Introductory Booklet External Service Delivery - Our Public Service 2020
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External Service Delivery Introductory Booklet Your introductory guide to External Service Delivery in the Irish Public Service FIRST EDITION May 2014
Foreword by Mr Robert Watt, Secretary General, DPER Pragmatically, Government successful ESD delivery. These organisations should enlist key principles include driving external providers when the value for money in the public benefits outweigh the costs of service and delivering best in doing so, bearing in mind the class services for citizens by quality of service, effectiveness making the best use of and the public interest. resources. We must also aim to foster continuous There are a wide range of improvement through The difficult economic situation Government activities that are innovation, develop more in which Ireland finds itself being successfully delivered by responsive systems and to means we have had to radically external providers. These leverage new technologies to re-think how we manage and include eFlow and the bovine successfully delivery services deliver our public services. traceability system. Many externally. External Service Delivery (ESD) departments and agencies is one area of reform that can across the public service have I hope that you will find this potentially deliver a range of facilities management, IT introductory booklet a useful benefits in the provision of services, inspections, document aid for increasing your public services. These include management, printing and legal awareness of the potential of financial savings arising from services delivered externally. ESD Projects in your enhanced management These initiatives have organisation. It is my ambition practices and performance demonstrated that external that the links we are building measurement. There can also service delivery can deliver with industry will ultimately be greater potential for excellent outcomes for all lead to a culture of innovation through access to a participants, including the state collaborative partnership wider set of skills, knowledge and the citizen. between the public and private and technologies. Delivering sectors in which the best of services externally also Successfully managing ESD of both sectors can come together provides an opportunity for any public service is a complex to deliver the cost effective, greater focus of scarce process. We must increase the high quality, innovative public resources on core activities. capacity and capability of public services the people of our servants to understand, and country deserve. implement the Key Principles of
About this Introductory Booklet Consultants and Other Who is this External Support by the What are your Introductory Civil Service (and other first steps? national guidelines); Booklet for? If you are considering an Relevant EU Public External Service Delivery This introductory booklet is for Procurement Law; and, project, you could think about distribution within the Public the following steps: Service to provide a Public Procurement background and introduction Guidelines - competitive Step 1: You should familiarise to External Service Delivery process. yourself with relevant on-line (ESD). information (this can be found on the ESD portal on the Note to Reader Government network and What is it Government websites). This document is issued by the about? Department of Public Step 2: You should contact the Expenditure and Reform ESD unit in the Department of This Introductory booklet is Public Expenditure and (DPER) to provide introductory designed to provide high level Reform. They can provide information for those introduction to External expertise around the various managers considering an ESD Service Delivery and the types of external service project. It is an introductory framework used to identify delivery and explain how to high level document and is not and assess potential services start the process. an exhaustive interpretation in for ESD. relation to any legal provisions governing public procurement Step 3: Attend the two day or contracts. Additional advice training programme ‘An How you may be sought from DPER. Introduction to External Legal or other professional Service Delivery’ that is co- should use it advice should be obtained ordinated by the Reform and about the interpretation of Delivery Office. For further This is an introduction information on these courses legal provisions or the correct document that should be read please click here. application of such provision. by ESD Managers prior to considering any detailed ESD Step 4: Follow the phased ESD This is a living document and analysis. For those considering process outlined in the ESD will be updated regularly as embarking on an ESD project handbook. relevant sections of law the ESD Handbook (a more change. Please ensure you are detailed document) should be working on the most recent read. The ESD handbook version by checking on our should be read in conjunction portal where the most recent with; version will always be saved. The Guidelines in the Engagement of
Introductory Booklet Contents About this Introductory Booklet .................................................................................................. i A. What is External Service Delivery?.......................................................................................... 1 B. Benefits Realisation................................................................................................................. 3 C. The ESD Framework ................................................................................................................ 5 D. ESD Phase Roadmap ............................................................................................................... 7 E. Phase Roadmap Guide ............................................................................................................ 9 F. The Exit Strategy .................................................................................................................... 10 The NRA Case Study .................................................................................................................. 12 The National Roads Authority (NRA)......................................................................................... 13 NRA Case Study – The Assess Phase ......................................................................................... 14 NRA Case Study – The Prepare Phase ....................................................................................... 16 NRA Case Study – The Evaluate Phase ...................................................................................... 18 NRA Case Study – The Commit Phase ....................................................................................... 19 NRA Case Study – The Transition Phase.................................................................................... 20 NRA Case Study – The Optimise Phase ..................................................................................... 21 Irish Public Service ESD Examples ............................................................................................. 22 Conclusion & Reference Sites.................................................................................................... 23
