse says she plans to
                                         “This is an important          bioanalytical chemist            find a laboratory job upon
                                       lab because we are able          working at NASA—made a           graduation and work her way
                                       to directly experience           potentially life-changing        up in the field.
                                       the equipment and                impression on Csercse.            “I do dream big, with one
                                       work through the data             “[The fact that she worked      ultimate goal, and that is to
                                       analysis,” Csercse says.         for NASA] gave me chills,”       work for NASA,” she says.
                                      “We have worked with              Csercse says. “I didn’t know

Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology

By Linsey Maughan

What if
your toothbrush could detect a
gum infection, helping to prevent
the need for dental surgery? Or if
cocoons from silkworms could help
restore vital tissue in the female
body? These are just two of the
latest scientific advancements
underway in Professor of Chemistry
Rong Wang’s research lab.

                                     BIG PICTURE | 5
Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology

                                                                                A clinical sample of thin-sectioned pelvic floor tissue is fixed on a
                                                                               glass surface for the nanoscopic study of collagen fibrils’ structure
                                                                                             and biomechanics to determine the stage of prolapse.

 “We make basic science useful in practical applications for          serious gum infection that can result in dental surgery for a
  improving the quality of life,” says Wang, who is celebrating       patient if not treated early. The Centers for Disease Control and
  20 years of teaching and research at Illinois Institute of          Prevention reports that nearly 50 percent of adults have some
  Technology this year. “I always tell my students that I partner     form of periodontal disease.
  with them to explore new areas and find solutions by invention.       “Periodontitis often progresses without noticeable symptoms,
  I love to see the sparkles in my students’ eyes. Seeing them        leaving patients to seek professional care only after the
  defend their thesis with great confidence is fulfilling.”           periodontium is considerably destroyed,” Wang says. “Due to
    Originally from China, Wang studied physics as an                 its multifactorial nature, periodontitis cannot be effectively
  undergraduate at Jilin University in Changchun, China, and          diagnosed by a single biomarker or a set of markers in one
  then studied chemistry as a doctoral student at the University      category. Therefore, there is a clinical need to develop a sensor
  of Tokyo. After completing her Ph.D., Wang conducted biology        device that measures an array of periodontitis-associated
  research as a post-doc at Los Alamos National Laboratory in         biomarkers in saliva for frequent and longitudinal monitoring.”
  New Mexico. Her diverse roots remain evident in the broad             Wang and her colleagues will work to develop novel sensor
  perspective she brings to the research projects taking place in     modalities capable of detecting a variety of chemicals in
  her lab today.                                                      saliva. The sensors will be placed in a microfluidic device—
    “I love the idea of tackling a biological problem with            also referred to as a “lab-on-a-chip”—that will be placed
  chemical and physical approaches, so my research is quite           inside a toothbrush that will send low-power signals and
  interdisciplinary,” Wang says. “I am particularly excited about     communication to clinicians using technologies such as
  learning from natural biological processes, then tailoring          Bluetooth and Linux. Data collected from human subjects
  functional materials and inventing new methods for early            will inform how machine-learning models are built. The team
  disease diagnosis, prevention of disease progression, and           has received funding support from the Pritzker Institute
  effective treatments.”                                              of Biomedical Science and Engineering via the Exploratory
                                                                      Initiative Program, enabling researchers to begin the work

                                                                      of developing sensor modalities. It continues to develop
                                                                      proposals for additional funding from the federal government
  In 2020 Wang, along with a multidisciplinary team of 15 other       and other sources.
  faculty members from Illinois Tech and the University of             “By integrating research advances in sensing elements,
  Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, began work toward         microfluidics, communications, data analysis, and artificial
  the development of a saliva-based point-of-care sensor device       intelligence, we would ultimately like to develop a Smart
  that will enable the detection of early signs of periodontitis, a   Total Oral Care system that can be used for unobtrusive,

Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology
accurate, and real-time saliva-based         “effectively avoiding complications in         Sammarco at Rush University Medical
self-monitoring for health care,” Wang        other approaches, such as immunological       Center and Margot Damaser at Cleveland
says. “Such a device will assist in the       rejection of cells derived from other         Clinic Lerner Research Institute.
modern clinical advancements, such            individuals; complicated control of           The team is also developing flexible,
as teledentistry and telemedicine, by         isolation, expansion, and differentiation     transparent silk films for potential use as
which the number or duration of onsite        conditions of stem cells; or heterogeneity    corneal scaffolds, contact lens material,
clinical visits will be reduced with          between cells of the same type but from       and scaffolds for gum healing.
such quantitative data in hand. New           different origin.”                               Beyond smart toothbrushes and
commercial products can be developed                                                        silk-inspired tissue rejuvenation,
based on the biosensor, such as smart                                                       Wang and her student researchers
toothbrushes and wearable oral devices          “I am particularly                          are also collaborating on a project
similar to nightguards.”                                                                    with the United States Food and Drug
  Additional Illinois Tech faculty
                                                 excited about                              Administration aimed at understanding
members involved in the project                  learning from natural                      foodborne virus adhesion to different
include Assistant Professor of                                                              surfaces. FDA Staff Scientist Carol Shieh
Biomedical Engineering Abhinav                   biological processes,                      is the principal investigator; Wang is the
Bhushan; Gladwin Development Chair              then tailoring                              co-PI. They received a $50,000 grant from
Assistant Professor of Computer                                                             the FDA through October 2021. Wang and
Science Yan Yan; Industry Associate             functional materials                        her lab have so far supported the project
Professor of Information Technology              and inventing new                          through research determining the design
and Management Jeremy Hajek; and                                                            of a surface’s chemical composition and
from the Department of Chemistry,                methods for early                          nanostructure, which she says helped
professors Richard Guan, Ishaque Khan,                                                      informed options for ways to control
and Yuanbing Mao, Research Professor
                                                 disease diagnosis,                         viral adhesion and transmission to and
John Green, and Associate Professor of           prevention of disease                      from food contact surfaces.
Chemistry David Minh.
                                                 progression, and                              Research reported in this publication
                                                                                            was supported by the Eunice Kennedy
PELVIC FLOOR                                     effective treatments.”                     Shriver National Institute of Child
                                                                                            Health and Human Development of
RESTORATION—WITH                                                  –Rong Wang                the National Institutes of Health under
SOME HELP FROM                                                                              Award Number R15HD096410. The
                                                                                            content is solely the responsibility of
SILKWORMS                                        The project began with the use of
                                                                                            the authors and does not necessarily
                                                                                            represent the official views of the
Additional research ongoing in                spider silk proteins, but the team later      National Institutes of Health. Additional
Wang’s lab includes a project utilizing       replaced them with silkworm silk              research reported in this article was
cocoons from silkworms to support             proteins, which Wang says are “abundant
                                                                                            supported by a grant from the U.S. Food
the regeneration and restoration of           and cheap” and have proven effective
                                                                                            and Drug Administration under award
pelvic floor tissue in women to help          for use in cell stimulation. The cocoon       number FDA-CFSAN-CARTS IF01673.
treat pelvic organ prolapse. Prolapse         research is funded by a $440,000 grant        The content is solely the responsibility
occurs when muscles and tissue in the         from the National Institutes of Health;       of the authors and does not necessarily
female body weaken and can no longer          collaborators on the project include Anne
                                                                                            represent the official views of the FDA.
hold pelvic organs including the
uterus, bladder, and rectum in
place. Wang says the silk material      Chemistry Ph.D. fourth-year student Elwin Clutter
can help revive the function of         examines cell response to aligned fibers and
fibroblasts—cells that help make        electrical stimulation through a microscope.
up the structural framework
of tissue—through an in vitro
electrical stimulation process. A
cell-imbedded fiber matrix can be
injected or applied as an internal
bandage or implant, and can
be repeatedly used to stimulate
the cells’ renewal through a
medicated electrical-stimulation
process. The matrices degrade in
approximately 20 days and should
be replaced by native tissue.
 “The use of autologous [patient’s
own healthy] cells to treat, for
example, connective tissue
wounds or disorders, is relatively
safe and simple,” Wang says,

