INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)
what you need to know

INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)


                                         1.   A Compassionate Science – Dr Andrew Miller

                                         2.   Support each other – Dr Megge Beacroft

                                         3.   Own your experiences – Dr Tessa Kennedy

                                         4.   10 things I wish I’d known – Dr James Charleson

                                         5.   Top tips to survive your internship – Dr Alma Corker

                                         6.   Strive for five – Dr Naomi Avital and Dr Gary Avital

                                         8.   The power of one voice – Dr Katharine Noonan

                                         10. 2019 Hospital Health Check Survey Results

                                         12. Packing a Punch

                                         13. Member benefits for DiT – professional and industrial services

                                         14. Key Entitlements – what you need to know

                                         16. Doctors in Training – Salary Guide

                                         17. Salary packaging explained

                                         18. Understanding Your Payslip

                                         20. Prescribing 101

                                         22. Looking after your mental health and wellbeing

                                         25.	The value of AMA (WA) membership –
                                              Amanda Kaczmarek and Hayley Elkin

                                         27.	AMA (WA) Junior Doctor of the Year – Dr Camille Michener
                                              Legacy Award

                                         28. AMA Membership: Bang for your buck – Dr Jason Laurens
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                         A Compassionate
                                         DR ANDREW MILLER
                                         AMA (WA) President

Hello and welcome to your                papers that give you both privilege          – Stay current and involved in
profession of Medicine.                  and responsibility. Your license to            continuing education, and study
You are here to replace                  practise medicine is your greatest             as much extra stuff as you can in
me which is the natural                  asset and you must protect it.                 any discipline you are interested in.
order of things.                         I have seen many careers end too             – Focus on the job satisfaction
                                         early or in circumstances that the             and if it makes you some money,
I am sure that you are pleased to be                                                    great. If it doesn’t, make as much
                                         doctor would not have wanted,
finished with the study, and excited                                                    as others get, then remember
                                         indeed that no one wanted. A few
to be getting on with the next phase                                                    how as a student you never
                                         tips if I can be so bold on how to
of your life.                                                                           needed as much as you will
                                         avoid common problems and fulfil
All those who care about you will be     the promise of that internship into            have now.
rightly proud of your achievement,       the future:                                  – Do something humanitarian any
which has come at no small cost.         – Don’t feel entitled – every day              time you get an opportunity –
                                            we can practise is a privilege not          much more fun than paid work
Our occupation, or calling, enjoys
                                            a right, so stay humble. No one             usually.
a special place in society because
                                            misses even the greatest doctor           – Contribute to the AMA – lots of
it is at the intersection of the best
                                            for more than a few weeks after             fun to be had there.
available science with caring for
people.                                     we retire.                                Have fun and don’t worry – there is
                                         – Treat every patient and co-                a lot of negativity because social
It is 30 years since I was an intern.
                                            worker, everyone, with respect            media has given every loud mouth a
From here I can see way down the
                                            and compassion – easy when you            megaphone. Times have never been
slope to slowing down and passing
                                            like them, much harder when you           better though, and if you are not
on the baton, and look back down
                                            don’t, so keep a sense of humour.         too busy when you get to my ripe
the hill I climbed which was steep in
                                         – Stay connected to colleagues               old age, you will see again no doubt
places but well worth it.
                                            through the AMA and other                 that things have improved. Science
The AMA is the family home of our           organisations. Be a participator in       combined with compassion always
profession – it is collectively yours       your medical community because            improves things over time.
to inhabit and to renovate and to           if you are in trouble it is much
inherit and finally to pass on to           better when you are in an army
those who will come, all too soon,          than on your own.
after you. The AMA is here to look       – Avoid drug and alcohol problems
after our tribe and represent our           and get help early if that starts to
grand tradition and all that is good        emerge.
about it, but to do it in a responsive   – Avoid conflict in all aspects of life.
and flexible and modern way that
                                         – Find another way around if you
can adapt to the times.
                                            can. If in the middle of trouble,
You now enjoy a legislated                  slow down on work and seek
monopoly and will carry registration        support.
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                             each other
                                             DR MEGGE BEACROFT
                                             AMA (WA) Doctors in Training (DiT) Committee

    Congratulations on                       Support each other. The                 While others will discuss the
    surviving medical school!                relationships you form this year        many industrial and professional
    Now starts a career that                 will shape your career. From the        advantages of joining the AMA (WA),
    is both challenging and                  orderlies to department heads, a        for me it’s about shaping the future.
                                             hospital doesn’t function unless we
    extremely rewarding.                                                             Please do not forget to take part
                                             all pull together. A casual joke with
                                                                                     in the AMA (WA) Hospital Health
    All of that hard work has paid off       the orderlies, nurses who bring you
                                                                                     Check. This has become one of
    and your first pay check is on its       a cup of tea or a bickie when you’re
                                                                                     the most significant influences
    way. There will be a lot of advice       exhausted or years later, picking up
                                                                                     on a junior doctor’s choice of
    flying around between now and day        the phone on a night shift to make
                                                                                     workplace. I strongly encourage you
    one so I’ll keep mine brief!             a referral and seeing one of your
                                                                                     all to complete the survey when it is
                                             old co-intern’s names on the roster.
    Medicine is the most rewarding                                                   released in 2020 and see the 2019
                                             Learn people’s names; be part of
    caree. We earn a decent wage to                                                  results later in this guide.
                                             the team.
    surround ourselves with some of the
                                                                                     The AMA is the coordinated and
    best and brightest, to see people in     Enjoy the pre-vocational years,
                                                                                     public voice of all doctors in
    what can be the worst moments of         before the exams start again, where
                                                                                     Australia and we need you to help
    their lives – and be there to help. To   leave is more readily available and
                                                                                     us shape a message and agenda
    fall back on all of those late-night     PDL isn’t controlled by the colleges
                                                                                     worthy of our times and the patients
    cram sessions and pathology notes        or taken up with frantic CV buffing.
                                                                                     we represent.
    and history-taking practice to make      Take leave, travel, learn things for
    a real difference in the lives of our    fun, read fiction.                      I look forward to meeting you at one
    patients.                                                                        of our intern events in 2020.
                                             Join the Australian Medical
    It is a privilege and a pleasure,        Association (WA). Both medicine
    and sometimes we need to take            and medical training are rapidly
    a moment between the endless             evolving as we face technological
    paperwork and discharge                  expansion, budget crises, specialist
    summaries to appreciate just how         training bottlenecks and public
    lucky we are to be in this position.     health emergencies. Come
                                             along to our monthly Doctors in
    Get to know your patients. Learn
                                             Training meetings (all members
    from them and their journey. Even
                                             welcome) where we discuss issues
    if you get all of your cannulas in
                                             around education, advocacy,
    and all of your DC letters done on
                                             doctor wellbeing and industrial
    time, it’s the genuine gratitude and
    relationships with patients that will
    get you through the tough bits.
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                            Own your
                                            DR TESSA KENNEDY
                                            Chair, AMA Council of Doctors in Training

