International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia

Page created by Ruben May
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
International Collaboration
Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia


     Department of Urology – Saiful Anwar General Hospital
            Medic al Faculty – Universitas Brawijay a
       Jl. Jaks a Agung Suprapto No. 2, Malang - 65111
                     East Java – I ndones ia
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
Welcome Message

    Dear colleagues and friends,

    It is a truly pleasure to invite you to actively participate in our upcoming event “13th Malang Continuing
    Urology Education (MCUE)” which will be held on April 15th - 18th, 2020 in Santika Premiere Hotel

    This will be a great opportunity to share academic interests, strengthen friendship and to contribute
    towards the future development of urology services in Indonesia. Along with the progress of science
    and technology fast enough in medical science especially in the field of Urology, then the committee of
    13rd MCUE is raised topic of "International Collaboration toward Better Urological Services in
    Indonesia", which will discuss the field of Urology holistically both in the management of patients and in
    terms of system service.

    There will be various workshop that will be held on the first day and second day of the meeting, which
    consist of workshop on supine PCNL and urethral reconstruction with live surgery, intensive course on
    prostate cancer, and workshop on urodynamics. We hope during the meeting there will be sharing of
    knowledge and experiences from our distinguish expert in the field of Urology thus enhancing the
    Urological Services in Indonesia.

    Additionally, we would like to also invite you to submit your recent achievement in scientific writing in
    various field of Urology. The scientific committee will prepare the prestigious oral presentation and
    poster presentation awards

    We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful and sparkling Malang city!


    Taufiq Nur Budaya

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                                        3
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
    Board of Director       :      Dean of Brawijaya University Medical Faculty Malang

                                   Director of Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang
    Board of Advisor        :      Head of Urology Department of Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang

    Chairman                :      dr.Taufiq Nur Budaya, SpU
    Administrative          :       Trisiwi Rahmi K., S.KM

                                    Meiyamandri Trini Kalistanti, S.AB

                                    Tantri Ariza Wijayanti, Amd
                                    Suyanti, Amd

    Finance                 :      Trisiwi Rahmi K., S.KM

    Funding                 :       Dr. dr. Besut Daryanto, SpB, SpU(K)
                                    dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, SpU(K)

                                    dr. Paksi Satyagraha, M.Kes, SpU(K)
    Scientific Committee    :      Dr. dr. Basuki B. Purnomo, SpU(K)

                                   dr. Pradana Nurhadi, SpU

                                   dr. Aldilla Wahyu R.
                                   dr. I Made Udiyana Indradiputra,

                                   dr. Hamdan Yuwafi Naim,

                                   dr. Athaya Febriantyo P.

    Div. Documentations     :      dr. Rudy Eka A. P.
                                   dr. Akmal Fawzi

                                   dr. Harry Achsan C

                                   dr. Fathan

    Div. Food & Beverages   :      dr. Astarin Ardiani
                                   dr. Muhammad Baihaqy
                                   Suyanti, Amd

                                   Tantri Ariza Wijayanti,
    Div. Accomodations      :      Meiyamandri Trini Kalistanti, SAB

                                   Trisiwi Rahmi K., SKM

                                                                                               The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                        Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                              Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
Div. Transportations              :    dr. Medianto P, Sp.U
                                            dr. I Gusti Lanang Andi S

                                            dr. Edi Wibowo

                                            dr. Agung Adithya Indra
                                            dr. Mangkubumi Putra W.
     Div. Public Relations             :    dr. Yulian Salis P.

                                            dr. Hamid Hunaif Dhofi

                                            dr. M. Miftahul Firdaus
                                            dr. Fusarina Mumpuni I. A.

                                            dr. Prasetyo Nugroho
     Div. Equipment                    :    dr. Andri Kustono, SpU

                                            dr. Hikmat Satria

                                            dr. Dio Mafazi
                                            dr. Nyoman Gede Prayudi

                                            dr. Zen Ary Prasetyo

                                            dr. Rizal Trianto

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia   5
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
•   Shigeo Horie (Japan)
    •   Zafer Aybek (Turkey)
                                                             •     Aaron Tigor S
    •   David Bolong (Philippines)
                                                             •     Agus Rizal AH Hamid
    •   Pankaj Joshi (India)                                 •     Ahmad Rifai
    •   Ali Zumrutbas (Turkey)                               •     Andri Kustono
                                                             •     Basuki B Purnomo
    •   Suiji Isotani (japan)
                                                             •     Besut Daryanto
    •   Collin Theo (Singapore)                              •     Boyke Soebhali
    •   Jose Benito Abraham (Philippines)                    •     Doddy M Soebadi
                                                             •     Ferry Safriadi
                                                             •     Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa
                                                             •     Gerhard Reinaldi
                                                             •     Harrina E Rahardjo
                                                             •     Inrawarman
                                                             •     Kuncoro Adi
                                                             •     Kurnia Penta S
                                                             •     Lukman Hakim
                                                             •     Medianto Purnomo
                                                             •     Paksi Satyagraha
                                                             •     Pradana Nurhadi
                                                             •     Rainy Umbas
                                                             •     Taufiq Nur Budaya
                                                             •     Vicky Ferdian
                                                             •     Wahjoe Djatisoesanto

                                                                                               The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                        Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                              Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia
VENUE & date

         •    Santika Premiere Hotel
              Jl. Letjen Sutoyo 79, Lowokwaru, Malang – 65141, East Java Indonesia

         •    Saiful Anwar General Hospital
              Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang – 65111, East Java, Indonesia


                     ACITIVITY                                DATE                     LOCATION

      Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral                 April, 15th – 16th 2020

          Intensive Course on Prostate                   April, 16th 2020      Saiful Anwar General Hospital

