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Medizinhistorisches Journal 52, 2017/4, 363–381 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau Asclepio Vol. 69 (2017), No. 1: Miguel Vicente-Pedraz & Xavier Torrebadella i Flix: El dispositivo gimná- stico en el contexto de la medicina social decimonónica española. De las políticas higiénicas a los discursos fundacionales de la „educación física“ [The device of gymnastics in the context of 19th- century spanish social medicine. From hygiene policies to the foundational discourses of „physical Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr education“] – Pedro Fraile Pérez de Mendiguren & Quim Bonastra: Compartiendo modelos arquitectónicos: Morfologías y vigilancias del siglo xvii al XIX [Sharing architectural models: Mor- phologies and surveillance, 17th to 19th c.] – Aída A. Golcman: Legitimar psiquiatras antes que curar pacientes. Las terapias de shock en Buenos Aires, Argentina (1930–1970) [psychiatrists and shock therapy] – Cecilia Gárgano & Agustín Piaz: Fiebre hemorrágica Argentina. Conflictos y desafios para la ciencia en el ámbito rural [Argentine hemorrhagic fever: challenges for science in rural areas] – Fabiola Juárez-Barrera & A. Alfredo Bueno-Hernández: La influencia del Darwi- nismo sobre los conceptos raciales en México – Kaori Kodama: Louis Figuier en brasil: Algunas consideraciones acercade los vulgarizadores de las ciencias en elúltimo cuarto del siglo XIX [Louis Figuier translated in Brazil: Science popularizers 19th c.] – Raúl Rodríguez Nozal: La construcci- ón de una industria farmacéutica autosuficiente en la españa de la autarquía: Entre la necesidad, la utopía y la propaganda franquista [The development of a self-sufficient pharmaceutical industry in autarchic spain: Between need, utopia and francoist propaganda] – Julio M. R. Costa: An hand- written signature, previous owners and circulation of a copy of gonzalo fernÁndez de oviedo’s book „about the natural history of the indies“ – Cecilia Rustoyburu: Infancia, género y medicina. Un análisis histórico de los discursos endocrinológicos sobre el síndrome adiposo genital en Buenos Aires y Barcelona [Childhood, gender and medicine: endocrinological discourses on genital adipo- se syndrome] – Jordi Crespo Saumell: Aristóteles y la medicina – Antonio Astorgano Abajo & Fuensanta Garrido Domené: El paludismo en palencia (1800–1804) a través delcanto votivo del jesuita tolrá [Malaria in palencia (1800–1804) through the votive canto of jesuit tolrá]. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Vol. 40 (2017), No. 2: Christoph Rosol: Data, Models and Earth History in Deep Convolution: Paleoclimate Simulations and their Epistemological Unrest, S. 120–139. – Matthijs Kouw: Risks in the Making: The Mediating Role of Models in Water Management and Civil Engineering in the Netherlands, S. 160–174. – Vol. 40 (2017), No. 3: Lena Moser: Das Meer beschreiben: Schriftlichkeitspraktiken der Masters der Royal Navy im langen 18. Jahrhundert, S. 211–224. – Vera Faßhauer: „Sacra à Deo in corde discenda, natura ex natura.“ Die Observationes Johann Christian Senckenbergs als medico-theo- logische Aufzeichnungspraktik, S. 225–246. – Bettina Bock von Wülfingen: Beschriften, Wieder- finden und Reaktivieren: Die Rolle von Objektträgeretiketten im Auffindsystem am Beispiel von Alzheimers Auguste-D.-Präparaten, S. 247–270. This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
364 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau The British Journal for the History of Science Vol. 50 (2017), No. 2 – No. 4: Past editors’ favourite papers published during their time in office, S. 173–179. – Stefano Gattei: Galileo’s legacy: a critical edition and translation of the manuscript of Vincenzo Viviani’s Grati Animi Monumenta, S. 181–228. – Caitlin Roisin Doherty: ‚Transporting thought‘: cultures of balloon flight in Britain, 1784–1785, S. 229–247. – Stephen Courtney: ‚A very diadem of light‘: exhibitions in Victorian London, the Parliamentary light and the shaping of the Trinity House lighthouses, S. 249–265. – Ida H. Stamhuis & Annette B. Vogt: Discipline building in Germany: women and genetics at the Berlin Institute for Heredity Research, S. 267–295. – Paul Josephson & Aleksandr Sorokin: Physics moves to the provinces: the Siberian physics commu- nity and Soviet power, 1917–1940, S. 297–327. – Andrea Gambarotto: Lorenz Oken (1779–1851): Naturphilosophie and the reform of natural history, S. 329–340. – Jesse Olszynko-Gryn & Patrick Ellis: ‚A machine for recreating life‘: an introduction to reproduction on film, S. 383–409. – Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Vol. 50 (2017), No. 3: Patrick Ellis: A cinema for the unborn: moving pictures, mental pictures and Electra Sparks’s New Thought film theory, S. 411–428. – Caitjan Gainty: ‚Items for criticism (not in sequence)‘: Joseph DeLee, Pare Lorentz and The Fight for Life (1940), S. 429–449. – David A. Kirby: Regulating cinematic stories about reproduction: pregnancy, childbirth, abortion and movie cen- sorship in the US, 1930–1958, S. 451–472. – Salim Al-Gailani: ‚Drawing aside the curtain‘: natural childbirth on screen in 1950s Britain, S. 473–493. – Jesse Olszynko-Gryn: Thin blue lines: pro- duct placement and the drama of pregnancy testing in British cinema and television, S. 495–520. – Janina Wellmann: Animating embryos: the in toto representation of life, S. 521–535. – David K. Hecht: Why we write (nuclear) history, S. 537–543. – Vol. 50 (2017), No. 4: Anna Marie Roos: Taking Newton on tour: the scientific travels of Martin Folkes, 1733–1735, S. 569–601. – Oded Rabinovitch: A learned artisan debates the system of the world: Le Clerc versus Mallemant de Messange, S. 603–636. – Steffen Ducheyne & Pieter Present: Pieter van Musschenbroek on laws of nature, S. 637–656. – Mark I. Grossman: John Dalton and the origin of the atomic theory: reassessing the influence of Bryan Higgins, S. 657–676. – Matthew Daniel Eddy: The politics of cognition: liberalism and the evolutionary origins of Victorian educa- tion, S. 677–699. – Dmitriy