Congratulations on                          a high-stakes college exam. I’ve sat       inequity and discrimination to
levelling up from student                   in my car and cried inconsolably           onerous requirements for vocational
to intern, and welcome to                   after a near miss with a patient for       training entry and completion.
the medical profession!                     which I felt culpable.
                                                                                       I’d strongly encourage you to get
A lot of things are about to change.        I’ve worked with a consultant              involved, either in the AMA (WA), or
First up, you get paid to be at             for three months who never                 any other avenue that allows you to
hospital. Flip side – you actually          remembered my name.                        help shape our professional world
have to be at the hospital. You will                                                   for the better.
                                            Any doctor can tell you there’s
be given responsibility for patient         nothing terribly remarkable about          Despite its many challenges and
care, perhaps the most satisfying           these stories. I don’t share this          frustrations I love my job. I can’t
part of the job – but with it comes         to scare or depress you, but to            imagine doing anything else and
the potential to do patients harm.          encourage you to take ownership of         I believe it to be a privilege to care
You will be pushed to your limits: are      your experiences.                          for my community. But doctors are
you ready?                                                                             part of that community, and we are
                                            No doubt there are certain stressors
                                                                                       deserving of the same care and
I truly believe it is the challenge of      inherent to the practice of medicine:
                                                                                       compassion we afford our patients.
our work that makes it worthwhile,          dealing with death and suffering,
but to avoid burnout, it’s critical to      high-stakes decision making and            As you enter your internship with a
balance work with life.                     unpredictable workloads. However,          hard-earned ‘Dr’ before your name,
                                            many others are not inevitable,            here are 10 things that will help you
The Hippocratic Oath tells us to            more the result of health systems          thrive:
first do no harm. But the practice of       under strain, being asked to do            1. You are not alone.
medicine isn’t just capable of inflicting   more and more with less and less.          2. When and where to get help.
harm on patients, doctors can also          This is unhealthy not only for us, but     3. Your rights (this is where AMA
suffer in its pursuit. In the last few      for our patients, who are placed at            and ASMOF come in handy).
years, there has been a spotlight           increased risk of harm.
on the epidemic of psychological                                                       4. Your limits.
distress and mental ill health which        The various State AMA Doctors in           5. Your supports and safety nets.
may be created, or perpetuated by           Training Committees have quantified        6. It’s okay not to have a 10-year
the culture of medicine and the way         many of the concerns of doctors in             plan.
we work as doctors.                         training through our Hospital Health       7. There is no wasted experience.
                                            Check surveys. This has allowed
Personally, I’ve worked back to back                                                   8. Things can change – but you
                                            us to drive long-overdue change
16-hour shifts, 90-hour weeks and                                                          need to drive it.
                                            to common issues like unpaid
then gone home to study. I’ve felt                                                     9. Eat, sleep and exercise before
                                            overtime, difficulties accessing
unable to call in sick because there                                                       saving lives (and you’ll be better
                                            leave, unsafe working hours,
is no one to cover me.                                                                     at it).
                                            working when sick, service provision
                                            eclipsing training and more. The           10. Our job is so amazing!
I’ve regularly stayed back only to
be told I can’t claim overtime. I’ve        Federal AMA Council of Doctors             The next few weeks and months will
caught myself falling asleep driving        in Training of which I am Chair are        be full of challenges, but also rich
home with 90km to go. I’ve had a            working to address a number of             rewards. I wish you all the best.
sleep-deprived panic attack before          broader issues for DiTs, from gender
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                                10 things I wish
                                                I’d known
                                                DR JAMES CHARLESON
                                                WACHS Intern, Bunbury Regional Hospital

      remember reading this guide                  “I have no idea how to do that”.          had died unexpectedly. At times
      prior to starting my internship              At the outset, I wanted people            like this you will need someone
      with all the butterflies and nerves          to think I was competent at               to de-brief with.
    of making the leap from ‘senior                everything but the reality is you     6. Get your finances in order early.
    medical student’ to ‘bottom of the             can’t be and there’s no shame             You will be paid well, but we’re
    barrel intern’ that I am sure many of          in that. The longer you pretend           really behind those professionals
    you are feeling.                               to know how to do something               who start working at an earlier
                                                   and you don’t, the worse it is            age. I would recommend setting
    For me that prelude was a collage
                                                   when you do have to admit it.             up salary packaging before you
    of emotions: fear that I would forget
                                                   This goes for suturing, ABGs,             start working. Also, If you do get
    everything I had learnt at medical
                                                   discharge summaries, writing              any choice, it’s advantageous
    school, excitement to finally get              good notes or even examining
    paid, terror I would miss a STEMI,                                                       from a tax point of view to do
                                                   patients properly.                        your higher earning terms in
    trepidation at leaving student life
                                                3. You can never have too many               the first half of the year (usually
    behind and exhilaration that I might
                                                   friends. You would not believe            surgical and ED). I would also
    actually be able to help some
                                                   how hard colleagues can make              examine your pay slips – it’s
    patients. Fortunately most of my
                                                   your job if you’re rude, abrupt           amazing how frequently they
    fears were unfounded and those
                                                   or condescending to them.                 are wrong. Finally, for what it’s
    hopes were realised. It’s been a
                                                   Conversely, you can’t overstate           worth, I found The Barefoot
    fantastic year of growth, challenge
                                                   how much easier your job                  Investor a really helpful guide if
    and learning – and I’m sure it will be         can be when you have people
    for you too!                                                                             you are new to adulting.
                                                   on your side, this includes
                                                                                         7. Having said that, in my opinion
    As you get set to embark on your               doctors on other teams, nurses,
                                                                                             some things are worth spending
    own journey, here’s my best attempt            radiographers, PCAs, ward
                                                                                             on. I get a cleaner in once a
    at 10 things I wish I’d known, and             clerks and medical admin.
                                                                                             fortnight and the laundromat
    things you probably know already            4. Collaborate with the other interns,       down the road does all my
    but might need to hear again.                  especially early on – you’re              washing – it leaves me time to
                                                   all in the same boat. I am not            actually reset and enjoy my time
    1. First and foremost, you will be
                                                   a naturally organised person              off.
        fine. It’s much harder to fail your
                                                   and there are many things my
        internship than it is to fail medical                                            8. If you do know what area you
                                                   colleagues do better than me, but
        school – and you’ve passed that                                                      want to specialise in, then
                                                   you should never be afraid to ask
        three times already. Aside from                                                      find a mentor early to identify
                                                   how you could do things better.
        that, the internship is a lot more                                                   opportunities and some kind of
                                                5. While I’m confident your
        fun in many ways, the burden                                                         clinical road map early on.
                                                   internship will be a great year
        of knowledge is lower, you have                                                  9. If you don’t know what you
                                                   I know there will be awful
        very little actual responsibility                                                    want to do, and even if you do,
                                                   moments. On a ward cover shift,
        and at the end of each day, you                                                      consider a rural term. I have had
                                                   I was managing someone with
        get to go home not worrying                                                          a great time in Bunbury.
                                                   an NSTEMI, a delirious patient
        about studying for exams.                                                        10. Enjoy that last holiday before
                                                   trying to jump out of bed on a
     2. The most useful phrase during              total knee replacement and I              work starts!
        your internship (except with               also had to call a woman to tell
        patients!) is some variation of,           her that her husband of 60 years
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                        Top tips to survive
                                        your internship
                                        DR ALMA CORKER
                                        Intern, Fiona Stanley Hospital