Overview A. What is External Service Delivery? ESD is the contracting out of a of non-government service ESD provides a framework to business process or activity, provision through ESD. help determine how and by which an organisation may ESD has a number of key whom programmes and have previously performed benefits, including cost services should be delivered. internally or has a new need efficiency. Among the other for, to an independent benefits of ESD are: ESD covers many organisation from which the organisational arrangements process is purchased back as a Better services to the end that span a broad spectrum of service. user, delivery arrangements for Reduced pressure on local public services. As governments' experience management, and capacity to regulate The ability to flex in time of The following table outlines private sector providers have increased demand, some of the ways that ESD can improved and the private Improved services; and be implemented for the public sector is becoming more Improved access to new sector depending on the willing to supply public operating models, context and nature of the infrastructure and services, management practices and service. governments have become technologies. increasingly prepared to contemplate innovative forms ESD is not just about achieving cost efficiency; other benefits include service improvement, reduced management overhead and flexible resourcing. Term Definition Example 1
Toll road Public-Private ventures or partnerships designed to deliver Partnerships / Mixed management; and infrastructure and/or services which are funded and Ventures / Joint other public private operated through a partnership of government and one or Ventures partnership more private sector companies. schemes. Public entities purchase services under contract from private Contract catering or Contracting Out firms, but retain accountability for the service. cleaning services. For franchising, the government confers to a private firm the right or privilege to sell a product or service in accordance Franchising/ with prescribed terms and conditions. For licensing, the Mobile operators / Licencing government grants a license to a private firm to sell a radio licences. product or service that unlicensed firms are not allowed to sell. A public service mutual is an organisation which has left the A pension’s Public Service (also known as ‘spinning out’) but continues to administration joint deliver public services. Mutuals are organisations in which venture partnership Mutuals / Employee employee control plays a significant role in their operation. between employee Takeovers They are a newer form of contracting out that involves partners, UK contracting with a former government employee, or Government and employees, to deliver a service previously delivered directly Paymaster. by the government. This Introductory booklet These are only suggestions and it can be difficult to secure the focuses primarily on the not an exhaustive list. necessary co-operation Contracting Out model as it is between providers or providers the most common form of ESD. Areas should only be and in-house provision. Where Examples of activities that may considered for ESD once they services have uncertain provide opportunities for ESD have a clear strategy for demand or are characterised by include catering; facilities mitigating risk. This is especially high policy uncertainty, management; property important where it is difficult to departments may find it hard management; security services; measure the value added by a to re-negotiate contracts. If you debt management; customer potential supplier. In this are proceeding to ESD, it is contact/call centre; ICT instance it is challenging to probable that mitigating infrastructure and ICT support; price contracts and to monitor against the above scenarios payments/grants performance. Furthermore in may involve additional costs administration; recruitment; areas where a service outcome which you should budget for. licensing; training and is highly dependent on the courier/transport services. performance of other services 2
Overview B. Benefits Realisation The following pages look at How important were each of these objectives some of the experiences in your most recent ESD initiative? organisations have had with implementing ESD initiatives. These results are from the 2012 Deloitte Global Sourcing Survey, and while they mainly reference the private sector the results are applicable across all sectors and indicate clearly that cost reduction while important as a driver of ESD is not the only benefit that is sought after. Key findings show that reducing operating costs is a very important objective of an ESD and also to improve overall that the initial scoping and initiative but that there are controls. assessment phase is critical to more drivers to ESD than just the overall success of an ESD cost reduction. When asked about customer initiative. satisfaction with external The survey show that service delivery the 2012 One key piece of feedback from improving customer service Deloitte Global survey revealed the survey is that ESD is more and leveraging new that most respondents (76%) than a third-party contractual technologies ranked nearly as are either extremely satisfied arrangement. It is a key highly as reducing costs in or satisfied with their most business relationship. terms of the important recent ESD initiatives. Therefore assessment and objectives of an ESD initiative. Underestimating scope is the preparation to ensure a The survey also reveals that most often reported problem thorough understanding of the another key objective of ESD with most recent ESD supply market is key to success. initiatives is the ability to allow initiatives, followed by a more flexible HR model to suppliers being unable to meet flex in times of greater demand service levels. This illustrates 3
How satisfied are you with the outcome of your What factors led you to be less than satisfied with most recent ESD initiative? your most recent ESD initiative? Source: 2012 Deloitte ESD Survey 4