                                                                                                                         BIG PICTURE | 7
Inventing the Impossible - A Bug s Life Advancing the Fight Against COVID-19 - SPRING 2021 - Illinois Institute of Technology
  Since fall 2020, IIT Research Institute        virus to the cell will reduce viral
  (IITRI) has performed preclinical              infectivity and disease severity.”
  efficacy and safety studies of several            McCormick and his team
  dozen novel agents designed to prevent         conducted two safety assessments
  or treat COVID-19—among them, an               of inhaled ACE2 in fall 2020.
  inhaled recombinant protein to prevent         Endpoint evaluations in both
  COVID-19 infection. The inhaled therapy        studies have been completed, and
  will soon advance to the United States         final study reports were submitted
  Food and Drug Administration for               to the NCI in March. These reports
  approval and, if approved, will advance        will become part of a larger
  to clinical trials led by the National         submission to the FDA to support
  Institutes of Health.                          approval of the clinical trial, which
     David McCormick, a professor of             could begin within 30 working
  biology and president and director of          days of submission.
  IITRI, is leading the project. In September,     Since October 1, 2020, IITRI
  McCormick received $597,893 from the           has been awarded more than
  National Cancer Institute to perform           $7.8 million in funding for other              people have not been vaccinated and
  a research project titled “Inhalation          COVID-19 research projects. Funders            remain at risk of the disease,” he says.
  Studies of Recombinant Human                   include the U.S. Department of Defense,       “Development of safe and effective agents
  Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2.”              the U.S. Department of Health and              to prevent and/or treat COVID-19 has the
    “Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2             Human Services Biomedical Advanced             potential to save thousands of lives.”
  (ACE2) is the receptor molecule to             Research and Development Authority,
  which SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus              and nearly 30 biotechnology and small            Funding for the inhalation study
  responsible for COVID-19, binds in             pharma companies. McCormick says the          reported in this article was supported
  human cells,” McCormick says. “The idea        work involves evaluation of the efficacy      by National Cancer Institute contract
  is that administration of this molecule        of biotherapeutics and small-molecule         75N91019D00013 (Task Order
  by inhalation will provide non-cellular        therapeutics, as well as preclinical          75N91020F00002). The content is solely
  targets in the respiratory tract to which      toxicology and pharmacology studies.          the responsibility of the authors and does
  the virus will bind, thereby reducing                                                        not necessarily represent the official views
                                                  “Although the rollout of COVID-19            of the NCI.
  virus binding to ACE2 on the surface           vaccines has begun, many millions of
  of lung cells. Reduced binding of the

  New research from associate       2020, inspired by a call               Study participants             a top peer-reviewed journal in
  professors of psychology          for projects from the                were randomly assigned           the next couple of months.
  Nikki Legate and Arlen            Psychological Science                one of three conditions:          “Informing more effective
  Moller has engaged 27,190         Accelerator, a network of            an autonomy-supportive           public health messaging can
  people from 89 different          labs around the world, to use        message that inspired            save lives, not just in the
  countries to explore the          psychological science to help        reflective choices, a            context of social distancing,
  motivation behind social-         solve global problems related        controlling message about        but for promoting lots of
  distancing practices. Legate      to COVID-19. Legate and              social distancing that was       other health behaviors, too,”
  and Moller collected data         Moller’s study participants          forceful and shaming, or no      Moller says.
  from April to September           included members of the labs         message at all. Afterward,
                                    as well as individuals those         participants were asked
                                    labs recruited.                      about their intentions to
                                                                         socially distance, or not, as
                                       “The mission of this project
                                                                         well as their motivations.
                                     is to find universally effective
                                                                         Legate and Moller found
                                     ways of motivating people to
                                                                         that the controlling message
                                     engage in social distancing
                                                                         increased likelihood of
                                     around the world, and to see
                                                                         defiance as well as controlled
                                     whether there are unintended
                                                                         motivation, or a feeling
                                     costs of using common
                                                                         of social distancing only
                                     motivational strategies like
                                                                         because one has to. They aim
                                     shaming and pressuring
                                                                         to publish this research with
                                     people,” Legate says.

Associate Professor of Political Science            finances and infrastructure than his
Daniel Bliss is co-authoring a book                 predecessor had been, and also much
chapter about former Chicago mayor                  more clued in on trends of economic
Rahm Emanuel for a new book on                      development,” Bliss says. “But at
Chicago’s mayors, forthcoming from                  the same time, he had very serious
University of Illinois Press in early               difficulty with the human resources
2023, titled Modern Mayors of Chicago:              side of the city, with some very
From Harold Washington to Lori                      significant personnel failures and
Lightfoot. Bliss, whose first book is               very low morale with both the police
Economic Development and Governance                 department and the teachers, [and]
in Small Town America: Paths to                     significant cuts in city spending that
Growth (Routledge, 2018), says his new              fell disproportionately on severely              is editing the book. Bliss’s co-author
research points to a complex mix of                 disadvantaged people, such as sharp              for the chapter on Emanuel is Kari
strengths and weaknesses in Emanuel’s               cutbacks in mental health provision.”            Lydersen, author of the Emanuel-themed
performance as mayor.                                                                                book Mayor 1%: Rahm Emanuel and the
                                                      Dick Simpson, a professor of political
                                                                                                     Rise of Chicago’s 99% and a journalism
 “What you have is a mayor who was                  science at the University of Illinois at
                                                                                                     instructor at Northwestern University.
certainly a more adept manager of                   Chicago and a former Chicago alderman,