                                          Doctors in Training Committee or              Even if it’s only 10 minutes, you
                                          the PMCWA JMO symposium.                      will thank yourself later.
                                          These opportunities will be                 • If working night shifts, catch
1. Be organised                           promoted at your orientation week,            public transport or Uber to work.
• Download the Australian                 so be sure to listen out for them!            No matter how many coffees you
  Medicines Handbook (AMH),             • If research is more your thing,               drink at 5am, you will still likely
  Therapeutic Guidelines (eTG)            approach the medical education                microsleep behind the wheel,
  and UpToDate on your phone.             team, your supervisors and                    endangering yourself and fellow
  They are your best friends when         colleagues (particularly registrars           drivers!
  you are unsure what to chart, if        on training programs) to find out
                                          what opportunities are available            5.Be kind and assertive
  there are any contraindications
                                          in your hospital network.                   • Hospitals can be highly stressful
  or if you are unsure of the correct
                                                                                        environments and bring out (at
  management. Hopefully you have        3.Maintain a good work-                         times) the worst in individuals. Be
  received the “Intern Cheat Sheet”       life balance                                  mindful of your own interactions
  from your predecessors. If not,       • You need to determine what your               with others and understand the
  make sure to ask around!                priorities are this year. As the cliché       impact they may have.
• Prior to each term, check your          goes, it is a marathon not a sprint         • If you are calling a specialty
  roster to ensure you are aware          and this can be one of your most              after hours for advice, make
  of your schedule and familiarise        enjoyable years as a doctor. Do not           sure you have all details at hand,
  yourself with the orientation           become consumed by your work.                 especially the medication chart.
  material as this will make your         The wonderful thing about working
                                                                                        This will make your life a lot
  first week as smooth as possible.       in the hospital system, is there will
                                                                                        easier and prevent (as much as
  It’s always a good idea to get a        always be someone to hand over
                                                                                        possible) any irritation from the
  handover from your predecessor!         to. Ensure you are familiar with who
                                                                                        individual you are waking at 2am!
• Arrive at least 15 minutes before       this is on each term, so that you do
  each shift to get to know your          not do unnecessary overtime.                6.Seek help early
  patients. It will make your day       • You have limited time outside of            • On ward rounds, make sure to
  run a lot smoother and ensure           work, so use it wisely. Whether               clarify any queries you have.
  you identify any issues that you’ll     that includes maintaining your                Often consultants have other
  need to flag with the consultant        sporting commitments, learning a              commitments and it will make the
  on the morning ward round, and          new language or simply hanging                day much more straightforward if
  most importantly, help you get          out with your family and friends!             you raise issues whilst reviewing
  out on time!                          4.Look after yourself                           a patient.
                                                                                      • As an intern, you are not
2.Pursue your passions                  • Stay well hydrated. If you are
                                          working at Fiona Stanley, there               expected to have all the answers
• You have dedicated many years
                                          is usually room on the WOWs                   at hand and it is expected that
  of study to get to this year. Make
                                          for your water bottle. Otherwise              you will have lots of questions.
  sure you enjoy it by allocating
                                          have a small bag that you take on             Don’t be afraid to ask them!
  your spare time to areas you have
  wanted to pursue but did not            rounds. Medical rounds can go               This is your apprenticeship, so use
  have time as a student.                 all morning, if not all day.                it to your advantage and seek help
                                        • Always take a break to eat and              from those more experienced than
• If you are interested in advocacy
                                          relax. I can promise you now, the           you as much as possible. There are
  work and enjoy being a part of a
                                          jobs will never stop and you will           no dumb questions, only those that
  committee, consider joining your
                                          be less productive if you decide            go unasked!
  JMO committee, the AMA (WA)
                                          to push through.
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                                                                  Dr Gary Avital and Dr Naomi Avital with
                                                                                       their children Mendel and Chaya.

    Strive for five
    Interns, Fiona Stanley Hospital

    1. Work-life balance                     Internship is an ideal time to do this.    general ward-based management
    Much has been said about work-life       Carefully consider any additional          type and helps with day-to-day
    balance and it is a complex, evolving    work-related activities you do.            common ward-based calls such as
    area of thought in the medical                                                      doses for common electrolytes or
                                             Naturally there will be a range
    profession. After many years of                                                     managing a low urine output.
                                             of professional development
    study leading up to internship, now      opportunities that arise. Think            There are many of these around –
    is a good time to take stock and         carefully about how far you are            either grab a hold of one of those
    revaluate what you want your career      stretching yourself and what the long-     or make your own based on things
    to look like.                            term benefits will be. Take time to        that start coming up a lot – you can
    Internship will provide you with the     consolidate and reflect on your time       save useful documents like this in
    necessary clinical experiences to        at work. Make sure you take time to        the ‘Notes’ app so that you can have
    help decide what you want to do          spend with your family and do the          the answers on hand quickly. The
    in the future and it is important to     things that are important to you.          next is calculators such as Medcalc
    come to each term with an open                                                      which will allow you to quickly
    mind.                                    2. Be efficient                            calculate a wells score or a total
                                             You can’t possibly know the                equivalent morphine dose.
    The best advice we were given was
                                             answer to everything that you’ll be
    not to make any important decisions                                                 Lastly, there is information on
                                             confronted with this year, but having
    about the future this year. As the                                                  specific sub-specialties – it can be
                                             a well-chosen selection of useful
    years go on, work will become                                                       useful to get handover from previous
                                             apps, documents and reference
    more demanding and you need to                                                      interns or ask your registrars what
                                             texts can help save a lot of time
    rejuvenate and re-energise for the                                                  the go-to guidelines/ apps/texts are
                                             and stress. There are three types of
    years ahead.                                                                        for that specific specialty.
                                             useful material. One set is the more
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

   Make sure you take                      4. B
                                               e present – quality                  5. D
                                                                                         on’t set
                                              not quantity                              unreasonable
   time to spend with                      One of the best things about                 expectations
   your family and do                      internship as compared to medical         Don’t let any preconceived notions
                                           school is that instead of feeling         of what you should be doing in
   the things that are                     guilt about not studying, now when        your extra-curricular time cause
   important to you.                       we are home, we are really ‘home’.        any additional stress. Sometimes
                                           Whilst there are inevitably long          it’s okay to just take time off and
                                           hours spent away from home and            relax. For the parents out there,
   3. Be kind                              the kids at times, we try to make the     it’s important not feel guilty about
   One of the personally rewarding         time we do have count. In a similar       occasionally skipping a school
   aspects of internship is the            vein, we try to plan ahead in terms       function or extracurricular event if
   collegiate relationships you develop    of shopping and meals so that we          you feel you need to.
   with your fellow interns. Looking out   have more time to spend together as
                                                                                     Finally, enjoy the year because it will
   for your colleagues and knowing         a family. For us, online shopping has
                                                                                     be over before you know it.
   that they will support you at work      been a huge help, as has cooking in
   can be an immense source of             batches.
   professional satisfaction and reduce    Outsourcing jobs around the house
   stress and anxiety.                     can save a lot of time and give you a
   Help each other out, look out           psychological and emotional break
   for each other and share your           when work is really busy.
   experiences – both the good
   and bad.

