Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robot Assembly Tasks

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Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robot Assembly Tasks
Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure
                                                                         in Robot Assembly Tasks
                                                                   Peter A. Zachares1 , Michelle A. Lee1 , Wenzhao Lian2 , Jeannette Bohg1

                                           Abstract— A key challenge towards the goal of multi-part
                                        assembly tasks is finding robust sensorimotor control methods
                                        in the presence of uncertainty. In contrast to previous works
                                        that rely on a priori knowledge on whether two parts match,
                                        we aim to learn this through physical interaction. We propose
                                        a hierachical approach that enables a robot to autonomously
arXiv:2101.02725v1 [cs.RO] 7 Jan 2021

                                        assemble parts while being uncertain about part types and po-
                                        sitions. In particular, our probabilistic approach learns a set of
                                        differentiable filters that leverage the tactile sensorimotor trace
                                        from failed assembly attempts to update its belief about part
                                        position and type. This enables a robot to overcome assembly
                                        failure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on
                                        a set of object fitting tasks. The experimental results indicate
                                        that our proposed approach achieves higher precision in object
                                        position and type estimation, and accomplishes object fitting
                                        tasks faster than baselines.                                                   Fig. 1.    To fit objects together, our method maintains a belief about
                                                                                                                       the positions and types of objects in the environment, and uses tactile
                                                                 I. I NTRODUCTION                                      sensorimotor traces from (failed) object interactions to update the belief.

                                            Automobiles, computers, and even ballpoint pens are                        can learn something about an object when physically inter-
                                        composed of multi part assemblies [1]. All of these products                   acting with it during assembly. Specifically, sensorimotor
                                        are relatively complex to manufacture and require a human                      traces from touch sensing can give additional and more
                                        or a team of humans and robots to complete a long sequence                     precise information about the physical properties of objects
                                        of contact-rich manipulation tasks. It would be beneficial if                  than vision alone [6]. Even if the robot does not succeed in
                                        a robot could autonomously perform these multi-part assem-                     fitting two objects together, it can then update its belief about
                                        blies. However, the complex manipulation tasks required for                    the object type and position with the collected information.
                                        assembly are typically only successful in highly-controlled                    This updated belief will inform decision-making for choosing
                                        settings where uncertainty is reduced as much as possible [2–                  the next assembly action.
                                        5]. Consequently, one of the main challenges of multi-part                        We formulate the problem of multi-object assembly in a
                                        assembly is finding effective methods for robust sensorimotor                  hierarchical way. The robot maintains a belief over the type
                                        control in the presence of uncertainty, which can be caused                    and position of each object in the environment. The belief
                                        by inaccuracies in a robot’s perception or control system.                     is initialized from vision. Based on this belief, the high
                                        For example, if a robot uses vision for perception it might                    level policy decides which object is most likely matching
                                        receive noisy object position estimates or misclassify object                  and attempts to fit the grasped object with the selected
                                        types. An example real-world task is to fit an unlabelled                      object using a low level policy. If the attempt fails, the
                                        set of screws into holes where their diameters are at sub-                     robot updates its belief based on the collected sensorimotor
                                        millimeter scale and beyond the resolution of most affordable                  traces (see Fig. 1).We designed a network architecture that
                                        camera systems. In this scenario, the robot may easily fail to                 takes sensorimotor traces as input and outputs an estimate
                                        fit together two objects, but it will not know whether it failed               of object type and position. This information is used within
                                        because the objects do not match, or because its manipulation                  differentiable filters [7, 8] to update the belief. Given the
                                        strategy was ineffective. Understanding the reason for failure                 updated belief, the robot can reason about the cause of
                                        is crucial for deciding how to succeed at the task.                            failure. If the object was not matching, then the robot should
                                            In this paper, we propose an approach that enables a robot                 attempt to fit a different object. If the object position estimate
                                        to autonomously assemble objects while being uncertain                         was poor but the object was a match, the robot should make
                                        about object types and positions. Our insight is that a robot                  another attempt to fit with the same object.
