Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...

Page created by Clara Doyle
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
Internet Safety

Technology Use
   at WPMS
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
Internet Safety
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
• Your digital footprint is all the stuff you leave
                  behind as you use the Internet.

What does it    • Comments on social media, Skype calls, app use
                  and email records- it’s part of your online history
                  and can potentially be seen by other people or
mean to have      tracked in a database.
                • Example: when searching the internet for a
    a Digital     product, you suddenly see a marketing ad of the
                  same product pop up on your Facebook, Twitter

  Footprint?      or Instagram account.
                • Your reputation online is very critical.
                  Employers now review your social media
                  footprint before offering employment.
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
• Accessing Websites And Online Shopping
               • Social Media
               • Smart Phones, Tablets and Laptops
               • Sharing of your credit cards on an unsecured site.

How do you     • Answering an unsolicited request via your email or popup
                 while browsing the internet.

      leave    • Tracking software used by internet companies like Facebook,
                 Google, Amazon, stores data from every search or site you
   a Digital   • Your Alexa is known to track your search database.
               • Bidding on Ebay.
 Footprint?    • Watching & liking videos on YouTube
               • Remember, your digital footprints can follow you for a long
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
It's a New
     World Out
2019 Census by Common Sense Media
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
Case Example:
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
• TikTok is a popular free social media app that lets you
                watch, create, and share videos -- often to a soundtrack
                of the top hits in music -- right from your phone.
              • More than 100 million Users.
              • While TikTok videos are mostly harmless, creative fun,
TikTok: The     there are real concerns about kids using the app.
              • Kids can post stuff without reviewing or editing it first.
Good, the     • Reports of online predators using the app to target
Bad and the     younger users.
              • Other issues: A Federal Trades Commission Lawsuit for
Ugly Side       violating Children's privacy law.
              • Serious software glitches--including one that could have
                allowed the company to collect user data.
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
•   Common Sense Media recommends that users of Tik Tok be 15+ years of
                      age due to content and privacy issues (in stark contrast to TikTok's
                      recommendation of at least 13 years of age) .
                  •   Make the TikTok account private by selecting Privacy and Safety in the

My child has a
                      Profile Page.
                  •   You can delete any unwanted videos.
                  •   Make videos together with your kids and post any videos created as

TikTok account.   •
                      Use the following Parental Controls (also called Family Pairing) included
                      in Tik Tok:

How do I help             • Set Time Limits
                          • Filter any unwanted or mature content (lock this setting with a
                          • Disable direct messaging for kids' accounts
my child use it           • Protect settings with a Parental Passcode
                          • Always review content and apps on your child's smart phone.
                              Remember they can delete TikTok, re-install it and create a new

safely?                       account using a different phone number or email address
                              (erasing all previous settings)

                         For the parent's ultimate guide to TikTok.
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
Be careful what you
            Model good habits

Suggested      Use Parental
                                      Clean up old
Steps for   Controls for devices
               & networks

            Change passwords
                                   Monitor Internet &
             regularly – make
                                   Application Usage
               them strong!
Internet Safety Technology Use at WPMS - White ...
Help Your Children Develop
    Good Digital Habits
• Don’t believe everything you read!
• Check with multiple sources to verify
  information that seems “too good to be true”.
• Limit the information that you share online –
  and limit the audience.
• Talk about responsible technology use and be
  an example.
• Encourage your children to contribute to the
  conversation! Ask them to share their
  knowledge and ideas.
Discuss what information is private to your family
             Discuss   and what information can be shared.

                       Private information is your personal information –
             Private   name, address, birthday, identification numbers,

on Privacy   Unsure?   If your child is unsure about sharing information,
                       make sure they speak to you.

                       When possible, create a screenname that does not
             Create    contain private information.
• Ex. janesmith0485 might tell you that Jane Smith most
                 likely has a special occasion in April 1985:
   What does        • Birthday?
                    • Wedding anniversary?
       YOUR         • Birth of a child?
username say   • Add additional information such as Social Security #, a
                 reused password, phone number, address… what more
  about you?     could someone learn?
               • Would your current username keep you safe?
               • Your usernames can be used to build an entire profile
                 about you. Then this information can be used for all kinds
                 of purposes, from relatively benign ones like marketing
                 campaigns to downright malicious ones like identity.
Username Tips:

    Don’t use             Don’t use              Don’t use          Don’t choose          Don’t choose            DO choose

Don’t use your full   Don’t use your email   Don’t use the same   Don’t choose a         Don’t choose a        DO choose a
name or parts of      username               username and         super-odd username     username that gives   username that’s
your address or                              password             and then reuse it      clues to your         appropriate for the
phone number                                 combination,         again and again — it   passwords such as a   type of account, i.e.,
                                             especially on        makes you easier to    series of             business, social or
                                             financial accounts   track                  numbers/letters or    personal
                                                                                         the first part of a
                                                                                         two-part phrase,
                                                                                         such as knock-knock
                                                                                         or starlight
They are used to track your
          information as you travel the

          Allows you to load websites
Cookies   quickly, but what do you trade
          for this convenience?

          You can clear cookies from
          browser and make changes to
Identity Theft
• The act of using someone else’s information as
  your own.
• Minor children (under 18) are targeted because
  detection may not happen for years.
• Parents: Don’t share a Social Security number
  unless required – when in doubt, leave it out!
• Always report Identity Theft to the Federal
  Trades Commission at 1-877-438-4338.
Type the URL vs. clicking on a
         link if suspicious

Avoid    Look for the lock - httpS
         Does it seem TOO good
Scams    to be true?