             Workshop on Urodynamics                     April, 16th 2020

                    Symposium                        April, 17th – 18th 2020   Santika Premiere Hotel Malang

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
    Day 1st – Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

    • Workshop on sPCNL
    07.30 – 08.00   Re-Registration & On-Site
    08.00 – 08.10   Opening Remarks
    08.10 – end     -   Opening lecture: “How to Begin sPCNL, Tips and Trick on sPCNL”
                    -   Case Discussion and Hands-on Surgery

                    •   Paksi Satyagraha, Indrawarman, Vicky Ferdian

    Day 2nd – Thursday, April 16th, 2020
    • Workshop on Urethral Reconstruction
      08.10 – end   -   Opening Lecture: “How to Start Urethral Reconstruction Surgery, Tips and
                        Trick on Urethral Augmentation and Urethral Anastomosis Surgery"
                    -   Case Discussion and Hands-on Surgery

                    •   Kuncoro Adi, Pankaj Joshi, Boyke Soebhali, Paksi Satyagraha

    • Workshop on Urodynamic
    08.00 – 08.10   Opening Remarks

    08.10 - 08.30   Urodynamics: Basic Principles, Setup and Indications
                    Zafer Aybek

    08.30 – 09.00   Urodynamics in Children
                    Ali Zumrutbas

    09.00 - 09.30   Artifacts in Urodynamics and Troubleshooting
                    Harrina E. Rahardjo

    09.30 - 10.00   Urodynamic Evaluation and Management in Patients with Spinal Cord Lesion
                    Zafer Aybek

                                                                                                 The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                  Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                          Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
10.00 - 10.30        Case Discussions (Zafer Aybek; Ali Zumrutbas, Harrina E. Rahardjo)
     10.30 - 11.45        Urodynamics “Hands on Training”

                               1. OAB patient
                               2. LUTS due to BPH in Old Patient
                               3. Neurogenic bladder (Trauma)
                          Zafer Aybek; Ali Zumrutbas, Harrina E. Rahardjo

     11.45 - 13.00        Lunch and Prayer

    • Intensive Course in Prostate Cancer

           Time                                   Programme                                Speakers

     08.00 – 08.10       Opening remarks

     Basic Characteristic Prostate Cancer (Chairman: Kurnia Penta Seputra)

     08.10 – 08.30       Prostate cancer in Japan and Asia                        Shigeo Horie (Japan)

     08.30 – 08.50       Prostate cancer in Indonesia                             Lukman Hakim (Indonesia)

     08.50 – 09.10       Update guideline on prostate cancer between EAU,         Rainy Umbas (Indonesia)
                         AUA, NCCN and Indonesian guideline

     09.10-09.20         Q&A

     Diagnosing Prostate Cancer (Chairman: Taufiq Nur Budaya)

     09.20 – 09.40       Utilization of multiparametric MRI of the prostate in    Kurnia Penta S (Indonesia)
                         prostate cancer detection

     09.40 – 10.00       Transperineal vs transrectal biopsy for diagnosing       Agus Rizal A. H. Hamid
                         prostate cancer                                          (Indonesia)

     10.00 – 10.20       Transperineal – MRI fusion biopsy for prostate cancer    Aaron Tigor (Indonesia)

     10.20 – 10.30       Q&A

     10.30 – 10.45       Coffee break

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
Treatment for localized prostate cancer (Chairman: Besut Daryanto)

     10.45 – 11.05   Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for beginner, step,                 Collin Theo (Singapore)
                     tips and trick and common pitfalls

     11.05 – 11.25   Genetic based treatment for prostate cancer                            Lukman Hakim (Indonesia)

     11.25 – 11.45   Radical prostatectomy for localized high-risk prostate                 Wahjoe Djatisoesanto
                     cancer                                                                 (Indonesia)

     11.45 – 12.05   Neoadjuvant treatment before radical prostatectomy,                    Ferry Safriadi (Indonesia)
                     indication and what agents to choose

     12.05 – 12.25   Low risk localized prostate cancer, active surveillance,               Aaron Tigor (Indonesia)
                     focal treatment, radiotherapy or prostatectomy

     12.25 – 12.35   Q&A

     12.35 – 13.30   Lunch

     CRPC and Biochemical Recurrence (Chairman: Medianto)

     13.30 – 13.50   Management on biochemical reccurence, an update                        Taufiq Nur B. (Indonesia)

     13.50 – 14.10   Management on CRPC, an update                                          Rainy Umbas (Indoensia)

     14.10 – 14.30   Chemonaive CRPC what the best choice                                   Ferry Safriadi (Indonesia)

     14.30 – 14.40   Dhuhur praying

     Metastatic prostate cancer (Chairman: Taufiq Nur Budaya)

     14.40 – 15.00   Management on hormone naive prostate cancer                            Agus Rizal A. H. Hamid

     15.00 – 15.20   Management on oligometastatic prostate cancer                          Shigeo Horie (Japan)

     15.20 – 15.40   Radical prostatectomy in low volume metastatic prostate                Collin Theo (Singapore)

                                                                                                  The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                   Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                           Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                 Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Day 3rd – Friday, April 17th, 2020

       07.30 – 08.00          Re-Registration & On-Site

       08.00 – 08.20          Opening Ceremony

       General Lecture (Moderated by Paksi Satyagraha)

       08.20 – 08.40          The Milestone of International Collaboration in Indonesia Urology Service
                              Rainy Umbas (Indonesia)

       08.40 – 09.00          International Collaboration for Urological Service in Japan and Asia
                              Shigeo Horie (Japan)

       Plenary Lecture I: Oncology (Moderated by Taufiq Nur Budaya, Collin Theo)

       09.00 – 09.15          Combination Targeting Therapy in Advanced Kidney Cancer
                              Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid (Indonesia)