 As young girls growing up in Kathmandu, Nepal, Rakshya                       fundamental science and quantum computing. Fermilab is a
 Khatiwada and her sister would climb atop the roof of their                  partner in the Quantum Science Center.
 family home, gaze up into the night sky full of stars, and
                                                                               “The project’s goal is to use state-of-the-art electronics
“formulate ideas about how the universe worked,” Khatiwada
                                                                              developed at Fermilab to control and read out a large array of
 says. The two preferred this activity over watching television.
                                                                              novel quantum sensors and devices, which have application in
 They also both grew up to earn doctorates in physics.
                                                                              quantum computing and detector development for dark matter
  Khatiwada is now the newest faculty hire in the Department                  physics, among other areas,” Khatiwada says. “Right now, we
of Physics, having joined Illinois Institute of Technology in                 are in the process of finalizing the specifications of a cryostat,
August 2020 with a joint appointment as an assistant professor                a dilution refrigerator, which is the test-stand that will house
at Illinois Tech and an associate scientist at Fermilab. She holds            the large array of quantum sensors and devices. We are also
bachelor’s degrees in physics                                                                                  trying to design the details of
and mathematics from Linfield                                                                                  the interesting novel sensors we
University and a Ph.D. in physics        Rakshya Khatiwada works on a                                          want to work with.”
from Purdue University. She              dilution refrigerator at Fermilab.
                                                                                                               Khatiwada’s additional
completed a postdoc at the
                                                                                                             research involves ultra-low-noise
University of Washington in
                                                                                                             particle detectors and the use
Seattle before joining Fermilab
                                                                                                             of quantum sensors and devices
for her second postdoc.
                                                                                                             for the detection of dark matter,
   Today, Khatiwada is engaged                                                                               which makes up more than five
in quantum information science                                                                               times the matter content of the
research, an area Illinois Tech                                                                              known universe.
is expanding into with her help.
                                                                                                               “This is not ordinary matter
Quantum information science
                                                                                                             like you, me, people, planets, and
combines computing and sensing
                                                                                                             stars are made of,” Khatiwada
with quantum mechanics, a core
                                                                                                             says. “Mostly this research is
physics theory regarding the
                                                                                                             motivated by the fundamental
physical properties of atoms and
                                                                                                             question of trying to understand
subatomic particles. Khatiwada
                                                                                                             the universe.”
is serving as a principal
investigator on a $4.5 million,                                                                                Khatiwada has several Illinois
five-year project under the                                                                                  Tech undergraduate and graduate
Quantum Science Center led by                                                                                students working on her projects
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,                                                                               at Fermilab and looks forward to
one of five national quantum                                                                                 working with more. She is also
initiative centers funded by                                                                                 leading the effort to develop a
the Department of Energy to                                                                                  new quantum computing course
bring together national labs,                                                                                that will be offered to Illinois
industries, and academia to work                                                                             Tech’s undergraduates in the
on quantum science research.                                                                                 spring of 2022.
The project involves quantum
sensors that are used for both

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  In a facility located in Chicago’s historic stockyards
  district, Liang Bennett (BCHM ’15, M.S. FST ’16)
  is putting her Illinois Institute of Technology
  food safety training to good use, overseeing all
  regulatory compliance for Chicago Meat Authority
  (CMA), a meat-processing company working with
  hundreds of meat buyers and producers. With
  the title “technical assurance manager,” Bennett
  supervises quality assurance and food safety and
  serves as a liaison to the federal government.
   “I am the main point of contact for government
  agencies such as the United States Department
  of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection
  Service,” Bennett says. “I also oversee our
  research and development team for any new
  product development.”
    Prior to joining CMA in 2018, Bennett worked
  with raw and ready-to-eat foods, bakery
  operations, coffee, confections, and the beverage industry. In 2019
  she was recognized by the North American Meat Institute (NAMI)
  and the International Production & Processing Expo as one of 30
  people under age 30 demonstrating exceptional leadership in the
  meat industry. She was also named one of 10 Leaders of Tomorrow
  by the Food Marketing Institute and NAMI during their Annual Meat
  Conference in 2020.
   “I love what I do,” Bennett says. “The meat industry is incredibly
  fast-paced, and there are so many learning opportunities here. I
  enjoy seeing a project through from start to finish and being able to
  walk across all of the processing steps, from examining raw material
  integrity, determining quality and food safety parameters, and scaling
  up pilot plant trials to full-blown plant runs, to finished product
  packaging and testing. Being able to hold the finished product and              Liang Bennett uses a caliper to measure the thickness of a steak
  understand I had a part in its inception is pretty incredible.”                 per Chicago Meat Authority’s quality inspection procedures.