Overview C. The ESD Framework There is a detailed and template driven methodology in place to determine activities throughout the lifecycle of an ESD project. The ESD lifecycle consists of 6 phases, namely; Assess Prepare Evaluate Commit Transition Optimise Each phase contains a number of activities across the six functional areas identified in the diagram below. Value External Service Delivery Assess Prepare People & Organisation Location & Asset Management Optimise Evaluate Information Technology Change Management Transition Commit Programme & Risk Management Phase 1 - Assess understood view of the likely benefits, costs and risks of the It is in the Assess Phase that the Phase 2 - Prepare ESD initiative and of the early high level unknowns must activities required to The Prepare Phase be flushed out and confronted. respectively maximise, encompasses a thorough The activities in this phase are minimise and mitigate these. A examination of the market and critical to establishing senior Business Case (1) analysing a supplier base and the stakeholder expectations, both range of possible delivery preparation of detailed for the ESD initiative as a whole options must be produced at requirements to be included in and for the amount of time and this stage. Financial analysis the Request for Tender( RFT) effort required to secure it. By metrics (2) must also be and contract. This analysis will the end of the Assess Phase completed. also identify the procurement there will be a commonly 5
procedure most suited to the activities across the ESD Transition Phase has been specific circumstances of the initiative, supplier completed. Within this phase ESD project. Qualification and management, people and public entities need to focus on award criteria for evaluating organisation work streams. The managing the supplier tenders need to be developed contract is finalised. Significant relationship, monitoring and all key service delivery internal stakeholder contractual obligations as well elements; costing issues and management activities are as tracking the supplier contractual terms must be required to secure the buy-in performance against the identified. During this phase and sign-off necessary to original business case. the fundamental elements of complete the ESD initiative. In the remaining phases of the parallel, the organisation By its very nature, the Optimise lifecycle are also defined and design will be finalised and Phase is very much an agreed. This is often the most transition roadmap and plans operational responsibility resource intensive and (3) developed. Start thinking which continues throughout commercially significant phase about ESD (see below) now. the duration of the contract of the ESD lifecycle. until the contract renewal or exit. Phase 5 – Transition Phase 3 – Evaluate The Transition Phase of the ESD The Exit Strategy The activities within this phase lifecycle focuses on are broadly aligned to three transitioning the work and The Exit Strategy offers steps that cover: 1.The resources (infrastructure and guidelines for preparations to management of the suppliers responsibility) to the successful exit an ESD contract and whilst they are preparing their tenderer(s) and effective making arrangements for tenders; 2. Evaluation of the stakeholder management to handover to a new incoming tenders and 3 Notification to ensure effective contract supplier. It is very important for unsuccessful tenderers. management and optimised the public entity to have Following completion of the value. The phase includes effective exit arrangements in Evaluate Phase, the public implementing a robust place if the ESD contract fails or entity will be ready to proceed transition plan with the the relationship between the to contract. The sequence of supplier(s) and establishing a public entity and the supplier activities within this phase will reporting mechanism to track breaks down. The original ESD be dependent on the value. contract should contain an Exit procurement procedure provisions that allow for followed. limited, legally permitted Phase 6 – Optimise renegotiation or termination of Phase 4 – Commit a contract by either party. The Optimise Phase of the ESD The Commit Phase includes the lifecycle focuses on the steady- final pre-contract stages of state operation of the ESD both internal and external arrangement after the 6
D. ESD Phase Roadmap The ESD phase framework is a guidance in respect of three More information on the Stage comprehensive tool used to critical functional areas Gate Process can be found guide the process of namely; Phase Activities, overleaf. transitioning to an ESD model. Programme Management The framework provides Office Activities and Outcomes. 1. Assess 2. Prepare 3. Evaluate 4. Commit 5. Transition 6. Optimise Phase Activities 1.1 - Complete 2.1 - Prepare ESD 3.1 - Confirm 4.1 - Reassess 5.1 - Monitor 6.1 - Assess Value Initial ESD Scope & ‘To Be’ Structure Value Proposition Value Leakage & Track Assessment Process Alignment Proposition Benefits 4.2 - Select 1.2 - Develop 2.2 - Determine 3.2 - Manage Supplier & Sign 5.2 - Develop 6.2 - Manage Baseline & Delivery Structure Supplier Contract Transition Plan Continuous Preliminary Interaction Improvement Business Case 2.3 - Define 4.3 - Clarify 5.3 - Develop & Operating Model 3.3 - Develop Contract Details Manage Process 6.3 - Prepare 1.3 - Scope Initial Plan for with Successful Guide Future Strategy Transition & 2.4 - Develop ESD Transition supplier Assess ‘As Is’ Pricing Model 5.4 - Monitor 6.4 - Manage Process 3.4 - Evaluate 4.4 - Manage Supplier Commercial 2.5 - Prepare for Proposed Stakeholders: Transition Obligations 1.4 - Determine Supplier Selection Service Executive Buy-in & Agree ESD Locations & Approval to 5.5 - Manage 6.5 - Optimise Transition 2.6 - Define Sign-off Workforce Supplier Principles Services & 3.5 - Manage Considerations Relationship Develop Evaluation 4.5 - Finalise 1.5 - Identify, Specifications Activities Retained Org. 5.6 - Shift 6.6 - Manage On- Assess & Structure Responsibilities going Demand Manage Risks 2.7 - Prepare RFT to Supplier 4.6 - Manage Organisations 6.7 - Manage 1.6 - Assess ESD 2.8 - Prepare Security & Change Options Stakeholders for Control 5.7 - Manage ESD Transition the Transition 1.7 - Assess 4.7 - Manage Location & 2.9 - Define Communications Estate Retained & ‘To & Align Work Considerations Be’ Org. Structure Streams Programme Management Office Activities Mobilisation, Project Governance & Risk Management Assess Phase Prepare Phase Evaluate Phase Commit Phase Transition Phase Optimise Phase Stage Gate Stage Gate Stage Gate Stage Gate Stage Gate Stage Gate Outcomes ‘As Is’ Model & Detailed ‘To Be’ Initial Analysis ESD Agreement Implemented Active Monitoring Baseline Model and ESD of Proposals & Transition Plan Requirements Audit Trail Retained Org. & Retained Org. End of Term & Preliminary Structure, Structure Draft Future Business Case, Agreed RFT Preferred Transition Plan & Strategy ESD Scope & Criteria and Supplier Value Delivery Relationship ESD Options Documentation Shortlist Roadmap with Supplier 7