       09.15 – 09.30          Multi Modal Treatment vs Partial Cystectomy vs Radical Cystectomy in
                              Small Single Mass T2 MIBC
                              Kurnia Penta S (Indonesia)

       09.30 – 09.45          Immunotherapy for The Treatment of Urological Malignancies
                              Shigeo Horie (Japan)

       09.45 – 10.00          Laparoscopic Nepron Sparring Surgery: How to Begin?
                              Isotani Shuiji (Japan)

       10.00 – 10.15          Discussion

       10.15                  Coffe Break

       Plenary Lecture II: Stone and Endourology (Moderated by Pradana N, Pankaj Joshi)

       10.15 – 10.30          Application of Graft, Dorsal or Ventral
                              Paksi Satyagraha (Indonesia)

       10.30 – 10.45          PFUI: How to Begin and Tips to Achieve Best Results
                              Kuncoro Adi (Indonesia)

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
10.45 – 11.00      The Role of Enterourethroplasty in Urethral Stricture Managements
                        Pankaj Joshi (India)

     11.00 – 11.15      Complex Hypospadias Repair
                        Pankaj Joshi (India)

     11.15 – 11.30      Discussion

     13.00 – 13.30    Lunch Symposium 1 (Moderated by Andri Kustono)

     13.30 – 14.00    Lunch Symposium 2 (Moderated by Taufiq Nur Budaya)

     Plennary Lecture III: Pediatric Urology (Moderated by Medianto, Shigeo Horie)

     14.00 – 14.15       Adult Hypospadia, Problem and Tips to Minimize Complications
                         Paksi Satyagraha (Indonesia)

     14.15 – 14.30       Role of Laparoscopic in Pediatric Urology
                         David Bolong (Philippine)

     14.30 – 14.45       Update Management on Pediatric Urolithiasis
                         Pradana Nurhadi (Indonesia)

     15.00 – 15.15       Managing Development Sexual Disorder (DSD) in Indonesia
                         Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa (Indonesia)

     15.15 – 15.30       Discussion

     Masterclass on Endourology Prone vs Supine PCNL (parallel class) (Moderated by Besut Daryanto)

     14.00 – 14.15       Why sPCNL vs Why Prone PCNL
                         Vicky Ferdian (Indonesia)

     14.15 – 14.30       Tips and Trick in sPCNL vs Tips and Trick in Prone PCNL
                         Jose Benito Abraham (Philippine)

     14.30 – 14.45       How to Avoid Complication in sPCNl vs Prone PCNL
                         Boyke Soebhali (Indonesia)

     15.00 – 15.15       Discussion

                                                                                                The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                 Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                         Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                               Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Masterclass on Kidney Cancer (parallel class) (Moderated by Taufiq Nur Budaya)

       14.00 – 14.15           Update Management on Kidney Cancer
                               Ferry Safriadi (Indonesia)

       14.15 – 14.30           Genetic Based Treatment on Kidney Cancer, How Important?
                               Shigeo Horie (Japan)

       14.30 – 14.45           How to Choose Targeting Therapy to Achieve Best Result in Advanced
                               Kidney Cancer
                               Lukman Hakim (Indonesia)

       15.00 – 15.15           Discussion

       Plennary Lecture IV: Functional Urology (Moderated by Andri Kustono, Jose Benito Abraham)

       15.30 – 15.15           Combined treatment in OAB
                               Harrina E. Rahardjo (Indonesia)

       15.15 – 15.30           Advanced Management on Instertitial Cystitis/PBS
                               Zafer Aybek (Turkey)

       15.30 – 15.45           Urodynamic Evaluation in Patients with Any Symptom of Incontinence,
                               How Important?
                               Ali Zumrutbas (Turkey)

       15.45 – 16.00           Discussion

       16.00 – 16.15           Coffe Break and Door Prize

       Scientific Presentation (Parallel Class): 14.00 – 15.00

       19.00 – 21.00 MCUE 13 Gala DInner

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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
Day 4th – Saturday, April 18th, 2020

     Plenary Session V : Andro-urology (Moderated by Medianto, David Bolong)

     08.00 – 08.15     Basic Approach on Male Infertility Patients
                       Doddy M. Soebadi (Indonesia)

     08.15 – 08.30     Basic Approach on Erectile Dysfunction and Ejaculatory Disorder Patients
                       Basuki B. Purnomo (Indonesia)

     08.30 – 08.45     On Demand vs Continuous PD-5 Inhibitor for Erectile Dysfunction Patients
                       Collin Theo (Singapore)

     08.45 – 09.00     Discussion

     Plenary Session VI: Transplantation (Moderated by Shuiji Isotani, Kurnia Penta Seputra)

     09.00 – 09.15     Kidney Transplant: Indonesia and Malang Journey
                       Besut Daryanto (Indonesia)

     09.15 – 09.30     How to Set Up Kidney Transplantation Center (including Ethical Problems
                       in Transplantation): Philippine Experience
                       Jose Benito Abraham (Philippine)

     09.30 – 09.45     Donor and Recipient Preparation during Kidney Transplantation to
                       Achieve Best Results
                       Ahmad Rifai (Indonesia)

     09.45 – 10.00     Discussion

     10.00 – 10.15     Coffe Break

                                                                                                   The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                    Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                            Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                  Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Plenary Session VII : Endourology and Stone (Moderated by Pradana Nurhadi, Zafer Aybek)

       10.15 – 10.30       ECIRS for The Treatment of High Stone Burden
                           Isotani Shuiji (Japan)

       10.30 – 10.45       The Role of sPCNL in Treatment of Urinary Stone Disease
                           Paksi Satyagraha (Indonesia)

       10.45 – 11.00       RIRS for Renal and Ureteral Stone; What are the Limits?
                           Collin Theo (Singapore)