Myelnikov: Cuts and the cutting edge: British science funding and the making of animal biotechnology in 1980s Edinburgh, S. 701–728. Bulletin of the History of Medicine Vol. 91 (2017), No. 2: Elaine Leong & Alisha Rankin: Testing Drugs and Trying Cures: Experi- ment and Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, S. 157–182. – Michael McVaugh: Deter- mining a Drug’s Properties: Medieval Experimental Protocols, S. 183–209. – Erik A. Heinrichs: The Live Chicken Treatment for Buboes: Trying a Plague Cure in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, S. 210–232. – Valentina Pugliano: Pharmacy, Testing, and the Language of Truth in Renaissance Italy, S. 233–273. – Alisha Rankin: On Anecdote and Antidotes: Poison Trials in Sixteenth-Cen- tury Europe, S. 274–302. – Michael Bycroft: Iatrochemistry and the Evaluation of Mineral Waters in France, 1600–1750, S. 303–330. – Evan R. Ragland: Experimental Clinical Medicine and Drug Action in Mid-Seventeenth-Century Leiden, S. 331–361. – Justin Rivest: Testing Drugs and At- testing Cures: Pharmaceutical Monopolies and Military Contracts in Eighteenth-Century France, S. 362–390. – Francesco Paolo De Ceglia: Playing God: Testing, Modeling, and Imitating Blood Miracles in Eighteenth-Century Europe, S. 391–419. – Jeremy A. Greene: Therapeutic Proofs and Medical Truths: The Enduring Legacy of Early Modern Drug Trials, S. 420–429. – Wendy Kline: Popular Medicine in America 1800–1900, S. 432–434. – This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau 365 Vol. 91 (2017), No. 3: David Rosner: Trying Times: The Courts, the Historian, and the Contentious Struggle to Define Disease, S. 473–493. – Abigail Woods: From One Medicine to Two: The Evolv- ing Relationship between Human and Veterinary Medicine in England, 1791–1835, S. 494–523. – Amy Forbes: „A Little Seasoning Would Aid in the Digestion of Our Factums“: Wit, Evidence, and the Evolving Form of Medical Debate in New Orleans, 1853–1868, S. 524–552. – Projit Bihari Mukharji: Vernacularizing the Body: Informational Egalitarianism, Hindu Divine Design, and Race in Physiology Schoolbooks, Bengal 1859–1877, S. 554–585. – David Herzberg: Entitled to Ad- diction?: Pharmaceuticals, Race, and America’s First Drug War, S. 586–623. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Vol. 34 (2017), No. 2: Elena Conis: Vaccines, Pesticides, and Narratives of Exposure and Evidence, S. 297–326. – Dianne Dodd: Canadian Military Nurse Deaths in the First World War, S. 327–363. – Tracey L. Adams: Chiropody/Podiatry: Interprovincial Differences in Profession Formation, S. 364–392. – Alexandre Klein: Le mythe des deux solitudes. Des relations entre les psychiatres francophones et anglophones dans le Montréal des années 1950, S. 393–418. – Mathieu Arsenault & Marcel Martel: Besoins criants, gains modestes: L’accès à des soins de santé mentale en français en Ontario, 1968–1986, S. 419–443. – Dan Malleck: The Dishwater Menace: Healthy Drinking Spaces and the Public Good in Post-Prohibition Ontario, S. 444–464. – Natalie Pigeard-Micault & Ga- briel Gachelin: Nadine Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, une Russe à la Fondation Curie, une vision singulière de la génétique dans le cancer (1921–1954), S. 465–495. – J. T. H. Connor: The „Human Subject,“ „Vulnerable Populations,“ and Medical History: The Problem of Presentism and the Dis- course of Bioethics, S. 496–520. Dynamis – Acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustranda Vol. 37 (2017), No. 2: María José Correa & María Soledad Zárate: Historizar la profesionalización sanitaria: perspectivas desde Chile y Argentina, S. 263–272. – María José Correa: «¿Quiénes son los profesionales?» Justicia, profesionalización y ejercicio médico en el Chile urbano de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, S. 273–294. – Mauro Vallejo: El papel de la prensa en la lucha contra la conso- lidación de la profesión médica en Buenos Aires, 1890–1900, S. 295–316. – María Soledad Zárate: «Formar enfermeras, no empleadas domésticas». La profesionalización del cuidado sanitario en Chile, 1930–1950, S. 317–344. – Maricela González Moya: Asistentes sociales y salud pública en Chile: Identidad profesional y lucha gremial, 1925–1973, S. 345–366. – Karina Inés Ramacciotti & Adriana María Valobra: El dilema Nightingale: controversias sobre la profesionalización de la enfermería en Argentina 1949–1967, S. 367–388. – José Joaquín García Gómez & Eva María Trescastro López: Transición nutricional, bienestar y salud: el caso de una ciudad industrial, Alcoy (1852–1928), S. 389–412. – Ximo Guillem-Llobat: The boundaries of fraud: The role of the Spanish Real Academia de Medicina in the establishment of food safety and quality standards in the late nineteenth century, S. 413–434. – Pedro Ruiz-Castell: José M. Melià Bernabéu «Pigmalión» y la divulgación de la astronomía en la Valencia de la primera mitad del siglo XX, S. 435–458. – Antonio Francisco Canales Serrano & Amparo Gómez-Rodríguez: La depuración franquista de la Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas ( JAE): una aproximación cuantitativa, S. 459–487. – Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña: Tifus y laboratorio en la España de posguerra, S. 489– 516. – Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez: Cambiar para perdurar: evolución del termalismo y los establecimientos de aguas minero-medicinales [review article], S. 489–516. This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