Stage Gate Process The Stage Gate Process is used to examine key points during a project’s timeframe. At the end of each phase of the ESD project, the SRO (Senior Responsible Owner) is equipped with a report on the project’s progression. The recommendations obtained from the Stage Gate Process should prove beneficial to the overall delivery of the ESD project. Stage Gate Process Unit A team of reviewers (generally this will be the cross functional governance team) will need to be established to carry out the Stage Gate Process. They will be highly specialised in their respective field and appointments will be specific to each stage of the Stage Gate Process. Gate When Comment The first Stage Gate examines whether all possible outcomes and ESD option have been duly considered. In addition, the Review makes that sure that risks, benefits Gate One At end of Assess Phase and costs have been identified and that resources are in place to ensure the ESD project will be successfully managed. The strength of the Business Case should also be confirmed. This Stage Gate ensures that essential preparations in relation to market/supplier assessment and key service Gate Two At end of Prepare Phase delivery elements have been undertaken. The review also makes sure that the RFT procedure and criteria have been appropriately determined. The third Stage Gate examines whether an effective methodology is in place for evaluating tenders and that a successful tenderer has been identified. The review Gate Three At end of Evaluate Phase confirms that an ESD implementation plan is in place. At the conclusion of this review, the public entity should be able to confirm the Business Case and move forward to contract. This Stage Gate ensures that necessary arrangements are in place prior to the contract being finalised. The Review checks that contract details with the successful supplier Gate Four At end of Commit Phase have been clarified, that value delivery has been assessed and that a design has been finalised for the Retained Organisation Structure. The fifth Stage Gate examines whether services and process have been successfully transitioned to the supplier. The Gate Five At end of Transition Phase review ensures that all stakeholders are committed to the ESD project and that there is ongoing strategic communication between the public entity and the supplier. This Stage Gate evaluates whether the ESD project has successfully implemented and that there is continuous Gate Six At end of Optimise Phase monitoring of all aspects of the ESD project. The Review also examines if the benefits forecasted in the Business Case have been achieved. When the Stage Gate Process ends, the SRO is sent a draft report. The SRO then has a specified period of time in which Final Report to edit any errors before the report is made final. Any learnings from the report can be used to provide advice to Government departments or agencies. 8
E. Phase Roadmap Guide activity planning, end of each phase is Phase stakeholder the Stage Gate Process. Activities engagement and This activity involves communication assessing the work The phase activities as planning activities. completed as a result of outlined on the phase the undertakings during roadmap detail the specific Project Governance the respective phase activities to be completed At the outset of an ESD and benchmarking the during each phase of the transition is it vital to outcomes achieved ESD Framework. Successful determine and agree with targets, objectives completion of each phase governance and industry best requires careful arrangements. These practice. If the work consideration of each arrangements will completed does not activity in addition to the determine how the meet specific consideration of transition is managed requirements it should Programme Management and must be reassessed not be signed off by Office Activities, Outcomes at the beginning of senior management and a number of Transition each phase and and therefore the Principles. throughout the transition project will transition. not pass through the Stage Gate to the next Programme Risk Management phase. Management Proactive and thorough For more information risk identification, about the Stage Gate Office assessment and Process, see the previous management is crucial Activities for the success of an page. For more ESD transition. Specific information on The Programme Programme Management risk management Management Office (PMO) Activities please click link. activities have been Activities as outlined in the aligned to certain phase roadmap provide an overview of the various phases throughout the Outcomes ESD framework. PMO activities that should However, it is vital to The phase roadmap be considered during an note that careful diagram outlines the ESD transition, namely; consideration must be specific outcomes to be given to risk achieved as a result of the Mobilisation management activities completed in each At the outset of each throughout the phase. Successful phase it is vital to transition process. achievement of these mobilise the outcomes is a prerequisite engagement team. This Stage Gate Process for the beginning of the process incorporates The final PMO activity next phase of the transition. the initial resource and to be undertaken at the 9
F. The Exit Strategy The Exit Strategy offers transition smoothly between The relationship breaks guidelines for preparations to suppliers and solutions, reduce down. exit an ESD contract and risks and keep costs to a Services not delivered as making arrangements for minimum. While it is initially expected. handover to a new incoming hoped that the ESD project will Fraud or criminal supplier. It is very important be a success, the ESD contract behaviour. for the public entity to have might not come to a Bankruptcy. effective exit arrangements in conclusion for various reasons. place that guarantee the These may include: organisation is able to Key Exit Strategy Points to Remember Exit Agreement Business Case Legal routes The original ESD contract A Business Case will need to be You should also be aware of should contain a stage based prepared outlining the benefits and plan for the options Exit Agreement with clauses against the risks of ending the available to you should you that allow for termination of ESD