          Clinical Excellence                        Specialist Workforce Capacity
Office of the Chief Medical Officer
Medical Workforce Branch                         Program (SWCP) summary sheets

The SWCP summary sheets have been developed to provide
an overview of the WA medical workforce based on the SWCP

Each SWCP summary sheet provides the following information:
  The projected workforce 2015 to 2025
  Projected consultant supply and demand 2015 to 2025
  Workforce distribution 2015
  Trainees and new fellows
  Consultant age distribution 2015
  Workforce planning and risk rating 2015 to 2025

The SWCP summary sheets should be read in conjunction with
the User information: Specialist Workforce Capacity Program summary sheets.
INTERNSHIP 101 what you need to know 2020 - AMA (WA)

                                             The power
                                             of one voice
                                             DR KATHARINE NOONAN
                                             Head of Strategy, END RHD, Telethon Kids Institute
                                             RMO, Perth Children’s Hospital
                                             AMA (WA) Councillor

          irst, let me be the hundredth      Whether it’s chasing regular             Step back from time to time and
          or so person to congratulate       medications or a recent discharge        realise how amazing your job is.
          you on joining the medical         for an inpatient, treating the endless   You get to help people at the times
    profession. It’s going to be a wild      supply of patients scourged by           they are most in need. Medicine is
    and bumpy ride.                          drugs and alcohol during the ED          challenging, stimulating, complex,
                                             “disco shift”, or observing the          and most of all, very rewarding.
    The good news is that if you don’t
                                             injustice of a mental health patient
    want to think too hard from now                                                   Take responsibility for your actions.
                                             waiting days for an acute bed –
    on, you don’t need to. That’s not to                                              If you haven’t ordered a test or
                                             doctors witness the issues firsthand.
    say that working as a doctor isn’t                                                performed an examination –
    mentally and physically tough, or        Sometimes it all feels overwhelming      admit it.
    that any future exams won’t be           and insurmountable, and frustration
                                                                                      Take the time to establish rapport
    gruelling – sorry!                       can morph into apathy. I would
                                                                                      and trust with patients, their families
                                             strongly recommend that you
    The hours can be long, your sleep                                                 and your colleagues throughout the
                                             harness that frustration, coupled
    patterns get out of whack and the                                                 hospital system.
                                             with the sense that things can
    realities of illness, life and death
                                             be done better and your fresh            If you’re sick, take sick leave.
    weigh heavy on the shoulders of
                                             perspective on the long-running
    anyone with the slightest empathy.                                                If you come to work, you will be
                                             issues, and channel it into a pursuit
                                                                                      expected to perform at 100 per
    At the same time, the option is there    outside of your day job.
                                                                                      cent. If you can’t, you will only cause
    to keep your head down, enjoy
                                             One way to do this of course, is to      yourself and your patients grief and
    the paycheck, and get through
                                             become a member of the Australian        you may also infect your colleagues.
    internship and training as unscathed
                                             Medical Association (WA).
    as possible. Questioning the way                                                  If you encounter problems in the
    things are done is a very optional       As well as representing the interests    workplace, don’t let them fester.
    extra.                                   and welfare of doctors, the AMA
                                                                                      Talk to a trusted senior colleague,
                                             (WA) advocates on behalf of the
    However, I guarantee you that as                                                  your peers, hospital administration
                                             community and our patients,
    interns and RMOs, at the frontline                                                or the AMA (WA). Our Doctors in
                                             aiming to improve the health of
    of providing care (read: bottom of                                                Training Committee representatives
                                             all Western Australians. Whether
    the food chain), you will become                                                  and staff are there to assist
                                             you’re contributing towards
    acutely aware of the inefficiencies                                               members with workplace issues.
                                             policy submissions to Parliament,
    and gaps in the system. It also
                                             engaging in a symposium on end-
    becomes apparent to doctors that a
                                             of-life choices, or completing a
    large proportion of health problems
                                             survey on weight management in
    could be avoided with sustained
                                             the community, there are endless
    and coordinated efforts to improve
                                             opportunities to have your voice
    prevention, health promotion and
                                             heard and contribute to advocacy
    provision of primary care.
                                             on behalf of the medical profession.
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2019 HHC Survey Results
                                                                     2019 Hospital Health Check
                                                                     Over 750 doctors in training from across WA
                                                                     hospitals have answered our annual survey into
                                                                     education, wellbeing, morale and industrial issues.
                                                                     For feedback, comments & questions on the 2019
     By the AMA (WA) Doctors in Training Committee                   HHC Report Card contact us:

   Grading: A>80, B70-79, C60-69, D50-59, F39

                                                 49%     25-29
                                                                                             demographics           Registrar discipline:

                                  age                                                                       25%
                                                                                                                    Emergency Medicine
      30-34    29%
  advanced trainee
                         157               women   61%           sex           37%    men
  and fellow        96                                                                                       1%     Pathology
                                                                               2%    other
   basic trainee    93                                                                                       1%     Radiology

service registrar   96                                                                                      16%     Surgery
                                                                                                             2%     Other
              RMO    335
concerned for your job if reporting inappropriate
     feel unsafe returning to work                                                                workplace behaviour
     Registrars who work on call overnight, when returning to work the next morning.

       sometimes                          often                         always

         36%                   !
     have experienced                                                                             have experienced

     bullying                                                                                     sexual
     30%                                                                                            6%
     believe                                                                      advanced trainees and fellows concerned about

     part time   job security                   should be in
                                                their specialty

             94%              39%

                                                                                                                             strongly agree
     burnout level                                   Reported levels of burnout using Professional Quality of Life Scale
                                                                                       SJOG Midland   64%                                SJOG Midland   42%
                                                                                              SCGH    47%                                       SCGH    71%
                                                                                                RPH   35%                                         RPH   48%
                                       SCGH   21%                                               PCH   13%                                         PCH   34%
                                        RPH   26%                                             KEMH    12%                                       KEMH    23%
                                        JHC   19%                                               JHC   22%                                         JHC   25%
                                        FSH   26%                                               FSH   25%                                         FSH   49%

                            high burnout                                         high burnout                                        high burnout
                                   intern                                                  rmo                                        registrar
40             ProQOL burnout
               analysis raw scores
 5                         Low 57
       FSH        JHC       KEMH         PCH        RPH          SCGH       SJOG Midland

     Packing a Punch
     Australia & New Zealand Junior Doctor of the Year Dr Jasmin Korbl is determined
     to shine a light on the under-recognised issue of junior doctor welfare

                                 Dr Korbl’s work in the areas of junior
                                 medical officer welfare, community service
                                 and teaching was acknowledged last year
                                 when she was named 2018 CPMEC Australia
                                 & New Zealand Junior Doctor of the Year.

          arlier this year, the issue of      “The ideas and structure for the         “I have often needed reminders
          dangerous workloads and             program came from the junior             that small interventions can make a
          untenable rosters was once          doctors who voiced the need for          large-scale impact and can build a
     again highlighted following a searing    opportunities to talk about clinical     platform for further change.”
     blog by young Sydney surgeon             and non-clinical issues that they
                                                                                       Dr Korbl says there are male and
     Dr Yumiko Kadota.                        face at work, in a supported and
                                                                                       female doctors who have supported
                                              facilitated environment.”
     Dr Kadota was on call for 180                                                     and mentored her but she is keen
     continuous hours and worked up           Dr Korbl says it is crucial that         to point out the many women in
     to 70 hours a week. She repeatedly       doctors find time to look after          the hospital who inspire her on a
     raised concerns about her                themselves and one another.              daily basis.
     untenable hours, which included
                                              “Contemporary literature suggests        “There is the medical education
     being rostered on 24 days in a row
                                              that a third of junior doctors are       officer at Charlie’s who knows every
     and over 100 hours of overtime in
                                              suffering from burnout and over the      single junior doctor by name and
     a month.
                                              last few years, we have witnessed        provides a nurturing environment
     Across the country, there are junior     the tragic consequence of this           for anyone to seek assistance; a
     doctors experiencing, if not in equal    with the suicides of some of our         hard-working female cleaner in
     measure as Dr Kadota, certainly          colleagues who have suffered alone,      the C-block who has been doing
     shades of great strain and stress as     in a silent crisis.”                     the same job for 30 years and still
     a result of their demanding training                                              takes so much pride in her work and
                                              Dr Korbl’s work in the areas of
     schedules.                                                                        of course, the women behind the
                                              junior medical officer welfare,
                                                                                       scenes who unwaveringly support
     One Western Australian junior            community service and teaching was
                                                                                       the men in medicine and enable
     doctor, however, decided to do           acknowledged last year when she
                                                                                       them to flourish.”
     something about it.                      was named 2018 CPMEC Australia
                                              & New Zealand Junior Doctor of           Even as Dr Korbl works towards
     Dr Jasmin Korbl, a resident medical
                                              the Year.                                acceptance into a specialty, she
     officer at Sir Charles Gairdner
                                                                                       plans to continue advocating for the
     Hospital, developed a new program        Humbled by the recognition,
                                                                                       wellbeing of junior doctors.
     for clinical debriefing at SCGH          Dr Korbl says she is eager to use the
     as well as an escalation pathway         award as a platform to bring to light    “I am also adamant not to let my
     to assist junior doctors in crisis.      the important and under recognised       chosen career define who I am.
     Project Pow Wow has been running         issue of junior doctor welfare.          I am a mum and have many interests
     successfully at the hospital and a                                                outside of the hospital – it just so
                                              “One of the biggest challenges
     formal evaluation of the program’s                                                happens that I am also a doctor.”
                                              when we think about junior doctor
     impact is underway.
                                              welfare is that there are just so many
     “To be honest the idea was not           problems and the sheer volume in
     mine, I was simply the curator,”         itself can seem too daunting and
     Dr Korbl says.                           discouraging for anyone to tackle.