366 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau Early Science and Medicine Vol. 22 (2017), No. 2/3 – No. 4: Tamás Demeter: Introduction – Between Physiology and Ethics: The ‚Science of Man‘ as a Middle-Range Discipline, S. 125–129. – Sorana Corneanu: The Nature and Care of the Whole Man: Francis Bacon and Some Late Renaissance Contexts, S. 130–156. – Akos Sivado: Resurrecting the Body Politic – Physiology’s Influence on Sir William Petty’s Poli- tical Arithmetick, S. 157–182. – John P. Wright: Custom and Habit in Physiology and the Science of Human Nature in the British Enlightenment, S. 183–207. – Tamás Demeter: A Chemistry of Human Nature: Chemical Imagery in Hume’s Treatise, S. 208–228. – Charles T. Wolfe: Models of Organic Organization in Montpellier Vitalism, S. 229–252. – Alix Cohen: The Natural, the Pragma- tic and the Moral in Kant’s Anthropology: The Case of Temperaments, S. 253–270. – Vol. 22 (2017), No. 4: Ruben E. Verwaal: The Nature of Blood: Debating Haematology and Blood Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Chemistry in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic, S. 271–300. – Pietro Daniel Omodeo: Lodewijk de Bils’ and Tobias Andreae’s Cartesian Bodies: Embalmment Experiments, Medical Controversies and Mechanical Philosophy, S. 301–332. – Emmanuel Alloa: The ‚Do It Yourself ‘ Paradigm: An Inquiry into the Historical Roots of the Neglect of Testimony, S. 333–360. – Nükhet Varlik: Review Essay: Beyond Eurocentric Histories of Plague, S. 361–373. Gesnerus – Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences Vol. 74 (2017), No. 1: René Sigrist & Sonia Zanier: La botanique dans un contexte local: les jar- dins de Florence à l’époque des grands-ducs (1569–1859), S. 5–52. – Roberto Lo Presti: Forms of Empirical Observation and Argumentative Structures in Julien Offray de la Mettrie’s Observations de médecine pratique (1743), S. 53–70. – Marie Gaille: Cabanis and the Philosophy of Human Passions: The Medicalization of Morals and the Politicization of Medicine S. 71–91. – Nicholas Stücklin: A Tidal Wave of Field Mice: Agriculture, Injurious Voles and the „Economic Relations“ Among Species in the US Biological Surveys around 1900, S. 92–122. Histoire des Sciences Médicales Vol. 51 (2017), No. 1 – No. 2: Jacques Battin: Xavier Arnozan (1852–1928). Médecin hospitalier, édile et personnage de roman, S. 21–26. – Jacqueline Vons: Une breve description de la domus anatomica de Copenhague par Thomas Bartholin (1662), S. 27–34. – Dominique Mabin: A la re- cherche du Professeur Cottard, S. 35–46. – Renaud Adam: La circulation du livre médical dans les anciens Pays-Bas au second tiers du XVlème siècle, S. 47–60. – Jacques Battin: Les vins médicaux, S. 61–70. – Teunis Van Heiningen: Andreas Bonn (1738–1817): sa carrière scientifique; les dessins anatomiques conservés a la bibliotheque de l’université de Leyde, S. 71–82. – Francois Derquenne: Les Le Fort et leurs alliances: des professeurs de chirurgie parisiens aux XIXème et XXème siècles, S. 83–94. – Magdalena Mazurak: La Basse Silesie: terre des éponymes cardiaques, S. 95–102. – Jean-Francois Schuhl: Louis-Achille Jeanne, chirurgien à Rauen, S. 103–112. – Jean-Francois Hu- tin: Histoire de la greffe d’organe au cinema, S. 113–122. – Vol. 51 (2017), No. 2: Antonio Ricciardetto: Les references a la maladie et a son traitement dans les archives de Zenon, S. 153–162. – Marie-Hélène Marganne: Les modes d’acquisition et de trans- mission du savoir medical dans l’antiquite grecoromaine, S. 163–174. – Viera Rebolledo-Dhuin: Le paysage éditorial de médecine à Paris au XlXème siècle, S. 175–192. – Philippe Guillet: Petite histoire de la traduction anglaise de l’Hygiène (De sanitate tuenda libri VI) de Galien, S. 193–206. – This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau 367 Jean-Baptiste Seigneuric: Art dentaire et roman historique. De la réalité à la fiction, S. 207–218. – Danielle Gourevitch: Les malheurs de Sophie, ou comment mordre à belles dents dans la litté- rature enfantine, S. 219–230. – Pierre Baron: Hortense a dit je m’en fous (1916) de Georges Fey- deau, S. 231–242. – Micheline Kellermann: Le jour où Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur, S. 243–254. – Jean-Pierre Fournier: La Dent et la plume. Quelques morceaux choisis, S. 255–264. – Évelyne Beriot-Salvadore: La question du „séminisme“ à la Renaissance, S. 265–272. – Teunis Van Heiningen: Pierre Camper (1722–1789): Lecons d’obstétrique. Quelques faits sur la genèse et le contenu d’un manuscrit inédit, S. 273–286. – Jacques Battin: Samuel Pozzi (1846–1918), créateur de la chirurgie gynécologique à la Belle Epoque, S. 287–292. – Danielle Gourevitch: Retour de Madagascar. Pour une histoire de la psychiatrie malgache, S. 293–302. Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Historia Hospitalium Vol. 30 (2016–17): Birgit Seemann: Judentum und Pflege: Zur Sozialgeschichte des orthodox-jüdi- schen Gumpertz’schen Siechenhauses in Frankfurt am Main (1888–1941), S. 13–40. – Sue Hawkins: „I must remind you that the nurse is not the doctor; that she never can be“: Gender and Hospital Nursing in 19th and 20th Century England, S. 41–64. – Anna Urbach: Auf leisen Sohlen das Fal- len fixieren. „Epileptikeranstalten“ als Wegbereiter einer spezifischen Qualifizierung von psychia- trischen Pflegekräften um 1900, S. 65–87. – Bernhard Bremberger: „Es wird geprüft werden, ob sich unter den polnischen Arbeitern Personen befinden, die zur Krankenpflege geeignet sind.“ Zur Pflege in Berliner Ausländerkrankenhäusern 1940–1945, S. 89–115. – Isabel Atzl: Pflegedinge und Pflegealltag im Krankenhaus, S. 117–141. – Hartmut Bettin: Von „den kranken de dar liggen up den bedden“: Krankheit und Kranke in den mittelalterlichen norddeutschen Hansestädten – Wahrneh- mung, Wertung, Deutung und Umgang, insbesondere im Spiegel der Stralsunder Bürgertestamen- te, S. 145–171. – Christina Vanja: Introduction [Hospital Inmates in the Early Modern Society – Winners or Losers?], S. 177–180. – Fritz Dross: The Comings and Goings: Entering and Leaving Nuremberg Leprosaria in the 16th and 17th Centuries, S. 181–188. – Sarah Pichlkastner: Beer, Cere- als, Credit Business, Subjects, Wine – but Inmates? Searching for Inmates in the Archival Sources of the Early Modern Viennese Civic Hospital, S. 189–194. – Irmtraut Sahmland: Winners or Losers? Negotiating Inpatients’ Leave of Absence and Dismissal from the Hessian High Hospitals (18th c.), S. 195–204. – Alfred Stefan Weiß: Inmates as Actors or Chess Pieces in Early Modern Hospital Orders? The Example of Austria, S. 196–200. – Martin Scheutz: Hospital Inmates and their role within hospitals – Comments, S. 201–203. – Fritz Dross: Hospitaltypen und Krankenhäuser im Alpenraum in der Neuzeit [Symposium …] – ein Überblick, S. 219–222. – Alfred Stefan Weiß: Das Salzburger St.