         When in doubt,
         close it out!
Phishing, Spoofing and Scams
• Phishing: Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email,
  telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure
  individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information,
  banking and credit card details, and password.
• Spoofing: Impersonating a person or company you know.
• Social Engineering: Persuading the target to share information by
  appealing to their emotions. Example: if you don’t act quickly, you will
  suffer consequences (The IRS scam calls).

How can you avoid being caught:
• Don’t click on links in email or social media messages
• If someone is asking for your private information, think twice!
Monitor Internet Usage
• If possible, keep devices in a central location
• Use parental controls on devices and networks
• Parents should be open with children about
  monitoring their usage
    • Let them know you will be checking.
    • Ask children to share account information.
    • Explain this is for safety, not to “watch”
    • Children should understand to tell you
      immediately when something is not right.
Examples of Monitoring Software for Parents

Screen Time

  Control:    to/how-to-use-apples-screen-time-
    Apple     us/HT201304

• Not just a mean online message anymore
                     • Can be through impersonation, sharing private
                        photos or information, or via anonymous
                     • Children & teens are reluctant to report this,
Cyberbullying,          even to parents
                 • Watch for warning signs of a child being targeted by
    Trolls and     an online predator. These can include:
                     • Spending long hours online, especially at night
       Online        • Phone calls from people you don't know
    Predators        • Unsolicited gifts arriving in the mail
                     • Your child suddenly turning off the computer
                       when you walk into the room
                     • Withdrawal from family life and reluctance to
                       discuss online activities
Website Privacy Pop-ups
Read before you click “Agree”
Change your passwords regularly

3 Steps for   Make them hard to guess - A strong
Password      password U5es b0tH CaSeS & #s &
              L3tt3rS & Sp3ci@l CH@r@chTers

              Use a password keeper to organize
              and protect credentials
Out with Close or delete accounts you no longer use – this
                     could give away valuable personal information
            the Old unintentionally

Cleanup &
Close         Be    Don’t reuse passwords – it makes it easier for the
            Unique! bad guys to get in your other accounts!
Accounts     Model      Help your children do the same for their accounts.
             Good       Keep a list of sites they visit in a secure password
             Habits     keeper application
Home wireless networks are very tempting,             A strong password U5es b0tH CaSeS &

Network        especially with so many people working remotely!
                Make sure yours has a strong unique password.
                                                                        #s & L3tt3rS & Sp3ci@l CH@r@chTers

Security for
your home
                     Check the devices attaching to your          VPN – Virtual Private Network – good to
                     network – do you recognize them?                use when accessing public Wi-Fi
                                                                      (Starbucks, Target, library, etc.)
Have your data in more than one
              place, just in case! (Redundancy)

              Protects against ransomware and
Data Backup   human factors (water + laptop)

                              - External hard drive, CD-
                Many ways     ROMS, Flash Drives
                to back up    - Cloud Storage (OneDrive)
                              - Paid backup services are
                data:         also available
Topic                                       English                                                            Spanish
Kids & Online       parents-should-care-about-kids-and-online-privacy                  que-deberias-preocuparte-por-la-privacidad-de-tus-ninos-en-internet

Internet Safety                                                                        esp.html?

Internet Safety
Facts               kids-internet-safety                                               verdades-acerca-de-la-seguridad-infantil-en-internet

Parent’s Guide to
Snapchat            snapchat                                                           sobre-snapchat

Ultimate Guide to
Parental Controls parental-controls                                                    sobre-los-controles-parentales

                                           Suggested Resources
•     •   Parent’s Ultimate Guides – By Title or Topic

References   •
                                                                             Includes YouTube, TikTok, Fortnite, Minecraft
                                                                             & more
                 protect-your-kids-online.html                               ts-ultimate-guides

Sample Sites Dedicated to Internet Safety


Safe Internet Day: Tuesday, February 9, 2021
                                     On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, we will
                                     celebrate the 18th edition of Safer
                                     Internet Day with actions taking place
                                     right across the globe. With a theme
                                     once again of "Together for a better
                                     internet", the day calls upon all
                                     stakeholders to join together to make
                                     the internet a safer and better place for
                                     all, and especially for children and young
Parent Technology essentials/K-12 Alerts
• How to get your username/lost information:

Sign-up for K12/Alerts
Parent Technology essentials/Infinite Campus/Parent Portal

 Infinite campus/parent portal gives parents the ability to view grades, missing assignments, student attendance, and receive alerts.
The video below shows parents how to access all the tools that Infinite Campus offers. Schoology/IC

• Video in English:

• Video in Espanol:
Instructional technology:
Schoology and ways to support your child
• Interactions with Schoology
     • Participating in class
     • Downloading assignments
     • Uploading/submitting assignments
• Schoology parent log-in
• Office 365
Navigating Schoology
Assignments Explained
• Office 365 gives access to programs like
• File storing system
                                              Word and PowerPoint
• Students should create folders for each
                                            • Students should name their documents
  class (ex: Social Students 20-21)
                                            • The cloud will save all files automatically
• Students should create specific names
                                              once they are either started in OneDrive
  for each document (ex: DBQ essay #1)
                                              or uploaded to OneDrive
Accessing Extracurricular Activities
• All clubs and activities will be remote this year
• Spring Modified sports have not been decided yet, however this is the latest from our Athletic Director, Mr. Matt Cameron:
                • Section 1 is not offering high risk modified sports this winter (basketball, wrestling, ice hockey).
                • No decision yet on football and volleyball for March.
                • Spring mod sports look good for starting late April:
                         • Girls and boys lacrosse
                         • Softball
                         • Baseball
                         • Spring Track
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