Member benefits for DiTs
professional and industrial
        embership of the Australian    This approach leads not only                Industrial
        Medical Association            to junior doctors not being paid            Representation
        (WA) gives you access          correctly but also means that hours         AMA (WA) Industrial Officers can
to a comprehensive range of            of work are “hidden” and this can           provide specialist advice and
professional and industrial services   lead to a misrepresentation of              assistance to junior doctors on a
including:                             what practitioners are working and          range of issues including:
                                       ultimately fatigue which impacts            • Interpreting your legal
• Industrial advice and
                                       on the wellbeing of individuals and            employment entitlements;
                                       service delivery.
• Access to Doctors in Training                                                    • Disputes which arise during the
  (DiT) Committee meetings                                                            course of your employment;
                                       Agreement Negotiation
• Opportunity to contribute to the                                                 • Accessing your industrial
                                       The AMA (WA)’s proud history
  profession’s political and public                                                   entitlements such as leave;
                                       of negotiating significant
  health advocacy                      improvements to salary rates,               • Assistance and support with
• Agreement negotiation                allowances and employment                      disciplinary processes;
• Member-only communications           conditions has benefited junior             • Renewing your contracts of
• Social and networking events         doctors over many years. You will              employment.
• Commercial benefits.                 now be a beneficiary of the work of
                                       our dedicated staff.                        Exclusive Member
Political Advocacy                                                                 Events and Seminars
                                       As a result of the 2016 Industrial          Confirmed dates for these events in
The AMA (WA) advocates on              Agreement negotiations, WA
behalf of doctors in training                                                      2020 will be available on the AMA
                                       interns were the first intern cohort        (WA) website
(interns, residents, registrars and    in Australia to receive three-year
senior registrars) on a wide range     appointments. As an intern, having          • Intern Event
of public hospital issues. Our         satisfactorily completed your               • Medico-legal Seminars
priorities for 2020 include access     internship and achieved general             • Volunteering and Working Abroad
to leave, improvements in rostering,   registration, you will progress             • Intern/RMO Application
ensuring hospitals understand          directly to resident medical officer,         information evenings
their obligations for dads wanting     resulting in greater job security           • Clinical Seminars
to access parental leave and           and guaranteed professional
portability of entitlements as                                                     • Leadership and Management
                                       progression. Prior to 2016, interns
doctors move across the WA health                                                    Training
                                       would have been required to apply
system as part of their training.                                                  • CPR Training.
                                       for an RMO position.
The DiT Committee Hospital Health                                                  New events monthly. Keep an eye
                                       In 2019, the AMA (WA) commenced
Check 2019 survey revealed a                                                       on your emails and the AMA (WA)
                                       negotiations for replacement
number of ongoing workplace                                                        events page for notifications about
                                       Agreements. Key issues for junior
concerns affecting junior doctors.                                                 additional topics and events.
                                       doctors include the preservation of
The issues identified by the survey,   entitlements such as leave when             Member Only
coupled with the AMA (WA)’s            doctors move between healthcare             Communications
advocacy, has been a driving force     providers as part of their training and     AMA (WA) members receive:
in the hospitals implementing          development as a doctor in training.        • Medical Journal of Australia
                                                                                   • Medicus
A key concern has been the ongoing                                                 • Australian Medicine
problems with excess working
                                                                                   • Industrial Updates
hours and non-payment of overtime.
                                                                                   • e-DiT (National e newsletter for
May junior doctors are consistently
                                                                                     doctors in training).
advised that they should not claim
overtime or that overtime worked
will not be approved.

     Key Entitlements
     what you need to know
     What are the ordinary                    What penalty rates apply                How much sick leave am
     hours of work under the                  under the Agreement?                    I entitled to?
     Agreement?                               • Hours worked between 6pm and          A full-time practitioner shall be
     Under the WA Health System                 12 midnight on any weekday shall      entitled to 80 hours’ paid sick leave
     – Medical Practitioners – AMA              attract a penalty of 20 per cent.     for each year of service. Leave
     Industrial Agreement 2016, a full-       • Hours worked between                  accrues pro rata on a weekly basis
     time doctor in training’s ordinary         12 midnight and 8am on any            and any unused leave carries over
     hours of work are an average of 40         weekday shall attract a penalty       into the next year.
     hours per week. Rostered hours             of 25 per cent.                       A practitioner, in their first year
     worked shall not exceed 75 hours         • Hours worked on Saturday shall        of service, may take sick leave in
     in seven consecutive days and not          attract a penalty of 50 per cent.     advance of the entitlement having
     more than 140 hours in any 14-day        • Hours worked between midnight         accrued.
     period.                                    Saturday and 8am Monday shall
                                                                                      Sick leave in excess of two
     Practitioners shall be rostered for a      attract a penalty of 75 per cent.
                                                                                      consecutive days requires a medical
     minimum period of three hours and        • Hours worked between
                                                                                      certificate or reasonable evidence of
     can be rostered for a maximum of           12 midnight at the
                                                                                      the illness or injury.
     15 hours for a day shift. However,         commencement of a public
     practitioners starting work after          holiday and 8am on the day after
                                                                                      What is a meal allowance
     12 noon shall not be rostered for          a public holiday shall attract a
                                                                                      and when does it apply?
     more than 12 consecutive hours.            penalty of 150 per cent, or if
                                                                                      A practitioner, who works more
                                                agreed, a penalty of 50 per cent
     Practitioners cannot be rostered to                                              than 10 hours (exclusive of breaks)
                                                with time off in lieu of the public
     work split shifts.                                                               or is required to work overtime
                                                holiday worked.
                                                                                      which means the practitioner takes
     How is overtime paid?                                                            a meal away from the usual place
                                              How do I calculate the
     Hours worked in excess of 80 hours                                               of residence, is entitled to a meal
                                              applicable penalty rate?
     in any two-week pay cycle shall be                                               allowance of breakfast $10.80,
                                              If a practitioner works hours which
     paid at the rate of 150 per cent.                                                lunch $13.30 and dinner $15.95 and
                                              would entitle that practitioner to
                                                                                      supper $10.80*.
     Hours worked in excess of                payment of more than one of the
     120 hours in any two-week pay            monetary penalties payable (i.e.
                                                                                      What are the parental
     cycle shall be paid at the rate of       public holidays, overtime, on-call
                                                                                      leave provisions under
     200 per cent.                            and call back, shift and weekend
                                                                                      the Agreement?
                                              work), only the highest of any such
     What rest break                                                                  52 weeks of unpaid parental leave
                                              penalty shall be payable.
     entitlements apply under                                                         which may include:
     the Agreement?                           How much notice is the                  • 14 weeks’ paid leave for the
     A practitioner shall be entitled to a    hospital required to give                  primary care giver with at least
     paid rest break of 30 minutes within     for rosters?                               12 months’ continuous service.
     each rostered period of duty. If a       Practitioners shall be given a          • Eight weeks’ concurrent leave
     roster period exceeds 10 hours, the      minimum of 14 days’ notice                 (both parents allowed to be on
     practitioner shall be entitled to a      and where possible 21 days’                leave at the same time).
     second paid rest break of 30 minutes.    notice, of rosters prior to their       A practitioner must provide 10 weeks’
                                              commencement. Except in cases           notice if seeking to take leave.
                                              of emergency, or if the practitioner
                                              agrees, rosters shall not be            Unpaid parental leave and
                                              amended during their currency.          concurrent leave cannot be refused