                                                                                                                          We evaluate our approach on a peg-in-hole problem with
                                           1. Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, 2. X, The
                                        Moonshot Factory
                                                                                                                       multiple pegs and holes of different shapes. A peg & hole
                                           This work has been partially supported by American Technolo-         pair can only fit if their shapes match. The high level policy
                                        gies Corporation (“JD”) under the SAIL-JD AI Research Initiative and by        is used for state estimation and hole selection. Experimental
                                        the Toyota Research Institute (”TRI”) and by X, The Moonshot Factory.          results demonstrate that when using the proposed differen-
                                        This article solely reflects the opinions and conclusions of its authors and
                                        not of JD, any entity associated with, X, The Moonshot Factory,         tiable filters, fewer fitting attempts are needed to accomplish
                                        TRI, or any entity associated with Toyota.                                     the full assembly task than with baseline methods.
Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robot Assembly Tasks
II. R ELATED W ORK                            state of the environment online. They successfully trained
A. Object Fitting Tasks                                             an ant robot in Mujoco [32] on a reaching task where
                                                                    the leg lengths of the ant is partially observed. Like our
    Object fitting tasks such as peg insertion, fastening screws
                                                                    approach, Lee et al. [31] learned a differentiable filter to
and dense box packing have been studied for decades due
                                                                    estimate the partially observed environment state, i.e., the
to their relevance in logistics and manufacturing [9–23]. For
                                                                    ant’s leg lengths. Unlike our approach, their method learns
instance, Strip [9] proposed to use compliance and force-
                                                                    the differentiable filter jointly with the RL agent’s policy.
sensing to compensate for position uncertainty of the hole.
                                                                    In our approach, we train the differentiable filters for state
However, the shape of the peg needs to be known before-
                                                                    estimation separately from the agent’s policy, which allows
hand. More recently, works that leverage deep reinforcement
                                                                    them to be generalized to different policies.
learning (RL) learn manipulation policies for peg insertion
tasks directly from raw sensory inputs [12, 14, 16, 18, 19].                         III. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
However, RL policies are often sample inefficient and take             We approach the problem of object fitting: the robot must
many interactions with the environment just to learn a single       find one out of n objects in the environment that matches its
object fitting policy. Thus, it is not straightforward to adopt     grasped object and fit the pair. Uncertainty can cause task
these methods for tasks where there are multiple objects to         failure on both levels of the task: for the high level task, the
fit, and the match between objects is unknown. Consequently,        robot does not know exactly the types and positions of the
we seek to develop a probabilistic approach that is not as          n objects; for the low level task, the robot cannot reliably
data-hungry as RL methods.                                          succeed in fitting the object pair even if they match. In the
    There is some prior work on recovering from failure in          remainder of the paper, we use peg and hole to refer to the
object fitting tasks. Dong and Rodriguez [23] use a high-           grasped object and an object in the environment, respectively.
resolution tactile sensor to perform dense box packing. The            For the high level task, we assume a noisy vision sensor
robot can reattempt the task and estimates the position             that detects the types ci (e.g. shape or dimension) and posi-
of gaps in a densely packed box using tactile feedback.             tions pi of each hole where i = 1, · · · , n. ci ∈ {1, · · · , C},
However, their approach assumes that the grasped object can         where C is the number of hole types, and pi ∈ R2 as the
eventually fit in the box, i.e. there is no uncertainty on object   holes are assumed to vary their positions within a known
matching. Zakka et al. [21] approached the problem of kitting       2D plane. During assembly, the holes remain static. Thus,
which is a multi-object fitting task. Here the robot does not       given a peg, the high level task is to find a matching hole,
know with certainty the types of objects in the environment         i.e., its index out of {1, · · · , n} and its position pmatch . We
and how they fit. The authors learned an assembly policy            formulate this as a finite horizon partially observable Markov
for kits of objects. Unlike our approach, their policy requires     decision process (POMDP) with states s ∈ S, observations
human intervention to recover from a failed attempt.                o ∈ O, actions a ∈ A, horizon K, and reward function
B. Understanding and Learning From Failure                          r : S × A → R. The state space describes three properties
   There are two classes of techniques within the RL and            of each of the n holes in the environment: (i) the hole type
decision-making literature that are most relevant to the            c, (ii) the hole position p, and (iii) a binary indicator β of
problem we are considering: estimating an unknown reward            whether the peg is correctly fitted with this hole or not. The
function, and estimating the partially observed state online.       action a corresponds to choosing one of the n holes in the
Each of them allows to learn online from failure.                   environment1 , i.e., a ∈ {1, · · · , n}. The agent receives a
   In multi-armed bandit [24] and contextual multi-armed            reward if it correctly fits its peg into a matching hole.