-Johanns-Spital – Hospital oder frühneuzeitliches Krankenhaus?, S. 223–238. – Ale- xandra Druzynski v. Boetticher & Marie Ulrike Jaros: „Vorbuwet up sunte Nicolai hove“. Inter- disziplinäre Forschungen zur Bau- und Sozialgeschichte der Lüneburger Leproserie im Mittelalter, S. 239–254. – Martin Scheutz: Pestspitäler in Österreich: Temporäre Krisenbewältigung und Ver- such der Einrichtung von Akutspitälern, S. 255–276. – Fritz Dross: Spitalische und außerspitalische Versorgung von Leprosen im spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Nürnberg, S. 277–286. – Robert Schwarz: Das „Leprosenhaus“ Salzburg-Mülln im 18. Jahrhundert – Funktionswandel und Aufnahmepraxis, S. 287–304. – Sarah Pichlkastner: Bier, Wein, Kapitalien – aber Insassinnen und Insassen? Das Wiener Bürgerspital zwischen wirtschaftlichem „Großunternehmen“ und karitativer Versorgungseinrichtung in der Frühen Neuzeit, S. 305–318. – Iris Ritzmann: Zwischen bürgerli- cher Moral und wirtschaftlichem Kalkül – Zum Stellenwert der kindlichen Gesundheit in Wai- senhäusern des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts, S. 319–330. – Carlos Watzka: Zur Typologie des frühneuzeitlichen Hospitals – Eine Übersicht über mögliche Vergleichsdimensionen und Anwen- dungsbeispiele betreffend die Hospitäler im Herzogtum Steiermark (ca. 1500–1750) S. 331–352. – Christina Vanja: Zur Kur in die Alpenregion – Heilanstalten in der Belle Epoche, S. 353–366. – This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
368 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau Sabine Veits-Falk: Die Augenheilanstalt Dr. Rosa und Dr. Friedrich Kerschbaumer in Salzburg (1877–1896) und das Wirken der ersten in Österreich praktizierenden Ärztin, S. 367–390. – Eva Brinkschulte & Fritz Dross: Neue Medizin in alten Mauern? Krankenhaus und Denkmalpflege, S. 395–396. – Stephan Kolb & Karlheinz Moßner: Zwischen Pavillon und Glasfassade: Kranken- hausentwicklung im Altbestand am Beispiel Klinikum, S. 407–414. – Arnold Körte: Krankenhäu- ser von Gropius & Schmieden – eine Herausforderung an die Denkmalpflege, S. 415–424. – Ulrike Wendland: Haus 15, ehemalige Hautklinik des Krankenhauses Sudenburg – zum Abschied, S. 425– 432. – Olaf Gisbertz: Sonne, Luft und Licht – Neues Bauen in Magdeburg, S. 433–444. – Anna Ka- tharina Zülch: Patient Krankenhaus – Nutzungserhalt, Umnutzung, Nachnutzung S. 445–458. – Ole Dohrmann: Die Entwicklung der medizinischen Dokumentation im Charité-Krankenhaus zu Berlin am Beispiel der psychiatrischen Krankenakten von 1866 bis 1945, S. 461–474. – Verena Kru- za: Unbekannte Denkmale der Medizingeschichte: Der Operationsbunker mit Rettungsbunker im Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, S. 475–486. Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos Vol. 24 (2017), No. 1 – No. 3: Valdemir Zamparoni: Leprosy: disease, isolation, and segregation in colonial Mozambique, S. 13–39. – Raul Necochea Lopez: Abortion, neglect, and the death of Augusta García Platas en Ayacucho, Peru, in 1946, S. 41–58. – Gustavo Caponi: The discontinuity between humans and animals in Buffon’s Natural history, S. 59–74. – Miguel Mundstock Xavier de Carvalho, Eunice Sueli Nodari & Rubens Onofre Nodari: „Defensives“ or „pesticides“? A histo- ry of the use and perception of pesticides in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1950–2002, S. 75–91. – Rafaela Teixeira Zorzanelli, Angela Vasconi Speroni, Rachel Aisengart Menezes & Annet- te Leibing: Stem cell research in Brazil: the production of a new field of science, S. 129–144. – Isabel Amaral, Maria Inês Nogueira & Francisco Rômulo Monte Ferreira: Entre neurônios e sinapses: as contribuições de Cajal e Athias para a medicina ibérica entre os séculos XIX e XX [Bet- ween neurons and synapses, contributions of Cajal and Athias], S. 187–199. – María Rosa Gudiño & Susana Sosenski: El teatro guiñol, la televisión mexicana y la educación para la salud a mediados del siglo XX [Puppet shows, Mexican television and health education in mid-20th c.], S. 201–221. – Vol. 24 (2017), No. 2: Cecilia M. Pacual: The cholera epidemic as condenser of meanings: urban cultures, clinical narratives, and hygiene policies in Rosario, Argentina, 1886–1887, S. 295–311. – Sö- ren Brinkmann: „Fight the poisoners of the people!“ The beginnings of food regulation in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 1889–1930, S. 313–331. – Carlos Tabernero, Isabel Jiménez-Lucena & Jorge Molero-Mesa: Colonial scientific-medical documentary films and the legitimization of an ideal state in post-war Spain, S. 313–331. – Rodrigo Pinheiro Silveira & Roseni Pinheiro: Interna- to rural na Amazônia: aspectos históricos, contexto atual e principais desafios [Rural internship in the Amazon region: historical aspects and main challenges], S. 371–390. – Iris Borowy: East Ger- man medical aid to Nicaragua: the politics of solidarity between biomedicine and primary health care, S. 411–428. – João Paulo Dall’Ava & André Mota: A gripe espanhola em Sorocaba e o caso da Fábrica Santa Rosália, 1918: contribuições da história local ao estudo das epidemias no Brasil [Spanish Flu and the case of the Santa Rosália factory, study of epidemics in Brazil], S. 429–446. – Frederico Ágoas: História das ideias, história das ciências humanas e sociologia do conhecimen- to [History of ideas, of social sciences, and sociology of knowledge], S. 465–482. – Guilherme Arantes Mello: Quando os paradigmas mudam na saúde pública: o que muda na história? [When paradigms change in public health, what changes in history?], S. 499–517. – Vol. 24 (2017), No. 3: José Carlos Barreiro: The botanist George Gardner and his impressions of slave culture in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, 1810–1850, S. 567–584. – Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper, Armando García González & Francisco Pelayo: The evolutionist debate in Spain during the ni- This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau 369 