       11.00 – 11.15       Upper Pole Puncture PCNL for Complex Kidney Stones
                           Jose Benito Abraham (Philippine)

       11.15 – 11.30       ESWL in The Minimal Invasive Era, Is It still Relevant?
                           Jose Benito Abraham (Philippine)

       11.30 - 12.00       Lunch Symposium 3 and Scientific Winner Announcement

                           (Moderated by Taufiq Nur Budaya)

        12.00-12.30        Lunch Symposium 4 (Moderated by Medianto Purnomo)

       12.30 – 13.00       Lunch

     Plenary Session VIII: Pediatric (Moderated by Pradana Nurhadi, Kurnia Penta S)

       13.00 – 13.15       Bladder Dysfunction in Children, diagnosis and Management
                           Gerhard Reinaldi (Indonesia)

       13.15 – 13.30
                           Comprehensive Management on Nocturnal Eneurisis in Children
                           David Bolong (Philippine)

       13.30 – 13.45       UTI in Children, How to Overcome Gap Between Primary and Secondary
                           Health Care
                           Besut Daryanto (Indonesia)

       13.45 – 14.00       Discussion

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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
Masterclass on Andrology (Parallel class) (Moderated by Medianto Purnomo)

      13.00 – 13.15   Basic Approach in Patienys with Hypogonadism
                      Basuki B. Purnomo (Indonesia)

      13.15 – 13.30   TRT, What Should We Know, How Far We Can Go?
                      Doddy M Soebadi (Indonesia)

      13.30 – 13.45   TRT controversies on Men with Prostatic Disease (BPH and Prostate Cancer)
                      Collin Theo (Singapore)

      13.45 – 14.00   Discussion

     Masterclass on Functional Urology (Parallel class) (Moderated by Andri Kustono)

      13.00 – 13.15   TVT vs TOT for Stress Incontinence
                      Zafer Aybek (Turkey)

      13.15 – 13.30   Autologous Sling (Biological Sling): How to be Applied and What the Difference
                      Ali Zumrutbas (Turkey)

      13.30 – 13.45   Surgical Intervention for OAB
                      Harrina E. Rahardjo (Indonesia)

      13.45 – 14.00   Discussion

     Plenary Session VIII: Oncology (Moderated by Kurnia Penta S, Jose Benito Abraham)

      14.00 – 14.15   Small Renal Mass, Active Surveillance, Local Treatment or Partial Nephrectomy
                      Aaron Tigor (Indonesia)

      14.15 – 14.30   Genetic Evaluation on Urology Malignancies Patients, How Important?
                      Shigeo Horie (Japan)

      14.30 – 14.45   Big Renal Mass, What Should We Do?
                      Taufiq Nur Budaya (Indonesia)

      14.45 – 15.00   Discussion

                                                                                                  The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                   Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                           Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                 Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Plenary Session VIII: Endourology and BPH (Moderated by Pradana Nurhadi, Paksi Satyagraha)

       15.00 – 15.15       Medical Treatment for BPH Where do We Stand?
                           Kurnia Penta Seputra (Indonesia)

       15.15 – 15.30       Big Volume Prostate Gland: What the Best Intervention?
                           Shuiji ISotani (Japan)

       15.30 – 15.45       The Best Intervention for BPH Patients who Not Fit for Surgery
                           Collin Theo (Singapore)

       15.45 – 16.00       Discussion

       16.00 – 16.15       Closing Remark and Coffe Break

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                         17
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
Layout schedule
     Saiful Anwar General Hospital
       Time/Date       15th April 2020                                  16th April 2020
      08.00- finish     Workshop on             Workshop on             Intensive Course            Workshop on
                          sPCNL                   Urethral                 on Prostate              Urodynamics
                                               Reconstruction                Cancer

     Santika Premiere Hotel
          Time                                            17th April 2020
      08.20 – 09.00                                       General Lecture
      09.00 – 10.15                               Plenary Lecture 1 Oncology
      10.15 – 11.30                     Plenary Lecture 2 Urethral Reconstruction
      13.00 – 14.00                               Lunch Symposium 1 and 2
      14.00 – 15.30    Plenary Lecture 3       Masterclass on            Masterclass on              Free paper
                       Pediatric Urology        Kidney Cancer              Endourology              Presentation

      15.30 – 16.00                        Plenary Lecture 4 Functional Urology
      19.00 – finish                                 13th MCUE Gala Dinner

                                                           18th April 2020
      08.00 – 09.00                              Plenary Lecture 5 Andrology
      09.00 – 10.15                          Plenary Lecture 6 Transplantation
      10.15 – 11.30                        Plenary Lecture 7 Endourology Stone
      11.30 – 12.30                               Lunch Symposium 3 and 4
      13.00 – 14.00     Plenary Lecture 8               Masterclass on                       Masterclass on
                        Pediatric Urology                   Andrology                     Functional Urology

      14.00 – 15.00                               Plenary Lecture 9 Oncology
      15.00 – 16.00                        Plenary Lecture 10 Endourology BPH

                                                                                               The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                        Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                              Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Abstract guidelines

    Before submitting the abstract you are requested to carefully read the rules regarding abstract

         •   Abstract(s) may not have been published previously at the time of presentation of the annual
             MCUE congress.
         •   Any human experimentation that has been conducted with respect to the submitted
             abstract(s), should have been conducted according to the protocol approved by the
             institutional or local committee on ethics in human investigation; or, if no such committee
             exists, the works should have been conducted in accordance with the principles of the
             Declaration of Helsinki of World Medical Association. Council may enquire further into ethical
             aspects when evaluating the abstract(s)
         •   In clinical studies, the authors must state that an Ethical Committee approval has been
         •   Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General
             Hospital Malang any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility
             of the author(s).
         •   All abstracts that are published, including figures and tables, are the property of Department
             of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang and are protected by copyright. Requests for
             re-use of material can be done through.
         •   Accepted abstracts will be published as a supplement of Malang Continuing Urology Education
             2020, available at the 13th MCUE 2020 Secretariat.
         •   The 13th MCUE Scientific Committee office reserves the right to obtain your raw data for
             statistical evaluation.