bandit problems [25], an agent learns a reward function                For solving this POMDP, we have to devise a policy for
online trying to minimize the regret created by its decision        action selection that maximizes the reward based on the
making. For example, Laskey et al. [26], Mahler et al. [27]         agent’s current belief about the   Pstate of the environment b(s),
                                                                    i.e., finding π ∗ = arg maxπ t=0 E r(st , at ) to correctly
formulated the problem of learning to grasp as a multi-armed
bandit. Therefore, a robot can improve its ability to grasp an      fit the peg with a matching hole.
object after each attempt. However, the multi-armed bandit             Once a hole is selected by the high level policy, we run
setting is not suitable for our task because of the difficulty      a low level policy πlow to attempt fitting. πlow controls
of designing a useful reward signal for the robot based on          the robot’s end-effector position x with control inputs u1:J
failed attempts at fitting objects together.                        where u is a desired change in end-effector position and
   In    Bayes-adaptive      Markov      decision    processes      J is the fixed horizon of the low level task. During policy
(BAMDPs) [28] and partially observable Markov decision              execution, the robot collects a tactile sensorimotor trace
processes [29] (POMDPs), a component of the environment             z1:J which is composed of the measurements from a wrist-
is partially observed and estimated online. This framework          mounted Force/Torque sensor, the end-effector position and
has been used in robotic problems to learn online from              orientation, the end-effector linear and angular velocity, and
failed execution [26, 27, 30, 31]. For instance, Garg et al.        the binary contact state of the end-effector with the environ-
[30] used a POMDP formulation to improve a robot’s                  ment for each time step. This sensorimotor trace provides
ability to grasp an object online. Lee et al. [31] combined a          1 The low level policy requires both the type and position of a hole as
BAMDP problem formulation with a policy gradient method             input, but we assume its effectiveness is independent of the hole position
to learn a policy which also updates its belief about the           given the hole type, thus simplifying our POMDP formulation.
Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robot Assembly Tasks
information about the hole type and position that will be                Algorithm 1: High Level Policy
used by the high level policy to update its belief state.                 Data: cpeg , b1:n
                                                                     1    t = 0; P
                         IV. M ETHOD                                               n
                                                                     2    while m=1 βtm = 0 do P
   As described in Section III, the state s of each hole is          3       i = arg maxa∈{1,··· ,n}       c∈C αIc=c
                                                                                                                        peg ξ
                                                                                                                              t,c ;
not fully observable, so the robot maintains a belief bit (s),       4       move to µt ;  i

where t describes the time step of the high level task and i         5       for j ← 0 to J do
refers to the index of holes. We use a Gaussian belief pi ∼          6            perform action uj ← πlow ;
N (µit , Σit ) to model a hole position and aPmultinomial belief     7       end
ci ∼ M ulti(ξti ) for a hole type, where c=1 ξt,c   i
                                                       = 1. The      8
                                                                             observe z1:J , u1:J , βt+1  ;
initial belief is based on observations from a vision detector,      9       µt+1 , Σt+1 = updatepos (µit , Σit , z1:J , u1:J , cpeg );
                                                                                i      i
which outputs noisy estimates of hole positions and types.          10
                                                                             ξt+1  = updatetype (ξti , z1:J , u1:J , cpeg , βt+1
The rest of the state space is fully observed, including the        11       t = t + 1;
binary indicator β i of whether fit has been achieved with          12    end
hole i, and cpeg , the type of the peg.
   The reward function solely depends on the fully observed
β for all holes, and the action a (the selected hole), as below:         Algorithm 2:Object Position Estimation updatepos ()
                           1, if βta = 0 ∧ βt+1
                                                 = 1;                     Result: µit+1 , Σit+1
             r(st , a) =                                      (1)         Data: µit , Σit , z1:J , u1:J , cpeg
                           0, otherwise.