neteenth century: a re-examination, S. 585–601. – Adriana Moro & Noela Invernizzi: The thalido- mide tragedy: the struggle for victims’ rights and improved pharmaceutical regulation, S. 603–622. – Marcos Antônio Mattedi & Maiko Rafael Spiess: The evaluation of scientific productivity [20th- 21st c.], S. 603–622. – Marcelo Fetz: Negotiating boundaries: Encyclopédie, romanticism, and the construction of science, S. 645–663. – Magnus Roberto de Mello Pereira: „Plantas novas que os doutos não conhecem“: a exploração científica da natureza no Oriente português, 1768–1808 [Sci- entific exploration of nature in Portuguese East Asia], S. 665–685. – Ana Paula Bispo Silva: A in- fluência da Naturphilosophie nas ciências do século XIX: eletromagnetismo e energia, S. 687–705. – Fernanda Gonçalves Arcanjo & Edson Pereira Silva: Pangênese, genes, epigênese [Darwin] S. 707–726. – Stefanie Gil Franco: A estética da degeneração e a expressão dos alienados: leituras de Júlio Dantas no Hospital de Rilhafoles [Aesthetics of degeneration and expressions of the aliena- ted] S. 727–744. – Andréia Márcia de Castro Galvão & Eliézer Cardoso de Oliveira: A medicina é uma piada: representações humorísticas sobre médicos no jornal Santuário da Trindade [medici- Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr ne is a joke – humorous depictions of physicians] S. 745–765. – Marina Juliana de Oliveira Soares: Representações europeias sobre controle de natalidade e abortos em sociedades islâmicas e haréns no período moderno [European representations of birth control and abortions in Islamic societies and harems, 16th-19th c.], S. 745–765. – Representações europeias sobre controle de natalidade e abortos em sociedades islâmicas e haréns no período moderno [European representations of birth control and abortions in Islamic societies and harems, 16th-19th c.], S. 745–765. History of Psychiatry Vol. 28 (2017), No. 3 – No. 4: David W Jones: Moral insanity and psychological disorder: the hy- brid roots of psychiatry, S. 263–279. – Lynsey T Cullen: Post-mortem in the Victorian asylum: practice, purpose and findings at the Littlemore County Lunatic Asylum, 1886–7, S. 280–296. – Jennifer Wallis: Bloody technology: the sphygmograph in asylum practice, S. 297–310. – Tatjana Buklijas: The laboratory and the asylum: Francis Walker Mott and the pathological laboratory at London County Council Lunatic Asylum, Claybury, Essex (1895–1916), S. 311–325. – Tiago Pires Marques: Global mental health, autonomy and medical paternalism: reconstructing the ‚French ethical tradition‘ in psychiatry, S. 326–343. – Olivier Walusinski: Antoine-Marie Chambeyron (1797–1851): a forgotten disciple of Jean-Etienne Esquirol (1772–1840), S. 344–351. – Gabriele Cip- riani, Luca Cipriani & Mario Di Fiorino: Personality and destiny. Francesco Borromini: portrait of a tormented soul, S. 352–357. – Michael Fitzgerald: Why did Sigmund Freud refuse to see Pierre Janet? Origins of psychoanalysis: Janet, Freud or both?, S. 358–364. – Leonard Smith & Timothy Peters: ‚Details on the Establishment of Doctor Willis, for the Cure of Lunatics‘ (1796) [classic text 111], S. 365–377. – Vol. 28 (2017), No. 4: John Hayes: Con Drury: philosopher and psychiatrist, S. 391–409. – Law- rence B Goodheart: Insane acquittees and insane convicts: the rationalization of policy in nine- teenth-century Connecticut, S. 410–426. – Colin A Ross: LSD experiments by the United States Army, S. 427–442. – Enric J Novella & Ricardo Campos: From mental hygiene to mental health: ideology, discourses and practices in Franco’s Spain (1939–75), S. 443–459. – Martin Kuhar & Stel- la Fatović-Ferenčić: ‚They accused me of strangling her‘: epilepsy and violence debate in Croatia at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries, S. 460–472. – Guilherme Messas, Melissa Garcia Tamelini & John Cutting: A meta-analysis of the core essence of psy- chopathological entities: an historical exercise in phenomenological psychiatry, S. 473–481. – G Gazdag, GS Ungvari & H Czech: Mass killing under the guise of ECT: the darkest chapter in the history of biological psychiatry, S. 482–488. – German E Berrios & Johan Schioldann: ‚Motility Psychoses‘, by Erik Strömgren (1940) [classic text 112], S. 489–505. This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
370 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau History of Science Vol. 55 (2017), No. 2 – No. 4: María M Portuondo: Iberian science: Reflections and studies, S. 123–132. – Juan Pimentel & José Pardo-Tomás: And yet, we were modern. The paradoxes of Iberian science after the Grand Narratives, S. 133–147. – John Slater & Maríaluz López-Terrada: Being beyond: The Black Legend and how we got over it, S. 148–166. – Henrique Leitão & An- tonio Sánchez: Too much to tell: Narrative styles of the first descriptions of the natural world of the Indies, S. 167–186. – Tayra M. C. Lanuza-Navarro: Astrology in court: The Spanish Inquisi- tion, authority, and expertise, S. 187–209. – Paula De Vos: Methodological challenges involved in compiling the Nahua pharmacopeia, S. 210–233. – Vera S Candiani: Reframing knowledge in colonization: Plebeians and municipalities in the environmental expertise of the Spanish Atlantic, S. 234–252. – Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Vol. 55 (2017), No. 3: William Carruthers & Stéphane Van Damme: Disassembling archeology, reassembling the modern world, S. 255–272. – William Carruthers: Visualizing a monumental past: Archeology, Nasser’s Egypt, and the early Cold War, S. 273–301. – Stéphane Van Damme: The pillar of metropolitan greatness: The long making of archeological objects in Paris (1711–2001), S. 302–335. – Christina Riggs: Shouldering the past: Photography, archaeology, and collective ef- fort at the tomb of Tutankhamun, S. 336–363. – Melania Savino: Connecting sites and images: Archeology as controversial knowledge in modern İzmir, S. 364–382. – Mirjam Brusius: Hitting two birds with one stone: An afterword on archeology and the history of science, S. 383–391. – Vol. 55 (2017), No. 4: María Jesús Santesmases: Circulating