    Abstract submission rules and regulations

         •   All abstract(s) must be submitted in English. Applies also for the title, text body and author
         •   Only abstract submitted through the official online submission system will considered
         •   Cancellation or name changes should be notified 1 month prior to the congress by email to
         •   When you have included graphs or pictures in your abstract(s) you are obliged to send your
             original source file (e.g Excel, jpg etc) by separate e-mail to
         •   Case reports are eligible for submission

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                                          19
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
•   Systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis) can be submitted only when they meet the
         following standards:
               o   The clinical question was clearly defined using a standard PICO (Population,
                   Intervention, Comparison and Outcome) format
               o   A comprehensive systematic literature search was carried out
               o   An assessment of the risk of bias was made
               o   Key findings are clearly described including clinical practice relevance


 Each quoted author should have contributed substantially to the represented work in terms of
 conceptual design or analysis writing of article and final approval of the article in order to take public
 responsibility for the content.


 The size of abstracts not more than 300 words and limited to 3,000 characters (including title, body of
 abstract, spaces tables and graphics). Every picture / graphic count for 500 characters.


 The title should clearly define the topic. Do not identify your institution in the title. There is no
 maximum length for the title. However, the characters in the title are included in your total character
 count. The first letter of the title will automatically begin with a capital letter. Do type the abstract and
 title in small letters, except for abbreviations. Do not type the abstract title in capital letters.


 Type full family name and first name of all authors, only omitting any titles, degrees and institutional
 affiliations. It is advisable to check the correct spelling of the family name and initials with each author.
 Please check that for authors from the same institution, the name of institution is written in the exact
 same way to avoid the creation of extra affiliations, which are in fact identical.


 Type the name of the institution, department, city and country in English.

                                                                                                  The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                   Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                           Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                 Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Body of the abstract

    The following headings have already been formatted for you and should not be entered in the text
    fields again:

         •    Introduction & objectives
         •    Materials & methods
         •    Results
         •    Conclusion

    State the objective of the study, describe the material and methods, summarize the results presenting
    sufficient details to support of the conclusions reached (not acceptable to state: “The results will be
    discussed“). Use number for numbers and only very well-known abbreviations e.g. kg, MRI etc. If you
    must use other abbreviations you must explain it the first time it appears. You can use the special keys
    to insert tables, pictures or specific characters.

    Proof reading

    Verify that your abstract is correct and read the proof carefully that will be automatically shown after
    you have inserted all data. Keep a printout for your own records.


    Abstract bodies will be published as submitted, except for a simple English spelling check. After
    submission deadline there is no possibility to edit the abstract anymore.

    Submission deadline

    Deadline for abstract submission is March 1st, 2020, 23:59.59 Local Time.

    Withdraw abstract(s)

    In case you want to withdraw your abstract after submission, please send an email before March 10th,
    2020 to

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                                      21
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020

 All accepted abstracts will be presented in moderated poster session. Within a session standard and
 expended poster presentations can be placed. The criterion for the extended poster presentations is
 not that of a higher quality piece of work but more importantly that it requires an extensive discussion,
 such as controversial topics or results. Presenting authors are requested to upload PPT presentation
 and bring a poster to the session. For certain sessions we may request the submission of e-posters
 only, which will be the basis of the poster presentation.


 Should be received at the 13th MCUE 2020 secretariat before March 1st, 2020. After this date will not


 Submit your abstract to the email address before March 1st, 2020

                                                                                                The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                 Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                         Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                               Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:

         •   PREPARE PowerPoints SLIDES WITH A 5 MINUTE PRESENTATION (3 minutes presentation & 2
             minutes Question & Answer)
                o Authors must submit their PowerPoint slides at least 3 hours prior to the session start
                    time at the Slide Room (Slide room will be open 1-day prior presentation)
                o PowerPoints must be ppt/pptx 16:9 format.
                o All the presenter will have chance to check their slide using committee
                    laptop/computer prior presentation.
                o Presenters are responsible for the setting up and the removal of their poster
                o Poster display will be open 1 day start of the session.
                o Posters can remain on display until last day of symposium


         •   A0 size-841mm width x 1.189 mm height (high resolution will be preferred)
         •   Strictly portrait orientation
         •   Posters should not be elaborate, nor need they be extensive. Supplemental material can be
             handed out to those viewing your poster.
         •   Each poster must have a top label indicating the title of the poster, the names of the authors
             and their affiliations. The size of the characters for the title should be at least 2 cm high.
         •   Poster text should be large enough to be read from 1 meter or more. This is possible using a
             letter size of at least 1 cm.
         •   Keep illustrative material simple. Charts, drawings and illustrations are usually like those used
             in making slides. Simple use of colour is effective for adding emphasis.
         •   Simple sections are usually helpful. When feasible, use graphs for demonstrating qualitative
             relationships, use tables for precise numerical values.
         •   Do not mail poster presentations in advance, they may not arrive in time; bring them with you
             to the meeting.
         •   Poster numbers as well as velcro/double tape for mounting the posters will be provided by the
             secretariat and will be available on your poster board when you arrive.

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                                        23
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
DISCLAIMER: Presenters are responsible for the removal of their poster. Posters not removed on
 the last day of presentation will be keep by secretariat. The 13th MCUE 2020 Secretariat cannot
 accept liability for lost or damaged posters. The 13th MCUE 2020 Secretariat will not mail posters
 to authors after the meeting.