                                                                     1    K = Σit (R + Σit )−1 ;
This means the robot receives a reward of 1 if it achieves
                                                                     2    µit+1 = µit + Khpos (z1:J , u1:J , cpeg , µit );
fit with its current hole choice and 0 otherwise. We assume
the low level policy πlow has a nonzero probability α of             3    Σit+1 = (I − K)Σit ;
successfully fitting the robot’s peg with the chosen hole if
the peg and hole match. After choosing a hole a the robot           observation of the true object position pi . We model obser-
performs a rollout of πlow , and β a is updated depending on        vation noise as zero-mean Gaussian with covariance matrix
the rollout outcome. Thus, the dynamics model for the high          R that we estimate during training. We propose a virtual
level task is described as:                                         sensor hpos () that takes the tactile sensorimotor trace as input
                                                                    and provides an unbiased estimate of the error between the
                              αIca =cpeg ,
                                                                    current position estimate µit and the true position pi , i.e. the
                                            = 1 ∧ βta = 0;
                                   if βt+1
    T (sat+1 |sat , cpeg ) =                               (2)      innovation in a Kalman update:
                             1 − αIca =cpeg ,
                                                                                   hpos (z1:J , u1:J , cpeg , µit ) = oipos − µit .       (4)
                                    if βt+1 = 0 ∧ βta = 0,

where Ica =cpeg is an indicator function of whether the type           We assume fixed hole positions in our task, so the dynam-
of hole a matches the robot’s peg type.                             ics of the environment with respect to estimating position is
                                                                    an identity mapping. The resulting Kalman update for hole
A. High Level Task Policy                                           position belief is summarized in Algorithm 2.
                                                                       To estimate the type of a hole, the robot uses a differ-
   In our problem, the hole states are independent of each          entiable histogram filter [8] with a learned virtual sensor
other. Therefore, the robot cannot gain any additional in-          hmatch () and observation model H(omatch |ci , cpeg ). The
formation when interacting with holes which do not match            learned virtual sensor hmatch () produces an estimate omatch
the peg. Consequently, the robot can maximize its expected          about whether the robot’s peg matches with the hole it is
returns by greedily choosing the hole with which it has the         interacting with. The observation model H(omatch |ci , cpeg )
highest probability of achieving fit based on its current belief:   describes the confusion matrix that we estimated during the
          π ∗ = arg max p(βt+1
                               = 1|bat (st ), cpeg ),        (3)    training stage, which approximates the observation noise.
                a∈{1,··· ,n}                                        Algorithm 3 summarizes the resulting update of the robot’s
where p(βt+1   = 1|bat (st ), cpeg ) = c∈C αIc=cpeg ξt,c
                                       P               a
                                                         . The      belief about the type of a hole i after a failed attempt.
overall high level policy is illustrated in Fig. 2. As outlined     B. Model Architecture and Learning
in Algorithm 1, our proposed high level policy performs the
                                                                        As described in Section IV-A, the differentiable Kalman
following steps at each iteration:
                                                                    filter requires a virtual sensor hpos () and the position
1) Choose a hole i from n holes (Line 3).                           noise model R. The differentiable histogram filter requires
2) Move to the estimated hole position µit (Line 4).                a virtual sensor hmatch () and the type noise model in
3) Roll-out the low level policy πlow (Lines 5-8).                  H(omatch |ci , cpeg ). The components of the differentiable
4) Update belief about hole position and type (Lines 9-11).         Kalman and histogram filters are illustrated in Fig. 3.
   To update the hole position estimates, the robot uses a              As shown in the figure, both hpos () and hmatch () share a
differentiable Kalman filter [7]. Let oipos denote a noisy          common set of encoders e1 (), and e2 (). There are two sub-
Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robot Assembly Tasks
Algorithm 3: Object Type Estimation updatetype ()
     Result: ξt+1
     Data: ξti , z1:J , u1:J , cpeg , βt+1

1    omatch = hmatch (z1:J , u1:J , cpeg );
     η = c∈C H(omatch |c, cpeg )T (βt+1    i
                                               |c, cpeg )ξt,c
2                                                             ;
     ξt+1,c = η −1 H(omatch |c, cpeg )T (βt+1i
                                                 |c, cpeg )ξt,c

                                                                                 Fig. 3.   Schematic of the Architecture of the Position and Type Filters

                                                                                log-likelihood of the true hole state with the updated belief:
                                                                                                1           1
                                                                                  Lossf ilters = ln |Σ1 | + (p − µ1 )T Σ−1
                                                                                                                        1 (p − µ1 )
                                                                                                2 X         2
                                                                                                −     Ic0 =c ln(ξ1,c0 )
                                                                                                        c0 ∈C
                                                                                                     − Ic=cpeg ln(p(c = c ))
                                                                                                     − (1 − Ic=cpeg ) ln(p(c 6= cpeg )).