relationship. wish to go down a legal route. the contract by either party. Management of Exit procedures Exit management team resources Correct exit procedures should You should establish a team to You will need to make sure be established within your manage the end of the resources are being managed organisation and provision for contractual arrangement and to ensure the continuance of this should be placed in the any new handover process. service provision during the original ESD contract. exit/handover period. Outline of Exit Strategy Stages in the Exit Agreement Initial Stage of processes or licences from the incoming supplier. You will Exit/Transition outgoing supplier to your need to identify what roles and The initial stage of the organisation. processes the new supplier will exit/transition will involve have responsibility for. You preparations to begin finalising may also need to help the Middle Stage of outgoing and incoming details with the outgoing Exit/Transition suppliers agree on transfer supplier. Actions may include; confirming any work the related agreements. During the middle stage of the outgoing supplier must exit/transition you will start to complete, managing any plan working and handover identified risks and planning arrangement with the new for the transfer of services, 10
Final Stage of Exit supplier concerning which termination related costs and Transition services are finishing and how oversee final agreements all objectives are to be met. between the outgoing and The final stage of the You may have to confirm incoming suppliers. exit/transition will involve final timelines for the termination arrangements with outgoing of services; agree any Service Closure/Exit of Outgoing Supplier You will need to ensure there your organisation will need to place. The outgoing supplier is no disruption to services as stop and the transfer of any should finish providing services the outgoing supplier exits required data to the incoming and vacate your organisation’s your organisation. Access to supplier will need to take premises. 11
The NRA Case Study The NRA eFlow Barrier-Free Tolling Project on the M50 Motorway is a very successful example of an ESD project within the Public Sector. This case study is outlined over the next few pages of this booklet. 12
Case Study The National Roads Authority (NRA) In January 2006 the implemented. While the To procure and oversee a world Government announced that as project was on time and class barrier-free tolling part of the planned upgrade of delivered to budget there were operation on the M50 the M50 Motorway, the nevertheless a myriad of Motorway which is existing toll arrangements on technical and operational commercially focussed, the motorway at the West-Link issues to be addressed during financially efficient and results Toll Bridge would be replaced the Mobilisation Phase (just in a positive experience for all by a barrier-free tolling system after ‘go-live’) which resulted in customers using the Motorway. during 2008. significant levels of customer frustration, a large backlog of The eFlow business has customer contact to manage Barrier-free tolling, as the name changed completely from those and widespread negative media suggests, enables the collection difficult early days. The attention. of tolls solely by electronic business has gone from means without any barriers or strength to strength in terms of toll-plaza on the motorway – About two months after the customer numbers and and therefore no need for launch, the NRA recognised revenues and is now motorists using the motorway that the operation was simply internationally recognised as an to stop or slow down to pay the not performing adequately excellent customer service toll charge. While tolling by across a number of critical business. So much so that means of barrier-operated areas of the business (e.g. eFlow “swept the boards” at plazas is a long established customer management and the Contact Centre World practice in many countries, the collections). As a consequence Awards 2011 in London for the M50 system was one of the the delivery team had to take a EMEA region by achieving first fully electronic tolling step back and reconsider the seven awards including three systems to be deployed on a objectives and approach to the gold medals in categories such European motorway and as new business in order to as customer service, training, such there was relatively little determine and implement a and IT/innovation. eFlow also industry experience on which revised strategy to stabilise the received a Public Sector to draw upon when business and to create the right Excellence Award from An establishing this new business. platform from which it would Taoiseach in 2011 and was also develop and improve going awarded the Outsource forward. Partnership of the Year for The new barrier-free system 2012 at the Irish Contact Centre called eFlow (which is a & Shared Services Awards. registered business name of One of the first things the team the NRA) was ‘switched on’ did following this, and perhaps during August 2008. It is fair to one of the most critical, was to say that the delivery of the work out a simple mission M50 eFlow project and the statement for the business, creation of a new public sector which was as follows: tolling business was possibly one of the most challenging projects that the NRA has ever 13
NRA Case Study – The Assess Phase An Environmental Impact contract and comply with Department of Transport as the Statement (EIS) was prepared procurement regulations. NRA’s sponsoring department for the M50 Upgrade Scheme Furthermore, it was identified as well as the Driver Vehicle identifying the West-Link toll that it would be difficult to Computer Services Division facility as a contributing factor demonstrate ‘value for money’ (formally the Vehicle to delays experienced by road from a negotiated agreement. Registration Unit) based in users on the M50. The EIS Shannon as manager of the presented the case that a National Vehicle Owner The NRA, with the agreement barrier-free tolling system Register which is used by the of the Government, took the would unlock significant tolling system to identify all decision to “buy-out” the NTR additional benefits for users vehicles registered in the State, West-Link contract and to run a and the environment than the Data Protection tender competition to appoint would otherwise have been the Commissioner with regard to an entity to design, build and case with a conventional plaza protection of road users privacy operate a new barrier-free tolling. In particular, the EIS across a number of areas and tolling system. identified that the proposals the Courts Service with regard would increase