                                                BUILDING BRAND AWARENESS
                                                As a communications specialist at               who they follow, who they find to be
                                      , one of Canada’s                influential to make meaningful content
                                                largest independent online mattress             and messaging that they connect with,”
                                                retailers and fastest-growing companies,        he says. “I will forever pursue the
                                                Brook Bell (HUM ’16) says every day is          challenge to build brand awareness, trust,
                                                an adventure.                                   and a brand’s reputation with consumers
                                                                                                in the ever-changing media landscape,
                                                  “As an independent company, we built
                                                                                                regardless of the medium (traditional,
                                                 everything from the ground up,” he says.
                                                                                                web, social media, etc.).”
                                                “We are constantly researching, testing,
                                                 and vetting the latest trends and figuring       Bell plans to continue on in
                                                 out what our own best practices are.”          communications and hopes to advance
                                                                                                to a manager or director position in
                                                  Bell, who now lives in Edmonton,
                                                                                                the future. Outside of work, he says he
                                                Alberta, Canada, handles offsite review
                                                                                                enjoys going for runs and spending time
                                                management, onsite review moderation,
                                                                                                with his girlfriend and his dog, a shorkie
                                                moderation of social media profiles, and
                                                                                                named Jenny.
                                                more in his current role.
                                                 “I am passionate about understanding
                                                our brand’s audience—what they love,

Since graduating with his master’s          and nuclear safety, including the
degree in health physics, Sandor            Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Demeter (M.S. HP ’16) has applied his       and the International Commission on
subject matter expertise to his work in     Radiological Protection.
multiple areas. An associate professor of     Demeter says he loves that the field
radiology at the University of Manitoba     of health physics offers a blend of both
in Winnipeg, Canada, he has published       physics and biology.
academic research related to health
physics, including studies on economics      “From subatomic particle physics to
and radiation protection in medical         policies to protect workers, the public,
settings, the effects of radiation, and     and the environment, health physics
more. He also runs his own nuclear          offers a stimulating and rewarding
medicine clinical practice and serves on    career path,” he says.
multiple committees related to radiation

                                                                   Olurotimi “Timi” Akindele (PS ’15) got his first taste of

                                                                   public service work while serving as president of the Student
                                                                   Government Association and the African Student Association

                                                                   at Harold Washington College, where he attended college
                                                                   before transferring to Illinois Institute of Technology.
                                                                    “That experience shaped and developed my keen interest
                                                                   and admiration for public administration, public policy, and
                                                                   political science,” he says. “So when I applied for admission
                                                                   to Illinois Tech, I already had a major to target and a degree of
                                                                   choice to earn.”
                                                                     Akindele was born in Jos, Nigeria, and spent his childhood
                                                                   there; then his family moved to Chicago, where Akindele
                                                                   attended high school and college. After graduating with his
                                                                   B.S. in political science in 2015, Akindele earned a master’s in
                                                                   communication and management at Northwestern University.
                                                                   He worked in consulting before joining the Federal Reserve
                                                                   Bank of Chicago, where he helped advance industry relations
                                                                   and stakeholder engagement, and then the United States
                                                                   Department of Commerce, where he managed a U.S. Census
                                                                   Bureau recruitment team and helped recruit, organize, and
                                                                   develop census workers.
                                                                     Today, Akindele works as an emergency management
                                                                   specialist for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
                                                                   part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, where he
                                                                   implements disaster plans, policies, guidance, and initiatives.
                                                                    “The workload specifically covers communicating and
                                                                   collaborating with other federal, state, and local agencies,
                                                                   volunteer organizations, and faith-based organizations to
                                                                   assist communities and disaster survivors with emergency
                                                                   recovery planning, disaster-assistance programs, and case
                                                                   status updates,” he says.
                                                                     In terms of future plans, learning is at the core of
                                                                   Akindele’s priorities.
                                                                    “I was taught the advantage of knowledge—that the most
                                                                   successful people are the ones who have the best information,”
                                                                   he says. “So my future career goal is to become more
                                                                   knowledgeable—to evolve in the right direction and become the
                                                                   best version of myself.”

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