     BEST MODERATED POSTER AWARD Each session will be awarded with a best moderated
     poster presentation! The chairs of your session will be the judges! Come prepared

                                                                                              The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                               Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                       Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                             Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:

    Workshop sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction (limited to 10 participants)

                                                         Urologist                             Nurse

     Hands On                                       IDR 10.000.000                          IDR 3.000.000

    Intensive Course in Prostate Cancer
                            Urologist                                                    Resident
              Early Bird                                                    Early Bird
                                           Normal Price                                         Normal Price
        (before 1 Mar 2020)                                           (before 1 Mar 2020)

           IDR 2.000.000                  IDR 2.500.000                IDR 1.000.000            IDR 1.500.000

    Workshop on Urodynamics
                            Urologist                                                    Resident
              Early Bird                                                    Early Bird
                                           Normal Price                                         Normal Price
        (before 1 Mar 2020)                                           (before 1 Mar 2020)

           IDR 2.000.000                  IDR 2.500.000                IDR 1.000.000            IDR 1.500.000

                                                                Early Bird
                                                                                              Normal Price
                                                         (before 1 Mar 2020)

     Specialist                                             IDR 3.500.000                     IDR 4.000.000

     General Practitioner/ Resident/
                                                            IDR 1.500.000                     IDR 1.750.000

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                                       25
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
                 Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction + Symposium
     Package A   (Indonesian Urologist Only)
                                                                                                  IDR 12.000.000

     Package B   Workshop on Urodynamics + Symposium                                               IDR 4.000.000

     Package C   Intensive Course on Prostate Cancer + Symposium                                   IDR 4.000.000

                 Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction + Intensive
     Package D   Course on Prostate Cancer + Symposium
                                                                                                  IDR 13.000.000

                 Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction + Workshop
     Package E   on Urodynamics + Symposium
                                                                                                  IDR 13.000.000

                                                                                           The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                            Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                    Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                          Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
    Workshop sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction

                                                 UROLOGIST                                    NURSE

     HANDS ON                                IDR 10.000.000                             IDR 3.000.000   

    Intensive Course on Prostate Cancer

                          UROLOGIST                                                  RESIDENT

             Early Bird                                                 Early Bird
                                         Normal Price                                           Normal Price
       (before 1 Mar 2020)                                        (before 1 Mar 2020)

        IDR 2.000.000               IDR 2.500.000               IDR 1.000.000             IDR 1.500.000     

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                                          27
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
Workshop on Urodynamics

                        UROLOGIST                                                   RESIDENT

           Early Bird                                               Early Bird
                                    Normal Price                                                  Normal Price
      (before 1 Mar 2020)                                    (before 1 Mar 2020)

      IDR 2.000.000           IDR 2.500.000                 IDR 1.000.000                  IDR 1.500.000         


                                                                     Early Bird
                                                                                                   Normal Price
                                                             (before 1 Mar 2020)

     Specialist                                                 IDR 3.500.000                  IDR 4.000.000       
     General Practitioner/ Students/ Resident                   IDR 1.500.000                  IDR 1.750.000       


                   Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction + Symposium
     Package A                                                                                      IDR 12.000.000      
                   (Indonesian Urologist Only)

     Package B     Workshop on Urodynamics + Symposium                                              IDR 4.000.000       
     Package C     Intensive Course on Prostate Cancer + Symposium                                  IDR 4.000.000       
                   Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction + Intensive
     Package D                                                                                     IDR 13.000.000       
                   Course on Prostate Cancer + Symposium

                   Workshop on sPCNL and Urethral Reconstruction + Workshop
     Package E                                                                                     IDR 13.000.000       
                   on Urodynamics + Symposium

                                                                                                The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                 Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                         Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                               Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:

    CIMB Niaga Branch Malang City
      Account Name             : Yayasan Memajukan Urologi Malang
      Account No.              : 800120159100
      SWIFT CODE               : BNIAIDJA

    Please note that the following details are very important when making a bank transfer:
         •   Be sure to include your name in the transfer, as this is the only way we must trace your
         •   Please be aware that the registrant is responsible for any bank charges incurred in
             preparing the bank transfer. The Committee must receive complete payment for the full
             amount owed (i.e. DO NOT SUBTRACT bank charges incurred).
         •   Once the bank has prepared the transfer, please send us a copy of the transaction by fax
             or email for your payment to be traced and identified correctly. The Committee of MCUE
             11 is not responsible for lost or incomplete payments.

    Payment Procedure:
    After completing your registration form, you can pay the fees by bank transfer and send it
    including transfer payment receipt to email: or WhatsApp to contact
    person of the committee.

    Cancellation Policy:
         •   In case of cancellation, your registration fee will NOT be refunded

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
International Collaboration Toward Better Urological Service in Indonesia                               29
Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020

 The hottest month is October and November with average 24.3 C, while the coolest month is June with
 average 22.4 C.


 The main form of curency is Rupiah (IDR). Currency IDR chart update November, 11 2019 from

 1 USD = 14029.1 IDR

 1 EUR = 15703.0 IDR

 1 MYR = 3367.54 IDR

 1 SGD = 10333.1 IDR

 1 AUD = 9688.82 IDR

 1 GBP = 18141.9 IDR

 Emergency number in Indonesia
 Police-General Emergencies     Phone: +62 110/ +62 112
 Ambulance and Rescue           Phone: +62 118
 Fire                           Phone: +62 113
 Medical emergencies            Phone: +62 119

 Malang Tourism Information
 •   Malang City Tourist Office
     Jl Tugu 1, Malang. Phone +62 341 327661

 •   Malang Tourism Center
     Jl Jenderal Basuki Rachmad 11, Malang. Phone +62 341 7570999

 •   Bromo Tourism Center
     Jl Panglima Sudirman 92, Malang. Phone +62 8564 910 0851