the capacity of to the enforcement process the Motorway, enabling road ESD was the optimum solution and plan for the treatment of users including buses, taxis, as this was the first project of toll evaders / violators. The commercial vehicles and this nature in Europe for a NRA also had to engage with private cars to benefit from number of reasons including private sector industry bodies significantly reduced traffic the fact that there was a lack of including, for example, the Car congestion and increased resources, skills, and Rental Council and the Vehicle average traffic speeds both on experience within the NRA to Leasing Association of Ireland. the M50 and also on the radial fully resource such an routes approaching the M50. operation. Additionally, the Ascertaining the list of services The replacement and upgrade new operation was required to that could be provided by ESD: of the tolling system was work “at full steam” from the first day as there was no ‘ramp The tolling system and therefore a critical element of up’ phase. Furthermore, as the services were procured the overall M50 Upgrade motorists would directly using a design, build and Scheme. interact with the new operate contract with an technology the impact/results eight year term (and with a The NRA engaged with the three year extension of the project would be highly incumbent toll operator, NTR option). visible. (who had contractual rights to collect tolls on the “Westlink” Engaging and managing The NRA, in March 2007, (Junction 6 to Junction 7) stakeholders: appointed BetEire Flow (a section of the M50 until 2020), French consortium of two to explore the possibility of The introduction of barrier-free major French firms - Sanef varying the West-Link contract tolling required the support and CS), to design, build arrangements to change the and cooperation of a number of and operate the tolling tolling arrangements to barrier- key stakeholders and system. Sanef manage the free tolling. The NRA ultimately establishment and tolling business along with concluded that it was not management of good working their key partners/ feasible to negotiate such relationships. This included the suppliers: changes to the West-Link 14
1. Customer Management – new type (“first generation”) of The benefits from barrier-free Abtran. electronic road pricing on the tolling on the M50 were 2. Payments & Billings – busiest motorway in the State broadly summarised as follows: Payzone. presented challenges which included: 3. Logistics – Realtime Less congestion - no Technologies. stopping or slowing down 4. Post – PrintPost. Concluding an agreement at a toll plaza. for the termination of the Faster journey times – 5. Enforcement – Pierse & NTR West-Link toll increased average speeds. Fitzgibbon Solicitors. concession. Less land take. Preparing supporting This contract is much more Less pollution. legislation for barrier-free than providing a service to the Better air quality. tolling including a new Toll NRA – it is really about Scheme and Bye-Laws. managing the tolling business Engaging with a broad The advantages of barrier-free on the NRA’s behalf. range of stakeholders. tolling are offset somewhat by risks related to the potential for Migrating ‘on the ground’ Challenges, benefits and risks: increased levels of revenue from the barrier operated In preparing and planning for leakage with free-flow systems, toll facility to barrier-free the introduction of the new additional risks associated with motorway tolling. barrier-free tolling system the the introduction of new Embarking on a nationwide NRA team were aware that the technology and the uncertainty public awareness campaign project entailed certain surrounding operating costs - on the new tolling characteristics and risks which as there is very little historical arrangements including would make it one of the more cost data available on the new the launch of the eFlow challenging projects delivered technology for road operators tag. by the NRA in recent times. and infrastructure managers. Launching the operation of a 15
NRA Case Study – The Prepare Phase Market assessment of free tolling regions specific Milestone 1 - Approval of suppliers: legislation was required to Specification and The NRA hired external enforce and penalise violators Implementation Plan. consultants to carry out a and also to act as a deterrent. Milestone 2 - Approval of Global Best Practice Study to Testing Programme and identify an initial list of Identifying Scoring and Operations Plan. potential ESD suppliers, Evaluation Criteria: Milestone 3 - Completion determine the feasibility of of Construction & The NRA adhered to Public implementing a barrier-free Performance Tests. Sector Procurement guidelines tolling system, identify best throughout the supplier Milestone 4 - Trial practices and highlight any evaluation selection process. Operation Period. potential risks and challenges in Price and quality were Milestone 5 - Provisional the current market place. identified as the key criteria in Operating Permit – “Go The main challenge was to supplier selection prior to Live”. launch the operation of a new advertising the tender. Milestone 6 - Final type (“first generation”) of Operating Permit. electronic road pricing on the Contract Preparation: busiest motorway in the State and successfully collect tolls The contract to design, The contract also required the from up to 100,000 vehicles construct and supply the new new Tolling Operator to from the first day of operations tolling system was awarded to operate and maintain the new and over 1,400,000 individual BetEire Flow (a French system for a further 8 years. vehicles within the first six consortium of two major In addition to the procurement months. French firms - Sanef and CS) in of the tolling system, there March 2007 following a were a number of other competitive procurement Strengthening Legislation: supporting services which the competition. NRA procured to assist during The NRA engaged with the the mobilisation and Department of Transport in The initial draft contract was implementation phase of the relation to strengthening the prepared between the Project eFlow project including for legislation necessary for and Legal teams prior to example, the appointment of barrier-free tolling. The advertising the tender as per an Enforcement Service enactment of appropriate Public Sector Procurement Provider as well as the supporting legislation which guidelines. Service Level appointment of technical allowed the use of video Agreements were drafted as advisers with specific tolling evidence and action against a part of the contract at this technology expertise and toll evader / violator through point. electronic payment security the use of the national vehicle Contract Preparation expertise, as well as legal register was / is a critical (Continued): advisers and financial advisers. element to the operation to There was little change made address potential leakage of to the terms and conditions of toll revenue. The contract specified a the contract once the tender The Global Best Practice Study number of important payment had been advertised to the commissioned by the NRA based milestones for the initial market place. during the assessment stages delivery of the system as highlighted that in all barrier- summarised below: 16