by your employer if you have met all     Please note that when you are               What are the notice
necessary notice and evidentiary         paid for a call-back, you will be           provisions under the
requirements.                            deducted the on-call allowance for          Agreement?
                                         the corresponding hours.                    • For contracts of 12 months or
What are the long service                                                              less – four weeks’ notice.
leave provisions under                   Payment for public
                                                                                     • For contracts of more than
the Agreement?                           holidays
                                                                                       12 months but equal to or less
A practitioner is entitled to            Hours worked on a public holiday
                                                                                       than two years – six weeks’
13 weeks’ long service leave after       shall attract a penalty of 150 per
10 years’ continuous service,            cent, or, if the practitioner and
                                         employer agree, a penalty of 50 per         • For contracts of more than
with a further 13 weeks after each
                                         cent and the practitioner shall be            two years but equal to or less
completed seven years of service
                                         entitled to a day in lieu for the day         than three years – eight weeks’
                                         worked.                                       notice.
                                                                                     • For contracts of more than three
How much annual leave                    If a practitioner is rostered off duty
                                                                                       years – 12 weeks’ notice.
am I entitled to?                        on a public holiday, the practitioner
A full-time practitioner shall be        shall be paid as if it was an ordinary
                                         working day, or if the employer             Are there any differences
entitled to a minimum of 160 hours’
                                         agrees, be allowed to take a day off        if I am employed by
annual leave for each year of
                                         in lieu at a mutually agreed time.          WACHS or seconded to
service. Leave accrues pro rata on
a weekly basis. A practitioner may
also accrue a maximum of 40 hours’
                                         How much Professional                       Yes. We recommend that you
                                         Development Leave                           contact the AMA (WA) to discuss
additional leave per year associated
                                         (PDL) am I entitled to?                     this further.
with performance of on-call or
                                         A doctor in training is entitled to
working ordinary hours on Sundays/
                                         three weeks of PDL:                         What if I am employed
public holidays.
                                         • one week is accruing                      by St John of God?
What are the on-call                     • two weeks are non-accruing                Generally employment conditions
entitlements under the                                                               for St John of God interns are similar
                                         Accruing leave carries over each
Agreement?                                                                           to WA Health. Please be aware that
                                         year if not taken.
                                                                                     you will have a two year contract
Practitioners rostered on call
                                         Non-accruing leave is lost if not           instead of three.
shall be paid an hourly allowance
                                         taken. However if you apply for the
of $11.68* (from 1/10/2018). No                                                      Please refer to the St John of God
                                         leave and it is not granted by your
practitioner shall be required to be                                                 Health Care – AMA WA – Medical
                                         employer, it converts to accruing
on call more frequently than one day                                                 Practitioners Enterprise Agreement
                                         leave. For this reason, it is important
in three.                                                                            2016 for further information.
                                         that you apply for your leave.
What are the call-back
                                         How long is my contract
entitlements under the
                                         of employment?
                                         In WA, interns are offered a three-
Practitioners who are recalled to
                                         year contract extending into their
work shall be paid a minimum of
                                         RMO terms, subject to successful            *Current rates are subject to ongoing
three hours as follows:                                                              negotiations for a replacement agreement.
                                         completion of their internship.
• For any work between 6am and
   midnight at the rate of 150 per
• For work on Sunday between
   6am and midnight at the rate of        The responses detailed above are provided as a general guide only
   175 per cent.                          and must NOT be taken to be a definitive statement of the Agreement.
• For any work between midnight           Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure the contents of this
   and 6am at the rate of 200 per         summary are accurate, AMA (WA) and its Officers expressly disclaim
   cent.                                  liability for any act or omissions done in reliance on the information
• If the call-back period exceeds         provided or for any consequences whether direct or indirect of any such
   three hours, the practitioner shall    act or omission. Please contact Amanda Kaczmarek or Hayley Elkin on
   be paid at the rate of 200 per         (08) 9273 3000 to discuss your specific queries.
   cent for each additional hour.

     Doctors in Training
     Salary Guide
                                             Base and PDA
                                                                                 Overtime                      Shift Loading             Holidays
                                               (1 Oct 18)

                                                                            Hrs >80
                                 Salary                PDA        PDA       and Hrs       Hrs
                         Pay      per      Hourly      per        fort-     120 in
                        Level    annum      rate      annum      nightly   fortnight   fortnight    20%       25%       50%      75%       250%

      Intern             1      $78,479    $37.60    $5,742     $220.14     $56.41     $75.22       $7.52    $9.40     $18.80   $28.21    $94.02

      RMOYr1             2      $86,328    $41.37    $5,742     $220.14     $62.06      $82.74      $8.27    $10.34    $20.69   $31.03   $103.43

      RMOYr2             3      $94,960    $45.50    $5,742     $220.14     $68.26     $91.02       $9.10    $11.38    $22.75   $34.13   $113.77

      RMOYr3             4      $104,456   $50.05    $5,742     $220.14     $75.09     $100.12     $10.01    $12.51    $25.02   $37.54   $125.15

      Registrar Yr1      5      $109,678   $52.56   $10,048     $385.23     $78.84     $105.12     $10.51    $13.14    $26.28   $39.42   $131.40

      Registrar Yr2      6      $115,163   $55.19   $10,048     $385.23     $82.78     $110.38     $11.03    $13.80    $27.59   $41.39   $137.98

      Registrar Yr3      7      $123,800   $59.32   $10,048     $385.23     $88.99     $118.66     $11.86    $14.83    $29.66   $44.49   $148.32

      Registrar Yr4      8      $129,990   $62.29   $10,048     $385.23     $93.44     $124.59     $12.45    $15.57    $31.14   $46.72   $155.74

      Registrar Yr5      9      $136,489   $65.41   $10,048     $385.23     $98.11     $130.82     $13.08    $16.35    $32.70   $49.05   $163.53

      Registrar Yr6     10      $143,314   $68.68   $10,048     $385.23    $103.02     $137.36     $13.73    $17.17    $34.34   $51.51   $171.70

      Registrar Yr7     11      $150,479   $72.11   $10,048     $385.23    $108.17     $144.23     $14.42    $18.03    $36.05   $54.08   $180.29

      Senior            12      $161,766   $77.52   $14,354     $550.31    $116.28     $155.05     $15.50    $19.38    $38.76   $58.14   $193.81
      Registrar Yr1

      Senior            13      $169,854   $81.39   $14,354     $550.31    $122.09     $162.80     $16.28   $20.35     $40.69   $61.04   $203.50
      Registrar Yr2

                                                                             Composite Salary
                                                                           (Base + PDA) 1 Oct 18            Queries regarding
     Intern                                                                       $84,221
                                                                                                            your payslip, including
                                                                                                            underpayments, should be
     Resident Medical Officer                                               $92,070–$110,198                directed to your employer in the
     Registrar                                                              $119,726–$160,527               first instance.
     Senior Registrar                                                       $176,120–$184,208               The Industrial Relations Team at
                                                                                                            the AMA (WA) is able to provide
     * PDA – Professional Development Allowance                                                             support and advocacy on your
     All figures used in the above table are based on the rates prescribed in the 2016 AMA Agreement.       behalf if the matter remains
     A replacement Agreement is currently being negotiated. All figures used in the above example
     have been rounded and should be used as a guide only.                                                  unresolved.