biomedical images: Bodies and chro- mosomes in the post-eugenic era, S. 395–430. – Megan Barford: D.176: Sextants, numbers, and the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, S. 431–456. – Niccolò Guicciardini: The publication of Newton’s Opera Omnia in Geneva and Lausanne (1739–1761): A chapter in the reception of New- tonianism, S. 457–489. Isis Vol. 108 (2017), No. 2: Daryn Lehoux: Observation Claims and Epistemic Confidence in Aristotle’s Biology, S. 241–258. – J. Andrew Mendelsohn & Annemarie Kinzelbach: Common Knowledge: Bodies, Evidence, and Expertise in Early Modern Germany, S. 259–279. – Joshua Nall: Constructing Canals on Mars: Event Astronomy and the Transmission of International Te- legraphic News, S. 280–306. – Chris Manias: Jesuit Scientists and Mongolian Fossils: The French Paleontological Missions in China, 1923–1928, S. 307–332. – Carolina Martín Albaladejo & Bor- ja Sanchiz: Consequences of the Spanish Civil War for Entomology: A Quantitative Example of Abrupt Alteration in Scientific Research Dynamics, S. 335–352. – Ad Maas: Introduction: History of Science Museums between Academics and Audiences, S. 360–365. – Rebekah Higgitt: Challen- ging Tropes: Genius, Heroic Invention, and the Longitude Problem in the Museum, S. 371–380. – Peter Heering: Science Museums and Science Education, S. 399–406. – Vol. 108 (2017), No. 3: Evan R. Ragland: „Making Trials“ in Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century European Academic Medicine, S. 503–528. – Roderick D. Buchanan & James Bradley: „Darwin’s Delay“: A Reassessment of the Evidence, S. 529–552. – Chen-Pang Yeang: From Modernizing the Chinese Language to Information Science: Chao Yuen Ren’s Route to Cybernetics, S. 553–580. – Jim Wynter Porter: A „Precious Minority“: Constructing the „Gifted“ and „Academically Talen- ted“ Student in the Era of Brown v. Board of Education and the National Defense Education Act, S. 581–605. – Michael D. Gordin: Introduction: Hegemonic Languages and Science, S. 606–611. – Sietske Fransen: Latin in a Time of Change: The Choice of Language as Signifier of a New Sci- This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau 371 ence?, S. 629–635. – Mary Terrall: French in the Siècle des Lumières: A Universal Language?, S. 636–642. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Vol. 53 (2017), No. 3 – No. 4: Alexandra Rutherford & Katharine Milar: „The difference being a woman made“ Untold Lives in personal and intellectual context, S. 221–227. – Alexandra Ruther- ford: „Making better use of U. S. women“ Psychology, sex roles, and womanpower in post-WWII America, S. 228–245. – Elizabeth Johnston & Ann Johnson: Balancing life and work by unbending gender: Early American women psychologists’ struggles and contributions, S. 246–264. – Katherine Hubbard: Queer signs: The women of the British projective test movement, S. 265–285. – Elissa N. Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Rodkey: „Very much in love“: The letters of Magda Arnold and Father John Gasson, S. 286–304. – Vol. 53 (2017), No. 4: Ian J. Davidson: The ambivert: A failed attempt at a normal personality, S. 313–331. – Matthieu de Castelbajac: The genesis of victimization surveys and of the realist-con- structionist divide, S. 332–346. – Cristiano Turbil: In between mental evolution and unconscious memory: Lamarckism, Darwinism, and professionalism in late Victorian Britain, S. 347–363. – At- sushi Akera: Bringing radical behaviorism to revolutionary Brazil and back: Fred Keller’s Persona- lized System of Instruction and Cold War engineering education, S. 364–382. Journal of the History of Biology Vol. 50 (2017), No. 3 – No. 4: Simone Fattorini: The Watson– Forbes Biogeographical Controversy Untangled 170 Years Later, S. 473–496. – Ry Marcattilio-McCracken: Cacogenic Cartographies: Space and Place in the Eugenic Family Study, S. 497–524. – Simon Fitzpatrick & Grant Good- rich: Building a Science of Animal Minds: Lloyd Morgan, Experimentation, and Morgan’s Canon, S. 525–569. – Jean-Baptiste Grodwohl: „The Theory was Beautiful Indeed“: Rise, Fall and Circu- lation of Maximizing Methods in Population Genetics (1930–1980), S. 571–608. – Aleta Quinn: Charles Girard: Relationships and Representation in Nineteenth Century Systematics, S. 609–643. – Matthew Holmes: The Sparrow Question: Social and Scientific Accord in Britain, 1850–1900, S. 645–671. – Vol. 50 (2017), No. 4: Michael R. Dietrich: Looking Toward the Next Fifty Years at the Journal of the History of Biology, S. 689–690. – Everett Mendelsohn: Reflections on 50 Years of the Journal of the History of Biology, S. 691–693. – B. R. Erick Peirson, Erin Bottino, Julia L. Damerow & Manfred D. Laubichler: Quantitative Perspectives on Fifty Years of the Journal of the Histo- ry of Biology, S. 695–751. – Jean-Baptiste Grodwohl: Natural Selection, Adaptive Topographies and the Problem of Statistical Inference: The Moraba scurra Controversy Under the Microscope, S. 753–796. – Michelle Lynne LaBonte: Blobel and Sabatini’s „Beautiful Idea“: Visual Representa- tions of the Conception and Refinement of the Signal Hypothesis, S. 797–833. – Christine Keiner: A Two-Ocean Bouillabaisse: Science, Politics, and the Central American Sea-Level Canal Cont- roversy, S. 835–887. – Daniel Liu: The Cell and Protoplasm as Container, Object, and Substance, 1835–1861, S. 889–925. – Koen B. Tanghe: A Historical Taxonomy of Origin of Species Problems and Its Relevance to the Historiography of Evolutionary Thought, S. 927–987. This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