 •   Malang Visitor Center
     Jl Husni Thamrin 6A, Malang. Phone +62 341 3031997

 •   East Java Tourist Office
     Jl Jenderal Basuki Rachmat 6, Malang. Phone +62 341 323966

 •   Indonesian Guides Asscociation
     Jl Semeru 4 Malang. Phone +62 341 366852

                                                                                               The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                        Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                              Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
How to Get to Malang
    1. Plane

      Malang has an airport that is served by several              From Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea- Juanda
      domestic flights from cities in Indonesia primarily          Airport Surabaya, Indonesia:
      Jakarta. However, there is no direct international
      flight to Malang. Therefore, you may have to choose          •    Garuda Indonesia: direct flight or transit in Jakarta,
      one of the following routes:                                      website:
      ROUTE I: Travelling from international airport of            •    Air Asia : direct flight or transit in Jakarta, website:
      your home country to Jakarta – Connecting flight        
      from Jakarta directly to Abdul Rachman Saleh                 •    Korean Air: transit in Jakarta, website:
      airport in Malang.                                      
                                                                   •    Singapore       Air:     direct      flight,    website:
      Abdul Rachman Saleh airport in Malang is served by      
      daily flights from Jakarta. Airline travels that operate     •    China Airlines: direct flight, website: www.china-
      daily flight from Jakarta to Abdul ranchman Saleh       
      Airport Malang are listed below, for further detail
      please visit the website.                                    From Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan –Juanda
      Sriwijaya Air, website:               Airport Surabaya, Indonesia:
      Citilink, website:                        •   Garuda Indonesia : direct flight, website:
      Air Asia, website:                     
      Garuda Indonesia, website:           •   Air Asia : direct flight, website:
                                                                   •   Singapore       Air:      direct    flight,   website:
      ROUTE II: Traveling from international airport of      
      your home country to Surabaya – Continue your
      journey by using public/private transportation               From Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia – Juanda
      from Surabaya to Malang                                      Airport Surabaya, Indonesia:
      Juanda Airport in Surabaya is served by several direct       •   Garuda: direct flight, website: www.garuda-
      international flights from Seoul-South Korea, Tokyo-   
      Japan, Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia and Bangkok-Thailand            •   Air Asia: direct flight, website:
      as well as domestic flights from major cities in             •   Tiger Air: direct flight, website:
      Indonesia.                                                   •   Lion      Air:    transit    in    Jakarta,  website:
      Direct international flights to Juanda Airport in            •   Jetstar: transit in Jakarta, website:
      Surabaya are listed below

      • Garuda Indonesia: direct flight or transit in Jakarta,
        website:                          From Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand –
      • Air Asia : direct flight or transit in Jakarta, website:   Juanda Airport Surabaya, Indonesia:                                            •   Tiger Air : direct flight, website:
      • Korean Air: transit in Jakarta, website:                   •   Jetstar : direct flight, website:                                          •   Air Asia: transit Singapore, transit Medan, website:
      • Singapore       Air:     direct      flight,    website:                                       •   Singapore        Air:     direct    flight,   website:
      • China Airlines: direct flight, website: www.china-                                                  •   Garuda Indonesia: direct flight, website:

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
From Soekarno-Hatta Airport Jakarta – Juanda                        to Malang train station. Inter-city trains with long-
 Airport Surabaya:                                                   distance journey, offer business and executive class
 •   Citilink, website:                           services
 •   Sriwijaya Air, website:
 •   Air Asia, website:
 •   Lion Air, website:                            TRANSPORTATION IN MALANG
 •   Batik Air, website:
 •   Garuda      Indonesia,     website:   www.garuda-
                                                                     If you decide to go around, you can hire yourself a car
                                                                     or you can go by public transportation. Here are some
                                                                     transportation that yo choose to travel around Malang.
 When you arrive at Juanda Airport Surabaya, you may
 choose one of the following public transportation to
 continue your journey to Malang.                                    Taxi Service:
                                                                     •    Citra Taxi: (+62) 341-490555, (+62) 341- 404040
 From Juanda Airport Surabaya – Malang                               •    Argo Taxi: (+62) 341-488888
 Several minibuses operated by travel agents are ready               •    Taxi Bima (+62) 341 717171
 in the airport to serve passengers traveling to Malang              •    Mandala Taxi (+62) 341 474747
 from Juanda Airport in Surabaya. Travel agents operate
 airport minibuses may be checked in each website
                                                                     Motorcycle Service
2. Bus                                                               Go-Jek and Grab motorcycle are popular application
 For national delegates who like to travel by bus, there             based transportations around Indonesia that can get
 are frequent buses from cities in Java or within East Java          you anywhere in no time with very affordable price.
 province to Arjosari bus station. Inter-city buses                  First you have to download the apllication at google
 ranging from economic air conditioned buses with                    play store or I store.
 frequent stops and PATAS air conditioned buses which
 stop in major cities only.
                                                                     Shuttle Service
3. Train                                                             •    Tirta Jaya Travel (0341) 366148
 For national delegates who like to travel by train, there           •    Travel Maju Mapan (0341) 575758
 are scheduled trains from major cities in Java (Jakarta,            •    Travel malang juanda surabaya 0812-1627-2424
 Cilegon, Jogjakarta, Purwokerto, Klaten, Solo, Madiun)              •    Starindo Travel Malang 0812-3148-2151

                                                                                                      The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                       Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                               Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                     Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Nearby malang
    Kayutangan/Alun-Alun Malang                                   Jatim Park/Museum Satwa

    Kayutangan is Malang City’s main street, a complex of
    stores along Basuki Rahmad street, from the junction in
    front of State Electricity Building to the front of           Jatim Park 2 is a theme park in Batu city. Jatim Pak 2 has
    Kayutangan Catholic Church, a church built around             two main objects of tourism, Batu Secret Zoo, and
    1930-1940 with flat roof and square building. Around          Museum Satwa (animal museum). Batu Secret Zoo is
    1960-1970, the street is the center of Malang’s activities,   claimed as First Modern Zoo in Indonesia. It has several
    with various activities such as general business, offices,    areas with pretty diverse collection of animals. It has
    theatres, fashion, groceries, etc. Other landmarks            various primates, snakes, birds, mammals, with
    around Kayutangan are alun-alun kota (city square),           atmosphere like in their natural habitat. There are also
    Masjid Jami Malang (grand mosque), and GPIB                   various aquariums where various water animal are
    Immanuel Church.                                              displayed beautifully.