                                                                                                            Please contact either
                                                                                                            Amanda Kaczmarek or
                                                                                                            Hayley Elkin on 9273 3000.

Salary packaging
Salary packaging can be                   What About Fringe
a great way for doctors to                Benefits Tax?
get ahead financially but                 Fringe Benefits Tax is specifically
many don’t get around to                  designed to tax salary packaging
organising it, or simply
don’t realise how much                    If you’re considering salary
they are missing out on.                  packaging, make sure you
                                          seek advice to make sure your
Salary packaging is a process where       arrangement is exempt from Fringe
you restructure the way you take          Benefits Tax or the resulting tax
your salary in order to save tax.         bill will most certainly wipe out any
This process can effectively convert      potential savings.
your current cash salary into a
‘package’ which includes both cash
salary and payment of other benefits.
Salary packaging doesn’t change
the amount you’re entitled to, just the
way in which you get paid.
                                           HERE’S AN EXAMPLE:
The first step involves giving up a        An employee at a major hospital, earning approximately $70,000 per
portion of your regular cash wage          year who chooses to sacrifice $10,000 out of their annual salary will get
each pay period. Don’t panic!              a total yearly tax saving of $3,450! (Based on the individual income tax
It’s a sacrifice that reaps rewards.       rates 2018/2019)
By reducing your cash wage each
pay cycle, you are entitled to a           Details                                               No           Salary
reduction in the amount of income                                                              Package       Package
tax you pay on your wage.
                                           Salary                                               70,000        70,000
Next, you convert the amount of
                                           Less: Amount Sacrificed                                    –       10,000
cash salary that you have sacrificed
into other benefits such as rent           Taxable Income                                       70,000        60,000
payments, car lease, utility bills –
this makes up the difference for the       Tax Payable                                          15,697        12,247
amount of cash salary you sacrificed       Net wages paid by hospital                           54,303        47,753
out of your regular wage.
                                           Add: Reimbursement of amount sacrificed                    –       10,000
The result is that you still get the
same total amount of salary, but pay       Total                                               $54,303       $57,753
less tax – leaving more money in
your back pocket!

                                           In Western Australia, there are two packaging providers who administer
                                           the arrangement on behalf of your employer and yourself. Specific
                                           information about how to sign up and what can be packaged can be
                                           obtained from these providers.

                                          Need more information?
                                          HCN          6444 5000;
                                          Paywise      1300 132 532;;
                                          Smart Salary 1300 476 278;

          Understanding your payslip
          As an intern, deciphering your payslip may seem like the least of your worries.
          However, the AMA (WA) recommends that you check your payslip each fortnight
          to ensure that you are being paid correctly.

                                                 NORTH METRO AREA HEALTH SERVICE (GUIDE ONLY)
                              Employee Name                                                     Emp No: CGNM123456
                              Smith, Joe                                                        Payroll Date       Address
                              Send to
                                                                                                11/01/2019          4 STIRLING HIGHWAY
                              SMITH, JOE
                                                                                                                   NEDLANDS WA 6009                   The intern base salary
                              14 Stirling Highway
                              NEDLANDS WA 6009
                                                                                                                                                         is $78,479 as at
                                                                                                ABN No: 123456789101
                                                                                                                                                         1 October 2019.
                       Are your base hours correct? Check against your                          Period No: 536
                      roster. The AMA (WA) advises that you keep copies                         HR Contact:
                          of your rosters in case of any pay dispute.                           HSS PAYROLL SERVICES                        Full-Time Salary
                                                                                                Telephone: 1300 553 927                     $78,479.00
                              1. TAXED EARNINGS                     This Pay Year to Date       4. TAX			                                This Pay Year to Date
                              Hours Rate        Description          Amount                     Description		                             Amount
                              72       37.60    BASE HOURS          2,707.20                    TAXATION		                                  870.00
                              8        37.60    P/HOL OBSERV          300.80
                                                                                     Have you been paid appropriately
                              4        18.80    O/T 1.5                75.20               for public holidays?
                              10       11.68    O/CALL DIT            116.80
                              4        7.52     PENALTIES AT 20%       30.08
   Have your shift            8        18.80    PENALTIES AT 50%      150.40
   penalties been
                              8        28.21    PENALTIES AT 75%      225.68
calculated correctly?
                              2        9.40     PENALTIES AT 25%       18.80
                                                                                          Professional Development Allowance for interns is
                              0        0        PROF DEV ALL          220.14
     Are you salary                                                                          $220.14 per fortnight as at 1 October 2019.
                              0        0        SMART SALARY         –384.48
                              		Total                               3,460.62       3,460.62     Total			                                    870.00           870.00
                              2. UNTAXED EARNINGS                   This Pay Year to Date       5. DEDUCTIONS		                          This Pay Year to Date
                              Description		                         Amount                      Description		                             Amount
                              TOTAL			                                  0.00                    TOTAL			                                      0.00
                              *Untaxed Earnings                                                 Total			                                      0.00              0.00
                              3. TOTAL TAXABLE EARNINGS             This Pay Year to Date       6. SUPERANNUATION                        This Pay Year to Date
                              			                                   3,460.62       3,460.62     Super Contributions                       Amount
                                                                                                NEW GESB SUPER WS6                          328.76           328.76
                                                                                                7. NET PAY		                             2,590.62         2,590.62
                              GENERAL INFORMATION:                                              LEAVE			                     Balance Calculated        Leave Type
                              DISBURSEMENTS (BANKED)                                            ANNUAL LEAVE		                                 0.15               W
                              Bank Account		                        Amount                      LONG SERVICE LEAVE                            0.00                W
                              CBA Smith, Joe		                      2,590.62                    MED PRACT AL ADDIT LVE                        3.00                 H
                                                                                                PROF DEV LV ACCRUING                           0.15                H
                                                           Are your leave balances
                                                                                                PROF DEV LV NON-ACCRUE                       80.00                 H
                                                           accruing each fortnight?
                                                                                                SICK LEAVE – FULL PAY                         3.06                 H
                                                     Are any deductions in leave correct?
                                                                                                TOIL PUBLIC HOLIDAY                           0.00                 H
                                                                                                Leave Balanced displayed are subject to audit

          * Tax on earnings is dependant on a number of variables.