372 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau Journal of the History of Dentistry Vol. 65 (2017), No. 1 – No. 2: James L. Gutmann: History is Magic … Share the Magic with Your Colleagues, S. 1. – James L. Gutmann: Origins of the Electronic Apex Locator – Achieving Success with Strict Adherence to Business, S. 2–6. – Denis F. Kinane: A Building with a Provenance: The Thomas W. Evans Building at Penn Dental Medicine, S. 7–15. – Ben Z. Swanson & Theodore P. Croll: Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company and Dr. Kazanjian, S. 16–19. – James L. Gut- mann: Historical Perspectives on the Use of Microscopes in Dentistry, S. 20–27. – Kate Gulick-Tu- ers & David A. Chernin: Collector’s Corner: Soldering Pliers, S. 28–31. – David A. Chernin: De- piction of a 17th-Century Tooth Extraction: A Drawing by Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne (Dutch, 1589–1662), S. 32–37. – Harry Francis Akers, Arosha Tania Weerakoon, Michael Anthony Foley & Andrew James McAuliffe: The Medicare Chronic Disease Dental Scheme: Historical, Scientific, Socio-Political Origins, S. 46–62. – Stefano Eramo, Alessio Natali, Mania Bravi, Diana Cella & Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr Egle Milia: A „Sacra Rappresentazione“ of Saint Apollonia’s Martyrdom, S. 63–72. – Ben Z. Swan- son & Theodore P. Croll: The Yanks are Coming (with Apologies to George M. Cohan) [tooth- pulling advertizing/ caricatures, 19th c.], S. 73–78. – Ioannis Papadiochos, Sofia Papadiochou & Ioannis Emmanouil: The Historical Evolution of Dental Impression Materials, S. 79–89. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Vol. 72 (2017), No. 3 – No. 4: J. T. H. Connor: „One Simply Doesn’t Arbitrate Authorship of Thoughts“: Socialized Medicine, Medical McCarthyism, and the Publishing of Rural Health and Medical Care (1948), S. 245–271. – Sabine Hildebrandt, Susan Benedict, Erin Miller, Michael Gaffney & Michael A. Grodin: „Forgotten“ Chapters in the History of Transcervical Sterilization: Carl Clauberg and Hans-Joachim Lindemann, S. 272–301. – Stephen C. Craig: „Enquire into All the Circumstances of the Patient Narrowly“: John Rutherford’s Clinical Lectures in Edinburgh, 1749–53, S. 302–327. – Christopher D. Willoughby: „His Native, Hot Country“1: Racial Science and Environment in Antebellum American Medical Thought, S. 328–351. – Vol. 72 (2017), No. 4: Bert Hansen: Medical History’s Moment in Art Photography (1920 to 1950): How Lejaren à Hiller and Valentino Sarra Created a Fashion for Scenes of Early Surgery, S. 381–421. – Simone P. Kropf & Joel D. Howell: War, Medicine, and Cultural Diplomacy in the Americas: Frank Wilson and Brazilian cardiology, S. 422–447. – Caroline Rusterholz: Testing the Gräfenberg Ring in Interwar Britain: Norman Haire, Helena Wright, and the Debate over Statistical Evidence, Side Effects, and Intra-uterine Contraception, S. 448–467. – Larry Frohman: Redefining Medical Confidentiality in the Digital Era: Healthcare Reform and the West German Debate over the Use of Personal Medical Information in the 1980s, S. 468–499. – Journal of the History of the Neurosciences Vol. 26 (2017), No. 3 – No. 4: Mervyn J. Eadie: Epilepsy, Ammon’s horn sclerosis, and Camille Bouchet, S. 231–237. – Alexandr Chvátal: Jan Evangelista Purkyně (1787–1869) and his instruments for microscopic research in the field of neuroscience, S. 238–256. – Jairo A. Rozo, Yuniesky Andra- de-Talavera & Antonio Rodríguez-Moreno: Pavlov and Cajal: Two different pathways to a Nobel Prize, S. 257–279. – Nadeem Toodayan: The death of Sir Victor Horsley (1857–1916) and his burial in Amarah, S. 280–315. – Régis Olry & Duane E. Haines: The devil always experienced malicious pleasure in imposing himself in neuropsychiatric nosology, S. 329–335. – This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau 373 Vol. 26 (2017), No. 4: Pablo Garcia Reitboeck, Peter Garrard & Timothy Peters: Neuromyelitis optica: Application of computer diagnostics to historical case reports, S. 341–350. – Frank W. Stah- nisch: How the nerves reached the muscle: Bernard Katz, Stephen W. Kuffler, and John C. Eccles— Certain implications of exile for the development of twentieth-century neurophysiology, S. 351–384. – Eglė Sakalauskaitė-Juodeikienė, Paul Eling & Stanley Finger: The reception of Gall’s organolo- gy in early-nineteenth-century Vilnius, S. 385–405. – Eugenio Frixione: What is in a word? Neuron: Early usage and evolution in antiquity to its long-lasting current significance, S. 406–424. Medical History Vol. 61 (2017), No. 3 – No. 4: Christos Lynteris: A ‚Suitable Soil‘: Plague’s Urban Breeding Grounds Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr at the Dawn of the Third Pandemic, S. 343–357. – Angela McCarthy, Catharine Coleborne, Maree O’Connor & Elspeth Knewstubb: Lives in the Asylum Record, 1864 to 1910: Utilising Large Data Collection for Histories of Psychiatry and Mental Health, S. 358–379. – Monica Saavedra: Politics and Health at the WHO Regional Office for South East Asia: The Case of Portuguese India, 1949–61, S. 380–400. – Mark Harrison & Sung Vin Yim: War on Two Fronts: The Fight against Parasites in Korea and Vietnam, S. 401–423. – Ximo Guillem-Llobat: Medical Experts and Agnotology in the Fumes Controversy of the Huelva Copper Mines (1888–1890), S. 424–443. – Vol. 61 (2017), No. 4: Jonathan Toms: Citizenship and Learning Disabled People: The Mental Health Charity MIND’s 1970s Campaign in Historical Context, S. 481–499. – Duncan Wilson: Calculable People? Standardising Assessment Guidelines for Alzheimer’s Disease in 1980s Bri- tain, S. 500–524. – Michal Shapira: ‚Speaking Kleinian‘: Susan Isaacs as Ursula Wise and the Inter-War Popularisation of Psychoanalysis, S. 525–547. – John Stewart: The Expulsion of Sou- th Africa and Rhodesia from the Commonwealth Medical Association, 1947–70, S. 548–567. – Jethro Hernández Berrones: Homeopathy ‚for Mexicans‘: Medical Popularisation, Commercial Endeavours, and Patients’ Choice in the Mexican Medical Marketplace, 1853–1872, S. 568–589. Medicina nei secoli Vol. 28 (2016), No. 3: Jacques Jouanna: Sexe, Génération et Maladie dans le Traité Hippocratique Épidémies I et III, S. 725–750. – Antonietta Provenza: From Myth to Science a Short Survey on Heredity and its Causes in Ancient. Greece, S. 751–772. – Fabio Tutrone: Physiologizing (in) Fer- tility in the Roman World: Lucretius on Sacrifice, Nature, and Generation, S. 773–804. – Giulia Frezza: The Rise and Fall of the Cause in Aetiological Models: Influences, Gene, Environment, S. 805–824. – Pietro Giuffrida, Francesca Faillaci & Lucia Sideli: Epigenesis as Key