Supplier Management: ability to gain more clarity. In financial capacity to undertake Once the NRA had agreed the addition, this procedure also the work (e.g. to demonstrate scope of the services to be allowed the NRA to issue that they were financially performed by the supplier and clarification circulars with viable). had drafted the initial terms additional information if The evaluation team reviewed and conditions of the contract, required including, for the suppliers who responded to the Expression of Interest (EOI) example, clarifying certain the EOI and then prepared a was advertised on eTenders aspects of the scope which may shortlist of suppliers based on and in the European Journal. have been confusingly phrased. ranking the responses against There was a procedure for the Suppliers were asked to pre-determined criteria. The suppliers to ask for clarification provide evidence of their NRA then issued the RFT to the on aspects of the tender which experience, performance and top five ranked suppliers. benefited both the supplier and technical capability and to the NRA as the supplier had the demonstrate they had the 17
NRA Case Study – The Evaluate Phase Supplier Management: Evaluation of Supplier general market knowledge. In the Prepare Phase the Responses: The NRA followed set evaluation team reviewed As part of the Expression of procedures in managing the the suppliers who responded Interest (discussed in the supplier applications e.g. in to the EOI and developed a Prepare section of the terms of late applications or shortlist of suppliers to Introductory booklet) the if a supplier declined the receive the RFT. NRA prepared a short-list of project. All evaluation and suppliers – all of whom had selection criteria were to satisfy minimum carefully documented for The NRA managed suppliers audit purposes and all requirements in terms of through the proposal having the necessary procurement documentation process. There was a facility technical capacity (e.g. was checked by the NRA for suppliers to ask questions experience) and financial legal advisers in advance of and suppliers could also capacity to perform the the procurement indicate whether they services required. For the competition to ensure it was considered that some of evaluation of the RFT, the fully compliant with their questions were NRA established an procurement law. commercially confidential. evaluation methodology to External consultants were The NRA reviewed all these assess the responses based asked to provide assistance questions and responded to on a combination of scoring and opinions in the all suppliers. Where a the responses for both price evaluation and selection supplier had requested for a and quality. process however the NRA question to be considered as Once the responses were had final judgement in the commercially confidential returned to the NRA the evaluation process. the NRA team had to take a view and possibly respond evaluation team reviewed directly to the individual the applications and scored Supplier Selection: supplier. Where the NRA them against these The contract to design, determined that the query predetermined criteria (and construct and supply the new was not commercially any sub-criteria). Careful tolling system was awarded confidential the supplier was consideration was taken to to BetEire Flow (a French given the opportunity to ensure that submissions consortium of two major withdraw the query rather were scored and evaluated French firms - Sanef and CS) than have it answered and based on the written in March 2007 following a issued to all suppliers. application and evidence / competitive procurement Generally the NRA team commitment provided as competition. would issue responses to part of the response rather queries on a weekly basis. than being influenced by 18
NRA Case Study – The Commit Phase Signing the Contract: Manage their customer Focus on strategic goals – In line with Public Sector base and provide excellent be aligned to the Irish and Procurement Guidelines, there services to their customer European tolling sectors. was no scope for renegotiating base (circa two million contract terms and conditions people). The NRA’s Role and at this point as the terms and Collect revenues and Responsibilities: conditions of the contract account for over €100 were developed prior to million tolling revenue. advertising the Tender. The The NRA need to Manage their assets understand the business, first supplier selected decided including the eFlow brand set the vision and against proceeding with the and reputation (includes objectives, direct the contract as they wished to marketing and business, monitor renegotiate certain contract communications). performance and manage terms and conditions at this point and this was not Be commercially focused the relationships (and allowable. BetEire Flow’s and deliver continuous contracts); tender proposal was evaluated improvement for the Contract Management of as the second best proposal customers and the the following four areas: and they were therefore financial position (e.g. Efficiency Savings - annual awarded the contract. costs efficiencies). service review. Supplier Role and Be compliant and Gain Sharing - consider Responsibilities: auditable – areas such as making provision to share financial audits, e- BetEire Flow (Sanef) was gains. commerce PCI compliance required to manage and Financial Model / Open and Data Protection. operate all aspects of the Book Accounting. tolling business on behalf of Benchmarking - service the NRA, including to: performance and costs. 19