            BASE HOURS                                              PENS 25%                                                  O/T 2.0
            Base hours – as a full-time employee this ought to be   Penalty of 25% for hours worked 12 midnight and 8am       Overtime for hours worked in excess of 120 per
            80 hours per fortnight (including any observed/worked   PENS 50%                                                  fortnight paid at 200%
            public holidays)                                        Penalty of 50% for hours worked on a Saturday             ON CALL ALLCE – DIT
            PROF DEV ALL                                            PENS 75%                                                  On call allowance
            Professional development allowance                      Penalty of 75% for hours worked between midnight          P/HOL OBSERV
            PENS 20%                                                Saturday and 8am Monday                                   Public holiday (observed) when rostered off duty on
            Penalty of 20% for working between 6pm and              O/T 1.5                                                   public holiday, paid as if the day was an ordinary
            12 midnight on any weekday                              Overtime for hours worked in excess of 80 hours per       working day
                                                                    fornight paid at 150%

                                     NORTH METRO AREA HEALTH SERVICE
           Employee Name                                                                     ABN No: 123456789101
           Smith, Joe                                                                        Payroll Date Period
                                                                                             10/01/2019 522

           Date From    Date To       Description                                    Units     Rate       Amount
                                      TOTAL                                                                        0.00
           CURRENT PERIOD TAXED EARNINGS                        Check that your
           28/12/2018                 BASE HOURS              hours for each shift     8        37.60         300.80
                                                                  are correct.
           28/12/2018                 PENALTIES AT 20%                                 4         7.52          30.08
           29/12/2018                 BASE HOURS                                       8        37.60         300.80
           29/12/2018                 PENALTIES AT 50%                                 8       18.80          150.40
           30/12/2018                 BASE HOURS                                       8        37.60         300.80
           30/12/2018                 PENALTIES AT 75%                                 8       28.21          225.68
           01/01/2019                 P/HOL OBSERV                                     8        37.60         300.80
           02/01/2019                 BASE HOURS                                       8        37.60         300.80
           02/01/2019                 ON CALL ALLCE-DIT                               10        11.68         116.80
           04/01/2019                 BASE HOURS                                      10        37.60         376.00
           07/01/2019                 BASE HOURS                                      10        37.60         376.00
           08/01/2019                 BASE HOURS                                      10        37.60         376.00
           09/01/2019                 BASE HOURS                                      10        37.60         376.00
           09/01/2019                 PENALTIES AT 25%                                 2         9.40          18.80
                                                             Did you receive all
           10/01/2019                 OVERTIME @1.5        overtime owing to you?      4       18.80           75.20
           28/12/2018   10/01/2019    PROFESSIONAL DEVT ALLOW                                              $220.14
           28/12/2018   10/01/2019    SMART SALARY SP FIXED                                               -$384.48
                                      TOTAL                                                              $3,460.62
                                      TOTAL TAXABLE EARNINGS (SECTION 1)                                 $3,460.62
                                      TOTAL                                                                     0.00
                                      TOTAL                                                                     0.00
           TOTAL UNTAXED EARNINGS (SECTION 2)                                                                   0.00

As an AMA (WA) member service, our Industrial Team can provide advice and advocacy relating to identified
salary and entitlement errors (including underpayment and overpayment).
If you are experiencing problems in rectifying pay errors, you can have the issues dealt with by following
these steps:
• Having established that there is an error, approach your hospital rostering team (Medical Administration/
    Workforce) to verify the error and seek their assistance in correcting the error. In most cases, the error
    can be fixed by updating the roster information.
• After having verified the error with the hospital rostering team, ensure they follow up with HSS. Your
    employer is responsible for ensuring you receive your correct pay. Hospital Health Service (HSS) is the
    centralised payroll service for the Department of Health.
• Keep records of all contacts made or attempted with your employer.

If you are not able to make any progress after having followed this process,
please contact the AMA (WA) Industrial Team on 9273 3000 or email

     Prescribing 101
            ot much changes between
            your last day as a medical
            student and your first day as
     an intern – apart from the title! There
     is no profound change in knowledge
     base or skill set.
     Your most important accessory,
     however, is your pen. Black or blue
     is best. Avoid other colours unless
     you want to battle it out with a
                                               • The back sheet – LMWH                     other drugs in that class affect
     Now you prescribe because you               recommendations for dosing,               the patient?
     have to, so here are some quick tips        Warfarin recommendations for          •   Admission – Why have they
     to help get you scribbling safely.          dosing AND reversal.                      been admitted? If they have
                                                                                           been admitted with syncope
     The Medication Chart                      A Legal Order                               from postural hypotension then
     • Front page – single dose                For a medication to be given safely         withholding their antihypertensive
       medications (e.g. resus drugs)          in a hospital it must have a legal          may be necessary.
     • Front page – telephone orders.          order – if done correctly this will     •   Bloods – Do they have any
       Utilise this on your ward cover         also save you precious time.                renal or liver dysfunction? Is it
       shift when you can’t get to a           A legal order consists of:                  iatrogenic? E.g. Flucloxacillin
       patient straight away. Don’t                                                        causing liver dysfunction and
                                               PATIENT – Check the label (and
       forget to ask about allergies                                                       worsening renal function due
                                               if you start a new chart, place a
       before prescribing.                                                                 to Vancomycin. So you need to
                                               sticker on it).
     • Inside of medication chart                                                          adjust the dose due to impaired
                                               ROUTE – IV/PO/inh. This will                renal function.
       – Variable dose medications
                                               depend on whether the drug is
          (most commonly gentamicin)                                                   •   Check Obs – This may prompt
                                               bioavailable for the given route.
     • The patient’s regular medications                                                   you to withhold or commence
                                               For example, naloxone is not                new medication.
     • Back page – PRN medications.            bioavailable via oral route. Some
       Do your colleagues a favour and                                                 •   DVT – Do they need prophylaxis
                                               drugs come in multiple oral
       put some pain relief, anti–emetics                                                  or do they need anti–coagulants
                                               formulations i.e. Oxycodone TABS
       and aperients for all your patients                                                 withheld? Most surgeons have
                                               vs CAPS (S8 prescriptions need to
       on admission. When prescribing                                                      their own preferred anti–coagulant
                                               be very specific!).                         regime – ask the registrar.
       PRN medications, you should
                                               DRUG – Use generic names                •   Drug Boffins – When stuck or
       also include an indication in the
                                               (it helps everyone out).                    unsure, ask the pharmacist. They
       space provided.
                                               DOSE – With correct unit of                 are very approachable and know
     The Anticoagulation                       measure. If you use (ii) then you           more about medications than the
     Chart                                     must write the strength of the tablet       doctors (unless pharmacy was
     • DVT prophylaxis should                  next to the name.                           your undergrad – if so everyone
       be considered in every                  TIME/FREQUENCY – Date with                  will ask you instead).
       hospitalised patient.                   24 hour times. You must write the       •   Extra Tests – Some drugs will
     • Common reasons NOT to give              times in the boxes provided.                require that the patient have a
       prophylaxis include;                    YOUR SIGNATURE AND PRINTED                  drug level or blood test following
       – Bleeding                              SURNAME – The prescriber must               administration. E.g. gentamicin
                                               be identifiable for an order to             and warfarin. Don’t forget to
       – Anticoagulation for
                                               be valid.                                   submit the path forms in advance.
          another cause
                                               IMPORTANT TIP – All prescriptions       •   Oxygen charts are here to
     • The front of chart – single
                                               should be written in a legible              stay and need to be renewed
       dose drugs, prophylaxis
                                               manner.                                     regularly. If your patient has
       orders and therapeutic
                                                                                           COPD, do NOT give unrestricted
       anticoagulation orders.
     • The middle sheets – heparin
                                               Prescribing Checklist                       oxygen and aim for sats 88–92.
       infusion including dosing               • Allergies – What are they?
       strategies for VTE and ACS.               Could it be a side effect? Will
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