                                                                                The first two terms train hpos () and R. The third term
                                                                                is to train the observation model H(). The last two terms
                                                                                define the cross entropy loss used to train the virtual sensor
                                                                                hmatch (), where p(c 6= cpeg ) and p(c = cpeg ) are calcu-
                                                                                lated by performing a softmax operation on the outputs of
Fig. 2. Overview of Approach. Starting with a vision prior, the robot           hmatch ().
chooses an object based on its current belief. If the robot fails to achieve
fit, it uses tactile feedback from the interaction to update its belief about      V. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP AND I MPLEMENTATIONS
the environment and then decides which object to choose next.
                                                                                A. Experimental Setup
modules in e1 (). The first is a force encoder, which is a 5-                      We propose a hierarchical approach with high and low
layer 1-d convolutional neural network, mapping each force                      level policies to solve assembly problems. To evaluate the
measurement in the sensorimotor trace z1:J to a vector. The                     method, we simulated a robotic peg insertion task with
second sub-module is a 4-layer transformer decoder network                      3 different peg-hole types and up to 5 pegs and 5 hole
[33] with a max operation along the time dimension of its                       boxes in the environment, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The
output sequence. The output of the force encoder is fed into                    clearance of the pegs with their corresponding holes was
the transformer network sub-module along with u1:J and                          1mm. The simulation was implemented using the Mujoco
the rest of the measurements in z1:J . Encoder e2 () is an                      simulator [32] and Robosuite environments [34]. We used
embedding layer used to encode cpeg . The covariance matrix                     a 7-DOF Franka-Emika Panda robotic arm for the task. To
R and the confusion matrices in H() are also embedding                          transform the robot’s actions u1:J from the low level policy
layers. The virtual sensors hpos () and hmatch () are 3-layer                   into desired torque commands, we use operational space
fully-connected networks with skip connections between the                      control [35] similar to [36] with an update frequency of
first 2 layers. For our experiments we used an 64-dimension                     10Hz; the torque commands are sent to the robot at 500Hz.
encoding for the outputs of e1 () and e2 ().                                    We simulated a noisy hole detector with a detection error up
    To train the differentiable Kalman and histogram filters,                   to 2cm. Specifically, the detected hole positions are randomly
we collected a dataset of interaction trajectories with all                     sampled from a uniform distribution with the mean at the
possible pegs and holes using randomly sampled robot                            ground truth position. The detected positions are used as the
end-effector commands (see SectionV-C). Each data point                         robot’s initial estimate of hole positions, e.g., µi0 for the i-th
contains the following information: 1) a tactile sensorimotor                   hole. For the robot’s initial belief about the i-th hole type,
trace z1:J , 2) an action sequence u1:J , 3) the type of the                    we use an uninformative prior ξ0,ci
                                                                                                                      = C1 , ∀c ∈ {1, · · · , C}.
robot’s peg cpeg , 4) an approximate initial belief of hole                     B. Low Level Policy
position {µ0 , Σ0 }, 5) an approximate initial belief about hole
                                                                                   The overall approach proposed in this paper is agnostic to
type ξ0 , and 6) the hole type c and position p. As detailed in
                                                                                the choice of the low level policy πlow . To keep our method
Section V-C, {µ0 , Σ0 } and ξ0 are training hyperparameters.
                                                                                simple, we use an open-loop policy πlow for all experiments,
These inputs are passed to the differentiable Kalman filter as
                                                                                which is similar to [22] and described in Algorithm 4. πlow
described in Algorithm 2 and to the differentiable histogram
                                                                                performs a spiral search around the current hole position
filter as described in Algorithm 3, resulting in an updated
                                                                                estimate with random wiggling to prevent the robot from
belief of hole position {µ1 , Σ1 } and hole type ξ1 .
                                                                                getting stuck. In Algorithm 4, rmax is the maximum radius
     To train the differentiable filters, we minimize the negative              of the spiral search, nrot is the desired number of spiral
Algorithm 4: Spiral search policy πlow
     Data: xj , pit , j, J
     Result: uj
1    uspiral|x = jrmaxJ cos(
                                 J     )
     uspiral|y = J sin( 2πjn     J
3    uspiral|z = −δz
4    uwiggle ∼ N (0, σ 2 1)
5    uwiggle|z = |uwiggle|z |
6    uj = uspiral + uwiggle + pit − xj

revolutions during execution, δz is a constant position error
which keeps the robot pressing against the peg hole box, and
σ is a parameter which determines the scale of wiggling.