NRA Case Study – The Transition Phase Once the contract had been improvement items. As this could remain agile in signed, Sanef began to design was a first generation project responding to them. and build the new electronic there were a number of key Ensuring the supplier has tolling system. This system, learnings for both partners in the necessary resources eFlow, was ‘switched on’ the Transition Phase such as: and capabilities to deliver during August 2008. Following Approaching the project the project and ensure the launch of the system, with consideration for these remain in line with Sanef were responsible for customer needs and changing project and managing and operating all business financial needs as business goals. aspects of the tolling business well as from an Keeping communication on behalf of the NRA. engineering and technical lines open and the perspective; importance of team Supplier Management: Ensuring Sanef understood building between both Effective supplier management the NRA’s strategy and partners. was critical at this point of the requirements so they Balancing the level of risk project. The NRA identified could deliver against it. between Sanef and the issues and areas for Sharing project and NRA. improvement and worked business goals with Sanef The importance of Brand closely with Sanef to and regularly reviewing Management. implement and achieve these these with Sanef so Sanef 20
NRA Case Study – The Optimise Phase In the past four years in emphasise on maintaining a Key Success Factors: operation the NRA have good relationship with Sanef The NRA has identified the achieved successful results through regular informal and following key success factors evidenced by satisfied formal communication for successful service delivery: customers, an ever expanding procedures. Team building customer base and strong plays a key role in maintaining Focus on delivering a revenue growth during tough this good relationship. customer centric service economic times. The approach efficiently and cost of partnering and collaboration Performance Measurement: effectively. with their suppliers in the To assess performance the Understand all management of the business NRA required simple and stakeholders’ short, (as opposed to adopting a relevant performance medium and long term more conservative and measures. They introduced goals. traditional contractual benchmarking reviews, visits Ensure delivery is relationship with little or no and conferences with Sanef customer focussed and innovation encouraged) has which play a role in assisting not process or technology enabled them to introduce and the development of simple led but also understand manage change successfully performance metrics and appreciate the part across a number of business The following M50 KPIs were technology and process areas and they will continue in identified: plays in success. this manner to deliver further Ensure relationship is two improvements across the KPI 1 – Transactional Toll way, open and honest. business. Revenues - Revenue Ensure contractual banked per ‘tollable’ alignment to desired They are currently focusing on vehicle. outcomes and openly growing the business while KPI 2 – Global Recovery acknowledge reducing costs and continuing Rate - Total percentage of misalignment even if not to improve compliance (i.e. transactions which have fixable in the short to tolls paid on time). They also been paid. medium term. aim to further improve the KPI 3 – Road Side Always share with your customer experience by Equipment Revenue clients and stakeholders introducing more simplicity Leakage - Transactions what matters to you. and convenience by, for captured which could not Respect and embrace the example, upgrading the be charged due to poor differences in cultures and customer website so that it is Licence plate data. approach of all and use fully accessible from all types KPI 4 – Licence Plate this to enhance the overall of devices (e.g. laptop, tablets (ANPR) Misreads - service delivery. I-phones). Misreads impacting customers. Supplier Management: KPI 5 – Payment Trends - The NRA realise that Supplier Payment trend for Relationship Management is unregistered domestic key to the success of project users. delivery and so place great 21
Irish Public Service ESD Examples become aware of the potential Managed Business claim. Services Process ICT Services An Garda Síochána - Go- Public Injuries Safe Assessment Board An Chéim Computer The GoSafe consortium has The Personal Injuries Services – Collaborative been contracted by An Garda Assessment Board facilitates higher education Síochána to operate safety anyone intending to seek information services cameras on Irish roads. Go- compensation for a personal The An Chéim MIS Programme Safe will provide 6,000 injury (other than a personal was created to implement enforcement hours and 1,475 injury arising out of medical common management survey hours per month across negligence), unless the claim is information systems for the the country. The cameras will settled directly between the Institute of Technology Sector. operate from vans which will parties. Personal injury be marked with high visibility claimants will be better placed The implementations were reflective material and will to avoid unnecessary legal fees carried out on a phased basis display a safety camera following a recent move by the and lessons learned from each symbol. Central Bank to compel phase were carried through to insurance companies to subsequent phases. forward information about the Injuries Board to potential claimants as soon as they More Examples of Successful ESD Projects Department ESD Project Revenue Local Property Tax Customer Contact Centre Private Residential Tenancies Board Contact Centre and Document Management business process services. Road Safety Authority Driving Licences Application Processing Department of Communications, Market Surveillance for 1) Ecodesign Energy and Natural Resources and Labelling of energy-related products, 2) Tyre Labelling 22
Conclusion & Reference Sites This Introductory booklet has been prepared and issued by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. The contents are designed for reference only and should not be relied upon for making ESD decisions without reading the ESD Handbook and having further discussion with the Department or Programme Leaders. For more information please contact: Value External Service Delivery Assess Prepare People & Organisation Location & Asset Management Optimise Evaluate Information Technology Change Management Transition Commit Programme & Risk Management Available Templates No 1. Preliminary business case No 2. Preliminary business case: financial analysis metrics No 3. Transition roadmap and plan No 4. Process assessment template No 5. Communications plan No 6. Risk assessment tool No 7. Sample supplier evaluation and scoring template No 8. Value delivery roadmap No 9. Transition performance reporting template No 10. Benefits tracking template No 11. Supplier relationship management and communication template Reference sites Office of Government Procurement The main public procurement guidelines EU Public Procurement Law 23
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