Concept for Understanding Functional and Disfunctional Reactions Reactions of Human Beings to Their Environment, S. 825–844. – Claude Calame: Humans and Environment in Ancient Greece: for an Ecopoiesis, S. 845–868. – Véronique Boudon-Millot In the Origins of Genetics, S. 869–900. – Valentina Gazzaniga & Marco Cilione: Male and Female in the Transmission of the Hereditary Traits: from Athens to Sparta, S. 901–920. – Nesma Elsakaan & Michele Longo: The Embryo De- velopment in Quranic Verses, S. 921–938. – María-Teresa Santamaría Hernández: Genetics and Generation in the Fundamenta Medicorum of Álvaro De Castro: Evaluation of the Terminology and Sources, S. 921–938. Vol. 29 (2017), No. 1 – No. 2: Salvatore Di Piazza: Diagnosis in Corpus Hippocraticum: (Also) a Question of Trust, S. 1–18. – Giuseppe Di Cesare & Lucia Parlato: The Role of DNA as Scientific Evidence, S. 19–34. – Mauro Capocci: Regimen Strikes Back Diagnosis, Genes and the Patient, S. 35–50. – Florence Bourbon: Predicting and Choosing Babys Gender in the Hippocratic Corpus, S. 51–70. – Franco Giorgianni: Forms This material is under and Limits copyright. of Therapeutic Any use outside of the narrowTreatments boundaries of Hereditary Disea- of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
374 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau ses in Ancient Greece, S. 71–92. – Rossella Costa: From Chemical to Genetic Individuality Evol- ving Concepts and Therapeutic Approaches, S. 93–110. – Véronique Dasen: The Construction of Physical Otherness in Ancient Iconography, S. 111–126. – Armelle Debru: Degenerative Diseases: A lexicographic Study, S. 127–138. – Sabrina Grimaudo: From Generation to Degeneration. The Health-Disease Link in Galens Corpus, S. 139–150. – Marzia Soardi: Genetic Malformations and Aanomalies within the Aristotelian Theory of Reproduction, S. 151–164. – Elisabetta Sirgiovanni Criminal Heredity: The Influence of Cesare Lombroso’s Concept of the Born Criminal on Con- temporary Neurogenetics and its Forensic Applications, S. 165–188. – María Jesús Santesmases: Imaging the Super-Female: Women, Gender and Handbooks in the History of a Genetic Term, S. 189–210. – Serena Buzzi & Chiara Zanforlini: Healing with Dung: The Crocodile, S. 283–298. – Maria Carla Garbarino: Adelchi Negri and the Diagnosis of Rabies, S. 299–326. – Ilaria Gorini, Giuseppe Armocida & Silvia Iorio On Veterinary Knowledge and Profession in the Italy of the Nineteenth Century, S. 327–336. – Maria Caporale: Animal Welfare, Feeding and Human Health, Free Download von der Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary am 07.06.2022 um 13:41 Uhr S. 337–360. – Bruno Falconi, Daniela Bellettati, Carlo Cristini, Paolo Maria Galimberti, Lo- renzo Lorusso, Alessandro Porro & Antonia Francesca Franchini: Hospital and City Animals: the Example of Rabies and Antirabies Institute of the Ospedale Maggiore of Milan, S. 361–382. – Va- lentina Gazzaniga & Silvia Marinozzi: Anthrax in Italian Medical Journals Before the Unification of Italy, S. 383–414. – Matteo Gulino: Protection Laws Relating to Animal Testing in the Kingdom of Italy: an Historical overview, S. 415–436. – Donatella Lippi: Being a Vet, S. 437–450. – Mariano Martini, Joel Candau, Hicham Khabbache, Mohamed Zouhir, Flavio Tovani, Tania Simona Re, Angelo Ferrari & Nicola Luigi Bragazzi From the Dawn of Veterinary Medicine to the One World One Medicine One Health Model: Some Historical, Philosophical, Anthropological, Legal and Bioethical Reflections, S. 451–466. – Maria Rosa Montinari: Animal Experimentation from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century, S. 467–479. – Alessandro Porro, Bruno Falconi, Loren- zo Lorusso & Antonia Francesca Franchini: Veterinary Medicine and Human Medicine: The Cremonese Anginas in 1747–1748, S. 481–503. – Duccio Vanni: Guns Wounds in War Equines- Practical Notes (1917) by Arturo Galli, S. 505–519. – Francesca Vannozzi & Davide Orsini: The Animals Suffer for Humans: The Serum-Producers and the Istituto Sieroterapico Vaccinogeno Toscano (Serum-Therapic Vaccines Producer Tuscan Institute), S. 521–531. – Marcella Tambu- rello & Giovanni Villone: Vincenzo Tiberio: the First in Vivo Experimental Antibiotic Therapy, S. 533–551. – Fabio Zampieri: Animal Model, Human Disease and Early Darwinism, S. 553–577. – Vincenza Gianfredi, Valeria Parisi, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Mariano Martini, Lialiana Minelli & Daniele Nucci Health Education in Italy: Towards An Increasingly Active Citizens Role. A His- torical Overview with a Focus on Perugia’s Experience, S. 579–595. Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte Vol. 35 (2017): Ole Fischer: Gender, Ernährung und Gesundheit – Einleitende Überlegungen, S. 11–16. – Maximilian Schuh: Genderspezifische Ernährung in der spätmittelalterlichen Subsis- tenzkrise? Die Große Hungersnot in England (1315–1318/22), S. 17–36. – Ulrike Thoms: Gender issues? Die Ernährung weiblicher und männlicher Strafgefangener im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhun- dert, S. 37–66. – Elisabeth Berger: Ernährung im österreichisch-ungarischen Heer: Militärwis- senschaftlicher Diskurs, Ernährungsvorschriften und Ernährungspraxis (1868–1914), S. 67–96. – Isabella Marcinski: Leibliches Erleben in Krankheitspraktiken der Anorexie, S. 97–112. – Anja Waller: »Gründet Frauen-Vereine und Bauet Wöchnerinnen-Asyle«. Geschichte der Wochen- bettpflegerinnen im Deutschen Reich und ihre Situation in Stuttgart von 1880 bis 1950, S. 113–137. – Christoph Friedrich & Ulrich Meyer: Willmar Schwabe – Apotheker und Großhersteller homöo- pathischer Arzneimittel, S. 139–174. – Silvia Waisse: Filling the blank in the map: institutionalisati- on of homeopathy in Argentina, S. 175–194. – This material is under copyright. Any use outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law is illegal and may be prosecuted. This applies in particular to copies, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. © Franz Franz Steiner Steiner Verlag2018 Verlag, Stuttgart
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