                                                                   Fig. 4. We compared our approach (Full Approach) on the metric of
For our experiments, we used the values: rmax = 1.5cm,             accurate hole position estimation where the robot takes 5 high level task
nrot = 2, δz = 0.4cm, σ = 0.125cm. In our experiments,             steps to improve its estimate. The y-axis indicates the position estimate error
the low level task horizon J was 100, corresponding to a 10        in meters and the x-axis indicates the number of high level steps performed.
second interaction with the object. We performed 100 low                 (failed peg-hole fitting), thus reducing the number of
level policy rollouts on the above described peg insertion               fitting attempts?
tasks where the grasped peg always matched the hole, and
measured the success rate as α = 0.34.                             A. Sequential Estimation of Object Positions
C. Differentiable Filter Training                                     Our hypothesis is that sensorimotor traces collected during
   To train the differentiable Kalman and histogram filters,       physical interaction with a hole provide valuable information
we collected a dataset of 3000 interactions of peg fitting.        for updating the robot’s belief about the hole state. In this
Each interaction lasted 20 seconds (J = 200) or less               experiment, we focus on how well the hole position can
if the robot achieved insertion before that time. To avoid         be estimated from a sequence of high level task steps.
data imbalance, half of the 3000 interactions were between         We compare the proposed approach with a frame-by-frame
matched peg and hole shapes, and the other half were be-           baseline that ignores the prior belief, instead using the output
tween mismatched shapes. During each interaction, the robot        of a virtual position sensor as the current position estimate.
initially moved to a position sampled from the simulated              We train a virtual sensor hpos|baseline () using the same
hole detector, and then performed a sequence of randomly           architecture as hpos () but estimate hole positions relative
generated actions, similar to Line 4 in Algorithm 4.               to the robot’s final end-effector position xJ . The current
   We trained the differentiable filters using the Adam op-        estimate of hole position p̂t equals hpos|baseline () + xJ .
timization algorithm [37] with a learning rate of 0.0001           We compared both approaches on a position estimation task
for 5000 epochs. During training, data points are generated        where the robot can make five fitting attempts to interact with
by sampling sub-sequences of length l from the collected           a hole (which corresponds to five high-level steps). Fig. 4
interactions. The length l was a randomly selected integer         summarizes the performance of both approaches on this task
in the range [20, 100]. To generate {µ0 , Σ0 }, we used µ0 ∼       averaged over 100 trials. The results show that with the
U(−2.0cm, 2.0cm) and an isotropic covariance matrix Σ0 =           proposed sequential approach, the position estimation error
σinit I where σinit = 1cm2 . We used this same covariance          quickly decreases to around 0.6cm on average from 1.3cm
matrix as the initial uncertainty estimate for our simulated       initially. Meanwhile, the estimation error with the frame-by-
vision based hole detector at test time. To generate ξ0 , we       frame approach fluctuates around a large error with a higher
sampled three numbers (for the three possible hole shapes)         estimation variance than the sequential approach.
from U(0, 1), and applied L0 normalization.                           This result demonstrates that the hole position estimate
                                                                   improves when updated from haptic sensor traces during
                          VI. R ESULTS                             contact-rich interactions, even though the robot failed at the
  There are 3 questions we would like to investigate about         low level task. Since πlow depends on this estimate, we
how our hierarchical approach performs in object fitting.          expect that the number of necessary high level task steps
 1) Does probabilistic sequential estimation of hole posi-         decreases when comparing our proposed method against
    tions outperform frame-by-frame approaches?                    the baselines. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated our
 2) If the above is true, does the improvement in the hole         approach’s performance on a peg insertion task where the
    position estimate translate to increased performance of        attempted hole always matched the robot’s peg.