    Toko Oen                                                      Museum Satwa (Animal Museum)

    One of the iconic landmarks of Malang that is located
    in Kayutangan area is Toko “Oen”, dubbed as “A
    Colonial Landmark since 1930”. Built in netherland
    colonial era, Toko Oen maintains its old-style building       In the Museum Satwa (Animal Museum), there are more
    and interior, and even the staff’s uniforms, it’s as if the   than 80 dioramas of animals from all around the world,
    people who come to the restaurant are taken to the            from Indonesia and abroad. The diorama gives a real
    nostalgic colonial era. As written in front of the            depiction of the animal’s life in the natural habitat using
    building, one of the specialities of Toko Oen is the Ice      real taxidermic animal. In the museum there is also a
    Cream, which has original recipe with no preservatives        replica of dinosaur fossil made of fiberglass

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
Batu Night Spectacular                                            Selecta

                                                                   Selecta recreation park is located in Tulungrejo village,
                                                                   Batu city, East Java, sorrounded by Arjuno, Welirang and
                                                                   Anjasmoro mountain, it can be reached one hour from
 Batu Night Spectacular is a theme park with various
                                                                   Malang. It was on 1.150 m above sea level, with
 interesting rides, from the fun ride, scary rides, to the
                                                                   temperature of 15° C – 25° C and water temperature
 adrenaline-pumping rides. As the name may suggest,
                                                                   around 18° C.
 the theme park features the beauty of night tourism in
 Batu, with fresh air of mountain area. You will be amazed         Selecta was built by a Netherland man named Ruyter de
 by beautiful light shows in Batu Night Spectacular.               Wildt on 1930 as a place of tourism and rest for
                                                                   Dutchman while in Indonesia, as the name, Selecta from
 Batu Apple Tour                                                   the word ‘selectie’ or ‘to select’. And in the end, Selecta
                                                                   become a monumental work of a tourism object
                                                                   combining beauty and freshness of natural mountain
                                                                   area, which also become the pioneer of tourism in East
                                                                   Java. Nowadays, Selecta is not only consists of
                                                                   swimming pool with fresh and clear mountain water, but
                                                                   also a wide and beautiful flower garden

                                                                   Coban Rondo Waterfalls

 Apple is the icon of Batu city, Batu Apple is famous in
 the country and abroad. That is why, in Batu, you can
 also enjoy apple agro tourism, such as apple picking,
 and there is also other fruits such as strawberry
 picking, oranges, and vegetables. Tourist can also
 choose various flowers. Apple picking tour right on the           Coban Rondo Waterfalls is 84 meters high, located
 apple field can be found in Punten Village, Bumiaji               1135 meters above sea level, in Pandesari village, Pujon
 Village, Sidomulyo and sorrounding areas. Or, if you              District, Malang Regency. The water is from Cemoro
 want to get the nearest, there is also in Kusuma Agro             Dudo spring. The tourism object was built on 1980 and
 Tourism area                                                      is a part of Forest Management Unit, Forest
                                                                   Department Malang

                                                                                                     The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                      Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                              Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                                    Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
Lawang Tea Plantation                                           Bromo

    Wonosari Tea Plantation, located in Toyomarto,
    Singosari District, Malang Regency, was opened on 1875
    oleh NV. Cultuur Maatschappy. The plantation is
    1.144,31 hectares. 90% of the tea product of Wonosari           Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has a natural
    is exported abroad, and the rest 10% is sold for                tourism object that has been famous and become one
    domestic market. Wonosari tea plant has the duty to             of the main tourism object in East Java, either for
    process tea through five steps: accepting tea shoots;           domestic or foreign tourists. Bromo has many
    withering process; grinding process; fermentation;
                                                                    interesting tourism object such as sea of sands, savanna
    drying; sorting; packing, and delivering.
                                                                    hills, lava well, Mahameru Peak, Madakaripura
                                                                    Waterfalls, etc. Bromo-Semeru National Park is the only
    Purwodadi Botanical Garden                                      conservation area in Indonesia with uniqueness of 5.250
                                                                    hectare of sea of sands, located 2392 m above sea level

    Purwodadi Botanical garden is a branch of Bogor
    botanical Garden that is managed by LIPI (Indonesian
    Scientific Institution). In this area visitor can see various
    collections of scare and dry plant. Beside as a place for
    recreation, this Botanical Garden is also used for various
    researches on botany.

13 rd Malang Continuing Urology Education (13 rd MCUE)
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Santika Premiere Hotel Malang, 15 th -17 th April 2020
 13th MCUE Office
 Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital
 Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2 Malang – 65111
 Phone / Fax   : (0341)333030
 E-Mail        :

 Contact person:

 Siwi          : +62 82143106105
 Kalistanti    : +62 87887432188
 Tantri        : +62 81235846464
 Yanti         : +62 81232593594

                                                                                               The 13rd MCUE Central Office
                                Department of Urology Saiful Anwar General Hospital – Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
                                                        Jaksa Agung Suprapto no. 2 Malang – 65111, East Java – Indonesia
                                                              Phone/fax: +62 341 333030, e-mail:
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