    the low level task execution?                                     We implemented three baselines for this experiment: 1)
 3) Does the use of a tactile sensorimotor trace help in hole      the robot starts each low level trial at the initial position
    type estimation, i.e., help to distinguish a high level task   estimate, i.e., p̂t = µ0 ; 2) the robot starts at a position
    failure (wrong hole match) from a low level task failure       sampled from the robot’s initial belief distribution, namely,
Fig. 5. We compared our approach (Full Approach) to a set of baselines         Fig. 6.    We compared our Full Approach with two baselines on
on an object fitting task where the robot interacted with a hole which fits    an object fitting tasks with 5 holes of 3 possible hole types. Each row
its peg and takes up to 10 high level steps. The y-axis measures the success   corresponds to the success rate of inserting the first n pegs over 100 trials
rate over the 150 trials and x-axis indicates the number of high level task    plotted over the number of fitting attempts on the x-axis. The histogram
steps performed.                                                               groups the number of attempts into bins on the x-axis with a bin size of 6.
                                                                               The overlaid vertical lines indicate the mean number of attempts required
p̂t ∼ N (µ0 , Σ0 ); 3) position is estimated using the frame-                  by each approach to insert the first n pegs. From the results, we can see
                                                                               that our approach needs on average many fewer attempts to fit all 5 pegs
by-frame approach described in Section VI-A. Fig. 5 shows                      than the baselines.
the success rate of each approach over 150 trials with 5
different random seeds for introducing noise in the low-level                     Figure 6 shows the cumulative number of high level steps
policy (Line 4, Algorithm 4). The results suggest that without                 it took to insert the first n pegs for all three approaches
updating the hole position belief, the robot can complete                      over 100 trials. We refer to our proposed method as Full
the task up to 80% of the time using sampling. But with                        Approach. During experiments, we capped the number
our full approach, the robot almost always completes the                       of high level task steps for each object fitting task to 30,
task within 10 high level steps. A frame-by-frame approach                     upon which a human intervenes and fits the current peg.
also improves the success rate but performs significantly                      Failure Only required human intervention in 26.4% of
worse than the full approach, due to its high variance. These                  the trials and Failure + Position required interven-
experiments demonstrate the value of sequentially updating                     tion in 2.4% of the trials; meanwhile, Full Approach
the belief about object positions using sensorimotor traces                    only required intervention 1.2% of the time and most con-
collected from failed low level task executions.                               sistently accomplished the task The inferior performance
                                                                               of Failure Only indicates that sensorimotor signals are
B. Object Fitting with Uncertainty                                             critical to our approach for dealing with uncertainty in hole
   Our proposed approach handles uncertainty not only about                    types and positions and for recovering from failure. The
hole positions but also hole types. Using sensorimotor traces                  further improvement of Full Approach over Failure
collected during high level task steps, we also update the                     + Position suggests that the sensorimotor signals are
belief about hole types. This will inform the high-level policy                informative not only for hole positions, but also for hole
for potentially choosing a different object to interact with                   types. We expect this to become even more significant, the
next. Our hypothesis is that the proposed model requires                       higher the number of peg-hole pairs.
fewer fitting attempts to complete an entire assembly task.
                                                                                                        VII. C ONCLUSION
To test this hypothesis, we design the fitting task as follows.
There are 5 holes in the environment of 3 possible hole types,                     We propose a method for accomplishing robotic object
and the robot has 5 pegs known to match the 5 holes in the                     fitting tasks, where the robot does not know with certainty
environment. The robot randomly grasps a new peg from this                     the types and positions of objects in the environment. We
set each time it achieves fit with the previously grasped peg.                 propose a hierarchical approach where the high level task
This is repeated until fit has been achieved with all 5 holes.                 has to find matching objects and the low level task has
   We implemented two baselines. In the first baseline                         to fit them. Specifically, we propose to use tactile senso-
Failure only, the robot does not use the sensorimotor                          rimotor traces from fitting attempts to update the belief
trace for belief updates. It maintains a constant belief about                 about the state of the environment. In experiments, we
hole positions as initialized from the vision sensor. However,                 evaluated the effectiveness of our approach at leveraging
it updates its belief about hole types based on the outcomes                   tactile sensorimotor traces from failed fitting attempts to
of fitting attempts using the transition model in Eq. 2. For                   improve the robot’s performance over time. Results showed
the second baseline Failure + Position, the robot                              our approach achieves higher precision in object position
updates the belief about hole types in the same way as                         and type estimation, and accomplishes object fitting tasks
Failure only, but uses the sensorimotor trace to update                        faster than baselines. As future work, we are committed to
the hole position belief.                                                      evaluating this promising approach on physical hardware.
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